#🌙 ————— ( what are you sweet creature ? )
belovedbythevoid · 1 year
Tell more about your relationship with Sukuna!
 🌙 ————— THANK YOU FOR THE ASK . . .
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  ❝ ah well, it varies . . . like mentioned before, there are a lot of aus. i can give a run down of a few of them below. ❞
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  ❝ the original verse is pretty much what it says on the tin !! basically everything plays out as normal, except there's me !! i slowly bond with sukuna over the series of events, especially in the shibuya arc. i wouldn't say we're "official" at that point, mind you, but sukuna does start to display some jealousy when other sorcerers are involved . . . ❞
  ❝ then there's the past verse which is basically an au in the past, involving sukuna's time when he first became a cursed spirit, and even bits from before that, when he was human. i . . . am basically his child in that au, like his biological child; i'm a little scared to admit that the relationship there intrigues me . . . but i also enjoy the dynamic we have, of course !! back then, it wasn't really amoral to seek relationships within family, so i think it's easier to place the relationship like that in that time period.
    but in any case, things gradually turn from a platonic, familial bond into something more as i age, especially after sukuna becomes a cursed spirit; i think that's when all morals go out the window, anyway, so he's not at all reserved in his attraction at that point. "who cares if that's my own kid ? i made it, i raised it, i can do what i want with it." vibes. not that im complaining, of course . . . ❞
  ❝ the reincarnation verse is a lot like the past verse in that it takes place in the past and i happen to be related to sukuna; in that verse, we still have a father / son dynamic, but when sukuna becomes a cursed spirit, i . . . sort of, just . . . die. not really sure on details, but yeah.
    however, some-odd years later in the modern world, we meet again after yuuji eats sukuna's first finger and sukuna takes residence in his body. sukuna, uhm . . . kind of has a minor heart-attack upon first seeing me. and then suddenly i'm the subject of his obsession instead of megumi, for very obvious reasons. it just keeps getting worse until he uses his bargained time in yuuji's body to figure out whether i remember anything from the past or not ( of course i don't ), but somehow that's a better result than sukuna expected.
    except as time goes on, i do gradually remember little by little, especially when i start having dreams about it, and well . . . to say the least, beyond that point, it's a little too late to really take back anything that's happened. ❞
    ❝ the mundane verse is basically a what-if scenario if cursed spirits and the like didn't exist. sukuna and yuuji are twin brothers, with sukuna being older by 12 minutes ( much to yuuji's chagrin ). in that verse, i'm their younger brother who they're absolutely enamoured with, especially sukuna !! however, since we're only half-siblings ( on our mother's side ), we didn't meet until we were all grown; they're ten years older than me, while i'm only in my mid-twenties.
    there's also a version of this au where we all grew up together as well !! in that one, we're still half-siblings, but our parents were part of a throuple instead. however, we were all raised by our grandfather after our parents died in a car accident, so . . . ❞
    ❝ those are the main ones anyway !! if you have more questions about any of these in particular, feel free to ask them. ❞
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mango-bango-bby · 8 months
🎀🧡🖤🌙 No idea how the emoji thing works sorry. But if you can please do an werewolf Deku and his daughter with witch reader. Deku takes his sick or hurt daughter to the nearest village to get the witch readers help. Once healed she takes a liking to reader and so does Deku so he decides to make reader apart of his pack. Fic could take place before kidnapping or after. And maybe a part two that would be NSFW about Deku wanting to add another pup to the pack. Up to you and thank you.
♡ The Witch ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, single parent au, werewolf!Izuku, witch!reader, children, mentions of kidnapping and forcing reader to be a parent
Halloween Prompt: 🌙 Werewolf 🌙
Summary: Izuku’s daughter is very sick so he seems out you, a witch, for a healing potion (Yan!Werewolf!Izuku x Fem!Witch!reader)
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Dangerous, frightening, and scary were all words the village people used to describe you. But Izuku couldn’t understand how they could think any of that. Especially about you.
You were one of the most powerful witches in the enchanted forest. But you were kind, you used your power for good, often other creatures coming to you for help healing. You were powerful, kind, beautiful.
“How long has she been sick for?” You ask quietly, looking through your shelves of potions for the right one. You glance back at Izuku and his little daughter who he holds. The small werewolf girl, Isamu, coughing every once and a while, her cheeks and nose red, her wolf-like ears dropping.
Izuku was a werewolf from deeper in the forest. The mother of his child had left to be in a stronger pack, leaving Izuku alone with Isamu. You knew him a bit, he often visited you for potions even when you thought he didn’t exactly need them.
“A couple of days now…” He mutters quietly, gently brushing over Isamu’s curly green hair. You turn, potion bottle in hand. You kneel in front of him to be at eye level with the girl. You gently bring the potion bottle to her lips, watching her take a few sips.
You try to pull your hand away with the bottle but Isamu reaches out, taking you hand in her smaller one. A nervous chuckle leaves your mouth, you look up at Izuku but he doesn’t seem to care. Isamu keeps her hand in yours, clearly liking you even in her ill state.
“The potion will begin to set in soon. You’ll feel better, I promise” You say softly, your voice calm and quiet to soothe her.
Isamu looks at you with a pout on her face, bringing you hand to the top of her head, almost asking you to ruffle her hair or pet her wolf-like ears. You smile, doing what she silently asks for.
You were perfect, Izuku thinks, you’re just perfect. Perfect for him. You’re kind and sweet. You’re beautiful and strong. You’re so good with his daughter and it’s clear she likes you!
You look at him with this look in your eyes. One that makes him want to kiss you, make you his mate. Even if you aren’t a werewolf.
He lives deep enough in the enchanted forest, he could take you there. Keep you in his cave with him and Isamu. He will hunt for both of you. You will care for Isamu. You will have more pups with him. You will love him. It will be exactly what you deserve. To be loved and cared for. To have a family, a pack with him.
Yes… you deserve it. He needs to take you. He needs to love you.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: I’ve been super into fantasy au’s lately so this was right up my alley!! I had so much fun writing this, I hope you all like it!! And request more for this event 💞💞)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
Prompt List ➸ ♡
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pimosworld · 5 months
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The sun and the moon
🌙Pairing-Moon boys x f!reader x Khonshu x Hathor
🌒Chapter Summary- You and the boys celebrate your new job. Marc’s past trauma threatens to derail what the other so desperately want with you. Khonshu makes his presence known in only ways he knows how.
🌔CW-18+,MDNI,NDFW, friends to lovers, Angst,Fluff,Insecurities,flashback sequence, POV switch, inaccurate depiction of DID,kissing,lots of flirting.
A/N-I hope you like our first installment. I don’t know why I love writing Marc so angsty but I promise he will come around. Steven takes the lead in this because I’m a sucker for him and Jake is his ever charming self.
Not beta read
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Chapter 1
  ”I am the one who guides the great ones who are lost and exhausted on the roads of the reborn…
Who guides those who are lost in the underworld,
I am Hathor, Queen of the northern sky,
Who watches over the reborn,
I am a haven of tranquility for the just,
A ferry for the chosen.”
You never imagined you’d find yourself running through the halls of the British museum. You couldn’t contain your excitement of finally being told you got the job. You knew Steven would be leading a tour but he insisted you find him when you got the results. Good or bad. 
  The curator that was retiring was highly impressed with your knowledge. You thought the job offer would be to assist. You were ecstatic when she told you she wanted you to take over the catalogue of all the new exhibits in the museum. 
  It always came natural to you, the research and the fascination of every ancient civilization. Egypt in particular held your interest. There was a connection you couldn’t describe when you thought about it. Having met Steven and bonding over your shared obsession made you feel a little less awkward. 
  You always felt a little more like yourself around them. 
  Steven could invariably sense it before he even laid his eyes on you. It always started the same - a subtle yet undeniable sensation. A cascade of warmth starting from the top of his head emanating through his body. It was indescribable the reaction you elicited from each one of them, all varying in forms. 
