#*screams in fairy tale*
fuedalreesespieces · 2 months
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hold my tissue box i am currently losing it
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I know we’re all excited about the Jurdan moments in Prisoner’s Throne but I gotta circle us back to Wren and Oaks story for a sec. Has anyone else noticed the Snow White undertones of the story? It very, very loosely based where it is more subtle nods but it’s there. Wren as a child being corpse pale, the hunt for her heart and the deception of an animals heart!?! Those are the one I remember in Stolen Heir. In Prisoners Throne, Oaks kiss brings her back to life!?! I love when Holly Black does this. Like with Cruel Prince it was Alice in Wonderland. Did y’all notice any others cause their story already has me in a puddle in the floor then there are these nods and aaaaahhhhh
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peachyfuck18 · 1 year
Favorite Horror Icons as Fairy Tales
For my sake I’ll be doing the original fairytales not the Disney versions. Enjoy
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Billy Loomis-Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault
-When Billy was first born the King and Queen treated him as their own pride and joy so much that they forgot to hold a festival for a legendary demon as the king put it that his son was more important than some stupid dream demon
-Of course the demon Frederick was not happy to hear this and so in the middle of the night secretly cursed the young prince to die by a spindle of a spinning wheel when he is sixteen
-But Nancy, a good fairy loved throughout the land gets wind of this and on the same night alters the curse by having his death be a long sleep for a hundred days before a prince comes to save him
-Sixteen years go by and Billy is now a beautiful young prince that all the men in the kingdom want for his beauty but he always turns them down cause he dreams of a better man despite his lady in waiting Sidney’s insistence on finding a husband
-When his parents and the guards aren’t looking he manages to get away from the palace walls and comes across a beautiful cabin and while exploring sees a spinning wheel and has fun with it trying it out before he pricks his finger and a needle is now stuck in his finger and he’s soon passed out on the floor
-It doesn’t take long before Sidney finds him and his parents soon after and in grief turn the cabin into his resting place and Nancy, hoping to never see this day decides to help Billy by making enchanted roses sprout all over the cabin so those with an evil heart will never take advantage of the young prince
-A hundred days go by and Stu, a prince from a neighboring kingdom, is out on a hunting trip with his friends when he gets separated from them and it’s about to storm that night til he finds the cabin. The roses, not seeing a threat, unravel to let him in and while looking for somewhere to sleep spots Billy on the bed
-At first he’s confused cause how could someone be sleeping so soundly as if they were dead when they don’t look dead and thinks maybe it’s a fae or a witch playing tricks but he tries to get him to wake up til he ends up seeing the needle on his finger and thinking that the beautiful boy fainted from having it in takes it out awakening Billy
-Billy is awake but is still tired and sleeping and bye the way he’s gripping onto Stu’s hand he decides to let himself in the bed and the two spend the night cuddling away safe from the storm outside
-The next day Billy is fully awake and is confused on why he’s in a bed and especially who the handsome boy besides him is
-When Stu wakes up he’s surprised that the boy from the night before is awake and is looking at him with a strange fondness
-After introducing each other Billy and Stu get to know each other for the rest of the day and it’s there Stu tells Billy about how his kingdom thinks he has died and at first Billy is distraught before Stu comforts him in his arms
-When Stu’s friends find him they see the beautiful young prince of the neighboring kingdom in his arms and Sidney reveals that she had taken a job as a handmaiden at Stu’s palace to deal with the grief but is glad that he is alive and well and Stu proposes to Billy to let him take him back to the kingdom and marry him and Billy immediately says yes
-When they get back to the kingdom Stu and Billy have a grand wedding and Billy is soon reunited with his parents after Stu invite them over for a grand dinner
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Jennifer Check-Snow White by The Grimm Brothers
-When a young queen is pregnant and sewing near an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle causing a drop of blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. She then wishes for a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony
-Sometime later the queen gives birth to a beautiful baby girl who she names Jennifer before dying a day later. A year later the king soon immediately marries a woman, Elaine Parks, who is very beautiful but very vain and is a dark witch who owns a magic mirror who she asks everyday who is the fairest of them all and the mirror always replies with her who is the fairest
-When Jennifer is seven years old the king soon dies and Elaine immediately begins to disregard her stepdaughter by removing her status as a princess and making her a servant in the castle
-When Jennifer is seventeen years olds she has grown into a very beautiful girl and one day Elaine goes to her mirror again to ask who is the fairest when to her shock and horror the mirror answers Jennifer. But the queen gets an idea to get her huntsman to take her daughter to the woods and kill her by lying that she is a succubus killing men and to kill her and bring her back her heart as proof
-The Huntsman tries to kill her but can’t bring himself to do it and tells Jennifer the truth about her stepmother and Jennifer soon runs away coming across an empty cabin where she takes a nap on one of the three beds
-The owners of the house, three brothers, Bo, a blacksmith , Vincent, a coffin builder and Lester, a miner get back from work when they see a girl sleeping in one of their beds and she wakes up and explains everything to them and the brothers take pity on her and decide to let her stay as long as she cleans and cooks for them
-Several weeks go by and Elaine thinks that the huntsman has killed her stepdaughter when in reality he actually killed a wild boar in place of Jennifer and after asking her mirror who’s the fairest of them all it answers with Jennifer again and of course Elaine decides to end this and disguises herself as a poor little girl selling apples and puts on a convicting act to trick Jennifer into eating the poisoned one she had for her and as soon as Jennifer goes down Elaine knows she had won
-Bo, Vincent and Lester soon find her and try everything to wake her up but of course nothing works and they build a coffin out of gold and glass and keep her deep in the woods where she’ll hopefully rest in piece while visiting every chance they can to mourn
-What they don’t know is a young peasant girl, Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, finds her body and after realizing she isn’t dead she decides to spend every day with her when she can chatting and being with her for a year before realizing something in her throat and immediately squeezes her to get it out and when Jennifer wakes up she’s greeted by a very pleasant sight of a pretty young peasant girl and after getting to know each other Jennifer asks Needy to marry her to which she gladly accepts and the two soon are making their back to the kingdom with the Bo, Vincent and Lester celebrating as well
-When Elaine is again asking her mirror who is the fairest of them all to her shock the mirror answers Jennifer and she dies of shock not only seconds later
