#*months; she'll slowly start to heal
megarywrites · 1 year
Day 15 - 30 Line challenge
posting now in case i don't write more before i head into work. this is a new location and I've been mulling over how to describe it, and this is what I have so far
A naturally-hewn archway opened out into a deep bowl-like valley, the dark crags of the stone nearly obliterated by the blanket of coral covering the walls. Rose-shaped corals, bright pink and fanning out wider than the span of my arms, pale yellow bushes with gently swaying tendrils, clusters of spikes cover in a lilac or deep red crust, pillowy mounds of soft blue that were covered with a labyrinthine design. Fish roamed freely, crustaceans skittered over surfaces or into the crevices between, sea caterpillars sat perched on the edges of some of the flatter coral, and five-pointed creatures I had only seen dried up on the shores of Psari crawled around like spiders.  “I had forgotten how much it reminded me of the Gava,” Solera said, drawing my attention away from the slow progression of the pinkish-orange five-pointed creature that had caught my eye. “The shape of it, you know?”  “That, or the court inside Katania.”  Her expression fell when I looked over at her. Memories of atrocities she had seen there must have been flashing behind her eyes, too. Of crushed hands and wrenched-out tongues and burning corpses.  I propelled myself forward a little so I could look up to where the bowl extended past our heads. All thoughts of Katania were dispelled by the sight of a herd of sharks circling just above where the rock wall ended.
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Hobie Brown x Artistic/DIY Reader x Roommate Gwen Stacy
Idk. Vibes? Someone rbd part 3 with something like 'bisexual vibes', so.. yeah. Here's some content
Pt 1 - pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
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Warnings: maybe spoilers for ATSV, IDK. Reader's in the punk scene and from Hobie's universe. Whole lotta projection. Also kinda trauma healing Gwen? Super OoC but that's life.
Features personal Hobie HCs I guess. It's just self indulgent. Also! Roommate Gwen?
Please RB, likes alone don't do anything for the algorithm!
She doesn't *quite* live with you, but Gwen's presence in your flat is almost constant
With the exception of spider business, of course
Coincidentally, that's when your boyfriend is still home, too
Gwen tries to keep her presence in your flat..
Cleaning up after herself, regardless of how little she's put on the table
Curling into the side of the couch
Keeping the TV volume down if she watches anything
It almost seems insecure, the way she's pulled into herself
"She has a massive personality, luv.. I think she's still adjusting."
He's already told you how she ended up befriending him, and, well.
You don't have any reason not to trust him
So you let her do her thing
With a few small adjustments
Her hoodie gets tossed to her spot on the couch when she's away
Along with your vest she's appropriated
With a new patch - one of her mask, sewn onto the collar
She's startled when she sees it just laying there when she gets back, quickly hanging it back up
She reacts that way the first two or three times, then just leaves the small mess be
It's in her spot now, anyway
The next adjustment
If she's watching something, you can see her leaning towards the TV, almost straining to hear anything from the staticy box
When you pass her like that, just.
Grab the remote and turn it up a few notches
When she glances your way you just shrug on your way to the kitchen
"Couldn't hear it."
And slowly, she adjusts to that, too
A few months after she starts staying over, your greeted with a small surprise
A familiar sweater - one of Gwen's - is thrown over the back of a chair instead of being folded or on a hook
You offer Hobie a small raise of your bow, and he only smiles in response
"You move in yet?"
Gwen glances up at you from the couch, feet kicked up on the table
She shrugs
"Not exactly planning on asking dad for my stuff
You nod, glancing towards the TV
The higher volume is what indicated she made it back before you
"Well. If you need anything, just ask. Or grab it, if you know where it's at."
She sighed quietly, offering a small smile
"Yeah, sure."
Hobie bumps your him as you enter the kitchen
"She's still a little closed off, Hobes."
He presses his shoulder into yours.
"Yeah, well. She's still adjusting."
"Definitely different than a month ago."
It's almost wistful, you realize
He chuckled behind you, pressing a small kiss to your cheek
"She'll get there."
You huff out a quiet affirmation, watching as she stretches out just a bit more
"Yeah, I know. She just needs a little time."
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So very simple request i guess how will MC take care of the M6 in day to day activities like by doing very random things say helping Nadia to dress up to picking flowers up for Muriel. Just random romantic tidbits that happen through out the day. Vice versa will be appreciated as well.
And this one is a separate but cuddles how do M6 and mc cuddle thank you for listening
The Arcana HCs: M6 and cuddles
~ this is exactly the comfort I need right now, I hope it gives all you lovely readers the same warm fuzzies it's giving me - brainrot ~
The developers once described his hugs as "all-encompassing" so you can bet his cuddles are too
Cuddles are a late night thing for him, his days are marked by feverish activity and the nights are when he's worn out enough to just. Breathe
He knows exactly how to use his long limbs. You're completely wrapped up in them
The type to sit in front of a fire with you on an old leather sofa with a wool blanket and hot drink
Maybe he talks, maybe you talk, maybe it's just quiet while he hums softly
He might doze off or start rambling poetically about all the things he loves about you
But mostly it's about taking the quiet time of the night to feel the rise and fall of his chest, his sharp chin resting on your head, legs twined with yours, perpetually cold long fingers wrapped around your hands while his breath ruffles your hair
Cuddles for him are full of hope, holding you close and looking forward to all the moments he has yet to share with you
They love cuddles. Cuddles happen whenever they are welcome and possible
Lunch break? Cuddles. No shop customers? Cuddles. Doing any mundane task in the same room? Cuddles
He generally runs warmer than you do, nothing makes him pout more than when it's too hot for prolonged physical contact
They may have learned several cooling spells to help with that
Cuddles with him feel like coming home, like slotting the last puzzle piece into place. As soon as you relax next to him it's like everything falls naturally where it should be
They are also the master of pillow piles
His favorite thing is lying half on top of you, where he can rest his head on your chest and hear your heartbeat. He can also put his arms around you this way so he stays between you and whatever shows up to disturb you
There's no better feeling than every muscle in your body slowly relaxing under their gentle weight, chaste kisses randomly pressed to your collarbones as they twine their fingers with yours and drink you in
As much as she initiates intimacy, cuddles are quite foreign to her. Sitting quietly for long periods of time doing nothing but hold each other? Why?
