#003 ‎ ‎ ͡ ‎ ‎ lost in the forest 。
horroregre · 3 months
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hai! i present myself, i'm eden/ron, or any of my multiple names! he/they/it/gutz are my main pronouns, i'm an agender demiboy bxy, i am mentally ill (npd/avpd & depression to say smt), i am delusional, nonhuman and also a fictkin, a minor bodily
i regress to ages 4-6, tho i might regress younger when stressed out, have a big mouth when regressed and sometimes may slip easily out of the regression mood
i enjoy dark media, tho i'm critical of my interests and their creators
i'm silly and clumsy most times! besides age regressing i also age dream and pet regress! i'm also chronosian! i'm happily taken by 3 wonderful partners
i prefer pup/pups, horror/horrors & h!!/h!!m pronouns when regressed, i also prefer the name jade & ronnie when i'm regressed, i use emoticons!
that's mostly it by know! may update or not this post
thanks for reading
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ohisms · 10 days
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , HISTORICAL 〳 FANTASY edition !   (  a  collection  of  25  settings  based upon the period 〳 fantasy genres ; meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts . WILL be updated .   )
001. the interior of an elegant carriage .
002. seated at a large dining table set with an elaborate meal .
003. the shadowy corner of a lively tavern .
004. the top of a light house during a raging storm .
005. along the dimly lit corridor of a large manor .
006. the damp , dark brig of a pirate ship .
007. the ruins of an ancient structure lost to time .
008. a theater hall brimming with attendees .
009. the bustling streets of a market town .
010. a sun - drenched vineyard .
011. along a boardwalk overlooking the sea .
012. a moonlit cemetery full of weathered graves .
013. on horseback , deep in the woods .
014. a luxurious drawing room smelling of tea .
015. a sprawling dragon roost , hidden atop craggy mountain peaks .
016. a war - torn battlefield .
017. a beautiful cathedral bustling with churchgoers .
018. within a crammed opera box during a performance .
019. an elegant tearoom serving afternoon refreshments .
020. a lakeside pavilion on an especially hot day .
021. a sprawling network of underground catacombs .
022. a hidden glade in the middle of the woods .
023. the deep , dark dungeon of a castle .
024. a market square full of fruit and fineries .
025. a baker's shop smelling of wonderful pastries .
026. the quiet stables of a large estate .
027. on the outskirts of a magnificent water fountain .
028. in a dimly lit library , hidden amongst the books .
029. among the high walls of a hedge maze .
030. at the front desk of a warm , homey inn .
031. under the protection of a gazebo as it rains .
032. on the landing of a busy train station .
033. a gambling hall alight with raucous laughter and drink .
034. a pristine infirmary , mostly empty .
035. on board a huge ship making a long voyage .
+   20  more  setting  prompts :    6 / 01 / 2024
036. in a sunlit garden adorned with blooming flowers .
037. at the edge of a serene forest lake under a starry sky.
038. within a quiet corridor of a castle during a lavish ball .
039. in a bustling blacksmith's forge , sparks flying .
040. on a rocky cliffside overlooking a vast ocean .
041. in a quaint village square during a festival .
042. within a secret chamber hidden behind a bookshelf .
043. in the grand atrium of a luxurious hotel .
044. along a narrow brick alleyway in a crowded town .
045. within a busy marketplace in a desert town .
046. on a tranquil beach at sunrise .
047. in a cozy cottage with a crackling fireplace .
048. at the helm of a majestic airship soaring through the clouds .
049. in a grand library filled with ancient tomes .
050. on a bustling harbor dock as ships come and go .
051. within a magical forest where the trees glow softly .
052. in an apothecary's shop filled with herbs and potion .
053. at a secluded cabin by a dangerously quick river .
054. within the opulent throne room of a powerful ruler .
055. in an enchanted glade where fairies dance in the moonlight .
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swamp-spirit · 4 months
Been thinking about the most teenage story I wrote in high school and like, it was:
Teen girl gets brought into a social group of hot goth boys with different color themes. They turn out to be half demons, and realize she has the right powers to join their magical dance battle team. She eventually finds out she's secretly half wolf demon.
But like... going back to it, I stand by a surprising amount of it:
-Green coded guy was the physical embodiment of a forest that took human form to attempt to charm the hippie conservationist who saved him.
-In fact, pretty much none of the guys were romantically interested in the female lead, they were legit just her friends and dance team. The actual romantic interest was like... team member #5 who gets pretty much no page time for the chunk teen me actually wrote
-World building is that there used to be super powerful demons, but they got wiped out, and all modern demons are weird, weaker genetic offshoots of the originals. One team member is one of the few surviving ancient demons, but this is because he was sealed for centuries and is now physically weak, deeply traumatized, and just kinda a weird hikkimori who the other demons respect for the raw power he'd have if he felt like it.
-Vampire Rules: Let's say the original vampires were 1000% vampires. Super strong, super bloody thirsty, super weak to sunlight, etc. When they died, everyone within radius split that percent, and every time a vampire dies, it gets split up so vampireness is super diluted.
-This means vampire hunters slowly become vampires. One team member was a vampire hunter, and tracked down his last target, who intentionally isolated himself to make sure the hunter who killed him would become fully vamp themselves.
-The other team member who's part vampire was just like... at a large party where a vampire died and is .003% vampire. There are no powers with this. He is the romantic interest.
Way to go tiny me. Congrats on making the most Angsty Teen (tm) premise and then becoming totally lost in your weird hot-demon-boy world building.
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somatheking · 9 months
Week 003: In which Soma measures everything from months to feelings to figure out if he should save Airi, or let her die. @airi-of-hearts
Soma had been barely eighteen when he found out that everything could be measured. Better yet, everything could be measured using different sets of units; one week was seven breakfasts, but it was also ¼ of a tube of toothpaste. This, as obvious and trite as it sounded, had been a complete game changer in his life and even if he hadn’t known it at the time, marked the beginning of his career as the King of Hearts.
It wasn’t until he entered the borderlands and he was crowned as a hearts specialist when he realised just how useful his ability to measure was. Back in the real world, a week was made up of simple, trivial items; the food he needed to buy, the hours he had to work, the amount of alcohol he could swallow without it coming back out. A week meant two times eating fish, and that was that. It meant at least one social gathering, and at most one bottle of sake. It helped him go through the motions seamlessly because just as a week was immutably seven days, all the other measures that went with it were inflexible too. They germinated in the soft convolutions of his brain, rooted in the spinal canal and branched out along his nerves throughout his entire body, controlling and puppeteering his movements. He would have fish twice a week, no matter if he needed to pay double the price for it just to get some. He would drink a whole bottle of sake, even if there was no social gathering and he had to down the entire bottle by himself at home. Sometimes he felt like he’d willingly forsaken his free will and became reduced to a machine that operated based on a rigid code made out of 0s and 1s, but at least he knew himself. 
These beliefs set in stone helped him gain a sense of control over a world where ‘sense’ and ‘logic’ meant very little. They were the laws of his own world, his 10 commandments, something he could hold on to if he ever began drifting away. No one held the right to alter these unchangeable notions, not even himself, because if he did, there wouldn’t be a ‘himself’ to go back to. He’d be a different Soma, guided by different principles or by none at all, and especially in the borderlands, he needed to keep himself close and prevent himself from wandering away.
Given everything, one would think letting Airi die would be a simple choice. 
It’s not a bad place to die in, he thinks, even though she might prefer a dance studio. Dying in a forest sure as hell beats dying inside a train station, or in a dingy apartment complex. Game venues don’t get any better than this, a startlingly green forest where water covers the roots of the trees and the legs of the players. Birds chirp happily, unaware of the events going on below them, and even though the game had already ended and it’s usually followed by destruction, the few players that ended up dying did so very silently and without making a mess. Just sinking to the bottom of the forest to be welcomed by the plants and fish that’d become their new home. Yes, he surely wouldn’t mind dying here, so Airi shouldn’t, too.
Besides, it’s not as if she’s felt any pain. A rather stout man had accidentally knocked her out with an oar and judging by how she’s not thrashing about, she immediately lost consciousness. She’s been floating for a bit, but water is engulfing her and soon enough, she’ll completely vanish beneath the surface of the water and no one will be none the wiser. All the other players have scampered away, and her friends are miles away at the Beach, so there’s no one left that could save her. Just him, looking down from the dock and observing how her blonde hair turns darker when it meets the water, mesmerised by how slowly the forest is swallowing her up. She’s not going to suffer anymore, her journey at the borderlands is over and she’s going to end up in the same place he will in a few months, so he shouldn’t care about this. He doesn’t feel frantic either, if anything, there’s a calm feeling spreading through his body; the puppeteer has tugged on his strings and placed him to be sitting on the dock watching as she drowns, doing nothing to save her, because he cannot save players. After all, his survival in the borderlands is measured in how many players remain alive by the end of the first stage; less players, more chances for the citizens to win. 
As soon as the thought had formed in his head, he’d locked and filed it away next to ‘two fish and one bottle of sake per week’, a new unchangeable notion: do not save players. Especially those that might be onto him about his citizenship. Airi’s smart, too smart for her own good and for his own, and if she figures out that he plays a part in making the games, the Joker will probably eliminate him before the second stage starts and he’ll never get to play the King of Hearts. 
So he’s calm about this. She has to die. 
Except… his heartbeat is racing. 
