#'but you didnt complain BEFORE when i cooked like this' yeah i was fucking 7 or i never was in the kitchen to notice!!
bunnyb34r · 7 months
I've been trying so hard to not micromanage and to let go and let other people cook their way even though it's not MY way. I try to not let my OCD take over, I try to temper it. I fucking TRY.
And then I get bitched at for being a fucking bitch and making THEM feel bad for "insulting" them while they cook. Bitch I'm trying to not get us sick, guess I'll go fuck myself then
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Profile: Ashley Sawyer
Thought I’d share my OC profile so people know more about her when reading.
So yeah, here's Ashleys profile, basically how I remember what I'm writing
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Name: Ashley 
Middle Name: Caroline.
Surname: Sawyer
Age: 31
Height: 5’3
D.O.B: 14/03/1990
Nickname/call sign:  Song Bird(when drunk and singing) , A.C, or Ash.
Occupation: Marine, joined in 2007-8.
Family: Older Brother Trent Sawyer.
Rank: Staff Sergeant (E-6 ) (10-11 years enlisted) 
Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) (12-13 years enlisted by 2021)
Emergency contacts for injuries in field:
Trent Sawyer 
Scott Carter (Boyfriend)
Amelia Carter (Friend) 
Trained in:
 Medical (First aid), hand to hand close range combat, heavy weapon combat, heavy vehicle combat. Long distance targeting.
3 Months worth of torture. 
Broken ribs, punctured lung, broken leg, dislocated shoulder, electrical burns, cuts/slashes, whip marks, waterboarding, starvation. Stabbed, shot. Taken out by walking into a door.
 jumped on a grenade.
Drinks:  Whiskey, beer, tequila. 
Personality type: is classed as a Defender trait, always ready to protect her loved ones, protect those who need it, dedicated and warm, loyal, though doubts herself at many stages.f
Personal Details:
Hair: Dark blond, almost brown. Shoulder length. Usually tied up in a bun.
Eye Colour: Grey 
Height: 5’3 (shortest in her family while her brother is 6’2)
Relationships: Dated in the past, engaged once.  
Wounds?: Multiple scars across torso and back. Along with Electrical burn scars on legs.
Children: None (though secretly wants a kid though.)
Phrases: “Well shit” “Well someone left me unsupervised” “Don’t be mad” “Fuck” “Oh boy” 
Car or Motorbike: Both
Shows and Movies: Historical, action or sci-fi, crime.
Music: Country, some sea shanties and classic rock and occasionally emotional songs.
Favourite Food: Anything that is not an MRE - she can cook, but only if she is really in the mood to make pizza from scratch. (However later finds a place with amazing Onion rings)
Most used swear: Shit.
Emotions: Chooses to ignore them. Just like her health
Health: Ignores that, gets hurt? No big deal. Sick?  Who cares? She doesn’t care.
Other :  
She hates spiders and is claustrophobic. Has a fear of hospitals, being left alone in one.
Does not like to talk about things going on in her head - will shut down and if annoyed will fight.
She won't care if she's bleeding out,someone else gets hurt and she needs to check on them.
Massive Fear of Needles, three responses, pass out, punch, complain/sarcasm.
2 tattoos, one on her shoulder of a Compass  and one on her ribs Marine logo with Semper Fi (only type of needle she isn’t scared of)
Hidden Talent: She can sing and is pretty good at it. And knows how to play guitar (deployments can be boring)
She told Trent she had enlisted in the Marines when he had some downtime before deployment. (she was studying) 
She met Metal when visiting Trent, who at the time was not home. He was drunk.
She was held captive for 3 months and tortured.
She finds out Trent is in a good and stable relationship.
She has been part of the support for Bravo, when a Marine team is assigned. 
She has had the worst dating experiences. Her last boyfriend tried to kill her. - She woke up tied to the table and him preparing surgical items, she got out. He was killed.
Worries constantly about her brother - she is scared that one day it’ll be his funeral she attends. - but doesn’t know anyone on his team to ask them to have his back.
She joined the Marines because Trent got blown up, she never wanted him to be alone again on the field, she has been trained to provide tactical support to SEAL Teams, Trent is unaware of this.
Didnt speak to Trent for 5 years. - Massive fight 2012, later in 2017 reached out to him in August. 
Other Points
Ashley is confident, put her beside metal? She will be a flustered mess.
Ashley loves all kinds of animals, however she is really allergic to dogs, that does not stop her from petting every dog she sees.
She spends time at the shooting range. - Especially after arguments.
If she's hurting she shuts off from people and will not answer anyone.
If something traumatic happens i.e losing a friend - she will go radio silent, stop eating and nearly end up in hospital because of this.
She will hide when she is struggling, refusing to ask for help.
She hides injuries a lot. - She can literally have her arm in a cast and says “Who got injured? Wasn’t me.”
Will look them in the eye and steal their beer. (especially with Metal.)
She hunted Amelia down to see exactly what she was like, she ended up somehow befriending her.
Dating her 
She lives for being able to just cuddle. - or just have physical contact.
Her love languages are Emotional connection and physical contact. 
She is sensitive when it comes to scars being touched, or being asked to talk about what is going on in her head, (it probably runs in the family.)
Will steal her partner's clothes. Especially for when she's deployed.  Will walk around base in their hoodie to have a piece of comfort.
She's loyal, loves with all her heart once you get past the walls 
Someone hits on her; she just smiles sweetly and will promise to hurt them is they speak to her again.
Break down those walls of hers? You got yourself an Ashley for life. - She does not cheat, but always has a fear that her partner will as it's happened twice before.
Will admit things she won't tell her brother. - which is a lot. But only after she's managed to convince herself she won't be hurt by her partner.
Locked in the trunk of the car by her father for ‘talking about an unwanted subject’
Father and Mother did not want her, Father tried to kill her. Head smashed against the wall claimed she ‘fell downstairs’
Has always looked up to her brother (both for what he does and because he's taller) 
Had a stuffed bear in camo gear (Father burnt it one night.)
Would go see Trent off and be there for when he returned from spin ups and deployments. 
Was obsessed with Archery and archers from Robin Hood to Hawkeye. 
Spent time avoiding Trent as a teenager after his injury. - parents thought it would be easier for both kids. 
Cut her hair and dyed it and her father was angry. 
Did stupid stunts which resulted in a dislocated shoulder.
Was selected to do training for the Olympics in archery, dropped it when she decided to join the marines. 
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Baby Love -Part 7
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
A/N - This is kind of a filler Chapter....
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"Hey babe?... didnt you hear me?" Chris asked suddenly appearing in my bedroom doorway, i put my phone on the bed as i quickly wiped my eyes and walked over to my bathroom.
"Sorry, must have spaced"
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"So why are you crying?"
"Pregnancy hormones i guess" i mumbled as i splashed my face with water.
"Nothing to do with this shit on Twitter then?" He asked as i was patting my face dry, i looked up to see him standing there holding up my phone that still had the Twitter page up, i shrugged reaching for the phone but he held it out of my reach.
"Nope, no more of this. You dont need to be reading this shit, look at how upset you are!"
"Their right though, you could do so much better!"
"Please dont start saying that, there is no one better for me. You are it for me, your gonna be the mother of my kid" he said pulling me into his arms and holding me tight.
"Maybe we should just delete all social media accounts, i dont want to be seeing these comments either"
"That will just anger your fans even more, don't worry i'll be okay" i reached up and pressed my lips to his, my hands slipping under his tshirt and stroking his back.
"lets go home, we'll turn our phones off and just go to bed... i think we should stay there for the weekend" he smirked wiggling his eyebrows at me making me laugh.
"Thats the best idea you ever had"
"No, the best idea i ever had was suggesting that i be your sperm doner. This has got to be the second best though right?"
"Your such a dork Evans!" I laughed "come on lets go".
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The weekend was spent in bed as Chris had suggested, watching movies and catching up on TV shows we wanted to see. Both of our phones switched off and no interruptions, It was the most relaxed id felt in ages.
I was currently laying in bed dozing with Dodger curled up next to me as an old rerun of 'Friends' was playing in the background. Arms wrapping around me me woke me up and i smiled as Chris buried his face against my neck.
"Wake up.... dinner will be ready soon"
"Im awake" i mumbled "sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep. I just feel exhausted, i think you've worn me out Evans"
"I didn't hear you complaining" he teased as his hand slipped under my tshirt and cupped my breast. I hissed and pulled away from him "ow!"
"What?! What did i do?" He sat back in shock looking like id slapped him in the face.
"Nothing baby, it wasn't you... my boobs are really sensitive! Ow... maybe keep your hands off the goods for a little while" i pouted "pregnancy sucks! First the sickness, then the sore boobs...."
"Im looking forward to the part when your super horny all the time" he laughed climbing off the bed and holding a hand out to help me up.
"Haha you would!"
Dinner was a simple pasta dish (nothing fancy with this guy i tell ya!) but it was so good!! Yes i went back for seconds don't judge me im eating for two!
"I sorted out the movers while dinner was cooking, their gonna be at your old place Wednesday that gives us the next two days to get you packed up"
"Is that gonna be enough time?? I have loads of crap you know?"
"It'll be fine, a lot of it you can put in storage"
"I'll probably only really need my clothes,  we dont want my crap laying around. We need to have plenty of room for when the baby comes. Besides youve got everything we're gonna need"
"Just remember this is your home too now, you can have whatever you want in here"
"Thank you baby, but i like it as it is"
"I feel like its missing something though, your place was always so cozy..."
"A woman's touch is all it needs"
"It feels better already just having you here".
He was right, it was enough time. I was soon packed up and moved into my new home with Chris and Dodger. We'd been so busy i didn't even have time to think about all the online stuff that was stressing me out before.
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The weeks were flying by so quickly! I was now in my second trimester and it was the best id felt since being pregnant. The sickness was gone and i had been experiencing that horny stage Chris had been looking forward to so much.
I was currently sat on the sofa with Dodger looking through a book of baby names, Chris had been out all morning running errands but we were due at the doctors in a few hours for our 18 week scan.... today was the day we'd find out the sex! It was exciting but i was full of nerves!
"Hey babe!" Chris called as he came through the front door, Dodger looked up but didn't leave my side, he'd become very protective of me lately and was always by my side.
"Still no hello Bud?" I heard Chris say and chuckled to myself "you looking after your mama huh?"
"Protective just like his daddy" i smiled finally looking up from the book, my eyes went wide when i looked at Chris....his hair was shorter and his beard trimmed shorter.
"Does it look okay?"
"Fuck yeah!.... you know i love your hair that bit longer but this is working for you Evans" i wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"Glad you approve, i had to have a tidy up Ive got the Premiere on Monday"
"I know, i haven't forgotten"
"And your still okay coming with me?"
"Yeah, cant hide away forever can we" i said looking him up and down, he was wearing blue jeans and tight fitting white t-shirt and i couldn't help but wanna climb him like a damn tree!
"Stop looking at me like that, i know that look and we don't have time!"
"We can be quick!...."
"Nope, come on! Get your sexy ass off that couch and lets go. I promise i will make it up to you when we get home"
"Fine!" I huffed holding my arms out to him to help me up, he shook his head but smiled as he pulled me off the couch, i quickly reached up and kissed him before he could let me go.
"Thats not fair...."
"Sorry i couldn't help myself, lets go then" i laughed walking away from him and grabbing my purse and oversized sweater to hide my small bump i now had “lets go see our baby”.
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Baby love tags: @jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony
@ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997 @ajosieface
@afuckingshituniverse @chmedic @esoltis280
@southerngracela @bethabear12 @letsdisneythings
@sellulii @patzammit @katiew1973 @princess-evans-addict @deidrahouseofpain @siren-queen03
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venusmages · 4 years
otp tag.
tagged by @solasan​, thank u!!!!!   tagging: @ritualism​ and @editoress​ i think all my other Wayhaven ppl have been @’d already
who is more likely to raise their voice?
i neither! penny if i had to choose, but shes usually p good at keeping cool. and felix doesn’t seem like a shouty person anyways.
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
who trashes the house?
do either of them get physical?
how often do they argue/disagree?
i think their first disagreement is in book 2 when Felix got hurt during Sanja’s rescue. Penny feels super guilty about it and is worried Felix is brushing it off when he has a right to be upset. She’s kinda haunted by that whole situation and the choice she had to make. Other than that, they definitely never really argue. At most in the beginning Penny was just kind of oblivious/flippant because she’s socially awkward lol
who is the first to apologize?
both lmao
who is on top? who is on bottom?
Felix is a little top  you cant convince me otherwise
any kinks?
not really
who has the strangest desires?
i think they’re mostly just cute in bed without anythnig crazy going on
who’s dominant in bed?
  FELIX!! in the cute ‘i got this’ kind of way. Penny’s shy so definitely not her.
is head ever in the equation?
if so, who is better at performing it?
felix has the charisma but i think penny has the technique
ever had sex in public?
 they did almost fuck in nate’s library 
who moans the most?
Penny!  Felix thinks its cute
who leaves the most marks?
FELIX LOVES HICKIES. hes sad that they don’t last super long on him, but she tries anyway.
who is the more experienced of the two?
I think they’re pretty even actually
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
how long do they usually last?
im sure it varies
rough or soft?
is protection used?
YES. penny is ON that shit. Though she wouldn’t be against having kids one day.
does it ever get boring?
nah they’re too cute and in gross cuddly love. Does felix look like he’d EVER get bored of the detective
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
it didnt  happen but again, nates library. Penny was secretly kinda into it 
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
 I don’t think either are seriously considering it for a while but Penny is a good 50/50 on it!
if so, how many children do they want/have?
just one, maybe two.
who likes to cuddle?
Felix! Penny’s a little more standoffish in general with physical affection, but she does love cuddling Felix. If he wants to cuddle she’s p much always down for it.
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Felix. Have you heard what that boy says
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Felix! Though only in private. He know’s Penny’s shy and its cute to do it when shes working or something. He likes playfully distracting her.
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Probably for a good while, though Penny has a tendency to get antsy. Usually it just means her getting up and him happily following after her though
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
video games! She showed him Animal Crossing and it was over
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
on the couch!
who snores?
if both do, who snores the loudest?
Not loudly , but again penny.
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
they share a bed!
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
what do they wear to bed?
Penny wears pj shorts and a cotton shirt, pretty simple. Felix is probs similar
are either of them insomniacs?
Penny DEFINITELY is. Thankfully Felix doesn’t sleep a lot so she’s rarely disturbing him!
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
YEP. Especially after book 1, she started having nightmares.
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Felix is a koala.
who wakes up with bed hair?
Penny. Felix somehow always looks fucking perfect and she’d be jealous if she didn’t think it was so charming.
who wakes up first?
Penny. Even if Felix is just lazing about, she’s one of those responsible people or something.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Felix tried. keyword being tried. 
what is their favourite sleeping position?
Penny sleeps on her side and Felix clambers around either with one leg over her or spooning her usually.
do they set an alarm each night?
Penny does!
who has nightmares?
Both :(. Hard to tell with Felix how often for him
can a television be found in their bedroom?
Penny doesn’t have a TV
who has ridiculous dreams?
Felix for sure. Sometimes involving stuff pertaining to the Echo World and Penny is like ??? and he doesn’t know how to explain it.
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
who makes the bed?
Felix, because he insists. Penny goes back and straightens it out
what time is bed time?
 bed by 1
any routines/rituals before bed?
felix insists on brushing their teeth together bc he thinks its cute (penny does too). its how she first actually got a glimpse of his fangs
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
neither! though felix DOES complain.
who is the busiest?
penny. felix is  busy keeping himself from dying of boredom
who rakes in the highest income?
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
Penny, though very rarely. She usually saves them for days where she wants to work from home because the office got too overwhelming.
what are their jobs?
Vampire Agent vs Police Detective
who sucks up to their boss?
 Felix tries to charm Rebecca. Rebecca just sighs.
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Felix. Got distracted
who stresses the most?
PENNY. though she usually takes things in stride, she’s a little up tight.
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Penny is fine with being a detective and doubly fine with being an agent.
are they financially stable?
who does the washing?
Penny. We know what Felix’s stance is on laundry considering he hides his socks in Mason’s hamper.
who takes out the trash?
Felix , and he acts like a hero
who does the ironing?
Penny! She wears nice clothes that definitely would require ironing. 
who does the cooking?
Penny is a serviceable cook, though she tends to cook the same things. And sometimes still eats like a (healthier) college student because she doesn’t have the energy. Felix LOVES using it as an excuse to order food.
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
who is messier?
Felix. More just disorganized
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Felix. Again, boy clearly hates laundry
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Neither. Unless Felix yoinked the keys - then they could be anywhere.
who answers the telephone?
FELIX. First ring, always. 
who mows the lawn?
city slickers for life so neither
who does the vacuuming?
both. felix likes doing it and danciing
who does the groceries?
Penny because felix will bring back a bunch of things they didnt need
who takes the longest to shower?
Penny. She uses so much water
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
is money a problem?
nah theyre secret agents
how many cars do they own?
just penny’s little clunker
what’s their song?
waterfalls coming out your mouth // violet hour (especially this one) // sugar
do they live in the city or in the country?
small town
do they own their home or do they rent?
penny’s renting but wouldn’t be against owning a little flat somewhere
do they enjoy their surroundings?
wayhaven is home and comfortable for penny! she was actually falling out of love for it before she got promoted, now she feels protective over it and the supernaturals shes now aware live there.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
felix goes insane waiting until they can meet up again. penny is often thinking abt him but is eager to get work done so she can do it even sooner
where did they first meet?
abandoned warehouse in book one - though the first meeting SHE remembers is him kissing her on the hand... romance...
who spends the most money when out shopping?
i feel they both are pretty similar! Theyre Fashionable, though Pennys really good at budgeting.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
listen it doesnt happen in canon but if you do the combat training route with felix he fucking puts your hands up his shirt
any mental issues?
penny has anxiety and has been diagnosed as autistic since she was, like, 12. felix clearly has some shit he’s not letting himself fully mourn but OKAY BUDDY
who finds it amusing when the other trips over? 
penny laughs when felix trips just because he’s like a beautiful ragdoll and always ‘saves’ himself in really funny ways. felix is such a prince charming i think he’d see her tripping more as an excuse to be dashing and handsome at her and save her from face planting than laugh. 
who’s terrified of bugs?
penny definitely isn’t. could see felix losing his shit over a spider.
who kills the spiders around the house?
PENNY. doesn’t kill them though.
do they have any fears for their future?
Penny’s worried that loved ones might get put into danger due to ... everything. Verda found out about vampires and wasn’t hyped, so she’s worried about their friendship and his saftey most of all. She’s also worried about making ‘tough’ choices like the one at the end of book 2. It’s not a pleasant dilemma.
their favourite place?
Penny’s apartment!
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
felix FOR SURE
who pays the bills?
both, but penny set it all up on autopay bc felix would forget.
who’s the tallest?
Felix! He’s like what, 5′7-5′9? penny’s 5′3.
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Both! Penny’s shy when doing it but she loves felix’s reaction because he’s always super excited.
who wanders around in their underwear?
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
felix. duh
what do they tease each other about?
everything! penny teases felix over how energetic and goofy and ~suave~ he is. He teases penny over being bashful - but she actually teases him more! He teases her over ROMANTIC stuff.
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Penny. The waistcoat, Felix. Why. No
who crushed first?
FELIX DIDDDDDDD. Penny got flustered but is very :/ at relationships bc she struggles socially and the only serious relationship she had prior was fucking BOBBY. So she straight up doesn’t trust that felix is being genuine at first. Also she’s a lil bit oblivious.
any alcohol or substance related problems?
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
who swears the most?
probably felix, though I don’t think he swears a lot either?
