a-pop-of-korean · 7 months
Hanja Lesson: 무
안녕하세요 여러분! Hi everyone! Here is yet another Hanja lesson that I posted on my Instagram a while ago. This one is about 무--I hope it's useful! Let's start :) 시작해 볼까요?
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translations101 · 1 year
The 47 prefectures of Japan/47都道府県 (とどうふけん)
In Japan there is 47 prefectures and they are divided into 都 (と), 道 (どう), 府 (ふ) and 県(けん)
都 (と) - metropolis
道 (どう) - territory
府 (ふ) - urban prefecture
県 (けん) - prefectures proper
(from north to south)
北海道・東北 ( ほっかいどう・とうほく)
Hokkaido / Tohoku region
北海道 (ほっかいどう) Hokkaido
青森県 (あおもりけん) Aomori - ken
岩手県 (いわてけん) Iwate - ken
宮城県 (みやぎけん) Miyagi - ken
秋田県 (あきたけん) Akita - ken
山形県 (やまがたけん) Yamagata - ken
福島県 (ふくしまけん) Fukushima -ken
関東 (かんとう) Kanto region
茨城県 (いばらきけん)Ibaraki -ken
栃木県(とちぎけん) Tochigi - ken
群馬県 (ぐんまけん) Gunma- ken
埼玉県 (さいたまけん) Saitama - ken
千葉県 (ちばけん) Chiba - ken
東京都 (とうきょうと) Tokyo - to
神奈川県 (かながわけん) Kanagawa - ken
中部(ちゅうぶ) Chubu region
新潟県 (にいがたけん) Niigata - ken
富山県 (とやまけん) Toyama - ken
石川県 (いしかわけん) Ishikawa - ken
福井県 (ふくいけん)Fukui - ken
山梨県 (やまなしけん) Yamanashi - ken
長野県 (ながのけん) Nagano - ken
岐阜県 (ぎふけん) Gifu- ken
静岡県 (しずおかけん) Shizuoka - ken
愛知県 (あいちけん) Aichi - ken
近畿 (きんき) Kinki region
三重県 (みえけん) Mie - ken
滋賀県 (しがけん) Shiga- ken
京都府 (きょうとふ) Kyoto - fu
大阪府 (おおさかふ) Osaka -fu
兵庫県 (ひょうごけん)Hyogo - ken
奈良県 (ならけん) Nara - ken
和歌山県(わかやまけん) Wakayama - ken
中国・四国 (ちゅうごく・しこく) Chugoku/Shikoku region
鳥取県(とっとりけん) Tottori - ken
島根県(しまねけん) Shimane - ken
岡山県(おかやまけん) Okayama - ken
広島県(ひろしまけん) Hiroshima - ken
山口県(やまぐちけん) Yamaguchi - ken
徳島県(とくしまけん) Tokushima - ken
香川県(かがわけん) Kagawa - ken
愛媛県(えひめけん) Ehime - ken
高知県 (こうちけん) Kochi - ken
九州・沖縄(きゅうしゅう・おきなわ) Kyushu/Okinawa region
福岡県 (ふくおかけん)Fukuoka - ken
佐賀県(さがけん)Saga - ken
長崎県 (ながさきけん)Nagasaki - ken
熊本県 (くまもとけん) Kumamoto - ken
大分県(おおいたけん) Oita -ken
宮崎県 (みやざきけん)Miyazaki - ken
鹿児島県 (かごしまけん)Kogoshima- ken
沖縄県 (おきなわけん) Okinawa - ken
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 7 months
This week's studies!
Friday: I am so excited! I had my last final exam! So refreshing!
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Don't even ask what these words are from... :D
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Saturday: These are from daum cafe, I didn't even know there was a slang for banana milk... I guess I've fallen out of fandom
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Monday: Today, i went a bit medical... I don't know why I would need all these words, but I guess they're good to know!
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bieups · 1 year
A friend who lives in 오산 (a town south of Seoul) asked me "hey, do you know what 오산 means?"
"Umm...5 mountains?" (오 = 5; 산 = mountain)
"No, wrong calculation ㅋㅋㅋ" (오= 誤 그르칠 오; 산 = 算 셈 산)
I do love silly wordplay, but I went and looked up the name and learned it does come from Hanja! It used to be 鰲山, but was changed to 烏山 by the Japanese because it's simpler
鰲 자라 오 (softshell turtle)
烏 까마귀 오 (crow)
山 메 산 (mountain)
So that was my Hanja studying for the day~
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manasseh · 2 years
absolute best website for referencing hanja ( chinese characters in korean )
it has stroke order, a nice little sentence using the radicals to explain and remember, examples, and oftentimes pictures of historical versions / etymology as well.
