#15& yerin
dreamy-dreamie · 1 year
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chinzhilla-edits · 11 months
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yerin baek ; lockscreens
like/reblog | @khaowinan
don't repost or claim as yours!
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snoooze · 2 years
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I'm a fxxking medicine to the world
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goldeneragirls · 2 years
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YERIN BAEK — Vogue Korea, June 2022
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chowonsang · 3 months
oh my god i love music
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apieceofyoungcheese · 2 months
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virgovirgo · 8 months
she is just sooooooooooooooooooo very that girl!!!!
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bozusuruz · 1 year
Selam okula gitmeyi unutmusum
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downloadasiamusic · 2 years
15& Discography
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Korean Releases
Studio Albums
[2014.05.26] Sugar
Digital Singles
[2012.10.05] I Dream
[2013.04.07] Somebody
[2014.04.13] Can't Hide It
[2015.02.09] Love is Madness
0 notes
nebez · 2 months
Önceden adın bile yoktu.
Tıpkı yaşadığın Dünya'nın da daha önceden bir adı olmadığı gibi.
Zaman yoktu,
Mekân yoktu,
Madde yoktu…
Sende, her şey gibi bir hiçtin.
Bırak yaşadığın alem içindeki yerini, yaşadığın Dünya'da bile bir noktadan ibaretsin, hatta bir zerreden.
Dünya'nın, o koskoca, devasa evrende yok olması, kıyâmetinin kopması ne kadar bir önem arz ediyorsa, senin bu Dünya'dan gidişinde o kadar önem arz ediyor; Sevdiklerin, seni sevenler için başka anlamlar, derin duygular ifade edebilsede.
Seni sevenler de, senin sevdiklerin de daha önceden bir hiçtiler. Tıpkı senin gibi. Onların da bir adı, şânı… yoktu.
Dünya senden kaç yaş büyük?
Doğduğundan bu yana kaç kişi öldü?
Seninle birlikte kaç kişi doğdu?
Şimdi kaç yaşındasın: 15, 20, 30, 40…?
Senden önce kaç kişi yaşadı, kaç kişi öldü?
Bunların bilimsel bağlamda hep cevapları mevcut. İlim öğrenmek basit bir iş değil. Bu hayata geldiğinde, elinde olanlar ve elinde olmayanlar hep seni ilgilendirdi.
Kalbin, elinde olmadan atıyor; Senin bir yardımın oluyor mu ona? Ciğerlerin, senin komutlarının dışında nefes alıp vermekte. Sen istesen, kendi başına bunu becerebilecek misin?Hadi bir yere kadar engel olabilirsin. Elinde olmayanlara daha bir yığın örnek verilebilir.
Peki bu elinde olmayan, ama senin hayatta kalmanı sağlayan etkenler senin elinde olsaydı, yaşamaktan nasıl zevk alabilecektin bir düşün bakalım. Bazen oluyor, eline batan dikenin acısıyla iki dakika geçiremiyorsun. O güzelim tasarımı ve akıllara zarar sistemi ile işleyen kalbi nasıl idare edecektin?
Elinde olanlara bakalım bir de; Gözlerini istediğin yere çevirebiliyorsun. Göz kapakların senin emrinde. (istisnalar dışında) Ellerini, ayaklarını (yine istisnalar hâricinde) istediğin gibi hareket ettirebiliyorsun. Peki bunlar senin elinde olmayanlar içinde olsaydı.
Hepsi, daha önce kendilerine verilmiş bir komut eşliğinde, kafalarına göre veya hareket etselerdi; Hayattan nasıl zevk alabileceğini bir düşün? Alabilir miydin? Demek ki, elinde olmayanların elinde olmaması, elinde olanların elinde olması gerekmekteymiş. Bu gerekli denklemi sana kim sağladı? Tabiki yüce Yaratıcın.
Bu yaşına kadar bu denli kusursuz ve dâimi düzenle birlikte olduğun için sanırım o Yaratıcına bir şükrü çok görmüyorsun. Onun istediği gibi de ona secde ediyorsundur umarım.
Şunu da asla unutma; Senin, emirleri yerine getirmemenden ötürü, sana emri veren o yaratıcın bir şey kaybetmez, ondan bir şey eksilmez. Sen, onun emirlerini yerine getirdiğin taktirde de o bir şey kazanmaz, bunlara da muhtaç değil. Ama sen, ama sen yaparsan çok şey kazanır, yapmazsan çok şey kaybedersin. Denemesi bedava.
Şimdi görmezsen bile alem değiştirince son noktasına kadar idrak edeceksin.
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mecnun1cinar · 1 year
1-Birinci soruyu soran kişi soru postunu paylaşan kişi hakkında en merak ettiğin şeyi sor
2-Başkası yaptığında başkası adına utanacağın bir şey
3-Gerçek aşk nedir
4-Başka bir gezegende yaşyabilsen bu hangisi olurdu
5-Olmasini istediğin anda olan bir şey oldu mu(keşke bunu dilemeseydim dediğin)
6-Hayatını değiştiren bir olayı anlat
7-Bugün nasılsın ? iyiysen neden kötuysen neden
9-Bir fotoğrafını paylaş
10-Senin için anlamı çok olan ama diğer kişiler için sıradan olabilecek bir şey(senin için neden önemli)
11-Sevdiğin birine söylediğin ve daha sonra pişman olduğun bir yalan
12-Bu dünyada bir şeyi değiştirebilsen neyi değiştirirdin
13-Sonsuza kadar sadece bir günü yaşayacak olsan bunun hangi gün olmasını isterdin
14-Seni hayal kırıklığına uğratan bir olay
15-Tumblrda en sevdiğin 3 blog
16-3 tane sevdiğin kitabı bizimle paylaş
17-Kesinlikle izlemelisiniz dediğin 3 film
18-Hayatta mucizelere inanır mısın
19-İnandığın ama halk dilinde hurafe olan bir şey var mı
20-Sezen aksu'nun dediği gibi : ....... (tamamla)
21-Bir film karakteri olsan bu hangisi olurdu ve neden
22-En sevdiğin çicek
23-En sevmedigin yemek nedir
24-Keşke gerçek olsaydı dediğin bir şey
25-Türk dizi tarihinde en iyi ilk 3 dizi
26-Wp de en son kimle konuştun
27-Yerin dibine girseydim dediğin bir an
28-Mitolojiye inanir misin
29-İnternetsiz bir hayat senin için ne anlam ifade ediyor
30-Kaç tane sevgilin oldu
31-Kıskançlık dozun hangi seviyede
32-Takıntılı olduğun bir durum
33-Senin için vazgeçilmez dediğin bir özellik
34-Karşı cinste dikkat ettiğin 3 şey
35-Hayaller gerçekleştirilmek için mi varlar yoksa gerçekleşmesini her yoluyla izlemek için mi neden?
