#*griffin mcelroy voice* baby pretty. baby pretty - pretty baby
eff-plays · 8 months
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I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. What you see.
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occulthorror-remade · 7 years
my current mood is Griffin saying “daddy like a pretty baby!” while designing Final Pam
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jelloopy · 4 years
Taz Grad Ep 25
I know I’m a day late and I Skipped last episode im sorry. I got caught up with some stuff. But here we go!
Ranier Jesus, please don’t break your chair.
Argo and Firby just like disappointed “alright let’s go get our idiot (That’s a sign of an honest friendship right there)
Fitz in the Crypt! (Band name called it!)
JUSTIN AND CLINT PLAYING THE SKELEBROS OMFG (That’s v good on Travis’ part so he doesn’t have to talk for so long and also J&C don’t have to sit in silence for large swaths of time either!)
Gurkin is in his idle animation (I don’t actually know how to spell it so we’re going with that.... But still…)
Tibia was a vampire and has gold teeth!
So polite Fitz. Fuckin waving at the skeletons
”We can go by coco rules here!” (Thank you for clearing that up because I see it both ways from time to time when the training skeletons come in to play)
Tibia hugs Fitz (Clint I love you… jfc adorable.)
”I am inside you for sure, for sure!” “Oh, I don’t care for the phraseology of that at all” “I don’t like the physiology of it at all but here we are” (Very gross but very nice convo here I like the quick wit boys I was cracking up laughing)
God I love that they are doing this digitally so they aren’t in the same room and also it’s a podcast so they have to narrate everything they do “thumbs up”
”I nod knowingly” “he throws both of his hands in the air like ‘weeee!’”
Fitzroy is really sacrificing it all for these skeletons. He’s taking the shittiest route possible to make sure Tibia and Gurkin are safe (Now that’s a man who is worthy of being King!)
”Ohhhh, Golly. Ohhh Gosh” (Fitz p l e a s e just say fuck.)
OH THANK GOD good job Fitz using your magic as you should I’m v v proud of you (I was so worried he forgot he had magic)
”magic never goes wrong for me!” (Says the man who turned into a plant last time but sure go ahead and believe that)
Firby summons Breeze through the Willows and asks for transportation help!
Woah Ranier’s chair can shrink! (Classic. Magnus Burnsides and Taako working together I love it)
YO THE FOREST GUARDIAN IS DELIVERING A MESSAGE FROM FIRBY TO FIRBY? WTF (what does this actually imply for future visits with the “forest guardian”?)
Oooo splitting up the party that’s pretty scary guys (I don’t think Travis will do you dirty but good lord you’re all apart)
”Choose. *and justify*”
Good god this is comical I want to animate this (The scene with Tibia and Gurkin pointing and being loveable fools)
Gurkin takes the Helmet key and wears it on his thumb out of the room. (This is a very good merch opportunity boys please take it I will buy it you have no idea)
”Stairs! *gasp* could be a mimic!” “yep could be a mimic!” “Nah I’m just playing I go up the stairs I’m not afraid of no mimic” (sir... yes you should be, please be careful)
”May I interest you in a scone?” (Travis... is this your reference to Klarg and how he didn’t have scones?)
HOW DARE YOU FUCKING CALL FIRBY A THIEF I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER (Sorry got a little heated there but the threat still stands)
awe my fucking god Travis bringing baby Dot into the Ad read I’m s o f t (I live for any McElroy + their kid content like it’s so cute)
RANIER’S DAD IS DARK SKINNED WITH VITILIGO OMFG YESSS!!!!!!! HIS NAME IS Gordy? (So good I adore this. The name is so funny. Plus all the people who were dead set on Barry being Ranier’s dad are sad lmao)
”it’s a half-elf thing anyway” (Fitz please)
”Can I be a dad for a second?” (melted my heart)
”this seems very unfair to you!” (Felt that ok keep going)
”I’m up for the task but I need help and every time I ask for it there’s all these hoops I have to jump through” (OK FELT THAT KEEP GOING)
Travis, you are explaining the US/world today I hate you jfc stOPPPP (Please it’s too meta I can’t)
”You do not look ill to me” (Pulling a fucking dad joke right off the bat huh Justin? I like your style)
”I am dying so what do I care” (Me in the situation of our world today)
“I have been alone since I’ve left here. Be we are alone. Together.”
”Sleep well we will talk about this more in the morning” “and your father closes his eyes for the last time.” (JFC I’m CRYING OVER A NEW CHARACTER WHO doesn’t EVEN MAKE IT HALF AN EPISODE)
Firbolg SINGING IN HONOR OF HIS FATHER I’m SOBBING LEGIT RN (This isn’t a joke. Justin’s voice. Him singing in Firbolg’s voice too? OH my god. The talent, the emotion.)
Fitz is so worried about Firby right away (omfg my crops are watered, my acne is cleared)
Argo n Tibia  (Yes.)
”No magic except for mine can get in or out of here”
”I told you that if you left without my permission that I would kill ten students a day until you come back.” (I didn’t even… consider… the implications…)
Griffin, I need this music out ASAP, please. I swear to god.
In other news, I really am excited about next week’s episode. Bc, I think it’s going to be “Hello everyone! Welcome back! Roll for initiative” And those are my fave types of dnd sessions.
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vulturedimension · 5 years
i can’t stop thinking about this. it’s from mbmbam 471 (transcript under cut)
Travis: It goes like this! [in the Riddle Me Piss voice, which is the only way i can describe the voice. it’s pretty bad] I am something. [Griffin: Oh, good.] I kiss my mama before I die. [Griffin: Jesus!] What am I? Justin: Okay. Right. Griffin: That’s it?? Travis: Once again, the clues you get are: I am something. [Griffin: Right.] I kiss my mama before I die. What am I? Justin: So there’s just the two clues. I am something. [Travis: Uh-huh.] I kiss my mama before I die. [Travis: Correct.] Griffin: Don’t kiss mama before you die from the train. [if anyone can tell me what this is a reference to, if anything, that would be appreciated] Justin: Um... a... b- these- I hate this. It is anti-joke. Like, it is the- if the other things that we do are like comedy prompts, this is a comedy sandbag that you drop from the ceiling and poison our show. Travis: I know what it is! [simultaneously] Griffin: I know you know. Justin: Of course you fucking do. Griffin: I kiss my mama before I die. Uh... [hesitantly] a baby? I know! I don’t... Justin: Challenging. Travis: Obviously, the answer is, a match stick. Griffin: Oh yeah, this is actually good, [Justin: Now this is a riddle!] and here’s why: it scratches the box, which is like it came out of its mommy and it touches it, and also, it is something. Travis [in his normal voice, finally] And you know how when you take a matchstick out of the box, you’re like, “Time to leave your mommy.” Griffin: Yeah, but first- Justin: Yeah, and you know how after you use a match, you say, “Oh, that match? It’s dead now.” Travis: After it kissed its mommy, the box. Justin: What a wild thing, if you throw a match down and they’re like, “What happened with that?” “Well, it kissed its mommy, and now it’s dead.” “Excuse me? The match?” Griffin: I know sometimes when I’m setting up a candle-lit romantic dinner at home, I’ll be like, [quietly] “Mm, you like this? You want some music? Okay, beep beep boop. Yeah, just give me one second.” [loudly] “Kiss your mommy!” “Let’s go.” [Justin sighs deeply] Let’s get that question going, though. Justin: Yeah, anything. Anything. I’d rather read my own obituary. [end transcript]
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cuz-reasons · 5 years
This is every time I could find that any of the boys said they died. Sorry if the audio isn’t the greatest, I had to compress it.
Transcript under the cut because it is very long
[Audio Description: A supercut of every time the Tres Horny Boys and the McElroys say they die, whether in a goof or for real, in The Adventure Zone
Griffin: Maybe the three of you will die, I don’t know
Travis: It kills you!
Griffin: It kills you, you die
Taako: I’m dying. [Laughter, all but Justin]
Taako: I’m literally dead.
Griffin: She kills you instantly. No.
