#(also using this post to test if anything from this blog will appear on the dash)
theauthorlives · 4 months
Are you open to non mutuals rping w you?
By definition, yes, but I'm not exactly the most reliable partner if you're a fast writer. I'm fairly busy irl, and I've not got a consistent reply pattern that you might get with other partners. Plus, I'm at least five hours ahead of the majority of people, which some can find a nuisance.
I keep my mutual circle small for personal reasons, but I'm open to try writing with others if they have a rules and bio that can be used as a starting point.
0 notes
holybibly · 20 days
Hello everyone, bunnies or not (due to recent events). Today we're going to talk about serious things.
Over the past few weeks I've been getting more and more negative messages in my inbox. To be honest, I didn't really care at first, but the last few days have become a real test of my patience.
Even today. I just posted my first response to the Unholy Hour in the last two weeks, and a ton of negativity, disrespect, criticism and just plain rude behaviour poured in in response. So I want to make a few things clear.
I have created this blog as a safe and free space for everyone. It's a place you can come back to and not feel like you don't "fit in". There are no bans, restrictions, judgements, criticism or rudeness here. This is a place where everyone can find themselves and be who they want to be, not who society tells them to be. Damn, if someone wants to be a cat or a bunny, what the hell do you care, look after yourself, find a hobby, leave people alone. I will not tolerate people on my blog who tell other people what to do and label them. If you find me strange, unpleasant, rude, please unfollow me or even block me so that my messages do not appear in your feed. It will be much better than receiving all the crap you write to me anonymously.
Tagged question: Am I giving enough warnings? Am I using enough banners? Do I give enough indication that this is NSFW content? If you are confused by my work, you don't have to read it! You can stop at the beginning, but please that we are all adults here. Seriously, are you having sex, watching porn, discussing these topics with friends and not getting enough warning? Again, this blog is a safe and free place without judgement or negativity. Someone even mentioned rape in my work, and I'm not completely stupid for not mentioning it in my warnings. All my work involves "absolute consent". I do this absolutely freely and voluntarily, I like writing, I love it, but the more negative messages I get, the more I lose the desire to do it. I love myself very much and I don't want to waste my emotions with endless negativity, it's easier for me to close the blog and live my life.
Feedback. Bunnies (I'm still hoping), when I ask for your opinion, PLEASE give feedback in the comments. You may not "like" the post, but I need to hear from you. Writers need to know what to do. I don't want to waste hours of my time on something you're not going to be interested in. Every work I do is a huge effort. I don't have beta readers, English is not my first language, so imagine how much time I spend proofreading my work, checking grammar, punctuation, style. That is why I need to communicate with you. I know this is an uncomfortable conversation. I'm not a drama queen, I just want respect and understanding. This whole situation has also caused my activity to decrease.
Listen, if for some reason you feel uncomfortable, the atmosphere on the blog is unpleasant, or my works are not suitable for you due to the large amount of graphic sexual content, please stop following me and reading my ffs. There are many other authors with great work that can satisfy your need for content.
I don't want to get hate that I don't deserve. First of all, it is your own choice, I have never forced anyone to do anything. Respect the authors, be grateful for the effort they put into entertaining you.
I hope I have given you my thoughts.
And on a lighter note, the Unholy Hours are on tomorrow. I hope everyone has a good day/night.
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
X-Files Collector's Edition: S8 Mulder Resurrects to a Miracle
Thanks for @goodshipsmulder for the suggestion~.
Mulder finds out about Scully's pregnancy off-screen between Deadalive and Three Words. What was said? How might that have gone down? These ideas are explored in these fics (and a few extras thrown in because.)
Loose chronological order below~
@agentwhalesong/sadandangstyagent’s (Ao3) Could It Be Any Harder? - Chapter 4
""He doesn’t seem to understand anything, so he just stays there, accepting the love that is pouring out of her.""
Post Deadalive Mulder's groggy questions aren't able to be fully answered before he drifts back to sleep.
Agent L's (mulderscreek) 
"Yes, Mulder?"
"Will I be able to play the piano again?"
"Well, Mulder, I...You don't play piano.""
Post Deadalive Mulder hasn't felt the effects of PTSD yet, cracking jokes and willingly reaching to feel his child move.
Wish List
""I want my life back. Sounds selfish for a guy just raised from the dead, I know, but I've never been one to be satisfied with the status quo.""
Post Deadalive Mulder's impatience-- itching to leave and itching for answers-- is soothed by the balm of Scully's presence.
@lyndsaybones’s (Ao3) Oh
""Like a breath. Like a secret wound opening up. He pulls his hand away.""
Post Deadalive Mulder responds to Scully's announcement with an "Oh."
@leiascully's (Ao3) Part of Us (Tumblr)
""He raises her hand to his lips.  It’s an effort, but he manages.  “I’m here and I’m staying,” he tells her.  “What happened while I was gone?""
Post Deadalive Mulder responds to Scully's announcement with an "Oh", take two.
@msrafterdark (Ao3)
Five Sentence Fics (Tumblr Prompt) - Chapter 2
""She was mute for a moment, and while he easily recognized the softness in her eyes, he also noted a slight glimmer of impatience, as though she was insulted by his not believing this miracle belonged to him.""
Post Deadalive Mulder is shocked with the baby's paternity confirmation.
XScribe/Red's (Gossamer, spookyawards_archivist) Alive
""He looked up, confusion and yet a sense of incredible wonderment lighting up his beautiful hazel eyes. He looked at her and she didn't say a word. He shook his head, looked away, looked back at her again. She smiled, and a hot tear fell down her cheek before she could stop it. He reached out and caught it with a finger.
"Scully?" His voice was small, almost boylike, fearful yet hopeful.""
 Post Deadalive Mulder wakes, surprised and grateful Scully didn't leave. Both of them tear up at her paternity confirmation.
ScullyLikesScience's He is the Master of His Fate, She is the Captain of Her Soul - Chapter 85
""They stared at each other. Mulder counted backwards in his head. Scully hoped for some kind of positive reaction. They were still silently gazing at one another when the door opened, and Mulder’s physician, Dr. Nelson Lim, entered the room to go over some test results.""
The events of Deadalive unfold, which eventually leads to Mulder waking a second time to a whirlwind of confusion... and it all becomes too much.
@scullys-right-eyebrow-txf/ScullysRightEyebrow's The Only Choice - Chapter 40
""Just as a soft smile appeared on his face, Mulder recognized apprehension in her eyes. His brow furrowed in concern and then he took in her appearance. In that moment every thought in his mind melded into a mass of bewilderment and confusion. He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand anything and the fear brought about by his nightmare seemed to crash down on him.""
Post Deadalive Skinner lets the news slip to Mulder; and his death and resurrection and Scully's sudden pregnancy catapult Mulder's PTSD, beginning the cycle of distancing himself.
@alldolleduppink-blog/AllDolledUpPink's Reditum
""I ran every test," she assures him. "I know it's hard to believe, but you are-"
"No," he interrupts her with a shake of his head. "No, I didn't- I wasn't implying that it's not mine. I- why did I leave?""
Post Deadalive Mulder has an immediate and severe PTSD-induced panic attack at the news of his baby; and begins to distance himself from Scully and their child-- terrified he will hurt them both.
Skin Deep
""Is this real?' Mulder had asked, not certain what to say. Her affirmative response brought a grin to his ashen face, a sparkle to his tired eyes.""
Post Deadalive Mulder is happy about his baby, more worried about what Scully thinks about his scars than her miraculous pregnancy.
After Dinner
""Her unworried countenance told him all he needed to know, all he cared to know at the time.
He'd had worries later, when left alone with his thoughts....
When he was feeling particularly morose one night he imagined she wouldn't need his help at all with the child. That she was humoring him now while he was ill and would be ready to move on once he'd recovered.""
Three Words Mulder and Scully are okay after TLG leave her apartment; and he muses over his worries as they banter their way back to a reestablished relationship.
emmbright/Emma Brightman's (LiveJournal) Low Tide
"""You're really here." She walks toward him, carefully lowering her bulk into the chair and grasping his gray-skinned hand in hers. Her voice holds a note of wonder he's rarely heard before. Invisible men, visions in Buddhist temples, resurrected lovers -- Scully's a tough one to impress.""
Post Deadalive Mulder wakes from a fruitless nightmare of his sister, wanting no visitors but Scully as he plunges back into more.
dee_ayy's Burdened
""It had to be a lie, I decided once they'd left in search of help. A cruel joke.... Maybe Scully hadn't been lying, I had been in a coma, and this woman saying "dead and buried" was some sort of euphemism I wasn't familiar with. It couldn't be literally true, I decided. It just couldn't. It was the only rational explanation that would allow this threat to pass.