36-İnsanların bayılarak yediği ama senin nefret ettiğin bir şey
37-10 dakika önce ne yapıyordun
38-Fobin var mı
39-Üşengeçlikte sınır tanimam diyerek yaptığın bir şey
40-Birini çekici yapan 3 şey
41-Sır söyle
42-En son favorilerine eklediğin 3 ürün
43-Ön yargıya sahip olduğun bir şey var mı
44-Sosyal mecra üzerinde gösteriğin kişilik gerçek sen mi yoksa olmak istediğin mi
45-Rahatlamak icin yaptığın bir şey
46-Hayatınızdaki kaç arkadaşınıza gerçekten güveniyorsunuz?
47-İçinizdeki ses son zamanlarda ne diyor?
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nordicpoppie · 2 months
Mafia au - You're protective of his child - Hyung line
This is a mafia reaction, meaning guns, cursing and violence and the like may be mentioned (Nothing too much in detail in this one) In this reaction reader is NOT the birth mother of the child, which is why members will be surprised or happy reader is so protective…even if it’s overprotectiveness heheee The kids are NOT toddlers in this one, they are anywhere between 6 and 15 years old, so sorry if you wanted toddlers XD Y/N → Your Name
Jin (13 years old)
“Are you sure you don’t need me or your dad to walk with you? I’d be more than happy to, even if it’s just halfway there”
You said while Yerin, Jin's daughter threw her jacket on. Jin had, for some reason you couldn’t comprehend, allowed her to walk to school, with no guards.
At the start of your relationship with Jin, you hadn't even known he had a daughter. And you had been confused many times by his protective tendencies, but as you’d later found out, that was because of his “job”. As a part of the mafia, he needed to protect those closest to him, which meant you and Yerin always had at least 1 guard with you.
Over time his tendencies to be overprotective had rubbed off on you, except you were a little less, “lets fire guns”, and more of a “let's stay inside”. 
You reluctantly handed Yerin her bag, as she stretched her arms out for it. Then smiled tightly at her as she smiled brightly saying her goodbyes to you, before she closed the door behind her.
As soon as the door was closed you rushed through the hallways, reaching Jin's study in no time. You threw the door open without bothering knocking first.
“Jin, why are you letting her walk without her guards? Or even just one of us?”
Staring harshly at him, not caring that he was clearly busy with some papers, while Namjoon and Yoongi leaned over the desk.
Jin slowly raised his gaze to you, while Yoongi quietly sniggered under his breath at your anger. The look Jin sent you almost sent you reeling, he looked confused, as if he had no idea what you were talking about.
“Your daughter Jin, Yerin? You just let her walk out the door ALONE!”
You hissed angrily at him, your arm gesturing to where the front door was located.
“She’s not alone though?”
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, the only person who had walked out the door was Yerin. As you opened your mouth to explain that, Jin interrupted you.
“Jungkook is shadowing her, and he’s picking her up from school later today too”
His brows were still pinched in slight confusion, how could even think he would let his precious daughter leave without a guard.
“O-oh, I just, she said she would be walking…Alone”
You trailed off as a slight blush made its appearance on your cheeks. Desperate to find a way to escape the now almost embarrassing situation you made up a lousy excuse.
“I’ll just…Uh…Start cooking”
With that you made your escape out of the door, only making it a few steps down the hallway before Jin grabbed you by the arm. He wore a huge smirk on his face, and you could hear Yoongi cackling from inside his office.
“I didn’t think you’d be able to beat me when it comes to being a worrywart, baby”
Yoongi (6 years old)
A small voice called from the entrance of the living room. You and Yoongi were currently lounging on the couch, watching a show, having put his son to bed just 30 minutes earlier.
Yoongi turned to face Hyun, while you grabbed the remote to pause the show.
“Dad, can i have a gun in my room, I think there’s someone under my bed”
You nearly choked on your spit at his words, feeling Yoongi's arm stiffen around your shoulders. Yoongi knew you hated guns and violence with a passion, hell, he had been frightened you’d leave, when you first found out he was in the mafia. But all you had told him was to never have a gun visible inside your home.
As contradictory as it was, to have a no gun zone inside your home, it had worked…So far. Hyun knew what his dad did for work, not the bloody and violent part, but he knew of the guns.
Clearing your throat you tried to come up with an alternative to the guns, you were not going to hand a gun over to a 6 year old.
“Hyun sweetie, how about i sleep with you tonight, I can scare whatever’s hiding under your bed away”
Hyun frowned before glancing at Yoongi, clearly not too happy with your idea.
“Mom, you’re not strong at all, if I can’t have a gun i want daddy to sleep with me”
Yoongi choked down a laugh, coughing slightly in an attempt to hide it, as you slapped his arm.
Turning to Hyun you pouted playfully at him.
“Awh but Hyun, then mom will be all alone in the big bed”
He almost gaped in shock at your words, realizing you would in fact be alone in the big bed without Yoongi.
“I’ll just sleep with you in the big bed then!”
Turning he ran as fast as he could to grab his pillow from his room.
“Yoongi…Would you have given him a gun if I wasn’t here?”
You questioned quietly, watching his face for any changes that could reveal his thoughts. Sighing, he dragged a hand through his hair, before smiling sadly at you.
“Younger me probably would have”
“MOMMY! Come on!”
Hyun yelled from the bedroom, dragging you from the rather heavy conversation. You got up squeezing Yoongi’s arm, but turned to him just before you left the room.
“You’re NEVER giving my child a gun, even if it’s a life or death situation, do you hear me Yoongi?”
His eyes glided over your face, noting how serious you were, but also how protective and fierce you looked in that moment. Nodding his head he watched you disappear, before he chuckled to himself. He almost couldn’t believe how protective you were of his son.
Namjoon (10 year old)
You had gone to the park that afternoon with Aera, Namjoons daughter, she had been begging you all day
“Please, please, please lets do something” and “It’s so boring inside, mom I’m bored”
So you had relented and gone to the park, unable to withstand her puppy eyes.
You were watching her on the playground, sitting on a bench a few meters away, not wanting to disturb her. However, you got disturbed by a phone call, picking up the device, you saw Namjoons name.
“Joon, what’s wrong?”
Hearing his warm laughter in your ear, you relaxed a bit.
