#...and unemployed rn
thunderon · 6 months
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the job market is fucking brutal out here. how am i supposed to survive
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 25 days
EQUIUS: D -> Everyone get unemployed. I will provide for us
KANKRI: I a6h9r h9w safe every9ne in the c9mments feels a69ut 6eing entirely dependant 9n a p9tentially danger9us 6enefact9r.
EQUIUS: D -> I'm nice...
NEPETA: :33 < he’s literally nice
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pickled-flowers · 8 months
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DM me or contact me at : [email protected] 🎃🤡👻
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couthbbg · 4 months
god gives his latest hockey games to his sleepiest hockey fans
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madame-mongoose · 4 months
i think its fascinating that the government can deny an unemployed pregnant single mother food stamps. i think its really fucking interesting that they can deny women the right to abortion, force them to have children of their rapists, and proceed to refuse support for said TEENAGE mothers
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
saiki k friend group making slime......
"you cant have ALL the pink stuff, saiki.."
"aiura already took all the glitter, let me have this."
"wait, i wanted glitter..."
"ill share with you, chiyopipi!"
"her, but not the rest of us?"
"definitely not you, perv."
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cas-poisoning · 11 days
I do not ever want a supernatural reboot 😭 jackles is NEVER going to give canon destiel. I’ve made peace with that. These mfs just need to find new jobs atp
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critterpdf · 4 days
heyyyy fellow artists do yall have any good recommendations for art-type tablets w screens or any tips yall have for finding them. my ipad is not at emergency levels of not working Yet BUT has started giving me some Issues™️ so itd be good to have some ideas for backups that are potentially less expensive than 400 to 1000+ USD LMAO
(honestly i thought abt just buying the same secondhand ipad model bc its ~300-350 USD which. idk considering how expensive this shit gets is Not the worst. however the model i have is from 2015 so getting one that's Just as old may not be the move. like i love procreate & the portability of it all BUT 400 bucks for smthn that may just have the same issue again soon.......... um)
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halogalopaghost · 4 months
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#IM SO STRESSED IM SO STRESSED#I feel like I'm not handling ANYTHING well rn#so many people have symptoms that are WAAAAAAY fucking worse and they're like. working full time jobs and being a parent and shit and#I'm like waaah oh no I have body aches and chronic fatigue looks like I'll have to be unemployed and never do anything ever 💀#how am I gonna live?? like. my parents are taking care of me and I'm so fucking glad but#SOMEDAY THEY WONT BE AROUND and that stresses me out so bad#I'm 25 years old and I NEED my mom every day if not physically then emotionally because I'm a little bitch baby that can't do anything for#herself. im having a hard time feeding myself I'm having a hard time keeping my living space clean#I'm not taking care of anything except the dogs sometimes and my lizard and she's not getting as much attention as she used to#I need a job and I need to be able to suck it up and DO THINGS but I feel like I'm not the person u was anymore#I was strong and I could push thru things and make myself do things and now I can't???? I just lay on the fucking couch!! and feel bad abtit#is it the tism. is it the ADHD. what about the chronic depression. how bout the fibromyalgia?#and the thing is that ALL OF THOSE THINGS ARE MILD#I don't have severe pain (yet).#I just can't handle it I don't WANT to handle it#so. shoutout to my mom I guess because if it wasn't for her I simply wouldn't be alive#I feel like I've never been happy!! why can't I just be content and be happy!!!!#I have no fucking reason to be unhappy!!!!!!
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skunkes · 8 months
experiencing a weird thing where im trying to go to sleep earlier (because im tired and sleepy) but i take so long to fall asleep its the exact same thing as just going to bed late...feel so hopeless and i always end up tired either way... im very big on "i can always try again tomorrow" mentality in any way it can be interpreted (interactions with others, mood, the amount of work i do etc) but its so hard to Try Again when you're always too tired to do anything...
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pineappical · 9 months
would anybody be interested in commissioning me to help pay for some lab tests ?? feel free to dm me for info! (i accept payment through ko-fi only though 💔)
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purplethespian · 10 days
If she’s really okay why is she exclusively reading hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending on ao3?
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me? watching dhmis for the 'nth time? its more likely than you think
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princelycannibal · 2 years
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 brand new comms post! i’m doing pay what you want ($10+) comms!
I’ll draw basically fucking anything that isn’t illegal or incest! fan art, OCs,furrys/anthros, self inserts/self shipping, mechs (especially transformers), etc. are all fine! depending on the complexity of the commission, I can start and finish within a couple days!
you can message me here or email me @ [email protected]
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cloudyydraws · 7 months
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Hey guys!!! Decided to open art commissions for the next while! Feel free to contact me through tumblr/twt dms or ask for my discord if youre interested! I'm willing to negotiate for lower prices too :)
Might start with taking 3 to 5 at a time for now!
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butch-himbo-king · 5 months
just bc i’m curious….
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