allieebobo · 11 months
also your writing continues to be impeccable BUT YOU'RE USING IT FOR EVIL 😭😭😭😭😭😭
But hehehe thank youuuuu don't explode don't explode!!!
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bestie...you've never watched Dr Who!? 11th doc was my entire youth!! YOU GOTTA WATCH IT!!!!
lol no i have not watched doctor who beyond also of context crack edits HAHAHA and those 2 episodes that i have mentioned in the other ask. if your curious, it's the weeping angel episode for the 10th doctor then the van gogh episode for the 11th i loved both of them so much AND THE AMOUNT OF BUCKETS I CRIED FOR VAN GOGH LORD HAVE MERCY I WANTED NOTHING THAN TO GIVE HIM A HUG I CRIED SO MUCH I CRIED AND CRIED AND TOLD MYSELF I EITHER HAD TO WATCH DOCTOR WHO OR NEVER WATCH DOCTOR WHO AGAIN and guess what im doing now lol
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i was mostly a 'Lock' girl in superwholock AHHAHAAH i did watch supernatural but like the first 2 seasons? maybe 3 HAHAH
IDK I WANT to watch doctor who but how would i ever cope i know i will become so fixated on that matt smith loser more than i already am and T_T i have no idea how to start watching it ~properly
its so funny that 11th doctor is ur entire youth AHHAHAHHAH SLAY BESTIE you can collect your 'matt smith owes me' badge HAHHAHA
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justinesison · 21 days
Blk I Lot 1-C STA.LUCIA Resettlement
Magalang, Pampanga
(+63) 9686045208
I'm InLove For My Crush
Cast of Characters
Vincent-( The grade 12 student have a crush on his classmate. That he wants to be her Boyfreind)
Vanessa - (The Vincent's Mother she is left at home and takes care of Vincent's younger siblings)
John Clint - (The Vincent's Father who work support the Family).
Clea - ( The youngest sister of Vincent)
Vineo - ( The youngest Brother of Vincent)
Andrea-( Vincent's Crush)
James - (Vincent best friend)
In the House of Ventura Family and the School of Tinajero High School (Annex) in Pampanga.
(At the first day of School)
Vanessa(Mother) : Hey!, Vincent, get up from your bed, have breakfast and it's time, you're going to school.
Vincent : Mom, I'm still sleepy, I'll get up soon.
John Clint (Father) : Son, don't train yourself to act like that. Be diligent in this life.
Vanessa(Mother) : Your father is right, son. So get up there and eat breakfast. Join us at the table with your siblings.
Clea(younger sister) : Come here bro, we had a delicious breakfast of fried rice and eggs.
Vincent : Mom, dad, getting up from bed. I'm going to eat. Thank you for your advice Dad. I will not do it again.
Clint John (Father) : As long as you always improve your studies, son. That is also for your future.
Vineo (younger brother) :Brother, when you come home, bring me lots of Candy and Clea too.
Vincent : alright, I will bought some of candies for you Vineo and Clea, wait for me ok?
Clea and Vineo: yes brother! Thank you, you're so sweet.
(After eating, Vincent stood up from the chair to get dressed for school)
Vincent : Mom, dad I'm going to school now. Thank you for the Break fast Mom and thank you for advice dad.
Vanessa(Mother) : Your welcome honey.
John Clint (Father) : keep safe son.
Vincent : see you later clea and Vineo.
Clea and Vineo : see you brother, bye we love you.
(At The School of Tinajero High School)
Vincent : Hey James! What's up bro! HAHAHAHA!
James (best fiend) : Yow Bodies! I saw your Crush Andrea. She is Eating in canteen. You want to see her? HAHAHAHA!
Vincent : ow! Really bro. Did you saw her. Come let's go.
(They walk to canteen and to see Andrea but she with other student boy.)
James : Vincent look at Her, she with another boy, Dude! That boy is Rich from the Peralta family.
Vincent : I know bro. I wish that I'm Rich too. It's so Hurt.
James : bro, it Does not matter for love if you a Poor man or rich man. The importance is how to effort for your love one.
Vincent : your right, but How can I approach her?, How can I tell her what I feel for her ?, Will she like me? Even if I'm just like this.
James : oh! Come on bro. Please think positive Don't put yourself down. I will take care of you bro, I will bring you closer to her. Understood?
Vincent : Thank you bro. You are the best of the best best Freind that I had.
James : you are Always welcome bro. HAHAHHA.
Vincent : So what is your plan bro?.
James : Let's just wait for her . After our class Bro. Don't be EXCITED, HAHHAHA!
Vincent : wait ! We are classmate?.
James : No bro. I'm in Section Jupiter.
Vincent : I'm in Section Mars. Damn.
James : see you later body! It's already time in our first subject. Let's go.
