#(edit cuz i just wanted to clarify:
echoheart0324 · 1 year
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Gotta relax somehow.
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wayward-sherlock · 11 months
me remembering the majority of my first couple of months on this site were defined by people who are no longer in my life anymore :
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squishescommishes · 1 month
about to plug away more on some comms now but this month's base wips are up for a vote now on patreon! this month ended up being fluffy shrimps and i had fun coming up with the ideas 83c
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stxrry-dxys · 1 month
i said i wasn’t gonna say more on the whole watcher debacle but sorry i just have to talk about the ai art allegations cuz holy shit this is a massive oversight.
before going in i’d like to clarify that i don’t think steven, ryan, or shane personally implemented this BUT it was absolutely their responsibility to check over what their crew members put in their videos.
disclaimer that i did not personally find these, they were brought up through reddit threads on the snark and main subreddit.
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this is the most egregious one. look at the hands. the unnatural length of the fingers. the NUMBER of fingers, the way the hands curl. that is not a mistake a human artists makes. and the way the clothes distort, the fact that one of the shirts looks like it has a finger hanging out of it. in what world is this not obviously computer generated.
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this one is harder to notice, but pay attention to the bars on the boat, how they’re uneven, wobbly, some even stopping and starting up randomly. the boat’s reflection in the water does not reflect back the actual silhouette of the boat. the silhouettes of the people are harder to see but a lot of them look more like wonky blobs, though admittedly this part is rather weak.
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this is the one i think i believe the least but am bringing it up anyways for posterity. the foot is wonky and the back one appears to be missing. his proportions are very off. and i cant say for certain but i seriously doubt a shadow would be that thin from this angle. this one is probably the weakest piece of evidence but feels relevant to include anyways.
there’s more i believe but it’s 3 am and i don’t wanna go personally hunting for it.
this isn’t even a new topic, people have brought it up in comments and threads in the past. and i know good and well this goes against morals that they have brought up before, so this is not quite the look you’d want. using ai art that steals from other creatives to claim as it’s own is not something i’d hope to see from a company that prides itself on being high quality art. it is entirely possible this is just the doing of someone on the art or editing team, but when one of your figureheads and his wife is openly against generative ai like this, you would expect quality control to ensure this never happens.
i hope they’ll speak up about this, and either prove that this isn’t the case or deal with whoever implemented this, though i’m doubtful they will. if they don’t address it and continue to use ai generated art then i hope everyone all has a long look at whether or not this company is as genuine in its passion for creativity as they have tried to appear.
honestly either way i don’t care, im done with these three’s content and have been for a while, but those of you still supporting deserve all the information you can as they proceed forward with this “plan” of theirs. make whatever decision you want regarding this, i wish you all the very best.
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anti-endo-haven · 18 days
Sorry if this is a stupid question but, what's a transandrophobe?
Discrimination towards transgender men and trans masculine individuals.
Edit to add on that I don’t want any type of transphobia here. And that is also in the DNI. I add it because it brings attention to trans men and makes people aware of trans men. Yes trans women are harmed, but it’s not just those people either.
Not trying to start discourse, just wanted to clarify before people started jumping in on “what about transphobia to (group)” cuz I know there’s people that do stuff like that.
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soulofzurvan · 20 days
I have a question, how tall are Blixer, Cube, Cyan and Denzel? And by curiosity, Lycan has ever got caught howling at the moon or tried to convince Blixer in doing it too? (I asked this based on one of the last asks)
[No need to draw if you don't want to and i apologise for any word written wrong cuz i'm still learning english]
The quality of the comic is amazing!
My european brain can't deal in feet, so have this generated image I made, I also use for reference. You find metric and imperial on there.
Edit: The sizes are without ears or horns. Just to clarify.
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Lycan grew out of the age to howl at the moon. She used to do it when she was little and the sight of a clear night sky with stars were still new to her. That awe still lingers well enough in her mind that her dream job has something to do with space.
