#( mercury. ) THE FUTURE.
tarotwithavi · 2 months
Jupiter and where you will meet your future spouse
Jupiter signifies husband in a woman's chart.
This is not certain as we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only
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Jupiter in Aries/1st house : They may be similar to you in some sense, may have the same upbringing. They may be atheletic, go gotter and active. They may come up to you, you may bump into them or you may meet them when you will be standing up for yourself and doing something for yourself. You can also meet them at a sports event, competitive events etc.
Jupiter in Taurus/ 2nd house : They can be highly stable and very calm and mature. They will be the shoulder you can lean on anytime. You guys can meet them in a restraunt, a really luxurious place or art galary. You can also meet them a financial institution like bank or something related to finance, art or culture.
Jupiter in Gemini/3rd house : They can be very chatty and intelligent. You can meet them through your siblings/friends or while on short trips. They can have a close relationship with their siblings. You can meet them when you will be engaged in activities such as public speaking, writng, local communities,coffee shop etc. They can also be your neighbour.
Jupiter in Cancer/ 4th house : One thing with this placement is that they will be like a parent to you. very caring and family oriented. You guys can meet them through maternal figure, either your mother or their mother. You can also meet them in a home enviroment. They can also be a homebody.
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Jupiter in Leo/5th house : They can be popular and attract a lot of attention. You can meet them through a celebration like a birthday party, wedding ceremony etc. You can also meet them in movie theater, concert, an event. You will most likely meet them in summertime or in daylight. They can be extroverted and they seem to have nice hair.
Jupiter in Virgo/6th house : They can be health consious or they take good care of themselves and the way they look. They will be helpful and will offer to help in evertything they can. You can meet them through work, in school, in gym or even in hospital. Acts of service can be their love language.
Jupiter in libra/7th house : They can be highly social and can have a bigger social circle. They can be a businessman, salesman or might be woking in marketing. There will be equal give and take in the relationship. You can also meet them in councelling sessions, collaborative events, art exibitions etc. You can also meet them through mutual friends.
Jupiter in Scorpio/8th house : You will meet them when you will be going through an intense transformation. You may also be going through some kind of loss. You can also meet them through reseach and investigation work. spiritual place, occult, nightclub, money and inheritance related matters etc. You can also meet them while getting therapy.
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Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th house : You can meet them in collage, educational institute, spiritual place or when you will be getting higher education. They will be highly educated and will act as a teacher or they will be teaching you a lot of things. You can also meet them in foreign lands or in long distance travel. They can be a teacher, professor, guide etc.
Jupiter in Capricorn/10th house : Okay so this placement can signify a arranged marriage or marriage of convinienve. You can meet them in an arranged setting. You can meet them through your father or they can be your boss. This placement also signifies an marriage that is considered ideal. In most cases the couple can work together or have a business together.
Jupiter in Aquarius/11th house : You can meet them through dating apps, social media, social event, charity event. You can also meet them through someone like an old friend. They can also be your best friend. Most people with this placement can get an unconvemtional spouse. They can have really unique personality or can be a rebel. You can meet them after 30.
Jupiter in Pisces/12th house : You can meet them in faraway lands. However this placement can create some kind of illusion, you may put them on a pedestal or you will meet a lot of people who you think are your fs. They can be into music or can be a musician. You may also get dreams about them. You can also meet them at a spritual place.
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thatone-highlighter · 9 months
I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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moonastro · 3 months
Juno persona chart
mercury in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
mercury is a planet of communication, the mind and the way one talks about things. mercury in the juno persona chart gives insight on how the couple communicates and the mental connection between the two.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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mercury in 1st house: since this house is ruled by mars lots of quick speech and lots of quick thinking within the marriage. lots of arguing and conflict when it comes to words like using vulgar language quite often and so on. They can quickly grow bored with routine and may need continual mental stimulation and excitement. They like expressing their thoughts, opinions, and ideas with others and may have a natural knack for public speaking or performing arts. They may influence people with their words and thoughts so they can easily get what they want from their partner. ego can be very pungent during communication, so you show your true self when in depth of conversation with your partner and are very ethical and true to what you say.
spouse may have their natal mercury in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 2nd house: each party's thought process is very structured and this is the perfect example of thinking before speaking. whatever comes out of this placements mouth is meaningful and important. speaking pace may be sensual and slow, very clear communication between the two. likely to state the obvious and most predictable and logical things. this placements doesn't like to complicate things so they just get to the point. They may love looking into investment possibilities, analysing market trends, and developing smart financial strategies to increase their wealth and security. This placement may cause money-related anxiety or tension, particularly if they believe they have little control over their financial status so discussions about finance to their partner is common.