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halohamilton · 5 years
Ummm 21 & 63 😂
Two sjsjsjska okay. Thank you 😊⭐
21. When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
It was 7:38pm on the dot when Louis walked in.
Late nights weren't uncommon at restaurant. He was just thankful that tonight he could spend with his husband, having dinner together and cuddling with him afterwards. It was something that had become rare ever since he had started working at The Daily.
There was a beaming smile on Louis' face when he shrugged off his coat and greeted into their small flat, "Honey, I'm home!"
Harry's head peeked out from their room door, his dimples popping adorably. "Hey, babe," he greeted back, voice much softer.
Louis walked towards him, "I hope you havent eaten yet, wanna make us something special for dinner. "
"I haven't, but don't cook anything yet--- come here, please," there was a slight desperation in his voice. Louis was intrigued.
His head disappeared back into their room before Louis could even look at his face properly.
A colourful smirk decorated his face as he walked into their room, his steps slow and hopefully seductive. Maybe Harry finally wanted to try that thing that they've always talked about but nev---
"Great, now you can do the bathrooms like I've asked you to this whole weekend," he smiled sweetly, a bite to his words as he handed Louis the bucket from his hands and a sponge.
Louis blanched, blinking twice. A touch of annoyance hitting him when Harry just walked passed him and to the door.
"I thought--- wait, what?" Louis stammered, still reeling from the shock of it. So, it wasn't anything sexy or any sort of surprise for Louis, he didn't even get a kiss for a greeting for God's sake, just a bucket and a dirty, old sponge.
Harry sighed, turning around to face Louis properly, "look, I know you've just finished work but I've asked you to clean the bathrooms the whole weekend and you haven't done it--- you might as well just do it now."
"I..." he stared down at the bright red bucket and the yellow rubber gloves hanging off of the side of it, "hang on, are you serious, right now?"
Harry had an odd sense of humour. This had to be one of those times where Louis had to look a little further to get the joke.
"Yeah," he frowned, "come on, chop-chop," he leaned forward slightly to place a kiss on Louis' cheek.
Well, at least he'd gotten a kiss, albeit not the kind he was hoping for.
He glanced at their brightly lit bathroom with a wrinkled nose, then at Harry again, who was just by the door.
"Hang on a second, when was the last time you cleaned the bathroom?"
Harry's shoulders sagged before he turned around again this time, his expression tired, "what?"
"From the time we've moved here, I've always been the one to clean our bathrooms but when was the last time you cleaned it?"
Really, he was just spewing out shit because he didn't want to fucking clean a bathroom after hours of work and was hoping to spend time with his husband but his lovely husband wanted him to clean the bloody toilets.
"We both have our duties, you know this, Lou," Harry explained flatly, looking unimpressed, "come on, stop mucking about."
"Mucking ab---" he cut himself off with a groan, banging the bucket onto the wood when he placed it on their dresser along with the sponge, "Harry, love, I'm sorry I didn't clean the damn bathrooms, but god, I've been waiting the whole day to come home and spend time with you and I come home to you asking me to clean up--- not even a hello kiss--- come on, love."
Harry looked down sheepishly, his cheeks pink, "Oh," he said quietly, "I'm sorry, it's just... I end up doing most of the housework and it gets to me a little bit when you don't do the little I leave to you."
Louis walked up to him, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist to pull him closer, "I'm sorry I didn't do my share of chores, I am, but can I please spend some time with my lovely husband tonight?"
Harry's eyes softened, arms resting around Louis' neck, "how about we get some takeout, watch a shitty rom-com and tomorrow, since you're finishing early again, we can clean the bathrooms together?"
Louis sighed, pretending to ponder over his words before nodding, "anything to see you actually doing the bathroom for once," he replied with, "now can I get my hello kiss, please?" He added when he saw Harry beginning to protest.
"You're ridiculous," Harry huffed before placing a sweet kiss on his lips, "and you need to do the dishes tomorrow too, okay?"
"Fine," Louis sighed again, holding him closer, "I'm beginning to think talk about cleaning the house turns you on a bit."
Harry let out a small giggle, "would you be surprised if it did?"
63. Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
The parlour was fairly quiet for a Friday evening but Harry wasn't complaining. He got a bit of time to get some new designs in and eat his turkey sandwich in peace--- minus Niall's insistent chattering, that is.
But he has worked here for years now, so he was used Niall and learnt to tune him out when he had to.
Poor lad, he was amazing, he was, but he had a habit of talking too much sometimes and Harry was someone who enjoyed the silence now and then--- he needed it.
On his last bite of his sandwich, the bell of the door chimed, signalling a new customer. Niall got off his chair instantly and headed to the front desk.
Harry sighed, chewing the last piece of his sandwich and throwing the foil into the nearby trashcan before dusting his hands and preparing his equipment.
"Guy here wants to do a bird on his arm," Niall informed him.
"Right, you can send him in, everything is ready. Does he have a design of his own?"
"Yeah, actually, he does," Niall said, sounding a little surprised, "I'll send him in."
Harry pulled on his gloves when a man walked in, jeans tight and black, tacky band t-shirt on and hair messed into a fringe on his head.
"Hello," he greeted Harry with a friendly smile. He had stubble. Good to know.
"Hi, take a seat," Harry gestured at the chair opposite him. The handsome man sat back on the seat, a smile still on his face.
"How are you?"
Harry blinked, "uh, I'm fine thanks and you?"
"I'm good, can't complain," he rested his already tattooed arm on the armrest, "I have a design ready for you if that's okay."
"Uh, yeah, let me have a look,"
The man reached into the back pocket of his jeans, lifting up from the chair slightly and pulled out a folded paper, handing it to Harry.
Harry unfolded It, looking at the bird he wanted tattooed. Harry could design one much better looking than this one but it was not up to him what gets tattooed onto this beautiful man's skin.
"Okay, I can do this--- where do you want it?"
"Right here," he pointed at the outer edge of his arm.
"Okay," Harry smiled before getting to work.
His client chatted to him while he prepped and then broke the skin and Harry didn't mind that, he knew some people did that to distract themselves from the pain.
What he did mind, however, was when they wriggled.
Harry huffed, "can you stay still, please?" He asked politely(as possible).
"Sorry," he mumbled.
And he was still... for a total of two minutes before he started to wriggle again.
"You have to stay still or else the tattoo will be ruined," he explained, trying to keep the grit out of his voice.
The stranger exhaled, apologising again, only to start being restless all over again mere minutes later.
"Sit still for the love of all that is Holy, Oh my fucking god," Harry snapped, pulling his arm away from his clients skin and looking up at him.
"My name is Louis," the man said, taking Harry by surprise, "what's your name?"
And--- okay.
"Your name, what is it?"
"Why can't you sit still?" Harry countered, still annoyed.
"Because you sort of look cute when you're annoyed," he shrugged, as if it was the most natural thing to say or do, "what's your name?"
Calling Harry cute while he was annoyed would have gotten him even more annoyed but for some reason, he didn't snap back at Louis, he just answered with his name.
"Okay, Harry, I'll make you a deal; I'll sit still if you go out on a date with me,"
Harry inhaled sharply. "What?" He asked once again because who the fuck was this stranger and what the fuck did he think he was doing?
"You're cute and it's distracting," he said, tone soft and genuine, "but I'll try my best to sit still, be a good boy and all that, if you go out on a date with me."
"You're serious..."
"Deadly," Louis said, "and I really don't wanna mess up this tattoo but I really do want to take you out on a date."
"I could have a boyfriend already, you know?" Harry replied with.
"Do you?"
Harry didnt reply.
"Come on, please? Just one date and I'll sit still; it's a win-win situation here," he smirked, eyes twinkling with mirth.
Harry huffed out a laugh, "oh my god this is so fucking weird," he muttered, more to himself, but Louis seemed to have heard him.
"I'm a very weird guy," he answered, "so what do you say, one date?"
"You promise to sit still so I can finish your tattoo up?" Harry asked, chewing on his bottom lip afterwards.
"Pinky promise," he held out his pinky.
Harry rolled his eyes, pushing his hand down and moving closer to Louis. "If you move again I'll say no," he warned, not knowing how true that was.
Still, Louis smirked. "Done,"
The bugger did wriggle a bit more throughout the rest of the tattoo but it wasn't half as bad as the first few times and Harry didn't have the heart to call him out on it nor did he want to, if he was being honest.
"Can't wait for our date," Louis grinned widely as Harry wrapped up his finished tattoo, "when and where do I pick you up?"
Was he about to give a stranger his address?
"How about you give me your number and i give you mine, and then you can text me where you want to meet me and I'll meet you there?" He offered with a cute smile, hoping it would work.
Louis agreed easily, walking out the parlour with a beaming smile on his face and phone in his hand, eyes glued on Harry's contact details.
It wasn't even five minutes later that he called.
"Yes?" Harry answered with a sigh.
"Just had to check if it was real," Louis said, voice light and airy.
"I have yours too, you know?"
"I know," he laughed, "see you tomorrow, Harry."
And then he hung up. Harry stared at his phone, biting back a grin. At the corner of his eye, he caught Niall's smug smile.
"Shush," he warned, pushing his phone aside. When he turned away from Niall, he finally smiled fully.
So, he had a date with Louis tomorrow.
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cryinggameff · 6 years
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Cayden and his friends were drinking and doing god knows what else while watching the game. I had agreed to let him host the party here, which i was kind of regretting because they were loud as hell and it made it hard to take my mid day naps. I had left for a bit to go and pick up some groceries so i could make some food for them to eat plus some snacks and such and now i was back home. I walked past going to put the stuff in the kitchen.
“Baby, you back?” Cayden said, getting up and coming to the kitchen.
“Yeah, just went to target,” I said, taking stuff out of the bag.
“How’s my baby?” He put his arms around me to grab my belly.
“Active. He’s been jumping around all day,” I sighed. He moved his hand around.
“That’s because he’s a little baller. Or maybe a gymnast if it’s a girl.”
“Mmhm,” i said, putting my hand over his. Somebody scored and the guys got all excited. We both looked over. I started taking stuff out the bags. Cayden removed his hands and started going back to the living area. I glanced at him and saw his jaw was locked and arms flexed. I was confused. He walked up to Rambo and smacked him on the back of the head.
“Damn man!” Rambo jumped. He turned around and Cayden grabbed the blunt that he must have just lit out of his mouth.
“I told your slow ass not to be smoking in my house when my wife is pregnant. Are you dumb?  That’s my kid you fucking with bruh,”
“My bad Cayden, I forgot,” he said quickly. “I’m sorry man,” he said. Everyone else looked to see what Cayden was gonna do. I already knew what he was planning to do and considering he was China’s man and what not i couldn’t have them falling out or that would make things awkward for all of us. I put the milk I was holding down. I reluctantly intervened.
“It’s ok baby,” i said to him from the kitchen. He looked up at me and I gave him a look to calm down and of course he listened and backed down. He just put the blunt out and came to throw it out in the kitchen. He came up behind me and wrapped an arm around me again.
“Sorry,” He said by my ear just so I could hear.
“It’s ok,” I said, leaning up to kiss him. I wasn’t mad, after all he was right, it was bad for the baby. Cayden had stopped smoking, around the house anyways, all together. It was cute how concerned he was about the baby. He kissed my shoulder and I giggled.
“She’s already pregnant dog, give it a break,” ty said as he came strolling in to the kitchen to open the fridge. I blushed but laughed.
“Hey! I just got those,” I complained. But nobody was listening. He was long gone and they had broken into a play fight, crashing on to the floor and rolling around like children. “You’re 26 years old,” I grumbled, picking my rolls off the floor.
I made some stuff for the guys and then took my food upstairs to eat and watch some shows.
I ended up falling asleep after eating, but woke up a few hours later with terrible heart burn. That was happening a lot now. I would take it over being nauseous 24/7 like in the beginning, but it was still very uncomfortable. I went downstairs to go find some tums and realised Cayden and his friends were gone. I looked at my phone real quick and Cayden had texted me saying he was gonna go in to work. I got some tums and some milk and went back to the bedroom. I decided to give Cole a call because i hadn't talked to him in a while.
"Hi Colebear,"
"Hey lil mama. How you doing?" he asked.
"Im ok, just tired and sick all the time," i complained.
"That sounds horrible," he said. "How much longer you got anyways? Tryna make sure im there when the baby gets here."
"Still have like 4 months. Im ready for it to be over, and i just wanna hold my baby already." I groaned in frustration.
"When we gon find out if its a boy or girl? How am i supposed to buy them some swag if i dont know?"
"I was supposed to find out a while ago but i kept missing my appointments. Im going in a few days, should find out then."
"Word? aight keep me posted."
"I will," i said, "so whats up with you and Ty. He came to my house a week ago and from what he said yall had some drama when he visited." I was being nosy as usual.
"Aint no drama," he mumbled.
"What did you do?" i asked in an accusing tone. He sighed.
"I may have iced him out a little."
"Why?" i asked, confused.
"Things were getting...intense."
"Thats how a relationship works Cole," i pointed out.
"I know," he said simply. I smiled a little bit.
"I get it. I was the same way when Cayden and i started getting serious. It terrified me. It's scary to love someone."
"So what did you do?" He asked.
"Well Cayden didn't really give me an option to run. He followed me every time, " i laughed. "Eventually i just got tired of trying to run away and i just dove in. Now i'm married to the fool and carrying his baby."
"Diving in sounds terrifying."
"It is," i bit my lip, thinking back to when Cayden and i were still dating. "But its worth it."
"Ugh. I cant with this sappy shit right now. Im bout to go to practice and i dont need to be in my feelings while tackling a bunch of dudes."
"Okay fine, ill drop it for now. But you need to just accept you love him and move on. Don't overthink it," i said seriously.
"okay mom."
"Oh God, can you imagine someone is gonna be calling me that soon," i said, more to myself.
"I can see you as a mom. You always taking care of people or helping them fix their lives, even when they didnt ask," he laughed.
"What can i say, i dont know how to mind my business," i shrugged.
"Lowkey im the same," he said. "But i gotta go."
"Okay babe, have a good practice. Ill talk to you later." He said bye and then i hung up.
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"Yo, How's the shipment going?" I asked him, referring to a deal i had going with Sean. He was organising the order while i handled the logistics and such.
"Man i don't think we have enough here. We gotta bring some from the other warehouse. I was gonna call Pat but i wanted to run it by you," he got up and i followed him out to the balcony looking down to the rest of the warehouse. It was busy with niggas at work like usual, organised by product.
"What he want?" i asked.
"Coke mostly, but he talking about he got some guy wants a bunch of crystal. We got 10, 20 pound max here," he said, nodding at the back of the room where the guys were breaking and weighing a fresh batch.
"Who the fuck wants to buy that much crystal?" My brows came together.
"Man who knows, thats your boy, ask him. Im just saying, thats pretty much all our supply from both warehouses, and we have one cook" he said. I nodded because he was right, but that wasn't my biggest concern. It was just weird to me that Sean was suddenly moving crystal when he had never before. I couldn't help think back to the time Randi asked if Sean could be trusted and wondered if she was on to something.
"Dont call Pat. Not yet anyways. Imma have a little meeting with Sean first," i decided.
"Got it," he nodded.
"By the way, thanks for checking on Randi while i was gone," i said. He shrugged.
"Uncle duties and what not," he smirked, "how she doing anyways? You weren't playing when you said she was emotional."
"She tired all the time, i feel bad. She go off on you?" I laughed.
"Nah, just crying and shit. I don't know how you do it."
"Ill take crying over when she gets angry."
"True," Ty nodded. I checked my watch.
"I gotta go find Keisha, i need her to get Sean here. I aint going to Cali, i just got back," i looked around a bit.
"She was here with Kassie earlier, training and what not. How you get her to come back anyways?" he raised a brow.
"I begged," i chuckled. " Why? you still got a crush on her? Thought you were all about the D now."
"Fuck you Cayden," he said, turning to go back to his office. I laughed and went off to find Keisha.
I ended up just calling Keisha from my office and she came up.
"Hey, sorry, Kassie was showing me around. She just left," she said.
"It's all good. I need you to do something for me though. 2 things actually."
"Sure, what is it?" she pulled out a pen and notepad.
"I need you to get Sean here. ASAP."
"Got it," she nodded.
"Also i need you to book me a trip, for 2. Jamaica, not business. Anytime in the next month or so," i looked up from my phone calendar.
"I'll get right on it..." she paused. "It's sweet. I mean, im assuming it's for your wife."
"Yeah it is. Gotta keep her happy," i shrugged. She smiled. Then she seemed to remember something and pulled out her phone
"Oh before i forget, the accountant is coming tomorrow. Just a reminder. Also, your calendar says its Ty's birthday soon, do you want me to arrange anything?"
"Remind me an hour before tomorrow. Get a gift for me, Randi is doing the rest. She throws unnecessary parties, its kind of her thing," i rolled my eyes.
"Okay then. Ill go start on this," she said, turning for the door.
"How was the training by the way?" i asked. Kassie had been here the whole time i was gone, showing her the ropes
"Good. She was really nice. She had a lot of great things to say about you. But i'm not surprised, you're a nice guy Cayden. I cant tell you how much this job means to me, my son too," she brushed her golden curls aside. "I mean i made decent money at the club, but...this is a lot better," she bit her lip. I nodded.
"You should have called me, I always cared about you Keisha," i smiled at her gently seeing her get emotional. She was all tough exterior, it was rare to see this side of her.
"I was embarrassed," she shrugged.
"You aint gotta be. How people make money is none of by business. Bur don't worry, i pay my assistants a lot. You gotta put up with my ass, just wait, you'll be sick of me soon." She laughed.
"Thanks Cayden," she smiled.
"You're welcome," i said simply. She left and closed the door behind her.
Once she was gone i called Randi to check on her.
Cayden called me just after id gotten off with Cole. He asked how i was and then he was telling me about what he was doing and when he would be home. Then i heard someone talking in the background, it wasn't a guy though, it was a female voice.
“Who is that” I said.
“Who’s who?” He asked. I sat up straighter in the bed chair.
“The chick talking in the back ground,” i said. I couldn't think of any reason for there to be a girl in his office at the warehouse. I knew there were a few girls who were involved in selling and what not but Cayden didn't spend time talking to pedlars or people lower in the chain, he handled all the big time stuff. I started to wonder if he wasn't really at the warehouse but i didn't see why he would lie.
“Keisha,” he said, as if that meant anything. “My assistant.”
“When did you get an assistant? You don’t like anyone, how’d you even pick someone.”
“I told you months ago that I needed an assistant baby,” he reminded me. This was true but still.
“Hm,” I said simply.
“So we good then? I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said.
“Okay,” i said, hanging up. I had been too annoyed to say bye or I love you.
Why would he get an assistant without telling me? If that even was his assistant. I knew there was always random girls walking around that definitely weren’t assistants, the business kind anyways. I wondered what this Keisha girl was assisting Cayden with and my blood started to boil. I tried to not be this person but pregnancy also had me a bit mentally unstable and I wasn’t particularly confident right now. Was Cayden fooling around with another girl because i was becoming the size of a whale? I panicked and started to get up off the bed and pulled on a sweater.
I wasn’t really sure what I was doing until i was driving for 20 minutes and leaving the city to go towards the warehouse. I never came here on my own and I started to second guess myself as I pulled up and security immediately posted up. I got out of the car and locked it. One of the guys looked familiar though and I was pretty sure I’d seen him before.
“Are you lost shawty?” Another guy said, licking his lips in a disgusting way and looking down at me. I was about to release all my fury on him when the familiar guy spoke up.
“That’s Cayden’s wife you idiot” he said. The previous guy shrunk back.
“My bad,” he said quickly, head down.
“Should i get Cayden for you?” The familiar guy asked. I shook my head.
