natsutapiyo · 11 months
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anitage1 · 27 days
「狼と香辛料 merchant meets the wise wolf」は、支倉凍砂先生のライトノベルを元にした2024年完全新作アニメです。2008年と2009年にもアニメ化されているため、なぜ今リメイクされるのか気になりますよね。 今回は、狼と香辛料(2024完全新作)がいつどこの放送局で視聴できるのか、原作のどこまで放送されるのか、なぜリメイクされたのかを紹介します。 気になるあらすじや配信でお得に視聴する方法もまとめているので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。 狼と香辛料(2024完全新作)|アニメの放送日はいつから?放送局は?何クール全何話? テレビ東京・テレビ大阪・テレビ愛知で4月1日(月)より毎週月曜 25:30~ 狼と香辛料(2024完全新作)は、テレビ東京系列で4月1日(月)より毎週月曜 25:30~放送されます。 そのほかBSテレ東4月2日(火)で毎週火曜…
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fafaweng · 1 year
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🦖🦋🐲🤖🦅🥀🐾👥 ◤ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ゴジラシリーズ最新作 TVアニメ『#ちびゴジラの逆襲』 本予告 [ youtu.be/hpds-R888Vo ] 福山 潤 インタビューPV予告 [ youtu.be/xMyea7jMmeU ] カウントダウンムービー [ youtu.be/xMyea7jMmeU ] ______________◢ 📺 2023年04月01日(土)朝7時より テレビ東京イニミニマニモ内にて放送開始。 毎週土曜朝8時よりTOHO Animation YouTube チャンネルにて最新話を1週間限定公開。 放送後、翌週土曜朝7時より 各プラットフォームにて順次配信。 📡You Tube・各PF配信も決定 ----------------------------------------------- 「これは、出会いと逆襲の物語ー」 ----------------------------------------------- TVアニメ『#ちびゴジラの逆襲』📢新キャスト情報発表 「ちびゴジラ」が、豪華声優陣を迎え、待望のテレビアニメ化。 【CAST】 「 #大怪獣になりたい 」 #ちびゴジラ ᰽ #福山潤 「 #怪獣島に流れ着いたメカ 」 #ちびメカゴジラ ᰽ #松岡禎丞 「 #三重人格 」 #ちびギドラ ᰽ #江口拓也 「 #真面目ときどき毒鱗粉 」 #ちびモスラ ᰽ #高橋李依 「 #飛べるだけのナルシスト 」 #ちびラドン ᰽ #下野紘 「 #自称、 #賢者 」 #ちびヘドラ ᰽ #立木文彦 「 #姉御肌なスナックのママ 」 #ちびビオランテ ᰽ #沢城みゆき 「 #怪獣島のギャル姉妹 」 #小美人_姉 ᰽ #上田麗奈 #小美人_妹 ᰽ #鬼頭明里 ----------------------------------------------- 【STAFF】 監督          新海岳人 キャラクターデザイン 坂崎千春 アニメーション制作  Pie in the sky 製作          東宝 ----------------------------------------------- ■公式サイト: godzilla.store/chibigodzilla ■公式Instagram:@chibig_official ■公式Twitter:@chibigodzi ■公式TikTok:@chibigodzi ----------------------------------------------- TOHO animation 公式Twitter:TOHOanimation 10周年記念特設サイト:tohoanimation.jp/10thanniversary ポータルサイト:tohoanimation.jp/portal ----------------------------------------------- TOHO animation STORE 通販サイト :tohoanimationstore.com/shop 公式Twitter:TOHOanimeSTORE ----------------------------------------------- #ちびゴジラの逆襲 #ちびゴジラ #ゴジラ #Godzilla https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTaKxLPllu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drlei-tw · 2 months
🌟 美麗的祕密就在這裡!
🌟 醫天使品牌的山芙蓉藍銅修護保濕面膜是肌膚的神奇魔法師!