spouse may have their natal mercury in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 3rd house: communication is very forward and free. no hesitations when it comes to talking to each other. talking is a very important part of the relationship and when something happens the couple just need to talk it out. its all about talking it out. it can be quite damaging actually if there is a block in free communication. Shared interests in studying, reading, and debating diverse topics might be a strong bonding aspect in their relationships. This location indicates versatility and flexibility in communication approaches. Individuals may readily change their method of expressing themselves to fit different situations to their other half. They are more inclined to appreciate their partner if they are as adaptable and open-minded in their communication style.
spouse may have their natal mercury in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 4th house: lots of open and honest communicative styles for this placement. sensitive topics may be a theme for this placement also. both party's communicate with a respectable and loving matter for the other person. including family members or talking about them is common. The individual may come from a household that values open communication and engages in frequent conversation, debate, and idea sharing from what they learnt from their household. They may have learnt to express themselves vocally from an early age and are comfortable conversing with family members. They may find it easier to express their feelings verbally rather than physically, and they may seek intellectual relationships with family members to meet their emotional demands. They may also be prone to overanalysing or intellectualising their emotions in order to gain a better understanding of their partner.
spouse may have their natal mercury in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
mercury in 5th house: very playful and unserious topics can be talked about in the relationship. this placements communication style is quite sensual but very fun and playful, which of course leads to arguments so be careful with that. They may have a way with words that is fascinating and captivating, making them exceptional storytellers. They may also have a sense of humour and wit, and they use words to express themselves and entertain others. These people can exhibit their creativity through writing, public speaking, acting, or any other means of self-expression. They may have a natural flair for presenting their thoughts in innovative and engaging ways, which sets them apart in artistic endeavours. They may love flirting, light-hearted bantering, and verbal expressions of affection. They may also value their intellectual relationship with heir partner and like engaging in fascinating talks.
spouse may have their natal mercury in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 6th house: this placement enjoys mental stimulation and is constantly working their mind. for example in marriage, when going on about the day, this placement cant take their mind of what they did before they left the house, like thinking if they turned off the lights or if they locked the door and so on. lots of precautions and overthinking for this placement. which leads to being critical in everything that they say, like after a conversation between both parties this placement rethinks the whole speaking process and thinks of what they could have said and what they said that was wrong. likely to debate on practical things like where to go for grocery shopping or what gym to go to and so on. lots of conversations about work and routine for example asking 'how was your day', 'how was work?' and so forth. daily check ins and having a routine with their conversations are common. very honest when it comes to health matters, if they are worried about their partners health they take initiative.
spouse may have their natal mercury in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 7th house: They may express themselves freely and honestly to their partners while expecting the same amount of communication in return. Clear and honest communication is critical to sustaining harmony in their relationships. They may examine the benefits and drawbacks of their relationships, assess their compatibility, and use logic to better comprehend their partner's point of view. These people may be open to new ideas, prepared to negotiate, and find concessions in disagreements. They can readily tailor their communication style to the demands of their partners. They may settle issues by good conversation, identifying common ground, and achieving mutually beneficial agreements. Individuals may need to avoid being overly critical or nit-picky in their relationships with partners.
spouse may have their natal mercury in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 8th house: very very intense topics. communication is very deep and spiritually inclined. lots of talks about taboo things that others may not feel comfortable with. communication can be full of secrets, discovery of each other throughout communication. this is a very 'i want to know all of who you are' kind of placement. very intense. questions everything about their partner to the tiniest detail. They want to understand the psychological undercurrents of their relationships and are interested in themes that delve into the depths of human experience. Communication in these partnerships is passionate, intimate, and transforming. Their intellectual curiosity motivates them to seek out hidden truths and go into the unknown, both inside themselves and in their relationship. They are more inclined to discuss common money, investments, or shared objectives, in order to build trust and mutual understanding in their marriage. They may be adept at expressing their deepest ideas and feelings, establishing intimacy and trust in their relationships via open and honest communication. They recognise the power of words to heal, empower, and promote progress, and they may actively strive to utilise communication as a tool for personal and relationship development. These people may be drawn to therapy or counselling for personal or professional reasons, and they may have an innate ability to recognise the underlying motivations and dynamics in their interactions.
