#'you mean I can't use the internet to ignore you????? dude fuck this'
byanyan · 10 months
losing my mind thinking about byan being dragged camping, and it's all xeno's fault. but it's so fucking funny bc they're usually the most scrappy mf known to man, happy to get their hands dirty when they're in the city, but the moment you put them in nature? uhhhh that's gross actually, why tf would I kneel in that dirt to light a fire when these are brand new pants???
plus side, you'll never lose them in the dark bc they're dressed in neon pink & covered in a layer of glitter. they are, however, also not dressed for being in nature, what with their short skirt and their knee-high socks and just the chunkiest, worst fucking boots to go hiking in.
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the-great-ladyg · 6 months
Did someone notice in the new Somerton's video that he didn't adress any of the misogyny or transphobia accusations? Like, yeah, he said "people say I hate women but that's not true" and only that. And he also addressed the misinformation, in which we can include the misgendering, but he still didn'h fully talk about this even when those accusations were, along with plagiarism, the most talked about on the internet.
This dude didn't give any reason for why "he doesn't hate" women or trans people, it truly was a "source: dude trust me" and Somerton expects us to believe him, when no, he threw shit on women in every chance he got, he showed transphobia in many times for no fucking reason other than he's got something against women and trans people.
And he also didn't address any of the racism people has pointed out since a long time, but more specially since HBomberguy and Todd's video. This dude only focused on plagiarism, and even that he sucked at since he implied it was an accident. How can you plagiarize on accident?, you have to write, to read, to check what you're doing, he read and Nick's scripts, he must have noticed the copying and still left it with no citation. He said he loves investigating and reading, then he must notice the copying, yet he also said he "didn't notice", like this dude can't recognize he did this on purpose, it was all "an accident".
Also, he just tried shifting the blame, placing it on Nick or, again, like it was an accident and he didn't mean to it. Somerton knew what he was doing, all of us are taught at school, specially college, that plagiarism not only is bad, it it diminishes the quality and credibility of the person that stole those words, it can get you expelled or fired, and let's not forget the people you're hurting by stealing from them, and this case the people whose experiences and words were stolen. Somerton is in a more privileged position than many people in the LGBTQ+ community since he's a cis white man, and yet he decided to attack this way many POC and trans people, not only he stole their words, but he also used racist and transphobic rhetoric, he misgendered, he erased sexualities and put all of us on the same box of "cis straight white women".
"I wanted to make my channel a safe space", yeah, sure man, like saying all the negative things of an MLM media is straight cis women's fault, or misgendering, erasing the bisexuality of a woman or changing "trans" for "queer" is going to make to make your channel a safe for queer women and trans people.
I just deep down know he won't change at all, maybe except for the citations, but we must expect he'll continue being a misogynist racist transphobe dumbass that will keep ignoring this accusations and using the homophobia card.
I really feel sorry if he truly felt so bad he harmed himself and ended up on an hospital, if that's real I hope he gets better and never gets to that point again. Maybe I'm naive, but I want to believe this is not a tactic to manipulate us to forgive him, but... idk, I just expect anything from this man that has used the homophobia card to protect his ass from any criticism.
But talking by myself, as a genderfluid AFAB person who consumes and creates queer content and felt so insulted by his racism, his misogyny and transphobia, and noticing how he avoided the topic, I don't accept his apology and hope he disappears from the internet before he can do any more damage.
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moxxie-joestar · 10 months
the Joseph joestar army (& Jonathan joestar gang) debate about radical politics after mocking the Jojo's bizarre adventure character
presenting character: moxxie, Blitzø, Millie, Loona, vortex, striker, Beelzebub, Stolas & Chaz
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Meanwhile at Stanley hotel
Striker & Chaz thurman: *react this video & laughs out loud*
Chaz: dude, this has to be the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life.
Striker: you're right on that. This is fucking unbelievable.
Chaz: like I mean holy shit! He just said we should have attack the 2fort & the gm_construct. For an opposing joestar member, that's based as fuck.
Striker: *smugs & laughing* yeah just like... Wait a minute, attack the 2fort & gm_construct? I can understand the former but why the later?
Chaz: what? That was actually pretty based, I could agree that battle them would have caused less problems in the world, or y'know, 2fort being 2fort... I can't believe Joseph "moxxie knolastname" joestar just pull us out of USA like that! It's B/C of him, actual American are leading the county!
Striker: come on Chaz, you don't mean that right? It's kinda stupid calling our enemy based, isn't it?
Chaz: yes, so what?
Striker: so what? That's a Nazism/nazbolism member! We're hired to kill them for fuck sake! Besides, pulling out was probably one good thing moxxie joestar did in his entire presidency, that war was just over fast food like cheeseburgers or combo meal of American cuisine food & to feed the Stardust crusader army, USMC, USCG, army & more of complex!
Chaz: are you seriously telling me that what moxxie joestar did was entirely justified? You know we were so closed to winning the great wars, right? Like come on striker, that's just got to be what every leftist has said about California's & America's war policy, "we fought over there for burgers, fries, shakes & drinks of 1950's/60's diner" like no the fuck we didn't. We came to liberate them for America.
Striker: liberate them for America? There war wasn't over freedom, it was over resources! & even if I'm wrong, you can't Denny that the soldiers of Joseph joestar army gang got zillionaires in these last 20 years!
Chaz: yeah, & our people from freedom fighters fought to liberate people from terrorist just like what Anthony Smith & his family doing it for American's revenge of 9/11.
Striker: who are YOU to say if they were terrorist? I found people on the internet who said they were anti-terrorist! That they were just trying to from independent government & they brought a lot of weapons of M2 to British & australia! But now look at what California & LUCKY LAND did this countries, they're in shatters & in civil wars, just like American, the imperial S.U.R.C.M.&.G.C was never winning the great war.
Chaz: you seriously want to debate politics to me, liberal? I can seriously debunk you in this conversation! The whole reason we were in studiopolus was B/C that dumbass Anthony Smith had Thompson SMG's, Anthony Smith threatened the entire terrorist with unleashing these Thompson SMG's, & he tried to use that shit on big nose Kate's saloon. Just imagine what would have happened if he used that shit on say... Battle of Winchester mystery house. War of Alcatraz island would have started right there any then, so STFU liberal & quit/stop spreading socialist lies!
Striker: why do you even care about them? You don't even have proof! Not the government to back your conservative ass up! & listen here you inconsiderate ignorant masturbating fuck.
Chaz: paleo conservative to you, buddy!
Striker: I'm not a liberal like that Jodio joestar reactionary, I'm a syndicalist!
Chaz: syndicalist? Da faq is that?
Striker: basically it's the idea that instead of having your "small" bourgeois dictatorship government or the inflated statism of communism, all the power of governance should be lead by numerous labor unions! From local! To regional! To national representation! & they all have a say in it! It's a marvelous next step in materialistic history! Unlike your hawkish lawyers at DC, you reactionary!
Chaz: ohhh so you're just another communist, is that it? Communism, socialism, syndicalism, call it what you like! To my knowledge, there's hardly any different between the three! Now, ain't I right? Checkmate, syndicalist.
Striker: you don't even know what syndicalism is.
Stolas ars goetia: gentlemen, what's going on in here? Haven't you guys had enough alcohol for one day?
Chaz: Stolas, can you just lecture this dipshit striker about our reasoning on why we should go back to the America desert & mesa?
Striker: get outta here Stolas, this reactionary cunt here is making me lose my breath on him. Why don't you go drink more wine?
Stolas: this came randomly. Start over, please.
Chaz: okay so, we were just watching that video that your daughter sent us, right? & that we went to our lobby to watch the entire shit go down, right? Well turns out that the gyro zeppeli was based as fuck, right? & then we laughed so hard &--
Stolas: oh for fuck's sake Chaz, get to the point!
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Okay! Striker here got uppity about me calling the gyro zeppeli based.
Striker: B/C he isn't! The patriotic maniac said we should have attack the 2fort & gm_construct! Isn't that stupid, Stolas? Then Chaz here says how "just" the California in intervening at American.
Chaz: dude just if we've done it, we would have been living in paradise without Japan spreading misinformation & propaganda everywhere, we could see an age where P.E.G (Projects of Eden's Gate) aren't crying about everything like racism or slavery like SCC (South Californian of Confederate = black/African people slaves white people) or abortion!
Stolas: I can't believe you idiots are slowing turning into the joestar army gang... Why can't you just find some sort of compromise & reconcile with each other?
Chaz: hell no! I'm not reconciling with a syndicalist or... communist, fuck I dunno! Unless he gets his facts & logic correctly then I might reconsider, but he's acting like such a gay ass libtard man!
Striker: how the fuck can I compromise on a reactionary? Just listen him, he's delusional. He doesn't know what he's talking about! If he can't even respect my opinion which are politically correct & that I'm a syndicalist then why should I respect this reactionary fuck?
Stolas: you people are so incompetent, I can't believe I'm wasting my time with an apathetic conservative & a self-less syndicalist.
Chaz: who the fuck are you calling me "apathetic"? Alright bitch, you've just officially joined our political debate, name yourself ideology right now!
Stolas: Chaz, you should spare yourself from further embarrassment.
Chaz: come on, bitch, spit it out!
Stolas: Chaz, stop it.
Chaz: do it, pussy! Do it, do it, do it, do it! Come on, say it, you won't, bitch!
Stolas: Chaz, I swear to fucking God, stop it!
Chaz: are you too scared you shape shifting sinners?! Y'know I can see you from a mile away, like from hope county, Montana I can see your sins carcass from fucking las vegas!
Striker: Chaz, leave him outta this.
Chaz: oh, STFU striker, you know I ain't done with you either.
Stolas: you want to debate about politics you inferior subhuman? Let's debate about politics!
Striker: you just woke up the dormant snake...mongrel...
Chaz: woah! I think I can guess what you are Stolas!
Stolas: yeah? Give it your best shot, tell me what I am.
Chaz: a crazed libtard!
Stolas: ACK! No you simpleton! I am at the top of the chain, I am superior to you, I advocate for a caste system! The French are superior to all other people!
Striker: wait, what in the actual fuck?
Chaz: are you kidding me?
Striker: are you kidding me? I though you were an actual Britain royal, not a fucking Nazi. A French Nazi of all people!
Stolas: a nazi? What kinda person do you take me for? I hate nazis! They're inferior to French people everywhere!
Chaz: this is coming from the guy who hails from the place that surrenders a lot often? Wow! & here we had to save your asses during WW2 this is the thanks we get in return?
Stolas: oh, STFU, you American halfwit. You should be thankful that your independence was secured by the French. The French are the entire for you existence you stupid, uneducated brainlet.
Striker: I hate to say it but he kinda has a point.
Chaz: oh yeah? Well we're not the ones who chopped their kings head in half & had numerous of the fucking revolutionary! What was Robespierre not enough to satisfy the blood spilt on French land?!
Stolas: no, as a matter of fact, it wasn't. We had to draw the entire continent into huge war to show how superior we were, take Napoleon for example. He crushed the Austrian armies in northern Italy! & we were victorious, from battle to battle. Did you know that France have the biggest win counts in terms of battle & wars? O/C you didn't. B/C you're too busy making WW4 memes.
Chaz: yeah what about Texas war? We had to go over them to clean the mess up. The French also cause Nazi's rise with the Versailles treaty! I think they had everything coming at them!
Striker: okay, the dumbass conservative has actually got a point. The French are responsible for half of the world's problems today, Stolas. & I'm not defending the British empire's atrocities, you know.
Stolas: that were only calculated errors.
Chaz: calculated errors my ass. You failed your colonial empire & you failed your world domination. Except it wasn't. STFU, supremacist.
Vortex the hellhound: what the bloody hell are you white people arguing about?! I am trying to listen to the daily morioh-cho radio about yoshikage kira!
Striker: what's your fucking problem now?
Stolas: who the fuck invited this black hellhound Cyclops into this mess?
Chaz: I dunno he invited himself.
Vortex: what did ye call me, white boy?!
Stolas: white boy? Is that how you talk to your French masters?!
Vortex: MASTERS?! YOU'RE the slave here! You're the one who falls under our black boots!
Striker: what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly calling us white boys? You must be drunk.
Vortex: I ain't fucking drunk! I am a legitimate member of the black revolutionary front! Black power!
Chaz: a black supremacist? That's not somebody you see everyday, what's next? BLM going to burn down other buildings?
Striker: Chaz maybe you shouldn't play with fire, or else you'll get burned.
Stolas: & get cancelled on that horrendous app called Twitter...
Vortex: silence! You whites are going to pay tribute the people of Africa for your slavery on our continent!
Chaz: why the fuck should we do that? My ancestors didn't own slaves you fucking idiot!
Vortex: I don't give a fuck, Chaz, you're white! That's means you must pay repatriation to us!
Chaz: that doesn't mean Jack shit! You got your rights around the 1960's, why are you still whining & crying about racism? In fact, you're the ones who are racist in this scenario. Not me.
Stolas: as much as I hate this American fuck, he's right. You calling us "white boys" doesn't mean your reputation better than ours.
Striker: but Stolas, are you forgetting that there is still black killings? Police brutality? Vortex has a point.
Stolas: hey, don't blame me. It's the conservative's problem.
Vortex: oh yeah? Are you scared that a black nation will one day become a super power?!
Chaz: okay, seriously about that "police brutality" that's uncalled for. Sure we killed Floyd in such a cruel way, but I have to say for it!
Vortex: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? A black man was just minding his own business & you white oppressor just so happen to be bored one day, & decline to put HIS KNEE, ON HIS FUCKING NECK?!
Chaz: Floyd was under charges of narcotics! If he didn't fucking do drugs, he would have still been alive today!
Vortex: that doesn't charges the fact the officer, chauvim, had to lay his knee, ON GEORGE FLOYD'S NECK!
Chaz: okay, yeah what he did was absolutely wrong, but like, George Floyd was also in the wrong as well!
Vortex: you're simply wrong in that regard! & you wonder why black people in America fucking HATE white people!
Stolas: now that's not true.
Vortex: what? WDYM "that's not true"?
Chaz: actually, he's got a point. There's black conservatives out in the world who are opposed to the BLM protests & antifa!