Magnus: He’s going to kill us!
Director: He’s going to murder the three of you. [chuckling]
Director: Thank you for your service, goodbye.
Travis: Magnus’ neck breaks and he dies.
Griffin: Oh, a minus one. Then you die. [laughter] God, Travis, if only you— in trying to discern his fanciness, your nose just starts bleeding, and you fall over and—
Clint: You’re fancied to death.
Griffin: The train de-rails, and everyone on board dies. Three ghosts appear and strangle all three of you to death.
Travis: [providing sound effects, makes a “ka-chunk” noise and breathy exhale]
Griffin: [laughing] …And it depressurizes and you die, I guess?
Justin: I die. I die in fiction.
Griffin: [exhausted inhale] And, I’m dead.
Clint: Uhm… Uh, let’s see. You said 21? I’m, uh, 2 points dead.
Justin: Oh, I’m negative 5, baby. I’m dead as disco.
Griffin: Uh, the three of you walk into, uh, this room singing, uh, showtunes, uh, and everyone inside this building looks at you and kills you. No.
Justin:  If you don’t use a character voice, you lose a hit point.
Travis: [laughs]
Clint: Okay.
Travis: You die.
Griffin: You run up, tear the box open and it explodes, you die.
Griffin: Okay. Yeah, this needle, first of all, passes through your suit-
Travis: And you die!
Griffin: It digests it and shits it out. And the shitty axe comes out and kills you.
Travis: Merle's dead. He bled out.
Clint: I'm dead, right?
Griffin: And— he died between episodes.
Griffin: And you are launched out of the cannon, and, yeah, it’s been a while since you’ve done this.
Travis: And he forgot to open the door.
Griffin: And you die and that’s the end of The Adventure Zone
Griffin: The clock tower snaps at its midsection as it chimes its twelfth chime, and it falls over into that large two-story manor at the end of the street with a loud crash. And the ground, as quickly as it expanded, it just falls out beneath your feet. And you’re falling. And you’re burning. And you’re being crushed by the shattered earth as it compresses down into the ground. And you hear an anguished scream come from something massive and furious, and all three of you have died.
Justin: I pull out a gun and shoot the two of them and shoot myself.
[Riotous laughter]
Clint: [Sing-song] Reboot!
Justin: Starting again.
Griffin: and then just like that, the ground compresses. And it pulls you down in with it, killing you, Magnus, and killing you, Taako, pretty quickly. Merle, you are also subject to this catastrophe, although right before it happens, those rocks— before Cassidy can do whatever she was doing to them, they get blasted out by a wave of force, like buckshot from a shotgun as the ground pulls you under. You are burned. And you are crushed. And you are dead.
Griffin: You pull on the lever to this locker and all three of you hear a horrible sound that lasts, like, a split second. And the sound is like, [explosion noise] and it was actually the sound of this room more or less exploding.
Griffin: And all three of you have died.
Travis: I’m gonna open E next.
Griffin: Boom! The room explodes.
Justin:  Can we just stroll on through?
Griffin: Yeah, sure.
Justin: Okay.
Griffin: It explodes and you die. No, I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding.
Clint: I take the meat and the ice.
Justin: Thank god.
Travis: It explodes!
Griffin: Because all three of you are almost instantly devoured by something as soon as you leave the light.
Griffin: I mean canonically, Magnus did say it, so you do have a trip to heaven
Travis: I cut the black wire.
Griffin: [Singing] To heaven we’re going on a trip together
Travis: I use Railsplitter to cut all five wires at once. [Clint laughs]
Griffin: [Giggling] You’re in heaven.
Griffin: All of you hold hands as both the flame and the purple worm burst through the bubble. The forcefield ultimately giving up the ghost and the room is flooded with fire and you are destroyed by a blast of nearly supersonic force and the last thing you hear is a scream of unbridled fury and you do not live long enough to hear the twelfth chime of the clock above you.
Griffin: I think the cave just collapses on all of you and Luca, and you get crushed by rocks.
Istus: You're going to be amazing.
Griffin: And then the building comes down.
Griffin: It reaches out and taps you on the forehead, and as soon as it does, your vision kind of goes dark.
Travis: And Magnus is dead.
Griffin: And Magnus dies and that's it. Thanks for listening, everybody! And now it's on to the next— no.
Griffin: [disgusted sounds] Oh come on, I’m in hell!
Justin: I'm gonna die, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.
Griffin: I'm dead and in hell now.
Griffin: But you also see a tear in the fabric of space, and it looks familiar. Because you saw something similar to that during your time in Lucas’ lab. It is a rift open to the astral plane where the souls of the deceased go after their death in the material plane. And you are drifting into it, Magnus. Because you’re dying.
Clint: I’m dead. I’ve just been killed. I’m as dead as dead can be.
Justin: I just killed somebody while I’m dead, what’s up!
Justin: You did die.
Clint: Yeah can we point out— 
Justin: I mean, I don’t wanna get technical about it, but you... you are dead.
Clint: Yeah, your body got destroyed, so you’re dead!
Justin: You’re dead!
Clint: I’m sorry,
Taako: But I’m gonna need Magnus’s blood. He died, and we would just really like something to remember him by.
Griffin: You’re killed by a Yeti.
Travis: Yeah, I’m gonna die.
Griffin: They just—they just tear you apart. They just fucking destroy you.
Griffin: But, eventually like, you're left behind and you only, sort of, outlast the Hunger for so long before you are killed.
Travis: Oh, I’ll die then. That's fine.
Griffin: And so, I guess from the point of view of the rest of your party, who like, take some time, like this has happened a few times now, and it’s tough every time, like you're dead.
Griffin: She literally finds another gun and, like, does it—
Lup: Count the shells! gratatatatata…
Taako: Oh! I’m dying.
Griffin: Based on the rules of the game, Dad… you die. [Travis starts laughing] You tried to put some googly-eyes on a shell and the shell broke and it cut— It cut you to ribbons. And you died.
Griffin: And he extends his hand, palm first, and you see this sort of black fire surround his hand and you feel this incredible pain as black fire spreads throughout your body from your insides out, just killing you in a second.
Griffin: And he kills you. [This is repeated three more times]
Griffin: You take a step. And freeze. And I don’t just mean like, you stop moving? You feel something seize up within you as the dust that you breathed in as you’ve been in this chamber instantly calcifies and spreads throughout your body in the blink of an eye. And you are gone. And the rest of you look over and you just see a Magnus Burnsides statue made of this same white limestone as the walls surrounding you. Just frozen in place.
Travis: Well, see you all next cycle! [hums the Mario Bro’s game over tune]  [laughter]
Griffin: And all of you feel it now. Just for a moment something… something hard just emerges from within you and you are instantly frozen, your shapes frozen atop the dais just lifeless, carved in stone.
Justin: Well, I… put my hand in it, I guess.
Griffin: You’re killed instant— no.
Justin: Then that’s going to do it for the Adventure Zone, we hope you’ve enjoyed this rich tapestry we’ve woven. Sorry I- boned it there at the end.
Griffin: Um, I don’t really have the same offer for Magnus that I did for Taako and Merle, I just have a question, which is, how does Magnus die? [long pause]
Travis: [emotional] You know… I kinda envisioned him from the beginning as like, a guy who was looking for a cause worth dying for, and I’ve always kinda envisioned this like, big Blaze Of Glory moment, and then, somewhere along the lines, he became… I realized that he had found something worth living for, and the relationship between Taako and Merle and all of his friends and stuff and what he was doing, started to trump that, became more important. I wanted him to live, I wanted him to survive. And so, if you had have asked me three years ago when we started, I would’ve said he died epically in battle.
Griffin: He got eaten by a dragon that he tried to fight by himself. [crosstalk]
Travis: [crosstalk] Yeah, something like that. But now, I actually think he dies peacefully of old age. Um. [voice trembling] Calmly, and holding in his hand his wife’s wedding ring. That’s how Magnus dies.