-When Jennifer gets back to the palace she’s immediately given back her royal status and is soon crowned queen with Needy as her queen’s consort and the two live happily ever after with Bo, Vincent and Lester being given great riches as an award for taking care of her
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Patrick Bateman-The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
-Patrick is a son of the king of the ocean and loves hearing the stories from his grandmother and watching the daily lives of humans and on the day of his birthday he watches humans from a rock afar with his grandmother when he asks about the afterlife. His grandmother explains that a merperson can live up to three hundred years old and when they die they turn into sea foam and cease to exist forever and that a humans lifespan, while shorter, have an eternal soul that lives on in Heaven
-Thinking about an eternal soul he decides to see a boat party to get his mind off it and sees a girl Jean, a writer hired by aristocrats to provide singers with lyrics they hire at their parties. He soon falls in love with her and when the ship gets caught up in a storm and when Jean gets thrown overboard Patrick immediately swoops in to save her and delivers her unconscious to the shore to a group of sailors before going back to the ocean
-Now realizing that a mortal soul and having a human love him is now on the top of his priority he visits the sea sorceress, Amanda Young, who tells him that if the woman he loves does not marry him and give a part of her soul to him he will turn into seafoam and die and that she will make Patrick a potion to turn him human in exchange for his voice. He is soon made to cut his throat and remove his vocal cords and as soon he feels the painful transformation from merman to human soon passes out and washes up on shore where he’s found by Jean
-Patrick soon wakes up with Jean tending to his neck wound and is now ecstatic to find himself not only human but near the woman of his dreams. It’s not long before Jean and Patrick are now hanging out with Patrick helping Jean with her poems usually about mermaids and life under the sea even if he’s mute
-But only problem Patrick doesn’t realize that while Jean cares for him she doesn’t love him like a lover would but more like how one would love a brother or cousin
-It’s one day that while Jean and Patrick are walking through the streets of town that Jean bumps into the wealthiest man in town Paul Allen and they both start to fall in love pretty much ignoring Patrick and him fearing the end of his life
-It’s not long that Paul finally proposes to Jean and they soon have a boat wedding with Patrick smiling through his broken heart knowing his time has come and that not only will Jean not love him but he will never experience a mortal soul
-As Patrick’s enjoying his last night as a human he sees his brother, Sean, down below and he explains that he visited the sea sorceress and in exchange for a knife that will return Patrick to his normal mermaid form he cut off his thumb and explains that when he kills Jean he’ll be saved
-As Patrick is about to kill Jean in her sleep he realizes he can’t kill the woman he still loves and cares for and throws himself into the ocean slowly becoming sea foam
-Only instead of ceasing to exist he feels the warm sun and discovers that he has turned into an ethereal earthbound spirit known as the son of the air and as he ascends to the air he is greeted by other sons and daughters of the air who tell him because of his selflessness he has become a son of the air and he is given a year to obtain a soul and join the other souls in Heaven but for that year he decides to watch over Jean and be happy to see her happy
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Ginger Fitzgerald-Little Red Riding Hood by The Grimm Brothers
-On a sunny day Ginger and her sister Bridgette are told to bring their sick grandma wine and some cupcakes by their mom and told to stay on the path
-Of course being sixteen they decide to go off the path and have goof off instead staying out really late but things go from good to bad when Ginger is attacked by and bit by a wolf
-When Bridgette eventually gets help from a local huntsman Sam, he offers to let them stay til Gingers bite is healed
-The next day Ginger starts to get really moody and irritable but Bridgette and Sam thinks it’s just cause of the wolf bite
-It isn’t til midnight at a full moon that Bridgette hears a strange noise and goes to see Ginger twist and turn in her sleep and eventually Bridgette sees the transformation from human to wolf
-Ginger nearly attacks Bridgette but is soon stopped by Sam with his shotgun and with that Ginger escapes into the night and Bridgette and Sam give chase
-They run after the wolf only to find themselves at Ginger and Bridgette’s grandmother’s house that Bridgette knows she has to stop Ginger before she does something
-Taking the shotgun from Sam she puts a bullet in between Gingers eye killing her instantly and waking up their grandma in the process and seeing what has become of Ginger
-Bridgette decides to live with Sam and together they bury Gingers corpse and eventually two years later get married and as Bridgette is pregnant she looks up at the full moon and wonders if the name Ginger would be a good baby name
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Brahms Heelshire-Rapunzel by The Grimm Brothers
-While the Heelshires are a very wealthy family that doesn’t mean that life gets difficult especially when Mrs Heelshire, while pregnant, starts craving a very distinct cabbage that the only way to get is by the witch’s garden
-Mr Heelshire doesn’t want to do it but after seeing his wife in the state she’s in now decides to steal the cabbage and is successful at getting some without the witch noticing but after a week his wife craves it again but this time he gets caught by the witch Pearl and she makes a bargain with him. His first born child for the cabbage and he makes a deal with her
-Of course he doesn’t tell his wife until the day comes for Pearl to take the baby away and after seeing a son decides to name the boy Brahms and keeps him in a tower far from civilization and gets in with Brahms long hair that she forbids him to cut
-One ray Billy Lenz, local village idiot happens to stumble upon the tower after hearing a beautiful voice and wants to get in but can’t so stakes out for a day before Pearl comes back and tells Brahm to let his hair down that he has ticket in
-When Pearl is away again Billy manages to sneak his way in mimicking Pearls voice and sees Brahms and immediately falls in love with him
-Brahms is confused and scared at the strange man that managed to break in but after an hour Billy coaxes him out and they soon get to know each other where it’s everyday their seeing one another and Brahms soon falls in love with Billy
-The two plan to escape with one another but Pearl finds out after hearing Brahms sing about Billy and after interrogating Brahms finds out and cuts his hair off and casts him out the tower and into the woods
-Not surprisingly Billy was outside the tower waiting to runaway with Brahms but after finding out that Brahms hair was cut by the witch herself he decides to go on a quest to find Brahms
-It’s a brutal week until he sees a small cabin and there he finds Brahms and after the two embrace Brahms and Billy decide to get married and live happily ever after
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Carrie White-Cinderella by Charles Perrault
-Carrie White is a beautiful girl living with her mother Margaret White far from town and civilization
-When Margaret was horribly assaulted by her lover she became pregnant with Carrie which resulted in the town and the church shunning them and for that reason Margaret takes out her frustration on her daughter who in her eyes “something so full of sin shouldn’t even be considered so beautiful”