spouse may have their natal mercury in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
mercury in 9th house: These folks' relationships rely heavily on deep, meaningful talks and the exchange of ideas. They are prone to admire conversations about broad opinions and an interest in investigating a variety of topics, such as philosophy, religion, or cultural differences. They can show their love and affection through vocal expression, exchanging ideas, and participating in debates or conversations. They value communications that are exhibited well and articulate their thoughts clearly. Travelling together or participating in educational activities as a couple may strengthen their relationship and promote mutual understanding. They may also be in long-distance relationships, having met their spouses while travelling or studying overseas. They like sharing their expertise and experiences with their partner and may feel satisfaction in assisting them to learn and grow. They also value their partner who can teach them new things and widen their horizons. Their connections may include a variety of cultural influences and intellectual hobbies, which enriches their shared experiences.
spouse may have their natal mercury in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 10th house: You and your partner may have a strong cerebral connection and like discussing, debating, and exchanging ideas. both party's perception is intelligent, intellectually fascinating, and capable of participating in meaningful talks. You and your spouse may assist each other's job ambitions by providing practical advice and networking opportunities. Your connection may be tied to your public image or require professional collaboration. You and your partner may approach difficulties logically, using facts and analysis to identify answers. You may also be skilled at talking with authoritative people or navigating professional situations together. Engaging in intellectual pursuits like studying, attending workshops, or discussing ideas helps to improve your partnership. You may also be concerned about how society perceives your relationship and how it affects your own reputations. You may need to be careful not to allow work-related stress or goals dominate the quality time you spend with your partner.
spouse may have their natal mercury in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 11th house: communication style is unique for the both of you. maybe it's not something you are used to nor they are either. its a you and them only thing. lots of texting and messages can be sent in marriage, so even when you are not together you still get the time to communicate with them through your phone. lots of speaking with other people like social groups, work, colleagues that you haven't before. Individuals may clearly and precisely describe their future visions, communicating their intentions to others through verbal or writing means. They may also seek comments and advice from their social group in order to refine their goals. Individuals are more inclined to accept fresh ideas, differing viewpoints from their partner. They may be drawn to unorthodox or avant-garde ideas that challenge standard thinking.
spouse may have their natal mercury in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 12th house: Individuals with this placement may have a highly intuitive and attentive communication style, catching up on subtle hints and nonverbal signs. They may have an innate ability to grasp unsaid thoughts and feelings, making them skilled at empathising and providing support in the relationship. this might suggest a preference for secrecy or prudence in communicating. These people may choose to keep certain thoughts and ideas to themselves or express them exclusively in private circumstances. They may be hesitant about disclosing too much about oneself, preferring to retain an air of mystery or seclusion in their dealings. so communication between the couple is very peaceful and intuitive. Individuals with this placement may thrive in areas requiring artistic expression, such as writing, poetry, music, or visual arts. lots of love notes and creating art dedicated to their partner is their love language. These individuals may have a great understanding of the human mind, including their own their partners underlying motives. They may be interested in psychology, psychotherapy, or other disciplines that deal with the complexity of human behaviour and emotions. They may have a natural capacity to connect with their instincts and gut sensations, which may help them navigate the hidden intricacies of relationships. They may also find fulfilment in discussing spiritual or philosophical issues, hoping to get a better grasp of the mysteries of existence.
spouse may have their natal mercury in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
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thanks for reading 🫶🏻have a nice day🤍
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imuncreativesorry · 16 days
I feel like the thing a lot of people get wrong about Bart Allen is that he’s not stupid, he’s not naïve, he’s just, well, impulsive. Like he’s the kind of guy to leap before he looks, not because he doesn’t know he’s supposed to look or because he doesn’t want to look, but because he gets himself so caught up in the act of leaping that he totally forgets to look entirely. And this isn’t a bad thing! Sure it sometimes gets him into trouble, but acting on his base instincts has saved him a ton of times.
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donelywell · 7 months
August 31- September 2 2023
A couple of characters set in the future.
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Mephiles and Iblis are sort of reincarnated into normal Mobians in the future, since the 06 events kinda rewrites history for a moment.
Mephiles is a sort of father figure to Iblis, helping her through the wastelands and developing her Chaos Abilities of Pyrokinesis. Mephiles himself has the ability of illusions, he can change his form at will. He lost his leg, so he uses his ability to make it seem like a metal spike is there instead of a stick holding him up.
Iblis and Silver have these bands wrapped around their limbs, they are Chaos Energy suppressors, like Shadows Ring Inhibitors. They are supposed to be a temporary attachment until the user is properly trained into being able to control the chaos ability they have, the more Chaos Energy they have, the more suppressors they need to wear.