Griffin: And other folks are there too, this is just, like- Taako and Merle are there too, that’s just how dwarf and elf age work, you got old before they did, and they’re there too, and they’re with you, and Lucretia is there with you, and she is much, much older, I think she is sitting in a chair at your side. Carey and Killian are there, and Carey is holding your hand in hers and she’s smiling, and she’s just saying,
Carey: It’s okay, bud. It’s okay.
Griffin: And Davenport is there, and he’s at the foot of your bed, just smiling warmly, and he places a hand gently on your leg. And Angus is there, and he’s all grown up! And, he is… He’s so upset, but he’s trying to force a smile for you, Magnus. Barry and Lup are both there, and they look so happy for you, they are this force of reassurance, all of your friends that you have known for over a century, who’ve been with you, and have loved you for so long are all with you. They’re all ready to say goodbye. You are surrounded by friends as things get hazier and hazier in a way you’re kind of familiar with. And then, in a flash, the world is clear, and there’s Kravitz. And he looks like Kravitz, he’s not in his reaper form, but nobody else seems to see him in this moment, and he reaches out his hand and takes yours, and he helps you to your feet, and he says,
Kravitz: My friend, I think this one’s gonna take.
Magnus: Well, let’s hope so for your sake, I don’t want you getting in trouble with the boss. /end of audio description]
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rose-verte · 5 years
Ok so I relistened to Gerblins. Quick thoughts/feelings below for anyone who cares.
-This is very different when I know who these guys are. This podcast was my formal introduction to the McElroys so I was very confused at first. I couldn't, for instance, always tell Travis and Justin's voices apart and that is mind boggling to me now.
-Justin takes a bit to actually find the Taako voice and it is rough at first, I forgot that.
- Speaking of voices, I've said it before, but Justin's insistence on character voices is so relatedable to me at my very core as an older sibling I cannot even explain.
-I love that in the graphic novel, Carey&Clint found that super early Magnus rushes in/Taako's good out here moment because I forgot that Travis doesn't actually say Magnus rushes in the whole arc (Griffin says it in episode 5 or 6). Also she adds some stuff to the climax of the arc that shows the bonds (tm) between thb already and she is great and they are great.
-Barry is in his 50s? Forgot that! Thanks sexy fanart.
-Ok but what does Barry have in his secret box? Obviously the coin but like...what else? How much did he tell himself? Maybe love letters from Lup? Idk why he would bring that but it was my first thought ok? I love Lup!
-Magnus is trying to show Taako and Merle dirty pictures of a girl back home and I think that is gross and very disrespectful to Julia >:(
-God, the first listen I was so into Killian and really wanted her to be there the whole time. And you know what? I stand by it.
-The staff/umbrella scene I just kept going Lup Lup Lup in my head. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Lup? I think Griffin said that he didn't have the campaign planned out but it was always Taako's item and I want to know what he was thinking. Anyway LUP!
- Initially I wanted to comment how sad I was to lose Gundren being Merle's actual relative because of how much I love him almost talking him down but...I realized that Merle always loves people like that no matter the blood relationship and we stan a legend (how did his blood make the map work tho?)
Pretty much everything they did in the graphic novel to adapt I agree with but I wish they left in Kurtze. Maybe a liveshow with the return of Kurtze?
-This is the most d&d the podcast ever is. After this arc it becomes something else you can't really explain to people. But this is arc is dungeons and dragons baby!
-on a personal note, this podcast came to me when I was going through some difficult stuff and I'm...I guess still dealing with that stuff but better now and I want to thank it for being there for me when I needed it I guess?
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patheticphallacy · 5 years
This is the first in my Graphic Reading Wrap Up series.
I read enough manga, comics and graphic novels that I figured I’d be better off doing separate wrap ups so I don’t find myself having to cram a shit ton into my reading wrap ups every month. I want to spend more time actually talking about what I read, especially graphic fiction/non-fiction, which I get through so much of that I feel like I don’t spend enough time explaining my thoughts.
If you would like longer reviews of anything I talk about in this post, let me know. I have some P L A N S for Christmas blogging to make up for what will be a smaller November upload month.
#1 is my first wrap up after my September wrap up, if you want to see what else I’ve read.
Assassination Classroom Volume 5 by Yusei Matsui
I’m very fond of this series, and the growth of its characters. The prioritisation of developing the students and their self esteem is so incredible: rather than beating his students down, Korosensei works them towards improvement, and it’s interesting seeing so many layers of characters who aren’t strictly good or evil. This volume has the end of the baseball arc, a fight against the new PE teacher, and the next arc is another assassination attempt on Korosensei, which is exciting.
Check, Please! Book 1: #Hockey by Ngozi Ukazu
I’ve been reading this webcomic since 2016, so finally being able to pick up this volume now I have money has been a long time coming. I hold every character deep in my heart and I know pretty much every chapter/episode like the back of my hand, so reading this was more like revisiting an old friend than something new. I HIIIIGHLY recommend this webcomic, and I will only discuss it with you if you also rate it 5 stars and love it unconditionally!
The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited by the McElroy’s (especially Clint) and Carey Pietsch
This is my favourite arc in the podcast, so I was expecting to love it more than I did. It feels like some of the humour isn’t translated as well over to these graphic novels, but I think changes made are important to fit the format. I think this works well for people who are fans of the podcast, but I’d definitely recommend the podcast first for other people, just to understand the characterisation and the D&D self-inserts Griffin has. But I will say…. Angus McDonald is still my baby boy and I love him.
Momo to Manji Volume 1 and 2 by Sawa Sakura
A very heavy series, while still being cute. Momo to Manji is set during the Edo Period and follows a male prostitute who is taken in by another man after growing too old to still serve. It has confusing moments, and has very dark material– some violence, obviously prostitution, as well as incest and very young characters having sex with adults– but the relationship between the two main characters is very endearing, and I really grew to care about Momo especially.
Welcome to Wanderland #4 by Jackie Ball (not pictured)
Finally got to read issue 4! A very quick and fantastical series, and I think the new artist did a great job helping finish up a series that was very dear to the hearts of the writer and the original artist. I was satisfied with this conclusion and I think I’ll end up re-reading it, maybe next year, just to experience the full story in all its glory.
Fragments of Horror by Junji Ito
This is a solid 3 star collection. None of the stories really lingered with me other than Gentle Goodbye, which is now one of my favourite short stories. It’s a beautiful and incredibly moving story for me, even if that wasn’t Ito’s original intention when writing it as a horror story. There’s something to be said about generational horror and ghosts, and what family means to different individuals.
Dissolving Classroom by Junji Ito
My new favourite Junji Ito manga! There’s a focus on body horror, as there always is, but this felt more… fun. Chizumi is a nightmare child, I think she’s so great and definitely up there with my favourite children in horror now. I know the ending will be hit or miss with other people, but it’s not like Uzumaki, where I waited 600 pages to be disappointed at the end.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Volume 1, 2 & 3 by Kore Yamazaki
A series I’m very much in the middle about. I’m enjoying the fantastical elements, but the setting and time period are so confusing to wrap my head around in terms of modernity. It very much reminds me of Lore Olympus in that regard, but that webcomic is more straightforward in explaining, so I just don’t know with this manga. There’s also something stopping me for completely loving the characters. I’m not a fan of age-gap romances that don’t spell out what’s going on: is this romantic, or is it purely platonic? If I don’t know where I’m supposed to stand, I can’t feel at ease reading it.
The Avant-Guards #7 & #8 by Carly Usdin
This series is so good! Great cast of characters who are believable in their love for one another and their basketball playing. There’s a genuine wholesomeness to this series that really reminds me of Check, Please! and Haikyuu!!. What is it with sports stories and exclamation marks? Anyway, I highly recommend this series, I’m glad it’s been longer running than Usdin’s other stories. Also, did you see the Heavy Vinyl graphic novel announcement? SICK.
Lovely Complex Volume 2 by Aya Nakahara
This series is getting better by volume. It definitely draws on cliches and tropes of the genre, but I really enjoy that, and I’m still attached to the characters and the slow burn complexity of the feelings between the two leads. It’s easy reading where the conflicts never linger and isn’t at all difficult to get through, which is definitely something I need more of in my reading.