-But Carrie has her mice friends she managed to befriend and gives them names
Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie, Ben, Beverly and Mike and some bird friends
-The day of the royal ball happens and each maiden in the land is ordered to attend
-Hopeful for a night out Carrie secretly makes herself a dress but on the night of the ball Margaret catches Carrie and locks her in the closet and tears the dress up and all Carrie can do is cry before the door is opened and she sees a glowing woman with butterfly wings
-The woman introduces herself as Wendy and decides to let her have a night at the ball and turns a pumpkin into a carriage, the birds into horses and the mice into her servants but also helps make Carrie a dress and shoes made of glass but tells Carrie that at midnight she must return as the magic will wear off soon
-At the ball Carrie is having a great time when Sue, a princess from another kingdom and friend of Prince Tommy sees Carrie and asks her to dance and to her delight both girls end up dancing the night away before the clock strikes midnight and Carrie immediately has to go home but Sue tries to catch her not knowing her name and the only thing remaining of the girl is just a shoe
-The next day while Carrie is doing house chores Margaret ends up finding out about the ball and goes to attack her but before she even lays a hand on her there’s a knock on the door and Sue is standing there not believing she found the girl from the ball and after asking her to try the glass shoe on and it fits Sue immediately proposes and Carrie says yes and Carrie is soon take to Sue’s kingdom where the two spend their days in happiness and live happily ever after
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Ash Williams-Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
-Ash Williams is the son of the town blacksmith who likes the simplicity in his life with his father Brock and his sister Cheryl
-One day he decides to walk through the forest and as he’s getting a drink from the fresh lake and it’s there he ends up face to face with the most feared creature in the land, The Deadite King
-At first Ash is terrified of the dreaded creature before the Deadite takes his hand and kisses it while the king goes on about how he had seen his beauty from afar and out of nowhere asks Ash to be his bride of all things
-Ash says no hopefully naive that the king will get the hint but instead The Deadite King decides if he can’t have Ash then no one can and kidnapped him and cursed him to be a swan by day so no one will fall in love with him and human by night to have him for himself
-A year goes bye and the young king Herbert West is doing some writing before he wants to settle down and when he sees a swan with a crown he gets curious and follows the swan only for the sun to set and to the swan turn from a bird to beautiful man dressed in all white
-Of course Ash is freaked out before he realizes Herbert is not gonna hurt him the two get to know each other through the night and Ash tells Herbert everything from the curse to the Deadite King
-Herbert immediately now recognizes him as the blacksmith’s son who went missing a year ago and tells Ash how his family has been searching for him. Ash tells Herbert that the only way to break the curse is for someone to make a vow of everlasting love to him and prove it to the world and Herbert decides at his ball to invite Ash and help him break his curse
-What they didn’t know is that The Deadite Kings daughter, Ruby heard everything and tells her father and when the Deadite King tells Ash to forget Herbert and marry him instead but Ash just says no and that Herbert is the one he loves
-Now even more angry The Deadite King locks Ash up before morning so that he can’t ever leave and that Herbert can’t break the curse
-When Herbert throws his ball he invites Cheryl after coming to her with news Ash is still alive and of course “Ash” shows up strangely with a strange man and wearing all black instead of white but he doesn’t care and dances with and makes a vow of love to “Ash”
-But when midnight strikes “Ash” reveals himself to be Ruby in disguise and the man to be the Deadite King its then Herbert realizes he made a mistake and with Cheryl rushes back to the lake only to find Ash in human form slowly dying from a broken heart
-In a fit of rage Cheryl and Herbert begin to fight the Deadite King and while their clearly outmatched Herbert picks up a large stick and drives it through the Deadite Kings heart and it’s there that the curse is broken and Ash is now fully human again
-Cheryl and Ash have their sibling reunion and Herbert takes them back to their father who’s just so happy to see his son again and of course Herbert proposes to the real Ash and have a grand wedding the following week’s living happily ever after
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saranghae-hoe · 9 months
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You'll sleep in my room tonight, won't you?
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battleswanofciya · 1 month
Me: *gets bard in quiz for my role in a fairy tale*
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missmonkeymode · 2 years
Someone: im gonna deconstruct some fairytales but make them dark and edgy and realistic
Me, pointing a gun at them: tell me the original fable without referencing Disneys retellings and tell me the moral of the story
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clareguilty · 2 years
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"You've never told me your real name," the prince said aloud at the exact moment the realization came to him.
It caught the attention of his bride-to-be, who had been gazing out at the royal gardens and secretly plotting what she would like to change once she became queen. She always had a fondness for hydrangeas, and they seemed so much friendlier and more inviting than the stoically pruned rosebushes that lined every row.
His words sank in a half second too late -- after she had already replied with a baffled "What?"
"Your name, Darling. You've never told me it. Don't you think that is something important for a husband to know?"
And indeed it hadn't come up in the near two weeks since they two found love at first sight. It had felt a little ridiculous, feeling so reluctant to be parted from a stranger after just three nights, but every day that passed since he found her again only deepened the fondness and understanding that had first bloomed in these very same gardens.
He laughed derisively, "I can hardly call you 'Cinder-Ella' when you help rule this kingdom at my side."
His beloved turned once more to the gardens, if only to hide the tears welling in her eyes and avoid the earnest expression of the Prince. She looked every bit the queen she had accepted to be when he begged for her hand in marriage, straight back, raised chin, elegant and strong. At first, he had worried about marrying a woman who had been reduced to a scullery maid for most of her life, but the monsters who took her name had never managed to beat the grace and strength from her, and with every passing day a little more of her beauty and wit revealed itself. She would be just fine in the cutthroat arena of the royal court.
"My love," he tried again, "We are picking out bedding for our marital suite -- don't you think I should have something to call you by?"
"And what's wrong with Cinderella?" She asked, sharp and defensive. "That is all I have been for many years, and I do not feel very much like the girl I was before." She knew she could never go back to that innocent and smiling child with a beautiful name bestowed on her by a woman she never had the chance to know. If anything, her true name had died along with her mother, and she felt she had no claim to it anymore.
