#2019 BET Awards
surra-de-bunda · 1 year
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Megan Thee Stallion at The Pretty Little Thing Pre Party hosted by The BET Awards (June 2019).
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stylestream · 2 years
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Ella Mai | Versace Spring 2019 suit | BET Awards | 2019
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nexttopbadbitch · 5 months
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Rihanna// BET Awards 2015
Naomi Campbell // Vogue UK March 2019
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genericpuff · 8 months
alright so this is a post I've been wanting to write up for a little while now, but I was waiting on permission from a third party to post DM's (censored, of course). That permission has since returned with a yes, soooo
okay this isn't gonna be as comprehensive as I'm making it sound BUT I've mentioned before on this page (albeit briefly and it's long since been buried) that I actually applied to be a background artist for Rachel a couple years ago, I think it was around the midpoint of S2, and it was (obviously) before I turned to the dark side of crit-n-shit-posting. I never got an email back, so that was that. I'd like to think there's a parallel universe out there where instead of joining the antiLO/ULO community, I became an assistant for Rachel and remained a fan. Enjoy that fridge horror thought.
That said, while I didn't get a response, someone on reddit mentioned that they did:
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And they were kind enough to share further details with me in DM's.
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Right off the bat, I'm fairly certain they were applying to the same ad I was (as it was a posting that Rachel had made on Twiter and the approximate years line up).
All that aside, considering what Rachel's process is like with her assistants (from what we've discussed here in GREAT detail), it's not shocking in the slightest that the vibe of working with Rachel from the very beginning was "IDK what I'm looking for".
Buuut that's not the end of the exchange because it gets better.
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Mind you, this was back in 2019 and it was the experience of one user, so it doesn't necessarily reflect every assistant on the team or how Rachel does things down to the last detail. But it's pretty damning enough that you can still see the evidence of this kind of workflow in current LO 4 years later. If anything she's continued to operate with a rapidly declining pipeline because the art just keeps getting worse and worse.
Part me of wants to say that this could be on Webtoons, as they don't offer support to creators to have assistants. Creators have to pay for their assistants completely out of pocket, split from the income they make from Webtoons. This is why so many creators often don't have assistants or their 'assistants' are also their co-creators (see: Nevermore, which is drawn and written by two people working together).
But Rachel has an average of four assistants per episode, sometimes as many as eight in some cases (though it's been a while since that's happened so I won't really count it for this post).
That means Rachel's team is typically made up of five people, including herself, and that's not including the recent addition of copy editors (but that balances out with the times when Amy Kim isn't contributing , she tends to pop in and out).
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Now, she's not the only person on WT with a team of this size, there are others with comparable teams if not bigger ones, but NONE of them seem to operate with as much inconsistency as LO does, and that's not on the assistants, that's on Rachel. She's said in interviews that she always wanted to be a director and that making LO on Webtoons was her way of achieving that, but she doesn't seem to have the integrity or leadership skills necessary to take charge when the team isn't working in sync. You don't see any of these insane art art inconsistencies in webtoons like The Kiss Bet or Tower of God (though they have their own problems, the art isn't one of them), and there are webtoons operating without a team at all that are drawing circles around LO right now, like Nevermore (which is, by the way, also edited by Bre Boswell, same as LO).
Now, that's not to say there isn't struggling underneath the surface, the creators of Nevermore have stated how difficult it is to work for Webtoons as it is, especially as creators who don't have assistants. But how is the #1 comic on the platform failing to meet the standards that come with its labels and awards? Why are the exceptionally better comics being drawn by 1-2 people not getting the attention or opportunities they deserve from the platform? And why does Rachel Smythe, one of the highest paid creators on the platform, still seem to struggle with managing a team of artists after five years of publication on Webtoons? Why does she choose to have a large team if she can't pay them adequately? Why have a large team at all if she's not going to utilize their skills properly? To further lighten the load of work onto others?
Really, it just goes to show the lack of care and respect all around - for the self, for the work, and for those who are pushing out the work and meeting the deadlines, whose reputations and potential are being dragged down with the comic itself.
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mias-playground · 6 months
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Rihanna wearing Fenty at the BET Awards 2019
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thesagedahlia · 5 months
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*TW: mentions of ab*se, violence, r*pe, and s*xual assault*
Sean Combs has been well known as the hip hop mogul of Bad Boy Records since the 90’s, as well as his affiliations with the likes of Notorious B.I.G. and Lil Kim to name a couple of the many artists to come out of that era of hip hop, but if you were alive and aware of the 90’s you wouldn’t be shocked to know that the name ‘Diddy’ was oftentimes entangled into controversial situations and conspiracies. It would even be safe to say that there’s a conspiracy that Diddy, as a gatekeeper of the hip hop community, was in fact a very controlling, domineering & aggressive kind of person. In true Scorpio fashion, a lot of his dealings have been kept under the radar and were never pressed upon, even suppressed from the media as much as possible. UNTIL RECENTLY, not only has Diddy been paying out his former signees from the label (after not paying them properly in the first place), but Cassie Ventura also brought up a civil lawsuit against Diddy which was settled within 24 hours. Cassie was another signee to Diddy’s label, as well as his long-time ‘girlfriend’ of 10 years. They separated around 2019 which was coincidently when her contract under him finally dissolved. Since then, she’s been happily married with two children, but if you are familiar with the reading I did on Cassie some time ago, Diddy was coming up a lot as trying to get in contact with her or keeping tabs on her through different means. Though I never directly focused on any abuse of any kind, there felt to be a very dark presence around their connection, and a lot of it was operated under Diddy’s control. Which is why Diddy still to this day has such a profound effect on Cassie, which has helped her develop an addiction problem among other psychological trauma. Before I even pick apart their synastry, I’m going to pick apart Diddy’s natal chart to the best of my abilities, for the ones in the back-left that don’t believe he is capable if the things outlined in the lawsuit. What tipped me off was Diddy’s acceptance speech for his BET Lifetime Achievement Award received around June of 2023, with the way he mentioned Cassie and the words he chose. Considering what I picked up in my reading before, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cassie felt highly triggered and threatened by his speech once she caught wind of what was said. So honestly the lawsuit came as a shock, not because I wasn’t privy to such or I didn’t see it coming, but only because I didn’t expect her to stand up to him so soon after separating (it’s been roughly 3-4 years). To mention briefly, Cassie is experiencing a Lunar Nodal return (the North/South node lining back up in the position they were in at the time of her birth) which is ironically the Aries North/Libra South axis, clearly spelling out how it was in this lifetime that she was to break the mode of ‘people-pleasing’ and dependency and being inclined to stick up for oneself, especially in romantic relationships (South Node in Libra crossing her Venus placement). Cassie is an extremely strong person for asserting her boundaries in this way and now that she has exposed him and finally can work toward her healing, she was also able to open the floodgate of something far beyond her, which I’m assuming that’s also what she wanted. The past month in me conducting this report, more lawsuits of the sexual nature are starting to surface, which only confirms that this is the beginning of an unraveling within Diddy’s proverbial closet, in which his skeletons pile up.
There’s no question of Sean’s impact & influence within the industry and that impact is reflected in his chart, however this specific report will be focusing in on relevant patterns and configurations within the chart that reflect certain conspiracies and allegations:
*This will be citing the subject’s most relevant traits regarding recent news through their energy signatures*
As a lot of people may be aware of, Sean is a person who demands respect for his reputation in the industry. Being a Capricorn Mars native, I can see this being one of the main culprits that contribute to his control issues. Mars in Capricorn natives are driven by their ambition and determination to achieve a certain status. These natives, from a shadow perspective, can be very materialistic people and can produce someone who uses their money, power and respect (see what I did there? See the irony?) to assert authority onto those who he would consider ‘weaker’ or less established. This can even create someone who ‘bullies’ people because of the status they have. Capricorn is a calculated sign as well as entrepreneurial, so he has an affinity to throw his money around to assert himself and get what he wants. Mars is also making a square to his Mercury in Scorpio, which can detail more of a defined obsession for power and control (more on this below). Mars also squaring Jupiter can expand his quest for greed and can amount to an abundance of energy that needs a proper outlet or can succumb to his impulses and aggression. His Jupiter in Libra is already making a tightly wound conjunction to Venus that can reflect how his abundance can be defined by the business he makes and those around him, which will need a further explanation considering the surrounding and angling planets involved, but this can all tie into his tactics to control the business that he does and for him to be the one to mostly benefit from it. Lastly, and more importantly, the square Mars is making to Venus can be particularly subject his personal and intimate relationship to aggression, violence and other disruptive impulses (more on this below).
On a surface level, the energy of this aspect can make for someone who is a hard and consistent worker and can work on things to exhaustion. From a psychological standpoint this specific square can be more violent, domineering energy within this native. Sean’s assertiveness can be in conflict with authority figures in his (early) life, which can in turn create an inflated & ego-driven sense of authority within himself when achieving the power that he has been accustomed to for so long. This can also point to his tendencies to use violence and force to solve his problems or to keep people ‘in line’. There is a lot of knowing behind the scenes of exactly what Sean is capable of in the industry, so there is a running joke that he can make people do what he wants or else they will ‘disappear’, which other parts of his chart can point to that theory as well (refer to ‘significant patterns, cradle 1’). This is also a great point of Sean’s inclination to rebel at any given opportunity, and a lot of his motive has to do with power and control, which is a running theme in his chart. This square is connected in a T-square (1) with Mercury, which can be an indication of having a tight-knit network of people who have a lot of power and prestige. Sean has a lot of wealthy ‘friends’ that he does business with, and these are people who were regulars at his hosted gatherings, both public and private. This square is a very selfish energy, not willing to go out of his way for people unless there is something in it for him, especially with Saturn having power over Mars (Mars in Capricorn). This can make Sean a very callous, unforgiving person who has more interest in dominating others, and he doesn’t stop to put other people into consideration. He can also be prone to frustrations, so it’s likely he’s not the most easy-going person. Punishments are very likely with this square, as he is inclined to make people work beyond their means to be rewarded as he sees fit, or he may look to restrict those who aren’t as cooperative. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Sean was into a lot of binding (BDSM) and violent kind of kinks (like rape or torture), especially with Pluto making a trine to Mars. Moreover, Capricorn Mars natives can have an insatiable appetite for sex, and in simpler terms can make for someone with prominent anger issues.
This conjunction between the Moon and South Node is significant because it represents how comfortable he is in his karmic and negative emotional patterns, and how easy it is for him to project that onto other people. Besides ones’ habitual nature and raw emotion, the Moon placement can also be the direct link to one’s mother as well as other feminine/maternal figures in a person’s chart. In the case of the mother, I discovered upon research that Sean’s mother was a model/escort (allegedly being supported by the Virgo Moon, Virgo ruling service, while modeling is ruled by Virgo’s opposite sign, Pisces (North Node)) who exuded the party-girl aesthetic, which can directly point to this Moon to South Node influence by his mother making that kind of lifestyle the ‘norm’ for him growing up, as the South Node represents our past lives or karmic lessons that we come into this lifetime needing to learn/move away from in one sense, it can also come up in a person’s chart as generational patterns that one has inherited into this life, or have been conditioned to upon entrance into this consciousness. There is also an allegation of his mother being predatory, and this is supported with the Virgo Moon representing ‘grooming’ from a feminine figure (the Moon), or the mother. More to this theory, there is a specific video where Sean professed to going to (strip) clubs with his mother and they are also seen kissing each other on the lips, which could be normal for some parent-child relationships (when the child is STILL a child), but another takes puts fuel to allegations that Sean was also preyed upon or groomed in his adolescence. Additionally, Virgo is the sign of service, work, daily routine, health/diet and anything of the like, it also represents ‘training’. As you know, Sean is known for the way he likes to be in control and how critical he is, so this is very on brand for a Virgo Moon native. When we talk about how he treated his signees on a public scale, Sean tended to be a critical, micromanaging force who controlled their image, the way they sounded, and how he wanted them to work for him. In a lot of cases this would entail how they ate as well, especially women since the Moon governs women. He also liked certain things within his order, which he could almost be obsessive about it. This doesn’t only apply to the ones who sign to his label or work with him generally, but also the employees that work for Sean on a routine basis, such as security, fitness trainers (another Virgo trait), cooks, maids etc. What I can deduce with this placement, Sean is particular about things being of a certain order when it comes to his employees and women in his life, and this can come from a specific karmic pattern that he was conditioned to in his past (The Moon can also represent one’s upbringing), namely reflecting a specific insecurity that he grew up dealing with. He may have lived in some kind of instability within himself, to which he found (albeit unhealthy) coping mechanisms for. He likely holds onto negative emotions until they build up within him to explode, which can likely be a person who is known to lose his patience. This is a wide orb so the severity of its effects may be weakened, but it is still prominent in the native so long as he clings to the comfort zone. Lastly, as a controversial opinion, the sign of Virgo is the ‘virgin’, or the maiden. Being that this sign represents something of purity and youth, as well as young women, this could pinpoint a tendency to attraction to ‘younger’ women. The lower frequencies of Virgo can take ‘training’ to a darker connotation, into the scope of ‘grooming’ as previously mentioned.
The Lilith placement, in a man’s chart, represents the kind of woman he desires, yet fears. This is the same kind of woman that can truly overpower (or destroy) him. Lilith also represents defiance, sovereignty, darker emotions, the shadow side, and the wounded feminine energy or when we know we’re being manipulated, abused, or disrespected. In Sean’s case, not only does this denote a disconnect with his mother or females in his family in the traditional sense, but his Lilith placed in Cancer also says a lot about how he regards nurturing, soft and naturally empathic women. In his mind, this type of woman is ‘weak’, which can be traced back to the women he was generally able to overpower and manipulate (i.e. Cassie). This placement is another major indicator of the mother being somewhat of a temptress or taking on the ‘dark feminine’ archetype. The energy of Lilith in Cancer completely rejects traditional feminine energy and deems it to be something to dominate within oneself and others. With the afflictions to this placement, there is even more of an indication that he carries this psychology into his relationships and interaction with other women. With this placement I could go as far as saying that Sean has a complete disdain or hatred for women on a subconscious level and can manifest as a desire to have control on women that appear weaker to him. The sextile made to Pluto can tell me of just how explosive and violent he can be toward women in attempt to control/dominate, even deadly consequences are noted here. Lilith forming an opposition to Mars in extreme cases can even add forced violence toward women, even rape considering both Mars and Lilith govern over raw sexuality (Lilith being the feminine depiction of this). There is also a square Lilith is forming to Venus, which is also forming its own square to Mars (more on this Mars-Venus Square/T-square below). Venus’ contribution to Lilith in this instance can represent a more prominent force within his connections, not only referring to his intimate and personal relationships, but his business and industry relationships are subjected to this power-hungry dynamic where he is more strategic of how he gets over and manipulates others into his favor, Venus being good at making things look a particular way. This placement is an instinct within Sean to sense out those who are more capable of being manipulated, whether they are naïve and unassuming or not. Manipulations through things such as contracts, NDAs, PR, etc. as this is reinforced his Venus is placed in Libra (Libra represents written contracts and public image).