Ohhhhh, emotional safety, that's why
This is new and uncomfortable, it's too vulnerable and it makes her eyes water
But now she feels safe for the first time in a long time, like there is nothing she needs to prove to be loved and accepted, and she's so close to you right now and it's so calm
Perhaps she can get accustomed to cuddles
Watch out once she does, because she's going to incorporate cuddling sessions with you into her self care routines
If you're busy she'll be understanding, but since cuddling is so good for both of you she won't let you go too long without it
She'll whisk you away to her tower, wrap you in the finest silk and lay you down on cushions stuffed with dried lavender
For her, cuddling is about trust. She'll recline facing you, noses touching, ankles locked, gently tracing the details of your face with a perfectly manicured finger so she can memorize it perfectly
He likes cuddles. He does. But it's going to be months before he initiates them
He's unlearning his self-esteem issues, but he struggles to see how the physical presence he hates about himself could bring somebody else comfort
Which is why slowly watching you take comfort from him like that is so healing
Cuddles for him are about reclaiming his body. It's tentative, and a little scary, but the more he relaxes the more empowered he feels
And the more he can delight in seeing you content next to him
They normally happen early in the morning or as the sun is setting, when the world is peaceful
He'll lean back against the wall or a tree trunk and you'll clamber into his lap, positioning his arms around you and tucking your head against his chest while he slowly, carefully, cradles your head in his palm
These are the moments when his silence only communicates love, and he can let himself be seen and known by you without fear of judgement or harsh words
There are two types of cuddles with her: attacks and traps
Attack cuddles are loud and ticklish, and can happen at any time and in any place
You could be walking from one part of the palace to another, and she'll pop out of one of the many secret passages with just enough time to squeeze you and get her hair in your mouth before she disappears in a trail of giggles
Trap cuddles are saved for the evenings, when dinner is simmering on the stove and the day's business has been finished
You can see Pepi's habits in her mannerisms, the way she'll wait on the corner of the couch until you pass by so she can tackle you into the cushions
At first it's more like a wrestling match than anything else, she's busy pinning you so you can't escape
But once the struggle ends she'll be lying on top of you, heels kicking slowly in the air, eyes shining with triumph as she props her chin up on one hand and idly plays with your hair with the other
You'd better be ready to listen because this is when she unloads *all* the palace gossip
He adores cuddles but he struggles to admit it at first
Him? Wanting simple cuddles? Without anything fancy or exciting or no wait come back cuddles sound wonderful right now don't leave you love him remember look his arms are open now -
You do remember, he's just really fun to tease
Cuddles happen post lunch, before the second wave of energy hits in the afternoon, when the sunlight is golden and your bellies are full and the shade is soft and welcoming
He likes it when the two of you curl up together in some moss, your packs under your heads and the dogs keeping watch
It's weird but in his goofier moods he'll put his head on your stomach and listen to your food digesting and try to mimick the funny noises it makes
He has to be extra careful of his gauntlet, but once he's as snuggled up to you as he can get it's worth it
Cuddles with him are about acceptance, learning to lie in silence without feeling guilty because he finally has someone to be a better man for
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mikachacha · 7 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝. 5
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Synopsis: You finally left Bada for good but you're struggling to get back on your feet.
Warnings: mentions of depression, angst, bullying, cursing
(A/N: y'all this has been such an emotional journey for all of us and i really thank you guys for the support you've given 🫶🫶)
| Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
You arrived in the states and it felt like you were nothing but a shell of the person you used to be. You talked to your family and they were amazing support system for you. You were slowly trying to heal but there were times that felt like time stood still and you're paralyzed in the moment of grief and sorrow from what Bada put you through for months. You'd often find yourself crying yourself to sleep, questioning why that happened to you and what went wrong that made your relationship turn like that. You always blamed yourself for everything went wrong until your family intervened and told you to get into therapy.
You were reluctant at first but it turned out it was everything you needed. All you ever wanted and all you ever needed was for someone to listen to you, for someone to tell you that your feelings are valid and important. It felt like you were slowly coming back to life after months. You slowly bounced back, started going out, made friends and even went on a few dates but nothing way too serious as you're making sure you're emotionally available for this next person you'll love. You didn't want the next person to feel like you're still being held back by your past and that you're only using them to move on. You don't want them to go through the same pain as you have gone through.
Bada on the other hand has drowned herself with work as she didn't want to remember you and all the things she did to you. She regretted everything, the guilt is eating her alive. All you did was love her, all you did was care for her but she played with you, she took advantage of your kindness, your love, your vulnerability. She took you for granted and she knows she won't ever have you back considering all the things that happened between you and her but she's still hoping, wishing and praying that she sees you one more time and tell you how sorry she is for doing everything she did.
She was linked to different people, some celebrities and some were not but she didn't date anyone after you. She didn't trust herself to get into another relationship. She's scared of doing the same thing she did to you. She heard from your friends and family that you're going through therapy and it took you a year to be remotely okay. When Bada heard, she broke down in the studio. She was crying from guilt and self loathing. She hated herself, still hates herself for doing those to you. Oh how she wishes she can turn back time and make things right but she knows she can't. She can only hope and pray that you'll be okay, and that maybe someday she'll be able to speak to you and ask for forgiveness.
Three years has passed and you were back in Korea but this time for a job. You were hired as a translator for Jam Republic, an international group who's been invited to participate in the second season of Street Woman Fighter 2. Your family were a bit hesitant to let you go back considering what happened three years ago but you told them that you'll be okay. You have forgiven Bada and have forgiven yourself as it was something that happened and you had no control over it. You wanted to move forward in your life though there's still an ache in your heart whenever your thoughts drift to Bada. If only things didn't go that way, if only things didn't go bad between you, you would've been celebrating three years together, maybe got married along the way like how you planned it together before.
"Be safe there, alright? Talk to us if you need anything.." your mom says as they sent you off to the airport. You hugged your parents tight and nodded your head. You grabbed your bags before getting in the cab that will take you to the airport. You're hoping that with your return, Korea gives you better memories than the memories you had three years prior.
You met with the girls and they were amazing. It felt like you just gained yourself sisters. Ling and Kirsten were the motherly type, Latrice is the fun middle child while Emma and Audrey are sweet yet chaotic youngsters. You're having fun with your work, everyone's great and everything's going well. You were running around, doing errands the studio as the filming for Street Woman Fighter is starting. You were way too busy that you accidentally bumped someone, your papers falling to the ground. You rushed to pick it up and the person did the same. Only when you saw the tattoo on their arm made your chest ache and for your heart to race like you were running a hundred miles per second. You wanted to speak but it felt like that there's a lump in your throat that's preventing you. You thought you were finally okay after years of therapy but all the emotions came rushing back, hitting you like a tidal wave when you realized who the person is that's helping you pick up papers. It was Bada.
@lil-elliesgf @efyyylee @hwm1hyun @mikaleialt @bunnywonyo @badaswifey @mrs-grim-reaper @b1ackbunny @wifey-badalee
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Is it just me, or does Alex look a bit tired in the family picture?
Thank you for asking bcs there's a reason why.
Z was never meant to be dead, I just played off him being dead for the sake of AleX's story arc, it's just really hard to tell his part rn but I'll just say that he had help along the way. And that's why his hat was the only thing left in AleX's storyline.
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Since his old jacked had been ruined, he was gifted a new one by his new "friend", while searching trough the pockets of his old jacket he finds their picture taken the day they started their relationship. He feels guilt rush trough him as he remembers the day she called him a liar.
[After being together for some months AleX was afraid that their relationship is going to fall apart just like everything she ever had before him. She lived in an abusive household where she wasn't allowed to go anywhere or see anyone, she just used to sneak out or sneak Z in, she used every opportunity she had just to see him. ]
He remembers the day when he promised that he'll never leave her,and conviced her to run away from home. That's when they started living together, they never actually got married, they just declared that day that they're now husband and wife.
He saved her once he'll do it again.
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~~~~ a Lil part of his arc for now sorry~~~
He was overjoyed to see her. They can be the same way as they used to be again.
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He wasn't actually himself anymore. While it still was him, it looked like something was bothering him. He became aggressive but not aggressive in a way of trying to hurt AleX. It was more of an obsession towards her. At first she thought that it was playful, they both haven't seen each other for a long time, even though it freaked her out sometimes , it was nothing more than an attack of hugs and kisses. [This is why he acted like a weirdo in AleX's arc aaaaa]
Until it started happening in the middle of the night too.
Almost every night she would wake up with him on top of her, No he didn't do anything serious he would just sit there petting her sometimes would call out for her and talk about things, but he never actually heard AleX's responses, it felt like he was I a delusional state, half a sleep maybe? She really couldn't tell.
If she wasn't next to him whenever he would get in that state, he would actually walk around their home trying to find her. Sometimes it felt like she was being hunted.
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After every episode he actually wouldn't remember doing any of that and starts feeling guilt again, he was given another chance at life after he messed up and got them killed, he felt like he was ruining their life again. Not only did he give his best to find her, just to find out that he was waisting himself outside, but also did things he didn't want to do. Knowing that he's unwillingly now scaring her too hurts him to the core.