  He’s meandering through the new Hatshepsut exhibit on a break in between tours when you find him. All bright and blazing smiles, hardly able to contain your excitement. He already knows what you’re going to tell him. You didn’t need his help but Jake would’ve called him all sorts of Spanish curses if he had turned down your request to help prepare for the interview at the museum all those weeks ago. 
  Some might call his love for ancient Egypt neurose but that’s what led you to him. It’s very likely you would be another stranger to him if his obsession hadn’t caused him to start his incessant babbling that fateful day in the coffee shop. 
  A beautiful creature like you, arguably the most beautiful he’s ever seen. Sitting in the shop he regularly frequented, seated in the corner to catch the only ray of light. Illuminating in your hands a special edition novel on some obscure topic. You quietly giggling to yourself as you read. 
  Jake stayed uncharacteristically quiet while Steven rambled to you about all the secret facts that were never printed. This was his forte and who was Jake to overtake this conversation that you seemed to enjoy. You took to him like you were long lost friends. 
  You took to all of them (well most of them) with such great ease…but one thing at a time. Let’s start with Steven. 
  Your sweet Steven, his posture slightly slouched. Hair a little disheveled and clothes not very firm fitting. But right now he’s standing tall, deft hands in his pockets and his hair with a bit of product. He always took care of his appearance as a tour guide. He stood a little straighter, spoke a little firmer…more assured. 
  He’s looking at you like that now as you approach him. A slight smirk on his face because he knows but he wouldn’t dare ruin your moment. 
  It’s hard to describe the feelings you have when you’re around them. It’s much easier to express how you feel when you’re not with them. Incomplete, fragmented,dimmed. 
  It’s like the opposite of a heartbreak when you see him. 
  “I have some great news.” You’re bouncing on your feet as you half whisper, trying not to draw attention from the other people in the exhibit. 
  She’s adorable 
  Jake is ever present when you are around and Marc as well but he mostly stays silent. 
  “I got the job.” You clap your hands over your mouth to suppress the squeal that you want to let out. 
  It feels wrong not to hug you at this moment. He’s not sure how you’d feel about it now that you’re coworkers but the way you step closer, he can’t resist as he pulls you into his arms. 
  You melt as he mumbles praises into your hair. He’s overwhelmed by the smell of citrus and vanilla as he realizes this is the closest your bodies have ever been. A different kind of warmth spreads over him now as he breaks away from you before ruining this moment with an awkward explanation about the male anatomy.
  “I’m so proud of you.” He says while he still holds your hands in his, a safe distance from you now. 
  “I couldn’t have done it without you Steven.” 
  He nervously adjusts the collar of his shirt as the redness creeps up his neck at the compliment. 
  “Nonsense love, you’re a natural.” 
  It was a regular term of endearment from him but it always made you all giddy inside. You never read too much into each of their special names for you. The countless times Jake called you hermosa or when Marc let the occasional sweetheart slip from his lips. 
  You nervously fidget with the hem of your blouse as the conversation lulls for a moment. “Well I should let you get back to work.” You reach up and give him a kiss on his cheek before you can talk yourself out of it as you hear a sharp intake of breath. 
  He watches you briefly as you walk away, he’s stuck in a trance trying to process what just happened. 
  “We should celebrate!” He didn’t really mean to shout it at you. The way all eyes turn to him including you has him wanting to crawl into the nearest sarcophagus. 
  You smile at him as you exit the exhibit and the light in the room dims a little as he patiently waits for the responses from his head mates about how bonkers he is. 
  His phone buzzes lightly in his pocket and his heart skips a beat when he sees your name appear on the screen. 
  You:My place or yours 
  Steven can feel Jake and Marc at the forefront,along with a mixture of emotions.
  Worried,jealous,excited,anxious. They may be unique in their own way, but they share a brain and a body. Steven wasn’t usually the vanguard in these situations but something about you makes him feel confident. A way he’s never felt before, and he’s never been more sure than he’s been about you. 
  No one drinks your tea hermano.
  Steven huffs as he opens the door to the small coffee shop on the corner. “Whatever you say mate. I know I didn’t drink the last of it.” He doesn’t normally get this miffed but he’s been a lot more stressed at work lately with all the new responsibilities. 
  You wanted those responsibilities.
  Buzz off Jake.
  A poor old woman turns to him wide eyed. Steven quietly apologizes to her as he tucks his cold hands in his jumper. He just wanted to get some hot tea and be on about his day. Unsure of what he would even do…most likely research for the tours. It sure beats being yelled at by Donna who thinks she’s still Stevens boss. 
  The barista offers him a polite smile as he steps up to the counter. “I’d like the rooibos chai tea please.” He slides her some bills before she can tell him the total and quickly steps aside. 
  It’s warm and his hands are clammy. He rolls up the sleeves of his jumper as he idles by the window, somehow in everyone’s way and not in the way at all. He doesn’t remember it being a particularly sunny day when he left the flat but it seems the shop is ten shades brighter. 
  He glances around nervously as he hears some soft laughter just to his left. A book. A girl. In the corner. 
  Talking to strangers about Egypt at work was one thing. For starters he got paid to do it and he truly loved it. It’s an entirely different thing to do in public, some might say peculiar to strike up a conversation unprovoked. It’s no matter anyway as his feet carry him to your warm nook in the shop. 
  “That copy must have cost you a small fortune.” He says as he slides into the seat next to you. 
  You laugh as you dip your head. “Would you believe me if I told you I found it at a thrift store.” You turn it over in your hand as you brush your fingers down the spine. “Obviously I had to snatch it up before they realized what they had.” 
  He knows he’s the one who approached you but now he can’t actually believe you’re talking to him. Without even missing a beat. You haven’t returned your attention back to the book as you stare at him like you're studying his movements. Your eyes sparkle as you lift your coffee to your lips and blow before taking a sip. 
  “So what chapter had you particularly giggly over here.” He teases as you hold the book against your chest. 
  You lean in and he forces himself not to look at your slightly open blouse.“I’m afraid the god of Min is not one to be discussed out loud.” Your breath ghosts over him as you whisper in his ear. He can feel the heat flush over his body from your close proximity. 
  You slide the book towards him and tap your finger on the page. He tries to focus on reading it but he notices you haven’t pulled away. 
  Min was often depicted as a mummiform human man with an ithyphallic (uncovered erect) penis. Wearing a crown adorned with two feathers. In his left hand he holds his penis ( although this is usually only apparent in statues because of the perspective applied to two dimensional images in Egyptian art) in his right hand he holds a flail up above his shoulder representing power and fertility. 
  You lightly tap him on his shoulder and he looks up to see you gesturing to the young barista excitedly waving him over. She’s a bit squirrelly when he approaches to retrieve his coffee and he thinks perhaps she’s consuming too much of the shop's supply. 
  What are you doing hermano?
  I haven’t the slightest idea mate.
  Well keep it up, it seems to be working.
  He doesn’t want to intrude but he sees you smiling brightly at him as he returns to the table. You’re still on the same page not having resumed your reading. 
  Steven sits and sips his tea, he hums in approval and he’s grateful it sat briefly because at the moment he’s plenty warm. 
  “Is that the chai?” You ask inquisitively as you flip back a few pages with a puzzled look on your face. 
  “Yes, it’s one of my favorites. In fact I don’t make it at home. It’s just��.”
  “It never tastes the same.”  You steal the words right from his mouth as he glances down to your coffee in question. “Sometimes I enjoy the occasional cup of coffee. It reminds me of home” You say with a sheepish expression. 
  “Where’s home?” He clears his throat. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” 
  “I don’t mind at all. Washington.” His eyes go wide and you smirk into your coffee. “I know I’m a long way from home.” You say it with a far away look in your eyes and he silently curses himself for being too forward. 
  You flip frantically back and forth through the pages as you scrunch your nose in frustration. 
  She’s cute 
  Ya he’s aware and he’s thoroughly wrecked at any future attempts to match this turn of events for a day off from the museum. 
  “Looking for anything in particular?” He leans in a little closer as he scrubs his sweaty palms on his pants. 
