#1. This blog has had a decent amount of genuine character development and that has not been considered
rosetintedgunman · 1 year
Update on the updating-backstory fiasco before my laptop runs out of battery:
I FINALLY HAVE A TIMELINE FOR WILF'S CANON APPEARANCES. I never had this established despite having this blog over four and a half years???? I am as baffled as you are right now.
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s-mething-mbti · 3 years
Hiya! I just discovered your blog and was wondering if you could help try to type me (sorry this is pretty long)
1. I’m currently pretty torn between the intuitive introverts. I was able to narrow it down to INTJ, INFJ or INTP. I’m about 97.2% sure I use Ni. The only thing that’s giving me a bit of doubt is I find myself occasionally learning for the sake of learning which I’ve found is a traditionally Ne trait. Despite this I’m still pretty sure I use Ni as when I go down a rabbit hole and start learning for the sake of learning its always about a topic that interests me or is entertaining. I won’t waste my time learning about something I find mundane or drab. I resonate a lot with Ni’s “aha” moments where the correct answer simply pops into my head or a vision suddenly seems clear or a plot holes solution suddenly seems painstakingly obvious. I also resonate with starting out with a broader range of information/ possibilities and narrowing it down to one or two things. Another intuitive thing I highly relate to is living in the future. If almost never living in the present, and a constantly fixate on the future. I have a distinct, clear, and well thought out plan for the next 20 years (give or take).
Where I run into a bit of trouble is when I try to figure out which judging functions I predominantly use. It honestly feels like I use them all (though I know you’re only supposed to be able to use two well). For example I plan out everything, and set deadlines for myself. My desk often seems really messy to others especially when I’m doing art. This isn’t because I don’t value cleanliness, but because it simply makes more sense to keep all my art supplies out rather than having to spend at least fifteen minutes taking them out and then putting them away only to take them right back out the next day. I set goals based off of easily measurable, external things such as time, or grades. I make daily to do lists that outline everything I’ll need to do in the day, and some stuff to focus on if I have extra time. With my to do list I also plan out the approximate time each thing should take. When coming up with a scientific theory, I take others opinions/theories and test them against each other, and current scientific laws in order to formulate the most probable theory. External opinions (in a scientific/ logical manner) mean a lot to me (I don’t really care about how people that aren’t my friends think of me). To me these things seem very Te. But then I’m always smiling and am a fairly warm person. I want my friends to be happy, and I want to help others. I despise emotionally driven conflict(though I love debates), and while I’m not afraid to disrupt it if it threatens my morals/ is promoting something blatantly wrong (factually or morally) I do really harmony. These seem like pretty Fe things to me. As for Fi, I rarely share my negative emotions, preferring to deal with them predominantly alone. While I may not talk about them much I also have EXTREMELY strong morals. If something is crossing them I’m not going to simply ignore it for the sake of harmony. While I tend to be private I do try to be as authentic as possible. My morals are derived by information I’ve collected and decisions I’ve made myself, rather than being derived by ‘the groups’ collective morals if that makes sense. To me these things appear to be very Fi. As for Ti, sometimes I enjoy learning simply for the sake of learning. The knowledge may have no practical use to me but if I find it interesting or want to learn about it I can devote hours to it. I try and come to the most logical/accurate conclusion possible, and when I’m offering advice I may offer additional advice that takes different variables into account. The truth is really important to me as well.
2. Reading. I absolutely ADORE reading(specifically fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian books or research/scientific articles about topics that interest me). For reference there was a period of time when I had some free time and I was reading 2 or 3 books a day? Read maybe 50 books in the span of 20 days? But yeah I absolutely love reading. Just he way the book sucks you in and deposits you and a completely new world full of wonder and disaster and ugh it’s just magnificent. And don’t even get me started on impeccable character development and eeee. The way rereading a book feels like you’re reconnecting with an old best friend or going back to your childhood home and *sobs*. I also LOVE trying to predict plot twists and character deaths. Most of the time I can predict things correctly and idk it’s really fun to just try and figure out what’s going to happen before the big reveal. And the rush of satisfaction you get when you’ve guessed something right- it also helps me brace for character deaths (sorta. For example I knew *the* death in the final empire [by Brandon Sanderson] was coming since nearly the very beginning [I had my suspicions since the moment vin was introduced] but I still sobbed when the character died. [a tad off topic but what caused me to cry wasn’t the death itself but another characters reaction to it. This is often the case I find. A death of a character I love leaves me feeling empty but what typically gets me to cry is the others reactions- for thus reason funerals usually make me cry. I should also add that I only cry when I’m alone. I’ve cried around people (that aren’t my parents) a grand total of 1 time.]
Uh and daydreaming. I’m almost always daydreaming. Ie. if my brain was a search engine or whatever one tab would be reality and I would consecutively have at lest 20 other tabs open. Some of then playing videos (daydreams) others supplying music(if I’m not actively listening to real music my brain cycles through songs I have memorized. Occasionally does this with book scenes too if I’m bored [yes, I memorize some of my favourite scenes, word for word, so I can play them like a movie in my head when I, bored) others containing random info (just me thinking random stuff) etc.
3. I guess how to solve some problems? Wether it’s a math or science problem, or an argument between friends, figuring out how to solve things has always been something I’m decently good at. Math and science just. Make sense. And then with issues between people I’m good at looking at different perspectives (even ones that I don’t agree with) and playing out different scenarios/ possible outcomes of different approaches. This lets me come up with a solution that will successfully solve the problem with the least amount of negative ramifications involved
4. Hmm maybe being present? I honestly feel like life is passing me by and I’m just immobilized on the sidelines. Im so far into the future that I kinda forget to actually *live* every once in a while.
5. Honesty? Truth? Morals? These topics are all really interesting as they can be kinda subjective. The line between honesty and cruelty is so small. What is truth? Cause while yes, we have some set truths (such as the earth is orbiting the sun) so many ‘truths’ are simply subjective and completely depend on ones perspective. And morals my goodness. The stormlight archive is a really fun series that plays around with things like what is justice? And honour? I won’t get into it now but it brings up so many really interesting questions regarding morals.
6. Perspective . I think perspective is such a fascinating thing. Just. Different opinions. Seeing the world through completely different lenses. Interpreting the same thing in utterly different ways. When toying around with an idea I find it really fun to try and imagine opposing perspectives. While I can find different perspectives really interesting, they can also well... get on my nerves to say the least. Sometimes someone perspective is just? So blatantly wrong? And has absolutely no factual evidence backing it up? And part of me wants to just just scream and it would be so much easier if everyone just. Assessed the facts in front of them instead of making wild accusations or whatever without anything to support them. But yeah overall I think perspectives are really cool and they’re part of what helps to make the world diverse and life so much less interesting without different perspectives.
The future. I’ve found a bunch of my friends find thinking about the future stressful but if I’m being honest I find solace in thinking about the future. Having things planned out and knowing what I intend to do/ where I want to go takes off so much stress. I lowkey live in the future and I honestly cannot wait till it comes, and I achieve my goals. While I might be a bit scared the future excites me so much more than it’ll ever scare me.
7. Maybe add some more stuff about the judging functions and feelings and thinking etc . I absolutely adore science and math. I literally do math for fun. I’m currently aiming to get my PhD in astrophysics.
Not sure if this is relevant at all but my biggest (harmless) pet peeves are my grandmother’s door stopper (it always gets stuck in the door and then u can’t get it out and the door won’t close properly- I have an unhealthy amount of hatred for that thing AHAHJSEJKSMDJDJDJJ) and when people say some variant of “you did good”. Like nO NO YOU DID NOT DO gOoD. YOU DID W E L L (Anyways theres my little mini rant).
I’m my friend groups therapist (sorta). While I’m really not good with words and recycle the same three responses I always let everyone know that I’m here for them and they can talk to me without judgement etc. While I really don’t know what to say or do I try my best because I care about my friends and want to help them. I love them and so I want them to be able to be happy. Im always smiling (though this is more so because people don’t ask me how I’m doing when I look happy than because I’m genuinely happy. Most of the time I’m he farthest thing from that). I’m a pretty warm person who’s always happy to help, however I’m very introverted. I haven’t had a single conversation with the majority of people in my class (I’ve had a convo with maybe 5. Talk to 2 regularly. There are 26 people in my class). I never express negative emotions (with the exception of stress- I panic intensely in the 5 minutes immediately before taking a test as this helps me to completely turn off my nerves while I’m writing the exam. I may also make a joke or two about my negative emotions with close friends). I should also add that when making decisions I value logic more and think thinks through thoroughly, examining the pros and cons etc. While I take feelings and emotions into consideration when making decisions they’re more like an additional variable to consider rather than the main driving force that determines my decision. If I’m feeling really emotional and I need to make a decision I will postpone deciding until I feel more levelheaded. I’m really not impulsive in the slightest.
Thank you so much!!
Living in the future rather than the present and your comfort in that sapce, your ability for and enjoyment of making predictions, your ability to really understand and try on different perspectives you don’t necessarily agree with, your focus on “ramifications” (aka future implications) while problem solving - this all points to high Ni.
You also show a Te preference - goals based on external metrics, to-do lists for daily tasks, logic based on the outer world (external opinion). When you said “While I take feelings and emotions into consideration when making decisions they’re more like an additional variable to consider rather than the main driving force that determines my decision” - that is a clear cut definition of Te over Fe preference.
Your tertiary Fi shows through here as well - willing to disrupt harmony if it upsets your morals, your morals being personally derived, needing to understand your emotions while alone. And lastly, your statement about “forgetting to live” from being in the future is pretty textbook inferior Se. 
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starchildsteven · 6 years
I think some people are genuinely misunderstanding the conversation that is being had if you think what I have said is solely about Critical Role or simply about not wanting it to be criticized in any way. Critical Role just happens to be the example of the medium I am using to talk about this issue. Because the issue was brought to my attention through that show
This isn't about not having it apply to a show I like. That's silly. You may not know it but the game my entire blog is based around has many elements that are... less than appropriate and tastefull. True the game invokes these tropes intentionally as homage which should be taken into account but that does not mean they don't have meaning anymore. More than once I've discussed while fitting Josh's endings enforce harmful stereotypes about mentally ill people and that can't be ignored. I have no problem owning up to the problematic aspects of the media I enjoy.
It's not about making people uncomfortable as one person suggested, this is about whether under the current definition the term is useful in the discussion of media representation for queer people and some of us think it isn't. Critical Role is a very unique case when it comes to this trope and we would be remiss NOT to discuss it.
Coining a new term (suggested by the same person) doesn't work because the fact that a word doesn't exist is not the issue here. BYG and it's implications would still apply so then the problem has not been solved by finding a new word. A new term would not negate BYG. The problem is still a problem. I clearly pointed out if the "Woman in the Refrigerator" trope referred to every female character who ever died in any media then the problem with the trope is not being addressed. Because it's not being adequately defined. The problem isn't that women die but that too often women die so a man can develop or have a motivation or start his "hero's journey."
Both me and @the-scarecrowlover made it very clear that we are using Critical Role as an example within this discussion because it's a.) the show that sparked the debate (at least for us) and b.) a good example of what we are talking about.
Let me ask you if BYG applies to any and every queer character that dies what problem is it addressing? That queer characters die. Yes. But all characters die. WHY queer characters dying is a problem is not being adequately defined and thus can't be solved. We have a problem with no answer because even in a cast full of queer people BYG for some reason still applies. The only answers are to never kill queer characters or not have them.
Here's another example from the game my blog is centered around (if only so you understand I'm not nor ever have been against criticizing media I enjoy): "Black Guy Dies First." While not always the case it is very easy to have Matt, the lone black man within a cast full of mostly white people, die first in the game. There is no question even though it is determinate on the players actions that because it is still possible to kill him first the trope applies. Until Dawn is guilty of "Black Guy Dies First."
Now let's look at that term. First off notice the phrase for the term. It highlights FIRST right in the name. That immediately conveys the issue isn't just that a black character has died. Rather the term is meant to address the issue of a Black character, often a man, who is usually the only black guy in the cast being the first character killed off out of the main cast. Though it can also apply when only white characters survive. Those are the two stipulations.
So potential writers how do we avoid the "Black Guy Dies First" trope? Easy we have a cast with more than one black character (preferably more than two and more than one male) and we either allow one or more to live, allow them all to live or save their deaths for later on down the line after some white characters have already died. Great! We avoided invoking a trope that paints black characters as sacrificial lambs.
Now how dear writers do we avoid BYG? It's not add more queer characters because trope still applies. What else can we do? Is there another answer here? Far as I can see at the moment, we're left with never kill queer characters. If you have another answer then I'm interested to hear it.
Again if BYG was not used as a strictly negative term this would not be an issue but it is. Not all tropes are inherently bad. "First Girl Wins" describes something that happens in the story and nothing else. "The first female character not related to the hero introduced to the audience is who they end up with." Nothing about that term that implies a problem. Or at least not any serious problems.
But BYG has only ever been used negatively. It also puts otherwise good representation in the same category as what is considered bad representation.
Let's look at Big Bang Theory and Brooklyn Nine-Nine to demonstrate a point. Now if we go by the internet opinion B99 is the preferred show correct? However if we go by popular main stream culture then BBT is the clear victor here. BBT has a lot of offensive elements but this is not about that so let's keep it simple by just pointing out that BBT doesn't have any meaningful East Asian characters, an issue with representation. Now B99 also has no meaningful representation for East Asian people. So do B99 and BBT belong in the same category when talking about diversity since they both lack significant characters of East Asian decent in their cast?
Yes and No.