Vincent : ten minutes before start. Run Faster.
(Vincent and James arrive on their Classroom quickly.When Vincent reached the classroom, he noticed Andrea was also inside the room)
Vincent ( talking on his mind) :
Is that Andrea? Yes That she is, so she's my classmate. Oh! Wow! I'm so Excited on this Time. But I'm so nervous to talk her for what I feel for her.
(Vincent began to greet Andrea nervously.)
Vincent : Hi, a-a-andrea. How are you today, nice to see you again. Hehe
Andrea: Hi, Vincent I am fine, thank you. Nice to see you too. ( with smiling face)
Vincent : (she So beautiful and Humble, she is an angel when she smiling. Talking on his mind)
Vincent : Uumm can I sit Here With you Andrea? Hehhe.
Andrea : Sure, Vincent ( with a smile?)
Vincent : Thank you Andrea. ( is this real? Is this really happen?. Talking on his mid)
(After the Ten minutes the class was start, The Teacher maam Maraya came to introduce herself. And introduce her subject CREATIVE WRITING.)
MARAYA : Im your First Subject Teacher. I'm Ma'am Maraya, I will Discuss to you my subject CREATIVE WRITING.
Vincent (talking on his mind):
Our teacher seems grumpy in this first Subject. I hope my grade doesn't drop with her.
MARAYA : Let me tell you Class that I am not rude or grumpy. And I'm not dropping a grade student either. You just did everything I told you to do. If I'm nice I'll be nicer, if you're rude I'll be more rude. Do we understand each other class?
Class of Mars : Yes, Ma'am!
( After class, Vincent quickly went to James to say something)
Vincent : James! Bro!, Andrea is my Classmate!!!!
James : wow! That's good for you, HAAHAHA!
Vincent : So what the plan now.
James : we wait in the main gate. To surely meet Andrea so that you tell her what you feel gor her.
Vincent : lets go in the main gate. Bro.
(The two went to the main gate of the school to meet Andrea but a car came to pick her up. And they didn't talk.)
Vincent : I won't tell her anymore. Because I see the life that she has in the life that I only have. Im So hopeless
James : well bro! There is a lot of time for the love. There is some one who waiting for you.
Vincent : your right bro. We are still too young to rush that thing. Thank you bro.
James : so late's go home now. I want to sleep now. HAHAHHAA
Vincent : But first come with me to buy some candies for my younger siblings. HAHAHAHHA!
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hey yes! 🌖 i do write fics (only for sugu tho, to no one's surprise) but i don't post them or anything <//3 they're all in my google drive and i'm not good at writing (or visualizing), and i'm so out of ideas/energy/motivation that i hardly work on them. BUT they can be very rewarding to revise and read! though i never finish any of them though HAHHAHA
YES of course i re-read your fics... i don't really use tumblr aside from reading your posts and stuff just because i don't have that much time (or the will to sift through all the smuts in the search bar), but i always drop whatever to read your stuff and any time spent reading your fics is time well spent!! yay!!!
thank you for the tips! they're super helpful and i will be applying them to whatever i write next. also i accidentally found a website like lix (but in english) once when i was writing an essay, so i'll use that as per your recommendation. are you swedish??
ALSO DROPPING OFF A SUGU FOR U https://twitter.com/whyyouareunique/status/1780781328302280798
hey 🌖 anon !! :3
ahhhhh i see !!! the sugu fics….. that’s so real of you. i actually started writing jjk fanfic that way too!!!! just wrote a bunch of self-indulgent stuff in my notes app lmao. i genuinely think it improves your writing so much though… i was out here writing 50 pages of a stsg/reader au that will Never see the light of day but i still read it for comfort sometimes :’3 being insecure abt your writing is understandable though!!! as long as you’re actually Writing something you’re already doing really really well, so pls don’t beat yourself up too much!!! though i know From Experience that it’s easier said than done :’’3…. we’re in this together 🌖 anon.
BUT . WAUGH . OW. YOU’RE TOO SWEET I’M HAVING A HEART ATTACK …… you use tumblr for lil old me ??? 🥺🥺 SOBS YOU’RE SO KIND. i’m so happy my fics can give you any kind of satisfaction 🥺🥺🥺 AND YOU’RE SO REAL. THE SMUT. wading through the jjk tags is impossible atp i literally have every single smut tag blocked but i STILL get smut on my dash. sigh.
buuut anyway!!! you’re so welcome 🌖 anon <3 ik this is boring advice but like . Sincerely. the best way to improve is just to write. even if you aren’t finishing anything you’re still making lots of progress :3 i believe in you!!!! <3333
AND THANK YOUUUU FOR THE GORGEOUS SUGU ART I’M BITING HIM GENTLY <33333 here is one of my recents favs in return !!