It began to pick up when her legs became completely submerged and started pulling her torso down with them, changing the colour of her abdomen to a greyish-green as the forest claimed it for himself. He’s no stranger to death but his lungs had constricted when water began to frame her face, and as if to make up for the fact that she was immobilised, he began to thrash his legs about, stirring up soil and sediment. 
‘Come on, come on,’ he thinks, impatient, and he’s surprised to find dread settling at the bottom of his stomach. 
Fair enough, he can admit to himself that he’d miss her terribly if she were to die; he’d miss how astute she was, how she’d be quiet and observant until she found one of her friends and suddenly she’d be bursting at the seams with energy. Hell, he’d even miss the game of cat and mouse they usually played, where Airi tried catching him in a lie and Soma had to smoothly dodge all her traps. She was good, a good hearts player and a good survivor, but most importantly, she was a good friend, and he can’t save her because he can’t save players, though she could save herself if she just woke up. He wouldn’t push her head back into the water; if a hand shot up at him he’d gladly take it and pull her back to safety, but Airi is doing none of it. She’s just sinking.
It might be a good place to die in, but this is a pretty fucking stupid way to do so. Rendered unconscious by an oaf who couldn’t handle an oar and who died soon after, all during a game of the ace of clubs. Really, if something were to trap her and take her away he’d been expecting it to be one of Kuzuryuu’s games. Hearts were her specialty, spades she had to be good at due to her physique as both a dancer and a fencer, making her equal parts deadly and graceful, clubs were pretty easy since Kyuuma had become the king, and even if they hadn’t, the ace of clubs?
Only her forehead, nose and upper lip remain above the surface.
This is her fault. She should have fought harder. At least a few half-hearted kicks to get to the surface before losing consciousness completely, or a cry of help. She was pretty much aware Soma was hiding something, she should’ve known better than to suddenly start drowning when he was the only person around that could help her. She shouldn’t need his help in the first place, she was self-sufficient and she’d won many games single-handedly, and it felt really unfair that the one game she needed help in, was the only one they’d played together. He is the King of Hearts, for crying out loud, he can’t help her. 
He can’t save her; his survival is measured in the number of dead players, he chants. But there’s no way to measure how he feels at watching her drown, how as water fills up her lungs, anguish and dread fills up his. There’s no way to measure how he feels when she has a witty remark to something he’s said, or when he looks at the time after a conversation with her and hours have wonderfully passed by without him being none the wiser, exchanging time for the privilege of getting to talk to her. He can’t measure how it’d feel to never again see her blonde hair in passing and be content simply because she’s there, even if they don’t acknowledge each other during the entire evening. 
Her body has completely disappeared without making a single sound, and Airi has been taken by the forest. 
He’s a citizen because he’s killed dozens of people, he’s the King of Hearts because he’s going to kill dozens more, but above everything, he’s Kawamura Soma, the doctor who let a child die because of his negligence and who stopped being responsible for the lives of others after that. His identity slips through the spaces between his fingers as they shoot into the water and blindly close around Airi’s arms, and everything he can’t measure but makes his heart beat louder and his head start spinning breaks the surface at the same time Airi’s body does. 
She is pushed onto the dock, and Soma―frantic, nowhere near calm― attempts to clamber up and follow her, but in his frenzied state, he slips on the wet wood and falls back into the water. 
It is just then, when Soma has thrown all caution to the wind and Airi is safe and lying on the dock, that she wakes up and starts coughing. 
And Soma finds that he regrets nothing. 
She’s still coughing when all the previous agony goes away and instead, he’s invaded with a feeling of euphoria and exhilaration so intense it’s embarrassing. He wants to submerge himself and let the laughter he feels climbing up his throat escape his body in bubbles, emptying it out like the air in his lungs. Instead he climbs up onto the dock and says, with a voice that’s half-trembling, half-nonchalant and accompanied by a smile from ear to ear:
“Finally. You were drowning for so long I was getting bored.” 
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lunarfeat21 · 2 years
Darktober 20: Bite
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They lost another one, they lost another teammate. Losing them to Patient No.001 [Strongarm] & other Infectors after a capturing mission of Patient No.001 for samples (in hopes of a vaccine for the mysterious virus that infected bots with concerning side effects such as body mutations, increased strength, aggressiveness, and spewing acid when provoked or annoyed).
Bumblebee mainly blamed himself for Slipstream's demise, he was in arm's length as he was about to grab the minicon with his back turned, where Patient No.003 [Grimlock] & Patient No.006 [Optimus] attacked while Patient No.002 [Sideswipe] slowly advanced towards the helpless Slipstream (as Slipstream watched in horror of Bumblebee’s attack). 
Patient No.002 pounced on Slipstream as he and the other Infectors made a retreat towards the forest, not before biting Slipstream as their newest recruit (later labeled Patient No.008) in their hivemind with Patient No.000.
That thought stung Bumblebee, it already hit him hard when they couldn’t find Patient No.000 or their identity, then for Strongarm becoming Patient No.001, then Sideswipe, Grimlock, Optimus, and now Slipstream to follow suit. 
It doesn’t help that he had to team up with Steeljaw and his pack as they too lost Clampdown [Patient No.004], Thunderhoof [Patient No.005], & Fracture [Patient No.005].
Drift & Jetstorm reassured Bumblebee that it wasn’t his fault, accompanied by Fixit, Denny, Windblade, and Russell to give their condolences. Someday, when their luck changes, a vaccine will be born.
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"I cannot bring the words to mind, the night has brought such a storm it echoes through my soul...But would you do me the greatest honor of all to join with me in sweet matrimony?"
"Zecora! YES!"
Journal Entry 003:
That night was the greatest step in our lives. The night before the Cafe existed when we both still lived in Equestria. The night after a great and terrible battle against Chrysalis. We were both terrified that we had almost lost one another.
Then what does she go and do? She tries to plan a romantic dinner in the Everfree Forest, there were so many things until the rains came down. It soaked through everything, the food, our clothes, the drinks.
She brought me close under her cloak, wrapping me up in her arms and her sandlewood scent. She brought out the ring and she was so shy and nervous my gorgeous brave and valiant Shaman was scared of my answer.
Such a silly thing. I do love her so much. How could I not say yes?
When I described the scene well you know just who brough the scene to eternal life for us all to remember the power of love ever after.
You know the rules Travelers, go and pay her a visit! Thank you so much darling for bringing us all to life with your talent, hard work and creativity.
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majestydeerakuma · 2 years
Overanalyzing the OMORI Soundtrack because I said so (ALSO: SPOILER WARNING (and in tags))
So...the OMORI soundtrack is a bop but...I feel like there’s some hidden meanings in these somewhere, mainly in the names of the tracks themselves, anyways, here it goes
(003: Lost at a sleepover): Is this foreshadowing for the Sunny route where the main four end up sleeping over at Basil’s house? Plus, not to mention, Sunny is completely lost on what the truth is
(005: By Your Side.): As in Mari’s spirit is always watching Sunny
(007: 100 Sunny): Sunny possibly trying to convince himself that he is indeed still Sunny
(011: It’s okay to try again): Sounds like something Mari would say to Sunny (plus not to mention the piano variant of this song)
(019: Space Road 1979): 1979, I speculate is when Captain Spaceboy was created in the real world in OMORI
(020: See in your fantasy): Pretty much Omori exploring his dream world, his fantasy
(021: Sugar Star Planetarium): May foreshadow the fact Spaceboy and Sweetheart were together considering Spaceboy is associated with the galaxy and stars and Sweetheart is a donut, something made out of sugar thus Sugar Star Planetarium.
(022: Lost, then found): Foreshadowing Sunny finding out the truth if Sunny route is played
(023: THE VENGEANCE OF THOSE FORGOTTEN IN DARKNESS): Either refers to repressed memories coming back to hurt Sunny or Basil being upset Sunny didn’t come back if Hikikomori route is played
(024: Recycling is a concept): Sunny’s tagged term for his repression
(025: Lovesick - 80,000 Lightyears): 80,000 lightyears actually refers to a song in Jami Lynne’s musical album “Bug Spray (Never give up)” when she was under the alias Space Boyfriend
(026: I Will Catch Up!): Possibly Sunny saying he will catch up in life and that everything is okay (when it isn’t)
(029: Good For Health, Bad for Imagination): Sunny possibly being aware facing his trauma is good for his health but it’s bad for Headspace so he continues through Headspace like nothing is wrong.
(030: Snow Forest - A Single Flower Blooms): The flower in this case is probably Basil with the Snow Forest being the truth, something cold. Basil is surrounded by the truth and remembers it well, thus he’s freezing in the coldness of the truth.
(038: Space Boyfriend's Tape - I Want Nothing More): The tune of this song is of Jami Lynne’s Space Boyfriend song “Bug Spray”
(039: Trouble - NEVER/ALWAYS): Also refers to two song titles from Bug Spray (Never Give Up)
(040: You Were Wrong. Go Back.): Refers to a lyric in one of Jami Lynne’s Space Boyfriend songs in Bug Spray (Never give up)
(044: Where we used to play): Where Sunny and his friends used to play before Mari’s death
(046: Woof): Considering the dark tone of the song, makes me wonder if Sunny has a slight fear of dogs
(060: It means everything): To Aubrey, Mari meant everything. To Aubrey, her friends being there meant everything. The fact Mari died, it meant everything. The fact no one was there for Aubrey, it meant everything. It all devastated her and made her angry considering her friends and Mari was the only real love and care she was getting when she was younger.