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Scared that one day he'll actually do something bad to her, he doesn't understand why she still stands next to him.
Why haven't you left me yet?
Why would I do that?
I'm not the same person I used to be.
I was supposed to save you, not be the source of your pain.
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Seing Z lose himself more each day. She decides to grand him his biggest wish in life , if his old self is about to wither away, she at least wants him to be happy for once before he's completely gone. She just wanted to see his genuine smile again.
Since the day they started living together, Z always talked about wanting to have kids with her, he always wanted a family. AleX never was really into that idea. Knowing her own family, she was scared of becoming just like them. Z, although heartbroken by that, never forced her into anything, but he hoped for the day she'll change her mind about it.
Wait, really? Are you sure you want that?
Yeah, sure.. why not..
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He was actually overjoyed, AleX doesn't remember the day when she last saw him this happy.
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Z actually started feeling better. he was slowly being himself again. And over time healed of his traumas. He gifted his hat to one of his kids as a sign of their special bond as they are the ones who saved him.
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roboticchibitan · 6 months
Someday I'm going to write a Very Problematic lesbian romance about a knight and a thief. The thief is a mage who can heal from any wound and her blood has restorative properties. This has caused her a Tragic Backstory. The knight is in love with the princess the thief steals something important from, but is currently out of favor with the princess.
The knight catches the thief in the act, but the thief slips through her fingertips. Knight gets obsessive about redeeming herself by getting the important thing back. Ensue cat and mouse chase. The thief is just playing with her at first. She curses the knight to be unable to lie to her. Cue seething rage from the knight.
These two women are Actually Trying To Kill Each Other. There are Murder Attempts. But also banter and the thief is REALLY hot and the knight slowly stops thinking about the princess every waking minute and starts thinking about this thief that she totally isn't attracted to.
Meanwhile, knight gets into deep shit with some other people. The thief keeps appearing to interfere, and each time, she tells the knight one component she needs to break the curse, but says she'll give the last component "over my dead body." She's playing mind games and toying with the knight.
Finally, the knight finds herself in dire straits. She's cornered with no way out. Suddenly! Thief to the rescue! Cue "only I'm allowed to kill you" line. There's a dashing escape and some witty banter before the thief uses magic to restrain the knight (and tease her because bondage is hot) and runs off.
After that the murder attempts get a lot more half hearted. The knight completely loses sight of her goal and is completely wrapped up in the thief. They end up drinking together in some back alley bar and having a drunken night of amazing sex. Knight wakes up alone with the important thing and a note left on the nightstand.
But on her way home, she's attacked by the people she's in deep shit with. She gets gravely injured and the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness is the thief appearing before her and screaming at her to open her eyes.
Knight wakes up completely healed at thief's home base. There's a moment of genuine intimacy and emotional connection. Almost jokingly, the thief says, "admit it, you're in love with me." Knight opens her mouth to say no but the lying curse stops her. Oh. But she's also angry about the curse. The knight demands to know the last curse breaking component she needs, and the thief sadly says she can't tell her. They fight a lover's quarrel.
The knight gets angry and leaves, heartbroken. But! After she gets home with the important thing, she can't stop thinking about the thief. The princess's petty drama doesn't interest her anymore. She wants the woman she's been obsessed with for months.
I'm not going to give away the ending but it's a "I'm asking you to hurt me" situation. A "you have to hurt me now if we want to be happy together later" situation. A "I love you and I'm sorry and I'm begging you to hurt me please don't deny me" kind of a deal.
Someday I will write it. I have other things I want to write first, but someday I'm going to write the most problematic of all lesbians. A story of obsession.
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amemenojaku · 3 months
Hisami and Zanmu for 1 on that ask game!
When I started shipping it if I did: Since day 1 when I read Hisami's dialogues, like most people I believe lol. I mean, how can you see her and not start cheering for her to get what she wants... Since it's still pretty recent I can add that two lines in particular made me seriously consider it and think about it beyond 'this is nice/funny': when Hisami tells Zanmu that she doesn't have to hold back around her, and when Zanmu tells Hisami that she knew Hisami would mess up on purpose, and that she'll give her a reward anyway - both are about danmaku obviously, but it got my brain gears turning >:]
My thoughts: They've slowly but steadily been going up my favorite ships, especially for the past 2-3 months... They work well together. Obviously I'd love the ship in touhou where one of them has a big fat actual canon crush on the other one, I've been in this hole since 2010 or something so Hisami's kind of a gift... but also in general I think it's a good spin on the boss/henchman trope when the boss is some mega charismatic chessmaster who could probably get anyone they want on their knees and yet their subordinate is one of the only people they can't fully predict/control. The wild card aspect is really funny to me and I love seeing fanworks where Zanmu's like... fondly sighing at Hisami's antics.
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I think there's too many fanworks where Zanmu looks generally uncomfortable around Hisami despite never doing so even once ingame, and also too many fanworks where Hisami harasses Zanmu, sometimes to make very early 2000s jokes in very poor taste... I won't name anyone but there's a few big yuri artists on twitter who do that and it makes me want to bash my head against the wall when they get praised for it just because their artstyle looks good..... On a more positive note there's a few people who've been creating constantly good content of this pair and I think given a year or two nature will be healing!!
Also I'm of the opinion that Zanmu's fairly tall herself, just a bit shorter than Hisami, so I'm not big on the crazy size difference stuff (funny coming from a seishin fan, I know......)
Things I look for in fanworks: MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING!!! Getting to know each other past the infatuation (in Hisami's case)/the curiosity (in Zanmu's case) in deeper ways. I promise this isn't about sex lol (I do think about that too but not here rn) I really want to see how their relationship can grow and I especially want to see Zanmu enjoying it (as a petty reaction to the stuff listed above...). In their case I think physical intimacy would be a good setting for that kind of scene where their emotional bond grows, so that's what I'd go with if I were to create something like it, but anything can work if it's done in good taste imo. And in general I want to see Zanmu answering Hisami's affections with a positive emotion... whatever it is... I'm desperate.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's difficult for me to imagine Hisami with anyone else, although I do think she'd have physical relationships with a bunch of women while her feelings for her boss are still unrequited. Zanmu on the other hand I can picture being interested in a few other characters like Reimu or other onis or even the sages, but ultimately not as something she'd commit to and take seriously. The only real endgame is still zanhisa haha
My prefered future/ending for them: Whenever Zanmu considers them close enough to tell Hisami to drop the honorifics and overly reverent language when they're alone, and whenever Hisami feels comfortable doing that would be the ideal "endpoint" for me because of all the things it implies :) I don't care if at that point they actually consider themselves in a relationship or if they just aknowledge there's something going on. Though if they do get in a relationship proper I imagine they'd be very discreet about it. Also I think Hisami should get a promotion so she can directly work as Zanmu's prefered right hand arm man. woman. her everything. her confidant. her silly rabbi
What is their favorite activity together: Probably drinking. I imagine with how old she is and hanging out with onis Hisami's built up a decent hold on alcohol, and Zanmu appreciates it. They reminisce about their respective pasts and talk about the inner workings of hell and Zanmu gets a huge ego boost from showing off her 4D chess plans and Hisami praising her for it
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wildstar25 · 2 months
I would love to see the breakdown of Arsay’s timeline through the expansions!!!
WEEEEELLLL if you insist... My basic timeline break down is as follows: Keep in mind a few things are still kinda in flux, and if I ever contradict myself in the future literally don't worry about it
1.0 -> Calamity 6 months End point in the 4th umbral moon lining up with what is now the rising event (calamity memorial). Now that I’ve switched up arsay’s birthday, she turns 22 during the 1.0 campaign.