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homolobotomized · 2 years
hi :) thank you for supporting my mamagumi art so much, your tags made me laugh a bunch ♥️
HI HAHHAHA its no problem!! augh i love her so bad ur art is my absolute fav of her i literally owe u my life for it so THANK YOU 😁🫶
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yamujiburo · 3 years
Jessie and Cassidy reconciliation fanfic thing
I was going through my notes app just now to just clear out some junk and I found something I'd written like a year ago and totally forgot about hahhaha. I don't usually do fanfics but I guess I was in a writing mood that night. I can't remember why I stopped. I either got stuck, didn't know how I wanted it to end or was just having a hard time figuring out like,,,, the arcs and what I wanted the main focus of the story to be. Anyhow, here it is if you wanna read the set up I made for it haha
Jessie, James and Meowth have once again failed to complete a mission and Matori is TIRED of it. She brings it up go Giovanni who tells her not to worry about them. Matori can’t figure out why Giovanni puts up with them and starts digging on possible reasons why Giovanni would keep them around. She decides to go to HR to find answers. There, she meets Wendy.
“Ah– Matori!”
“Pull up records for Jessie, James and–“, Matori notices that Wendy already has Jessie’s files pulled up and gives her a strange look.
“I see you’re already doing your research on Miss Jessie…”
“N-no! Well, yes. It’s just that Jessie has continuously failed almost all missions she’s been assigned! Not to mention she’s singlehandedly almost made the organization go broke. Well, not really but she still owes a lot of money!”
“And the other two?”
“Huh? Oh yeah them, too I guess.”
“I just don’t understand what Giovanni could possible see in them. They’re not good for Team Rocket.”
“Tell me about it, I’ve been trying to get the boss to fire them for years. But he’s got a real soft spot for them apparently. Tch, to think they were the top of their class once.”
“Hmph, I find that hard to believe.”
“I can’t speak for James and Meowth, but Jessie really was a promising recruit. So much so that when she threatened to quit, she somehow manipulated every exec into fulfilling her demands.”
“Threatened to quit?” The gears in Matori’s head began to turn. Sure Giovanni wouldn’t fire the trio, but if they were to quit, there would be nothing he could do.
“Yeah, she had a falling out with her first partner. And instead of being PROFESSIONAL she wined until she got a new one. Then she proceeded to go through like 10 more partners until James came along. If you’ve ever talked to her I’m sure you can tell she’s not the easiest person to work with.”
“Hm. Perhaps it’s time to switch up some teams.”
“C-can you do that? Is that allowed?”
“I could pull some strings.”
“Isn’t that sabotage?” Wendy asks. Matori shoots her a look.
“Call it what you want, but it’s my job to make sure this organization is successful as possible. Getting rid of some problem lackeys will only benefit Team Rocket. If Giovanni won’t do anything about them, then I will.”
“Matori. You are my hero”
“Are there any potential candidates we could temporarily team them up with? Or members they’ve been known to… not get along with?”
A big, Gengar-like smile creeps on Wendy’s face. “I know just the agents.”
Early in the morning in Jessie and James’ base, they get a call from Matori. Jessie is already annoyed, knowing who’s calling, but she wakes up her team members just in case it was Giovanni.
“A little early don’t you think, Matori?” Matori composes herself and ignores Jessie’s jab.
“Giovanni hasn’t arrived yet, but I have very important news.” Jessie, James and Meowth’s interests are piqued. “Your success rates have been… less than exemplary. But, you have previously shown you are exceptional agents.”
Jessie is taken aback by the, sort of, compliment from Matori. “So what’s the issue?”
“We have reason to believe that, while neither of you are individually the reason for your constant failures, you are incompatible as a team and you are going to be reassigned to different partners, effective immediately.”
James and Meowth look at each other shocked, and the thoughts going through their head were interrupted by their soon to be, not-leader. “WHAT?! You can’t split us up! We–“
“I apologize for the inconvenience. But this is for the benefit of Team Rocket. I do not have time to argue this. It has already been decided and your new partners have been decided. James, you are to return to headquarters where you will meet your new partner and Jessie, you will remain where you are and your new partner will arrive tomorrow.”
“What about, Me-owth?”
Matori pauses. She hadn’t thought about the cat. “You can decide who you wish to go with. Thank you for your time. Best of luck with your new arrangements.”
Matori hangs up. Jessie, James and Meowth stand staring at the screen, solemn. What doe they do now? Years of working together over, just like that.
“UGH THAT LITTLE FOUR EYED BOWL CUT HAIRED FREAK! I’m gonna do something about this! They can’t do this to us!” James gently puts his had on Jessie’s shoulder.
“There’s nothing we can do,”
James packs up, Meowth has decided to go with James. They say their goodbyes. James and Meowth grab the rest of their things and leave. Jessie is left alone with her thoughts.