  “Yes…it’s just.” You cease your movements and lean back against the soft cushion. “I know these books leave out so much information. They claim to be special editions but I know there’s more to it than this.” You point at the page like it’s personally offended you. 
  “Perhaps I could be of some assistance?” You raise your eyebrow at him and it’s quiet for a moment. 
  “Aren’t you going to ask?” 
  “Ask what love?” It slips out but you don’t falter or grimace at his words. 
  “Ask me why I’m so far from home.” You look at each other then, it’s just a millisecond of a flash in your eyes. The iris is bright yellow and then gone. His heart quivers a bit and he thinks he may be having a mild heart attack. 
  He takes a shuddering breath and shucks off his coat. “S’ not really my business I guess.” 
  You’re so focused on him. Like you’re learning every tick and line etched into his features. The way you stare at him like he’s a statue to be studied. It’s maddening and a little unnerving but he doesn’t want you to look away. 
  “Can you tell me why all of the statues of Min are depicted vastly different from all these photographs?” You slide the book toward him but he closes it as a smug smile adorns his face.
  “Well the European scholars of the Victorian age were a bit more…conservative.” He adjusted his pants unconsciously before continuing. “They had most of the phallic members on the statues removed when they were discovered. It nearly wiped out all known history of Min…but you can’t erase the mind.” You chuckle as he taps his finger against his temple playfully. 
  You sigh sympathetically and a comfortable silence falls over the both of you. “Poor Min.” 
  Steven lets out a raucous laughter and you can’t help the giggle that escapes you. The old woman from before seated at a table nearby shushes you both and Stevens face turns deep red. 
  You duck your head close to his. “It’s not like we’re in a library.” 
  Ya he’s a goner 
  “Another fun fact, that’s likely not in your book.” He drops his voice a little to not disturb anyone else. His excitement is threatening to boil over at your willingness to listen. “It’s rumored that Min was in charge of overseeing the women while the king and his men were at war. When the men returned from battle all of the women were pregnant.” You cover your mouth in shock. “It gets worse.” 
  Your leg brushes his as you adjust to face him better and he nearly chokes at the brief contact. “The king had his arm and leg chopped off in retaliation.” 
  “Why not his.” You gesture downward but his eyes stay fixed to your face. 
  “Well…funny you ask. The king told the men to remove his er…you know. The men thought it was too magnificent so they made him a god. That’s the rumor at least.” 
  Steven stiffens at the bird's sudden presence as he’s perched in the corner. Unsure as to why he’s here. Marc made it clear to leave Steven alone when it comes to moon knight duties 
  You’re staring at him with a mesmerized look in your eyes. “How do you know so much?”
  He shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve always had a knack for researching and always found Egyptian mythology fascinating. I used to run the gift shop at the British Museum, but now I’m a tour guide.” 
  You shriek in surprise and the old woman abruptly stands with her newspaper, muttering under her breath as she exits the coffee shop. “I’m interviewing for a job there next month. How serendipitous.” You say the last part half whispered. 
  “Wow, that is quite the coincidence. What’s the job? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
  “The curator position has an opening. It’s always been my dream to work there.” Steven glances up nervously at Khonshu who still hasn’t left. 
  “I could ugh…help you prepare. If you’d like? I’m sure you know your stuff but if I—.” 
  “I would love that so much. Thank you.” You say enthusiastically as you clap your hands together. 
  You reach into your purse to pull out your phone. “I’m here most mornings around this time.” You hand it to him sounding a little apprehensive. “But I should have your number just in case.” 
  “Of course love.” He punches in the digits trying to calm his shaking hands. He hands it back to you as you look it over. 
  “Nice to meet you Steven.” You slide it back into your purse along with your book. “I should be going.” You wave at him as you slide out and head towards the door with one last glance over your shoulder at him. 
  He exhales as he drops his head back, the cafes a little colder and his heart rate slows to a normal pattern. 
  Steven frantically stacks his books against the wall after he’s checked on the vegan pot pie in the oven. He’d managed with Marc’s help to attempt a new recipe without burning down the flat. 
  She’s been here before Steven just relax 
  “I just want it to look nice. She’s not just coming over to study.” Despite Marc’s insistence he calms down, he can sense his nervousness. 
  Jake feels it too. 
  You’ve been over countless times, laid out on the floor amongst the books that adorned their home. You and Steven rambling for hours about the ancient texts or the hidden tombs. Swapping ridiculous facts that the other hadn’t heard. Jake often had to remind you both to eat or drink something. 
  Marc would front occasionally…mostly to remind Steven that the body had other duties to attend to. There was always an awkward avoidance on the days after you’d see Marc. 
  But tonight feels different. You were coming over to spend time with them, not just pick Stevens brain for loads of useful knowledge. The way you touched him today and the look in your eyes told an entirely different story than your budding friendship. He doesn’t want to get ahead of himself before you arrive so he tries to keep his hands busy. 
  Jake has to give it to him, the flat has never been this clean in its entirety. He notices some newer candles have been lit but decides to keep it to himself. 
  Just remember she likes us and take deep breaths
  “Thanks mate, I sure hope I know what I’m doing.” 
  “Steven, you've outdone yourself.” You slide the empty plate forward and take a sip of your wine. 
  It never gets old, hearing your praises. You were always so grateful and appreciative of anything they would do for you. 
  “Marc helped as well.” His eyes meet Marc’s in the reflection of the mirror. 
  You brush your hand over his tracing the veins along his arm. “Well tell him I said thank you.”
  Marc wasn’t avoiding you per say. He just thought it was important for Steven and Jake to experience what he once had. Something he wanted so desperately but was too afraid to mess it up again. 
  The conversation moves comfortably to the couch, where your feet are curled up beneath you as you animatedly tell Steven about the wonderful interview. Some old sci fi movie on in the background that he can’t bother to pay attention to when he could simply watch you. 
  You finally take a breath and realize how close you are. Knees touching as you adjust against the worn leather. He looks at you as if he wants you to continue. You thought he’d be sick of talking about this stuff by now but he looks as though he’d let you go on for hours. You can’t ignore the feeling from earlier and you hope deep down that what you’re about to do doesn’t ruin the best friendship you’ve ever had. 
  If it does, you suppose it’ll make your work relationship less complicated. You aren’t even sure what the policy is on dating. You’re definitely getting ahead of yourself. 
  “Love is everything alright?” He asks as he places his warm hand gently on your thigh. 
  “Sorry, I was lost in thought.” You chuckle softly as you look at the fish tank. Gus swimming in the front staring at you. 
  “Did you want to tell me what’s on your mind?” His hand traces soothing circles on your thigh and he feels you shudder. He moves to withdraw but you grab his hand,lacing your fingers with his. 
  He slowly raises your arm, kissing the back of your hand as his lips linger there for a moment. ‘Go on’
  “I just…wanted to thank you properly. But we were in the museum.” Your voice is suddenly so timid. 
  “We’re not in the museum now.” His chest rises and falls with rapid breaths as he waits. 
  It feels like all eyes are on you, and not just Stevens. He’s waiting for you to cross that bridge, giving you the opportunity to say that this can stay exactly what it is and he would be content. 
  You inch closer to him as you rise up on your knees, the couch creaks as you face him, placing your free hand on his shoulder. He closes his eyes as you roam over his chest, mapping it with your fingers. His dark lashes flutter against his cheeks as you lean in and press your lips to his. 
  Warmth blooms across his chest at the first feel of your touch. It’s so gentle and experimental as you both share breaths. He releases your hand to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. 
  “You’re welcome.” He murmurs against your lips as you chuckle in between opened mouth kisses. 
  You can still taste the wine on his tongue as he methodically takes the lead. Much more assured of himself than you’ve ever seen. 
  You yelp in surprise as he swings your leg over his so you’re straddling his lap. You lean back with your hands braced on his chest as it rises and falls beneath you. His hands flex at his side as his eyes roll. 
  “Mírate, eres tan hermosa.” His pupils are black as he bites his bottom lip. 