"Yes" if we're talking specifically about East Asian or even just Asian representation but "No" if we're simply talking about cast diversity in media since out of the 7 main characters (Hitchcock and Scully aren't mains as they aren't in the opening title sequence) 3 of them are women, 2 of them are Latina, 2 of them are black, 1 of them is Jewish and at least 2 of them are queer. So when we talk about a lack of diversity BBT and B99 are not in any way in equal standing. The issue of having not East Asian characters in the cast is still an issue for both shows but that doesn't put BBT and B99 in the same category on the topic of diversity.
In addition as I was saying before. BBT is the more successful show. There is and always will be rewards for upholding the status quo. Rather than a reward however B99 is met with an intense amount of (while deserved) harsh, misleading and overblown criticism. The show is not being rewards for its diverse cast but rather being criticized even more heavily then a show that doesn't try at all (BBT).
Now before anyone goes into claiming I'm saying that we should be thankful for any and all representation let me make it clear there's a big difference between being being grateful for what media will give you and recognizing sincere effort. If I just felt any rep should be prasied to high heaven I wouldn't have been and still be so adamently against The Office Type as that is such a bad example of representation more hurtful than helpful. Matt trying to fill his world with diverse and interesting characters is something that should be recognized because there will always be bigots to reward other bigots.
There is a difference between holding creators and people who work in media to a higher standard and creating scenarios impossible to avoid. Currently BYG does the latter and that is not at all useful when we are talking about media representation.
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juliaisabellphoto · 5 years
Music Journal #1: 2018 Albums of the Year
Thus far, I’ve dedicated this blog solely to my attempts at becoming a decent photographer, as well as some scattered descriptions of my travels. While I have no intention of making this blog absurdly personal or anything more than an artistic outlet, I’ve always had an itching to write about the music I find & listen to. So, without further ado, I’ll start with my favorite albums of the year (& a short summary of my thoughts on each)
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1. Tash Sultana, Flow State
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I stumbled upon this gem of a project late in 2018 when I was itching for an album to drown myself in. As soon as the first notes of “Seed (Intro)” blasted in my headphones, I knew I had chosen right. With a beautiful combination of melodic guitar riffs, biting electronic drum tracks, and silky, laid-back vocals, Sultana opens up a world for the listener to fall into. Listening to this album is startlingly similar to a dreamless night of sleep - one moment you feel as though you can discern the differences between tracks, and the next you’ve made it all the way to track eight without noticing. “Cigarettes” is certainly the vocal gem of the piece, with smooth R&B roots & a chorus that just won’t get out of your head. In stark contrast, “Blackbird” is a song of instrumental mastery. The vocals take a backdrop to the intense conversation (and at some points, argument) being had by Sultana’s competing guitar melodies. Sultana’s work on the guitar is often reminiscent of John Butler Trio & other acoustic greats, but the addition of their unique voice allows the album to take an entirely unique shape of its own. If I have one piece of advice for 2019, it’s to make time to sit and do nothing but listen to this album. 
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVDJ8O3lPBA
2. Ariana Grande, Sweetener
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This was an obvious choice. Ari dropped the album we all needed to hear in 2018. With the artful ability to produce banging pop songs with real meaning, Grande has the makings of a star who will not stop shining for a long, long while. The album is brimming with girl power and independence while also being honest and genuine. The entrancing bass line and sexy confidence of “God is a woman” captured the attention of functionally everyone this year, and with good reason. The subsequent confessional “breathin” showed that even the most badass women have their struggles. Chronicling her fight with anxiety, the song provides a stunning anthem for holding your head up through hard times. If this album proves anything, it is that the new queen of pop has arrived and will be staying. 
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivwciGSLC-M
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In this album, ASAP Rocky ascends to a whole new level of hip-hop greatness. When describing the project, he stated that it was ‘all about testing new sounds,” and that shows. The abrasive intro song, “Distorted Records,” sets the stage for a completely unique soundscape. This experimentation continues throughout the album with funky drum tracks and accompanying melodies, but ASAP Rocky’s clean vocal style provides a uniting constant. 
While most of this album is perfect for blasting on the highway with car windows down, one song stands out as an independent masterpiece. “Purity.” featuring Frank Ocean, stands in stark contrast to the air of invincibility found in the rest of the album. This song is vulnerable: an introspective discussion of intoxication-related demons laid over an artful sample of Lauryn Hill’s “I Gotta Find Peace of Mind.” This slow, heart-wrenching piece provides an end to the album that is completely antithetical to its beginning. The immense versatility shown in one album alone deserves to be at the top of any 2018 list.
4. Khruangbin, Con Todo El Mundo
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If I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that the best instrumental music has the ability to say more than any lyrics can. Khruangbin’s second album does just that: every song has a character and a storytelling emotion wrapped up in its funky bass lines. At times, the album floats along as life does (see “Como Me Quieres.) At others, for example in Maria Tambien, there is the feeling of being in the midst of some dramatic situation. The album instrumentally represents the  stages of individual thought (both active and passive) and it is completely enthralling. 
Fun fact: the track “August 10″ is the song “August 12″ from their first album, but played in reverse. They described it as a “connective tissue” between their first album and their second. Cool stuff!
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWLJeqLPfSU
5. Mitski, Be the Cowboy
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I first listened to this album as I fell asleep on a plane ride, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The droning, climactic beauty of this album is best experienced on its own with nothing to distract but your own droopy eyes. The album starts off slow with “Geyser,” but quickly works its way up to the earth-shaking climax of “Pearl.” The album is filled with complex sonic peaks and valleys from there on out (try to find a melodic similarity between “Remember My Name” and “Come into the Water” - I date you.) The songs of this album feel like different chapters in a storybook, and that’s exactly how Mitski wanted it. When she described her intentions, she said that she wanted the album to feel like “the image of someone alone on a stage.” ‘Be the Cowboy’ cleverly achieves this - finishing the album feels like finishing a novel, including the disappointment at the lack of further content. 
6. Troye Sivan. Bloom
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This pop album bursting with energy and emotion accesses the wonderful, terrible process of falling in and out of love. While I could talk for paragraphs upon paragraphs about the hours that I spent dancing in my kitchen to this album, that’s not the primary reason for this album’s place on my list. With ‘Bloom,’ Sivan produced one of the most emotionally versatile musical pieces of the year. When I discuss his songs with people, I am always struck by the differences in what they mean to each of us. Certainly, this variance in meaning is the nature of music - but Sivan pushes that to a new level. His songs are a vibrant and powerful normalization of gay expression, and provide the whole world with relatable songs to dance (and cry) to.
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xCMF7jsDJI
7. J. Balvin, Vibras
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There is only one thing that this album makes you want to do: dance. It is absolutely guaranteed that your hips will be moving by the end of song number two. The beats on this new album are hot and infectious, as shown by the popularity of “Mi Gente” in clubs everywhere. Reggaeton as a genre has gained massive popularity globally, and Balvin has jumped into this with new variations of the traditional Columbian style. Noticeable throughout the album are infusions of popular trap beats as well as salsa and electronic dance music (see “Machika.”) The album is undeniably sexy, y despues de escuchar todas personas quieren mas ;)
8. LP, Heart to Mouth
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I read somewhere that this album was a “full-length heartbreaker.” As I progressed through each song, this description was confirmed ten times over. There is not a single song on this album that didn’t make me feel something real. In no particular order, LP represents the whirlwind of emotions that come with the end of a relationship: regret, pain, missing someone, liberation, strength. The entire conflicting mess is all there. Listen to ‘Recovery’ if you need a cry, and ‘Girls Go Wild’ if you need a therapeutic dance party. All I can do is feel thankful to have received this raw, empowering confessional. And of course, her stunning vocals don’t hurt one bit. 
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACWS4ajWdww
9. Mac Miller, Swimming 
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Listening to this album in the wake of Mac’s death is haunting. His words cut deep, and they cut deeper after knowing the full extent of how he struggled. The themes of growth and healing are wrapped up in overwhelming melodies and Mac’s beautiful voice. The first track of the album, “Come Back to Earth,” sets the stage for the emotional rollercoaster that each track is bound to be. After this song, he launches into the groovy “Hurt Feelings” and begins to describe the intricacies of his hardships. This album is something you could easily bop around your kitchen table to (queue “What’s the Use?”), but if you listen too closely you might end up in tears. In this contemplative and instrumentally complex record, Mac’s last work was his strongest. 
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrR_gm6RqCo
10. Liz Brasher, Outcast EP
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I first heard this EP on an episode of NPR’s “All Songs Considered” in the middle of a long drive up California Highway 5 (one that would’ve been torturous without the discovery of new music.) The song “Body of Mine” immediately caught my ear, and I dove into the rest of Brasher’s music as deeply as I could. Uncut garage-band sound is the overwhelming theme of the EP - “Body of Mine,” “Come My Way,” and “Outcast” make this crystal clear. Despite the quick assumptions that can be made about her sound, Brasher pulls complexity into the EP with the heart-wrenching ballads “Feel Something” and “Remain.” These two songs showcase the raw strength of her voice and the emotion that she can convey with it. I am excited to see what her music develops into as she gains more acclaim in the new year. Thanks again, NPR!
11. Travis Scott, ASTROWORLD
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I haven’t been a huge Travis Scott fan in the past. I would passively listen to his music, but I never understood all the buzz about him. This album completely changed my mind. ASTROWORLD is a masterpiece in so many ways, and the amount of depth present in the album is mindblowing. While “STARGAZING” and “SICKO MODE” stand out as obvious party bangers, it’s no surprise that many fans are hooked on calmer tracks like “YOSEMITE” and “COFFEE BEAN.” If I were to describe the different musical styles employed on this album, I would truly be describing every song. Scott enters a new realm of production genius, giving club DJs exactly what they want while also producing the perfect songs for a chill night in smoking. He includes the autotuned party business he employed in past albums while also mixing in pure, clean cuts of his own voice. It was a pleasant surprise to hear an album from a trap artist with both diversity and widespread quality. Officially a Travis Scott fan. 
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enYt3dKXWkE
12. Christine and the Queens, Chris
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I was also introduced to this album late in the year, and I’m glad I was because its energy was exactly what I needed. This half poppy half funky explosion of energy is what anyone needs to listen to on a down day. This album was her rebranding as Chris, an “affirmation of desire as a force of chaos” as she described in an interview with NPR. In both the album artwork and the record’s descriptions of love and identity, she plays with the fluidity of gender and its meaning in our modern era. This phenomenal record is an exercise in both shifting representations of desire and making you dance, and I’m so here for it.
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjliweXTCYM
12. Kacey Musgraves. Golden Hour
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This slow-rolling album is perfect for a slow day. When I initially saw this album on the top charts, I was confused - I had seen Musgraves live in 2014, I had heard “High Horse,” but what was SO special about her? It was only in taking a chunk of my day to sit and listen to this album that I caught the bug that everyone else seemed to already have. In this album, Musgraves develops into so much more of an artist than she has been in the past. She shifts from cookie-cutter radio country to a wonderfully sweet combination of cotton-candy pop and heartfelt Americana guitar riffs. Her message is positive, her lyrics are honest, and her sound is touching. I was most convinced by “Happy & Sad,” and I won’t deny that the song pulled tears out of my eyes. She conveys youthful happy energy while simultaneously acknowledging the uncertainty of that happiness, and we all needed it (even if we didn’t know it.) Plus, “High Horse” is a bop, and that’s that on that. 
13. BROCKHAMPTON, iridescence
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After the expulsion of Ameer Vann from the group and the cancellation of a number of tour dates, many weren’t sure what to expect from Brockhampton in the coming weeks. The name of the upcoming album was changed, and presumably entirely new songs were recorded. Nevertheless, iridescence was received with intense anticipation from die-hard Brockhampton fans (myself among them.) The album fulfilled all hopes - with the first track, “NEW ORLEANS,” launching into an aggressive and high-energy beat, I couldn’t help but smile. Brockhampton did it yet again. The transitions between songs are seamless, and every song lends to the theatrics that they love to pull onstage. Much of the record feels like a high-speed formula one race, but the emotional “SAN MARCOS” pulls listeners into another dimension entirely. Hearing this song performed live was one of the more powerful moments of any concert I’ve ever seen - the outro was made to be passionately sung by a crowd, and it so was. And “TONYA” - wow. I could go on forever about this album.
14. Boygenius, boygenius
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The cover art for this record is simple, and that simplicity shines through in its tracks. The collaboration of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus in this project is pure magic. The music is calm, melodic, and easy to become entranced by. Their voices could lull me to sleep any day, and every song feels like it could play during the part of a movie when the protagonist stares out a car window in deep thought. Each song builds to an emotionally charged climax in exactly the tortured way that a listener would expect from these three artists. At this point, I’d be deeply sad if these three didn’t continue making music as a group. They are a gift.
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS48Lp34Zic
15. Kali Uchis, Isolation
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Kali Uchis blooms in a real way in Isolation. Busting at the seams with sexy confidence, her psychedelic-funky R&B traversal of genres on this record is just perfect. Her uniquely smooth voice pulled over left-of-center beats lends itself to an album full of hits. “After the Storm” featuring Tyler the Creator gained quick popularity, and it is a good representative of the vibe that the rest of the album gives off. A laid back, sexual, happy piece of musical experimentation, Kali Uchis is here to play ball. 
16. Cardi B, Invasion of Privacy
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With Invasion of Privacy, Cardi B burst onto the popular rap scene with no regrets. Every song exudes her bad bitch energy and reclaims the rap music tropes typically employed exclusively by men. While an incredible ancestry of female rappers came before her, Cardi B has broken the musical glass ceiling in a big way. She is the first female rapper to reach number one on the Billboard top 200 in over 20 years, has the most Billboard top 100 entries of any female artist in history, and many more. She is a true ‘rags-to-riches’ success story, and she’s here to tell us all about it. I’m listening.  
Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LPVjHxXvJM
17. Ryan Beatty, Boy in Jeans
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I just saw an article titled “Ryan Beatty writes really good pop songs about boys.” This was a quite simplistic summary of what’s going on here, but it’s not wrong. Despite his vocals on Brockhampton’s “Bleach” and his frequent collaboration with the popular group, Beatty didn’t break out individually in the music scene until now. He certainly did so with this album, and he did it well. His slightly left-of-center pop featuring a voice with the consistency of caramel is exactly what everyone wants to hear. It’s the perfect music for a scenic car ride, and I’m obsessed.
18. The Decemberists, I’ll Be Your Girl
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I’ve been a fan of the Decemberists for a long time, and I saw them at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley on their last tour. I would see them again in a heartbeat, and I will never get over the passion that goes into Colin Meloy’s vocal presentation. With the high-energy promotion of this album, I was expecting typical Decemberists greatness. What I got was something entirely different - greatness, but nothing typical. This electronically-infused record exposed a new side of the Decemberists that I am refreshed to hear. The addition of synth and an Arcade Fire type vibe suits them and the sort of rebranding they desired to achieve. With this album, the Decemberists evolved in a way they never have, and I applaud them for it. 
19. J. Cole, KOD
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There are a number of people who love to hate on J. Cole, and I’ve never understood it. With this album in particular, J. Cole distinguished himself with both lyrics and production value. The album cover above depicts excessive drug use, and in fine print states “This album is in no way intended to glorify addiction.” This powerful message alone sets the stage for an album that means something. The subsequent subject matter of each of the record’s tracks follows this narrative - a description of being stuck in the ways of drug addiction. I have always appreciated J. Cole for his ability to tell a complete story through an album despite the lack of a chronological order or common plot in each song. The album shows the deterioration of a drug addict - from the high of “KOD” to  the contemplative pain of “Once an Addict (Interlude).” 
20. Kendrick Lamar, Black Panther the Album
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Everything produced surrounding the Black Panther movie was a hit. The power of this movie and the contributors to this album is unparalleled. Aside from the clear message that this media sent, every song is phenomenal. “All the Stars” displays SZA’s ridiculous vocal prowess. “X” is the perfect hype song, displaying Kendrick’s sassy and innovative lyrical technique. In “The Ways,” Khalid’s sweet voice embodies the beauty of the powerful woman he describes. “I Am” by Jorja Smith absolutely knocks the album out of the park - this stunningly sexy track propelled her onto the music scene, and thank god it did. I’d listen forever if I could. I’d go on, but every song on this album is an iconic collaboration. 
Must watch: the movie.
21. Houndmouth, Golden Age
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This album is so painfully underrated. If you want a pick me up, listen to Golden Age. Immediately. From the album’s floaty start to the explosive mood of the album’s namesake track, it’s all hits and no misses. Embracing a completely different musical tone from their last album, Houndmouth seizes a futuristic alt-rock cacophony as their new style. Taking nods from 80s Phil Collins numbers (the beginning of Strange Love... come on!), they take us back to a golden age of sorts while also propelling us to a fun future. I will never not dance my pants off to this album.
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ajabsusbjsbsbanns · 6 years
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Warning for some mentions of sexual intimacy and also somewhat cp?.. the intimacy is not explicit by any means. however i go into detail on why their art is bad so just keep this in mind.
please consider reading this whole thing before jumping to a conclusion
(and im aware the screenshots above are somewhat out of context. this was going to be short but it isnt now)
hey! a deviantart user by the name of foxdragonlover drew nsfw art of spyro and cynder. there was some backlash and they had this to say. i really dont have nearly enough energy to read through this fucking novel of a post but i skimmed it. now please pay attanetion to these parts of the post.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal!I can imagine Cynder growing into the type who is a little domineering in the sack, whilst Spyro would be more submissive and tender/attentive.These thoughts, through development and story when you treat characters as actual characters and not as pieces of meat, is fine.”
what theyre saying i that as long as they fleshed out the characters and dont just see them as moving pixels on a screen they have a right to draw porn of it because it’s “development”.
now please keep in mind that it has been said spyro in the original games is 12 years old. 
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now although this doesnt tell us much. spyro is a child. he looks nothing like the other dragons in the game. hes closer in looks to the baby dragons in YotD that any of the elders. not to mention his voice is that of a child-teen. now yes. i understand that this is the original games.
“what about TLOS series you moron” you cry.
fear not. i have done some research on that as well.
in the first game of the legend of spyro series spyro is roughly 12 years old.
the wendy promotional toy that was released when the game was first out comes with a small tag that gives some insite into the characters of the TLOS series. 
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now feel free to accuse me of editing these pictures. but you’ll see here that they are in fact real.
so what does this tell us? well.. not much i guess. however im not stopping here.
“yea yea spyro is 12. but stupid! he’s only 12 in the first game!”
alright. sure! youre correct in that spyro is 12 for the first game. however he is also twelve for the second. the second game happens almost immediatly after the first. meaning at most spyro is 13 for half of it. along side this, cynder is also the same age as him. same goes for sparx.
“well, but those arent DotD!”
You are correct! They arent! however they give us a clue on how old spyro, cynder and sparx are in the third game!
this comment on a game forum mentions that spyro is 15 in the third game.
“but lolbit you fuggin gnome! some dumb forum doesnt mean anything!”
Once again you are correct! it does not. however the poster on the forum is right. spyro is fifteen as per mentioned in this screenshot of the actual dialogue of the third game.
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hunter mention 3 years having passed. which would mean spyro, cynder and sparx are in fact 15. 15 is not an adult. You should not be depicting a minor in sexual situations EVER. you should not be “aging up” a character for nsfw art. and you ESPECIALLY should not be doing this when you are a 23 year old. dont believe me? their Furaffinity account specifies their age here! please be warned there is NSFW art on their account.
now im sure youre asking why im throwing such a fuss over this. well dear reader, fae/fox refuses to awknowledge that they did anything wrong and they continue to argue that “its okay if theyre mature and ive written a story for them”. that of course was paraphrasing. however here is their exact words on the matter. “But when you take young characters that you love inside and out, and develop their lives and their relationships, and mold them into more mature characters (based around the premise of human emotions and sentience), that's normal.Drawing those grown characters doing mature things is normal.Projecting real life stuff onto characters, whether they're canonically only ever shown as children or as adults while working through their story, is normal.There is so much worse to harp on. “
please keep in mind that no where in this paragraph here is it mentioned that the characters are adults. they are stated to be mature. however, maturity does not = age. it means your maturity mentally. spyro is extremelly mature for a 15 year old. he saves the world and handles the fact that he was plucked from his home before he was hatched and was raised by a family that was not his blood family even though he is still a child. a MINOR. cynder handles her corruption and the fact that she was used as a tool for an evil master as well as she can. she’s extremelly mature for her age. but again, she is only 15.
now of course im expecting that legendary comment of
“dumpass. theyre fictional. duhhhh. they aren’t real”
and to you my dear friend I have some links for you to read. i personally would never be able to sum it up in words the way these posts have. here are some links about why fiction does in fact = reality at times.(and thank you to Jade for allowing me to use their blog for these links!)
click here, here, here, and here
now that youre done reading those, im going to analize the post created by fox/fae and discuss some of the points they made.
the first part i analized earlier im going to bring back again for one more talk.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal! I can imagine Cynder growing into the type who is a little domineering in the sack, whilst Spyro would be more submissive and tender/attentive.These thoughts, through development and story when you treat characters as actual characters and not as pieces of meat, is fine.”
lets break this apart.
“When i drew that picture of Spyro and Cynder, it came from a place of love and strong feelings.If someone draws art of those two as adults being more raw and wild, with the intent of just doing that as part of their story, that's normal! “.
it does not matter if it came from a place of love. what you’re literally saying is you had strong feelings to draw spyro and cynder having sex. thats the raw of it. and yes. it is normal and okay if you would like to draw two consenting adults in a time of intimacy. however you did not draw two adults. theyre children. minors.
“But when you take young characters that you love inside and out, and develop their lives and their relationships, and mold them into more mature characters (based around the premise of human emotions and sentience), that's normal.“
i already discussed the maturity thing. you have not yet called them adults. you said mature. which more or less translates to “im too scared to admit that i didnt age them up. theyre still minors in the picture”. this is scurting around the problem rather than addressing it. and no im not addressing the next part of the paragraph. no one asked your personal views on how tender and soft a literal minor would be during intercourse. and again. they are minors. the characters are portrayed as humanistic and sentient. and fae/fox agrees on that. that is one thing they are right for.
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however. that doesn’t erase all else that they’ve done. next.
“Someone even got mad that i hid the comments and acted like i hid the person who accused me only, but really i hid everyone's comment.Save for one from each of two of my friends, which were not hidden because i found them encouraging/interesting.Those are hidden now, though. I hid my comments, too, and part of me hiding that stuff helps protect 1. the commenter and secondly, i just hate looking at all of that sometimes.I counted and there are 20 hidden comments in my section.There will probably be more later. Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?I genuinely hate drama, but damn if i won't defend myself when i know my truth and someone challenges it. If it weren't for the nice things people said to me, i would just disable comments all together and wipe the slate clean, but i guess this has shown me i value the love i receive more than the hate, even if it leaves a scar on my work -- or even my attitude.”
hoo boy. alright.
“Someone even got mad that i hid the comments and acted like i hid the person who accused me only, but really i hid everyone's comment.Save for one from each of two of my friends, which were not hidden because i found them encouraging/interesting.Those are hidden now, though.”
alright. this is a blatant lie. they have blocked a decent amount of comments but they are lying when they say they only kepts up a few friends. not to mention they say they deleted those after. there are far more comments than 2 from a few friends.
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(its scribbled out cause you can actually see the art behind it. which is still nsfw)
“I hid my comments, too, and part of me hiding that stuff helps protect 1. the commenter and secondly, i just hate looking at all of that sometimes.I counted and there are 20 hidden comments in my section.There will probably be more later.”
although yes they did hide some of their comments in order to remove the whole chain its extremelly hard to believe that this is out of a place of safety for the commenter. because they left my comment up and allowed a friend of their to comment on it as well. along side this they blocked me so i couldn’t defend myself either.
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and now this isnt me jumping to a conclusion. my comment is from 10 hours ago. thats a lot of time to delete a comment.
“Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?I genuinely hate drama, but damn if i won't defend myself when i know my truth and someone challenges it. If it weren't for the nice things people said to me, i would just disable comments all together and wipe the slate clean, but i guess this has shown me i value the love i receive more than the hate, even if it leaves a scar on my work -- or even my attitude.”
this is a long one but i feel it fits together well enough to analize it all together. but ohhh man. it sure is embarassing to have to hide the comments that are accusing you of drawing CP huh? it really is embarassing? because you hate drama right?. listen. it doesnt matter if its embarassing to you. you drew nsfw art of child characters. and now youre upset that you have to go through and hide the comments of people calling you out for it. do you realize how outlandish that is? and oof. listen. the fact that you wanna “wipe the slate clean” and “disable comments” to hide from the fact that people are calling you out, rather than admitting this and deleting the piece shows that you are quick to hide and shove all of this under the rug rather than addressing it. and as for that last comment. listen... you sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling rather than addressing peoples concerns and listening to their criticism is not you valuing love over hate. its you refusing to awknowledge your misdoings and pretending youve done nothing wrong. thats a horrible mentality to have. and of course this is going to leave a scar on your work. you drew CP and refused to awknowledge it even after people brought it to your attention.
“I know in my heart of hearts what is right and what is wrong, i know what is justifiable and what isn't.I'm not sitting here trying to justify what i drew because i know it's not wrong, but i want it to be known that i am damn sad that someone who said they've "supported me for a few years" suddenly, over one picture they didn't like/didn't understand, chose to accuse me of basically drawing child pornography -- which is a major and very dangerous accusation, by the way, fought me over it, told me to "die mad," and then blocked me . If that were some random troll running by shitting on my art i'd be angry, but after some words i'd just block them and move on.But when a watcher or someone who has enjoyed my work just totally thrashes me or automatically loses faith in/respect for me, it hurts.Yes, it hurts!I'm not made of stone, i'm not used to this level of drama.I hate conflict. It hurts.But i once said i want to go far and wide with my passion, and that's gonna mean taking some low blows along the way.It's just something i have to learn to deal with like an adult.” 
once again im going to go through this and explain why its... oh so wrong.
“I know in my heart of hearts what is right and what is wrong, i know what is justifiable and what isn't.I'm not sitting here trying to justify what i drew because i know it's not wrong “
you telling yourself you did nothing wrong and refusing to awknowledge peoples criticisms of you isnt you knowing in your “heart of hearts” that youre right. its you being ignorant to peoples concerns. and how do you know its not wrong? because you say so? because your friends say so? people have addressed this issue by giving you facts and explanations on why its wrong and you deleted these comments. that isnt right at all.
“but i want it to be known that i am damn sad that someone who said they've "supported me for a few years" suddenly, over one picture they didn't like/didn't understand, chose to accuse me of basically drawing child pornography -- which is a major and very dangerous accusation, by the way, fought me over it, told me to "die mad," and then blocked me . ”
Listen. these people who supported you are sad that you’re defending drawing CP. you arent the victim in this scenario. you have no right to be sad when you actively chose to draw this. it is all your doing that these people have removed their support for you. as have I. these people are not to blame because they are disgusted that you drew something like this. and we are aware this is dangerous and a major accusation. however it is true. what you have drawn, by definitions, is CP. and now i hate to be this person. but you deleted all the comments. so there really isnt proof of this. i hate to pull that card but honestly.. this is the definiton of “pics or it didn’t happen”
“If that were some random troll running by shitting on my art i'd be angry, but after some words i'd just block them and move on.But when a watcher or someone who has enjoyed my work just totally thrashes me or automatically loses faith in/respect for me, it hurts.Yes, it hurts!I'm not made of stone, i'm not used to this level of drama.I hate conflict.”
once again. you’re to blame for this. you are playing a pity card yet you drew ths. the whole “it hurts me too” arguement is null. It doesnt work. you drew the art and chose to defend it. you have no right to be upset when people voiced their concerns about it. and conflict wouldnt arise if you actually listened to peoples concerns about this rather than immediately blocking them and playing the victim card.
