theunstuffedpepper · 4 months
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Just getting caught up over here - we had a lovely Christmas. The kids got way too many gifts, as usual, and Holden had an absolute blast. We hosted Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for 12 people total. I made a big meal for Christmas Eve - braised beef and veggies, potatoes, lasagna, mac and cheese, green beans, green salad, plus dessert - and then we had a big leftovers feast for dinner Christmas Day. Christmas morning, I made a hash brown and egg casserole with bacon and pastries from a great local bakery. We basically just ate all day long for days.
I had my fill of sugar for the few weeks leading up to the end of the year. So many cookies. Now that it’s January and the holidays are in the rear view, I feel so ready to clean it up and focus on getting some healthy habits back in place. Most immediately I want to work some exercise-level activity into each day and eat less sugar. With time, I’m sure I’ll expand those goals and get more specific, but it’s where I’m starting.
I’m still about 5 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight with Derrick. That’s clearly a testament to how many calories breastfeeding burns, because I feel like I’ve been eating so much and somehow haven’t really gained in the past month or two. Time to flip it around and make the calorie burn work for me.
We started Derrick on solids! He’s had oatmeal and puréed peas so far. Peas were not a fan favorite but surprisingly he’s coming around to them. Holden is such a great eater and I really hope Derrick follows in his footsteps. This is where I feel like the fun really begins. He’ll be 5 months on Thursday already.
Here’s to kicking off the new year in a positive way. This one is gonna be a good one.
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8ightisfate · 3 months
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jurnalweli · 3 months
Top 99 KLIP Januari 2024
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Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin. Segala puja dan puji hanya bagi Allah SWT. Tulisan pertama di Februari ini adalah aliran rasa syukur karena telah mampu menyelesaikan tantangan menulis KLIP bulan Januari dengan total setoran 30 hari. Hampir lengkap. Satu hari absen setoran karena mengantuk berat yang akhirnya berakhir dengan ketiduran. Bangun-bangun sudah berganti hari. Menyesal sebentar tapi tak apa, esok mengusahakan yang lebih baik lagi. Hal kedua yang disyukuri adalah masuk dalam Top 19 Setoran Terbanyak dengan peringkat 12 dan meraih outstanding badge karena telah menyetorkan 30 hari. Hal ketiga yang aku syukuri dan mengincar sejak awal adalah tergabung dalam whatsapp grup Top 99 KLIP. Baru beberapa jam bergabung rasanya sudah sangat menakjubkan dan menularkan semangat positif. Banyak hal baru yang kudapatkan salah duanya adalah platform media sosial ataupun blog yang beragam dan gaya penulisan setiap orang yang berbeda dan unik. Sebelumnya aku belum pernah membaca tulisan orang lain kecuali satu-dua orang yang kukenal namun adanya grup ini dan saling berbagi tulisan satu sama lain membuatku membacanya meski sekilas.
Setelah beberapa memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan tulisannya, ada rasa insecure muncul,
"maasyaAllah mereka keren semua, aku pingin nulis fiksi tapi belum sanggup, mau pakai media ini tapi belum paham, ih kok keren-keren sih". Begitulah suara hatiku.
Namun segera kutepis, aku adalah aku.
Setiap orang memiliki kelebihan, keunikan, dan keistimewaan masing-masing. Begitulah manusia, merasa rumput tetangga lebih hijau sampai lupa bahwa halaman sendiri ditumbuhi bunga cantik nan harum.
Begitulah ibaratnya. Aku kembali ke tujuanku. Lakukan apa yang diriku bisa. Lagipula mengikuti kelas literasi yang menantang pesertanya untuk menulis setiap hari adalah pengalaman pertama bagiku. Maka tidak mengapa untuk tetap memaksimalkan yang kita bisa.
