#(also uh...even more gross if that WAS the relation)
holocene-sims · 24 hours
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september 1, 2021 6:15 p.m. basil's restaurant
ten minutes ago
[ktmurphy86] i might be a few minutes late, but i'm almost there.
grant scrolls through the metric ton of messages piling up in his notifications until he reaches the very end, and with a lump in his throat, opens it to respond. or like it. or send a thumbs up like a cool cucumber.
baby steps, he tells himself. one task at a time. the responses to all the messages from family, friends, and former co-workers inquiring about his exam results will come later.
just meet your sister first and–
“you seem different.”
he nearly jumps out of his skin as kelly’s high-pitched voice supersedes his thoughts.
“hopefully in a good way,” grant replies, looking up as he slides his phone off the table and into his back pocket.
it’s been nearly a decade since their last encounter, and he’d still recognize her from a mile away.
kelly’s hair is dyed platinum blonde like always, but now it’s twice as long, and her natural brunette locks–peeking through at the root–are streaked through with shocks of silver. her ice blue eyes are just as piercing, only underlined with tiny wrinkles. she’s still thin, too, but rather rail thin; her sweater dress seems to wear her more than she wears it.
“yes, in a good way.” kelly pulls out the chair opposite him and sits down with her arms wrapped across her waist. the candle between them casts a strange yellow glow over her wiry features. “you look better, much healthier.”
“uh, thank you. you look great as well.”
she half-smiles. “it’s just hair dye and botox. i look old. i didn’t inherit the ageless ó súilleabháin genes, so i'm going grey very early like all the callahans. by the way, you weren’t waiting long, were you?”
“oh, no, no, not at all. i have my car, but i didn’t want to deal with traffic, so i took the subway, but then that also kind of took a while. i pretty much just got here.”
“okay, good.” kelly pauses for a moment, her lips pursed. “well. i thought about what i'd say to you the whole ride over here, and now it’s all gone.”
for a moment, they exchange no other words. they drown in the silence, staring into each other’s eyes and into the past.
she’s surprisingly warm, all things considered. the last time they’d been in the same room–
grant is distracted again from his thoughts, watching as a strange sadness falls across her face. she reaches up at the collar of her dress and tug at it like it’s choking her, and her eyes then drift away to stare at an indistinct point on the table between them.
“it’s weird to see you again,” she admits suddenly, her gaze still fixated far away from him, “i didn’t think you’d message me back a few months ago.”
“to be honest, i didn’t mean to. i replied by accident one night and then just decided to follow through with talking to you. and now i'm here. yeah. um, anyway, why’d you reach out to me?”
“i was on facebook a couple months ago, and one of those ‘look at what you posted this day years ago’ things came up. it was a picture aunt bridget tagged us all in. it was the whole family at one of your high school hockey games, i think your freshman year state championship game.” kelly shrugs. “i didn’t even know any of those pictures were still there. that was a real surprise, given i unfriended and blocked everyone i'm related to on there when i left home after high school.”
grant nods. “a picture of me probably very sweaty and gross with helmet hair made you want to reach out to me?”
“not quite. my kids were with me at the time. we were in an airport coming back from vacation, so they were bored and nosy. ‘is that you? who are all these people?’ i was then immediately caught in my lie; i'd been telling them their whole lives i had no family left, and their only extended family was their dad’s parents.”
“yikes. i'm sure that was awkward.”
“it was,” kelly says plainly, “my oldest kids weren’t happy with the news. they’ve been, um, a little jealous of their friends for having lots of cousins and big family events for the holidays, and it didn’t go over well when they figured out they do have a big family. besides, they rightfully did see it as a betrayal of their trust. if mom lied once, what else might mom be lying about? the tooth fairy? santa claus? the easter bunny? yes, those, too. sorry. also, if you didn’t already guess based on my new last name, i married jack, and…”
“i figured you married him. you’d already been together a really long time even when i last saw you. we all grew up together, and you guys were middle school and high school sweethearts and all.”
“he’s a good guy. as i was about to say, though, jack is very partial to you. he always liked you. he thought you were a sweet kid, and he won’t let me forget what happened between us. so, after the facebook incident, he encouraged me to contact you, if only for the kids’ sake. after living in a huge family, i don’t think it’s all that fantastic, but he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder being an only child, and he doesn’t want the kids to have no one besides his parents in their lives. don’t get me wrong; i will never ever get involved in callahan or ó súilleabháin bullshit again, but i will consider reconnecting with you and letting you meet the kids.”
grant bites into his lip as that nagging anxious lump returns to his throat. “well, why me? why bother getting involved with any of us again after everything? even if it is for your kids, what's your motivation?"
kelly outright ignores his question. “tell me what you’ve been up to for the last, what, eight years? nine years? i don’t remember how long it’s been. you're at least talking to our dad, i hear.”
"how do you know that?"
"my in-laws may not know anything else about you these days, but they've seen you with him around our hometown."
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splataii · 1 year
so uh @b1ueprinc3 made a post and i was inspired to make this drabble.
pervert manager dabi x male reader
cw: sub/bottom male reader, top/dom character, dacryphilia, degradation, minor exhibitionism, groping
anyway dabi first meets you an just thinks ur so fucking cute. he just loves your enegry and attitude, and becomes a lil too eager to train you, always being a lil touchy. hes down horrendous, always grabbing ur ass to congratulate you for a job well done at the end of the day or whatever.
insists he a “hands on learning” typa guy. always grabbing you by the waist so he can grind his obvious boner against your ass as he scoots behind you. always grabs u by the back of the neck, rubbing a thumb up its side as he leans over your shoulder to look at whatever work has you occupied. grabs you by the beltloop when youre passing him so he can spin you around and tell you about this “important work related thing” while he keeps his fingers pressed into your hips.
he already thinks you look pretty good in the assigned uniform, but one day, he has the genius idea to spill some water or something over you so you're forced to change into a top that's a couple sizes too small (which he insists is the only available uniform, yes it's mandatory, no you can't go home and change).
he promises it was an accident, and that he’ll wash it for you (despite the fact you insist you can clean it yourself) but instead spends his time dropping random shit on the ground so he can see your pants strain against ur ass and the way your shirt rides up your back.
the liar also takes your old shirt to the backroom to fist his cock with, pretending it's ur fucked out face he's cumming on. you ain't never getting that shit back
speaking of jerking off, this bitch does it all the time. specifically does it when youre getting off break and heading to the break rooms, so you can hear the sound of him shamelessly moaning your name as he finishes to another one of his gross fantasies of you laying spread out for him in his bed. he exits the stall and smiles when he sees your face like its no big. always makes sure to give ur ass a nice slap and some half assed “work hard” crap before he leaves you totally embarrassed.
nyway he also a bit overprotective, never stepping more than a couple feet away from you while you're working with a customer, and even other coworkers. he knows people know how cute you are. why would he leave his sweet boy to deal with those random mofos? he just stands behind you glaring when he feels someone is getting too close. you get a little confused, when they eventually leave, terrified, but he's always there to comfort you. your ass is his, you don't need no one else baby<3
he can have a bit of a mean streak sometimes tho, stretching you thin. whenever you (expectedly) fail to meet his impossible deadlines, he’s teasing you. talking about what a dumb little boy you are. he could probably fire you, if he wanted to. but he wont. if you could do this one little thing for him.. he pulls you into an old storage closet, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants so he can slap it on your face and spread his pre all over your cheek and nose. he can't help it, you just look a lot cuter this way. besides, he knows you can take it. dumb little boys like you are only made for one thing. since you're such a bad employee, show him what a damn good whore you are.
dabi claims he's only mean cause he cares. boys like you need to be taught a lesson so no one can take advantage of you. but sometimes, he plays like he's gonna make you answer calls while hes spearing you on his dick, just so he can see your pretty tears as you shake ur head no.
once again, he can have complete one eighty's, giving you all these bonuses and gifts at work saying “you deserve it” and all that shit, but everybody at work knows the reason you get all this special treatment is cause he slutting you out behind closed doors.
at the end of the day, you’re really just dabi’s personal whore. and everyone knows it.
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lihhelsing · 8 months
Part 3
Eddie can barely react when Steve offers to pick him up at his house for their date night.
Eddie is a nervous wreck at this point as he's been with everything that's related to Steve (or related to not-Steve). 
Ever since he first matched with him, Eddie felt like he was living in a parallel world because there was no way in hell someone like him would ever swipe right on someone like Eddie. And yet. It really happened. 
Well, at first it didn't, but then Steve called and said all those nice things to Eddie and fuck if he wasn't easy when someone flattered him. 
But Eddie was also a paranoid shit, so he kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Steve to laugh at him and tell him it was just a prank. For him to ghost him - which maybe would be even worse. 
But Steve didn't and now he was waiting outside of his place in a fucking BMW? What the fuck was that? 
Steve looks good because he always does. They had been exchanging pictures of themselves as they talked and even when Steve was all sweaty and gross from a workout he still looked good. Eddie compensated with good angles and dork faces that Steve said time and time again were adorable. 
He insisted so much that he thought Eddie was cute that Eddie was almost believing him. He had also tried his hardest for their date, putting on some of his favorite clothes, a band t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans that made him look good. His hair was down because it felt like a good armor if he needed to hide from something. 
Steve doesn't even give him time to anything before he's smiling and saying 'you look so handsome,' and placing his hand on Eddie's thigh and fuck, he forgot how to breathe. 
"Thanks, you, uh, you look good, too," Eddie blabbers and Steve chuckles and it's adorable. He's adorable and Eddie is losing his shit. 
"Ready for our date?" Steve smiles and turns the car on, his hand heavy on Eddie's leg still. There's a part of Eddie that's sure he's the farthest thing from ready, but this is happening, no question. 
Somehow, Eddie tricks Steve into inviting him over after the movie is over. Steve said he wanted to take him to dinner, but he failed to mention dinner was actually eating popcorn and candy at a drive-in. 
Eddie had no notes. 
After the movie started, he managed to relax a bit. Steve seemed to feel it because he, too, relaxed and when they were done with their food, he offered his hand for Eddie to take. He felt giddy like a high-schooler and like Steve had, somehow, known Eddie never had the chance to do any of that in high school.
Despite his fancy car, Steve's apartment is more modest than Eddie expects it to be. He mentioned having a roommate who he's friends with, although he said he just met her over the internet and she hooked him up with the job. 
"So, is she like your best friend or something?" Eddie asks as Steve opens the car door for him as if he's a prince out of a fairy tale. 
"Oh, no. I mean, we're friends and we talk and I really like her company, but I don't think she likes me very much."
"Why not?"
Steve shrugs, but Eddie can tell it's a sore subject‌. Eddie gets it, though. For the little he knows Steve, he can already tell he cares a lot about people liking him or not. He also doesn't understand why someone wouldn't like Steve, but well, people are weird. 
"Is she out?" Eddie asks as they get in the elevator and Steve nods. 
"Yeah, she usually spends Friday nights at her girlfriend's place. That's why I normally get the Friday shift. I kind of hate being home alone and it's just a nice thing to do for her, I guess."
Eddie hums noncommittally. He's trying to piece Steve together, but it's hard because his looks and his posture sometimes say one thing and then he lets out this incredibly vulnerable information and it leaves Eddie confused. 
They walk in together and the place is small, but cute. There's an old couch and Steve tells him to sit down, saying he's getting them some drinks. Eddie doesn't want to drink, he wants to just grab Steve by the face and kiss him dumb. 
Steve doesn't take long and as he sits down, Eddie can't hold it anymore. He has no idea where all this bravado comes from, but he leans forward and pecks Steve on the mouth. Steve's eyes widen and Eddie is about to apologize when two hands cup his face and pull him forward. 
And then they are kissing. Really kissing. With tongue and little huffs that come out of Steve's mouth and Eddie feels like he's died. 
If he is, in fact, dead, then Eddie is going to make the best of it. He lets his hands move to Steve's waist and he pulls him in. He has no idea what he was trying to do, but Steve seems to be much more confident because he straddles Eddie's hips and then he's on top. 
"Fuck," Eddie says. He's completely out of breath and Steve feels so good like this. He grips his waist harder and Steve thinks it's a go-ahead for him to roll his hips down and Eddie sees stars. 