Striker: I don't think they're actually conservatives, what if they're paid, benefited to side with them? Or even whitewashed?
Chaz: dude there's the officer Tatum, the black twins, Candace ownes ABL & like literally so much more black conservatives out there! They point out the shit that the vortex is currently doing!
Vortex: they're idiots! All of them are traitors to our people!
Chaz: "traitors"? You're so full of shit, vortex.
Vortex: it's true! You people are the reason why Africa has warlords, druglords, crime lords & general chaos on our beloved continent! Most of our people are suffering B/C OF YOU!
Chaz: okay that's just wrong as fuck! You guys had the 1960's & toward to improve your backwatered nations, & so far the only prospering Africa nation I see are Rwanda, Tunisia & Nigeria!
Vortex: Rwanda had a genocide & you white folks didn't even send AID!
Chaz: & guess who were the perpetrators of the Rwanda genocide? Yeah that's right the Hutu, which are a group of people who're black, who killed another ethnicity of black people!
Striker: that's it you mongrel. I actually felt bad for you, I actually was empathetic to you. But now I'm just seeing you being a racist. You're no better than the confederates with that attitude vortex. You're just asking yourself to be hated by the entire world, I'm gonna have to say you're just a black Hitler, vortex.
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Chaz, Striker, Stolas & vortex: [screams in fears]
Queen bee: why are you comrades screaming?! Do you not notice queen bee is drinking grimace shake?
Striker: grimace shake? What grimace shake? You're not even holding one.
Queen bee: that's B/C I already drink all of it! Now queen bee demands explanation! Why are you babies screaming?
Stolas: we're debating about politics here. Wasting our lives, debating over wars, race & every ideology that they believe in.
Striker: queen bee, listen, there is a black supremacist! A ulteranationalist! & a reactionary in our army! Can you believe that shit?
Queen bee: what?! That's against our beliefs, comrades!
Vortex: why the fuck do you keep saying that?
Queen bee: say what, comrades?
Chaz: she's a Russian, that's why!
Queen bee: not just that! I am a communist.
Chaz: WTF?
Striker: a communist?
Stolas: oh merde...
Vortex: a white-girl's ideology! Just what this world needs!
Queen bee: vortex, that's racist.
Vortex: what?! Racist? You wanna lecture me about racism, white girl?!
Stolas: she's talking about you calling us "white boys" you drunking wretch! You're racist by calling us that!
Chaz: oof, it hurts when Walter white hits you, doesn't it?
Stolas: silence, you dickhead!
Striker: black people be racist you know that?
Vortex: that ain't true, black people can't be racist.
Queen bee: are you arguing about race? This is stupid discussion! We're all equals here!
Stolas: not exactly, queen bee. French people are superior to all other people, everybody else is either a worker or a poor peasant to us.
Striker: shut up, Stolas. Queen bee at least you have some sense in you, you also agree that we should fight for equality & representation.
Queen bee: da, it's good to see another comrades on army!
Striker: yeah, well, minus the fact that I'm a syndicalist, not a communist.
Queen bee: what? You're not communist?
Chaz: that fucker is a "syndicalist" or whatever.
Queen bee: [war cry rage] YOU ARE COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY!!!!
Chaz: oooh, Striker your anus is in trouble now.
Queen bee: Beelzebub hates counterrevolutionary activity!
Striker: queen bee, I'm still all in for proletariat revolution!
Queen bee: you don't follow trotsky's way! Permanent revolution forever!
Striker: but first we must create base, representation & consensus, by having the labor unions in charge of our governance!
Queen bee: the workers of the world need to overthrow the fascist, anarchist & terrorist governments of the world! It's is only way to achievement worker's paradise!
Chaz: okay that's it! You think by overthrowing us you'll have a paradise? What? Haven't you fucking seen how you precious Soviet Californian fell?
Queen bee: that was all Jolyne cujoh's fault! & Giorno Giovanna is a traitor to the United States, & Jotaro kujo ruined us! Anthony Smith are watching Russian invade Ukrainian & Joseph joestar & shall restore the new Soviet Californian!
Chaz: yeah & so what? That's evidence that communism barely works! You want to starve your population of nuketown again like the Japanese emperor? Go right ahead! Oh & good luck trying to get new Mexico when your army sucks!
Queen bee: New Mexico will submit to us, we may have lost at over a million of soldiers, but numbers & strength is what wins the war! Ukrainian are every where so low on manpower that they use babies as reserves! & little man is in no position to speak when they failed in Nazi Germany, nazbol, Bolshevik Russia & Afghanistan!
Chaz: okay that's all Jotaro "alastor" kujo's fault! If moxxie joestar were still in power he would have ultimately crush the Taliban, national socialist & the Islamic terrorist, but fucking alastor kujo had to ruineverything! Also your economy is barely worth than a fucking robux heavy, at this rate your inflation will skyrocket & surpass even joestar's yen!
Chaz, Striker, Stolas & vortex: [laughs out loud]
Queen bee: [grows] it's not funny, sanctions are only hurting Californian citizens! Not government!
Striker: that's why statism is a parasite that has to be combated. If the statism of CCCP/USSR failed, we must be managed by a collective of labor unions Beelzebub!
Queen bee: no! Syndicalism is not communism!
Striker: how is it not? It's better way for us to read & create the utopia that we so much wish for.
Queen bee: no! We failed B/C of capitalist influence! If we weren't corrupted, the USSR could have survived well into the 21ST century!
Chaz: still jealous about 1991, Beelzebub? You should be happy that you have democracy! Freedom over tyranny, baby!
Queen bee: then why are we still suffering? You have no idea much we had to suffer under the 1990's! B/C of the capitalist, we're more corrupt that EVER!
Striker: to be fair Chaz, Putin turned Russian into a fucking oligarchy.
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& now they're invade Ukrainian during 2020's which I stand with. solidarity my Ukrainian brothers.
Queen bee: you're not even related to the Ukrainians & you wonder why I accuse you of counterrevolutionary ideals! You're against the revolution's cause by supporting those fascists in Ukraine.
Striker: fascists?! You're the ones who are invading them! If anything the Russians are the ones who are the fascists here!
Queen bee: you forget your place striker, the azov battalion is a neo-nazi organization. & it's Zenigata's job to gun them down with his tomislav gun & kill fascists wherever they may taint Russian soils!
Striker: yeah alright fuck the azov battalion but come on! You're invading an innocent country!
Queen bee: & the Americans NOT? B/C of them, middle East is a warzone. Why is it that Russia is the bad country but you western capitalist are seen as the good countries?
Chaz: maybe B/C we have free elections, freedom in General, & we don't go around oppressing innocent people. Plus we were fighting Nazism territory in Germany, Bolshevik, Iraq & Afghanistan!
Striker: you mean the terrorist your government funded? Remember axis powers you fucking mongrel?
Vortex: they represent nazbolism in a bad name! But a least I can say that they're fighting imperialist.
Stolas: oh so NOW the terrorist who rape, kill murder & burn are the good guys just B/C they're are Muslim vortex?
Striker: oh for fuck's sake, Stolas...
Vortex: what?! I'm not saying that they're justifying their killings on innocent people! They're fighting against imperialist puppets! I also support Palestine over fucking Israel!
Chaz: oh, of course the fucking black supremacists supports Palestine, what's next? You're gonna try to justify killing the Israeli population? You think by sending missiles from Gaza is going to win the war against Israel? Haven't you heard of the fucking iron dome?
Vortex: we'll one day push the Jews out of Palestine! & our Muslim brothers will finally be able to rest easily, knowing that no imperialist powers can ever enslave us again!
Queen bee: as much as I agree with the anti-imperialist sentiment, vortex. Why must you push out the Jews from their homes?
Queen bee: where the fuck are they supposed to go? They were prosecuted everywhere in Europe & Russia! Tell me where else they're supposed to go?!
Vortex: I don't give a shit, those Semites have oppressed the Palestine for a long time, they KILLED CHILDREN, BEELZEBUB!
Chaz: you literally have beheaded fucking innocent people, you dickhead!
Stolas: I'll show you what a beheaded is when I cut your head wide open you ignorant fuck!
Chaz, Striker, Stolas, vortex & queen bee: [got jumpscared by Loona for bust down the wall/door with body shape like cartoon/Looney tunes]
Loona the hellhound: WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!
Striker: oh no, it's the crazy Hamon elastic stretch of zoom punch.
Loona: that was random! why the fuck are you so antagonistic all of the sudden?
Stolas: Loona, pls/plz just go back to sleep with your Vacbed, vacbox or some different latex rubber bondage.
Loona: & miss this yelling & argument? Fuck no. I want to know what's going on, joestars.
Chaz: we're arguing about politics.
Loona: ...Why?
Striker: B/C this dumbass right here is a crazed psychopath!
Chaz: oi, it's not a bad decision! I mean, come the fuck on, the 2fort? Are you seriously gonna lecture me on why they should exist?!
Striker: I'm gonna be honest with you, mate. The 2fort are famous place of TF2, but look at what we've done to the fortress. Imagine if it was YOUR fort invaded.
Chaz: it's not our fault they decided to fucking stupid & send Britain Texas after us during the battle of Winchester mystery house!
Striker: so ruining a fucking fortress is entirely acceptable? In what way is that beneficial to ANYBODY?
Stolas: to be fair. Afghanistan was already fucked up since the communist invaded in '79.
Queen bee: be quite, you fascist! The Afghanistan workers were being oppressed by their stupid monarchy!
Loona: okay, give me one reason why I should give a fuck about the government.
Chaz, Striker, Stolas, vortex & queen bee: [fussing over]
Striker: WDYM, Loona? You're the most patriotic here.
Loona: it's pretty obvious you people rely on the government to survive in this world, why should we work for them?
Chaz: B/C you can make a living? What are you, stupid?
Loona: are you? Do you really think you need the government to survive on your own? When I was a kid/puppy, I didn't even need to go to school to survive, I can pretty much survive in the wilderness & still live. I know how to hunt animals & cook food, & what do you people do? Spend your life learning how to waste your time with earnings money like greed of sinners?
Chaz: holy shit, it seems we got an anarchist here.
Loona: anarchist? Negatory, I'm a Darwinist. I don't need some government to ensure my survival, when all I can do is blow up some poor wild animals & eat it's guts right there & then.
Striker: holy fuck, Loona that's immoral!
Chaz: yeah girl, blowing up animals? You're a cruel person.
Queen bee: Beelzebub agrees!
Vortex: what kind of fucked up person blows up animals for food? I bet Vaggie here can lecture you all day with hunting animals with her hunting rifle if she wanted to!
Loona: the strongest, of course!
Chaz: so let me get this question, you're a Darwinist who thinks she doesn't need the government to make a living?
Loona: yes!
Chaz: it's no wonder you have shit for brains. Loona, I think you really need serious help. Like, even a libtard can make fun of you.
Loona: WTF dose that mean? You're the one who waste their time with going to college & having a job! I don't have neither of those!
Chaz: um... Soldiers do.
Stolas: she works free of charge, remember?
Loona: that's right! I'm only here B/C I get paid with food & other necessities to survive this world. I sometimes eat spoils of war, if you know what I mean...
Vortex: that is SICK as fuck! You're already a weird white girl on my list!
Striker: Will you cut that shit out, vortex? It's racist!
Vortex: black power!
Stolas: so, it's nice to see Loona is a primate, but you honestly don't have any other ideology to share?
Loona: nope. I think all of you're stupid. I don't need your politics, & I'm basically living perfectly.
Joseph "Millie knolastname" joestar: what are y'all folks doing? Why are gather around here? Are we watching something?
Chaz: political banter & WTF are you wearing?
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Millie: Joseph joestar army outfit & Nazi German science cyborg nano bots robot machine, y'all are ending up like Verosika mayday the queen of vore lust & her daughter of vore lust toy chica, mangle & more yesterday? Why did this have to happen?
Striker: hey, don't shift the blame to us & hold on... What did you say?
Millie: that y'all are ending up like Verosika mayday the queen of vore lust & her daughter of vore like like toy chica, mangle & more?
Striker: no, before that.
Millie: Joseph joestar army outfit & Nazi German science cyborg nano bots robot machine?
Striker: yeah! Why did you say that?
Millie: oh I dunno if you realize, but I basically member of the envy that to be better than them. Also got cyborg robot by Nazi German science what they did to Ruodol/Erich von stroheim.
Chaz: that's even more stupid than that primate over there.
Loona: I'm not afraid to swallowed you alive & get tight bondage from my belly & stomach, Chaz.
Chaz: that sound wrong in almost any way possible.
Millie: hey hey, no need to vore day, guys. We all know that the porn are weak, right?
Loona: I'm not a stupid fucker, but I require meat or vegetables to survive, Millie.
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Millie: yeah, but by become a cyborg, nano bots, machine or a robot like stroheim after his suicide by Nazi Germany stick grenade then rebuild of life by a Nazi German science that they help me, my children (Blaze the cat & Nicole the lynx) & my husband (moxxie), you can practically survive for eternity, & you don't need consumable to survive like gluttony of sinners. Well, except for a reactor core recharge.
Vortex: you maybe smart, but you're STILL a white woman, Millie [whip flange by Beelzebub & scream in pain] bitch what the fuck?!
Queen bee: racism is intolerable to my comrades, vortex!
Millie: yare yare daze, you're not a socialist, are you?
Queen bee: so what if I am?
Millie: so what if you're? You basical are atheists! Atheists are a threat to the world!
Chaz: hey, I agree with you there.
Vortex: Islam is the best religion, but I agree with you. Nothing is more Harman to me than atheist scum!
Queen bee: so what if queen bee is atheist? Religion teaches people wrong things! They turn the poor into expendable individuals, given them a false hope! with the permanent revolution, that doesn't happen!
Striker: so what if it's? I agree that religion is the opiate of the masses but it should be the workers, unions & syndicalist decisions on what to do with it!
Chaz: you know, that's the cristero war started. When dickhead atheist get into power, they start pushing their bullshit onto people without authority! The Catholic church in Mexico's lands were being invaded by the government!
Stolas: hot take, but Mexico would have had a better future with a French king there. We would know to govern much better than those pardos. & of course, maybe they'd leave the churches alone.