Chiron as Sean’s hidden psychological wounding (fears and insecurities) can revolve around his own, or the energy of, masculinity. As previously mentioned with his Lilith in Cancer placement, Sean has a borderline disrespect towards those he considers weaker, or ‘feminine’, so it would only make sense if that were to stem from toxic/wounded masculinity that he may have been conditioned to growing up. This can make for a person who overcompensates for his own assertiveness, pushing the barrier to being overtly violent, abusive, and domineering. This can also point to a specific ‘wound’ surrounding his masculinity that can have everything to do with sexuality with Mars making a sextile to this placement. This aspect can also give support to someone with a ruthless ambition, as Mars’ energy is doubled and can be malefic and disruptive in nature (such as Chiron). Sean could have been exposed to a violent or hyper-masculine world growing up and can be conditioned to the principles of ‘survival mindset’ and war mentality. The history with Sean’s father can put this theory into perspective, if we factor in that he was alleged to be a drug-dealer who died by gun violence (also a Mars/Aries signature). This can lead to his affinity toward solving problems with violence, especially with Pluto making an opposition these can have fatal outcomes. This is a particularly deadly energy that can bring about hostile situations.
Neptune is a generational planet that can represent a pattern in our chart that can be heavily veiled and hidden from others and even ourselves, and can be referred to as the collective consciousness. It can also refer to our psychic inclinations and our spiritual understandings. The era for Neptune transiting the sign of Scorpio was between the years 1956 to 1970, and this would cite Sean’s birth year to be 1969, making Neptune 27 degrees through the sign. This was the period infamously known for drugs, sex, rock n’ roll, and even mysticism, which were all things that gave way to sexual liberation, experimenting with substances, and the emergence of religious cults. People born in this specific time where Neptune was traveling through Scorpio can have more of a soul recognition to these influences which can serve as a subconscious relevance to the native. Sean Combs is no exception, as I would consider him to be hiding a sexual liberation that may seem unusual or shocking to others. This is also an indication of what other intuitives/astrologers have been picking up about him forever now; that he is well aware of manifestation and alchemy (Moon/Pluto in Virgo supports this as well). Sean is likely aware of and have personal interests in cults and ritualism, so this can give merit to idea that Sean hosts sex parties/rituals. This is an intense, mysterious and possessive nature that is hidden beneath Sean’s surface, and he has likely had an upbringing that has desensitized him to all kinds of destruction, danger, and chaos. This Neptune is ruled by Pluto (and Mars traditionally) and is also making a sextile between the two planets (can be found in Cradle 1 and 2). This can bring opportunities for manifestation and manipulating energy for one’s own desires. With Chiron trine to his Neptune as well, he can be someone to suppress whatever insecurities he may have through escapism tactics, such as substance abuse, giving way to the theory of Sean’s own self-destructive tendencies.
Here is a configuration that plays a part closely with one expression conjoining to one’s mental compatibility. Scorpio can represent cruelty when operating on lower frequencies, which in this case can also take on a controlling & possessive connotation. This can also create a person that can prioritize enforcing their will onto people for the sake of gaining powerful status. Add that with a double opposition that Saturn is making to his Sun-Mercury conjunction, and you have a person who may have a restrictive and dictatorial quality to the way that they manage contractual business with others. There is an energy of a dictator or an authoritarian to other people, even a cult leader (Taurus Saturn), and being able to punish those who go against them (Taurus/Scorpio axis governs loyalty/betrayal). Another take with the Taurus Saturn, this can be someone who expected loyalty from his people in the same capacity as a cult, especially those who worked under him for extended periods of time. Saturn is ‘the punisher’, so that would suggest the claims of aggressive intimidation against certain people, even sexual abuse with Scorpio involved (citing ‘violent’ kinks). On the spectrum of sexual assault, this is a point where I believe that the nature of this configuration would impulse a native to sexually ‘punish’ their victims, which can also include a forceful connotation when the victim refuses to accommodate the native in question. Scorpio placements operating at low octaves can be vampiric to those they encounter, and that opposition to Saturn can indicate selfish tendencies that he may be more willing to use the people around him to benefit him and his status. There is also a presence here of legal situations involving the finances of other people & the contracts that they sign with Sean. A take-over spirit that sucks everyone dry is also what I would describe it as. This configuration also supports someone who is capable of limiting fame and notoriety from his own artists if they felt it necessary, placing that same spotlight onto himself. This configuration ALONE backs up a lot of claims regarding anyone feeling cheated by Diddy financially, having an entire catalog restricted from the artist, and the overall control of said artist through contractual obligations. As mentioned previously, some information in regard to Sean’s late father and the lifestyle he led, which can also be a manifestation of this configuration in his chart.
Getting to a contradiction within his chart, this aspect can speak to the kind and benevolent nature that he may have been trying to channel, as noted by his most recent name change to “Diddy ‘Love’ Combs”, especially from a spiritual/religious standpoint involving Jupiter. Sean has been cited lately as changing his image in the way of creating what attempts to be a ‘peace-loving’, family-oriented aura from the native. But this placement does a lot more harm than good even involving the two aforementioned benefic planets. This conjunction expresses his generous nature, especially to the women he was publicly and privately in a relationship with. Not to mention that Jupiter also governs publishing, so Sean being in control of the publishing and producing credits at the label can be seen with this aspect. This is a major indicator of being able to benefit from his own generosity, in the sense that he expects to be compensated for what he has given his artists or his relationships. Libra is about balance, symmetry, and justice and when it comes to this conjunction, Sean’s extravagance came with the expectation to continually do right by him to some degree, as there is a reciprocity that comes with the energy of Libra, this configuration in a person’s chart, on the flip side, can make the native inclined toward greed and can even make one prone to addictions. Mars squaring Venus within this conjunction creates a motivating factor to merge his money and power, to essentially have a certain type of control in the industry. He also uses this control to steam-roll his relationships into being loyal to a fault. He may also indulge the most into his addictions/greed on a social level, which can be a direct link to parties he would throw since the 90’s, the same parties that are now being implicated as possible ‘sex rituals’ or sex trafficking social events (depending on what you believe personally). The Venus to Mars square can very well include the raw, sexual nature of the parties Sean would host or be a part of himself. Sean’s extravagant nature is not something that is unheard of to people who are aware of him generally, but behind industry walls this can actually point to the inflation of his ego. Sean is also someone who likely has very good lawyers and legal professionals working for him with this aspect, and he is not one to shy away from legally binding agreements in his business, i.e. NDAs.
When you have the planet of communication squaring the planet of will, this can make for a verbally forceful and disregarding native. Sean is not really a stranger to being an aggressive communicator with a sharp tongue, but this is another indication of him operating on a short fuse. This can be due to the overstimulation that’s interpreted with this aspect, and the increase in impulsivity. Sean is likely a very intimidating communicator, and he doesn’t have any impulse control. A lot of his motives are once again linked with the obsession for power and control over others through his powerful connections and status. Sean also has a violent nature that he may be more inclined to keep hidden, but with Mars squaring Venus this would make these themes show up more in his social or romantic relationships (as a Libra Venus is skilled in making public perception of the native appear polished and balanced, with Libra ruling PR). There can even be sexual kinks that are deemed deviant and would likely be shunned upon with this square happening between the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn (‘violent’ kinks are cited here). This can also make Sean a determined individual with an insatiable need to fulfill his desires, and those desires can only be met with unwavering hostility and force. This can pertain to professional, personal, and even sexual desires when it comes to Sean. There is an inclination toward arrogance and power trips toward those he employs, and verbal abuse is the main weapon he uses unto others. This also reinforces him being accustomed to innate control over others and his mode of operation relying heavily on his connections to the industry (Mars in Capricorn).
Here we have a native that is likely to be a forceful person within his interpersonal or romantic relationships and can attract those who are easily shaped and molded (Venus in Libra) or the native can project this motive onto those he is involved with. This aspect is associated with anger issues, a lack of self-control, and intense love-hate dynamics within intimate relationships. As this can be a reflex in establishing control, it is likely Sean is as domineering as everyone may portray him to be, especially those who have seen the different side of the coin. It is also likely that Sean can have a PR team behind him that can paint a less egregious picture in regard to his personal life, though behind the scenes it’s worse than what anyone could have imagined. This can also attract abusive dynamics, especially with any other malefic influences touching this, which can be cited by Mars’ opposition to Lilith in Cancer also squaring Venus (see T-square 2). Sean is inclined to dominate those who he is intimately, personally or professionally involved with. I could even go as far as to say that he has a domination kink (if I haven’t mentioned this speculation already) or a punishment kink (involving Saturn ruling the Mars placement). This can also cite difficulties in court proceedings against Sean as his Libra Venus would suggest a functioning legal team and producing iron-clad NDAs and contractual bindings in his business dealings. Also making note that Cassie is a native to this same Venus to Mars square, which the significance of this is likely to show up in the pair’s synastry.
Taurus Saturn opposite Scorpio Mercury, Square Capricorn Mars: This is the more general source of his anger and temper towards other people, and it involves previously mentioned aspects. For this T-Square, he has his apex planet (or the focal planet where we see the problem) as Mars, which has been the running theme, if not the dominant energy in the native’s chart. The point of tension with this T-square can point back to his aggression surrounding the way he dominates and manipulates control. Saturn opposite Mercury can suggest frustration from an inability to relate to others personally due to a lack in communication skills, which could have been a theme for him from a young age. Sean could have also been subjected to seeing different ways of being overpowered by authority in his upbringing or early career, which can create initial opposition with authority that he’d aspire to overcome, and a desire to achieve the same ‘untouchable’ status that he had been privy to, even through aggressive and violent means. Sean may have grown up to inspire control over those weaker than him, in comparison to what he may have been subjected to growing up. The ruler of the sign Mars is in (Saturn) being in the sign of Taurus can bring a direct importance and drive to achieve power through his material/financial status. He is a very technical person, and very strict, especially if it comes to criticizing or training people (which has come up before in other sections). As an employer, this can make Sean a very harsh person who may place extreme demands on the people under him, even if they were simply apprentices. Sean has a significant pattern of having a dominating presence over the people in his life, whether they work for him, are friends with him, or within romantic and intimate relationships. This is the perfect configuration for “aggressive manipulation”, which Sean seems to always be tied to. He is also capable of bringing sorts of ‘punishment’ onto those who don’t abide by his expectations. This can also be in lesser extremes, such as being harsh with his training/teaching and aggressive dictation. In recent history, there have been classic shows that essentially depict this and what immediately comes to mind is ‘Making the Band’. Incidents such as the ‘Cheesecake’ incident (and things such as hazing) are great manipulation tactics where Sean can construct the belief of one’s own authority and how he was projecting that onto his signees. This was how he was able to achieve the authoritative status that he did as a mogul/gatekeeper in the industry, reinforced with his Capricorn Mars at the 29th (Leo) degree. This is also a T-square that can pinpoint his ability to network through the industry and being in rooms with different ‘important’ people and allowing himself a roster of artists/fellow associates to catapult himself ahead as a music executive. In a more technical context, this is a T-square that also points to his ‘shady’ business (one off, not only). Mercury being in the sign of Scorpio (and adversely having Pluto in the sign of Virgo) opposite Saturn in the sign of Taurus can signify Diddy’s affinity toward his iron-clad contracts, NDAs, and underhanded payouts (as mentioned in previous sections). Adding that the sign ruled by Saturn is also his Mars placement, Saturn’s energy is prominent within this T-square (Saturn/Capricorn = binding contracts, corporate business). In a sense, with Mercury in Scorpio (Scorpio = joint investments, joint accounts, ‘other people’s money’), Sean was able to manipulate those who he’s signed into going into contractual business with him, and the Mercury-Saturn opposition can translate into bad contract dealings.
Capricorn Mars opposite Cancer Lilith, Square Libra Venus: This specific T-square can suggest his dynamic that he has towards women. As previously mentioned, Lilith in Cancer in a man’s chart can suggest a distain or blatant lack of respect for the feminine quality and finding women to be a weaker species. Add in the opposite angle happening with Mars and you have someone who likes to overpower the women in his life. The apex planet of this T-square is Venus in Libra, which is squaring his Cancer Lilith and his Capricorn Mars. The focus here is the essential ‘domination’ over his sexual/intimate and even business relationships, and the aggression that he naturally has towards women, and this can go especially for the women he has signed in the past. The ruling planet of the Lilith placement is the Moon, which is placed in the sign of Virgo, which governs routine, work, and health/diet. A lot of Sean’s criticism towards women can have a lot to do with how they look, their diet, and how they take care of themselves. This can absolutely correlate to the women he dates as well as for the women he decides to sign and work with. As previously mentioned, Virgo is the sign of the teacher/trainer, and this can represent why the Lilith in Cancer placement is so obsessive with overpowering women in a way of dictating and critiquing them. The women in his life have to abide by a certain standard, and in a lot of ways can make him prejudice to certain types of women and want to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ them to what he finds appealing. If they don’t fall in line the way he wants to (Venus in Libra), there is a violent streak that can come out in him (Mars opposite Lilith).
Pluto Chiron Opposition (Pluto in Virgo, Chiron in Aries), Virgo Pluto sextile Scorpio Neptune, Virgo Pluto trine Capricorn Mars, Aries Chiron sextile Capricorn Mars, Aries Chiron trine Scorpio Neptune, and Capricorn Mars sextile Scorpio Neptune: This can pinpoint to a lot of rage that is inspired by insecurities and deep seeded psychological wounds (Pluto opposite Chiron) that don’t have a healthy exit point. On one hand you have a Chiron in Aries, which can indicate someone who has insecurities surrounding the expression of their masculinity, or may have some tendencies toward toxic masculinity, narcissism, and misogyny. On the other hand, his Pluto in Virgo can point to obsessive compulsive behaviors that can reach extremes about perfecting a specific standard, which may lean more toward internalized powerlessness and insecurity. This opposition can result in him overcompensating for these wounds/insecurities, projecting them onto others, and can manifest in him seeking to dominate others with that Pluto influence. The supporting aspects that create this cradle (Mars, Neptune) speak to the talent/opportunities that are connected to his goal-oriented determination and business-like ambition (Capricorn Mars) and his artistic abilities with musical vibrations (Scorpio Neptune). This cradle can suggest someone who is able to use their power and influence in the music industry to hide from their psychological wounds and using it as a crutch or suit of armor that is meant to keep him from being accountable for the way he may strong-arm other people to get to his desired status. I can also see this being a main source of his believing he was invincible from receiving any certain consequences. This can also be a source of him using his power to engage in sexual encounters of his dominating desires, and having a forceful and aggressive undertone that can easily become threatening. Another interesting thing about the Mars sextile Neptune included in this cradle, which may indicate that he would have desires to film/take pictures of these encounters, which has been alleged of him being in possession of photographic evidence of some encounters from his own partners or of different women in different states. Leverage that to him, can be interpreted as a way for him to brag or assert domination with these women by sending these intimate pictures/videos out to his mutuals (rapper 50 Cent was cited as receiving such intimate photos of Cassie from Sean back in 2010). It’s likely that Sean may be someone who wants to be able to act out and film his sexual fantasies (Scorpio Neptune) and most of them may be where he’s dominating his partner, possibly in violent ways with Mars in a trine to Pluto. A lot of his reputation, both known and unknown, are tied up with this specific astrological pattern, but the Pluto Chiron opposition alone can be the indicator of a rapist/rape victim, which the trine/sextiles to Mars and Neptune can support this. It is also alleged that he had enough power to make people ‘disappear’ and this cradle supports the manifestation of that, especially with Mars’ trine to Pluto and its sextile to Neptune. This specific configuration supports any kind of claims or allegations linked to his violent nature being supported or even helped through the power or status that he has maintained in the industry, and him using violence to stay feared (because to Sean, Fear=Power; Mars trine Pluto).
