#'to the box with you Ace!!!!!'
this-is-turtles · 8 months
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Be wary when approaching the goon... even in Gremlin Jail, Ace is still plenty capable of shenanigans!
Honestly couldn't get the mental image of Ace sitting in Gremlin Jail out of my my head, especially with all the tumultuous emotions they've been sending us on lately!!!
If yall havent seen @2aceofspades recent comic they've been working on.... I mean, they have that bat for a reason
the angst hurts so gooood tho i love iiitttt
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goldensunset · 6 months
i looooove pokémon npcs whose team members subtly imply something about them that's never touched upon in the story or at least never outright said. i love villains having friendship evos. i love trainers who commit hard to one aesthetic or vibe with their team (beyond simply sharing a type) and i love it even better when there's one random exception especially if that's their ace. i love when later down the line someone boxes the cute fun soft baby pokémon they used to have in favor of a seemingly stronger or scarier one to show that they're getting serious. i love when they have a pokémon that's difficult to get and raises lots of questions about them. i love it when the lore behind a pokémon fits the character to a T and i love it even better when it appears to contradict them. give me the story-gameplay harmony but better yet give me what appears to be story-gameplay dissonance but might actually have implications if we're willing to dive deep into it
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mossy-aro · 1 year
why do allos insist on viewing relationships in the most boring ways imaginable
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polyamorousmood · 7 months
Okay so I'm super aro but also shaking hands with polyam people like YES technically in a way they're opposites (lack of romo love vs multiple romo loves) but like! We're all vibing in a denying ananormanitvity in our own ways! I adore y'all!!
Also shakes this blog around like a rag doll /affectionate positive etc
- Loveless aro who stares at your blog from time to time but has to stop because I smile to the point of my face being sore + WAYYY too emotional and cries sometimes aahzgzhs- In a good way to be clear!!
Also very less important thing but holds polyam ships very gently they're all so neat aough shakes them around /affectionate
We are siblings-in-arms 🤝, we are friends🫂, we are partners in crime🦹, we are locking eyes and giving each other a single firm nod of understanding and comradery, we are allies fighting literally the same fight⚔️.
My rights to choose the family I want is the same as your right to choose the family you want. The more we say "any relationship can be as important as --or more important than!-- romance" the sillier it becomes to champion a single romantic connection as one's life purpose.
Our fates and our fingers are twined, my aro friend. We will lift the other up when one stumbles, and we trek to the brighter world together. 🫴 Take my hand
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mysunfreckle · 11 months
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Suits for all my Aces~
Feel free to use for anything non commercial! Happy Pride💜
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magicalgirlfia · 6 months
Apollo Justice Anthology Comic - Fan Translation - The Wright Family
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As is tradition, credit for the raw files goes to @turnaboutarchives!
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mell0bee · 2 months
“average spirit medium gets accused of murder 3 times a year” factoid actually just statistical error. maya fey, who lives in capcom’s stock plot contrivance box & is accused 10,000 times a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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2aceofspades · 8 months
Not me going back and looking at Cassandra and Casey's hug reunion like omg Ace you are making me EMOTIONAL i love it so muuuccchhh
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
It almost didn't happen, but I managed...I managed 😅 got me all emotional looking back at all of it ngl. But! They truly did deserve a reunion, and I'm so very glad you loved it as well 🥹🙌✨
Here's a lil bonus sketch of them being all content, no tears...just them:
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Also don't mind the morse it's not important, I swear!!
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bethanyactually · 10 months
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Nancy Drew + text posts (32/?)
4.06 || The Web of Yesterdays (2/2)
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
at this point living in this building is hazardous to my health
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moonyinpisces · 9 months
i'm glad i came across your blog because i know i can scroll through without stumbling across major fandom nonsense. it never fails to amazing me how aziraphale and crowley refer to themselves as men, present as men, and are referred to as men by other people (in a show that doesn't misgender anyone) for 6000 years, with exception of wearing "feminine clothes" twice in that time, and yet the fandom will insist they're not canonically men (and by extension, gay) because of their sex... and they just refused to see how homophobic and transphobic that is. suddenly ignoring how people identify and deferring to sex (which hasn't be confirmed in the series at all either) has become so normalised in this fandom. drives me mad.