  “Hi.” You say breathlessly as his hands find their way to your hips. He pulls you in as your noses touch, waiting for permission as you nod. 
  He’s consuming and precise in his movements. His lips crash into yours as you instinctively grind your hips down. He groans into your mouth as you wrap your arms around his neck. It’s so different from Steven and yet so exhilarating knowing it’s the same body. 
  I wasn’t quite finished yet
  Jake chuckles as he trails kisses along your jaw. “I wasn’t sure if he was going to share.”  He tilts your head to the side as he bites and nips at your chin. “To be continued.” 
  His hands flex again and he relaxes beneath you. A blush creeps up Stevens neck at the position you’re in. You adjust yourself and brush against his hardened bulge in his pants. A soft whimper leaves his mouth as you experimentally roll your hips again. He’s slack jawed as he watches you with hooded eyes. You’re beautiful just like this. 
  Your nerves start to get the better of you and he notices your trembling. He gently unwraps your arms from his neck as he places a kiss on each palm. 
  “We don’t have to go any further love.” He breathes in the scent of your perfume, heavy on your wrist. “I like this. What we’re doing now.” 
  You place your hand on his rapidly beating heart, quite the juxtaposition to his outwardly calm demeanor. You’re so content to stay like this…so you do until your eyes fall heavy. Lips chapped from kissing as the candles go out on their own. Curled up under the broadness of their body as they wrap you up into them. You push the thoughts away before sleep claims you of not having seen Marc, you want to thank him…in time. 
  The golden sun bathes you in a warm embrace as you rustle amongst the robust reeds. Your fingers trace along the silky fabric of your dress as the breeze brings scents of jasmine to awaken you softly. 
  The crunching of grass with each deliberate step, a gentle symphony beneath the weight of someone weaving through the emerald blades. As they move it casts a shadow along your tranquil resting spot. 
  You hear a faint laugh as you open your eyes. A tall majestic man stands before you, adorned in blue and gold. His dark locks sit beneath a nemes crown. He crouches down beside you as he lays his crescent staff amongst the grass and pulls you close. He rests his head atop yours as he hums quietly to himself.
  “I knew I’d find you here.” 
  You stretch your sore limbs, having fallen asleep in such an awkward position. Fragments of a dream linger in your mind briefly. Your eyes adjust to the light in the flat and you’re acutely aware of the lack of warmth against your back. 
  There’s a soft quilt draped over your form and you pull it close as you sit up on the brown leather couch. It’s silent in the flat, the only sound over the quiet hum of Gus’s tank is the sound of your beating heart as you brush the tears away with the blanket you’re holding tightly to your chest. 
🌙Comments and reblogs are much appreciated 🌒
Taglist- @romanarose @chichimisaki @missdictatorme @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @queerponcho @melodygatesauthor @faretheeoscar @22carolina08 @villainfan @clairewinchester14 @brighterthanlonelywords @astrosphereblog @casa-boiardi
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hermitfic-ao3 · 5 months
do you have any Impulse/Etho recs? thx so much!
unfortunately, there aren’t many out there that are just straight up etho/impulse, but here’s what i found!
Counts of the Waltz by MatleenaMaddie
Rating: T
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: Ethoslab/impulseSV/Bdoubleo100
“Impulse says you’re hurt,” Bdubs tells him. That makes Etho react. He turns, looking at Bdubs.
“Not angry?”
“He says you’re lashing out out of pain, not anger.”
“I didn’t know he was a psychologist.” His tone is biting. Bdubs hears it.
“Etho,” he scolds. And it’s just that. Just his name, and Etho feels ashamed and smaller. “He’s worried about you.”
Oh, screw Impulse and his perfect boyfriend attitude. Etho will punch him in the face next time he sees him.
“I know what’s happening, Ladders,” Bdubs continues, and Etho snorts, almost despite himself.
“Somehow, I very much doubt that.”
Because Bdubs is in tune with people’s feelings, and he is a very observant person, but Etho has loved him in silence for years, has spent all of this time by his side, and Bdubs has never said a thing.
So he feels perfectly allowed to be skeptical.
“You’re jealous,” Bdubs says, and Etho forgets how to breathe.
Etho is jealous of the growing bond between Bdubs and Impulse, right up until he isn't.
OR: Three idiots learn about polyamory and waltzing
mod note: i have actuallly read this one and i adore it. it explored bdubs/etho/impulse double life relationship so well. - Mod Nox 🌙
Thin Ice or a Ticking Time Bomb by Gfgjjjjgfff
Rating: G
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: impulseSV/Ethoslab
Etho wasn’t sure exactly where Impulse stood, but it was usually at his side. They were always together and when they weren’t Impulse would return with gifts to shower him with. His soft smiles make Etho nervous, but it must be just enamoured nerves and not Ethos fine tuned sense for trouble.
Sweet Lips on My Lips by elliphire
Rating: M
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: impulseSV/Ethoslab
Taking the night watch was the only thing protecting Etho from his own illusions; from his own mind, staying up and making sure no mobs - person and creature alike - got close to Dogwarts walls.
Tonight was meant to go the same way. Etho had planned his small bundle of food and his flask was full of water; his weapons were sharpened and his arrows were ready to fire.
Except Impulse, with his damned honey-smooth voice, convinced him to go to their castle and rest.
That’s all for now! Let me know if you want anymore. As I said it’s a pretty rare pairing but I might be able to dig up some <3 -Mod Nox 🌙
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softboynick · 30 days
a dive into august moon's (tiny) discography 🌙🩷
From what we know about August Moon, the fictional boy band from The Idea of You, they are meant to be a conglomerate of a bunch of different boy bands and artists – an ode, a homage, to this era of music, if you will. Obviously, by looking at the members themselves, you can draw similarities between certain members of - ahem - another well-known boy band, but this post isn’t about them. This is about the music because I’m insane and I have Thoughts I’d like to share. 
Taste: After my very first listen of Taste, I immediately noticed the inspiration drawn from modern K-Pop, specifically BTS (and from interviews, Nick has mentioned they looked to BTS to help build August Moon’s dynamic). Sonically, Taste has a similar beat, tone, and structure to BTS’ Butter. All we’re missing really is a bar or two from their Rap line, which is unfortunate that they don’t have one. Taste is the most upbeat out of the five August Moon songs we get and relies heavily on electronic dance and disco elements that is reminiscent of K-pop music production. But also, after sending this song to a friend, it reminded her of Jonas Brothers and DNCE, which is not entirely far off, too. 
Dance Before We Walk: This is the first song that introduced us to August Moon, and I think this was a good choice for a debut single. It brings elements of electronic dance and rock that is very One Direction-esque. However, it still brings something fresh, new, and unique, which is what they needed to really sell August Moon as a boy band, even if they’re not technically a real one. But they’re still real in my heart. Hayes has bewitched me. 
Closer: The one thing that stands out to me about this song - besides that first line of the chorus (you know the one) - is the driving bass line that carries the heart of the song. If you know me, you’d know how much I appreciate a good bass. No other August Moon song has the bass turned up so loudly that it holds a melody of its own, and because of this, Closer, I think, is a modern take on 1960s boy bands like the Beatles or the Beach Boys. Paul McCartney of the Beatles prided himself on a melodic bass line, and Closer, to me, pays homage to that. 
I Got You: When Nick said this was his favorite because it’s so cliche, I didn’t believe him, but after I listened to it, it is very much the most cliche song I’ve ever heard. This is what I imagine to be August Moon's One Less Lonely Girl, where they bring a girl from the audience and serenade them, or their Little Things because boy bands sure do love pointing out a girl’s insecurities and saying how much they love her despite them. It’s so cliche that it also reminds me of Big Time Rush more than anything (Cover Girl, anyone?), and I feel like this is the most accurate comparison I could come up with. 
Guard Down: Sorry, but this is the most One Direction song that ever One Directioned. This song could have been from Take Me Home, and I wouldn’t have known the difference. I feel like what sets this one apart from the other songs is that it relies heavily on the rock/pop elements that are obviously a nod to One Direction, especially in their Take Me Home era. This is probably why I love this song so much because it reminds me of a time when life was so simple. I was just a girl in high school listening to Rock Me and just giggling about these five boys from the UK. 