Mars Lilith Opposition (Capricorn Mars, Cancer Lilith), Capricorn Mars sextile Scorpio Neptune, Capricorn Mars trine Virgo Pluto, Cancer Lilith sextile Virgo Pluto, Cancer Lilith trine Scorpio Neptune, and Scorpio Neptune sextile Virgo Pluto: This cradle has the same Mars Pluto trine, which encompasses that ability to acquire power and protection within the industry (involving Neptune) previously mentioned, but the focus of the tension is shifted to the complete rejection of feminine energy. Mars in Capricorn opposite Lilith in Cancer can create a self-preserving, venomous individual whose passions/ambitions are being channeled into episodes of rebellion, domination and control. This is a person who is vengeful, sneaky and domineering when it comes to his sexual and intimate relationships and can find himself projecting that back on to the women he engages with. Lilith in Cancer can directly relate to a desire to dominate women (if afflicted) especially to empower oneself, but with it opposite to Mars in Capricorn this can stem from some kind of hatred or coldness toward women that can also come off as complete disrespect. The Lilith trine Neptune in Scorpio can note an inclination to sex rituals, or spiritual (occult) explorations through sexual means in a way to manifest and manipulate energy, and a lot of women in his past have been participants and may even been scouted out for such (Mars sextile Neptune). This is also supportive of engaging in sex trafficking and being able to fly under the radar (Neptune trine Chiron, Lilith, sextile Mars). A lot of Sean’s sexual lifestyle and nature were always something people illuded to being of a dark nature, or at the very least, unconventional. It is possible Sean can have a sexual kink of dominating women in violent ways (as mentioned as being a running theme), with Mars and Pluto in a trine. Lilith being in Cancer can indicate his overall shadow side, or hidden nature, being projected onto women. This can especially be dangerous with Lilith opposite a violent planet, such as Mars, and in a sign like Capricorn he could also be a person who is punishing, domineering or restrictive of them. This could be a man who is not only sexually violent toward women, but also physically aggressive and violent with them as well. I can even say he doesn’t like women as far as respecting them as people. There were a lot of people that were around that were aware of Sean’s behavior with women in private, and so many of them turned a blind eye to their well-being, and even their safety. His Capricorn Mars indicates someone who prioritizes the power that comes with what he’s achieved, and being able to do what he wants because of it. So, with this Mars Lilith opposition, it is likely that he is the type of person to use his power and influence to attract the women that can act out his sexual desires (Scorpio Neptune) and there is an overwhelming tone of domination that can edge on the border of violence. A final note worth addressing was Sean’s Mars sextile Neptune. With Neptune governing photography, videography and even porn, he may have an interest in the documentation of his encounters with a camera, as well as using this as leverage against these women to have continued control over them (Neptune sextile Pluto), which can be further cited by the allegation of being sent Cassie’s ‘intimate photos’ in the past.
The further I go (down the rabbit hole), the more I can find evidence that Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs is capable of most of everything that he has been accused of thus far, and he is still being hit with lawsuits of a violent sexual nature as I’ve been conducting my case on this. I have to say that I learned a lot more about this figure than what I honestly had an interest to, so much so that I’m deciding to take a break from this topic that I’ve now split into two parts (Diddy X Cassie synastry report will serve as the revisited/part 2). But a lot of what has been coming out against Sean can be explained by quite a few configurations in his chart and can be evenly deduced that he may be capable of more than a fraction of it. There were two main points that I wanted to highlight and bring home each time in regard to Sean’s psychological make-up; his controlling/domineering nature, and his sexual deviancy, and what exactly motivates the two and where it stems from. A lot of Mars (Scorpio) and Capricorn influences can be part of the contributing factors to the emphasis on power and control. His Lilith in Cancer opposing Mars in Capricorn is a major indicator of his sexual violence towards women, among other things, and it is the Aries Chiron that can give insight into his psychological wounds around masculinity. Another point one can make with his chart alignments is that he is a product of his environment, especially when you consider the facts of his life. His parents were both living alternative lifestyles, and Sean being a witness/participant in these lifestyles only fueled his familiarity to it. Speculatively, his mother being an escort opened the door for different sexual fetishes that he has till this day (Moon-South Node conj., Lilith in Cancer opposition to Mars in Capricorn) as it was alleged that this was how he was introduced to the concept of ‘orgies’. Recent findings can speculate that him and his mother engage in deviant behavior together, as a video cites Sean exclaiming his mother ‘likes to have a good time’ and how she can ‘touch the floor with her palms…flat’, which in itself is some ‘disturbing’ inuendo. This can very well play a role in his disrespect towards women as a species, as well as viewing them as sexual objects rather than people. It was also alleged by rapper Mase that Sean’s mother gatekeeps all of Sean’s ‘dirty’ business and is the main proprietor of his estate (Virgo Moon trine Saturn (Taurus) and sextile Sun-Mercury conj. in Scorpio). On the other side of the coin, Sean’s father is an alleged gang member/drug dealer that would have Sean present on certain ‘violent’ occasions, which can contribute to Sean’s belief in fear and barbarity being the most effective means to gain power and control, and this can be expressed with his Sun-Mercury conj. opposite Saturn (and instilled with afflicted Chiron in Aries). Allegedly Sean was even present when his father was gunned down in what is being described as either ‘gang activity’ or ‘a drug deal gone bad’ (Saturn in Taurus square Mars in Capricorn). These configurations can also speak to being mentored by men in the industry, who have a lot of power and prestige themselves. These where the examples that were set for him at a young age, and the way he turned out can be seen as the materialization of these influences.
When I revisit this topic, it will be from the angle of the ‘enslavement’, ‘sexual abuse’ and ‘trafficking’ that was the 10 year relationship between Sean Combs and Cassandra Ventura.
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
AHHHH I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE I SEND YOU TOO MANY ASKSMHFJGXJC BUT ANYWAYS- the greatest of luxuries takes place around 2018, right? Which is also coincidentally around the time tiktok got popular so just like hear me out-
Nico is a chronic tiktok user and definitely makes tiktok dances (he was supposed to use it for promotional purposes and it's not until Apollo asks him about it that he actually does)
Nico and Will are those tiktok friends, the kind that you see videos of and it just looks like they came straight out of a coming of age movie- same goes for whenever Leo is featured in Nico's tiktoks like they are so iconic
Apollo definitely gets tiktok for the shits and giggles, only to go accidentally viral constantly- like he could make one silly random tiktok of freaking alley cat he found and it'd get like 50 million likes 😭😭 (bros tiktok account consists of his children and their silly friends)
and you are RIGHT OHMYGODSKLJF i keep thinking of a way to incorporate it bc rn they're in 2019, but i'm like, ahgsdf how do i bring in tiktok, do i make it a whole convo or just casually mention it orrrr
i do have quite a few tiktok headcanons in relation to them but i LOVE your ideas they're so real😭
these are the hc's that i had before reading this but tbh might have to go back to the drawing board on some of them becauseee i mean
(also i deleted tiktok a while back bc it was too addictive so tbh i have no idea what's going on over there anymore... nor was i there in the early daysSDLKF)
nico already strays away from social media quite a bit, and i think over the music industry changed, it's def encouraged for artists to like promote their music there and stuff. BUT. he has a bit of an addictive personality (relatable) and so when he eventually downloads it (because he would resist for a very long time) would get hooked. except he rarely posts, instead, he's that verified celeb account that you find in the most random comment sections and he spams all his friends with vids. he definitely gets a lot of pet videos i feel like, like the cute dogs and cats and he would send a vid of like yk YK WHAT VIDS IM TALKING ABOUT like two cats snuggling with each other or smth and send it to will with 'us' i just KNOW he would bc it's incredibly sappy but doesnt require too much descriptionsfkljs
he probably has 235829348 drafts and he mostly posts random stuff that's completely unrelated to his music. like i bet there would be a few people (when he occasionally says something related to his job) who didn't even know he released music despite definitely having heard it
i didn't really envision him doing tiktok dances eXCEPT maybe they all stay in his drafts. bc i dont think his vids would really be focused on *him* because he's not a huge fan of being on camera, so it'd more just be like those rants where you can only see his forehead or random studio vids oR TRAVEL VIDS WHILE ON TOUR. he would def do those. there's def some people who think he's a travel influencer and then find out he's a grammy award winning artist and are like ??? NICO?? FROM TIKTOK???
but he isn't called a "tiktok artist" despite some people knowing him from tiktok because he literally ALWAYS forgets to promote his own music in his vids. his fans are promoting it in the comment sections to try and get the people who think he's a travel influencer to listen to him😭
but his posting schedule is so very sporatic like he'll post ten vids in a day and then nothing for a month. it's fully based on vibes and is completely chaotic, just like everything else he does
will, like any other social media platform, has a private account. (nico also has a private spam) so will is that person who tags people in the comments like all the time (whereas nico sends it more often just bc he doesnt wanna risk being on the wrong account accidentally)
he appears a LOT on leo and lou ellen and cecil's tiktoks (and nico's) and every other week there's a huge internet search to find out who this guy is on a new famous person's tiktok account and then someone will be like "it's just will solace again HOW THE FUCK DOES HE ALWAYS FIND THESE PEOPLE"
like when he randomly shows up in taylor swift's getting ready for her nyu graduation post. like he's definitely there for a brief second in just like the reflection of a window or something and everyone goes CRAZY
before realizing it's this cryptid guy again who seems to be surrounded by every famous person to exist
he definitely posts a lot on his private account though and often it'll just be him rambling about something he's learned in class or him documenting every time he sees a cute animal in public
eventually he'll be dared to make a public account and he decides "haha that's funny okay sure it's not like anyone will find me"
WRONG. this guy is allergic to being not-famous. he will never be allowed to be a normal guy. his first video goes completely viral. he posts once in a blue moon, usually documenting his friends being crazy and every single time he does, it gets like a million views with people in his comments being "how does he know them???"
but you are DEFINITELY right about his account always seeming like it comes out of a coming of age story
and there are most definitely thousands of shippers in every single comment section with literally every friend. so he tries to have at least two other people in every single video so that people can't ship him with just one other person. but it's unavoidable. esp when he comes out as bi, people are just shipping him with ANYONE who shows up on his account
he also does those screaming lipsync vids to whenever a song by one of his favorite songs comes out he's a huge fanboy
OH and he gets to show off his vinyls there. he loves doing that. he's got so many and vinyl tiktok admires it.
also in every single video there's at least one comment that says "you look like apollo the singer"
leo's the most active on tiktok, as he is with every other social media
it's either him building something, him setting something on fire, him with his friends, him talking to the camera while walking down the street (you know the genre of tiktok)
he is very similar to will in the aspect of "HOW DOES HE KNOW THEM??" but he's been a bit more public than will so people will know him more
he doesn't go viral as often as will (despite posting 132532x as much) but when he DOES it goes VIRAL viral. like tens of millions of views. it still happens quite often and he has the highest follower count of the friendgroup
and he's also the most active in comment sections like he's in every comment section you can't escape him and he replies to like every single one on his vids, usually with very cryptic responses that leave you with more questions than you started with
he ALSO tags will and nico in a bunch of videos, but not in a private account. he doesn't have a private account. he just tags them (obviously, avoiding any romance-related / stuff that could out them, in which he would send it to them) in EVERYTHING
and that's also the highest chance you have of will (on his public account) commenting on a video bc he's mostly on his priv
he also (when him and jason eventually come out) makes a million couple tiktoks and does all the trends
most recurring character in his vids are piper (and shel) (and will and nico over the summer when they're not so far apart)
apollo runs the account for delphi records
i know i haven't shared much of this BUT most people 100% assume that it's run by some intern or something bc of how casual it is but it's actually just him
he loves comment sections and hyping up all of his artists
oh BTW leo and will and apollo do all the promotion for nico because of how much he forgets about it
it's very common for nico to be posting a random ass video and then the top comment is Delphi Records ✓ Check out Nico's latest single, ______!
he also EVENTUALLY gets a tiktok for himself
that is just entirely his kids
as he should
aside from leo, i think kayla and piper are most active on tiktok
piper knows all the inner fandom details from shel (who has an editing account 100% bc i have an editing account and im projecting onto her)
piper's vids are mostly with leo they're such an iconic duo
idk why but all i can think of when thinking about piper is that her feed is like momona tamada?? like that's the vibe we're going for here
and ofc she promotes charities and other important topics there too!!!
and if there's a wlw trend going around yk that piper and shel are going to be on that first thing, probably the top video under whatever audio it is
and KAYLA. GOD. KAYLA'S TIKTOK IS SOOO ICONIC i think she's second to leo with most followers
the lip sync videos for sure, also out of all of them i think she'd def do tiktok dances she'd slay them all
and then some of them are just trends or her in the archery range
somewhat similarly to will, she often gets comments that say "how does she know them??"
but like a good 30% of people watching the archery events of the olympics are there just because of her tiktokSDLFKJS
she also happens to go viral. all. the fucking. time. like i swear apollo's kids just HAVE to go viral all the time they can't escape it they're made for fame and it's likeee kayla does love it (will not so muchKSDF and austin has avoided this problem by just not downloading tiktok at all! except apollo's video of him performing has gone viral. oh well.)
so those are my hc's feel free to add on to these!!! i would love to hear what y'all think bc AHGSDFL writing about these characters' social media is one of my favvv things to do - thank you for the ask!!!! sorry for the lengthy rambleKSDJF
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georgiapeach30513 · 12 days
She does stupid stuff. I’ve seen it. We’ve seen it. And I think she has attached herself heavily to him during an important time of his career. But…her personally doesn’t bother me. // for me personally it’s all the stuff you mentioned. And it’s not hate really, I just can’t stand people users, and that’s how it feels and looks to me. She hasn’t had a hit since like 2019 but after she goes to Berlin and is at an after party with Seb, she gets this new movie with Pratt and it’s gonna be huge… like come on? I will not be shocked one bit if in a couple weeks we hear of another project for her, and it would be coming right on the heels of this. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Now if she’s using him that’s on him to stop unless he doesn’t care, I get that. For me when she’s very clearly only supporting him when it’s gonna benefit her? That’s where channel my inner Bucky glare. She was with him during his Pam &Tommy award season and not a peep. She was with him during filming of a ADM and the early showings but she didn’t make a peep about it till it started getting A LOT of press. She didn’t support this till it was announced it was going to Cannes… It’s a little shady to me. I agree with Jen, it could be WAY worse… but it could also be WAY better. 🥲 just my two cents.
Love you Jen ❤️
To me this seems very mutually beneficial. Very beneficial for her obviously. But it doesn’t seem that he cares that much either. Now, the damn shoe still irks me. And Mercy will not be a hit because of her. I actually don’t think her role is that large. It’ll be a success because of the lead actor.
But I keep telling you that you want her to get a job. And honestly, good for her for continuing to work and isn’t afraid to take roles that are leads. And I bet she gets to actually speak…
I do think it could be better, but unfortunately this is what it is. So I’m just enjoying the ride I suppose.
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svt-rei · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
profile .. visuals .. personal background .. facts .. family.
playlist .. iconic rei moments .. fan favourites .. dorm room .. home tour
wardrobe .. stage outfits .. fan meetings .. award shows .. met gala .. vogue japan .. paris fashion week
.. whats in my bag? .. whats in my phone?
weverse .. twitter .. instagram .. fan tweets
mini albums & albums--> in my dreams ... angel
singles & eps -> try again .. time slip ..
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seventeen: 95z. 96z. 97z. 98z & 99.
TAGS:: 95z-> seungrei ... reihan ... shuko || 96z --> junrei ... reishi ... wonrei ... woorei || 97z--> seokrei ... minrei ... reihao ...|| 98z&99--> seungko ... reinon ... chako
hybe artist || idol friendships ... idol relationships ...