Calamity -> ARR 5 Years Arsay is stuck in the lifestream with the mother crystal for that 5 year period. Her memories of 1.0 and everyone's memories of her are largely erased. Arsay wakes up on a boat to Limsa Lominsa believing it is still her first voyage to Eorzea.
ARR->HVW ~6 months The base story including job quests take 3 months in total. The next three months are dedicated to the patches: Primal Trial series -> Coils of Bahamut -> 2.1. ~3 weeks Crystal Tower Raids, LoTA -> Syrcus Tower ~1 month 2.2-2.3 -> Crystal Tower Raid WoD ~2 weeks 2.4->2.55 ~3 weeks
HVW->STB ~4 months Main story starts a day or two after 2.55 and takes ~1 month total Patches take ~3 Months: 3.1->3.2->Void Arc ~1 month ->Arsay gets really into pvp and does nothing but frontlines and CC for a week -> 3.3->Alexander Raids->3.4 ~3 weeks Warring Triad->3.5->3.56 ~1 month
STB->SHB ~6 months Main story picks up a week after 3.56 and takes ~3 months time. (The first trip to Kugane takes 3 weeks off screen, after that travel time is reduced to a few days to a week using the East Aldenard Trading company boats (it would make sense that lolorito has better boat tech imo)) Next 3 month period is all the patches: Ivalice raids->Omega raids->4.1-4.2 ~1 month Eureka exploration->4.3->4 lords ~1.5 months 4.4->4.56 ~2 weeks
I know the ARR to Shadowbringers lead up is a mad dash but if it happened any slower, I don't believe Arsay would have be the character she is by that point. It is incredibly vital that she has almost 0 down time for herself. Her days and nights are PACKED full by choice. Job Quests, Hildebrand stuff,PvP, Hunts all get squeezed in throughout.
SHB->EDW ~8 months Main story picks up a few days after 4.56 and takes only 1.5 months to complete. Its a non stop emotional roller coaster for Arsay to be completely fine and normal about the whole time. Patches take 6.5 months, notably there is more downtime between patches: Chill relaxing after 5.0->Eden I->5.1->Neir raid I ->5.2-> role quest/shadowkeeper->Eden II-> 5.3 ->chill relaxing/recovery time for scions->Eden III->Neir raids II & III->Werlyt->Bozjia->5.4-5.55
EDW->DWT ~1 year (time spent in Elpis is not counted) ->Main story up to credit roll ~1 month ->Recovery time for injuries sustained in Ultima Thul ~4 months ->After credits - Scions Disband, everyone goes their separate ways - 1 day 🙃 ->Rest of the roll quests now that Arsay can mostly fight again(she can't cast mudras😞 ) ~1 month (casting>healing>tanking>aiming>bonus all role cap off) -> 1 month of nothing to do, Arsay still can't cast mudras, character development dictates she can no longer repress every bad emotion she feels, she has no proper coping mechanisms and quickly spirals into a mental breakdown over feeling like she's worthless and that no one will need her anymore now that the world isnt ending constantly and that she's worried without the scions being the scions everyone she cares about will slowly forget her and she'll be all alone again. Y'shtola and G'raha manage to get Arsay talking after a bit of self destructive lashing out. Things are sorta resolved?? Y'shtola and G'raha reassure her of a lot, and do their best to get it in her little kittycat head that she's not a burden on them even when she's sad. Not an automatic fix but Arsay does make the commitment to better her mental health and to work on her self image issues and communication skills! It'll be a process for her. ->5 days round trip to her home island in the southern seas to visit her Aunt and catch up ->6.1 starts when Arsay gets back from that ->Endwalker patch content takes up the final 5 months of that year period. Things are mostly interspersed with how they are released except for pandae which happens all in one go for Arsay between 6.3 and 6.4. Arsay has done all the variant dungeons, Tataru's grand endeavours, completed Island Sanctuary, and Myths of the Realm. ->The gap between 6.55 and 7.0 will probably only be about a week? Maybe 2? It depends how much it seems like the early arrivals to Tural have been there compared to Arsay and her crew.
That's my timeline! Thank you for asking and reading 🙇 hopefully that all made sense haha ^^
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Have a picture of them for the road <3
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broke-art · 1 year
Hi I’m gonna make a request if that’s ok with you because I need comfort right now because I’m like still healing from a break up a long time ago but I’m still healing and seeing my ex boyfriend being all Lovey dove to one of my friends hurts me so much even if my friend is lesbian and has a girlfriend but my boyfriend still tries to have her I mean like my ex didn’t give me a lot of love and all and didn’t respect my privacy i still loved him and it hurts so much
Here’s the request macaque wukong x fem chubby neko ragdoll reader (can they be together pls??)
Like can you do what I told you of my situation plus I’m still in high school and my ex is in my school and classroom
I am so sorry you were put through that. I hope this fic gives some comfort.
Sun Wukong grinned as he held up the bouquet to show the other monkeys surrounding him.
"You think she'll like it?"
They chittered and chirped enthusiastically and his grin grew a bit more.
"Perfect! I'm gonna give them to her now!" He cheered starting on his way. Mentally he rehearsed the concept of asking her to be his significant other. She had been down lately about something she refused to speak about, he knew she'd broken up about 3 months prior.
Monkey king had never met the guy, but he seemed to have done his damage. She had ran to his hut and cried to him for hours. Wukong has to ease his breathing to keep from crushing the flowers. He had considered handling the situation for Y/n but it would likely have only compounded her pain. And he would rather die than hurt her more.
He sucked in a deep breath as he came to the beach of the island only to see Y/n looking at her phone.
One hand covered her mouth and Wukong's ear perked to hear her take a sharp intake of air before tears bubbled in her eyes.
Tilting his head, Wukong his the bouquet behind him as he walked forward.
She didn't seem to notice him her eyes glued to the phone screen. Her lovely ears had wilted downward and her tail lay motionless on the sand.
"Peaches?" He questioned from just behind her.
Y/n gave a start and shut the phone off quickly turning to face him.
"Monkey king." She gasped quickly brushing her palm over her chubby cheeks to banish the tears. "I-I- didn't hear you coming." She excused putting up a fake smile.
Monkey king rose an eyebrow at her allowing his eyes to flick to her ears which remained drooped sadly.
"Peaches-" He frowned. "Tell me what's the matter."
Y/n's smile dropped. Slowly she unlocked her phone and offered it to him.
"He's flirting with my best friend." She murmured.
The texts before him urged Monkey king to growl slightly. But he sucked in a breath to calm himself before turning his gaze on Y/n.
He took the bouquet out of his hand with his tail then got to a stand shutting off Y/n's phone.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Y/n asked her ears perked up.
Wukong offered his hand tucking the phone into his pocket.
"Taking your mind off it. Come with me."
Y/n rose a brow but he only offered her a smile.
"Trust me, Peaches."
Y/n grew a slow smile and took his hand giving a little yelp as he tugged her against his chest, then curled his tail around her waist offering her the bouquet.
Y/n gasped and accepted the flowers.
"Oh my gosh they're lovely!"
Sun smirked and summoned his cloud beneath them then pitched his weight forward shooting the couple forward.
Y/n flinched a bit then hugged closer to him as he flew her to the top of flower fruit mountain.
Gently, Wukong guided you down from the cloud and walked towards a small stereo. You blinked before glancing around and noticing a bunch of monkeys watching from hidden crevices and trees. They all looked at you in what you supposed was anticipation. Though you couldn't imagine why.
Suddenly a soft melody drifted from behind you and you glanced over your shoulder as Wukong got to a stand and offered his hand with a cocky smirk.
