#21st feb 2024
jiminy-crickets · 4 months
im gonna be honest, a small scrum starting and the arena BLASTING sugar its going down might be the gayest thing to happen yet this season. and some of these girls fuck.
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
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On this here February 1st, I'll be showing some love for the 21st Nova Corps, a unit lead by Marshal Commander Bacara and Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi. I couldn't find any other named clones from this unit outside of Bacara, and I haven't written for this guy before, so I'll do some headcanons just for him :)
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The 21st Nova Corps
I did a quick dive on Wookiepedia first, and here were some things that stood out to me from what's apparently already been canonized:
The 21st Nova Corps has a reputation for being relentless and exceptionally conditioned/disciplined.
This is in large part due to Bacara having super high expectations, he will kick anyone who doesn't meet them out of the squad, even without Ki-Adi-Mundi's approval.
Actually described as being "at odds with" Mundi, though in another section was said to have a grudging respect for him.
Bacara utilizes aggressive tactics and is extremely strict. He ignores the recommended GAR practice for commanders to remain inconspicuous in battle, and instead chooses to lead his troops from the front.
He's described as a loner and stern. I saw somewhere he was besties with Neyo, too, and they developed combat techniques together.
With that foundation, here are some headcanons I have for him:
Doesn't talk much, but not because he's shy or emotionally constipated. He really only cares about war and rarely meets people who are interested in discussing the topic with as much passion.
Like seriously, he has no other hobbies or interests. Music? Never heard of it. Sports? Boring. Holo-films? Food? Knitting? Yeah no, he's already walking away from this conversation.
If he is comfortable with someone though, he can talk about battle strategies for daaaays.
Fucking hates milk.
Has a mind for improvement. Not quite a perfectionist, he just won't ever settle for "good enough" when something better is still achievable.
Thus, he's constantly working angles in his head, coming up with possible solutions, thinking outside the box. Even for common, everyday situations like getting out of traffic or folding the laundry.
Jason Bourne vibes.
Has one small tattoo on his foot, will never say what it is.
Natural at picking up languages. Fluent in Mando'a but can carry simple conversations in plenty of others. 
Spends his R&Rs pouring over wartime history/strategy books in the archives, with a beer.
If someone asked him on a date, he would straight-up say "why?" So confused.
He would be a pretty good partner, though, if he ever opened himself up romantically.
And if he could ever find someone who meets his high standards...
I also read that he was featured on a GAR campaign poster, and I firmly believe he secretly has a massive print of it taped to the back of his closet door.
Can not roll his tongue. Every other clone can and it pisses him off.
Has the best laugh you've ever heard in your life. He does use it occasionally, but very randomly. Not even his squad has been able to work out what exactly his sense of humor is.
His squad... All are just as intense and passionate as their commander. When they're not fighting, they're training to fight. There's no room for shenanigans or relaxing.
Other clones keep a respectful distance. They know the Nova Corps get sent to some pretty hardcore places.
Most of them have never set foot in 79s, or any bar for that matter.
Bacara goes every once in a while, because he does like a good beer, but he's very out of place. Just... kinda sits there... not doing anything...
He gets hit on a lot because he's smoking hot but has never taken anyone home. Not opposed to the idea of getting laid, but it would take a lot to catch his eye.
Eeeevery once in a while, when life gets a little too still and his thoughts wander past all the combat tactics and weapon factoids that are usually in the way, a deep and vulnerable feeling makes its way to the surface and almost cripples him: loneliness.
He has no idea what to do about it, so rather than face it like he would a charging battalion of droids, he instead pushes it right back down and moves on.
Okay but now I'm imagining Queer Eye showing up to help Bacara find some hobbies and a girlfriend 😂
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831
Other Clones Tag: @kaijusplotch, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @severalseashellsbytheseashore (it won't let me tag you), @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @mishakoon
✨Join A Tag List Here!✨
🌟 2024 Clone Battalion Series Master List | 🌙 Master List of Master Lists
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the-sundry-system · 1 month
Thu, Feb 22nd, 2024
Lancelot and Arthur rode on horses in the direction of Ealdor.