--------------- N/A -------------
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---------------N/A -------------------
interviews ... news articles ... contriversies
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★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN -> 2015 - 2019
17 carat — boys be. — love & letter. — very nice. — going seventeen. — al1. — teen, age. — director's cut. — you make my day. — you made my dawn. — and ode
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN -> 2020 - PRESENT
heng:garæ. — semi;colon. — your choice. — attaca. — face the sun. — sector 17. — FML.
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ SEVENTEEN MISC. ->
we make you. — a-teen. & 9-teen. — happy ending. — fallin’ flower. — 24H. — not alone. — power of love. darl+ing. — dream. — betting
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★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ YOUTUBE:
going seventeen. — inside seventeen. — hit the road. — fancams. — variety shows. — youtube compilations. — viral videos.
★ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀ PAID CONTENT:
in the soop. — tour videos.
tour. — concert. — fan-meeting.
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@svtrei est. 2023
layout credits to seul9yu
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starsopinions · 8 months
Why I'm excited for The Marvels
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The first real introduction I had to the MCU was in 2019, my best friend and I decided to go to the cinema. We weren’t sure what movie to watch but we eventually landed on Captain Marvel, I remember being hooked from the first second and being so excited when, at the end, the words “Captain Marvel will return…” appeared on screen. We left the theatre excited for the sequel which we promised to watch it together. I’m not friends with her anymore but I have to say that, less than a month away from the release of The Marvels, I can’t wait to finally see it and I don’t understand why there seems to be so much negativity surrounding the release of this, in my opinion, very promising movie. So here is why I'm excited for The Marvels!
The cast
Watching the trailer, the first thing that jumps out at me is the cast. The main cast consists of actors who have done consistently good jobs in the past. You may not like Brie Larson but there is no denying that she can act, which is further proven by her many awards, including an Oscar for best actress in 2016. Joining her is Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau who, I think we can all agree on, did an amazing job in WandaVision. And completing the trio is Iman Vellani who is playing Ms marvel. I know a lot of people didn’t like Ms Marvel as a show but I think many are disregarding the fact that the target audience was (younger) teens and not middle-aged men (that isn’t to say that Ms Marvel was perfect but I think it was a fun addition which added something new to the MCU). Besides, I think the problem in Ms Marvel definitely wasn’t Iman’s performance and if they fix the writing issues there is nothing wrong with her character. She is very charismatic and funny, and in my opinion, she is a joy to watch. I am so excited to watch the trio’s dynamic and chemistry!
And as if that wasn’t enough, acting alongside them will be Zawe Ashton. You may know her from Fresh Meat or Velvet Buzzsaw. We don’t know a whole lot about her character yet besides that she will be the antagonist. I think Zawe has a lot of talent and I’m excited to see more of her villainous side.
“throw-away villain”
A lot of people seem to think that this will be a boring, one-time/throw-away villain- kind of movie but I honestly think that that is just what the MCU needs right now. There have been so many big cross-over movies recently that deal with very complex issues (time travelling, the multiverse) that something small that focuses on the characters and story would work really well. Especially as it seems that Zawe’s character is going to be building on past villain Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy), which gives her an already established back story so it doesn’t come out of nowhere which is often an issue with these one-time villains.
Recent MCU movies have been falling into the trap of building up lots of expectations, for them just to have a simple storyline. For example, everyone was expecting Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness to include loads of crossovers and references to other movies which made the reality so much more disappointing. I think The Marvels has done a really good job of building up realistic expectations while still making an exciting trailer. No one is expecting Wanda or Loki to appear in this movie so no one will be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. 
“The M-She-U”
I have been reading the comments on the promotion for the movie and a lot of comments say things like: “Ain’t no one watching this ms marvel Has become sadly feministic” 
 “I am willing to bet money this movie I’ll include nothing but horrible comedy, political takes, and sex takes” 
(yes, these are actual comments)(I’m not sure if I should correct the grammar or just leave it help)
These comments are commented by people who have seen as much of this movie as you and I, and that means they have seen a 2-minute trailer and you just can’t base a full opinion on those snippets of an entire, 2-hour movie, but let's address them anyway. 
“Horrible comedy” – To be completely honest, comedy is always a difficult topic because that is just such a personal preference. But based on what we have seen so far, it seems pretty funny and I hope they’ll be able to balance the serious tones and the comedy. I think to write off a movie as having horrible comedy purely because you think the trailer isn’t funny is shallow and kind of stupid. If one person doesn’t like something that doesn’t mean the whole world agrees with you. 
“sadly feministic”/”political takes” – I think it is weird to call any MCU movie “sadly feministic” because it is something that was lacking so much in earlier Marvel movies and their more recent works have started to include more female representation but that doesn’t mean the problem is suddenly solved. I do agree that some representation has been lacking in depth which makes it feel cheap but that’s all the more reason to be more feminist. But even without that, the trailers don’t feel like they are pushing a feminist agenda. They are just heroes who happen to be women and I, as a young girl, am really excited to see that on the big screen.
At the end of the day, anyone is entitled to their own opinions but the hate and negativity that has been surrounding this movie is absolutely insane. There are a lot of people who have decided that (without seeing the movie) they don’t like it and no one else can either. It is 100% okay to not like something but please don’t ruin it for other people. 
The cast and their chemistry have me really thrilled for this movie, I am very excited to see what Captain Marvel has been up to all this time. 
I will be there opening night with high expectations and a very large bucket of popcorn, I hope to see you there :D
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Marcus John Armstrong
Birthdate: July 29, 2000 Hometown: Christchurch, New Zealand Residence: London, UK/Indianapolis, indiana Height/Weight: 5’9”/130lbs
Rookie Year: 2023
Team: Chip Ganassi Racing (CGR)
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter
Career Stats
2023: Chip Ganassi Racing #11 (road and street courses only)
The Side Pod (with Callum Ilott) on You Tube Screaming Meals (with Clement Novalak and James Harvey Blair) on You Tube Screaming Meals on Twitch Screaming Meals on Instagram
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Past Racing
2017: Italian Formula 4 - 1st overall ADAC Formula 4 - 2nd overall Toyota Racing Series - 4th overall
2018: FIA Formula 3 European Championship - Prema Theodore Racing -5th Overall Toyota Racing Series - 3rd overall
2019: FIA Formula 3 - Prema Racing - 2nd Overall Toyota Racing Series - 2nd overall
2020: FIA Formula 2 - ART Grand Prix - 13th overall
2021: FIA Formula 2 - DAMS - 13th overall
2022: FIA Formula 2 - Hitech Grand Prix - 13th overall
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His father owns Armstrong's, a major car dealership chain in NZ
Has two older half-brothers, a younger sister, and a younger brother
Started karting in NZ at 10 years old, winning multiple national titles
Member of the Ferrari Driver Academy from 2017 - 2021
Finished second in the 2019 Formula 3 championship standings driving for Prema
Multiple race winner and podium sitter in Formula 2
Was Lundgaard's teammate in F2 in 2020
Pescatarian (and very vocal about it)
Drinks a lot of espresso
Has a video podcast called Screaming Meals co-hosted with his childhood friend James and F2 driver Clement Novalak, with an offshoot called The Sidepod that he hosts with Callum Ilott
Lived with Callum in Italy when they were both Ferrari Driver Academy members
Speaks Italian, but will only do so after a few drinks
Hobbies are going to the gym, listening to podcasts, going to restaurants, and watching American football
Used to be an avid cyclist, but gave it up due to it keeping his weight too low and causing problems with his ability to handle the car
Has a serious issue placing bets with his friends, to the extent that he had to pay to take fellow F2 driver Jehan Daruvala on vacation because he owed him so much money from lost bets
Scott Dixon was his childhood hero, and Kimi Räikkönen was his favorite F1 driver as a kid
Hates video games
Doesn’t like animals, but loves children
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Iconic/memorable moments Indycar: Marcus Armstrong At IndyCar Spring Training New Indy Car Driver Marcus Armstrong about the Grand Prix of St Pete OVER THE WALL // ACURA GRAND PRIX OF LONG BEACH Marcus Armstrong Long Beach Preview Marcus Armstrong Post Qualifications Marcus Armstrong rocked up to Turn 1 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to see what 235mph looks like… Callum and Marcus chat during pre-season testing:
F2 and earlier: F2 Speed Date: Marcus Armstrong The Wet Head Challenge HOW TO BECOME A FERRARI DRIVER, A CONVERSATION WITH MARCUS ARMSTRONG F2 DRIVER | Sector 1 Marcus Armstrong Interview | Sky Speed Marcus Armstrong: All the way from New Zealand Keeping it cool at Prema “Michael Shakespeare”: Bullying from Callum and James: Marcus wins “best late lunge” award from F2: Marcus Armstrong Once Said…: Marcus absolutely annoying the shit out of Arthur Leclerc during a virtual GP: F2 Speed Date (2020): Marcus sings “Rocket Man”: Marcus attempting to be sweet with Callum, who is absolutely not having it:
Doing fast laps around Goodwood in his dad’s car: 16-year-old Marcus talks about leaving home to move to Europe alone: Clem Novalak loves Marcus: He likes pineapple on pizza: Interesting content:
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Marcus is a self-proclaimed "lover not a fighter". He's known to be very friendly and approachable, with a significant portion of the Formula 2 grid mentioning that he was the driver they got on with best in the paddock during his time there. His results in F2 were mixed, moving teams in 3 successive years, as he sometimes had difficulty getting to grips with the F2 car and tyres, however it’s generally agreed that his midfield championship positions during his F2 tenure aren’t an accurate reflection of his genuine ability and talent. Multiple Ganassi team members (including the boss) have commented on how impressed they are by his raw speed, work ethic, and attitude since his arrival in IndyCar. Marcus himself has already talked about how much more enjoyable the Indy car is to drive and how much fun he’s having now after several years of struggling with the notoriously difficult F2 car. He also appears to be getting on well with his CGR teammates and in particular has talked about how much he likes Marcus Ericsson.
He moved to London in early 2022 after spending several years living near Ferrari’s HQ in Maranello, Italy, and is known to enjoy city nightlife, being a big fan of wine. He’s a major foodie who likes taking photos of good food almost as much as he enjoys complaining about bad food. He is known to be determined to the point of stubbornness, causing himself permanent damage to his knee during a half-marathon due to refusing to stop when he was in pain. He had a low attendance record at school due to focusing on his racing career and moving to Europe at the age of 14, and as such, although he’s not unintelligent he’s known to be somewhat lacking in general knowledge (such as thinking Shakespeare’s first name was Michael). However, he has the characteristically Kiwi dry, sarcastic sense of humor and very much enjoys mutual teasing and banter with his close friends, something that’s often on display in the Screaming Meals podcasts.
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Fanfic Lore
Usually paired with Callum Ilott, or F2 driver Clement Novalak due to their extremely close and physically affectionate friendship - was Clem’s teammate during their karting days, and has said that they talk every day while he’s in the US Likes to tease Callum and wind him up to his face, but often calls him his best mate and praises him when he’s not around. However Callum rarely (if ever) reciprocates the latter, probably due to his intense Britishness Good friends with multiple drivers from various series, including Juan Manuel Correa, Jüri Vips, Guanyu Zhou, Nick Cassidy, Max Fewtrell and Felipe Drugovich Also has a tendency to “adopt” younger drivers and refer to them as “little bro”, including Jak Crawford and Dino Beganovic Has said on several occasions that he doesn’t wear underwear, and also shaves his legs (and possibly elsewhere, having claimed that he is “hairless from the eyebrows down”) Claims he can’t tell the difference between someone being nice to him and someone flirting with him
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credit for most of this post to @whitewindhowl and friends
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sophietv · 9 months
The Ultimate LSK Thread of Koincidence (2021) Part 2
Here's the part two of my thread since I reached the photo limit on Part 1!
If you haven't read it yet. Go read it before reading this one! (X)
Those are all the Kaylor evidences I could find for that year. If I've forgot some, don't hesitate to tell me so I can add them!
If you haven't read the posts for the other years, I highly suggest you do before reading this one:
Fall 2019 (X)
2020 Part 1 (X)
2020 Part 2 (X)
2021 Part 1 (X)
As always, I'll include link to more informations on certain piece of Kaylor Lore as we go, so some Koincidences are easier to understand. When there's a (X) beside something, it's to give you more context and help you understand better.
Here's the link to the incredible Masterposts that helped me do this one: (X) (X)
May 2021:
May 28th:
Taylor posts a picture of her in the same Levi's overalls that Karlie posted on the 20th, but blue.
With some interesting Ivy Lyrics.
She posted this post at 8:03 AM Est...
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June 2021:
June 9th:
Taylor wins the NMPA Songwriter Icon Award.
She wears the Victoria Secret Angel Ring during her acceptance speech. (X)
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Source: 9w1ft
June 29th:
Karlie post on Instagram.
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She wears the same bracelet that Taylor wears in Look What You Made Me Do:
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Source: Vegasborn on Twitter
And the same ring that Taylor wore in this Vogue Cover:
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Source Vegasborn on Twitter
July 2021:
July 11th:
Karlie posts a picture of Levi in her Instagram Story.
There's a yellow daisy.
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July 12th:
Karlie does a photodumb.
There's a picture of her belly and an avocado toast with a 13 written on it (LOUD).
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July 23rd:
Taylor releases some merch.
(This is an important one)
She releases a gold bracet nammed : Tied me to you.
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With this she releases the first and only other hat this year since the "Dad hat"
Nammed: One single thread of gold.
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So the lyrics : "One single thread of gold tied me to you"...
Important to note that Karlie will post a picture of an exact same bracelet with the name "Levi" written on it on June 22nd 2022.
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And recently in July 2023. Kalie sister posted a picture of her niece with a same exact bracelet on her right ankle...
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July 26th:
The "Tied me to you" bracelet saga doesn't end there. Because Gigi posts a photodumb on Instagram.
With a little baby, with a bracelet that looks the exact same too...
3 days after the merch's drop...
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July 27th:
Karlie posts her famous "I spy with my little eye" post on Instagram.
In July.
"I spy with my little tiered eye, tiny as a firefly, a pebble that we picked out last July"
Also. Eye theory. (X)
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August 2021:
August 3rd:
Karlie reposts Lily's birthday wishes with Taylor on the background.
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August 12th:
Karlie released her new RED line for Adidas...(just when Taylor is about to release Red (Taylor's Version)...
Eye theory + references to Bad Blood MV "meet me in the ring"
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August 21st:
Taylor releases the Red Vault.
Still a K on the door and still the Swift-Kloss Family Crest on top of it.
(+ KK was two letters in extra in the red vault songs crosswords...)
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Septembre 2021:
Septembre 13th:
Karlie attend the Met Gala.
She wears a dress that is very reminescent of the dress Taylor will wear in her I Bet You Think About Me Music Video.
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I've reached the pictures limit AGAIN...
So I'll continue the thread in another post and link it here when it's done!
Here's the link to Part 3! (X)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
I bet you're one of those armys who blame the industry for not sending jimin's songs to the EMA nomination the song which achieved much more than TXT's song but of course TXT can get the nomination but jimin can't all because hybe didn't send his song.
The first post in my Masterlist is precisely for people like you. People referring to Despacito and thinking it’s perfectly logical to apply a scenario from one artist, in another label, years ago, in another set of awards (VMAs vs. EMAs) to BTS in 2023 with nothing else to go on that could show the same happened with Jimin. These are the kinds of logical leaps that convinced akgaes HYBE was working with Billboard to delete Jimin’s D2C sales, convinced them that Jimin definitely wasn’t renewing his contract, and practically every other theory I’ve seen from that faction of the fandom since January 2023. Do yourself a favour and read it.
