sleepingcapacity · 1 month
15 hrs in to this fast... I'm going pretty well. Haven't had my coffee yet, but I might have one 30 minutes or so.
Weight this morning 181lbs
Nothing really planned today.
Got to let the dogs out, do dishes, and then keep up with the laundry. Might go on a walk around the land, but we will see.
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somewherefreezing · 4 months
Hey ED and SH peeps, I wanna be friends 🫶
I'm 18 and have been struggling with disordered eating and s3lf-h4rm for several years now. I'd like to find people of similar age who share the same problems, we can all be miserable together ^_^;
Current stats: 5'6 - 136lbs - bmi 21.9
sw 181lbs ▪︎ gw 120lbs ▪︎ ugw 110lbs
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th1nandb0ne · 3 months
i will probably almost never post but i wanted to put my stats at the top:) my names kae and i’m 23. my messages are always open and i’m looking to make friends!
sw: 181lbs
cw: 182lbs
gw1:🔒 160 (Buy room decor)
gw2:🔒 140 (?)
gw3:🔒 120 (?)
ugw:🔒 110 (?)
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riallasheng · 1 year
1 (thunderbirds), 7 (tracy boys), 24 for the ask game?
Canon I outright reject John being the middle born XD He is the second born gosh darn it all XD Can't really think of another bit of canon I outright reject off the top of my head, although I'm certain there are a few 'I reject your reality and substitute my own' points ^^
This is gonna get long, so under the readmore!! ^^
7. Age, height, weight headcanons Because I am a MASSIVE OLD GEEKWOMAN I actually have this in my gDocs and legit just need to pull it up XD -Scott Chuck Tracy: 30 years old in 2065 (born 2035, April 4th) 6'3" (just using the canon here) 216 lbs (Scott is drawn as being cruiserweight to heavyweight in the comics, and described as 'powerfully built' in the books, so I gave him the weight class that is on the high end of his height and the border between cruiser and heavyweight rather than the lanky nearly to beanpole of TaG ^^)
-John Yuri Tracy: 28 years old in 2065 (born 2037, October 8th) 6'4" (again, just using canon) 190 lbs (John is drawn lean, but not a beanpole in the comics and is described as 'lithe' in the novels, so I've got him above the low end for a 6'4" man, but not in the upper end of 225lbs)
-Virgil Buzz Tracy 25 in 2065 (born 2040, August 15th) 6' (I used Tyler Hoechlin for his face-claim as his face shape is well-nigh perfect for him and thus gave Virgil Tyler's height and build, rather than the 5'10" that is, I think, canon. Hoechlin's build is Virgil's canon build however. About cruiserweight to maybe heavyweight ... yes in the comics/novels Scott is actually buffer than Virgil XD ) 172lbs
-Gordon Jim Tracy 22 in 2065 (born 2043, February 14th) 5'10" (gordon's puppet is the shortest of the brothers, then Virgil's, then Alan's, then Scott's, then John's. Virgil got a bit of a 'growth spurt' due his face claim, but Gordon stayed the shortest XD) 170lbs (I looked up weights of professional olympic swimmers in the Gordon's height range and used the average for Gordon's weight. I figure he's build like a professional swimmer, even after the accident)
-Alan Neil Tracy 19 in 2065 (born 2046, March 12th) 5'10.5" (he is VERY proud of that half in he's got on Gordon XD ) 181lbs (Alan is actually the heaviest in build of the brother's, a bit more powerful / buffer than Scott - it's a build he inheritated from / shares with Jeff. Both Jeff and alan are drawn buff, nearly stout, in the comics. Which fits with the fact that alan is shown to be capable of a one punch KO in the TV show
24. Most Annoying Habit hmmmmm... Not sure off the top of my head ^^;; I'll see if I can think of something and do a reblog / addition to this later
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zom-rexia · 3 months
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My @na Blog✨️
AGE: 25Y/O
SW: 205lb/92kg
CW: 181lb/82kg
1ST GW: 150lb/77kg
2ND GW: 120lb/54kg
Ultimate GW: 105lb/47kg
My whole life I struggled with b!nge ED. Going back and fourth between comfort foods and h8ting myself after the b!nge. Every morning I would stare in the mirror and not recognize who was staring back. Two months ago, my whole mindset changed when I hopped on the scale and saw my biggest weight yet, 205lb. I resented myself and my love for food. Making an @na account was my best decision yet knowing there is a whole community out there who understands people with di$order eating and supports you every second of the way.