“I know my way,” I said, motioning to the door. They paused but moved out of the way. I adjusted my cardigan and went in. People stared at me because i rarely came period let alone on my own. Also I was pretty pregnant now which drew attention. I went upstairs to the offices and stopped in front of Cay’s. I debated whether or not to knock then decided against it. I opened the door and walked in.
Cayden looked up and his face went very confused when he saw me. He was in the chair and a girl stood beside him, bent over and pointing to the computer screen.
“Randi? What the fuck are you doing here?” He said. My face must not have looked happy because he quickly got up. “I mean is everything ok? Is it the baby?” He came over and put a hand to my lower back. I immediately checked his hand for the wedding band which was there.
“The baby’s fine,” I said, looking him over for lipstick, makeup, anything.
“What’s going on then?” He asked. I looked up at the girl standing and starring at us. Cayden looked up. “Keisha can you give me a minute with my wife,” she stood for a minute looking which was strange but then she shuffled out. I was looking around his office looking for any signs of anything messy when Cayden put a hand to my cheek. “Baby, What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” I mumbled, feeling like the biggest fool.
“You drove all the way up here for nothing. Nah,” he shook his head. I choked up, I couldn’t say I came because I thought you were cheating.
“I don’t feel good,” I lied. I did feel sick to my stomach all of a sudden but more out of guilt. Guilty that I’d thought he’d do something like that and also because the way he looked worried now that he thought I was sick.
“Maybe I should take you to the hospital,” he said, feeling my forehead.
“No I’ll be okay,” I said quickly. “I think I just need to go home,”
“I’ll take you,” He said “someone will come pick me up after.” I agreed. He held me all the way out of his office and down the stairs. Once we got in the car I was still thinking about the fact that he got an assistant and didn’t tell me. That was still sketchy, cheating or not.
“How do you know her?” I asked.
“Keisha?” He asked. I waited for him to lie because honestly I already knew the truth. I was simply testing him.  “Being 100, we used to fuck but it was a long time ago, and we were actually friends.”
“So is that why you didn’t tell me?” I asked.
“This about to be a problem isn’t it?” He asked. “Wait? Is that why you drove all the way down here?” Well shit.
“Well I heard a girl in your office,” I said, defending myself. He turned to face me then.
“And you automatically assumed I was what? Cheating?” He looked upset. I was supposed to be the one angry. “You don’t even trust me huh? Still,” he shook his head. When he put it like that he made it sound bad.
“It’s not like that-“
“What’s it like? You came running, so that’s what you thought.”
“Well...” I started. “Normally I wouldn’t be scared but look at me,” i gestured at myself. “I don’t look tight and right at the moment. And don't eve play me like you didn't just hire a girl you used to sleep with and not tell your wife about it.”
“You’re insane Randi. You’ve lost your mind. I ain’t even gon fight you cause you carrying my kid.” I got frustrated and was fighting the urge to break into tears so i just glared out the window for the ride home.
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Bias Tag
Tagged by the wonderful @prettywordsyouleft
Rules: list the groups you like, your bias, and your bias wrecker. tag 10 people
1- Vixx
Bias: Wonshik (Ravi) / Jaehwan (Ken)
Ravi is my original bias from the get go, when VIXX debut I instantly found him attractive, his voice ( im a goner for a deep rapper) He also reminded me of Baro from B1A4 (get to that later). Jaehwan though crept up and made himself knows, i mean how can you not fall in love with that man’s voice?! Pure fucking talent with a voice of a god tyvm. And his thighs and the rest of him arent too shabby either >_>
Bias Wrecker:  Sanghyuk (Hyuk)
Now do not get me started on this Manhyuk, yes MAN HYUK!! I’ve always appreciated the maknae of Vixx but it wasnt untll recently that i started to appreciate him more. Boy grew up too well, his dancing has improved so much, as has his vocal training / abilities. That boy moves too well for his own darn good, and i’m weak for thighs..
2- Got7
Bias: Jackson
Where do i even begin with Jackson Wang.. again, being a rapper i loved his tone, physically he is the type that i go for ( i like them thick, no shame here) His genuine caring nature, passion and drive to achieve his goals and the fact that he will do anything for his loved ones, even make an ass of himself. Got me sold.
Bias Wrecker: Jinyoung
Jinyoung is my original JJP bias, and i chose him as my first Got7 bias too, he is practically perfect in everyway.. sassy, namja, built like a god.. voice like one too. Do i need to say more?
3- B.A.P
Bias: Himchan
It actually took me awhile to chose a bias in B.A.P because I didnt want to admit that I liked Himchan (dont ask me why) but it was obvious why i like him. I love his deep voice when he sings/ raps. I also admire the fact that even though he doesnt want to dance so much, he always tries his hardest. He’s sassy as fuck, and such a shit stirrer, but loves those boys like family.
Bias Wrecker: Youngjae
Where do i even begin with Yoo Youngjae? Sassy fucker at its finest, noona wrecker, sings like.. I dont even know.. his smirks literally kill me, as do his thighs. Seeing them in person made me realise just how fucking beautiful B.A.P are.. I hate and love in in equal measure.
4- B1A4
Bias: Baro / Sandeul
Like i said earlier I had picked Ravi because he reminded me of Baro. I’m literally weak for a good rapper, and no one can say that Baro isnt one.. because HELLO TRIED TO WALK ANYONE!? This man is a pure goofball, and such a talent. Duelie, well.. he snuck up with his amazing vocals.. his voice is one of the few voices i die over everytime i hear it, gives me goosebumps and shivers & literally makes me cry. Also his duckbutt is glorious..the man is built in ways that are just too much for this noona.
Bias Wrecker: CNU/Dongwoo
He is seriously such a sleaze, his voice and stage presence oozes it. He honestly fucks me up with how much he wants to fuck you through the camera when he performs. He is built the way i like too.. attractive namja ugh
5- Wanna One
Bias: Ha Sungwoon / Ong Seongwoo
Before I even saw Sungwoon, I heard his voice. His voice is what attracted me first, then i laid eyes on him, and well damn. He is so so handsome and cute, I also love the fact that he is short (i’m only 5ft) His stage presence is always huge and he puts so much effort into everything, he is a perfectionist. Ong.. was another one who’s voice attracted me first (and shamelessly he was one of the only ones I could pick out straight away at first when i saw him. He is unique looking.
Bias Wrecker: Park Woojin 
This one right here is literally the worst noona killer known to mankind (atleast to me) I try my hardest not to get attached to the younger members in kpop (me being almost 32) but talent literally flows out of him, his rapping, his dancing, this kid has it all. I only see bigger and brighter things for him.
6- Day6
Bias: Wonpil
I hated him at first, I didnt understand why he got so much, and i constantly complained about hearing him sing.. BUT he got on my nerves so much that I realized I actually loved the fuck outta this cutie. Now his voice is one of my favourites and hearing it does things to me. I appreciate this man like no other.
Bias Wrecker: Brian
I refuse to call him YoungK, his name is Brian. This talented asshole... has everything, rapping, composing, singing, bassist.. UGH It is literally so hard for me because these two rival eachother like no other constantly.
7- VAV
Bias: St Van
Again he is another member that I complained about, and didnt like at first, but i knew.. I KNEW he would creep up and take the bias spot. He is honestly so precious, and i love watching him cook and just be all casual. NAMJA
Bias Wrecker: Lou
He was my original bias, and I feel bad that St Van took his spot, but he still gives me moments where i am like... DAMN BOI. cos yeah.
8- EXO
Bias: Suho
He’s not my original bias in EXO, allbeit because a friend i once had biased him and made it so i felt like i couldnt bias him, but he is definitely my main bias. This man is pure fluff, seriousness, talent, attractive and a goofball. He honestly fucks me up with just one look.
Bias wrecker: Jongdae
Need I say more? LOL.. Jongdae was my original bias, the man can sing, dance, do it all really. Smirky, charming... UGH.
9- Seventeen
Bias: Chan / DK
Again I trieddddd to not like on the young ones.. but come on now people, Chan will fuck. you. up. That boy knows how to moves, he knows we like it and enjoys making you squirm. DK, his voice, i love love loveeee his voice, and he isnt too bad to look at, he is a giant fluffball and honestly does not act his age sometimes. Bias Wrecker: LEE JIHOON
I honestly overlooked him so much, and complained about him alot, why does he get so much? he’s not that great... I WAS WRONG. THIS MAN HAS FUCKED ME OVER SO BADLY. TALENT IS EVERYWHERE. HE PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT INTO EVERYTHING. HIS THIGHS. I DONT CARE THAT HE’S SHORT. IT MAKES ME LOVE HIM MORE. COME BE SASSY WITH ME.
10- NCT
Bias: Doyoung
This sweet doughboy of a man is everything. Great vocals. Great visuals. Dances and tries so hard. He is so very pure and fluffy and cute amazing boyfriend material, but also has a temper that you dont want to fuck with. I love that he’s sassy and serious, but also a cutie. wahhhh
Bias Wrecker: Lucas
I tried my hardest not to like on this boy, but FUCK does he not look like a man??? Cos damn he is so attractive it HURTS. I’m so glad he finally made his debut, you deserve it bb. Noona loves you!
I tag @annoyingtiger888 @hopesdreamsandalatte @noona-clock @hoshees
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hey hi guess who wants to die?
my asshole of a father is wearing me thin. i came home at dinner and we always talk about how school went that day and i had my day interrupted countless times by either 1.) my mom getting upset my youngest brother for messing w the cat at the dinner table 2.) my dad yelling at him for same reason 3.) one or both of my brothers ‘jokingly’ complaining about how long me talking about my day is and so on. my youngest brother decided the entire meal he was just gonna ignore what he was told to do and thus got his phone taken away. 
all the yelling and fighting made my other brother stressed so he took a drive through the neighborhood. before we got ready for bed my dad asked him why he was feeling stressed and he said the fighting was stressing him and i chipped in (because it happens every fucking time im home) saying it stressed me out too and how its chaos every time i come home.
my dad informed all three of us we had no reason to be stressed bc we’re not parents and how its ‘optional’ i come home on weekends bc i COULD be forced to pay rent AND THEN he said that the ‘so called chaos you feel when you get home is caused by you’
fuck. you. you worthless abusive piece of shit. ive wanted to die like 7 times this week alone and fridays not even over and this bullshit aint helping. im not the one shrieking at the youngest brother every other second bc hes doing whatever bc he never went through the bullshit i did that made me the timid soldier fucked up ass i am today
you know what? i dont come home for my fucked up family. i come home to get away from school, eat food thats different from the same 5 fucking things they have to eat there that doesnt make me sick, and to see my cats. i cant spend more than maybe 30 mins before i wall myself up in my room until i leave because they stress me out so badly
AND THEN THIS ABSOLUTE BASTARD had the nerve to say how i never thank my mom for doing laundry/cooking/cleaning/etc. OH HO DO NOT GO THERE! whos the one complaining about how the foods not the right temperature or that its not what he wanted to eat or wasnt at the time he wanted? whos the one who gets mad when she gets home from work bc something didnt get done that HE could have done? 
Now whos the one who went 18 years of her entire life not complaining about how much the taste and texture of sausage makes her gag because she was being grateful her mom cooks? You wonder why i only tell my day to mom? its bc u dont give a fuck. i can hear it in the disinterest or how it becomes a life lesson. i say thank you like 4 times throughout a meal and every load she brings in (oh and btw most of the time im doing my own laundry and i would do it at school except i dont have the soap and stuff) i say thank you. they beat it enough into me and yet im still punished because NOTHING i do is enough for them. but yes I’m the selfish prick
and then they had to bring in how im always alone (wow idk my 2 friends from hs were dead ps im not counting skye bc they dont know about her/tumblr for my safety and hers and my hs friends’) and he used the fucking b*st fr**nd bullshit fuck you fuck you fuck you. and then the ‘i want you to get married and have kids’ FUCK YOU!!!!! you wont want me to if i decide to marry a woman!!!!! i dont wanna have kids bc ill fuck them up like YOU DID ME AND MY BROTHERS.
and then he guilt tripped us by saying how ‘we work our jobs bc we’re paying for what? (directed at me).’ “college” i hiss. “dont you spit it through your clenched jaw” Youre fucking lucky you were on the other side of the room motherfucker ooooooooohmygod. Ohoho and when he ‘opened the floor’ once he was done telling us how shitty we are and how hardworking him and my mom are, he asked if i had anything to say. i wanted to spill all of the above but i cant. i dont have a job bc i can barely get out of bed in the morning for school let alone more of a job than i have now
you know at one point i was grateful for them helping pay for college. now its just a burden bc they hang it over my head whenever i show the slightest (and fair) complaint i have like how i come home and everyone just complains about me, makes me do their jobs for them, the youngest hits me (but oh no thats how boys show love right ‘hE sItS iN uR rOoM wHeN yOuRe GoNe’) or otherwise physically or verbally/mentally abuses me.
i need therapy. i have no time no money and my parents obviously dont give a shit about my mental health period. he even had the audacity to ask if it was ‘something they did’ parenting wise. uh you want the list in fucking alphabetical order or by year or...?
anyways this is long and its passed midnight and they placed a baby monitor outside my door to hear one brother for night terrors so ik they can maybe hear me typing so yeah
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fire brigade formals to zombies to snowy days
Relan: *stares at the 3rd new commander* "..." iris: she seems jittery... shinra: considering all the controversy surrounding the 3rd these days, i can see why. Relan: "..." *walks up* "Commander?" tennouji: !!!! *salute* 3-3-3RD BRIGADE ACTING COMMANDER HIMARI TENNOUJI R-R-REPORTING SIR!! Relan: ._. "..." *salutes* "??? I...I'm Relan. I was...in the 3rd?" tennouji: oh. i-i-i think i might have s-seen you around. d-did you have a pet rat? Relan: owo "...His name is Buttons." tennouji: ah, so that was you then. shinra: ^^ Relan: "Y-Yes...How are you adjusting?" tennouji: i-its scary Q_Q Relan: o_o "...You should speak to Obi! He is newer at this work and is full of helpful advice!" tennouji: i-i wouldnt want to impose- Relan: "He wouldn't think of it like that. And he's far less intense than Captain Hinawa..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *slurring slightly* "Then that pointy-nose masked jerk is the _real_ villain! I told y'all!" gabriella: *holding her up, to make sure she doesnt fall over* hibana.... ._.; huang: ._.;;; Asako: =_= *takes another sip of brandy* "He most certainly was a dick." Hibana: =w= "Gabby, I know you want to get close to me--" *fiery eyes* "BUT I'M STILL COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT BASTARD." gabriella: ^-^; a-at least be sure to drink some water... Hibana: "Could you pour me some~?" gabriella: of course. Asako: "--and his voice was really disgusting..." -elsewhere- Patty: "!!! SHE'S ADORABLE!!!" hanako: >.< Patty: "Hee hee! And what a wonderful dress! Your moms picked it out?" hanako: ._. *nervous, hiding behind one angel* Patty: owo "...Oh. Didn't mean to scare you..." *backs up* angel 1: it's alright. ^^; hanako: mom said not to talk to strangers... Patty: ^^; "Fair enough..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *grumbling whining muttering* itsuka: [hey katsuki ^^ ] Bakugo: "..." [yo. how's it goin?] itsuka: [good. craming 4 exams w/ the squad >u< ] Bakugo: [they asked u for help or u volunteering?] itsuka: [study group @ tokage's place.] [PS tokage and tetsutetsu said to say 'hello'.] Bakugo: [tell them my exam grades will be better than theirs] itsuka: [noted] -elsewhere- midnight: *patching her arm up while mt lady is asleep on the couch* Mount Lady: "Zzz..." *loud snore* midnight:...(honestly, what am i gonna do with this one?).... *puts a pillow under her head* Mount Lady: *stops snoring* =w= midnight:.... (she's still young. hopefully she'll mellow out in time.) *chuckle* (i remember when i was young and naive like that. not a care in the world.) Mount Lady: *curls up on the bed, yawns--and grows two feet, her feet falling off the bed* -elsewhere- Black Star: "--and hence, I got a grandfather." tsubaki: it's nice to meet you, sir. grey*star: likewise. Black Star: "And Tsubaki is a great weapon! She has multiple forms, is sweet, smells nice, cooks--" tsubaki: ^-^; Black Star: "And she's a great caretaker to our family--" grey*star: ._. you...have children? Black Star: "I mean, sort of? Adopted." grey*star: ah. -elsewhere- stocking: mom? you ok? felisia: *whimpering, holding her stomach* Mephisto: "...Do you need some time to chat, Sweetie?" stocking: *hugs her mom* felisia: i-im so scared....w-what if i mess up? what if i do something wrong? i-i dont know what to do! *crying* Mephisto: "..." *hug* stocking: it's gonna be ok, mom. we're here for you. and your circumstances are different from before... Mephisto: *nod nod* "We're not going away..." felisia: t-thanks...*rubs her stomach* its ok...im going to do my best for you.... Mephisto: *nods, smiles* "We know..." -elsewhere- Kid: *cradling Shiori* shiori: babu! Kid: *holds up a doll* "And who is this person?" ^^ lord death: hard to believe she'll be 2 next month... Kid: *nods* "Growing up fast..." lord death: ahhh, im getting all teary eyed thinking about it! TT~TT Kid: "..." *whispers to Shiori* "I think Papa needs a hug..." shiori: hug papa. lord death: *HUUUUUGS* Kid: *hug* ^w^;;; -elsewhere- Aizawa: *yawns* "Okay. Location is set for tomorrow..." yuuji: cool. so these kid's quirks... Aizawa: "Surprising, huh?" yuuji: yeah....but this romero kid....i get a bad vibe from him... Aizawa: "...Little prejudicial?" yuuji: s-sorry. 7-7; -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Can't sleep?" mahiru: guess im just anxious. Shamrock: "Given past experiences, I suppose that is to be expected." mahiru: .....*pets kuro* Kuro: =_= mahiru: *small chuckle* Kuro: *kitten yawn* "Stop chuckling..." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *curls up* "A cute thing like me deserves a fluffy blanket and kitten treats..." -elsewhere- Q: zzzzz.... Adam: "???" zoey: *hums a lullaby as she strokes Q's head* Q: =w= Adam: *listens* ("I never heard this...") zoey: *smiles and hums* Adam: *yawns, sits back* -elsewhere- Victor: owo "...That's new." nozomi: i figured it was time for a new look. i'm gonna have a busy night ahead of me. Victor: "Oh?" nozomi: deciphering my father's notes and what not. Victor: "After the party, though?" nozomi: *she nods* -later- shinra: aahhh. im beat. Relan: "But it was fun..." *yawn* shinra: yeah.... *sigh* Relan: "...What's wrong?" shinra: i didnt see the 4th commander at all. i figured maybe we could get answers from him... Relan: "...Maybe you need the direct approach? Ogun could help?" shinra: maybe. Relan: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Asako: "..." vivian: captain? Asako: "??? Yes, Vivian?" vivian: are you alright? Asako: "...I did not see Grandfather." vivian:......oh.... Asako: *wipes her eyes* "I guess I had to expect it..." *sniffs* vivian:....