Back at headquarters, we see James and Meowth being led by Matori to her office where she says his new partner is waiting. She talks about how this member is in a very similar situation. They walk in and see short, green hair. “BUTCH???”
“Oh no not you guys!”
“If you’re my new partner, that must mean…”
“Oh no,” they all say in unison.
Jessie still lying in the same place on her bed. Why was she feeling this way? She’d been through so many parters before. Sure she’d been with James and Meowth longer, but she wasn’t one to get attached. Well, not anymore. In the middle of her thought, she hears the elevator to the base coming down. She gets up and makes herself as presentable as possible (over shirt is off, makeup kinda smeared, boots off). Before she can get her shit together, a pair of white boots click, clack in. Jessie looks up, and the flash of orange, blonde seared her eyes.
“No, no, no there has to be some sort of mistake. I can’t be teamed up with you! I hate you!”
“The feeling’s mutual.”
“I can’t believe I going to have to work with your ugly ass every day.”
“You’re one to talk. Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Jessie turned to the standup mirror leaning against the wall. She was definitely not looking her best.
“You caught me at a bad time!”
“You sure? I recall you always looking this ratty. I guess it has been a while since I’ve seen you, thank goodness," Cassidy said smugly. Jessie was already pissed off.
“We’re calling Matori RIGHT NOW to fix this.”
“Gee, while you’re looking like that?”
“I DON’T WANNA HEAR IT.” Jessie picked up the communicator, which brandished a large R on the wall. Matori picked up.
“Good afternoon Jessie, are you aware that you’re not in uniform?”
“Cut the crap you clod! You set me up with Cassidy on purpose!”
“Ah I see you’ve met your new partner! Hello, Cassidy.”
“Matori,” Cassidy said with a small bow. Of course Cassidy was trying to stay composed. Just another way to try one-up Jessie.
“We can NOT work together. I demand you put me back on my old team!”
“While I’m not one to disagree with higher ups, Miss Matori, I unfortunately have to side with Jessie on this one. You might not be aware but Jessie and I were partners once in our training days. We simply are not compatible,” Cassidy explained as politely as possible.
“Was there a reason for this, incompatibility? I was looking through your records and it appeared that you two were quite the team back in the day. I had assumed that the executives just wanted two top agents to be on other teams with some less skilled trainees.” Both Cassidy and Jessie blushed.
It was true that Jessie and Cassidy were at the top of their class for quite some time. But the reasons for them being split up were quite… personal.
“Listen, we just can’t work together. Try getting that through that helmet head of yours.”
~aaaaand this is where i got to~
Anyone wanna finish this for me? /j
I can't remember where I wanted this to go. I think I was gonna have Jessie and Cassidy try to suck it up and work together so they don't lose their jobs. They fight Ash and Goh, trying to get Pikachu as usual and quickly fail because of their bickering. They eventually have a heart to heart, wondering where they went wrong back when they were a team. They say a lot of things that they'd failed to communicate in the past and reconcile.
THEN this is where I kinda got stuck on what I wanted the focus/them to me. There was a version in my head where after they reconcile they like,,, make out and start falling in love again (for those new here, I firmly believe Jessie and Cassidy are bitter exes and had a falling out during their training days). After this their chemistry and communication improve immensely resulting in them succeeding to catch Pikachu. Matori comes to retrieve it but Ash and Goh get it back while it's in Matori's hands (making it her failure). And then I wasn't sure how to end this version. Maybe things going back to normal after Giovanni finds out that Jessie and Cassidy are dating and deems it unprofessional. Jessie, James and Meowth are reunited and Cassidy and Butch are as well. Happy ending were things are as they were but now Cassidy and Jessie are on good terms and still together maybe???
The oooother version was centering the story more around Jessie and her inability to keep her partners/not appreciating them. If I went with this I think I'd start off the story differently with her being a dick to James and Meowth (which she is a lot of the time but this time she crosses a line). After the team switch she finds that she really had been taking her teammates for granted. I think Cassidy and Jessie still have that heart to heart but then it's more about how Jessie hurt Cassidy and Jessie kinda realizes that she's still making the same errors currently. They reconcile buuut the both of them still want their old partners back so they hatch a plan to successfully steal Pikachu but ensure that Ash gets it back when it's in Matori's hands. They request that they be paired up with their old teammates and in exchange, wouldn't tell Giovanni that Matori messed up. Everything goes back to normal the end.