“I’m just calling to hear how it’s going, and to ask what you want for dinner tonight, I’m cooking after all”
You almost grimaced, remembering the last time he made dinner, he had somehow managed to burn scrambled eggs.
“Mommy watch me!”
Aera yelled from the top of the slide, making you smile at her, nodding your head telling her to go down it.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea Joon? I mean last time was-” “Don’t mention last time! I practiced, remember I’ve been getting lessons by Jin-hyung”
You chuckled at Namjoons words, somehow having trouble believing he’d improved just by having Jin teach him.
He continued talking about what kind of food he’d learnt to make from Jin, but you got distracted, noticing the sudden absence of Aera on the playground.
Getting up from your spot, your breathing got faster as you circled the playground looking for her.
“-ing heavy? Y/N! Answer me, what’s happening?”
You heard Namjoons panicking voice in your ear, having completely forgotten the phone call. Not knowing what to say as you were on the border of just sobbing out loud you couldn’t give him any useful information, except a whimper of his name.
“Joon” “Taehyung track her location now! Fuck, baby just stay calm, I’m coming, okay, I’m on my way”
Tears were dripping down your face, listening to how fast he worked on finding you, it almost made you feel useless and weak. But you couldn’t help it, anything could have happened to his daughter, and it would be your fault.
A few minutes later you heard heavy boots pounding on the gravel road and you saw Namjoon followed by several armed men. He quickly ran up to you, grabbing your shoulders and inspecting you for wounds. When he found none he pulled you into a tight hug, making you choke up again.
“Joon, Aera, I-I can’t find her, she was just on the playground and then she wasn’t there, and I can’t find her Joon, what if something’s happened to her, or someone has taken her?”
You sobbed loudly into his chest, guilt eating away at you. Clenching his teeth Namjoon signaled his men to start scouring the entire park. He tugged you tighter into his chest, trying to reassure you that everything would be alright, but both of you knew he couldn’t be sure of that.
You froze at the voice, turning quickly, seeing one of Namjoons men carrying Aera in his arms securely. Gasping you ran towards her, barely waiting for the man to put her down, before you had her in your arms.
“Don’t ever do that to me again Aera! Never leave without telling someone okay baby?”
As he was watching you, Namjoon realized just how deeply rooted your love and worry for his daughter was, making him smile slightly, despite the current situation.
Hoseok (15 year old)
“Mom? Mom wake up!”
Someone was shaking your shoulder making you groan slightly, it was still way too dark outside for it to be morning. Blinking slowly you saw Hwan sitting on the bed next to you. Combing a hand through his hair you sat up slightly, still confused.
“What is it baby? Did you have a nightmare?”
He grimaced at you grumbling out a “I haven’t had nightmares in years mom” before a loud clang was heard from the downstairs area. Getting out of bed you approached the door, ready to go out and find the cause of the noise. Hwan launched after you, grabbing your arm, and shaking his head fervently.
“Mom, someone’s inside, downstairs, with guns, it’s not dads men” “What?”
You gasped at him, suddenly not knowing what to do as your mind blanked. Of course you knew Hoseok was in the mafia, and you knew the dangers that came with it, but you never expected something like this to happen.
Feeling a tugging at your hand you saw Hwan attempting to lead you to the window.
“Mom we have to get out of here and call dad”
Shakily you nodded your head, wondering how he was so composed compared to you, but deciding to brush it off for now. Climbing out the window, you watched Hwan drop down to hang off the edge, before dropping into some bushes below. As you were following him, you heard the door in your bedroom bust open, followed by someone yelling.
“They’re outside!”
The bushes saved your fall, but they scratch up your legs, leaving small trails of blood. Sneaking behind Hwan you were trying to make it to the front of the garden, when someone suddenly grabbed him.
“Hwan! Let my son go!”
You yelled, grabbing a nearby vase and throwing it at the goons face, making him pass out.
Hwan stared at you, shocked at your actions, you were never one to pick violence, and you rarely got angry.
“Baby, sweetie are you alright? Let’s get out of here and wait for Hobi yeah?”
You smiled shakily at him, trying to exude calmness, but failing miserably.
You managed to make it a few blocks down the road, having called Hoseok on the way to come get you. Hwan had been holding your hand the entire way, and you guessed it was for your sake, seeing as you’d been clutching it with a death grip the entire time.
Sitting in an alley, you waited impatiently, until the sound of cars stopping nearby reached your ears.
Feeling paranoid you dragged Hwan behind you, shielding him with your body, preparing yourself for the worst.
“Y/N? Hwan?”
Hearing Hoseok's voice you let out a small gasp, jumping up from your crouched position. Dragging Hwan with you, you engulfed both of them in a hug, savoring the moment.
“Are you okay? Any injuries?”
Hoseok asked, rubbing your back soothingly. Nodding your head, Hwan grumbled a bit.
“Almost wasn’t but mom threw a vase at the guy, knocking him out real good”
You smiled tightly at both of them, still not quite over that shock yet. Hoseok smiled at you admiring the strength you showed to protect not only yourself but his son as well.
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astrolaurical · 11 months
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This is all alleged and speculation. No relationships are proven true until confirmed by the idols themselves or their agencies. Do not take this personally or too seriously. This is just an extreme over-analysis of song lyrics and observations I have made about idol interactions from years of being a K-Pop fan.  This is a work in progress- RM has like a million songs and I am constantly going back and rediscovering new meaning in lyrics and adding to the song list. So buckle up, get a snack and a drink because I basically typed an 12 page thesis.
Indigo track-by-track analyses link
Favorite Girl (2012)- girl broke up with him over a letter in the winter
Thinkin Bout U- mentions red converse high girl
Coffee (2013)-bitter over breakup bc became idol?
Blanket kick (2014)- keep being/acting embarrassing around crush/gf and admits a lot of songs about her- possibly about yerin?
Miss right (2014)- maybe about yerin? possibly about wishing to be in ideal relationship but can’t bc idol
Where did you come from (2014)-superficial love 
Boy in luv (2014)- unrequited love and changing oneself to try to get her affections
Danger (2014)-unaffectionate/uncaring gf not putting her all in the relationship
Intro:what am I to you (2014)-relationship started out too intense so gf put up barriers and shut bf out
Converse high (2015), converse high (predebut) -song that I believe is about yerin from 15&
Run (2015)- giving your all to someone who doesn’t appreciate it
Hold me tight (2015)-knows breakup is about to occur but wants to rekindle feelings from beginning of relationship
I NEED U (2015)- how because of this girl, they are becoming ruined and they want out of the relationship. However, they cannot bring themselves to leave and begs her to break it off for him. They are going through hell because of this relationship yet they keep coming back.