(066: Fade): repression
(072: Those who forget history): Again, may refer to Sunny’s repression
(076: Sweet Paralysis): Can technically refer to the fact that Sunny hasn’t moved on from his trauma like he’s stuck, like he’s paralyzed. But where’s the sweet part? His dream world, headspace
(081: Splintered Sweets in the Castle): Probably refers to how toxic Sweetheart is, her being a splintered sweet
(082 & 083: Wandering Rose & Stationary Rose): Rose, referring to Sweetheart, Wandering, referring to her quest of love, Stationary, referring to how perfect she wants her suitor to be which stifles her quest for love and only leaves her stationary despite her wandering
(085: I definitely promised you a rose garden): Probably refers to how much people who fall for Sweetheart would give to her
(086: World’s End Valentine): Sweetheart sees herself as the ultimate person, even if the world ends, she shall be the perfect partner for who she chooses thus World’s End Valentine
(087: I just love the 50s!!!): Makes me speculate that Sweetheart in the real world originated in the 1950s. Either she was a live action show or an anime if I had to guess
(091: Swirly 1000x): Probably refers to Sunny feeling stressed in the situation he’s in when having to fight the hooligans to the point where he feels dizzy. The 1000x may also refer to the fact that Sunny is aware of how powerful Aubrey’s feelings are
(110: Numbers): Okay, I just wanted to point out that the voice in the song is actually counting in German which may be why the song is called Numbers
(111: Sinking): Refers to the memories Sunny is repressing thus sinking
(114: But I wanna see it all with you): Someone definitely said that to Sunny before
(123: Fermentation Disorientation): Again, repression. Fermentation being a break down relating to food (thus where it plays in the game) and Disorientation is probably how Sunny’s thoughts are (especially when referring to Black Space)
(126: Recycling really is a concept): Probably refers to repression again (which is also touched up upon in Black Space 2 as well)
(127: Remember to be patient): Again, someone probably told Sunny this
(129: You cannot go back): Sunny has gone to far in his dreams and repression and can no longer go back to how he once was. Perhaps he has even repressed his own name at this point too.
(131: Welcome Again.): This isn’t the first time he’s been in Black Space
(132: Fleur): Basil is represented with flowers, he even has flowers that remind him of his friends and there’s even the White Egret Flower represented with Mari as well. Perhaps the White Egret Flower haunts Sunny in some way since it makes him think of Mari
(144: Come and See): I feel like this refers to Basil telling Sunny to confront the truth
(145 & 146: Friends & Friendsssssss): Sunny doesn’t know if his friends are his friends anymore thus why the songs are corrupted
(147: Orchard): Most likely refers to Basil again since Orchard relates to plants
(149: Look): The horror of what Sunny and Basil saw on that day
(153: Do you remember?): Sunny now knows The Truth and has decided to accept what had happened. Do you remember? He does.
(154: Playing Forever): Sunny can not handle what has happened and thus has decided to play forever since he can no longer handle the circumstances of his reality
(156: Save): Sunny can no longer handle what is happening so Omori “saves” him
(160: Normal.): EvErYtHiNg iS gOiNg tO bE oKaY
(161 & 162: Your Catastrophes & Your Catastrophes - Procession): Sunny is blaming himself for what happened to Mari. Basil is also blaming himself
(013, 062, 158 & 165: A Home for Flowers (Tulip), (Empty), (Daisy), (Sunflower)): A home for flowers refers to Basil, however, Tulip refers to Sunny/Omori, the flower Basil sees as Sunny/Omori. Basil sees Sunny as a great friend so it makes sense that this song sounds more cheery compared to the others. Empty refers to there being no emotion or thought, just...emptiness...just like depression. Daisy is a flower that can symbolize death. Mari is dead and thus could be what the song is referring to. Sunflower refers to Basil himself. If anything, the Sunflower version of the song sounds like Basil’s current state of mind, completely broken and in agony.
(175: Clean Slate): Sunny wakes up, ready to move on and start over on a clean slate.
So...that’s all the songs I have overanalyzed just by their titles alone
Anyways, have a wonderful day/night!!! :D
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the27percent · 2 years
[RULES: fill out with 3-5 items/aesthetics that fit your muse for each category. Repost, do not reblog.]
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001. Curiosity - there’s always that sense of wanting to learn, to know, to see what has changed and what hasn’t over so much time.A fascination with how so much comes to be (and how things end). There’s almost a wonder, an awe for all that has come to exist (despite all the frustrations that come with the territory).
002. Awareness - a deep awareness of your ties to so much that has started, continued, maintained and may ultimate end, so many places. An awareness of your true nature and how despite many may not get to see the true extent of it, you are aware of your limitations. Of how you do not get to consider yourself good. (Did you want to?)
003. Melancholia - for all that you have seen, all that has been lost, the weight that never seems to go away. The loneliness that has a way of catching up with you even though you should be long used to be on your own. Solitude is different from loneliness and you feel the difference intensely.
 004.Existentialism - what is the nature of being the kind of entity you are, what does that mean, what is your responsibility to those who live in this universe. You do not think it is your place to confront all the things that have been done, throwing your power around feels irresponsible. But maybe you can at least be supportive of what seems to ring better all around (of the fight for autonomy of those most impacted)
001. Dark blue - the markings that cover any kind of form that they take up - something that distinctively marks them as of a different sort.
 002. Black. For the expanse of space.for the darkness of their very being, of the expanse that they embody
003. Silver -the other kind of markings that show on them. the highlight of different materials, metals, the shine that seems to contrast the darkness that seems all too present.
004. Dark purple - a connection with a ‘descendant’ of sorts, the richness of the color is still something they can appreciate as an accent.
001.Ozone. It’s hard to get a sense of what space tends to smell like, but this seems to be pretty close. It’s apparent that they would have a similar kind of scent.
 002. old stones - something from being around ruins and remnants of long decayed civilizations will leave a bit of an impression on someone.
003. a baked good, having developed something of a taste for sweets, they are all too willing to try the goods of varying places and all the flavors there is to offer (despite not needing to eat)
 004. Trees - natural spaces have a lot of appeal, a quiet refuge from the inevitable sense of not fitting into civilizations in more ways than one. they’ve seen so much go by, even places like forests.. but at least so many of them remain in some form or fashion
001. fingerless black leather gloves. it is uncertain how atieno had picked up on this accessory but it is something that they have rocked for many years. It’s almost a comfort item of some fashion.
002. journals, they have a few of them left behind across the universe, documents of their presence, of their stories. so much of them deemed fictional, if only those reading could understand how true .. terribly true it all is.
 004. little strange trinkets. items forged out dense materials. the results of a hobby, a small insistence on creation even if it doesn’t result in the remaking of worlds. some of them make for pretty nice gifts actually.
001. An upright stance, there’s a coolness to this presence. That says a lot more than they are usually willing to let on. Observant, attentive, ready. May come across as a bit unassuming despite this.. which is kind of the point for them.
002. Expressive eyes - a dark, unusual gaze that sweeps the surroundings, noticing the details of where they are and who they are around. eyes that can reveal the slightest hints of their emotions, their responses. But never quite telegraphing what they might do next.
003. A strange restlessness. Tapping of their boots, messing with their braids (or locs, or strands of hair depending on the style), fiddling with a jacket, with a shirt. There’s a little more to them than can be expressed through words.
004. Sharpness. The moment that they have to be on-guard, there’s a sharpness to their very being that will cut you. And that’s before they shift into something more. something that you don’t dare see if you’re not looking for it.
005. Judgment - they don’t like playing this role, it’s not something that they take much pleasure in. But they will end a situation, they have been many endings. They will be many more endings. If truly pushed, why wouldn’t they be yours? Don’t push them... they do try to give a lot of grace, a lot of chances for you to grow on your own accord and time. It’s the very least that they could do.
001. Late 1970s weird music - sounds from all kinds of genres, it’s after punk but before something else. Melding of influences and pushing what does it even mean to make music. Attention to the structures of society and how that seems to be coming undone
 002. Ruins - appreciate the decay of all that has come and gone over the years, carry the sense of decay that seems to weigh on them regularly.
003. Underground hangouts - casual, strange little places - places that should not still be around and yet still are. bars, cabarets, all kinds of unique spots where only the truly determined seemed to find out and still attend.
004. Outskirts of space cities - it’s always on the outliers that the strange things really show up. Something about the transition between places really seems to bring out so much in ‘the civilized’. Really tests the boundaries of what’s possible.
001. Dorothy Ashby - Life Has Its Trials
002. Yves Tumor - Secrecy Is Incredibly Important To The Both of Them
003. Romeo Void - Never Say Never
004. Sons of Kemet - To Never Forget the Source
005. Moor Mother - DUST TOGETHER (feat. Wolf Weston & Aquiles Navarro)
Tagged by: stared down by @viopolis​ Tagging: you. do this shit.
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chronicparagon · 7 months
003. — Put out a cigarette on my muse’s skin. (from Casablanca, probably in the verse where Har ends up as his "assistant")
"STOP!" Harmony's voice rings in the room. One of the larger henchmen stopped Harmony from racing into the scene. Large, calloused hands hold her hands back. His iron grip stops her from intervening in the ongoing torture session.
"STOP! I'M BEGGING YOU TO STOP THE MADNESS!" Harmony cries, struggling but failing to break free. The unfortunate victim, a young man tied to an old, wooden chair and gagged with a bloody rag tied tightly around his mouth. Dark blue eyes look to Harmony, silently pleading for a rescue that will never come. Bruises and lacerations decorate pallid skin in hues of black, blue, and deep purple with red lining the cuts.
Such insolence!