Untuk tulisan Februari ini sebenarnya telah kupikirkan untuk membuat tema. Tema bulanan. Bulan Februari ini rasanya ingin banyak mengetahui tentang Fitrah Based Education. Rencananya aku ingin mengikuti materi di youtube lalu kurangkum dan kubagikan untuk tulisan KLIP Februari. Namun ternyata ingin mulai pemanasan di tanggal 1 tidaklah mudah. Tentu aku perlu waktu untuk mendengarkan materi yang sebenarnya ini terbilang ilmu yang sangat baru buatku dan rasanya perlu pemahaman yang panjang dan perlu waktu untuk menuliskannya kembali dengan sebaik-baik pemahamanku. Membutuhkan waktu yang panjang itu yang tidak mudah karena anakku yang masih membutuhkan perhatian dan pengawasan lebih. Akhirnya aku membelok, aku ingin mengalir dan tidak memberatkan diri. Mungkin keinginan itu akan diupayakan tapi tidak di KLIP.
Sebagai ibu baru tentu banyak pembelajaran yang terjadi. Mulai dari ketika hamil, persalinan sampai mendidik dan membersamai tumbuh kembangnya. Mungkin akan banyak cerita tentang menjadi ibu. Di Januari lalu, tulisanku juga acak tanpa tema. Karena awal, aku tidak mentargetkan apa-apa hanya memegang target minimal. Meski begitu aku tetap ingin mulai aja dulu dengan menuliskan apa yang terjadi pada hari itu. Sebagian besar adalah tentang refleksi sebagai istri atau ibu.
Dengan menulis aku merasa lebih mindfull dan memaknai hari yang membuatku terus menerus belajar bersyukur.
Harapan di Februari adalah bisa mengistiqomahi pencapaian di Januari. Perjalanan masih panjang, masih ingin kuupayakan. Semoga termasuk dalam bagian yang mampu bertahan sampai akhir.
Akhir kalimat, aku ingin berbagi quote yang kudapatkan dari syukuran KLIP 5 tahun,
"Konsisten itu memang berat tapi masih bisa dilatih!"
Salah satunya adalah latihan di KLIP. Bismillah. Tidak ada suatu kemudahan kecuali yang Engkau jadikan mudah.
Mari kita mulai dari nol lagi :)
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arewedoneyet · 3 months
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via peach_zd @ instagram | 01022024
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ultineeet · 3 months
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Daily Nagoriyuki 01022024
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snapthistiger · 4 months
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exercise 01022024
bike ride to the gym
8 x 10 incline sit ups
3 x 10 pec machine
3 x 10 lat raise
3 x 10 low row
45 minute spin class
3 x 10 cable row
3 x 10 cable press
bike ride to my Mom's, then home
the gym workers received Hershey kisses
my Mom was awake and we had a good visit
i signed up for a cardio fitness thing at the gym. it is called Mardi Gras Mambo. the goal is to get 805 minutes of cardio by February 13 and you get a t shirt. the entry fee is $25 so you are paying for the t shirt.
yesterday morning, i fixed a drain issue under the kitchen sink. i think our house guests put too much stuff down the sink disposall. i disassembled the piping and flushed and rodded everything out. after that i repaired a recliner that had 2 broken bolts and the recliner wouldn't close. all fixed now.
middle and bottom pics = my niece's horses
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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verseoftheday · 4 months
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Today's Verse - John 1:2-3 https://votd.me/en/01022024/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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artninjasworld · 4 months
Sketches 01022024
Sketch dump of year 2024.
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naomemories · 1 month
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Ganda mo jan, nak ha. Hehehe 🤭
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8ightisfate · 3 months
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abbyew20 · 3 months
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arewedoneyet · 3 months
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via CHUANGASIA @ twitter | 01022024
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julien5-malfunction · 3 months
01022024 Holy shit I had 2 dreams tonight.
(It's weird bc ususally I don't remember them)
The first one was the classic 'you need to pee' but I became lucid at the and went to this one dude (who was kinda like Suus from Gravity falls, super helpful and kind) and told him (after shitting myself in the dream) 'Like, dude this is a dream, I need to wake up.' The guy was like, he believed me and knew what he had to do, asked some another gal to come outside with us and then tells the gal 'why don't you find a nice big stone on the ground, would you?'. I start walking away from them and, I think that I was head shotted with said stone, but I did indeed wake up.