"May I have this dance?" He teased earning him a giggle as you accepted his hand.
"You dance?!"
Wukong shrugged as he tugged you into position one hand holding yours and the other on your waist.
"Eh, I know a few. And you said you enjoyed it so."
You smiled as Wukong led you in a slow dance and twirled you before tugging you breathtakingly close.
After a bit he grinned.
"Feeling better?"
You nodded but then noticed the monkeys watching again.
"What are they staring at though?"
"They're hoping you'll say yes." Monkey king informed you simply.
"Say yes to what?" You responded look at him again.
"To being my girlfriend." Wukong answered offering you your phone.
Tears swarmed your vision as you nodded.
It's a little cliche and silly but I hope it helps!
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Agent Rushmore (CH 5)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 1685
Warning: Mild language, violence, gore, guns, fluff, smut, angst, PTSD, graphic scenes…
Prompt: Special Agent Locklyn Rushmore, a highly trained Russian assassin who is skilled in all forms of hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, negotiating and more. When her cover is blown, she is returning back to NCIS headquarters in D.C…
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Locklyn Rushmore's POV
I study the board that the team put together. I rip two posters down and continue studying the board. I take another down and look at the remaining seven.
"He was in a coma-induced state for months when the mole shown itself." Director Shepard says, taking down another picture.
I stifle a yawn, studying the last six. It was late. I wanted to wrap this case up and be able to be home. I feel a hand grab my arm and I grab their wrist, spinning as I grab the back of their shirt and body slam them. It was Logan who lets a breathy laugh out.
"And here I was thinking you needed protection." He teases.
"Logan! I'm sorry." I mumble, pulling him up.
"Don't apologize. I should know better than that. The Doc is wondering if you've taken your medicines." He says.
"No. I feel great." I say.
"Take your medicines. You'll heal faster." He says.
I ignore him, pulling another picture down. Until there were two. Abby walks in and I quirk a brow. She slowly walks to me with a pitiful look. She hands me a letter in an evidence bag.
Svetlana...whoever you are,
I gave you my heart, my love, my trust. Yet, you stabbed me in the back. Betrayal is something we take serious in this family. Which I'm sure your aware from your brief time with my family. I'll make you pay for what you did. You've torn my family apart. You've torn me apart. I loved you...I love you...I hate it. I hate you. I wanted to kill you to get it over with and never have to worry about you again...before you could reach your agency you work for. But, I want you to pay. I want you to suffer. And I'll do just that. With flesh. Like we do with all those who betray our family. But, while you seek protection inside that building, I'll hurt everyone you love until you come out. Turn yourself over and no one gets hurt.
With love,
Your fiancé Kenzo
I re-read it and then again as the color drains from my face. I needed to hit something or someone. I was angry, furious that he was bringing people I love into this. Gibbs snatched it out of my hand and I let a breath out.
"I have to go." I whisper.
"No! Your not going anywhere." Gibbs snaps.
"He will start hurting people I care about. I can't let that happen Gibbs. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I snap.
"It's not the way we handle things around here." Tony says, shrugging.
I was quiet as they talked. I quietly walked around the room, trying to keep myself calm. I had a matter of days before they would act. This was a warning and they were giving me a chance to act upon it. I just wasn't quite sure how'd I slip away.
"Lock, your going to stay with Special Agent Gibbs. You'll be safe there." Director Shepard murmurs.
I run a hand through my red hair, looking away from her. This is my mess. I need to clean it up. They don't deserved to be dragged into this.
I sit down, trying to think of something to do. I couldn't let them fight in this. I knew how the Dixen family fought and they fought dirty. It's me they want and I know that if I turn myself over, they'll leave everyone I love and care about alone.
"I can tell by that look on your face that your trying to figure a way out to fight this alone. There is no way in hell we will let you fight this alone. We will figure it out. Until then, let's all go home and take a break. I can protect her myself. So Logan, tell your team to go home for the night and rest." Gibbs says.
"Be back by tomorrow though and you'll probably have to keep a closer eye on her because she'll probably try to take off on her own." Tony says and I roll my eyes.
"Earlier today, Tony, Tim, Ziva and I parked in the lab where Abby typically studies cars from cases so that you wouldn't be spotted seeming as they have eyes on the building at all times." Gibbs explains.
I nod, choosing to keep my silence. I was frustrated that I even took this case. I have no idea what I was thinking. I run a hand through my hair, wishing things could have gone differently.
Director Shepard puts a hand on my shoulder and I look up at her. She gives me a soft smile, nodding towards Gibbs who was waiting at the door. I nod, standing up and walking to where Gibbs stood.
He was silent, leading the way. I hated that I was the reason that they all had a target on their back. This mess is my fault.
"Stop blaming yourself." He mutters.
"And how do you know if I'm blaming myself?" I ask.
"I know that look. It's not your fault." He says.
"They are threatening to bring you all into this. I can't live with that Gibbs. Just let me turn myself over. It'll be easier that way." I say as the elevator doors clothes.
I tense as he smacks the emergency stop button before turning to me. I look up at him, trying to keep my composure strong.
"No. Because we are a team. And a family. Yes, you just got here and you haven't had a chance to experience how this team works, however I'm telling you. So, start taking notes. We don't handle things alone. We fight together." He says.
"But what if one of you get hurt?" I ask.
"We signed up for this job. We fight for each other. And sometimes...it ends with death. I've had agents take bullets for me. And I take bullets for them." He says.
"This is more than some stupid perp on the streets, Gibbs. This is a powerful mafia family." I say.
"I'm aware. And we will handle it—as a team. Understood?" He asks.
"Is this an order?" I ask.
"Yes. Your first order as one of my agents." He says.
"Okay...but if things go too far...I'm doing this my way." I say once he turned around.
He was about to hit the emergency stop button to start the elevator up, but he turns back towards me quickly. I found myself pressing myself as far back against the wall as I could as I look up at him. He was towering over me, impossibly close.
Our chests were pressed together and he caged me in with a hand on either side of my head. He leaned down, his face inches from mine.
"No. If you want to be apart of my team, you'll follow orders. Otherwise, I'll make sure you go through hell." He warns.
"Define hell for me Gibbs." I murmur.
"I won't let you leave my team. But, I'll put you though hell until you start acting a part of this team. Understood?" He asks.
My eyes flicker to his lips where I stare before I look back up into his piercing blue eyes. But, they were focused on my lips. My tongue pokes out, wetting my lips and I watch his eyes narrow as he watches it.
His eyes trail lower, staring at my chest and I found myself looking at his lips again. I look back up and his eyes slowly trail back to mine.
"A professional sort of hell or maybe one on a more personal level?" I ask, licking my lips again.
"Dammit Rushmore!" He grunts.
I feel his bulge grow harder against my leg. I grin up at him slyly.
"Would you like a little assistance?" I ask.
"Car. Now." He grunts, stumbling away from me.
I grin as the elevator lights flick on and the elevator starts to go down again. They open and he leads me towards a truck.
I climb in to find him looking at me. He grunts, unzipping his pants as he shoves them and his boxers down.
"Come on Rushmore." He growls.
I grin, sinking the floor before moving between his legs. He starts to drive, and I stroke him slowly before I hear an impatient grunt. I lean down, licking the tip to hear him let a soft sigh out.
I slowly take him in my mouth, looking up through my lashes to see him glancing down at me frequently. I move at a slow pace, sucking him occasionally, stroking the part I couldn't take in my mouth. I could tell he was getting impatient, so I sped up the pace slightly.
