#❝the very definition of magic❞→visage
wordscarred · 7 months
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tag drop : Chibiusa
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stxrmstained-a · 10 months
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// he looks like a paladin and i think that's so funny
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astralnymphh · 5 months
Domestic!Ellie is my addiction.
I need more. You don’t understand. It’s not a want!? It’s a DESIRE A NEEDDDDD!!!!!! Just reading the hc’s, how sweet and soft she is under it all.
When she’s herself again, that goofy dorky nerd we all know her to beeee!!! AGHHH!!!
- 🩵
i see more domestic!farm!ellie than i do domestic!jackson!ellie, and i think the latter needs to be discussed more.
no cuz farm!ellie— as I've definitely claimed before, is very husband coded. on the other hand, a more early–lover, girlfriend who takes care of the child u got knocked up with. which is literally dina, but, i guess if ur' not obliged to the thought of getting knocked up in the first place; gamer dad. i grew up with one, not like he was present 24/7, but like.. ellie? same font alternate story. i also hc ellie does best with boys, idk. just feel it. okay, maybe cause of jj.
stopp staying over at ellie's place for the night n' you bring the lil' guy over swaddled to your chest— legit, sowing two steps upon her doorstep, darkening it, not even getting the chance to knock, nay cast breath over it, and it's swung open and the bundle of wrathful joy nearing the age of two once strapped to you is now ecstatically babbling in your auburnettes arms. tis' fucking magic; how whenever ellie comes in contact with that baby, skies are rainbow–painted and mourning doves are entrancing the whole of jackson with a birdsong. how ur sweet boy, blood of your blood and bone of your bone, weeps gutty murder in the hold of yours truly— but dries of cheek and whorls of smile with ellie, is unfathomable.
"heyy dude, hows my favorite lil' guy in the world doing?" baby–talks ellie, so ooey and cooey as she bounces at the knee, blocking the doorway, "whos' ready to watch mom play the turning? i know mama is, i know you aree." you are but a fragment to her now, a forgotten shadow at her door. that sounds grim but take it literally. she like, literally forgets to kiss you at the door sometimes.
"ellie." comically, you tap your foot, faking a downturned pout left to dry without her kisses, and the cruel wintry air.
snapping her fern eyes up, she jerks a dumbfounded visage— and an even dumber query, "what?"
"my kiss?"
"oh, right.. um," her face relaxes and turns lily–white of innocence, shooting scattered glances at the child as she slants her weight over to you, "hey babe." extending graceful as a swans neck yet devoting you only a measly peck on the mouth measured lesser than a second before she slunk her body back and spun inside, rambling chin–tucked to that child, "ellies' got a new record i think you'll really like.."
lips still baked to a dry, you stare in catatonic quiescence at the eclipsed circle of pale lamp–light streaking around her bun as she paces away from you. step, by step, by hurried step, eager to spill attention with the full force of her coos amusing the easy–to–please mind, garbiling a possible bravo! or huzah!— until nightfall would whistle through the crickets and quiet him to sleep. leaving you, an even larger, tatted up baby now whiny for your attention.
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need to see angelgbc photos of jackson!ellie holding jj now
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thana-topsy · 11 months
The Neloth Post Nobody Asked For but now I'm making it everyone's problem
I guess I'll start out by saying: all of this pertains to my very specific version of Neloth who can be found alive and well (for now) in my fic series "Legends Never Die". It's a big wide fandom, I do not claim to be an authority on Anything, and I think everyone's little pocket universes and OC-ification of NPCs are all equally valid. These are just some of the ways I write and characterize him. So if you have any Neloth headcannons of your own, please sound off!
The Basics:
I estimate this old crusty bastard is in his 700s, or thereabouts, probably on the later end. He stopped counting at a certain point and can't be arsed to keep a talley. There are more important things that occupy his brainspace. He maintains his spry and youthful visage [cough] through his rigorous magical practices, (and his not-so-subtle interest in necromancy and discovering the secrets to immortality).
He was exiled decided to retire from the Telvanni Council a good fifty or sixty years before the eruption of Red Mountain, retreating to Solstheim to continue his experiments in seclusion. Due to severing his mainland ties and House loyalties, his power and influence are significantly weakened, though he continues to expand his studies and has a relatively well-functioning settlement of workers, as well as his current apprentice, Talvas Fathryon, under his tutelage.