[BONUS] Go Rogue: There is no doubt that Hayes’ performance of Go Rogue on the Graham Norton Show is a direct comparison to Harry who was just beginning his solo career. Go Rogue is very reminiscent of Harry’s debut self-titled album (From the Dining Table, Sweet Creature, etc.). The song itself is very pared down compared to August Moon’s songs. Very minimal production - just a voice, guitar, and piano - which isn’t dissimilar to what Harry’s self-titled album is like. There is a layer of yearning that is also borrowed from Harry’s lyrics and sound, and I think it is a beautiful homage to the passage of time and to Harry himself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
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jeonride · 9 months
... 💭 KALA'S MOOTS ! *.✧
just a soft agenda for saying how i'm grateful with all of you. you guys make me feel less alone in this platform and i'm so happy for that. reminder : you can always talk to me if you feel like the world is against you, if you feel like you aren't okay. because i wanna laugh and cry with you :(
@sunnylovespickles - #... sunny ☀️
i was so thankful when i met you, sunny you were my first moot back then 😭 you're so kind and omg the angel's trumpets fic that dedicated to me??? i've read it for the third time like- OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH !! I'LL TREASURE IT FOREVER !! will always be rooting for you, sunny <3 you're amazing !
@novalpha - #... nova 🪐
nova is a shy person and i actually kinda like that because you're cute when you can't take my compliments shsjsjs your fic recs helped me a lot to find some good writings to be read !!
@yunjinified - #... buttercup 🦋
buttercup you are saur sweet and expressive 😭 i'm happy whenever i get your ask through the inbox and HEY! YOU REALLY GOT A LOT OF SVT MEMES
@beefboyandbabygirl - #... beefboy 🍖
you are sickk your writingss are wholesome ! along with babygirl too of course <3 and your theme? reminds me of good days when i used to watch my little pony shshs
@shuadotcom - #... cherry 🍒
cherry! you are a very understanding person, your heart is golden, you are always welcome with everybody and i love to read your fics, they bring comfort to me ! &lt;3
@min-gis - #... snow ❄️
snow! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I ALWAYS GET LOST IN YOUR WRITINGS LIKE WHAT HOW CAN SOMEONE WRITE THAT BEAUTIFUL???? the way you write your fics feel like i'm reading poetries, i love all of them ! especially the mingi fic counting stars and then i've never felt alone with you drabble (i was crying when i read that *no clickbait*) i read them for the fifth time now 😭 i can feel your love towards mingi OM GOSH
@shuadrive - #... dani 🌼
it's funny how i just realized that we're moots lmao it's always to ramble abt about mingyu + wonwoo + taylor swift with you. maybe we can do spotify session someday? listening to taylor albums sjsjsj
@wonwoonlight - #...khione 🌙
my talented moot omg khione ! you don't know how your fics made my day 😭 they feel like a warm and fuzzy sweater ! i'd love to get closer to you &lt;3
@mimgi - #...lu 🍬
omgosh i remember i found your acc because of your mingi drabbles ! love them so so so much, lovely !
@jaysbiceps - #... amy🌷
wah you were so sweet back then by sending me an ask sjsjsh and thank you for being by my side and worrying about me :((
@chokchokk - #... choy 🏔️
I HAVE NO WORDS FOR YOU BESIDE A TON OF COMPLIMENTS CHOY YOUR WRITING SKILL IS ON ANOTHER LEVEL LIKE YOU'RE MY FAVORITE ATEEZ FIC AUTHOR ON THIS PLATFORM !! the mingi fic, worked hard harder for you? I'VE READ IT FOR THE SIXTH TIME NOW I CAN'T GET OVER HUBBY MINGI 😭 you're very sociable, easy going, what a jester and magician to me, and it's always fun to talk to you, sharing about different cultures, and experiences. i adore you so much, choy mi amor. i never get tired for saying your writings feel like first love 🥺
@dairyminki - #... elle🍦
your vibe is really, really, soft. i don't know why but i find it that way. like a vanilla ice cream. i remember your old header it was seonghwa with purple color scheme omg i'd love to get closer to you !
@smolyeo - #... yeo 🍓
MY STRAWBERRY YEO MY HYPE GIRL!! you're such a lovable creature how can't i'm not attracted to you :(((
@desirehorizon - #... dee 🔱
when i first saw your blog, i was like 'ohh, interesting' because you arrange your layout and your masterlist neatly. you feel like that friend who has power to protect the whole circle omg
@nishloves - #... nish ✨
nish ! your bubbly vibe always makes me smile you're so friendly and it's nice to be your moot !
@x03yd0cx - #... xoey 🐼
xoey, i know you from the blockbuster fic of wooyo and i enjoyed ittt ! let's get closer &lt;3
@babesindestroyland - #... ty 💅🏻
i'm new for being your moot but i know you have such a beautiful heart, supportive, and thoughtful ! i'd love to get closer to you !
@gummygowon - #... mai 🧃
MAI ! thank you for sending me message through inbox to begin with 🤠 i was flattering when you said my theme is sickkkk you have that girlcrush energy omg
@jaehunnyy - #... chip 🫧
chip sunshine! your cute pics and your expressive replies to my messages always made my day thank you for reaching out for me :(( i'm happy to be your moot
@cherryonigiri - #... alice 🌌
i know your blog because i searched for divider tutorial and then found it on your acc ! i will never forget it cause it helped me a lot sjsjsj
@yourfatherlucifer - #... felix⚡
hey lixie ! i hope you won't hate your writings anymore after this :( have confident in yourself you're enough !
@haosweater - #... mei 🧸
mei ! your vibe AGHHHH like that cottage core girl with comfort fr (i don't know why esp your usn is 'sweater'. can i be your heather? JSJSHHS)
@senpai-of-doom - #... doom 🚀
thank you for reaching out for me you seem sociable ! let's get closer &lt;3
@rubywonu - #... nia 💫
i'm your new moot so i haven't know you well but omgosh i know you from redamancy, you seem kind and loving, you too feel free to hit me up, nia !
@icyminghao - #... noelle 🥞
i'm new to be your moot and i was so happy when i saw you followed me back because GOSHH i've been reading to your fics and it's unbelievable we're being moots now ! your fics bring comfort to me (like honey pancakes for breakfast!), thank you for keep writing 🥺
@mingycr - #... ana 🪽
i don't know you have something within you, i sense it. you seem warm-hearted 🌷
@hanverse - #... kaira 🌸
kaira ! we're just being moots like- yesterday?? but oh, you seem like that girl with doll heart, your theme is saur cute too !
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pumpkzsafeplace · 8 months
witchreg wednesday 🔮: cats & herbs’!
now that little luna has officially been welcomed into my witch room, i thought i’d do a small little do’s n don’ts when it comes to felines & magic’! 🔮
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toxic herbs ⭐️
most herbs you’ll work with are toxic to kitty’s so make sure to keep them out of sight if your kitty is in your room!
keep them somewhere they can’t get to ~ like a locked box and make sure to put them away before letting them back into the room!
essential oils 🌙
most (if not all) essential oils are toxic to your kitty’s so make sure they’re locked away good and tight!
remember kitty’s are curious and devious creatures by nature, where you think is ‘safe’ they’ll probably find a way to get to it one way or another ~ so double check n double lock’!
deity offerings ⭐️
if you work with deities, be careful what you leave out!
for example, i used to leave out chocolate and sweets but of course they can be seemed as toxic and harmful to kitties so i’ve switched to kitty friendly options such as items n things that are toxic free 💛
candle placement 🌙
if you have a low alter like mine, be careful when lighting and leaving candles’!
like i mentioned earlier, cats sometimes just enjoy being brats for a reason and they will knock things over just for fun- so make sure you have eyes on your candles at all times & do your best to put them in high places 💛.
accessories ⭐️
some accessories can be both harmful and just easily destructible for kitties and i wouldn’t want your expensive statues shattering because your kitty is having a tantrum!
so be careful what you put on display and make your environment familiar safe 🐾
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gif isn’t mine
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merruschka · 11 months
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Merruschka’s Commissions 
Hey there! I am opening my commissions again! 💗 Feel free to flop into my inbox if interested!   