I feel his hand on my head before it grabs a fistful of my hair. He pushes my head down and I let a breath out through my nose as I focus on relaxing my throat. He groans and I hum. He twitches and move back, but didn't have much time to recover has he shoves my head back down.
He took control.
He guided my head at a fast pace, guiding me to take him deeper and deeper. I knew he was getting close by his grunts and groans.
"I'm going to come. Now's your chance to move." He grunts.
He moves his hand, but I move down, taking him in my mouth further. He groans, coming and I move back, swallowing. I look up at him and he glances down at me at a red light and chuckles.
"No more. I rather you save your energy for tonight Rushmore. The next time I come will be in you." He says.
My cheeks flush red, but nonetheless I manage a sly smile before slowly moving out of his way and climbing up into the passenger seat. At the next stop light, he fixes his boxers and pants before staring ahead. I found myself eager for what he had planned tonight.
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cellard0ors · 1 year
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The gasp Laura releases is ear piercing.
Color slowly begins to flood back into her skin, her scales, her eyes and mouth.
A sob breaks out of Travis as he clutches her so hard it's neigh bone crushing. She heard him. She heard him. She came back!
She's back! She's back! She's back!
Tears stream down his face even as a watery laugh breaks out from him, as if he can't help himself, "You scared me."
"... didn't...mean...to." It comes from her slowly and she licks her lips, wincing, "Think...gone...f'r a minute..."
"That's okay." He smiles at her, rubs a hand through her hair again, "As long as you come back. You can't go anywhere I can't follow you. Okay?"
Laura manages a weak 'okay' and Travis just focuses on her face, her hair, on her. He can't seem to tear his gaze away. Time ticks by and he starts shivering in the water, but it doesn't matter, because Laura is better.
She's healing.
She's alive.
Eventually he feels a light flickering against his kneecaps and he realizes with some joy that it's her fins. They tickle there and he looks down to see her tail fully formed.
The scales are vibrant and glittering like jewels in the rising sunlight. He didn't even notice. The night is over. The full moon banished for another month.
Clearly thinking about it herself, Laura reaches out and touches his face, cups one cheek in her hand, "I told you to go get the bone. Now you've lost your chance."
Travis just shakes his head a little, eyes downcast as she asks, "What about your family?"
His eyes shoot up then, lock on hers, as he covers her hand with his own, "Laura...you are my family."
Laura's lips twitch and she looks a beautiful cross between happy and sad. He only wants one for her, "Chris and his kids mean a lot to me. And I'll continue to do what I can for them - but you? I forgot about you and then when I remembered..."
He gently lowers her from his bridal hold, making it so they can face one another as he takes her face in his hands again, "I love you, Laura. More than anyone. More than anything. You were my family long before any of them - you're my everything. I'll always choose you first. Always."
"Travis!" Laura throws her arms around him, tugs him close and then draws back, looking him in the eyes as she says, "I love you too. Always have. Always will."
Finally she kisses him. Finally. It's been decades. Even though his memory just came back, Travis knows now he always felt the weight of that. It's gone now - an invisible, unbearable burden rising from him as they kiss.
Her tail brushes against his legs and his arms wrap around her just as much as she's already wrapped around him. The cold and shivering he experienced earlier vanishes as a delicious and delirious heat envelopes his body
Travis loves Laura
Laura loves Travis.
All is as it should be.
When they finally break apart - air the only true reason to do so - Travis presses his forehead to hers and vows, "You went through so much for me...and we missed out on so much together...that I promise you, you'll know nothing but pleasure from now on."
He kisses her one more time and then says against her lips, "Nothing but pleasure..."
The way he says it...Laura's not sure exactly what he means. But to her, it doesn't matter. They're together now. They're happy now. That's all that matters.
But she'll soon learn that there is, in fact, more pleasure in the world than she anticipated.
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atlasscrumpit · 8 months
Tony/Stephen Daughter
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(Your Tony and Stephen's kid cause, slay) 
Tony woke up hearing an awful scream, he jolted up in bed and ran to your room to see you sitting up in bed and sobbing.
"Sweetheart." Tony said rushing towards you and sitting on the bed.
You lunged at him and started hitting him.
"Baby! It's me! It's Dad!" He said as you stopped and continued to sob.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you as you cried.
"It's okay, it's okay. You're safe." He whispered as he held you tightly.
"He's back! The bad man!" You screamed, Tony hated how much fear was in your voice.
"Who, sweetheart?" He asked as you pulled away and showed him your bleeding arm that had a large cut in it.
His eyes widened and he quickly picked you up and rushed to the infirmary.
He rushed you into the infirmary and laid you onto a bed as you sobbed.
"Friday! Where the hell is Strange?" Tony shouted as he grabbed some bandages and applied pressure to the wound on your arm.
"Love, how did this happen?" Tony asked as you looked at him, still crying.
"It was the bad man!" You screamed back, he didn't exactly know what you meant.
Strange finally appeared to see the chaos unfolding.
"What on earth happened?" He said as Tony stepped out of the way and rushed to your side.
"I'll try to explain later." Tony muttered as Strange reached up and wiped away some of your tears.
"It's okay, darling. I know you're afraid but I need to put you to sleep so you don't feel any pain." He said as you sobbed more and shook your head.
"No! No! Please! He'll get me!" You screamed, thrashing around before Strange quickly made you fall into a dreamless sleep with his magic.
He sighed and looked to Tony.
"I woke up hearing her scream, I assumed it was just a nightmare... Then I saw her arm." Tony muttered, obviously slightly traumatised from the whole ordeal.
Stephen nodded before taking the bandage away, he tried to start healing the wound with his magic but nothing was happening.
"It's what I thought... It's magic. Tony I need you to stitch up her arm for me, I'll sit here and help but, I can't..." Stephen trailed off as Tony placed his hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, I can do it. I've stitched myself up more times than I'd like to admit." Tony joked making Stephen chuckle softly.
They brought all the needed instruments and supplied out before Tony sat beside you and put his glasses on.
Stephen sat right beside him and started to talk him through the process.
After an hour then had completely stitched up your arm and Stephen ran through all the possibilities of what had happened.
"It could be a demon, but I don't know why they would target a young girl, they usually go for rich men they can take from. Or... It could be someone trying to get revenge on either of us." Stephen muttered as he watched you sleep peacefully.
"She's always had nightmares... But, that's just because of all the trauma she had before us. We've been doing so well lately, no nightmares for months... Now this shit." Tony muttered as Stephen stood up and hugged Tony.
"We'll work it out, she'll be okay."
Tony sat beside you as you slowly woke up, Stephen was off investigating what had happened. 
"Daddy." You muttered as Tony looked at you and leaned forward and stroked a hand through your hair. 
"It's okay, love. I'm here, I'm right here." Tony whispered as you whined a little. 
"Where's Papa?" You muttered making Tony smile softly. 
"He's just out trying to see how he can help these nightmares, sweetheart. We don't want you to be scared or hurt ever again." He said as you nodded a little. 
"The man was scary..." You whispered as Tony continued to play with your hair. 
"Can you tell me more about it, darling?" He asked as you nodded a little again. 
"He was tall and had a lot of limbs and he looked like a giant spider... He held me down and cut through my arm while whispering things to me." You explained as Tony nodded. 
"Okay, sweetheart. Thank you for telling me, Papa should be back soon, okay? In the meantime why don't we go downstairs and watch a movie and get some snacks?" He suggested as your face lit up and you nodded. 
"Yes, please!" 
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
Idk if it's. Trigger warning or content warning but. Either way, this is a dark ask with some descriptions of gore.
After killing her husband, after the funeral and a few months of mourning, Claire's enemies start sending assassins of their own to seduce her and then kill her. Partly because they now believe there's a void in her life that can be used against her, and partly because rumors about you, the top assassin, have been circling, how weak you've become since nearly dying, how you took a safer position out of cowardice.