And I'd almost managed to convince myself by the time Scully came back.""
Post Deadalive Mulder overhears nurses talking about his resurrection; and the stress of that lie and Scully's pregnancy paralyzes him into numbness... until he sees his apartment.
Erin Blair/Erin M. Blair's Mine
""You know?"
I nodded, looking at her round belly. "I'm very observant, Scully.""
Post Deadalive Mulder tells Scully about the boy in his Amor Fati dream.
greycoupon’s (Ao3, WBM) Baring Fruit
""He was focused on Scully’s face and her hand in his, but not the rest of her. She was just another body in the room. Then one of the nurses asked her to move so they could check his blood pressure and she stood up. He saw all of her.
He saw her very pregnant stomach. For just a minute he couldn’t see or hear and worried he was back on the ship, that this was all a dream."" 
Post Deadalive Mulder's eyes adjust enough to notice the obvious; and Scully lays his immediate fears to rest.
ML/ML_is_me’s (Ao3, Gossamer, DW, Invidiosa) 
Do You Know?
""Come on, Scully, give me a break. Don't keep me in suspense," I rasp. You're smiling a little more broadly now.
"Well, you asked for it," you tell me, and push away from the bed to stand up awkwardly.""
Post Deadalive Mulder hates that he kept his brain disease a secret; but is so happy when Scully tells him about their baby.
Found Faith and Lost Time
""She's carrying a cardboard box in front of her, perhaps hoping to obscure her burgeoning belly for a few moments longer.
I give her a big smile as she catches my eye. "Hi, Mom," I greet her.
She looks a little crestfallen. "You KNOW? Did you know last night?" she asks me.""
Post Deadalive Skinner keeps vigil by goofily happy Mulder's bedside-- who peeked at Scully before anyone knew he was awake and is endlessly pleased with himself about it.
David Hearne's Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here
""So, Mulder," Langly interrupted. "this is...what?...your third resurrection?"
"Actually, it's my second. Technically."
"Whatever," Frohike said.""
A post Deadalive crackish experience-- TLG and Maggie and Skinner descend upon Mulder and Scully before they can thoroughly talk about their baby, having a grand time and letting him tell off Krycek on the phone.
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) Meeting the Other Man
""His lips moved, but no sound emerged. His eyes returned to her stomach. Her hand came up and smoothed the fabric of her maternity top.
"It's not very subtle is it?""
AU-- Post Deadalive Doggett gets Scully to rest and meets Mulder in the hospital. Jealousy is soothed; and Mulder is overjoyed at the baby news.
Far Away, So Close
""The morning after his revival, Mulder woke up not long after Scully. He looked up at her as she stood and stretched by his bedside. He focused first on her face and then drifted lower. Scully could practically see his pupils dilate as they rested on her belly. He said nothing, however, and then the doctors came in, and the poking and prodding and questions began again.""
Three Words Mulder doesn't feel like a hero-- only a very distantly confused left behind. Scully finally tells him about the paternity later.
@admiralty-xfd’s (Ao3) Culmination - Chapter 12
""They stay together like that for a long time, holding each other. Eventually she gets up to check his vitals and the sight of her enormous pregnant belly hits him like a ton of bricks.
...The machines are going wild and Scully looks panicked. “Mulder?! What’s wrong?” The last thing he sees is her screaming for assistance and a team rushing in to help as the darkness takes him.""
Post Deadalive Mulder is afraid it's all a dream, that his brain disease will kill him, and that the baby isn't his.
theficisoutthere/pen-paper-aliens/PPA 's
post-"deadalive" I NEED to… 
""His thoughts were interrupted by a soft twitch near his thigh. It was an odd twitch, more forceful than a shiver, but softer than a hit. Something was kicking against him."" 
Mulder's reestablishing relationship is put on pause when he misconstrues Scully's pregnancy as replacement.
44. Puh-lease! ❤️ (Tumblr)
""He didn’t even question her fidelity. As soon as he noticed her bump in the hospital room he softly smiled and said, “So, we’re going to have a baby.” and squeezed her hand when she nodded. He turned his gaze back to the TV above them and the subject was never brought up again.""
Three Words Mulder hasn't mentioned the baby since the hospital until, finally, he and Scully open up about their fears and pain, crying it out together.  
Marguerite’s (Ao3) Always Through the Changing
""Mulder's eyes were huge, with an odd shimmer, but he said nothing as he took the offered sip of water. He kept the cool liquid in his mouth for a moment as if savoring a fine wine. When he swallowed, it was the only sound in the room....
"Whoa, Scully. You been eating all my jello?""
Post Deadalive Mulder struggles with jealousy and anger-guilt-depression about Scully's baby as well as Skinner and Doggett's capable and active presence in his absence.
Lapsed_Scholar’s That Day Is Done
""Most people have nine months to come to terms with their impending parenthood, but he already has something of an unusual situation, and he really wishes he had not started the clock missing and dead. How is he supposed to prepare for this? How is he supposed to support her, or care for an entirely new, helpless person when he’s lost the ability to function as himself?""
Mulder, Scully, and Skinner navigate the rough waters of This Is Not Happening, Deadalive, and Three Words.
Diana Alexander’s Distant and Strange
""If he had been told eight years ago that he would be as protective and possessive as he was of her now, he would have thought the idea insane and preposterous besides. Somehow over the years, it had slowly started happening, so that now he couldn't imagine being any other way in regards to her.
At about that time, he was startled out of his own thoughts by a gentle knock on the door before it was pushed open by an extremely pregnant Dana Scully.""
Post Three Words Mulder has false memories of Scully and their baby, struggling to know what was and wasn't real.
@greekowl87’s (Ao3) Fic: Right Where You Belong (Ao3)
""Ever since he woke up in the hospital from his abduction, Mulder stared at the world through a looking glass. He recognized people, places, things, but inevitably, it wasn’t the same thing that he had left months before. So Scully was patient. She visited him every day, brought him new clothes, sneaked in his favorite food so he didn’t have to eat the bland hospital food, and anything to get him to respond to her. Mulder would just smile politely, maybe glance briefly her pregnant abdomen and turn away before she could get a word in.""
Three Words Scully grounds Mulder in reality.
ashes and dust
""It takes effort, but he does move, sliding to the other side. The corners of Scully's mouth lifts, just a little, and she stands to climb in behind him. And that's when he sees it: the curve of her belly under her sweater.
Anything he wanted to say catches in his throat, freezes there. She is pregnant."" 
Post Deadalive Mulder wakes, shocked at Scully's baby. Life moves too quickly for him to process, let alone sink back into. Fortunately, he and Scully are able to iron out the kinks later.
Unnamed (Alt. Tumblr)
""She tries to tell him early the morning after their reunion, but she can tell he’s already noticed. He’s quieter, won’t meet her eyes. “Mulder, I got my miracle,” she tries, immediately regretting the singular pronoun. She slips her fingers through his, and lifts his heavy hand to press against her abdomen. 
“I’m happy for you,” he says, almost devoid of any emotion, and that’s when she feels like she’s lost him again."" 
AU-- Scully moved into Mulder's apartment after his death; and can't figure out a way to tell him after he's resurrected.
And Extra Fics I Thought Belonged Here
@settle-down-frohike's (Ao3) Sensory Integration (Tumblr)
""He’s grateful for her restraint, because he can’t handle sudden movements right now. If she were to approach too fast in his direction, he’d end up curled in the fetal position somewhere in a corner, protecting his vital organs. He doesn’t know how he knows this, he just does. He’s like one giant Pavlovian experiment.
Mulder's PTSD starts to ramp up throughout Three Words; but Scully is, as always, there to be his constant in an upside down world.
soverysesual's Kleptomania - Chapter 1
""Uh, Scully, where are all my clothes?”
She could feel her cheeks burn as she realized that she had never brought them back from her apartment.""
Three Words Mulder and Scully have to retrieve some of his things from her apartment; and he is touched she found and utilized his former IVF baby stash.
Michelle Kiefer's Second Wind
""I wonder if Lazarus found reanimation a chilling experience. Did he shiver and pull his burial shroud closer around him? Was he chilled to the core despite Judah's hot sun? Unfortunately, I have no one with whom to compare notes, as old Lazarus is no longer among the living.
Besides, Lazarus was in the tomb, for what-four days? I could do four days standing on my head. Try three months, buddy, and we'll talk.""