“It hurts.But i once said i want to go far and wide with my passion, and that's gonna mean taking some low blows along the way.It's just something i have to learn to deal with like an adult.”
first of all you dont need to get poetic here. you drew CP, got called out for it and then made a post crying about it all. and if your passion is drawing porn of spyro and cynder, children characetrs, then youre not a good person. and if you defending CP is really when youre going to act like an adult then you clearly have the wrong priorities.
“I'm not some perfect martyr out to try and prove i can't do any wrong.Hell those of you who watch my side account have seen my ass a LOT, and you've also seen me try to grow from it when i'm wrong.I should not have given that commenter the gratification of pissing me off so much, but it happened.I didn't exactly blow my top, but it's still something i ought to get a handle on because i know this won't be the last time someone harasses me.”
heres the thing. the only people who can vouch for you here are your followers who are defending your actions here. you can’t use your side account as an excuse of “ive grown as a person” when the account isnt public and no one has access to it other than those who you select to. and on the second part. listen. youre 23. youre over the legal age in the states and i believe everywhere else. youre a grown adult. and if you consider people saying “youre disgusting for drawing CP and defending it” as harassment then you truely do need to grow up. you shouldnt be praised for not freaking out at people for calling you out on this kind of stuff.
“As i told someone else who's barked at me, it would also be hella wrong if one character was an adult and was a child and i aged the child up so they could fuck.I HATE that shit.That to me is wrong and weird, but here they're the same age, as adults. To me, it's not weird.Honest to God the worst/weirdest age thing i ever got swept away by was ZaDr, and i've been thinking about that lately and am considering at some point going back and throwing in head canon and trying to make it better so that it isn't "nasty”. I've gotten smarter and wiser since then.So there's definitely some hypocritical material in my folders, too, and i'll go ahead and admit that.I was younger and stupider at the time, but trust me when i say i never have looked at a child character and thought of them sexually.Ever.It's wrong.”
alright first im going start by saying this is in reference to my comment. now when refering to someone, when youre trying to earn peoples pity and understanding, you shouldnt jump to insult them. i wasn’t barking aat you. i was addressing your behaviour. and now. this is the first spot youve addressed them being “adults” in your art. every other time you mention it you call them mature which is a cop out. its only when you’re finally addressing the exact issue that you start to state how you are depecting them as adults. which, aging up a character for porn is still wrong. (which i will explain a bit better after im done this). and also you arent to be praised for seeing that as wrong. thats a normal response. no one was asking if you see it as wrong. and most people assume that until stated otherwise, this is the norm. most people see that as disgusting.
now you say to you it isnt weird. listen. to you it isnt weird because its your art and you dont like being called out for drawing CP. do you see what im getting at? now also i dont know what you’re talkign about here so i wont address it incase i get the wrong impression and speak out of line, however you say you’ve never looked at a child character sexually. yet you drew cynder and spyro intimately. understand this. aging up a character doesnt mean you look at the character in a more adult light. it means you’re attempting to justify to youself and make yourself feel better and safer on the idea of the character having sex. which. is. wrong.
im not addressing the last two paragraphs on the journal as it is just them praising their followers for praising them, however i will address their comment ont their art piece. 
“ And since apparently some people don't understand this, S/C are 18+ here.If anyone ever assumes i would draw children having sex, i swear to God... “
from what i can tell this was a saveface. they put this comment once they censored the piece. their fA has the piece as well and they dont address the age of the characters. which means that this was just added on to prevent them from the issues being addressed by commenters.
now from what i can tell. their AU doesnt really exist apart from some world building. i couldnt find a long detailed AU where the characters were aged up and lived a life. the only time ive found them mentioning the AU is when they talked about the art piece. whats that mean? it doesnt really exist. not publicly atleast. which means the “AU” could entirely just mean its an excuse to draw porn of the characters. now that last bit sounds like me picking for straws i understand. however it is  very possible. heres a post that explains why its not good to age up characters. (understand that im aware the post is discussing and age gap however it addresses some good points)
heres the post
now if you read it you’ll see this part.  “ aging up is taking two characters who would have an inappropriate relationship in canon, seeing their relationship as romantic, and then aging them up because you want some way for them to be together. and in that way you’re romanticizing a relationship between the two characters you saw in canon, and that’s not okay”. now i want oyu to pay attention to this part. “in that way you’re romanticizing a relationship between the two characters you saw in canon, and that’s not okay.”
you’re taking characters you saw in canon, and changing them to fit your view in a way that the public would deem okay. You’re taking something you saw in canon, in this case two children who seem at the most mildly puppy lovish (like a play ground crush), and you’re manipulating it so that you can view the canon relationship in a less taboo way. like i said earlier, aging up a character doesnt mean you look at the character in a more adult light. it means you’re attempting to justify to youself and make yourself feel better and safer on the idea of the character having sex. aging a character up doesn’t change the way you view them or their relationships. no matter how much you insist you are smarter than most and you really do view the character as an adult, you dont. thats bull.
now onto some smaller stuff that they didnt because wow. iconic i guess..
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although i usually block out names this is a gross mentality. the entire comment is disgusting. and at the end “i would love to see some more sexy spyro x cynder from you” solidifies it. not to mention that fae/fox is essentially encouraging it. saying they will continue to draw it. meaning they havent learned anything from this experience. youre 23 dude.
and now some abliesm
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“but lolbit you stupid bafoon. they didnt say anything themself. duuuhhh”
yes im aware. here they are saying it themself. 
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ahh.. gotta love that... really gotta hammer in that sparkling personality of theirs.
TD;LR foxdragonlover on deviantart, FaeFierceVulpine on furaffinity and  onefiercefox here on tumblr drew cynder and spyro nsfw art (which classifies as CP) and then defended their art all the while blocking people who called them out for it. they claimed it featured 18 plus characters only after they were called out for it. they then made a post about it essentially crying about it and pinning the blame on those who called them out for it. They are a 23 year old. they’ve also said some abliest stuff and have just generally been nasty.
anyway i cant believe i did this. this post is huge and im so sorry. i didnt intend for it to be that big. i wanted to be as detailed as possible and make sure i touched on everything i could. now its 3 am and im tired. if anything looks wrong tell me and i’ll change it. i may address their comment to me later (the comment in the starting pictures). im outa energy
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chriscoley1515 · 3 years
5 Things a Business Owner Must Know About Using Branding to Create a Marketing Strategy That Works
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Quit squandering your showcasing spending plan!
We've all done it - set up another online media account or dished out on new flyers without truly pondering how that advertising action will find a way into a more extensive arrangement. At that point, we can't help thinking about why it doesn't work.
The thing is, on the off chance that you're making showcasing interchanges and undertaking advertising exercises without an arrangement, at that point you should discard your cash. Indeed there's a possibility some of them will locate your optimal customer, however, it is just an opportunity. With a brand-based promoting system that is made to focus on your optimal customers most properly (for them AND you) you have a limitlessly higher strike rate and can improve return on your venture. digital marketing consultation
So what do you need to do to make an advertising plan that you can set in motion, certain that your cash has been all-around spending and that you will get the return you need?
Here are the main 5 hints I give my customers:
1: Know what you do.
I realize that sounds evident yet you'd be stunned the number of organizations can't impart plainly what it is that they do, for whom, and why. So invest some energy getting clear on precisely what the help is that your business accommodates your clients, the difficulty it tackles for them, and how it improves their lives.
Make sure to zero in on advantages as opposed to highlights - and if you stall out in 'highlights' and can't work out what the advantages are, simply pose the brilliant inquiry: "So What?" Your one-day dry-cleaning administration is accessible from 6 am to 10 pm and has a corner at the neighborhood station. That is an element. What about it? So clients can drop their articles of clothing in on their approach to work and get them in transit home, so they don't need to go out and burn through their valuable time at the end of the week. THAT is an advantage.
2: Know who your objective clients are.
Once more, it's an undeniable one yet not generally a simple inquiry to reply to, especially in case you're in a business that could apply to anybody in any area. Suppose you're a visual fashioner - your administration can help any business. That is incredible yet it doesn't help you work out whom to focus on to give yourself the most obvious opportunity with regards to making a deal.
So who are the customers you truly need? Perhaps you have a subject matter in a specific area, or appreciate working with other creatives. Perhaps your best customers are the individuals who give you rehash business since they need bunches of new flyers and pieces of literature consistently. Possibly you get a ton of interest from new companies yet don't get a decent profit for your time, so maybe you need to begin zeroing in on set up organizations.
Consider precisely the sort of work you need to meet your business objectives, and afterward, you can design in reverse to whom it is you need to target.
3: Know where those objective customers are.
This present one's not all that simple, yet if you get to number 2 right, and know what its identity is you're focusing on, at that point you're most of the way there. You'll presumably have to do some examination, except if you're truly fortunate and have a conspicuous method to arrive at those objective customers. On the off chance that you're selling espresso from a versatile Piaggio van, at that point, an undeniable spot to discover those customers is at the neighborhood worker station from 6 am to 9 am. Be that as it may, in case you're selling visual communication or business instructing, it's not exactly so natural to stick point where your optimal customers will be.
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On the off chance that you can't discover those individuals at work, consider what those individuals need, where they go, what they read, what they do in their extra time. You might have the option to gather them topographically, you might have the option to think horizontally and bunch them through the segment and likely leisure activity (working-class men more than 35? Get down the golf club, exercise center, social club, or nearby bicycle shop on a Saturday).
Consider other business administrations they utilize and make an organization of coalitions that can cross-allude you to their customers. At that point consider the correct showcasing media to interest those individuals. Money managers more than 50 are probably not going to be on Facebook, however, they're without a doubt to be on LinkedIn.
4: Know a big motivator for you and how you're diverse to the opposition.
On the off chance that you haven't figured everything out, at that point PUT THE MARKETING PLAN DOWN!
The most awesome aspect of my work is assisting customers with understanding what it is that is particularly splendid about their business and utilizing it to situate themselves on the lookout. Regardless of how hard you may discover it to recognize your image character, you have a novel heap of abilities, experience, values, character, approach, and a specific method of doing things that no other organization has.
This is your genuine image, and this is the mystery of your prosperity. Distinguish this and all the other things will stream - you'll realize how to mark yourself, how to speak with your objective customers, and precisely which promoting techniques and strategies are reliable with your image situating.
An extraordinary brand methodology is a way into an incredible showcasing technique, and everything comes down to what exactly makes you unique, exceptional, and legitimate.
Not certain what your credible allure is? Email me and I'll assist you with distinguishing it with one of my markings and promoting training bundles.
5: Know what you specialize in - promoting that takes advantage of your natural abilities.
If I had a pound for each customer who'd been told they 'need to do a blog' by a showcasing expert, I'd be a rich lady. We should get this straight - on the off chance that you need to assemble and develop your business really, and you scorn composing, there is no point on God's earth you beginning a blog. Why? Since a) it will not be excellent and b) you will not appreciate doing it so after a short explosion of movement, you'll surrender.
There's just something single more awful than having no blog, and that is having a truly downright awful that has two obsolete posts from a year back. So consider what you're acceptable at and what you appreciate doing - don't compel yourself to do things that cause you to feel off-kilter or despondent because you will not do them well.
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mesaylormoon · 6 years
Film and Fluff Blogging: A Review of Riverdale Season 1
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My. Goodness. Where do I begin to describe my mixed feelings about Riverdale? I have never been particularly interested in shows predominantly marketed toward teenagers, and this show has reminded me why. Riverdale not only has a tonally-dissonant premise, it combines such elements as one-dimensional characters, countless cliches, poorly-written dialogue, plot holes, and clumsy plot twists--so many of them that I would normally consider this a terrible show. Strangely enough, though, every element of Riverdale that makes it irritating... also makes it uniquely charming.
A friend of mine, who loves Riverdale, recently recommended this show to me.  I was quite hesitant at first to watch it, but I thought following along with it would give me something new to enjoy, as well as give me a chance to grow closer to her by sharing some of her interests. While I don’t dislike the show (in fact, Riverdale is a guilty pleasure of mine), I understand that it is hugely flawed. 
Riverdale, a once-peaceful town, is suddenly shaken by the mysterious death of Jason Blossom. No one knows knows what caused his untimely death, but Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, and the rest of their friends, are determined to find out. In the midst of all this, our main characters also navigate a world of drama, romance, school, and scandal, as they struggle to make it through another year.
The synopsis of Riverdale alone is enough to confuse the average viewer, and anyone can see that these stories, when combined, make the show seem confused and inconsistent. Ideally, if one decides to feature two major stories within a television show or movie, they should relate with one another. Obviously, crime/mysteries and teen drama are premises independent of one another. I understand that shows like Riverdale are meant to appeal to a relatively young audience, but not every teenager is interested in the artificial, manufactured drama involved in high school-centered media. Had the writers and directors not pandered to their stereotypical demographic, their latest outing would’ve been stronger. In my opinion, Riverdale would have benefitted from keeping focus on one of its stories--the mystery or the lives of Betty, Archie, and company--and including a subplot involving either the emotional effects of Jason’s death on his family and friends, or the maturation of the characters as they learn to grow past the petty problems of their social lives. Because of the choices made when writing Riverdale, viewers are left with a story that feels lacking, and fails to deliver what could’ve been a more entertaining, consistent, powerful piece. But with that said, I also think that the addition of the show’s high school side plot can be quite entertaining. It allows for humorous exchanges between Riverdale’s protagonists and antagonists, and provides a charmingly awkward “sort-of” satire of teen films. At times, these humorous moments are welcome in a show that takes itself abnormally seriously.