"Gwaine told me that on his travels, he went to a place called Londinium, where he found a man who looked just like me. except he had a peculiar beard, and was apparently a monk at some point. and he was french!"
"do you think they laid together?"
"oh, most definitely."
they sat around a campfire in the dusk, thunder cracked loud around them but they were completely dry.
"I mean, how would you feel if Guinevere blamed Merlin for your death? for not saving you in time?"
"she would never do that."
"i know she wouldn't. but just think. if someone you loved said something like that to you, if Gwen said that Merlin let you die on purpose, how would you feel?"
"I'd..." he turned his head, avoiding eye contact. "I'd feel awful."
"well, there's your answer then."
the king laughs incredulously. "my answer? to what?"
"to who is in the wrong."
the king looked like he wanted to hug his fiancé, or apologize, or start to yell at him. he did none of those things. instead, he asked: "care to explain why, on our whole journey here, it was pouring rain, but not a single drop touched us?"
the sorcerer looked taken aback for a moment, before a smirk started to grow across his face. he glanced at the ground, then Kin, then folded his hands behind his back, straightening his posture. "well, sire," he said, smugness dripping from his tone, "I believe that would be Arc's doing."
he heard Kin muffle a snicker from next to him, but both men elected to ignore it.
Arthur expertly schooled his expression to one of neutrality, but Merlin could see the shock beneath.
"oh, just go fuck in the woods already!" Kinsley said suddenly.
Arthur spluttered.
"Kin!" Merlin looked around frantically, as if his mother might pop up at any moment.
Lancelot, who had previously been quiet, let out a large laugh, startling even himself.
Kin grinned at him, all teeth and perked ears. "C'mon, Lance, let's go chat while they make up."
hesitating, the knight looked between the spatting partners. they seemed to silently agree. "alright," he said.
"there might be some pie left, if you'd like a slice?"
"that sounds lovely! too bad Gwaine isn't here."
"That's what I said about my friend!"
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rainier-fog · 3 months
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lovzwoni · 4 months
enhypen smau reccos!
lee heeseung :
poison by @onlyjaeyun
(college! AU, brother's best friend! AU, angst & smut)
verboten by @heesbaby
(older! heeseung x reader, smut & angst)
you, me & the moon by @heeracha
(college! AU, fratboy! AU, slowburn, angst & fluff)
10 days to fall in love by @luvyeni
(bad boy hee! x good girl! reader, uni, fluff, angst & smut)
infrunami by @jaetyun
(heeseung x fmr, best friends brother)
park jongseong :
strictly business by @onlyjaeyun
(strangers to lovers! AU, CEO! jay, secretary! reader & age gap!)
21st century girl by @hoonvrs
(jay x fmr, fluff & crack)
end of line by @heeracha
(college! AU, slowburn, angst & crack)
love letters by @tqmies
(jay x fmr, cursing & sexual jokes)
understand by @fakeuwus
(idol! jay x idol! yn, crack, fluff & angst)
park sunghoon :
cold hearts by @onlyjaeyun
(childhood friends to enemies to lovers! AU)
look at me now by @facechasers
(college! AU, fluff & crack)
falling, fallen by @run2min
(basketball player! hoon x artist fem! reader & strangers to lovers)
fuck christmas! by @jayflrt
(sunghoon x fmr, fluff, crack & angst)
yang jungwon :
language of flowers by @soobnny
(strangers to lovers & fluff)
all clear! by @amakumos
(fluff, crack & tiny bit of angst)
sim jaeyun :
doctors orders by @heesbaby
(fluff, comedy, smut & angst)
hyung line :
confident by @bambisgirl
(college! AU, smut, angst, fluff & humor)
last updated : 14 feb 2024
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butchfairyzine · 5 months
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Butch Fairy Zine: Answering questions
What art style are we looking for? What is the estimated timeline? Will you get paid? we answer them here!
We will be answering more questions and posting them in the days leading up to the artist application form opening. So if you have questions, use our inbox, or you can fill in our interest form and leave them at the bottom. And if you have queries for the frog, you can leave them there too. He is very busy, so keep that in mind.