I don’t know if BigHit submitted Jimin’s work for nominations, but I do know the absence of nominations doesn’t mean his work wasn’t submitted. BigHit submitted BTS’s work for 2017 MTV EMAs and they were snubbed for nominations. Groups like Mamamoo and Gfriend were nominated instead, and no group had a bigger performance in 2017 than BTS. The same can be said for when BigHit submitted BTS’s work in 2018 and 2019 and both times were snubbed for the Grammys and some academy voters flat out said they didn’t think BTS got those accolades and chart performances legitimately. We know that Billboard published a hit piece that practically said Jimin’s chart performance was bought with Chinese money, and that NewJeans’ gamed their album to rack up streams. All the artists nominated this year are artists who had their songs sent to radio, and Jimin as we all know, for whatever reason, didn’t.
Regardless of what HYBE does or doesn’t do, regardless of what Jimin wants or doesn’t want, these awards are managed by third parties who have full discretion to toss submissions aside for whatever they think is more legitimate. I want Jimin’s work to be recognized and celebrated, but I also don’t actually have all the information, nor am I stupid or blind as to what is not so distant history for how the EMAs have treated BTS in the past. Stop spamming my inbox with your insecurities and anxieties and block me for your mental health.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 7 months
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Richard Roundtree (July 9, 1942 – October 24, 2023) was an American actor, noted as being "the first black action hero" for his portrayal of private detective John Shaft in the 1971 film Shaft, and its four sequels, released between 1972 and 2019. For his performance in the original film, Roundtree was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year – Actor in 1972.
Born July 9, 1942, in New Rochelle, New York, to John Roundtree and Kathryn Watkins, Roundtree attended New Rochelle High School; graduating in 1961. During high school, Roundtree played for the school's undefeated and nationally ranked football team. Following high school, Roundtree attended Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. Roundtree dropped out of college in 1963 to begin his acting career.
Roundtree began his professional career around 1963. Roundtree began modeling in the Ebony Fashion Fair after being scouted by Eunice W. Johnson. After his modeling success with the Fashion Fair, Roundtree began modeling for such products as Johnson Products' Duke hair grease  and Salem cigarettes. In 1967, Roundtree joined the Negro Ensemble Company. His first role while a part of the company was portraying boxing legend Jack Johnson in the company's production of The Great White Hope.  According to J. E. Franklin, he acted in the Off-Off-Broadway production of her play Mau Mau Room, by the Negro Ensemble Company Workshop Festival, at St. Mark's Playhouse in 1969, directed by Shauneille Perry.
Roundtree was a leading man in early 1970s blaxploitation films, his best-known role being detective John Shaft in the action movie, Shaft (1971) and its sequels, Shaft's Big Score! (1972) and Shaft in Africa (1973). Roundtree also appeared opposite Laurence Olivier and Ben Gazzara in Inchon (1981). On television, he played the slave Sam Bennett in the 1977 television series Roots and Dr. Daniel Reubens on Generations from 1989 to 1991. He played another private detective in 1984's City Heat opposite Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds. Although Roundtree worked throughout the 1990s, many of his films were not well-received, but he found success elsewhere in stage plays.
During that period, however, he reemerged on the small screen as a cultural icon. On September 19, 1991, Roundtree appeared in an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 with Vivica A. Fox. The episode was "Ashes to Ashes", Roundtree playing Robinson Ashe Jr. Roundtree appeared in David Fincher's critically acclaimed 1995 movie Seven, and in the 2000 Shaft, again as John Shaft, with Samuel L. Jackson playing the title character, who is described as the original Shaft's nephew. Roundtree guest-starred in several episodes of the first season of Desperate Housewives as an amoral private detective. He also appeared in 1997's George of the Jungle and played a high-school vice-principal in the 2005 movie, Brick. His voice was utilized as the title character in the hit PlayStation game Akuji the Heartless, where Akuji must battle his way out of the depths of Hell at the bidding of the Baron.
In 1997–1998, Roundtree had a leading role as Phil Thomas in the short-lived Fox ensemble drama, 413 Hope St. He portrayed Booker T. Washington in the 1999 television movie Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years.
Beginning in 2005, Roundtree appeared in the television series The Closer as Colonel D. B. Walter, U.S.M.C. (retired), the father of a sniper, and in Heroes as Simone's terminally ill father, Charles Deveaux. Next, Roundtree appeared as Eddie's father-in-law in episodes of Lincoln Heights. Roundtree then had a supporting role in the 2008 Speed Racer film as a racer-turned-commentator who is an icon and hero to Speed. He also appeared in the two-parter in Knight Rider (2008) as the father of FBI Agent Carrie Ravai, and co-starred as the father of the lead character on Being Mary Jane, which has aired on BET since 2013.
In 2019, Roundtree co-starred in the comedy film film What Men Want, and returned to the role of John Shaft in Shaft, a sequel to the 2000 film, opposite Samuel L. Jackson and Jessie Usher, who portray John Shaft II and John Shaft III, respectively. This time, Roundtree's character was described as Jackson's character's father, while acknowledging that Roundtree had pretended to be Jackson's Shaft's uncle in the 2000 movie. He also starred in the movie, Family Reunion in 2019.
Roundtree was married and divorced twice and had five children. His first marriage was to Mary Jane Grant, whom he married on November 27, 1963. Roundtree and Grant had two children before divorcing in December 1973. He dated actress and TV personality Cathy Lee Crosby shortly thereafter. Roundtree later married Karen M. Ciernia in September 1980; together they had three children. Roundtree and Ciernia divorced in 1998. Roundtree was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993 and underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.
Roundtree died of pancreatic cancer at his Los Angeles home on October 24, 2023, at the age of 81.
My deepest condolences to his family and friends. 🙏🏾❤️🕊
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intoxicatingimmediacy · 8 months
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Loki Season 2: Who Plays X-5?
"Loki" Season 2 brings everyone's favorite god of mischief back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe — but he's not alone. Marvel Studios' first foray into a multi-season show introduces plenty of new characters, like O.B. (Ke Huy Quan), General Dox (Kate Dickie), and X-5 (Rafael Casal), a Time Variance Authority (TVA) agent with quite the disdain for Mobius (Owen Wilson) and his love of Jet Skis. Although "Loki" Season 2 is Casal's most mainstream project to date, the actor has had enough appearances in his relatively young career to leave viewers wondering where they've seen him before. In 2018, he starred in the critically acclaimed movie "Blindspotting," writing and acting alongside longtime friend Daveed Diggs to bring the culture and reality of Oakland, California, to life on-screen. Casal also starred in, produced, and served as showrunner for Starz's spin-off sequel series of the same name. Additionally, the actor was part of the ensemble cast of "Bad Education," playing Kyle Contreras alongside Hugh Jackman, Ray Romano, and Allison Janney in HBO's award-winning television movie on America's largest public school embezzlement case. He also appeared on the 2019 revival of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" as the main villain, Mr. Tophat, and played John Cook on Showtime's "The Good Lord Bird" miniseries. "Loki" Season 2, Episode 1 introduces X-5 as a seemingly strict TVA agent who delivers Mobius and B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) to the TVA's judges' council. Based on the Season 2 trailer, fans can expect to see more of Rafael Casal, who seems to be going by the alias Brad Wolfe outside of the TVA. However, you won't catch the actor revealing much about his character anytime soon. "I cannot even confirm or deny this," Casal joked in April in response to Screen Rant Plus interviewer Tatiana Hullender's comment that he's "Loki" Season 2. "But that's a cool show, and if I was on it, it would be so awesome. I'll bet Tom Hiddleston is the best, I think Owen Wilson seems like a really awesome guy, and that all that cast and crew, I'll bet, are fantastic to work with. And so I'm really excited to see what Season 2 has because I'm a fan." While Casal found a fun way to adhere to any NDAs he may or may not have with Marvel Studios, "Loki" Season 2, Episode 1 officially confirms his MCU debut as X-5, and based on his scenes, it's evident he had a great time filming alongside Hiddleston and Wilson.
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What Happens in Vegas- Never Ever Have I- Chapter Twenty One
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Summary- Evie and Sidney spend a few days in Las Vegas to attend the 2019 NHL Awards
Author's Note- It got a little long. Sorry, not sorry.
Warnings- SMUT(all consensual), alcohol use, gambling
@pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968 @equallyshaw @pensfan5871 @heatherloves87
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June 17th- Sidney and Evie’s hotel suite- Mandalay Bay hotel- Las Vegas 
“Evie,” Sidney called from the hotel suite bathroom as he unpacked their toiletries, “What do you want to do tonight?”
Evie hung Sidney’s suits and her dresses in the closet. “I don’t know,” she called back, “Besides the obvious gambling, what is fun to do in Vegas? I have never been here.”
“Wait, you have never been to Vegas? Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he walked into the room. She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, there are outstanding restaurants, shows, strip clubs, people watching…..” he added. Evie raised a single eyebrow at the mention of strip clubs. He noticed and pivoted the subject. “Nate is flying in a couple of hours. We could have dinner with him,” he suggested. 
“You pick the place, Beso,” she smiled, “It must have gluten and dairy, okay?” He nodded his head. “How early is your tee time tomorrow? Can we go out and explore after dinner?” 
"It's a ten AM tee time so I can do a late night out. We are in Vegas after all," he walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist. He began walking her to the bed. "Get naked while I make plans," he instructed as he walked back in the restroom to call the concierge for dinner and show reservations. 
"Beso, why am I getting naked? Is it nap time?" she called out coyly, "I thought we weren't sleeping yet to fight the jet lag.
He poked his head out of the bathroom, "I didn't say anything about sleeping.  It's time for my afternoon snack. Get it ready for me."
"And what is your favorite snack, Beso?" she teased.
"You know what it is. It's between your legs," he answered back.
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June 18th- Sidney and Evie’s hotel suite
"You're kidding me, right?" Sidney whined, "Seggy, please tell me that you're kidding me." Evie looked up from the couch in their suite. "Our tee time is in forty five minutes, buddy. If you want to weasel out of the bet, just let me know. No hard feelings," he said in frustration. "Where am I going to find another person to play?" he said as he observed Evie. "Hold on," he said to Tyler Seguin. "Evie, have you ever golfed? Do you want to come with us?" he asked.
She looked over, "Yes, I have played golf before, but I don't have anything packed to wear." Sidney shot her a pleading look. “I expect to be rewarded for this, but yes I will play,” she finally agreed. 
"Okay Seggy, we have our fourth," Sidney sighed. Seggy questioned him and he responded, "Yeah, It's Evie. Try to take it easy on her." Sidney hung up the phone, walked over and enveloped her in a hug. “You’re the best, Evie,” he kissed her cheek.
"By the way, what is the bet?" she asked, "Is it a team or an individual bet?" 
"Team," he answered, “Winning team wins $10,000”
“What are the teams?” she questioned.
“Nate and me, Seguin and …….” his voice trailed off and her eyebrows raised before he continued, “I mean I guess we can switch it so that you are on my team.”
“You don’t sound thrilled about the idea, Beso” she said softly. 
“I didn’t say that,” he countered weakly. 
“Do you not want to play with me? Think I will bring your score down?” she argued. 
“You thinking will bring my score down instead of up is the problem. You don’t even know the difference,” he laughed. 
“You knew what I meant, Beso,” she sighed heavily, “I will play with Tyler. I don’t want to play with a teammate who doesn’t believe in me.”
Sidney stammered, “I believe in you, Evie.”
“Yeah, just not in my golf skills. It’s okay. I know winning is important to you,” she smiled, “However don’t get too cocky. I may get lucky out there.”
Sidney smiled, “You are not mad?’”
“Nope, not at all. Just don’t come crying to me when Team Texas kicks your Novia Scotia asses,” she smiled, "Okay, I am sure that there is a pro shop at the club. Let's head over now and I will get some clothes."
Sidney and Evie got to the golf club fifteen minutes later. Sidney went to check in and get their golf cart and clubs. Evie ran to the pro shop and went on a mini shopping spree courtesy of Sidney's black AMEX. She dressed quickly and put her hair back in a ponytail before putting on her visor. When she emerged from the locker room, Sidney blinked and stared at her outfit. "The skirt is a little short, Evie," he said.
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"It's a skort. It was either this or dress like a grandma. If I am going to golf, I refuse to look bad doing it," she teased. She packed her bag with sunscreen and lipstick. "Let's go Crosby," she teased.
When they arrived back at the golf carts, Seguin and Mackinnon waited. Seguin gulped as he watched Evie examine her rental golf clubs. Her golf skort barely covered her ass. The sleeveless shirt stretched tight over her breasts. The neckline went down into a deep V that exposed her cleavage. The 87 charm dangled on her clavicle.
When she got her clubs onto the back of the cart, she went over to give Nate a hug. "Long time no see," she laughed even though they just had dinner together the previous night. She extended her hand to Seguin, "Tyler, right? Good to see you again. I'm Evie. We met in Dallas.”
"I remembered," he smiled, "Thanks for saving my ass." He gave her a wink. Sidney cleared his throat and Evie took her seat in the golf cart. She flashed a smile at Sidney, "Ready to kick ass, Beso?" She leaned over and kissed him passionately. 
As she did, Seguin watched from the cart behind. "Damn," he said to himself, "She's fucking hot." Nate smiled to himself and shook his head. Seggy shot him a look and shrugged, "Where's the lie?" 
Nate smiled, "Just don't let Sid hear you. He might tear your head off." 
"So tell me about the bet," Evie asked as the group stood at the tee box on their first hole. Nate laughed and walked away. 
"It is a match play style. The team with the best score per hole wins the hole. The team that wins the most holes wins the bet," Tyler explained. "What's the prize?" She asked.
Evie looked from man to man before Seggy admitted, "It's five grand buy-in. If we win, we split ten grand. If they win, they split five grand ."
"Why five for them ?" Evie asked, "Are you not counting me in the bet? 
Sidney smiled, "Evie, it's a ten grand team bet. Do you have five grand to bet?" She shot him a look. "Do you want to be in on the bet?" 
Seggy, "If we win, we’ll split the ten grand. If you lose, I will pay the entire ten grand and you won't owe anything. After all, you are saving from forfeiting altogether. Any objections?" He looked to other men who nodded in agreement.
“This is going to be the easiest money I’ve ever earned,” Nate laughed. Evie gave him a side eye. “Come on, Evie. You guys have no shot at beating us. Just give us the money, right now. I mean he may be a badass with the ladies but he isn’t good enough to carry both of you.” 
“You think he needs to carry me, Nate?” Evie smiled and went to select a club, “Talk to me in eighteen holes. You’ll be signing a different tune then.”  Sidney pointed out the driver and she gingerly selected it.The men insisted that Evie tee off first. She put her ball on the ladies tee. Sidney walked over and pointed to where she should try to hit the ball. He went back to watch her. Evie took the driver in her hand. "Oh God, Sid you gotta help her," Seggy giggled. 
Sidney approached Evie with a smile, "Let me show you." He stood behind her and placed his hands over hers. She felt his breath on her neck as he showed her how to swing. She looked back at him sweetly and he gave her a quick kiss. "Try now," he whispered and walked back to his original spot. She swung and made contact with the ball. It landed on the fairway, barely avoiding the sand trap. "Good girl," he praised. She smiled shyly and picked up her tee. Seguin raised his eyebrows at Sidney's praise. Sidney kissed her on the temple before he walked to tee off. He hit his shot and landed on the fairway. Evie cheered for him and rewarded him with a kiss when he went to select his next club. Nate shook his head and took his shot. 
