wxnderisms · 3 years
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Lucy laughed against his lips as he pulled her down with him, her chest arching into his hand when she felt his hand move up to her breast. She shifted to straddle his waist, shivering once again as his hands continued to wander over her body.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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One of Caspian’s hands remained firmly on her waist, keeping her from falling out of his lap, and the other moved down her leg. Though parts of it were covered by a sheet, he still moved his hand up and down it and tracing shapes in the spot where he found bare skin.
Lucy held him a little tighter, making sure she was safely planted in his lap, a small shiver moved up her spine as he traced shapes on her bare skin. The younger moan smiled against his lips, letting the sheet fall a bit to expose more of her skin.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Caspian grinned and lifted his head whilst simultaneously pulling her down toward him with her hands to meet him halfway. The kiss started gentle and sweet but quickly it deepened as his arms moved to wrap around her waist again so he could pull her onto his lap, still wrapped in the sheet.
All the anxiety in her melted away as soon as his lips were on hers, feeling him pull her down into his lap, the sheet still tangled around her body. She felt him deepening the kiss and she followed his lead, her arms moving from where they rested on his shoulders, now moving around his neck.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Caspian laughed, “Good,” He said, and pressed a gentle kiss against his knuckles, running his lips along them. He was feeling very affectionate toward her, more so than usual, “So, does us figuring out what we are mean I can kiss you now?” He asked. He had wanted to do it since waking up but waited for her to calm down first. It would be their first sober kiss and he didn’t know how long he could take not doing it.
Lucy let out a soft sigh as he moved his lips along her knuckles, she liked how he was being affectionate with her, it was a side of him she’d never really seen. A gentle laugh left her lips and she nodded. “Please kiss me.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“You sure? You don’t sound so sure,” Caspian teased playfully, pulling her even closer by her hands, “The second you’re not sure, we pause,” He cared about her too much to put their relationship - whatever it was now - in jeopardy and to make her uncomfortable, “Okay?” He repeated.
Lucy laughed, shaking her head gently as he teased her. “I’m sure, trust me, I’ve never been more sure about anything.” She promised, smiling as he pulled her even closer. Her heart was still pounding as she looked at him, but she did feel better now.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Caspian knew she was right. He couldn’t say how her parents would react but he knew that her brothers were very protective of her and would almost definitely freak about him sleeping with their kid sister. Though she most definitely was not a kid, no matter how much her siblings saw her that way. He reached back to take both her her hands in his, “It means we give ourselves time to figure out what this is, explore what this new us is so that when they do find out, we know what to say,” He smiled up at her, “Sound good?”
Lucy couldn’t believe she had given in to her instincts, of course the liquor had influenced her, but she chose to kiss him on her own. She sighed softly as he took her hands in his, looking down at their hands as he spoke, nodding gently. “Okay...” 
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“Freak out more than you?” Caspian asked in a teasing manner as he turned his head to press a kiss against the arm that rested on his shoulder, “We don’t have to tell them right away,” He spoke against her skin, planting another soft peck against her, “We don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. It’s our business, okay?”
“Cas, this is serious...” Lucy said softly, looking down at him as he kissed her arm. “My parents will freak... My brothers will freak.” She said, still trying to fight how good it felt to be in his arms again. “So what does it mean, then? If we aren’t telling anyone, what does that mean we’re doing?”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Despite it not being the point - according to her - Caspian couldn’t help but smirk when she said she’d wanted to for a while. When she stopped, he used the sheet to pull her closer from where he sat so he could wrao his arms around her waist. He looked up into her eyes, “What if I don’t want to forget this? Or go back to the way things were?” He asked in a low voice. He still had the morning rasp to his tone but he was very serious.
Lucy took a deep breath as he pulled her closer by using the sheet. The woman let out a sigh, feeling his arms move around her waist, holding her naked body close to his. “You know my family will freak out if they find out about us.” She murmured, a little more distracted now that she was close to him, her hands resting on his shoulders.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“Yes, we had sex,” Caspian repeated and then he sat up, watching her pace for a few moments, “Why would I freak out? Did you… Did you not want to?” He asked. That was something he’d freak out about and he couldn’t lie and say he wouldn’t be disappointed if she said she regretted it. He moved to find his boxers, pulling them on so he wasn’t completely naked. He didn’t see himself being very comforting when he was, “Luce, just take a breath.” 