Mulder feels the coldness of death always lingering; but finally finds a personalized heater (and pillar of strength) in Scully.
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower's Light Don't Sleep
""Ah, Scully," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "We got our miracle, didn't we?"
Her breath caught and she faltered as the tears fell. "Yes... yes, we did."
Mulder and Scully slot themselves back together as he sorts through what are and aren't his true memories, one loving interaction at a time. And, of course, every good day must end with a bedtime story.
Thank you for reading~
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stxleslyds · 1 year
Hello and Welcome everyone! With February here, the 31DOD prompt list had to make its appearance. This time we will be exploring a bit outside the realm of comics; we will make our panel presentation and writing... Limitless. There is far too much for all of us to say, so this time around the structure has been made more flexible. I also think these prompts are varied and quite fun! (I do hope you guys think so too!)
Just to make something clear before I continue, this prompt list is for the 31 Days Of Dick (Grayson) event that will start in March! Now, as you will notice, this prompt list will be separated in three different sections, this is, of course, to make this 31DOD experience different from the previous one and to maybe test the waters for future editions. Just like last time, you can join 31DOD whenever you like. If you want to do three, nine or twenty days of the event, you are completely free. None of these prompts require you to follow along each day. Also! Enjoy yourselves, have fun and even though there are some prompts where a choice must be made, be respectful and share your thoughts!
Well, without further ado, the 2023 Edition of 31DOD!
FAVOURITES (can be multiple):
1. Quote 2. Nightwing Issue 3. Headcanon 4. Suit 5. Team-up Issue 6. Weapon 7. Fanfiction 8. Skill 9. Dynamic with another character 10. Appearance in a non-Nightwing/team related issue 11. Trope 12. Nightwing comic artist 13. Nightwing comic writer 14. Headquarter 15. Vehicle
16. Dick in Bludhaven or Dick in Gotham 17. Dick in Arkham Knight (video game) or Gotham Knights (video game) 18. Nightwing by Chuck Dixon or Nightwing by Tom Taylor 19. Dick and Roy or Dick and Wally 20. Dick and Bruce or Dick and Clark (choose your favourite parent) 21. OG Teen Titans team (1960 comic) or OG Young Justice team (show) 22. Robin!Dick mini or Dick!Bats mini (mini meaning short comic run)
WHAT IF...?:
23. Dick teamed up with a non-DC character, who would you like it to be? 24. Dick was a character in another universe of your choice, what role would he have? 25. Comics!Dick was sent to another universe, which one would you like it to be? 26. Dick had powers; what do you think they would be? 27. Dick had never lost his parents, what would his life look like? 28. Dick had adopted Jason Todd instead of Bruce? 29. Nightwing had a Black Label book? Would you like it? What would you like to see explored? 30. You had the chance to build the next creative team for a Nightwing run, who would be part of it?
31. Do as you wish! Maybe I missed something that you would have liked to see in this edition… Enjoy your free day!
There it is everyone! If you have any doubts, ideas, questions, feedback about anything relating to 31DOD please do not hesitate and send me an ask! This is meant to be fun to everyone who wants to celebrate Dick Grayson in one of his birth months! If you want to join 31DOD in March, don't forget to use the #31DOD tag so everyone can find the posts relating to the event!
AND! This time, thanks to the always brilliant @hood-ex (who had already helped shape this new edition of 31DOD), we have created a side blog where we will also reblog all your posts! You will find the official 31DOD blog HERE! I hope I see you in March!
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whump-card · 4 months
Okay, I did a little investigating of how blocked and the new semi-blocked tags seem to work now(Jan 2024), particularly in relation to #lady whump. Bear with me, it's a long post (but it's half pictures!)
(I actually did a whole write-up of how they used to work but I never got around to posting it and now... things are different!)
DESKTOP FIRST: I tested the following with "Hide additional potentially mature content" both ON and OFF - it's the same on desktop wither way, because that setting has to do with the mobile app. All my community labels are set to "show."
First, there's the classically blocked tag, like #restraints:
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Clicking on this tag used to take you to tumblr.com/TAGGED/restraints, and show the above with no content, but now it takes you to tumblr.com/SEARCH/restraints, and shows the above with no content. Manually typing in 'tagged' redirects you to 'search.'
Additionally, posts tagged with a tag like this do not show up in the feed of any other tags. If you tag your post with a fully blocked tag, you're throwing it into the void - you may as well have not tagged it with anything at all, only your followers and people directly reading your blog will see it.
But now there seems to be another level: clicking on a tag such as #nsfw takes you to tumblr.com/SEARCH/nsfw, but it shows content now! Additionally, posts tagged with #nsfw DO show up in the feed of other tags, as long as they have the Mature Community Label.
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But WAIT! There's a third level! clicking on #lady whump takes you to a search instead of a tag, like #nsfw, but there's no warning, and posts without community labels appear. These posts are still able to appear in other tag feeds.
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What's the big deal? You can't follow these tags. Take a look at what happens when you click on #whump, a 'safe' tag:
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You are taken to tumblr.com/TAGGED/whump, and you also get this sidebar, which appeared on none of the previous pages:
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You can follow #whump, and see posts from it on your dashboard if you wish. You can also explore related tags. You are unable to do this with tags that redirect to 'search.'
If you have "Hide additional potentially mature content" OFF, searching #lady whump shows this:
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And if you've got it turned ON, it shows this:
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And posts tagged with #lady whump won't show up in the feeds of other tags for someone with this setting on, though it still appears on your dashboard if you follow the person, and on their blog if you go directly to it.
To sum up: on desktop, the limitation of #lady whump isn't as bad as it could be - but the "Hide additional potentially mature content" is ON by default, and many people aren't even aware of it, causing some real kneecapping on mobile.
I'm not about to make any sweeping declarations about how to handle this. The way #nsfw works now, allowing posts with the proper community label, is honestly kind of nice (even though it's only on desktop) - but limiting #lady whump as "mature content" is really unfortunate.
I guess: friendly reminder, especially to those newer among us, to check your settings and make sure that you're able to see all the stuff you want to be able to see. If you post content, check the tags you use to make sure you're not accidentally condemning your post to the void.
This is all investigation with no conclusion. I'd love to hear what other people think.
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fishonthem00n · 22 days
An Introductory Post
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◇ hello there
◇ my name is Alex, and I have been on my shifting journey for about 3 years as of writing this. I've had a few experiences in different realities that I will go into detail about later, but first I wanna say go follow my partner @homebeyondstars for even more shifting goodness. (and a cuter blog owner). y'all can ask me anything about my DRs and experiences, I like talking about them <3
◇ sorry if this is long winded
My Focus DRs:
♡ Stardew Valley (harvey <3)
♡ Hogwarts (ravenclaw, set in 2012)
♡ Pokémon (traveling Pokémon care expert in Alola)
♡ Yuurivoice
My Planned DRs:
♡ Dragon Ball Z (saiyan adopted by bulma)
♡ Tinker Bell (animal fairy)
♡ The Arcana (julian <3)
♡ MCU (basically beast boy)
♡ Skyrim
♡ The Lion King
♡ Kung Fu Panda
♡ Twilight
♡ Unus Annus
♡ How to Train Your Dragon
♡ Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
My Experiences
♤ my first shift happened only a month or so after starting the journey three years ago. I had made a MHA DR for my first one, which is now basically retired due to me growing out of it. it was a thing where I was living with the League of Villains (if you don't know MHA those are indeed the villains and very not good people). anyways. I meditated before hand, listened to a Raven method subliminal, and went to sleep. I woke up standing in my DR bedroom with the lights off. the only thing illuminating it was the light from the two fish tanks i had scripted in. the sheets on the bed were also visibly black, which I had scripted as well. I very clearly remember the door being ajar and being nervous that Dabi would walk in. from outside my room I could also hear a TV playing the news but couldn't make out what they were saying. I woke up in my CR after a couple minutes total.
♤ my second experience also comes from this same DR. I don't remember what I did before sleeping, but I had a dream about my teeth falling out into the bathroom sink. at some point I became aware that it was a dream, and became lucid. so, to test my control over the dream, I mentally summoned Bucky Barnes from the MCU. it worked, he appeared, and that was all I needed. I willed myself to shift from the dream and ended up in my DR bedroom again. it looked exactly as I had scripted, and I could see everything this time. I passed by a mirror and noticed I still looked like my CR self. so, I verbally spoke the affirmation I used to describe my DR self whenever I would do methods, and I kinda shapeshifted into my DR self. it was crazy ngl. then I went outside my room and into the living room only to find some of the League there. Toga and Dabi were both sitting on different couches, and they looked like they were having a sleepover or something. Toga waved and said hi to me excitedly, and Dabi was too focused on his phone to notice me. I heard Shigaraki say something from behind me which scared me so bad I got thrown back into another dream that I can't remember. the air in my room felt very fresh.