Status: OPEN
Available slots: 3
💕 megafreeman - lining
💕 Hazred - Not started yet
⭐️Kosh67 (Twitter)
⭐️brennacedria (tumblr)
Prices are in US$! Payment with Kofi ☕ (preferable) or Paypal!
More Information under the cut! 
If you are interested in a commission please contact me via email pheobe.darque✦gmx.de (✦ = @ !) OR DM on Instagram/Tumblr! >w< you will find me there as @merruschka ! 
(Please also check the spam folder after a day in case you don't see a reply, my answers sometimes land there when I reply to mail!) 
General Information:
I will draw!
🌟Your OCs
🌟Canon characters from most fandoms
🌟Any sort of pairings! (OC x Canon; Canon x Canon; Crossovers)
🌟Kemonomimi (ears and tail) and fantasy creatures such as fairies/mermaids
🌟Character sheets and emotion charts 
♥️NSFW - Such as smutty content, and blood - goreish pictures (as best as I can!) (though if I feel uncomfortable with your request, I have the right to reject)
I will NOT draw:
❌Meccha; Cyborgs, Fullbody Armors (I am sorry, I am just bad in drawing those!)
❌Ero Guro
❌Fetish Art that include: Obese, Vore, Feet, Sodomy/Zoophilia
❌Hate Art
Commission types: 
🌙Sketch: A rough sketch artwork, the pricing varies if it's a couple or full body - it can be roughly colored as well
🌙Illustration: A completely rendered artwork in my style, simple background and gradients have no charge, more complex ones start from 15$ and go up. The prices are here for one character! If you would like to add another it's +80% of the base price for one character. If you would like me to draw an additional animal (depending on complexity and size) it would be +20%-50% of the base price.
🌙Chibi: Please specify the type you would like (more like a simple scenery or sticker type!) You will get my classic styled bubble heads with simplified outfits and features! Backgrounds will be simple only as well, or if you would like some cute items, please ask me about it!
Commission Specials:
🌙Character Sheet: you will get a sheet of your chosen character with 3 clean headshots - completely rendered and 3 full body (one pose) outfits in a simple coloration! (Please provide a bunch of references for this commission type!) 
🌙Photobooth Couple: 4 different sketch-y headshot pictures in black and white of the couple (or friends) you would like! You may request for +30$ a simple coloration on it as well instead of black and white! 
🌙Sweet Kisses: a headshot artwork of your favorite kissing couple! Perfect for any OTP ♥️ 
🌙Sketch portrait: a headshot sketch-y artwork of your chosen character! 
❥Please send me a mail or message! 
❥Tell me what type of picture you would like! (Such as Chibi, Illustration, Sketch or one of the specials!)
❥The amount of characters and their names!
❥Please send me a lot of visual references if possible!  
❥A description about the image you would like: e.g Atmosphere, Emotions, (Couple/Enemies/Friends, Pose, Outfits, Colors  - please give me enough information about the characters and their relationship as well! (But please keep the information important to the image and mood you would like me to draw!)
❣The price depends on the complexity, background and amount of characters! 
❣Payment: You can pay with Kofi or Paypal! 
❣I will send you an invoice via paypal/or you use one of the Kofi-Choices. I am covering the fees.
Please do NOT send me the payment in advance or without the invoice or my approval! 
❣Payment is always due once you accepted the rough sketch; unless we discuss it otherwise.
❣No refunds possible once you paid - unless I won’t be able to finish your commission then you will be of course fully refunded!
❣When all commission slots are full, you can ask me to notify you once they are free again or put you on queue! – First come – First serve
❣I will send you progress pictures if wished, you may ask at any time!
❣The artwork is ONLY for private use, meaning you are NOT allowed to use it commercially or make profit out of it without my permission! Though of course you are allowed to share and post the artwork on your social media as long as you give credit! If you would like to make personal merch for yourself and friends you are free to do so! I would love to see the results as well! ♥️
❣I may decline your commission if I do not feel comfortable doing it.
❣There will be no major changes after the sketch was being accepted!
❣The prices are in US$
If you have any more questions, please drop by at any time! I will answer as fast as I can! (Please keep in mind I still have a life with work and sleep, so it may take some hours at times!) 
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misdreavusmishap · 11 months
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And finally, flowers start to bloom.
Alola, and welcome. What you find here might not be what you're looking for, but I hope you enjoy your time here anyways. I intend to chat about my travels here, maybe I will send some pictures of what I find, and I would love to see your journeys as well.
I personally love speaking about Misdreavus, as a large haunt of them have been following me in small groups for many, many years now. Hopefully they will not bother you too much though, haah. The three most common are a family, consisting of Monsieur, Madamoiselle and Lady, the newest and youngest of the shroud to my knowledge. Though I am no expert in any manner, I like to consider myself experienced with this line in particular.
I enjoy seeing water types as well. Very free little creatures.
As our short time together ends, I wish you a peaceful day or night. Or, stay a little longer, if you'd like. :]
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Charmie: A loyal Elgyem, Psychic type, with some eludes to Fairy typing as well. A very curious creature, as he tends to sneak off and find treasures without me even noticing.
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Lotus: An Araquanid; my starter, I'm certain of it. Supposedly, my Rotom had retrieved his Pokéball during... unfortunate circumstances. He is Water and Bug type.
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Jubilee: A sweet Joltik that I'd rescued from a sudden overpopulation surge earlier in 2023. She is Electric/Bug type, I believe the cause for her purple spikes is albinism.
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Pyuku: A Pyukumuku under an original name, but I can't find it in my heart to change it, nor remove this Pokémon from my team. This one seems eerily special, much like Lotus. It is pure water type.
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Paral: A Charizard, though crossbred with a Drampa, a flying Pokémon when I needed her most, when I needed to get off of that wretched island. A trusting and powerful battling partner, but far too reckless, and tall for that matter, for enclosed battle spaces. I battle with her on occasion, but mostly she is my mode of transport. She is Fire and Dragon type, with some heavy Flying type qualities.
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Hey-ho! Egg here from @spikyegg! Welcome to a Pokémon IRL account!
Please keep in mind that with the nature of this account, it is prone to cover some sensitive topics! I will do my best to tag things as necessary, but please correct me if something gets through to your end that you didn't wanna see but still want to enjoy the blog. Otherwise, if you're unprepared or do not know what might not be sensitive to you, I say skip this blog for now!
Some frequently mentioned tags may include:
#tik's video logs
I love interaction! I will always answer asks when I can.
Goodbye for now! ^_^ 💕
Previous event tags: #a ghostly goodbye (reworking), #hello ''mother'' (reworking), #humming a kricketune, #hardly the very best (kanto)
Current event tag(s):
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dranna · 10 months
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? - it’s simple black colour
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? - chocolate ^^
✨ Do you have any nicknames? - Dranna and way too many ones by @giosnape
🎵 Last song you listened to? - Old money by Jonathan Young
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction? - no, I only draw
😏 Are you on discord? - yes, but haven’t logged in quite a while
 💛 Do you have any piercings? - yes! I have 2 on my right ear
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? - how they treat and behave with others.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? - uhm.. maybe a sweet, white chocolatey (?)
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? - Kittes always!
🎧 Headphones or earbuds? - I’ve always loved earphones more
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud? - ‘what’s wrong’ , to my cat. He was meowing at me
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? - idk if it’s weird to you guys, but English is my 2nd language and just learned what does ‘st mean at the end of words in old English
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl? - I’m a creature of the night. Sun? Idk what that means
🧸 Favorite place to nap? - in a comfy sofa with a book in lap
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? - yes ✨
🦋 Describe yourself in three words. - shy, introvert, curious
👖 Jeans or sweatpants? - jeans
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? - I don’t drink coffee, I prefer tee
🧡 A color you can’t stand? - vibrant, neon green
💎 What’s your most prized possession? - my grandmothers books
☕ Coffee or tea? - tee always
🦖 Favorite extinct animal? - dodo bird
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? - maybe 4-5 years ?