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Your english is fine. I'm also not a native speaker and learning languages is hard. Feel fistbumped, anon.
And thanks for the kind words! :D
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coinandcandle · 10 months
I didn't wanna derail that last reblog but I wanted to share this pdf I found from the American Jewish Committee of the many different dogwhistles there are cuz I only learned about most of these a few years ago myself and I'm still learning.
AJC Translate Hate PDF
Please read it fully and understand that they are not saying every single thing on this list is inherently antisemitic, they clarify that context matters!!
They break it down past just the word, they tell you why it's bad and how it came to be.
So please use solid reading comprehension when going through the PDF and don't just take it as the AJC just saying "this is bad and don't say it", get educated on it.
Edit: Any Jewish folks willing to add to this please feel free to reblog, comment, or send me an ask/dm with a link you'd like me to add. OR if you have a link to a post from a Jewish person/organization with a master list of helpful links involving educating ourselves on antisemitism please feel free to send it my way!
Also!! @thejewitches regularly shares helpful info not just on antisemitism but on Judaism and its rich, vast history!! Please check them out!
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necroromantics · 3 months
Regarding being "cancelled"
Im not gonna address this further unless anyone needs clarification or something cuz its just drama with random ass kids who I'm not interested in interacting with
Some people dug up a fuck ton of old screenshots of shit I said in my server a year ago. Not gonna deny saying any of that, cuz I did say it, and I've said worse, and if you've talked to me at all I am always very open about this stuff.
In the screenshots I made jokes about disabled people and said I don't care if someone is a Nazi, because at the time my server had like no rules, everything was free reign (which is now changed). This is because I did not care if someone was disabled or a Nazi. It kinda comes hand in hand with ASPD, not caring unless it directly effects you. This does not mean I condone or support the things I joked about*
If you don't know what ASPD is, it's antisocial personality disorder, its characterized by "disregard for peoples rights and feelings". The reason I was even diagnosed in the first place was because I fit the criteria of crossing moral boundaries, disregarding peoples feelings, and not fitting into social norms. I was VERY bad with that in the past, especially a year ago when I was 18 years old, very deep in drug addiction, and didn't have the support system I have now.
If you want to judge me based on my past mistakes and actions, I can't control you. I don't expect anyone to like me, but I do care to get my side out too. I post here because I have fun, not because I care what people think. And if you judge me from shit I said as a drug addicted horribly mentally ill 18 yr old, then that isn't my problem.
Love the label, hate the symptoms yeah?
I don't like apologizing for things I'm not actually sorry for so this isn't an apology. I know I've said a lot of jarring and rude and fucked up things in the past, but if you know me at all then you know it never came from a place of hatred. To me, as someone with ASPD, its about proving that things like societal rules and norms aren't going to be another thing that controls you, so you just ignore them completely. This is what makes it a disorder. Cuz it's irrational and dysfunctional and causes problems like this
Also they vaguely mentioned me abusing someone who's borderline which is ??? because all the relationships with borderlines Ive been in had been very unhealthy on both sides. My mom has BPD so I know how to help those with BPD and Ive always tried my best to cater to BPDers symptoms and issues, even in the relationships where their condition got too much for me.
But yeah, I made mistakes in the past, and I'm not that person anymore, or at least I try hard not to be. I've been sober for almost a year, I have amazing friends and a good support system, I'm on medication for my bipolar disorder. Judge me from the past, but anyone who talks to me now knows that I work very hard to get over those mindsets and habits. To me, thats all that matters.