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Silver unfortunately has Telekinesis, one of the hardest Chaos Abilities to master, and since he had no one to properly train him, he will likely never be able to take off his suppressors.
His father abandoned his family shortly after Silver's Chaos Ability developed, knowing how big of an issue it would be to train and properly use. Mercury, Silver and Zinc's mother, was absolutely pissed by him suddenly flaking on her, and has to raise 2 children alone in the apocalypse now. She tries to look at the bright side of things though, teaching valuable morals and making sure everyone gets a good laugh in each day.
Zinc is the baby sister, and due to her being a literal baby, she can't retract her claws or walk properly yet. So Mercury carries Zinc around wrapped in a blanket around her back.
Silver is a shy kid, he blames himself for his dad abandoning the family, and feels like a burden because he can't handle his Chaos Ability yet. Plus, it doesn't help that he looks a lot like his father, almost like a constant reminder of the man who left his family. Mercury keeps trying to tell Silver that he's done nothing wrong, but he begs to differ.
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Shadow ages slowly, very slowly. Even after 200 years, he only went from looking 15 to looking like he's almost 30. He's mostly alone, with Omega being his only company for a while. He goes about his day with his Dark Rider being a bounty hunter, doing odd jobs he finds at the mission board in popular cities and towns.
The last gift he received was from Tails, he cherishes it as a reminder of the time he had with the main cast of characters 200 years ago.
He eventually takes Silver under his wing, becoming a sort of father figure to the poor, lone hoglet. He teaches him a bit of how to control his Chaos Ability, but because he doesn't have telekinesis himself, he can only do so much. They'd need to actually find a person with the ability to properly teach him.
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dotty-literati · 2 years
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Gundam Aerial | Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
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bobbinalong · 3 months
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pérez doesn't seem to know bart's supposed to be older than fourteen any more than deodato did but spurrier is in my good books for now for the fact alone that he's aware of how important max and bart are to each other.
The Flash (2023) #7
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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the last 10 seconds of g-witch eps be like 
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a-d-nox · 1 year
hypothesis of marriage in astrology
i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. but what if that's not enough?
hear me out - persona charts. you have to look at the persona chart of the ruler of your 7h:
aries - mars
taurus - venus
gemini - mercury
cancer - moon
leo - sun
virgo - mercury
libra - venus
scorpio - pluto
sagittarius - jupiter
capricorn - saturn
aquarius - uranus
pisces - neptune
when you are in the ruler's persona then look for the sign and house of jupiter, the moon, or venus.
jupiter is the husband - for people looking for a masculine partner.
the moon is the wife - for people looking for a feminine partner.
venus is a partner - for those that don't care for labeled identities.
ex: THAT BEING SAID my 7h is in virgo so i look at a mercury persona. my jupiter is in gemini and the 1h. i am likely to find my future spouse at a travel agency, on a car trip, bookstore, through siblings (lol i personally don’t have any), during education, hallways, through literature, etc.
click here for the masterlist
click here for more of nox's hypotheses
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© a-d-nox 2022 all rights reserved
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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merwynsartblog · 6 months
Not me thinking whetehr or not Mercury dies first or Fylass does due to age shenanigans, since I dunno Mercury's life span :(
mercury is around king dededes age and i like to think ages are different. so for example king dededes age for me is 360. which rounds about 36 for our age. (ik its weird and i dont have a damn reason for this) and same thing with everyone else like mercury is probably around...320 so around 32 so it just depends but i hc our ages and their ages are different- they live for wayyyy longer than humans
but since fylass is 12 mercury will probably die first sadly BUT. he would leave alot of stuff to his found family (fylass is a part of it) and make sure everyone he cares for is safe off without him
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gearbit · 10 months
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury 12 - Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off
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anthurak · 1 year
So here’s what I find interesting about Lauda going on a rampage in the Schwarzette:
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Lauda and his whole grudge/revenge-boner against Miorine and Suletta has always been a fairly minor and petty plot point. At this point, he is nothing more than a distraction for the heroes. A fairly minor wrench thrown into their plan to stop the real villain.
So why did the narrative give him a freaking Gundam to bring to the party? Like Lauda is punching WAY outside his narrative weight-class with the Schwarzette. For comparison, this is like if in the final battle of Gundam 00′s first season, the Gundam Throne Zwei showed piloted NOT by Ali Al-Saachez, dangerous villain and major rival to two of the main characters, but by like... Patrick Colasour, or heck, Daryl Dodge.