it's all in korean, but if you're studying hanja you probably already have a decent grasp + it might be a nice way to learn some more intricate vocab
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trexboy76 · 1 year
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처음에는 #중국 이야기를 #일본 에서 왜라는 생각을 했었는데 #삼국지 에 나오는 #인물 들이 일본식 #한자 음으로 어떻게 불리는지 궁금해서 보기로 했고 끝까지 보니 #영화 적 완성도도 그다지 나쁘지 않았다 最初は#中国 の#物語 を#日本 でなぜという考えをしたが、#三国志 に出てくる#人物 が日本式#漢字 音でどのように呼ばれるのか気になってみることにし、最後まで見ると#映画 的完成度もそれほど悪くなかった。 그런데 나관중(~1400)의 삼국지연의의 최초 판본인 가정본(1522)을 다시 정리한 모종강(청나라 시대)본 다음에는 요시가와 에이지의 삼국지(1948)의 영향을 받은 삼국지 번역서가 많았고 일본의 코에이 라는 #소프트웨어 #게임 회사는 삼국지라는 게임을 국외까지 수출하여 아직까지도 삼국지 게임을 계속 제작 중이다 ところで、ナグァンジュン(~1400)の#三国志演義 の最初の版本である嘉靖本(1522)を再び整理した毛宗崗(清の時代)本の後には、#吉川英治 の三国志(1948)の影響を受けた三国志#翻訳 書が多く、日本の#koei というソフトウェアゲーム会社は三国志というゲームを国外まで輸出し、まだまだ三国志ゲームを作り続けている #한국 에서는 모종강본을 번역하여 매일신보에서 삼국지(1929~1931)를 연재하였고 요시가와 에이지 본을 바탕으로 고우영의 #만화 삼국지를, 이에 기반하여 세계 최초의 삼국지 만화 장편 영화를 만들었다고 하니 일본의 이 영화처럼 #k콘텐츠 의 힘으로 ��시 삼국지를 부활시킬지도 모를 일이다 #韓国 では、毛宗崗本を翻訳して毎日新報で三国志(1929~1931)を連載し、#吉川英治 本をもとにコ・ウヨンの#漫画 三国志を、これに基づいて世界で初の三国志の#アニメーション を作ったというから日本のこの映画のようにkコンテンツの力で再び三国志を復活させるかもしれない #threekingdoms #新解釈三國志 #amazon #japan #movie (矢田川에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckea0pfSzn0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kimtaku · 10 months
획수가 많은 일본어 한자는?
卍 / 만 6획
凹 / 요 5획
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jackworldco · 2 years
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[ 伍德目 ]다섯덕목 第壹德 : 敬叄意 第貳德 : 治心陆道 第叄德: 常爲玖意 第肆德 : 陆德意 第伍德 : 必成生意 Jack Jeong 作 제일덕 : 경삼의 (경의삼요소) 제이덕 : 치심정육도 (마음을 다스리는 도의 여섯요소) 제삼덕 : 상위구의 (항상 추구해야 하는 아홉 의미) 제사덕 : 육덕의 (여섯 덕목의 의미) 제오덕 : 필성생의 (살면서 반드시 추구할 의미) Jack Jeong 지음 #敬 #德 #慈 #義 #信 #仁 #정도 #인생 #목적 #가치 #방향 #사랑하는삶 #노력하는삶 #한자 #jackworld #Korean #🇰🇷 #✍🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5lHlkS6vW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Do you know that Korean has a lot of 4-Character Idioms derived from Chinese? This is your chance to learn those are get a few tricks and tips here and there to memorize those. So, go for it!👇 https://youtu.be/iDzMEKvHxTw You can also find the link to my channel in my bio. #HelloKorean #Idioms #사자성어 #동고동락 #일석이조 #자업자득 #자포자기 #포기 #한문 #한자 #한자공부 #chinese #Korean #chinesecharacters #다재다능 #막상막하 #각양각색 #비몽사몽 #연말 #연말연시 #4characters #simple #easy #tryit #goahead #understand #BTS #psy #armygirl #armybts (at Chinese Language) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdj2GYxpwXi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angie80k · 3 months
Ranbi : 9급 한자 검정 고시반 영 ● 유아 대모집
2024 02 07 Ranbi : pre. Ann hasewey 씀
: sedrt
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a-pop-of-korean · 8 months
Hanja Lesson: 후
안녕하세요 여러분! This week's lesson is a Hanja one, this time a little but about 후! You can find this lesson on my Instagram here as well. I hope it's helpful :) Let's start!
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translations101 · 1 year
Comparing Chinese character readings in Japanese & Korean pt 2
Easy - 簡単 (kantan)/간단 (gantan)
Very Easy - 超簡単(chōkantan)/ 초간단 (chogantan)
Cook/cuisine 料理 (ryori)/ 요리 (yori)
Bag 鞄(kaban)/ 가방 (gabang)
Memory 記憶(kioku)/기억 (gieog)
Mountain 山 (yama or san)/ 산 (san)
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 6 months
My style of using flashcards (  ̄▽ ̄)
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I've been using flashcards since elementary school and this is my favorite way of using them. I'll use Korean words to showcase my method.
Usually I'll have a main side and secondary side. I'll write the main side in large letters and use a fun color and the secondary one with black pen. Here I used green to contrast the black. Idk colors motivate me...
I'll have a few words from different categories every time.
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Here's what I mean: a few categories with similar-sounding words and one with random words. I never exclusively do similar-sounding words as I remember better when there are only a few similar ones.
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The secondary side has two definitions, usually either two writing systems or two languages (polyglot tingz) so I get as much out of these cards as I can. In this case, there's hanja and English!
I'll flip through a pack like this for a few days, usually 2-3. Then I'll make another one!
I'll take the pack out again in a month and if I don't remember a word, I'll add the word to my current pack! If old cards keep coming back, I'll stop making new ones and study the old ones until I remember.
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누구보다 도도하고 콧대높은 이 팸섭 의 손편지를 읽으며.. 한자 한자 그 의미가 와닿으면서 눈물이 날 정도..그래고 나의 책임감도 더 크게 느껴졌음
#섹트 #sm #육변기 #팸섭 #성감대개발 #성감대테스트 #클리토리스개발
#섹트 #트친소 #에세머_트친소 #에세머트친소 #하늘에_밤을_걸어_널_만나러
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yang-jin-seo · 2 months
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Day 9 🍯
👩‍🍳: 허니케이크 베이킹
*카페에서 한자 공부
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kimtaku · 10 months
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일본 직장인 필수 2자 숙어 (二字熟語)
일본어 두글자 한자 음독과 의미
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