Find the interest form here.
Our Artist Application form will open on the 12th of January 2024.
text version under the cut
What type of artists are you looking for? And are you after a specific style or a range of styles?
We are looking for artists who can create pieces with fully rendered fairies and a background within the specified schedule. These can be digital artworks that are flat colour artworks, paintings, a mixture, or another style entirely.
We will also accept mixed media and traditional artworks, but they will need to be scanned at a minimum of 300dpi.
When you sign up for an artist position, are there any requirements to be a part of the team?
E-mail communication is required (discord is optional).
You must have a PayPal account to receive payment.
You must be able to communicate comfortably in English.
You must be 18 or older at the time of signing the contract by the 16th of February.
For artists accepted into the zine what would be the timeline for completing and submitting artwork?
Our current schedule for the artists requires concept ideas to be submitted by Feb 16th, and the final version by May 16th! Progress check-ins will be on Feb 29th, March 21st, and April 11th.
(In the image there is also a table including this information as well as the final submissions date being May 16th)
When the zine is for sale, where would the profits go to (charity, zine admin, etc.)?
We are aiming to hold pre-orders in June/July of 2024, with a flat fee paid to all contributors and additional proceeds split between contributors and mods.
Our priority is to make sure each contributor is paid fairly for their work. If sales do well enough, 20% will be used for future books and projects, and 80% split between taxes and fees, production costs, contributors and shipping costs.
Is this physical or digital and will there be prints of the art available? Got any merch ideas planned to go along with the zine?
Both physical and digital! Our goal is to make a 210 x 148 mm (A5) perfect-bound soft cover book.
We also plan to add some paper merch, including prints of some of the art from the book. Additional merch ideas include stickers, sticker sheets and bookmarks.
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acepumpkinpatrick · 3 months
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I think most of us have seen the first picture. It dates back to Oct. 21st. 2023
The second one is a very recent one from Rafah taken on Feb. 21st. 2024
Four complete months of Genocide and counting. Four months of the Israeli Zionist Occupation's crusade on the Gaza Strip.
Pictures taken by photographer Mahmoud Bassam
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camodielsart · 4 months
update on casino cups!!
hello everyone!
since im off haitus and i did say i was gonna update you all on casino cups when i came back
well im currently working on the next update as im typing this. my deadline for it to be done and posted is to patreon first on Feb 21st, 2024 and to the official blog on the following 24th.
it's kind of a small update, sorry, i thought it would be bigger but the one following it in march will be more pages cuz a lot is kinda gonna happen
thank you for your patience and your continuing support. im still so honored to be continuing it and imma finish it even if it kills me (i jest)
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #4
Feb 2-9 2024
The White House announced that a landmark 23 million Americans, 1 in 6 households, have been connected to affordable high speed internet with the help of the Affordable Connectivity Program, saving Americans between $30 and $75 every month on their internet bill. 4 Million ACP users are seniors, 1/4th of households on the program are African American and 1/4th are Latino, and it supports 320,000 households on Tribal lands. Sadly the program will be forced to end if Republicans in Congress continue to block new funding
The White House announced $5 billion for a National Semiconductor Technology Center, focusing on research and development as well as workforce needs. This is part of an effort under the CHIPS and Science Act to make America a world leader in science and grow jobs for the 21st century. This will include hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in workforce development
The EPA announced finalized rules that will strength air quality standard around fine particle pollution, AKA soot. The new stronger rules are projected to prevent 4,200 premature deaths and save Americans $46 billion in health costs by 2032. Soot is particularly harmful to those with lung and heart illnesses, children and those with asthma. Industrial soot is more common in low income communities
The Department of Transportation announced $1.5 Billion investment in America's bus systems. The bulk of the money will go helping local transport authorities buy low or no emission buses. There will also be investment in bus facilities.
President Biden signed a memorandum directing a strengthening of human rights safe guards around weapons transferred from US stockpiles to allied nations. The directive seeks to guarantee no arms are transferred that might be used to violate human rights.