Autumn leaves (2016)- refusing to move on from breakup
Love is not over (2016)-refusing to move on from breakup where girl clearly didn’t love him/ she was toying with him or realized that hookups don’t satisfy them bc only last the night and person only theirs when they are physically in the bed
Blood sweat tears (2016)- addicted to sex with someone
Dilemma (2016)- gf feeling like stranger as she becomes distant but rm still refuses to let go bc he loves her
13430 (2018)-galactic ode to lovers whose bond dwindles, eventually breaking aloof.
Fake love (2018)- “I’m so sick of this fake love” Pretty self explanatory. The same message will be repealed in “Her” and “Closer”.
Her (2018)- the person they are in love with doesn't know the real them, only the mask they put on
Truth untold (2018)- It speaks of the singer putting on a mask to see the one that they love. They create a facade to hide behind so the object of their affection doesn’t see their broken and damaged side. They are afraid that their love will leave them because of their hidden side. They have a love, but it is fake love because they aren’t being real and so because they did not have the courage to show their love their real self, they left. They are left sitting in their ruined dream reminiscing about what would’ve happened if things turned out differently.
Im fine (2018)- a little self growth yay! Went from “save me” to “I’m fine”
Euphoria (2018)- happiness associated with young love and new beginnings. There are some underlying tones of feelings of how their love is fake and not based on attraction
Waste it on Me (2018)- a hopeless and hopeful love affair. While one side of the relationship labels the concept of love as a waste, the other strongly advocates for the pursuit.
Jamais Vu (2019)- can never do right by gf so want another chance
Crying over you (2019)- breakup but each person is mature enough to let go of each other and sending wishes that their ex would find a better person whom perfectly fit for them.
TOMORROW X TOGETHER - 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) (2021)- apparently RM had part in writing this song. He must have been loved up in his couple ring era because this song screams honeymoon stage. Clearly it didn't last based on the angry songs in this list that came afterward.
Young Love (2022)- We don’t know which of the members this viewpoint is about, so I will include this song just to be safe
SEXY NUKIM (2022)- you know the part I’m referring to… Girl you can keep it low While we do the ride I'll apply you tonight Ain't gotta DM 'Cause you heard about my team”
Closer (2022)- Namjoon, man. Will you ever learn your lesson?! You can’t replace sex with love! And you know it too. You’ve written like 20 songs about this very thing.
Smoke Sprite (2022)- Honey, what you doin' in my bed? Yeah, Uh, baby, welcome to my favorite place, yes→ RM said 2022 IS THE YEAR I LET EVERYONE KNOW IM NOT A VIRGIN
Dont ever say love me (2023)- “I wanna die when youre next to me” like man wants to breakup so bad because even when youre around him you give him the ick
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RM admitted to having a girlfriend in highschool during a 2015 episode of Problematic Men. He said it was a short-lived relationship because she had too many male friends and was causing him to be jealous. Speaking of 2015, notice how the other men are rushing him to try and slip up and admit that he is dating? Or admit that he would write a letter to a sweetheart? That goes into my theory about Yerin below, with the timelines matching up in 2015. RM is notoriously TOO honest and his Problematic Men hyungs knew it, with Namjoon probably gushing about his girlfriend at after-taping 회식, and were wanting him to slip up and spill on air. RM finally admitted that he would write a song for his crush on White Day (cough cough Converse High cough cough).
While BTS has never had a confirmed partner since debut, Baek Yerin is the only rumored girlfriend RM has had tabloids write about. Yerin is the only one of the three women I’m the most confident about in this analysis that he has had a relationship with. I am fairly certain that RM has a crush on Hwasa, and that Chaeyoung has a crush on RM.
Yerin’s entire 2019 album “Every letter I sent you.” seems to be a reflection of the passionate love (and toxic) affair her and Namjoon had when they were around ages 18/19-20/21. It could be possible they dated even as early as when Namjoon was 16 if his earlier unreleased love songs are about her, as well. That’s highly unlikely, as Yerin is the same age as Jungkook, 3 years younger than Namjoon. 
Her songs often mention tons of sex, drunken nights, smoking, and fights. This sounds highly out of character for Namjoon (minus the sex and a little bit of drinking). There are rumors that some BTS members smoked, though it’s not confirmed who they are and if they still do. (Edit: Taehyung was officially confirmed to have smoked after pictures of him smoking at the 2022 Grammys were leaked. There were also numerous other occasions where he was holding a vape in his hand, but nothing as big as this “Grammys smoking scandal” went as viral. Jungkook is also confirmed to smoke after his vape was revealed in a Weverse live. Suga alludes to him being a constant smoker in his song “Haegeum”, and he does hold that cigarette like a seasoned pro… but the cig reference was mainly a call out to overprotective fans who think they they can tell other people what they can do with their bodies.)
They most likely had a karmic relationship- an intense but PAINFUL relationship that will rip you out and spit you out. Every hidden side of you is revealed through sex and intimacy, but it is so intense, that you cannot be with the person forever but you feed off of each other’s brokenness. I’m sure if you asked them about what they learned from that relationship, they would say they learned SO MUCH about life, love, and self.
It (allegedly) definitely seems like Namjoon broke up with her around 2015-2016 after the success of I NEED U, when BTS became busier and he had less time to spend with her. From the timeline of BTS songs, I would place their relationship anywhere from 2012-2015. While he was heartbroken for YEARS after this (see the above listed songs, the longest list off all 3 lyrics lists), he has now come to terms with it. It seems like Yerin has come to terms with it as well, as this blog post breaks down each song meaning beautifully. It seems like Yerin has found a box of diaries or love letters from this relationship and has written songs in chronological order of the entire timeline, from beginning to end, with the last song talking about her getting closure with viewing the memories and how the two were not meant to be.
Yerin states that “This album reflects memories, dilemmas, and thought processes I had from when I was nineteen to twenty three.” She is currently 24 years old Korean age (23 years old standard age at the time that I wrote this in 2020, she would be 26 years old in 2023 now). This would put the beginning of the album at 19 years old in 2014 to 23 years in 2018. The timeline does match.
Maybe its not our fault (2019)- how partners in relationship slowly started to drift apart
0310- sex cant save a relationship
It’s like I dont know myself (2017)- the more he probes the more she loses herself and him
Meant to Be (2019)- about namjoon 100000% id bet my life on it. Him saying they’re meant to be, he’s kind. 