Edit: Not blaming my disorder, its just easier to explain. I'm taking full blame for what I said in the past, and I acknowledge that it was morally wrong. I said what I said. These people have been absolutely hellbent on being on my ass for months now when all I want to do is just chill out, get better, and live life. Theyre gonna keep complaining about everything I do, and I don't care to make any more edits, just wanted to clarify that Im not making excuses. Also I don't support Nazi's, I just made jokes about it. Anyone who knows me knows Im very against that shit
(I dont mean to sound callous or whatever, I just woke up to this and wanted to quickly clear shit up before it all blows out of proportion)
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Hi, something I never understood is why Kakashi didn't get rid of the elders once he became hokage???, I mean in the novel they tell us that Kakashi as hokage got rid of the corrupted system, got rid of Root and all of Danzo's followers and he also helped Sakura open the first mental health hospital, but it seems that the elders still have power in Boruto, I don't understand why they are not in prison.
I don't understand much about politics and therefore I don't get too involved when they relate it to Naruto, that's why I had that doubt, someone had said that Kakashi as hokage hadn't done it since the hokage don't have power over the elders since they are the ones who select the next candidate for hokage, but I wasn't sure about that, that's why I asked you, to see if you understand why and to know if that person was right
Unless the elder’s do something unforgivable that is recognized (so like they had their part on the uchiha massacure but the story line decided to just drop it cuz ‘itachi asked nicely’ so it can’t be used against them) kakashi or any other hokage has no real power to remove them
Because Kakashi’s also not the only one who would have wanted to
Tsunade hates them
Kakashi didn’t like them
We don’t see Naruto hate them but given that him and Kakashi know the truth about the massacure he SHOULD Hate them (yet he continues to idolize the f***ing third which is just terrible writing in my opinion)
The elders are kinda similar to the checks-balances system
The Hokage is the ultinate power, but even ultimate power needs someone to reign them in. Hence a system like the elders
Because of that, it’s not the Hokage’s powers to remove them without a damn good reason (and Kishi took away that damn good reason by having Naruto agree to keep Itachi’s stupid secret). For the Hokage to remove the Elder’s would be seen as a breech of their power. Them over stepping their boundaries)
Of course we don’t know the full extent of the political system. Kishi could have changed a lot of it to do better
Like he could have had the Hokage voted for by the village (Kakashi probably still would have been chosen. He was the one Shikaku chose as someone who could actually lead the village well and who was so trusted that all the other Kage’s could agree to work with him)
Even if the Hokage role was still nepo baby hand down, the elder’s could have been changed out by vote of the village. Then that way the villagers would get a say in just who is keeping the Hokage in check
Or it could have become a situation of remove the elder’s and make a government of clan leaders and civilian leaders to keep that balance and keep the Hokage in check.
There’s a lot of things that could have been done, but in the end they wanted to make Boruto and change only the bare minimum so even though Kakashi does change the most about a very broken system, he is still so very restricted by the story
Because if you actually take away child soldiers, boruto wouldn’t exist and the people making money off of that can’t have that happen
Edit: i do want to clarify that Kakashi did not get rid of the entire corrupt system. The shinobi system inherently is corrupt and tbh would take prob more than one hokage and a lot more fighting to completly change
He also didn’t get rid of root
What Kakashi did do was
Take root operatives into Anbu and make one coherent group
Change missions to ‘capture first kill only when necessary’. So Teen anbu Kakashi who killed every person he faced grew to become the man who made sure no anbu or regular shinobi did the same thing.
Opened the police force to everyone rather than just one clan
Helped and supported sakura in her goal to open a children’s mental hospital
And is stated to have fought against those who wanted to ‘uphold the old ways’ to make many of these changes because he knew they were necessary
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summerwritesfics · 8 months
🧊An Unexpected Twist
Pairing: None Length: 613 Words Rating: General Warnings: Mortal Kombat 1 timeline, Kuai Liang is Scorpion, Pyromancer!Kuai Liang, Fluff, Power Awakening, Bàba Zero is trying his best
Ice, Ice, Smoke And Fire Masterlist
Notes: Another one I’ve had written up and edited for a while. Ice, Ice, Smoke And Fire is just gonna be a series of silly fluffy oneshots following Bàba Zero (dubbed Sub Zero in this, I’m kinda going with Bi-Han taking the title after Bàba Zero’s death) trying his best… cuz tbh I just want to write the Lin Kuei trio as children getting into trouble and making their dad’s life difficult. I kinda like the idea that Kuai being a pyromancer was a surprise to everyone, hence why he still has an ice related name. I’d also like to say I wrote this before MK1 came out (just after Dominic accidentally dropped that Kuai was Scorpion in that IGN interview), so we didn’t have the intro’s where Bi-Han and Tomas talk about Mama Zero. That said, Kuai never really talks about her, so I’m going with the headcanon that she died when he was still young and he doesn’t have as many memories of her as Bi-Han and Tomas do (I headcanon Tomas is the middle brother). Anyway, enough of me clarifying stuff: enjoy the fluff :)
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“Bàba, look what I can do!”