*understanding hug* Asako: "Th-Thank you..." vivian:...*nod* Asako: "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring down your night. How did you enjoy the event?" vivian: it was fun. ^^ Asako: *smiles* "That's good...You seemed engaged with your boyfriend." vivian: *giggling* >///u///< <3 Asako: *wipes her eyes* "How long have you been dating?" -elsewhere- Burns: "--and file your report as to the intelligence gathered from the event by 10-hundred hours." Fulham: *nodding off* -elsewhere- lydia: ....... shadowy bull: .... *nuzzles its head against her face* lydia:.... *pets* <thank you...> Ivan: *knock knock* lydia: <it's open> Ivan: "..." <How is it going?> lydia: .... <same as usual...> Ivan: *nods* <No new updates from Master. That means to continue surveillance and preparations.> lydia:... <right. and oguri?> Ivan: "Dotting the i's and crossing the t's." <Checking up on the targets.> lydia: <ah.> Ivan: <So you'll need to be ready for backup...Especially if anyone gets in the way...> *hands a folder* <Some ability users Master located.> lydia: *examining* *One person is marked ???: Ranpo* lydia: hmmm... Ivan: <We're determining who to assign as backup--but you know how difficult Oguri can be.> lydia: <oguri? difficult?> *excalibur face* *sarcastically* <noooo, you're joking.> Ivan: ^^;;; <Please be patient: we'll need Oguri's help, especially as Adam has been--> *crash* lydia: <oh for fucks sake, what now?> Adam: "I didn't know spraying your alcohol-based hair product into a flame was a bad idea! Stop hitting me!" oguri: YOU SON OF A BITCH MOTHER FUCKER I WILL KILL YOU AND THEY WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO PROVE JACK SHIT!!! yana: ok, settle down. Adam: *leaps up into Ivan's arms* Ivan: Q_Q *can barely hold him* lydia: oguri, calm down. oguri: I'LL CALM DOWN AFTER I MURDER THAT WRETCHED SLAG LICKING LITTLE FUCKER!! lydia: oguri. not in front of the child. Q: ?? Adam: Q______Q Ivan: "..." <Keep cursing.> yana: you know, all that sodium isnt good for you....you know...because all the saltiness? Adam: "...OH! I get it!" ^^ -early morning- keek:...happy birthday to me, i guess... Mrs. Harue: "...I'm happy you're here." *holds her hand* keek:...*small hug* im happy too, mom. Mrs. Harue: *hug* *pat pat* "I'll have your cake ready this evening...and your breakfast now?" keek: yeah. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *holding his head* =____= karin: buzzed? Takehisa: "Hungover..." karin: ah. Takehisa: "I only had a sip of my drink, then I just switched to punch...Someone must've spiked it..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Zzz..." EF: we're here. Meme: *opens her eyes* "Huh?" -they're at the hotel- Meme: "..." *pushes the bed* "...Who brought me...*yawn* in?" ao: we all carried you. Anya: *lying on the vibrating bed* =w= "M-M-My b-b-b-back was k-k-k-killing me after..." mio: ._.; Meme: .___.;;; "...Need more quarters, Anya?" Anya: "I-I'm g-g-g-good..." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "..." *looks out the window* "What's around here?" -there is a movie theater across the street- Meme: "..." *reads the marquee* ((Which city did they get to?)) tsugumi: *reading brochures* Meme: "..." *gets out of bed* "I'm going to shower. Then we can look around..." mio: ok. -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *making a call back home* *phone rings* Shamrock: "Hello?" tsubaki: it's me. how's everything at home? Shamrock: "...About the same as usual?" x_^;;;; tsubaki: ah, i see. -she explains what all happened- Shamrock: "...That is a lot for one trip...And this other one, Magaki?" tsubaki: they'll be under DWMA custody for the time being. Shamrock: "Ah...Are you comfortable with this?" tsubaki: i think so. Shamrock: *nods* "Okay...It's not too much to take on, is it?" tsubaki: i feel i have to try. Shamrock: "Of course...Do not exhaust yourself." tsubaki: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *stare* fukuzawa: .... ? Mori: "...I wanted to play..." fukuzawa: ...alright, what did you have in mind? Mori: "My father used to let me play with paper dolls--to identify their organs..." fukuzawa: um..... *sweatdrop* lets see here.....i have this. *hands him a kendama* just try to get the ball into the cup or onto the spike, but hold it away from you so you dont hurt yourself. be careful. Mori: "..." *small swing up--and the ball misses the spike* "Nuts." fukuzawa: it takes a bit of practice. ranpo: yeah, took me about 2 weeks to get it. Mori: "..." *whispers to Fukuzawa* "Why is that 30-year-old man dressed like a child cosplaying like a boy detective?" ranpo: OI! im only 27! Mori: "Close enough." *continues playing--and catches the ball on the spike* owo fukuzawa: see? *smile* Mori: ^w^ *swings it again--and the ball smashes into his eye* fukuzawa: *gets the medkit* i warned you. -_-; hold on, i'll fix this- Mori: TTwTT "I was excited..." fukuzawa: *patching him up* (at least he didnt break down crying this time...) Mori: "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Ogun: "He hasn't stepped out of the office?" pan: no. i hear him muttering in there sometimes. kind of unnerving. Ogun: "??? No idea what he's saying?" selim *presses ear to the door*........... Arg: *mutter mutter* "--burn--" *mutter mutter* "--Heaven--" selim: *giggles, lava forming at his feet* pan: !!! MORIYAMA! *A crash is heard in the office* pan: !!!! *slams the door open* sir!! Arg: *standing beside his desk...a book has fallen onto the floor...all looks normal in the room* "???" pan: sir are you alright? ogun! get moriyama to the nurse! Ogun: "On it!" *tries to lead Selim* selim: *follows, giggling all the while* Arg: "...Yes, I'm fine. How are you?" pan: we heard a commotion in here, sir. Arg: "??? Just knocked over this book..." pan: *walks over to pick it up* *The book is opened to some pages about photosynthesis--and have three long tears along it...* pan: ??? Arg: "I was trying to open a letter--" *gestures to the envelop opener* "--and darn thing slipped." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." lana: zzzzz Poe: "..." *hug* lana: u///u Poe: *holds onto her* lana:....morning edgar. Poe: "...Good morning, Lana. Sleep well?" lana: yeah....*brushes his bangs back and kisses his forehead* so sweet. Poe: =\\\\= "Lana..." lana: *kiss* ^///^ -elsewhere- katya: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pushkin: *nudge* <kati? you up yet?> katya: *muttering* pushkin: <that's ok, take your time.> *goes to make coffee* -elsewhere- oguri:..... {oguri: please...tell me...what do you see, when you look at me?} {???: …what i see is- } -knocks- oguri: !!!! IM NOT DECENT! Ivan: *calling from outside* "Meeting in 20." oguri: NOTED! >///n///<; Ivan: "??? Need medicine?" oguri: im fine! >3< *rubs eyes* i just need to get dressed first! Ivan: "Okay. If 20 is not enough--" oguri: I'LL BE OUT!! lydia: *gives ivan a motion to say 'lets go already'* Ivan: "..." *turns, leaves* oguri:....*sighs* get it together, already, mushitaro. -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusts his tie* "So this meeting will be about missions?" lord death: yes. you get to hand out missions today! Kid: "Yay!" *takes them--then stares* "...Father? I think you need to...They look uneven?" lord death: deep breaths, kiddo. Kid: "..." *inhales, exhales* "Okay..." *flips to the first mission* "This one is for--Sid?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *asleep at his school desk* nygus: mr watanuki? Sakuya: *grunts* naho: *nudge* sakkun, wake up. Sakuya: *sits up* "S-Sis?!" nygus: mr watanuki? is everything alright? Sakuya: "...Fine. Just...fine." *opens his book* "Sorry." naho:... -elsewhere- Magaki: *holds up shackled hands* <I'll need someone to hold the umbrella.> tsubaki: *holding it out* *smiles* Magaki: "..." *small blush* <Thank you.> *walks forward into the daylight* -elsewhere- tsuyu: ... mina: these exams are gonna kill me TT_TT Denki: "I don't want to fail..." Mineta: "YOU BETTER NOT FAIL, MINA! YOU NEED TO BE AT THE TRAINING--" jirou: *SLAM DUNKS HIM INTO THE TRASH* Mineta: D:< "I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING YET!" jirou: shhhhhh stop talking. Izuku: ^^; "Let's all do our best...I'm sure tutoring is helping?" ochako: yeah, it sure is. Bakugo: *dark aura around him* "I am the best fucking tutor ever..." sato: scary. *footsteps are heard in the hallway...more than just one pair* Iida: "ATTENTION!" *stands up* "TAKE YOUR SEATS BEFORE OUR TEACHER ARRIVES!" Bakugo: -_-# "You're out of your seat, numb-nuts..." jirou: ?? (more than one person?) *The door slides open, revealing Aizawa and--* momo: new students? Aizawa: "Quiet...everyone take your seat. Iida, sit down already." Iida: *slams down into his chair with a crash* .\\\\\. *Four students walk in--one hiding behind the others* girl: ... large boy: .~.;;;;;; Creepy Boy: "..." *sneers* Bakugo: "...The fuck is his problem?" Izuku: "..." ("You're one to talk...") ochako: OwO;;; momo:.... ._.;;; Denki: *shiny eyes* "Adorable..." Mineta: *stuck in the trash can head-down* "What? Is something happening? Is it sexy?" jirou: dont you fucking dare. *shoves mineta back into the trash* Mineta: "GRK! My grapes!" kashiko: um...what's going on? jirou: he's a cursed student, just ignore him and everything will be fine. kashiko: ._.; *blinks* Aizawa: "I know it's unorthodox in the middle of exam studying, but administration decided for your next exercise to engage in some 'exchange student' tactics..." *gestures* "These four are from Isamu High..." Koda: "???" *points at each one...then holds up three fingers* "???" kashiko: it's nice to meet you all. my name is Kashiko Sekigai. dadan: i-im Dadan Tadan...n-nice to....meet you... ._.;;; *sweats* hagakure: aww, he's like a big teddy bear. Romero: "..." *growl* "Fujimi." ochako: ._.;;;; Bakugo: *death glare* "...This jerk's crowding in on _my_ routine..." eijiro: *sweatdrop* Aizawa: "...Yo. Last one. Name yourself." ???: "..." *the one with big hair peeks over Kashiko's shoulder* "..." *spots Tsuyu* "!!!" tsuyu: *looks up* !!!! habuko! Habuko: "TSU!" -HUUUGS~- Izuku: ._. "???" ochako: that's so cute. Izuku: ^^ "Aaaah, despite appearances, any friendship can form--" Romero and Bakugo: "SHUT UP, YOU DAMN NERD--WE'RE NOT THEIR FRIENDS!" Romero and Bakugo: "..." *death glares* mina: this can only lead to disaster. Denki: "...D'aw, Kacchan made a new friend, too--" Romero: *snort laugh* "Kacchan?! That loser who got slimed?!" Bakugo: *slow head turn--180--to glare at Denki* Denki: .________.;;;; jirou: why do you keep saying words? Denki: "Because I'm not Koda..." Koda: *opens his mouth--pauses...then does a "He's not wrong" shrug* jirou: *jabs him* dont be an ass. mina: yikes. kashiko: -_-; Aizawa: "If we are all done...you'll be getting on buses in an hour. Iida, lead the exchange students to the locker room to change into your outfits." -later- momo: so you're the class rep? kashiko: yeah, but it's far from an easy job. Habuko: ^w^ momo: i take it mr fujimi is your 'problem student'? kashiko: oh yes, but he does mean well. mina: so in personality terms, he's a mix of bakugou and monoma. Habuko: "??? I don't know who this Monoma is, but he sounds like an ass." tsuyu: oh trust us, he is. Habuko: *holds Tsuyu's hand* "I missed you!!!" tsuyu: i missed you too >u< Habuko: >w< "We have to talk so much before--" Izuku: ._____. tsuyu: ah right. this is izuku. we're going steady. Habuko: "Oh! I've heard so much about you..." Izuku: *nods* "I heard a bit about you. Tsuyu says you're a great friend--" Habuko: *activates Quirk, stares at Izuku* "YOU HURT HER, AND YOU WON'T HAVE A HEAD..." Izuku: owo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tsuyu: settle habuko, settle. *pat pat* Habuko: =w= *inhale, exhale* "Sorry...If anything happened to Tsuyu, I don't know..." Izuku: *nod nod nod nod* QwQ "I feel the same..." tsuyu: guys... ^^ Habuko: "Initiating group hug!" *glomp* ochako: .... *glances at todoroki* ? Todoroki: "..." Izuku: *choking* -and so- Aizawa: "Stand here at attention...Mineta, move from that spot." Mineta: "But why, sir? I got a great view--" *A light is seen flying up through the sky* Izuku: .______. *Everyone but Mineta takes a step back* ???: "I AM LANDING--" *BOOM* *All Might has arrived* All Might: "--WITH A THUNDERING CRASH! ...Did I step in something?" jirou: just a pile of shit. sato: oooh, sick burn. Mineta: *last-minute protection by his Quirk-balls* q_q "...This is going to end badly for me today..." All Might: "Oh. SORRY, YOUNG MINETA!" *steps off...and wipes his shoe along the dirt* "I AM HERE TO WELCOME OUR INVITED STUDENTS--" Aizawa: "Enough. You're late." All Might: .w.;;;; Romero: *shiny eyes at All Might* kashiko: ^u^; Habuko: "OMG I am so getting his autograph!" Aizawa: "Today is survival tra--" All Might: "SURVIVAL TRAINING!" *turns on hologram* "Six teams! Four members each! RUN OR FIGHT! THE ONLY GOAL IS TO SURVIVE!" Bakugo: "..." *gleeful murderous sneer* dadan: ._.;;; Aizawa: "No. Killing. Kacchan." Bakugo: *grumbles* All Might: "CAPTURE TAPE IS THE ONLY TOOL ALLOWED TO BIND YOUR OPPONENTS!" Habuko: "Oooooo! We did a similar exercise! You used that tape stuff before, Tsu?" tsuyu: *nod* All Might: "NOW FOR THE TEAMS! A Team is Midoriya, Ashido, Uraraka, and Asui!" Mineta: "Jealous." mina: cool. Izuku: ^^; ochako: neato! tsuyu: *ribbit* -TEAM B- momo: oh. eijiro: looks like we're on the same team, bakugou! ^^ Bakugo: "I am winning this one, and the rest of you better just do whatever I say." Shoji: "..." *from arm-mouth* "Typical." -TEAM C- hagakure: yay! Todoroki: "Okay...Let's make this one count." Koda: *nods* =w= Ojiro: "Right." -TEAM D- sato: awesome. Tokoyami: "I look forward to working with you." Iida: "Likewise!" sero: ^u^ -TEAM E- jirou: why me? Denki: "Karma, baby!" Aoyama: "Oui." Mineta: >_> "Freaking sausage fest..." jirou: i hope you get mauled by a bear. Mineta: "...I'm not into bears." Aoyama: "???" -TEAM F- kashiko: so we're all on the same team then. Romero: "Time to show these Death City losers how we do it at Isamu..." dadan: ._.;;; Habuko: "..." *inhales* "Okay...Give it my all, give it my all..." Aizawa: "Teams are selected. Go to their starting locations." All Might: "THE TEST WILL BEGIN WITHOUT WARNING IN FIVE MINUTES--" Aizawa: "That constitutes a warning..." All Might: "...Oh. Um...WITHIN FIVE MINUTES!" -and so- *Everyone runs to their locations* Habuko: "Give it your best, Tsu!" tsuyu: you too! Romero: "Enjoy the stench of defeat!" Bakugo: "JOKES ON YOU--I EAT PIECES OF SHIT LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!" Romero: "..." Bakugo: "...Sh-Shut up!" momo: phrasing, bakugou. phrasing. Iida: ^^ --At Team A's location-- ochako: alright, so what's the game plan, deku? mina: you're our tactician here. Izuku: ._.;; "Lot of pressure...Well, we lack the same surveillance abilities that Jiro and others have...And if we start a fight, that attracts other teams to our location--risking that we have a two-on-one fight, and we're the one..." tsuyu: but this is a survival training, right? mina: maybe just wait it out for now? Izuku: "...It sounds like the best plan until something changes." *nods* "Okay. Let's do that." mina: i even snuck my phone in, so we can stream shows. Izuku: ._.;;; "That's...a little too laid-back for 'survival'...Unless...Hmm...Did this facility have any cameras or wireless in order to access GPS tracking to ascertain the locations of *mumble mumble mumble mumble--" -elsewhere- yuuji: ... Aizawa: "Okay, 'spotter', see anything?" yuuji: well- -BOOOOM- yuuji: that. Aizawa: "...So much for an exercise teaching them patience..." *sigh* -meanwhile- jirou: ok, only one person's footsteps. Denki: "So Bakugo's coming alone...Let's surround him!" jirou: *nod* -on the ground- Bakugo: *running* "Heh heh--" *then *then spots a laser coming at him* Bakugo: "!!!" *leaps, dodges--then sees balls coming at him* ("Coordinated concentrated attack...") *sneers, leaps--and slams his fists onto the ground* "TAKE THAT, EARPHONES!" jirou: ABLABLABLBALBALBALEUUUU X-X Denki: "Jirou!" *runs to her* Mineta: "EAT MY BALLS!" *flings them at Bakugo* Bakugo: "..." *swings a blast--which smashes the balls at--* Aoyama: Q_Q "C'est mauvais..." *BOOM* ochako: ?!?! there's another one! *Aoyama is now stuck to Denki and Jirou* Izuku: "Kacchan...Listen to see where he moves next..." -elsewhere- kashiko: *scanning* amazing, taking on eight people at once... Romero: "Pfft. Tadan! Get ready!" dadan: r-right! -BYEEEEEEWM- Shoji: *hears* "!!! Move!" momo: ?? ... !!!!! *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Romero: "Keep going! Then we'll check the field..." -BOOOOOM- mina: ?!? Izuku: "...Is that Bakugo? ...No...Isamu is making its move." ochako: should we go in? tsuyu: ... ??!!! w-what....what is that? -a pinkish fog rolls in- ochako:... get to high ground! this doesnt look good. Izuku: *runs with the team* -on the top of the hill- ochako: todoroki! Todoroki: "Hello. I would be battling you all here--but obviously whatever that is [the gas] is the bigger threat." tsuyu: i just hope the others are alright... Izuku: "Has to be an Isamu student's Quirk, right? Tsu, you learn anything about theirs?" tsuyu: all i know is habuko's. Izuku: "Hmm...That wouldn't be this one then--" *Footsteps can be heard* mina: !!!! there's someone there! Bakugo: *walking...shambling up* ochako: s-something's not right. tsuyu: .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mina: THEY'RE ZOMBIES!!! AND NOT THE MR SID KIND EITHER!!! Bakugo: "GRAWRRRRRRRRR!!!" Todoroki: "..." ("Seems normal for Bakugo...") *In the shadows of the trees* Romero: "Hee hee hee..." hagakure: how awful. tsuyu: even habuko.... Habuko: "Grrrrrr..." Iida: *running into a tree* mina: they're....kinda slow. ._.; Ojiro: "So we can out-run them to get a report to the teachers...Where the hell is Aizawa...?" Romero: "BWA HA HA HA! Foolish students!" Izuku: ._. Romero: "Impressive, no?" *dramatic pose* "I have out-shined all of you!" mina: WHAT KIND OF HERO ARE YOU, YOU COLLOSAL JERK?! Romero: "The kind of hero who keeps weaklings like you in my shadow!" Todoroki: "...So, you're a fan of All Might. Anyone else you're a fan of?" Romero: "...I think Endeavor is kind of cool--" Todoroki: "Go fuck yourself." ochako: owned. mina:....um.....guys? Romero: .____. "...Jeez. What's up your ass?" *A shadow appears over Romero* *Baku-chomp* Romero: "GAAAAAH!" *collapses* Izuku: "...Kacchan still wants to battle, even when a zombie." Bakugo: *growls* "DEEEEEEEEEEEKUUUUUUU!!!" Izuku: "Eep!" Todoroki: "And without Agent Zero, we can't reverse his poison...Get back!" ochako: OwO;; that means they're still in there somewhere! mina: what now? Romero: "..." *climbs up--a zombie* Izuku: "Like the horror films--don't get bit!" hagakure: ...!! miss akemi! she has time-wimey magic right? Todoroki: *freezes the ground* "And create a barrier..." *Some students shift in the ice* Izuku: "Then we better hurry to find her--before--" -noms on hagakure and ojiro- *BOOM* mina: YOU HAD ONE JOB GUYS COME ON! Ojiro: "GGGGGGGRR..." Tokoyami: "GRRRRRR..." ochako: welp....BAIL!!! Koda: "..." Izuku: "Mina, acid path down the mountain! Todoroki, ice!" Todoroki: *ice slide* -they flee- Habuko: *LOUD WAIL* tsuyu: ..... (habuko....) it's ok, we're going to get help for you guys! *A rock is in Tsuyu's path* tsuyu: AH! *falls* o-ow... Habuko: *snake tongue slithers* "..." Izuku: "TSU!" Habuko: "..." *leans down* tsuyu: ..... Habuko: "..." *tears falling* "Tsssuuuuu..." tsuyu: it's ok habuko. we'll get miss akemi to reverse time to prevent this- ???: *chomp* ochako: !!!!! Izuku: "...OH GODDAMN IT!" Aoyama: *nom nom nom* tsuyu: *ribbit* mina: come on! we got to get homura! Izuku: "Tsu!" *reaches for her--* Todoroki: "We're going, now!" *picks up Izuku* "Who the hell thought this exercise was a good idea--" ???: "HA HA HA!" Izuku: QwQ "Oh, thank goodness! We'll be saved by--" *CRASH, BOOM* All…Might?: *depowered mode* *bleeding out of his mouth* "Aaaaah..." Izuku: Q_Q Todoroki: "..." *facepalm* mina: did some random salaryman fall from the sky? ochako: LETS JUST GO! -they abscond- No Might: "WAIT! I'M NOT A ZOMBIE! I'M HERE TO HELP--" Tokoyami: "Rawr..." No Might: ._.;;;;;;; sato: *pap pap and walks on by* No Might: p_p ("Aizawa...help?") --elsewhere-- Aizawa: "--so let him fix his own mess." yuuji: ....given how this romero kid acted.....are you _sure_ he's a hero? Aizawa: "...I think the categories of 'villain' and 'hero' are being shown to be horribly defined, aren't they?" yuuji:...touche...and i really am in no position to judge, given my circumstances... Aizawa: "It's all what you do with the abilities...And given Bakugo and Romero down there, got a lot of work to do to make them into All Might's, not Endeavor's..." yuuji: right... -meanwhile- Todoroki: *sealing up the entrance with ice* mina: *checks her phone* ugh, no reception. =3= ochako: .... Izuku: *wipes his eyes* "O-Okay...First we got to wait for the gas to clear..." mina: yeah, then everything will be ok, right? ochako:.....