It works out great for you, Claire pretending to be swept away with their smooth words and perfectly sculpted faces, inviting them home with her, only for you to be waiting, killing and maiming and torturing each one of them.
Claire finds it unbearably attractive, waiting only long enough to be sure that the would be killer is dead before ordering you to your knees in order to get her off.
Often times, after you've made her come undone, she'll have you show her the different ways one could dismember and carve a person up, getting a thrill from it, a rush of adrenaline. It isn't often Claire gets to dirty her hands, and she throughly enjoys it when she does.
Eventually, however, someone gets smart and sends someone in, knowing you'll be there, waiting for them. So the second they walk in the door, they have a knife to Claire's throat.
You see red.
This is the first time you truly lose control of your inhabitions in front of Claire, eyes dark and angry with bloodlust, an animalist snarl deep in your throat.
You don't just kill the other assassin, you use him to send a message, brutally ripping him apart, leaving carved words and missing limbs behind before you order Claire's new assassin to drop the body off at the doorstep of whoever was his boss.
"No more." You tell Claire. "It was fun right up until now. We're done. We need to build up the new hire's reputation until it's better than mine ever was, and you need find someone you're willing to marry on paper. I refuse to allow you to be left so exposed like this any more."
Claire, for her part, is in mild shock, finger lightly brushing up the thin cut on her neck, slowly oozing blood, her eyes slightly glazed over.
"Ma'am?" You ask, frowning, after a few moments of silence from her. And then, "Claire?" In a softer, gentler tone, your face starting to reflect your worry. You've never seen Claire like this, so out of it and not taking charge of a situation.
And then-
"Claire! Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay." You quickly rush to keep her upright as her knees buckle, eyes watering as they flick up to look at you. "You're okay." You repeat firmly.
"I almost died." She whispers roughly.
"I- yeah. Yeah, but you didn't, and you're okay now."
And she just shakes her head and burrows into you. It takes you a few seconds to realize that she's crying, scared shitless, as she clings to you.
And you can't panic, not with Claire in this state, so you decided to scoop her up, carrying her to her bed.
"I'll be right back, okay?" You mummer. "I just want to get something to clean that cut up so it doesn't get infected."
You can tell she reluctant to let go, but she listens. "Good girl."
You quickly find some sanitizing alchoal pads and some anti-infectant, grabbing a roll of gauze as well. Claire won't be able to wear it into work tomorrow, but it's a shallow enough cut that it should be fine. She'll be wearing turtlenecks for a while though while it fully heals.
"It's going to sting." You warn.
"Do what you have to." Claire replies, closing her eyes.
She flinches as you go about addressing the wound, but for the most part stays still. Once you're finished, you place the extra materials on the bedside table.
"Come here." You invite, and Claire crawls into your arms.
You stay like for a while, and you've assumed she's fallen asleep when she says, "I'd be willing to marry you on paper."
And you freeze. "What?"
"You said I should find someone I'm willing to marry on paper. I trust you."
You're totally thrown. She's being so open. Claire Debella doesn't do open.
"Let's talk in the morning." You deflect.
"You're going to marry me." You can feel Claire smiling.
"Sure." You appease. You'll have a more serious conversation in the morning, when Claire isn't half asleep and probably still in shock.
You fall asleep soon after she does, the warmth of each other's bodies soothing and reassuring as you both peacefully sleep. ~S.H.💜
(this is a whole ass drabble at this point isn't it - I should just actually write this but I am LAZY and REFUSE)
yes. we all think you should actually write because we're all in awe of your ideas s.h. nonnie 😭
it occurs to me. you know you feel strongly for claire, and she to you, but neither one have ever said it out loud. you don't intend to act on it, and you're fine with whatever you're situation with claire as it is (sex + murder). so when she brings up the topic again in the morning, fear settles in your chest because although the marriage is just on paper, it opens up the unspoken emotional..attachment you have with her. and you don't really want to deal with that, so you turn down the offer, with reasons being the ff:
“It's too soon for you to remarry. It won't look good in the public's eye.”
“You're going to be more prone to attacks if they know we're married. I don't want last night to happen again.”
But she argues. “Isn't it much better if they know we're married? They won't think of harming me if they know you're by my side. Especially once they receive your gift.”
“No!” your voice raises as you get overwhelmed. “Trust me, they're going to be more aggressive if you pushed through with that plan. They're going to send someone who's capable of killing two birds in one stone, then what? No. I can't risk it. I'm sorry.”
You walk out, not wanting to talk about it anymore. There's nothing she can say that could change your mind.
Meanwhile, Claire was left stewing over your words. What she said last night was true. She trusts you, and you may be the only person she trusts the most, so she considers. Maybe you're right.
But it created a rift between the two of you.
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I imagined a AU: Isabella, post the evasion of Ray, Emma and the others is in trouble. Peter Ratri still decide to put her in the grandma position BUT decides to be the ultimate asshole by making her live another kind of "trial".
While she is still captive post evasion, before Peter visits her, they impregnate two embryos in her body: a boy and a girl.
She has to face it: the boy will replace Ray (they don't know that she knows it's her son, Peter told her to "punish" her too but she keep her poker face) she has to raise them by herself, even more like a mother than she was for Ray since it will be the two kids only with her.
She has to raise the boy to be the perfect premium for when he'll be 12, like Ray would have been if he didn't escaped, and the girl to be the perfect sister who will maybe take her place one day. Can you imagine the torture for Isabella? She has to do that again. Except that she feel that she'll not be able to distant herself again. It will be only the two kids with her after all. She will get deeply attached. she knows it. It's a punishment.
She still sings the lubally while they are in her belly and even after. She is thinking to Ray a lot. Ray who is alive, who is not dead, who will not be eaten, with some luck. Ray who has now siblings (they have also the same father) and who doesn't know. Who will never know. Who would die one day. And she knows that Peter would have the sadistic pleasure to tell her or worse to force her to "prepare" him.
These children will hate her too?
She knows that she'll not be able to not love them. It was already hard with Ray. And she is so tired.
A sister from Grace Field helps her. It's a girl that she raised, one of Emma's big sister. Isabella managed to save her. The sister is very protective of her, because she knows about the punishment and tries to help. She doesn't really feel anger toward her. She understands her. she wanted to live too.
When the kids returns to Grace Field, after the death of the queen and the capture of the other children, Peter decide to promise Isabella that he will let her live with the twins in the human world if she helps him. Total freedom. After all, premium kids are not useful for him anymore and he's ready to offer her this freedom.
But the cost? Ray. She'll have to give him to the clan. Maybe kill him herself.
But during the few months where she take care of her new babies, her love for Ray also became bigger. She can't abandon him or betray him or hurt him again, she doesn't want to abandon him. Even if he hates her. She pretents to accept; of course, what else can she do?
Now there are 2 possibilites
She still dies. It happens like in the manga. The sister who helped her brings the babies with her to come in the human world (because she wants to be sure to tell Ray). And when Ray starts to panick because Emma isn't here, she comes to him and told him. She told him everything.
Ray has to search Emma while taking care of his baby siblings. It's hurt. The idea that Peter forced his mother to have another boy to replace him? To make her live THAT again? He didn't forgive her but it hurts to imagine her in this situation. and so, often, when his siblings cry, he cradles them, singing the lullaby. Very often he himself cry when they finally fall asleep.