The characters of Riverdale are all flat, and do not distance themselves from the teen show/film cliches they so love to mock. Jughead Jones, arguably the show’s most popular character, is a perfect example. He is a typical distant, withdrawn social outcast who loves sardonic humor and believes himself to be different because of this. As I’m sure most of you are aware, this character trope is as old and tired as they come, and Cole Sprouse’s dry, monotone performance makes Jughead an even less memorable character.
Archie Andrews, in my opinion, is the worst of the cast. At first, he seems to be a sweet boy who cares deeply for his childhood friend, Betty. As the show progresses, however, he becomes more of a selfish player, forgetting about a friend who very much loved him in favor of practically every female character in Riverdale. Ultimately, he is self-sacrificing and loves his family and friends, but these qualities are somehow not enough to make up for his flaws.
Betty Cooper, while a friendly, timid girl, is easily the most uninteresting of her friends. The show does elude to a psychotic side that lies dormant within her, but given the first season’s lack of focus on this element, it’s hardly worth mentioning.
Oddly enough, I think Veronica Lodge is a fairly interesting character. She is established early on to be a supercilious person, but she balances out her more negative qualities and actions with a good amount of positive development. It becomes more obvious by the end of the season that she desires to be a supportive and selfless person, and the air of snobbiness that’s left within her actually gives her a bit of a fun edge. Veronica is a decent spin on the “rich girl” archetype, and Camila Mendes very clearly enjoys being able to bring to life the traits associated with her role.
Cheryl Blossom is obviously the most unlikable character in the cast. In the first episode, she appears to be a tender, grief-stricken girl who is deeply mourning her brother’s death. While the latter is true, she quickly sheds this disguise, showing the audience that she is a cruel, sadistic, taunting, manipulative, attention-hungry individual. I’m honestly unsure whether or not Cheryl or Jughead is the more cliche of the two, but both characters are terribly written all the same. What saves this trite girl, however, is Madelaine Petsch’s performance. Petsch is aware that Cheryl is comprised of every obnoxious cliche you would use to describe characters like her, but her delivery and gestures are indicative of immersion in the role. She smiles and speaks insincerely, her voice rings with an occasional annoying sweetness, she walks and postures with sass and self-righteousness, the works. Petsch, like Mendes, has probably wanted to play someone like Cheryl for years, and she has her fun moments.
The pacing and haphazard placement of plot points also detract from Riverdale’s entertainment value. Almost every time a character’s new story arc is being established, it seems to be interrupted by the story arc/appearance of an unrelated character. This certainly makes the storytelling sloppy; it would’ve been more coherent had the show somehow been written in such a way that the characters’ arcs could’ve had their own time devoted to them.
The plot twists of Riverdale do allow for more plot investment, but they often open a whole set of plot holes. Perfect examples of such plot holes can be found later in the season, and they all revolve, of course, around the death of Jason Blossom. The characters believe that he drowned, but as the story progresses, the narrative leading up to his death changes inconsistently. Cheryl later describes the story as hearing a gunshot while walking through the forest, but it is later revealed to have been a ------ --------- -- --- ------. Although the mystery still lingers up to this point, it raises questions such as: why would Cheryl have pretended to know anything about her brother’s death; why would have the other characters seemed to be genuine in their beliefs of hearing a gunshot at Sweetwater River; and wouldn’t Jason’s mother have been suspicious about her son’s behavior and followed him before -- --- ------? There are other plot holes to be addressed in the show, but these were the most prominent. Again, the mystery involved is intriguing, but plot holes such as these prove to be little more than distracting.
Riverdale is, without question, an extremely flawed show. Many of its characters are unlikable and/or forgettable, the drama can be forced and manufactured, the story often fumbles, and most of the performances by the actors are terrible. But in some respects, the characters seem to be aware of how stupid the show they’re in is, and their interactions with one another are entertaining because of the archetypes they embody. I suppose Riverdale is a serviceable “parody” of teen dramas and mysteries (although that is not what it intends to be) and all of the show’s negative qualities allow for audiences to enjoy it as a fun romp. It’s an ideal show to watch if you’d like to have a good laugh with family and friends, and it’s interesting enough that’d you’d like to know how the story will continue. Despite its flaws, I’d love to see the second season of Riverdale, and I hope I have the chance to see what I’ve missed in the last few months.
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flamestoillusions · 6 years
I made this a while ago that was supposed to follow a list of some ships the duo have on this blog. It’s mainly over possible relationships with canon characters from the game they’re based in. A lot are AU based because for a decent amount of them, they don’t have enough time with these characters to develop a relationship or it’s under certain circumstances it stands a chance. 
Rune/Maya - Maya, at least by my writing, has a one-sided crush on Rune and he likes her well enough. She’s the main person at his side in the prologue and they can geek out over books and stuff. Only really happened in Librarian/Barista AU where Rune flirts with her via writings on her cups and leaving notes in books to be put away.
Tannim/Tomix - Tomix is one of the first people Tannim met on his venture on his own. And as the person that called Tannim out for ignoring his own well-being and the one that did a hard no on changing something so fundamental in his being...Tannim has so much respect for him. And he likes Tomix in his actual adventures, not just any shenanigans I do on the blog. The Tomix saga was so important, I wrecked my plans for book 3 because it was that important for Tannim to be present for that. There’s a reason why he put it as why he can’t sleep at night.
Rune/Zhoom - I am very wary to place them as a relationship. They have sassed each other and have grown to respect the other. Zhoom is Rune’s mentor as a ranger but good god, I’d be lying if they hadn’t blurred lines every so often. Both would easily say that the other’s attractive but neither are interested in anything serious. Friends with benefits on occasion but mainly a reliable hand for bounties and quests.
Tannim/Galanoth - Okay this is only due to a lot of talk with Syn over it. Galanoth slays dragons in more ways than one. It is definitely mainly for AU things such as arranged marriage AU and Tannim being tortured by the Rose then cared for by Gal AU. Pretty much, Galanoth gets all of Tannim’s sweet affection poured on him and Galanoth is just one of those ones that is Tannim’s type, even if he doesn’t know what that is.
Rune/Demento - They were a decent duo when it came to planning and dealing on the battlefield. In some aspects Demento’s the one that got away and even then we don’t know how they’d work out. But it’s a minor thing Rune feels a bit guilty for not taking Demento up on an offer the night before his death.
Tannim/Xan - Can be a ship but I wouldn’t mind if it stayed broship. Xan broke protocol when he saw how genuinely freaked out Tannim was by fire. He calmed him down and started Tannim’s conquering of his fear. Tannim was sent back during the Alexander saga and befriended Alex then. And since they oddly are friends despite being on opposite sides. He actually never advocates anything bad to come down on Xan, even if his fellow adventurers do not share the same sentiment.
Tannim/Serenity - Only in two circumstances: where Tannim was turned to a vampire (long story) and in the AU where Rune’s soul was obliterated in order to destroy the Mysterious Stranger. For the most part, I think it’d be a broship otherwise. But in the cases where they’re together, they’d be like...everyone’s parents. Together. Oh god.
Rune/Lugosi - It was a crack ship that was logical. It was totally some anon’s fault too. I challenged to give me any character with mine and I could make a legitimate thing from it. And I didn’t dislike this one? Lugosi had a crush on Rune when he went by Noita and only fell back into the crush meeting Rune. Rune wasn’t interested because well, he’s not that into smithing and he can only tolerate cowardice. Because Rune tells him pretty much to work on himself first, Lugosi tried. Then he got turned and his acceptance and conquering of his turning (with Safiria’s encouragement) got Rune’s attention.
Rune/Sepulchure - Please let them remain in a blackrom so that they never conquer the world. They don’t inherently dislike each other. They dislike one getting a leg up over them but are rather impressed with the other’s prowess. Based on relations, they have met prior to Book 1. Rune’s grandfather was Valen’s mentor and cared for the kid. So while it was only as many visits as you can count on your hands, they were fin. It’s mainly AU stuff such as Rune having an affair with Sepulchure during the events of the Orb Saga or where Tannim was a traitor out to take all of Greengaurd for himself that they’ve happened.
Tannim/Sepulchure - There’s a certain OT3 with Serenity that came apart because of SOMEONE’S suggestion. It spiraled out of control quickly. There’s also the rare AUs where Tannim took more after his father’s side of the family and in a ‘rivalry’ with Sepulchure. Like more chill than yandere but definitely wants to maintain Seppy’s attention. And also...others...I blame Syn for the sin behind that one.
Amal/Drakath - Because I feel like Rune would NEVER be a decent pair with Drakath...but with ONE AU this came about. Pretty much in a scenario where Rune and his brother grew up and was friends with Drakath. Amal is somewhat aware of his feelings but Drakath is playing dumb and denying it to the end. And Amal’s just unapologetically a shit to Drakath but does ultimately care about him. He lies to his friends and allies and makes up various excuses just to get Drakath through. And then he just sometimes just hangs out at the bandit camp just because he can hang out with Drakath. 
Rune/Circe - Canonically, they kinda dislike each other. I mean, almost killing you with an avalanche tends to put a damper on any relationship. However at the same time, I think they would have been fine. Not exactly a relationship that’s ‘end game’ but they were on weird limbo between physical and something further. This only gets put into spotlight were the partners-in-crime AU and the AU where Rune is a rebel leader that Circe attempted to assassinate. I honestly prefer them in a poly with Vaal. 
Tannim/Wargoth - You know who the fuck you are and you all who encouraged this should be ashamed. I say as this such a guilty pleasure. I know it’s bad because this a homicidal warlord with a sweet summer child that does not deserve this. I know this. There’s nothing much to say about it other than it was from shenanigans on the blog for a plot point that may or may not still be in my timeline. I still have to acknowledge it because Amaterasu exists and she’s adorable.
Rune/Vaal - I debate about if this would be canon or not. As if it was, it’d fall in Book 3. They actually get into snark about both being disgraced by this time. Developments with them usually surmount to ‘I don’t like you but then I see this other side to you that I have to respect you now.’ Mainly a thing in the neighbors AU and the royal advisers AU and fall apart because Roirr’s a fucking cockblocker. I also prefer them with Circe as well.
Amal/Valencia - By the duo’s timeline, Amal and Valencia do date. He met her while exploring the Ruins of Sil. He calls her a thief rather than a treasure hunter and is corny as hell saying how she steals his heart. And it’s a lot of corniness and adventure with them. But I mainly deal in the sad because canonically, Amal is dead and Valencia never learned of his fate. Rune only figured out Valencia was who his brother was dating during the Earth Orb saga and breaking the news to her at that time was not the best idea.
Rune/Theano - I tell myself that Rune will stop fucking the bad guy eventually. And then it happens again. Good god, man, where are you priorities? Anyway, there’s nothing but fighting with this one. Although I guess it could end up being a battle of wits/ideals as Theano is something of a scientist of magic and Rune is a magic wielder that understands principles behind the magic. But I feel any moment of ‘sweet’ is immediately ruined when either open their mouth. I...I have also a weird sort of poly including Rune’s ex, Emile, because apparently my characters don’t suffer enough.
Tannim/Falwynn - They’re just so adorable. Like I guess they’d fall under cliches of the lovey dovey type of couple to which, what’s wrong with that? They’re both excitable and well-intentioned adventurers and I find that their sweet energy would just end up mixing so well. I found an unintentional drama that comes with Falwynn supposed to be learning from the Hero in game (which Tannim serves as) and just how much danger that Tannim would willing put Falwynn through if he’s dating her. While they could be in actual events, I also think of them in modern verses taking a lot of selfies together and stuff.
Rune/Nythera: Only for the Young Fables AU. Rune is supposed to be Aqualad and Nythera Speedy. They actually work out as like the most mature of the bunch and have a hold on each other’s secrets. And it’s like, ‘hey, you had a shitty day, wanna help me on case?’
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Ben 10 Reboot Review/Rant
aka: Why This Show Sucks
aaka: 333 Follower Milestone Special
Ah, how I have absolutely dreaded the day I have to write this review, or at least start writing it. Your boy Sc00t here, and welcome to my review of the Ben 10 Reboot.
Also, y'all too good to me, can’t believe over 300 people actually follow me and like seeing my trash. Thank you all for following, and I hope you guys continue to enjoy the content on my blog, ^^
I’ve been putting this off for quite some time now, for obvious reasons, but it’s time to finally crack down on this shit.
So, surprisingly, I actually did something I NEVER DO for shows I don’t like,
I actually watched multiple episodes for the sake of this review, DESPITE how painful it was to watch. I didn’t wanna judge it based on one or two episodes, so instead, I saw FOUR.
Yup, almost an hour of this horrendous show, just to write a stupid review.
There’s ALOT to cover here, so I’ll try to do it in an orderly fashion, and try to address all of the various issues this show has. For now, let’s start off with:
1: The Length of the Episodes Ben 10 OS (Original Series), AF (Alien Force), UA (Ultimate Alien), and OV (Omniverse), despite their differences, all had one thing in common:
All the episodes were a good 22 - 25 minutes long. This allowed plots to develop and flow at a steady and reasonable pace, nothing was rushed, and more effort was put into the production of them.
In the Reboot episodes average at 11 minutes, like a Spongebob episode, which results in a shitty premise having to move along quickly just to make with the little time they have. This was also very obviously done to save money, 11-minute episodes with simplistic, shitty plots are significantly easier to produce that 24-minute episodes with proper pacing and decent/good plots. Short running time + incredibly cheap animation = profit and easy mass production of trash.