She dares speak up against her superior as he tends to an important "meeting." Harmony looks on, her pupils shrinking as she watches the ghastly grin beneath her boss's veil widen as he calmly approaches her. Blood pounds in her ears when Casablanca stops just in front of her. He fishes out his open carton of cigarettes from his pocket. One of them pops up with a push of his thumb on the bottom of the carton. Casablanca captures that lone cigarette in his mouth when he holds it beneath his veil. His hand returns the carton back to his pocket, then reveals a lighter.
She flinches when the flame sparks to life from the lighter.
Oh, gods! Gods! Gods, no! Not that!
Her heart leaps against her chest while gray eyes remain on the little flame as it rises beneath the veil and lights the cigarette. Casablanca takes a long drag of the cigarette, leisurely smoking it for a moment. Tension grows and thickens in the run-down warehouse. The metallic stench of blood from past victims mixes with the foul odor of rot in the stagnant air. Tobacco wafts from the thick gray-white smoke drifting around Casablanca. He takes out the burning cigarette and turns away from the bound victim. Instead, he faces the unfortunate assistant. Not a second passes before the young woman screams.
The cigarette drills into the soft skin, piercing it with unrelenting heat searing through layers of tissue. Muscles tense and she cries in agony. Her body jerks in her captor's hold, desperate to get away from the offending cigarette. Legs kick in the air but never meet Casablanca's body. The henchman's gruff voice chuckles lowly while holding Harmony in place. One press of the burning end on her bare arm, moving upwards before adding new burns to her right shoulder and chest.
The burns force Harmony to see her past flash before her eyes. A little girl's desperate cries...
Bright red, orange, and deep gold rising from the burning forest...That accursed branch holding her down to the scorched earth like a giant, flaming skeletal hand holding her down before dragging her into the depths of Hell. Blood bubbled and streamed over her tan skin and onto the blackened earth. Fire licking away layer after layer of flesh.
Fumes of fire, death, and her own body rotting filled her nose. She remembers that fateful day when she was so young and nearly lost her life. Casablanca's torture revived those gruesome memories, and it added to the agony that now attacks her body.
"STOP! STOP IT, PLEASE! IT HURTS!" Harmony screams, coughing and gagging from the bile in her throat. Tearful pleas fall on deaf ears while Casablanca continues pressing that cigarette into her flesh. Suddenly, Harmony's vision flashes to pitch black. She gags and wretches while hearing laughter, laughter of pure joy from causing misery masks her emptying her stomach before her body goes limp an fall on bloodstained concrete.
Then, there is nothing....
Darkness, silence...The short episode of reprieve from the nightmares that await her once she wakes. Perhaps from now on, Harmony will learn her lesson to not interfere with business.
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horroregre · 3 months
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i normally do stimboard, icons, moodboards and headcanons! ocasionally draw & coin things !
i don't take requests for now!
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wpdariacutnes · 1 year
Me: fenny as party 003 is more canda not esly fund because canda wirts expleing a be me flowers under and more start stiker so enifing like mikey polegaze fenny a be rude a one Day so come be frends so enifing going normal but canda be enifing bit brown and grey because working a naber frend ( im dont nebers name so niby jake) like dys a get sick das fenny ingnoring dys and das take hem and mikey a be more toking chader like canda ferts sowing a be frends so yeah but mikey canda not chraing be frend so canda fenny out das sowing forest so fenny back a Wood staws so asking mikey wer jake a hem expleing im not See hem canda lost a self a shop jenny das true so be only mikey and hem self (not sowing what happened jake buy total not good dys heppynt a tree is canda wirts)
Me: fenny as party 004
So fenny ask mikey a knows a jake code get ploblem a henry like not call hem a dys because money and staws mikey not supraze because is hem a boling hem a fenny cofuze like henry be code like hem not das be wery rude so mikey not sowing enifing wirts act more like "okey let me expleing you bit" (wery boring one because enifing a be kid and knows normal staws like "dont be rude a not sans") so fenny ask a get sowing get frends like only See hem a woking alone so only expleing a grilfrend only frend but not weding more time because gril staws knows dys fenny yeah niby but not introsting too much but knows is fine enifing you like better dys and more chill staws so Relax
Fenny as 005 and 006 is same enifing okey wirts depresion mikey eksedera you knows lonly and asfter heppynt jake so after a rip jake be and enifing same deisy and Donald canda car act out fenny das stering a mikey expleing heppy a rip's staws yeah good rule gif flowers a stel dead frends...bles...
Someone: disney never see a fenny act like dys a das stering a sowing and lising only happy baby animal boy ooo noooo make me cry good rule life
Me: Me long never fund a more tape fenny as party more a 12 fund more max 10 because expleing self
So fenny as party 007 more be canda not YouTube get rezan a puding dys no brutal but depresion get wery a reddy hit face
Yeah fenny get wery bed dream a too Real look make filing a not eat food a fenny start a enifing yawn but not normally so normal a enifing mikey do das call so fast a hospital but not call back so start so fast looking pills but so late now because dead
So after dys more be difrent plase a well a gosht
DAS dys das fund same mikey das more das supraze way be here like hem nader be gosht as *cofing* so ask a numer canda riding sowing niby corss like enifing hem in past life *cofing* so nomlly ask hem a numer fenny cofuze say 22 hem no not yers old numer fenny cofuze emm 5? Dys wirts mikey yeah das you im neber you
And canda end here and use a fenny as 008
So mikey look a do a fenny as gosht das ask a wona tea a dys same das like nader code twins ( like brtacher and nader but gosht yettt) so now fund sowing fenny das cofuze what fund ( me finks o cool See you not be only self) a dead more body ( heck you) fenny canda not cant expleing what is dys body's is look only radom dress as blood staws so canda more say but wake a hospital
Fenny as party 009 and 010 das enifing das out hospital and be mikey home because heppynt a hem a fenny home so enifing fine fenny act normal das okey a mikey more canda hide hend a face but not sure and dys end
So ask a get new one's ? So get back candy say no but thx a like sowing more emoshing staws
Offical epic note: 26.01.2023.r
0 notes
mysteryfleshpit · 4 years
Q&A 003
@evasive-breakdancing asks:
In the Incident Report, you mention extremities surfacing near the orifice. Can you elaborate on what the limbs looked like?
The event was very traumatic to the people living in and around central west Texas and was documented in a variety of ways. Of particular merit is the painting entitled “Limb Rising Near Midland” from 2015, which depicts a striking portrayal of one of the limb extremities of the superorganism emerging during the early morning of July 5th, 2007. While the event happened at night, the scale and destruction captured in the painting is reflective of the tragedy as felt by those who lived through it.  
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@joysweeper asks:
Is it true that the restaurants in the Lower Visitor Center served meat carved from the living flesh of the Pit itself and cooked in its juices, or was that a marketing gimmick?
While there are hundreds of urban legends circulating around about the park serving flesh from either the Superorganism or any of the myriad of wildlife within it, these rumors are completely untrue. No restaurant within the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park ever served these items, for two main reasons: 1) Pit Flesh, as well as flesh from virtually every species found within the park, was and is notorious for its very tough and oily texture which is quite unpleasant. Even when cooked with a generous amount of seasoning, the mineral-like flavor of the fleshpit meat was a very tough sell to even the most adventurous foodies. And 2) After 1980, intentional, unauthorized damage to either the superorganism or wildlife within the superorganism constituted felony trespass and destruction of government property. No vendor granted an operating license within the park would dream of invoking such a severe sanction for such a relatively worthless prize.
@cumaeansibyl asks:
What kind of information do we have about pre-Columbian ritual practices centered around the MFP? Was any of that research able to continue post-containment?
The extent of our knowledge of pre-Columbian cultures relation to the Pit is heavily based on the few (publicly available) records of the ruins adjacent to the Entry Orifice. From what we know, there was definitely an advanced awareness of the Superorganism among local and/or ancient cultures. How this awareness manifested is unknown. Some scholars speculate that the pit may have been a focus of worship, possibly involving sacrificial offerings. No evidence of ancient cultures descending into the pit has ever been found, but this doesn't definitively rule out pre-Columbian expeditions. The controversial discovery of early colonial Spanish armor within the sand gullet seems to dispel the common notion that complex technology is required to descend at least that far into the pit.
@brainy-twilight asks: 
You said that some people were recovered from compound surface fauna. How many were 'successfully' removed? Are any still alive today?
While HIPAA and similar regulations prevent me from finding out exactly how many people even suffered amalgamation, It's estimated that fewer than half a dozen ever survived the treatment process to recovery. “Recovery”, though, is a loaded word here. The “treatment” co-developed by Baylor Medical Center & the Anodyne Corporation was highly dependent on the nature of the amalgamation, and seems to have been most successful with combined masses containing only human tissue.  
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The procedure for treatment involved removing the brain and as much of the spinal cord as possible from the amalgamation. When possible, extraction of other organs such as eyes, cochlear tissues, tongues, and larynx would later enable the “recovered” patient a sensory experience much closer to that which they had previously enjoyed, since medical technology is even still unable to replicate the organic sensory quality of human sensory tissues. However, the difficulty and cost of this additional procedure all but ensured that this rarely took place.
Once extracted, the brain of the individual patient would be placed in a nutrient salve and connected to a proprietary interface and life-support system developed by the Anodyne company. A rudimentary computer-based system could be used to communicate with the recovered patient after several months of therapy, and in some cases individuals were reportedly able to use vocorders to synthesize speech. It is unknown how many (if any) of these individuals are still living today.