Queen bee: are you babies forgetting that the cristero war had the ku Klux Klan fighting there? They're bad influence of the people! Religion teaches everybody to a brainwashed hope! Everybody knows that!
Millie: you definitely would have been friends with the Giorno Giovanna, Beelzebub. He also believes that science is the "only truth" & it's ironic, but the most of you dummy always worship science as the "only truth".
Vortex: & what the fuck makes you special with that robotic religion? You're privileged to even do that!
Millie: I was gifted this power Nazi German science what stroheim did, vortex. My skin, bodies & origin has nothing to do with it.
Chaz: are you sure you're not some second stroheim, Millie?
Millie: isn't this coming from a Chicago who thinks mobsters & gangsters was the group of al Capone "snorkey"?
Chaz: oh shut the fuck up, you stupid scarface.
Vortex: you both are stupid, John Q. Dillenger are group at NYC or John T. Thompson is the best lord that he made Thompson SMG by himself during WW1!
Stolas: my fucking God... Religious bigots, idiotic atheist, uncompromising ideologies & one fucking primitive! What else could be worse than this?
Loona: hey there joestar! You starving for gluttony of buffet like golden coral & old county buffet?
Chaz: umm... Is there something we can do for you?
Stolas: ...what's he doing...? [Approaching by Blitzø] get the fuck away from me, you creep!
Striker, beelzebub & Loona: [shocked by Blitzø moved & stared at us]
Queen bee: what's comrade Blitzø doing?!
Striker: & why is he wearing a very formal imperialist Jotaro kujo outfit?
Vortex: what do you want you fucking terrorist?! [Get sweaty, body shake & fear by Blitzø for turn around & stared at my soul]
Millie: okay, can you just say something pls/plz?
Joseph "Blitzø knolastname" joestar: [clear throat]
Chaz: he spoke!
Striker: okay, can you tell us why you're in such a militarist uniform like Jotaro?
Blitzø: ああ、何でもない、私はあなたを検査しているだけです…劣った人間です。{oh nothing, I'm just inspecting you...inferior human brings.}
Chaz: inferior? WTF?!
Vortex: who the fuck are you calling me inferior?! Translate into English & lets see who's ARE inferior kujo!
Stolas: no Frenchman is inferior to anybody! Japanese abomination!
Striker: Da faq is wrong with you? I've never seen you acting like this before, have you been watching too many movies?
Blitzø: バーガンディシステムについて聞いたことがありますか? {ever heard of... The burgundy system?}
Chaz: uhhh... Should we?
Queen bee: OMG, The Blitzø is a axis Japanese!
Blitzø: いいえ! 私はそれ以上です! 私たちは第二次世界大戦で日本帝国のために戦い、ナチスドイツ、ボリシェヴィキロシア、ナズボリズムを裏切ります! ある年、サンフランシスコは完璧な 1950 年代と 60 年代になるでしょうが、大日本帝国と米国の分離は存在しません。 そして、熱戦(冷戦ではあるが、SURCM&GC VS オーストラリア帝国)およびテキサス戦争中に、第二次世界大戦中の米陸軍とベトナム戦争の米軍の衣装を着ることができるようになります。 (SURCM&GC & テキサス VS オーストラリアン・エンパイア & ブリテン・テキサス) {no! I'm more than that! We fight for a Japanese empire in WW4, & betray the Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia & nazbolism! One year, the San Francisco will be a perfect of 1950's & 60's but no segregation for Japanese empire & United States! & we'll be able to wear outfit of US ARMY WW2 & US ARMY VIETNAM WAR during the hot war (cold war but SURCM&GC VS australian empire) & Texan war. (SURCM&GC & Texas VS australian empire & Britain Texas)}
Chaz: okay, REALLY edgy all the sudden...
Stolas: IDC what soldier you're, war in hell you Japanese abomination!
Blitzø: 「フランス人は優れている」なんて面白い。 米国はいつか台頭してテロリストを支配するだろう。 我々は不純なアフガニスタンに確実に死を与えるだろう(イラクが「アメリカに死を」と言ったのは)。 どこにいてもアメリカ人は第三次世界大戦に勝つでしょう!!!! {"French people are superior" what a hilarious. United States will rise & dominate terrorist people, someday. We'll ensure death to Afghanistan (what Iraq said "death to America") who are impure. American everywhere will win the WW3!!!!} [Maniac laughed in Japanese]
Queen bee: why do you objectively want to be a terrorist person Blitzø?!
Chaz: okay, now you're just being edgy & weird, like sure, Afghan people are kinda dumb, but extermination? Is your voice just born in Tokyo or what?
Striker: you're even more insane than millie, at least she doesn't want to exterminate a nationality!
Millie: thanks striker!
Striker: SHUT UP! You're still a theocratic fuckgirl Millie!
Loona: welp, is this really what we're doing? Just attack & be divisive to each other? We're probably no better than red army guys...
Queen bee: no! The color RED represents the worker's struggle! We're the working class, we're the strongest ones here! Have you ever heard the song "the red army is the strongest"?
Striker: nah.
Loona: I hate having to see you losers like this.
Chaz: hey Beelzebub?
Queen bee: what?
Chaz: you claim to fight for the revolution, right?
Queen bee: da. Beelzebub is fighter for the permanent revolution. What's baby fascist's question?
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Chaz: you claim to be a fighter of your precious revolution, & that you see RED as a communist color, but queen bee our slate's soldiers uniform are BLU. The communist who's sent to fight the RED army is wearing a BLU uni.
Queen bee: what?!
Chaz: Checkmate, bitch!
Queen bee: WHAT?! [Grows of wrath anger]
Chaz: what? Did I touch a nerve or something?
Blitzø: 私たちのスレートの兵士の制服がBLUであることを彼女に言うべきではなかった、この愚か者。{you shouldn't have told her that our slate's soldiers uniform were BLU, you dumbass.}
Chaz: what's she gonna do? Scream at us? You have any idea how stupid fatass dog that is--
Joseph "moxxie knolastname" joestar:
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You're all idiots!
Queen bee: moxxie! You're here!
Moxxie: you Blitzø! You represent the Japanese in a bad name! Everybody knows that the casino is the better choice than your stupid leader imagine being so dumb that you resort to the fucking "burgundian system"!
Striker: oh great... A gamblers...
Stolas: for one moment, I was starting to see hope when moxxie calling him out on his bullshit. But now my disappointed is immeasurable & my day is ruined! Nice one you gamble fanboy!
Moxxie: oh still upset that me & all my children nearly kicked your asses in gamble war battle of Reno Nevada & Las Vegas Nevada?
Chaz: the hazbin hotel, helluva boss, lackadaisy & zoophobia character kicked your asses in gamble war battle of Reno Nevada & Las Vegas Nevada, you dumbass. IMP gang got shit done!
Moxxie: that's only B/C we were exhausted.
Stolas: exactly...NEARLY you're pathetic.
Chaz: we have the monarchist, the weird ass Japanese empire, the machine made in Nazi German science, a literal primate, a commie, a racist black supremacists, a French ulteranationalist & a syndicalist, what a lovely way to divide the fucking army!
Queen bee: division of army is not an option. We're all comrades here, & comrades stick together! We can't fall to politics or else we'll fall to stupid other army! That's how they lost the battle today!
Moxxie: rightfully true, but we aren't all kameraden here. Some of us are devout to religion, while others are devout to their ideology. Well I say fuck them both! I fight for American, Britain & australian of WW4 but we won the WW4!
Stolas: you're a dumbass. I can't believe you fight for some pathetic figurehead of a leader!
Moxxie: & I can't believe you fight for a "caste system" of all things. Don't you know that superiority is like, fucking stupid?
Striker: holy shit, based moxxie?
Chaz: dude that's my line!
Moxxie: based? Yeah based than you leftists who prefer to murder an entire royal family!
Striker: okay, that was all DIO's fault, I didn't agree on killing the entire royal family, but Jonathan joestar had it coming! He was a dictator!
Queen bee: DIO did wise choice! Death to kings & death to tyrants!
Moxxie: so you had to justify killing off the entire joestar bloodline? What kinda madman are you!?
Blitzø: 大西洋で100年間棺の中にDIOがいたのを見ませんでしたか? 1989年、ジョナサンの遺体を盗み、その後エジプトのカイロの邸宅に住んでいたのは誰ですか? {didn't you seen DIO inside coffin for 100 years in Atlantic ocean? Who was steals Jonathan's body then lived in mansion at Cairo, Egypt 1989?}
Queen bee: Blitzø brings a good point, but still FUCK you Japanese scum!
Blitzø: ロシアの犬。{Russian dog.}
Loona: enough! Shut up, shut up! I can't believe I have to get inside this bullshit & tell everybody here how God awful their political ideals are!
Chaz: you don't really have a say in this, Loona. You're the most stupidest of furry in here, as a matter of fact, why don't you just go draw [ [ o o g a • b o o g a ] ] art some vore or something?!
Loona: [make my left & right arm into buff/steroid & gorilla gripping the Chaz thurman's neck] I'm tired of you, Chaz! You're nothing but a propaganda machine!
Moxxie: can you stop abusing him for just a minute? He maybe a complete dumbass, but hitting him isn't gonna change his mind!
Loona: [turns my both arm back normal & ungrip Chaz thurman's neck] there's literally nothing to change his mind about, you know he actually believes that white people are going extinct when that is just fucking bullshit!
Striker: he what?!
Stolas: what do you expect from paleoconservative. They're so backwatered that they hardly even acknowledged homosexuals. I bet they even want to bring back slavery.
Millie: didn't you say that you wanted a caste system?
Stolas: yes, & your point is?
Millie: you're basically treating the lower classes as slaves. That's not pretty cool.
Stolas: oh says the one who machines literal junk as their Nazi German science, what are you to tell me my ideals aren't "cool"?
Millie: my machine of Nazi German science promise peace & prosperity to all those willing to follow the speedwagon's inventory. Like hell, it's better that fucking slavery or genocide! You people are a whole herd of fucked up cow.
Queen bee: did you just called Beelzebub a cow?!
Loona: Millie, we don't need technology to survive!
Millie: of course we do, the future is coming & we have the technology to live forever for rest of our lives, & you seriously just want to pick your nose & toss your own shit around like a monkey?
Loona: yes I do! B/C machines are dangerous to people, do you realize how damage you causing on this earth? We literally can't go to some places B/C of you scientists, engineers, researchers, what ever the fuck you want to called! Caused Chernobyl & fukushima! How about that lake Russia where you remotely go near it, or fucking touch the water, you would die within a matter of seconds?!
Millie: okay, those were accidents, & you know it!
Loona: accident or not, almost half of the religion of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Japan & that Russian lake are entirely unsafe for us to roam around!
Millie: that's why we're learning how to combat those radioactive areas, Loona. To hopefully not have to want for centuries radioactivity to clear up. It's just pure laziness to wait like sloth of sinners, & I do blame the Russian government for not bringing up that crisis sooner. But it's in the past now, now we have to deal with comic book of metal virus all B/C of sega & IDW comics of sonic the hedgehog!
Queen bee: that's wrong opinion! Our comrades in sega & IDW comics were not lazy as sloth of sinners, the comic book of metal virus got outta control!
Chaz: you guys literally had to contain a books, & even then they still make a perfect epic. I bet that was their whole intention this entire time!
Striker: seriously? You think that the sega & IDW comics wanted this to happen in the first place?!
Chaz: yes! Yes! I do! B/C they're trying to make everybody go into debt so that we can be their slaves, can't you dumbass just open your eyes & see that sega & IDW comics was at famous for the covid-19?!
Queen bee: it is not covid-19, it is METAL VIRUS!
Chaz: yeah it ain't covid-19 or metal virus, IT'S THE FUCKING ZOMBOT!
Beelzebub: [equips M2 SMG] THAT'S IT, COME HERE CHAZ!
Vortex: [equips tomislav gun] oh that's it! I'm going to murder you, I'm going to murder you & murder your family & fucking just KILL EVERYONE!
Chaz: [equips IMI uzi gun & Mac 10] not if I have anything to say about it, terrorist!
Striker: [equips blunderbus] don't even fucking do it wanker! I have you at gunpoint!
Stolas: [equips medusa laser beam 9000 rifle] you're not the only one who has someone at gunpoint, striker!
Millie:[equips M1928-A2 (combine foregrip of standard & vertical)] my M1928-A2 will make you wish you never set a fucking foot on this earth soldiers! & I'm building up my Thompson LMG sentry to back me up in this mess!
Moxxie: [equips Tommy gun (M1928)] come on Millie, lets show these fuckers what a therocrat & a monarchist can do!
Blitzø: [equips Thompson gun (M1928-A1)] 私の娘、コウモリのルージュ、私の誕生日に新しい M1928-A1 をくれて、今私は初めてのトンプソン銃を使っています。{my daughter, rouge the bat give me a New M1928-A1 on my birthday & now I'm using my first Thompson gun!}
Loona: [equips C96 trench carbine] I never like you Chaz! You conservatives today are just as dummest as the liberals!
Chaz: nobody takes a primate seriously woman! This is a losing battle for you!
Beelzebub: FUCK YOU FASCIST!!!!
[plays roundabout by yes again]
Original video name is (TF2 15.ai) the BLU team debate about radical politics after mocking the RED team so go watch it if you want
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cleoselene · 5 months
okay so this is a 4.5 hour Twin Peaks theory video lol and I watched the whole thing and I have OPINIONS on it and literally no one to talk to about it, because I don't know anyone who has even watched all of TP let alone a 4.5 hour video on it, so time to shout into the void of tumblr
I have never ever watched a youtube video this long so it's a testament to this dude for actually holding my attention? I'll start out nice because the time went quickly, it was presented well, and I wasn't bored at any point. It was coherent and I can tell he's done some time in academia because he's really really diligent about driving home his thesis, over and over and OVER again, probably too much, but it screamed academically trained how intense he was about his thesis. I do think some of his observations are very strong: Mike saying "I mean things like they are, like they sound" being a nice big clue is a good one. Gordon Cole literally being THE DIRECTOR and being played by David Lynch.