♤ the third one was a weird one and came out of nowhere. I had a lucid dream where I opened my closet door and affirmed that I would shift once I entered it. and I did. I know this because the sensations were completely different from lucid dreaming. I walked down a really cramped hallway and eventually got to a room where Pewdiepie and Marzia were chilling and playing some Gundam fighter game. I chilled with them and we started talking about how some streamer stole some art I made or something, so I asked if I should start posting speedpaints to help my art be more associated with me. Pewds was like "I mean yeah, sounds good to me." I also remember he kept making the game glitch out and the model move in a weird way that made me laugh and he was like "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHIIIIING" and it was nice for my inner youtube kid brain. funnily, what shifted me back was seeing a fish tank and thinking about how much it looked like my CR tank. for some reason I woke up in my CR after that, ig I focused on it too hard
♤ the final experience is another random one and another MHA related one. and kind of a dubious lucid dream, not sure. it starts in a dream yet again where I go outside my house to the back porch and notice my hands are glowing yellow, which I had scripted for my DR quirk "soothing touch". this led me to snap into a lucid dream or minishift, I'm still not really sure. I could smell the rain, and I could feel all the physical sensations like my breath and the wood beneath my feet. Deku is on the porch with me fsr and we talk for a little bit. then he gives me a cheek kiss (not sure why) and I could VERY clearly feel how dry his hair was. like, caked with hairspray type dry. I walked over to a door and was intending on going to my DR through it, but I got woken up by a phone call. thanks @homebeyondstars <3
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◇ despite not shifting fully for more than ten minutes ish after 3 years, I'm still going. and so should you. find a way to get excited for your DR, cause it is genuinely exciting having the chance to go somewhere you love at no cost. I'm not gonna stop, and I intend on visiting everywhere I want to go and learning everything I can from those experiences. happy shifting, tell me all about it when you come back <3
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akysi · 4 months
Hey Do you have any tips on making a logo because ive been looking to make logo for Ask blog and was wondering if you had any tips?
Hey, thanks for asking! :D I can be very wordy about stuff I’m passionate about so my apologies for the length of this answer ^^’ That said though, if you have any further questions feel free to reply or send another ask :) Here’s a few tips, I hope they help!
1. Choose a font (or draw one yourself) that fits what you want the logo to represent Similar to how specific choices are made to convey the intent in character design, font choice in a logo design can affect the overall “feel” of it, so try to pick ones that fit whatever you’re making the logo for. In other words, logos can have their own “character” too! Many character design principles, such as shape language and colour theory, can apply to logo design as well. If this is for a fandom/pre-existing media, try looking up those logos first if you want to match their look for your own. Also try studying logos you like in general to figure out how they're constructed, and use anything you like from them in your own design!
There are a ton of styles and combinations out there, but one of the biggest distinctions between fonts is serif versus sans serif.
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Though not the case every time, serif fonts tend to look more old-fashioned/traditional, while sans serif usually appears more modern/digital.
While you can use any font for inspiration if you intend to draw your own, if you just want to type one out, then be sure to look up the usage permissions for it first. Not all are free for personal use and may be stolen even if they're listed as free online. If you’re unsure, search the font name and find the license or usage permissions directly from the creator/font foundry if you can!
2. How “fancy” you want your logo to be is up to you, but make sure it still works as a flat image as well This is less applicable if you’re only using the logo for one thing, but generally speaking you want your logo to be versatile enough to still be readable without all of the fancy gradients and drop shadows added. Those should be extra details, not the main component that's holding up the whole design, so to speak.
I recommend starting with the flat or black & white version and refine the design enough in that stage first before moving on the final clean/fancy version. Here's a comparison between the flat and full version of the logo for my comic project, Starglass Zodiac (original post here):
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Even without all of the shiny stuff on top/underneath, the flat colour version still functions as intended. 3. Make sure the width/length/size of the logo works well for what it will be used for For example, if you want to use the logo on the banner for your ask blog, make sure it'll can be read well in that format. You can do this by either making the logo in a file that's the same dimensions as your banner, or testing the rough design for the logo on the banner first before committing to the final design.
Also make sure that the logo doesn't blend into whatever background you intend to put it on, especially if the logo itself doesn't have a background. Adding a black or white (or both) stroke around the logo can help it appear on more background colours.
4. Make sure the most important words are largest or are the focal point otherwise Similar to the last point, make sure that a viewer will get the gist of your logo even if they look at it quickly. This is most relevant for logos for things that have long titles or have a subtitle attached to a main name. If your logo will have multiple words, having a hierarchy of importance in size and/or colour can help the viewer see the most important part first.
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Now for some general additions/effects to consider for your logo!
Gradients - Your best friend, one of the easiest ways to make even the simplest logo look fancier than the flat version, if the overall style you're going for calls for it. These can allow you to have colour shifts over the whole design, or add highlights in parts of it to tie the whole thing together. You can also add edge highlights/shadows on top of these too.
Textures - Similar to gradients, textures can add a lot of flair to a design very quickly. Even gradients themselves can be textures already, like mimicking shiny metal or the like. They can also be used to represent something about what the logo is for, like adding a rocky texture for a logo involving mountain climbing or ancient ruins.
Strokes - These are outlines around your lettering that can help them be seen on multiple background colours, or to make specific letters pop out from the others. You can use multiple strokes on different areas of the same design as needed, but make sure they don't impede the legibility of the lettering itself! Many of the Kirby logos use several strokes at once, like this one below.
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Backgrounds - Any colour/shape underneath the text to serve as a base for it. Similar to strokes, they can help the lettering read properly on multiple colours/shades. They can also provide additional information about what the logo is for or represents, like putting a sunset in the background of a logo that has "Sunset" in the name.
Drop Shadows and Outer/Inner Glows - These are often paired together, as they generally serve the same purpose; emphasizing the part of the design they're applied too. Drop shadows can help "lift" some parts of the design off the base, while glows can outline something instead, like a soft version of a stroke. It's very easy to overuse these though, so use them sparingly!
Bevels & Edging - Adding these to the lettering or other parts of the design can make them stand out more, especially if you add shading to it! One of my favourite examples of this is the main Spyro logo, both classic and modern :)
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Blocking - Basically a way to make the letters or the whole logo look more 3D by adding "blocks" underneath it, which can also help add another colour to the logo's palette! Spyro's logo above uses shaded blocking.
There are a ton of other effects and ways to combine them, so feel free to experiment with a bunch of them! As one final example, here's a breakdown of the logo design I made for The Zodiac Experiment (Original post here) so you can see how these effects can work together on one piece!
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Have fun designing! ^_^
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
hi my friend shared one of ur rancher posts with me on twt and i went INSANE- so i wanted to know if u had a twt? (cause thats where im most active for ranchers stuff) :0
?? My post has broken containment??? Incredible. If that's the one I just posted tonight then that's insane skldjf
No, I deleted my Twitter back in like... 2019 or 2020? I was only there to keep up with publishers and PitMad but then I never used it... never looked back, ha ha.
You're welcome to hang around my blog if you like (I use the tag #Team Rancher for all my Rancher commentary, reblogged art, or original art and I like to think I have a pretty good tag system so you can follow me if interested and blacklist stuff from other fandoms you don't care about; I try to talk positively about my fandoms, keep things clean, and not hate on anything since I like having a peaceful fanspace I can sink myself in and step away from the outside world :) But I'm multi-fandom, so I've got a mixed amount of stuff and it's okay if that's not for you).
-> If you haven't looked yet, I encourage you to browse my Team Rancher tag and check out some of those awesome artists and fellow fandom members!
I do have a very active AO3 account. I regularly post MCYT and non-MCYT content there, but you can specifically subscribe to my Pixels Imperfect series on AO3 if you only want emails for my MCYT content. It's a series, but it doesn't have to be read in order (It's just where I keep all my "morally gray pixel people living their best lives despite the outside world being total anarchy" stuff).
Specifically, tomorrow I'm posting the first part of a short story called Criminal Experience and Chapter 1 involves Tango visiting Mumbo's llama farm. Jimmy's not there, but maybe you'll still enjoy if you like Tango, ranch animals, and/or are curious to see if you like my stuff and my Tango portrayal :) [EDIT - Link]
-> I also posted some Jimmy content this past Tuesday; he makes his first big appearance in Chapter 6 of Dog's Life.