Sub Zero looked up from his paperwork to watch as Kuai Liang ran into the room. He was 6 years old now, around the age where his cryomancy should be starting to come through. He held his breath and smiled, eagerly awaiting to see if indeed Kuai’s cryomancy was finally taking form.
Kuai held his little hands up in the air, his face scrunching up as he did his best to summon his new abilities. Sub Zero didn’t say anything, wanting his son to do this by himself. Finally, there was a small flash, as magic finally erupted from his hands.
Except… that was not ice.
Inside Kuai’s palm was a small flame, flickering away like a lit candle.
“Look! My ice is orange!” Kuai seemed blissfully unaware that what he held in his hand was pretty much the complete opposite of ice.
Sub Zero could only stare in shocked silence, trying to wrack his brain as to some explanation of how this could have happened. His bloodline had been one of cryomancy for generations, and as far as he remembered, his late wife had no inherent magical abilities that could offer an explanation.
“I can also do this,” Kuai announced, quickly turning to his left, and putting the flame directly under the room's curtains.
Unfortunately, Sub Zero had not quite realised what Kuai was about to do until the curtain set ablaze. He scrambled out of the seat, grabbing Kuai around the waist with one arm, while summoning a thick layer of ice to douse the flames. Kuai giggled the entire time, not grasping the danger he’d just posed to them. Despite Sub Zero’s delayed reaction, thankfully the damage was minimal.
Sub Zero let out a relieved breath, before shifting his arms until Kuai was comfortable and in front of him. Kuai clapped his hands in triumph, clearly very proud of himself. Weirdly, Sub Zero was proud of him too, even if he was a menace. Even if this entire debacle raised so many questions.
“Kuai Liang, could you show me again?” He asked gently, wanting to see it one more time, slightly closer up this time. “Cup your hands together, and let the magic flow to them.”
Kuai nodded confidently. He cupped his hands together, that same look of sheer concentration gracing his features. Eventually, the same thing happened again, and there in Kuai’s hands was a flame. Sub Zero smiled, this was in no way something he ever expected, but it was what was happening. He would just have to find a way to help navigate his son through this strange new power.
“Grandmaster!” The door slammed open and Hydro stumbled inside, looking extremely panicked. “We believe we’re under attack, we’ve found fire’s all over the temp-“
He stopped speaking when he noticed the small flame in Kuai Liang’s hands.
“Stand down, Master Hydro,” Sub Zero replied, trying not to laugh. “I suspect the attack came from within and have apprehended the culprit.”
He shot Kuai a glance, and he still looked far too happy with himself.
“I… see…” Hydro sounded as shocked as Sub Zero had been. Still he straightened himself out. “I will… Uh… Go and aid the efforts to fix the damage.”
Hydro bowed to him, before turning to leave. Sub Zero redirected his attention back to Kuai Liang, who had put out the flame and was now looking at his father with bright eyes. The child needed guidance, and even though Sub Zero wasn’t sure he would be enough, he would do everything possible to do so.
No matter what, he would always do his best to support his child.
