#*interactions* april kepner
fearlessmuses · 7 months
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🩺 ───── it had been one of those days, where things never seemed to end. where it was just one heavy thing after another, you know? one of the worst days. she was brushing hair from her face before she looked upon the man currently talking to her. "i .... " she blinked a few times before she cursed a bit. "i missed all of that, honestly." she sighed feeling rude but her mind was all over the place clearly. "i'm so sorry. what .... can i do for you?"
@surgcns ♥ for a starter from april kepner
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lavendaers · 1 year
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a sigh left meredith’s lips as she sat down, “kepner, right?” she questioned, turning to glance at the other woman before she went back to trying to get the bartender’s attention. “i’m not sure if we’ve worked together on a case or not, but i think you’re in trauma?”
@mastcrmiind​ meredith grey for april kepner
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lovetold · 9 months
lil tag drop ... kt + lj are 100% to blame for this
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insomniakisses · 4 months
I could of sworn you wrote for greys and S19
I did/kinda do?
I have no problem returning to writing for the shows its just i only every had one request and it didnt get all that interaction! I will link that fic here and reblog it.
If i wrote for then again i would write for the following;
Meredith grey, Addison Monthomery, Izzy Stephens, Arizona Robbins, Amelia Shepard, Kristina yang, Carina De Luca, April Kepner, Lexi Grey, Maya Bishop, Vic Hughes, Andy Herrera and i think thats it!
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beachy--head · 2 years
I know we're supposed to believe that once a character is off Grey's Anatomy, he stops interacting with the other characters, but you can't convince me that April Kepner doesn't regularly talk to Arizona and that they don't do girls weekends in NY or Boston. Or that she doesn't follow Cristina's career and doesn't send her flowers to congratulate her for her professional achievements. And you know she definitely managed to get Alex's address in Kansas and sends him Christmas cards every year. In return, Izzie has added the Averys to her Christmas cards list, and April can gush over how Eli looks just like Alex.
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babyjapril · 1 year
Favorite april kepner friendship?
Good question! None hjfdjf
I just feel like the show barely gave her any friendships :/
And I could make a list of characters I wish she was friends with, but in the show there’s only like two.
Like there’s Arizona, they have some funny scenes and I like the fact that April has a friend, but I think Arizona’s a shitty friend sometimes. And then the only other person in the show who seems to care about her as (just) a friend is Owen. I’m not a fan of Owen, but I do like his friendship with April, but idk I wouldn’t say that’s my favourite April friendship. With other characters she might have a nice moment or two and then they go back to hating her for no reason or they just never interact with her again.
(obviously not counting Jackson in all of this, but Japril seasons 7&8 besties era forever!! ghfds)
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gingerturtle99 · 2 years
omg wait ??? greys x skz? i was made for this! i literally fell in love with peds due to greys and now am a peds nurse and skz are my boys so let’s go!! i’m gonna give them specialties based on what i see for them as people and also based of what characters i relate them to?
chan: gives off mcdreamy vibes for sure! definitely neuro,,, quick thinker, good with his hands and would definitely love the idea of working with the brain
minho: now hear me out… he gives me alex karev vibes 🤥 now i’m not saying he should be peds based on just that alone but if we remember the video where skz we’re interacting with kids, he and han were the only ones who were able to soothe the kids? i feel like similarly to myself minho would find it condescending working with older people, before skz he was used to being the youngest and vibes well with kids so yeah minho is definitely peds for me
changbin: i agree that changbin should be an ortho god! i think he’d love the idea of being able to fix bones and hes very into his working out and i think hd he would find breaking bones in order to fix them properly kind of therapeutic in a way? i feel like if you took the best bits of callie, link and nico you would definitely get changbin
Hyunjin: hyunjin is so difficult! if you’re looking for one that doesn’t overlap it would have to be obs and gynae but if i’m being honest? i think hyunjin is neuro aswell? neuro surgery is difficult, it takes a certain person to be able to do it and hyunjin is so extremely dedicated? he’s also been known to try and prove himself snd show his talents,, i would say somewhere along the line someone told hyunjin he wouldn’t be good at neuro and ever since he’s been working his ass off to prove that person wrong!
han: jisung is an all rounder,, he’s good at everything he does really but he always comes back to his rapping as his main focus and that’s why i say jisung is general surgery! i think he would have had a go at every specialty in his residency years but in the end general was his first love and that’s why he sticks with it!
felix: for felix i’m getting trauma surgeon vibes? he reminds me a lot of april kepner <3 he’s so dedicated to helping others and i think what would really get felix going is the adrenaline of helping people when they’re at their absolute worst and need him the most? he thrives of making others feel good and helping them out and i feel like trauma would just work well for him where he can get stuck in!