2: The Pacing
As I’m sure you can tell, the pacing of each individual episode is GARBAGE, it moves along so fast, that if you’re not paying full attention to the show, you actually won’t know what the fuck’s happening at all. And the running time isn’t actually the problem at all. We’ve seen shows convey their plot efficiently with the same exact running time, just watch any episode from the first three seasons of SpongeBob, and you’ll know precisely what I’m talking about.
3: The Animation
The animation in this show is the WORST we’ve seen in the franchise, it’s just so simplistic, flat, uninspired, and just down-right stiff at times. Action sequences just don’t flow well at all, and the designs of each and every character looks like it was slapped together in just a few minutes. I mean, just compare to ANY of the previous series’ animation, compare to other cartoons, and then just see it for what it is, and you’ll find that no matter how you look at it, it’s fucking terrible, and LAZY.
4: Forgettable Villains
The various antagonists that appear throughout the series are bland, poorly designed, and are just so damn forgettable. I can’t even remember one name of any one villain from this show. They never left any sort of impact on me at all, and there isn’t anything even remotely interesting about them. The original series had many memorable and interesting antagonists, that had well fleshed out personalities and goals. Vilgax, Kevin, Hex, Charmcaster, Dr. Animo, Ghostfreak, and all these other foes that Ben faced off against posed a real, genuine threat to him, and here lies another problem. The Reboot’s “antagonists” are not intimidating in the slightest, and actually don’t serve as a true threat to Ben at ALL. They’re pathetic to watch, really.
5: Max is Irrelevant
In the Original Series, Max was an extremely prominent character, and was often just as involved in the plot of the episode as Ben and Gwen were, and the plot twist at the end of Season 1 where it was revealed that Max is a Plumber and that he fought Vilgax in the past was a great plot point and reveal, it added more depth to his character, and made him more interesting. But in the Reboot, he is almost entirely absent in some episodes. Basically he’ll just show up at the beginning of an episode, preach about some moral that Ben completely ignores, and then just is either hardly shown, or not shown at all for the rest of the episode. He’s become irrelevant, and doesn’t affect the narrative of the story at all, He doesn’t play any sort of significant role at ALL.
6: Gwen and Ben’s relationship
One of the shittiest decisions made in the design of the show, was to completely fuck up the well-established dynamic of Ben and Gwen, in the Original Series, they’re two cousins who constantly bicker and sass eachother, but they clearly cared for one another, and had many tender and compassionate moments that effectively fleshed out their love for one another. Gwen was also the more rational-thinking and logical of the two, and never actually supported Ben’s utter stupidity or rash decisions. Reasonably so, in the sequel series’ they’ve matured and have grown out of their constant arguing and sass, but still tease each other from time to time. In the Reboot, however, Gwen, more often-then-not, completely INDULGES Ben in his poor decision-making and stupidity, to the point where I’d say she’s nearly as ignorant and doltish as he is. Gwen is simply far too nice and encouraging to Ben, which utterly destroys the original dynamic portrayed in previous series’
7: The Aliens
With all the painful problems with this god forsaken show, I almost forgot to talk about one of the most important parts. The.
They just look so fucking shitty in the new animation style, and some of the new design choices for them just make absolutely no sense. Like, why is Upgrade PURPLE instead of GREEN? The Omnitrix is black, green, and white, so it, y'know KIND OF JUST MAKES SENSE FOR UPGRADE TO BE THESE COLORS. And why the fuck is Stinkfly some stupid-ass looking bug-themed Superhero? Why doesn’t he ACTUALLY RESEMBLE SOME TYPE OF BUG. It just makes no sense, why these things were changed. And to be perfectly honest, one of my favorite Aliens from the Original Series, Ripjaws, was actually taken out from the roster in exchange for Overflow, or Waterhazard, or whatever the hell that water-themed fuck is named. He’s a bland Alien that should’ve never even been involved in this series to begin with, he wasn’t part of the Original 10. ANOTHER, issue with the Aliens is the voice-acting, alot of them are actually portrayed by voice actors I like, John DiMaggio, Greg Cipes, Josh Keaton, Travis Willingham, etc. But the thing is, their voices, don’t even fit them, at all, so whatever they spout out of their mouths, just sounds awful. In all previous series’ the Aliens’ VAs fit them perfectly, and alot of them had some pretty badass voices. Basically, when you assign a VA to a character, it has to sound as if that voice could ACTUALLY come from that character. If the voice isn’t matching the face, then we have a clear issue. It’s not so much as the voice acting is bad in the Reboot, but it’s just doesn’t fit with the Aliens. But interestingly enough, they were sure to find the worst possible voice actor they could find for my favorite of them all, Heatblast. His voice used to be so fucking badass, and that was because he was voiced by Steve Blum, a veteran VA, the voice fit the character PERFECTLY. In the Reboot however? They got some fucking Disney Channel actor, Daryl Sabara. I didn’t even know of this guy’s EXISTENCE, until I looked at the cast of the Reboot. This guy’s, voice is incredibly obnoxious and irritating, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF HEATBLAST’S VOICE IN FOREGOING SERIES’. One more thing I’d like to point out, was them switching Wildmutt out for Wildvine, again, this is another decision that makes no sense. WILDVINE WAS NOT PART OF THE ORIGINAL 10, he doesn’t even show up in way later in the Original, so why is he replacing one that was at the very start of the series? AND FINALLY, we come to our last issue. The transformations are pathetically animated, it genuinely looks as if he is being covered in some large alien suit, IT DOESN’T look as if he’s actually BECOMING that alien, and that’s a big problem when he’s supposed to, y'know be literally morphing into them.
8: Stiffness
One thing to notice throughout various episodes, is that conversations, and the overall voice acting, feel really stiff, and carry absolutely no weight, kind of like a piece of cardboard. There are even extended scenes of pointless dialogue that don’t affect or further the plot of the episode, in any sense of the word.
9: The Intro
Ben 10 (2016) has without a doubt the least amount of effort put into it’s Intro. You see some green asteroid “crash” into Earth, suddenly you see Ben wearing the Watch, he slams it. And we see the 10 Aliens, introduced in a similar, but poorly executed fashion. We hear “BEN 10” being chanted in the background for a solid 11 seconds. Suddenly we see Ben giving Gwen and Max low-fives, and then runs forward.
End of Intro
Now, does it sound like I described alot of shit? Not really, right? That’s because nothing actually happens in this intro, it conveys nothing, and is just lazily slapped together. I remember the Original Series’ intro, it was a catchy theme song that quickly explained the premise of the show in it’s first 18 seconds. The intro goes on and shows actual interesting shit, like Ben transforming into some Aliens, and some nice visuals. The Reboot’s intro shows us the bare minimum of what they could ACTUALLY be showing us, instead of them quickly jumping on screen for a tenth of second, why not illustrate at least one of their abilities with a short clip? The Original’s does this incredibly well in the last 10 seconds, briefly showing us the capabilities of some of the Aliens with incredibly short clips, you could actually be impressed by what you were witnessing. The Reboot’s intro is just so mundane, and devoid of any sort of interesting material, and it’s the only intro in the franchise that’s SLOW-PACED. All of the previous entries’ intros have been fast-paced. And while you may consider Ultimate Alien’s to be slow, it quickly scrolls through a large variety of Aliens while playing epic music, that’s fast enough, and certainly impressive enough for me. The Reboot’s intro is in-fact, so bad, that when my sister watched it, she actually started LAUGHING. And when you’re cackling at an intro that is CLEARLY not trying to be funny, well then, you’ve got a pretty shitty opening.
10: Ben’s Character
Okay, now I know Ben has always done stupid shit in all of his incarnations. However, his character seems ridiculously dumbed down in the Reboot, and he just seems as mindless as ever, in the other series’ we saw how he wasn’t always a goofball kid, he took himself and those around him seriously at times, and we were able to respect him as a character for these moments. Like in Alien Force, in the episode: “The Gauntlet”, there’s a scene where Ben stands up to Cash, not by using force, or the Omnitrix, but with words, he simply calmly and intelligently calls him the fuck out, and walks away. It was a well-written moment, and showed a deeper, more mature side of Ben. And in the episode “Framed”, where Ben doesn’t finish off Kevin even when he has the perfect opportunity to do so, knowing that he isn’t worth it, and showing a more compassionate side, even to a dangerous enemy. Ben doesn’t have any moments like this at all in the Reboot, and it really takes away from his character, he essentially becomes a one-dimensional character, that really doesn’t have any defining characteristics outside of being a goofball kid.
The Verdict:
Ben 10 (2016) is a clear attempt to appeal to a much younger audience, of what Man of Action assumes to be 6 year olds with short attention-spans that don’t give a flying fuck about depth, good animation, and proper storytelling. This show wasn’t made with any genuine thought or care, it was made to sell toys, and make money, while utilizing as little resources and time as possible. Not only does this show fail as a Ben 10 cartoon, it fails AS a cartoon in of itself. It insults every aspect of what makes good animation and a good show, and is just disgusting as a product. And I’m afraid that the only positive thing I am capable of saying about this show is that it isn’t Breadwinners, and that’s about it. So, yeah, don’t watch this show.
End of Review/Final Words Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this review, (if you even read it) and I know I’m late as fuck on reviewing this steaming pile of horse shit, but I promised it months ago, so I wanted to get it out for you guys, plus, I was in the mood to get pissed about something, and believe it or not, I actually enjoy writing these, they’re fun for me, and I hope they’re fun for you to read as well. And if you disagree with every little thing I said, and you ACTUALLY enjoy this show. Then that’s perfectly fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion, and your own interests, but I wanted to get mine out in the open, so I hope you can respect my opinion as I will respect yours. What other reviews can you expect from me in the future? Well, I currently have two game reviews in the works, but it may be quite some time before they are done, considering how incredibly lazy I am. But who knows? I’m sure I’ll find something else I hate, and either review or give my thoughts on it in the future.
Once again, if you actually made it to the end of this review, I heavily appreciate you taking time out of your day just to read me bitch about some stupid cartoon.
And I’ll see ya around, :P
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kay660games-blog · 5 years
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Technological advancements have led the gaming market towards cloud gaming, which entails ubiquitous and convenient real time streaming of the game. To experience this, there are a handful of mandatory requirements - Online access with a guaranteed throughput not less than 25 Mbps and latency not exceeding 20-30 ms to the cloud. The whole hosting, rendering, saving and restoration of the gaming character is processed on the remote infrastructure.
Persons who watch gaming content material have varied interests. This is specially true of females: November 2014 information from comScore Video Metrix reports that two in 5 18—34-year-old viewers of StyleHaul , a network of female-focused beauty and fashion channels, also watch channels on Machinima , one particular of the biggest gaming networks. A great— and fitting— example is iJustine. She is an influencer not only in the style and beauty space but in gaming as properly.
Everyone understands urgent situations, such as when you are expecting an urgent telephone get in touch with, but don't waste other people's time by playing a game or getting side conversations. Board gaming presents an opportunity to break away from technology and use the board game as a social medium for face to face communication. As a player, put away your mobile devices at the table. Keep in mind that even though everybody in the room is there to appreciate the game, they are also there to appreciate the organization and consideration of those around them. Distracting yourself on your phone sends the signal that you do not enjoy the company of the other individuals around you. When other players constantly sit and wait for you to take a turn, never be surprised when you don't get a reinvite.
When my brother Max 1st asked me about how to build a gaming weblog I did not even know exactly where to begin. I currently started a couple of gaming blogs in the previous: Blogs about Hearthstone, Planet of Warcraft, League of Legends and Counter-Strike. They never genuinely took off. With new upcoming games like Overwatch we wanted to perform on some thing we actually cared about: Receiving very good at video games. From that point on we took months of our valuable nights and weekends to develop a gaming blog that is now increasing each day. It is now not only paying us a decent amount of pocket dollars but the commence of a gaming weblog has also grown into a thing incredibly exciting and enjoyable: A project we can share as brothers.
Honestly, I cannot even start to guess what the future holds for gaming. I'd like to see VR turn into a lot more very affordable, and for the media to grow bored of working with videogames as a scapegoat for bar parenting or acts of extreme violence. But much more than that I'd like to see larger companies back down from their numerous anti­consumer policies.While we get treated to numerous amazing games, we're also treated quite poorly by the likes of EA and Ubisoft. Awful pre­order bonuses tha tare designedto enhance pre­order numbers with no actual advantage to the client, games getting released in buggy states or with poor performance, and questionable microtransactions. These are just some of the challenges that will need to be solved.
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For rather some time now, Dell has had its own common brand of gaming PCs, Alienware, which is effectively-identified for its high-finish platforms. This enables them to concentrate on releasing extra practical computer systems through the Inspiron brand, such as the 5675 model. Equipped with a couple of elements that permit you to play on a 1080p monitor without having also lots of compromises, it is a good quality machine, though not exceptional. But thanks to the intense versatility of Dell goods, updating the peripherals won't be a trouble more than time.
There's no "I" in team and the days of becoming restricted to solo gaming are extended gone. Online play lets you join forces and comprehensive missions co-operatively, or go head-to-head with real folks from around the planet instantaneously. A premier online gaming knowledge backed by dedicated servers offers quick, smooth connections, but usually comes with a smaller month-to-month or yearly fee. If you want to play with your close friends make confident you know which consoles they are working with, that way you are not left on the sideline.
Attempt to discover some thing you love and it makes blogging a terrific hobby that can even get you paid. Let's say you like to play all the latest and greatest of the Playstation four. You may possibly want to start out a assessment gaming blog. Do you like to study evaluations? Then attempt to imitate the writing style of your favourite reviewers. Attempt to study your topic and niche a little bit. Attempt to scout the competitors, and understand from them.