you are in good company here because these people are essentially saying “how these two people identify doesn’t matter! what matters most of all is that these two men Cannot fuck on my tv screen. but also they’re not men so you fags can’t call me homophobic for it” like it’s NUTS and so so transphobic, especially bc i consider azcrow to inherently be a t4t pairing just canonically
like headcanons are fine but there’s a frustrating anti-intellectual and regressive mentality plaguing social media these days that not only views the most “woke” headcanons as fact, but then attack other people for not having them, as if they’re somehow true! like i’m sorry, i don’t think crowley and aziraphale are like reaching into a hat of identities and picking out the ones that fans have imprinted onto them when the truth is. literally what the show gives us. that’s all we have. i’ve had my posts on here bitched about on twitter because i called them gay men 😭 like how is this news to some of you weirdos
i think the show absolutely sets the foundations and opens up the possibility of something more textual regarding their identities, and i’ll wave the white flag if neil ever makes all the gender fucky stuff explicit in s3, but like. viewing the text as we have it now just simply gives us two gay men. keep having a ball in the fandom making art and writing fics and cosplaying and i’ll eat it up with a spoon but don’t attack me for having basic media literacy 😭😭
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cuckaracha · 8 months
Ace Markey nation!! vote now now now!!!
(keep in mind this wont change anything! I just want to know lol)
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ct-multifandom · 8 months
I don’t know if this is a controversial hot take or something a lot of people feel, but I’m tired of hearing people unironically describe Ace Attorney as being “about gay lawyers”. Because it’s not. Do the lawyers act gay? Yes. But that’s not what 99% of the playtime is about.
At the end of the day, Ace Attorney is a satirical story about the corrupt justice system in Japan as represented by a kind-hearted defense attorney protecting (mostly) innocent defendants from having their lives ruined by misguided prosecutors. Its goal was to flip the cultural narrative that defense attorneys are trashy scum who make money off of sympathizing with criminals. And they did this through episodic, goofy murder mysteries.
So where does the gay come in? They wrote some accidentally romantically-charged dialogue, fans were obsessed, and the writers decided, yeah it’s pretty good, let’s do more of that. So they proceeded to toss in more gay side-banter and whatnot amongst the homicide investigations and court sessions.
Now, it’s not like Ace Attorney is the deepest, most poetic social commentary ever written, but it still has a meaningful theme inspired by a real life issue, so it’s pretty discouraging seeing people either not process it or straight up ignore it in favor of “the gay lawyers”. And that’s not even getting into all the other meaningful, non-romantic character relationships that have way more presence in the plot.
I know there will always be uncritical, shipping-brained people in every fandom, but what gets me about how bad it is here is that people who only know as much about AA as what they’ve heard really think it’s “about gay lawyers”. I was watching Drawfee recently, and genuinely all they know about the games is contextualized by Karina’s gay lawyer ship art and brief plot description of how gay the lawyers are. My friend recently told my other friend that Ace Attorney is about gay lawyers to which he was like oh yeah I heard about the unnecessary feelings scene. This is all he knows about the games.
I don’t want to make this sound like a bigger deal than it is, but damn. It truly feels like a lot of people refuse to engage with media in any way that doesn’t involve smashing male characters together like dolls. If you comb through the entirety of the Ace Attorney franchise, you’ll see that such a small fragment of everything that happens is homosexual law, yet that’s the thing that gets amplified to ridiculous proportions. All I can do for now is focus on the posts from fans that love the games themselves just as much if not more than they love the ships.
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AC Milan (because I think I know this fic and I am INVESTED!)
Thank you my immensely talented and supportive friend! From this ask game.
Okay, after finally deciding on Jamie's injuries I think I am ready to tackle this a bit more. But yes! This is the Jamie is injured playing at AC Milan at the same time Zoreaux is. The team only has one sub left and they need a goalie so Jamie hides his injury so the team isn't down a player and uh oh, this makes it worse.
Here is a snippet:
Jamie reluctantly allowed Trevor to pull his hands from his throbbing ankle. He was afraid to look at it, afraid to see it facing the wrong way or shattered into a million pieces like it felt. He shakily pushed himself to a seated position and looked at his ankle. Relief flooded through Jamie when he saw it just looked like a normal ankle—painful and pulsating but still properly attached to his leg, not pointing the wrong way or already doubled in size or anything like that.  Trevor slowly extended his leg in front of him and Jamie tried to keep the hiss from his lips.
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It's Asexual Awareness Week!
To celebrate I'm making some Ace-Spectrum PokéPride Flags!
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Cupiosexual - Ditto
source - Oxford LGBT Society
"Someone who desires a sexual relationship, but does not experience sexual attraction."
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userbox credit - @silverenderboi
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patatoots · 9 months
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inconsolably stressed over having to finish my thesis so i doodled some dads
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