#(so much faster tbh)
trinitywc · 1 year
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listen both of you, we don’t have much time
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scentedcandlecryptid · 6 months
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Impulse and Kid Flash racing in my comic/show crossover!
@givemewallywestorgivemedeath I think you mentioned these two racing in my main post, so this one's for you XDD
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Broken Warp Pipe AU
Based off of a concept by @multicolour-ink and @wiz-witch​ where the warp pipe in Brooklyn breaks down, leaving Mario and Luigi stranded separate dimensions: X.
From there I just went off the rails.
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Mario (Brooklyn Side)
Mario has not stopped working toward finding a way to The Mushroom Kingdom since he and Luigi were separated, and has run himself ragged in the process.
He started off trying to discover if there is a working warp pipe somewhere else in the world. After all, if there was one just under their noses in Brooklyn, surely there’s another somewhere! He just needs to search, and search hard.
He’s always on the move, working some side-gigs to stay afloat while spending every second of free time pursuing and studying warp pipes. He eats bad, sleeps bad, and even smokes sometimes when he’s sleep deprived and can’t focus (though he always feels guilty about it afterward. Luigi would NOT approve.)
Mario hates being alone, but spends most of his time alone, because he feels that’s what he deserves at this point. He’s reached so many dead ends he feels like he’s already failed his brother, but refuses to slow down all the same.
When he’s feeling particularly hopeless or lonely, sometimes he talks to nobody as though he’s talking to Luigi. This helps a little. 
He calls his family every couple of months to let them know he’s okay, and to see if there’s any sign that the Brooklyn warp pipe is working again. These phone calls are brief, and he never properly explains where he is or what he’s doing.
 Mario has stolen (and usually returned) many ancient artifacts and documents, and broken into many a location trying to uncover a warp pipe. He hasn’t hurt anyone, but his impatience and determination has earned him a bit of a criminal record in the human world. 
In his travels, Mario found one or two working warp pipes, but they led to weird alternative dimensions not even close to The Mushroom Kingdom. He has done some heroism in these places whenever the situation presents itself (he’s still a good guy), and has been rewarded with helpful information about warp pipes and how they work.
Through knowledge he gleaned from his travels, combined his own advanced skills with traditional plumbing, Mario eventually pieces together how to repair warp pipes, which he uses to fix his own pipe back in Brooklyn.
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Luigi (Mushroom Kingdom Side)
When Mario first got trapped in Brooklyn, Luigi desperately tried to fill his brother’s shoes until he returned. When Bowser inevitably reattempted to destroy The Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi tried to channel his brother by taking the tyrant on alone. He was very nearly killed as a result. DK, Toad, and Peach successfully fended off Bowser in the end, but Luigi was left physically and emotionally scarred in a way he has not quite recovered from.
Luigi still does his best to be a hero despite everything, but is only barely functional unless he has someone backing him up. Princess Peach sticks close to him whenever possible, and Toad is ecstatic to have him as a friend and adventuring buddy.
 Luigi has an official place on the Toad Brigade, and is happiest when he’s doing missions with them.
He eventually develops into one of the most formidable heroes in the dimension, especially after he gains the powers of the thunder hand. He rarely gets recognition for this though, because he very much does not behave like the traditional hero, and far prefers the sidekick position. He wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Luigi does not spend a lot of time in his and Mario’s house, save to keep it clean and tidy. He has not moved any of his brothers things, except to keep them dusted. A part of him still holds out hope that he’ll be back one day.
Princess Peach hooked Luigi up with an apprenticeship with Professor E. Gadd during one of his slumps, and he spends most of his nights sleeping over at the lab. The professor is happy to have him around; Luigi keeps the place so neat and organized, and makes the best cup of coffee!
Though they have some wardrobe changes, both Mario and Luigi have their original hats, and are extremely protective of them. 
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lovereadandwrite · 3 months
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my bby has done nothing wrong ever in his 1000 years of life THIS IS SLANDER !!!😩😬
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rosieofcorona · 4 months
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i was solas first
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kicktwine · 11 months
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there he is the catboy supreme
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woozi · 2 years
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wish me luck ♡
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gifti3 · 3 months
Mammon wouldnt last 10 minutes in a room full of teenagers
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roseofcards90 · 5 months
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So I just finished book three and all I can say is I WANT MOIRAINE BALEFIRE on the show so badly I can’t even express it. I can’t believe this plot point where she secretly learns forbidden skills that kill Forsaken has been kept from us thus far ‼️
Onto book four. Now I have to hope I’m sucked in enough to keep going without Rosamund as the narrator 😭
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Chapter 2- Investigation (Pages 1 & 2)
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And so we start Ayla’s chapter! I really hope you guys enjoy what’s to come! Also, I’d like to say that I have an official update schedule: I’ll be updating every other Friday. Thank you again for all the support so far!!
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lemongogo · 1 year
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dailyjasontodd · 10 months
Any update on the card for Jason Todd for fic research and stuff?
it's certainly coming together 😊 finishing pre-crisis right now and post crisis is done so its only modern comics after that. heres how the draft is looking
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byanyan · 5 months
new genre of ask where byan comes barging in and asks your muse to teach them how to swear in their native language, or any other language(s) they might know
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snapbackslide · 2 months
dunno if you’re reading this but i hope you are enjoying your break and hope you are doing so well🩷 -🫶🏻
heeeyy 🥹 thank you so much you're so sweet, I hope you're doing well too!! 💓
#and thank you for the valentine's wish oof it's been a while 🥹 didn't realize how long i was gone for#i'm semi back now - i think? i def managed to get some things done in my social media break but my mental health is still meh#and i really don't care enough about hockey rn to make a full comeback 🔥🔥#BUT music is alive !! so much is coming up !!!! my fav band has finally returned and i am so excited !!!!!!!!#i also took a break from dating apps and just got back on them and it's dry afffff rn#but i do have crumbs of uninteresting information ☕#idk if you remember the guy from instagram i wrote about?? who i ran into at the drug store and liked my stories#my dumbass was aggressively swiping left on bumble on everyone and i saw him on it#but my finger was faster than my brain so i swiped left before i could register it was him 😭#i immediately gasped cause i saw his name and the same age as me and a blonde guy and was like NO F'ING WAY#i mean i don't think i would've swiped right anyway cause that's so AWKWARDDDD he knew me when i was a child pls#we already know each other and have each other's instagram... feels like it'd be moving backwards LOL#but it's also like... if i saw him on there... what are the chances he found my profile first... makes me wanna puke tbh#i hope i run into him again soon 🙏 (this time when i actually have makeup on... and i'm by myself)#i've also started talking to another guy who quite frankly seems exactly like sens guy but with better values so 🔥 we move#i fully meant that as a diss i'm still pissed and still not over him (moving on? never heard of her)#best way to get over someone is to get under someone else amirite;)))) (no)#anyway i kinda like dating around and not committing tbh bc no man deserves me#until i find one that is solid af i refuse to settle for just anyone for the sake of not being alone#which i'm worried is something some of my friends are doing but i've already tried talking to them and no one listens to me#so i'm just gonna be quiet now 🤷‍♀️ we're grooving#..i forgot what my tags were#oh yeah#answered#🫶🏻#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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chexie · 3 months
I don't really have anything witty for this one. Just. Don't acknowledge out loud that it's almost been a year, I'll sob.
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