Steve kisses him like he's hungry for him, and it's a heady feeling. Eddie has kissed boys before, but no one that looked like Steve. No one that made his heart skip so many beats like he does. 
No one that seemed to want Eddie as much as Steve does right now. 
"Stevie," Eddie whispers. He's not even sure he managed to get the words out but Steve stops kissing his neck. His pupils are blown out and his mouth is red and swollen and Eddie did that. 
"Yeah?" Steve is out of breath, too. His chest rises and falls in quick intervals. 
"Can we slow down?" Eddie says when he catches his own breath. He's afraid of saying it because it makes him look pathetic, but he doesn't want to rush this. 
They've been talking for a month before they even went out, but Eddie still feels too raw and insecure and-
"Of course, baby," Steve interrupts Eddie's train of thought and he has a soft smile, but he doesn't move away. He's not repelled by Eddie. He leans in and kisses him softly on the mouth. 
The pet name wraps itself around Eddie's heart. He's desperate to believe all of this means more than just a casual hook up but he knows he can't. Not yet. 
"Oh, wait! I saved a video I wanted to show you," Steve says as if they weren't eating each other a few short seconds ago. Eddie chuckles. He likes it. He likes how Steve can just roll with whatever Eddie throws his way. 
"Yeah, let's see this video," Eddie smiles, takes a moment to just admire Steve, hair a complete mess thanks to him, face flushed a pretty shade of pink. He looks perfect and Eddie wants to keep him so bad. 
"Wait, can you call my phone? I don't know where I put it." 
Much to Eddie's disappointment, Steve gets out of his lap and pats his pockets, frowning. He starts moving around the house and Eddie fishes his phone, dialing Steve's number from his contact list. 
He watches as Steve disappears back inside the kitchen and listens as his phone starts to ring right beside him, on the couch. Eddie can't see it, so he pushes his hand at the edges and pulls out Steve's phone. 
They must've been making out pretty hard for the phone to go this deeper on the couch. Eddie chuckles and presses the red button at the same time Steve comes back into the living room. 
"Found it! I left it at the kitchen counter when I grabbed us water," Steve says, waving a phone he has in his hands. Eddie frowns at him and holds out the phone he found. 
"Me too."
It's Steve's turn to look confused. "What?"
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
so for the prompt thingy... i have several and you can pick any, all, or none of them! 1. Steve and Eddie getting one over Murray when he's being all you two are pining ect. 2. Uncle Wayne - anything where Wayne accepts Steve immediately and tries to get him and Eddie married. 3. Werewolf den mother steve being seduced to be eddie's mate 4. Hopper as Steve's father figure accepting Eddie immediately because he isn't a wheeler.
I have so many cause i have ideas but can't write for crap... So thank you for being so open about writing! It's really nice to know it isn't a bother to ask...
THIS WAS SO EXCITING!!!! I did end up combining 1 and 4 into one. Also, I didn't IGNORE 3, but I got another request that is somewhat related and I think I am going to work on this when I work on that, but I didn't want you to wait longer for these other ones. I hope you love these! - Mickala ❤️
Murray clocked Eddie within literal seconds. That wasn’t surprising according to everyone who dealt with him before.
What was surprising was that he didn’t immediately call him out. Maybe he actually respected that some people’s secrets should stay secrets.
Or maybe he was just waiting until he figured Steve out, too.
Which apparently happened on a random Saturday at the Byers’ home.
But the thing is. The thing is that Eddie had clocked Steve within seconds, too.
So when the dust settled after Vecna, and Steve pulled Eddie from Hell, and he finally got his true love’s kiss (according to Robin), it took them about six hours before they were making out in Eddie’s hospital bed and calling each other boyfriends.
But only a handful of people were in on it, mostly to protect themselves, but also because they liked just having this for them. Too much of their lives had been out of their control, and they liked being able to have control over this one thing.
Until Murray.
They weren’t even next to each other when it happened.
Steve was helping Hopper at the grill, even though he’d been hopelessly terrible at grilling anytime he attempted it at pool parties with the kids. Eddie was pretty sure it was just to spend time with Hopper.
Eddie was with Will and Lucas, planning out a campaign that Will would DM for all of them, not even looking at Steve.
Okay, maybe he kept glancing over there occasionally, but that was just to make sure that he wasn’t catching anything on fire.
But they were always careful around everyone, and the fleeting glances he gave weren’t abnormal for him. He would do a visual checklist in his mind anytime they were all together, keeping count of everyone in his head the way Steve often did if they were all out somewhere.
“So you’re in love with Steve.”
Eddie jumped at Murray’s voice. He hadn’t even realized he was here.
Will and Lucas were staring, though Will didn’t look surprised at all. If Dustin blabbed…
“Don’t worry, nobody said anything.”
“And I won’t say anything to anyone else.”
“Especially not Steve.”
Murray didn’t know they were together, he just thought Eddie was pining.
Oh, this would be fun.
Eddie fought off a smirk, choosing to appear more worried.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Will, somehow, seemed to catch on to everything at once. Maybe his suspicions about Will were right, or maybe Will had just learned to be perceptive about things like this. Either way, he was hoping Will would play along.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Murray said with an annoying hand wave. “I don’t care about you being gay. I’ve had plenty of relations with men in my day.”
Gross, but okay. At least there’s that.
“The problem here is that Steve is so very straight.”
Oh my God, Murray was so wrong.
He shoved down the glee he felt at knowing Murray was wrong about two things.
“And so obviously still in love with Nancy. Poor guy doesn’t know how to call it quits on something that was never good for him. Gotta hand it to him, when he falls, he’s committed.”
Well, some of that was true, but he wouldn’t give Murray the excitement of being right about that.
“How long have you had these feelings? Oh wait, let me guess.” Murray pretended to think for a moment before he smirked. “Since high school when he was the King of the school and you were nobody just trying to survive your second senior year.”
It was longer than that, but he wasn’t going to give him any satisfaction from this conversation.
“You know, Steve would be fine with you coming out to him. I’m sure he’d even play wingman for you if you ask nicely.”
The plan forming in Eddie’s head was going to be so fun.
“You’re right. He’s changed a lot since high school and we’re friends now. I should tell him.”
Will’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
“The sooner the better. Keeping these secrets is mentally exhausting. I keep a lot of secrets for people.”
Hard to believe considering most of what came out of Murray’s mouth was something about someone else that they probably wouldn’t want other people to know.
“I’ll go tell him now.”
Eddie got up, ignoring Murray’s protests about this being a family function and isn’t responsible for if things go south.
“Hey Steve, can we talk for a second?” Eddie said loud enough for Murray to hear from across the yard.
Steve was busy flipping a burger as Hopper watched closely.
“Uh, sure. Everything okay?”
“I need you to go along with this,” he whispered. “Today’s the day.”
“Today? Right now?”
“If you’re okay with it.”
They’d discussed it recently; Coming out was something they had to do eventually, especially with how often they were almost caught kissing in the kitchen or holding hands during movie night.
As nice as it was having this for themselves, they knew they had to say something before everyone caught on and felt blindsided by it. Just having Dustin and Max knowing was a risk.
Plus, they wanted to be able to hold hands over the blanket for movie nights, not under.
Hopper was watching them suspiciously, not interrupting, but clearly wanting to.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
“So you know how everyone thinks I’m into men?”
“I’ve heard the rumors.”
Steve was so good at going along with Eddie’s dramatics. God, he loved him so much.
“They aren’t just rumors. I do like men. Actually, I’ve only ever liked one girl and I was 11, so I think it’s fair to say my judgment could have been off.”
Steve smiled fondly at him, holding back a laugh as he remembered that story from the one time Eddie went to summer camp.
“So I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I also like men.”
Eddie looked at Murray out of the corner of his eye, smirking at the way he was muttering to himself, disbelief written across his features.
“Yeah, one man in particular.”
“Have I met him? Is he hot?”
“You have and he’s known for fishing for compliments. He knows he’s hot,” Steve raised his eyebrow at him as he turned to take the burgers off the grill and put them on a plate Hopper was wordlessly handing him.
“Excuse me for wanting to hear it out loud in front of all our family and friends.”
“Wait! You’re…are you…you can’t be…together?!”
Murray was outraged and Eddie couldn’t help the snort he let out as he wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
Steve blushed, like he always did when Eddie showed him affection, but kept putting burgers on the plate.
Hopper was suddenly right in front of Eddie, eyes squinting at him, calculating.
“How long have you been with Steve?”
“Uh. Since March.”
“You’re boyfriends?”
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie never called Hopper sir. Not once in his entire drug dealing and getting away with it career, not once since he came back after Vecna.
But Steve had gotten really close to him when he came back, so he did respect him. And he knew that his opinion mattered to Steve.
“I think I owe you a little conversation then.”
Steve held up the spatula, pointing it between them.
“You two behave. I’m a grown man, Hop. I don’t need you to do what I think you’re gonna do.”
“Yeah, but you’re my kid, and this is what I do for all my kids.”
Steve dropped the spatula.
Eddie’s eyes widened.
He tried to send a silent message to everyone to give them a moment, maybe find something to keep their eyes and ears busy while Steve and Hopper talked for a minute, but everyone’s eyes remained on them.
Hopper sighed.
“Look, your parents suck. That’s not a secret to anyone here, especially not you or me.” Eddie tried not to let his mind wrap around how Hopper seemed to know more details than he did about Steve’s parents. “You’ve never had someone to watch out for you like a parent should. But you’ve got me now. And if I wanna give Eddie a bit of a shovel talk, you’re gonna let me. He’s better than a Wheeler.”
“Hey!” Mike yelled from where he was sitting between El and Dustin on the porch.
“Can it, Michael!” Hopper yelled back at him. “So Eddie and I are just gonna have a quick chat inside. You know how to do the hot dogs on your own.”
Hopper pulled Eddie away from Steve, guiding him back up the porch steps, passing Murray’s befuddled face.
They went into the house, keeping a good distance between them.
Eddie had never been this nervous before, not even when he had to talk to a judge about living with Wayne or when the government officials took his Upside Down statement.
“So,” Eddie responded, clasping his hands in front of him and playing with his rings nervously.
“You and Steve? Really?”
“No, I’m talking,” Hopper held his hand up to stop Eddie from trying to explain. “You know about Steve’s parents?”
“A little. Enough, probably.”
“It’s not my thing to share, but I will say I’ve been looking out for Steve for a lot longer than he even realizes. I’ve seen how he handles hurt. I don’t wanna see it ever again. Especially not because of some metalhead who took three years to get through his senior year. You got me?”
“Yes sir.”
“Does Wayne know?”
“What?” Eddie was still trying to parse through the first part of what Hopper said to him.
“Does Wayne know about you and Steve?”
“Yeah, he kind of walked in on a situation that left no room for hiding.”
Hopper nodded once in understanding. No further details needed on that one.
“You boys let me know if anyone out there gives you trouble, okay?”
They stared at each other in silence.
“You love him?”
“More than anything.”
Hopper gave him a sincere smile. A real smile from Hopper. He got an actual smile!
“Good. You both deserve to have something good with each other.”
Eddie wasn’t going to cry. Not now, now in front of Hopper, not when he had to go back out to their little get together.
Hopper’s hand rested on his shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.
“I know everything about you. Just remember that if you ever think about hurting him.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hopper left through the backdoor, yelling at Murray to stop mumbling to himself because he was scaring the kids. He looked out the window to see Joyce and Max hovering near Steve at the grill and he smiled to himself.
Steve was so loved by all these people, and he was so loved by all these people. It probably didn’t matter if they were obvious, if anyone knew about them from the start, if Murray was right or wrong.
The people who mattered were just happy that they were happy and he couldn’t ask for more than that.
“Why the hell are you cleaning the shower? Is that bleach?” Wayne scrunched his nose at the overwhelming smell of bleach coming from their shared bathroom.
“I’m having a guest over.”
“And they plan on showering here?” Wayne smiled amusedly at Eddie’s frantic scrubbing.
“It’s Steve.”
Ah. It all made sense now.
Wayne took a sip from his mug, his black coffee lukewarm from sitting on the counter for a bit too long.
“So he’s showering here? Is there somethin’ wrong with his showers?”