HHS and HUD announced a join program partnering with 8 states and DC to help streamline an all of government response to homelessness. This is an off shoot of the $3.16 billion dollar investment amounted by HUD last week to end homelessness in America
The Department of Energy and FEMA released the findings of a two year study that projections Puerto Rico will be able to be 100% renewable energy by 2050. DoE also announced that by the end of the 30,000 low income Puerto Ricans will be able to apply for a solar power program, the first investments in a billion dollar DoE program for the island's renewable energy future
Department of Transportation announced $417 million dollar loan to the North Carolina Turnpike Authority to complete a major transportation overhaul in the greater Raleigh area
The EPA and Department of Energy announced a joint plan to invest federal funds to help measure and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas production. Methane is the second largest green house gas after CO2 and is responsible for 30% of global warming in the last 200 years. This comes after the EPA pushed new rules to fine oil and gas manufacturers for excess methane emissions.
The Senate confirmed 2 more Biden nominated federal judges. This brings the total number of Biden judges to 177 For the first time in history a majority of a President's judicial nominees are not white men, Biden has nominated a majority women and people of color Biden also nominated 4 more federal judges, including two LGBT candidates. If they are confirmed it'll bring Biden's LGBT judge total to 11 tying with President Obama for the most LGBT people put on the federal bench
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jiminy-crickets · 4 months
anyone else catch that... now im not gonna call it racist, but if it says "Shigas english may not be good enough for anyone to take offence, they may not know what shes saying" and quacks like a duck. it shouldn't be said by a commenter about a player.
edit previously i had the quote written as "might not know enough english to know what happend" the quote should have been "Shigas english may not be good enough for anyone to take offence, they may not know what shes saying" as is now written above.
this clip link might break when they unlist the video, but this is the full quote, and the context. though no context makes what was said okay.
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keep-ur-head-low · 3 months
All Hadestown West End lyric changes (as of Feb 15 2024)
Many thanks to @ghostlypawn for posting their audio of Hadestown on the West End :) Keep in mind these are from a preview performance and the production wasn't finalized until Feb 21st, so things may have been altered further since then.
Lines in bold indicate changed lyric
Road To Hell
New Hermes line: "You can tip your hats and your wallets / With your pennies and your pearls / To the hardest working chorus / In the gods' almighty world"
Original Bway line: "Brothers and sisters, boys and girls"
If It's True
New Orpheus final verse: "Brother, look around today / Is this how the world was made? / There must be another way / Is it true? Is it true what they say?"
Original Bway verse: "If it's true what they say / I'll be on my way / Tell me what to do / Is it true? Is it true what they say?"
(Note: In the Hadestown development book Working On a Song written in 2016, Anais Mitchell said she felt If It's True as written on Broadway needed to end on more of a political mic drop and commented she may change it someday. Nice to see she got the opportunity.)
Epic III
New Orpheus section: "I know how it is because he is like me / I know how it is to be left all alone / There's a hole in his arms where the world used to be / When Persephone's gone / His work never done, his war never won / Will go on forever whatever the cost / 'Cause the thing that he's building his wall around / Is already lost / Where is the treasure inside of your chest?..."
Original Bway/NYTW section: "What has become of the heart of that man?" up to "What he doesn't know is that what he's defending / Is already gone"
(Note: I think whether you like this change is entirely dependent on your feelings on Broadway's changes to Epic III. In Working On a Song, an early draft of this new verse can be found with Anais' commentary that her intent was to simplify the Epic so that it became a simple gift of empathy as opposed to the intricate poetry and lyricism of NYTW's Epic, something she couldn't quite finish in time for Broadway's opening. It seems like she and Orpheus might have finally finished their song.)