And of course, the question on everyone's mind: do he fuck? In terms of his sexuality, he's finicky and if I had to slap a label on him, he's definitely in the realm of Aro-Ace, but on the gray side of things (pun intended???). Here, have an Ace Neloth Pride Flag because why not:
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Personal Interests, Likes, and Dislikes:
The list of dislikes could probably rival the "color of the sky" post, so let's try to condense that into the main point: he dislikes inefficiency. The definition of what he finds "inefficient" can and does vary greatly, even in his own work. I would say one of his driving motivators is IncreasE Efficiency, above all else.
His likes are few and far between. As it stands, I could probably list three off-hand. He likes well-made tea (preferably dark, bitter, and stimulating), he likes an organized bookshelf, and he likes Teldryn Sero (who is also dark, bitter, and.... stimulating).
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Huh? What's that? Never heard of it.
I kid (kind of). Neloth has a complicated psychology. I characterize him to have underdeveloped empathy, but he is not entirely devoid of it. I suppose I'll let him explain it, (from chapter 5 of "Breathing Water"):
“I do…” Neloth began, [...] “I do… feel.” He twisted the stiff bedroll between his fingers. “I do.” [...]  “It’s just…” He didn’t know where he was going with this, but the words were clawing their way out of him like some kind of sick, emaciated animal emerging from a cave. “I don’t think I… feel… correctly.” He exhaled sharply, letting his head roll from side to side, neck popping. “I’ve always been this way. It’s not just the result of graying morals from a prolonged life. I’ve always had this,” he gestured to his chest with trembling fingers, “hole. Like something’s missing.” He pulled the bedroll tighter around him, curling in on himself. A small laugh. “It’s been useful, if I’m honest.” 
He does try, at a certain point, to understand this side of himself a little bit better. Though, honey, he's got a big storm coming.
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Anyways, that's my Neloth post for now, maybe I'll add more another time. :) Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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eratolasting · 2 years
Magic (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: Modern!Eddie. You get a tinder for the first time and meet someone interesting.
Warnings: Smut, semi-public sex, fingering, oral (f and m).
Beta Reader(s): @syddsatyrn @hargroveharlot @eddiesdungeon
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You'd never done this before. Not really, anyways. The thought always slightly scared you. However, after some goading from your friends, you made the account. You loaded your most recent photos onto it -- the ones where you thought you looked the prettiest -- and made a quick bio to reflect who you were and what you were looking for. 
Then, the swiping began. Left; right; left; left; right; left; right; right; right; left-you stopped on one person in particular, your eyes scanning his visage. He was unlike anyone you'd really seen before, seemingly stuck in 80s fashion with his long hair and his vintage Metallica shirt. You swiped through his pictures and seemed to learn a lot about him just from that. 
He played guitar. He had friends. He played D&D. All things that were good and normal. He was a little nerdy, but that was okay. 
You scrolled down to his bio, head tilting slightly as you read. 
Mage Hand gives me extra magic fingers – if you know what I mean.
That was it. That was all he had in his bio, and while you found it funny and charming, you wondered if you should swipe right on him or not. 
He definitely came off as a fuckboy; but he was cute. Very different from anyone else you'd come across on the app so far. Finally, you decided to go for it, and swiped right on him. 
You continued swiping for another ten or so minutes before a notification popped up on your screen, telling you that you had a match. 
Well, it wasn't the first time it had popped up, but you weren't too interested in the other guys who had matched with you. You'd been hoping for the 80s metal head you'd seen. 
Here he was. Excitement bubbled in your chest as you opened up the chat to message him - but he got to you first. 
hey, sweetheart.
You flushed a bit at that, and bit your cheek. So, he was a pet names kind of guy. Two could play at that game. 
Hey hot stuff.
You sent back before you could change your mind about it. 
hot stuff, huh? You think so? 
Yeah. I like your whole vibe. 
well I like yours, too. 
You bit your lip and brushed some hair behind your ear. 
Thank you! 
you’re very welcome. tell me, what’s a pretty girl like you doing on an app like this?