“It’s just in case,” Eddie huffed, finally pausing to look over at Wayne in the doorway.
“In case he spills the entire kitchen on his head?”
“Can’t I just clean the bathroom? When’s the last time we cleaned this thing?”
“Probably the last time I made you clean it as punishment for something.”
“When’s the last time you punished me for something?”
“It’s about to be now with that tone,” Wayne said as he raised his brows.
He’d never seen Eddie quite like this, not even the one time he brought a girl home for dinner. He knew he’d been kind of in love with Steve from a distance for a while, and when everything happened in March, they’d gotten close, but he didn’t realize how close.
“Sorry. I just want things to go okay.”
“Is there a reason they won’t? You spend an awful lot of time with that boy already.”
“I just don’t want him to think we’re trash, ya know? Like, we kinda are, but I don’t want him to see it.”
Wayne didn’t like that Eddie referred to himself as trash, never had. Sure, they were broke, and he was usually too busy working and trying to get some sleep to deep clean the house, and he didn’t really have nice stuff, but they had what they needed and they were safe.
“Has he ever said or done anything to make you think you’re trash? If he has, he ain’t welcome here.”
Eddie sighed.
“No, he’s been really nice.”
“So you’re worryin’ for you, then. Didn’t I tell ya to stop doin’ that?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Open the window in here, air it out. Gonna kill the boy with the smell of bleach,” Wayne said as he walked back to his chair.
His days off were few and far between, even after they got their trailer fixed up and paid off for free and Eddie’s medical bills suspiciously disappeared. He spent most of them watching TV or fixing something, but now that he knew Steve was coming, he wanted to cook dinner.
Maybe he wanted to impress him to keep him around for Eddie.
Maybe he just wanted an excuse to cook something.
But it was barely past lunch, and he wanted to relax a bit before Eddie was so high strung from stress that he couldn’t breathe.
He watched his TV, but he listened to Eddie grumbling from his room, the occasionally clatter or bump making him laugh to himself at how much effort Eddie was putting in.
“You alright?” He asked after a particularly loud bump against the wall.
Wayne checked the clock and saw it was close enough to the time he needed to start making dinner.
“Eddie? How’s pork chops and mashed potatoes sound?”
Something falls in Eddie’s room, but Wayne just shakes his head and goes to the kitchen to start prepping everything.
His pork chops were Eddie’s favorite for years, probably because they usually only had them on special occasions or if Wayne was able to go in a little late to have dinner with him. Anytime he had his friends over, Wayne would try to make them.
And now he could make them for Steve.
Steve had been over a lot when Eddie first got out of the hospital, helping make sure he had everything he needed while Wayne was at work, making sure he was being left alone by the idiots in town.
He stopped coming by as much after a while, but anytime Eddie came in the door, he’d been with Steve. He was visiting Steve at work, or at Steve’s house, or with Steve and the kids at the arcade or the diner, or with Steve at the quarry.
Wayne wasn’t stupid.
He knew Eddie was in love with the boy.
He just didn’t know for sure if Steve loved him back.
But he’d find out tonight one way or another, even if he had to outright ask.
He got lost in the cooking, barely noticing Eddie walking in and out with dirty dishes and trash from his bedroom.
But then he heard a loud knock on the front door and Eddie’s footsteps racing to open it, and Wayne Munson almost had a heart attack.
Eddie was wearing plain blue jeans, the sneakers he got just for graduation, and a button down shirt. A nice button down shirt.
“You look nice.”
“Shut up. It’s just what I had clean.”
“Right. Sure.”
Wayne smirked down at the pan in front of him, flipping the pork chops over and drizzling more of the melted butter sauce over them as they seared.
He pretended not to listen to the exchange at the door as Eddie let Steve in, but couldn’t help it when he caught Steve planting a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“Hope you like pork chops. Wayne’s real good at making them.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. You look nice.”
“Oh uh, thanks. You do also. I mean, too. You look nice too.”
Wayne had never heard Eddie like this, he’d definitely never seen him like this, and he had to figure out what the hell made Steve so special that Eddie suddenly became a different person.
He turned to welcome him and was met by a Steve Harrington he almost didn’t recognize.
He seemed shy for some reason, as if he hadn’t been by Wayne’s side for hours at a time in the hospital waiting for any change with Eddie. He was dressed in similar jeans to Eddie, but was wearing a Metallica shirt that definitely belonged to Eddie.
He was also wearing Eddie’s guitar pick necklace.
So this was serious.
“Well, hey there, Steve. Nice to see you here again.”
Steve was blushing.
“Thanks for having me, Mr. Munson.”
“Steve, we agreed you can call me Wayne last year, didn’t we?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry, sir.”
“It’s okay, son,” Wayne laughed. “Dinner will be ready in a few if you boys wanna grab drinks and plates.”
They did, and Wayne watched out of the corner of his eye as Eddie placed a hand on Steve’s lower back and kissed his shoulder.
They were silently getting things out, but moving in a way that made Wayne smile.
They revolved around each other the way soulmates do, naturally being close enough to touch but not, always anticipating where the other person will be and what they’ll need, happy just to orbit each other.
Wayne watched as Eddie smiled at Steve, who was sticking his tongue out at him while he reached for the cans of soda in the fridge.
He’d never seen him so light, so happy, so content. Especially not since everything that happened with the quake.
He grabbed the plates from Eddie and served them each a hearty portion of food.
“This looks great, Wayne. Thanks for cooking.”
“No need to be so formal, Steve. I like cookin’ for you boys.”
They took a few bites in a slightly awkward silence. Eddie’s leg was shaking so badly, the whole table started moving. What the hell was this kid so nervous about?
Steve placed his hand on Eddie’s knee, probably thinking it was out of sight. Wayne watched as Eddie stopped his movements and settled completely, letting out a long breath.
“So what’s the occasion? Not that I ain’t happy to have ya over, Steve, it just seems outta nowhere.”
“We uh, actually wanted to talk to you.”
Wayne knew where this was going, but he liked to keep Eddie guessing.
“Yeah. So you know how I’ve been spending a lot of time with Steve.”
“Go on.”
“Well, a few months ago, um. I told him about me. Like how I’m into men and women. And it turns out he is too! So that was a relief obviously. And we talked about how nice it was having someone else know and then he explained he’d never even kissed a guy which is just kind of silly because look at him! He’s hot! And I told him he could kiss me to get it out of the way, ya know? Because sometimes just getting the first one out of the way just makes you more confident and then he kissed me to shut me up because I was rambling like I am now, Jesus Christ, Steve, please stop me.”
“Okay, so what he’s trying to say is um. We’ve been boyfriends for a while now. And I’m.” Steve took a shaky breath, then put his hand in Eddie’s on his lap. “I’m so in love with him, Wayne. He’s been spending a lot of time at my house, but I wanted to come here and he was worried about us not being able to hide it around you so I told him we could just tell you. I hope it’s okay.”
Wayne kept his face level, no smile or frown, just waiting to see if they’d word vomit anymore.
“And like, it’s okay if you don’t want to see any PDA or anything! We won’t like make out on the couch or anything, but we just wanted you to know. I wanted you to know. And Steve knows you’re so important to me so he agreed.”
“And we’ll probably still spend a lot of time at Steve’s because that’s where the kids like to hang out since he has a pool and a lot of space for us to watch movies. So you’ll hardly even see us together here.”
“Are you boys done?”
“Yes, sir,” Steve said, head hanging down.
“Good. Who knew you both could ramble on like that?”
They stayed silent, anxiously waiting for Wayne to yell at them or kick them out.
“You love each other?”
They both nodded.
“And you make each other happy?”
They nodded with smiles growing on their faces.
“Then I want you boys here, loving each other, making each other happy, whether I’m here or not. You’re always welcome in my home.”
He felt the relief wash over them, their tense bodies relaxing in their chairs.
“Now, Steve.”
“Oh no. Don’t,” Eddie said, suddenly tense again.
“Now, wait a minute. It’s my job, Eddie.”
“No it’s really not. I’m an adult, I can take care of myself.”
Wayne turned to Steve with a small smile.
“You’ve heard the speech before, I’m sure. You hurt him, I hurt you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, if you hurt him on purpose, they’ll never find your body, you hear me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you,” Wayne turned to Eddie. “Same goes for you. You think just because you’re my blood I won’t protect Steve if you do somethin’ stupid?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now that that’s settled.” Wayne took a sip of his drink. “Steve, you like ice cream?”
“I love ice cream.”
“What’s your favorite flavor? I always keep Eddie’s in the freezer.”
“Oh. You don’t have to do that.”
“Stevie, you better answer him or he’ll guess.”
Steve laughed. He looked happy. Wayne liked that he looked happy.
“Mint chip.”
“We all have our flaws.”
“Hey! It’s good!”
Wayne laughed.
“Fine, fine. I’ll get some at the store this weekend.”
Wayne knew what it was like to have neglectful parents, and he knew that Steve may have had a lot of things handed to him, but never love and affection from his own parents.
So if he was someone Eddie loved, and who loved Eddie, then he was going to have to accept the love and affection Wayne had to offer.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
Vivi, I cant stop reading your penny verse writing! It’s so good and it like makes me glow with happiness! I literally hate children but you’ve somehow given me baby fever! Especially like being pregnant is just at the forefront on my mind and having my partner coo at a growing belly, petting it and kissing it! OMG VIVI YOU’RE POISONING MY MIND WITH THOUGHTS OF BABIES AND GROSS DOMESTIC SHIT LMAO! (But I love you for it)
I AM HONORED. That makes me feel SO relieved because I, too, hate kids. Like, other than my nieces and nephews, I can’t tolerate kids. I think the majority of them are gross and way too annoying for how expensive they are. Luckily my nephews and nieces are pretty good kids/babies so they make it easy for me to give everyone baby fever with Penny and baby Wayne. Also, I give myself baby fever lol I catch myself thinking I could be like Penny’s mom if I had a baby lmao and you didn’t SAY it was a request but uh . . .
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warnings: fluff galore (eddie talking to Penny while she’s still in your tummy)
(eddie munson x pregnant!reader)
more pennyverse here
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“What does it feel like?” Eddie asked from his position, laying a little further down near your belly. He was referring to the baby nestled inside and actively kicking against where his palm lay over the bare skin of your bump.
It had taken a while, but you were finally showing in an obvious manner. You’d only discovered you were pregnant about three months ago and you had been ridiculously far along at five freaking months but your stomach hadn’t changed to let you know you were even expecting. It was really only in the last month and a half that your baby shifted to press against the front of your womb. She’d apparently gotten so comfortable, she’d decided to remain there, meaning you’d grown quite the bump in a short amount of time thanks to her rapid development. You still weren’t huge, though, so you didn’t expect her to be a big baby. Or at least, you hoped not, for the sake of your vagina. “Mmm,” You hummed, eyebrows pinched together as you tried to come up with a comparison Eddie would be able to relate to. There wasn’t really one, it was an odd sensation to have her kick from inside of you. On some occasions, you swore you could feel her move, shift around in there. “This is gonna make no sense, but it feels like a fish.” “What?” He laughed out, warm brown eyes flickering up to stare at you in amusement.
“Have you cupped a goldfish in your hand?” “To put it in a bowl or something?” “Yeah!” You nodded, head resting on a stack of pillows on the floor. One thing about the sudden baby bump is your back was not used to the additional frontal weight, so you’d taken to laying on the ground pretty much anywhere, even at home. Your friends found it very amusing and so did Eddie, once he got past his concern. “It feels like how they wiggle against your skin. Just a little more firm. And in my tummy.” 
Eddie made a sound of acknowledgment before another kick was pressed against the palm of his hand, drawing his attention back to his unborn child. “Damn, my girl’s got a pair of legs on her, doesn’t she?”
He caressed your swollen belly, a look of adoration plastered on his face. You’d never grow tired of watching him prepare to be a father, he already loved her so much. Plus, your hormones were crazy and seeing him like this really got you going. “Do you think she can hear me?” It was the billionth time he asked. He always did before he talked to her. “She’s surrounded by amniotic fluid, so you probably sound like you’re underwater to her but she only gets this active when you’re talking to me. Think she likes your voice.” It was true, while she’d occasionally move around, she only ever got active when Eddie was present, always loud and boisterous. 