*shaking* Todoroki: "Well, if those zombie films my sister and I watch are anything to go by, eventually the zombies will break through here, infect us, then spread the virus out of this state, across the continent, and eventually the wor--" mina: STAAAAAAP THAT. Izuku: *wearing a 'Are you kidding me right now?!' face* ochako: *crying* Todoroki: "!!! ..." *pat pat Ochako's shoulder* ochako: i-i dont want to die, i-i dont want to feel like a coward... Izuku: "We-We're not! Not like this when--" *SHATTER* mina: !!! shit! Izuku: "Okay! Todoroki, get ready for a fire blast!" Todoroki: "...But the ice may not carry far enough--" ochako: l-leave it to us to! mina: yeah! Todoroki: "..." *nods* "Ochaco, gravity the ice to give it distance. Mina, cover me--hit the rocks to give me a barrier." mina: roger that. ochako: *wipes eyes and nods* Izuku: "We'll need to move forward...I'll smash us an escape path forward. Just have to hope our classmates can't feel the damage...Forgive me, guys..." *charges up One for All, leans back against the rocks in a running position* Todoroki: "I'm ready...Mina, Ochaco...NOW!" -acid + gravity = DOUBLE PINK- *BOOM* *The ice explodes forward--knocking a path forward...* Izuku: *tumbles out of the cave, ending at the mountain's rock edge* *pants* "Okay..." Death the Kid: Todoroki: *steps outside* "..." *looks up* "...Um...Ochako? How much gravity did you add to that attack?" ochako: um.... ._.; uhhhh guys? Iida: "I'M FALLING!!!!" Mineta: "WHAT THE H?!" jirou: THIS DAY HAS BEEN TERRIBLE!!! Aoyama: "MERDE MERDE ME--" *into a tree* Izuku: D: "Oh, God, I killed them..." ???: "Not all of us..." Izuku: .___. "...Oh no..." Bakugo: *falling* "DEKU! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" *blasts forward* Todoroki: "!!!" *picks up Ochaco, runs* Bakugo: "SURVIIIIIIIIIVE THIS!" *spinning fire spear* ochako: D8 Izuku: *waving his arms* "NO NO NO--" *BOOM* -they were all fine dont worry- -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Goddamn it, All Might..." yuuji:....well, today was just a big shitshow, wasnt it? Aizawa: "Yep...I get to write letters to their parents. Again." -later- hagakure: good thing for conveniently placed trees, right? Ojiro: *hanging by his tail--having caught Hagakure* "Heh...No kidding." Iida: *bowing* "WE HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR THIS UNNECESSARY CARNAGE!" kashiko: it's fine. *glares at romero* romero, apologize. Romero: "...I'm sorry for not telling you earlier how long it takes for my zombie gas to wear off." momo: bakugou. apologize. Bakugo: "...I'm sorry." Iida: "!!!" *smiles* "Bakugo...That is oddly mature--" Bakugo: "Please accept this gift as a token of my apology." *holds up, wrapped in capture tape...Mineta* "Take it. We don't want it anymore." kashiko: ........................................we'll pass. itsuka: ^^; you guys ok? Iida: -_-# Bakugo: "THIS F'ING DAWN OF THE DEAD RIPOFF STARTED A FIGHT WITH US!" Romero: "THIS 1990s ANTI-HERO REJECT WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED IT!" Mineta: -_-# *still tied up* kashiko: ROMERO. DOWN. itsuka: easy there, katsuski. *pat pat* Bakugo: =\\\\\\= Romero: "...How the hell does he have a girlfriend?" momo: one of the school's many mysteries. Iida: ^\\\\^ "Guess there's someone for everyone..." hagakure: you think _bakugou_ is bad? you should meet itsuka's ex. or better yet dont. Monoma: *pops up behind Hagakure* "HOW DARE YOU!" Romero + Bakugo: "SHUT UP!" *both punch Monoma in the face* kashiko:.............you're school is weird. momo: you have no idea. Monoma: *collapses* x____x Mineta: *muffled* "If there is someone for everyone, does that mean--" Iida: "No." Mineta: "...This day sucked." jirou: no kidding. if i see another zombie, im legit going to freak out. Sid: "Oh, Jiro--You missed class, so I brought you your homework--" jirou:...... *lays face down on the floor and sobs* Sid: ._____. "...It's only a worksheet?" -several students hug him- sato: Q~Q we had no idea how hard it is for you. sero: you brave brave person. Koda: *hug* Sid: "..." Q_____Q "Thank you...You don't know how much *sniff* this means to me..." tsuyu: ^^; so habuko, how long are you guys staying in the city for? Habuko: "About a week. Up for showing me the town?" tsuyu: yeah. i'll invite the others too. and maybe one day we could play some mario kart? Habuko: "Hells yay! My girlfriend loves Kart!" tsuyu: awesome. ^^ -elsewhere- All Might: "Midoriya...Please accept the cake as an apology--" Izuku: TT___TT "I can't tell whether you're lying or not..." *bandaged* All Might: "...You kind of look like Miss Nygus--" Izuku: "That is sadly appropriate..." -elsewhere- Anya: "Ice skating rink! Pizza! Museums! Souvenir shops!" tsugumi: *she has her map out* EF: remember to stay close together, girls. mio: yes ma'am. Anya: "Right, of course we will. Right Meme?" *looks around* "...Um...Where is she?" ao: she's right here. mio: *phew* Meme: *staring at bulletin boards* "Hmm..." *writes down some phone numbers* -elsewhere- ochako: ....*tired* Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." ochako: hey, i-it's fine. i was a bit nervous...^^; trixie: *doggy whine and plops her head onto ochako's lap* ochako: *pet pet* Todoroki: "...May I pet her?" ochako: sure, she's friendly. trixie: ^u^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "..." *pet* trixie: *lick lick* Todoroki: *slight shiver* ochako: *giggles* Todoroki: "Heh..." *pet pet* ochako: im glad everything turned out ok in the end. Todoroki: *nods* "More or less...Some injuries will take some time..." -elsewhere- jirou: *collapses onto her bed* uuuugh. bowie: *her parrot* *squawk* jirou: today sucked. i want to sleep. bowie: *squawk* fuck off! fuck off ya piece of shit! jirou:.... *snort laughter* thanks bowie, i needed that today. -elsewhere- yuuji: those kids are gonna need serious therapy for this. Aizawa: "I emailed Marie to ask for help..." yuuji: good call. i heard she's pretty nice...................................i also heard she beat the fuck out of a toilet once. Aizawa: "That's accurate. She...has some issues about relationships." yuuji: i'll stay out of that one thanks. -elsewhere- Yumi: "?! Marie? What's wrong?" marie: hmm? im totally fine~ ^^ Yumi: "Oh, good...You just looked concerned for a moment..." *pulling her necklace away from Shiori* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." White Star: "..." Black Star: "...The heck is your problem?" White Star: "???" Black Star: "Like, what am I supposed to do with you?" grey*star: *enters the room* ...... White Star: "!!!" <The hell?!> grey*star: *he looks at him with a stern expression, yet there is a hint of sadness in his eyes....* White Star: <Why aren't you dead?!> Black Star: *gripping his fists* grey*star: ....<i suppose we're just that tenacious...> White Star: "Pfft." <Who would want to claim your soul anyway? Worthless thief...> grey*star: <at least i didnt resort to eating the souls of innocent people> White Star: "..." *sneers* <You missed out...> grey*star:.......*looks at black*star* Black Star: "...You know what? Stay locked up in here for all I care. Maybe confinement will teach you some manners." -morning- Izuku: Q_Q "I'm not trying to make this a habit, Mom, I swear..." inko: i know, but i cant help but worry. im just glad that nice old nurse is there to help you. Izuku: ^^; "Yeah, she's great...She even collects superhero Pez dispensers..." inko: ah. -elsewhere- rowena: happy birthday brother! ^^ lana: ^^ Poe: *blubbering* Q_Q "Wah mah...Gah mah-mah wah..." lana: *hugs* ^^; -knocks on the door- Poe: c-come in… ranpo: heyoooo~! Poe: Q////Q ranpo: so i heard it was your birthday today. and i also would assume cake is involved somehow? Poe: "..." -_-;;;; "It's over there..." ranpo: awesome! oh, i got you this. *hands him a new pen set* Poe: *shiny eyes* “T-Thank you, Ranpo…” ranpo: ^^ figured you'd like that. Poe: "I shall start writing immediately! I need paper!" rowena: ah, right! -elsewhere- Anya: "Look at the snow globe!" tsugumi: cool! mio: ^^; Meme: "Yeah, real nice..." *looking behind them* "..." mio:...are you ok? Meme: "Just trying to keep an eye open..." mio: ah... *There's a laundromat, some fast food stands, a road to a nearby university...* mio:...it's nice. Meme: *nods* "Kind of a college town setting..." mio:....*examining* *There's someone exiting the laundromat in a hoodie* mio: ?? *The person turns--she looks...odd in her eyes* mio: ... ??!! Meme: "What?" mio: that person... Meme: "!!!" *runs* tsugumi: .. ??? meme! wait up! Anya: *holding a snow globe* "Hang on!" *throws cash at the merchant* -in the alley- Meme: "Stop right there!" girl: *turns to look at them* ya? what do you want, girly? Meme: "Shaula Gorgon!" girl: eh? you on something? -the others have caught up- Anya: "??? ...Why does that person have a scorpion tattoo?" Meme: "BECAUSE SHE'S SHAULA!" girl: hey, i dont know what she's on, but she needs to step off before i kick her ass. tsugumi: meme... Meme: "We know they can impersonate other people! That's her--I know it!" mio:....*holding her hand* Meme: "..." *shudders* -on the roof- beatrice:..... *walking off* -elsewhere- jordan: dude, i just had the weirdest thought. fitz with a mustache. eckleburg:....eh? Daisy: "...I could see that." -elsewhere- leo: *doing some cleaning* Motojiro: "??? That seems inconvenient." leo: hm? Motojiro: "Maybe a better vacuum..." leo: perhaps. Motojiro: "I could repair one. Give it more oomph." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *snuggle* Kid: *sniff, hug* stocking: *kiss* i love you, kiddo. Kid: *nods* "I love you, Stocking..." *strokes her face* stocking: u///u *forehead press* Kid: *small smile, closes his eyes, breathes a little more calmly* -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawn* "How much longer we house sitting?" *glancing at the others* mahiru: tsubaki said she'd be sometime this week. Kuro: "...And you're not worried about...them?" mahiru: .... Kuro: "After what their creator did..." mahiru: … -elsewhere- Habuko: *giggles* "His big hands are so out there!" kashiko: they sure are. dadan ._.;; Romero: -_-# "That mask looks dumb..." -elsewhere- baum: *whistling* dorothy: *walking with him* Steinbeck: *wipes his brow with a handkerchief* "Remarkable..." twain: *vibrating* oscar: so hot =3=; ebie: ^^ *she has a spider on her head* Steinbeck: ._.; "...Ebie?" ebie: it's cool, he's my friend. ^^ oscar: EEP! >~<;; Steinbeck: "Well, if you're sure...Just be careful. And don't let it bite the others." -elsewhere- Arthur: *hiding under sheets* tamaki: *looks at clock* arthur, come on. Arthur: "Keep that quack away from me..." tamaki: come on, the medic wont hurt you... Arthur: "I saw what Giovanni did to people. The medic will take out my brain and replace it with that of a chicken." tamaki: i assure you, she wont do that. shinra: come on, lets go. *pulling at his legs to drag him out of bed* although if he had his brain swapped with a chicken... tamaki: *GLARE* Arthur: Q~Q "UNHAND ME!" *flailing but not really able to do anything* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's still gaga for him." yosano: *sighs* poor girl. Lucy: "He hasn't talked to her, has he?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, so I called this meeting for an update on your job security." *flips through notes* "Assi and Zuno are at Manhasset--" Assi: QwQ "Mr. Fitzgerald is really intimidating but likes robot action figures--" Zuno: "Why do I have all these letters?" *holds up undelivered letters from work* Yohei: "Mana and Mono are at Deathbucks--" mana: *nod* mono: 7//7; medea: ... Shotaro: "Hee hee...'Mana with Mono'..." mana: *chop to showtaro's head* Yohei: "Medea is working at the consignment shop..." medea: *nod* Shotaro: >3< "Worth it!" Yohei: "Tool and Saki are taking that junk he makes out of trash and selling it to museums--" Tool: "It...is called...ART!" saki: ^^; Yohei: "And Emine--" *looks up* "...Where is he?" *Door opens abruptly, as Emine runs in, panting, clutching a duffle bag and leaning against the door* lin-kimpur: !!! emine, are you ok?? Emine: *pant pant--* *looks up* .\\\\. Yohei: "...What did you do?" Emine: "..." *pulls a wad of money out of the bag, hands it to Lin* "Make them quiet." lin: um- chie: *murderous aura* emiiineeee. ^^# Emine: "I DIDN'T STEAL IT! ...I mean, I stole it, but from other...thieves?" Kepuri: *asleep sitting up because of overtime* nea: from where? ^^# Emine: ._. "...I just remember a lot of guns, and a bad deed to finish--" Shotaro: "Aw, it can't be that bad--" *opens duffle bag* Emine: "DON'T--!" Shotaro: "..." *pulls out an arm--* mono: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS* setsuna: o_o; chie: WHAT THE HECK?! mana: EMINE WHAT DID YOU DO!? Shotaro: *pulls the arm out completely--it's a mannequin's arm* "...Hee hee...Fake arm." Emine: ._.;;;; "...It looked real when I ran out...Huh. Guess they didn't kill anyone." Assi: *hiding behind Mono* Kepuri: *still asleep* *snores* akaderu: ._.; Emine: "Look, I was trying to do a bad deed, while also stopping murderers--" Yohei: "Murderers of mannequins." Emine: "I THINK I DESERVE SOME CREDIT!" *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Emine: .______. nea: *checks the peep hole* *Multiple persons with guns are standing at the door* nea: OwO;; chie: *dark shield around io and toru* Yohei: "!!! They must have hacked the security..." *death glare at Emine* Emine: .__________. "I was trying my best to be my worst..." Shotaro: *pat pat* nea: *heads outside* morning, lovelies~ ^^ fine day we're having, no? Gangster: "Get back inside you--Wait...Nea? Nea!" nea: been a while, dearies~ ^^ gangster 2: *kneels* we had no idea you lived here, miss polito! Gangster 1: "...Oh! Right!" *kneels* "We had followed a thief here. Have you seen him?" nea: in a moment~ *drags emine out* he's my servant~<3 Emine: D:< "HOW DARE YOU! I AM NOT--" nea: *clamps a hand over his mouth* he's a bit rambunctious, hoho~ Emine: >_< Gangster 1: "...So, about the money? Is that a deal breaker here?" nea: we'll return it, for a small fee on the side~? and dont worry, we'll give back 'debra' Gangster 1: o\\\\w\\\\o "...It's not what you think." nea: i know, i know, i just know greg will have a fit without 'her'. Gangster: >\\\\< "WHAT FEE DO YOU WANT, MA'AM?!" nea: not much, just something like, say....$50,000. ^^ Gangster 1: Q_Q "The boss will have my pinkies..." nea: was that a complaint? ^^# Gangster 1: Q~Q "No, Ma’am... nea: good. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...So you're holding the bacon burger...so it doesn't fly?" ochako: hmm? more or less. Todoroki: "...I've heard of pigs flying, but not bacon flying..." ochako: *giggle* Todoroki: *small smile* *sips his hot chocolate* "Any plans this weekend?" -elsewhere- Arthur: Q_Q *rubbing his arm* shinra: now that wasnt so hard, was it? Arthur: "It was awful. Like a tiny joust piercing my epidermal..." iris: still, you're alive, right? ^^ Arthur: Q_Q *meek nod* "May I have a lollipop?" komori: *hands him one* Arthur: "..." *hesitantly takes it...licks* komori: [better?] Arthur: =_= "I like cherry..." -elsewhere- Meme: *grumbling* EF: meme, are you sure you're alright? ao: you've been on edge since we got here... Meme: "Because I feel her--I know she's here!" tsugumi: meme... mio: *worried* Anya: "How do you even know? That person didn't look a thing like Shaula--" Meme: *death glare* tsugumi: !! Meme: "You have no idea what it feels like, 'Princess'!" Anya: "!!!" *tenses* tsugumi: meme, anya, please- Anya: "You're flying off the handles. If you don't calm--" Meme: "Excuse me, don't I have the right to be upset?!" mio: ..... EF: we understand you're stressed out, but you dont have to take it out on us- Meme: "Then how about you help me find Shaula?! Don't you want to stop her?" mio: of course we do. Meme: "..." *shaking* mio:...*hugs* Meme: *shaking still* mio: we'll find her, ok? Meme: *nods* tsugumi: *looks at anya* Anya: "..." *sighs* "I'm sorry...You know we want to stop her, right?" Meme: "...Yeah." tsugumi:...*small smile* Meme: "..." *crying* mio: *hugs her tightly* ao: .... -elsewhere- oguri: *whistling, walking past ivan's room....the door is open?* hm? Ivan: <Is it good, master~?> oguri: ??? *peeeks* .___o ?!?! Ivan: *has a Fyodor doll* =w= oguri: *SWEATS* *backing away and fast walking away* Ivan: "Hee hee..." <So cute...> Adam: *walking from the other way towards Oguri* oguri: dont go in there, just trust me on this. lydia: i wouldnt go into the nurse's room either. *whispers* she's wearing one of his cloaks and spare hat's....and it's all she's wearing -__-; oguri:.... .///.; lydia: D8< oguri: i wasnt thinking anything weird! Adam: "??? 'Weird' like an elephant in a funny hat?" lydia + oguri: ... zoey: *soft moan as she sniffs the cloak* Adam: "??? Sounds like a dying giraffe..." oguri: *cringes* well there goes _my_ libido for the week. Ivan: *soft murmurs and kissy noises* lydia: -____-;;; -elsewhere- Fyodor: *shudders, rattling his chains* guard: oi! keep it down in there! Fyodor: ._. <It's not my fault I felt a shiver up my spine...> guard: ?? Fyodor: "...I feel cold." -elsewhere- katya: *shudder* pushkin: ?? katya: <vachenka's being weird somewhere.> pushkin: <yikes> *The door breaks open* Motojiro: "Someone say something about weird stuff?!" katya: HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, SKII-MASK?! Motojiro: *holds up--* "A translator! I heard you say 'The kumquats are being weird.'" katya:.......................................................................................................what. pushkin: *siiiiiigh* Motojiro: "...Well, it wasn't lemons being weird, right? That's just goofy." pushkin: *awkwardly laughs and backs up* ^^;;; Motojiro: "Want to talk about science for 4 hours? I got a PowerPoint all set up?" katya: dont you have any other hobbies? Motojiro: "...Want to talk theater?" katya: that's more lev's style. Motojiro: "..." =w= -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: *looking out the plane window* ... {Magaki: <Will I be abandoned when we arrive?>} {tsubaki: *she shakes her head* <you'll stay in DWMA custody for a while, and after you're let go, we'll take you in.>} {Magaki: <...> *nods* <I don't know that I believe you entirely...>} {tsubaki: <and i dont know how to convince you...>} {Magaki: <...Visit?>} {tsubaki: <ok. i will.> *smiles*} tsubaki: .... Black Star: *stretches* "...You okay?" tsubaki: *nod* y-yeah Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: t-thanks. Black Star: *nods* "Any time..." -elsewhere- Poe: *writing* karl: *snoozing* Poe: *pet pet* karl: =w= -elsewhere- lydia:.....it's strange. Adam: "???" lydia: oguri's only been interacting with the rest of us recently... Ivan: "Should we speak to him?" lydia: i mean, he's only started talking to the rest of us after arriving to the new base. yana: yeah, back at the mines, he just stayed in his room the whole time. though at that time, he was the new guy, so.... Ivan: "He seemed really focused on his tasks..." oguri: gossiping about me i see? Ivan: OwO "N-No?" oguri:...carry on then. *walking off* Ivan: "???" lydia:....maybe discuss this some other time. Ivan: "...If we delay asking him..." lydia: a good plan... Ivan: "...Okay. Well...I suppose I should prep some tea. That may help..." yana: <good call> Ivan: *walks by Zoey's room* zoey: *asleep, still wearing the coat and hat* Ivan: *Excalibur face* <Cow.