Anonymous asks: 
Is Anodyne still operational? (the company)
Anodyne was formally dissolved in 2009 following its bankruptcy filings, with its remaining debts and liquidation being managed by the reorganized Permian Basin Recovery Corporation. Through nebulous political machinations, the Permian Basin Recovery Corporation was awarded an exclusive and indefinite contract to oversee the management of the Superorganism Containment Project. Today, the PBRC continues many of the same extraction operations that the Anodyne Corporation did before 2007...
@lost-forest-heart asks: 
What exactly is a gasp owl?
Gasp Owls / Suckling Sprites / Bugguns are all names given to the same peculiar type of animal found in deeper portions of the Mystery Flesh Pit's anatomy. They are very elusive and are one of the least-studied fauna within the Park, with very few living examples surviving in captivity long enough to study.
They are believed to be descended from an avian ancestor, though this is speculation at best. The name “Gasp Owl” is a reference to the characteristic labored breathing which plagues these small and curious creatures.
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Many tourists and park staff would erroneously report having spotted the fabled “Marrow Folk”, when in reality they had stumbled upon a small brood of frightened Gasp Owls.
Anonymous asks: 
After the disaster were the emergency phones still working? If so could they be called or called from still?
Yes, after the 2007 catastrophe, efforts were made to re-establish a communications network within the Mystery Flesh Pit which included the many trail emergency phones, though the greater percentage of them have remained unused since 2007 and have likely been overtaken by growth.
@pretty-art-i-really-like asks: 
what are the stories behind some of the memorial sites found in the park, such as the Gatti Circus Tragedy memorial, and the Fred J. Agnich memorial dam?
The Circus Gatti Tragedy Memorial commemorates the 1976 tragedy in which the traveling entertainment group Circus Gatti was scheduled to perform a daring high-wire stunt show directly above the then under-reinforced entry orifice as part of a publicity stunt. During the performance, several chimpanzees, which had been scheduled to perform, became panicked to the point of disrupting an ongoing routine by a troupe of clown stunts-people.
While the soft flesh of the pit throat cushioned the performers fall, an unexpected stretching of the moisture crops allowed them to slide down into a then-unreinforced area of the pit.
Rescue personnel were able to locate the performers inside a digestive sac a few hours later, but by that time, all 50 stunts-people had already begun being digested by the pit. Rescue personnel cut them out, correctly guessing that many were still alive. An experimental antacid spray was discharged on top of the gooey, shrieking mound, but it was too late.
Instead of reducing the acidic effects on the partially-digested bodies of the performers, the experimental compound flash-calcified into the “Circus Clown Chymus” formation that appears on the trail today. The Memorial was constructed in 1986 to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of their deaths.
The Fred J. Agnich memorial dam was so named to commemorate the legacy of Texas Statesman Fred J. Agnich, a vocal proponent of the Texas State Parks.
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guigz1-coldwar · 2 years
"Tip of the Spear": New chapter for "Always for the greater cause..." is out!
Chapter Summary: Jess finally discovered in person the woman that has been in her dreams for weeks but her problems are still inside of her, unable to remember simple details at least until someone close to her tries something...
To read it on AO3, click here!
Taglist: @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
9th March 1981, 22H04
Lucas Riggs, Vanguard, SOTF 003 "Barbarians"
A phone call...in the middle of the night...that's what happened when I heard it, that unbelievable news that my Jessica was found alive two months of her supposed...two months when I almost lost my will to live as she was the only person that was precious to me. It was hard when her mother left us but when news strikes home to announce that she was MIA & may be killed, it was difficult to believe it, my daughter died far away from our island because of terrorists...but now...I learned that she was alive from Helen...what maybe happened to her...I couldn't stay here with my arms crossed to wait that she will come back, I had to join the group that Helen was working with...I'm maybe 66 years old but I can still give some fight inside of me.
When I wanted to leave, I remember that I didn't want to join alone but with some friends along with me so I decided to make some calls to my old friends...Wade...Polina...& Arthur. Unfortunately, only Wade was the only one that was willing to come with me, having remembered that I talked about him to Jessica as if he was his uncle during her youth when I was telling war stories. Arthur & Polina, their lives have changed and I can understand that...they said that they will think about it...but if they don't want to do it, I'll not blame them...time passed, people got old...
It's been some months that I didn't see Wade when we both meet in an airport to take a flight straight to where Helen and her team were located and just by hearing that name, it was a long time that I didn't step inside that particular city since the war. A lot of things changed around, not looking like Australia at all, be able to see that when I & Wade took a taxi to get us to our destination...a warehouse that was close to the city's limits and inside a forest...
"You got to be shitting me, Lucas," Wade sighed as he was looking over the place, sounding grumpy right after the taxi left us in front of that warehouse. "They're hiding here?" He asked, pointing in front of him.
"Yes...why?" I said to him, adjusting the bag I had around my right shoulder.
"Shit, the Enterprise was looking better than this...and I didn't see the inside," He complained, shaking his head at this as he take his bag he left for a few seconds at his feet.
"I have heard that story enough time, Wade," I told him, remembering that story of how the USS Enterprise cabins weren't comfortable for a pilot like him. "It's better than sleeping on the ground," I added.
"Don't talk about Caldera, please," Wade ordered with a little laugh and a nudge at my right shoulder before he got his bag behind him. "So, you sure that they know us...instead of seeing two old guys from the past?" He demanded to me, passing his hand through his hair.
"They better not be," I replied to him directly. "And even, Jessica & Helen will be here to say to the others who we are," I clarified, knowing that they will talk nice about us to those they're working for. "I can't wait to see her again," I affirmed, hoping to have some good in me for once and also, some explanations of what happened to her.
"You didn't tell me that she was working with the British now," Wade exclaimed as we both started to walk towards the building, facing a garage door.
"Well, she was in London and she preferred to work with the MI6 instead, the ASIS would have transferred her anyway over there," I explained briefly, that day when she told me that she wanted to join the MI6, I thought that I was going to have a cardiac arrest but at least, that's what she wanted to do. "All of this thanks to Helen," I added.
"Her girlfriend, Helen Park, I believe, right?" He presumed.
"Seem that you didn't forget that you're her uncle," I joked about it as we arrived near the garage door. "Okay, let's do this," I mumbled, taking a deep breath before I start to knock three times on the garage door with the back of my hand loudly to make sure that I'm heard inside those walls and it took only more than 10 seconds to see the door slowly getting opened at our feet to get up.
"You are....who are you?" We didn't have time to speak that we could see the person that opened for us the door, it was a man almost looking Arthur, wearing a blue baseball cap...must be American.
"I'm Wade Jackson, this is Lucas Riggs," Wade spoke up first to present the two of us to the man, and hearing my name make that guy's eyes go wide, thinking that he couldn't believe it. "We're the Vanguard...well, you know, the first Task Force 001," He revealed and it only make the guy's eyes wider.
"Oh shit, you did come," The man said before he hand over his right hand for a shake. "I'm Lawrence Sims," He presented himself, shaking my hand first before he went for Wade and then, he turned his head behind him inside...that place was filled with desks, materials, all of this new tech..."Hudson, Laz', the Vanguard is here!" He announced to us as two people were talking to each other...a guy with a simple shirt and another, bald with a tie who got their eyes on us as Sims let us come inside, just in time before the rain hit us.
"So, here's the Vanguard," The man with a Burger Town shirt came first to us, already having his hand ready for shakes. "I'm Eleazar Azoulay, you can call me Lazar," He presented himself, shaking Wade's hand first before mine while the bald man arrived near him...his hands staying alongside his body. "Here's our chief, Jason Hudson," He said, slightly turning his head around towards the bald man.
"I didn't think that you will come here," The man Hudson told us, looking at us very curiously. "I thought you were four in the Vanguard,"
"We all changed and I can understand that choice," I said to him.
"We're maybe looking like war relics or something but we still got some fight to do," Wade affirmed proudly to the three of them, making sure that they understand we're not just old...we're still dangerous. "You give me a plane and a good old Type-100 and I'm ready to fight," He joked for the last part, me knowing that he was liking that gun, kept in his house of Brooklyn as a trophy now.
"See that you still have a sense of joke after these years," Hudson proclaimed in a tone impossible for me to describe...should I hate that guy already? "You know what we're facing?" He asked us.
"A terrorist group called Perseus wants to blow up Europe as Helen told me," I responded to him, having been briefed very briefly by her on this topic. "It said that my daughter is on that case with the team she usually works," I reminded them, not having seen her around. "Where is she? Out in town?" I guessed but suddenly two of them starts to make a bad face.
"That will be hard to explain but..." Lazar was the first one to say something but he was sounding more unsure than ever to talk.
"There are things that we should tell you but I don't know if you're going to like it," Sims added, resuming Lazar's words and the two were looking bad...oh shit...if something bad happened. "It happens that something bad occurred to Jess,"
"When we found her, she was wearing a Perseus uniform," Lazar completed, sending a shock inside of me as Wade was also in the same way...confused. "She got wounded with a bullet on the side of the head, we managed to save her and brought her here," He continued, looking down at his feet while he was scratching the back of his head.
"So...is she in the medical room?" I presumed, trying to look around the place to see a door that could refer to what I said.
"No, we had to put her somewhere she will not cause any trouble," Hudson declared and my look that was confused & shocked was slowly getting changed into a dark one.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes.
"Because of what could have possibly happened between the moment she disappeared and the moment we found her in that uniform, we might believe that she switched sides," Hudson answered without any shames in his voice...okay, I'm hating that guy now...just don't punch him yet..."With that possibility, we decided to lock her up in the basement until she told us what happened," He added before he turned around. "Where's Park?"