You could tell Eddie felt a lot of pride in that, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your belly, hiking your blouse up a little further as he began their nightly conversations.
“You already know you’ve got me wrapped around your little fingers, don’t you?” He cooed out, watching the area of your stomach she was focused on pressing against, rising before she no doubt retracted her little foot.
“I can’t wait until I meet you–I mean, I can wait so don’t go getting any ideas but when you're finally out here with us, I promise I’m gonna take such good care of you and your mom.” He promised, licking his lips as they formed a soft smile.
“You got really lucky with her, too. She’s ridiculously pretty. Gonna have to fight other people off once she’s a milf. You don’t know what that is, I forget. A milf is a mother I’d like to f–” “Eddie!” You laughed, hand reaching up to hide your smile.
“You’ll learn when you’re older, “ He smirked, though it dropped quickly when he remembered how kids could be dicks sometimes and if they spotted her pretty mommy picking her up from school, she might find out when she’s not so much older. “And you’ll let me know if anyone refers to her as one so I can fight them, yeah?”
He took the next kick as one of agreement.
“That’s my girl. Now listen, about the sleeping arrangements. Personally, I’d like to keep getting a decent amount of sleep after your mom’s done baking you in there. Actually, I’m pretty sure your mom would, too, so I'm thinking maybe you just immediately sleep through every single night. If you’re opposed to it, that’s fine ‘cause–ya know, you’re gonna get your way regardless but it was just a recommendation.” 
“And of course, cuddles. It’s imperative you know the second you’re in my arms, I will not be willingly putting you down. Most of your naps are gonna be there, in fact, you’ll probably ignore my sleeping recommendation so you’ll be sleeping in my arms, too, which isn’t a bad thing. Your mom does it all the time and I haven't received any complaints or bad reviews yet. Kisses are also mandatory, only a select few people are allowed to kiss you ‘cause I’ve done my research but considering it’s all I want to do right now and you’re not actually out yet, I will be unable to refrain from smothering you with them. I just know you’re gonna get annoyed with me, but I won’t be able to stop.”
As if to make his point, Eddie pressed a smattering of kisses to your belly, chuckling when you squirmed underneath him. “I’ll teach you how to walk, I’ll teach you how to ride a bike, how to play an instrument–lucky for you, your daddy is multi-talented–I’ll take you on little daddy-daughter dates, your mom taught me how to braid hair so I can do that for you, too. I’ll do anything for you. Anything you want. So just finish up in there, okay?” 
Eddie felt the heavy weight of your stare on him and once more, his gaze was flickering up to meet yours. “What?” “You’re so fucking cute. I’d offer to have your babies but I already am.”
Eddie smirked and pressed a kiss on the lower half of your belly, trailing a few even lower than that. “And I am soooo very appreciative of you, I think I should probably show you how much.”
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p3arlxox · 4 days
heya ladies i’m really impatient regarding that pole and this has been cooking up for a while so tell me what yall think and i’ll make this a series.
summary— childhood friends to lovers w trans!ellie
warnings— misgendering, cussing (later), light angst (later),
One year at the bright age of 9 years old when you were applying makeup on Ellie, she tried sneaking a glance in your mirror, “Don’t look yet! You’ll ruin the amazing look.” she rolled my eyes and followed with, “Well, hurry up! My curfew’s in half an hour and I am not trying to get yelled at by Joel again.”
“Alright alright, don’t rush perfection.” you apply some highlighter and she would feel the bristles tickle her cheekbones making her release a small giggle. Which gave you the right to cock an eyebrow of disappointment at her moving.
You would add what she would call the spray of horror, but you called it setting spray. She could recongnize that weird scent anytime. It was like a pavlovian response. When she would smell it, she would squeeze her eyes shut and stop breathing for a moment. Anyways, moving on from the trauma you had given her…
“And, done!” You said as you put a mirror to her face. Ellie would grab the handle of it and wouldn’t be able to help but smile. The way everything ties together as she look at her features. The brightness under her eyes she never knew she needed, an enhancing berry blush that made her face smaller yet more adult, her lips were bigger and tinted with pink, a black hue on the eyes and an even darker line across my lid making her eyes look elongated and feminine, and finally her eyelashes pointed towards the sky reaching for something empowering. That’s what she felt. Empowered.
But then she looked at her hair, short, this was not the style for her. But why is it not? Her jawline sharp, more stubble than the average 9 year old girl. Ellie questioned so many different about herself as I looked at myself that day. She looked at you “Well hand me a wipe! My mom is gonna kill me if i look like this at home.”
“Oh come on! It would be a fun surprise,” You exclaimed with confidence and promise in your voice. “But, you should go now because next time I have to tell you something really important! And it can’t wait anytime after then,” your voice wavered more than it did in her previous remark. Ellie looked at her with her head slightly tilted toward the right as to question you without saying anything.
“Uh.. would you look at that!” You grabs her phone and shows me the lock screen. A selfie. You and Ellie. It’s 18 ‘till 8 o’clock! You have to go”
Swiftly you open a drawer on your desk and pull out a makeup wipe and hand it to Ellie with an awkward smile. “Oh thanks, Ells,”
“Yup totally! I got you dude,” She wondered why that felt like being stabbed. Hm.
“Okay bye Ellie! Have a good night.”
oki it’s short i know stfu. opinions??? i have opinions on trans ellie. i think it’s cute yes but i don’t think i can see ellie as a character being trans within the tlou universe (ive never seen anyone say this) but idk. i feel like it’s kinda belittling towards this independent, strong, woman, to say she had to be amab in order to be as successful as she is. also it’s fr just porn if u try looking for anything trans ellie related. trans people are so fetishized it’s gross. ugh. ew. blegh.
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mcfallen-god · 25 days
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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Hey hey! I've read your rules like 3 times and I think this is okay, but I'm really sorry if I missed something! Self aware Leona, Azul, and Jamil with being the favorite specifically because the reader can relate to their trauma in a way?
Eg, having a golden child sibling (Leona), having been bullied (Azul), or essentially being parentified (Jamil)
I don't think this counts under the trauma dumping rule, but again, I'm sorry if it does, or even if it's on thin ice!
It’s (at least in my eyes) not exactly trauma dumping but you are right with it being on thin ice. Some authors are a bit more sensitive than others after all. Also, I have no siblings so.. uh… I tried my best with Leona.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, imprisonment, murder, unhealthy relationship, family problems, obsession, stalking, manipulation
Leona Kingscholar/Azul Ashengrotto/Jamil Viper-Player is able to relate to their problems
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Oh so you also have a sibling? Never heard of the higher power of this world ever having one
With Sunset Savanna being more relaxed but still very respectfull when it comes to you he isn’t going mad over new things he learns about you (just sometimes having that happy, bubbly feeling in his chest… gross… tell him more!)
But then his Overblot happened and… yeah… you two had a talk
Would you look at that? Even otherworldly beings can have that totally healthy and absolutely not toxic comparison to their supposedly better part of their family
Leona also already stalking… uh pardon. I meant sleeping everywhere you are doesn’t help either
But now your presence is even more like warm sunlight on his skin for him
So let’s set the scene, you are walking through the garden of the school and suddenly somone pulls you into the shade of the tree just to lay their head on your lap and sleep once more
And I am not talking about a ten minutes lap… I’m talking about a four hour thingy
But hey, the air is warm, the dorm leader who declared you his pillow hair is soft like a slinghtly heavy, warm blanket and you can’t remember when you had the last time more than a few hours rest
And boom! You wake up in his room
Oh no no no. This isn’t some sort of yandere fan fic… ha…haha… but the door is unlocked and nothing else but Leona clutching onto your side in his sleep is holding you back
What did you expect? A cage in his room with you in it? Do you even know how hard it is to take care of someone imprisoned whilst having to hide that you are the person who kidnapped them?
But that doesn't mean he won’t use other means to mentally chain you to him
Always using his brother to gain your sympathy, saying that you don’t care about him…
Before you know it you are once more his pillow, combing through his hair with your fingers
But wait, isn’t he smiling? Nah, he was just disappointed a second ago…
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Prepare for the tears
No joke, this poor octopus will break down the second he hears you have been bullied like he was
Azul is already… special when it comes to you and even hearing that someone called you once a not-so-nice name will make him break down
And later on burn with passion to make a deal that is totally not shady and not life-ruining with them
Please tell him that it’s alright
That was all in the past and you are now ready to move on and just live life the good way
Also, can you hug him? For him? For me?
What can I say, after you defeated his overblot form and had that talk he started to treat you like you were made out of glass
Not like it was much better before but… I don’t know… he just does the coodeling on a whole other level
Before this Flozd liked to squeeze you and Jade to be a well-meaning meneace in your life
Over those bone crushing and mind grinding times, you are going to be well protected until you feel like you are an antique in a Museum
And if someone dares to do something to you (or rather, what Azul understands under that) then whoopsy! They are suddenly gone
No need to visit the beach any time soon. That sea foam looks suspicious…
But believe me when I tell you that you will eat the best food you ever tasted in your life, for free!
You are more to Azul than just an allknowing scholar. You are someone who understands him and he will be damned if he lets anyone treat you less than with utmost care ever again!
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Cue to Medusa popping up and getting defeated
But imagine the shock on Jamil's usual calculating face when he saw you laying a cold towel on his head just when he woke up
Why was the Overseer teding to him? A mere servant who even betrayed his own master??!
He gets even more confused when you insist on helping him after Kalim is up to his usual doings
To be honest, he is thankful
He was a bit shaky on those legs after using so much magic and you helping him is something he appreciates
But this raises the question, why do you seem so experienced in taking care of someone and helping them as well?
Oh no, Jamil won’t be so tactless to just ask but he will watch you… right after he took care of the silk Kalim ordered
Jamil has admired you his entire life. An otherworldly being who even made the Sorcerer of Sands look up into the sky and search for your wisdom among the stars… how fascinating!
And what power you must posess! You were even able to enter his world-Jamil Viper, a student that doesn’t know you woke up without knowing how you got here one fateful day
After he gets better he is dead set on repaying you (no, he did not think about joining Octavinelle)
It’s just… you were so warm… and so kind… and so worryingly good at taking care of another person…
Wait… did he just become your own personal Kalim??!
This is also what made him finally questioning you about this and… safe to say his carefully crafted mask slipped from his face and smashed on the floor
Someone dared to make the Overseer take care of them??!
The aftermath to that is him becoming your personal servant. Kalim can get poisoned for all he cares. Now you are the important one here… in that room with the many locks.
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Maybe the Main 4 (& Butters, if you do him?) with a reader that’s Scott Malkinson’s cousin?
Yippee more South Park!! :D
South Park - Main 4 (+ Butters) With Scott Malkinson's Cousin
He was absolutely DUMBFOUNDED when he found out you were Scott's cousin
Like, to him, you're way too cool and amazing to be related to someone like him
So when you first told him, he thought you were joking
"Don't even joke about that, Y/n. Scott's way too gross to be in your bloodline."
"...It wasn't a joke??"
You'd get upset when he poked fun at Scott, always rushing to defend your cousin
Cartman tries to dial the teasing down a little for your sake
(he also just doesn't want to get on your bad side)
Let's be real though, it's Cartman; he's not giving it up completely
He'll sometimes refer to you as "the cool cousin" and Scott as "the lame cousin" when talking about you both
The first thing he blurted when you said Scott was your cousin was:
"Scott's your cousin? Then why don't you have a lisp??"
"Pfff— that's not how it works, Kenny."
You'll have to help him if you want him to be nicer to Scott
He just doesn't see the problem with a little lighthearted teasing, especially since he doesn't actually hate Scott
But once you explain to him that what he's doing is harmful, he'll give it up
He'll even apologize to Scott if you go with him
He's genuine when he says sorry; he doesn't want to hurt anyone that's important to you, no matter how funny it is
That being said, he'll still poke a little fun at him once he gets closer to Scott
Scott will poke fun at him back
Now that they're established as buddies, you have no problem listening (and giggling) as they banter
Kyle sort of tries to separate you from Scott
He knows that Scott gets bullied a lot, and he doesn't want the same thing to happen to you
So he keeps you away from each other whenever possible
"Ooh! My cousin's over there, we should go sit with him."