Across the Universe (2015)- hes slipping away but shes clinging to him
Mr. Gloomy (2019)- talking about how hes so melancholy and loves rainy days (Namjoon forever rain)
Bye Bye My Blue (2016)- becoming resentful of Namjoon’s growing fame while her career is stagnant
“Cuz I’m afraid to say things I want to say. I push you away and make things uncomfortable”
CAN I BE U (2019)- most likely a response to I NEED U
His Ocean (2016)- NJ trying to get a deep connection but Yerin resisting. Namjoon also has a fascination with oceans and always mentions it in lyrics.
“I'm not good at emptying my heart. It's not as easy as it sounds. But why do you keep asking me to do something I can't? There's a lot that has built up in my heart. I can't get rid of it and I'm always frustrated”
Amy (2019)- apologizing for the hardships she put him through in the relationship and admitting she buys all their albums and that their Love Yourself campaign has helped her (allegedly)
Popo (2019) - saying how intoxicated she is with the man (his eyes, his scent, his voice). If the song is about NJ, I mean, same girl. The man in the song wrote her a song and played it for her.
“You'll never know How much your voice attracts me, boy. It's exceptional Especially When you're playing the song for me. I can't take my eyes away”
Datoom (2019)- Reflecting on how much they argued before they broke up
Not a girl (2019) - seoulbeats (linked above) sums up this song perfectly: “Yerin wanting to speak up for herself against a lover who doesn’t seem to truly be for her. There lies a misunderstanding between who he attempts to see her as, versus who she believes she truly is.”
“Can’t be what you want. I can’t be what you were. I can’t say I have done so many things but now. Can’t be good enough”
Newsong2 (2019)- "Want to be just like you once. Make it up if I do wrong. Ignore and leave the silence". Make up and brush it under the rug.
Point (2019)- insecure partner in love keeps questioning her love
London (2019)-partner is trying to idealize her and is not seeing her for who she is
It does seem that Namjoon has a thing for Cancers, if my and others’ speculations about his dating life are true. Both Yerin and Hwasa are Cancer suns. While Namjoon’s Cancer Mars is in his 8th house and plays a predominant role in his life and relationships, it is clear to see why he is drawn to Cancer sun individuals. But remember, the 8th house is death and rebirth. Karmic relationships.
Hwasa and Namjoon do have a lot of similarities, from not only looking similar (face, tan, thicc), but to being criticized by fans and media alike (tan, ignorance. RM has apologized and grown from his mistakes. Still waiting on Hwasa’s genuine apology since she continues to appropriate… and do blackface). Both are also highly sexual beings.
While the man in her songs has characteristics that sound a lot like him, so do many other anonymous citizens of Seoul like Hwasa stated. She makes her ex sound like he was available whenever to come and see her, and RM being part of the biggest boy group on the planet doesn’t have much free time, even though his personality is very empathetic and giving. The only reason I included her is because a lot of other people seem to think there was something going on between the two, whether it was a FWB situation or brief one-month romance. I will admit I do not keep up with Mamamoo or Hwasa at all so these are the only songs I know by her. I have heard rumors that she has been in a steady relationship with a man like 10 years older than her and is in a prominent position, like a ceo or something? All alleged, of course. You can never really trust that stuff.
Twit (2019)- how Hwasa wants her lover to not be so passive, loving, and predictable, but take charge and surprise her. This song seems the most likely of Hwasa’s songs to be about NJ because Yerin and BTS’s songs about exes have mentioned the man giving so much of himself into the relationship that he loses himself. Hwasa fans speculate that Twit may be about Loco, as he was VERY chivalrous and swooned over her every time they worked together.
“You give me a lot, but why are you the only one feeling unhappy? Because you breathe only for me. You look so lonely”
Why (2020)- missing her ex, most likely the lover from Twit
“You're my hero. We have many similarities, like a mirror”
Kidding (2020)- sarcastic remarks to a cheating ex and his new lover. Not quite sure if this is about Namjoon because his natal chart doesn’t really have any aspects linking to cheating, but natal charts aren’t the end-all-be-all. Everyone still has free will, and he very well may have cheated.
“Of course you must have been busy. You two falling in love. It’s an old thing that’s thrown out after one use. You’re going to regret it soon. Isn’t it so ironic?”
Another slightly uncomfortable pattern in all of these alleged “exes” is that RM likes to date younger women, as every single “ex-girlfriend” listed here is younger than him. Namjoon was born in 1994, Hwasa in 1995, Yerin in 1997…. and Chaeyoung in 1999. Namjoon… dude. Chaeyoung is a Taurus, which vibes well with his Virgo sun. Namjoon also has his descendant in Taurus, which is what he looks for in a marriage partner. I don’t have any of the girls’ birth times, but standard 1200 time all results in negative match scores, showing that the majority of Namjoon and each individual girl’s natal chart did not sync well for a compatible match.
Whenever there are multiple fan videos of idol ships, take notice. Weed out the delusional ones but pay attention to ones that seem plausible after researching the K-Pop industry and how idols get away with dating. Idols have confirmed that looking at each other is a form of flirting when at award shows. And there are plenty of clips of RM and Chaeyoung doing just that. Chaeyoung has written her own rap lyrics but mostly it is about a crush and then immediately to heartbreak, so clearly the relationship didn’t last long. The song timelines from crush (2016) to regret (2018) show a brief interlude of happiness and touching (2017). My guess is that after pursuing RM for quite some time, he gave in and hooked up with her, but she wanted more and got her heart broken.
Precious Love (2016)- apologizing and asking scorned ex to come back
“I’m so sorry. Please come back. Do you still feel the same? Have you still not forgiven me? Have the scars I’ve given you Not healed yet? Or have you replaced me With someone else? Is there no place for me In your heart anymore?”
Daring Woman (2016)- she’s young but stop pushing her away
Eye Eye Eyes (2017)- describing a crush she has on someone. Mentions white tee shirt and jeans that he likes, possible reference to converse high
“Ocean-like eyes, I’ll swim in them. Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone knows his pretty eye-smile. I want it to myself. Yeah yeah yeah. Your heart is ice I’ll melt you” and “Do men like White shirt with jeans and most importantly long hair”
Missing U (2017) -ex promised her the world then broke her heart. A recurring theme throughout all 3 girl’s lyrics, hmmmm maybe the ex in Namjoon’s songs isn’t the problem, then?
“You promised me And I foolishly believed. But when you left, you had no guilt. But still I miss you. Miss you baby”
Sweet Talker (2018)- I have a very tiny suspicion this might be about more than one BTS member since Jeonghyeon was involved in the writing process. RM is known for choosing his words carefully, being a smooth talker when it comes to flirting and being a poetic genius.