I mean, our heroes are probably not even going to need to actually beat Lauda in a fight. As soon as Lauda goes to a Permet score higher than like... two, this problem is going to take care of itself when Lauda fries his own brain.
So with all that in mind, why are we getting this plot development in the first place?
Well, because I have a hunch that Lauda ISN’T actually the important player here.
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Schwarzette is.
Narratively speaking, Lauda is merely (and ironically) the vehicle to deliver this all-too-notable THIRD GUNDAM to the pivotal battle. And then knock himself out of commission via Permet overdose so that Schwarzette may conveniently fall into the hands of someone far more consequential to coming events.
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And I mean I know the safe bet is probably Guel, but personally I’m REALLY hoping it’s Miorine. XD
(ESPECIALLY if it turns out Notrette got EVA’d into that thing :D)
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liquidstar · 1 year
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after a long pause i finally finished my newest oc batch ^_^ this time for owl feather: the scholar's guild. the members are more or less different types of academics, or just nerds, with their own different niches. as usual, more specific info+closeups under the cut <3
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Name: Mercury
Name Origin: The planet named after the messenger god
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28
Guild rank: Guidmaster
Weapon: Caduceus
Ethos (Power): Aileron (Enhanced speed and levitation)
Flaw power is based on: Her evasiveness- Though her power has evolved (the levitation) once she became guildmaster as she became a pillar for her guild, and successor to the former guildmaster.
Notes: I can be your angle... or yuor devil
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Name: Keid
Name Origin: A star whose name means eggshels
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Chicken sickles
Ethos (Power): Computative prognostication (He can calculate the outcome of events in his own head, but he can’t see outcomes beyond the one he calculated)
Flaw power is based on: His overly cautious and ruminative habits, though he tries to play it off like he's way more chill and not constantly existentially overthinking
Notes: But which came first...?
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Name: Alasia
Name Origin: A star whose name references Idalion Tablet, one of the oldest known contracts
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Shovel
Ethos (Power): Erudition (Psychometry- The ability to read the past of any object by touch)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme curiosity, while her inquisitiveness on it's own can be admirable she can often get obsessive about it.
Notes: She's an archeologist <3
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Name: Dimidium
Name Origin: Exoplanet whose name means "half"
Pronouns: He/She
Age: 22
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Double-ended flail
Ethos (Power): Vice-versa (Healing and reverse healing)
Flaw power is based on: His simultaneous obsequiousness and brashness- Two extremes that she fluctuates between in a way that's both unpredictable and unhealthy.
Notes: Generally stoic either way so it's hard to tell...
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Name: Navi
Name Origin: Informal name for γ Cassiopeiae- A navigation point for Apollo 1
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Arm
Ethos (Power): Kefi (Energy direction- He can channel his energy into powerful attacks into his weapon of choice, which they designed to be their own arm)
Flaw power is based on: Their over-zealous nature. Though passion is a good thing, their ferventness can absolutely make him lose track of himself.
Notes: A weaponsmith who’s figuring out more technological approaches
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Name: Talitha
Name Origin: A star system, whose name means "Spring"
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Plastic wand
Ethos (Power): Metamorphosis (Magical girl transformation. She can shoot beams out of her wand now.)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme tendency for escapism, especially in idolizing fantasy.
Notes: She's a magical girl 💖💖💖
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Name: Misam
Name Origin: A star whose name means "wrist"
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 28
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Wrist blade
Ethos (Power): Rigor (Enhanced precision)
Flaw power is based on: Their surprisingly to-the-point, often cold-blooded nature.
Notes: Nerds can be cool too, guys.
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Name: Perwana
Name Origin: An exoplanet whose name means moth
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 27
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Lantern
Ethos (Power): Callous luminance (Physically palpable hard light, created from her lantern)
Flaw power is based on: Her tenancy to place the burden of guidance onto herself- Literally a guiding light for others. Mostly in regards to erudition, the symbolic connection between illumination and knowledge. She wants to illuminate everyone. But this can be at the cost of herself.
Notes: These are her summer clothes.