歡迎診所、批發、團購 私訊詢問~
追蹤 IG👉#1_angel135
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rokurosuruhito · 1 year
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#Repost @bizenmugenanginza ・・・ 備前 細工物展 2023年1月20日(金)〜1月29日(日) 【木曜日休廊】 明日からは 第4回目となります細工物特集のスタートです! 今年も伝統的な宝瓶、香炉、 そして可愛い💕カッコいい🕶 猫さん蛙さんにスチームパンクからドア‼︎まで色々な作品展示させていただきます。 とても楽しい店内になりました♪ 皆様のお出かけ心よりお待ち致しております。 Starting from tomorrow, January 20th, I would like to show our Bizen workmanship of decorated items!! We have some cuties 🐱🐰🐸 with mugs or cups, some cool ones 🐉 with teapots or tea bowls, and steampunks, doors!? and more!! We hope to see you in Ginza⭐︎ ★作品のお問合せは お電話、メール、メッセンジャーにDMなどでも 承れます。どうぞお気軽にお問合せくださいませ。 【2023年の個展・企画展のご案内】 ※2月3日(金)〜2月12日(日)  備前 器 展 ※2月17日(金)〜2月22日(水)  #市川透 #金重潤平 二人展 ※3月3日(金)〜3月12日(日)  備前 湯吞展 ※3月17日(金)〜3月22日(水)  備前 #澁田寿昭 陶展 ※3月24日(金)〜3月29日(水) 備前 #豊福博 陶展 #mugenanginza #bizen #vessels #ginza #夢幻庵銀座店 #備前焼 #備前 #柴燒 #銀座 #岡山県 #okayama #pottery #japaneseceramics #備前焼 #徳利#酒呑 #細工物 #宝瓶 #茶盌 #三奈三 #天野智也 #伊勢﨑卓 #内田和彦 #渡邊琢磨 #森脇弘行 #中原幸治 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnoOVvprK2Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yuichikomano · 2 years
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FC今治 #fc今治 #福島ユナイテッドfc #山田貴文 #駒野友一 #j3 #jleague - #ハーフナーマイク #尾亦弘友希 #稲本潤一 #久保竜彦 #大黒将志 #福西崇史 #高橋秀人 #鈴木大輔 #田中裕介 #yuichikomano #soccer #fcimabari #japan (at FC今治) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjH9rT7OE2U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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takigawa · 2 years
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���ポーツ・グラフィック・ナンバー 1054 日韓W杯、20年後の告白。思わず買いました😃 ベルギー戦の鈴木隆行のつま先ゴールを現地で鈴木隆行のユニフォームを着て応援してましたし😊 #中田英寿 #稲本潤一 #宮本恒靖 #小野伸二 #戸田和幸 #中山雅史 #鈴木隆行 #三都主アレサンドロ #中田浩二 #森島寛晃 #松田直樹 #楢崎正剛 #明神智和 #森岡隆三 #��沢敦 #市川大祐 #小笠原満男 #福西崇史 #西澤明訓 #服部年宏 #秋田豊 #川口能活 #曽ヶ端準 #トルシエ #ベルギー #ロシア #チュニジア #トルコ #ドイツ #ブラジル https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjQ3rWPlfQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The RKDD social media staff prepared an April Fool’s Day audio skit today.
There’s only one explanation Ron can come up immediately to Toto. Toto is in Ron’s apartment because he lives there now. They are sleeping together. Ron is a bit upset and feeling silly that Toto has left the bed that Ron has decided he must have grown a platypus beak!!! Besides, today is April Fool’s Day! <<— Semi-joking there because this is what/how the skit feels like.
Ron: (running to Toto anxiously) This is tough. Take a look, Toto! When I woke up, I grew a beak! Damn it! I can’t get it off! Quack!!
Toto (not falling for Ron’s antics again) You're disguised again anyway, right? Moreover, it's April Fool's Day today. You are trying to deceive me. It's so easy. (Takes a look at Ron’s beak and tries to help his friend anyway) Is… that.. a real beak? I can’t get it off!
Ron: Don't you know that starting from this year, April Fool's Day is… It doesn’t exist.
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Toto: W-what ?? (Bamboozled) For real?!
Ron: It’s a lie.
Toto: Agh, you! I was fooled! (Probably uttered a bit theatrical)
Ron : By the way, the beak is also a lie. Look, with a glue... Uhm… Uhh… This is bad. I really couldn't get it off!
Toto: (Trying hard not to fall for it again) Isn't that also a lie?
Ron: This is true... Please, Toto, help me.
Toto: You’re so troublesome!!
(Yes, Ron is Toto’s troublesome boy!)