"Uh, let's find somewhere else to sit..."
He knows that it's a little cold, but he's only trying to protect you
Eventually you figure out what he's doing and you confront him
When he explains it's because Scott is generally disliked by everyone, you're heartbroken
You force him to help you fix Scott's reputation
He begrudgingly agrees, mostly because he feels bad for keeping you away from your cousin
With your drive and his brains, you actually do manage to raise his status a little!
But uh... that just means that the other bullying targets (cough cough Pip cough cough) get more attention
Stan does not care who you're related to
He was a little surprised when you told him, mostly because you were pretty different from Scott (in his eyes at least)
But after that initial surprise, he was over it
He'll try to be nicer to Scott when you invite him to hang out with you
He also attempts to get the other guys to go easy on him
"Come on, guys. It's just a lisp. It's not even that funny."
Scott starts to grow on him a little, but not to the point of wanting to be close with him
You both sort of become Scott's protectors, standing up for him when people try to rag on him, even when he's not around
Unlike Stan, he made a big deal when you told him you were Scott's cousin
He got so excited,,,
"Scott? I know him! He goes to our school! Ooh, we should invite him to hang out with us!
And thus a new friend group was born
Scott's very grateful to have actual friends
He starts to become especially close with Butters, which you think is adorable
Sometimes people refer to Scott as your "third wheel," but it never feels like that when he's around
You three meet up at least once a week to watch fantasy movies/TV shows and geek out over them
You and Scott team up to convince your parents to let Butters come to family events too
You don't really need to though; both your guys' parents already love him, and they LIVE for your little friend group
The people at school... that's a different story
At first you faced a fair helping of bullying for hanging out with Scott, but it subsided until people pretty much left you guys alone
Not that you really cared anyway, all you cared about was having fun with your boyfriend and cousin :)
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Thank you for this awesome request! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did :) Thanks for reading, take care!!
(divider by saradika)
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mysticmunson · 2 years
the interview
eddie munson x unnamed female reader
description: after joining the hawkins high newspaper, your first task is to interview the leader of the infamous Hellfire group, eddie munson, but maybe you bit off more than you could chew.
rating: R (smut, minors shoo)
word count: 2.7k
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Being the newest intern at Hawkins High School newspaper  meant you got a lot of boring stories, but this was just an extracurricular for you, needing a club on your transcript before graduation. As the year began, a piece was pitched to write about different clubs within the school. You expected to write about the fashion club, the chess club, or even the math club. But your assignment would take you to Eddie Munson, leader of Hellfire. 
While this wasn’t ideal, you had grown up beside Eddie, seeing him go from awkward middle schooler to DnD master, and you were one of the only people in town who didn’t see him as a freak. While you never voiced it publicly, never finding a reason to, your association with Nancy Wheeler and her brother Mike, was enough to get you behind the dark doors. Jotting down his address, you made your way to the trailer on the edge of town with a notepad and pen in hand. 
Eddie knew you were coming, Mike informing him that the newspaper had finally shown interest, making sure to spray some Febreeze so you wouldn’t get secondhand high. He smoked a cigarette outside, staring at the trees before his eyes met yours, giving him a small wave. Brief hello’s were murmured as he swayed on his heels, taking the last hit before stomping it out. He opened up the door for you, enjoying your perfume that smelled of vanilla. He plopped on his couch kicking his feet on the coffee table as you stood awkwardly. Usually when sent on these leads, you didn’t feel nervous, you knew you had a job to do and once you got the story, you sent it in. But something about Eddie set you on edge in an addictive way. 
“Uh you can sit down unless you think the chair is gross.” He smirked, making you laugh as you sat. “Sorry I zoned out.” You peeped, folding the filled paper behind itself, starting a fresh sheet and labeling it, Eddie Munson, Hellfire Exclusive. He watched your hands, a bit protective of not only his group, but the boys inside of it. When the whole school thinks you're freaks, you gotta stick together. 
“Exclusive? I like the sound of that.” He stated, making you blush for seemingly no reason at all, but he noticed the way you were slowly getting nervous. While he originally thought you were scared to be alone with the dark and mysterious Eddie, he remembered how Mike said you were excited to know more, always wanting to find something new to learn. Mike also said you were a bit of a secret nerd. He wanted to test the waters of your sea, finding out if the ripples were for waves or rip currents. 
“Before I start asking you questions about the club, I have a favor to ask,” This made his eyebrows raise, “Can you just give me the rundown on Dungeons and Dragons? Cause the way Mike and the boys always mentioned it, I just can’t believe it would be satanic.” He relaxed, a smile creeping upon his face as he laughed, clapping his hands once. He spent the next 30 minutes telling you the rules and regulations of his group, the history of Hellfire. You could tell he was genuinely proud of his creation, making you more excited to ask the questions burning in your mind. Except, the questions weren’t related to DnD. 
As intrigued as you were, your eyes fell to examine him, the way his hair flounced and eyes sparkled as he spoke about something he loved. The way his fingers fiddled on his black pants, snug fitting and his boots creaking as he set them down. He could see you trying to focus, finding it amusing how little your face gif the intrigue of not only the game, but of him. It wasn’t everyday girls were knocking on his door, asking him questions about himself. 
“Well enough about me, how about you?” He said, snapping you from your trance, stuttering as you smoothed out your Toto band tee. “Uh, haha, I don’t know. What do you want to know?” Your coy response made him more illured, leaning in slightly to show his interest, but not saying a word. 
“Uh I’ve been in Hawkins all my life, I’m childhood friends with Nancy and their family, which Mike probably mentioned. I entered the newspaper to get an extra club on my transcript, but I really enjoy it now.” You sighed the ending, smiling as you fiddled with the corner of your notepad. 
“You also enjoy eye-fucking me” His abrupt words caused you to cough on your own spit, stammering as he stood and sauntered over. “Don’t be shy, princess, your face is very easy to read.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hand, making an involuntary whimper escape before you had a chance to clamp your own hand over it. You stood, face close to his, “I should probably get going, I need to head home, we’ll finish the interview during 5th period-“ 
“Yeah we can finish the interview then, but what are we gonna do now?” Invading your space where you could feel his breath on your face, you hoped that this wasn’t a sick joke as he pressed his lips against yours. Finding your rhythm was easy, but if there’s one thing Eddie wasn’t, it was just that. His lips pulled away from yours, spit keeping you two connected as he stared. He chuckled at your needy eyes, “I’m gentleman enough to offer my bed and not my grandma's coffee table.” Helping to break the ice a bit, leading you to his musty room, smelling of weed and cologne. But the smell was hypnotizing, reminding you that you just made out with the guy you admired from afar for years. Your thoughts were cut short when he spun you to lay on his bed, “Let’s keep the interview going, I have a lot of questions for you, pretty girl.” He taunted, shoving your panties down in one swift motion, pushing up your black skirt to reveal your needy center. He sucked in a sharp breath, his act dissipating for a brief moment as his cock swelled more. 
“Let’s start with something easy,” His hands sliding through your wet folds before finding your clit, you gasped and grabbed onto the pillow beneath your head. He spread your legs and your instincts caused you to cover yourself with your hands. Eddie glanced at you, slightly worried before your hands removed themself, “What made you this wet?” 
“Y-You did, Eddie.” You gulped, as his ring-clad fingers began to stimulate your small bundle of nerves, making you moan. His hands were used to playing guitars, skillful and finding purpose, which caused you to also find yourself growing closer to finishing. “Awe, you’re already so close, baby.” He teased, smacking his hand against your pussy while you gasped. You grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head before he returned the favor to you, finding you braless underneath the thin tee. He wasted no time in connecting his mouth to your neck, beelining to your breasts and sucking them. A moan seeped through your lips, knowing how needy you sounded, but couldn’t bear to care, knowing his cock was just a piece of fabric away. 
His motions stopped, a whine leaving you as he hushed you, pulling his jeans down to reveal his bare length. “Guess we both forgot underwear today.” You smiled as he laughed, running a hand through his hair, pulling your hips closer to his by sending you up. You had never felt this vulnerable, yet so empowered. He flipped you face down, reaching to his night stand to grab a foil packet, “You’re so obedient.”
“Only for you.” You whispered and turned your head, his eyes appearing darker as he finished sliding on the plastic. “How long have you been thinking of fucking me?” He asked, sliding his head through your folds as you attempted to push back onto him, only receiving a smack to your ass. “I’ve wanted it for months.” You cried as his tip entered your cunt, almost sighing from the relief it granted you. His knees were planted on the mattress, leaning down to press his chest to your back. “What about John?”
John, your boyfriend of one year that dumped you after cheating on you last month. You didn’t mention to anyone, but close friends, that his adultery had been the reason for your split. You wished you were the one who ceased the relationship, but it wasn’t, you knew he had been sleeping with other girls a few days before he broke up with you from a girl a year younger named Gale. John never fucked you, only kissing you when socially appropriate, and the first few make out sessions when you first pinned. You thought that maybe he was saving himself for marriage, not prodding at a sensitive subject for both of you, but he had been fucking girls six months in. As you laid in your room crying months later, you thought about the way you never imagined John fucking you senseless. You wanted the idea of it, to have a boyfriend who doted on you and kept you suffice. You had known Eddie through others, but when you went to Nancy’s one evening and saw Eddie outside with the boys, your mind fixated. 
“No.” You whispered as his thrusts got deeper, finding your body adjusting to his long and thick cock fast, only embarking on mild discomfort as he quickened. “He never fucked me. He was fucking other girls.” You gasped, surprised you said that as he hit your g-spot. Yanking your hair to bring his mouth to the shell do your ear, “He must be a fucking moron to let this pussy go untouched.” Eddie gritted out, finding it hard to control himself engulfed in your slickness. “Fuck, you’re so needy princess.” He panted as you pushed yourself to his hips, but he pulled away suddenly, laying down and pulling you onto his lap.
“Show me how much you want it.” He said, helping you guide yourself onto his cock, watching you shiver as you sank down, eyes clenching in pleasure. You began bouncing as Eddie grabbed your hips, noticing your struggle, “There you go, sweet girl, feels good, doesn’t it? Just needed to be fucked good.” He cooed, knowing the effect he had as you clenched around him, tears streaming down your cheek. He grabbed your arms and pulled you to his chest, kissing you deeply, invading your mouth with passion. His hands moved to your waist, fucking up into you as you cried out. 
“Shh, it’s okay baby, let it out.” You felt embarrassed at how quickly he made you submissive, crying into his neck as he fucked you relentlessly. You had never felt so good, “Eddie, I’m gonna come.” You choked out, bracing yourself for the crash, but his movements slowed, causing you to look at his eyes. “Should we finish that interview now? You said you needed to go home, right?” He smirked, watching your face fall as you pushed him further into your needy cunt, “No, no, please Eddie.” Your breaths speeding up as he shrugged, somehow managing to keep his composure at the girl falling apart on top of him. 
“Please Eddie, I need you so bad, please.” You stammered as he sat up, giving you more leverage to ride him again, going faster than before with hands attaching to his neck. You stared at his tattooed collarbones as more tears streamed down your face, his thumb catching them and hushing you. “You need it so bad, don't you princess? Need the big scary man to fuck you, to satisfy you?” 
Eddie knew what to say. He knew how desperate you were, to finally be with him and feel good. Though you told him very little of your past relationship, the way you fell apart within minutes showed you hadn’t been destroyed in a way he knew he could do to you. He felt proud, but protective, already knowing he was likely the only man to see you fall apart like this. Crying from how good his cock felt inside you, how you would put your reputation within the newspaper team on the line, just to be with him now. 
“You’re not scary.” You whispered, looking into his eyes as they visibly softened, kissing you much slower than previously as he laid you beneath him. His thrusts were passionate, not haste and short, but long and meaningful. He felt himself nearing his end as you did, rubbing your clit to help you finish. A mantra left your mouth of his name and pleas, finally succumbing to your needs as you came around him. Your eyes fluttered shut as he came shortly after, spilling into the condom and relaxing within you. You couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes, the intensity still coming in waves as he caught his breath. He gave you a moment to collect yourself before pressing his lips gently to your eyelids, making them open. 