The prince held no fury for his love, but his blood boiled at the thought of those wretched women who had enslaved her and hidden her away. He fought to keep the anger out of his voice, as he didn't want to upset her further.
"Cinderella isn't a name, it's a humiliating mockery that your wicked family used to hurt you." He groaned in frustration. "I can't believe you want to invite them to the wedding!"
She stopped him with a glare that he both feared and adored. "You promised you would be kind to them."
"I will! I will. I just... They're absolutely insufferable! I can't believe they think that you will just forgive them for everything now that you're engaged to a prince! And now they practically worship the ground you walk on with the hopes of groveling their way into my court." He only paused a moment before starting right back in again. "They were horrible to you! And I hate that they called you something so cruel for so long -- that you slept among the mice and the ashes. What kind of father lets-"
At those words, she interrupted low and fast before he could finish, "Do not dare speak ill of my father. He is trapped by that woman just as I was."
The prince sat in shock. How could she make excuses for the man? "He sat by for years while you were treated like dirt! His cowardice made a slave of his only daughter. How can I have respect for a man like that? Do not tell me that he calls you Cinderella too?"
The question was like the twist of a knife, and she recoiled as the prince forced her to face a truth she had tried to avoid for years.
He immediately felt regret for the tears that spilled over her cheeks and first reached for her before drawing back as she flinched away from his outstretched hand. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered. He did not know what to offer her in apology and stumbled over his words. "I will never speak of them again if you would like."
She took his hand from his lap and unfurled his white-knuckled fist to lace her fingers with his own. "They're all I have," she struggled to keep her voice steady. "As terrible as they are, I can't just leave them behind."
He squeezed her calloused palm. "You'll be able to one day -- if you want. Father adores you, and Mother has been begging to help you pick out your gown. You will have more friends than you know what to do with in the palace."
"Don't remind me of the gown," she groaned. "I don't think I can look at a slipper anymore without feeling ill."
"I'll make her promise not to mention it," the prince stifled a chuckle. "You can walk down the aisle barefoot for all I care."
She finally gave him the smile he was so desperate to see, deciding to check with the current queen before she had all of the rose bushes ripped up. It would be important to honor the family that had accepted her as one of their own.
"Maybe one day I'll be able to forget about them." She smirked, "But I still have to rub it in that I'm the one getting a royal wedding."
The prince laughed so loudly it reverberated off of the stone walls of the garden. "Perhaps we should give them front row seats after all! If only so that I can see their horrified faces as I kiss my barefoot bride at the altar."
They fell silent for a long moment, each seeking the other's touch for comfort.
"Was this our first fight?" She asked quietly. "Have we already resorted to bickering?"
"It can be if you like," he grinned, "or you can save it for a real shouting match when it comes time to pick table settings for the banquet."
She rolled her eyes and nudged an elbow into his side. "I couldn't give a damn about table settings."
"You'll change your mind when you see the option Mother wants," he teased. She felt him shift as he was struck with yet another thought and turned to watch as he carefully selected his words.
"What if... You chose a new name? One that you've decided for yourself?" He wasn't sure if it was the right suggestion, but he relaxed when she pursed her lips in thought and seemed to genuinely consider it.
"What if I choose something absolutely atrocious just so you would never call me it?"
He kissed her knuckles. "I would adore any name you chose simply because it belonged to you, and it would be printed on the invitations tomorrow so everyone in the kingdom could know what to call my bride."
"Even if I stayed Cinderella?"
"Even if you stayed Cinderella."
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flowerfairyboi · 8 months
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Alchemize the dark within me
Void by Melanie Martinez (2023)
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snowimatsu · 2 years
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“Mirror Country Osomatsu” set!
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
i am so sure that if i lived in the 1800s H.C. Andersen would be my pathetic little guy. not just because i'm danish but he was the exact brand of queer as fuck and just as cringe that i enjoy in a blorbo. i would ship him with Kierkegaard as an enemies to lovers thing due to their weird beef and i would be discussing the "secret illegitimate royal baby" rumors with my friends and awww baby at his failed snail thing and his 5 week overstay at Dicken's house. there's just so much with this guy. why would his lifelong friend never let him use the informal "you" listen Edvard he loved you :( and your sister but he was chaotic like that. why did everyone have to roast his looks so much it's not his fault he's awkward and gangly. but he still loved having his photo taken godbless don't let them get you down. he was criticized for being vain and dramatic and i just can't resist that
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sharkieboi · 1 year
Neverafter is absolutely eating my entire soul and has just fully reawakened my passion for fairy tales and so now im actually drawing and writing again to make a Neverafter OC based on Bluebeard’s wife
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rosecoloredmuses · 1 year
“Oi. How dare you end things like that! Do you seriously expect me to wait until July to see how everything ends?!” Hime screamed at the television. It seemed the last episode of her latest romantic drama didn’t end so well.
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F/O Catalogue!
This is the f/o list I've been dreading making because it truly is just too damn long. Item order is f/o; s/i; relationship; ship tag; fandom tag; source media. I might forget to say something if/when I update it, sorry about that!