Parasyte Volume 1 by Hitoshi Iwaaki
Meh. For some reason, I was really expecting to love this– a dude learning to live with a parasite who controls his arm is a great premise– but there was something about the writing that stopped me from feeling compelled. I can’t really feel any risk, and that’s something I like in my horror. The body horror is also not too great, which was one of the selling points for me. Sad! Not sure if I’ll carry on with this series, honestly.
Out of Skin  by Emily Carroll
Another freaky short story from Emily Carroll, who honestly does no wrong in my eyes. Amazing art– character design, colour palette, all of it, amazing– and the eerie story at its heart. I love Emily Carroll’s focus on more feminine voices and stories, it never feels exploitative of women and draws on violence towards women without feeling nasty or targeted.
Teen Dog by Jake Lawrence
The ULTIMATE graphic novel. Literally, one of my all time favourites. It’s the perfect balance of silly and existential, and I genuinely love every moment of reading this. It was my second read through and I just smiled the whole time.
Are you a fan of this new recapping format? I found it a lot more easy to only talk about manga/comics/graphic novels, and doing this means I don’t put myself under pressure to get wrap ups out at the same time every month and have about 40 things to get through in one go!
I’d love some recommendations in the comments.
If you liked this post, consider buying me a coffee? Ko-Fi. 
Graphic Reading Wrap Up #1 This is the first in my Graphic Reading Wrap Up series. I read enough manga, comics and graphic novels that I figured I'd be better off doing separate wrap ups so I don't find myself having to cram a shit ton into my reading wrap ups every month.
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nochiquinn · 4 years
the magicians s05e05-6: and thanks for all the fish
[insulin fund]
"consult the lunatics" you already are
dfklsdjfSDKF eye tattoo, do not appreciate, do not like
"identifies as she-slash-her" I don't THINK this is a shitty pronoun joke but also I trust nothing anymore
"Kneecap" that's what I'm calling Alice from now on
I love her
margo and eliot's outfits are so good tho
"no electricity or taste"
fen: [griffin mcelroy voice] I also want an apocalypse!
I miss eliot and fen. I need more of them.
pfft, I can do that. I'm doing it right now.
"where's our fearless leader?" pregnant
what is eliot hallucinating. why is eliot hallucinating.
"I mean cocaine. *get me cocaine*."
"that's exactly what I would say if I was trying to get us to take meth"
kady. kady no. kady I'm too bi for this outfit.
zelda :(
is josh halluci - nope, worse
leave josh alone, I'm love him
y'know, they probably needed to assign a watcher to start with
...is that the Monster
THAT was why the thing in the previously on
[squints at eliot]
[squints at margo]
zelda is really pretty with her hair down
fogg :(
(though I still feel like he had a point about the *forty lifetimes*)
life-changing field trip with zelda
...yeah, funny story about that
"I try to keep the showboating to a minimum" I love her
wOW margo's makeup. geeze.
"my crippling fear of/attraction to authority?"
"do not worry about me" too late
he now has 37 layers of foundation on his mouth
oh okay margo's on theme
margo only has emotional vulnerability when she's dissociating
oh goddammit eliot
yeahhhh that's what I thought
also bullshit there's no way there's a mirror tall enough for him
"his fight or flight response is to take a fucking nap" you know what same
marina stop I'm already gay
are they playing hungry hungry hippos but with the moon
throw space force at it
"tie those fools up and throw them through the fillory portal"
"this time it's gonna stick" press x to doubt
hello stella's baby bump
one thing I appreciate from this show is it not being weird about margo's physical-but-platonic relationship with eliot
(well as far as I know it's platonic)
well then.
OH are they in a weird time bubble loop because fillory???
"the moon's a wily cunt who doesn't wanna die" "....you know what, that makes exactly as much sense as anything else that's going on, sure."
the amount of callbacks in these last few episodes really makes me think they don't expect a renewal
"can we make this very big" skldfjslKLSD
"we can't just kill penny" we did that already
timey wimey stuff
I've been watching let's plays of the zero escape games and morphogenetic field
"we're stuck in a game that keeps hitting reset" SEE
it's polite to knock
is that todd in a pink wig
eliot. eliot stop I'm already bi
eliot. eliot your poor coping mechanisms are showing
oh hey it's lizard eliot
"I'm the butterfly, you're the president"
eliot discuss an emotion
"I just told you and you didn't believe me" :(
I understand where margo is coming from but also it is maybe incorrect for this moment
oh. well shit then.
pfffff all you need is kill reference
throw the monster at the moon
"like strawberries and santa claus" I love him
"ovary up, charlton"
she is taller than your waist eliot
1. the tides were still intact!!
2. this is some young wizards shit
eliot had a point
"oh, okay" poor margo
be nice to josh
josh just wanted to say it
I'm love
there are seven more episodes in this season what fucks up in the next four minutes
"my logical brain knows without a doubt that I am better with you"
"tell your coping mechanisms to back off or I'll punch them in the dick"
sdfjksldjfsl background margo
oh now we gotta save the other half of the show
remaining questions: the fuck happened to fen? the fuck is up with mayakovsky? the fuck was marina doing? does margo still wanna eat fen (in a werewolf way, not a fun way)? (how would the moon staying fucked up have affected werewolves if it hadn’t smashed into the planet?) can I eventually have my dreams of a josh/margo/eliot/fen polyamory????
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cactibarber · 5 years
Chapter 2 of my TMA x MBMBAM crack fic is up! (Chapter 1) Thanks so much to everyone who’s read it so far!
Justin cleared his throat and began. “Well, we were thinking about going on vacation, so we were waiting until we had some free time-“
“Not that we work hard,” Travis interrupted. “Not like you guys with your files and- are those tape recorders?”
“And we then we all got sick for like two weeks, so we figured we needed a break,” Justin finished. “So we wanted to go to Europe-“
“Gotta get out of the states, you know. It’s uhhh not great right now,” Griffin said. “And-“
“And we decided on London. You know, to- tae sae Bahg Baen,” Justin said, in what Jon guessed was an atrocious attempt at a Scottish accent. The voice didn’t go unnoticed, however, as the two brothers pounced immediately.
“No, no, no it’s Boig Boin-“
“Bae Baen-“
“Beyblades? Are you talking about fucking Beyblades, Travis?”
Jon rubbed his temples and resisted the urge to shout down the hall for Martin- hell, maybe Daisy or Basira could help scare them into giving a proper statement. He had to admit, he was a bit confused with what was going on- usually when people gave a statement, it was in a more listenable way, getting rid of all the feelings (and trauma) that clouded the statement. But these brothers sat in front of him, seemingly rambling about some thing that had happened to them, and they didn’t seem to care at all.
Jon attempted to focus back in to the conversation. The brothers seemed to be arguing about whether the Dick Van Dyke accent from Mary Poppins counted as a real English accent.
“-and the whole movie takes place in London, Griffin, so what I don’t know why you would think that it didn’t count-”
“Oh, just because the movie takes place in London, huh Travis? So if I started talking about ‘puttin it on the barbie’ in Niu Yawk-”
“Gross, Griffin, what are you putting on the barbie?”
“Yeah, c’mon Griff.”
“Gentlemen,” Jon said firmly, a faint crackle of compulsion in his voice. The McElroys sat up straight, as if shocked by lightning. “Please. Continue.”
Justin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he started speaking again. “Well, the point is that we ended up taking a trip to London town-”
“Something no-one but our dad says,” Griffin muttered under his breath.
“-and we were out at one of the pubs here, having some drinks after our flight landed.”
“It ended up just being us three, since our wives decided to stay in the states because of all the traveling we’ve been doing recently. My wife, Teresa, in particular-”
Jon stubbornly ignored the chorus of “My wife” that erupted around the room. Justin’s face was beet red from trying not to laugh at his own joke, while Griffin looked at him, stonefaced and shrugging. Jon was surprised that his compulsion seemed to be wearing off almost immediately. At this point, he was wondering if he was going to be more hungry after this statement than he was before it.