Again, totally fine if this doesn't fit what you're looking for since I'm giving you "Tango content" and "Jimmy content" but not specifically "Team Rancher content"... that's just all I've got right now! But I love talking about them and their characterization and you're always welcome to hit me up if you like!
I don't have anything that is specifically Team Rancher on my to-do writing list, but I'm working behind the scenes on a "put all the Life series into a single coherent timeline and making everything as canon as possible" project, so there will probably be some Team Rancher there. It's Scar-centric so I only have the Clockers nailed down right now, but the Ranchers were my faves so they'll probably exist in some shape or form in that series.
That series is called Neighborhood Watch, though I don't have anything posted for it on AO3 yet so I can't link you that one :')
-> If you are a Team Rancher fanartist/fanwriter and you use Twitter to post Rancher content, feel free to reblog or reply to this post and self-advertise! (But keep this post sfw, please)
[Psp psp even if you don't use Twitter, feel free to reblog or reply because I'm firmly a Tumblr user but I'd also love more Team Rancher in my life <3]
I'm glad you enjoyed my post! I really like Team Rancher... they are just very kind to each other and I could talk for ages about how they passed Scott's compatibility test with flying colors even though he was trying to rig it so they break up SLDKFJSLDFJ <3 Tango and Jimmy were just super kind to each other and incredibly comedic... Double Life was such a fun series. I miss them.
I've got a ton of Rancher fanart reblogs in my drafts/queue but I'm trying to space them out to avoid slam-dunking my followers, sldkfj. We love Team Rancher in this household. Thanks for stopping by!
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virgilboy360 · 7 months
Too loud.
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Hey everybody, today's post, as you can see here, It is in the middle of wheatley's taking over, and the others are panicking, and I like to present you the first ever appearance of heavy metal core The guy at the end that is looking at the flames, And Curiosity core Which is the child that James is holding hands with, I decided to name my heavy metal core Thomas or Tom for short, and the curiosity core name is Maria, by the way the person that virgil is carrying is V.B aka me, And because of my disability, if most of you don't know, involves, well, having irritations to loud noises, for instance, the sirens going off in Aperture, in the game it's not that loud, but in person it's probably is, And I got this idea from my college when the fire alarms went off twice, the first one was meant to be a test, but the second one just came out of nowhere, so, yeah, that day was pretty stressful, We didn't get any work started, but it didn't help that we were finishing at 12:00pm, so I had half a day.
never mind about the help with the whole blog thing, the name for it, Basically, I do have a name for it, the question is when i'm going to release it, and I know i'm asking the same question, but who also ships Virgil and Grady, am I the only one because I literally think I am, But I might make another post about some ships that I do, Like ships that I see, ships that I rarely see, Ships that have been rarely heard about, and ships that haven't been created yet, Because I noticed throughout some of the hashtags there has been no Raingil ship names, Maybe people just forgot about it, Or it's rarely been said, But if you're wondering what ship this is, it's the Virgil and rainbow core ship, So if you designed a picture with these 2 characters, do you mind if you could put the #Raingil in the thing please, Because I literally follow the Raingil # thing, that's only if you guys want too, if I said anything wrong in this post please point it out, I'm not the greatest that spelling, Stupidly I'm using speech-to-text, So if anything sounds wrong or rude or bossy or in any of that variety, please point it out and put in the comments, because I will fix it.
So you guys have a lovely day or night depending Wherever you are in the world you have a lovely whatever.
and I will see you next time. ^w^
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is-it-accessible · 10 months
Guide to Tumblr by a Redditor
Dashboard = feed.
Necroing is encouraged.
Puns are required. /jk
The url you created first is your primary or main blog. When you like, reply, or send messages, your primary is what people will see.
You can change the look and url, and you could delete all your posts, but anything more requires total account deletion. Tumblr likes to brigade sometimes. It's annoying when it's your primary.
There are 2 ways to use tumblr:
Throw caution to the wind and use your primary for everything. Accept that someone will brigade you for something ridiculous at some point. It's a right of passage.
Create side blogs like we made throwaways. I have a primary and this baby blog. Some people create fandom specific or meme or fashion blogs. Keep in mind you can make and delete them as much as you want, but you should be reasonable about it. Otherwise, you'll be caught by the filter.
Keep these off for now. Cuts down on brigading significantly. When sending an ask, remember the human. Also remember that tumblr isn't run by mods who've seen it all. A lot of blogs are run by 13 year olds.
Spam Filter
Tumblr can be the worst automod you've ever met. Especially when you're new, especially if you're unverified, especially if you do create 10000 side blogs.
The filter will either say, "oops! I'm glitching!" (lies) or it will outright shadowban you. To test this, write a post, tag it, then go to the tag and filter by latest. If you are not there, you're shadowbanned!
It also does this to people who post links or images, but not always. A minor form of shadowbanning is hiding your reblog in the notes.
While we're here, please do report genuine bots. Most of them use malicious links. Top right of every post.
Pinned Posts
You only get one. Choose wisely! Useful for adding info about you/your blog, kinda like a wiki. Don't feel pressured to add anything you don't like.
Liking vs Replying vs Reblogging
A like is an upvote, except everyone can see your primary. It sends good vibes. Some people get angry when they only get liked. Ignore them. Do what you want.
Replying is when you have a small addition. Try not to argue in the replies. This is considered rude. You can always @ the person in a reblog.
Reblogging shares the post to your blog. You can choose which blog at the top of the screen. You can also queue it, so it comes out later. We do this to prevent flooding people's dashboards and inboxes. (There is a debate on whether flooding is okay or not.)
When you post or reblog, you can add any tags you want. If it is your OC, then it will show up in the sitewide tags. Supposedly, only the first 5 tags work, so make them count.
Even if you don't tag, your post could end up in the related posts, based on the content.
For reblogs, a tag is an easy way to make a side comment, or make your post searchable on your own blog. It also serves as a content warning.
When warning, tag the main word without frills. If warning for a bug, write "bugs" and "insects" and nothing else. Tumblr's filter considers these to be different things: cw bugs, tw bugs, bugs cw. Don't be a jerk, like the filter. Just write "bugs" and "insects" so people don't have to have 10 mile long filter lists.
Common cws: creepy crawlies, bedroom shit, politics, abuse, bigotry, horror, sarcasm, and unreality.
A Filter for Your Squicks
Good news! You can filter out stuff that bothers you! Look in settings for the preferences menu. Content will filter out anything that contains the word. So "hot" would filter out "eachother". Tags will filter out only the exact tags. Note: there appears to be a limit to how much you can filter.
Happens all the time, happens for no reason, just move on. People will literally block you because the algorithm was showing them your posts too much. If you are blocked, tumblr will claim their blog does not exist, or say you cannot reblog from them. It likes the "oopsie!" approach for some reason.
On the flip side, go ahead and block! Have fun with it! We are our own moderators, here.
Blocking prevents you from seeing their posts, and they cannot reply, reblog, or see you. One exception- if someone else reblogs you, they can see it.
Means "do not interact." It's mostly a preachy statement but you should honor it as much as possible. The longer the list, especially if it mentions fandom shit, the more likely they're a brigader.
Screen shotting
Generally considered rude, associated with harassment. (If you see a "callout," this is usually code for brigading. Feel free to block the subject...or everyone involved.)
Exceptions for screen shotting tags to share a clever remark, though copy pasting is better.
I will admit that everyone loves to screenshot horrible/ridiculous people, but we all know we should at least cut the url out first.
Image Descriptions
It is nice to add these. If someone adds them to your post, copy their text and put it in the original. Alt text is preferred. Do not add alt text and an image description.
How to write one: describe the most important parts of the image. You don't want excessive detail, but you do want to get the point across. For example:
[Image: burning Elmo meme. He has the reddit snoo's face. Text, "burn, baby, burn." /end]
If it is a simple comic, describe the people involved, and name/nickname them. After that, stick with text only, unless something relevant happens. Example:
[Comic: a big bad in a suit talks to a group of people using reddit avatars. Background is a building labeled Reddit Incorporated.
Big bad: well, if you don't like it, you can just leave!
Group: okay.
Big bad: what? No! Come back here!
Group: *settles into their new space with smiles*
Reddit Inc: *becomes old and decrepit*
Big bad: oh no! /end]
For more complicated comics, use Panel 1, Panel 2, etc, and describe the whole thing.
For recognizable figures, you can say their name and what they're doing/wearing if relevant.