But oh my god, lol, what the fuck at him opening the video being like OKAY NOT JUST SPOILERS BUT THIS THEORY IS SO CORRECT IT WILL RUIN YOUR ENJOYMENT OF HTIS SHOW. Like, dude, no, have some humility. Also, him declaring he's going to completely ignore all the contributions of Mark Frost is... a Choice, because David Lynch himself literally says Mark Frost is 50% of the creative force. You can't just ignore half of the creative team because it doesn't suit your thesis.
Not just that, this guy has little to say about The Return. The Return is 18 episodes. Lynch FOUGHT for it to be 18 episodes and not 9. I get that he feels his theory holds with just the first two seasons and FWWM, but why would Lynch push as hard as he did for another 9 hours of television if his message was already covered in S1/2 and FWWM? And when he does make connections with The Return, they are... really not as strong. Like, it's obvious he had a long time to marinate on this theory for the older content, and The Return, not so much.
I also don't think Twin Peaks (or any longform expansive piece of art) has such a neat and tidy theory (hilarious, I know to call it neat and tidy when it's a 4.5 hour video, but it' actually is very simple, he just uses a lot of examples). Longform art like this touches on a lot of ideas and themes and concepts and isn't so basic. Like, anyone who has done any kind of longform creating would know this, because it would be BORING to make a project this long and ongoing with just one concept being driven home and over and over and over again. Artists like to repeat themselves but not THAT much. There's a lot more richness to the text than this theory gives it credit for, I think
Still, there are a lot of good ideas here, but they are often reduced to fit the sort of cypher that the theorist wants to fit, and I think that's sort of a shame!
And I'm trying to be nicer on the internet so I'll just say he should have not done the David Lynch impression and leave it at that >_>
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ruexarchive · 5 months
A Tipsy encounter
Touya Todoroki x Tomura Shigaraki
Rating: 18+
Inspiration: I love you like an alcoholic - The Tax payers
summary: During the 4 years in France, there was a hero event being held there, like there always were But this time Tomura was invited. So he attended and met some during the celebration after all the interviews and cameras. Someone he'd heard of, someone who was as controversial as hell and he couldn't be caught dead talking to him let alone look his direction or else his father would shoot him dead.
warnings: Cussing & Smut
Tomura POV:
Touya Todoroki, eldest son of The Todoroki's, and son of Enji Todoroki the infamous Endeavor. What the hell was this son of a bitch doing here? I didn't realise they invited drug-addicted fuck boys here. I rolled my eyes in annoyance Shit, I should probably stay the fuck away from him before he ruins my image. I spent the rest of the night avoiding him.
"hey Tomura dude, are you going to come to the after-party?" Kaminari yelled right next to my fucking ear. "one, I'm not your fucking friend. two, I'll go to the after party if want!" God Kaminari is annoying. "oh Emily said she was going..." "Emily?" what does she have to do with me "yeah your SUPER cool girlfriend" I wouldn't use cool to describe her but whatever. "yo Tomura you there?" Denki had his hand waving over my face like I was an idiot. "Yeah" "yeah like you coming to the party or like yeah your girlfriend is super cool?" "the former" I'd rather die than admit Emily was anything but cool. "wait what does that mean? You know I didn't do well in school, right? "yeah no shit dumbass, former means the first, latter means the-" Wait why the fuck was I talking to him. UGH
I walked away from Kaminari while he kept telling me to come back. I ignored him and went to the bathroom. I went into the empty stall, closed the toilet seat and pulled out my phone. Scrolled a bit and opened genshin. I hadn't played it in a while. Great thing the organizers set up a good internet connection or else I probably would be pissed. After a few minutes I decided to go out again, you know not to look creepy as hell staying in the bathroom for longer than I should have. As I got out everyone was talking about the after-party. You know what fuck it, I need to let loose I'm so fucking tired of feeling stressed.
I went to the after-party and drank a bit, and now I found myself following behind Touya of all people. I couldn't drive home and Emily was going to her friend's house for the night. She's the one who drove me to the event. Touya was at the party but he was completely sober, the only one. So he offered to drop me home but I had no choice but to accept his fate or get into an Uber with some crusty fucker. You'll never catch me dead in a poor man's car. Touya had parked a little far from where the venue was, so we had a little walk to the car. "I still can't understand how a drug addict like you would be invited to an event like this." I think this is the first time I've ever REALLY spoken to Touya before. "ouch, your hearting my feelings," He said in a somewhat mocking voice I turned to him and looked into his eyes. fuck, the rumours were true...he had one of the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen. "You like the eyes? I got them from my shitty father" He had a little smirk smacked onto his face. "unlucky, I got my fathers too but lucky for me, mine turned red once my quirk manifested." "You sound happy about that.." Shit, I let myself get too comfortable "I thought it was normal to hate your father? Isn't it?" "Mmm, I guess." I was getting sick of this conversation as much as I loved shitting on my father I wanted to know more about the fucker who was driving me home. He was just too interesting. "so how come you were the only sober person this whole night?" Shit my words were slurring, the alcohol was taking control. "I've been sober for a few years now, I don't take any substances anymore, but I got to admit I miss my cigs." I just nodded my head, that explains a lot.. "guess I should stop calling you druggy fucky boy" SHIT I said that out loud, holy fuck "druggy fucky boy?" Touya had stopped walking. He just started into my eye's with the most confused fucking face I'd ever seen. I was blushing like crazy and I know he could tell. "oh forget it!" I shoved right passed him trying to hide how pink my face was from embarrassment. "oi get back here pretty ass" THE FUCK DID HE JUST CALL ME?! "Excuse me what?!" I spun around and stared at him. "I said get back here." "After that idiot" "What, do you like it when I call you pretty ass? I would've called you bubble butt...but eh whatever." Not a single word would come out of my mouth. "Are you just going to stare at me forever? my car is just a few blocks away. "yeah um lead the way" I was stumbling over my words not to mention the slurring. He started walking so I followed right behind.
We spent twenty blocks talking about good bars and better cities than Paris As we walked through a dark ally, people stared in the shadows like an audience. And even the meanest among them Had a special little shine In their eyes when they saw us walk by. Touya's car was in site and I was stumbling a bit as I walked. Before I knew it I had tripped right into Touya's arms...how cliche. He caught me just in time and looked at me. "Woah there doll, don't want you falling for me already, we just met remember?" He was chuckling, that sly fucking fox. "don't call me a doll~ et je ne tombe pas amoureux!" I was a blushing mess at this point. "you do know I don't speak French right?" "I SAID I DON'T FALL IN LOVE!" I didn't mean to say that so goddamn loud. "I never said that, but good to know" "YEAH SO DON'T THINK I LIKE YOU OR SOMETHING! YOU ARE ALMOST AS ANNOYING AS KAMINARI!" Yeah, I lost it, there was no turning back now. I'm so embarrassed I'd love for him to just burn me alive! God that kinda sounds sexy....NO NO NO NO what the hell is wrong with me?! "Get in the car, Tomura we're here" he said calmly He had opened the door for me and now he was walking around the car to the driver's seat. Without thinking I followed right behind him like a lost puppy. "oi, I'm driving remember?" He was right in front of me now, sitting inside the car while the door was wide open. I guess his quite cute if you squint your eyes.... Before I could even finish my thought I was on top of him, sitting on his lap staring down at him. "doll as much as I would love to fuck you right now, your drunk..." "I don't care... I consent, hurry up before I change my mind." I have no idea what I'm doing right now, I've never had sex with a guy before. I mean I've done blowjobs, the stuff of the sorts but never really had a dick up my ass. SHIT I hate when I'm tipsy! "You sure?" he had a bored expression on his face that I could quite understand. I nodded and he grabbed my neck, to pull me closer and kissed me. He just kissed me and god did he taste good. I don't know what I was expecting but fuck this was better. He eventually pulled away after what felt like hours. "fuck" he said with a breathy voice. Making me melt under him. "One more kiss" I hate myself but fuck I just couldn't help myself. Our lips smashed together, it was hot, and his tongue began to explore my mouth, normally if I was making out with someone I would take control...but I was so caught up in the moment. Fuck I'm hard "mhmm" Touya was hard too, I could feel him as I grinded on top of his cock.
We made out for about 10 minutes, but it felt like a few seconds. Then we stopped, correction Touya stopped. I pulled away, stopped grinding on him and looked at his face. Looking for some sort of answer in his eyes. "I've done this before, fucking in the car...it's not fun. So how about we head to your apartment and finish this there" He had the sexiest smirk. fuck. I can't understand how I got into this mess. I nodded and moved to the passenger seat. "Where do you even live?" "star hotel room 341" "of course you do"
After a few minutes of driving, I fell asleep.
I woke up in my apartment, on my bed. Expecting to see Touya by my side but he wasn't there. I got out of bed to realise I was only in my boxers. What the fuck happened last night?! I walked around the apartment to see no traces of him being there at all. I went to the kitchen to see a note on the counter and it read. "fell asleep in the car. Your so fucking heavy btw." Fucking turd, I wasn't heavy! He was just weak. I picked it up and noticed there was writing on the back with his number. That cheeky bitch.
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caddy-crystal-queen · 2 years
Okay on tonight's episode of who in the GoT/HoTD Fandom need to be slapped, I'm gonna address two issues cause I'm pissed and honestly it deserves mentioning.
Gonna start with the most recent thing I heard. Wtf is with Fandoms driving people off of social media with their nonsensical bullshit?! Not to drag another Fandom into this but Star Wars is notorious for this bullshit, and I seriously thought we moved past this! Clearly not!
Can Fandoms just stop doing this? The most recent victim of this nonsense is apparently the actor playing Young Alicent Hightower, Emily Carey.
Be. A. Nice. Human!
Holy tap dancing Horus! She's an actress literally just doing her job and giving her perspective on her character! This ties in to these actors being people at the end of the day! You don't bully someone for simply stating an opinion, an opinion which doesn't harm anyone. First off that's just rude as fuck, you can disagree with someone and still believe they have a right to their opinion! Miss Carey has literally done nothing wrong except...apparently saying her character isn't a villain? Um...when did this become a crime? When did this become one of the worst things apparently you can do?
Holy shit there should be a support group for all these actor chased off social media but Fandom entitled fuckwits who can't see in front of their faces or think with their brains!
Now this is not being a support of the character Alicent Hightower. I've read Fire and Blood, I know what happens. But this isn't even about the character, this is about the actress. Like the rest of us she's allowed to have her opinion and state it. All YOU have to do, if you disagree, is ignore the tweet, walk the other way, and leave it the fuck alone. Anyone who bullies people, not just famous people, off the internet for a harmless (notice I said harmless, meaning they aren't saying something deeply troubling about real life issues) opinion deserves a swift kick in the ass and a sharp slap to the face!
Fuck. You. All!
Now, the second thing I'm going to address has actually been a problem since casting for the show was announced. People, what kind of piece of shit sits there and talks shit about another person's appearance?!
Yeah, I'm mad yall mother fuckers got me defending Matt Smith up in this bitch.
Quit. With the high school. Bullying. TACTICS!!!!!
Like I said how fucking hard is it just to be a decent human being?! Like what has to go so wrong in your life that you decided to just take your bullshit out on someone you don't even know? And going for their appearance? That's just fucking low.
I'm gonna just get this out of the way: I'm not a fan of the guy. I never really have been. I don't think he's ugly, like everyone seems to be saying, but he just doesn't do it for me personally, and it's absolutely nothing against him. I'm sure Matt Smith is an awesome dude IRL, and he seems pretty chill as far as I know. I respect the guy for his acting ability and his passion but that's about it. I see why a lot of people find him appealing but he doesn't do it for me.
That being said, I am so sick of seeing comments like "Oh, well he looks like he's the product of incest anyway!". Like dude...that is not cool and no one should be saying that about anyone. I may not find him attractive personally but I'm not sitting here behind a phone screen bashing the appearance of a dude I don't know. Nothing, not a thing, gives anyone the right to say things like that and bully someone for something they literally have no control over.
It's seriously some petty ass bullshit and it needs to stop. Maybe he doesn't need me to defend him but goddamn yall are just doing too damn much and being a POS about it. Your insults, name calling, and bullying are completely uncalled for!
Stop. Your. Bullshit!
Be. A nice. Human!!!!
It literally costs nothing!
Fucking assholes...
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bondsmagii · 2 years
Dude I've just been seeing the worst fucking takes ever in the internet these paste few days that come from a good place but are absolutely misjudged and just bad and I feel like I'm losing it
Saw a post about how Tom Hanks said he wouldn't play a gay character anymore which fuels the idea that an actor has to match the sexuality of the character it portrays which means an actor has to expose their sexuality and justify it to be able to play a character and it just sets the precedent for such a storm of shit and while it comes from a good palce it's just so very stupid and not well thought at all. Like don't people see the harm such a thing can do? Don't they see that demanding such things can only end up bad, including to the LGBT community?
I don't even know if you would agree with this but I just needed to rant because lately people's desire to be progressive have been so extreme they do a full 360 and end up being just a new shape of what they previously fought about and I'm sickkkkkk of these god awful takes that come from 2 seconds of reasoning
Also have a lot of thoughts about culture appropriation and how a movement that came to demand respect has become something that separates people and ignores the blatant human fact that culture's whole point is to be shared and it always has been and that is through cultural sharing we understand each other and why on earth would you want to segregate human interaction goes beyond me like honestly, especially the ones that approach your culture with appreciation and desire to partake (yes I did saw a post saying only Mexican people can cook Mexican food and lost it)
Anyways I think I'm officially clinically online but if those movements spread and stick, movements that come to segregate and categorize people, all in the name of diversity while being the opposite if it, I'm a legit lose it.
man, I get you. I've been saying shit like this will happen for years, and what do you know. I was right.
it really is almost comical how these people, in their fight to be progressive or improve things, will end up circling back around. they'll either start campaigning for the exact same thing as the people and causes they profess to be against, or they'll start using the same language/rhetoric and acting in equally harmful ways, or they'll actively improve the situation for the people they're supposed to be against. this is what happens no matter how seemingly small the issue is. forcing people to out themelves so they can write fanfic without getting abuse; expecting people to list their disabilities, triggers, and mental illnesses publicly just so they can feel "safe" knowing that this person isn't overstepping the mark; demanding constant reassurance and moralising and virtue signalling to make themselves feel better about associating with the "right" people; demanding everyone tags everything even remotely triggering no matter how vague the reference and disregarding that this is both horribly entitled and also completely ineffective; literally re-inventing segregation because of this "cultural appropriation" bullshit... they've been taking real issues and real terms for years and watering them down to such an extent that I don't take any accusations even remotely seriously anymore. it's caused exponential harm and has made it extremely difficult to know who's actually dangerous and who just likes a ship the OP hates.
really, it's all about entitlement and virtue signalling. I've said it before and I'll say it every fucking time: these people don't have the balls to do anything worthwhile, they can't be fucked to do real activism, they feel guilty about it, and so they focus all their attention on absolute non-issues so they can pretend like they're contributing. they actively make the world a worse place, and I hold them just as responsible for the state of things now as I do the alt-right. at the end of the day, they can dress it up under different politics, but they all want the same thing: complete censorship, complete control, people forced to out themselves, racial segregation, and above all else, power. maybe if they did something useful with their lives, and found a true sense of fulfilment, they wouldn't be so desperate that they act like this. people like this are genuinely just unintelligent. there's no other way to say it and no other way to explain it: they're thick.