“Anyway it’s just us in London right now. So we were in a bar-”
“And we were leaving around 1 AM? We were pretty, uhh, out of it-” “Drunk- we don’t have to leave a good impression on this guy, Justin, we’re just telling him about how we saw Daz,” Griffin corrected.
“I’m getting to it,” Justin said, glaring at Griffin. He turned to Jon, holding his hands out in a “see-what-I’m-dealing-with” position. “Daz is, well, I mean, I’m getting to it.”
“We were leaving the pub-bar, and we were slightly stumbling to the street. Not like falling down drunk, but definitely tripping every few steps drunk,” Justin continued. “Travis was the worst off since he tried to drink a cocktail with a pie slice on top of it-”
“It was definitely worth it,” Travis said, pulling out his phone. “Let me show you a picture-”
“And when we were outside of the bar-pub, we heard someone ask if we had a cigarette.”
“Was he in the alley?” Jon asked, startled. This story was starting to sound shockingly familiar. If the angler-fish was active again, then it mean that the Stranger had already recovered from their attempted Unknowing.
“Yeah!” Griffin chimed in. “He was leaning against the wall like a gangster from the 60s. Have you seen Grease? Because he looked like-”
“Griffin, I swear to god, if you are going to say that Daz looks like John Travolta from Grease,” Justin exasperatedly interrupted. “Then I will be forced to-”
“I meant his posture, Juice,” Griffin said, rolling his eyes. “Y’know, one leg up like a fuckin’ cool guy.”
“Yeah, that’s what makes someone cool, Griff,” Travis laughed. “One leg up means a fuckin’ cooooool guy.”
Justin raised his voice over Griffin and Travis’ laughter. “The guy in the alley was in the shadows at first, so we couldn’t see him. None of us had any little, uh, smoke sticks on us, so we said no and were about to walk away.”
Griffin and Travis erupted into another round of laughter at Justin’s choice of words. When he was sure all three of them were distracted, Jon allowed himself a little smile.
“But the guy didn’t give up,” Justin continued, getting a little solemn. “He stepped a little out of the shadows and we were able to see him a little more clearly.”
“He looked like a normal dude at first. Like anyone you would see on the street,” Travis said, picking up where his brother had left off. “But as he kept getting closer, he felt, ummm, I guess off is the best way to put it?”
Griffin let out a bark of laughter. “Really, Trav? Is that the best you, a New York Times best-selling author can do?” Griffin put on a voice that Jon guessed was one crafted and honed over many years with a singular purpose of annoying his brothers. “Oh yeah, man he felt like, off I guess? I dunno, I haven’t learned anything past o in the alphabet.”
Justin burst into laughter as Travis pouted. “You describe him then, Griffin! Sorry I wasn’t trying to be all poetic and shit like in one of your cutscenes-”
“Hey, my cutscenes aren’t just poetic. They’re masterpieces in literature.”
Travis rolled his eyes at that and flipped Griffin off, which Griffin responded to by sticking his tongue out. Jon Saw™ a brief flash of hours upon hours of family dinners, many of which had gone the same way, and felt the chill in the back of his spine start to dissipate.
“I’ll give it a crack, though,” Griffin said. “I thought it was pretty clear why he looked off. He was too smooth.”
Jon took a bit longer than it should have to process that statement. “Excuse me?”
“I mean, I guess specifically his face was too smooth,” Griffin explained. “Like it would have been as if he did one of those Korean face mask treatments, but every day, since he was a baby.”
“How would you even put one of those on a baby?” Justin mused, leaning back in his chair.
“I bet you’d have to cut one of them up,” Travis answered. “Unless-”
“Unless-” Justin and Griffin answered back, almost immediately. Jon felt like he was watching a play at this point.
“Unless that’s our next business idea for when we get back! Baby face masks!” The three of them laughed heartily, only stopping to chant in unison, “TM TM TM.”
“But that’s what I meant!” Griffin said, trying to get back on track. “His nose was slightly crooked, but his skin was so smooth, it looked like it was merging back into his face. His mouth was stretched out until it was like the width of his face, and, it wasn’t like it was in the wrong place, it looked like it was supposed to be there. He had these black spots all over his face, but they didn’t look like birthmarks or anything, it was like those parts of his face were, I don’t know, sunken, but still, they were so smooth. Everything about his face was so rubbery and plasticky, I mean it was like-”
“Like he wasn’t a real person,” Jon finished. There was a silence in the office that hadn’t been there since the McElroys had walked in.
“Yeah,” Justin said, breaking the awkwardness.
“How did you know he was, what was the phrase you used, a video game monster?” Jon asked curiously.
“Well, we do this Youtube series called Monster Factory,” Justin explained. “And by me, I mean me and Griffin, because Travis is too busy trying to get into Supernatural or whatever-”
“It’s going to happen!”
“And one of the monsters we made was based off of late great character actor Dennis Farina.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Griffin said hurriedly. “I didn’t know who he was either, and I was in the video with him.”
“Well we took a facescan of Dennis Farina in some golf game and we really messed him up. I mean like, really rogered him right up. Actually,” Justin pulled out his phone and showed Jon a picture of a video game character mid-golf swing that did look “real rogered up”.
“So when he came up to us and asked us for a cigarette again, we got a better look at him in the light. His hair stood out too- it was all blocky instead of smooth like his skin. Like it was low-res,” Griffin said.
“And everyone knows, your hair doesn’t look like your skin,” Travis told Jon, in a faux-educational voice.
“And,” Griffin said pointedly, “his head was moving.”
“Like he was- like he was breathing through his head. It was pulsing, like really slowly, but I definitely saw it.” Griffin shuddered. “Honestly- one of the top ten grossest things I’ve ever seen.”
“What about what happened today with the bugs and Slime-” Justin asked.
“Top ten means that there are other events on there,” Griffin said. “The use of the number ten instead of-”
“How did you get away?” Jon interrupted. This didn’t sound too much like the anglerfish since it could move around, but it still gave off hints of the Stranger. And if it was-
Travis muttered something under his breath, and Griffin elbowed his side. “I said, I yartzed on him,” Travis said reluctlantly, as Griffin stifled some laughter.
Jon shook his head slightly, as if trying to dislodge some rocks from his ear. “I’m sorry?”
“I yartzed! I threw up on his shoes, and we kind of just ran. We would’ve paid him for his shoes-”
“You would’ve,” Justin said, crossing his arms.
“But we were all kinda drunk, and he was really, really creepy. Y’know. Off.”
Jon sat up a little straighter, running a hand through his hair. “You… threw up. On the shoes of something that you don’t even think was human.”
“I mean, we didn’t say that yet,” Griffin said, jumping in. “Butttttt yeah. That’s pretty much what happened.”
“Things were pretty buckwild that night,” Justin said brightly. “But I mean that’s nothing compared to what happened earlier today.”
“Today- what do you mean today?” Jon said, confused. “Did something else happen?”
The McElroys looked at each other, each mentally telling the other to speak. Travis lost, sighing and saying, “Yeah, we saw another one of them today. And-and that’s why we’re here! Because-”
“Well, we want to stop seeing them, for one,” Griffin said. “But also, if this is some sort of weird nightmare hell realm pattern thing, where we keep seeing them, there’s one character we reallly, really don’t want to run into.”
Jon gripped the table, as he Saw™. “The Final Pam.”
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rewrentless · 5 years
TAZ Maxfuncon East Live Quotes
- (in the intro voice) well... griffin had a baby... so iiim mr low voice this time... loow voiiiiiiiice... are you ready for adventure?
- who here played dungeons and dragons today? *like 3 people cheer*
- i slept in a lot and blew off as many activites as i possibly could
- who stops serving pancakes at 9am i missed the whole thing. I had to get cheetos ~fantasy cheetos,~from the store
- 'i rolled a 12 in cursive' dad with that 12 in cursive you write morple on the board
- pobodys nerfect
- dont be afraid im just here to help you become a better us
- his father was brad the bloodthirsty, his grandfather was brad the bonebreaker... so his enemies know him as brad the motivater
- im curious if you all have met brad before 'i keep getting notes from somebody named brad but its a mystery to me' 'there was one office christmas party that i think we both want to forget it right now'
- if we kill anybody is it canon?