For art...honestly, I hate describing art. Do what you can. Say what they used (oil, pencil, digital, etc.) Say if there's a tree, or a castle. Describe the cat and the mermaid. Etc. With this one, you want to be as detailed as possible, because the whole point is to enjoy the experience.
We have all kinds here. It is more anti-ableist and anti-sexist in general. Please keep to the Reddiquette.
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joydemorra · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the FAQ. Here are some of the most often asked questions in my inbox.
- Who are you, and what am I doing here? Hello, I’m Joy, and this is my little corner of the internet. You may know me from such viral posts as Crucifix Nail Nipples, Robin Williams punching death eaters, or from my advocacy work where I focus on issues of disability, chronic illness, and neurodivergency. You may also know me from my international best-selling novel about vampires and werewolves kissing.
In which case, the vampire nipple thing probably comes as a bit of a shock. I also co-host @theayesphere, an interactive podcast with my bestie @ayeforscotland, on his Twitch channel.
If you genuinely do not know how you got here, welcome anyway. I hope you find a reason to stay.
- I sent you a message, and you never responded! I’m sorry about that. I get a lot of mail daily, and it’s impossible to keep up with. It’s not a reflection of you or my regard for you. I appreciate every kind word and message of support sent my way, even if I can’t always reply to it.
I am but a humble peddler of smut who never expected to have a viral blog. I’m also multiply disabled, so the struggle to keep up is real.
- So, what’s wrong with you? How long have you got?
The quick answer is I have a connective tissue disorder known as Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), comorbid with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). All three were diagnosed in 2020 after a lifelong struggles with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fainting episodes and what I thought was asthma and chronic vomitting but actually turned out to be slow-acting idiopathic anaphylaxis. I am now on a treatment plan and am considered stable.
In late 2022 after losing the entire year to debilitating migraines, I was also diagnosed with atypical Binocular Vision Disorder by a neuro-ophthalmologist. This was a major root cause of my chronic migraines which had been missed by both a regular ophthalmologists and several neurologists. My case was considered ‘atypical’ because I did not present with the classic double vision symptoms checked for by most ophthalmologists. But upon extensive testing by the neuro-ophthalmologist, the misalignment in my eyes was diagnosed correctly and I was prescribed micro-prism glasses. I was also prescribed red-tinted lenses to help with extreme photophobia, as red blocks more blue light than other colors.
After three months of screen rest and allowing my eyes to adjust to the lenses – as well as extensive vision therapy–my monthly migraine count went from 20+ migraines a month down to 3. My remaining migraines appear to be hormonal in nature, but I have found that taking 400mg of b2 (riboflavin) a day, as prescribed by my neurologist, has greatly reduced the pain.
Despite the recent progress in my treatment, I am still a very sick, very fatigued individual and struggle to keep up with life sometimes.
I also have chronic ‘double depression’, cPTSD and ADHD, leaning more toward the hyper end of the spectrum. So I’m doubly cursed with a slow, slow body and a fast, fast mind that sometimes wants to yeet itself off a cliff. It’s an Experience. All of my posts pertaining to mental health are tagged as #mental health. Most of my ADHD stuff can be found under #adult adhd.
You can read more about my health issues by following my #chronic health tag or blacklist if you prefer! I also have one for my teeth #chronic health tag: teeth, though that one is less active since the nerve damage in my jaw was resolved.
- Why do you use affiliate links? Good question! There are a lot of hidden costs that go into indie publishing, and a large part of that is what we lose to places like Amazon in fees. Using affiliate links to promote our work allows authors to recoup some of that loss from our royalties, though not quite all of it. The links don’t cost you anything, nor do they tell me anything about your private data or shopping habits. They’re just a way for me to claw money back directly from Amazon. I try to limit how often I link to Amazon as the only thing I’m interested in peddling are my weres. And maybe a couple of vampires while I’m at it.
- Who is ETD/Mothman?
ETD/Mothman was the name my blog gave to my husband several years ago when my blog started getting popular. He has since joined Tumblr, and you can follow his shenanigans @mothman-etd
- Wait, you wrote a book?! I did! Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites is a 2x international best-selling paranormal, pun-filled polyamorous queer romance series with elements of Gaslamp fantasy and political satire. It features vampires, werewolves, and several other manner of creatures that go bump in the night. It has been described by those who have read it as “like reading the queer-goth-punk love child of Terry Pratchett meets Jane Austen. You can read more about it here or check out my website. The primary tag used by the fandom here on Tumblr is #Phangs.
- Vampires or werewolves? Why not both? \_(ツ)_/
- Hi, I want to support your work! Which purchase method best supports you? Any way you choose to purchase my books helps me! Purchasing through my Payhip or Gumroad nets me the most money, but purchasing through sites like Amazon contributes to my sales ranking, which increases my chances of trending in the algorithm and gaining a wider audience. Reviews are also a fantastic way to support an author, as is word of mouth.
Please note, I will be phasing out the Gumroad links following their stance on NFTS and the ensuing behavior of their CEO on Twitter. This should not affect your files. If, for some reason, you lose your digital copy and Gumroad won’t let you download it again via your email link, please reach out to me at info @ joydemorra.com
- Can I write fanfic/create fanart of your work? Please do! I want nothing more for you to enjoy my work to the point of creation. Just be careful not to tag me in any fanfic, and please don’t send me any headcanons. If someone accidentally guesses my plot and shows it to me, it can risk any of my future book plans. Keep fandom discussions within fandom. The author is (un)dead, and their opinion doesn’t matter. If you make fanart, you can tag me in that, but please don’t link to your Patreon or Ko-Fi in the post where I can see it. If I see you are making a profit from my work, I am legally obligated to file a takedown. If I do not see any such links, which may or may not exist in any reblogs I am not immediately tagged in, we do not have a problem. 🙈🙈🙈
- Can I cosplay your characters and tag you? Absolutely! Just make sure you follow the above advice about Ko-Fi and Patreon links.
- Will you sign my copy of [____] If this is post-pandemic times and we are at a meet and greet, yes! I’ll also have bookplates for sale soon that you can insert into your copies or do with them as you please.
- Are you going to turn any of your books into audiobooks? Yes! My audiobooks are narrated by Catherine Bilson (aka @caitlynlynch) and you can find them listed under my buy link options.
- Why do you write two versions of the same story? Glad you asked! I write two versions of all my stories so that people who enjoy sex scenes can enjoy them, and those who prefer not to read depictions of sexual acts don’t need to skip pages to avoid the more explicit scenes. You can read more about my decision to do this here.
- Help! I bought the wrong version! Most of my retailers will allow you to return the book for a full refund, freeing you to purchase the correct copy. If you bought a copy through my Gumroad or Payhip, drop me a line at info @ joydemorra.com, and we’ll get it resolved :)
- You’re an editor, right? Will you look at my manuscript? Regrettably, I am not taking on any new clients at the moment, but if you would like to check out my editors, you can fine them at @roselarkpublishing
- When will you be editing again? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depth of a teaspoon.
- When is your next book coming out? When I have the mental and physical capacity greater than the depths of a teaspoon. (Sorry, I know I’m taking too long.)
- Will you reblog my donation post? I’m afraid that due to the high volume of requests that I get (anywhere from 5-20 a day), I am currently only reblogging donation posts from mutuals. I’m sorry. There are just too many for me to keep up with without flooding my dash. But please do look into @copperbadge’s Radio Free Monday, which I always try to reblog. The submission form is here, and Sam wrote a guide on how to write fundraising posts here.
- What’s your favorite book? Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett. Closely followed by Going Postal by Terry Pratchett and Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.
- What’s your favorite movie? Singin’ in the Rain!
- Favorite music? I’ve been listening to The Amazing Devil on loop for over eighteen months, so it’s safe to say I like them.
- Why do you use Amazon? Aren’t they evil incarnate?!?
They are, but they’re also the biggest-selling platform for eBooks for indie and trad authors and not using them is career suicide. If you don’t like Amazon, I have plenty of other platforms for you to use, including directly from my Payhip, which allows you to use Kindle without giving Jeff Bezos a penny.
- Can I send you something I made/thought you might like? Sure! My PO Box is:
- I saw you from the essential oil discourse and was just wondering… Please have pity on my chronic fatigue and refer to the master list post compiled very kindly by @paradoxanomalyenigma. You may find that I have already answered your question. If not, come ask me!
- Why did you move from Scotland to the US? I met and fell and love with Mothman. Originally we were going to live in the UK, but they changed the immigration laws six weeks before our wedding, and it ended up being more accessible for me to move here than for him to move there. Ideally, we would both like to have dual citizenship one day.
- Does Mothman really believe in me? Always.