Seungmin: no because why is Seungmin giving me plastic posse vibes 😭 he’s so funny i can see him as a mark sloan/jackson avery type? like can you imagine seungmin having an intern and treating them the way mark treated jackson? absolutely hilarious! seungmin would be like mark and jackson double board certified in plastics and ENT!
Jeongin: maknae on top is definitely cardio,, i feel like as the youngest he always wanted to prove himself to be as worthy and smart as the others and what other way to go about it than go for one of the most cut throat specialities! he would cristina yang the place up for sure!
i’ve finished this and realised it’s very long and i kind of went on a rant but ahh!! greys and skz are my true loves <3 im v passionate about this
OMG first off don’t worry about it being long! It honestly helps so much!
Omg you’re a peads nurse that’s so cool!! I’m not going to lie a little inside info here ;) I’m thinking of making the reader a peads surgeon because if I was a doctor I feel like that’s what I’d go into !
A lot of people have said Chan = Mcdreamy and do agree 😂 do sorta wanna add some of Amelia’s charm though because she’s honestly one of my favourites
For jeongin being cardio gives me an opportunity to use “wrong doctor yang” but I’m drifting between carido and another speciality for him :)
Honestly some of these have made me think a little deeper about the characters etc so THANK YOU!!
I hope I can do this justice for you!
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writtenxbeginnings · 3 months
Want To Interact With Who --- Answering for @f1rechaser
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I've enjoyed seeing you on my dash! Thank you for sending this in! I'm tossing my Grey's Anatomy characters at you too, because Fire/Doctor shows are reaalllly easy to do crossovers of.
Grace Ryder (I have a verse where she lives in LA with Judd in the works!)
Lexie Grey
April Kepner
Crossovers are fully okay I'm just hesitant to reach out first!
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seattlesgracehq · 8 months
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Welcome to Seattle, April Kepner!! Please send your blog in or contact the main within 48hrs!
** Please do not start interactions until your account is sent in and your follow is posted!! Once your follow is posted your characters’ info will be added to the main, and after that point you are free to interact!
OOC Information -
Name: Aly
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: central
IC Information - 
Character Name: April Kepner
Pronouns: she/her
Occupation: Trauma attending
FaceClaim: Sarah Drew
Birthday: April 23rd
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dduquette-a · 1 year
following   on   from   my   last   post         .   .   .         characters   from   the   grey’s      /      station   19   universe   that   i’d   like   to   interact   with   more:         teddy   altman,      miranda   bailey,      owen   wilson,      cristina   yang,      amelia   shepherd,      april   kepner,      addison   montgomery,      tom   koracick,      travis   montgomery,      ben   warren         &         andrea   herrera.
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enternecers · 2 years
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   𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒔.  on  a  hiatus  as  of  november  20th. an  independent,  private  &  selective  mixed  media  multi-muse  rp  blog  as  run  by  manu.  with  both  canon  and  original  muses.  minors,  personals  and  non-mutuals  please  do  not  interact.  
𝚊𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐.       𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚍.         𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜.
     highest muse characters:  allie  pressman,  april  kepner,  bess  marvin,  blair  waldorf,  brooke  davis,  caroline  forbes,  donatella  dragna,  edwina  sharma,  elain  archeron,  feyre  archeron,  francesca  bridgerton,  gina  porter,  josephine  wilson,  kate  sharma,  lake  meriwether,  layla  keating,  lexie  grey,  lizzie  saltzman,  lydia  martin,  may  grant,  nesta  archeron,  olive  stone,  pansy  parkinson,  scarlett  dragna,  sophie  beckett,  veronica  lodge  +  all  my  ocs  and  halloween  muses.  last  updated:  october  24th.
heavily  affiliated  with  @morbyds  &  @shadowbrn​ .