> zoey: =w= Ivan: "..." *closes the door--with a loud slam* zoey: !! .... *lays back down, rubbing her stomach* Ivan: ("Hope that parasite swallows her up...") -elsewhere- Emine: *sitting in the corner with a sign: "I will not steal from the mafia"* -3- -elsewhere- Anya: *grumbles* EF: *hands her a crepe* here. Anya: "..." *angry nom* =n= EF:....im sure meme didnt mean what she said... Anya: "...Still annoying. She knows I value some respect..." EF: ..... Anya: "...Your silence is very judgy." -3- "I'm sorry for getting upset with her..." EF: maybe apologizing to her directly? Anya: "..." >\\\\> "F-Fine...Where's Meme?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking:....y-yeah.... Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: just having a bad day...remembering bad things.... Kid: *nods* "Want to talk or just sit?" stocking: can you rub my back and comfort me? Kid: "Yes." *small, soft rub along her back* stocking: *hugs him, whimpering slightly* Kid: *light humming as he rubs a bit wider* stocking: .....i love you kid. Kid: "I love you, Stocking." *rests his chin on her shoulder* stocking: mmm..... Kid: *continues rubbing along her back, hums* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Good day." kirei: *she nods, smiling* Benimaru: "..." *pats her hand* kirei: ^^ Benimaru: "...Have you wanted to travel?" kirei: at the moment? Benimaru: "Sure. Or before." kirei: it never really crossed me mind to be honest. ^^; Benimaru: "Hmm...Obligations have kept me here more often." kirei: ah. Benimaru: "...Maybe that'll change." kirei: perhaps. if we find some free time, maybe we could see other parts of the city? Benimaru: *nods* "I will schedule it..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *napping in bed* "Zzz..." lisa: zzzz Vulcan: *rests an arm around her waist* lisa: mmm... Vulcan: *small kiss on the back of her neck* lisa: =///= Vulcan: *yawn* "Love you, beautiful..." lisa: love you too, vul... Vulcan: =w= *cuddles, pulling the blanket over them* -elsewhere- Meme: *head buried in pillow* mio: meme? Meme: *groans* mio:...*holds her hand* Meme: "..." *small sob sound* mio:....*small hand kiss* Meme: "Th-Thanks..." mio: any time. Meme: *sits up, wipes her eyes* "...I'm sorry." mio: *hugs her* Meme: *small sob, hugs her back* -elsewhere- ranpo: im hoooome! fukuzawa: welcome back. tanizaki came over to make dinner. Tanizaki: *waves* "How did your day go?" ranpo: visited poe, got cake, it was good. Tanizaki: "...Glad you got your priorities straight..." ^^; maria: *clings to his arm* i wish i could have gone too. >3< Tanizaki: ._. ranpo: is that weirdo mafia boss still here? fukuzawa:....*excalibur* alas...yes. Tanizaki: >_> "He is playing with dolls." ranpo: yikes. fukuzawa: -_-; *actually had to buy dolls today* -elsewhere- Belkia: "How was the trip?" tsubaki: hectic...*lays on the couch* Belkia: "Ah...Well, you can nap if you want. Simpleton and his kitty made sure I didn't blow up the house this time." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *yawns, opens her eyes, stretches* "Mmm..." *looks around* "??? What did I miss?" akaderu: job reviewing, hipster kappas, mafiosos, stuff like that. Kepuri: "...So, typical?" *leans against Akaderu* akaderu: more or less, yeah. Kepuri: "And your job prospects?" akaderu: not sure yet. Kepuri: *nods* "Maybe there's some low-priority work...Maybe the school?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawns* =_= mito: *kitty yawn* Chuuya: "Long day for you, too?" *scratch scratch* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *yawns* *lies down, nestling Mito* "Just lie down for a bit..." mito: =w= Chuuya: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Denki: *collapsed on the floor--still doing his gestures from brain-frying* jirou: who's taking him to the nurse NOT IT. Mineta: "NOT IT!" Kouda: *sign language* <*Not it.*> sero: not- dangit. Denki: o3o *groovy movements* Kouda: ._. "???" sero: *carries him with tape* come on, lets get you to the nurse. Denki: "Boogie oogie fever--" *chants* "Woo woo..." jirou: how he's still alive is a mystery. Kouda: *nod nod* Mineta: "Determination." jirou: .... Denki: "Zzz..." =w= -morning, there was a lot of snow- Kid: *yawns...looks outside* "...Wow..." stocking: we're totally snowed in. Kid: "Yep...Guess no time to go out for supplies..." stocking: and plenty of time to snuggle by the fireplace~ Kid: "With hot cocoa?" *cuddles* stocking: yes please~ Kid: *small laugh* "I made sure to get more of the tiny marshmallows...and we got a big blanket." -elsewhere- tomura: *grumbling* Kurogiri: "Even snow gets on your nerves?" tomura: too cold. and everyone keeps going on about that hero killer still! if i hear one more word of it, im going to snap.... Kurogiri: -_-; "Well, I have to put on some cartoons, so--" *turns on the TV* commercal: -built to get the tough stains out- tomura: *SCREAMS and disintegrates the TV* IT'S NOT FAIR! ITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIR!!! *punching the floor and crying* Kurogiri: .______.;;; "...Shigaraki? Sweetie?" tomura: IM GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT AND KILL SOMETHING!! Kurogiri: *makes a list* "Well, there are a few targets to run by the boss--" tomura: *fetal position and sobbing* Kurogiri: "...Oh, this is serious...Um...Buddy? It'll be...I mean...You want some ice cream?" dabi:....that was fucked up. even for our standards. himiko: he just needs a hug dabi: you want to risk being disintegrated by a tantruming manchild? be my guest himiko: like in beauty and the beast? OwO dabi:....why did i fuck you again? mr compress: because you have impulsive sexual urges dabi: -_-# thank you harry hindsight. -elsewhere- Relan: *shiny eyes* "So much snow..." shinra: OwO Relan: "Snow people! Sledding! And snow--" *SPLAT* Arthur: *smirks, tossing another snowball* shinra: oh it is on. -elsewhere- Motojiro: *puts on a record* =w= *sips his tea, opens his window--* ayako: *nomming on cake* ^u^ Motojiro: "Good morning, you beautiful snowy scene!" *takes up a slice of lemon cake* "What awaits us today--" *SPLAT* ayako: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! *throws lemon bombs at the attacker* Gin: *at the street level, holding a snowball, staring at the bomb that dropped at her feet* "...Well, fu--" katya: *10 seconds* *kicks the lemons away from them* *BOOM* Motojiro: OwO "...I'm gonna get punished now..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *building a Snow-Anne* aya: *in her snow fort* Tanizaki: *behind the fort, putting together snowballs* Katai: *builds a snow-futon* atsushi: *looks at kyouka and kenji* ok, here's the plan. kenji will act as diversion while kyouka goes in for the target. kenji: aye-aye! Kyouka: *nods* "I am ready." -elsewhere- Ivan: *opens the dumbwaiter* lydia: <find anything?> Ivan: *scrunches his face* <Rats and old food...> lydia:...<like us then?> Ivan: <The furry kind with big teeth...> lydia: <i know. it was supposed to be a joke.> Ivan: <...Ha.> lydia:.... <we should keep looking...> Ivan: *opens another door* <Closet.> lydia: ....<at least the structure's still standing...> Ivan: *light bulb* <I can put a shrine to Master in here~> lydia: <whatever floats your boat, i guess> Ivan: *already taking measurements of the closet* -elsewhere- Anya: "...This...may get in the way of some tasks today." ao: maybe watch some christmas movies? mio: it's January. Anya: "THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH!" >w< tsugumi: yeah! Meme: "..." *sits down, hugs a pillow* mio:....*hugs* Meme: "..." *leans against her shoulder* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *has already created an outdoor museum of ice sculptures* ochako: neato! momo: wow... Iida: *starts to clap* "Bravo! BRAV--" Todoroki: *carefully takes Iida's good hand, puts a finger over his own lips* "Shh. They are delicate to loud sounds--* *BOOM* ochako: 0-0; Bakugo: "GET BACK HERE, YOU STALKER!" Monoma: *blasting ahead* "Not likely~" Todoroki: "..." *charges up a flame* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "That will be $5 for the sled, $7 for the one with jingle bells..." *standing at top of hill with a stand: "Sleds"* jack: thank you sir. what do we say, julie? julie: thanks! ^^ Fitzgerald: "You're welcome. Be careful going down the hill--some employees are at play." Daisy: *making a snowman--out of Jordan* jordan: *nomming a carrot* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Assi: *screaming as he descends a hill on a snowboard* mono: -.-; Zuno: *effortlessly skiing* =u= "So peaceful, so swift..." *opens his eyes* "...Who am I again?" nea: ZUNO, THERE'S A TREE! Zuno: "Oh, right! I'm a tree! And there's my family!" *opens his arms as he approaches the tree* "Time to hug the family tree!" nea:....*pinches nose* -_-; Assi: o_o; *tackles Zuno* "Zuno, no!" Zuno: "Umph!" *Assi and Zuno roll down the hill--forming a giant snow boulder that keeps going down...* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Warm?" kim: =////= Jacqueline: ^\\\^ *nuzzle* -elsewhere- Poe: *lying in the snow, arms by his sides* "...Have I made a snow angel yet?" lana: you're almost there. here, like this. *demonstrating* Poe: "..." *spreads his arms* " 'Kay? Is this good?" lana: see? you're getting it. ^^ Poe: .\\\w\\\. "Yay..." lana: *giggles and kisses his nose* Poe: >\\u\\< "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *standing alone in an alley* naoya: there you are. Akutagawa: "Yes. Hello" naoya: you ok? Akutagawa: *grunts* "It's cold and snowy." naoya:....hungry? Akutagawa: "..." *nods* naoya: ok then. anywhere you have in mind? Akutagawa: "...Ramen?" naoya: sounds good. and i know a pretty good place for it too. Akutagawa: "Good. Okay..." *walks with her* "...What have you been doing today?" naoya: not much. Akutagawa: "...No missions? I would imagine some opponents would use the snow as cover." naoya: too much snow. Akutagawa: "Hmm. Maybe they will freeze to death." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *staring outside at the snow* guard: *walking along* Kunikida: *sighs* ("Quiet...") -fyodor's cell- Fyodor: *humming* ….. <The white snow is gorgeous--when a little color is added to it...> -footsteps are heard. it seems a new guard is starting work here.- guard: *she looks around* Fyodor: "???" guard: what's with him? he's all chained up like an animal... Fyodor: "I prefer to think I'm more human than animal..." guard: ._.; *she looks to the older guard for an answer* Guard 2: "Ignore him. The man is insane..." guard: ._.;;; n-noted, sir! *salutes, with the wrong hand* Fyodor: "Wrong hand~" Guard 2: -_-# guard: s-sorry, sir! im still learning. ^^;; Guard 2: "Right, right--dismissed." guard: understood. -seems her nametag reads 'Erina'- Fyodor: " 'Erina'? Hmm...'Blessing'?" erina: *small blush* um- i-it's gaelic for ireland apparently, even though im only partially irish on my mum's side of the family- Fyodor: "Hmm. In Arabic it also means 'Beautiful lady.'" erina: *blushing* b-beautiful? me? Fyodor: *smiles* "I'm just explaining what your name can mean, dear." erina: um...i-i see... .////.; Fyodor: "Good luck acclimating to this new environment." erina: y-yessir! *walks off* >///<;; Fyodor: *hums again* -elsewhere- zoey: *asleep* {Fyodor: "You are okay?"} {zoey: *panting on the floor, with whip marks along her back and thighs* y-yes...} {Fyodor: "...You know why I must do this?"} {zoey: a-as long as i c-can please you...} {Fyodor: "Correct...This is to instill discipline..." *traces a finger along one whip mark*} {zoey: *soft moan*} {Fyodor: *lies atop her*} {zoey: *blushing, with heart pupils as her breathing becomes faster*} {Fyodor: "Oh? Excited already?" *light grind against her*} zoey: =////= *rubbing against a pillow, sniffing his cloak* master <3 *knock knock* zoey: the door's open. Q: *alert, staring at the door* Adam: *pokes his head in* "Dinner will be ready..." zoey: alright. thank you. Adam: *nods* *looks at Q* "...You want dessert tonight?" Q: yes please. ^u^ Adam: *nods* "I will set it out after your finish your vegetables." Q: >3< -elsewhere- leo: ... Kouyou: *sips wine* leo: do you need me to run any errands for you? Kouyou: "The snow is coming down rather hard...I think we will need blankets." leo: understood. and groceries? Kouyou: "Hmm...Order those." leo: very well...... Kouyou: "And put on that coat." leo: understood. thank you again. *she puts it on as well as some boots and a hat* i'll be back soon. Kouyou: *nods* "Also, take protection..." leo: *has a knife* understood. Kouyou: *smiles* "Good girl." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivering* himawari: *gives him a blanket* Shamrock: "Th-Thanks...So cold today..." -elsewhere- Patty: *roasting potatoes* liz: *nom* Patty: "Better in the cold!" *nom nom* "Butter!" *grabs some* Wes: *nom nom* -elsewhere- oscar: *taking a bath in a spring* *humming* Steinbeck: *checking his book against plants* twain: *resting in a tree* this is the life. Steinbeck: "Be more useful if you helped me find the food..." twain: you got it! *looking around* Steinbeck: "Careful of the berries and--" *looks around* "...Where did the rest go?" baum: present! dorothy: yo. ebie: *hanging upside down via spiderwebs* here! Hemingway: *leaps out of the water--covered in piranhas* oscar: doesnt that hurt, earny? Hemingway: "I've built an immunity--and lost most feeling in my skin from sunburns." oscar: ._.; baum: who here is our medic again? emily: i got it. twain: HOLYSHITONASTICK. baum: i seriously forgot you were here. emily: ^-^; Hemingway: "Oh, I'll be alright. I just need some orange juice for the blood loss and some rum to numb the pain. Mix them together and you get a damn fine drink!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *buried in snow* kenji: sorry. ^^; Tanizaki: *muffled gasps* naomi: *digging him out with her hands* hang on, bro! D8> Tanizaki: *gasping* kirako: you alright? Tanizaki: *waves* "F-Fine..." *coughs up a snowball* aya: wait shouldnt the snow have melted in his mouth? kirako: he was just buried... aya: oh. naomi: im just glad he didnt suffocate! Tanizaki: *collapses back into the snow* @~@ atsushi: *sweatdrop as he pulls dazai from out of the snow* Dazai: *he's encased in ice* atsushi: D8> -FWOOOOM- shinra: g-g-got im! Dazai: OwO;;; *his shoulder is on fire* "..." atsushi:...*puts some snow on it* Dazai: "Thank you..." *waves at Shinra* "WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BURN ME TO DEATH?!" shinra: um.....im afraid im not able to do that, sir. atsushi: *chop* bad dazai. you said no suicide attempts during kirako's pregnancy. Dazai: -3- "I know..." atsushi: *sighs* (i hope we can bail kunikida out soon...) Lucy: "Get inside, everyone! We got hot chocolate!" *spots Shinra, waves* shinra: *nods* atsushi: say you're kusakabe, right? shinra: yeah. atsushi: wanna join us for hot cocoa? shinra: i'll have to ask my commander first. Akitaru: *pops out of the snow* "Someone say 'hot chocolate'?" shinra:....you know what, im not even going to ask. sure. Akitaru: "Yay!" *climbs out of the snow, dragging a frozen Takehisa behind him* -elsewhere- Yohei: *holding Toru* "...Did we bundle him enough?" toru: burr. Yohei: "Hmm...I don't think he's too happy about it..." chie: its ok sweetie. toru: =3= Yohei: "It's for your own good--can't have you catch a cold." -elsewhere- Black Star: *shuddering* "C-C-Cold..." naho: join us under the kotatsu. i got pokemooon. Black Star: *dives under* "P-Polar bear diving was a mistake..." Sakuya: *rolls his eyes, playing his game* tsubaki: *gives him one of her sweaters* Black Star: *pulls it on* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Kid: *sips hot chocolate* shiori: *snoozing* Kid: *smiles, sets down his drink, whispers* "Time to put her to bed..." lord death: *picks her up and places her in her crib, kissing her forehead* shiori: =w= Yumi: *tucks her in* "Sleep well, sweetie..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *curled up* -silence- Kunikida: "..." *marks again on the wall* ???: doppo... Kunikida: "...???" -a ghostly figure appears and crawls onto him....it's nobuko?- nobuko: doppo~.... Kunikida: "!!!" *tries to pull back--* nobuko: its so cold, doppo....im so lonely... Kunikida: "Stop it--Stop it! You're not here..." nobuko: it's so lonely. *her eyes are completely black, crying some inky fluid* Kunikida: !!!! nobuko: *her face is inches from his. and she opens her mouth unnaturally wide to scream, but all that comes out is loud static* Kunikida: "No!" *pulls back his hand before pushing it at her jaw, ready to slam it shut--* -nothing's there- Kunikida: "..." *pants* -elsewhere- Hiro: [how u holding up?] EF: [been busy] Hiro: [snow got up your way too, huh?] EF: [yeah] Hiro: [how u all been passing time?] EF: [watching movies] Hiro: [snowball fight. in the face.] EF: [u ok?] Hiro: [ice ironically is helping the swelling ^^; ] -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sighs* *rubs his hands* fuyumi: you ok? Todoroki: "Surprisingly cold..." fuyumi: i'll get some hot cocoa Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks out the window* -the snow fall seems lighter now- Todoroki: "Maybe this blizzard will subside..." -elsewhere- No Might: *wraps scarf more tightly around him* *shivers* inko: *walking with izuku* Izuku: "--and then he slid across the street--and up the building! It was incred--" *spots No Might* owo;;;;; No Might: .___________.;;;;;;; inko: *nods to him, smiling* No Might: *nods* ("KEEP WALKING, KEEP WALKING--") Izuku: OwO;;;;; No Might: *crashes into a light post* inko: oh goodness, are you alright? No Might: *bleeding from his mouth* "Just fine, ma'am!" inko: do you need a doctor?? No Might: "N-Nah! Happens all the time! Just need to take my medicine..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *slurp* naoya: tastes good, ya? Akutagawa: *nods* "Good broth..." naoya: glad to hear. ^^ -elsewhere- shinra:.....*anxious* Relan: "...Shinra? Did you hear me?" shinra: !! oh, h-hey rel. *wipes his eyes, smiling* Relan: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:....i-i keep having dreams about her....i-i-im scared she's going to hurt me....im too scared to sleep. Relan: "...I wish I could stop them..." shinra: *buries his face in his chest, whimpering* Relan: *strokes his head* "..." shinra: *sniffle* Relan: "You're safe here..." shinra: t-thanks... Relan: *nods* "You're welcome...I'll be here, as long as you need..." shinra:...c-can you sleep in here tonight? Relan: *nods* -elsewhere- yana: *fiddling with a pen* .... *There are papers and maps in front of her* yana: *examining*..... *sigh* <bored...> *Some of the wallpaper in the room is torn* yana: .... *small yawn* {Fyodor: <Keep the others on their toes.>} yana: ..... (how can i do that, when i can barely keep awake?.....) *There is a blanket on the bed...It looks more comfortable than to be expected for this hotel* yana:.... *prods at it, making sure it's actually usable* *The bed stays up* yana:....*checking for any abnormalities, like needles and such* *Nothing--there's just a pillow and sheets with a blanket* yana:....*removes cloak, little crown, and boots and lays in bed, falling asleep instantly* *Images appear of two people...* yana: *shuffling in her sleep* lydia: .... *puts the cloak over her* {Fyodor: *intense stare*} {Anya: *concerned look*} {yana: what's.....going on? a dream?} {Fyodor: <Have you completed what I wish?>} {yana:....<been getting there.>} {Fyodor: <Not quickly enough.>} lydia:.....she's shaking badly, ivan... Ivan: "???!" {Anya: *hug*} yana: *eyes open*...wha? lydia: are you alright? yana: fine..... Ivan: "..." *puts a hand on her forehead* yana: ivan what the heck- Ivan: "You don't have a temperature..." yana: im fine, im not a baby. =3=; Ivan: "But you have widdle baby cheeks." ^^ yana:.......*completely unamused* riiiiight. thanks, i reeeally appreciate that, gonch. Ivan: <You're welcome.> lydia: ... <in any case> you really should eat something. yana: what are you, my mom? Ivan: <I would say 'no.'> yana: it was sarcasm, ivan. lydia: you really should look after yourself. you've been working non-stop since we arrived. Ivan: <Delegate.> yana:....maybe.....*picks up the crown and examines it* Ivan: <...Shiny.> yana: for the aesthetic, i guess. lydia: didnt you buy it at a costume shop? yana: yeah. the cape's one of fyodor's though. Ivan: OwO;;;; yana:...what? Ivan: "May I smell it?" yana: ...... lydia: *nose pinch* -_-; yana: sure....go nuts...just not too nuts. (maybe i shouldnt tell him the shirt is fyodor's too, that would be too weird.) Ivan: =w= <Thank you, oh glorious leader, spawn of our other glorious leader...