- you heard it here first clint mcelroy will kill a child for humour
- do you want to shove a tent in your ass??
- dont yuck his yum
- are you like an exicitable man or a monarch butterfly
- well the boards are pretty narrow so you gotta be careful or else youll step in the laaaava
- its laaava baby laava all over
- youre gonna jump 30 horizontal feet?
- do you know they just set a new world record in the olympics for the long jump for like fucking 8??
- to jump 30 horizontal feet clinton!
- i cast fucking levitate on myself and i float across the lava like a grown man
- do you need different eyeballs??
- is this what its like to play dungeons and dragons with a competent person
- oh were so gonna let you die. nothin personal 'if thats my truth so be it' oh god!
- i literally, not a joke, kick merle in his fucking ribs im so angry at him
- you land on some gum on the floor anf it gets in your ponytail
- i quickly pull some peanut butter out of my pocket 'you dont have any items' oh no my magic peanut butter?? 'Its loose peanut butter'
- listen, magnus will chop your ponytail off for ya if ya want
- i feel like sometimes you cast spells without any consideration of whether or not it might injure me specifically
- i just want to remind you this is our daddy 'hey justin. Its our daddy though'
- your spells... can... be used... to heal wounds. So maybe... give 'er a shot
- i think that i would worry a lot less in those times when im pondering the fate of you, if maybe you didnt rush into every situation like a giant horses ass
- i swing railsplitter at the guy in a costume??
- 'should we trade costumes too?' Youll use any excuse to strip' thats true thats how i got through college
- im not gonna get any older 'are you gonna die today???'
- i never really appreciated how beautiful i was when i was in my body and now im in this misshapen lump, this abbaration, this body that god forgot, this sin, this living sin against aesthetics
- oh man he did a weiner joke on you!
- i cast reduce on garyle and put him in my pocket
- i pat him on the butt 'brad files a report on himself'
- die a thousand deaths
- i grab merles short but really well sculpted body and i notice hes been working out and i throw that lil pecker over the wall
- (during the trustfall) i keep my position and i start humming arms wide open under my breath
- i resist the urge to give him a lil friendly kiss on the cheek
- i feel like the taako body instinctivly reaches for it (a ruby) but like the magnus mind is like i dont care so do i need to do like a battle with my own body
- i cast zone of truth on myself youre fucked
- i cant play two characters at once i mean admitidally i would still be better than dad
- i loosen my tie now its brads time to shine
- youre ready to express your own truth without magic arent you ribcage?
- the ceiling is lowering down to kill all 4 of you, do you have any final words for each other? 'This is your fault brad'
- taako just takes out the ruby he stole and cradles it like the old couple in titanic
- im back in my beautiful big dicked body!
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
finally found time to listen to the first ep of graduation and holy shit!!! i love it so much!!!!! liveblog below ^u^
so i’ve stayed off tumblr for the last five days to avoid any spoilers and damn it was both hard and worth the wait, i am so hype for the rest of this season!!! i think this may be the longest liveblog i’ve ever done so apologies in advance to mobile users if the readmore doesn’t work.
oh dang! starting off with narration!
newa? oh cool we're not in faerun
“a blessing of unicorns” travis i am in love with your world already
loving the spookiness of the place names
trav i love it but this is so much lore so quickly bud i've had to pause to take notes like three times
"and our deaths become all but inevitable" jesus travis
i am so excited, this is going to be so much fun
this music is giving me such dreamworks vibes
and here's the other three boys!
griffin is getting out years of dm saltiness and i love it
a handsome half elf boy, neat
agro keen! nice name clint
his voice is like griffin put artemis sterling and indrid in a blender
sir fitzroy maplecourt, i love him already
clint no, i am too a ace for this
water genasi, that sounds fun
i cannot wait to see the fanart of this dude, he sounds so pretty
"you had me until the mustashe" same griffy, same
clint started off vaguely crunchy and veered right into ned
this is untenable justin
just throwing this out there, just purely based on the voices, i think fitzroy is my fave so far
oh fun! like caduceus 
"that's an absolute unit!" mood
i need art of this dude so bad
... so the same name you gave the nitpicker lol
fitzroy you precious baby boy
oh god this is bringing back memories
"what is a bunked bed?" says griffin 'every fantasy world i create contains elevators' mcelroy
"there is no shame in this" what does that mean justin
fitzroy is my sweet boy and i love him so much, my wee aristocratic dipshit
nice! 17 for the first roll of the campaign!
huh, nice! i like this mechanic
clint ilu
you mentioned maps in the ttazz trav, give me the maps
loving the verb usage lol
oh god its hagrid
i'm loving bud more and more each time he talks
"that's groundsy's place" that's where groundsy hides the bodies of students who displease him
"both in different ways" dang
barn and battleground side... this sounds fun
does fitzroy want to be a knight? i love this
love the use of the word smooshed
hippocamp? oooooh horse mermaid, fun
nice, that sounds cool as hell
y'know what, his voice has grown on me
justin you are crushing this entire scene and i love it
we're already getting some foreshadowing here and i am loving it
oh this music is so choice
YEAAAH first competent woman of the arc! :D
nice, go argo
"oooh, you're sir fitzroy" why does my boy have a reputation already
did my boy get kicked out of the hero tract without knowing it???
is he crying?????
"i had my feelings hurt by a strong man" b a b y  b o y
who's the asshole?
argo my sweet sarcastic boy
oh fun, new npc buddies :D
i'm getting some wicked malfoy vibes from this guy
argo is being a dick but in a very deserved way
travis was not kidding about the sheer volume of npcs, holy shit, i'm only about 45 minutes in and i think that's seven different npcs with names and distinct personalities
oh fun! fantasy wheelchair 0u0
make that ten named npcs
his full name is argonaut, cool!
i am so excited for her holy shit, i need to draw every single pc and npc but i want to draw her the most, i love her so much
fitzroy is a dipshit and i love him
ooooh i get it now, so it's almost more like an acting school, i am digging this setting so much trav
damn that is confident
... are they the only ones clapping?
higglemis is such a mood
justin ilu holy shit
i love leon so much already, he's so soft spoken and sweet
"you would not survive that" fair call lol
griffin no you're going to destroy me with second hand embarrassment
what are you doing fitzroy my dumb dumb boy
"i'm in heck" g r i f f i n
oh my sweet summer child. oh my poor baby :(
yes, what is your class my sweet failure boy
so he's a wizard boy, love it
thank you for trying bud ilu
f i t z r o y  2
druid boy!
rouge buddies :D
so we've got a druid, a wizard, and a rouge, nice balance, a little heavy to magic users but so was balance lol
... i am terrified to know what this squirrel thing is
never mind that is actually freakin adorable, and i love her so much
oh goody malfoy's back
... it's hazing. he's going to haze them.
trav’s doing a really good job of giving npcs with similar pitches of voice different cadences to their speech
the fuck griffin
"that would put me right off lemons" a r g o
oh he has a cape... i know i kept thinking of him as a sort of malfoy character but now i can't stop picturing eridan
i am genuinely loving all the hp digs, this is so good
oh nice! birdy teacher :D
griffin what owl character are you referring to??????
i love how mundane this is, no joke, it makes it feel really grounded
good to know since they don't really have a healer
they have a dedicated party class, i love this
are they actual skeletons??? holy shit travis i love this so much
he's such a nervous baby, awww
i love how supportive these boys are
how did you manage that trav, dang
"we don't talk about it" i love this
is that a spell? i need to look that up
i love this skeleton friend so much
clint's tradition of naming his weapons continues and i love it
clint what are you d o i n g
NICE! go argo :D
"fuck life lessons!" jesus fitzroy
so it's more of like... a vocational school, size-wise, which aligns with a lot of the background info trav's given us. nice, easy to mentally picture
blame taking???