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overlooksouls · 3 years
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                             a sigh escaped her as her hands pressed into the desk and she was very aware she wasn’t standing there alone any longer. as she turned her head her gaze fell upon arizona and she was nodding her head. “ i’m fine, long day. ” long week. long everything. yes she and jackson had problems but she really didn’t need everyone giving their opinions about her leaving and what they thought about it because the only person who should was jackson. the only person who had the right was jackson. it was no one else’s business. “ did you need something? ”
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❥     𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋; @herheroics​ ( arizona robbins )
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beachy--head · 1 year
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
(thank you bae @jenniferiawrence for the tag!)
Spoiler alert, I sometimes put more than one sentence, because doing this made me realize I always start with short sentences for some reason...
He didn't remember Boston being this cold. He'd maybe gotten too used to Seattle's rain and more temperate weather, but he was entering his second winter as a newly returned Bostonian and was still surprised by how cold it got this early in the fall. (We are headed home)
She keeps busy on day 1. During those long, never-ending hours when the plane is missing and no one knows anything, she pretty much lives at the hospital, because if she doesn't stop moving, maybe she won't think. (a new kind of waiting)
She hears Meredith squeal, and sees Cristina and Alex link their arms and bounce together, and she smiles. (the land at the end of our toes)
It's late at night when they find themselves in bed (but not doing the things they usually do and are very good at when they're in bed). (Make it home)
He has never seen his best friend looking so hyper. And that's saying something, given that ever since Matthew Taylor asked her to marry him after dating for 8 months, April has been very hyper.(Something Old, Something New)
Harriet Kepner-Avery is bored out of her mind. It's raining outside, and she can't think of anything to do. (About Weddings and Best Friends)
The first year, she doesn't write them a card. The wound is still wide open, the shooting has taken place just five little months ago, and her feelings about this particular holiday season are not ones to be put on a card or to be sent to grieving parents. (Year after Year)
For as far as she can remember, April had wanted to be a doctor. She knows that practicing medicine is her calling, had known that since she was 8 and had watched the Kepners' family doctor set her sister Libby's shoulder, but it's a bit hard to conjure up that excitement when you're being puked on or doing rectal exams. (Of Mentorship and Rule-breaking)
When Jackson sees his girlfriend, she's walking across the busy ER with a look that can only be described as "frazzled". He's finishing up with a patient, dictating his last instructions to an intern, and as he casts a look in her direction, he almost pities the next person she interacts with, because she doesn't look happy. At all. (In Your Corner)
Catherine Avery is a force to be reckoned with. Jackson learns this from a very young age, fascinated as he follows her in the corridors of the Brigham, watching her scold interns and direct surgeons with complete confidence. (Three)
Tagging @japril12 @unlisshed @benwvatt and @japrilfools if you want to do it!
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wxnderisms · 3 years
🏳️‍🌈 - april & luke ( @fcrcenturies​ )
“Enjoying yourself?” April asked with a smile, there weren’t too many parades where she was from so the fact that she got to walk in this one was exciting for her. “I know I am, I mean there are no parades back home, this is the first time I’ve ever been this close to one.”
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opinionatedqueer · 3 years
Greys Anatomy let your characters go challenge
ot Disclaimer - this is my opinion and you are absolutely free to disagree with me on this! I’d love to have a conversation about it, but please don’t be mean thank you!
Over so many years and seasons it is obvious that some characters are going to leave and new ones will join. And that is normal, and necessary for the show to keep going and to not turn boring. Mostly, that works fine, some people will be upset about a character leaving, others will be happy, same thing for new characters, rinse and repeat. 
Its pretty well known in the fandom that the characters get written off in ways that reflect the way the actor was like on set. Meaning, if they were assholes, they would leave in dishonorable ways, and if they were nice, their character would get a happy or heroic ending. (One big example of this would be Isaiah Washington, whose character Burke left by leaving his fianceé at the altar after he outed TK Knight as gay and harrassed him for his sexuality. TK Knights Character George died from saving a woman who was about to get hit by a bus.) 
However, in most of these situations the caracter left the show because the actor didn’t want to/couldn’t play them anymore for whatever reason.
The other option was characters getting written of for plot reasons, not because of the actor. And here is were Greys Anatomy sometimes can’t let go.