🌴 Desert island item? - poison
🐸 Describe your aesthetic. - dark vampire and/ or simple , earth based coloured cottage core
🔮 What’s your dream job? - digital artist
💙 Relationship status? - single
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. - long black skirt, with earth toned patterned or coloured shirt, long coat, black hat , with leather shoes
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? - assault and batteries by ice nine kills
🤎 What color is your hair? - light brownish blond
💌 Do you talk to yourself? - yeah, in English
💄 Do you wear makeup? - no
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? - that I’m skilled, talented and have a good soul
💞 @ your favorite blog. - @yan-senna @unholy-gigi @sevsnapes @nataly-lanier @snapecentric @snucius @zephahhhh @m-sohhh
@giosnape thank you for tagging me <33
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hpsaffics · 2 years
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✨ Sapphic Sunday: Ghosts ✨
Happy Halloween! 👻
Spooky season is upon us and you know what that means. A ghost femslash reclist! In honor of Halloween, the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server presents Sapphic Sunday: a reclist filled with lots of ghosts, hauntings, and spooks. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Ghost stories Previously: Weather (see list)
👻 The Haunting of Pavenham Manor by @venom0usbarbie [Hermione/Pansy, E, 10.1k]
Her dead mother had asked her to return. To witness their past in Pavenham Manor with fresh eyes... Pansy dreaded the delusions, the mania that seemed to overcome her mother eighteen years ago—but the estate was within her reach, so close she could touch it, feel it. So she agreed.
👻 a little death and a little more by @swoontodeath [Bellatrix/Grey Lady, E, 9.3k]
“Foolish girl,” spat the Grey Lady. “I cannot put my hands on a mortal—” “Who said anything about putting your hands on me?” said Bellatrix easily, grinning. She took another step closer. “You’re going to watch me touch myself.”
👻 By the Book by @squidgilator [Marlene/Dorcas, G, 6.5k]
The library forces a book club, for reasons that are unclear. Marlene and Dorcas get to know each other along the way.
👻 where dust was once man by @slashmarks [Narcissa/Lily, T, 3.4k]
Terrified of losing her son to the Dark Lord's plotting, Narcissa is haunted by the memory of another woman who faced the same threat.
👻 Sylph by FancifulRivers [Luna/Padma, M, 1.9k]
Luna's only friend is the Grey Lady until she meets Padma.
👻 For a Time, the Earth Is Still by @constitutionalweasleymonarchy [Minerva/Myrtle, G, 1.3k]
The haunting has just begun.
👻 This House, This Heart by @solar-settings [Cho/Luna, T, 1.1k]
Cho spends all day exiling ghosts and then comes home to the one sitting in her living room chair, and if that isn't the peak of hypocrisy, she doesn't know what is.
👻 life, distorted by @gracerene [Lavender/Parvati, T, 826]
Padma said Lavender would want her to move on. Parvati knows better.
👻 Narrow Escape by pauraque [Petunia/Grey Lady, T, 676]
Helena Ravenclaw has always been attracted to tragedy. Why she senses it clinging to the soul of Petunia Evans, a perfectly happy student in her own House, she isn't entirely certain.
👻 The Voice by @lumosatnight [Hermione/Lily, T, 200]
Lily Potter’s ghost haunts Hermione from the minute the Sorting Hat touches her bushy head.
👻 Hades by Ilthit [Grey Lady/Bellatrix, T, 100]
Helena longs for a violent embrace.
🌙 Want more ghost stories? 🌙
@hp-creatures | AO3
@hp-fearfest | AO3
Ghosts: Tag on AO3
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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belovedbythevoid · 1 year
for the ship meme: you and sukuna?
 🌙 ————— THANK YOU FOR THE ASK . . .
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  ❝ my relationship with sukuna is a complicated one, to say the least !! that's not even counting the huge amount of aus that exist for it either !! wow, it's a lot . . . but i digress, onto the meme !! ❞
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  gives nose/forehead kisses
  ❝ sukuna !! depending on whether he's in his own body or not, he's taller than me, so more often than not, it is forehead kisses; but if he's not in his own body, it's very much nose kisses. he hates to admit he's gone soft, but i know he can't resist expressing his affection from time to time. ❞
  gets jealous the most
  ❝ also sukuna . . . he can just see someone talking to me and he's already jealous. i get jealous too, admittedly even if it's someone i know, like uraume . . . well, especially if it's them. their devotion to sukuna is sweet and all, but . . . sometimes it's a bit much, really. ❞
  picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
  ❝ hmm . . . well, we both prefer to drink at home. but in a hypothetical scenario, and maybe even in some aus, i suppose it's me picking him up after he gets too drunk while out with gojo and toji. ❞
  takes care of on sick days
  ❝ sukuna loathes it when i get sick, so he usually keeps his distance. but if he's ever feeling bad, i suppose i care for him instead . . . but honestly !! he might not admit it, but he does get concerned, so he will ask itadori to make me something to help me recover faster !! ❞
  drags the other person out into the water on beach day
  ❝ hm. probably me. i love the water, and i love to swim, so if ever we have a day anywhere near water, i almost always take my trunks so i can go swimming !! sukuna doesn't mind joining me from time to time, either, especially if i promise him a treat on the way home; he can't deny he loves ice cream on a hot day. ❞
  gives unprompted massages
  ❝ also me. well, only because i get bored and need something to do with my hands. sukuna doesn't complain, though. ❞
  drives/rides shotgun
  ❝ sukuna is a passenger princess. next question. ❞
  brings the other lunch at work
  ❝ sukuna. if i'm on the trail of a cursed spirit and he realises i haven't eaten in a while, he'll have itadori whip me something up ( since sukuna can't cook, but don't tell him i said that ) and he'll deliver it to me. i think it's very sweet. ❞
  has the better parental relationship
  ❝ neither of us. ❞
  tries to start role-playing in bed
  ❝ sukuna . . . ❞
  embarrassingly drunk dancer
  ❝ also sukuna. he cuts a lot loose when he drinks too much and sometimes it's funny. ❞
  still cries watching titanic
  ❝ bonus: it's itadori. we watched the movie with him once and he started bawling . . . i almost feel bad for laughing. ❞
  firmly believes in couples costumes
  ❝ depending on what they are, i guess both ? i guess you could say our usual attire is a couples costume; sukuna being a cursed spirit and me being a sorcerer who has to keep him under check. ❞
  breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
  ❝ both of us. i can't help myself, because gift giving is one of my love languages for other people . . . and sukuna always tells me he'd give me the world one day, so . . . ❞
  makes the other eat breakfast
  ❝ sukuna. if he sees i'm not eating correctly, he'll always ge upset with me. "eat something or i'll shove it in your mouth, brat." he's such an asshole about it. ❞
  remembers anniversaries
  ❝ hahah . . . well . . . neither of us, i guess. ❞
  brings up having kids
  ❝ sukuna . . . i hate children, and he does too, but, well . . . ah, that's maybe a bit too personal, i guess . . . ❞
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another anon suggested that suguru would flop his way towards reader’s doorstep
I saw that ask and that anon is so real fort that😭😭😭 and I agree he would definitely say something like you cant tell me how to live my life that’s also very true do you think our merman Suguru would have merman powers like controlling someone with his voice (its a siren thing but still😭) if he did I think he would’ve used it on the reader and the last one for now what do you think about reader having a cat 🤨 they would bicker a lot but I think at the end of the day Suguru and the cat would en up as friends 🌙
OHHHH 🌙 ANON………. first of all. i’m not entirely sure if mer!sugu would have powers BUT i do love the idea of him having powers akin to a siren….. i guess it’d be kinda like hypnosis?? like when he sings your eyes get heavy and he can subtly manipulate you into doing his bidding. i feel like he would use it on reader but ONLY in cute ways like maybe you’d have trouble sleeping during a thunderstorm and so he makes you sleep with him in the bathtub….. (probably not good for your skin but shush it’s all worth it for mer!sugu’s pecs pressing up against you <33) and softly lulls you to sleep :((
ANDDDDDD gosh……. i’m gonna have to include the cat in the fic i fear 😞😞 YOU’RE A GENIUS 🌙 ANON THAT’S SOO SWEET??? SO PERFECT??? it’s great bc mer!sugu literally acts just like a cat 😭😭😭 grumpy and independent one second but clingy the next… leaves little treats at your doorstep to show his love for you….. purrs when you give him fish to eat……….. etcetc. they are the Same. i think both the cat and mer!sugu would feel threatened by the other’s presence bc your cat is like?? who is this man and what is he doing in My House. and mer!sugu is like who is this fluffy creature and why is it in MY bathroom 🤨🤨🤨 so it’s just animosity on both sides and reader is caught inbetween… your cat sleeps on your lap and sugu gets jealous. you bandage suguru’s wounded fin and your cat gets jealous. they both just want attention.