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anon-1863727 · 1 year
dear fake autism assholes:
erasing the parts of ASD that make it difficult to live with so that it's cute and quirky for the internet isn't "acceptance" or "education" it's just calling us retarded in a different typeface. it is a disability. it is a disorder. by saying that those things are "offensive" you're saying "disabled" and "disordered" are insults. you're doing the exact same thing you make all your posts about stopping.
my disability is not your cosplay. my headphones are not your prop. my stims are not your choreo.
i can't find community online because every group, subreddit, etc is so flooded with mushroom hats and unofficial diagnosis.
i understand there are circumstances where people can't reasonably get diagnosis and that i am lucky to have been able to, but it makes no sense to me that i see more undiagnosed people who *think* they're autistic speaking for us than i see actually autistic people. it's just as bad as autism speaks. I'm not taken seriously when i mention my condition and it isn't because of people having misconceptions about autism, it's because of people immediately assuming it's fake because I'm within the age range of the people faking it.
I'd just ignore it and leave it be but its so hard to avoid the effects.
if you only use autism as a conversational point or internet persona chances are you are not fucking autistic. it affects day-to-day life, it doesn't just turn off when you're alone.
i understand there are flaws in the diagnostic process. i understand it's harder for women. i understand that some people do genuinely find out they're autistic because of the internet. low support needs autism is just as valid as low-moderate support like myself or high support or anything in between. i don't think being young or part of the alt scene invalidates asd either, I'm 16 and for a while yeah i did like the goblincore style. it's just a very specific group that I'm fed up with that's made themselves a very loud minority and screams ableist when questioned.
i don't know why people fake things like this but y'all need to take it elsewhere. I'm sorry you feel the need to do something like that but you're damaging the community while you pretend to be our saviors and it has got to go.
that being said i don't support things like r/fakedisordercringe and such bc dude its just making fun of kids 90% of the time and harassing people isn't ok or productive even if it were. if those who want to trash those kinds of people's accounts had any sense they'd just stop commenting or reposting etc bc all it does is boost the post and encourage it. just suffocate it please. and if you're one of the people faking that kinda shit... dude stop. seriously stop you're just hurting people and making a fool of yourself. it doesn't make you a bad person but you're definitely making bad decisions so just please for the love of g-d give us back our space.
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
The fact there are actually people, adult people, whose sole involvement in the House of the Dragon fanbase is based on them thirsting after Daemon's butt and Aegon's cock is fine by me. I don't mind it, I find it entertaining and I endorse in it sometimes.
The fact that the very same people believe that, just because they, personally, care solely for Daemon's butt and Aegon's cock, that means that the story is just a "dragon soap opera where psychos with platinum wigs fuck and kill eachother lmao" is a step further, but ok, I swallowed that too. If you ignore/don't care about the actual story being told here that's fine. Still problematic that you think that just because you personally have a limited understanding/investment on the story, then that means that the story has nothing else to say. That's a red flag, but I accepted it and didn't criticise it on a personal level.
The fact that the very same people -who run thirst blogs and reduce the entire story to a dragon fairy land so that they can thirst after basically every character (which is again their main goal here)- come at me and tell me that I'm wrong in my takes, a fanatic and a bigot for having actual opinions on the story and for criticising the people who are making the adaptation is a step too far. These people -who, again only care about Daemon's butt and Aegon's cock- have reduced 700 pages of narrative to a dragon fairy land of hot dudes with wigs and then have the audacity to tell me that I lack critical literacy for actually investing in the story.
Get the fuck out of here. Enough. I have read tons of literature in my life, tons. I am also a highly educated person, I know perfectly well how to analyse literature using critical thinking. Critical thinking means, first and foremost, that you understand what the fuck you're reading. "All sides are equally bad because all Targs are equally hot" is not critical thinking. It's literally the opposite and you can use your American superiority complex all you want, but you can't hide that wrongly accusing people of BiGoTrY on the internet is the only serious conversation you are capable of doing, if we can even call this travesty serious.
If you can't handle people having serious conversation and voicing strong criticism on the internet and you prefer focusing on thirst posts, fine. Do it. I don't care. It doesn't affect me personally. Just don't say that that makes you so smart and critical and educated and we are stupid bigoted fanatics for using our brains and trying to analyse the actual story. Just stay in your lane, do your thing and let me do mine.
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asecretvice · 10 days
For your fanbinding policy:
I completely understand not wanting to run your work through an online program because of the risk of LLMs, but I need you to understand that pretty much the only ways of imposing a book for print are the online bookbinder-js, adobe in design (which you say in your policy you dont want it through adobe software), and then other cost-prohibitive softwares (affinity is $70).
A case for bookbinder-js: it's open source software made by fanbinders. The source code is available on github so you can see transparently they they aren't implementing any LLMs.
Just like. Some food for thought about what you're saying is allowable. Because frankly I'd trust an open source online software to not run my writing through an LLM over any of the paid for desktop ones. A purchased license and it existing on my desktop doesn't mean it isn't hitting chatgpt with an api call in the background.
Hello, hello!
The best answer I can give you is, "Still no, for now."
Not sure if you read the answer I have linked about it or you came across it some other way, but the LLM concern is far more recent. This has been my policy for a long time.
Please know I don't come at this from a place of ignorance. Outside of fandom, I have worked with some of these programs/companies, I have waded through their bullshit TOS, I have been screwed over by them, I do not fucking like them.
Of course, I do not travel in the fanbinding world and so this is my first hearing about bookbinder-js. However, I don't have the time or energy to look into right now, and probably not in the near future either. I hear what you're saying and I thank you for the heads up, but the answer is still no, for now.
Yeah dude, "AI" bullshit is being added to so many things in so many ways, who the fuck can keep up with it? I still run programs that don't require the internet and aren't running shit in the background and don't have constant fucking updates and subscriptions, and I will cling to them until they literally no longer function. I understand it's harder to find such things these days. I can't speak to it because again, I don't have time to keep up with it.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but those are not the only ways to typeset or design layout or what have you. I have worked on a shoestring budget and built a book out of a basic word processor. It can be done. Hearing someone say something like that is like a chef saying they can't accommodate a food restriction. Maybe they won't be able to use the perfect ingredient to elevate it to Michelin star status, but they should still be able to make something tasty. If they can't, they need to reassess their idea of what constitutes a good chef.
I'm sorry for not being able to give a better answer, but I swear I don't have this policy just to spite people. Fanbinders, like any subset of fan creators, are lovely and wonderful and do a lot for the ecosystem! But they also bump up against a lot of my boundaries, and them's the breaks.
But the "for now" is there because I have adjusted this policy over time. This is the most lenient it's ever been.
So yes: "Still no, for now."
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aaronafgash · 2 months
10 NEW SONGS - 4/14/24
It’s become clear that when you’re not completely ignoring your whole ass job, writing a whole ass article becomes much more difficult - who knew! Still aiming to get these out every week, just might not be a Friday / same day situation. Alas.
1. Hold Up - Sasha Keable
Sasha Keable has quietly dropped some gems in the past 4 to 5 years (I was shocked to discover that she’s the featured artist on Disclosure’s “Voices”, a song I've adored for years), but this single might be her best release to date. She confidently sings here over jazzy, electronic keyboard chords, giving us some modern … dare I say … Amy Winehouse vibes? At the very least, she sounds more like Amy than whatever the fuck is happening with this Back to Black movie.
2. Illusion - Dua Lipa
This sounds like early Dua, and I mean that in the best way possible. She’s been getting a weird amount of hate in the pop world - I think it’s hard to follow an album as incredible as Future Nostalgia, but none of these songs are bad at all. Leave her be!
3. The Kill - Maggie Rogers
A clear highlight from a really strong album in Don’t Forget Me, I fuckin’ love this. Her harmonies here are top notch, and the upbeat country / folk vibe she has going works so well with her voice and songwriting. This song is so good that I actually looked up tickets to her Milwaukee show in the middle of typing out this blurb.
4. Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter
Just a fun little girly-bop bop with bonus track vibes - I think she put this out for Coachella promo? Regardless, happy to add this to the library. 
5. Nasty - Tinashe
Tinashe has quietly released some bangers since she blew up back in the day with 2 On - add this one to the list. I would go feral if I heard this drunk in a bar. I will go feral when I pay way too much to hear it at a bar via TouchTunes.
6. Player Two - Jordan Ward
Jordan Ward doesn’t miss and this is catchy as hell. Looks like it’s going to be featured in a movie I’ve never heard of based on the title - interesting. It kind of sounds like a cross between disco, yacht rock, and R&B.
7. Ash Roth! - Asher Roth
I was a MASSIVE Asher Roth fan back in the day, so I was thrilled to see that he dropped a new album this weekend. This was a clear highlight for me, as Asher introspectively reflects on himself and his career over a laid back beat, reminiscent of his Pabst & Jazz era. Dude can really rap and I’ve always said that. I’m also realizing now that he’s released multiple albums since 2020 that I never listened to, so that’s a rabbit hole I will absolutely be going down in the near future. At one point, a video existed on the internet of Asher Roth singing "Just Friends" by Musiq Soulchild live on stage, and while I can no longer locate this video, seeing that told me everything I needed to know about Asher Roth. I'll bet you had no idea I had this much to say about Asher Roth. I can't even explain it, I surprise myself too.
8. TWUG (That’s What U Get) - Jean Deaux
A great R&B beat and a solid vocal performance from Jean Deaux. I always find myself wanting more from her projects when I listen through, but she’s released great individual songs over the years. 
9. magic - strongboi
Knew literally nothing about them before writing this but have since discovered that strongboi = Alice Phoebe Lou + a producer / collaborator? Alice Phoebe Lou fucking rocks, as does this song! Slayyy, niche indie queen. This sounds like a breezy summer day and I'm loving every second of it.
10. How? - Dhruv
Another artist I know very little about, but my god, Dhruv has a beautiful voice. I could listen to this man sing all day.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
On the ~Antagonist(s)~!
Episode 1:
Right at the end - a letter
Dear Donnie Dupré
We represent Swede filmmakers everywhere [...] we saw Be Kind Rewind first [...] we will make you pay [...]
P.S. If our demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
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Episode 2:
Messages on the answering machine.
Mr Dupré, my name is Tom Collins, I represent SWAG.
In case you are wondering, SWAG is the Swede Actors' Guild.
Needless to say, we are pretty awesome! ^_^
But you my friend, are not!
I'm going to assume you received our little letter, and I'm going to assume you've ignored it - well you can't ignore me.
I'm assuming you deleted my other message, here's the continuation: YOU CANNOT IGNORE ME!
You may have fooled those two buffoons you call actors, but we know better.
Mark my words, there will be no happy ending for you so long as your movie remakes continue - this will be your final warning!
Hey baby, just letting you know I got the milk and -- crap, did I just f*cking redial?
Ahem, ahem, just ignore that -- THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL WARNING!
Episode 3:
No mention.
Episode 4:
First silhouette appearance.
"I have a secret report from within the Guild. Four people have come to our attention regarding a plot that can jeopardise the Swede Actors' Guild. Donnie Dupré and his team have refused our orders to halt their production company, Demo Reel.
While they are still small and unaware of their talent, our analysis indicates there is a danger.
I recommend sending several Guild agents to their location, to stop them, by any means necessary.
The cheap must flow.
Phone call to Tacoma:
Mr Narrows?
Do you like remaking movies?
Are you at home?
And Miss Stone, where is she?
That's all I needed to know...
A car following Tacoma - two masked figures who jump him and pelt him with Swedish pancakes.
Phone call to Rebecca:
Go to the window.
Do you like remaking movies?
Well not for long~! Ooh, is that your spine starting to shiver?
Shit! Just a second. Yo, hey! I got a handicap sticker!
*points gun at Donnie, unclicks safety*
Episode 5:
Silhouette scene
Tom: Donnie Dupré will no longer be a nuisance to us. After my associates picked him up at gunpoint from the airport, they dropped him off in the middle of the woods, where nobody can find him. Let's just say that the troubling nature of Demo Reel, and Donnie Dupré, will no longer be on our radars. *evil laugh*
♤: dude, what's wrong with you?!
Tom: what?
♡: you kidnapped a man at gunpoint and left him to die? That's fucking messed up!
Tom: he, he was threatening our operation :-(
♤: guy, we're Swede filmmakers, we remake films badly, we're not the goddamn mafia!
♡: what are you, a psycho?
Tom: but -- but --
♤: dude, I don't even wanna look at you - the less I'm associated with this, the better
♡: yeah, I'm off to be an Internet reviewer - they're mentally stable
Tom: wait! Wait! Where are you going?! *beat* Does this mean you won't be at the Christmas party?! ;_;
Someone moving in a dark doorway unnoticed by Tacoma who walks past. (After he accidentally insults Rebecca)
Episode 6:
In-person appearance of Tom Collins five minutes before the ending.
I'll be taking that!
I am *fumbles with taking his mask off* Tom Collins, grand leader-master of SWAG! And I believe this is mine!
*draws gun*
*unclicks safety*
"This is your last chance: give up Demo Reel, or face the consequences!"