The reason that i was inspired to even write this post was the most recent episode (S17EP14 Look up child). In this episode, the character April Kepner returns to introduce a way to get another Character, Jackson Avery, to leave the show with her. 
April Kepner is a character introduced in the sixth season as a extremely religious and insecure character, who slowly works herself up to being a trauma surgeon. Over most of her plotline, her “main thing” is that she is inexperienced regarding romantic and sexual matters, saving herself for marriage because of religious reasons. At some point she breaks this promise by sleeping with Jackson Avery the day of their board exams, which she ends up failing. They continue to have sexual interactions until they at some point break up and April meets the Paramedic Matthew. They get together and plan to get married, however both April and Jackson still have feeling for each other despite both dating other people. Jackson ends up confessing his love to her at her and Matthews wedding, and they run away together and marry each other in some random small church on the way. They get pregnat, the kid has fucked up bones and dies immediately after birth, following which April decides to join the military as a trauma surgeon for a three month tour. Se ends up staying longer, losing more and more contact with Jackson and they decide to divorce shortly after she comes home. She realises she is pregnant, but doesn’t tell Jackson to not complicate the divorce, but guess what, it does it anyways. They figure it out after a while and want to raise their child as coparents. In the fourteenth season April has another crisis of faith and becomes a really wild partygoer to deal with that, eventually sorts her shit out and gets back together with Matthew. They leave the show to take care of homeless people in seattle, good for her.
Personally, i was glad when she left. I didn’t like April, she was annoying and insecure and holier that thou religious. Even other characters and actors describe her character as that (though in the “and thats charming” way, which... noo...). She had shortly left the show before for a few episodes at a time, for example when she was in the military or for a short while before it was made public that she was back together with Matthew. And every time she came back, and it just felt weird. These could have been good endings for her, but they kept bringing her back.
Similarly, the relationship between her and Jackson kept being revived, despite clearly not working. There were multiple episodes specifically marketed as “Japril” Episodes, and they were all annoying and just ended with them deciding again that their relationship didn’t work, no surprise there. 
And now, in the recent episode, she returns again. And gets back together with Jackson. I get that she just came back to create an open for him to leave, but i still think it wasn’t necessary. Jackson actual argument for leaving is that he wants to take over his family foundation to create more equality in medicine.
 (This season heavily features current 2020/2021 topics, and the episodes about the black lives matter situation was actually pretty well made in my opinion, especially the station 19 episode (i have seen PoC talk positively about the episodes and they felt good to me as someone who is very invested in the movement, but i am a white person so please correct me if I’m wrong here))
And that would have been a good exit already, i don’t understand why April had to come back at all.
I assume it was just fanservice, since she actually had a pretty big fanbase during her time on the show, and a lot of people really like their ship. 
But, to me, it just feels like the writers are too lasy to come up with new storylines for the characters and just keep bringing together and then spltting up their couples. And that is annoying, in my opinion, sometimes you jut have to now when a certain plot point gets boring and you might want to come up with something new. 
Japril just didn’t work, but they still kept getting pushed together just to break up again. I really hope that both of them finally leave for good and don’t just randomly come back.
I guess my point is, the show needs to learn when to get rid of certain characters and plotlines. Even if you have to kick a fan favourite, sometimes thats just what a show needs to be able to grow and get better or even just stay good.
(I realize that starting this blog with a post about Greys Anatomy might be counterproductive, but i don’t care. All my friends are gay and don’t really give a shit about it and i personally dont even think its a good show but i have been watching this shit since like seventh grade and now im just somehow attached to it. Point is no one is actually gonna understand if i were to talk about this show irl, but thats what the internet is there for amirite)
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sgmwesters · 3 years
━━ ✦ CLOSED STARTER             ft. mia porter @aeipcthys​
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April moved slowly in Mia’s room careful not to disturb her as she made an effort to check her chart. It was purely selfish - she wanted to check on the woman who had guided her through her residency (and ultimately rejected her at the final hurdle), to learn how soon she might be recovering. April was trying to cover Mia’s service as best as she could, despite how much the last conversation they’d had had completely stung the redhead. Keeping her movements light, she slipped the chart back into place, her gazee lifting as soon as it was done only to meet Mia’s. “Doctor Porter -” She started, whispered, feeling a panic run through her. “I - I - how are you feeling?” Good start, April. 
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