butch-reidentified · 5 months
Man you are so embarrassing I hope you realise everyone rolls their eyes every time you go on a rant about how cool and unkillable and unemotional you are lol
oh sick, did you do a survey to get that data? it's lovely that you took that kind of initiative for something you're so passionate about! I love that for you 💕
as many of yall may have noticed by now, I love fact-checking anon hate, so let's goooo!!
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I don't recall any original posts or reblog additions I've made about myself in that tone, but feel free to follow up with links if I'm forgetting something.
I did do a search for the word "unemotional" on my blog, as I'm reasonably confident that I've repeatedly expressed my emotions on my blog, and that the handful of posts I made discussing psychopathy & the misinformation about it deliberately addressed that psychopathy is not a condition of "no emotions" as many people assume.
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I searched "cool" and found the one from a few hours ago where I called my wife cool (which I completely stand by), a bunch of reblogs from other people that included the word, and a couple references to irl friends of mine. I did not find any instance of calling myself cool, though I def agree that that would be 100% eyeroll-worthy.
I'm interested that you find my attempt at a lighthearted/playful mention of the genuinely traumatic experiences of being in situations that had me end up briefly considered clinically dead "embarrassing." That totally reflects very well on you and very poorly on me forsure.
Finally, I'll conclude with a reminder that, while I do find these somewhat snarky fact-checking responses fun to do, I don't and honest to God can't take any hate anons to heart. Not because I'm "unemotional," but because, as I've said about a hundred times, it goes against my personal code to send ANY anons, hate or not. It is very, very important to me to attach my name to everything I choose to say to anyone besides my wife. If you can't hate me with your (still technically anonymous) URL attached, how on earth am I supposed to take it personally?
And I've also said this before, but for the love of God, if you want to actually want to hurt someone's feelings, just do your damn homework and go with something that isn't easily disproven/rebuked. This blog's engagement & the engagement posts like this one get just about every time tell a pretty clear story. So then how are you going to try to convince me "everyone" feels that way? This is low effort and weak. Just fuckin do better. I'm getting tired of having to tell anon haters this. I'm begging yall to do better.
Please enjoy this picture of Nik, who definitely does think I'm very cool because I clean his litter box and give him tasty treats.
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
Why is going to sleep hard. Why do fixed times of day exist. Why is it dawning at 3:30 am. Why can't I just stay awake whenever and sleep when I feel like it without feeling all guilty about it. It's 4 in the morning and I'm TIRED but I want to stay up and DO THINGS do you get me
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thosearentcrimes · 3 years
Just because a take exists and is stupid doesn’t mean you should subject me to it. It is enough of a bother to deal with the dumb takes you all mean sincerely. I am in no particular mood to suffer through takes you know full well are dumb and insist on plastering all over my dashboard anyway. I promise that “there exist ideas that people hold and argue for that are stupid and uninformed” is not the great revelation that you seem think it is. However, as bad as sharing dumbass ideas with little to no comment is, it is far from the most aggravating technology discourse bloggers have developed. They will grab a stupid post and then attach their nuanced, informed, semi-related take to the end of it, like pouring water into acid, or on a grease fire.
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nukenai · 2 years
The Japanese killing stone broke in half and I started listening to my Okami and similar shit playlist again and I went shopping for a yukata
Obviously I've been possessed by the angry kitsune spirit but it's chill I'm just gonna be a weird weeb and listen to the Okami OST all day and have daydreams about riding my Arcanine around Hisui with Ingo
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xavier-on-quack · 3 years
Fandom and Social Media
Because it's week 9 and if you don't realize our main topic is social media, then I'm glad I told you lmao, anyways. Let me just get this joke out of the way first:
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Ok, now that the fan joke is out of the way, let's get back to the actual topic.
What is fandom?
A fandom is a subculture of people that consists of fans. The word fandom itself originated back from an 1896 Washington Post sports column describing "local fandom."
The word fandom can be separated into two parts, "fan" and the suffix "-dom". "Fan" originated from the word "fanatic", which was used as an adjective for "frenzied" or "mad", while the suffix for "-dom" two things, a rank or the rank of a person who controls that place (a kingdom who is controlled by the king, hence the "-dom") at the back, or wisdom, which is a state of being wise.
I'd like to think that the "-dom" in fandom takes a little bit of inspiration from both sides of the meaning. On one side, it could mean a region controlled by fans, which to be honest, that's what most creators/artists end up doing to appeal to more fans; and on the other side, it could mean the fan's wisdom on that particular topic. Ever think that you know more about Justin Bieber than himself? Well, there you go.
The fun stuff
Now that we've got the English out of the way, we can move on to what is inside a fandom. I hope you're ready, cause where we're going, we aren't coming back.