“You seduced me with your sweet words. You made my heart beat with your clear eyes” and “Your words were as clear as the sky. Your words had no feelings”
The only confirmed relationship I know that Chae was in was with that scumbag tattoo artist that drew those lewd drawings of Chae giving him head and posted it for the world to see and she got so much hate because of it. Thank goodness they’re not together anymore.
This is where I had last stopped in my draft. It says the last edit was December 6, 2020 lmao. So some things I had previously said I may disagree with now but I'm leaving up as I like to see how my thoughts have changed over the years. For example, I now do not think that Chaeyoung or RM ever dated, and that she just had an extreme crush on him. I mean, girl same. Yerin I still believe 100% dated him as she broke formal speech on TELEVISION and called him a pet name. The only reason that wasn't a bigger deal is that both were unknown artists back in 2015. Hwasa, I am on the fence about. I see more reaction videos of Taehyung being the ass man that he is lusting over her than RM. I wouldn't let my buddy thirst over my girl but RM is pretty chill about it. Granted they are in public and being filmed, but even if he did talk to Tae about it, V still did it over and over. Weird, no? So that is why i lean more towards that Hwasa and RM probably didnt officially date, but maybe were just fuck buddies?
Now onto RM’s love life that DID make news:
I really wish I had kept a better timeline of him wearing that ring, sigh. The only things I can really find online of him wearing that ring started the whole “namjoon married” ordeal were around September 2020 when that infamous video of him taking it off before going on air surfaced, making it look hella suspicious. I definitely remember him wearing that ring for maybe the entirety of Dynamite promotions? The Dynamite era went from August 25, 2020- December 3, 2021 according to BTS Wiki. This was like peak COVID time and I was an essential worker so I admittedly wasn’t keeping up with BTS that closely and instead was just trying to make it through the day. He was talking about having kids a lot during this time too, and that one live of him showing off the baby shoes did not help his case that he is already married with kids. Namjoon did seem to get in on the joke though by trolling us and posting that photo of him and a little girl with her face covered.
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There were also terrible rumors going around during this time that he was gay. Namjoon clearly has a very close guy friend and likes to take pictures with said best friend to preserve memories. To respect his non-famous friend’s privacy, he puts emojis over their face on the photos. Some of the emojis were hearts. Thus the shipping and speculation began. RM eventually stopped posting photos with this friend at all and then deleted all of them.
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June 24, 2022… the day when all Namjoon stans had a heart attack. News broke that he was engaged. So those couple ring photos must be true, we all thought. But alas! HYBE released a statement saying “RM’s marriage rumors are not true. We are currently taking swift action against malicious rumors started on YouTube.” Namjoon himself even posted on his instagram story saying “I don’t know her.” All is well, right? Then Indigo was released… and Namjoon really meant it when he said “I don’t know her.”
It is my belief that Namjoon really was engaged to be married to the person whom he shared couple rings with and who was the lockscreen on his phone. But, based on the lyrics from his songs in the Indigo album, we know that the relationship did not end well. Based on the lyrics in “Closer” and “Change pt. 2”, it seems like she broke his heart by either 1) cheating or 2) putting up emotional barriers and saying she didn’t have feelings for him. I will dissect all songs from the Indigo album in full in a separate masterlist and will link to it here.
According to the Sojang video posted on June 23, 2022, RM’s chaebol “fiancee” was going around bragging about being engaged to the idol. Once word got out about this, they had a huge fight about how she was just using him for his fame and not for his personality. This is where I kind of believe Sojang may have sources that are true. The BTS members have had tons of fake dating rumors and have never felt the need to personally respond and always just let their company handle it. Around this time, Jungkook was being “attacked” by Sojang for fake dating rumors as well and he never responded. But Namjoon decided to go to his personal instagram and type “I don’t know her” which could be viewed in two ways: he really has never met the person Sojang is claiming he was engaged to… or he never really knew the TRUE person who he was engaged to, only the mask they wore. And we all know that Namjoon loves being petty, passive aggressive, and cryptic… even more so when it comes to his exes apparently if his songs are anything to go by. He is straight up hexing his ex at the end of “Change pt. 2”.... The breakup has definitely scarred him. While I think he has been working on healing and that the Indigo album has helped tremendously, I do think that Namjoon is now way more reluctant to love than he once was. He has even said so himself on The Dictionary of Useless Human Knowledge that he used to see himself getting married (hmmm… I bet you did), but now he is unsure if he ever will. His long letter to ARMY recently on Weverse gives me hope that he will find love again when he is ready, and he admits so himself in that letter that he won’t go searching for it but will let divine timing take place and let the chips fall where they may.
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apieceofyoungcheese · 10 months
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caelesblues · 11 months
across the universe (part 2)
⋆。°✩ what it’s like to love a member of the astral express, even when you’re universes apart ⋆。°✩
c.w./t.w. fluff with bits of angst, lowercase intended, intense word vomit, an attempt at comedy at march's part
word count: 2057
characters: march 7th, stelle, caelus
gn!reader, title is inspired by “across the universe” by baek yerin, notes at the end
part 1 (with welt, himeko, dan heng)
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10 photos were sent 
2 videos were sent
the date-able lady: looklooklook! this is the new planet we’re stopping by! we finally had some time to just kick back, relax, and finally do some sightseeing! 
seen: 12:22 pm
15 photos were sent
the date-able lady: ugh it’s so pretty here! the food is also really good, we had lots of fun trying out the different cafes they have here! also do the photos look good? i tried some new settings to make the photos really pop!
seen: 12:30 pm
3 videos were sent
the date-able lady: you gotta see some of the shenanigans dan heng and our newest member got into! although it’s kinda concerning how they seem to have an affinity for trashcans….
seen: 12:46 pm
the date-able lady: hey! why are you ignoring me!?
seen: 12:47 pm
annoying person (affectionate): oh sorry i was taking a shit
the date-able lady: what the? so this entire time you were just sitting down on the toilet!?
annoying person (affectionate): yeah pretty much, but i also got sucked into the gaming hypothetical’s video explaining the lore of 6 nights at bobby’s
the date-able lady: …..why are you the way that you are?
annoying person (affectionate): you love it though
the date-able lady: you’re right  (•̀⤙•́ )
annoying person (affectionate): ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
being with someone like march is like going on an adventure without really going on one yourself. surely it would feel that way if your partner was an intergalactic traveler, who liked to constantly share about her journeys with you all the time. her trusty camera and phone will always be there to capture various moments of her adventures with her fellow crewmates, ranging from the mundane to the absolutely wild (the amount of photos you’ve received wherein it was apparent they were in the middle of a mission, it’s astonishing).