Seggy approached the tee and looked back at Evie. She stood in front of Sidney who wrapped his arm and her waist and pulled her tight against his body. She gasped right as Seggy hit the ball as Sidney kissed her neck. His ball hooked left and went into the rough. "Tough break," Sidney commented. 
Evie caught the look of envy in Seguin's eyes as he glanced back. She smiled inwardly and walked to her ball. She looked back to see both Sidney and Seggy watching her ass. "Come on gentleman," she called as they stood and stared. 
“Hey,” Tyler called out, “We should switch up golf carts. It’s bad enough that Evie is sleeping with my enemy for the day, but does she have to ride in the same cart too?” She looked at Sidney and then back at Seguin. “Come on, Evie- we’re a team, remember?” he whined. 
Sidney grimaced and looked at Evie who smiled as she picked up her golf bag and moved it to the back of the second golf cart. Nate smirked as he placed his bag in Sidney’s golf cart. “Beso, what are you staring at?” she teased, “You could have had me on your team, but you were more concerned about your score. Enjoy your time with Nate.”
Tyler smiled as Evie slid into the seat next to him. “Welcome to Team Tyler,” he chuckled as he started the cart to take them up to their balls.
 "Team Texas," Evie corrected. "Listen, if I am going to ride with you, I need to control the music," she stated as she plugged her phone into the aux plug.
"Fair enough," he winked, “So Sid didn’t want you on his team?” Tyler leaned over and whispered in her ear, “If you were my girl, I would always have you on my team. I wouldn't let another man get close to you.” 
Evie smiled and looked the other way, "but I am not your girl and never will be."
"Come on Evie, let a guy dream," Tyler teased.
"Dream on, Tyler, dream on,"
They pulled up to their balls. Evie studied her ball thoughtfully. She looked back at Sidney who smiled smugly. "Ask your teammate," he said with a barely perceptible hint of annoyance in his tone. Evie raised an eyebrow and turned to that tattooed brunette. Tyler smiled and walked over to Evie. They spoke in hushed tones as Tyler explained how he would play the ball. She nodded in understanding as Tyler handed her the correct club to use. He moved back as Sidney studied Evie's form. It killed him internally to let her stand incorrectly but the desire to win prevented him from providing assistance. 
"You got this, Evie," Tyler encouraged as she approached the ball. She hit the ball and the foursome watched it sail through the air. Tyler smiled as the ball landed on the edge of the green. "EVIE!" Tyler screamed as she beamed. 
"Was that right, Tyler?' She smiled coyly. He nodded enthusiastically as she stood next to him. Together they watched Sidney and Nate take their turns before Tyler approached his ball and hit it with force. It landed within eight feet of the hole. Sidney and Nate groaned as Evie cheered loudly. By the time it was her turn on the green, the outcome of the hole had solidly decided. Tyler secured the win with an eagle. Still she focused and surprised the trio by finishing with par score. Evie and Tyler celebrated with an excited hug. Sidney raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 
The two teams traded victories with each hole for the first nine holes. Team Texas had the one hole advantage. The group decided to flag down the drink cart. While drinking her cocktail, Evie turned up the music on her phone and did a little cumbia dance to Selena’s “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom”. https://youtu.be/snlEdcHf7js
Sidney watched in bemusement as Evie grabbed Tyler’s hand to dance. The Canadian mimicked her footsteps and hip movements. They were breathless when the song ended and Sidney barked “Break time is over, Evie Rose.” 
“Don’t be grumpy because you are losing, Beso,” Evie shouted as she got into the cart with Tyler. 
“It’s just one hole, Evita,” he shouted back. 
“For now,” she yelled, “Let’s go, Seggy!” He started the cart and took off, cutting off Nate and Sid’s cart in the process. Evie leaned over and whispered in Tyler’s ear, “Want to know a secret?” 
“Absolutely, but why are you whispering?” Tyler responded. 
“Oh right,” she said in her normal voice “I may or may not have been playing to the best of my abilities for the first nine holes.” 
“Say what?” Tyler choked. 
“I told Sidney that I have golfed before, but I neglected to tell him just how much golf I’ve played,” she looked back at Sidney’s cart and returned her gaze to Tyler. His eyes widened in question. “I used to golf with my dad once a week. I was state champ my senior year of high school and went to Tech on a golf scholarship.”
“No fucking way,” he screamed before he lowered his voice, “You’re like a golf shark?”
“Try to keep up, okay?” she taunted, “But Team Nova Scotia is going down.”
Sidney’s eyes narrowed as he observed the interaction. There was something entirely too chummy about Seguin’s behavior towards Evie. However, what gnawed at him more was the fact that they were down a hole. “We’ll get it back on the back nine,” he thought to himself, “Evie can’t sustain this beginner’s luck.” Sidney watched as Evie danced in her seat next to Tyler. “Nah, let her distract him,” he chuckled, “I’ll use it to my advantage.”
Tyler insisted that Sidney and Nate tee off first for the last nine holes. Before Sidney walked up to the tee, Evie approached him with a sly smile. “Beso, I just wanted to wish you good luck,” she purred in his ear before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, “but you are going down.” 
“Care to make a side bet?” he chuckled. 
“After I beat you, I get to plan the evening activities and nothing is off the table,” she teased.
“Same for me when I win?” he retorted. She nodded her head yes. “Oh, and it’s individual scores against each other?” he questioned. 
“Yes, but starting now. The first nine holes don’t count.” she countered. 
Tyler looked at the ground and pretended not to listen, but inwardly he grinned. “He’s getting played. Well done, Evie, well done!” he laughed to himself. 
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When Evie teed off the tenth hole and landed perfectly on the fairway, Sidney’s jaw dropped. She flashed a quick smile before hopping into the cart for the next shot. She and Tyler were laughing as he approached his ball. “Hey,” he whined, “Can you keep it down?” Evie made an exaggerated movement to zip her lips while Tyler suppressed giggles. The giggle fest continued after Sidney needed multiple attempts on the putting green. The scenario replayed itself multiple times with Evie besting him at each hole. 
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“Hole fourteen goes to Team Texas,” Tyler gleefully announced, “For those playing along, that would put Team Texas at ten holes to Team Nova Scotia’s four holes. Do you want to concede defeat and head to the clubhouse?”
“Fuck no,” Sidney hissed, “Evie and I still have our side bet. I am not giving up yet.”
Evie tilted her head and walked over to Sidney, “Beso, are we going to have a repeat of Philadelphia and the face-off challenge?” He frowned at the memory and how childish he had behaved. He shook his head no and forced a smile. “Good, now let’s finish this,” she said as she ran her finger down his chest, “I have plans for tonight.” She turned and sashayed back to where Tyler stood. 
“Evie Rose,” Sidney called out to her, “You’re going to be the death of me.” 
“Oh, but a good way to die.” Tyler chimed in as Sidney rolled his eyes. “Hey Evie, how do you say little rose in Spanish?”
“Rosita,” she answered. 
“Come on, mi rosita,” he laughed, “Let’s finish him off.”
“Fuck this,” Nate whined, “I am hot and tired. I am going back in.”
“Oh no you are not, Nate,” Evie protested, “You are going to stay around and suffer the consequences for shit talking that you did. You should really apologize to Sid for having to carry your ass. Too bad he wasn’t good enough to carry you both.” 
Sidney rolled his eyes, “Don’t get too cocky, Evie. You are only two strokes ahead of me.”
Sidney made up ground on the next two holes, pulling himself into a tie with Evie. Tyler found himself invested in Evie’s victory and coached her through the next hole. She smiled and politely sent him back with a smack on the ass. He pulled ahead on hole seventeen when he score an eagle (Two strokes under par) to her birdie(one stroke under par). 
“Don’t panic, Rosita,” Tyler called as he flagged down the beverage cart. He bought two shots of tequila and handed one to Evie. “I have faith in you. Cheers to Team Texas forever!” They slammed the shots as Sidney hit a perfect shot onto the fairway. Evie followed suit. Sidney’s next shot hit cleanly from the fairway onto the green, ending up about eight feet from the hole. He finished with a respectable birdie. 
Evie lined up her shot from the fairway. She would need an eagle to tie and force sudden death. She crossed herself and said a silent prayer, “Come on Papa- help me out here.” She swung the club and watched as the ball landed on the green. It took a lucky bounce and started rolling towards the hole. “Go, go, go” she and Tyler shouted as the ball continued on its path. Sidney watched in horror as the ball made a beeline and bounced into the hole. “Double Eagle, double eagle!!!” she shouted, “Holy shit, I made a double eagle.” Tyler scooped her up and spun her around as Sidney watched in disbelief. 
“Rosita,” Tyler exclaimed, “You beat us all!” 
He put her down onto her feet and she looked tentatively at Sidney. She saw his jaw tense momentarily before he smiled at her. She tilted her head in question before he held out his arms. She ran into them and wrapped her arms around his waist. He too, spun her around before playfully smacking her ass. “You hustled me, Evie,” he laughed, “You hustled me.”
She smiled before kissing him hard, “Yes, I did.” 
“That’s my fault for not choosing you for my teammate,” he sighed, “I’ll never make that mistake again, Mon Etoile.” 
“No, not you won’t” she laughed, “Oh, the plans I have for you tonight.” 
“Can I come?” Tyler shouted, “I’ll be really quiet and just watch.”
“In your dreams, Seggy,” Evie shouted back, “In your dreams.”
Tyler pouted, “One day you’ll come to your senses, Rosita, and you’ll realize that you blew your shot.” 
Evie turned around and stuck her tongue out at Tyler, “You enjoy that fantasy tonight…. In your hotel room…..alone with your hand.”
Tyler shot back, "Oh Rosita, I won't be alone."
Evie smiled smugly, "Try not to scream my name, kay!" Tyler's jaw dropped as he was rendered speechless.
Sidney whispered as he put her down, “That’s enough, Princess.” 
Evie smiled and walked away from the group to the golf cart. Sidney followed and slid into the seat next to her. "Are you upset, Evie? he said softly. She looked at him. With a deft hand, she slipped his hat backwards on his head so she could look into his eyes. 
"Before I answer, tell me if you are upset with me," she replied. He tilted his head in question. "You know, for beating you or not shutting Seguin down," she said.
"You beat me fair and square- just like you beat in Philadelphia. I am not going to be a sore loser again and steal your joy. Enjoy your victory," he kissed her cheek.
"And Seggy?" She questioned.
"No, I am not upset about Seggy. It is just some playful flirting. He is not an actual threat," he smiled.
"You think?" She bopped his nose.
"He couldn't handle you, Evie. He has no idea how naughty you can be. No way he can treat you like the insatiable princess that you are," he grabbed her face and planted a firm kiss on her lips.
She licked her lips, “Okay, Mr. Crosby but I am warning you. Mr. Crosby will not be playing with his Princess tonight. I have other plans.”
Sidney burst out laughing, “I am not sure if I should be scared or turned on.” 
Sidney walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at the bed where Evie had carefully laid out his outfit for the evening- suit pants, dress shirt and coat. He smirked and poked his head back into the spacious bathroom. "You picked out my clothes too?" he joked. He had been pestering Evie for clues about their plans since they had returned from the golf club. She had sent him on a mission to find coffee and snacks so she could speak to the VIP concierge in peace. 
She looked up from where she was carefully applying her make-up. "Yes, I did, Beso," she answered, "Otherwise you would still try to pry information out of me." 
He walked behind her and pressed himself into her bottom as she bent over to apply her mascara. She let out a squeal. "I would rather try to pry something INTO you," he teased as she stared at his reflection. 
"Usually you don't have to pry it in, Beso. It slides in quite easily if I recall," she teased back, "You need to accept that I am in control tonight. Can you do that? For one night?"
"You know I like to be in control," he nipped at her shoulder, "You are such a good girl for me." 
"Trust me," she whispered, "Now let me finish. I will give you a hint- meat and potatoes"
"Steak? I get steak?" he smiled, "Fine, be in control for the night." He playfully smacked her ass and walked away to get dressed.
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When she emerged in her silver metallic dress, Sidney did a double take. The plunging neckline dipped down to her navel and her cleavage was on full display. The tulip hem was cut scandalously high. "I don't remember buying that dress, Evie," he stammered.
"You didn't. It came in stock after you left for Europe. Kelly thought it would be good for Vegas so I bought it." she explained, "It's sexy, right?"
"Very" Sidney deadpanned. He resisted the urge to add further comment. The dress left little to the imagination but he was surprisingly at peace with it. He studied her expression as she looked for his approval. It struck him that she chose this dress for no other purpose than to appear sexy for him. "Do a turn," he said softly, "I want to see it." She did a slow turn and looked over her shoulder with a smile. She added a butt wiggle which he met with a smile. "It's perfect. You look like the sexiest woman on earth," he complimented. 
She ran to him, "You really like it, Beso?" Evie had expected a more negative reaction. "It's only for you. Your opinion is the only one that matters."
"I do like it," he kissed her cheek, "I will have to beat off the men and women with a stick."
"Men and women?" She questioned.
"You have universal appeal, Evie. You would have to blind not to be attracted to you," he praised.
"Flattery will get you everywhere, Sir," she teased, "but it will not get you any more clues. Time to go."
Evie led Sidney downstairs and into the waiting limo. Evie sat close to Sidney and put her legs across his lap. "I wonder what Buddy is doing right now?" she giggled as they headed down the strip. He trailed his fingers up and down her thigh. "That was a good night. I hope tonight is just as memorable," she purred.
"Do we have time for a re-enactment?" He pondered aloud. He groaned as the limousine pulled to Caesars Palace. 
Soon his curiosity overtook his disappointment as Evie led them through the lobby and toward the Palm steakhouse. He noticed the lascivious stares and double-takes as she held his hand at first before she wrapped her arm around his. He grinned as she approached the maître d with a sweet smile. She spoke softly, "Yes, we have a reservation for Cole Harbour." She deftly slipped a one hundred dollar bill across into his palm. "We would like the most romantic and private booth possible," she stated. The gentleman nodded and led them to a table in the back of the restaurant. 
They sat next to each other in the circular booth. "I've always wanted to try this place, but haven't had the chance," he grinned, "How did you know?"
She nudged his shoulder with hers, "I did my research today." 
"What other things did you research?" He nudged back.
"Listen, Papi Chulo, you need to stop fishing for information or there will be consequences. Got it?" she warned.
"Ummm, what did you just call me?" He laughed.
"Cute daddy," she turned and caressed his thigh. His eyes shot up in surprise. "Even when I am the boss, you'll always be my Daddy," she playfully pouted, "But tonight Baby Girl is in control."
"You're hot when you're bossy," he smiled, "no more fishing, promise."
They ate their meal in a playful mood. Evie laughed as Sidney devoured his steak. He joked about needing the energy for the rest of the night. Sidney rolled his eyes as she moaned with each bite of creme Brule.
When they got back into the limousine, Sidney pulled her into his lap so she straddled him. His hands pushed her dress up and squeezed her ass. "Control yourself, Papi. Our next stop is soon" she scolded.
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"Evie," Sidney said in disbelief as they pulled up to the VIP entrance to the large strip club, "Are we at a strip club?" The limousine drive opened and the VIP host greeted them, "Ms. Montgomery?"  
Evie nodded and answered "That's me."
"Follow me," he stated as he escorted them into the club. After a quick scan of their IDs, they were take upstairs to a private sky box. Evie gripped Sidney’s hand tight as he walked in front of her through the club. Once again, Evie drew the stares of men as they walked by despite the presence of dozens of top less dancers. 