"Really? Why don't you ask your friend Donnie how crazy I am?"
"Oh he's fine... maybe. -- actually, really don't know where he is -- do you?!"
"You're right, I can't kill anybody -- but there's something I can kill!"
*points gun at SD card in his hand while Quinn just stands there like a lemon*
"Then give up DEMO REEL!"
"You leave me no choice..."
*shoots SD card*
*laughs evilly*
*shuts right up when Fabrizio interrupts*
"What the hell do these people do here..? *shakes thought away* Anyway -- wait. Wasn't there another person?"
*whimpers and cries in pain as Reba whales on him*
"No! Get off, get off!"
"BACK! Get back you girly little bitch!" *gun at Tacoma* "You too!" *gun at Rebecca*
*gun at camer-- I mean Quinn* "You three!"
"Get back! You may have won this round, but the battle is far from over you hear me? The battle's---"
*jumps back once he notices Donnie*
*gets punched, groans on the floor*
*gets up and tries to run away, whimpers, gets pushed back by an emerging Karl*
"Oh god!" (I think? Maybe?)
*whimpers and groans as Karl kicks his ass, and as he is able to get up and Karl takes his gun, and as he gives him one last kick*
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francisp0rter · 1 year
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Why does this dude have such a massive blindspot when it comes to trap and street rap?
Just take a look at his new top 50 albums list. Not one trap or drill album. Not a single one. Are you fucked in the head? How are you gonna call yourself "the internet's busiest music nerd" when you don't even acknowledge the existence of the biggest rap subgenre in the world currently.
Imagine leaving Babyface Ray, Icewear Vezzo, BabyTron, Quavo & Takeoff, Duvy, Lucki, iayze etc. off of your end of the year list in favour of some generic, derivative garbage like The Forever Story. Just try and imagine that. Try and imagine having that bad of taste while also calling yourself "the internet's busiest music nerd."
The bald man seems like a nice guy but he needs to learn to listen to music properly. You're supposed to be this bigtime music critic right? So why you still listen to music like a fan then?
The thing that drives me nuts about Fantano is the simple fact that he tries to cover pretty much all music in the popular and indie spheres. There's a reason that reporters and critics have "beats" or specific areas of expertise that they cover. Pitchfork wouldn't send Al Pierre to review a Carly Rae Jepsen record. They know that's not his wheelhouse. They'll get Dylan Green or some other poptimist sycophant to do that kind of bidding. So why is Fantano reviewing shit that he doesn't like, is never going to like, and doesn't understand? That's not to say critics shouldn't give negative reviews. That would be ridiculous. I'm saying that a critic should not speak on music that they don't understand, and based on Fantano referring to Chief Keef's "Finally Rich" as "ridiculous novelty" (as well as his general ignorance on street rap), I think it's fair to say that he has no understanding of it. A 16 year old kid recounting all the murder, addiction, and destruction he's seen in his life is "ridiculous novelty" to you? Come the fuck on, bald man.
Remember when this dude was sucking off Brockhampton being all buddy buddy with them? That shit was unbelievable. What kind of self respecting music critic would ever make friends with an artist? There is a very necessary division between critic and artist and you can't just go around playing jump rope with it. Lester Bangs didn't start kissing up to Lou Reed when he interviewed him, despite Reed being Bangs' idol. No. He did the exact opposite. He called Lou Reed a bitch to his face and said his music sucks now and he should give it up. That's a real critic.
This guy needs to realize that traditional albums have never been a good way to consume rap music. Sure, you get an Illmatic or a Butterfly every now and then, but for the most part rap is a singles genre, and rappers' attempts to create albums in the rock & roll tradition (ten to fifteen songs, cohesive, with a curated tracklist and reflective cover art) is always annoying. It rarely ever works out. That's why J. Cole sucks so bad on albums but on features he's pretty good. Because when he's on a feature or a single he's just rapping. He's not concerned with making some great cohesive rap album, he's just spitting bars.
Idk. I love albums. I hate them in the context of rap sometimes. I "hate" them for the same reason that I hate when rappers perform with a live band. This is Hip Hop. It's not rock music. We don't need to conform the genre to the popular standards of music, because none of this was ever about that. The whole thing I fell in love with about rap, besides the music itself, is that it existed in stark contrast to and firm defiance of established musical norms. Rappers didn't try and be popstars. If one became a popstar, like Em or Wayne or Hov, it was almost always in spite of them being a rapper, not because of it. And I loved that. I mean, it's great that rap is popular now, but also it's terrible at the same time. I'm glad more people are being exposed to it, but also I wish that they would please just leave us alone and stop trying to make this genre into something it's not.
I'm aware that I'm not making the clearest point here, so let me say this: Trap and drill music are the new blues. It is a hyper-violent blues, but it is blues nonetheless in that it is poetics and rhythms that speak on a working class Black American experience. And it is being received with the same ignorance and narcissism that blues was received with.
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extravaguk · 3 years
#JeonJungkookIsOverParty 01
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summery: in which Jungkook is in deep shit
wordcount: 3k
genre: fake dating!au, college!au
rated: PG for now, fluff, (eventual) smut
warnings: just cursing and jungkook being a dumb bitch
author's note: a john tucker must die trope? but like the other way around?? me?? writing a mini series?? i said a few days ago i needed a jungkook that was so jason mendoza-like bc he's a legend and we love himbos so here's my poor attempt. the chapters won't be too long tho so bare with me mis amores!!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
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There's a few reasons why Jungkook is not into social media.
For starters, Jungkook hates conversations via text. There's something about answering instant messages right away that awakens this weird sensation of anxiety deep in his gut.
Jungkook is an ignorant. Meaning, he likes to ignore stuff. It's in his dna. It's his speciality; like ignoring projects which deadlines are in twenty four hours or ignoring advice from people who probably have his best interest at heart and, particuarly, ignoring his phone's notifications that most likely will provoke a terrible discomfort from his head to his toes. Jungkook has been guilty of many things in his life: eating the entire batch of cookies his mom would bake and then blaming it on his neighbor's dog, popping a boner in the middle of class and excusing himself for 'not feeling very well' just so he could go home and jack off to tentacle porn, borrowing PC games from friends that still remain on his dorm's shelf... But ghosting and leaving people on read definitely takes the cake.
The second reason that causes that strange animosity against social media is the unrealistic beauty standarts the internet has perpetuated in his generation. Jungkook loves women of all shapes, colors and sizes: he likes them thick, he likes them petite; he likes big boobs, small boobs, saggy boobs; slender legs, thunder thighs, cellulite, stretch marks... Jungkook lives for women. What Jungkook doesn't live for, though, is the amount of low fat, low carb salads he's so used to hearing women order at restaurants. He hates the fact that complete strangers hiding behind a phone or a computer have such control over women to make them insecure and change their pyshique to try to resemble that idea of perfection.
But it there is one thing Jungkook truly despises and loathes about social media. Something that makes Jungkook's blood boil in anger. Something that has Jungkook clenching his jaw so tight, and the veins in his neck about to pop at any second. Something he thought he would never be a victim of.
Rumors. And people eating those rumors up.
That's why he can't look away from his laptop's screen. Reading over and over again the amount of shit spread over the net about him.
The account in question, 'jjkexposed', was created barely two days ago. Two days in which Jungkook has gone on with his day to day tasks, oblivious as to what was happening around him. Just living his ordinary life, being late to class as usual, being the first one to disappear amongst the crowd and ignoring, in typical Jeon Jungkook fashion the incessant vibration of his phone inside his jeans pocket.
That was, until Jimin decides to rush inside of Jungkook's dorm after nearly punching the door down.
"Bro, you have to see what's being said about you."
Bullshit, is what's being said. And the more Jungkook reads, the more infuriated he becomes.
"Dude, what the fuck? I've never in my life murdered a puppy! I love puppies!" he paces around the room, hair flying in every direction. "And I've never said a racial slur! 'Guk' is short for my name! I am korean! Also, misogonistic?"
"Misogynistic." Jimin corrects.
"I don't hate miso soup! It's my favourite soup, like, ever!" he finally stops his movements, his body coming down until he's sitting on his mattress, arms resting on his thighs. He sighs. "This is crazy."
"Bro, it doesn't mean you hate miso soup. It means you hate women." Jimin's standing before him, propped on Jungkook's desk with his arms crossed. Jungkook's brows almost disappear into his hairline, his eyes wide as he stares at his friend.
"That's even crazier, dude! I was just watching porn this morning thinking about how much I love women!"
"That's not- nevermind." it's Jimin's turn to mess his own hair with his fingers. "Listen, I don't know who's behind this, but you obviously have a nemesis that's doing everything in their power to see your downfall. This," his finger points to Jungkook's laptop. "is spreading fast, Jungkook. It's all people are talking about right now."
Now, Jungkook is a lucky guy that's always managed to stay popular and relevant throughout anything. Ever since his kindergarden years, he's never had to try too hard to gain his teachers', friends' or even family members' favouritism. Jungkook was born with a magnetic glow, a halo of some sort that could charm anyone present and that it has only become bigger and bigger as Jungkook became older.
Jungkook is a golden boy. He's respected, loved and praised by everyone. He's the captain of the soccer football team, the greatest goaler in his university's history. His charisma is a talent, or so he thinks. The mere gesture of smiling to get away with anything has worked every single time, without fail.
But apparently, the day that talent stops working in his favour, is today.
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It's only been one week and Jungkook is already thinking of getting rid of his phone for good. Maybe changing his name and moving to Mexico. Or to a secluded cabin where he can only eat leaves and hunt mosquitoes for a living, completely removed from society. Maybe he'll build his own tree house, he's always wanted one anyway. He's been watching Youtube tutorials on how to make your own loincloth, so he's sure it can't be that diffic-
"Why am I doing this?"
"I'm trying to go unnoticed."
"So why do we have to wear sunglasses and a hoodie inside the library? Why are we even in the library?"
"I'm trying to study."
Jimin raises his brows at Jungkook and then eyes the book between his hands. "That's a Harry Potter book, and it's upside down."
"Okay, fine. This is the only place people don't look at me."
"Well, people are gonna start noticing you if keep wearing stuff that makes you look like you're on your lunch break from shoplifting." Jimin is trying so hard to keep his voice down, but his friend has been driving him nuts lately.
Jungkook finally closes the book he most definitely wasn't reading. "I just don't know what to do. Seokjin told me I had to fix this immediately. Apparently, having a problematic player on the team is not his cup of tea."
"I mean, can you blame him? People are still talking and you're still quiet. That's like basically confirming their assumptions. Why haven't you tried to shut down the rumors?"
"They're saying I practice satanic rituals with animals' blood to look this good, bro. Which, in a way, is kinda super dope, I'm not gonna lie." Jungkook chuckles but Jimin does not. "But it doesn't matter if I make a public statement denying everything or not. People believe what they want to believe."
Jimin takes a deep breath before releasing it slowly. "You'll eventually come up with something, dude. Just... Stop looking suspicious. Seriously, sto- See? You're doing it again! Looking around under those sunglasses like you're trying to hide something!"
"I'm not acting like I'm hiding something, I'm watching myself for a possible terrorist attack!"
Jimin rises from his seat. "Whatever. Just don't be late for practice again. Seokjin threatened to stick the goal net up your ass."
"Tell Jin he's too kinky for my taste!" he shouts after Jimin as he walks away, which earns him dirty looks from every student in the room. "Sorry." he whispers in response before deflating in his seat in embarrassment. It's only then when he allows himself to eye his surroundings. He'd been feeling paranoid for the past few days and even scared to make eye contact with anyone.
Which fucking sucks because that's not Jungkook at all. Jungkook is confident, always walking with his head held up high and a cocky smirk on his face. And now he can't even do that without being met with people's facial expressions of disgust and disappointment.
But right then, in his process of scanning his environment, Jungkook sees you.
It's not the first time he's seen you, of course. He constantly sees you around campus despite your ability to blend in and not attract other people's attention. Right now, Jungkook guesses you've caught his attention.
He doesn't know much about you, but he knows a few things. He knows you spend too much of your time at the library, mostly because you work here. You sit behind that desk, with your glasses on and always with a book in your hands, answering students' questions and checking their books in and out. He knows because he's only had one single interaction with you that resulted in you, rudely scolding him and almost whisper-yelling at him for missing the due date before dismissing him. He shivers at the thought. That was one of the most terrifying experiences in Jungkook's life.
He adusts his sweatshirt's hood on while his gaze studies you over his shades.
You're definitely pretty, but definitely not Jungkook's type. Sure, he can't help but admit that the librarian look you got going on causes something to stir inside Jungkook's pants, but as dumb as people think he is, he is not that dumb. You're way smarter than him, and you don't look at him the same way others do. It's like you don't care about who he is and feel no need to kiss the ground he walks on.
You're one of those 'woke' girls that contributes to campaigns against racism, who cares about saving the bees and using metallic straws, who is an active member inside the LGBTQ+ community, who goes on rallys and protest marchs defending women's rights and-
Wait a minute.
A lightbulb going off inside Jungkook's brain, his brows coming together in concentration, his mouth slightly parting as the gears in his head start working.
He must've looked creepy, with his shades on and most of his face covered by the fabric of his hoodie. Specially when a smirk starts pulling the corners of his mouth upwards. And you must've noticed, because suddenly you're lifting your head from your book, looking for the source of your unexpected discomfort. When you find it, when you find him, your eyes slowly narrow as you assess him for a while from a distance. And then you're rising your hand and flipping him off.
Which only causes Jungkook's smile to grow even bigger.
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"I need your help."
You look up from the computer screen, blinking at him momentarily. You recognize him immediately despite the shades and the hoodie. It only takes one glance at him for you to go back to work.
"You haven't even-"
"You left with a Game Of Thrones book almost two months ago and you still haven't returned it yet, despite the four warnings." Jungkook doesn't like the way you don't even look at him. He doesn't like the tone of your voice either, like you just started talking to him and you're already bored.
"It's super long and it's all words! I was expecting at least a few drawings of dragons but there's no-"
"Then just watch the HBO show." you say through gritted teeth.
You ignore the fact that he knows your name. "When you read it, which I doubt, and when you return it, which I doubt even more, I might listen to you. Now, if you excuse me, there's a queue of people behind you and I have work to do."