Im still f@t and this is just the beginning so stick around until the end. 💕
Before & Current pics of my progress so far:
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tays-trauma-dumpp · 3 months
im so pissed off im fucking done
i cant lose the weight it’s impossible for me im stuck between 179.8-181lbs no matter what i do and im fucking done
i dont know what im doing wrong im still not eating and exercising and nothing is fucking working i havent lost a single pound all month
im so upset im fucking shaking i dont get it i hate myself so much and all of this work is for nothing
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pudgecuddles · 11 months
What are the current weights and sizes of the Skyrim AU boys? Within the current storyline of course.
Okay so. Currently it's this:
Seokjin: 181lbs. Pudgy tummy and perky breasts, mostly due to a prank that Jungkook and Hoseok pulled. They were testing an instant weight gain potion on him secretly and it worked well. He tries to lose the weight, but stress eats pretty often resulting in it going nowhere. In fact, he's pretty sure his belly didn't hang down THAT far last he checked. Oh what to do...
Yoongi: 349lbs. Very fat. Mostly belly with a wide ass. Likes to sit and read, hates exercise. Has to feed every two weeks minimum on Jungkook, but his blood is super fattening since he’s the Dragonborn. Unfortunately, Yoongi is basically addicted to Jungkook’s blood and wont be satisfied with anything else, fortunately he’s a retired thief and doesn’t need to be slim and sneaky anymore.
Hoseok: 143lbs. Slim. For now. He still has an education to acquire, and undead beasts to slay. He can’t afford to start gaining now. No matter how tempting joining Jungkook’s fat boy orgy would be.
Namjoon: 304lbs. Huge hard belly gut. Almost all of it is visceral fat. May be a werewolf, but should have been a Bear if you know what I mean. Jungkook encourages his overeating and he just can’t seem to stop getting fatter. Luckily he’s a pretty big guy to begin with, so he holds his weight well and can still hold his own in a fight. His armor though… he really needs to get it taken out again.
Jimin: 134lbs. Slim, mostly because he needs to take care of Taehyung. Always wonders what it would be like to let go like his friend, but shrugs the thought off.
Taehyung: 781lbs. Super morbidly obese. He is basically immobile and lays propped up in bed all day. Gets visits from Hoseok once a month to make sure he’s still healthy and doesn’t have any bedsores or illnesses related to his size. Pretty much all belly rolls, he also has a wide ass and plump boy breasts. If you asked him, he would say his fat face and neck rolls would be his favorite features because they make Jungkook go crazy whenever he sees them.
Jungkook: 278lbs. Half visceral fat, half subcutaneous fat. He’s round like Namjoon but slightly saggy like Yoongi. Is stuck between his desire for gaining weight mutually and his longing for long, hard adventures. Has made peace with the fact that until he saves the world and retires for good, he’ll have to put off his own gaining journey for the sake of Skyrim.
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cupidmistake · 1 year
my weight loss plan
so rn im 181lbs/ 82kg
im also 5’10 btw
by at latest August 7 2023 I’m going to be around 145lbs/65kgs.
I’m going to fast 20:4 every day except sunday where its 24 hour fast.
Eat 510 calories everyday
Walk 5 miles everyday
Do 45 miles of pilates
Drink a gallon of water
I know I can and I will achieve this goal okay. This summer will be my summer and I’m getting skinny and my dream body. I’m so exited and ready to work.
I’ll update everyday to keep myself consistent and accountable. This is my journey and I’m going to make myself proud!!!
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sleepingcapacity · 21 days
Good morning!
I'm doing quite well managed to fast about 15 hrs throughout the night.
I'm officially down to 181lbs!!
I'm so close to the 170s I'm so excited! If I can make it down 10lbs a month I will be so happy!
I would make it down to my ugw by November in no time!!
I have to taxi my mother again today so we shall see what happens.
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fattestfae · 1 year
start : 186.6lbs , bmi32.2
current : 181lbs , bmi31.3
cgw : 170lbs ugw : 88lbs
last updated
weighins every morning
body measuring every monday
24hr fast once a week
intermittent fast atleast 12:12 everyday (9pm-9pm)
1 metabolism day (1250cals) every other week
8oz glass of cranberry juice in the morning
(cals dont count unless fasting)
divide overate calories by 100, put in savings $$
gained weight will fast until weight is gone
go to spin class once a week write down resistance
shower every morning
skincare + brush teeth twice a day
pick up room every other day
do laundry every wednesday
no self harming
school work EVERYDAY!!
try to do one weeks worth of work
clean rabbits cage every morning
clean her litterbox every 3 days
refill her hay constantly
TRAVEL rules
no snacking, sip on water or low cal drink
dont bring scale
eat half of restaurant meals
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bmwiid · 1 year
I am a very fat positive person. I want to say this off the bat because I'll be talking about my own person weight loss and I don't want people to think that I think fat is bad, ugly or undesirable. Cause fat is just fat, and if you feel confident and comfortable, then who the fuck am I to say anything else?