York, PA About Blog A bi-weekly show about gaming of all sorts. Board Games, Card Games, Miniatures Games, Part Playing Games and a great deal additional. The show will include things like geek topic discussions, board game stroll through and critiques, gaming neighborhood and business news and function playing game theory subjects. Topics could incorporate Privateer Press, Games Workshop, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Spartan Games, Z-Man Games, and so forth.
However you want to go about becoming a game developer, you're going to want to have an understanding of as much about the approach and the industry as probable, which indicates getting the correct sources for you. We've pulled together a collection of some of the finest resources out there. Ranging from forums, blogs and gaming news to Game Jams, gaming assets and totally free game engines to begin producing your games in, there is anything in there for every person.
Hi. My name is Baden Ronie and I live up in bonny Scotland exactly where I was born and raised. I've been gaming for a thing like twenty years now over a range of platforms. And then some years ago I decided that writing about games created sense. There wasn't any magical eureka moment that I can remember. There was no flash of light followed by realisation smacking in the face. Nope, I just loved to read, loved videogames and somehow decided that writing about them created perfect sense. My early function, in a word, sucked. My existing operate sucks, too, but my initial operate sucked far more.
The appeal of gaming has generally been its capacity to immerse a player in ways that standard reality can't. It can be a fun distraction from the boring components of our lives or anything additional meaningful, like a therapeutic tool for depression or even a genuine profession. What ever the case, the most successful games are the ones that causes our synapses to light up in methods they haven't before and can take us somewhere new.
The biggest query marks with any gaming device are often about the quantity and top quality of the games. Google Play's huge ecosystem of games meant SHIELD portable had a leg up on classic consoles. And though practically every single touch-primarily based game on Google Play was playable working with SHIELD portable's touchscreen, they weren't in a position to take full benefit of SHIELD portable's capabilities.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Anyone asked Alain yet for the meme? If not, Alain, Manon, Steven, and Sycamore~!
sexual orientation headcanon
Aromantic asexual! And if I can finish it (it’s at thirteen pages right now, and I’m near the end, I just—!), I should have a fic exploring him discovering this posted for Pride Month. (Yes, we’re two days out from the end of Pride Month, and I have another fic due on the 30th, and I’m still struggling to finish this, orz.)
But essentially, Alan is as aroace as it is possible to get. He does not feel romantic nor sexual attraction for anyone, period. As I’ve mentioned before, he never once shows any kind of attraction toward anyone during his time on the show, which is notable for the Kalos saga due to how many characters openly and blatantly expressed romantic attraction to others (including Alan’s own papa, what with the way Sycamore blatantly hit on Meyer like that). Alan is aware that romantic and sexual attraction are things that exist for other people—that other people get into relationships and the like—but it’s not something that he ever experiences himself, and usually it’s so far from his mind that he doesn’t even realize when others are hitting on him / when others take the things he says as flirtations (such as, I headcanon that Ayaka thought he was flirting with her in TSME 1 when he said that it was an honor to be complimented by her, but he wasn’t—he just genuinely meant that in a respectful way, because he’s a nice person).
Additionally, while he’s not romance repulsed (he’s not interested, but it also doesn’t skeeve him out), he is sex-repulsed to an extent. Like, it doesn’t bother him that other people have sex, and he doesn’t mind if they talk about it in front of him / doesn’t mind discussions about it, particularly since it’s something that occurs in nature with pokémon and whatnot. It’s a thing that happens. But the idea of having sex or being involved in a sexual act himself is one that does skeeve him out and make him uncomfortable. He’s not only not sexually attracted to others, and is not only not at all interested in participating, but the idea of participating makes him uncomfortable to the point of wanting to up and leave. It’s not a huge, drastic thing, but it still is a thing nonetheless. It’s a part of who he is.
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
Right off the bat, he absolutely has complex post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as C-PTSD, as a result of being an abuse survivor. Based on canon alone, he definitely has it as a result of being emotionally abused by Lysandre over a period of years (two in my headcanon, but the exact time frame is unspecified in canon; all we can tell is that it was quite a long time). If we add the backstory I created for him to that, then he had C-PTSD even prior to that as a result of his abusive early childhood in Isolé Village. Living with Sycamore helped mitigate his symptoms and helped him heal considerably (particularly since Sycamore rescued him from Isolé Village when he was so little, and raised him for the seven years following), but when he was recruited into Lysandre’s service, the emotional abuse that Lysandre doled out on him reawakened and exacerbated the symptoms that, while latent, were already there. (Keep in mind, too, that C-PTSD can often strongly resemble a personality disorder when it occurs in childhood / adolescence—it shapes the way one grows and develops, and affects how they come to see and interact with the world. So this isn’t something that can ever be healed completely, nor is it something that will just “go away”. While Alan can and certainly will recover from his trauma, his C-PTSD is something he is going to be living with for the rest of his life, and something that has shaped him as a person.)
In addition to C-PTSD, I do think that he’s prone to clinical depression, as well as an anxiety disorder. His depression, while chronic, tends to not be severe unless it’s working in conjunction with his C-PTSD (in the sense that, his depression is acting up again while he’s also suffering a guilt / shame spiral as a result of his trauma, hence everything is exacerbated and the depression is a lot worse than it would be if it was just the depression acting up on its own). His anxiety, on the other hand, does tend to be more severe, particularly because Alan has the type of brain that never shuts up. Once he gets started thinking about something that stresses him out, he has a difficult time distracting himself from it. He’ll keep thinking about it, and think about it some more, and think about it even more, and this leads him on anxiety spiral that can spiral right down into a panic attack. (Of course, the problem is that Alan also tends to stifle his reactions to things and shut down / close in on himself, so it can be hard to spot. Yes, he’s having a panic attack, but since he shuts down and just goes silent, it can be damn near impossible for others to tell. That said, sometimes his panic attacks get so bad that he actually vomits, so … that’s a little more noticeable, even if he’ll usually try to get somewhere private (or at least with just Lizardon) before it gets to that point.)
So yes, he has C-PTSD, depression, and a major anxiety disorder. Fun times!
3 random headcanons
Only three? Heheh. I’ll try to share three new ones.
At some point in the Immortality AU he gets a massive sycamore tree tattoo on his back. It’s purely in black ink, and is rather stylized, but he got it as a tribute to his father, as well as … well … a reminder of his roots. ;)(… I’ll see myself out.)
He knows how to pick locks. Specifically, he knows how to pick locks with a paperclip. Even more specifically, he knows how to pick handcuff locks with a paperclip, and had to do this once when he was ten (which is also the time he discovered he could figure out how to do this). Yes, there is a story there, and yes, it will be written eventually. But the point is, he can pick other locks, too, if you give him a paperclip and enough time to work it. (And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a paperclip—a bobby pin could work too—but it’s just that a paperclip was what he had on him at the time, when he was ten. He was a lab assistant, what do you expect?)
Alan has various social media accounts, but he hardly uses any of them. Like, he has a Tripter, but he hasn’t updated it in months and probably doesn’t even remember it exists on the regular. He has a FateBook (and has had one for years), but he rarely posts things himself and changes his profile picture once in a blue moon. He does comment on other people’s statuses and the like, but again, his activity there is still pretty minimal, even then. (He’s also very selective about who he adds on FB. He has a very small Friends List, and even though the Friend Requests start piling up (much to his alarm) after he becomes Champion (and tbh he even had quite a few after winning the League), he just kind of … lets them sit.) Manon pestered him until he created a blog on Shakr, and so he does have one there, but … it still has the default theme. He has never posted anything. He never reblogs anything, either. No one even knows it’s his. He’s just not interested.That said, the one social media account that he does update at least semi-regularly? Immedigram. While he rarely adds captions to his photos, he takes a decent amount of pictures with his PokéNav Plus (or whatever the newest model is—Steven makes sure he stays current), and he uploads them to IG whenever he does. He has quite a few followers because, in all honesty, some of the pictures he takes while flying with Lizardon are downright beautiful. (And there are a lot of sky / dawn / dusk / star pictures. He … really likes the sky. It calms him.) So there is that, at least, even if Manon still thinks that his social media participation could use a lot more work. (Steven agrees. Alan just rolls his eyes and ignores them.)
sexual orientation headcanon
She’s a lesbian, Harold.
Manon likes girls. She likes pretty girls! And this is something that’s always been a part of her, even before she consciously realized that she had pretty strong crushes on pretty girls right out of the gate. But once she hits her teen years it doesn’t take her long to realize that she really, really likes pretty girls, and from there to realize that she really only likes pretty girls. Like, guys are okay, she guesses—but they just don’t make her heart flutter the way girls do. Moreover, Manon being Manon, once she realizes this about herself she’s pretty okay with it. And by “pretty okay”, I mean that once Manon has a crush on someone, she goes after that person. She is not afraid to outright flirt with someone she is interested in, or outright ask them on a date, or outright tell Alan about how she found her future wife and they are going to get married and adopt three children and he better be her best man at her wedding.
“What’s her last name?” Alan asks.
“I’m—it’s—” Manon waves a hand dismissively. “I’ll get to that part. I’ll find out. It won’t matter ‘cause she’ll take mine, anyway.”
“What do you mean, ‘uh-huh’? What’s that tone for? Why do you always sound so disbelieving whenever I tell you I’m getting married?!”
“I think you just answered your own question.”
“Hmph! Keep this up, and I won’t let you be my best man!!”
(For the record, he’s not her best man when she gets married. He is the one, given the absence of a father in her life, to walk her down the aisle, though.)
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
While I’m by no means an expert on it, I can absolutely see Manon with ADD, as well as dyslexia. She tends to talk fast and jumps from idea to idea, and some of her most common questions have to do with words or vocabulary, which could stem from a difficulty with reading (like, if she has dyslexia + has difficulties focusing on the page, then learning new words could be a challenge). These two things tend to frustrate her and make her feel stupid at times, because if she was smarter she wouldn’t have such problems—but of course she’s not stupid at all. She just has a learning disability / neurodivergence, and that’s okay because she learns in different ways, particularly once she learns how to work around her learning disability / neurodivergence to find the learning styles that work for her.
(Bonus: She had no idea that she had either of those, but Alan noticed her mixing up words / letters when reading or writing, thought it might be dyslexia, and talked to Sycamore about it the next time they talked. The three of them sat down and discussed things, did some research, one thing led to another and that’s how Manon had some pretty big questions answered for her. Who knew.)
3 random headcanons
Manon loves flowers and plants of all types, which is a big part of the reason why she ends up specializing in grass-types (to the point of becoming the grass-type specialist of the Kalosean Elite Four). When she’s older she’s almost always wearing a (fresh) flower crown in her hair, along with hair clips that are shaped like leaves. She also gets flower tattoos along her arms, with each flower representing a different important person in her life. Also, while I always imagined that she would evolve Hari-san into a chesnaught someday, lately I’ve been toying with the idea that maybe he stays a chespin forever, similarly to how Pikachu will forever be Pikachu. People can laugh, but Hari-san can be the most dependable pokémon in Kalos even if he never evolves—he could be strong regardless. I’m not sold on that yet, but I’ve been toying with it lately anyway. (Besides, it’s not like he can mega evolve—that’s for Fushi-kun the venusaur—so there’s no reason why he has to evolve all the way …)
Yvonne ends up becoming her rival. She is high-key outraged when she learns that Alan helped Yvonne pick her starter pokémon / gave her advice. (“Alan, don’t help her, she’s my rival!!”) They end up becoming friends (girlfriends??) later on in life, but it’s a hot rivalry there for a while, particularly since Yvonne picked fennekin, which has a type advantage over … well, Hari-san, but also the rest of Manon’s team.
She gets her ears pierced when she gets older. Let me be more specific: She gets her ears really pierced when she gets older. Not only the standard piercings, but also piercings all the way down her cartilage, on both sides. She doesn’t get gauges, though; those are gross, even to her.
sexual orientation headcanon
I’m … not actually sure, to be honest. I really don’t have a firm grasp on Steven; sometimes I feel demiromantic demisexual, but then I also think that he recognized that Sycamore was damn fine when they first met and was only half-joking when he asked Alan if Sycamore was seeing anyone. (And even then, the half-joke just came from the fact that Steven is actually in a happy relationship with Wallace, and wouldn’t pursue Sycamore anyway; he was just curious because, damn, Sycamore might be ten years his senior, but he is still attractive in basically every way.) He obviously doesn’t have a bond with Sycamore at the time, which would suggest that he’s not demisexual, but … I don’t have a clear read on his orientation, still.
That said, it’s entirely possible that he’s still demiromantic, and maybe … pansexual? Homosexual? Allosexual without a clear boundary even though he’s never been attracted to women? Something else?? Like I said, I don’t really have a firm idea here, haha. Maybe I’ll just cheat and say that Steven has never felt the need to identify with anything specific because his feelings are what they are, he’s in a happy relationship for now, that’s all that really matters. He is Not Straight™, and that’s all he knows, and that is all he cares to know, and if anyone wants to have a problem with him not being more specific, they are free to take it up with his metagross.
(No one ever takes it up with Metagross.)
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
I don’t really see anything here either, haha. ;; Nothing about his behavior really stands out to me, personally, as reminiscent of a mental illness or neurodivergence. 
(Though that said, now I’m laughing a bit, because when Alan sends out Lizardon to fight the Primal Legendaries in TSME 3, Steven expresses exasperation at how Alan went and just did that without giving any warning, because it’s reckless and dangerous and why can’t Alan at least communicate these plans or ask for help instead of just doing everything by himself, and I just—okay, well, we can’t all be neurotypical, Steven. =P)
3 random headcanons
His relationship with Wallace is straight up childhood best friends to lovers. Wallace was pretty much the only friend he had growing up (because Wallace only ever treated him like Steven, versus treating him like the heir to Devon Corporation), and as such they have a level of emotional intimacy that is nigh unparalleled. That said, they also have a level of comfort with each other that can lead to things like—well, like this. (They really do love each other, but sometimes Steven drives Wallace a little nuts and Wallace is not afraid to let him know.)