- Are you Wiccan? No, I’m a pagan who identifies as a secular witch and have been for the last 20+ years. I don’t hold to any particular creed or belief. The gods might well exist. I’ve just got little time for them.
- Can you post to your bad luck chain-mail spell breaker? It makes me feel better. Here you go! Here’s my other curse breaker post if you want it, too.
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necarion · 1 year
Ender's Game (and Shadow) could make for a good 4-6 part miniseries. A two-hour movie can capture some of the exciting action, but not the slow building tension or despair of Ender as the isolation and pressure builds.
The show would have to make a decision early whether to try to maintain the Big Secret, or to build it like a dramatic irony. The 2013 movie tried to keep it secret and failed miserably as it telegraphed it like crazy. Having the opposite approach, where you see the story more from Bean's eyes would be an interesting approach, where you can see the pain and isolation of Ender, and know why, and not be able to do anything about it.
Regardless, it had to have time for the pressure to build. In a film, the long series of tests resolve too quickly so they don't seem nearly as hard. The movie had to cheat and make it super easy barely an inconvenience by breaking its own rules. The entire Battle School sequence was also like 4 weeks in-universe (there is a ticking clock and everything - the entire story takes place over the course of months).
The one other change that I think would be necessary would be to the Locke and Demosthenes subplot. Xkcd captures the ridiculousness of them taking over the world by blogging. But I think modern tech could get you another approach: have them use AI generated figures plus DeepFake technology. That way they can interact with others directly by video, appear on the news (and yelly talkshows), testify before Congress, meet with world leaders in secret, etc. They can see be obvious fake images (in-world, since it will be established that this is totally possible and regular), although I'd use real actors, but give them some sort of CGI watermark, so it doesn't uncanny valley. Allowing them to have a screen-presence gives the pseudonyms more presence than just having to read text posts.
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redhillconfetti · 1 year
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Blog post 03-02-2023 - Sickness
When you decide to run a small business, the freedom it gives you to run your own schedule is always a huge draw when compared to being an employee of someone else’s business, however whilst things look great all the perks of self employment and flexible schedules can mean for a while you are looking through rose tinted glasses, but with all planning for fun and good things, you also need to plan for the bad and boring.
When I first quit my corporate job to go self employed full time, I had to look at my outgoing expenses each month, with the first being my pension. I had to reduce my monthly payment, but over time I've increased this gradually. This is something I was able to plan for and incorporate into each year’s projections. I also decided to pull off 20% of each week's earnings and just store them in an instant access savings account. It barely makes any interest, but my initial idea for this was to be a pot of instant money should I have any large expenses.
What this actually meant is I had a backup for when I was too sick to work. 
If the last three years has taught us anything, it's that a bad virus or illness can appear out of nowhere and throw everything on its head with regards to running a business. You can’t predict when you will be ill, and it can always come at the most inconvenient time. Unfortunately that’s what happened to me this week.
We’re now at the first few days of February, but since the start of January I had been feeling run down and had a slight tickle of a cough. As January is always a quiet month I have been able to reduce my working hours in order to get some rest and hopefully let my body restore itself. However, after a very busy two days last weekend, this Monday that cough rapidly deteriorated. I had a dry cough that would empty my lungs at any given point, every single bone and joint in my body ached beyond belief, migraine, nausea, elevated temperature, photosensitivity to light and also noise. I had definitely developed something far more severe than just a simple tickly cough. After testing for Covid and that thankfully coming up negative, a call to the NHS 111 service determined it was likely to be the RSV virus, something that has been prevalent in our area for the last few weeks.
I had little choice but to take the week ‘off’. I’m thankful my husband was able to arrange to work from home and thus take our son to and from school, and for the better part of the week I've been able to do little more than sip water whilst wrapped in a blanket and binge watch Criminal Minds on Disney+. What hasn’t helped my recovery is the lack of medicated cold & flu medications that pharmacies locally haven’t been able to source, but that lack of supply is more down to Brexit. But this isn’t a Brexit blog post so we’ll touch on that in the future.
With having a week off, I had to decide whether or not to shut the shops or not. In the end I decided to keep them on, and just allow the natural flow of orders to come in. I completely ignored social media this week, the admin has piled up, no new listing or manufacturing. Instead I packed what orders did come in then left them for 24 hours after sanitising them. If 2020 taught us anything, it's how to protect others and stop the spread of any viruses. After 24 hours and full sanitisation, my husband took the parcels to their drop off points meaning i didn’t have to leave the house.
Through all this I was thankful that I had that small reserve in savings. I could take my time this week to just get better without having the added pressure and worry that I still had to bring in a full week’s wage. My pension payment was able to be covered and this week’s bills have been paid.
Here in the UK if you are employed by a company, most of the time they will offer a certain amount of sick days where you get paid full pay, or a high percentage of full pay (in the past it’s usually been 12 days at companies i’ve worked for). After that the company can draw from the government what’s called SSP - statutory sick pay - which is just under £100 per week, payable for up to 28 weeks. It is only applicable if you are employed by a company. You cannot claim this if you are self employed.
I’m sorry if this week’s blog post is a little disjointed, i’m still in a bit of a fog of flu meds and lack of sleep, but hopefully next weeks post will be something a little more upbeat and fluffy!
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majaloveschris · 1 year
The Tara comment liking thing was one of the few cases that made me so mad. I think since this PR shitshow has started, some people think everything happens because of them. Because he wants to show that they were there, or because he wants people to forget about something that has happened or that will happen. This isn't the first time he's made a post about Dodger, his work, or shootings. Not everything happens because he wants us to forget about all of this. Just because this PR shitshow's been going on doesn't mean he doesn't have his regular life and doesn't have duties to fulfill, like promoting, etc. I'm not saying he's never posted anything to test the waters or a Dodger photo to make the situation better, but not everything has happened because of this PR bullshit since last January. //
Thank you for answer me and thank for answer about WDW and VTgate!! I’m the same anon!!
This is why I like your blog… you are very kind to answer everyone!! And Don’t get crazy
Yes.. This was I saying… maybe he didn’t note about the shoe or maybe he didn’t think about the fans getting crazy… because the end of the day he’s a human and maybe he just wanted share a cute moment!! And automatically people starting jump off saying “something is coming” or “they’re are trying hide something” or… “they want let us now that they were there”… I think sometimes people is just like 🤯
So… until the end (real or not) probably we’ll get more content, even though this “rs” is pr they need acting like they are in serious “rs”…
Love ❤️
No problem! I'm happy you like to be here ❤️
Sometimes people definitely overanalyze everything, but on some level I understand them. I think, since the very beginning, we were kind of directed to do this. Take, for example, everything that happened at the start. From January until November, the only thing that happened were likes and follows and nothing else. Most of us assumed it meant nothing, especially when they were never even seen together. But now we all know it wasn't true, and it was actually because of this whole PR nonsense. At the time, most of us did the same thing that we do now. The only difference is that back then we tried to prove they had nothing to do with each other, and now we try to prove it or give evidence, giving examples of why it's not real. After we have gained so much information from analyzing the NYC and WDW pictures and the scare videos, I think it's understandable that people still feel the urge to do it.
I also think that there are things that have nothing to do with this PR shitshow, because he usually posts about his work and Dodger, but at the same time I understand why people keep searching for clues and evidence. I don't think a picture of Dodger or a post about his work means anything other than what it appears to. Not every post is because "something is coming" or because he tries to clean up this mess. But we all have to admit that, at this point, it's hard to decide why certain things happen.
Actually, if we think it through, it's not even a new thing. Remember those who saw Selena's reflection in his piano? There are a lot of really obsessed people out there who've been doing this since the beginning, even when they had no "reason" or "purpose" to do it.
It's a hard situation because sometimes I also think his team does things on purpose, so he doesn't need to be around them or physically appear with her, and also to let fans know it's true! I think Alba, her team, and her friends are definitely trying harder to sell this than he and his friends and team. 