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This is the 'boring stuff', or lore and characters that are written by the author themselves. This is the information given out by the creator and anything that is not written in the creators own personal bible or baptized by them is considered sacrilegious.
For example, if I said that Harry Potter grew up in the France and ate baguette's for breakfast everyday, and chilling under the Eiffel Tower on his free time, picking up chicks called Emma Watson, I'd probably be burnt at the cross by hardcore fans. It's not Canon.
Anything that J.K. Rowling writes and acknowledges to be canon, is canon.
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Harry had erectile dysfunction.
Headcanon is when fans basically choose to believe in what they want to, based on previous interactions between characters, or established lore, even if it goes against canon.
For example, Hermione should have ended up with Harry, and that is my personal headcanon.
So, this.. this can be either canon or non-canon, sometimes they go from non-canon to canon, sometimes they are never meant to be but the tension between their characters is so strong you just wanna see them fu-
I digress.
Shipping is when you pair up two characters that you really like, imagining and hoping that they'd be a couple. When when you ship someone, you become a shipper and you get to choose a ship name. An example for me would be when I shipped two of the best characters that had some insane chemistry together but the author just WOULD NOT make it canon and ACTUALLY TRIED TO ANGER THE FANS BY SHIPPING THEM WITH ANOTHER PAIR AND THEY END UP GOING BACK TO THEM ANYWAYS JUST BECAUSE FANS KEP-
I digress.
Harry and Hermione's ship name is Harmony and I love it.
Fanfiction is when fans take writing into their own hands and start writing about the story based on the characters and lore established as canon, creating a Fanon of sorts. Based on personal experience, this usually happens when fans wants to put themselves in their favourite character's perspective and live their lives because of idk, jealously. Or when fans decide that the story that the creator is writing or the ending that the story is going towards is unsatisfactory. Or or, when fans decide that they want Harry to have private lessons with Snape after school to study each other's wands.
Fanfiction can be anything, literally.
There are fanfictions of literally anything from games to even the real world history. I'm 100% sure that there is fanfiction of Leonardo da Vinci meeting up with a time-travelling dog that adopted a child. Oh wai-
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Works of fanfiction aren't illegal as well, since they are considered "transformative" work based on the original source material.
Fanworks are stuff that fans make to pay homage to the canon. Stuff is very loosely defined here, it could be artwork, it could be a piece of music or even an entire alternate universe where they rewrite the entire story based on their liking. While talking about this topic, I would like to bring up Undertale and their amazing fandom, with a game built around making choices and decisions, with such colourful and interactive characters and makes every playthrough different, the alternate universes that have spawned from Undertale is, amazing.
The music and fanart made out of the game also tests the boundary of the fan's imagination. Below is a artwork of a character (Sans) from the game itself, compared to a random fanart you can find with a simple google search.
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Props goes to Hakki who drew the artwork.
Social Media
How does this all tie back to Social Media?
Well, everything. A fandom would not be a collective group of people if they can't collect themselves and unite. Social Media has allowed creators to reach out with their personal fandom to get feedback and recognition to motivate them or seeing their reaction. Have you ever made something and other people reacted either positively and negatively?
That feeling is amazing.
Seeing other people invested in something you created is what keeps creators going, and social media allows that. People often think of social media as a very specific thing, like Facebook, Instagram, or even Tumblr, but social media is a very loose term used to describe websites that focuses on communication, content-sharing, and collaborations, and that basically describes all the websites that are user interactive.
Fans will always exist, but fans will have trouble uniting to be a fandom, without the help of social media.
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Thank you for coming to my DUCK-talk, I'll be here next week with gaming, and yes, I am very excited.
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neopoint · 3 years
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niccib28 · 5 years
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Either in spite of these costumes, or because of them, we gave into the sexual tension and totally did it. . . #totallydidit #happymemories #whereisGraham #wharftheatre #sydneyharbour #atyp #hotyoungthings #queenjez #themaze #theatre #plays #sexualattraction #blackandwhite #4ampost (at Wharf Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlxbCuBUlZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1899zmm80771l
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natjade · 7 years
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I know I'm suppose to post a YouTube video on Friday but I made one for today. Hope you all like it. Click on the link on my home page and get watching. Or copy this link and it should lead u to it. https://youtu.be/oJB2xzqC9WQ #needmotivation #youtubevideo #selfie #4ampost #nosleepyet
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lofimp3 · 4 years
hello it's time for another round of 4amposting i could text literally anyone in my contacts. anyone. my old english teacher. my ex from sophomore year. any of my uni classmates. what stops me. i could. it's just that they'd think i'm completely and utterly unhinged
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greyforthewicked · 7 years
anyway not to be 4amposting but i see my trauma and bits of myself in kylo ren which is probably why i vehemently defend him so much as a character
bc he’s the one who’s 1) struggling to live up to expectations imposed on him by his parents 2) dead set on an ultimate goal of his own while pursuing retribution against his parents along the way 3) utterly unable to control his own emotions
anyways goodnight!