> yana: *sweatdrops* Ivan: *laughing giddily to himself as he departs the room...* yana: i honestly dont know about that one. -elsewhere- Meme: *curled up in bed* "..." mio: ..... Meme: "..." *whimper* -elsewhere- Ogun: "How long can one man stay in there?" student: maybe he's asleep. Ogun: "Could be...Need something loud to get his attention--" pan: *WHISTLING* Ogun: *covers his ears* "Y-Yeah, that's plenty loud..." -morning- Kid: *stretches* stocking: *yaaawn* Kid: "Good morning, beautiful." stocking: *sitting on his lap* hello~ Kid: ^\\\\^ "Sleep well?" *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sets out a tall stack of pancakes* shinra: yesssss Arthur: "I want mine in the shape of a castle." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *hands Sonia her mittens* "Almost ready?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Okay. We'll head to the store and back for food..." *opens the door, steps into the hallway* sonia: *following him* Chuuya: "Want any treats while we're there?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "--and for one-fifth the price of Rolexes sold in major stores! See? I can be an economical consumer!" louisa:....(should i tell him?) Fitzgerald: *shiny eyes--then all the color fades out of his face...and skin...and suit* "..." louisa:....sir?.....*backs up* sir? Fitzgerald: "...What is a 'Folex'?" bram: it means you got ripped off. Fitzgerald: "..." *reaches into his wallet, pulls out $500* "This should about do it..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and they have free-roaming bison!" Meme: "..." tsugumi: ^^;..... *looks out the window* shaula:....*walking along* tsugumi: !!! Anya: *still reading brochures* tsugumi: it's her! for real this time! Meme: "!!! Mio!" mio: on it! *hammer-axe mode* EF: O-O h-hey- Meme: *kicks open the door* EF: D8> Meme: *runs out to where she spotted Shaula* shaula:... *smirks and runs into an alley* tsugumi:...come on! we have to go after them! Meme: *following* ("Don't give her a sense where I'm going, what I'm going to do--except to feel my absolute desire for her death!") Anya: "Right!" ao: understood. *follows tsugumi* Meme: ("She's cornered...But she can leap high...Mio...Get ready for my jump!") mio: [you got it!] shaula: *heading into an empty warehouse* Meme: "...NOW!" *leaps* "HUAAAAAA!" shaula: *stinger block* well, look what came crawling back! Meme: *angry smile as she continues to press her weapon in an attempt to break the block* "Not crawling...Standing..." -CLANG CLANG SLASH- shaula: i got to say, there's a fire in your eyes, meme...you want something from me, dont you? Meme: "Keep at it, Mio!" *SLAM* "We're going to get it from her...I want to know where they are!" shaula: they? hmmm, what could you mean by that meemers? i've been around sooo many years, its hard to keep track of all the lives ive ruined, lol~ mio: *jawdrop* [did she seriously just say 'lol'?] Meme: *not even influenced, swings at Shaula's head* shaula: tsk- tsk-, is this any way to treat the one who raised you? so ungrateful... Meme: "YOU DIDN'T!" *holds Mio with just one hand--and swings her fist at Shaula's jaw* shaula: grk-.... you outten't have done that~ *wraps her stinger around meme's leg, throwing her into the wall* Meme: "AAAaaaah--" *CRASH, CRACK* mio: MEME!! Meme: *she's not moving* shaula: wait a sec....oh NOW i get it.... *baby talk* you wants to knows about mommy and daddy, dont yews? Meme: *groans, trying to push herself up* mio: BITCH!! *charges at her with an axe arm* shaula: *grabs her wrist, twisting it* mio: AHHHH!!!! Meme: *bolts up* "Mio! No!" shaula: you want to know what happened to your parents? well i'd be happy to...... NOT tell you~ ^u^ Meme: "Let her go!" shaula: i wonder, how she'll react to the venom~ Meme: "!!!" *a burst of energy flows through her as she runs at Shaula--and trips, falling, pain shooting through her back* "Mio..." *crying* mio: *wince* Meme: "I can't..." ???: "Royal Lance!" shaula: ?? *drops mio and dodges* mio: ah....meme! *runs over to her* tsugumi: oh no you dont! Meme: "Mio..." mio: are you ok? Meme: *can't speak, just shaking* Anya: "The right!" tsugumi: roger! shaula: *dodging* Anya: "Again!" -SLASH SLASH- Anya: "Once more--the wall behind her!" -BOOOOM- shaula: !! SCORPION-SCISSORS! *The wall is collapsing* mio: !!! *holds meme tight* -RUMBLE- mio: !!!...w-wha... Meme: "???" -part of the floor is elevated to keep the rubble from falling on them- Meme: "How..." mio: so that's my elemental alignment, eh?....kickass. Meme: "...Mio..." mio:...ready to kick this witch's ass? Meme: "..." *holds out her hand* mio: *takes her hand* tsugumi: HYAH! shaula: *SLASH* ao: *on the upper level* Meme: *stands, holding her weapon--and aims for Shaula's head* mio: [i have a plan, slam the hammer to the ground] Meme: "??? ..." Right. *walks slowly...before starting to jog and eventually run* ao: *holding tsugumi, who has scythe blade increased* ~MIDORI NO KAZE~ *slashes, sending little wind slices at shaula* shaula: *sliced a bit, but still standing* URK- you little shits! mio: NOW! Meme: *lifts up her weapon and--drops the hammer* ~TERRA SPIKE~ -a line of spikes shoots out of the ground, heading towards shaula, stabbing her limbs- shaula: *SCREAMS* Meme: *pants, leaning against her weapon* "Now then..." *looks up* "You know the question I have..." shaula: alright, jeez....what do you want to know? im not exactly g-going anywhere, haha ow, hurts to laugh. Meme: "...My parents." shaula: oh right....they're dead. Meme: "!!!" shaula: what can i say, i needed an infant for my plan, and its their own fault for being in the right place at the right time. Meme: "..." *clenches her fists, shaking* tsugumi: you.....DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF?! shaula: ah? Anya: "Selfish! Deplorable! Wicked! Evil!" shaula: please, do ahead, i've heard them all before. Anya: "SNIVELING COLD-HEARTED BITCH WITH UGLY HAIR!" shaula: *yawns* Anya: "AND YOU SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES!" shaula: YOU WANNA FUCKING GO BETCH!?!? ao: i see why you're the least favorite. shaula: *crying* YOU KEEP MY MOTHER OUT OF THIS! Meme: "SHUT UP!" shaula: !!... Meme: "...Tell me...Who were they?" shaula:...very well. Jirou Kozuki, physics professor. Asuka Tatane, university student. Meme: "...What were they like?" shaula: hell if i care, but they must have loved you, being willing to try fighting me off to protect you... Meme: "...They died...to protect me...Why did you want me?" shaula: i needed a child to raise for my plans, and i didnt want to knock myself up. so why not just take someone else's kid? like i said, you were in the right place at the right time. Meme: "For what purpose?! What plan?!!" shaula: remember the death city invasions with the traitors? you were a vital pawn for both plans. the first you were a trainee soldier, the second you were my spy. but then you had to go and betray me. Meme: " 'Betray'...Betray? I owe you nothing!" shaula: HA! everything you have now...it's all thanks to me....so you better appreciate it~ Meme: "...There's one thing I have that I don't owe to you..." *picks up Mio in weapon form* shaula: ah? Meme: *lifts Mio and holds it over Shaula's head before bringing the weapon down--* shaula: !!!!! -slice- shaula: *SHRIEKS as her ponytail is cut off* Meme: "..." -the ponytail twitches violently...before stopping- tsugumi:....................holy shit. Anya: ._.; ao: oh my~ *claps* mio:....get. rekt. Meme: *still holds Mio* "Ugly witch..." ao: so do we just leave her here? Meme: *shakes her head* "We have to get her back to Death City...This witch is too dangerous." tsugumi: right. -and so- Anya: *looking around* EF: THERE YOU GIRLS ARE! I WAS LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU AND WHEN THE DWMA SENT-......what's that? tsugumi: *holding the braid, which now has a ribbon tied to it* war trophy. Anya: -_-; EF:........*JAWDROPS SO HARD SHE BREAKS THE SIDEWALK* Anya: "!!! H-How did you..." EF: HOW DID YOU EVEN- ao: dont question it too much, princess, you'll hurt yourself~ ^^ Meme: "..." *bows to Eternal Feather* "I'm sorry to have worried you." EF:...*sigh* at least you weren’t hurt too badly... Anya: "And we took care of one problem..." EF: y-you-YOU DONT MEAN- shaula: *THRASHING AGAINST THE RESTRAINTS. she's all tied like hannibal lector* -at medusa's house- neian: bu? Medusa: "..." *contented sigh* =w= -elsewhere- arachne:...seems good things can happen after all. Giriko: "???" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *whistling* erina: *by the door, keeping guard* Fyodor: *humming...lightly singing* erina: *nervous* Fyodor: *singing* <Sometimes we pretend we do, just for show...> erina: i dont recognize that one. Fyodor: *smiles* "Old love song from back home." erina:.... .////. i see.... Fyodor: "It's a favorite of mine. I particularly like how it rises..." erina: y-yeah...*awkward shuffling* do you...have anyone you like? Fyodor: "Maybe~" erina: *awkward laugh*... ./////////.;;;; Fyodor: *smiles, returns to humming* -elsewhere- Lucy: *picking up bowls* "...Oh. You." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *slurp* Lucy: "..." *looks at Mahiru* "Do you need a refill?" -elsewhere- Daisy: *holding an ice pack to her head* -_-# louisa: rough night? Daisy: "I tried to drink away the night--and hit my head." louisa: oh goodness... ._.; Daisy: "And while out, I lost my car keys, so I had to take the bus to work..." louisa: i think they're still on your desk. ^^; Daisy: "..." *loud annoyed sigh* *Suddenly, singing is heard coming up the hallway* ???: "Oh what a beautiful morning..." louisa: *peek* Zuno: "Oh what a beautiful day--" *spots Louisa* "Oh! I got your mail..." *it's addressed to "Louis Fine"* louisa: um...thanks..... (i'll get this to him asap) -elsewhere- Kuro: *in cat form...with a cloth lion mane on him* "...I do this for show and tell in class, and you promise ramen, right?" mahiru: yes, kuro. Kuro: "..." *inhales* "Let me get into character..." *half-hearted 'roar'* "..." *nods* "Okay. Let's do this." -elsewhere- Black Star: *staring at a photo of him and Sid when he was a baby* naho: awwww, you had such squishy cheeks! Black Star: >_< "You're darn right I was adorable..." tsubaki: *chuckle* lavender: mr barret looks so young here... Higan: “It’s like he had a baby face.” -elsewhere- Kunikida: *shudders* shaula: *glares at kunikida* OH RUB IT ON IN WHY DONT YA?! Kunikida: "??? No, not that. I was...just...You know, nevermind..." Alone: "...It's a new look?" shaula:..... *GLAAAARE* grimoire: ..... Alone: ._.; "...It still looks nice on you, though?" shaula: *pouts* what happened to butter-brat? Alone: "Adopted." shaula: well good for her then! >n< Alone: "Yeah, she's with my dream-frog...AND THAT STUPID UGLY MAN-WOLF!" >_< shaula: thats rough buddy. Alone: *sniff* T~T "This place isn't fun...But at last you're back, Stingy!" shaula:..... Q___Q my poor stinger. Alone: "...It grows back, right?" shaula: TT_TT eventually... Alone: "Well, plenty of time to pass for it to grow back...We could play games?" shaula:.....oi, whats her deal? erina: *sweats* Alone: *shrug* "She guards this really smart but creepy prisoner who speaks Russian." shaula: so? grimoire: i would advise avoiding him. Alone: "Yeah, or he might flirt with you, too..." shaula: pass. Fyodor: <Just as well: I don't sleep with worms.> -elsewhere- Meme: *clenching her hands* "..." mio:.....*holds her* Meme: "..." *sniff, wipes her eyes* mio: we're here for you, ok, meme? Meme: "Th-Thanks...I just can't see how to...get through this..." mio: lets take it a day at a time, ok? Meme: *cries, nods* mio: *kiss* shhh...*rubs her back* Meme: *whimpering* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, how many we missing?" hina: two. son of a bitch. PlushFix: "So we lost Flowers and Rent-A-Maid..." mimeca: =3= hina: so now what? PlushFix: "I suggest we release this pent up frustration with some thievery, violence, explosions, and all the usual vices." hina: hell yeah, -elsewhere- Haumea: *staring forward* -________- charon: any news on assault's whereabouts? Haumea: "NO! GOD! WHY DO YOU TALK SO MUCH?!" >_< charon:... i barely said anything... ._.; guruna: kururu....i miss assault. he was easy to deceive. Haumea: T_T "He could do the heavy lifting..." Friz: "He still owes me five dollars..." -elsewhere- Adam: *pulls a five dollar bill out of his pocket* "??? Where did this come from?" oguri: i'll take it if you dont want it~ Adam: Q-Q oguri: *puppy eyes* pwease? im saving for something important. Adam: "What for?" oguri: medical reasons. Adam: "...Of course." *hands him the $5* oguri: thank you~ ^^ *heads to his room* -elsewhere- Kid: *snoozing on the couch* "Zzz..." stocking: *snoozing next to him* Kid: *kitten yawn, hug* stocking: so nice and cozy~ Kid: =w= "Agreed..." *pulls up the blanket* stocking: *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee...Kitten..." *nuzzle* stocking: u/////u <3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: hehehe~ -elsewhere- Joker: *shudders* "Creepy..." ivy: hm? Joker: "N-Nothing...Just remembered something..." ("Creepy woman...") ivy:...hm.... Joker: "..." *shakes as he lights a smoke* -elsewhere- ranpo: ever hear this one story about the human chair? Tanizaki: ._. "...Should I have?" maria: *listening intently* Tanizaki: *listens* ranpo: well, apparently, this creepy guy hid in this lady's chair and stalked her while she sat in it. creepy right? naomi: way creepy! >A<; Tanizaki: .__________.;;;;; "...What the F?" atsushi: D8> Lucy: "...And _how_ did you hear this story? Doesn't sound like one of Edgar's..." ranpo: *licks his lollipop* dont rightly remember. Lucy: -_-# atsushi: *opens mouth to say something, but then shuts up* -elsewhere- Fyodor: =_= erina: *standing guard* Fyodor: <Unfair...> erina: sir? Fyodor: "Hmm? Oh. Sorry. It's nothing...Just a quibble." erina: hmm.... Fyodor: "It's just...I'm not used to being able to speak with someone." erina: ah... Fyodor: "I guess that's not hard for you--you strike me as someone who is an engaged speaker." erina: me? well, in school i did do the morning announcements... Fyodor: "Ah. You must have been very popular." erina: not really, i guess i was fairly average. Fyodor: "...I'm sorry. But I hardly think you're 'average.'" erina: .///. um...t-thanks. Fyodor: "You're welcome. Sometimes, it just takes time, and the right people, to recognize the qualities someone has." erina:...*awkward laugh* .////.;; Fyodor: *small laugh* "...Thank you. I appreciate getting to talk." -elsewhere- Ivan: *asleep--clutching one of Fyodor's cloaks* =w= lydia: .... Ivan: *inhales* *sighs happily* <Master~> lydia:.... *sighs and walks away* (why are you like this, ivan? did fyodor really....?) -elsewhere- Hiro: "That's...eventful." EF: no kidding. Hiro: "At least you're in one piece...Unlike Shaula's hair." EF: *chuckles* Hiro: "Any commendation from Lord Death for a job well done?" EF: most likely. Hiro: "Congrats!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding a bucket* "Now be careful stepping onto the ice." *he also has a fishing pole* kenji: ^u^ Kyoka: *carrying the bait* "How will we cut a hole in the ice?" yosano: *chainsaw out* Lucy: ._.; "Won't that scare away the fish?" Kyoka: "Not after we drug the fish." kenji: woah! i got something! *pulls out......!!!* lovecraft: ?? Dazai: "...We're eating fried squid tonight!" >w< Lucy: "..." *grabs the chainsaw, aims it at Dazai* lovecraft: unhand me. i need to hibernate. Kyoka: "In water? You'll freeze to death." Dazai: *shiny eyes* "Freeze...Chainsaw...Freeze or chainsaw..." lovecraft: i've slept in colder waters. Kyoka: "...I think Kenji could still fry him up, too--" Lucy: "CAN YOU NOT?!" lovecraft: ??? hello lucy. Lucy: *smiles* "Hello, Howard." *turns back to Dazai and Kyoka, fire in her eyes* "NO EATING LOVECRAFT!" kenji: ok. ^^ Dazai: T_T "Oh, poo." Kyoka: *shrugs* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "--then a right at the boulder in the shape of a nose..." twain: *holding the map* Hemingway: *passes around the water* "A nose? Kind of an odd instruction..." oscar: what kind of nose're we talking about here? Steinbeck: ._.;;; "I'm just going off of what the notes say..." *flips through the notes* "Maybe there's a photo of it..." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *opens a book, following a finger along a map* fukuzawa: ?? *It's a map of Berlin* fukuzawa: are you familiar with the city? Mori: "Maybe...I've read about it." fukuzawa: hmm.... Mori: "...I played there?" fukuzawa: was your hometown nearby? Mori: "...Yes." fukuzawa: do you know where? Mori: "...Nearby. Small." fukuzawa:... hmm... Mori: "...Dad's office..." fukuzawa: *listening* Mori: "...I saw people go in." fukuzawa: ... Mori: *shakes his head* "I dont remember them leaving..." fukuzawa: ........ Mori: "..." *shakes his head* "He told me to go play..." fukuzawa: hmm..... Mori: "...I'd like to nap now." -elsewhere- Iida: *skating along the ice* "...This is enjoyable." mina: WOOT! jirou: .~.;; Iida: *does a spin, landing on one leg with arms out* "Ta-da!" Mineta: *stuck head first to the ice* >_< "Show off..." ochako: *spins a circle around him, causing the part of the ice he is stuck to to sink* Mineta: D:< "RUUUUUUUDE...glub glub glub..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *flipping through pages, wearing headphones* "Hmm...Mmm-mm..." ayako:....WE HAVE A VISITOR! Motojiro: *not noticing, headphones too loud* =w= "So melodic..." ayako: OK IMMA LET HER IN NOW. Motojiro: "La la la~" leo: motojiro? Motojiro: *spinning in his chair to the music, singing--then spots Leo* OwO;;; *and spins off of the chair to the floor* leo: ah! are you alright? *going over to him, concerned* Motojiro: o\\\\w\\\\o *crab walks back* "Fi-Fi-Fi--" leo: ?? Motojiro: "--ine!" *crashes into the wall* QwQ leo: ._.; Motojiro: QwQ "...TEA! LET ME MAKE YOU SOME TEA!" *stands up, limping to his chemistry set* leo: are you sure you're alright? Motojiro: "Okey-dokey positively am I!" *he has a slight nosebleed* ^w^ leo:.... ^^; .... ah! you're bleeding... *hands him a tissue* Motojiro: "..." *tentatively takes the tissue* "Th-Th-Th-Muchas gracias!" *takes it* leo:... *small chuckle* Motojiro: .\\\\. "Wh-What brings you?" leo: just thought i would check in to see how you were holding up. Motojiro: "Oh, I'm a little down. On the floor." ^^; leo:....*chuckles, then laughs until she's actually crying* Motojiro: "!!! L-Leo?" *holds out a hand* leo: *sniff* s-sorry, i-its been a while since i had a good laugh...*rubs her eyes* Motojiro: "..." *smiles* "Well, glad I could help..." leo: ......*hugs* Motojiro: .\\\\\. "..." *pat pat* "It's okay..." leo: .... Motojiro: "Just...whatever works?" leo: r-right... Motojiro: *smiles* "So...tea?" leo: s-sure... *small smile* Motojiro: "Great..." *The tea has already exploded in his chemistry set* ayako: *covered in soot and wearing her goggles* tea's done! Motojiro: "Delightful!" *cradles a broken cup* "To good health!" -elsewhere- Honenuki: "opens his book* "Okay, onto Exercise 5." tokage: alright! Hiryu: >~< "Too difficult..." yui: *signing* <got it> Honenuki: "See? Just need to practice it. Yui, could you show Hiryu?" yui: *nod nod* Hiryu: ._. "But I showed all my steps...and it still doesn't get the right answer..." yui: <did you try this?> *shows an equation* Hiryu: *looking over it* "..." .____. "...I forgot the 1..." ^^;;; yui: *pap pap* itsuka: *super focused* Honenuki: *looks at Itsuka* "???" ("Really good focus...") pony: 'ey nate, can ya help me wit dis problem here? Monoma: T-T; ("It's Neito...") "Sure..." *looks at the question* "How far you get through it?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "We're back. We have fish." atsushi: that's gre-..... ._.; um... lovecraft: i was......invited.... Lucy: ^^ "Isn't it great?! Howard is visiting!" atsushi: um.....hello? ^^;;;;; lovecraft: *shakes his hand* hello. atsushi:....f-firm grip..... ^^; Lucy: ^^ Kyoka: "I'll get the plates." *drags a big fish out of the bucket* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Pasta okay?" sonia: ok papa. Chuuya: "That's good..." *adds some spice to the tomato sauce* "And I hope dessert is good. Just needs a little longer to bake..." sonia: ok. -seems she drew some new pictures today- Chuuya: *lowers the heat on the sauce, looks at her drawings* -a few typical drawings a (physically) 6-year-old girl would draw, such as flowers, kitties, kouyou....and rain- Chuuya: "..." *looks at the drawing of Rain* -she seems to be smiling, with angel wings and a halo with some crayon text that says 'mama'- Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Honestly, this mess..." *brushes candy wrappers off the desk* kirako: wouldnt kill him to clean up after himself... Tanizaki: "He probably thinks it gets in the way of his deductions..." kirako: why is he like this?... -elsewhere- neian: *baby babble* Medusa: "...Enjoying yourself?" neian: ^o^ *happy babble* Medusa: "Well, that's good..." *picks her up* neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *soft sway before setting her into her crib* neian: zzzzz Medusa: *tucks her in* "..." ("The future...")