“Hi princess.” He whispered, tucking your tousled hair behind your ear, staring at your hazy eyes. You smiled, returning the favor to his curly locks, “Hi.” The words breathlessly leaving your lips, “I don’t think we should do the interview at your house next time.”  He left out a boisterous laugh, tucking his face in your neck to kiss the blossoming hickey. “You don’t want this to happen again?” He said, a slight worry laced within his words, fearing you’d chosen to forget this ever happened, but his worries ceased when you spoke again. 
“You can��t get rid of me now, Munson, especially since I never got to ask any questions.”
hi there, this is my first eddie fic, but i already have another in the works, please feel free to message me suggestions or feedback. much love.
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stellerssong · 4 months
Hi again. I'm on some level here to ask for a complete explanation of every aspect of Hawaiian culture that is even tangentially related to your latest fic because I know absolutely nothing and there is the ever present concern that the terms run through cursory Google Translate and internet searching will lose nuance and implications. There were definitely some references to divinities and myths and such that went over my unenlightened head. The story you wove was rich and intricate enough to be held in the mind of someone who knows less than nothing and still have great meaning and truth, but I know that it will mean yet more if I can see the threads you used to make it. (On another level, I'm asking for the explanation because I am abruptly deeply interested in a topic I had previously not thought about very much, and you seem to be significantly more of an expert than the average internet search.)
first off! well first off i am blowing you so many kisses for this very kind ask, thank you so much for giving me an excuse to ramble at (great, great, great) length.
so second off! i would just like to stress that i am very much not an expert in hawaiian language, folklore, history, culture, etc. i am neither kānaka maoli (native hawaiian) nor kamaʻāina (born in hawaiʻi although not necessarily of hawaiian ancestry), and i have not studied these topics formally/in a setting that applies academic rigor. i am an enthusiastic amateur with a personal connection to hawaiian culture, the kind of brain that likes to fixate on areas of interest, and a willingness to scrounge around for reading material. i have, i think, a decent sense of what some of the baseline texts in the field are, and a fairly good bullshit detector (and the understanding/ability to dig into things when i can't rely on the bullshit detector), but ultimately i am a layman and an outsider with corresponding perspectives and biases. i also, i will admit frankly, have a pretty sharp knowledge cutoff corresponding to the time of first european contact, just because of my own personal interests and reading preferences.
read that whole disclaimer? let your eyes glaze over while you skimmed it? good! here's my real quick (lmao) rundown of Sum Things U Should Know If You Wanna Close-Read Kīpuka:
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi 101
Good grief when I put it like that I do NOT feel qualified to tell you any of this. Anyway. We can keep it basic just so you can get a sense of the mouthfeel of the words. And just fyi ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi is the proper name of the language; i'll be using "Hawaiian" as the adjective form, sans ʻokina, assuming an English-speaking readership.
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi as it is commonly rendered today has 13 letters: 5 vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) and 7 consonants (H, K, L, M, N, P, W), plus the ʻokina or glottal stop (that little apostrophe-lookin' dude at the beginning of the word ʻokina, also the source of most of my typesetting woes). Pronunciation-wise, there are no silent letters and no though/through/enough-type surprises: every letter is pronounced, and all of the vowel renderings are approximately equivalent to how you'd pronounce them in Spanish or Italian. Hence, the word kuahine = koo-ah-HEE-nay rather than, like, kyoo-ah-highn, which made me feel gross even just typing it out.
The ʻokina is pronounced, and bear with me here, like the dash in the english nuh-uh. or, if you're a try-hard vocalist—reattack the vowel after the ʻokina instead of eliding it to the vowel prior. So the place-name Kaʻū is pronounced ka-OO, as distinct from the word kau which is pronounced more like kow (which is a bit of an oversimplification of the latter word, but I'm trying to be efficient here).
That leads us neatly into the other diacritical marking used in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, the kahakō or macron which helpfully appears in its own name. No worries here; the kahakō just serves as a stress marker, so you'd say kahakō = ka-ha-KO instead of ka-HA-ko, or from the example above ka-OO rather than KA-oo.
There are a couple of other little pronunciation tricks here and there. The letter W is sometimes pronounced as a V, and unfortunately I can't really describe the rules for that shift; that is one I must admit I know mostly from vibes. For example, the correct pronunciation of Hawaiʻi itself is ha-VAI-ee, but I've never heard the place-name Waimea pronounced as anything but why-MEY-ah.
Occasionally you will encounter the letter K pronounced as a T, which I believe is an artifact of the morphological shift from older related languages such as Tahitian and Samoan which do preserve the letter T as a unique phoneme. To my knowledge, the Kauaʻi dialect (spoken today on Niʻihau) also preserves the T, but most spoken ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi heard elsewhere is based on the Big Island dialect, which lacks the T. One notable exception is the word tūtū (an affectionate/respectful term for a grandparent or elder), which you really don't hear pronounced as kūkū.
Really, though, listening to Hawaiian music is how I got the language in my ear and imo it's the best way to get it in yours. Can't go wrong with Israel Kamakawiwoʻole (of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" fame), but I have a personal soft spot for Kealiʻi Reichel, Weldon Kekauoha, Amy Hanaialiʻi, and the Cazimero Brothers.
The Place-y-ness of Hawaiian Literature
This is more of a sidenote than its own heading, but I'm the one driving the essay, and I think it's an interesting thing to point out, just because it helps establish a particular perspective I wanted to keep in mind while writing this fic.
Something you might notice as you start to look at Hawaiian oli, mele, and myth is the high level of specificity of place. Hawaiʻi is, let's be honest, not that enormous of a place when you consider it on a global scale—but the specificity of localities within Hawaiian literature is kind of astounding. Not only are there loads of place-names referenced in any given work, there are unique Hawaiian names for landmarks, cliffs, peaks, hills, streams, waterfalls—even rains and winds of specific locations merit their own names.
"kīpuka" is very specifically set on the windward side of Hawaiʻi island, so I made an effort to focus my references to place-names on that region—Hilo, ʻŌlaʻa, and Waiākea are all locations on the eastern side of the island, and the one reference to Kona on the leeward side reflects the coming of someone bearing grievances (in addition to eia aʻe ka makani Kona being an existing idiom warning the listener to watch out for an angry person, the windward and leeward sides of Hawaiʻi island have a long history of territorial warfare and jockeying for control of the island). I'd also considered having the bird discussed in the fic be a different species, the kākāwahie—but that species is/was endemic to Molokaʻi, and quite honestly my knowledge of the history and culture of Molokaʻi as a separate polity is not that great.
(This is partly due to sample bias—my introduction to Hawaiʻi was within a Big Island-based context. At the same time, another thing you may notice about the better-known source texts is that many of them center around Hawaiʻi island and, to a lesser extent, Maui, thanks to the political supremacy during the unification/post-contact era of Hawaiʻi island and Maui aliʻi. Ross Cordy wrote a whole ass book about the Oʻahu chiefdoms that is simply not to be had for love or money no matter how I search for it. I am THIS CLOSE to straight up cold emailing the man and being like I WILL VENMO YOU $75 USD DIRECTLY IF YOU WILL SIMPLY JUST SEND ME A COPY OF YOUR BOOK. PLEASE. SAVE ME ROSS CORDY.)
Girl (Gender Neutral), I Cannot Explain Hawaiian Mythology, Poetics, and Mythopoetics As a Subheading in One Post
Honestly. I can't do it. But some tidbits to assist your further research:
A great deal of Hawaiian literature and oral tradition hinges on kaona, roughly "allusion" or "metaphor." In a description that is useful to precisely no one but myself, it's not unlike the complex plays on words, puns, and deep well of references used in Heian Japanese epistolary poetry. Some of it is easy to grok for newbies: for example, the concept of one's lover as a lei adorning the body, or being splashed or sprinkled with water as a euphemism for sex. Some of it goes a lot deeper, relying on historical or folkloric place-name associations, puns, and ancient practices and superstitions.
The Hawaiian "pantheon" I place in scare quotes because ancient Hawaiian religious practices and superstition were highly syncretic, often extremely localized, and more contradictory the more you read into it. In a very, very, very, VERY rough and off-the-cuff sense, though, there were thought to be four major gods: Kāne (associated with dawn, the sun, the sky, running freshwater, and irrigation-based agriculture, among other things), Kanaloa (associated with the ocean, sea creatures, and sometimes death, as an opposing or complimentary force to Kāne), Lono (god of fertility, agriculture with something of an emphasis on dryland agriculture, rainfall, and peace as embodied in the Makahiki festival), and Kū (god of war, the deified kingship, fishermen, sorcery, and quite honestly a ton of other things in various manifestations).
There were also quite a large number of "lesser" gods, the word "lesser" used just in the sense that they weren't honored to the same extent as the four previously named in state-sanctioned religious practice. Probably the most well-known of these is Pele, the volcano goddess. (I reference another in the fic, Niolopua, god of sleep—but the jury's out on whether or not that refers to an actual god or is just metaphorical in the same way that most people think of "the Sandman" as a euphemism for sleep and not a literal guy who comes into your house and puts crusties in your eyes.)
The gods were thought to manifest in a variety of forms, called kino lau (literally "four hundred bodies"). You can think of this in the sense of "Lono takes on the shape of an albatross or a tropicbird to interact with mortals, while Kanaloa prefers to manifest as an octopus," and in stories kino lau are sometimes represented that way, but in practice it's less of a Greek myth-style practice of shapeshifting and more of an animistic religious belief. The kino lau in nature embody the god and in a metaphorical sense illustrate the interconnection between divine and earthly and the presence of the divine on earth.
The Endless, in the fic, are very easy to loop into the concept of kino lau, because of their canonical universality. Danny appears as a shark (a symbol of chiefhood), a pueo, or Hawaiian owl (an 'aumakua, or ancestral guardian), a manu-o-Kū, or fairy tern (a bird associated with the god Kū, likely in his aspect as a god of fishermen, navigators, and wayfinders), a kalo plant (a staple crop of ancient Hawaiʻi, a kino lau of Kāne, and a symbol of duality and rebirth), and a snowcapped mountain (a sacred site considered kapu, or forbidden, to all but the highest chiefly individuals). Despair, meanwhile, appears as an ʻalae ʻula, or Hawaiian moorhen (another ʻaumakua, but also an animal whose cry was thought to foretell misfortune), a stingray (for her barbed tail), a hāpuʻu fern (in contrast to Dream's kalo, the hāpuʻu was considered a famine food), a lava flow and its first growths (acknowledging Pele as both a destroyer and a creator of land, just as Despair also embodies hope), and a number of other things meant to embody the devastation of Hawaiʻi (rats, feral pigs, and mosquitoes have decimated endemic birds and insects; the kiawe is an invasive plant species that forms dense, thorny, and difficult-to-destroy groves; light pollution affects behavior and migratory patterns of both avian and aquatic species).
All pretty simple, obviously!
Further Resources and Recs
Okay, so, obviously I'm not going to be able to explain every single reference in this fic in a single post, though I obviously tried my damnedest. In lieu of that, I'll offer some useful resources for further reading:
Stephen Trussel's Combined Hawaiian Dictionary is a fantastic resource for vocab that incorporates several major Hawaiian dictionaries in a straightforward (well, as straightforward as this gets) text-based web page. Ulukau also has a searchable interface, which is a little easier to interact with, but I like having the Trussel for reference.
Huapala is everyone's go-to for translations of Hawaiian lyrics. I've linked to it in the endnotes of the fic for readers interested in more on "Ka Ipo Lei Manu," but it's got nearly any ʻauana-style Hawaiian song you please, and if I recall correctly even a few traditional oli. Again, another slightly old-fashioned text-based site—but we all know how to use CMD + F in a page, do we not?
Native Books is awesome if you, like me, prefer reading things in print but would prefer not to feed your dollars into the maw of the Amazon beast. A lot of the lit on Hawaiʻi was printed either a long time ago or in very small releases and is now out-of-print and difficult to find even in libraries, so it rocks that there's an independent bookseller that specializes in getting those works to an audience in hard copy. @ NATIVE BOOKS PLEASE CONSIDER GETTING ROSS CORDY TO RE-PRINT THE RISE AND FALL OF THE OʻAHU KINGDOM THANK YOU SO MUCH. University of Hawaiʻi Press is also a good source for academic texts, although their website is...mm...difficult to navigate, and do be warned that they charge academic press prices.