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This is gonna be a weeeeeee bit of a controversial post so if you’ve come here to argue please just dont!!!!!!!!! But one thing I absolutely despise seeing in disabled Luis headcannons/fics is the idea that his disability would be ‘atonement for his actions’ or would be a ‘punishment’ of some kind
Disabilities aren’t punishments. They aren’t the ‘consequences of your actions’- disabilities are a part of life!!!!!!! And a VERY SMALL amount of people I’ve seen talk about this subject have a pretty damn abliest view on it!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, maybe Luis would FEEL that way about HIMSELF- but Luis being disabled would NOT be his ‘punishment’!!!!!! He’s already gone through MORE than enough he REEEEALLY doesn’t need it rubbed in anymore (I mean that was his whole arc right HDBSHSBSH) and insinuating that disabilities are punishments for ANYONE is really abliest!!!
Him being disabled makes sense for his character!!!!!!!! Like- ignoring the fact that there is literally no way he’d be walking after having a hole in his spine BXBSHSNSHDB change is a very core part of his character and he’s ALWAYS learnt how to make the best of whatever life throws at him, I think if he survived and was disabled that’d be a really cool aspect of his character!!!!!!!! And I REEEEALLY DONT THINK he would wanna try and ‘fix himself’ or cure it cuz again the idea that all disabled people wanna be ‘fixed’ is a pretty abliest idea!!!!
Also PLEEEEEEEEAAASE PRETTY PLEASE don’t take this post as me saying ‘oh you HAVE to write Luis as disabled’ or ‘oh if you draw him without mobility aids you’re abliest!!!’ Cuz like!!!!!!!!! Hell no!!!! IIIIIIII draw him as not being disabled all the time!!!! You can have your own headcannons or theories etc and sometimes some people just don’t feel like they’d do disabilities justice that’s totally cool too!!!!!!!!! Luis is a fictional character Nobody OWNS him we can do whatever we want this the fulla!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone’s version of Luis is amazing and perfect mwuah mwuah mwuah I’m kissing them all!!!!!!!
Edit: I just wanna clarify this isn’t talking about anyone in particular or any post I’ve seen!!!!!!!!! I think most people who have said this meant to say something else and it wasn’t done with ill intent or English wasn’t their first language!!!!!!!!! And all those posts are super old anyways this isn’t ‘fresh drama’ or a take I’ve seen recently or anything!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not talking about anything or anyone in particular!!!!!
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Is it worth it to romance post patch 5 Minthara? I really want to cuz I enjoy her character but it's so hard to get her approval up, she just keeps disliking everything I do so I'm stuck at neutral.
Edit: I should clarify im at the start of act 3 just got into the lower city
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wulvbonez · 3 months
scrolling through wilbur soot tag to understand the situation cuz I don’t have twitter and haven’t been in those circles for forever. This doesn’t surprise me but it does disgust me
Also, if you’re someone who’s lamenting your pain/the communities pain or wondering “how must X content creator feel,” I want you to think. Who was the actual victim here lol.
And, no it’s not “shaming victims” to look at Wilbur’s adult friends who enabled him for so long and question why this stayed silent, why they only spoke out when it’d look good for them. Not when he was close to multiple minors, or very young adults, when he had a fan base of mostly young teenage girls who looked up to him so much. That’s a dangerous position to hold.
I mentioned this in tags before but there were warning signs. I got out of the community way early because of those. Even I didn’t expect him to do something this repulsive. I just hope that people can learn from this and be more open to criticism, to maybe see those warning signs a bit clearer, to maybe be a bit warier, to not trust someone you, at the end of the day, don’t know.