"Still with her," Lazar silently replied to him, drifting his eyes away from us to look over a specific door...
"You put her in a cell...they put MY daughter in a cell!" I shouted and with my might, I dropped my bag on the ground & passed through the three of them to reach that door, walking along that safe house and now, the only thing I wanted to see was my daughter again...in which right that guy can put my daughter in such a place?
I know that I was followed when I was walking to that door, surely it was Wade also upset as me and when I opened this door, I could see some stairs going down and I didn't think for one second that I was already going down to reach that basement, Wade following me and then, we arrived in a little corridor with a few doors and at this moment, we saw a door getting opened...revealing Helen...
"Helen?" I gasped at the sight as she was closing the door, she then look up to see me.
"Sir?" She was surprised to see me here and...she was looking rather sad at the moment before she walked towards me, directly wrapping her arms around my chest. "Oh god, I'm happy to see you,"
"Me too, Helen," I truly admitted to her, making little taps behind her back before she moved away from me, her eyes looking dried up as if she cried a lot. "What's happening?" I asked her.
"I...Jess...she's...something happened...I don't know..." She was trying to find her words but then, she started to cry again before she turned around to leave that corridor from another door, leaving me alone with Wade...shit...I never saw Helen cry and...seeing this was weird...sad.
"Fuck...that's not looking quite good," Wade said behind me.
"I never saw her cry...what's happening?" I muttered to myself as my eyes went on that door, knowing that behind it, my Jessica was here and me unsure of what could be her reaction to my presence. "I'm going in..." I affirmed, looking back at Wade. "I think that...I should go see her alone...if you want," I proposed to him, wanting to face my daughter alone.
"I understand, bud'," He complied with a nod. "I'll be up here, trying to not punch that bald guy and get some better explanations," He affirmed and I nodded at him back before he starts to get back on his tracks, leaving me alone in that place...
Dammit...what happened to Jessica that can put Helen like this...I need to know...
Jessica "Jess" Riggs
She was looking sad when she left the room, she was with me for almost two hours as she was sometimes checking her watch but when she was asking me questions about what did I do during those two months, it was a silence that came as a reply or an 'I don't know...I'm trying my best to remember but it was hard to do, it was impossible for me to do a fucking simple thing. I could see the sadness in her eyes when she saw that I couldn't respond to anything, she brought some security to me at these moments but now...she left...saddened by me.
Over those two hours, I could get up from that bed to sit back on that chair with her staying either next to me or sit on the chair in front of me, that plate of food in the middle of the table but I didn't touch anything from it. What I could do now was only to get my head in my hands, trying to work out my brain to know what I want without trying to be sad and feeling like a mess about it...but only a few moments that she left, closing the door behind her that it slowly got opened, hearing it.
"Jessica?" It was the voice of a man but I couldn't afford to remove my head off my hands.
"Who is this?" I demanded in a low voice with a bit of scare inside it, fearing the worst each time someone opens that door.
"You don't recognize me?" The man asked me back, sounding confused about that before I slowly resigned myself to remove my hands off my face but not looking up. "Jessica, look at me, are you okay?"
"Who are you?" I asked again, slowly managing to get my eyes up to discover an old man wearing a brown leather jacket and a small beard in front of me. "You can sit down...if you want...if you don't want to see a mess," I proposed to him, slightly gesturing to the chair in front of me with my left hand.
"My daughter a mess?" The man whispered at me, confused at this.
"Your...daughter?" I repeated, slowly realizing that..."Dad?" I said in a low voice, sounding exhausted and not feeling enthusiastic...this man in front of me...was my dad..."Hmm...Lucas Riggs?" I added in a doubt, wanting to know if the few memories I could have was involving that name.
"Yes, it's me, your dad," The man exclaimed with a little grin on his face before he decides to take a seat in front of me, his face showing signs of concern. "Jessica, what's happening?" He demanded.
"No...not that question..." I mumbled, closing my eyes as I couldn't count how many times this question was asked to me in a few hours. "I don't know...I'm trying to know..." I tried to say my best before I put my right hand back on my face. "I know my name, few of my memories, and I can't tell what the fuck I did for the past weeks," I told him.
"Why can't you remember?" He questioned me, putting his hands on the table.
"I...Stitch...pointing a gun at me...making this," I pointed out fastly towards the bandages covering my head and by his eyes, he was...speechless at seeing me like that...him...dad...he must be a shock for him to see that. "I remember me...in a field...and...for the rest, I'm trying," I muttered, scratching the unbandaged part of my head under the look of my dad who was bad about this. "Why are you here?" I demanded him.
"For you, Helen called me," He replied, his eyes over his hands. "She said that you were found alive after everyone thought that you were dead," He added to me, telling the same thing as she did before leaving. "Why were you wearing a Perseus uniform?"
"I don't know, I told you, dad!" I exclaimed, trying to boost up my voice to shout but I couldn't do that, my mood wasn't following and...shouting was the least I wanted to do. "If I can't help myself, why others aren't helping me?" I suggested, slightly drifting my eyes up to him. "I can...maybe know better if you answer some...questions," I proposed to him, feeling in his look that even I couldn't know myself well.
"I'll help you with Helen, with Wade too," He affirmed.
"Who's Wade?" I demanded.
"He's your uncle...your American uncle from Brooklyn," He justified himself about it, adding a little laugh at the end. "He's my friend from the way, you remember those...when you were a kid, I was telling you war stories of me," He explained, changing his words quickly to tell me more about my past. "You loved those stories...from Lybia to the end, we were as Arthur proclaimed, the Tip of the Spear," He proclaimed, rolling his eyes around to sort of think on his side. "We were are,"
"Why?" I asked him.
"We called ourselves Vanguard, a special ops task force..the first one to be honest, long before you & your friends became the future of that special war," He revealed more about the past, my dad....is a war hero as I can hear from him. "There were Arthur Kingsley, Polina Petrova, Wade Jackson, me, Novak...& Webbs,"
"Friends?" He nodded at this word. "Where are they?"
"Wade is here...as for the others..." He stopped himself to take a breath. "Well, we all changed and I understand that," He declared, gesturing with his hands towards him, meaning to take a look at him. "We became old, not the persons we were fighting the nazis over the world but I didn't change since, not that my daughter was missing," He joined his hands together, a smile on his face. "You, you always had the spirit of a warrior,"
"Something that can tell it...I'm not sure," I shook my head about this.
"No...because you're a Riggs, you're my daughter," He affirmed proudly, trying to give me some hope of seeing myself as good as I should be but I don't know if it was working, my mind was flowing of others questions.
"How's mom?" I changed the subject.
"She...she left us...cancer," He revealed, finding myself bad again at this moment to ask this question...something that I should have known before but couldn't because I can't remember things...fuck! "I'm sorry if you had to learn this again," He apologized, acknowledging that something isn't right with me as I was putting both hands on my face. "You're okay?"
"I think that I want to be alone," I suggested, at the urge of falling asleep, exhausted, my eyes starting to roll around as my head was turning around. "I should get to bed...I'm tired," I affirmed, going up from the chair as he was staying on his, looking at me. "You should...get out...I'll be fine..." I told him, not sure if it was a lie or a truth...
"You're not sleeping in that cell," He said to me as I was sitting down on the bed.
"I...they said that I was dangerous out, I can't object at this," I declared to him before I lay down on the bed, turning my back against him to look at the wall, blank stare. "You should go...I'll be...I'll be fine," I repeated in a low voice and no sounds were to be heard for the few seconds that followed before I finally hear a chair getting moved.
"Don't worry, Jessica, I'm here for you, I'll get you out of here quick," He affirmed as some steps were to be heard, and then, the door gets opened and a few seconds after it, closed again...now finding myself back alone and hoping to have some rest...I saw her...now...my dad...It was all real but it was troubling me, the fact that I couldn't remember anything except some names & faces were troubling me...
I need their help from them...I need help from them to help myself...
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normaliize-a · 2 years
NAME:   Ivory Avery
EYE COLOR:  Bright blue
HAIR STYLE / COLOR: Unkept light-brown hair
HEIGHT: 142cm | 4′1″
FEARS:  Phantump, dense forests, failure
BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE:  finger tapping
AMBITIONS  FOR  THE  FUTURE:   To become an elite trainer who mastered the Normal-Type
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP: “I don’t wanna move...”
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  MOST:  “Am I doing okay?”
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED: “Please let tomorrow be better...”
DOGS  OR  CATS:  both!
LAYER  005 :    DO THEY…
LIE: No, unless she has to
BELIEVE  IN  LOVE: Thought they did
BEEN  ON  STAGE:  Once. Never again.
FAVOURITE  COLOR: Pastel yellow
FAVOURITE  ANIMAL: Normal-Type Pokemon
FAVOURITE  GAME: Platformers, strategy, and puzzle games
I  LOVE: my friend (platonically!)
I  FEEL: very scared and lost
I  HIDE: who i am
I  MISS: home, but i don’t know where it is
I  WISH: to be safe
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cardest · 3 years
London playlist
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London - since 43 AD it has to be one of the more fascinating cities on Earth. Such a rich history. From Shakespeare Theatre to the music from there today. I just had to put a London playlist together. From Soho to Brixton, from Highgate to Clapham  what a collection of songs! It’s over 350 songs and it could easily expand to 400. **I have a separate England & Wales playlist coming, so, stay tuned for that**.