Allison Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blakes Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Amber Sweet; Drew Larsen; Romantic; See Past The Pretty Face; Repo! The Toxic Love Story; Repo! The Genetic Opera
April Ludgate; Barb Sawwheel; Romantic; For The Love of Goth (Girls); It's A Walk In The Park; Parks And Recreation
Argyle; Henri Rose; Romantic; Roseweed; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
👿🧂; Romantic; You're Not Beyond Repair; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 💟🍷)
🐝🌅; Romantic; Your Love Is My Drug; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 💥🌕)
😈🔪; Romantic; You Could Set My Broken Bones And I Know CPR; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 📚🌌)
Chrissy Cunningham; Rory McIntyre; Romantic; She's Cheer Captain And We Kiss Under The Bleachers; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
🟡🐕; Romantic; Best Friends To The End//Better Off As Lovers; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🔵🐩)
Diego Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Don E; Gemini Moss; Romantic; Lov E Dov E; s/iZombie; iZombie
Dustin Henderson; Dan Henderson; Familial; Nerds of a Feather Fight Monsters Together; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Emily (Corpse Bride); Adolphine; Romantic; She May Be Dead But Love Is Alive; Give It Up For My Corpse Bride
Emma Swan; Chava; Romantic; Swan's Eve; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
F. Tony Scarapiducci; Eddie Autumn; Romantic; Lovely Autumn Leaves; Give Me Space (Force); Space Force (Netflix)
Five Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
💚🤡; Romantic; I Feel Something Deep Inside I Never Felt Before; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🐔💞)
Graverobber; Zasha; Romantic; Dumpster-Diving Dumpster-Dweling Dumpster-Dating; Repo! The Toxic Love Story; Repo! The Genetic Opera
Grelle Sutcliffe; Velvela Adolphine; Romantic; Come On Baby Don't Fear The Reaper; Black Butler
Harry Hook; Gavrila Gothel; Romantic; Lost Children/Stolen Childhood; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Jane Margolis; Eli McGill; Romantic; Poppy Seeds And Asphodel; Break Bad and Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein; Simone Sawwheel; Romantic; Sapersawyer; It's A Walk In The Park; Parks And Recreation
Jesse Pinkman; Eli McGill; Romantic; A Love That Shines Like Crystal; Break Bad And Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman/Gene Takovic; Eli McGill; Familial; Better Call My Dad Saul; Break Bad And Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Killian Jones; Chava; Romantic; Smooth Sailing From Here On; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants;
Klaus Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Romantic; Immortal Tolerance; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy)
Liv Moore; Kennedy O'Leary; Romantic; Liv Laugh Love; s/iZombie; iZombie
💥🌕; Romantic; Love-Starved Puppy Dog; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🐝🌅)
Loni/Lani; Margo DunBroch; Romantic; Break Rules/Change Fate; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Luther Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
Madison Montgomery; Davey Greene; Romantic; That Witch Sates You; Homemade American Horror Stories; American Horror Story
Mal; Amit Tremaine; Romantic; We Could Be A Better Boyfriend; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Movie!Betelgeuse/Keatlejuice; Poe Reeve; Romantic; Reeving Mad About Her; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (Movie)
Murray Bauman; Teddie Oslov-Bauman; Familial; Theories Held Together By Yarn and Spite; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Musical!Beetlejuice; Loten Burke; Romantic; Creepy Old Guy And Cute Young Bride; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (Musical)
Nacho Varga; Di Lyman; Romantic; To Di For; Break Bad and Call Saul; Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Nancy Wheeler; Gerrie Sawyer; Romantic; The Priss and The Pauper; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Nicky Nichols; Reggie Heron; Romantic; Let My Love Be Your Drug; Orange S/I The New Black; Orange Is The New Black
🐔💞; Romantic; As I'm Getting Ruined (Like Really Trashed) I Only Wanna Look In Your Eyes; Secret F/Os; (Poly With 💚🤡)
Peter B. Parker; Kit Herringbone; Romantic; Cat And Spider Game; Into The S/Iverse; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Poussey Washington; Rivka Haza; Romantic; Love Is Stored In The Library; Orange S/I The New Black; Orange Is The New Black
Reagan Lucas; Rye Buckson; Romantic; Love We Did Our Best And We Will Again; New Girl In Town; New Girl
Red/Ruby; Ambrose; Romantic; The Wolf And The Living Dead; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
🔵🐩; Romantic; This Is A Love Song In My Own Way; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 🟡🐕)
Rita DuClark; Berry; Romantic; That's Rich Coming From You; s/iZombie; iZombie
Robin Buckley; Dan Henderson; Romantic; Deranged Rebel; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
Sam Carpenter; Brianna Macher; Romantic; Like Fathers Like Daughters; Scream Your Name; Scream Franchise
Guide; Shprintze; Romantic; Tale As Old Or Older Than Time; Who We Do In The Shadows; What We Do In The Shadows (TV)
Steve Harrington; Teddie Oslov-Bauman; Romantic; Turn My World Upside-Down; Stranger Things Have (Never) Happened; Stranger Things
📚🌌; Romantic; Could You Be Seen With Me And Still Act Proud; Secret F/Os; (Poly With 😈🔪)
Teddy Lobo; Daya Daytona; Romantic; A Little Too... Familiar; My Unhinged Renfield/What We Do In The Shadows Crossover; Renfield
Toonjuice; Vera Snow; Romantic; Our Love Is Vera-fied; Beetlejuice (The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts! The Self-Inserts!); Beetlejuice (All Media Types)
Uma; Rivka Fitzherbert; Romantic; Tower & Ship; My Very Own Fairy Tales; Once Upon A Time/Descendants
Vampire Steve; Indigo Loomis; Romantic; Indigo Vampire; s/iZombie; iZombie
💟🍷; Romantic; Hope You'd Miss Me//Wish You'd Kiss Me; Secret F/Os; (Poly with 👿🧂)
Viktor Hargreeves; Blake Baker; Found Family; Blake's Insane Found Posse; We'll Share An Umbrella (Academy); The Umbrella Academy
William Afton (movie ver.); Leveret Raglan; Romantic; Springlocked And Loaded; Five Nights At The Furry's
And for the F/Os I don't have ship names, S/Is or stories with yet, we have the Crush List (item order is character; relationship; source media)
Bolin; Romantic; Avatar: Legend of Korra
Hobie Brown; Romantic; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Iroh II; Romantic; Avatar: Legend of Korra
James Patrick March; Romantic; AHS
Jimmy Darling; Romantic; AHS
Mei, Ting-Ting & Su; Romantic; Mulan II
Peter Parker/Spider-Noir; Romantic; Into/Across The Spiderverse
Ramona Royale; Romantic; AHS
The Countess/Elizabeth March; Romantic; AHS
Yao, Ling & Chen-Po; Romantic; Mulan/Mulan II
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bill-gates-hate-blog · 7 months
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
On one hand I want to show my unhinged multiverse caterella flow chart(???) just bc it’s like. FUNNY to me how tangled and excessive and so very messy it is,,, but on the other hand I am Way to embarrassed to show how much I’ve obsessed over the branching concepts jdnffngjgn I don’t want people to Read It. maybe I’ll censor everything LOL you can fill in the blanks yourself 🕺
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tomaytow · 2 years
and the birds will sing and wedding bells will ring
— afab reader, fairy tale retelling (kinda), cursing, self–indulgent
in which: all fairy tales (apparently) happen in mondstadt.