 Although he does genuinely love steel-types (and rock-types as well) due to his fondness for precious stones and rocks and the like, part of the reason why he chose to specialize in those types as a child is because he has an allergy to various pokémon dander. The severity of the allergy depends on the pokémon, and to be honest he’s not even entirely sure he knows all of the pokémon he’s allergic to, but when it comes to pokémon with fur, there is a definite risk that if he spends time around them / comes in contact with their dander, he will start to get hives, and might even have some trouble breathing. (This is also part of why he very often wears long sleeves; it creates less risk for him to come in contact with pokémon dander while out and about, and therefore less risk for his allergy to trigger, just in case.) Such an allergy can be treated, of course, but it can also make training difficult (not to mention emotionally painful, if he couldn’t even pet his own pokémon without hives breaking out), so he sticks to pokémon without fur, which thankfully, steel-types and rock-types have plenty of.
He is gorgeous, and he is a fantastic dancer, but he cannot sing for anything. It is said that children have been moved to tears by his singing, and trust me, those are not tears of joy. Never invite him to karaoke night. There will be much regret.
sexual orientation headcanon
He’s gay. Like, 100% into men only. Although he has always been a rather charming person and finds it easy to charm women (something he often does unintentionally—he can’t help it, he’s just charming by nature!), when it comes to romantic or sexual interest he has only ever been attracted in men. He realized this about himself in his early teen years, and has readily embraced it ever since.
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
Sycamore has struggled with chronic depression for pretty much his entire life, the severity of which varies depending on where he is in his life at the time (so like, it was really bad in university, but it’s not nearly as powerful and is much more easily fought in adulthood, when he has his dream job and a happy family). He also has experience with an anxiety disorder, as well as that fun cycle of “I’m too depressed to get up and go to class, but now I’m anxious about failing my classes, and the potential for failure worsens my depression, and my worsened depression increases my chances of failing, which then heightens my anxiety, and …” And so on and so forth. That was a monster to deal with in university, let me tell you. (Fortunately, he wasn’t alone. As much as Fulbert might have grumbled, he did help Sycamore where he could. There’s a reason they remained friends after university, and the fact that Fulbert not only used tough love such as flipping Sycamore’s mattress to get him out of bed in dire circumstances, but also helped Sycamore complete some of his coursework on top of the work Fulbert had to do for his own program, is part of it.)
3 random headcanons
He doesn’t drink very often, but he is the lightest of lightweights when he does. He really only ever drinks wine when he does drink alcohol, but it only takes about two glasses (if that) before he is slap-happy drunk. One time he and Meyer had some wine with dinner (while at home), and that was the first time Meyer had ever seen Sycamore drink, and it was not very long before Sycamore decided that it was time to enact some Risky Business. It was a good night.
He really likes cereal. Like, a lot. Not even just a specific kind of cereal, but all kinds of cereal (well, all kinds of cereal that you eat with milk and a spoon in a baseball helmet bowl, anyway—oatmeal is not really his thing). He will eat it for any meal or snack of the day, and sometimes all of them if he can get away with it and doesn’t have a small child he needs to set an example for. He just … really enjoys cereal, okay.
As notorious as he is for bad fashion, one of his favorite parts of taking Alan in when Alan was five was buying him all kinds of cute little kid clothes and merchandise and things. (I mean, he loves pretty much every aspect of (unofficially) adopting that boy, but you know.) In his eyes, pretty much every article of clothing and accessory available for purchase was absolutely adorable, to the point where he could hardly stand it at times. Like, for instance, one of the shirts Sycamore bought him had a rockruff rolling around on the front, with the words “Rock ‘n’ Roll!” Another one had a cubchoo on it and said “Chill Out!” He bought Alan light-up shoes, and also a plush komala backpack where the actual backpack part of it was the log, which unzipped at the top (the komala was purely a plush). For the orange theme day of Alan’s first Festival de la Vie (when he was still five) he got him a charizard hoodie that had wings on the back, spikes on the head to resemble charizard, and sleeves that ended in clawed gloves (with little holes on the bottoms of the sleeves so Alan could stick his hands through). It also had a detachable flame tail. Alan wore it for weeks and Sycamore probably has about a hundred pictures. But really, though, Sycamore just found all the little kid fashion to be so cute and would spontaneously buy shirts or what have you for Alan for the sole reason that he thought they were cute, and it was honestly one of his favorite things to do. He frickin’ loved it.(Also, I haven’t decided if Kalos has a Halloween equivalent yet, but if they do, imagine that when Alan was five or six, Sycamore decided on a werewolf costume for him, based on rockruff. And because it’s always fun for the parents to dress up to take the kids trick-or-treating too, he dressed up as a werewolf based on lycanroc. PAPA (WERE)WOLF WITH LITTLE (WERE)WOLF PUPPER. ADORABLE. Fulbert threatened to call CPS but Sycamore felt it was #WORTH IT.)
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ianhiggs527969-blog · 6 years
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Take note that in this particular scenario, Pretentious.spec _ for/minitest _ for is not required in the example report as the aim at courses are actually defined in the intendeds segment. Our team spend folks for their phrases, our company allow them to share the way they experience onto some canvass and we're willing to pay for millions because of some regarded intensity or even emotional state. Another phrase that is actually used in the Amount F System 2 vocabulary shop answers is words balance. To make a decision to attempt making a game that copes with deeper thoughtful concerns in a globe loaded with shooters as well as brainless video gaming is really a brave decision in my viewpoint. The ache pain connected with gout reaches in the evening, turning the skin layer red-hot and leaving the ostentatious joints swollen and tender for 5 - 10 times each time. After entering into the bistro, Leo spied a long line from folks he presumed were waiting on their dining tables. 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The 4th game in the series focuses on the domestic connection in between Magenta's little girl and also kid. Saying concerning guidelines, requirements and also wrong or even ideal ways from performing factors is one way of speaking about the amateur as well as the expert; social classifications that create pretentiousness an even knottier issue. The staff gave them the most extensive laminated as well as most sophisticated food selection Leo had actually ever viewed and then poured 2 large glasses from fresh produced iced tea. You can pass the stem by means of the fire or even leave this in boiled water for 30 few seconds, after you cut the stem 2 ins listed below completion. Yet some folks do not like that. everything things regarding infants and davinci is guesswork on your component. Yes, I assume we may all of concede they are among the absolute most ostentatious factors in the world. When that's point is actually to remove as a lot of pretenses off art as possible, I think it is actually amusing just how contemporary craft is frequently found as pompous. The thugs from the lily possess their other opening phase, that the bloom stays in water over 1, possibly 2 weeks. Makes it simple to incorporate activities like Park My Cars and truck as well as 4 Tire Madness to your Weblog, MySpace or even Facebook web page, and beyond so you can play on your very own site or page! If you cherished this write-up and you would like to acquire far more details about mountains of mourne song (actuarcomoesnormal.info) kindly pay a visit to our own web-page. Fine art utilizing photographs frequently attempts to prompt a feeling/emotion coming from the viewer, which candidly claimed is actually over half-a-millenia outdated paintings from some dudes or even 3 apples and also a banana. This publication is actually a revisionist past history, hitting back at the narrative that modern rock music was actually puffed up as well as ostentatious. Like all variations as well as products of the lexicon workshop solutions, the Device 2 of Degree F receives considerably more difficult. The 4th game finishes along with Magenta winding up in the medical center for not known explanations. The accuser of allegation - normally assuming themselves to become the genuine offer, in belongings of an educated and critical thoughts - feels that elsewhere worldwide there is actually a real short article that the ostentatious factor or individual aspires to be, but is actually falling short of or overemphasizing this. These are all quite noticeable and tired opening strategies that a lot of smart leads understand. It might function sometimes and gain you some advantages, but usually it's a foolish, apparent video game and also as our experts both know, this doesn't operate! But cases to ordinariness and also salt-of-the-earth virtue are on their own pretentious. Occasionally wealthy people produce fine art for other rich folks, but that has actually held true for a very long time. That's still only a paint of pair of people with second best regarding it which your ordinary halfway decent knowledgeable painter nowadays (which our team have plenty in this particular day as well as grow older) could create as well as create better. Yet beyond the job titles, a considerable amount of developers come across as pretentious with all of their language. Nowadays trying to oblige individuals to accept disruption is actually merely visiting turn all of them off more. I really feel that with numerous terrific characters throughout guide that everybody will certainly have the ability to find somebody they can easily connect to. I additionally feel this will be the case as the handful from individuals who have read that until now all have had different characters for whom they have actually associated with directly or adored and even detested. I don't possess a disagreement for The Diamond Sutra make use of or delivery, I merely adore it a lot, you can never ever know exactly what is actually visiting reach your heartstrings, some films are hrs of fresh unhappiness and never shake a singular tear from me, the end of this particular challenge activity performed and that's all I may say. My estimate is you were merely possessing a stab due to the fact that some individuals speak in different ways to you. The pretentious jewel will definitely after that analyze exactly what procedures are called, just how it is created and generate exam situations for this. However virtually any individual could see the further significance behind this story which's what stops it off being actually ostentatious. The result is to combine the techniques of programmed understanding and activity having fun to take care of the advertising message in customers' minds. The pompous imperfections of others affirm your own intellectual or even aesthetic competence. When that's point is actually to get rid of as numerous pretenses coming from craft as feasible, I assume it is actually funny exactly how modern craft is actually usually seen as pretentious. The criminals from the lily possess their different opening stage, that the floral resides in water over 1, maybe 2 weeks. Creates it easy to incorporate games like Park My Car and also 4 Wheel Madness to your Blog, MySpace or Facebook page, and also beyond thus you can easily play on your own site or even web page! To advise a person is actually pompous is actually to state they're behaving in methods they are actually certainly not applied for through encounter or even economic status". As the greatest treatment, reduced the stem till the eco-friendly component, put this in high flower holder, filled up just for 3 quarts along with water and also include a decrease of bleaching material.
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100wordanime · 6 years
One thing I’d like to make really clear is that this is not my list of best anime from 2017. That will come out in a few weeks time and will also include the results of the reader poll, so for the time being, I’m going to give some of my other top 5’s from 2017. This list, as the title suggests, is all about those shows I literally expected nothing of (other than to maybe be terrible) and then I ended up having a surprisingly good time watching them. I think it is nice sometimes that things can take you by surprise.
On that note though, I’d love it if you would share your list of shows from 2017 that you expected not to like but ended up being at least okay if not outright enjoyable.
Please Note: There will be spoilers below.
Honourable mentions in this list go to Gamers and Anime-Gataris.
Number 5: In Another World With My Smartphone
Okay, this had to make the list for the simple reason that a show with that bad of a title has no right to actually be semi-decent. Not good. Certainly not a refreshingly brilliant light to shine on all isekai anime based on light novels. This is a typical self-aware comedy, but for the most part I found it kind of amusing and it surprised even me that I was still watching it at the end of the season, and actually kind of open to the idea that maybe more of this story wouldn’t be that bad.
Number 4: Princess Principal
This show I actually really enjoyed. It isn’t just an okay show that wasn’t as bad as it might have been, it is a genuinely good show. So why is it on the list? Because when I looked at the art for this anime before it aired I dismissed it as another group of moe girls  in some school club that may or may not have spying involved. Instead what I got was a fairly thrilling and fun story with some competent characterisation that genuinely made me look forward to each new episode. Meanwhile, it also had one of the better opening themes of the year.
Number 3: The Royal Tutor
I definitely did not go into this one expecting very much but then the titular tutor, Heine, totally won me over. His straight man approach to everything and his interactions with each of the Princes were genuinely fun to watch and I liked that his background remained fairly enigmatic until the end. Even then, there’s definitely more to the story but we were given enough. Most of the Princes also weren’t as annoying as they originally could have been and all managed to become more than just one note joke characters as they each went through a fairly reasonable character arc throughout the series.
Number 2: Recovery of an MMO Junkie
Yeah, I read that title and could almost feel the ey-roll starting already. Then the first episode happened and I realised that even this well and truly overdone story of misunderstandings and romance could actually be interesting enough when the characters are actually fairly relatable. Possibly it is the older age of the characters in this story to a lot of other anime with similar ideas in it, but I found Morioka a fantastic character to follow and I genuinely wanted her to get a happy ending. That isn’t to say the show is all that good. It’s just significantly better than what you might expect from it. It also has a pretty fantastic opening theme which seems to go a long way to buying some good will from your audience so more shows should actually try and remember that.
Number 1: Spiritpact
Please watch the first episode of this show. Realise how incredibly bad this series might have been. That first episode is an outright train wreck and needs to be scrapped and started over. Episodes 2 and 3 aren’t a huge amount better but start to show promise. By the end of this series it is amazing how far the characters and story have come and really this ended up being a show I genuinely looked forward to watching. I’d have done a rewatch but sitting through that first episode again scares me. Still, for ten episodes this show packs in more development for its characters and for the storyline than some shows manage in 24 and once you get over the initial episodes, the pacing settles really well.
And there you go, my top 5 surprisingly good shows from 2017. Next week I’ll tackle my top 5 disappointments (shows I went in wanting to be good and then found I was left high and dry).  Please feel free to share your thoughts on shows that you thought were going to be dreadful but then surprised you in the comments below.
Thanks for reading.
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Karandi James.
Tuesday's Top 5: Surprisingly Good Shows That Came Out in 2017 One thing I'd like to make really clear is that this is not my list of best anime from 2017.
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