video calls were also a common occurrence as well, sometimes as a means for her to play as a virtual tour guide for you or  just catch up with her during downtimes. either way you always look forward to these moments.
you truly appreciate the effort march always puts into making you feel included in her adventures, getting to see even just a glimpse of the vastness of the universe you’ve also longed to see. you’ve even become acquainted with the other members of the astral express, becoming familiar and friendly with all of them to a point they’ve considered you an honorary member of the crew (they also promised that you’re always free to join them if you so choose to partake in trailblazing as well).
and so through your lover you also get to be a part of their missions, be embroiled in the numerous intergalactic gossip, meet new people along the way, and feel as though you’re never really apart.
being with march also meant that there is a comfortable sort of stasis encompassing the relationship. stasis in the sense that no matter how far apart you’ve been from one another in such a long time, the very nature of your relationship, how you interact with one another, and how you’ve come to know each other does not change whatsoever. it is a testament to the strength someone like her possesses, not letting things change between you just because she’s no longer beside you.
it’s evident in the way you still go about your interactions, almost as if you aren’t galaxies apart. the initial insecurity of how such a massive distance will change you both and the relationship was quelled just as easily as it had formed in your mind, with the both of you just as naturally going about everything just like how you both easily fell in love. 
people always warn you that lovers who stay apart from one another are an easy breeding ground for them to become strangers eventually, but it’s not like that with march. there is no room for either of you to become estranged, not with the constant updates, efforts to always include one another in activities, making time for little virtual dates, and never once changing in spite of the distance that people said will break you apart.
and although she may have left your home planet a long time ago already, only making the occasional stops when they can, it’s never felt like she was ever gone in the first place to begin with. 
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it isn’t easy being born yesterday, abandoned by your mom, be found by strangers, said strangers then inform you that you have the cancer of all worlds implanted in you, and now you join said strangers to travel across the stars-and oh yeah you’re hailed as the savior of an entire planet, and you’ve become an esteemed personality aboard a starfaring ship. well for most normal people the aforementioned things definitely are not an easy feat to accomplish, and that’s without taking into account that those things aren’t so far apart in the timeline of someone’s life. but stelle isn’t just anyone, if you weren’t paying close attention she’s somewhat of an anomaly but also a bigshot already. 
somehow preternaturally gifted in combat, has a knack for getting into mischief, already finding themselves in world changing events, and being the talk of the town wherever she goes-that’s your stelle for you alright. a lot of people are awed by her, either by her talent in fighting, the ability to say the wrong things at the wrong time, or by just being the gremlin that they are; stelle is never without some admirers (and detractors) along the way. 
being such a hotshot would surely get in someone’s head, no? not her though, no one can really quite grasp what’s going inside their head (except you). always sporting a cool and indifferent look on her always-even when in the midst of imminent danger-stelle is able to keep her composure in check. never letting nary a speck of emotion taint their visage, thus never giving others an insight to what they may think or feel.
it makes them seem like that she’s unbothered by everything that surrounds her, but you most certainly know that that isn’t the case. it’s quite evident to you how much is brewing inside stelle, but can’t really let them out one way or another. with news spreading of how immensely capable stelle is, it’s no surprise that people have sought her out for whatever they need help with. running from one point to another, shouldering other people’s workload, getting caught up in others’ personal affairs; it’s a daunting task for someone who’s already carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“oh! you’re that trailblazer right? can you help me with something?”
“it’s the savior of belobog! just in time, come help us for just a bit”
“is it true that you’ve been helping the seat of the divine foresight with the issue about the ambrosial tree? that means you must know your way around the artisanship commission, correct?”
“trailblazer, over here!”
“honarary member!”
“stelle! do you have a minute?”
“hey youngster, you’re not just gonna stand there let them get away with it!”
“stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stellestellestellestelle-“
“breathe in, breathe out. slow and steady breaths, count to ten then name ten things you can see around you. you’re ok, you’re going to be just fine.” these words are what stelle keeps replaying in her mind, a reminder and comfort from you that has helped her in moments wherein she feels like slipping away.
she wonders how you do it, how you’re able to tell so easily when she’s starting to get bogged down with everything. be it through messages or calls you know when to help her calm down, soothing her frazzled state with gentle reminders and helping her get grounded again. 
in stelle’s eyes you’re basically an aeon, with your supernatural ability to always be a stable presence for her even if you’re both so far away from one another. even if she’s seen as someone who is cool and aloof (even being called a menace), you see pass through those and see someone who is still trying to get their footing in this world, and you’re willing enough to stand by her and be the unchanging pillar she can always rely on.
no matter the immense changes she’s constantly facing, stress she’s undergoing, or the turmoil that finds her, you’re an unfaltering constant in her life that she desperately needs.
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wonderkid, the boy from beyond the stars, the savior of belobog, general jing yuan’s esteemed guest, the underworld’s boxing champion.
those are just some of the many nicknames caelus has collected across his adventures, always seeming to pick up some more along the way. he is never short of admirers whenever the astral express stops, people instantly in awe of his innate martial prowess, his rather unique (for a lack of a better term) personality and charm, as well as his admittedly good looks.
they cannot help but stop and marvel at the grey haired man, drawn in by the various situations he always seems to find himself in and the sheer aura of confidence he exudes (not to mention that he has an affinity for…being a gremlin that may or may not dig through dumpsters and wayward packages). 
without a doubt caelus has become some sort of celebrity in the places they go to, with some even saying that his name recognition alone can rival that of super popstar ast rickley. even his haters cannot deny that that man can talk the talk, never one to just brag about things but not deliver.
it’s why even his enemies have decided not to take him head on, unless they really had no choice but engage him in a fight-although it isn’t really a surprise that caelus would come out unscathed each and every time. the boy from beyond the stars truly is out of this world (get it?), shaking up the systems of the places he touches upon.
even as his lover you are not immune to gushing about caelus, taking every opportunity to shower him with praises and affection (also because that boy is so easy to fluster, which is just the cherry on top). i mean how can you not? there is so much to him that just warrants all your attention, from his insane fighting skills to how utterly loveable he is.
don’t get him wrong though, caelus loves the fact that you’re not exactly shy with your love for him, but he also feels like he might just explode from all of your loving (not to mention the teasing he gets constantly from march and sometimes himeko). 
but for caelus that isn’t even the best part of being with you, even as fantastic as it is to constantly be showered with your love, his favorite part of being with you is how he can just be himself. no more is he the savior of belobog, the luofuo’s most important guest, the undisputed boxing champion-he can be just caelus, not some kind of otherworldly being that just sprung up out of nowhere, going on fantastical adventures and building up a reputation across the stars. even if you tease him from time to time about this very fact, he knows that deep down to you he is just your precious caelus, the boy you fell in love with when they happen to stop at your home planet.
with you caelus feels like he doesn’t have to be anything that anyone wants him to be, he just has to be your lover, your best friend, and your biggest supporter. it’s possible for him to just be another guy that’s deeply in love, with his significant other that makes him feel like he can take on the entire galaxy (he can’t but he’s getting there). your love does not require him to do anything for you to see him as something worthy of such affections, no need for him to wow you with anything to receive even just an inkling of your warmth. 
so while caelus will be constantly be collecting new nicknames, continue to outdo himself with each new adventure, and ultimately become some sort of celebrity across the universe, with you he’s just another boy in love.