Once upon a time, in the city of song and wind, a woman, not older than 30 and definitely not younger than 20, sighs at her desk frustratingly. 
She drums her fingers over the paperwork. [Name] lifts her head to examine the beautiful girl in front of her – she has a crown perched on top of her combed hair (she’s definitely one of those princesses), she has skin white as the clouds outside (she wonders what her skincare routine is), and she has lips a stunning shade of red (where’d she get that lipstick?). Right now, said beautiful girl is sitting in front of [Name]’s desk, and has her fingers intertwined together in concern. Wow, even though her eyebrows are scrunched, she still looks pretty. 
How unfair. 
“So let me get this straight,” [Name] starts as she checks the details of the commission again, before turning back to the prettier girl. Yep. It’s definitely not the time for [Name] to deprecate herself. Definitely not the time to compare her haggard appearance over a ten. What’s important is that she doesn’t stutter or slur her words or else there will be miscommunications. She needs to be professional, after all. “You have a, uh, a friend—”
“A very, very nice friend—”
“Who’s stuck inside a lair—”
“Inside Stormterror’s Lair, no less—!”
“And I’ll have to save them through—”
“A kiss! A true love’s kiss,” The girl finishes for her, and [Name] narrows her eyelids. She’s supposed to do the talking here but unfortunately Miss Drop Dead Gorgeous won’t shut up. Well, understandable – the girl’s commission has been way overdue due to the endless commissions flooding their way. And yep, it’s definitely the reason why [Name]’s stressed 24/7. “And only you can save my friend. With a true love’s kiss!”
Of course, this is nothing new in [Name]’s field of work. She’s fought a crazy wolf dressed up as a grandma before, or even a powerful sorcerer over the custody of a lamp, so this may be a piece of cake. Though, she can’t help but think how familiar this is. 
“Riiiiight,” She stamps the paper and shoves it to the left – where other messy folders and binders are scattered. There are still more commissions that she has to do, and it’s not going to be finished soon. Good archons. “What did you say your name was again?”
“Snow White,” the pretty girl answers, and now it’s all making sense. “Princess Snow White, and please, help my friend, please—”
She’s starting to wail. [Name] watches in astonishment when birds suddenly approach her. Are they comforting her? Wait, where did the rabbits even come from? Goats?! Turtles?!
“It’s been weeks now, and I–I’m worried! Please, oh please! Save my friend!”
“Alright, alright, alright! Please tell your squirrel pals to lay off my drawers!”
In this line of work, anything can be possible.
In Mondstadt, where literally every mythical creature resides, magic is abundant. There are a thousand tales waiting to be told, but also a thousand requests to be done.
[Name] didn’t plan on working in Ms. Lisa’s business. Even more so, she did not ask to be one of the heroic saviors; she doesn’t know what to feel anymore whenever she visits the taverns lately, when the majority of the drunk men chant the adventures of the Unparalleled Knight with the bards. At first, [Name] thought how nice the tunes were, until the lyrics slowly sank in and she realized that the song was all about her. 
It was embarrassing.
But at least the pay is good – it’s enough to feed her Sweet Madames every night. Not to mention how she has connections now! Like Dorothy and her dog. Rapunzel and her strange chameleon. (Also, Rapunzel paints with the notorious Calx on Dragonspine. [Name] loves visiting their annual art exhibitions.)
And yet, she can’t help but admit how sometimes annoying the clients are. It’s their fate; they can control it, they can fight it, they can beat destiny up and write their own story. Why does [Name] have to be involved with their issues?
“It’s fun,” her boss, Ms. Lisa, had said one time, when she was sipping her usual cup of tea. There were books all over the floor and [Name] was in so much fear. She wouldn’t be coming home tonight like she had planned because she knew that Ms. Lisa would leave all the cleaning to her. “Aren’t you glad that you’re given a chance on venturing into the unknown with this job?”
[Name] was glad. But it was draining, when she couldn’t even take a fucking break. 
“Cutie, you just need someone to accompany you. Or rather, you should acquire your own happily ever after soon!” Ms. Lisa winked, and sent her a finger gun, as if she was shooting bullets right through her heart. [Name] blocked it with a nearby book. “Though dearest Jean doesn’t recommend a significant other, I’ll be giving you a pass.”
[Name] doesn’t recommend having a “lover” either. It’s a waste of time, and it will definitely distract her. She appreciates Ms. Lisa’s treatment of her, but what she needs is a week off. Not… happily ever afters. They sound stupid, and even if [Name] wants to yell that she doesn’t believe in that junk, she can’t—because it’s literally everywhere.
Fucking princesses and princes and their extravagant weddings.
Anyway. Back to reality. 
Right now on her right hand holds a piece of paper that she’s sure is perfumed (she wants to cough) and is so damn pink. This is supposed to be clues for the friend’s whereabouts but why does it look like a love letter?
According to Princess Snow White, a spell was cast onto her friend because he ate the apples her evil stepmom—who was disguised as a creepy old woman offering free fruits; the Case of the Poisonous Apple was insane—left on her cottage. [Name] rolls her eyes in exasperation, because of course this little bastard friend of Princess Snow White will eat those toxic apples.
(Those fucking lazy dwarves of hers didn’t even bother throwing it away after they got invited to her wedding and honeymoon. Like seriously though, who invites those mofos in your most intimate night or week with your husband???? Ew.)
My friend loves apples, so there’s no hesitation in munching them once sighted. Okay. So the friend has an apple obsession? Also, the perfume really, really hurts her nose.
And I do not know how my dearest friend got to Stormterror’s Lair, and [Name] doesn’t either, but hey, this is Mondstadt – things are not supposed to make sense due to the magic lingering in the air. Due to the magic lingering everywhere. Or even the happily ever after trend.
Also, does her friend even have a name? Why is the princess being fucking redundant? But my animal friends told me that they were informed by the winds that my friend is in there. So please, save my friend! Save my friend with a true love’s kiss!
True love’s kiss my ass, [Name] grimaces when she sees the kiss mark left on the paper, so she crumples it before hiding it in her pockets. There won’t be any kissing involved. Not gonna waste my first kiss for this. 