edit: though, still, I want to clarify I’m not blaming anyone who didn’t notice warning signs. I thought he was weird, made some bad jokes, had bad takes, maybe, some unethical or dubious moral beliefs, not that he was abusive. Most people who watched him were teens. Even if u weren’t, like I said, we don’t actually know people who post online. There was no way to know for sure. I just mean maybe the community can be more wary about trusting whole heartedly and nearly parasocially. Because content creators, even if not abusers, aren’t perfect. Loving them to the extent it genuinely hurts you when they screw up will only end it pain
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byrdiboo · 3 months
There is no sexism in Ba Sing Se
By now I think everyone has their opinions formed about the live action ATLA remake but as a non-fan I figured I'd offer my two cents to anyone still on the fence or who might be interested in a slightly less biased opinion. To clarify, I don't hate the show, I actually like hearing my friends talk about the fan theories and how they thought the various heavy subjects are handled, I just never got into it myself. Because my partner is one of those people who did get into it, I've at least seen up to the point of Kyoshi Village in both shows (ep2 Netflix, ep4 original). One of the things I've seen most people excited about is the special effects, especially the bending. I will say, it looks...fine. I'm not up on my fighting styles but the choreography seems decent. The effects are nothing groundbreaking - we've had these water and fire sims for at least 10 years - but it's definitely not awful to look at...when you can see it. Way too much of the show (ie more than 0%) utilizes the inexplicably popular "someone forgot to turn the lights on when filming" lighting technique and "shakeycam meets too-many-cuts" editing with motionblur out the ass for good measure (some of the opening scenes are on youtube, judge for yourself). At least all two of the creatures we get to actually look at look awesome. Perhaps the biggest thing I've seen talked about is the changes to the characters themselves. I will start by saying the actors deserve no ill will, they're clearly doing their best with a subject they love and a script written by people who thought ATLA should read like GoT. Aang and the others have a few goofy moments thrown in to keep people happy but for the most part he plays the part of Main Character Boy while the others are The Support Characters, rather than three children in extraordinary times doing what they think makes sense. This is where my knowledge of Aang and Katara is lacking, but I do want to talk about Sokka cuz his changes (rightly) had a lot of people worried (and a lot of his character arc is pretty obvious from ep 1, rather than revealed past the point I've seen). They didn't just tone down his sexism, they removed it entirely, taking him from an obnoxious but teachable idiot to a generic annoying dudebro. Maybe this is just me, but I was endlessly annoyed that they took away his sexism without addressing the things that made him sexist in the first place. After being told by the leaderly elderly matriarch character about the fire nation attacks wiping out most of the village, we are told Sokka is how he is because he was appointed the village leader at 13 for...reasons. So the village is still sexist enough to declare a 13 year old boy leader over the woman everyone already looks up to, but this didn't affect his character in any meaningful way, I guess? And for those looking forward to the Kyoshi warriors, you can go ahead and put those hopes down. The warriors themselves get minimal action time before Deus Ex Kyoshi-ghost-possession (yes, really) deals with the fire nation attackers for them. As for the love interest, they took what was a solid moment of "sexist gets ass beat by woman, begs woman for training, learns woman can do stuff too, ends up liking and respecting woman so hard she reciprocates" into the most bland "popular girl falls for cute boy at school" complete with eyelash fluttering, shy-can't-look-at-yous, and the most vomit-inducing "training" scene I've seen in a long time. No lessons learned, no character growth achieved, but hey they got rid of sexism or whatever. All this to say, I'm willing to give live action some passes, but personally I don't think this one's even worth a hate watch. I won't tell you to hate it, it does have a few moments of brilliance, but they're the glitter on a turd imo and Netflix doesn't deserve to be rewarded with your watch time. Despite my misgivings, the show is (supposedly) still getting at least mixed reviews from fans and non fans alike, so if you've bothered to see it I'm curious what you thought the remake (or my impression) got right or wrong.
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cherrysmokesaconha · 2 months
Give me the does and don'ts of your ships
yes yes ofc!!! here u go
(edit¹: added some more stuff!)
My boundaries on my canon x canon ships in general (2trenchcoat, BobTord and 2004 TomTord)
You can do:
Romantic Ship art;
Platonic ship art;
Queer-platonic ship art;
Poly ships are fine too!!;
Headcanons (specially hcs that are not the same as mine!!! i will love to see that :] );
Put the ship in your AUs (as long as you credit me for the ship);
NSFW, but with some conditions (more about it in the "you can't do" list!);
Write fanfics, but also with some conditions (more about it in the "you can't do" list!).