I don’t know who has written all their skits but they are so funny and cute and silly and I love, love, love that the voice actors * are willing to act them out. Doesn’t matter if it is for the sake of promotion or not.
* Youhei Azakami’s vox for Ron sounds like a college boy charmeur, whereas Enojun’s Toto tends to be young-ish. He feels a bit of exasperated toward his friend, but loves him anyway.
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ikemenfangirl · 8 months
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Newly Otome Game Project from Otomate Games (Nintendo Switch)
Title: Mystonia no Kibou -The Lost Delight- (ミストニアの翅望 -The Lost Delight-) By: Idea factory Language: Japanese Platform: Nintendo Switch Twitter: https://x.com/kibou_otomate Release: Undefined
Rose Cottingrey (nameable) An avenger who was robbed of her family, future, and pride.
นางเอกผู้ล้างแค้น เธอที่ถูกขโมยชีวิตครอบครัว อนาคต และศักดิ์ศรี
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Game Trailer:
Illustrator: 清白かりん
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Edward Bernstein CV: Tamaru Astushi #田丸篤志
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Alfred Creswell CV: Umehara Yuichiro #梅原裕一郎
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Linus Ward CV: Umeda Shuichiro #梅田修一朗
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Lucas Sullivan CV: Suzuki Ryota #鈴木崚汰
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Ascot Lindel CV: Fukuyama Jun #福山潤
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John CV: Shirai Yusuke #白井悠介
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bowcrazy · 7 months
Tsurune Character Songs Album Review
We had a lot of thoughts about these songs while working with the lyrics, so we decided to do a mini album review! Please enjoy listening to each songs as we reflect on the lyrics and composition~
Up Stairs
Mod Yumi: A very gentle, comforting song, as expected from a Minato/Seiya duet. The composers did an excellent job capturing the feeling of nostalgia; this somehow feels like a song I've known and loved for years. The lyrics are perfect--I love the references to the bridge scene from s1 ep10. The line "I had a place where my heart could relax" is so precious <3 Overall, I don't think it's the strongest song on the album, but it's definitely one of my top faves!
Mod Optimus Prime: A heartfelt way to start off the album! It's very sweet and mellow, which of course really fits the fact that, y'know, the song is about Minato and Seiya's relationship! It's more or less just a straight callback to all of season one, but it's really touching how (both literally and figuratively) they come together at the end there.
Mod Yumi: This song is so excessively dramatic and I kinda love it?? It does NOT sound like a song that ties into a soothing, chill slice of life archery anime and I am here for it. But I'm also weak for synth horns; give me a cheesy overexuberant fake brass section and I'm sold. Bonus points for all of the archery references and unnecessarily homoerotic lyrics. (And special shoutout to Mod Optimus Prime, our resident FukuJun stan, for helping me with the color codes because I was completely lost lmao)
Mod Optimus Prime: Probably the character duo song with the most...attitude to it? And sass, which of course, fits these two incredibly troublesome boys. To me, it's almost like the two are having a back-and-forth with each other while also brazenly admitting to each other just how tangled up they are—admittedly a reoccurring theme for the duet songs, but that doesn't make it any less cute, I think!
Ari no Mama de
Mod Yumi: Very cute and wholesome, doesn't really do it for me in terms of composition though. I do think this is the most well-acted song on the album. Having heard both of these seiyuu sing as other characters (notably Suzuki Ryouta as Bisco from Sabikui Bisco and Yano Shougo as Mafuyu from Given), I was blown away by how different they both managed to sound! Changing your voice to that extent while singing is not an easy thing to do. I was also tickled by the fact that they both noticeably sang less well than I know they're both capable of singing, because it suited the characters better to do so. Listening to this song, you wouldn't think either of these singers are particularly talented, but that fact is proof in and of itself that they ARE talented. Mad respect for the skill displayed here!
Mod Optimus Prime: Unsurprisingly, sunshine boy Ryouhei and the other local cheery boy have an easygoing and slow duet! I can't really say too much aside from the fact that the lyrics are both just really cute and earnest—you can see Ryouhei's influence here, haha.