Stormterror’s Lair being huge is an understatement. It’s freaking big. Though, she’s thanking the archons above (no matter how unjust they are), for finally blessing this location. There are no more storms anymore, so what’s left is just the peaceful soon–to–be–setting sun penetrating her skin. No one really comes here anymore, because who will even visit the ruins, when there’s a lot to explore in Mondstadt? Like digging up cursed treasures, fighting off evil wizards, and eating delicious meals cooked by a former frog. 
Ah, Tiana. [Name] should definitely head to Good Hunter after this to devour some of her delectable beignets. 
The wind will guide you if you ever get lost, [Name] recalls Princess Snow White’s advice, as she starts to trek the broken bridge that leads up to Decarabian’s Tower. Broken debris and splintered rocks are everywhere. The plants seeping through the cracks are full of life. It’s mother nature taking its course.
She adjusts the belt of her heavy armor. 
[Name] thinks she got this. Despite being a human, Ms. Lisa still calls her extraordinary. She doesn’t have any magical powers, but she does have a huge headache due to sleep loss. And she’s still alive.
Ah. She can hear music being played already, and – oh. 
She halts in her tracks and bends down, meeting the gazes of the unknown creatures before her. If she’s not mistaken, these are anemo wind wisps, and man, she can’t understand a thing what they’re saying. All she knows is that they’re really lively, they’re all jumping up and down, as if excited to see her. Again, she can’t understand what they’re trying to convey because all she can hear are the tinkling of bells.
[Name] yelps when five? No, seven of them rush in front of her, and thankfully, with her fast reflexes, she manages to gather them meticulously in her arms.
Wow, they’re all soft and fluffy. It’ll be nice to have one (that is, if it’s allowed…?) 
But her ears are ringing due to the continuous noises they’re emitting. The princess said that they may be able to aid her in this mission but she doesn’t speak wind wisp.
A wind wisp nuzzles with her finger affectionately. Adorable. And oh, it seems another wisp wants that too. And another, and ano–
“Hey, hey, calm down, everyone. I’m not going anywhere.” And surprisingly, they’re all obedient, because they all went quiet. Now there are pairs of dotted eyes staring at her soul, waiting for her to utter something. Great. The attention is all on me now. Also, it’s fascinating that they understand human language, considering that they listened to her. “Can you take me to the uh…”
Wait a minute, what is the role of the princess’ friend here anyway? Moreover, who even are they?
“To the uh… I don’t know, to the someone who’s in need of saving?” 
Thankfully, they do. They all gleefully glide and pull each part of her body with their own little dark blue feet(?), and she wonders why they’re all so enthusiastic upon her arrival. It’s evident that they’re not strong enough to make her move, but she entertains them anyway by walking again. One wind wisp attempts to tug her by the sheath of her sword, but gives up in disappointment when it can’t lift it up.
[Name] suppresses an amused chuckle. She opens her palm, and said wind wisp sends her a closed eye smile after dropping its form on her hand. It doesn’t have any lips but it’s safe to assume that it’s smiling. 
The trip to Decarabian’s Tower is a disaster.
At first, [Name] asks the wisps why they’re surrounding her figure, until she realizes that they’re all trying to carry her upwards. But it’s futile. Their wind powers aren’t enough, so after five minutes, the exhausted wisps rest in her satchel for a well–deserved break. They get tired easily, it seems.
“You did great, guys,” [Name] pats one of them, who just rubs itself more with her tender touch. Really affectionate beings, huh. She lets them be after a while and assesses the situation. The wisps were helping her get up, since the staircases are damaged. 
[Name] thanks the wisps mentally, because that means that the friend is upstairs, since they’re all trying to lift her up there. She doesn’t have to find the friend anymore.
But… there are no damn fucking stairs, so how did aforementioned friend even get there?
As always, there are a lot of things in Mondstadt that don’t make sense.
Like the faint elemental energy engulfing this area.
[Name] considers stripping off her armor because it’ll hinder her ascension, but since she doesn’t have any superpowers or knowledge regarding spells for defense (damn you, fairy godmother), she has no choice but to still wear it as she climbs the walls of the tower. 
She just hopes she’ll have enough stamina to reach the top.
And good archons, of course she does. Thank archons that she has mini supporters or else she’ll question her sanity for choosing the wrong decisions that has led her in this scenario.
When she lays on her stomach on its cold floors, [Name] observes the chamber while panting for air. Why the fuck does it reek of alcohol in here? It’s so gross!
But the wind wisps chirp in delight. [Name] watches them go and approach the gossamer curtains.
Oh, right. Here it is.
The climax. 
[Name] gets up, dusts off the dirt she accumulated, and saunters close to the bed. She can discern the sleeping silhouette, and there are lulls of true love’s kiss entering through her ears. 
She draws the curtains. 
There’s a boy. There’s a beautiful, ethereal boy lying supine on the bed sleeping peacefully, with his hands attached to a bouquet of fresh cecilias placed on his chest. Which is strange, because they haven’t wilted even though it’s been weeks. Said boy’s chest heaves up and down as he breathes. 
So the apple did indeed put him in a deep sleep. 
[Name] inches closer to the boy. He has porcelain soft skin—it’s unblemished and flawless. It almost rivals the Princess Snow White’s.
There’s another cecilia on the left side of his hair. And he has ombre twin braids on each side of his head. 
And he has too many bows on his outfit. The outfit looks comfortable enough, and it’s absolutely a Mondstadt clothing—the white ruffles on his button up shirt? Hah. Mondstadt.
Also hm. Shorts and stockings? [Name]’s never seen a male wear those before.
[Name]’s guessing that Princess Snow White’s friend must be a prince. The bows look high–priced…
[Name] inhales. She doesn’t mean to take a whiff, but he smells like petrichor. He smells like fresh flowers. But he also smells like wine. 
Oh, the combination of those scents is fantastic—
Ah. Focus. Now let’s get this over with.
[Name] brushes her locks behind her ear, puts a leg on the mattress (making it to squeak), a hand beside the boy’s pillow, and slowly ducks her head down. The wind wisps start to squeal in anticipation, and giddiness, and
She pokes his cheek. Her finger dips from his squishy it is. “Wake up, it’s time to get up.” [Name] ignores the stunned stares of the wind wisps. She grunts and pokes his cheek again twice. “You’re not fooling me. Wake up, or I am going to smack you instead.”