"you're the one whose magic came and ruined everything!" i am so eager to know this magic barbarian boy's backstory
agro's going for a more errol flynn aesthetic lol
puppy :D
"we feel settled on bud" i just realized this is the second character justin's playing that we don't know the real name of lol
i am so eager to learn what the heck this is and i just know it's going to end in a cliffhanger with only 11 minutes left in the ep
"does a plant cry out? it is plant!" i love this sweet firbolg boy
awww, ranier is a sweety, i love her so much, she's my favorite npc so far
bud’s giving himself some larry bird boots lol
everyone but bud are dumb dumbs lol
this music is so good
i am so intrigued travis holy shit this is so good
a credit to trav, this is the first npc that's made me think of magnus in terms of vocal cadence and tone
oh groundsy
poor fitzroy lmao
in conclusion: i am so incredibly hype for the new season!!! i know this ep was mostly setup but i’m already super interested in everyone’s characters and the mystery of whatever’s going on in the spooky forest, and i’m loving the direction travis is taking with the world and how he’s combining the magical with the mundane to make a grounded yet fantastical setting! i can’t wait for the next ep and for all the great things to come this season with everyone ^u^
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Me: I really like this art I should put something nice in the tags when I reblog it but what should I put?
Griffin Mcelroy's voice, echoing from the depths of my subconscious: Daddy Like A Pretty Baby
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maychorian · 5 years
Paladin Theme Songs
I made a playlist and said I would explain it later, so here I am explaining.
Here’s the playlist. Lock in your guesses about which song goes with which Paladin now. Also, I count Kuron as a paladin, so there are seven songs.
I should also note that these are not necessarily songs the various paladins would choose for themselves. Nor are they particularly cinematic or appropriate for background music in a TV show. The question was what I would pick as the theme song for each paladin, so this is what I would pick.
It’s also kind of early-canon rather than late canon, because that’s where my mind tends to go when I think about these characters. These might not necessarily be appropriate for the person I associate them with at the end of the show, or even near the end. The characters did develop, all of them. They had arcs and resolutions. So yeah, think peak-angst time. Also, some of the songs could definitely apply to more than one paladin. “Hero” by Family of the Year could be for any of the Earthlings, really.
Buckle in for some maychorian meta. I don’t do it very often.
For Lance: Waterbound by The Fretless
These is definitely an early-canon song, from when Lance was homesick and missing his family and wondering if he would ever get home. Also, the theme of water and the Blue Lion, of course. It’s about Lance feeling trapped by his duty, wistful and a little lonely. 
It's I'm gone and I won't be back  Don't believe me count my tracks River's long and the river's wide I'll meet you boys on the other side 
So say my name and don't forget Water still ain't got me yet Nothing but I'm bound to roam Waterbound and I can't get home 
For Kuron: Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep
I got pretty choked up listening to this song and thinking about Kuron. His body was basically stolen before he was dead, and it’s sickening. Worst is how no one even seems to realize that they did that to him. He’s just a bodiless ghost.
Worse is the second verse, which to me is about Kuron just wanting to get rid of the voices in his head and be left alone. And treated like a person. For God’s sake, treat this boy like a person. He is one.
Are you some kind of medicine man? Cut the demons out of my head You can't kill something that's already dead So leave my soul alone I don't need no surgery Take those knives away from me I just wanna die in my own body A ghost just needs a home 
For Allura: Voidfish (Plural) by Rachel Rose Mitchell and Griffin Mcelroy
This is the only instrumental in my playlist, so it’s definitely the most abstract, but that’s fitting, since Allura’s story definitely felt very abstract. But still, close your eyes and listen to this song and think about Allura, and try not to cry or get goosebumps. I hear the emptiness of space, the mystery of magic, swooping and crying noises that remind me of the rift creatures that became bound to Allura and her fate. The beautiful harp of her feminity, the war-like drums of her determination to fight, it’s all there. You can imagine her spreading out through multiple dimensions, making them grow and thrive and shine brightly. And then the fading at the end, with the lonely howl of something unknowable.
For Hunk: Hero by Family of the Year
This is early-canon Hunk, sure, but I think it also holds true through the rest of his story. Even after he accepts the burden of fighting for the universe, he doesn’t want to be a solo hero. He wants to fight with his team. He loves people and bringing them together. That was one thing I liked about the ending, actually, was how Hunk’s food was shown bridging cultural divides and helping the new universe after the fall of the Galra Empire prosper and grow.
And we can whisper things Secrets from my American dreams Baby needs some protection But I'm a kid like everyone else
So let me go I don't wanna be your hero I don't wanna be a big man I just wanna fight like everyone else
For Pidge: Summer Skeletons by Radical Face
To me, this is the ultimate sibling song. Maybe the singer met it about childhood friends, but this is the song that my younger siblings really strongly adopted as an anthem. My youngest sisters sang it at another sister’s wedding rehearsal, crying and shaking the whole time. Obviously not every moment in the song will resonate with every set of siblings, but it’s just a beautiful encapsulation of what it means to be young and free and enjoying each other’s company in the endless heat of halcyon summer, and it makes me think of Pidge and Matt and how close they are. And how much she missed him. And how happy they were to get each other back.
When all we knew wasn't stolen There was nothing real to lose When our heads were still simple We'd sleep beneath the moon You were something That would always be around When regrets were nowhere to be found
Lost out among the trees Our hands scraped the bark You still had bloody knees From your spill in the dark We were both laughing then While carving bad words in the wood We had no need to speak
For Keith: Raging Fire by Phillip Phillips
Tumblr won’t let me add anymore videos, but here’s a link.
Yeah, yeah, maybe it’s a little on the nose for me to pick a song about fire for Keith and a song about water for Lance. Still, this song feels appropriate for Keith, for his passion and the way he begins to open up to those around him. His relationship with Shiro is especially poignant in these lyrics, I think. Especially when he was fighting for “Shiro” in that confrontation at the end of Season 6, begging him to hear him and respond to him and fight against the programming. If only he had managed to save Kuron as well as Shiro. But he tried, he really did.
You know time will give and time will take All the memories made will wash away Even though we've changed, I'm still here with you If you listen close, you'll hear the sound Of all the ghosts that bring us down Hold on to what makes you feel Don't let go, it's what makes you real
For Shiro: Soldier’s Eyes by Jack Savoretti
Here’s another link.
Shiro is a fighter. A gladiator. A champion. He’s a soldier, literally and figuratively. And he never stops fighting. But his eyes are definitely haunted by the things he’s seen and things he’s done, and that’s not something he’ll ever be able to escape, even after he goes home at last.
Cause like the enemies that we are battling I am nothing but a human alien Left with nothing else but to keep wandering Down this path whilst stopping my hands trembling Because I know that I'll be coming home soon And yes I know that I'll be coming home soon with a soldier's eyes
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honeylikewords · 6 years
tag game :)
i was tagged by @persephone-divine (stinky ol’ tumblr.crumb won’t lemme tag you...poop...)
nickname: hmm, i don’t have too many! katie is what i typically go by (which is a shortening of my full name, Katarina), but i also use K, anna/anne (which i actually kinda prefer?), some people call me katie-bug, but my dad comes up with a lot of weird names for me, like FishBritches and stuff that’s odd like that!
gender: cisgender female
sign: my preferred signs are road signs for national parks and those “BUY-A-HIGHWAY” signs that tell you who paid for what section of road. but if you mean in terms of horoscopes, i believe i’m a ? pisces? but i don’t buy into that sorta stuff
height: 5’6”, i think? i rarely measure myself heh
time: i’m in the pacific time zone, so it’s currently 2:15 pm on 7/16/2018!
fave bands: mmmm jukebox the ghost, NSP (i just really love dan avidan okay), radical face, MOUSE RAT THE GREATEST BAND IN THE WORLD AND POSSIBLY EVEN AMERICA, and i’ve loved the jonas brothers and owl city since i was a wee little lass, and i will never stop, even if the world calls me cringey,
fave solo artists: carly rae jespsen, sufjan stevens, and i think ? that’s it? unless you count griffin mcelroy because i love music he’s made for the adventure zone and when he makes up silly songs on his guitar 
song stuck in my head: Baby Don’t You Cry (The Pie Song) from the movie Waitress and El Latido de mi Corazón from the Spanish version of Coco!