Joke/satire art, with some conditions (more in the "you can't do" list);
Give your opinion or criticism about the ships (more in the "you can't do" list).
You CAN'T do:
Turn the ship into proshipping (like depict them as abusive, as l0l1 or sh0ta, etc);
Draw proshipping NSFW art, such as l0li/sh0ta, n0n/dub-con, or generally weird stuff. if ur NSFW art doesn't count as any of those, then it should be fine, but be sure to clarify that the Teen hc is not canon to your art and hc as well!;
Write proshipping fanfics (same as the NSFW thing above. if ur not weird, then ur fine);
Like the ship while being a TomTord Anti/thinking that "TomTord is ab//s//ve or t//x//c" (this mostly counts for 2trenchcoat and BobTord shippers. I don't trust u and i don't want u around me if ur like that, UNLESS you ACTUALLY respect TomTord shippers and won't yell at them for shipping it);
Make offensive satire/joke art (arts referencing g//re videos, attacking or bashing the ship or the shippers, etc);
Give offensive criticism about the ships (attacking the ship/the shippers or saying that "your ship is better than this" are examples or this);
Weird stuff in general.
And now
My boundaries in my OC x Canon, HentaiGoddess/Cherry x 2004 Tord:
Most of it are the same as above, BUT ONLY ONE THING:
Please don't do:
Romantic ship art with Cherry and Tord (Cherry is aromantic, Tord is gay and they're just queer-platonic partners).
And here's the last one:
My boundaries on Ricky, Randall and my other fanchildren as well:
Please don't do NSFW art of them, cuz they're MINORS (unless it's the Henry Stickmin ones, cuz they're adults);
Shipping is fine, as long as you ask me which ones i'm fine with it!! (EX: I'm fine with Ello Stickmin Calvin x Yuri Curtis, but i'm NOT fine with Heart Son/David x Ricky);
Don't add my fanchildren (SPECIALLY RICKY) on TomEdd/TordMatt scenarios (both the ships themselves makes me uncomfortable and i wouldn't like to see Ricky in those scenarios);
Anything else is mostly the same as above lol
That's all i could think for now!! If u have any questions about my boundaries, please don't be afraid to ask!! I will be answering it :]
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
heres my official Roo certified tier list of all the sims games (i could find):
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For some reason some of them wont show up (like three or four images) in the bar thing and i think its cuz i converted the file type so rip but they woulda went into the i dont know this one category
Here's the Link if you want to do it (Tag me! I'd love to see it :))
You MAY have to zoom in to read some of them !!
feel free to add images or add/remove Columns (I made sure it only had S+, S, A-F and a "Never Played it" in the template)
Under the cut I'll add a transcribed version of the list JUST in case you want to do this and don't know what's what :)
TSM the QUEEN: The Sims Medieval
S: The Sims 3, The Sims 1
A: The Sims 2
"Never played it and I WANT to play it": Medieval Pirates and Nobles, Sims Life Stories, Sims Bustin Out, Sims Castaways
"[F] Kay y ess 🥰": Sims 4, Sims Mobile, Sims Freeplay
"Never played it but I've heard of it": Sims 1 Console (Specifically PS2?), Sims Castaway Stories, Sims Online, Urbz
"??? I don't know this one": Sims Social (To clarify this is a website), Sims 2 Gameboy Advance (/Console edition?), Sims Olympus (Added this for some reason - It's the cancelled version of TS4), Simsville, Sims Carnival (Snapcity ig?), MySims, MySims Agents, MySims Kingdom, MySims Party, MySims Racing, MySims SkyHeroes, Sims 2 Apartment Pets (On the DS?)
"THERE WAS A SHOW??": The Sims Spark'd
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