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muu-kun · 9 months
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It has been a hot minute since I've posted Muu updates, especially in regards to mental health developments, so here go:
Though it isn't entirely lifted from him as bouts of it can still occur should he forget to take his medication, his medication no longer aids him per an ineffective dosage, or should other factors such as placing himself into highly stressful and triggering events occur, his diagnosis of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a mute point. Through some additional testing, much of which he admittedly wished to refuse to his own denial that the medical professionals he was going through would find what they were looking for, it was surprising to find that what was causing his bouts of it to begin with was none other than epilepsy. He'd known himself to have a genetic anomaly caused by his form of Kallmann Syndrome that is linked to such condition, such as it is with adhd, and autism, both of which he also has been diagnosed with at different points in his life; however, he had serious doubts about having it himself as he'd never experienced anything he'd have considered to be seizure, or seizure-like even, in his entire life. What he'd later find by holding onto such a statement on such observations is that he simply didn't know the complexities of such a condition. It was unknown to him that seizures were not entirely full body, and instead could be isolated to jerking within the hand, or fingers. There could have even nine at all, as he found out, but instead an offset stare accompanied by a complete lack of body movement. He'd been hearing his whole life that he had the tendency of appearing out of it, or captured by his own mind, yet his contribution to that had always been that perhaps he just wasn't a very bright individual. Only when his absence seizures were replaced by what he'd have later found out to be focal seizures after finding himself concerned about progressively appearing spasms in his pointer fingers specifically did he get to an opportunity of finding more about himself than he truthfully wished to do so personally. Even so, he is still plenty appreciative of the discovery, because now he is on an epilepsy medication. He's thus far been on it the entire month of July without mentioning to anyone. With it becoming otherwise public knowledge at this point, he can at least also share it with the associated knowledge that he hasn't experienced even one instance of feeling very small in a oversized world. If anything, he's actually only found himself offhandedly mentioning the wish to be taller before moving on to better, more practical uses for his focus and time.
Rumination and insomnia are also null in their placements on the board. Nights in which he'd be up until 2, maybe even three in the morning, or ones in which he'd be able to get himself to sleep with limited issue yet would wake up hourly with immense problems getting back to sleeping peacefully, have entirely been replaced by those in which he's lights out on or before 10:00pm and stays deep in slumber until 6:00am the next morning to begin his daily routine unbothered. This is an incredibly exciting development for Muu personally as he still distinctly recalls how difficult it was for him to get even an ounce of rest leading up to and during the pandemic as he would be ruminating about every decision and mistake he'd ever made his entirely life up until his great sadness was enough to lure him into sleeping. It is also of interest to him when it comes to even present conflicts, and how they fail to impact his ability to sleep as they would've years, or even weeks ago. I take for example how the situation between himself and Calix affected him versus the latest one with himself and Sully ( character / blog mentions: @tximidity). In the case involving being informed by the then stranger to him, Calix, that he possess a victim complex, that initiated him into Stressed Mode completely. It embedded itself under his skin enough to lead to not only a nightmare based on the experience, but he also found the high levels of worry he was placing onto his body as a result of a comment he believes was most certainly not intended to hurt him that badly led him to one (which is still thought to be too many in his mind, especially considering his age and degree of health) instance of nocturnal enuresis. Fast forward to being told by Sully that the pair were essentially no longer friends, something that of course Muu would not wish to hear for a number of reasons associated with underlying trauma. As of yet, even, has that hindered his quality of sleep? No, actually it hasn't. It has a tendency to eat at him during the day, yes, but surprisingly once his body is ready for rest, it doesn't allow for even a single thought to disturb him from falling asleep the moment his head hits the pillow. Even on occasions in which he is pulled from sleep by his dog, Match, needing a late into the night bathroom break, or even just a sip of water, he doesn't find himself on dwelling on anything beyond his wishes to go back to sleep-- which, as it would, are granted just as immediately as they are at the start of his rest hours prior. He hasn't been able to sleep so soundly since he was SIXTEEN years old. It might not be an incredibly exciting thing to celebrate, but he's joyful over it all the same.
Additional things to consider:
No, none of this is to even suggest the narrative that he is Healed. I can list right now all the reasons in which that is NOT true:
Self esteem is still non-existent. No matter how much he'd like to be able to even say one positive thing about himself, he unfortunately can not. Any attempt at doing so continues to be met with a voice informing him that he is either incorrect in his opinion, or that there is some other factor about himself so heinous that any posivity in any other area becomes void of merit. Even in a situation in which a loaded firearm is placed to his head, and the only thing determining if he lives or dies in that moment is the ability to list even just one thing about himself that he likes, he'd unfortunately perish due to being absolutely unable to compliment himself.
He still can't keep a consistent job as his mental stability is realistically anything but. Leaving the house is an incredible feat that he admittedly can't always find himself able to accomplish. This is especially true on days he's filled himself with the narrative that he lacks friends, and is otherwise incapable of being saved due an inability to maintain a consistent social group to call his own. Loneliness and grief has truly been eating at him in excruciating doses lately, so really he's only managed to make into work in the instances in which he's messaged directly by his supervisor informing him that he's personally needed for assistance in or outside filming that day. Even then, his appearances within the establishment are limited to only a couple in the late afternoon to seven at the latest as he is not one to like to be anywhere but at home getting comfortable by 7:30 - 8:00pm.
He's still attending daily inpatient care. Per the recommendation of his therapist to attend group therapy, and as a result of some days being exceptionally cruel to himself in manners he's not comfortable addressing, he's been checking himself into his local mental health clinic every Monday through Friday. It starts sharply at 8am, and he stays throughout the entirety of it up until the last minute rolls into 3:00pm. He's very fortunate that his therapist was able to get him into the program free of charge by way of reaching out to them directly with information revealing Muu to be on a limited income due to government funding and a mental health related unemployment history. Truthfully, on days in which he misses out on attending by way of either sleeping in, or other necessary expectations rise up instead, he quite literally cries in distress over it. He's never fit into a group before, or at least not for an incredibly lengthy, or consistent period of time, but there he does. Not only are there people healing alongside him, but there's also numerous trained professionals and volunteers alike on the premises all there to be helpful towards those ongoing journeys. Of course he prefers to participate in activies and sessions ran by older staff members there, especially the male's unsurprisingly, as he likes to refer to them as being "real" grown-ups to his.. not so great strategies at being one.
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4r4chn10 · 10 months
//Rules, Bio, and appearance are under the Read More. This blog was remade from an archived sideblog for a fresh start and easier interactions with other Spiderverse characters!
Sideblogs: @iron-child, @emerald-queen
1. Please be respectful. I will show respect, but all I ask is that I get some in return. If there is a problem, please come to me privately so that we can be civil about it. Please try to remember that whatever Lionel says or does, does not echo my beliefs or morals in real life.
2. Minors do not interact. There will be NSFW on this blog. If you are a minor and you try to do NSFW with Lionel I will block you. I will report and block you if you lie to me and I find out you've been lying. My character is not your fetish target. Nor am I your scapegoat.
3. I will already be tagging certain gross things but if there's anything you would like to have added to the list, please let me know. Do not come to me after I have posted something screaming because I cannot read your mind. I do not know your triggers. Just as you do not know mine. Communication is key.
4. Please don't God mod. Nobody likes it. It's annoying. So don't do it.
5. My character will not ship with underage characters. Nor will they ship with characters that have been listed as a family member. Like I said, my muse is not your fetish target.
6. Honestly just have fun. Please. It's why we're here.
Lionel 'Leo' Vollo was an innocent bystander for the majority of his two decades-long life in New York of Earth-8675309.
This changed on the day he was randomly selected as a target for Norman Osborne and his inhumane experiments. Prior to his abduction, Osborne had murdered Peter Parker in a violent public display. He harvested the slain hero's genetic material and used it to experiment on Lionel and several others.
Lionel was the only one of the seven abducted to survive, and spent six months being referred to as "Project 4R4CHN10".
During a test of his abilities, Lionel managed to overpower the Spider-Slayers deployed against him, 'reclaiming' his predecessor's web shooters and stealing what he would later learn were devices that perpetually generated web fluid, which Peter had been working on to simulate a spider's internal web-producing organ, and that Norman had finished constructing. He also made off with quite a few other small gadgets that he grabbed along the way out of Oscorp Tower.
Escaping his tormentor, Lionel set about attempting to live up to the fame and reputation of the spider before him.
Lionel is effectively homeless and broke, having to rely on the generosity of strangers and monetary offerings from those he would save that most would be in a position to turn down. He's not particularly proud of it, but a hero can't save people on an empty stomach all the time.
After several years surviving alone, Lionel was recruited by Miguel O'Hara to join the Spider Society. After a particularly interesting mission, he met Madame Web who gifted him a symbiotic spider silk scarf which reacts to his thoughts. He was also taught to hone his spider sense to a point where he can protect a sort of 'Arachnaphobia' onto enemies upon eye contact.
Lionel's face-claim is Aizawa from My Hero Academia! His skillset involves making use of The tool belt which holds all the pilfered Oscorp Tech he still has, as well as a unique scarf gifted to him by Madame Web after joining the Spider Society!
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