In terms of who to read, you really can't go wrong with Mary Kawena Pukui, a Native Hawaiian scholar, author, composer, and educator whose work is the backbone of just, a fuckton of writing about Hawaiʻi, both academic and popular. Her book ʻŌlelo Noʻeau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings is worth at least a skim just to get the feel of the Hawaiian mindset; it also contains a healthy dose of myth, folklore, and history in the explanations of the sayings. Absolutely adorably, I've found two books she edited that I read the absolute FUCK out of as a child available as PDFs through Ulukau: The Water of Kāne and Other Legends of the Hawaiian Islands and Hawaiʻi Island Legends: Pīkoi, Pele, and Others. Definitely worth a quick read if you want more on the myth side of things.
As a non-specialist, I've really enjoyed Patrick Vinton Kirch's writing on precontact Hawaiʻi. For a field archaeologist, his writing is both highly engaging and very respectful of the peoples he studies, and trust me, I do get my back up easily when it comes to white people writing about Other Cultures TM, so I'd posit it means something that he passes my sniff test. A Shark Going Inland is My Chief is a great overview of the history of the Hawaiian chiefdoms from the first settlement of the islands to immediately precontact, and Kuaʻāina Kahiko offers a bit of a closer look at everyday life in a specific locality in the islands (in this case, Kahikinui, Maui).
Kamehameha and His Warrior Kekūhaupiʻo by Stephen Desha (trans. Frances N. Frazier) began its life as a serialized Hawaiian-language history of the rise of Kamehameha I. It's a dense read, and it WILL test your ability to remember who the hell all these people are to its limit—it mostly discusses the lives and times of the major players of the aliʻi class in the late precontact–early postcontact era, and when you remember that a) a hell of a lot of personal names in this tale begin with the letter K and b) the aliʻi class of Hawaiʻi practiced a mindboggling amount of political marriage, consanguineous marriage, and sanctioned adoption between blood relatives, the family trees get real complicated REAL fast. If you can hang on through all that, though, it's an intensely detailed and very vivid portrait of a culture at a tumultuous moment, it gives a great sense of how the Hawaiians viewed themselves and the world, and it's an interesting exercise in the mythologizing of the Kamehameha dynasty.
Okay, So...?
So...if you hung on through all that, god DAMN are you dedicated. Have what is quite possibly my favorite Hawaiian song for your trouble. It is, funnily enough, about a bird.
EDIT: I am retroactively making this post unrebloggable. I'm really, really glad folks have found it interesting and are looking into the resources I shared, but I absolutely do not want this getting passed around as Hawaiian Culture 101. If you want to learn more about Hawaiʻi, I must stress that you should look to a reputable source and not some schmuck on Tumblr rambling about her effortposting fanned fiction.
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Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 5: Nightmares Walking
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Or uh, riding, since that's what my picture has. Alas. Anyway you know the drill by now I'm sure, spoilers for anything and everything under the sun in this post, especially The Wheel of Time since that's what I'm rereading.
This chapter has the Trolloc triptych because we're getting a Shadowspawn attack.
He opened his mouth to shout warning, and suddenly the door of Moiraine’s hut burst open and Lan dashed out, sword in hand and shouting, “Trollocs! Wake, for your lives! Trollocs!”
Perrin, with the magical help of an entire pack of wolves, is only ALMOST as fast to respond to a crisis as Lan. That man's real fucking badass, y'know? (But also: Perrin is fighting his powers every step of the way and Lan's got two decades of experience with his own supernatural aid. It's only a matter of time before Perrin makes Lan look like the chump.)
The Tuatha’an woman pressed her back against the log wall, a hand to her throat. The light from the burning trees showed him the pain and horror, the loathing on her face as she watched the carnage.
I was just reading some stuff iliiuan had to say on the Tuatha'an before I got into this chapter so let me just note: Leya's priorities are all out of whack here if Perrin's reliably relating her emotions. She's not keeping herself safe, she's just being judgy about violence happening in her vicinity. And it kills her.
All that mattered was that he had to reach Leya, had to get her to safety, and the Trolloc was in the way.
Perrin's desperation to do the right thing even though of course he could easily write Leya off as an inevitability (and an inconvenience until the inevitable happens to boot) is why he's a hero, you know? I'll be giving this boy the most shit out of anyone but he tries to save someone's life even though he knows he can't and that's something.
The stink of it filled his nostrils, goat-stench and sour man-sweat.
It's good to know that Trollocs produce all the scents available to them instead of just limiting themselves to one or the other. And by good I obviously mean gross, but since I read it you have to too!
She was still there, huddled in front of the hut, not more than ten paces upslope. And watching him with such a look on her face that he could barely meet her eyes.
Leya's zealotry may be a formative trauma for Perrin I think.
Suddenly Leya moved, throwing herself forward, attempting to wrap her arms around the Myrddraal’s legs.
Well that's great and all Leya but isn't restraining someone so they can't move a very light form of violence? Like good... well good may be strong, but some kind of positive adjective... effort trying to protect Perrin and all but if you tripped the Fade isn't that causing it physical harm? Where is the line for the Tuatha'an? Did she in the last moment of her life betray her own beliefs for nothing? Concerning if so.
“Fade,” Perrin said roughly, but then a different name came to him, from the wolves. Trollocs, the Twisted Ones, made during the War of the Shadow from melding men and animals, were bad enough, but the Myrddraal—. “Neverborn!” Young Bull spat.
Half the reason we don't get Rand POVs much in this book is that Perrin's stealing his TGH schtick of losing himself in his newfound powers. I think this is something of a leftover from the proto-Tam character who was going to be Jesus AND the luckiest SOB ever AND a werewolf AND probably a really good shot I guess or whatever that fourth kid was supposed to contribute. Being easily replaceable, maybe?
The urge to rush down the slope and join his brothers, join in killing the Twisted Ones, in hunting the remaining Neverborn, was strong, but a buried fragment that was still man remembered. Leya.
Perrin will of course spend this book (and the next... ten?) afraid that he might turn into a werewolf forever because of an encounter, but we see right here that this isn't a risk for him because he's always got stuff to pull him back. Leya's barely in the list of ten most recent people he talked to but he won't abandon his humanity for her sake - how much less likely is he to abandon it once he's got Faile?
He no longer thought of the greater battle. There was only the Trolloc he and the wolves—the brothers—cut off from the rest and brought down. Then there would be another, and another, and another, until none were left. None here, none anywhere.
Obviously this is a terrible viewpoint to adapt if you're trying to be the strategy guy, but since Perrin isn't that anyway and the battle isn't reliant on such things, it actually works for him here. He's also more aware of himself than he was with the Whitecloaks, showing he's developed a little with his powers even if he's afraid of them.
Young Bull threw back his head and howled with her, mourned with her. When he lowered his head, Min was staring at him. “Are you all right, Perrin?” she asked hesitantly.
Note that while Min's obviously freaked out by Perrin embracing his inner furry, she's not exactly treating him like a freak show either. Like I said, she'd probably be very supportive if she knew the details.
Frantically he walled himself off from contact with the wolves. Images seeped through, emotions, as he tried to stop them. Finally, though, he could no longer feel them, feel their pain, or their anger, or the desire to hunt the Twisted Ones, or to run. . . .
Again we can kind of see how the proto-Tam's various aspects would have tied into a central character arc, with rejecting the naturalistic wolf expression being just one more way he would have been hardening himself and just one more thing he'd need to embrace to be the full hero at the end.
The Shienarans still standing—so few—lifted their blades and joined him. “Tai’shar Manetheren! Tai’shar Andor!”
Hell, even the Shienarans aren't that judgmental since they are already following Rand around.
But when he was with the wolves, it was all so different. He did not have to worry about strangers being afraid of him just because he was big, then. There was no one thinking he was slow-witted just because he tried to be careful. Wolves knew each other even if they had never met before, and with them he was just another wolf.
Is it wrong that occasionally I think Perrin might be a little bit on the spectrum?
“A sign to confirm our faith. Even wolves came to fight for the Dragon Reborn. In the Last Battle, the Lord Dragon will summon even the beasts of the forest to fight at our sides. It is a sign for us to go forth. Only Darkfriends will fail to join us.”
Masema is of course foreshadowing his delightful nonsense, showcasing how he was still corrupted by Fain, and letting Jordan make it subtly clear that the real Last Battle will be more complicated. It's not just Darkfriends who won't be on the side of the Light, even at the very end.
Do you know what I did during the fight?” Still staring into the distance, Rand addressed the night. “Nothing! Nothing useful. At first, when I reached out for the True Source, I couldn’t touch it, couldn’t grasp it. It kept sliding away. Then, when I finally had hold of it, I was going to burn them all, burn all the Trollocs and Fades. And all I could do was set fire to some trees.”
Rand's an incredible channeler, but even he needs a teacher.
“We . . . dealt with them, Rand,” Perrin said. He shivered, thinking of all the wounded men down below. And the dead. Better that than the mountain down on top of us. “We didn’t need you.”
And likewise, in the final conflict, no one will be needing Rand to deal with the individual Shadowspawn and even if he could deal with them to keep the people alive it would be a waste of everyone's time.
There had been a man, Elyas Machera, who also could talk to wolves. Elyas ran with the wolves all the time, yet seemed able to remember he was a man. But he had never told Perrin how he did it, and Perrin had not seen him in a long time.
Sorry Perrin, but he doesn't really pull it off anywhere near well enough for your standards.
He gasped and almost dropped his axe. He could feel the skin on his back crawling, muscles writhing as they knit back together. His shoulder quivered uncontrollably, and everything blurred. Cold seared him to the bone, then deeper still. He had the impression of moving, falling, flying; he could not tell which, but he felt as if he were rushing—somewhere, somehow—at great speed, forever.
Another reminder that the best modern Aes Sedai have for healing at this point is emergency care, which works but definitely isn't the good stuff. Moiraine even tells him to eat afterward.
“Most of the wolves who were hurt made their own way to the forest,” Moiraine said, knuckling her back and stretching, “but I Healed those I could find.” Perrin gave her a sharp look, yet she seemed to be just making conversation. “Perhaps they came for their own reasons, yet we would likely all be dead without them.”
Moiraine is nice enough to try and thank Perrin subtly, but of course he's much too suspicious for any of that.
“If you could get me to Shayol Ghul now,” Rand said drowsily, “by Waygate or Portal Stone, there could be an end to it. No more dying. No more dreams. No more.”
It would obviously have a terrible ending, but a fanfic of Moiraine somehow taking sleep-deprived Rand to Shayol Ghul and just kind of hoping for the best would be hysterical. This Rand might not be as traumatized as he's going to be, but I still think assuming he'd last five minutes before agreeing to let the Dark One unmake reality is overly generous.
“That’s right,” Rand said bitterly. “I’m not to be trusted. Lews Therin Kinslayer killed everyone close to him. Maybe I’ll do the same before I am done.” “Pull yourself together, sheepherder,” Lan said harshly. “The whole world rides on your shoulders. Remember you’re a man, and do what needs to be done.”
If Perrin or Mat had tried sassing Lan like this they would have learned what their pancreas looked like once chopped in half before finishing the second sentence, so while Lan's toxic masculinity is of course only adding to the Dragonmount of psychological issues Rand's going to need to deal with, let's also reflect that it's still him going easy on his favorite boy.
Next time: Ingtar leads the crew out of Fal Dara, Rand finds out Moiraine fucked with his belongings again, and Lanf--
Wait no. Sorry. That was LAST book's chapter "The Hunt Begins". Next time we read THIS book's version, which probably has a lot less Ingtar due to his having a prior commitment. Also much less Rand on account of his running away.
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shallowseeker · 10 months
A little present hidden in Scoobynatural
Dean's sublimation and transference are alluded to in 13x16 Scoobynatural.