I had too many jumbled ideas and because I don't have the attention span to write for more than a couple hours I just dropped this LOL. Just thought I'd share in case anyone found this remotely interesting or entertaining hehe
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samikozume-todoroki · 4 years
Request: “hi can i request for bakugou having a crush who can take multiple punches, kicks, (even stabs) but then they stub their toe in the common space all of as sudden theyre crying for mercy and cursing sm (this is legit me bye HAHHAHA)”
Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Masterlist | Request rules (open) | Gen. Taglist
Bakugou Katsuki hold few traits in high regard— strength is one of them. Inner strength is cool and all, but outer strength is admirable. His best friend (he will never admit it) is able to take his blasts easily, so when you waltz into his life taking a blast headfirst with barely a flinch it was instant admiration.
When Tomura and the League of Villains attacked, his admiration grew when you stepped in front of Tomura’s hand. You kneed him in the groin, with barely a wince or glance at your decaying forearm. He talked to you some more, learned your name, and became a sparring buddy.
His respect for you was just that- respect. Until now.
“Fucking hell. What the fuck. Who the shit put the damn coffee table here. Jesus fucking Christ this shit hurts oh my fuck”
The curse words that spewed from your mouth like it was air was music to his ears. The words were biting and dripped poison, but they were also honeyed, like each word was said with love and pride. He could listen to you cursing all day, he wished he could record it just to hear the honeyed “fucks” that came out of your mouth to sleep.
“Ow my toe my toe, fucking hell. Don’t just fucking stand there Katsushit! Get me a damn bag of ice”, your eyes were clouded in tears and combined with the curses stirred something within him.
His respect turned into something fierce without delay. All the sudden he started to feel slightly warm and giddy when he thought of you. He pondered on that feeling as he went to fetch a bag of ice.
‘The fuck is this bullshit?’
“My fucking lord, douche canoe hurry up I am in horrible pain you fuckwad!”
“Shut the fuck up! You should’ve damn watched where you were walking!”, throwing you the ice pack and hitting you square in the face, he turned away to hide his red face.
“Thank you Katsuki!”
“Stop fucking calling me by my first name!”
‘Well fuck me’
“No! You can’t stop me fucker!”
His feelings slowly grew, little by little as he realized he liked you.
“God what did I do?! Take me out of my misery!”
Like a few weeks ago, you were curled up on the ground clutching your toe. Tears running down your face, curses falling from your lips, he cracked a small grin.
Grabbing an ice pack, he squatted down to your level and offered it. Taking it gratefully, you place it on your poor toe sniffling.
“Thank you Katsuki”
Grunting a “yeah yeah no problem”, he was surprised by the sudden soft warmth on his cheek.
Head snapping towards you, two blushing faces met eye to eye. Until you get up suddenly and hobble away.
A/n: almost gave bakugou a crying/sadism kink but stopped myself :) (I rlly gotta stop being horny on main, it’s not cute 😔)
Tagged: @mssyprsn
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bittersculs-blog · 5 years
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I swear I'm a good man So why don't you love me back? Why don't you love me back?
Instead of twisting up words you just sat there in silence
In wind burnt homes sighing rays from a sunset
And all I could hear was the sound of the wasp nest My head made a home for the hum of the insects But my hands shake and shudder at the mention Of half hearted reasons why we'll only be friends I swear I'm a good man I swear I'm a good man So why don't you love me back?
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
Hello!! 💕 I'm searching for kpop writers on Tumblr because I wanted to share some love and positivity, and your blog came up! 😁 Thank you for sharing your works with us! Do remember not to stress or force yourself to write 🥺 Please take as many breaks as you need! Even if you don’t get much interactions or anons, we’re here silently supporting you! 💞 Hope you have a nice day/night! And do get enough sleep and water! 💕💕 (ps. I love your blog aesthetic! 😁💓)
hi bubs !! lemme just say that this absolutely just made my day !! this message is so cute and just positive and high key everything I need rn so thank you !! 💕💕 i hope you day goes phenomenally !! + I hope you don’t stress either !! self-care is hella important !!  
and hahhaha thank you !! i seriously owe all the inspiration to fast and furious lol
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thekingoftianxuan · 4 years
Out of curiosity, I read a Chinese mini fanfic R18 from Jian Bin and Qi Zhi Kan...
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...but I was like "WTF"
Since in the fic, Qi Zhi Kan was the uke..!!
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But for me, Qi Zhi Kan is seme and Jian Bin is uke!
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Hahhaha... Ow... 😂 F for me..
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loviely · 4 years
my boyfriend just broke up with me with no prior warning because he suddenly doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a relationship LOL
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tinesleftnipple · 5 years
Episode 20
- Tang yi at li zhen’s grave. He’s giving a speech. Tang yi thinks that li zhen probably didn’t want to see him walk the same path as Chen wen hao. He says she has always been in his heart. Trailer line. Then, “mom, thank you for giving birth to me” 😭😭😭
- He plays the music box. It’s raining.