last movie i saw: oh jeez, i can’t remember... i think it was when i was re-watching Thor: Ragnarok for the director commentary?
last show i watched: Brooklyn Nine-Nine! THE BEST SHOW IN THE WORLD! NINE NINE
when i created my blog: oh dear, maybe... over a year ago? i can’t quite recall
what i post: on this blog, i pretty much exclusively post writing stuff about the various Jons and other characters mixed in for Flavor(TM), but i also reblog photos/gifsets of them, ya know, to shake it up and give some visual reminders of what i’m writing about.
last thing i googled: “Ready Player One Poster” so i could show my little brother the horrible shitty photoshop they did and made the kid’s leg so long it looks like he got stuck in a pasta extruder ghfkfja
any other blogs: yeah!! i have my main blog where i blog normally! i reblog lotsa aesthetic pictures and text posts and silly things about the mcelroys or john mulaney and So Much Jon Bernthal and Oscar Isaac stuff, and overwatch. just all my interests bundled up and neatly tagged so i can go back and find everything!
do i get asks: yep! and i love getting them!
why i chose my url: because look at him. look. also, this url was graciously given to me by @blackcoffeecastle, who is a complete darling and friend of mine!
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following: 679 people, i think?
followers: a whole bunch of lovely folks! (i try not to get caught up in stuff like number of followers, personally)
average hours of sleep: Bad
lucky number: i make my own luck, but i was born on the seventh, so 7 i guess?
instruments: piano, bells, xylophone, and sometimes my voice, if that counts!
what i’m wearing: spiderman t shirt and cinderella pj trousers because i am Fresh Outta The Shower and when i’m Fresh Outta The Shower i put on comfy clothes until i’m all dry n ready to wear Normal Human Clothes
dream job: i wanna be a teacher and write books in my spare time! but i also would really love to be a mother, one day, and for that to be my primary focus, while still maintaining my writing!
dream trip: i want to go to every single disney park and spend several weeks exploring all of them. maybe sleep in the cinderella castle suite or the private disney suite. then i wanna go get a cabin in yosemite national park when it’s snowing and play in the snow!
fave food: i really like sushi, but also pho and pasta and fruits and veggies! and candy. i have an ENORMOUS sweet tooth and i adore candy.
nationality: touchy subject but legally american
fave song: oh dear, i’m not sure! i have so many!
last book i read: i was recently re-reading an old book of fairytales from 1924 and it was super great!
top 3 fictional universes i wanna join: disney princess universe, over the garden wall, maybe the universe from pyre?
tagging: i tend not to talk folks in things like this because i get Too Darn Shy, but i’d love to hear what kind of universes you all would like to belong to, or think i’d fit well in! that’d be a fun discussion! maybe it could open up AU possibilities... :D
thank you so much for tagging me, amber!! i looooooooove yoooooooooou
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cyberrat · 6 years
The moment I saw that gorgeous Lucio page I heard Griffin McElroy's voice in my head going "DADDY LIKE A PRETTY BABYYYY!"
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lyravellas · 7 years
Here There Be Gerblins Part 1: TAZ Pre-Finale Relisten Recap
I’m doing the uncut version.  Pray for me.
Travis has his entire character and backstory locked and loaded prior to the pilot.  Justin has come up with the name Taako.  Both of these things are equally ridiculous in completely different ways.
BONUS:  Justin: “I’m playing a wizard and his name is spelled T-A-A-K-O.”  Travis: “So like… Tae… Tae-koh?”  Justin:  “Well, I mean, it’s-”  Griffin: “Is your wizard named… are you naming your god damn wizard Taco?”
Travis describes Magnus’s stats as “everything’s twenties across the board, plus twenties on all of his skill checks, and he has a magic sword that kills people in one hit” and the fact that this is NOT ACTUALLY THAT FAR OFF FROM CURRENT MAGNUS is absolutely wild
Taako was originally an acolyte of Oghma, god of wizardly shit. That tidbit got dusted real fast, probably for the best.
Clint actually says that Merle being a good dancer is a character trait in this episode.  In the Legato/Voidfish loop Clint studies interpretive jazz dance at the conservatory.  Good job Clint
Motion to make points of inspiration being fucking useless into an IPRE meme even though that doesn’t make any sense.
When Clint remarks about his inexperience with D&D Travis actually says, word for word, “I honestly believe that dad is going to be the best one at this game. I mean skill, you gotta roll your dice and not blow it.”  Holy shit does this particular tune change.  Poor Clint and his cursed rolls.
Clint describes some no-bakes that Justin made and Griffin says he should be the one DMing the game.  Clint McElroy superhero campaign for next arc confirmed?
Travis proposes ‘Steve Smith’ as an alternative name for Gundren Rockseeker.  ‘Here lies the town of Phandalin, tragically destroyed by Steve Smith’ is one hell of a concept.
Fun fact: The very first roll in The Adventure Zone is to MapQuest fucking Phandalin.
Barry Bluejeans is undeniably a Very Good Name.  However, it’s also pretty god damn easy to come up with a better name than Sildar Hallwinter, which sounds like what you’d get if you stuffed a broom handle up someone’s ass and asked them to freestyle some baby names.
Ruby the tiny pet bulldog that looks like two butts with some legs in the middle is my favorite character and I hope she’s okay.
“I’m studying my cantrips.”  “YOU CAN JUST SAY MASTURBATING DAD”
Pretty much the moment I personally was like “Well I guess the McElroys own my ass now”
The first thing Merle tries to do in combat is cast a buff on the party and Griffin tells him not to do it to conserve spell slots.  And thus, Merle’s shitty cleric origin story begins.
Taako gets the first kill of the campaign.  He’s helped out quite a bit by Merle, though, who gets the first attack of the campaign.  Magnus gets the first ‘leap off of shit and do something vaguely ridiculous’ action of the campaign.
Holy shit.  Justin’s original Taako voice is absolutely ridiculous.  It’s like an affected snake inhaled helium and also knew how to speak English.  
“You could roll an investigation check on the dead horses.”  “I rolled a two.”  “You’re like ‘Wow look at these big dead dogs’”  
Side note:  I just got my brother into TAZ today and he absolutely lost his shit at this part.
Merle successfully casts a buff on Magnus in their second fight against an overpass gerblin.  I think I might need to start a ‘Merle’s not actually a shitty cleric’ tally.
Taako chilling on the overpass while Merle and Magnus get pachinko’d around the cave by a wall of water is pretty much par for the course in terms of the THB dynamic later on and I love it.
The “I got too horny from the killing” goof is the weirdest source of nostalgia for me because even though this podcast snowballed into a wonderful amalgamation of comedy, emotion, and joy from that point forward, it is also just objectively a dude talking about how killing someone made him horny.  So.
I’m keeping a running list of Shit That Probably Isn’t Technically Canon Anymore But Is Still Canon In My Soul.  So far I’ve got:
Taako carries around a copy of “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Elves”.  Three of these habits are “looking at trees”, “long hair”, and “hackey sack”. 
Merle has 1,999 party points.
Magnus carries a vanity mirror with him everywhere he goes to touch up his sideburns on Sundays.
I also think I’m going to be keeping a running list of ��Things That Could Potentially Be Useful If The McElroys Remember Them”.  So far I’ve got:
Taako’s fucking “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Elves” bathroom reader apparently allows him to rest once per day and recover some expended spell slots, somehow.
Apparently Taako has a couple cantrips called “Shield” and “Mage Armor”.  I have no idea what these things do but considering Taako’s clownshit AC throughout the campaign I assume they might have been useful at some point earlier on in the game?
Taako has advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can’t put him to sleep hot damn flipwizard got skills
That’s it for this episode!  It was a very fucking long one.  Have a lovely fantasy day!
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