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To play the songs, hit the link right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_ntP663JhZl-hvn9EwFp9L
ENGLAND & WALES playlist is coming soon! What songs have I left out? Let me know! Add your own songs! Cheers. Pip pip, tally ho!
LONDON 001 Generation X -  Day By Day 002 The Clash - London Calling 003 Austin Powers  - theme song (Soul Bossa? Nova ) 004 The Kinks - Dedicated Follower Of Fashion 005 Killing Joke - Empire Song 006 Black Sabbath - Wicked World 007 The Who - Welcome 008 The Damned - Neat, neat, neat 009 GIRLSCHOOL - LONDON 010 007 theme song 011 Motorhead - Motorhead 012 Wire - Ex Lion Tamer 013 David Bowie - Maid of Bond Street 014 The Misfits - London Dungeon 015 Rolling Stones - 016 The Adverts - Bored Teenagers 017 Siouxsie & The Banshees -  Spellbound 018 Penny Dreadful - Soundtrack - Main Theme 019 Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger 020 The Cure - Subway Song 021 Adam And The Ants -  Puss 'n' Boots 022 Iron Maiden - 22 Acacia Avenue 023 COIL - Fire of the mind 024 Public Image Ltd - One Drop. 025 LUSH - Breeze 026 Bliss Signal - Surge 027 The Pogues - Misty Morning, Albert Bridge 028 PhD - Won't Let You Down 029 Birthday Party - Hats On Wrong 030 Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue 031 Help Yourself - Reaffirmation 032 Grave Miasma - Gnosis of the summon 033 Roy Ayers - We Live In London Baby 034 Led Zeppelin - The Rover 035 Gang of Four - What we all want 036 Pet Shop Boys - West End Girl                 037 Sleaford Mods - 6 Horsemen (The Brixtons) 038 Paul Young - Love of the Common People 039 The Saint (original) - Theme 040 The Human League - Dont You Want Me 041 Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen 042 The Beatles - A Day In The Life 043 Def Leppard -  Love bites 044 The Stranglers - Another Camden Afternoon 045 The Kinks  - See My Friends 046 Elton John - Bennie and the Jets 047 Suede - Moving 048 Queen - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 049 Cliff Richard & the Shadows - She's Gone 050 The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up 051 Loop - Fade Out 052 Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart - A13 053 The Magnetic Fields - All the Umbrellas in London 054 Wendy Carlos - Title Music From A Clockwork Orange (From Purcell's Music For The Funeral Of Queen Mary) 055 The Police - Every Little Thing she does it Magic 056 Cockney Rejects - The Greatest Cockney Rip Off 057 Spandau Ballet - Spandau Ballet Chant No.1 058 The Pretenders - Middle of the Road 059 The Who - Dogs 060 The Jam - London Girl 061 Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue 062 Joy Division - Isolation 063 Nick Drake - At the Chime of a City Clock 064 Sham 69 - Cockney Kids Are Innocent 065 Deep Purple - Mandrake Root 066 Throbbing Gristle - Hit by a rock 067 David Bowie - Rubber Band 068 Roxy Music  - Do The Strand 069 Slaves - Cheer Up London 070 T. Rex - London Boys 071 Kirsty MacColl - Autumngirlsoup 072 New Model Army - Archway Towers 073 Scorpions - Lovedrive 074 Isaac Hayes - Doesnt Rain In London 075 Peter Tosh - Buk-In-Hamm Palace 076 The Slits - Typical Girls 077 Pharaoh Sanders - Midnight In Berkeley Square (Instrumental) 078 Blue Cheer - Girl From London 079 Sex Pistols - Satellite 080 Judas Priest - (The Hellion ) Electric Eye 081 UFO -  Lights Out 082 Joy Division - Digital 083 Muse - Uprising 084 George Harrison - All Things Must Pass 085 Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love 086 Fine Young Cannibals - Blue 087 New Order - Blue Monday 088 Würzel - Midnight In London 089 Rod Stewart - Gasoline Alley 090 The Wildhearts - Down On London 091 Supertramp - Nothing To Show 092 Motörhead - Metropolis 093 Current 93 - Lucifer Over London 094 The Pogues - Dark Streets of London 095 The Cult - All Souls Avenue 096 The Jam - In The City 097 The Undertones - Teenage Kicks 098 Iggy Pop -  Play It Safe 099 Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Jack the Ripper 100 The Cure  - Lets Go To Bed 101 Suede - Animal Nitrate 102 Wire - field day for the sundays 103 Black Books  TV Show - Opening Theme 104 Paul McCartney & Wings - London Town 105 Madness - Primrose Hill 106 The Troggs  - No. 10 Downing Street 107 Iron Maiden -  Gangland 108 PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose 109 The Rollers - Soho 110 Electric Wizard - Lucifer's Slaves 111 The Buzzcocks -  Just Lust 112 Doctor Who Theme Tune 1980 113 Cathedral - Fountain Of Innocence 114 Pretenders - Swinging London 115 Hanoi Rocks - Tooting Bec Wreck 116 Es - 'Chemical 117 Bee Gees  - Trafalgar 118 The Peddlers    - Under London Lights 119 Cliff Richard - The Young Ones 120 Big Audio Dynamite - Sightsee M.C   121 ABC - Tower of London 122 Accept - London Leatherboys 123 Pitchshifter - Please Sir 124 Portishead -  We Carry On 125 John Lennon - Whatever Gets You Thru The Night 126 The Lurkers - Ain't Got a Clue 127 Iron Maiden - Die with your boots on 128 Siouxsie and the Banshees - Kiss Them For Me 129 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - From Her to Eternity 130 The Jam - London Traffic 131 The Cranberries - Waiting In Walthamstow 132 The Kinks - Victoria 133 Heads Hands & Feet - Pete Might Spook The Horses 134 Whitesnake -  Long Way From Home 135 Queensryche - London 136 Concrete Blonde - Walking in London 137 Deep Purple - Fireball 138 The Ruts - dope for guns 139 Wham! - Bad Boys 140 Generation X - One Hundred Punks 141 Joe Jackson - Down To London 142 Anti-Nowhere League - Streets of London 143 The Wildhearts - Shandy Bang 144 David Bowie - The London Boys 145 The Human League - Human 146 Cockney Rejects - East end 147 Dire Straits - Eastbound Train 148 Ian Drury - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick 149 Sepultura -  Filthy rot 150 The Jam - Down In The Tube Station At Midnight 151 Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy 152 Purson -  Electric Landlady 153 Black Sabbath -  Tomorrow's Dream 154 The Clash - Guns of Brixton 155 Blood Ceremony - Lord Of Misrule 156 Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life - Penis Song 157 Gentlemans Pistols -  Hustler's Row 158 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 159 Jethro Tull - Cross Eyed Mary 160 The Yobs - The Ballad of the Warrington 161 Cradle of Filth - Principle Of Evil Made Flesh 162 Bruce Hornsby - The Black Rats Of London 163 Inspiral Carpets - How It Should Be 164 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxy Lady 165 PETULA CLARK - WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL 166 Lush - Olympia 167 Hunters & Collectors - Blind Eye 168 Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 169 David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World 170 UK Subs - C.I.D. 171 Queen - Dont Stop Me Now 172 Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth 173 the clash - capital radio one 174 UB40 - Here I Am (Come And Take Me) 175 The Meads Of Asphodel - Guts For Sale 176 Horrible Histories: Savage Songs - Boudicca 177 Swallow the Sun - Labyrinth Of London (Horror Pt. IV) 178 Mad Professor  - Ben Gone Wrong 179 Howard Jones - Things Can Only Get Better 180 Genesis - The Battle Of Epping Forest 181 The Damned -  problem child 182 Squeeze  - Cool For Cats 183 Manfred Mann - Belgravia 184 The Bee Gees - Walking Back to Waterloo 185 Pink Floyd - Waiting For The Worms 186 Madness - Victoria Gardens 187 Paradise Lost - Soul Courageons 188 YES  - Roundabout 189 PJ Harvey - This Is Love 190 The Horrors - Jack The Ripper 191 King Crimson - Red 192 The Smiths - How Soon Is Now 193 Level 42 - Heathrow 194 Intaferon - Get Out Of London 195 Burt Bacharach - Bond street 196 David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust 197 The Clash - Londons Burning 198 Killing Joke - Follow The Leaders 199 Saxon - The Court of the Crimson King 200 Buzzcocks - Harmony in My Head 201 Fairport Convention - Fiddlesticks (Peel Session) 202 Napalm Death - Errors In The Signals 203 Empire  - Hot Seat 204 Anathema - Shroud of Frost 205 Pitchshifter - Condescension 206 The Beatles - Hey Jude 207 Affinity - Highgate 208 KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (Pure Trance) 209 Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London 210 David Axelrod - London 211 The Wombles - Wellington Goes To Waterloo 212 EastEnders Theme 213 Cathedral - Hypnos 164 214 Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual 215 Alan Moore with Tim Perkins - The Highbury Working A Beat Seance 216 Transvision Vamp - Sex Kick 217 Elton John - Tell Me When The Whistle Blows 218 Firebird - Bow bells 219 The Jam - A' Bomb In Wardour Street 220 Caravan  - Waterloo Lily 221 Lord Sutch & Heavy Friends - Flashing Lights 222 David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things 223 Hot Chocolate - West End of Park Lane 224 Thames television ident 1984 225 Newtown Neurotics - Living With Unemployment 226 Peter Murphy - Cuts You Up 227 Suede - Metal Mickey 228 Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer 229 Killing Joke - The Gathering 230 Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want 231 Kate Bush - Babooshka 232 Iron Maiden - The Prophecy 233 The Cure - Disintegration 234 The Damned - I Just Can't Be Happy Today 235 WIRE - Silk Skin Paws 236 Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets 237 Souixee & the Banshees - Cascade 238 Jethro Tull - Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square 239 AC/DC -  Rising Power 240 Alternative TV - Life After Life 241 Napalm Death - Deceiver (Peel Sessions) 242 Electric Light Orchestra - Last Train To London 243 Bucks Fizz - London Town 244 The Sweet - Blockbuster! 