- Chen wen hao walks up behind him. Chen wen hao starts talking to li zhen. He brought flowers - the first gift he gave her. “The last time we met, you said you didn’t love me anymore. That was a lie, right?” Tang yi is listening behind him
- Chen: “the three of us can finally meet again, but who thought it would be like this. Li zhen, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry...”
- Chen then explains to tang yi that li zhen never let Chen wen hao know about tang yi’s existence, but they managed to meet anyways. Chen takes out a cigarette and tang yi offers him his lighter 😭😭😭😭 the boss tang one 😭😭😭
- Chen wen hao gives the Xing tian meng USB he gave to jack back to tang yi. And then he pulls tang yi into a hug and cries 😭😭
- Chen: “don’t repeat my mistakes”
- As tang yi walks away there’s a sudden gunshot and tang yi finally breaks down and starts bawling
- Hong ye and dao yi have returned. Shao fei comes downstairs to greet them. Hong ye “why are you still here?”
- Shao fei “I thought you knew I lived here”
- Hong ye “being together and living together are different things. Moving in so fast, sister in law” (in Chinese there’s a specific term so it doesn’t sound as weird lmao
- Shao fei “uh... what did you just call me?!” *voice break*** (puahhaha this is the scene they were talking about in the hotel room!)
- Hong ye “you got a problem with that?”
- Shao fei “oohhhhh... if you want to call me that, it’s ok too...☺️”
- Shao fei leaves in a rush to get groceries
- Dr. Jiang comes to tang yi’s house. Dr. Jiang: “I came here just to see what it’s like when an iceberg gets melted by love” tang yi seems hella embarrassed
- Tang yi changes the topic to dr. Jiang’s side. Is this a reference to another story??
- Tang yi picks shao fei up at the police station with drinks. Shao fei steals tang yi’s drink
- Jack turns up. Tang yi asks him about why he quit his job. Tang yi says he knows about Chen wen hao. Jack says people use each other all the time, let’s put everything in the past. He turns around, and zhao zi is there
- Zhao zi hella mad and says he’s gonna stay at shao fei’s. HAHAHHA shao fei calls desperately for tang yi. Jack picks zhao zi up and rides away on his motorbike HAHHAHA
- They get home and zhao zi is still mad. Jack calls zhao zi by his full name and says that nothing he ever said to him was to use him. Zhao zi finds it hard to trust people again. Jack says “you can trust your heart. Ask your heart, if it can trust me. Please believe these two sentences: I like you, and I stayed because of you”
- Jack is confessing real hard...
- Jack “if you still don’t believe me, I can leave. But I might not ever come back.” Zhao zi immediately softens and asks him to stay
- FFFFFUFUFUFUFFF JACK DOING PUSH UPS, asking zhao zi “are you nervous? Wait for me. I’m almost done. “
- Zhao zi has been clutching a questionable book. Jack “that’s useless. I, on the other hand, am much more useful”
- Zhao zi’s shirt almost comes off but he’s like “we didn’t close the curtains” and jack pulls him back
- BED SCENE GUYSSSSS jack pulls the covers over them lmao
- It’s a funny bed scene not a sexy bed scene puahhahHAHAHA
- tang yi is fiddling with the music box, his birthday house, and the lighter
- Shao fei backhug.
- Shao fei asks why the house and lighter are so important to tang yi.
- The house is tang yi’s first present to himself after he came to xing tian meng. He always wanted a home.
- Lighter is his promise to boss tang about reintegrating xing tian meng back to society
- Shao fei thanks tang yi for handing Ah Zhi to the police. Tang yi says that no, shao fei was the one who saved him.
- Tang yi still needs to serve time. Shao fei “no matter what happens in there, just remember, I love you”
- Tang yi “then will you wait for me?”
- Shao fei “how can I not?? Look at all the injuries I have because of you” he proceeds to take off his bathrobe
- Shao fei “you owe me this much, of course I have to wait for you to return to pay me back”
- Tang yi “I can repay you right now”
- Shao fei “come on then”
- next day they go to The Place. Their convo is a mashup and remix of old lines they’ve said to each other in the past, except now it’s full of love.
- Shao fei “don’t pretend it’s ok, don’t miss me too much, I’ll always be watching you”
- Tang yi “watching me?”
- “Yes. Got both my eyes on you”
- Tang yi starts to walk in. Shao fei:”tang-“
- Tang yi turns back
- Shao fei “I’ll miss you”
- Tang yi smiles and walks in
End episode
Oh my god oh my god oh my god...😭😭😭👌😭👌😭👌
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cometoceantrenches · 5 years
A, C, and G! All the numbers, or as many as you feel like answering, i know its a lot but I loooove these. For Alta of course ;p
I don’t mind- I like answering these too. Hahhaha XD Thanks for sending this in cjbhkvtyb ✿♥‿♥✿
A: Aptitude
1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
She’s pretty quick at running and thieving- specifically as a pickpocket. She was taught how to divert people’s attention before picking off of them. The running away, funnily enough, came from being caught in thieving. Of course she was just a young kid and her fine motor skills aren’t all developed so she was caught more than a few times.