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AAAHHHHH part two is also here now! i can finally put this piece to rest ಥ◡ಥ idk if you can tell but i definitely ran out of juice writing these part, since i was already so tired and brain dead writing everything. likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
caelesblues @ 2023 | do not steal, copy, plagiarize, or repost on any other platform
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151 notes · View notes
dolunay66 · 7 months
1. Dervişliğin şanındandır, abdal olan aptal olanı bağışlar.
2. Abdal, (hali) 'değişen' demektir, aptal 'değişmeyen'. O nedenle ilki evrilir, ikincisi devrilir.
3. Abdal anlamak, aptal anlaşılmak ister, oysa hakikatte ilkinin anlaşılma'ya, ikincisinin anlama'ya ihtiyacı vardır.
4. Abdal olan hazzın (güzelin) peşinden koşar, aptal olan yararın (çıkarın). Bu yüzden ilki hep acı çeker, ikincisi daima zarar eder.
5. Bazı abdallar 'aptal', bazı aptallar 'abdal' görünür. Abdal görünmek kolay, olmak zordur.
6. İyiler 'aptal' görünür, aptallar 'masum'. Abdallara gelince, onlar görünmez.
7. Abdal anlar ve susar, aptal anlamaz ama yine konuşur.
8. Derin çelişkiler karşısında, abdal olan tarafsız kalır, aptal olan kayıtsız. Kuşku irfan'ın alametidir çünkü.
9. Abdal dünyadan kurtulmaya, aptal dünyayı kurtarmaya çalışır. En sonunda abdal kendine kavuşur, aptal dünyaya.
10. Abdal yaptığı kötülükten, yapmadığı iyilikten pişman olur, aptal'sa yaptığı iyilikten, yapmadığı kötülükten.
11. Abdal düşteyken uyarılınca uyanır ve utanır, aptal ise ne uyanır, ne utanır, sayıklamaya devam eder.
12. Abdal tebessüm eder sevindiğinde, aptal sırıtır, bu yüzden, üzüldüklerinde ilki ağlar, ikincisi zırlar.
13. Abdal vasat değildir ama vasat'ta (itidal'de) durmayı bilir, aptal ise vasat'tır ama vasat'ta durmayı bilmez.
14. Abdal borçlu gibi sever, asla bedel ödemekten çekinmez, aptal ise alacaklı gibi sevdiği için en küçük anlaşmazlıkta hacze gelir.
15. Abdal durur ve düşünür, aptal düşünür ve durur. Ne ki düşünen hemen susar, ama duran susmak bilmez.
16. Abdal aşk ile mest, aptal mey ile hoş olur. Sonuçta ser-mest olan ebediyyen ayılmaz, ser-hoş olan zariflerden sayılmaz.
17. Abdal sevdiğini beğenmek, aptal ise beğendiğini sevmek ister. İlki önce içe, sonra dışa bakar, diğeri tam aksini yapar.
18. Abdallar genellikle kördür, yani gözleri dünyaya kapalıdır. Bu yüzden aptalların, yani gözü açıkların göremediklerini görürler.
19. Aptal yaptığından nadim olur, yere çöker, abdal tevbe eder, ayağa kalkar. (Aradaki farkı oluşturan, pişmanlık hissine eşlik eden bilinçtir.)
20. Aptal hep haklı olmayı marifet bilir, abdal hep haklı olmamayı.
21. Aptal bir oylama'nın sonucunun "oy birliği" ile alınmasına sevinir, abdal "oy çokluğu" ile.
22. Abdal abdal'ı bulunca susar, aptal aptal'ı bulunca aptal aptal konuşur.
23. Abdal aptal'ın yanına düşse de susar, ama aptal yine aptal aptal konuşmaya devam eder.
24. Güzel deyince aptal'ın aklına 'kadın' gelir, kadın deyince abdal'ın aklına 'güzel'.
25. Abdal sorularıyla tanınır, aptal cevaplarıyla.
26. Abdal uzak görür yakın söyler, aptal yakın görür uzak söyler. O yüzden ilkinin bikrine kanma, ikincisinin zikrine.
27. Abdal sözün hakikatinden etkilenir, aptal ise retoriğinden. Sen sen ol, ey talib, aptal olma!
28. Aptal'ın hâli bardağın içinde kaşık gibi durmak veya altında tabak gibi uzanmak, abdal'ınki ise çayın içinde şeker gibi erimek.
29. Aptal Batı'ya (Doğu'ya) ya hayranlık duyar, ya nefret eder, abdal ise ne hayranlık duyar, ne nefret eder, sadece anlamaya çalışır.
30. Abdal'a malum olur, aptal'a bir şey olmaz, başkaları bile değil, kendisi kendisine meçhuldür çünkü.
31. Günlük yaşamın seni işgal etmesini istemiyorsan ey talib, aptal gibi önemli olana değer vermek yerine, abdal gibi değerli olana önem ver!
32. Abdal mesud olmayı marifet bilir, aptal ise memnun olmayı.
33. Aptal için başarmak önceliklidir, abdal içinse denemek.
34. Abdal sık ama yumuşak bir şekilde yere düşen kar taneleri gibi sükûnetle konuşur, aptal ise hınçla yağan sert dolu taneleri gibi öfkeyle.
35. Aptal laf eder, abdal söz eder. Lafı bırak, söze kulak ver!
36. Tanrı var mı?
Teist: var (%100)
Ateist: yok (%100)
Agnostik: olabilir (%50)
Aptal yanıtları, abdal soruyu anlamsız bulur.
37. Abdal bir fikrin tarafı olur, aptalsa taraftarı. Bu nedenle ilki savunur, ikincisi savrulur.
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