245 999 - Bent Cross 246 The Groundhogs - Split, Pt. 1 247 Bow Wow Wow - Go Wild in the Country 248 Blood Ceremony -  Half Moon Street 249 Ming Tea feat. Austin Powers - BBC One 250 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song 251 Big Audio Dynamite - EMC2 252 Crass - Banned from the Roxy 253 Sleaford Mods - Chaos Down In SoHo 254 Big Ben Chimes of Westminster, London 255 PJ Harvey - A Place Called Home 256 The Ruts - Staring at the rude boys 257 The Times - Whatever Happened To Thames Beat 258 Quincy Jones - London Derriere 259 Lush - Hypocrite 260 PIL - Reggie Song 261 The Style Council - You're The Best Thing 262 UK Subs - Dirty Girls 263 COIL - Slur 264 Frank Zappa - Dead girls of London 265 Iron Maiden - Prowler 266 The Slits - Difficult Fun 267 Killing Joke -  Kings and Queens 268 Simple Minds - Chelsea Girl 269 Motorhead - Bomber 270 XTC - Towers Of London 271 Blitzkrieg  - Hell to pay 272 Gryphon - Opening Move 273 The Challengers - The Streets of London 274 Peggy March - In Der Carnaby Street 275 The Damned - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 276 The Pogues - London You're a Lady 277 The Lords Of The New Church - Portobello 278 Rolling Stones - Hot Stuff 279 Joe Jackson - The Evil Eye 280 The Deviants - Garbage 281 Benny Hill Show  - Wild Women 282 Suzi Quatro - Crash 283 Madness - day on the town 284 SHAKESPEAR'S SISTER -  I Don't Care 285 Whitesnake - Wine Women An Song 286 Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine 287 Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody 288 Bauhaus - In the flat field 289 Dead Can Dance - In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated 290 Paul McCartney -  Old Siam, Sir 291 Lush - De-Luxe 292 AC/DC - let's get it up 293 Sophia Loren & Peter Sellers - Bangers and mash 294 Black Sabbath - Childfren of the grave 295 Psychic TV - The orchids 296 Miracle - The Strife Of Love In A Dream 297 Carter USM - Lean On Me I Won't Fall Over 298 Screaming Lord Sutch - Jack the Ripper 299 WIRE - the 15th 300 Mott the Hoople - Honaloochie Boogie 301 Soft Machine - The Camden Tandem 302 Are You Being Served Theme 303 CATHEDRAL - Serpent Eve 304 Booker T. & The MG's - Carnaby Street 305 Culture Club - It's A Miracle 306 Motorhead - Nothing Up My Sleeve 307 Killing Joke - Money is not our God 308 Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy 309 WIRE - Please take 310 Bananarama - Hey young London 311 The Jam - Carnaby Street 312 Catapilla - Charing Cross   313 The Shadows - Chelsea Boot 314 Ride - Chelsea Girl 315 The Damned  - Grimly Fiendish 316 Marillion - Chelsea Monday 317 Slowdive - Celia's Dream 318 The Clash - Gates of the west 319 Thin Lizzy - Half Caste 320 David Bowie -  I dig everything 321  VUUR - Days Go By - London 322 Elvis Costello - [I Don't Want To Go To] Chelsea 323 Uriah Heep - Walking in your shadow 324 Genesis - Invisible Touch 325 Amy Winehouse - Me & Mr Jones 326 Curve - Fait Accompli   327 Silverfish ‎- Crazy 328 Iron Maiden - Killers 329 Killing Joke -  Ghost Of Ladbroke Grove 330 Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK 331 Paradise lost - remembrance 332 The Fall - Leave the Capitol 333 The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset 334 WIRE - Keep exhaling 335 The Peddlers - raining in London 336 Motorhead - damage case 337 10cc - Shock On The Tube (Don't Want Love) 338 Swervedriver - Rave Down 339 Spike Milligan - Tower Bridge 340 Phil Lynott - Solo In Soho 341 Adam and the Ants - Plastic Surgery 342 The Who - Pinball wizard 343 Pulp - Mile end 344 Generation X - Running with the Boss Sound 345 OMD - If You Leave 346 PiL - Public Image 347 Monty Python's Flying Circus TV show - theme song 348 Hall & Oates - London, Luck & Love 349 The Horrors - Three decades 350 Cathedral - Midnight Mountain 351 Killing Joke - glitch 352 Judas Priest - The Ripper 353 Air Raid Siren London Blitz 354 Dragonforce - Fury and the storm 355 Elastica - Connection 356 the Psychedelic Furs - Dumb waiters 357 Samantha Fox - Touch me 358 Wang Chung - Dance hall days 359 Kim Wilde - Water on glass 360 Siouxsie and the Banshees - Overground 361 Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow night 362 Fleetwood Mac - My Heart Beat Like a Hammer 363 Rainbow - Self Portrait 364 Billy Ocean - Love really hurts without you 365 Art of Noise - Beat box (division one) 366 Eurythmics - Never Gonna Cry Again 367 Samson - Grime Crime 368 Go West - we close our eyes 369 Ultravox - Saturday Night In The City Of The Dead 370 King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man 371 Visage - Visage 372 Sandy Denny - Let's Jump The Broomstick 373 Brian Eno - Burning Airlines Give You So Much More 374 Fields Of The Nephilim - Blue water 375 Leftfield - Open Up 376 Blancmange - I've Seen The Word 377 Thomas Dolby - Flying north 378 Sisters of Mercy - Temple of love 379 Royal Orchestra - Royal Entrance Queen Elizabeth II 380 Pink Floyd - Goodbye blue sky 666 David Bowie -  London Bye Ta - Ta 
Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_ntP663JhZl-hvn9EwFp9L
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Muse aesthetics
[RULES: fill out with 3-5 items/aesthetics that fit your muse for each category. Repost, do not reblog.]
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001. A promising urge to grow, to learn and adapt, no matter how steep and dangerous the climb ahead
002. The soft, strangely eager foreboding of walking on a grave, of following in the footsteps of those who came before you whether you want to or not
003. The feeling of distant thunder washing over you, the promise of rain hovering in the air in the few minutes before the downpour starts
004. A haunting emptiness, silently begging to be fulfilled, pushing you to look to others to find the cure
005. A yearning bitterness, longing for a past innocence you barely ever had, a need to recapture it, within others as much as within yourself
001. Grey, like stormclouds or mountain slate
002. Dark Crimson, the color of drying blood and embers
003. Light Azure, an icy crystalline hue like starlight on a cold night, or ghosts watching from beyond the veil
004. Dark Green, the color of moss, pine needles, old growth
005. Tan, the color of leather, parchment, the play of hearthfire’s light upon rustic walls.
001. Well-worn linens, soaked in sweat and perhaps a tinge of dried blood
002. The aroma of fresh baked bread, strong beer, and carefully seasoned foods
003. Parchment, Leather, Dust, and candle smoke
004. ozone, loam, and water. The hint of lightning in a rain-soaked forest
005. iron, charcoal, ash, sawdust, oil, and varnish
001. A tattered grey cloak, one he has had since before he can remember, one he can never seem to fully pry the secrets from no matter how long he wears it
002. A heavy Glaive, made of cold-forged iron and cursed silver, reinforced and enchanted by many runes. Both a weapon against harm and curses, and a reminder of all the wounds the spears that had been melted down to make it had caused.
003. An old Tome, hiding fresh ink within, set aside years prior yet never forgotten, as it now had many brethren within a certain library it now called home
004. A massive keg, bound in rune-etched metal bands and carefully sealed. As much a past time as a product, as much a peace offering as a potential weapon.
005. A wooden staff, simple in appearance, that nonetheless carries with it great life and vigor, a sapling in disguise
001. Careful, watching eyes, ever moving, ever cautious, seeing things most never are able to and piercing past defenses and disguises with ease
002. A quiet, unassuming gait, used to hiding and remaining unobserved as he observed others, much like a ghost ship silently gliding through dark waters
003. A gentle smirk, both self-assured and unassuming, balancing concern and ridicule - against himself more than any other - within its silent mirth
004. Hands that rest upon your shoulder, light and tender in their reassurance despite their coarse, powerful weight
005. A sedate sort of pause, as if a tree waiting for the wind and rain to remember he was there
001. Misty Forests blanketing a Mountainside
002. A rough-cut crystalline gemstone, carefully if roughly etched with hand-carved runes and hand-wrought silver caging.
003. A solitary figure on a cliffside, hidden from sight and rain alike by a heavy cloak as they watch the heavens above
004. A deep cavern of ruins, once lost to time, now being filled with rustic furniture and the echoing sounds of home
005. A large, forgotten beast of myth and legend, reduced to mere bones in ages past, now coated in verdant wreathes of new growth
tagged: @cursedfortune
tagging: @boriiqua @callmekamikaze @gingerhoneycakes @roskaarotta @dragonskxn @ladyarjuna​ @bleedinghearth​ 
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