2. what activities have they participated in?
Alta doesn’t participate in much events due to her being an outlaw but if she can- she’ll join horse racing. She doesn’t win all the time but she’s usually coming in third or fourth. She owes it all to her horse: Snow Daisy. (cheesy name i know ygvubhnijk)
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Aside from picking pockets- its using a rifle. She’s more of a sharpshooter/sniper than engaging in an actual fight. Her shoulder used to be patched up a lot when she was younger just because she was so adamant about learning.
4. what things are they bad at?
Alta is bad knife throwing. Or holding a knife in general. She knows how to stab people but that’s pretty much it. Its probably wise not to challenge her to Five Finger Fillet…5. what is their most impressive talent
Alta’s pocket picking- she gets a lot of stuff from doing that.
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair?
Alta sits normally but her back slouches a bit. Grimshaw would scold her sometimes for not having posture and she’d try to straighten her back but it just reverts back. Sometimes she’d cross her legs.
2. in what position do they sleep?
Alta usually sleeps on her back. She has this tiny fear that someone might come and stab her in the back or something. And its easier for her to sit up when something happens and she needs to move fast.
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
Her ideal comfort day? Maybe its just finally being able to relax and talk with the other gang members. Sometimes she’d like to listen to Hosea’s stories by the campfire or playing the fiddle when uncle plays his banjo. People don’t know it but she trusts that man a lot, most likely because she finds him amusing when he isn’t lazy or complaining about his LUmbAgO.4. what is their major comfort food? why?
Candy. Enough said. Especially on “those red days.”5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
Three people: Hosea, Charles and Abigail. Hosea offers a lot of wisdom so she picks up a lot from him. Charles- because she trusts him a lot and he really knows what to say. And Abigail because she holds a lot of wisdom too. Maybe its because she’s a mother and she knows just what to say.
G: Gorgeous1. what is their most attractive external feature?
Maybe her eyes? She always has this piercing look when she looks at someone. Its not the intimidating kind but its the one where you know she knows what she’s doing. :p2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
Her steadfastness and how her opinion can’t be swayed. If you’re gonna convince this girl of something that’s opposite of what she believes in- better provide good points and evidence.3. what benefits come with being their friend?
Alta is honest and very loyal. She’ll offer you advice and she’ll always have your back. She’s ready to throw hands with anyone that offends or hurts you if it comes to that point. If not- that person better be ready to get an earful of why they shouldn’t mess with you again.4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
Honestly, Alta is pretty content of herself. But she has a love-hate relationship with how she detaches herself from people when caught in a bad situation. She hates it because there are moments where she hurts the people close to her, likes it because she gets things done.
She’s also in a love-hate relationship with her body. She thinks that her athletic frame is unattractive but most of the time, she doesn’t mind it because it helps her survive the life of an outlaw.
5. what parts of others do they envy?
Sometimes when Alta sees Tilly, or Mary-Beth or Karen or Abigail- she sees how soft and nearly flawless (if not flawless) skin. Then she looks down to see her own calloused hands, the scars big or small littered over her body. She sees their soft, plump lips and tells herself that her own chapped ones with an ugly scar that runs down the corners of it doesn’t compare to theirs. 
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jjkfire · 5 years
I may not have experienced the same things as you are (I’m sorry but I have no idea how things work where you live), but I’ve been through sth very similar apparently. I have no idea how things work in Malaysia (studies, jobs, businesses) nor do I know your career goals, but I’m sure you’ll succeed. (1/4)
Indications/privilege can land you a job now, but if you were carried through college and pointed out to a company cause of sb you know, you won’t have the necessary social and resolving skills needed in the future. And that’s exactly what you perfected when you did everybody’s part. From my experience, there’re lots of companies out there still looking for talent and skills instead of indications. It’s super valid to be bitter and angry 'cause of this injustice; hard work should prevail. (2/4)
You seem to work very hard for everybody and put your best in everything you do. You’re very smart and creative, which is a huge differential. You’re really sweet and caring too! 😊 It’s so difficult to find people who really care about others and want them to do their best and end up well. I think you’re an incredible person; you did a 3 people job all by yourself and endured their lack of willingness and respect. 😁 (3/4)
I wish I had more friends like you in my life. You’re that kind of person that makes me believe in human kind and that I’m not just someone deluded or innocent! I hope you’re having a great day today! 😘💜 Ps may I be curious and ask what milo drink and tempe goreng are? 😳🙈 And sorry for the very long ask. I think I got a bit carried away... (4/4)
oh my gosh... you are the sweetest person on this whole entire earth and i’m like honestly so incredibly touched by this message 😭 i genuinely read this multiple times over and then typed and re-typed my reply because i just didn’t know how to express how much it means to hear such reassuring words like i... i don’t know, i still can’t find the words ): 
just know that this means so so much to me and you’re so kind because you’re not obligated to say any of this to me and yet you actually took the time to write this out to comfort me, a stranger you owe nothing to and I just— i love you. i don’t even deserve like half the things you said about me in your message and if anything, now i will aspire to be more like the person you think that i am hahahhaha. you’re so sweet and kind oh my gosh!!!! this message completely turned my week over for the better. omg and no! you are the kind of person that makes me believe that there are good people out there!!! i mean how can i not after what you just sent me. honestly... you radiate so much love, happiness and kindness in your message im so (’: i hope people only ever return the same kindness towards you.