#finn's ocs#finn's art#oc references#YAY finally posted them#the smart guys set....#i was excited for this set regardless bc they all have their own like specific reasons theyre in the scholars guild#like different things theyre following. except for arguably talitha but shes like. a baby#shes more geeky than nerdy. but she would hang out in their huge library a lot and just sort of ended up joining#mercury herself is obviously the leader but her thing is moreso about spreading the message of the previous guildmaster (minerva)#while keid is more of a philosopher (so good at rumination might as well make a passion of it lol)#and like i said alasia is an archeologist (and historian!). and i describe navi as a blacksmith bc thats the title theyd be given-#but hes more of an engineer. doing cool new innovative things. so they and alasia have this sort of future/past passion thing#dimidium is a medic lol but bc of the way her power works its a bit more complicated#when i say reverse healing i mean he can literally just make you worse. Injury Power.#misam is like the edgiest of the batch for sure but dont be fooled theyre still more nerd than edgelord#the reason they can be so ruthless is because theyre very calculative about their choices#not in the same overthinking-type way keid is but in the sense that they can be a bit... ends justify the means?#not that they dont care about ethics at all but unlike keid they wouldnt get caught up in them#the most direct approach is the best one and all that. theyre a utilitarian.#(misams top was also more risque at first but i decided to have them button up a bit lol)#and perwana is an acolyte (aco-light. lol) in the sense that her goal really is just to spread knowledge#shes the most similar to mercury in that sense which makes her probably the first candidate for the next guildmaster rn#bc thats also the thesis statement of the guild itself!#they have a big open library for a reason. well. mostly open#but thats them :)
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amalgamasreal · 2 years
Updated list with the ages of all of the major Mobile Suit Gundam protagonists:
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Can you guess which one to date has the most confirmed on screen kills?
It's this one:
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Uso Ewin at over 171 during the main events of Mobile Suit Victory Gundam.
Though Suletta's now taken the official record at youngest with 3 at age 4:
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Why Felsi is the Future of Jeturk
The Jeturk company almost collapsed before Guel finally took up the helm and received Miorine’s support, however it still stands on shaky legs. However, I believe I have found the best way to evolve the company and let it regain its pride, and the key to that is Felsi Rollo.
First, let’s look at the reoccurring flaw of Jeturk, impulsiveness to action. Vim, Guel, and Lauda all suffer from anger issues which then cause preemptive actions. Vim is a man quick to anger, with most of his scenes consisting of him yelling or slapping his son. Guel had a hair-trigger temper early on in the series and constantly jumped into fights, only to then get kicked in the dick by the narrative. And Lauda, while coming off as less reactionary at first, when things become unstable he becomes vindictively angry and gets even more aggressive than Guel.
The only time the narrative doesn’t punish Guel for acting impulsively is when he does so to save Seethia, and even then, there still isn’t a happy ending. It’s only when Guel acts to protect someone that his character arc starts climbing again.
We also see the same idea in the Jeturk mobile suits. The Darilbalde and Dilanza both put up with a lot of damage, the Darilbalde especially taking multiple point blank murder shots from the Michaelis. It’s also thanks to the updated AI that Vim implemented that Guel managed to block the shots and survive, protecting his son from the grave.
Overall, what the Jeturk company needs to do is go from a company that produces weapons to fight, to a company that protects others.
Now we haven’t seen what actions Guel has taken with the company yet, with the Schwarzette being a Vim created project that he wasn’t aware of until he became the president. However, due to his partnership with Miorine, who’s in charge of the medical company GUND-Arm, and his refusal to kill Shaddiq, it’s shown that Guel wants to take the company in a more pacifistic direction.
However, Guel still suffers from his impulsive actions and words, as well as his inability to properly communicate as seen in his fight with Lauda. He’s also stuck in a sort of delusion concerning his father. In order to motivate himself to act, he’s almost deified his father in his mind, even more than he already did at the beginning of the series. He spends the second season in a sort of limbo, moving forward to new future while trying to ignore the abuse and guilt he feels about his father. When Lauda, his only remaining family, rejects Guel, he loses the desire to live and accepts his coming death. Guel is still struggling and he needs to work on himself first before he can move the Jeturk company in the right direction.
And that’s where Felsi comes in
Felsi has shown that she embodies the ideal of acting to protect others. During the Open Campus event, she shields Lauda’s Dilanza with her own to protect him and then jumps out to make sure he’s okay. In the second terrorist attack, she goes out by herself to protect the other students and stop Norea from her rampage, even working with Chuchu. After Petra is injured, she sits outside her hospital room and waits for her to get better before asking to join Earth House so she can do something to help others. Finally, she calls out Guel and Lauda’s self-centered battle, saving Guel by using a flame retardant (or something like that).
Felsi is the pilot the Jeturk company needs. Someone who acts to protect others instead of acting to satiate their own personal grievances.
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