Growing Up
Mod Yumi: Very cute, very catchy! I enjoy this song a lot. As a side note, I find it interesting that besides Minato, Nanao is the only character to be featured in two songs. One of the things I like about Nanao is that he's characterized mainly through his relationships with other characters. Sometimes when we see this happening it's more to do with lazy character writing (and lbr, it usually happens with female characters). But in this case, it actually builds our understanding of the character, rather than just casting him into the side character role of 'only here to develop the MCs'. To me it's always felt like he's the most put-together of the team, watching over everyone else and giving them a nudge in the right direction, while blending in so effortlessly they don't suspect a thing, like the social chameleon he is. Oops, this just turned into me gushing about Tsurune character writing lol. The song's nice idk what else to tell ya
Mod Optimus Prime: Also yet another honest song—a rare thing for Kacchan! It's obviously about Kaito and Nanao's close friendship and the further development during season two, so it's fitting we also get to see more of Nanao's (somewhat hidden) stubborn side here. Not to meme here, but really shows how their relationship fits the, "the more things change, the more things stay the same," aka them supporting ("protecting") each other through thick and thin.
Mod Yumi: I'm not the biggest fan of the composition of this song. I can't put my finger on why, but the main melody isn't working for me (and doesn't work great for Asashin's voice either tbh). That said, the backing track lives rent free in my head, I'm OBSESSED. And I love the dreamy feel of the lyrics! Whereas the others feel more like a dialogue between the singers, this one feels like a poem. The ethereal quality of the music and the lyrics draws me back to Masa-san's introduction, when he was a cryptid/ghost (lmao) appearing in the dead of night to guide Minato back to archery
Mod Optimus Prime: I've only heard Asanuma Shintarou (Masaki's VA) sing in a higher register, so this was both surprising and pleasant—it's quite soothing to hear! It's also fitting that the only Real Adult™️ with bounds of experience compared to these young'uns gets a really poetic and dramatic song with, of course, lots of moon references.
Mod Yumi: THIS IS THE BEST ONE. This song is a legit bop omg. Leave it to luck life to give us a character song that exceeds typical character songs! I also love the meaning of the lyrics; it almost feels like a new angle on the Shuu/Minato relationship in a way? Of course we know their history and their affectionate rivalry, but we don't really see either of them putting into words how they feel about each other (especially Shuu-- I had to laugh at the line "we didn't need mundane words"; like no dude we could actually use a few more words from you, given your track record of communicating approximately 7% of your thoughts smh). This song puts into words how much they mean to each other and how, despite their complicated history and rivalry, they still care about each other.
Mod Optimus Prime: Luck Life actually composed this song, which really shows in the style (that catchy guitar, anyone?)! I adore the constant references to "sounds"—while a bit cheesy and on those nose, of course, it fits these two to a T and calls back to that season one finale. Again, not that any of the songs are really subtle, but "We might be apart, but I believe we'll someday return / So we didn't need mundane words" really just sums up their unique friendship/rivalry. Also, love how the two only sing together at the end: really fits with the song's whole message/theme about the two being separated, but eventually reuniting! How sweet.
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lipid · 3 days
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#コードギアス × #アリスギア コラボイベント『神託の少女』開催!
謎の力で転移させられた、ルルーシュ(CV #福山潤)、C.C.(CV #ゆかな)、カレン(CV #小清水亜美)のボイス付きオリジナルストーリー✨
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anitage1 · 5 months
このすばには、数多くの強いキャラが登場します。しかしその中でも、誰が一番強いのか気になりますよね。 そこで今回は、最強ランキングキャラを考察してTOP10にしてみました。このすばで一番強いキャラはめぐみんなのか、カズマなのか、それとも別のキャラなのかを総合的に判断しています。ぜひ最後までチェックしてみてください。 このすば|強さランキングTOP10~6!最強は誰? 10位:ダクネス 『よりみち3回目!』 早いところは明日発売👀 新刊発売&刊行10周年を記念し、各書店にて【このすば推しの娘フェア】を開催します🎉 ①「アクア」「めぐみん」「ダクネス」の1人を各書店が【推します】!! ②推しの特典がもらえる!! あなたが通っている書店はどの娘を推すのか、要チェック! pic.twitter.com/nw1xh9JG8Q — スニーカー文庫@毎月1日発売!!…
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riddlingwife · 3 months
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aramashi · 9 months
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@肉のサトウ商店 福山本店
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sakura-zakki · 10 months
幸いをいただきまして 塩沼亮潤
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