It was only once they safely inside the Sky box did they relax. The room was relatively small and cozy with a leather couch next to an open window overlooking the main stage. Evie walked nervously around the room to get her bearings. The confidence that she had exuded in the restaurant and limo seemed to be dissipating. She looked at Sidney nervously, "I have never been to a strip club before, Papi. I assume you have." He nodded his head. "How many times have you been to strip clubs? Will you teach me how to do it?" She asked with a hesitancy in her voice.
"Let's just say that I have been inside numerous strip clubs. I will admit that it's my first time with a date." Sidney smiled, "It looks like you pre-ordered bottle service. The Grey Goose is a good selection." She smiled timidly as he opened the bottle and made a vodka soda for himself. Then he opened the Malibu and made a drink for her. "Why did you bring me here, Evie?"
"You mentioned strip clubs yesterday. I thought it be a fun idea to pop my strip club 'cherry' with you." She offered. He eyed her suspiciously and she blushed. "Don't look at me like that, Papi," she pouted.
"What are you not telling me?" He asked gently.
She bit her lip and looked out the window. "Remember on the night we met and the subject of threesomes came up during the Never Have I game?" she questioned.
"Yes," he answered, "You took a drink and I didn't."
"And then later, you asked how you earned a threesome. I told you that you could have a threesome where you watched if you scored a hat trick and participate if you won the cup?" She asked.
"I remember," he said as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Do you also remember what happened when you played against the Avalanche in Colorado?" She continued.
"Yes, I got a natural hat trick," he said as he realized where Evie might possibly headed with this conversation.
"You haven't gotten your reward yet Papi," she reached for his hand and slipped it into her dress, "Do you want your reward, Papi?" 
Sidney blinked slowly. His mind raced with the idea that she was proposing to him. She was suggesting a threesome with a stripper. The visuals began immediately and his cock twitched. "Are you sure?" He questioned. He gently squeezed her breast as she wiggled her ass against him.
"Yes Papi," she moaned, "I want you to watch me play with one of these lovelies. Do you want to watch me play? Would that please you?"
"Fuck yes," he growled into her ear, "You have no idea."
"Help me choose," she purred, "Help me pick a beautiful one to fuck."
"Evie," he grunted, "let's look together."
"Do you have a type?" Sidney asked as he scanned the room below, "What hair color do you prefer?"
"No redheads," she spit out, "Not to malign all redheads but my failed threesome was with a redhead." He looked over at her with a questioning look. "She was an uninterested in me, but just wanted to fuck the guy I was with. He wanted to fuck her without "cheating". Her performance was pretty lackluster."
Sidney kissed her neck, "No redheads." His eyes scanned the room as Evie danced to the music. "What about her?" he pointed to a short brunette. Evie watched her on the side stage and shook her head no.
Their heads turned to the main stage as the DJ announced a new performer, Roxie. When the blonde stepped into the spotlight, Evie sucked in her breath. Her large bosom bounced lightly as she walked. Her hands slid over hips as she shook her ass. Evie's eyes lit up and she followed her sensual moves. Sidney picked up the room phone and arranged a private dance in the sky box. Evie watched intently as Roxie danced. Her hips mimicked Roxie's dance moves. Sidney whispered in her ear, "You like her, do you?" She nodded her head and kept her eyes on the dancer. "Tell me why," he nibbled her ear.
"I like her confidence when she walks and dances. She commands attention," Evie started, "I like her curves. She is softer than the rest of them."
Sidney grabbed her hips and brought her into him. "What do you want her to do during your dance?" He questioned. The visions were already driving Sidney crazy with desire, but listening to Evie speak added another level.
"I want her to grind her ass into my lap. I want her shake her tits into my face," she confessed, "Can I touch her? Is that allowed? I want to squeeze them."
Sidney laughed, "I think for the right price she will." 
Roxy's set ended and she was approached by the VIP host. The private dance request was made and the host pointed up the Sky Box. Roxy's blue eyes looked up and locked with Evie's eyes. Evie smiled and gave a shy wave. The dancer smiled broadly and made her way through the crowd. 
Evie turned to Sidney who paced the room on the phone. "Right, please go ahead and have the bottles and food delivered to the room. We will check in within the hour." He stopped and smiled at his love. "Taking care of details," he said softly as Evie crossed over to him. They clung to each other and he whispered, "I will take care of the logistics. You just give the sign if she is the one you really want."
They both turned when the door open. Roxie walked in with confidence. She politely declined a drink from Sidney as she grabbed Evie's hand. The blonde pulled her into her body and began a sexy roll maneuver. "Am I dancing for him or you,?" She purred. Evie pointed to herself and Roxie grinned. "Oh, that's even better," she laughed as she guided Evie to the couch. She pushed Evie down and stood in front of her. The robe slid off her shoulders and Evie crossed her legs together and squeezed them. 
Sidney took a seat in the chair perpendicular to the couch. He leaned forward on his elbows and watched. Roxie danced sensually in front of Evie for a minute before backing into her and grinding her ass into Evie's lap. "AM I allowed to touch you?" She spoke hesitantly. Roxie took Evie's hand and placed it on her breast. Sidney adjusted himself as Evie made eye contact with him. She mouthed the word yes and Sidney nodded. A second hand came to Roxie's breasts and squeezed lightly. Evie whispered to her, "You're so hot. You turned me on so much."
Sidney's eyebrows raised at Evie as Roxie stood up and squatted in front of her. She pushed Evie's dress up so that her panties were exposed. Roxie blew softly through the thin fabric of the panties. She looked up as Evie threw her head back and moaned softly. Roxie looked back at Sidney who waved her off and pointed her attention back to Evie.
Roxie stood up and straddled Evie's thighs. Evie's hands slid onto Roxie's ass and pulled her closer. Roxie moaned softly before pressing her knee into Evie's crotch. "Mmmmm, you like what you see? I'm sorry- what is your name?"
Evie rocked her hips and squeezed Roxie's ass, "Evie and that is my Papi Chulo." 
Roxie turned to Sidney, "Papi, you like watching your girl getting dry humped? Do you like watching her get herself off on me?"
Sidney licked his lips, "Very much so." He glanced at Evie and mouthed, "Are you sure?" She continued press herself against Roxie's knee and nodded vigorously. "I think Evie would like to continue this in a more private location. Would you be willing to provide that additional service at our hotel room across the street?" Evie's eyes flashed at that bit of information. Sidney smiled sweetly at Evie in an unspoken message of "Trust me." 
"Two person or three person play?" Roxie asked.
"Just the two of you with an observer," Sidney answered 
"Vanilla or Kinky?" Roxie prodded. 
Sidney looked at Evie and shrugged, "Your choice Mamacita." 
Evie whispered, "Vanilla."
Roxie studied Sidney. She noted his tailored suit jacket, his expensive wristwatch and shoes. She observed the way he stared at Evie in a mixture of complete adoration and willingness to do whatever it took to please her. He was not your typical big spender looking to get off. No, this was solely for her. 
Roxie then studied Evie who still had her increasingly damp panties pressed against her knee. She pushed Evie's hair back from her face and then rubbed her thumb across Evie's bottom lip. Evie's mouth opened and she sucked on Roxie's thumb softly. 
"Five grand," Roxie offered, "Off the books and the rest of your entertainment credit."  Evie blinked. She had no idea what her fantasy fulfillment would cost so much. 
Sidney got up and walked to the women. "May I have a moment with Evie?" he asked genteelly. Roxie got up and walked to the window that overlooked the main floor. Sidney leaned down and kissed Evie's cheek, "Tell me what you want."
Evie whispered, "It's so much money." 
Sidney shook his head, "It's a once in a lifetime experience. The money is not a factor." She stared into his eyes. "The only thing I care about is you and if you want to do this. Not because you think you need to reward me because of a flippant comment you made months ago. Do you want to fulfill this fantasy for both of us?
"Yes,please," she whispered.
Sidney got up and handed his phone to Roxie, "Enter your contact number and I will contact you with the room number." Evie stood and adjusted her dress back down. "Give us thirty minutes," Sidney instructed.
"It will take me at least that long," Roxie responded. 
Sidney nodded his understanding. He grabbed Evie's hand and guided her down the stairs to the main level. They were passing the VIP area when Evie felt a hand grab her arm. She twisted around and stared straight into the eyes of Tyler Seguin. "Rosita" he said in a joyful but slurred voice, "Funny running into you here."
Evie gave him a warm smile before flashing Sidney a worried look. "I thought you weren't going to spend the night alone, Tyler." 
"I am not alone," he teased, "My new friend, Destiny, is going to keep me company." Evie looked over and saw the brunette dancer that bore a striking semblance to herself."
"I see you are keeping that dream alive," Evie teased, "See you tomorrow." Sidney tugged at her hand and she went to move.
"See, I told you that I am going to wear you down, Rosita" he laughed. 
"Back off, Seggy, back off," Sidney warned. He turned and tugged at Evie's hand. They made a beeline out of the club and made the quick walk to hotel across the street.
 Within minutes, they were checked into the one bedroom suite with the view of the Strip. Evie paced nervously as Sidney poured more drinks. He looked at Evie and smiled. "I am nervous, Sidney," she whispered, " What if I don't know what to do?" Sidney laughed out loud. He doubled over in a fit of giggles and looked to find Evie studying his face. 
He stood up, "I am sorry, Evie, but that is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Are you really concerned about whether you are going please her? Make her cum?" She stared before looking down. Sidney crossed to her and wrapped his arms around her, "Of course you are. Oh, Evie, there is nothing to worry about. Your tongue game is strong. Just remember how you like to be touched and licked then do the same."
Sidney sensed her apprehension and squeezed her tight "Say the word and I will shut it down. No questions asked. I will shut it down and get her out."
He reached down and lifted her chin, "You are about to rock her world. Go get undressed. She will be here soon."
Evie walked back into the room dressed in the hotel robe just as Roxie knocked on the door. Sidney kissed her gently before he answered. Roxie entered the suite. Sidney offered her a drink while Evie watched shyly. Roxie walked around the suite, "Nice room. You really pulled out all the stops. You know that you don't have to seduce me." 
Evie smiled and walked over to the curvy blonde and kissed her cheek, "My Papi Chulo always spoils me. It is what he does." 
Roxie looked over at Sidney who shrugged his shoulders. She smiled as she dropped her trench coat to reveal her nude body. "Ready to play?" Evie asked and dropped her robe as well. 
Sidney shut the door after paying Roxie. He turned to walk back into the bedroom of the suite. She rolled over onto her side and hummed softly. They had not spoken after Evie gave Sidney the signal that she was done. She had lost count of orgasms she had both given and received. She sat up as Sidney walked to the bed. 
"Evie," He moaned as took off his shirt. Her fingers worked feverishly to free his throbbing cock from his pants. "I need you," he panted, "I need to be inside of you." She got on her hands and knees.. "Damn," He groaned as he slid into her.
"Papi, give it to me. I need you to give it to me," she moaned as he grabbed he hips roughly. His strokes were fast and frantic. He had spent two hours watching Evie fuck and get fucked in almost every imaginable way. The mental images flooded his mind as he pounded her hard and heavy. "Please," she pleaded, "Cum for me. Show me how much you liked watching it."
Sidney's usual chatty talk had been replaced by animalistic grunts and groans. His orgasm came quickly with overwhelmed him with the intensity. He whimpered as he collapsed onto her. Aftet a minute, he slid out and she rolled over. Sidney placed hjs head on her chest and her fingers instinctively went to his hair and stroked softly.
They clung to each other in stunned silence. Evie whispered finally, "Beso?' He looked up at her with a soft grin.
"Yes?" He answered.
"Are you still my Beso?" She questioned.
His eyes searched her face. She desperately tried to make it appear neutral but he could detect the anxiety hidden beneath the surface. He twisted his torso and pushed up on his elbows.
"I will always be YOUR Beso," he replied, "Nothing you did tonight changed that."
"Can i ask you something?" She spook meekly.
"Anything," he answered sweetly.
"Did you like it? Was it what you You imagined?' She probed.
"It was better than I imagined. You were in complete control. I liked watching you come undone from the spectator position. I saw new things I had never noticed before," he commented, "And you?
"It was different than I imagined. I liked it but it wasn't as good as playing with you." she blushed. He tilted his head and she added, "No love like with you." He kissed her softly. "The hottest part was watching you watch me. You were so turned on. I am surprised you weren't stroking yourself." She said.
"Are you really surprised, Mon Etoile?" He asked, "You know why though." She raised an eyebrow. "You're the only woman that sees that now. It is only for you," he smiled.
Evie ran her fingers down his belly, "Only for me?"
He took her hand and placed it lower, "You and only you. I don’t want anyone else."
"Show me, Beso" she purred, "I want you to show me again and again."
June 19th-NHL awards- Mandalay Bay Events Center
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"Mr. Crosby, right this way" the public relations assistant instructed. Sidney let go of Evie's hand and took a step toward the red carpet before he turned back. 
"I will go as quickly as possible," he spoke softly.
"Take your time" she smiled, "I will be right here." 
He turned and looked down the red carpet. It was filled with couples posing for photos and players doing interviews. He spun around and marched back to Evie. He grabbed her head and pulled her towards the red carpet. "Come with me, Evie," he called back to her. 
She stumbled slightly before righting herself before stammering, "Beso, are you sure? Don't you need to run it by someone? How do I look?"
Sidney led them to the first photo mark. He grabbed and spoke confidently, "Yes, I am sure I want to show off my future wife. Why do I need to run it by anyone? You are the most beautiful woman on earth. It is impossible for you to look anything but gorgeous. Now breathe and smile."
They turned together and faced the cameras. A wave of "Sid, Sid, Sid" hit them followed by "this way, this way." He led them to the second photo mark and they repeated the routine. "Sid, who is the girl?" Sidney smiled and ignored the question one time. "Come on Sid, who's the girl?" the photographers repeated.
Sid turned to Evie. She turned when she felt his gaze. They shared a smile before he turned back. "This is Evie, my girlfriend," he beamed. 
They walked the remainder of the photography portion before pausing to wait there. The assistant asked quickly, "Evie, I need your last name. I am sure that I will get questions about it."
Evie gulped, "Montgomery. Evelyn Montgomery."
"Great. Now Mr. Crosby, you know the drill. I will be guiding you through each media station. Will Ms. Montgomery join you for the interviews?" The assistant quizzed.
Sidney smiled and squeezed her hand, "Yes- yes, she will."
 Evie's head swiveled to him, "What? What am I supposed to say?"
Sidney caressed her cheek, "Stand, smile and look gorgeous. If they ask you a question, answer it. You are more articulate and witty than ninety five percent of the people attending."
For a moment, Evie forgot where they were and she leaned into his caress. The assistant cleared her throat. "Okay, first one up."
Through five interviews, Evie stood and listened to Sidney being interviewed as the consummate professional. He spoke about the early playoff exit, his thoughts of the season and hopes for the next season.
During the sixth interview, the subject of Sidney's European trip was broached. He spoke of his time with Mike, but absolutely beamed when he mentioned Evie joining him to travel through Bavaria and Switzerland. The reporter turned to Evie and asked, "What is it like to travel with road warrior like Sidney?"
"Well, this was certainly different than his typical travels so he was much more relaxed than normal. I think the fact there was zero chance of being checked into the boards helped," she joked.
"It was definitely the company- much prettier than my teammates," he laughed.
"I don't know. Letang is pretty damn pretty," Evie countered.
"True, true- sorry Tanger," Sidney smiled and pulled closer into his body.