…. =w= "Still feel that peace...Hee hee...Poor sister..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: =w= "I don't see what has you so upset..." shaula: I DONT EVEN GET ANY ALCOHOL HERE! AND I WAS BEATEN BY A BUNCH OF PREPUBECANT TWITS! Alone: "...Hey, I'm not judging, but maybe re-phrase the last part?" *is making toilet bowl wine* shaula: ..............................................dude, gross. Alone: "Don't knock it! I cleaned the toilet first! Beggars can't be choosers..." *dips his ladle into the bowl--and it dissolves* ._.;;; shaula:.....eugh..... Fyodor: "Fufufu~" shaula: and what's _your_ beef, fyodorkus? Fyodor: "What? I have no...What is this 'beef'?" *smiles* shaula: its what you get from cows- WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH YOU, CREEPY WEIRDO? Fyodor: "Passing time. Same as anyone." shaula: tch-....what're you in for then? Fyodor: "Accessory to murder, murder, conspiracy, theft, kidnapping, mutilation--I've lost track of the charges." shaula: cool story bro. Fyodor: "I may write it...I'm sure your story is interesting as well. After all, I have long heard about the famous Gorgons..." shaula: oh really? Fyodor: "Yes, the Mother of Weapons Arachne. The mad scientist Medusa. And...the third one." shaula: all you probably know about us is just the legends. Fyodor: "Oh? That's a shame. I guess those stories about your victories in deception were exaggerations, too?" shaula: maybe he does know. Fyodor: *smiles* "I hope, while we have time here together, to hear the truth behind those legends." shaula: *grinch grin* grimoire: but i thought- shaula: grimmy, shut it. im gay as fuck, and am willing to take all the compliments. grimoire:................................. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* -_-; Giriko: "Feeling alright?" arachne: i feel like all is alright with the world. malaria: ?? arachne: ^u^ Giriko: "Well, that's super." ^^ -elsewhere- leo: thank you for today. Motojiro: "Of course--I hope it was satisfying." leo:.....*small kiss on the cheek* see you tomorrow then? Motojiro: .\\\\\\. "H-Hum-Humma-Ho-O-Okay..." leo: *smiles and exits*..... (feels warm......) *soft smile* Motojiro: "...Legs...failing. Gravity taking over. Fetch me the pillow..." ayako: *throws pillow in just the right position* Motojiro: *falls onto the pillows* =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Nedzu: *brewing his tea* ^w^ "Now, to review--how is progress?" midnight: we've determined the match-ups. Nedzu: "Goodie!" *reviews the files* "Hmm...Interesting...That'll require setting up the locations...What exactly is a 'Denki'?" -elsewhere- katya: *tapping foot, antsy* Gin: "??? What's with you?" katya: n-need to...need to kill someone....feels like sand.....its all feeling like sand.... *shaking* pushkin: !! <shit-shit!> come on, dont you have prisoners who need executing? anyone?? Gin: "..." ("That's a problem...") "We are currently interrogating..." katya: I NEED TO KILL SOMETHING PLEASE! Gin: "Fine. We have one...I'll take you to them." katya: g-get the big guns out.... -in the cell- Prisoner: Q__Q "I need out..." katya: *has a submachine gun, giggling maniacally* gladly~ *sticks the gun into his mouth.............and opens fire, with a look of pure malicious glee on her face* Prisoner: *in their last moments--a look of despair and then, they are gone, the head now a mess left on the floor, the body left twitching before all functions cease* katya: *panting as she puts the gun down* .........heh......*sigh*......... pushkin: you ok in there, kati? katya:...y-yeah....i feel better now... pushkin: *phew* glad to hear. Gin: "...Holy shit." naoya: jeez, overkill much? katya: well, at least im back to some feeling of reality, so im good.... pushkin: *pap pap* Gin: ._. ("...If that's reality...") katya:...............................im fucking parched. *takes a swig of her flask* ah, good shit.... Gin: "...Go rest." katya: *grunts of 'fine fine'* -elsewhere-
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skiasurveys · 7 years
doing this cus hes moving away and ill miss his bitch ass
THE BASICS 1. When did you both get together? May 10th 2016 2. Who made the first move?  we both did, i guess. It was mutual. we had dated 5 months previously for like 2 weeks, and we got back into contact and we both knew we liked it eachother. 3. How long have you been a couple? 10 months. will be 11 in april  4. How did you first meet?  OKCUPID 5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple? I guess so, we had been talking for like a month til we officalized it. 6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school?  no. He graduated 5 years before me 7. Are you long-distance?  nope. but we will be in a couple of days :( 8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship?  committed. 9. Do you live together? we were going too..but he didnt get a job, so hes moving back home to live with his dad and work there for a bit, and then in the summer we will be moving in together :) 10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like? no, and i dont know. 11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage? No, and yeah id consider. 12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference? Connor is older. by 6.5 years.  13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference?  he is haha, by a foot and 2 inches. Im 5 feet, and he’s 6′2. 14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions?  yeah we both like the same stuff, but im more artsy than he is. but we like the same shows/movies/video games.  Thats how we gt  along very well. 15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? i dont know.  16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less. happy, strong, crazy, great, safe. 17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple <- no 18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons.  cant do this not on my iphone.  19. Share a cute photo of you both together.  i dont know how to share on here, but if you go on my personal account you can find some. just go. Justskia.tumblr.com/tagged/connor 
ATTRACTION 20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. his arms, his humor, his laugh, the way he talks about his passions, his smile. 21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. ask him. 22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? his arms are really fucking nice. and his height. 23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? i know he likes how small i am, and short and my butt for sure cause im short stacked lolol 24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? His humour really.  He is very funny, and I like how real he is with him. He’s romantic and senstive and he only shows that to me.  25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you? i dont know, ask him. He likes that Im good company, that I dont complain and bitch him out, and that i make him happy, but i dont know ask him lol 26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection? if we do show PDA its either like hand holding or like a kiss on the cheek. 27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. His arms, his aggressiveness, and his facial hair 28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you. ask him. 29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? I dont really need to seduce him. 30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?  my sides or upper thigh. 31. Describe your partner’s eyes. dark brown, they are kinda sad and it breaks my heart. 32. Describe your partner’s hair.  Brown and messy but like a nice messy. 33. Describe your partner’s smile. His smile is big, and he smiles with his eyes and it makes me feel homesick, and I love it. 34. What is your partner’s voice like?  deep but not too deep. Like rough, but sweet. I love it. 35. What is your partner’s scent like? manly and musky,its so fucking nice. 36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? he tries to show off how strong and good he is at his video games. hilarious. I just try to show off how funny and cute i am.  37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear? i wouldnt mind him in like plaid shirts and I know he lieks me in mini skirt and socks. 38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. not gonna post that just cause i dont know how he would feel.
ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? not really. 40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple? I have way too many. seriously. I like the one where he called me at 11:30 Pm saying he knew i was lonely and that he could come get me, that was nice. but i have lots. 41. Describe your favourite date so far? honestly, i cant think of one. Our first date was so fun but not my fav..idk 42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? hes been there for me when i needed him. 43. Do either of you get jealous? i do. 44. Is one of you protective of the other? i am and he is too. 45. How do you both like to kiss? just like kissing normally, but i like to press my tongue on his tongue.  46. How do you both like to cuddle? either when were spooning, or i lay my head on his chest, or he lays on me. 47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? Idk I give him a lot of shit. He gave me his truck. 48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? half n half 49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? im a bad cook. 50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones? no but i have a image of him on my phone  51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? no but i could  52. What’s “your song”? I cant help falling in love with you 53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? a few 54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day?  we didnt do much really, actually. 55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly? discreetly kinda. 56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? hes so fucking funny. I cant choose. dont make me  57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies? yeah 58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? that people keep trying to take us away. 
BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? watch a series 60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Go for a walk or something  61. Got any plans together for next week? spending my finale days with him until we see eachother again.  62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? my bed. 63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? he actually didnt want to do anything for his birthday, but for mine we just hung out and were cute together/ had dinner. 64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? somewhere far. like disney.  65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? I dont know, thats not a lot of money.  Probably a night in Banff  66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? Just like hug him or let him know Im there, and hed probably cuddle me 67. Where would you both get takeout together? probably some thai or chinese food. 68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart? 5 months 69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? anime. and I dont know. 70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? we have gotten more close and he tells me more. hes more open. 71. Have you ever worked on a project together? no 72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? yeah 73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? oh god yeah. 74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? yes  75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives? i like to think so  76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? communication 
EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? just talking to eachother, spending time with them.  78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram? he doesnt have those. 79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? subway hahaha 80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? way too fucking many. 81. How do you relax together? Movies, cuddles, sex. 82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? spooning.  83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? no 84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? yeah 85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? Texting, phone calls, psn calls 86. Do you share secrets between each other? yeah 87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? we dont live together. 88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks? he doesn tlike coffee  89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr? he doesnt know mine haha  90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games?  we play eso 
COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites? Hes introverted and im ambiverted.  92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one? hes more dom, and im sub. 93. What are some major differences between you both? He is more real, just tells things how they are, i like to sugar coat shit. 94. When are you both “in your element” together? in my room 95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? he would  96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? im a sag, and hes a taurus  97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare?  i dont know his actually 98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare?  i dont know lmao  99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be?  i dont fucking know man  100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal? hed be a cat for sure.. 101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours? hes just more dude like? 102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time? yeah sure  103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10)  like a 6-7  104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? its make like a violet  105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich) im fucking dead at this question  106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? As sign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? hed win.
CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up? We have had only 2 huge arguments, usually we just do what people do and just fight and just get it over with..talk it out. we dont fight really, and im happy for that. we do get into little bickering shit but thats it.
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? when he games for more than like 10 hours or whatever, like I actually don’t care if hes gaming, hes relaxing for me to being doing my own thing and him doing his. But sometimes he does online game a lot and is chating with friends for really long periods at a time and its like yo can we like chill and talk. But im not crazy like i want him to spend time with his friends but there is a limit i guess. and I think i annoy him when im constantly texting him n he doesnt respond. But he doesnt rly tell me what annoys him
109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner? his little ego haha he is always bragging about how great he is at something and i love it. He’s not a jackass or douche about stuff but sometimes hes bragging and im like smh 
110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you? i dont know, i don’t wanna ask LOL 111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? Physically and emotionally? yeah. who hasnt though? I did hit his head once and he was like wtf? and it was by accident ahah. But yeah i have said shit to him where it hurt him and its like fuck i didn tmean it like that. It sucks
112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand? probably my mental health to be at most part. He doesnt understand some things i do.
113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand? yeah like why does he try so hard to act like he doesnt care when he does. Its kinda weird. 114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? today but thats cause hes moving away today, and so i was crying with him cus i didnt want him to go.
115. What is something you love that your partner hates? cringe  116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? anime  117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? Today because i by accident was being a little too pushy and i felt so bad.  118. Do either of you get too clingy? me at most part i think. i like his clingyness but he isnt too clingy actually 
119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? yeah, i do. Just cause i hate myself and im scared he will find someone else.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? i dont know? 121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship? cheat, break the law ( like murder/rape/rob a bank lmao), insult my family too extreme for no reason. 
RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? meh, not really. whatever 123. What do your friends think of your relationship? they think he’s super nice and that he makes me happy. 124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? hes more romantic with me and like more feely but when were with friends hes like reserved but he doesnt like hide our relationship.
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out? i took a picture of us together and posted it on instagram and facebook i believe and then i just told people. 
126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? both have brown eyes but thats it lol 
127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? he spends his time with me the most, he tells me everything ( well at least i think he does haha ), hes opened with me. Hes very reserved around others. 
128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups? separate, but i do like hanging with his friends. 
129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship?  oh that hes “way too old for her” hes only 6 years older, its not 16 years smh. also that people think that I let him walk on me and do what he wants but I don’t let that, i do let him do what he wants but he doesnt walk all over me. 
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? yeah. 131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? yeah. a few actually. fuck them.  132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “i dont see why you waste your time” that is what some ppl say. a lot of people like us together but some don’t. dont know why, actually. 
133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner. he seems really nice or that he makes me happy or that hes too old like wtf no in between.
FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? i hope that we grow as individuals and in our relationship and that we make it offical. RING BABY. 
135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like?  my dream wedding is something small but not too small but not big where i dont know half the people. something fun that represents us as our relationship but sometimes romantic too.
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? yeah, i guess probably like studio apartment, or something. idk we dont reallt talk about that. 
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like? no and no  138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? i would get him a nice place for him to stay, a really nice 4K TV and maybe take him somewhere where he wants to go.
139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? honestly i do  140. Got any relationship advice? dont let people tell you what to do. If you want to be with them, be with them. But make sure to pay attention for warning signs too though
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