but i do feel like they would be friends :33 like they bicker and stuff (i also think it’d be sooo fucking funny if suguru could communicate w your cat 😭😭) but at the end of the day mer!sugu gives half of his tuna to your cat and they eat together <33 love and peace on planet earth.
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goddness-lunafreya · 6 months
I came to show… My Tav's father??
Yes, that's a strange thing to say, but here's how I imagine the elven form of Rathial, father of Philrath, my Tav/OC from Baldur's Gate 3. I'm also here to compare him with our dear Half-Dragon.
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Rathial, in his elf form, used to give birth to Philrath with his mother, Presphine.
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Philrath, daughter of the mighty dragon Rathial with Presphine, a common High Elf.
Physics and Comparisons:
As you can see, they look very similar. But Rathial in this form has more elvish features, such as the ears, the face with more common eyes and, despite a yellow glow, he keeps his pupils rounded.
His horns were just "casualties", he wore them in his elf form almost like a crown, to remind him of his magical nature.
Another thing that's different is their faces. Philrath has dragon scales, coming from his draconic heritage, while Rathial, in his elven form of disguise, can naturally hide them.
But it's interesting to note this face painting, which makes a contour on the face similar to that of scales over a dragon's face. And the painting ends with sharp lines, almost like fangs.
Finally, I want to highlight the hair. His hair is much whiter and bluer, brighter and more magical. While Philrath's hair remains a lighter shade, as if they were more subtle lights.
A dragon and an... Elf?:
Rathial is a dragon, a powerful, relentless and magical creature. When he met Presphine, the two formed a bond… Complex. It's difficult to trace their feelings, but the Dragon knew what she wanted: a child.
In this elven form they consummated Philrath naturally. Dragons are beings that can change shape in a way that not all creatures can. Because they are magical, they can, using this ability, generate hatchlings with humanoid beings, as is the case with Philrath.
These hatchlings are the Half-Dragons, who inherit characteristics from their original races, while losing many of their aspects as well.
See more about the Half-Dragons, I used these links as a reference: DnD Wiki; Forgotten Realms Wiki; and I used the Homebrew DnD Half-Dragon race, which inspired the following mod that added this race to my game.
More on Philrath, Rathial and Icy Serenade:
You can read more about Philrath with my tag! And you can also read the fanfic about her to find out more about her, Rathial, their past and more. Icy Serenade in its own tag.
Icy Serenade - Summary:
"I don't know. I... I never imagined my scales feeling such a... sweet touch..." Philrath is a Half-dragon, daughter of a powerful White Dragon, destined to run and hide. One day, fate puts her in front of Astarion, a seductive and mysterious elf, who reveals himself to be a vampire. The two beings hide secrets and flee from a past and destiny that refuses to leave them in peace. Amid chains, scars, pain and fear, can there be anything good? Maybe it can, but to do that they will need to find themselves in the darkness. Will they have their freedom...? "Your scales and fangs... They're a gift, darling."
Thanks for reading! Reply, Reblogs and Likes are always welcome. Support the artist by following or asking. 🌙 -Goddness Lunafreya.
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little-sw33tie · 9 months
For Malachi!
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
For Inexus!
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
For Creature!
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
👁️Malachi’s eyes are purple with a black sclera!!! Nothing special aside from them being really pretty!!!
😨With Malachi I’d say its dependent on the situation, if it’s them alone they’ll freeze for a moment but then go for fight, if it’s with someone it doesn’t care about it will opt for flight, if they’re with anyone they like or would want to protect (children always are on that list fr) they’ll go full fight mode!
💐 Moonflowers (Just here bc I associate them with it lol), Begonias (Caution), Devil’s Trumpet (name), Angel’s trumpet (name), Sweet Briar (said to be planted by the devil), Stinging nettle (It just fits in my head for some reason)
🌙The greatest wish Malachi has is for peace after the little war it started! They go through a shit ton, and along the way find people they never expected to care so deeply for and end up getting involved. So they wish both for their own goal of succeeding, but also the safety of those they care about! So needless to say as i mentioned, they chose to go to war to try and achieve that!
🙉The worst thing anybody could say to Malachi is probably “It’s pointless” or anything insinuating that everything Malachi has sacrificed and lost to win this battle that it hesitated on starting for so many decades
💥At the start of it’s story, Inexus struggles with almost all of them! Inexus’ story has a lot to do about it learning how to feel emotions and such! But later on, they would probably have trouble dealing with guilt, sadness, and how overwhelming those two and happiness can be!
💐Protea flower (Curiosity), Morning glory (growth, change), foxglove (fear), blue iris (knowledge), red rose (colour+General association), purple aquilegia (Colours, Shape)
🌙Inexus’ greatest wish is to be able to pay back everyone who had helped him through his journey and to be able to show them how great full it is in a way it thinks is enough. At one point it gets to a self deprecating point where others have to really step in and talk to it!
🙉The worst thing one could say to Inexus is that one of its loved ones was harmed and/or killed, Inexus would be destoryed
💐Cattails (cat), Sunflowers (Strenght, Adoration), pink hyacinth (playful joy), Golden yellow Marigolds(Colour), purple spotted petunia (Looks)
🌙Creature’s biggest wish would probably be to no longer be allergic to fish, it doesn’t know how it’ll do that but until then it’s gonna feast anyways
🙉This big cat cannot be upset by words, but with actions you can utterly devastate it, even when it isn’t the target
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rangellatoria · 8 months
🌙💀 Diving into the Shadows of "Little Nightmares" 🌙💀
Hey fellow night owls and horror game enthusiasts! 😱✨ Have you ever taken a twisted trip down the eerie halls of "Little Nightmares"? 🏰🚪 If not, you're missing out on one spine-tingling adventure! 🎮💔
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Picture this: A dark, foreboding world filled with grotesque creatures and unsettling mysteries. "Little Nightmares" takes you on a macabre journey through a mysterious vessel known as The Maw. 🚢🕯️ From its stunningly atmospheric visuals to the bone-chilling audio, this indie gem is a masterclass in atmospheric horror. 🖤👻
The protagonist, Six, is an innocent little soul in a sea of malevolent monstrosities. The way the game immerses you into her nightmare, making you feel the dread and uncertainty, is nothing short of breathtaking. 🌌🌒
Every shadow holds a secret, every creak a potential peril. The art style is a nightmarish beauty, reminiscent of a twisted fairy tale. The attention to detail is spellbinding, and you'll find yourself questioning every step you take, fearing what lurks in the dark. 🕯️👁️
"Little Nightmares" doesn't just toy with your fears; it grabs them by the hand and leads you through a surreal, anxiety-inducing adventure. It's a game that lingers in your thoughts long after you've turned off the screen. 😨🔦
So, if you're ready to confront your fears and plunge into a world of darkness, "Little Nightmares" is waiting for you. Just remember to leave the lights on... 🕯️💡 Sweet nightmares, everyone! 💤🌌
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