The assistant interrupted and ushered them into their final interview. The male reporter peppered Sidney with the usual questions. The reporter then turned to Evie. "Tyler Seguin was bragging about beating Sid and Nate at golf yesterday. He did admit that your double eagle sealed the deal. Sidney is notorious for his competitive streak..How did he handle the loss?" He asked.
Evie paused and looked at Sidney before answering, "First, Tyler is being far too kind to me. Tyler secured the team win. My double-eagle sealed my win over Sidney." He playfully rolled his eyes. "In regards to Sidney’s passionate approach to any competition, he is working on limiting it to the ice. He handled his loss with much grace and humility," she continued. 
"I won't let her play against me in the future," Sidney smiled.
The reporter asked, "You didn't choose her to be on your team,? Big mistake!"
"I know!" Sidney laughed.
"In his defense, he wasn't aware of my golf experience, particularly my state championship and scholarship to Tech," she interjected.
"You hustled ME!" Sidney exclaimed.
"There that's competitive spirit we all know and love," the reporter joked. Sidney blushed and the assistant ushered them away. 
"That was great. You complement each other very well," the assistant gushed. "You'll head in now. I will come get for your part on stage," she instructed.
After their exit, the media turned to each other in a state of shock. Did the notoriously private Sidney Crosby not only walk the red carpet but also laugh and joke during interviews? 
"Come on Evie" Sidney yelled from the bar, "We are doing shots!" She walked over and took the shot from his hand. Sidney raised his shot, "To my Star- Evie- I love you!!!" 
Evie blushed and downed the shot. Sidney was uncharacteristically jovial thanks to 4 rounds of shots and 5 beers. So far, he had kept his horniness under control. The group had migrated from the events center to the casino.
Sidney picked up Evie and spun her around. "Evie, I have had the best time tonight," he said excitedly.
"Beso, I am so glad," she kissed his cheek.
"I love you, Mon étoile," he whispered into her ear, "I can't wait until you're my wife. I want you to be my wife."
"I know, Beso. I can't wait to be your wife either," she whispered as he squeezed her tighter. 
Sidney looked around and his eyes lit up. "Wait,' he exclaimed, "We don't have to wait! We are in Vegas. We can get married right now."
Evie laughed, "Get married now? Are you serious?"
Sidney sat her feet back on the ground and squatted to look into her eyes, "Yes, let's do it. There is no reason to wait. I love you and you love me. Let's get married."
Evie looked around frantically. Her mind raced with a million different thoughts going in a million different directions. She turned and stared into Sidney's eyes. "I don't know, Beso," she said softly.
Sidney grabbed her hand and pulled her to the roulette table. "Let's bet. If we win, it's a sign to get married. If we don't win, we take another shot and go upstairs and fuck until the sun comes up," he proposed.
"What number and color?" She asked. She was half-convinced that this was the rantings of a drunk and horny man.
"29- it is my dad and Taylor's number. Red for Canada," he said matter-of-factly.
"Holy shit, Beso" she gasped, "Let's bet." Evie smiled at the impulsivity of the idea.
Sidney reached into his pocket and took a red, five dollar chip out. He placed it on the square as croupier called for bets. He spun the wheel and then spun the ball. It bounced around the wheel.
Sidney grabbed Evie's hand as they both watched the ball several more times before landing in the red 29 slot.
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The croupier announced "29, red, odd'. Evie and Sidney both stared in disbelief before jumping up and down, "We won! We won!" Sidney yelled, "We're getting married!"
Evie yelled back, "What do we do now?"
He grabbed her hand and they raced to the VIP concierge desk, leaving the group in the dust. Evie paced excitedly as Sidney explained the situation. Within minutes, they were in a town car headed to the Clark County marriage bureau. 
Together they snuggled and giggled in the back seat of the car. Evie hummed "Going to the Chapel" while Sidney googled twenty four wedding chapels. "Mon Etoile, do you want Elvis to marry us or we can do the mob wedding?" He asked.
She looked over at his phone, "Those are the only options?" 
"They have traditional ceremonies too," 
"What do you prefer?" She asked.
"Elvis," He smiled.
"Sounds good," she answered as they pulled up to the marriage bureau. 
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Despite the late hour, there was a lobby full of couples waiting to apply for their marriage licenses. One of the perks of Nevada was the ability to obtain a marriage license the day of your ceremony. Sidney took a number. It was 87. They smiled to each other and they found a spot to wait. 
Sidney looked around the room and observed the others waiting. Attire ranged from shorts and flip-flops to formal dresses. He looked at Evie in her green sequined dress with the split to her thigh. It wasn't exactly the wedding dress he had been envisioning since Valentine’s Day. 
He remembered the ballroom at the Fairmont and how beautifully Adriana had decorated it. The memory of their dance to "At Last" made him smile. He looked over at Evie.
She was looking around the room as well. Evie watched the people. There some couples huddled together, ready to begin their new lives. Other couples were surrounded by a few friends. A few, though, were surrounded by large groups of families and friends. Evie's mind drifted to Adriana and Mateo. She had assumed that they would accompany her to pick out her dress. 
Then she thought of Trina and Troy. What would they think about missing their son's wedding? She knew that, obviously, her parents would not be there but she looked forward to Troy's reassuring presence to ease her nerves. He was, after all, the closest thing she had to a father. 
She felt the tightness in her chest and the lump form in her throat. Tears formed quickly. "Number 87" the clerk called. Sidney squeezed her hand and she looked up.
"Evie?" Sidney whispered.
She opened her mouth to speak and closed it. She looked around again and spoke quietly, "I don't want to get married tonight."
He blinked and squeezed her hand. She spoke again, "I don't want to get married here. I am sorry, Beso. I know we won the bet, and then got your number and those were signs."
He kissed her, "Me either."
"Why?" She questioned.
"I want the big wedding. You deserve the princess dress. I want to watch you walk down the aisle," he asserted.
"Oh" she said.
"And you?" He asked.
"I want our family there- your mom, dad and sister. I want to dance with Adriana and Mateo. I want your team there and Nate," she explained.
"Number 87" the clerk called again.
They turned and looked. Sidney stood up and held out his hand. She placed her hand in his hand. Together they walked out of the lobby to the sidewalk. Sidney suddenly stopped and pulled her to him.
"I love you, Evie," he spoke softly before he kissed her. "I DO want to marry you, just not tonight."
"I know, Beso," she returned his kiss.
"What should we do now?" He asked.
"There is always plan B," she laughed.
"Which was?" He asked.
"Go back to the suite and fuck all night," she reminded him.
"Oh yeah," he laughed, "Plan.B works."
THE NEXT MORNING-June 20th- Sidney and Evie's hotel suite
Sidney woke up and immediately reached for Evie. Her spot in the bed was cold to the touch. He raised up on his elbows and searched the room for her. "Mon Etoile?" He called without an answer. Slowly he got out of bed and walked into other room. He found her curled up on the gray velvet couch. 
"Hey," He said as he walked to the couch, "What time it it?
She quickly wiped her tears and turned to him, "It's a little after eight."
He sat next to her, "Evie, why are you crying?" He placed his hands on her cheeks, "Are you upset about last night?"
She shook her head, "The almost wedding?" He nodded yes. She leaned her cheek into his right hand, "No, it was a fun little adventure but we made the right decision."
"Then what is it?" He asked gently.
"I just got sad when I remembered that it's our last day together," she sighed.
They were set to leave that afternoon on a flight back to Pittsburgh. Sidney would leave early tomorrow morning to head to Nova Scotia. They would be apart for two weeks before Evie flew up for the weekend. After ten full days together, the separation would be especially painful.
"I understand. Can I make a comment?" He whispered. 
"Of course," she whispered back.
"Tomorrow is going to bad, but today doesn't have to be," he looked into her eyes. "We had bad day before left each other last month," he smiled, "I don't want to repeat that. I have you for another twenty hours. Let's make the most of it."
"Okay, Beso," she returned his smile, "Twenty four more hours together. No more tears."
"That's my good girl," he teased.
"Mmmmm, Beso," she laid back and pulled him on top of her.
"Yes, Evie?" He kissed her neck.
"You know what that does to me," she moaned, "Oh God, what you do to me."
"What do you want me to do to you?" He panted as he spread her legs with his massive thigh. 
"Anything you want, Beso," she whimpered as her hips rocked against his thigh. 
"I am going to fuck you again and then treat you like my princess all day," he whispered into her ear, "That's what I want to do to you."
"Yes,please," she replied as he slid into her wetness.
"I love you my princess," he reminded her as he fucked her deeply but slowly. 
"Not as much as I love you," she kissed,  "Not as much as I love you."
Later, after a leisurely bath, Sidney and Evie dressed casually for a stroll down the strip. They held hands as they walked through the Luxor Casino. They went out and made their way down Las Vegas Blvd. 
At a souvenir shop on the Strip, Evie picked out three Christmas ornaments for their trees in Pittsburgh and Nova Scotia. Sidney selected a picture frame for Evie’s office. 
At lunch time, Sidney surprised Evie by taking to the Eiffel Tower restaurant for a late brunch. Over their waffles and bellinis, Sidney described Paris to her. He excitedly explained all of the placed he wanted to take her. 
She grinned, "Did you think of me the entire time?"
He kissed her hand, "Evie, with the exception of when I am on the ice during a game, I am ALWAYS thinking of you."
"Evie……" he whispered, "Do  you want me to take you there next summer? On our honeymoon?"
She smiled and shrugged. He paid the check and they left the restaurant. Sidney tried to entice her into a shopping spree at Caesars Palace forum shops, but she politely declined. Sidney raised an eyebrow, "Princess….."
"Mr. Crosby, do I need to remind you of the five thousand dollars that you spent in addition to the club tab?" She reminded him.
"Princess, you will let me spoil you," he playfully grabbed her hand and smacked her ass.
She grinned, "If you insist."
One hour later, they had significant damage on his black card at Agent Provocateur and Christian Louboutin. On the way back out to the Strip, they passed the Jimmy Choo store. Evie walked passed without pausing. She was nearly a full store away when Sidney called her name. She turned around and saw him staring at the shoe display. 
She walked back slowly, "Beso, do you see some shoes you like?"
He pointed a pair of evening pumps
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They were a modified Mary Jane style covered in crystals and small pearls. The strap across the top of the foot was covered in larger pearls. He looked up at Evie and smiled. "They're stunning. Don't you think Evie?" He questioned.
 She stepped closer, "They are gorgeous, Beso." Delicately, she picked up the shoe and examined it carefully. The craftsmanship was impeccable. She glanced at the almost three thousand dollar price tag and put it down swiftly. She turned to walk away.
"You don't want them, Evie?" He asked.
"No, I don't," she stated.
"Why not?" He quizzed.
"They are three thousand dollar shoes. I don't need three thousand dollar shoes, especially those shoes," she answered tersely.
"Why especially these shoes?" He asked with confusion in his voice.
She stepped close to him and whispered, "Those are bridal shoes. I don't need bridal shoes- much less, three thousand dollar bridal shoes."
"I think you should try them on," he suggested.
"Beso, are you listening to me?" She pleaded. He tilted his head and looked legitimately confused. "There are limits to how much spoiling I can take. It gives me anxiety to spend money like this," she explained, "You love to do it. I get that, but there is only so much I can accept before I start feeling like a gold digger."
"Evie," he interjected, "You are not a gold digger."
"I said FEEL like a gold digger," she explained, "It has been a lot over the past couple of months- the shopping spree, the trip to Europe, the trip here, etc."
"Okay, I understand," he bent down and kissed her gently, "I have no limits and you do. I respect your limits."
"The shoes are amazing though" she whispered.
"So when does the spoiling limit reset? A day? week? Inquiring minds want to know," he teased.
"I am walking away now," she smiled "but it's longer than a day, shorter than a year." She turned and walked away, leaving Sidney literally holding the shopping bags.
"It's okay, Princess. I've got these," he called to her as she sashayed away from him. 
"I have faith you in Mr. Crosby," she called back.
Fifteen minutes later, they stood on the Strip debating what to do next. Sidney lobbied for the leisurely gondola ride while Evie lobbied in favor of the Rollercoaster at New York, New York hotel. In the end, the cuddle possibilities won out.
As the gondola pushed off from the indoor "dock" Evie leaned back against Sidney’s chest. Both stretched their legs out in front of them. Sidney’s hand found Evie's hand and caressed it with his thumb. They hummed as they enjoyed the leisurely ride.
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"So who is a better ride partner, Beso? Mike or me?" She joked.
"Definitively you, but Venice had better views," he laughed. "Maybe we can go back next summer," he added.
Evie didn't respond at first. He felt a distinct chill come over her, but she kept a steady and calm surface demeanor.
"Or not," he said quietly. She sighed deeply. "What's going on Evie? I thought we were going to have no tears today," he spoke softly.
"I am not sad, Beso. I am frustrated," she said meekly.
"Why?" He asked, "What did I do?"
"It's not something that you did intentionally," she sighed again. 'Let's just talk about it another time."
"No, tell me," he insisted.
She sat up and twisted around to face him. "Are we engaged or not?" She blurted out quickly. 
Sidney blinked and paused before speaking, "You know we aren't, Evie."
"Then why do you act like we are? Between the "almost wedding" last night, all the honeymoon talk and you trying to buy me bridal shoes, it is confusing as hell." She spoke quickly, "I get it. You want me to know your intentions. You want to make sure that I know that you aren't going to dump me like Thad. But it makes me feel confused and disappointed."
"Confused? Disappointed?" He questioned.
"Do we need to book a venue? I mean, you keep talking about next summer but things have to be planned, Beso," she rambled, "Should I start looking at dresses? I don't want to be the girl at the bridal soon with no ring. It makes me feel desperate and pushy" 
"Look, you want me to marry you, ask me to marry you" she stated, "Until then, I don't want to talk about it anymore." Sidney grabbed her hand and squeezed. "You want to talk about our future life- great, but no more wedding talk until we are officially engaged."
"I didn't mean to confuse you. I hate that you feel that way," he said as he pulled him to his chest.
"It wasn't intentional, Beso. I know it wasn't," she nuzzled her face into his chest, "I feel better now that I said something."
The gondola pulled back to the dock and Evie groaned lightly. Sidney reached into his wallet and pulled out some cash. "One more time around, please," Then he pulled her onto his chest. She smiled and snuggled into him. 
"So tell me what there is to do in Nova Scotia when I get there," she asked. 
Sidney smiled and started telling about summer in his hometown.
June 21st- Pittsburgh International Airport
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Evie stood to the side of the check-in desk at the Pittsburgh International as Sidney checked his luggage for his flight to Halifax. He turned and walked to her. He wrapped his arms around her petite frame and lifted her into a tight hug. 
"Beso? How much longer?" She whispered.
"I need to get through security in the next five minutes," he replied calmly.
"Okay," she replied softly.
"Baby Girl, no tears, remember," he reminded her.
"Yes, Daddy" she smiled and kissed his cheek, "Will you hold me until it's time?"
"Yes, Baby Girl," he squeezed her tight, "Tell me what was your favorite part of our adventure? What will you remember it forever?"
"I'll remember all of it forever, but my favorite part was you. You will always be my favorite part of life," she kissed him softly.
"You stole my answer, Evie. You stole my answer," He kissed her deeply until it was time to go. "Evie, it's time," he said in a hushed tone.
"Okay, have a safe flight. Text me when you get home. Give lots of hugs to your family until I get there," she hugged him tight. 
He walked through the security gate and turned to wave to her. She waved back and blew a kiss. He dramatically caught it and drew his hands to his heart.
She turned to go. "Two weeks," she thought to herself, "I can do two weeks."
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