All references to Hermes as "mister" or "missus" are altered (ex: "a god with feathers on her feet... Yes it's Hermes, that's me", "excuse me Hermes" from Orpheus instead of "Mister/Missus Hermes")
(Note: May or may not be specific to Melanie La Barrie's portrayal)
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violetthekiller · 11 days
do you care to make a tz pda timeline for us 🫣
let’s see if i can do this off the top of my head lol
2nd July 2021: Car make out pics
August ‘21: TZ attend a friends wedding and are seen holding hands, leaning on each other and having a little kiss in the background of videos. 1 HD pic of them leaning heads
1st September ‘21: My MJ post
October ‘21: Dune 😍 post
25th November ‘21: Naaaa Stop it 😍 post
November-December ‘21: NWH press with many pda moments in interviews and at photo calls
14th Dec ‘21: NWH Premiere. Mask cheek kiss after the premiere and cross body hand hold when leaving the after party
January 2022: Pap pics in London with Z holding Toms waist. pics of the two at a pub looking loved up are posted by locals
15th February ‘22: Valentines Date in NY. Papped arriving at and leaving the restaurant holding hands/holding onto each other.
18th Feb ‘22: NY Uncharted Screening. Arrive and leave holding hands
C. 20th Feb ‘22: TZ attend a Rangers ice hockey game and spend the whole time canoodling
April-September ‘22: TZ weekends in Boston, NY and Budapest while filming TCR, Challengers and Dune. pics almost every weekend of the two in the cities holding hands and having dinner dates
1st June ‘22: The one who makes me the happiest post
C. 2nd October ‘22: Louvre Date in Paris. TZ looking loved up and koalaing the entire time
15th December ‘22: TZ visit Zs old school in Oakland and we see bodyguard Tom in action
C. 12th-18th December ‘22: TZ in Bay Area. multiple pda pics supposed ‘my butterfly’ story
January 2023: Carribean vaycay
14th February ‘23: Valentine’s day date in Monaco
March-May ‘23: LondonDaya pt.1 with Richmond Park pics beginning
C. 30th March-4th April: TZ in India. some blurry pda pics
28th April ‘23: Usher Concert
2nd May ‘23: TZ in Malibu having lunch and leaning on each other
5th May ‘23: Warriors game. Arm stroke, embarrassed Tom and more
16th May ‘23: TZ in Venice. Cheek kiss and hand up shirt pics
20th May ‘23: More Venice pics of the two leaving lunch holding hands
1st June ‘23: Zs birthday post for Tom
18th June ‘23: Ass grab pics in London
27th June ‘23: Beyonce Warsaw and Love on Top video
21st July ‘23: Escalator pda in John Lewis
3rd August ‘23: Brothers Trust event. TZ holding hands whilst taking pics with guests
Summer ‘23: More London days pics at lunch etc.
25th-26th August ‘23: TZ in Oakland. Basketball game with multiple story posts from Z and plenty of pda
1st September ‘23: My Birthday Girl post
4th September ‘23: Beyoncé LA
1st October ‘23: TZ in Paris. Tom buys Z a vintage Piaget watch whilst she leans on his shoulder
5th October ‘23: TZ visit Battersea dogs and cats home and Tom posts SoftDaya on his grid
8th October ‘23: TZ walking in Richmond park canoodling and playing with a dog. Hand kiss from Tom
16th October ‘23: TZ visit Hampton Caught and we get the beautiful shadow pic
12th November ‘23: video of TZ signing NWH posters for TBT and getting all competitive
14th December ‘23: TZ visit a children’s hospital and look super cute whilst taking photos and videos with the patients
22nd December ‘23: Theatre trip. holding hands in the audience
24th January 2024: Tom posts Z at the Schiaparelli show on his story with a video of her to Cupids Chokehold by Gym Class Hero’s stating that it was made for him
15th February ‘24: Dune Part 2 Premiere in London. TZ leave the after party together
18th March ‘24: TZ at Indian Wells. holding hands whilst walking round and Hypeman Tom
10th April ‘24: Challengers Premiere London. TZ have a little kiss in the screening
12th April ‘24: TZ looking giddy af in a car in London. One of the greatest TZ photos ever
28th April ‘24: Tom posts the Challengers Poster on insta
7th May ‘24: Tom posts Z at the Met Gala
10th May ‘24: TZ on a lunch date in London
23rd May ‘24: Z attends the Opening Night of R&J and the two leave the theatre hand in hand with Z snapping a pic of Tom in the car as he gets in
4th June ‘24: Selfie of tz at the R&J after party with their heads squished together
And scene.