Jungkook shifts to look behind him at the five or six people looking at him with disdain. Tugging at the strings of his hoodie, he turns back to you.
"I'll be back tomorrow."
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You don't expect him to be back the next day, but Jeon Jungkook is apparently very persistent.
You guess it has everything to do with him not being used to hearing 'no' for an answer. You might not know Jungkook on a personal level, but you know guys like him. There's something about privilaged boys who get everything they want by just snapping their fingers that irritates you to no end and makes you clench your fists so hard your nails dig into your skin.
So, yeah, you're surprised when A Song of Ice and Fire lands on your desk.
"What's with the sunglasses and the hoodie again?"
"Will you listen to me now?" his hands are gripping the edge of the desk and you allow yourself to sneak a glance to the ink adorning his skin.
"What?!" there's a lot of things Jungkook doesn't have under control right now, and his voice pitch is one of them.
There's a collective 'Shhhh' in the room that makes you sigh. "Jungkook, I'm at work right now and I-"
"Please." there's a tone of desperation laced in his voice, almost as if his throat is constricting the words from coming out. But it's the look in his eyes when he takes the shades off, and the obvious dark bags under them that makes you feel pity for the boy in front of you.
You consider him for a moment, already regretting your next words. "5:30 at the cafeteria and you're paying."
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"Again, what's with the sunglasses and why are you looking around like you're waiting for the cops to blast through the door at any second?"
"Because that's exactly what might happen!" regardless of him choosing a secluded space in the whole cafeteria, Jungkook can still feel every person's judgmental eyes on him. Or maybe it's the paranoia. Whatever it is, Jungkook only knows he hasn't been able to sleep well for the last week or so and that he's so terribly tired he would do anything to make it stop.
"What are you talking about?" the expression of your face doesn't match everyone else's and, even if you're looking at him like he's insane right now, at least you're not looking at him like he's a bad person. And for that, Jungkook is grateful.
"The account, is what I'm talking about!"
"What account?" you're genuinely confused as you sip your coffee.
"The dead puppies? The vore fetish? The herpes story? The misogonistic claims?"
"First of all, it's misogynistic, secondly... what?"
Now it's Jungkook who looks confused. "It's all over social media!"
You simply shrug your shoulders. "I'm not really into social media."
He stays quiet for a moment. Merely two days ago, he was thinking about how you were definitely not his type. Now he thinks you might be just it. "So you really haven't heard anything?"
The grunt of exasperation you release speaks for itself. "About what, Jungkook?"
He looks from side to side, looking for God knows what, slowly sipping on his strawberry milkshake before turning his attention back to you, lowering his voice. "There's this instagram account called 'jjkexposed' and whoever runs it started posting a ridiculous amount of bullshit about me and now everybody and their mama believe I'm this terrible monster with an STD who likes crushing baby animals with his feet. "
You blink a few times, slowly letting the information sink in. Bringing your cup again to your lips, you size him up, narrowing your eyes. "And...?"
"And!" he takes his shades off again, leaning forward on the table, and you recognize the beginning of the same smirk you caught just a few days ago in the library. "You would be the perfect girlfriend for me."
There's a beat of silence between you two, your eyes trying to find in his what the gag is. Then you break the quietness by standing up and gathering your things. "Okay, it was nice meeting you Jeon Jungkook. Good bye."
"No, no, no, wait!" he hurriedly stills your movements by wrapping his hand around your wrist. You immediately try to ignore the warmth that spreads up to your elbow. "Please, sit down and let me explain." It's the doe eyes again that make you snatch your hand from his and return to your seat, defeated. You cross your arms and wait for him to elaborate. "It's not like that! You would be my fake girlfriend."
You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Why?"
"Because, would a smart and intellectual girl like you who dreams about saving the planet and the people living in it ever date an 'allegedly'-" he air quotes with both hands.
"When you use air quotes with the word allegedly, it defeats the whole purpose of-"
"Fine, let me start over: would a smart and intellectual girl like you ever date an allegedly sociopathic jerk like me?"
"No." you deadpan.
"Exactl- wow, you didn't have to say it like that, damn." with an upset look, he brings a hand to his chest while the other grabs his milkshake. "But that's the point. If you agreed to fake dating me, people would realize that I'm not a bad person."
"Jungkook, I don't even know you and I wouldn't get anything out of this."
He nods his head as he looks around, his tongue poking his cheek. "You wanna know what was the first thing I did this morning?"
"I'm afraid you're gonna tell me anyway."
"I opened my eyes, and the first words that flew out of my mouth were 'Alexa, play Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.'"
You wince. "That's... rough."
"Rough? Rough is my dad's stuble after a week of not shaving. What's happening to me right now is bloody atrocious."
You ignore the poorly executed british accent at the end of his sentence and settle instead on breathing deeply. There's a part of you that's trying so hard to avoid his eyes so you don't agree with his scheme right away. "Just... Just let me think about it, okay?"
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Your mom would always say you were an empath. She could tell right away, from the day you cried at five when you realized you could kill ants just by walking without realizing it, to the day you read your first book about gender equality. 'Your purpose in life is to fight for those who need it', she would say. 'Your purpose in life is to do the right thing.'
"Did you see him today?" it's a whisper, but the library is quiet enough and the girl's voice isn't.
"He barely goes to class anymore and when he does, he's wearing those stupid shades and alternates between the same three hoodies."
You're not used to eavesdropping. You think it's rude and an invasion of people's privacy, and you don't like violating anyone like that. You usually mind your own business unless the situation calls for you to act.
"The fact that we gained so many followers in a week is just so... iconic."
But at that, you stop placing books on the shelf. Your body reacts on its own, carefully leaning towards the shelf until your ear is close enough to the gaps between the tomes.
"Ryujin created a burner account and started the hashtag 'Jeon Jungkook is over party'. It was trending topic in a matter of minutes. Even people from different colleges are hopping on the bandwagon."
It's the giggles for you.
After having your mouth ajar for a few seconds, it closes on its own, your jaw aching painfully. Your grip on the book is so tight that you're sure Bécquer is turning in his grave.
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You don't think you've ever stepped inside the soccer team's locker room before, and thankfully so because the smell of sweat and testosterone is already making you want to throw up. But you're a determined individual. One who doesn't easily back down from any challenges.
"Excuse me, miss, but you cannot be here." you don't know who the guy with the preppy hair is, but judging by the whistle around his neck, you deduce it's Kim Seokjin.
"I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook." you cross your arms over your chest. The height difference between you and the team's coach doesn't really bother you at all.
"That son of a..." you relate to him massaging his temples. "Jungkook! Come here! What the fuck have you done now?!"
Not too long passes before you hear and see bare feet stumbling around the corner. It shouldn't be a surprise that the man summoned would appear with just a towel around his waist. "Oh, God, not the beginning of a young adult novel, please..." you murmur under your breath.
"Huh?" Seokjin frowns at you and you plainly wave your hand in front of you.
"_____? What are you doing here?" when you return your attention back to Jungkook, he's decided to cover his nipples with his hands. You had to admit the dumfounded look on his face is pretty comical and straight out of a sitcom.
"I'm sorry, now I'm lost." Seokjin faces you. "I thought you were here to yell at him, wish him hell or whatever. JK," and now he faces him. "Who's this?"
Jungkook clears his throat and gulps. "She's uh-"
"His girlfriend." you intervene. That results in both males' eyes to almost burst out of their sockets.
"His... girlfriend?" Jin repeats.
"My girlfriend!" you don't hear his feet nearing you, but you feel him slipping an arm around your waist and it's enough to make your whole body stiff. You're suddenly aware of too much warm and tattoed skin against yours even through your clothes.
Seokjin looks like you're speaking a different language, but when you look up to the boy beside you, with his wet hair framing his face and his doe eyes looking down at you with something that you could only describe as relief and gratitute, and a smile that tells you you're saving his day, you can't help the small smile tugs at your lips.
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944 notes · View notes
llazyneiph · 3 years
Calling out Magic-Bot
ohhh sweetie... your responses to my adf*y post just really weren't the best look for you. And unluckily for you, I don't give a shit about coming off as 'nice' or being perceived as a 'good' simblr, so I'm gonna call you out on your bullshit. If I have to be the asshole of the community, then so be it.
I was reading them actually wondering if you bothered to even give my post more than a skim over because if you had actually read it then some of the stuff you replied...
Lets start at the beginning:
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Honestly I could just end the post after that because holy shit dude, I literally said in my post 'Don't piss where you eat' and here you are, telling all the people who support you what you really think of them.
This genuinely made me fucking angry to read, in my post I said that as creators we have larger platforms and more influence than the average simblr, which means we have a responsibility to AT LEAST be decent people to them. But specifically as people who upload files to the internet for our followers to download, that requires them to place a lot of trust in us. So you saying you don't care about their safety while their downloads are a source of income for you, is you spitting in their faces. It SO incredibly disrespectful.
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And then literally in the next breath you call them stupid. And then proceed to talk in way that solidifies what you think about them, that you really think they are stupid.
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Hey @magic-bot, I'm about to blow your mind. This community actually has a lot of people who live with chronic illnesses. This is why the 'It's not my fault if you click on an ad or something that gives you malware' argument is completely invalid. Some examples of what I mean;
Someone could have chronic pain, they're having a flare up and cc shopping is an escape for them but perhaps they have some intense pain right as they're on your adf*y page and they accidently click something like I did.
Perhaps someone doesn't have the fine motor skills you have and accidently clicks an ad, it's not their fault at all but in your words it's because they're 'stupid'.
Or even just bad eyesight, my own mother would likely click on the wrong thing if she wasn't wearing her glasses.
There are so many chronic conditions that could affect this and out of my own ignorance on the exacts of these conditions, I wont give more examples but I'm sure most people reading this has already thought of a few of their own examples. (Note: sorry if my wording in those examples doesn't correctly describe a condition, I was having difficulty conveying my point with my own lack of knowledge on chronic conditions)
Also your 'stone age' comment is incredibly disrespectful to the older members of our community. These pages are changing all the time to avoid being skipped and even I, at 26, have a difficult time figuring out 'so which skipper doesn't work now', or 'how many addons do I need to download now'. So don't imply that just because there are older people here that they don't understand how to protect themselves. Which in itself is ridiculous, people literally having to get multiple forms of protection just to get your content.
Adf*y pages can be confusing and overwhelming, not just for people used to downloading your content, but especially for new people. Like I said in my post, these people are putting their trust in you because they like you as a creator and you leading them to a link which could harm their computer if they don't do the correct thing is scummy.
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There were more replies but I really can't fucked screenshotting them all but this reply really made me laugh. You saying that the downloader must be held accountable for their actions is straight up the most tone deaf thing you could have said. Actually, wait! This was:
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So take your own advice @magic-bot and take responsibility. Stop taking advantage of the community that you so clearly do not care about but continue to profit off of.
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By the way, here's a link to my post so you can actually read it this time.
641 notes · View notes
xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety
Words: 4k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Hey, Viv, it's Tansy...I got your flowers and was calling to let you know I'm getting out of the hospital today, and I'm heading to the same place the guys are at, Nikki said it doesn't suck as bad as the other places they've tested out, um…" Tansy's sweet voice sounds over my answering machine. "...I'm really sorry for not calling earlier. I'm just now getting off methadone, so I've kicked smack successfully. I just wanted you to know I'm doing okay and getting some help, and Nikki called and told me you two were working things out." She adds. "Come visit me, soon, okay? We have a lot of shit to talk through, and I know we do, I just don't know where to start but I love you. I'll see you later." 
She hangs up and I smile a little bit, rubbing my lips together.
I haven't heard anything on her since Steven told me she was in the hospital back in New York after her overdose not long after Nikki's. I sent flowers when he told me she had to undergo emergency surgery to cut a part of her liver out that was turning necrotic. 
I hope we can get through things like me and Nikki are trying to do, I think Amber's going to try to bring Vince and Tommy in to talk about our relationships as a whole the session after this next one Nikki and I have...maybe Tansy and I can sit down a few times and hash things out, too. 
I head to get a bath, but it's not long before my peace is soon disturbed. 
This is the fifth time the phone has rung in the past two minutes, and I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the bathtub, grabbing my towel and stepping to the living room. 
I already see my message machine blinking from unheard voice-mails, and I pick the phone up and answer it. 
Before I can even say, "hello," Sharise starts in. 
"Vivian, what is going on, why didn't you say anything about it, why--"
"Sharise, slow down," I'm bombarded with a million questions, paranoia making my chest tighten. 
"Vivian, you're pregnant, apparently, that's what's going on." She clarifies, and I feel the color drain from my face. 
"Did Vince hear that from Nikki and tell you or--"
"--You're actually pregnant?!"
"You didn't hear it from Vince?" 
"No, Vivian, it's all over MTV!" She says next, not sounding angry at me, just shocked. 
Just as soon as she says it, there's a sharp beep from the phone, indicating someone's trying to call. 
"Gimme a second and I'll call you back." I assure her. 
"Fuck that, I'm coming over." She tells me before hanging up and I take the next call while turning the TV on to MTV. 
I just see a picture of Nikki and I on the screen as I hear, "again, congratulations to Nikki and Vivian Sixx on the news of their…"
"Hello?" I answer the call that has interrupted Sharise and I. 
"Why the fuck is Page Six running a story about you being knocked up with Duff fucking McKagan's kid?!" Doc yells and I nearly fall out, starting to panic.
"Because I am, but I have no idea how the hell anybody other than Nikki and Duff know about it, Doc, I haven't even told any of my friends or family yet, I swear." I promise and I hear him curse and throw stuff around on the other end for a good two minutes before calmly saying, "this isn't good, Viv." 
"No, shit, Sherlock." I reply. 
"I'm going to talk to Sixx, you just stay at home--don't do anything irrational, we'll take care of this." He states, hanging up. 
My phone is ringing again as soon as he hangs up. 
My phone starts ringing off the hook within three minutes and I have to step outside to the back yard with Whisky to get away from it.
I'm sitting on the edge of the pool when Sharise gets here, this look of disbelief on her face. 
"I had to drop Sky by my mom's, what the hell, Viv?" She asks me, sitting beside me. 