In Scoobynatural, Velma CLEARLY has a crush on Sam and pretends she doesn't. Then, we get this moment:
VELMA: So I guess this is your first mystery. So if you could keep those giant linebacker shoulders from knocking over any clues, that would be great. SAM: Why do you keep talking about my shoulders? VELMA: Oh, I, uh, huh. Uh... /// SAM: Great working with you, Velma. VELMA: You, too, Sam. (Velma grabs Sam and dips him into a kiss) VELMA: Mmm. Mwah. Those shoulders. Jinkies! (she raises her arms triumphantly as she leaves the room)
This has implications for early-seasons-Dean-word-vomit: what with his “last time someone looked at me like that I got laid” and “dude doesn’t live in my ass” shit. It also has implications for Dean's tendency to harass Cas to "do better" during those early cases and his tendency to try to impress him.
Dean. Oh, Dean.
I mean, on the other hand, it's true that Dean word-vomit-Winchester says a lot of inappropriate shit on the whole, from the teasing older brother kind of gross to being gross-for-the-sake-of-being-gross. Because, saying gross, sexy things IS a part of how men are taught to relate. They shoot the shit.
Even with that in mind, Dean says way more than his fair share of weirdness to Cas in particular. (Later, when he tentatively tries out some of his weird phrasing with other people (Mom, Sam, friends), it falls flat and awkward. Because, even if he can't admit it to himself at first, his stuff with his "devastatingly handsome" is his subconscious chomping at the bit.
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prismatoxic · 2 months
chapter 8 gave me enough trouble that i think i'm allowed to be proud of it. here's my fave passages from it!
so most of these are related to the porn. if you clicked through i imagine you're not looking to go into the chapter blind or already read it, but otherwise, uh. surprise! they get each other off
Laios shifts to brace himself on one forearm, initiating another heated kiss as his free hand settles high on Chilchuck’s thigh. He’s cautious, but he’s also eager, and as he isn’t stopped on his way up and in, Laios seems to grow a little bolder. That, of course, is halted in place when running his thumb up along the seam of Chilchuck’s sweatpants makes Chilchuck just about jolt out of his skin. The kiss is broken again, and Laios gives him a concerned look, hand pulled back, as Chilchuck tries to come back to his senses. All at once he’s realizing how long it’s been. Sure, he hasn’t had real sex in years, but only now is he recognizing that the only thing he has had in years is his own hand—and so often that’s felt like a biological obligation, not something he actively wanted to be doing. How many times has he fallen asleep with his hand in his boxers? Now, confronted with the fact that he’s aroused and being touched by someone he’s attracted to, Chilchuck is painfully aware that he’s already oversensitive. This won’t take long.
It rips through him like lightning, Laios’s face pressed into his neck as Chilchuck clings to him as tight as he possibly can, a vulgar string of half-foot swears spilling out of him as his inner muscles seize around the intrusion. It feels like it goes on for ages. As he comes down in the wake of it, breathing labored and ears ringing, Chilchuck dimly wonders if that pathetic display was anything like what Laios had been expecting. He goes limp with a strained sigh, and Laios laughs, nuzzling into his cheek as Chilchuck tries to regain his bearings. His whole body jerks when Laios removes his finger; he almost wants to protest the removal of the hand entirely, but then Laios draws back enough for Chilchuck to see that he’s examining it with intrigue, and even in the afterglow Chilchuck can feel his stomach twist at the implications. “Gross,” he mutters when Laios does actually put his finger in his mouth, but the pleased expression he sports about it says he doesn't agree with Chilchuck’s assessment. “You’re not kissing me again.” Laios lowers his hand and pouts.
Laios doesn’t need to follow his gaze to know where he’s looking. “S-sorry,” he apologizes, leaning back farther on his hands. “Well I want to use my mouth, we don’t need to deal with that mess,” Chilchuck says, eyes glued to where Laios’s sweatpants are obscenely tented. “But fuck’s sake, Laios. You could kill me with that thing.” Laios doesn’t manage another apology before Chilchuck’s fingertips ghost up the length of his shaft through his clothes; instead he whimpers, and it’s more than evident that he won’t last long either. Maybe they’re made for each other, Chilchuck thinks sardonically, remembering one too many instances of he or Jay outlasting one another by miles. Glancing up as he gets Laios’s pants out of the way, Chilchuck sees he’s tossed his head back, red from his face down to his neck. “Don’t you wanna watch?” he teases, looking back down at his task as Laios’s exposed cock twitches desperately into his palm. He’s already making a mess, so much so that what he responds with doesn’t surprise Chilchuck at all: “I will come immediately if I watch you.” Chilchuck snorts out a laugh at that, smearing precum over the head with his thumb and admiring the way Laios looks like he can barely keep himself sitting up in response. “I believe that. It’s not like I didn’t just come explosively from three seconds of shallow fingering, though. You’re fine.”
Drawing back with a gasping intake of breath, Chilchuck licks his lips as a trail of cum dribbles down his chin. Laios finally looks at him again as he catches it with the back of his hand, and their eyes meet as Chilchuck drags his tongue over it. “You should eat more fruit,” he notes. Eyes hazy, chest heaving, Laios looks at him like he’s just spouted utter nonsense. “Never mind,” Chilchuck huffs, wiping his damp hand on his pants. “Come on, lay back down. You must be cold.”
“I kinda got the sense you were… good at this?” Chilchuck teases, wandering closer with his hands on his hips. “Was that wrong to assume?” “I’m usually more careful!” Laios exclaims, throwing one hand up in exasperation as the other stays on his camera. “I can’t—I can’t think. I’ve got other things on my mind.” “That so, baby boy?” Chilchuck asks in a sing-song voice, cackling when Laios immediately goes red. “Mean,” Laios mutters, and Chilchuck braces a hand on his thigh as he laughs harder. “You’re being mean.” “Now you know why my wife left me,” Chilchuck jokes with a grin, snickering at the look Laios gives him in response. “What? I’m allowed. It’s called gallows humor.”
Laios pushes away from the tree, still looking nervous. “So, um… what… are we, anyway?” Chilchuck clasps his hands behind his head, and Laios presses, “What is this?” “Well I don’t suppose you’ve been tailing me like a lost puppy for weeks just to be friends with benefits,” Chilchuck deadpans. Laios frowns, and Chilchuck sighs, tilting his head back into his hands and closing his eyes. “Your dad will kill you for having a half-foot boyfriend, you know.” He cracks one eye open. “You’re lucky I don’t especially care what he thinks.”
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paragonrobits · 8 months
anyways I happened upon some thoughts on the in-universe thinking behind the song Marceline ascribes to Marshall Lee in Bad Little Boy
the biggest and most significant thing there is that Marshall explicitly has feelings for Fionna and manipulates her with those same feelings that she has for him; this raises a lot of questions if you assume that this relates to Marceline's own thoughts on Finn.
In Go With Me, she's pretty adamant that she doesn't feel that way about him. Now, of course, that episode was the Finnceline episode for a long time even with that detail because of how much it emphasized how well they mesh together, how akin they are and how much fun they have together. It's also notable in that Marceline at that point denying any feelings doesn't preclude her developing stronger romantic feelings later in life, but I don't think that's the most important possible takeaway.
Instead, consider a more significant bit; Marshall Lee's characterization is something Marceline specifically wrote, for a character she likely believes (for good reason) to be based on her. And most importantly, Marceline has a really low opinion of herself. She thinks of herself as a monster, she drives people away on purpose so she doesn't feel the pain of losing them in other ways, she deliberately acts off putting and scary because she believes she's just as much a monster as her father and everyone will leave her one way or the other.
It's not unlikely that the song she gives Marshall is probably based on her own romantic feelings in the past, exaggerating her own feelings about herself as a bad person, or a manipulator; I suggest that Marshall's entire characterization is Marceline criticizing herself, exaggerating what she thinks she's doing; manipulating the feelings of others for her own amusement or because she thinks its funny.
Now, we know she's not actually like that, and this is just her being needlessly self critical (while also trying to engage with her father substitute and bond with him somehow), but it is pretty significant how she characterizes Marshall as much more callous and even cruel; Marceline even at her most apparently antagonistic was nothing like that.
As an example, consider Go With Me again; when Finn dons the lute suit to try to get her to go with the movies before, Marceline's comment of 'uh oh' and attempts to dissuade him suggests she's at least considered the idea of him having SOME feelings for her and to head them off, and she's surprisingly gentle as possible with him once her attempts to just gross him out or scare him away have no effect on him. Even if she was planning on heading this off, she's remarkably awkward and cautious about it.
The biggest surprise is that we know what Marshall Lee is ACTUALLY like; rather than being a manipulative jerk who toys with his friends feelings even if he DOES have romantic feelings in them as well, he's not that different from her, albeit even more laid back (possibly because he doesn't have a thousand years of trauma persuading him he's a monster too, though in this case he may simply not recall it); given his attitude with Fionna, its not implausible that they DID have a romance at some point before it cooled down (which is, again, something that could well have happened if Finn was older during the on-screen seasons) and they're definitely close enough that he's implicitly crashing at her place with no suggestion that she'd find him walking around in just a towel there surprising.
So again this suggests to me that Marceline's depiction of Marshall says more about her own deep self criticism while playing it off as part of Ice King's fanfiction, airing it out in a deniable way (which is a very Marceline thing to do); from her own views as a cruel manipulator toying with the feelings of her heroic friend, to a bad break up with candy royalty that's complicated at BEST, to that heroic friend being internally tormented by those feelings, it all says a lot about what Marceline THINKS herself as a bad person even against a significant amount of evidence otherwise.
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robo-dino-puppy · 4 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
thank you for the tag @bluntblade! (i'm embarrassed this took me so long. also i've never been good at ranking things so uh don't consider this list in order of most favorite or anything)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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Character I think about if I'm having a bad day <3 This scene between the windows in Partners in Crime never fails to cheer me up. Also: "You're not mating with me, sunshine!" Theeeeee best platonic relationship with the Doctor IMO.
Varl (Horizon)
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Aloy did not appreciate this good dude nearly enough. I want Varl to be my BFF. T_T But HFW happened and... I won't say too much about that or we'd be here all day. He's alive in my head and that's all that matters.
Cimorene (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
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Cimorene! She's no-nonsense and clever. She wasn't a fan of being treated like a princess so she went and "got captured by" a dragon so people would stop bothering her, and helps her cook and organize her library. I mean, goals.
Loki (MCU)
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I wasn't into the MCU when it started getting big, and in fact I didn't see any of the movies until I read someone on Tumblr (c. 2012) going on about (paraphrased) how awful it was that people liked Loki because he was the absolute worst and if you liked him you were a gross immoral person and you should feel bad. So I went and watched this Avengers movie everyone was talking about. And guess what haters? He is terrible and I love him.
Parker (Leverage)
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Although I am not brave enough to throw myself off buildings, sometimes I amuse myself by thinking "what would Parker do?" and since a canonical option involves stabbing someone who's bothering her with a fork and jumping out a window, the thought cheers me up even if I can't do that.
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
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He just wants people (aside from Crowley) to leave him alone in his bookshop. He never fits in with his "side" but tries to do what they want anyway, because that's the good thing to do, and he wants to be good. I can relate so hard, buddy.
Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
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Ok so... I totally had a crush on Michael J. Fox and I was already interested in linguistics back when this movie came out, and then here's a main character voiced by him who was a linguist! Milo had to be my favorite :D
Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
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I will fully admit that some of my initial love of Elena came from her AI covering my panic-flailing self early on in the first Uncharted game (I'm THE WORST at games with guns, even on easy, it's actually embarrassing) - but she impressed me right away when she was not overly impressed by Nate. And her snark game is on point.
Zeb (Star Wars Rebels)
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I feel like Zeb needs more love. Comic relief character who actually has an unbelievably tragic backstory! And his story has so much untapped potential! We never really get to explore what happened with Lasan, and then then dump Kallus in there with his defection to the Rebellion and his whole *handwaves* history with the Lasats and eventual apparent (b)romance with Zeb - and the show had so little to say about it! Huge angsty storytelling miss right there. (Dave why.)
Brian Finch (Limitless [2015])
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This dude! Lovable but he would be SO exasperating to deal with IRL. His arts-and-craftiness just resonated with me. He was always making stuff out of toothpicks and yarn and papier mâché and clay and and and- I'm still mad this show only got one season.
zero-pressure tags: @mari-mary, @ayaitch, @hannahmationstudios, @inomakani, @fogsblue, @nerd-artist, @singingkestrel, @prototypelq, @tjerra14, @artekai or just consider yourself tagged if you want to do it!
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