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5851
Hyd,Koh Feb 24, 2024 Sat 7:24 PM
Ef Sheetal Bahl, Birthday Sunday, 25 February .. and our wishes to you for your special day ..❤️
The advancement in all that do think and make is such a quantum leap that the ol' timers , like me, often wonder , how on earth did we do what we did , knowing now what it takes to do what is to be done ..
All and everything is on the touch of a finger on your mobile or laptop or computer .. there are no ifs and buts anymore .. need .. and the solution is there .. applications for almost all available without thought .. for even thought is being thought of by the application ..
'From the 1940s to the present day, the world has undergone transformative changes across social, technological, and geopolitical landscapes. The aftermath of World War II marked the beginning of the Cold War, shaping global power dynamics. The 1950s saw economic booms and the rise of consumer culture. The 1960s brought social upheaval with civil rights movements and cultural revolutions. Advancements in technology accelerated in the late 20th century, leading to the digital age and internet revolution. The 21st century witnessed globalization's intensification, environmental concerns, and rapid technological innovations, profoundly altering the way societies communicate, work, and interact.'
and that is but a generalisation .. there is more to it than words within italics or quotes .. and the wonder is where is the next generation going and what shall be their impressions on what we wonder on today ..
It happened then it shall happen now and shall in the tomorrow too ..
Contain the progress .. adjust to the new .. many do not even remember the days gone by .. or if they do it is always ..
" those were the days my friend " !!
Blessed then to have seen and been a part of the past and now the present .. forget the comparisons .. they shall ever intrigue us .. as it will for them that come after us ..
My love
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Amitabh Bachchan
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spicyvampire · 4 months
The Sign (2023 - 2024) : Rewatch while I wait
Anyways, as I haven't seen the last episode and there is not much I can do about it other than wait, I'm gonna be rewatching one of the episodes we have everyday till the Feb 24th, here is gonna be my schedule
Feb 13th - Episode 1
Feb 14th - Episode 2
Feb 15th - Episode 3
Feb 16th - Episode 4
Feb 17th - Episode 5
Feb 18th - Episode 6
Feb 19th - Episode 7
Feb 20th - Episode 8
Feb 21st - Episode 9
Feb 22nd - Episode 10
Feb 23rd - Episode 11
I'm going to be liveblogging probably, feel free to join in, you can do wtv you want (liveblog, memes, text posts, fics, gifs, just reblog new content etc), you don't even have to follow the days that strictly, personally I'm very busy with school rn so my liveblogging will probably be late in the day, but anyways hope to see you there!
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hamsterbellbelle · 1 year
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 [Tuning] Miscellaneous No Change Outfit Override
[DOWNLOAD]  || [DOWNLOAD - doctors/patients GTW]
UPDATED: Feb 21st, 2024 - added a separate file.package for doctors (NPCs and Players) and patients [for Get to Work].
UPDATED: Jan 30th, 2024 - added City-Festival vendors, Bartenders, Bubble tea counter vendors to wear Everyday Outfit.
UPDATED: June 19th, 2023 - for player magic realm outfits. See bottom of post for details.
⚠️This is an override. May conflict with any mods that uses the same tunings.
This mod sets the following outfits into Everyday Outfits:
Various walkby scenario, including tourists in San Myshuno (City Living) and Del Sol Valley (Get Famous). Excluding Mt. Komorebi (Snowy Escape - they’ll still be wearing winter outfits).
General stall vendors, including City-Festivals vendors, excluding Selvadorada (Jungle Adventure).
Nannies (base game)
Restaurant Critics (Dine Out)
Players’ outfit in Magic Realm
Bubble tea counter vendor (High School Years)
**Doctors and Patients (Get to Work) on separate file.package. ⚠️Patients could bug out and generate new Everyday Outfit if they had NPC jobs.
This mod does not generate new outfits, it uses the sim’s Everyday Outfit.
⚠️Sims will still sometimes wear weather-appropriate outfits (Seasons). 