Same as anyone else, I imagine. Looking for someone with magic fingers.
well you’ve come to the right place (;
You shifted on your bed, wondering what the hell you were doing flirting like this. If you continued, this was more likely to be a hookup rather than a date; but he sort of gave off that vibe with his whole bio situation. You didn’t know if you minded that or not, or what you were really looking for with this. Just -- something. 
sorry if that was too much. promise i’m not a fuckboy or anything. i just flirt a lot.
No, it’s okay! I don’t mind it. Tell me some stuff about yourself?
well, what do you want to know? anything in particular? 
What kind of music you play, maybe? 
oh yeah, mostly metal but we throw a few solid rock covers in there.
So you’re in a band?
yeah! it’s called corroded coffin. we play at the hideout on tuesday nights and if we’re lucky we get to open for the bigger bands on saturdays. pretty good gigs if you ask me.
That’s really cool! Looking for any groupies? :p
groupie applications are always being accepted. why? interested? 
Maybe. Just depends on how magic those fingers really are.
You tapped your thumbs against your phone as you waited for a response, more matches popping up in your notifications, but you didn’t really care; you were only interested in this one right now. After a few minutes of no response, you bit your tongue and wondered if you went too far. 
You typed a message, then deleted it, then typed it again, then deleted it, before finally deciding to leave it alone. He was just some guy on the internet. If he got offended by your joke then you just had to deal with it and move on. You put your phone down and decided to go about your day, getting some chores done. You didn’t even find yourself thinking about Eddie while you did your laundry or cleaned the kitchen. You did have a passing thought about him while you ate dinner, but being attached to your phone was unhealthy; so you didn’t check it. 
Not until you got ready for bed that night, and you saw that there was a notification from him. Your heartbeat sped up, but you didn’t look at it; not yet. You got ready for bed and after snuggling in beneath your blankets you picked up your phone.
oh they’re really magical. trust me on this, princess. 10/10 reviews on yelp.
You laughed at that, happy he wasn’t as sensitive as you thought. So you could fuck around with him; that was good to know. 
Glad to know the reviews are good. I have high standards for them now.
i promise they don’t disappoint. when would you like to give them a spin?
I’m free tomorrow?
tomorrow it is.
You ironed out some details and went to bed with a smile on your lips, both excited and nervous for your first date with someone off of the internet.
The next day breezed by, and soon you were getting dressed and ready for your date with Eddie. Nerves bubbled up in your belly as you waited for him in the cafe, your fingers tapping on the table. You were a little early out of fear of being late, but now you had to wait for him, and it was making you a little more nervous. 
Finally, after an eternity, you saw him walk in and look around. You lifted your hand to catch his attention; he grinned when he saw you and walked over to the table. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Wow, you’re even prettier than in your pictures.” He complimented as he slid into the booth across from you. 
You bit your lip as you looked him over, taking in him and his style. He really was different from what you were used to, but that definitely wasn’t a bad thing by any means. God, he was hot. 
“Could say the same about you, but I dunno… I think you may have been hotter with your guitar in hand.” You teased. 
“Ouch. I get it, ladies love it.” He nodded, grinning right back at you.
The waiter came over and took your drink orders before leaving to give you time with the menus to decide on food.
“Thanks for meeting up with me. I know it’s weird to meet people for the first time.” He spoke up after a moment of silence between the two of you.
You smiled at him, and brushed some of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, it was.. A whim, but I don’t regret it.”
“Good.” He smiled back at you, and laced his fingers together on the table. You couldn’t help but look at them, your eyes scanning the various rings that decorated them. They were…really hot; and you definitely believed they were good at what they did, with him being a guitar player and all. 
He seemed to notice your staring and laughed a little. “Don’t worry, angel. We’ve got time for me to show you just how magical they are.” He winked.
Your face felt hot at that, and you turned your attention back to the menu.
The waiter came back to take your orders after that, and you thankfully got through that without stuttering too much. When he was gone, Eddie descended on you again.
“Mind if I come sit next to you?” He asked.
You bit your lip and nodded, scooting over to give him space next to you. 
He climbed out of the booth and moved over to slide in next to you. You could feel the heat from his body radiating against your skin and you flushed a little. 