A loud, mirthful giggle escapes from his throat, and [Name] resists the urge to click her tongue in irritation. Finally, the young man reveals his turquoise eyes, mesmerizing her for a second. Holy hell, why does everyone look so fucking nice in Mondstadt!? “Aww! Do not do that, please. Moreover, what gave it away?”
Breaking out of her dazed stupor, [Name] scowls at the smirk, “You were playing an instrument, weren’t you? I knew I wasn’t hearing things. It wasn't just the wisps, but it was you, too. And are you serious? There are lotsa bottles of wine on the floor. Who would even drink them? Unless, I don’t know? Maybe the one who’s pretending to snooze?” Then, she pokes his round cheek, again, making him snicker from the contact. “You also puckered your lips—hah! True love’s kiss? You ain’t getting that.”
“Eh! I was just playing the part! You’re not supposed to be acting like this—where are the declarations coming from your heart? You’re also supposed to sweep me off my feet, rescue me from the dragon, and take me to my happily ever after! For it is such an important matter!” [Name] blinks when arms hook around her neck, and she feels breath ghosting on her lips. He whispers in a low voice and with half–lidded eyes, “Though, I’m so glad it’s you—you’ve come at long last. My warrior, you’ve worked so hard. Please allow me to conquer those lips of yours for your reward?”
[Name] increases the distance almost immediately, making him whine from the abrupt withdrawal. She really can’t stand Mondstadt people and their wild fantasies. “In your dreams,” Then she searches around for the basket. The princess did add about the retrieval of her basket—it was probably important to her. “Where are the apples? What happened to the apples?” It’s for protocol, so this won’t happen again.
“Why don’t you come here and find out?”
“On second thought, please shut up,” [Name] picks up the wooden material after discovering that it hung on a stand. Now it’s time for the next agenda: the treasure. She needs the treasure because this is her payment for this commission. 
She spins around to meet eyes with the young lad once more, but he’s too occupied cuddling with the wisps on the bed. 
“Thank you for bringing her here,” he muses, and the wisps respond in chorus with their bell sound thing. Wow. So he can understand the wisps. “Yes, she’s really unprecedented, but that’s what makes her so dear.”
[Name] is confused, but shrugs it off anyway and approaches him again. “Hey, you.”
“I have a name, my fair maiden,” He looks up at her, still with that mischievous grin. “But my children here have names as well, so do not be mistaken.”
“Children? You have children? The fuck? Wait. The wisps have a name?” The wisps reply with tiny bobs of their head. Now this is something [Name] did not really expect. Mondstadt, what the hell? She’ll never get used to this. “Okay, okay, sure? I’ll ask later, um. What’s your name, then?”
“Venti the Bard, at your service.”
So he’s not a prince? He’s not part of any royal status? He’s just a normal person? That thought is comforting, anyhow. But the bows? (Maybe he saved up for it?)
“If you’re still wondering about the apples, they were already consumed by I,” Venti says, and leads one wisp on his shoulder. “They were absolutely yummy, and it is no lie.”
[Name] squints at him. She doesn’t know if she’ll be worried or relieved – so the apples have no effect on him? “The apples were poisonous. It contained chemicals. And they were from the princess’ evil stepmother.”
“Ah, indeed. The wench who initiated all this – but fear not, for she already would be punished for her greed.” Venti summons his lyre, and plucks its strings casually. He’s not a normal person. He can use magic. “Is my warrior troubled that I would get sick? Maybe you should come close and take a quick peek.”
“There’s no need for that,” [Name] swings the basket over her arm, and yanks him, making him stumble. He chuckles—”forward, are we?”—the wisps produce anxious rings, but she ignores them yet again. “I am impressed by your rhyming, but I think you should stop now.”
Venti smiles with his eyes closed. The lyre in his hand disappears, and he takes both of her hands in his own. “I would comply with your wishes, but you must give me something in return.” He opens his eyes again, and they’re sparkling. Okay, the sun is setting, and how can they look so enchanting? (Wait, did she just rhyme? Shit.) “One true love’s kiss, for it is urgent, so then the barriers shall burn.”
Archons. Mondstadt people really make no sense, and [Name] ponders if she should move soon. It’s too much romance. “Urgent? Barriers? And again with the true love’s kiss? I am not your true love. We’re just strangers. I implore you to keep that retained in your memory,” She tries to separate from his grasp, but she’s appalled when Venti shakes his head. He has a tight grip? How, with that lithe body of his? Or maybe because… “Venti—”
The chambers quake when a shadow passes by the windows—darkening the room for a moment. Venti hides his lips behind his fingers, whispering a “he’s here,” and [Name] gives him a questioning look. He? Who’s he?
The loud roar that vibrated the stone walls is enough of an answer.
[Name] facepalms. Of course, the damn dragon he mentioned is real. Of course of course of course.
She unsheathes her sword, but the wisps quickly come together to stop her from wielding it. Before, they were all joyous and victorious, but now, the wisps are apprehensive and adamant. They’re all shaking their heads disapprovingly, like their… father(?) from earlier. “…What?”
Clingclingcling. But it’s Venti who interprets for her, “Dvalin is a dear friend of mine, and he’s here to check if I am fine.” Dvalin? He means the so–called dragon of the four winds? One of the survivors of the archon war? What the fuck. And he’s friends with the likes of this bard? 
Venti places his hands on his hips and raises a brow smugly. “Unfortunately, Dvalin hates trespassers, especially when they bring something that can be harmful. I can just tell him that you and I are acquainted, or better yet, each other’s one true love! But you did say that we are strangers, right, [Name]?”
He stopped the rhyming. Venti’s dead serious though it’s obvious from his tone that he’s clearly enjoying this. [Name] groans. She wants to ask how he knows her name but—
Why. Why must she live like this? 
Out of all the things in the world, the possible cause of her death is because of an ancient dragon.
Well. At least she dies with honour. This will be a great story for the bards. Sigh.
“I hate my life.”
Then she casts her sword aside, grabs a startled Venti by the waist (“huh, w–wait—“) and then crashes her lips with his.
There’s a gush of wind outside Decarabian’s tower when Dvalin finally senses that the curse has been lifted.
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