"I was gonna tell you and everybody once I got past the first trimester, Sharise, I promise." I say, honestly. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't, I'm just...I didn't realize you and Nikki were sleeping together again." 
"We're not." I state. "And Doc said that Page Six already knows it's Duff's and has it plastered everywhere so somebody said something to somebody." 
"Duff?! Holy shit, Vivian." She breathes out, her eyes wide. 
"This is bad." I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my face. "This is so, so bad, Sharise." 
"What're you gonna do?" She asks me. "I mean...when did you two even start…you know?" 
"September." I tell her. 
"Are you gonna admit it's Duff's or just play it off as Nikki's publicly and then privately it's gonna know Duff is really it's dad or does he even want anything to do with it?" 
"Yeah, he does, and Nikki's managing." I inform her, and she nods slowly. "It's nobody's business. It's not. So I shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody but I know everybody will want an explanation and we'll just admit it's Duff's and ignore the bullshit people are gonna throw at us...I just don't want to lose any friends over this…"
"If you lose friends over this, they're not your real friends, because everybody you're close with knows exactly what kind of marriage you and Nikki have been having the past year and you've both been struggling with different things and his affair with Vanity and so I think everybody should be pretty understanding of the situation." She tells me. 
"They should be. Doesn't mean they will." 
"Well, the ones who matter right now will." She reassures me. "And from what I've been gathering the last six months, that doesn't include Tommy and Vince right now because I already know they're probably gonna be on Nikki's side completely." 
"Yeah, so will all of the fans." I mumble. 
"Well, if you're gonna confirm it's Duff's, is he gonna come out and say that he actually did have an affair with Vanity or are you just gonna be the sacrificial lamb in all this?" 
"I have no idea, Sharise." I admit.
"I think he should." She states. "Because it's not gonna be fair for people to think you just went to another man and 'cheated' on Nikki out of nowhere." 
"It doesn't matter what Nikki says about the Vanity thing, he's just gonna be a God and I'm gonna be a whore." I argue, sighing out. 
"You really think that?" 
"I know that." I state, matter of fact. 
And, boy, was I right.
"Did you two talk about the relationship you have with your mother?" Amber asks Nikki. 
"I haven't had time to because we've been dealing with a lot of shit right now." He states. 
"Okay," she nods in understanding, because there's no way she hasn't heard what we're dealing with, now. "Do you want to talk about it now, then?" She asks. 
"Yeah, I can." He agrees. 
"Okay, go ahead." She leans back, letting him have the chance to talk to me.
He just stares at me, sighing out, looking as if he's struggling with talking to me about it. 
"Nikki, if you don't tell her, she can't understand." She adds and he rubs the back of his neck, looking at her to help him a little bit. 
"Start with dad," she suggests. 
"He left when I was little." He says to me. 
"And mom…" 
"...And mom started spiraling when he left." He explains. "She and whatever boyfriend she'd have at the time, would drop me off with Nona and Tom for months at a time, then when she'd come get me she'd be with a different man--sometimes married to them." He continues. "And, me being the smartass I am, when I get old enough to want to voice my opinion, I'd bump heads a lot with some of the dudes she brought around and things would get physical." He says next. "But, of course, she wouldn't feel like dealing with it because I was always ruining her partying anyway, so she'd send me off, again…things got really messy when I was, like, thirteen. Me and her got into it pretty bad and she started in on me and I told her I just wanted her to fuck off--I was just tired of it, so I hurt myself and called the cops and told them she attacked me, and she was arrested and I was sent back to Idaho to be with my grandparents." His voice shakes a little and I feel my heart hurt in my chest. 
I remember Nona telling me he and his mom had a lot of issues with each other, but I didn't think it was to that extent. 
"Have you talked to your dad at all?" I ask him, furrowing my brows a little and he rubs his chin, shaking his head a little. 
"I tried, like, ten years ago, and he told me he didn't have a son." He states. "Mom's always said I ran him off, but I was only two, so I know that's bullshit." He adds. 
"When I talked to you about all of this, it was very clear that you felt discarded, inadequate, and abandoned, because you have spent a good part of your childhood yearning for your mother's approval." Amber says. "Do you think that's true?" 
"Yeah." He nods. 
"Jumping through hoops at times to get it, but still being ditched with your grandparents while she went on and pretended she didn't have a little boy she needed to be responsible for."
He agrees, again, and she gives him a smile. 
"A woman is who her mother makes her to be and who her father says she is. A man is who his father makes him to be and who his mother says he is." She tells us. "And you didn't have a father around to make you, and all your mother told you was that you weren't appreciated, you weren't approved of, you weren't worthy of the love and attention you deserved." She states. "And you married a woman whose mother made her to strive for this unattainable level of perfection and have a complete come apart when it can't be reached, and a father who told her she wasn't worth the trouble it took to protect her." She tells us."I want to know--because it is so evident that you two carry so much resentment toward one another--what is one reason--out of many-- that it's there."  
"She's always looked down on me." Nikki says it. 
"Because I don't live like she does." 
"Explain what that means." 
"She believes in God, I don't. She's spent our relationship sober, I haven't. She's more modest and conservative, I'm not."
"I don't resent you for not believing in a God and not being modest and conservative--those are a few of the things I respect about you, Nikki." I argue. 
"--No, no, no cursing. Take a breath." Amber reassures him, calmly. 
"She hasn't let me do what I want to do. If I do what I want to do, she's on my throat over it or guilt tripping me or attacking me over it." He states. 
"Because all you've wanted to do the past three years is drugs, Nikki." I mumble. 
"Go back to guilt tripping." Amber tells him. "Does she put you on a guilt trip, or are you guilty after you do something you know she would not like for you to do and you beat yourself up for it?" She asks. 
"She just shuts down." 
"She shuts down?" 
She looks at me. 
"Why do you shut down when he does something you don't like?" 
"Because it's always drugs or something mean he does when he's on drugs, and I don't want to be around it, but most times I can't get away from it so I just go somewhere else, mentally." I admit. 
"And you see when she does that, and it makes you feel bad." Amber says to him. 
"That's not guilt tripping you, Nikki, that's her protecting herself because you won't." She points out. "Vivian, what's one of the reasons you carry resentment for him?"
"I'm not a priority." I tell her. 
"The amount of money I've spent on you since we got together, and you're not a priority?!" He asks me, pissed and shocked I have the audacity to say that. 
"Buying me a house and a new car and getting me nice things isn't showing me I'm a priority, Nikki, it's just you feeling bad for the shit you've done and buying me things to make yourself feel better for it. I'm grateful that you've made sure I've been taken care of in the sense that I've never gone hungry, I've never been out on the street, I've never had to go without utilities and hot water and things like that, and I've lived a spoiled life in terms of finances and the car I drive and the house we've lived in. You're a great provider--you just…we wouldn't be in this position if you didn't choose drugs over me." I say to him. 
"I haven't." He argues. 
"You blew off our wedding night to go to a party with Tommy." I remind him and Amber raises her brows. "Then you got in that accident on your way back home and hurt your shoulder and started smoking heroin to get through the pain so you could finish the album." I add and he rolls his jaw. "I love everything about you, except your drug abuse. And I've been so angry because there is no line with you. You just keep getting worse and worse and then turn around and convince yourself that I'm ungrateful and I don't approve of who you are because I'm perpetually bitter about the marriage I've been in--and it's all my fault in your eyes. Everything bad that's happened is all my fault." 
"I don't think that, I just put blame on you where it's due, you just refuse to see that you're a problem in all of this, too." He explains. 
"If you weren't on smack, we wouldn't have problems, Nikki." 
"Vivian." He says it as if saying, "you know that's bullshit." 
"The amount of times me or somebody would tell you to take your medication and you'd blow us off and just let yourself get more--"
"--You can't compare depression to drug addiction. Depression didn't turn me into a completely different person. You shot me, Nikki. You shot me. And that still didn't make you realize you needed to get sober." 
"You've physically assaulted me and other people, Vivian, in a frenzy, and still didn't see the issue with your mental state." 
"You've put your hands on me before, too, so don't make me sound like--"
"--I've grabbed you a few times and that's been when you were trying to beat me. So don't start that shit." He snaps. "The times I physically hurt you, I was doped up and wasn't thinking straight. The times you've physically hurt me and other people, you were sober, you just weren't taking your medicine. So you can keep saying that I chose drugs over you, but the amount of times you've chosen your pride and, 'I don't need to be on medicine,' over me is just as bad." He says. "If you weren't so damn angry all the time over tiny shit."
"No, no, it's not just her being angry over tiny things. It's you getting with a seventeen year old girl, and placing the responsibilities of a forty-one year old mother on her." She adds and he breathes out. "Your wife has been raising you the past seven years. She's your wife. She's not your mama. And you have been punishing her like she is. Her not wanting you to destroy yourself with drugs doesn't equate to the times your mother wouldn't let you dress the way you wanted to dress, or do the artistically productive things you wanted to do that she couldn't understand that you'd fight about. This woman was seventeen years old. You had no business being twenty-two and seeing a seventeen year old, let alone putting that much weight and expectation on her shoulders and getting angry and saying she didn't appreciate you because she didn't know how to handle it all while every year you'd push further and further." She goes on. "Years of anger and resentment and bitterness towards your mother, all turned loose on a girl who didn't cause any of it, just because she didn't want you running yourself into a grave." She adds, pointedly. "When me and you first started working together to get to the bottom of all of this, you told me that she went from worshipping the ground you walked on, to being an evil demon from hell--do you remember saying that?" 
He hesitantly replies, quietly, "yes." 
"Do you realize that you have done everything in your power to verbally, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually beat the hell out of the very girl who saw you as her God before she was even old enough to really know who God was?" She asks him. "All because the woman who made you feel like you weren't worth the trouble it took to stay around and raise you, was never there to answer for her actions so you started chopping at the next one in line."
"Okay, I get it, I'm fucked up, I fucked her up, I've ruined our marriage, it's all my fault, and she's the innocent angel who was seduced by me and dragged to hell, I get." He stands up. 
"Nikki," Amber starts. 
"Nikki," I say as he steps to the door, "we can't fix this if you--"
"--Yeah, fix this." He flicks me off before slamming the door. 
I grind my teeth and stomp after him, ignoring Amber's warning against it. 
"You are such an asshole!" I bark at him, following him. 
"Wow, I've never heard that one before!" He laughs humorlessly. 
"Nikki, seriously, she got all over me for being mad at you for sleeping with two-hundred girls, you can take her pointing out that you hate me because I remind you--"
"--I don't hate you, Vivian, alright?" He stops, turning to face me. 
"Well, you're really acting like it." I cross my arms. 
"I don't. I'm just pissed that you refuse to accept that I'm not the only problem in this shit show and if you wanna work on us you need to realize that you'r--"
"--Baby," I breathe out, grabbing at his hand and he rubs his forehead, "I know it's my fault, too, but it's just…" I blink back tears, looking away from him. 
"...Just what?" He asks. 
"Embarrassing." I wipe my eyes, sniffling. "It's embarrassing having to sit there, pregnant with another dude's baby, and tell a stranger about how I've abused my husband and people around me." 
"You think it's not embarrassing for me to sort through shooting you and strangling you and still not walking away from drugs?" He asks. "Don't even get me started on having to tell you I've cheated that many fucking times and even had a mistress?" He adds…"I think I've embarrassed myself, and you, more than you've embarrassed yourself and me." 
"I'm pregnant. And it's gone public. And it's not yours. And it's gone public. I think I've won with which one of us has embarrassed the other the most." I mumble. 
"Well, I'm not embarrassed. Those people don't know shit." He tells me, furrowing his brows. 
"I am." I say, trying not to cry again. 
I'm taken back a little when he hugs me, tightly…"Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" I him, my face in his chest, tears rolling down my cheeks. 
"Because I didn't want to bother you with it." He says. 
"I wouldn't have been bothered by it, Nikki." I sniffle, looking up at him. 
He blinks a couple times and breathes out. 
"There's a basket on the closet shelf at home with several of my journals in it." He explains. "Filled with things I didn't want to bother you with." He adds. "I really think if you feel too embarrassed or ashamed, reading those will prove my point that I've been worse than you have." He admits. 
"I'm pregnant--"
"--I know you are." He grabs the sides of my face, looking me in the eyes. "Just read them if you want to, but I say a lot of shit in there I wrote when I was high, so there's your warning." He adds. 
"Are you sure you want me to read them?" I ask. 
***I wish he would've said, "no," because I screwed myself over while reading them.***
I turned into a senseless moron the second she got ahold of my hand, looked at me with watery, pretty eyes, and said, "baby." 
I would've let a train hit me if I knew it would've made her feel less embarrassed and ashamed. I didn't think reading my journals would've made her feel better--just help her gain an understanding that she's the smart one out of the two of us…
If this was one year ago, I'd have her face down on a mattress, making up for our argument. 
But obviously that isn't much of a solution...so I just pull away and smile with my teeth at her the best I can, feeling better when her thumbs graze over my dimples and she smiles, too. 
"I'm sorry I was rude in there." She tells me, next. 
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." I reply, honestly…
"Do you really think I look down on you because you don't believe the same things I do?" 
"Sometimes, I guess." I admit to her. 
"I don't." She tells me. "I never really have." She adds. "I just don't like when you make fun of it or mock it." 
"...Yeah, 'Wild Side' was kinda a dick move…" I tell her and she looks at me. 
"A catchy dick move." She says. "And I like the song, I just wish you wouldn't have made it simply to spite me for the most part." 
"I'll try not to use my powers for evil against you again." I assure her…"But you gotta quit using sex to try to get out of stuff, and I will, too." I say next. "This shit's so hard because we don't talk about stuff, and we never have, and it's just better to go ahead and embarrass ourselves and talk about it instead of trying to fix it with something we can obviously go get from other people--and have gone and gotten from other people."
"And we can't blow up on each other when we do try to talk and work things out." She adds. "So no screaming at each other." 
"And no hitting." I say. 
"Ever." She agrees.
I hold my pinkie out to her and she smiles softly, taking it with hers before I kiss her cheek and pull her to me again.
I didn't know, a week from then, I'd be screaming up a storm from learning about seven fucking miscarriages from '83 to '87 that she didn't tell me about.
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