also hahhaha milo is like hot chocolate but... BETTER. yeah i usually have it cold but it’s so good like you don’t understand. you gotta come to south east asia to taste it because although it’s available worldwide, our formula is made differently aha and you gotta have it at our local store where you can ask for a milo dinosaur and they’ll top off your drink with a scoop of chocolate powder 🤤
and tempe/tempeh is like this soybean fermented thing which sounds weird i know but okay it tastes so good!!! goreng means fried in bahasa so hahhah tempeh goreng means fried tempeh. it’s usually fried in sweet soy sauce and chilli! omg it’s spicy and so good hahahha now im hungry
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zoegts · 6 years
The Prince's Guardian (kakavege) part: 11
DISCLAIMER: this story contains
Strong language
Sexual content
If you are under the age of 17 this may not be suitable for you or you be sensitive over the content in this story, this is a kakavege story (so this is male x male content)
You have been warned.
On the last part: "WHAT THE FUCK!" Frieza shoved his dick in his mouth
He teased with it in his mouth.
Goku gagged
He got up and got one of his torture toys and put it on gokus cock. It was a strong electric bar that went into the tip down the hole. He also put a gagging choker on gokus mouth
"Oh it's a shame..the prince can't join us, you two would of had so much fun.." he smirked
Goku growled and thought 'I will murder him for Vegeta'
Frieza put the bar on max so it hurt
Goku screamed through the gag
Frieza laughed
"There's nothing you can do"
Frieza opened the little choker and he slipped his tail in gokus mouth
Goku gagged
"Suck monkey!"
Goku bit down on the tail
Frieza jumped and shot out of gokus mouth in Pain
"OW you little shit! Ughhh, for that you will die in this room alone!"
Frieza slapped Goku hard and left the room leaving Goku with a painful cock
"Rather that then having to suck you disgusting ass dick and tail" Freiza smirked and laughed.
Frieza called the ginyu force.
"Enjoy boys, try not to hold back"
The whole group walked in the dark room and circled goku
"Tch what now? You here to beat or rape me... Make your choice I dont give a shit"
"Cocky one arnt you" jeice said
Burter slowly took gokus top off and fiddled with his nipples
Vegeta had a sick feeling in his chest. He lay on his bed still angry about his father
He got up and went to leave the castle
He sneaked into a little ship and flew to friezas space ship, but he got caught
Vegeta screamed loud that Goku could hear him throuh the ginyu force raping him
Goku looked up "V-Vegeta?!"
Ginyu smirked and pushed harder into Goku while shoving his fingers in gokus mouth
"Shut it!"
"Noooo!" Vegeta shouted
Frieza knocked him out and opened the door Goku was in and threw him on the floor.
"Hahhaha look at you two! He thought he could save you haha! What a joke!"
Frieza said and watched the show as the ginyu force went rough on Goku and almost ripping him apart. Each of them was doing something to goku
They all laughed
Vegeta was knocked out cold he couldn't wake up
Jeice got off goku and went to Vegeta
"Ohh look who we have here boys!"
Jeice grabbed vegetas hair and forced him to face up at Goku but his eyes was shut from sleeping
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sjwwidowmaker · 7 years
Came here to see if you've had a fit yet... since Jeff Kaplan said that they approve of people shipping anything they want. That includes Tracer :^) you know what that means, right.... :^) not just are we forever shipping her with anyone we want to... in other words - men, we're doing it with the OW staffs approval :^) hahhaha too bad, you irrelevant loser, hope you're enjoying that huge middle finger the staff just gave you and your dumb anti friends
he said he enjoys what the fandom does with the fucking characters in fandom. he didnt specifically say "yall can be fucking gross ass shitty lesbophobes and jerk off to ur own fucking creepy fetishistic version of trace and we love and support it" but go off i guess
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