That said, I have been gaining weight for a few years now and I'm NOT confident and comfortable. My clothes no longer look how I want them to, I feel unhealthy and my confidence is at an all time low.
I decided one of my 12 resolutions for this year would be to lose weight. Slow and steady. I'm not an idiot, I am not crash dieting.
I was 14 stone and 2 pounds on 1 Jan. Thats almost 200 lbs. I'm a taller human at 5'10 so I didn't LOOK overweight - but my god I felt like shit. My knees hurt, my jeans cut me in half. I was wearing size 20 jeans over Christmas and I've never been so unhappy with how my body looked.
I stopped buying share size crisps or huge bars of chocolate - but I DID buy a LOT of low calorie treats. I'm a savory and sweet person - I need both to be happy. I love granola. I basically bought a huge box of under 100cals snacks and keep them by my side. I snack all day, but rather than eating loaves of bread or family size bags of crisps, I eat a couple packets of low fat crisps and a couple granola bars. I don't limit myself to HOW much I eat, I just changed WHAT I was eating.
It's mid-March and I've just stood on the scales (I weight myself every sunday as I am very bad at 'seeing' the weight come off. I know this doesn't help others, and can be triggering, but it's not for me) and for the first time in YEARS...
12 stone is on the scales. Sure, it's 12 stone 13 lbs. But it's there. 181lbs.
I'm not at my target - which may change to something less dramatic over time (I hoped to get to my 'pre-depression' weight of 9 stone 5lbs but that was also a while ago and I'm old now) but I like a goal and I'd love to get back into those old clothes - I don't really like buying new clothes and NEVER throw out clothes, so I have bags of jeans and tops I loved still in the wardrobe.
But I'm happier. I can see the number going down. My cousin in law said he thought my face looked less round, that he could tell I've lost weight. I'm still hippy as all hell, and my boobs take over the world, but hopefully as I get rid of the easy fat, they'll go down too.
At some point I will have to go on a more restrictive diet, and I also think that is when i'll end up changing the goalposts for my final weight. I don't cope well with self control and I've never been able to deny myself anything. Hunger is NOT an option.
But for right now? I'm looking at that 12stone and I feel AMAZING.
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drinkteax · 9 months
181lbs - 22nd sep 2023
Finishing my 48hr fast, surprisingly not feeling to bad, was going to eat tonight but might give it another day and see how I feel, if I can go another day would like to, lost 3 pounds
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Day one of my 30 day burpee’s challenge.
Starting weight: 181lbs
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
Now that the draft is over!
Coyotes drafted:
3rd - Logan Cooley (USA | C | 5' 10" | 180lbs | L )
11th - Conor Geekie (CAN | C | 6' 4" | 190lbs | L )
29th - Maveric Lamoureux (CAN | D | 6' 7" | 199lbs | R )
36th - Artem Duda (RUS | D | 6' 1" | 181lbs | L )
43rd - Julian Lutz (GER | LW | 6' 2" | 190lbs | L )
67th - Miko Matikka (FIN | RW | 6' 3" | 187lbs | R )
94th - Jérémy Langlois (CAN | D | 6' 1" | 185lbs | L)
131st - Matthew Morden (CAN | D | 6' 5" | 203lbs | L)
163rd - Maksymilian Szuber (GER | D | 6' 3" | 190lbs | L)
204th - Adam Žlnka (SVK| RW/LW | 6' 0" | 172lbs | R)
Penguins Drafted:
21st - Owen Pickering (CAN | D | 6' 4" | 181lbs | L )
118th - Sergey Murashov (RUS | G | 6' 0" | 168lbs | R )
150th - Zam Plante (USA | C | 5' 10" | 177lbs | L )
167th - Nolan Collins (CAN | D | 6' 3" | 194lbs | R )
182nd - Luke Devlin (USA | C | 6' 3" | 187lbs | L )
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n0vemberscorpio · 2 years
Okay I been slacking on my fitness but now l’m back at it and going on a 10 week cut. I’m starting at 181lbs and hoping to be down 15lbs at the end of this.
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tays-trauma-dumpp · 4 months
im off work for three days and hoping to stay disciplined this weekend and get to 181lbs by monday morning!
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