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malibmusic · 7 years
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When you're feeling the cold ❄️, but not the fake vybz. #tbtonfriday #tbf . . . #nofakevybz #linkindescription #videosoon #model #snapchatfilter #moves #grind #struggle #makeit #producer #beatmaker #artist #music #4amposts #malib #malibmusic
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iylishr · 7 years
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fucking this #snitch up #art #WIP #commission #penandink #watercolor #mixedmedia #sketchaday #dailyart #snitchesgetstitches #artistsoninstagram #goldensnitch #4AMpost #artisticprocess
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xavier-on-quack · 3 years
Activism and Protest and Social Media
Social Media is an effective method for spreading the idea of an activism movement, but it is not effective in evoking change in our current democratic political system.
I summarized my entire blog for you, but if you wanna hear my thoughts on it, keep reading.
Social media as a tool to spread Activism
There is no denying the fact that social media platforms have taken over the world, and we have let it happened. In this majorly democratic world, where freedom of speech is emphasized, what is more dangerous than a place where everyone is able to share their thoughts and connect with other users from the comfort of their house.
Back in 2020 alone, over 3.6 billion people in the world are on one or more social media platforms. With around 7.7 billion in the world, that is roughly half of the entire world's population being connected through the internet having daily conversation, discussions and sharing thoughts and pictures.
The first use of a major hashtag for an activism movement can be traced back to Trayvon Martin, who was an African-American teenager that was shot by a hispanic male. This raised a lot of controversy from the media and the hashtag of #BlackLivesMatter took Twitter and other platforms by storm.
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This was the start to social media being a beginning of modern protests and in turn, linking it to political engagements. The government was not spared from this as America was one of the countries that legalized the possession of a firearm, which in turn led to the death of Trayvon Martin.
#BlackLivesMatter is often paired with #MeToo or #MakeAmericaGreatAgain or MAGA. This allows other users who only care about making political changes to also jump onto the trend and bring up underlying issues that finally gain traction due to the spike in #BlackLivesMatter.
How effective was the #BlackLivesMatter at getting people to engage and share it?
Very much so, along with other activism movements that relate all the way back to political engagement as well (funny coincidence).
How effective was movement in enacting change?
Not at all.
Why is there still no change?
Sure, a lot of people are talking about it, but why is there still no change?
Political view
Let's step in the shoes of the people in charge and see how we would handle this situation. People argue that police treat darker skin toned individuals more harshly or are racist towards them, leading to a higher number of arrests and more violence being used against them. Take a look at the picture below:
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The black people are not being mistreated, it's just the underlying thought of racism from all the way back in the days of the Civil Right's Movement.
If special privileges were implemented to protect the black people from the law then it would no unfair for the others as well. The polices arrests are justified but the inhumane treatment is just poor training, which is separate kind of issue.
Law changes
Why don't the police just carry less lethal weapons, like tasers?
Well, long story short, civilians in America are allowed to carry guns, therefore the law enforcers, are required to carry guns as their own means of self defense.
Why don't we just ban the gun law altogether?
Now, this is a harder question to answer. America prides itself as a free country, and banning the right to own a gun for protection is going against their own morals and their ego as one of the most powerful nations in the world would not allow that. In addition to beliefs and ego, the backlash they would receive from the citizens would be far exceeding the current BlackLivesMatter movement, along with the confiscation preexisting firearms already in possessions of the citizens, changing the law willy-nilly is not the right way to go out combating this issue.
Where does that leave us?
Social media isn't gonna make changes. It's just going to get people to talk about making changes. In this day an age of the democratic ideology, we all want to fit in and don't want to stand out. We agree to what everyone else thinks is right to get them to vote or to fit in.
Our leaders might espouse manifestos that appeal to the majority, but when they see the amount of work needed, it's often done half ass-ed or forgotten completely. ( Not just talking about Malaysian politics here, the mexican wall was pretty underwhelming ngl). Which is sort of poetic, in a way. Why?
This is exactly what social media is like. If you refer back to the first image of this post, you can see that when there is nothing to talk about, there are barely any hashtags caring for the black individuals, they only talk about it when its trending or it's hot. So in a way, it's not that social media can't make change, us as a community aren't interested in change in the first place, maybe some people, but majority of us just want to have something to talk about.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. References:
~ Anon 2021, Activism in the Social Media Age, viewed 11 October, 2021, <https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/07/11/activism-in-the-social-media-age/>.
~ Anon 2021, Number of social media users 2025 | Statista, viewed 11 October, 2021, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/278414/number-of-worldwide-social-network-users/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20over%203.6%20billion,almost%204.41%20billion%20in%202025.>.
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