The other dream after involved someone I know from real life, I'll call her 'A'.
In this drem I'm in the mental ward but it has some sort of crafting classroom (one of the wards I've been in had something like that). I think I was following a prisoner of some kind who was being escorted there and kept kinda loosely as he managed to rip open a random door on the side of the industrial hallway. The door was to a cleaning closet and now he was commenting that it smelled like cigarettes in there. In the class room were some other peoples projects on a rack, I examined a black top hat and commented that it was actually made by a pro or something. There was this other dude (who lived in the unit at the same time with me, should I just call them mr. V or the 'Beef' bc he pissed me off and we didn't have beef but he was more beefy than me, but also annoying about it. ) mr. Beef was doing something with orange and green yarn there and Miss A was there knitting a black and red /black and pink striped sweater. Don't know where escorted crazy guy went, looking for cigarette buds in the closet, I imagine. The teacher was just like that one old lady who knits everything else but socks an sweaters bc she ain't basic and can probably demonstrate karate if you misbehave. She , goes Well hello there, yeah, just look around and see what you can come up with out of the materials here and I'll help you out if you need anything. I think I started running around the class room or something, I'm not sure... I think I grabbed Beef dudes yarn and run away from him, I had something same coloured was flying next to me as I ran. (that would be something I'd do in real life btw. I'd give it back when they caught me ofc) At some point I talked to Miss A and asked why how'd she end up in the ward and she muttered something that she said something that made the doctor concerned and thought she was insane.
The next thing I remember, I was walking back to the hospital and the ward. But we were out side, on the sidewalk of the road leading back to the hospital, there were tall snow piles next to the roads and I would climb and walk on them as miss A walked neatly on the sidewalk. We chatted something. For some reason I could fly too, but didn't know how exactly yet and when I jumped off the snow piles I would either stay in the air or flop on my face and the ground. At one point miss A says 'I figured you might like me' and stops me on the side walk. I go 'Yeah, so what if I might?' I guessed some one at the crafting class snitched on me. She grabs me thight and says 'Why don't we show it to them, then?', pulls me in for a kiss, but I tilt my head and dodge. 'no no no, I'm nervous' I tell her and I think I heard her say 'you're fainting' as I remember falling to the ground, body went completely numb but I could still see.
I woke up. I dead ass, just had a dream about a girl trying to give me a kiss and I BLACKED OUT. IN THE DREAM. I'm ashamed to admit that it probably took 10 minutes to write down the last few sentences of that bc my body keeps having pretty strong, uncanny reactions to that memory now. ...fuck.
That kinda stirrs something around inside me. I could. use it as an excuse to
do the same thing i did yesterday and
text her.
'Hey! I saw u in my dreams last night, you were knitting a striped sweater in the class room, uwu.'
' How's 2024 been so far? ' idk.
' BTW IG ILY ' no, I... I can't do that... Fuck.
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jejeujeux · 3 months
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"Disparition ?" Clb 01022024
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objiowillian · 3 months
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¡Cada quien tiene derechos propios! Por lo tanto, la Libertad de selección, ¡Es de gran Utilidad!
Objiowillianbautista 01022024
Foto Pan para El shabbat
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7ooo-ru · 3 months
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СВО. Донбасс. Оперативная лента за 01.02.2024
Оперативная информация с фронтов ДНР и ЛНР, военные сводки от Вооруженных сил Новороссии, новости АТО, фото- и видеоматериалы военных журналистов из горячих точек Донбасса, актуальные интервью с лидерами Новороссии.
09:00 Два беспилотника обезвредили в Кстовском районе Нижегородской области
Дроны двигались со стороны Рязанской области, они пытались добраться до Нижнего Новгорода на крайне низких высотах (50 м), чтобы быть незамеченными для ПВО.
Оба беспилотника обезвредили средствами радиоэлектронной борьбы, никто не пострадал.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/02/01/980-svo-donbass-operativnaya-lenta-za-01022024-grss-278301897.html
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