🐹I just put a bunch of random stuffs in the .package that I want the sims to be wearing everyday _(:з」∠)_
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🐹You may use Sims 4 Studio to delete whichever code you do not wish to be in your game. Look for the 2nd line in the code (or the names on the left-side bar) to identify the functions, then delete both Situation Job Tuning AND Sim Data. 🐹For the tourist and vendor outfits, delete the “Snippet Tuning” as well. 
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⬆️If you don’t want sims to be wearing weather-based outfits, open Sims 4 Studio and uncheck the “Apply Weather Based Uniform” under the Tuning Editor. 
🧡I also recommend using Zero’s “Assign NPC Jobs” to assign your own sims as vendors for a cool vibe🐹👍I also use their “No Random Townies” mod to stop the spawning of EA’s random townies and NPC.
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Recommended alternative mods:
Fashion Authority
UPDATE: June 19th, 2023
added the override for player's outfit in the magic realm. Player Spellcaster will now wear Everyday outfits in the magic realm.
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⬆️may conflict with any mods that contains the above snippet tuning
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UPDATE: Feb 21st, 2024
added a separate file.package for doctors and patients [for Get to Work]
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⬆️ may conflict with any mods that contains the above tunings
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I thought it would be cool to share a list of important events and things I released this year, as 2023 winds down to a close.
#1: An Altar for our Sins part 7 (Jan 1st)
#2: Never Quite Enough Part 4 (Jan 4th)
#3: In Sickness and In Health (part 6) (Jan 8th)
#4: Valentine's Day in the AOP universe (Feb 16th)
#5: Siren! Billy Drabble (Feb 16th)
#6: Crime boss!Reader Drabble (Feb 16th)
#7: Vampire Club Owner! Billy (Feb 17th)
#8: Venomous 5 (Feb 20th)
#9: Some really amazing Siren!Billy art (March 10th)
#10: Teeth Part 2 (Mar 15th)
#11: JESS?!?!?!?! (Mar 18th)
#12: Teeth Part 3 (Mar 18th)
#13: Teeth Part 4 (Mar 18th)
#14: Teeth Part 5 (Mar 20th)
#15: Teeth Part 6 (Mar 21st)
#16: Oh my god this mafia Billy (Mar 27th)
#17: Teeth Part 7 (April 1st)
#18: Teeth Part 8 (April 3rd)
#19: Teeth Part 9 (April 5th)
#20: Teeth Part 10 (April 11th)
#21: Teeth Part 11 (April 14th)
#22: Teeth Part 12 (April 16th)
#23: Teeth Part 13 (April 22nd)
#24: WEREPANTHER ART (April 23rd)
#25: Teeth Part 14 (April 30th)
#26: With All That I Am Part 7 (May 23rd)
#27: Teeth Part 15 (June 6th)
#28: Teeth Part 16 (June 19th)
#29: Teeth Part 17 (Aug 7th)
#30: I got covid for the first time (Aug 29th)
#31: Never Quite Enough Part 5 (Sep 25th)
#32: Nightfall 3 (Oct 22nd)
#34: Nightfall 4 (Oct 31st)
#35: Teeth Part 18 (Nov 9th)
#36: Objects In Motion (Nov 16th)
#37: Teeth Part 19 (Nov 18th)
#38: An Altar For Our Sins Part 8 (Dec 5th)
#39: And All That I Have Part 8 (Dec 26th)
And that's it!
Wow, I had no idea I released so much. It was so much fun to relive all of that while I was making this.
This year was very harsh on me, I lost a couple of family members and I also almost lost my job as well, so if you were wondering about the sudden decline, that's your answer.
Special shoutout to the artists that made fan art of my work, they mean so much to me.
And a very special thank you to the people that left comments, wrote reviews and sent asks, they are not overlooked, and they fuel me to keep going.
Being inspired to write is hard, finding that spark of myself I want to add to my work is rough, but when I'm standing alone in the dark, it's you that hold the torch that lights my way out.
Cheesy, I know.
Anyway, Thank You everyone, I'll see you in 2024 with more smut and more angst.
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