2) She survives because the wounds wasn't deadly. It's almost the same, really. Except that she is the one to raise the babies. Ray still search Emma but comes often to the house where Isabella lives. He has a room here. But he doesn't often stay. He knows that he will always have a place here but he doesn't feel like a home. Really he comes just to see his siblings, he can stay few days for them right? But when Isabella sings the lullaby to the twins, he stays at the door, and watch what could have been in another life. Their relation isn't the best but, while they both heal, things become a little better, slowly. At least, Ray can stay in the same house than her without feeling anxious or paranoiac. He can spent few days without trying to start a "fight" with her.
For his siblings, he says.
I do very much love the idea of a Grace Field girl the older plant #3 kids would know coming back into the picture, usually so Emma, Norman, Ray, Don, Gilda, and maybe Anna and Nat can reconnect with an older sister they thought they lost, but this girl but helping Isabella in this scenario is oof even if she understands the circumstances of why Isabella recommended her. Some painful beauty and comfort in that.
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tallulahcarter · 1 year
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full name: tallulah monqiue carter
nicknames: lulu, lu, lala, tiger
age: 27
star sign: june 18th (gemini)
hometown: fairford, wa
occupation: part time fitness coach at fitness factory
pronouns/gender: she/her, cis female
time in town: 26 years (away for training and olympics)
current residence: house share in coral coast
tw please be aware that this bio contains mentions of unsuccessful surgery, disability, and prescription drugs
general facts
tallulah carter started out her existence by stealing the spotlight from her twin -- a habit that never really stopped. while lulu was expected, her completely blocked her brother out in the first sonogram images.
as a child, she was was an agile and talented daredevil -- attempting to climb trees and scale bookshelves almost as soon as she could walk. looking to channel her athetlicism (or just to at least wear her out), her parents enrolled her in gymnastics classes at the age of three.
she quickly excelled past the other children her age level, flying past sommersalts and cartwheels in exchange for handsprings and balance beam tricks. she was crowned the youth champion at every compeition in the state, which was followed by being recruited by team USA coaches when she was eleven years old.
while she stayed on top of her schooling, the rigourous training as far more appealing to lu, having her full focus while she handled most other things on autopilot
joined USA olympic gymnastics team as an alternate at fifteen, formal member at nineteen and again twenty three -- closest she got to the podium was a fourth for vault (she missed out by a 10th of a point)
determined to make one more run and finally get a medal, tallulah was relentless in maintaining her training (something every one of her coaches advised her against), pushing herself over the limit the way she had seen many great atheletes do in order to become the best
years of training and competition had taken their toll, and tallulah was required to get hip surgery in hopes to repairing the damage. unfortunately, the surgery didn't heal correctly -- lulu was forced so retire from gymnastics at the age of twenty-five
as a result of the surgery ending poorly, tallulah was given prescription drugs to manage the constant pain. when she started physical therapy she was told to slowly wean herself off of them, but she wasn't able to cope. after a tumultous eight months and a hard rock bottom, she was sent to rehab.
has been out of rehab about six weeks at the time of arrival to the game
blunt, sarcastic, doesn't pull punches, high expectations, fun-loving, lost, holds grudges, petty, protective
fun facts
while not a "fun" fact, please note that tallulah walks with the aid of an elbow crutch
smoothie obsessive -- if you can blend it, she'll find a way to put it in a smoothie
bisexual and has been publically out since the age of 14
lost a brand deal with covergirl after her oxy habit was discovered
karaoke song of choice is 'so emotional' by whitney houston
has broken approximately two playstation controllers over lost rounds of mario kart
current connections
twin brother @thaddcarter
older sister @its-blakecarter
high school ex turned best buddy @mackmontgomery
wanted connections
childhood friends, coworkers, exes from all ages, fwb, roommates, neighbors, drinking buddies etc
i'm open to any and all other ideas you may have too if something sparks to mind!
hmu on discord at bendela#8730
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e1dritchqueer · 1 year
A, B, C, D, E for Callisto !
Aaaa thank you so much for these ones!! Gah, real interesting questions and I miight have gone a bit over board lol
A) Why are you excited about this character? To me one of the most exciting parts about Callisto is that she's in a narrative rpg. TTRPGS are the storytelling medium I find a lot of comfort in and is the one I'm most used to as well!! The fact that Callisto is in a collaborative storytelling game (Beam Saber) means that I'm always excited to see how she'll change and grow and affect the world with the players. This changing thing is another part that really interest me!! The story of Callisto starts off where she very much is at her worst, she couldn't run from the war, got conscripted in an assault she should have died in, bonded with a machine she is terrified of, then was imprisoned and used as a knife of the Ascencians (the empire she lived under) for 6 months because she was bonded to the mech, and that late pilot's image must be upheld (Something something fascisim and how it tries to uphold crumbling symbols of its empire). She starts the game having escaped out of prison with the other player characters. She sees herself as nothing more than a tool forcefully made for violence, filled with fear and lies she desperately tries to cover up. She starts the game as a very flawed character and that growth and change as the campaign progresses is something I find very very interesting, Callisto slowly healing and growing is something I'm real excited for| (Also I'm extremely excited about how Callisto is an inverse/counter to a lot of ace mech pilot tropes (the playbook I'm playing her with IS the ace pilot trope which I find really fun) but that might be for another post. I also have thoughts about Callisto being like... a Char Aznable to a bright eyed Amuro Ray but this post is already getting long enough, all I'll say is Callisto's contrast potential mech rival dynamics extremely excite me)
B) What inspired you to create them? Ooooooh two main things actually!! I was playing Titanfall right after I had heard a friend of mine was gonna run a Beam Saber game (I wanted to consume a lot of mech media to get the vibes and tropes of the genre down in a sense, as I hadn't engaged barely at all with that stuff before but had always been interested) and there's this one section in the intro where the player character, Cooper, a footsoldier, finds himself in the midst of an assault gone terribly wrong, coming across his mech, BT by pure happenstance. That idea of someone who should very well be dead and doesn't really see themselves as a pilot was something that carried on into Callisto! Additionally another big touchstone about her was Kobeni Higashiyama from Chainsaw Man! Her stress is something very viscerally shown which I find really compelling. Also she's someone wracked with anxiety and self doubt but also extremely competent at violence when cornered. That kinda vibe and contrast I found really interesting and while I was playing titanfall and thinking about the kind of pilot I wanted to play I kept on going like "What if Kobeni but in a mech....". It started as a joke but then I found that idea really interesting and compelling, someone who pilots a mech with extreme competence, yet inside the cockpit is a nervous mess, wracked with anxiety, self doubt, and most of all, fear (of what she is/what she's doing most especially). Soon that eventually made Callisto!!
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? Yeah!! One big big thing with this in particular was finding her motivation/morality. I found playing someone purely cynical wouldn't be all to interesting so hammering out what she believed in/used to believe in, and most importantly, her motivation was something I've thought a lot about. I wanted her to be someone who's personality would work well with the other players As of now, she's someone just trying to survive and sees herself as a weapon of whatever hands she's fallen into, however deep down inside there's big potential for change
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? I knew "wet dog of a girl" was her appearance but at first I didn't know what all to do with it completely. I didn't want her design to be too flashy or anything and wanted to keep things simple to have the contrast of her situation be interesting. The developing was slow but steady and done mostly through sketches! As you can see one of the big things that changed was the scar (One of the bigger changes was also an introduction of this red motif sparked because of events in the game but I might get into those some other time)
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E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? Callisto isn't much to talk to people so I think I'd see her as really quiet and reserved but I'd probably vibe with that if the situation isn't too dire. Probably pre horrors of war Callisto would be lovely to hang with. Callisto on the other hand? Hrmmm would probably think that I'm up to something or might see me as a means to an end. I'd say it depends on the situation!! once again thank you for this ask it was really fun getting through all of it!!!
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