“Of course I wanted to! I’ve been wanting to for ages, but that’s not the point!” Lucy told him, the sheet trailing behind her a she paced. She was still somewhat shocked that this had happened, that she had kissed him and the two of them ended up sleeping together. When he told her to take a breath, she turned to face him. “What are we going to do now? I mean, you’re my bestfriend, we can’t just forget this go back to the way things were.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Lucy pushed her fingers through her hair, shaking her head. “What’s wrong?” She asked, now starting to pace at the end of her bed. “You’re naked! In my bed! You are naked and in my bed, with me, and I am also naked.” She shook her head again. “We had sex, Caspian! Why are you not freaking out about this?”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
lucy & caspian
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Lucy let out a small groan as she woke up, stretching out her shoulders as she sat up. She felt his arm around her, and she smiled softly, before she looked at him and realized that it was real. He was really there, in her bed. The woman yanked the sheet over her body, jumping off the bed. “Oh shit!”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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Lucy couldn’t remember the last time she felt this good, even just feeling his hands on her was driving her wild. She felt his teeth drag over her nipple and she gasped, the sudden cold from the air causing a shiver to go up her spine. The young woman smile as he kissed her again, having missed the feeling of his lips on hers. She would’ve been happy to keep kissing him, but then he was once again moving down her body. Her breathing was shallow as his mouth moved further and further down, and when he kissed along her thighs she let out a gentle laugh, chewing her lip and looking down at him. Then she felt his mouth on her clit and she couldn’t back the loud moan that came with the feeling, her head once again falling back against the bed.
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wxnderisms · 3 years
“yes,  a  rainbow  to  display  your  colorful  personality.”  loki  teased.  wednesday  had  a  personality,  though  colorful  would  not  quite  be  how  they  would  describe  it.  “let  me  dote  on  you.  and  i  would  compliment  you  everyday  of  the  week  would  you  not  scold  me  for  it.”  loki  rolled  their  eyes,  only  pretending  to  be  annoyed  with  her.  the  ferris  wheel  slowly  started  to  rise.  “have  you  enjoyed  the  festivities?”
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Wednesday merely rolled her eyes at the teasing, they both knew colourful was the exact wrong word to describe her. “I can let you dote on me without all the compliments.’ She teased back, looking around the carnival now. “I’ve had as much fun as a girl can have at an event that is far too bright for her own liking.” She explained, before turning her gaze back to them. “Though at least I’m doing it with you.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
a soft hum escaped heathers lips. “it was definently a friendship for surivival, nothing more, nothing less.” a small thrown appeared on the blondes lips as she remembered her own demons and how duke had broadcasted it for the world. “why wouldn’t you want people to stare at you though v? you’re beautiful.”
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“Maybe for us, for Heather Chandler it was more about having minions.” Veronica shrugged, she often wished she hadn’t fallen in with the Heathers, but she couldn’t change it now. She barked out a laugh when Heather called her beautiful, shaking her head. “I’ve got good bone structure, that’s all.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“Yes, there can be no other explanation. We can’t be bad at something that’s rigged,” Alice said with an almost triumphant smile. Not as triumphant as she would have been if she’d won but close enough, “Alice. I’m Alice.”
“Exactly.” Veronica nodded, chuckling gently as the other smiled. “Well, nice to meet you Alice.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“Absolutely,” Caspian said, “Please direct me to your guy,” He added, laughing a little.
Veronica nodded, leading him to a small group of people who got him a slushie. “There you go, told you I had a guy.”
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wxnderisms · 3 years
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“How am I ever meant to forgive you?” Alice asked in a dramatic fashion as she placed the back of her hand against her forehead and tilted back, “Okay well how many have ou had? I need to double it so I can catch up,” She said as if it was the most obvious answer. She looked startled by her next comment, “Guy? What guy?” She did hang out with lots of guys. Her brothers and the men who worked at the parlour with her. She knew the other probably meant Jasper but she was trying to play it cool.
Tiny laughed. “What about if I buy the next two rounds? Then will you forgive me?” She grinned, before counting her number of shots on her fingers. “Um- Three. No four!” The blonde watched her friends expression change, and Tiny smirked leaning closer to her. “The one who’s making your face all red. Come on, Alice! I am not blind, you were so into that guy, and he was so obviously into you.”
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