“That’s better.” He grinned, delicately placing his hand on your thigh. You looked up at him and smiled, placing your hand on top of his. It was almost as if you had been dating forever. 
But you didn’t mind the familiarity. It was cute, he was so comfortable.
Cute, however, turned to something else as his hand slid between your legs. You didn’t stop him, just lifted your hand off of his and onto the table as your cheeks began to feel hotter.
So… he was going to show you the magic hands now. 
It was kind of hot. You weren’t complaining. Even if, normally, you wouldn’t let someone do something like this on the first date. He was just different; Eddie hit differently than some normal guy did.
Taking you not stopping him as a go-ahead, his fingers pressed against you through your panties and rubbed slowly. You gripped the edge of the table and bit your tongue to keep a moan from ripping from your lips. No one had ever touched you in public before. Especially not someone you didn’t know very well. Not that you were complaining; he was hot.
His fingers slid up and down your slit, just feeling now. Feeling how warm you were through your panties, how wet you already were. He shifted slightly, covering you up from view to those passing by. You wondered how long this was going to go on for; how long Eddie would be able to keep this up. Especially if your food was coming soon. 
His fingers slipped your panties to the side and the tip of one digit found your clit, slowly swirling around it. You clenched your teeth together, your toes curling in your shoes. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were thankful that the din of noises around you, covering up the soft wet noises your pussy was making. 
He looked at you for a moment, before sliding a finger down to your entrance. He slipped it in and curled it. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned heavily against him. His chuckle vibrated through his body. 
“Wanna get out of here?” He asked you, his voice low.
“God, please.” You responded.
Gently, he slipped his hand away from you and wiped it off on a napkin before grabbing his wallet. He placed a few twenties on the table before adjusting himself in his pants and standing up.
You were quick to follow, smoothing your skirt out as you stood and trailed him out of the diner. 
He winked at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you made it out the door together. "Think you can make it back to my place, or should I take you right here in the back of my van?" He asked, his voice low, his breath in your ear. 
Your face felt hot as you shook your head. "No, do it here." You told him, pressing your thighs together as you waited for him to unlock his van. 
He chuckled and opened up the back for you, before climbing in with you. 
He shrugged his jacket off and tossed it to the side. You wasted no time dropping your bag and wiggling out of your panties. He'd worked you up quite a bit, it seemed. 
He laughed, but didn't complain, as you settled on your back against the pillows he had back there. He scooted between your legs and spread them with his hands, rings cold against your skin. Black painted nails scraped against your thighs as they descended; closer and closer to your heat. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his fingers found your slit again. They pressed between your folds teasingly, making you whimper as they slipped down towards your wet hole. He collected a bit of your juices on his digits before they found their way back to his lips where he slipped them past pink plumpness to find his tongue. 
You watched him lick his fingers clean as he made a low noise at the taste of you. Your jaw clenched and you closed your legs once more to press your thighs together, looking for friction. He was so fucking hot. 
He spread your legs back for him again and settled between them, bending to press his face against your cunt. You could feel his hot breath on your folds as he leaned in close, his hands on your knees. You felt his tongue flick against you once, twice, three times; a soft moan left your throat at the feeling. 
His hands pushed your skirt more, flipping it up fully to rest against your belly as he fully descended on you. His mouth pressed against you, lips closing around that tiny pink nub and giving it a good suckle. Your toes flexed out and curled inward as your fingers found his hair. 
This was the last thing you were expecting out of today. Sex was high up there, but being eaten out? Fuck you were gonna lose it to this man. This was only the first date. Imagine what the second or third date would be like. Imagine years of this. He was going to ruin all other men for you, you could already tell. 
Somehow, without you realizing it, he'd slid his hand between your legs and pressed a finger inside of you. He curled it while his tongue flicked against your clit at a steady pace. 
Your cunt clamped down around his finger as he fucked you with it, your hands pulling softly at his hair. Your back arched into his touch, moans steadily flowing from your lips. He was working you up to the edge already. You couldn't believe how fucking good his hands were. 
He added a second finger, his pace picking up. "Fuck," you moaned, pulling at his hair. 
Soon, you were shot right over the edge, a high pitched whine leaving your throat as your legs shook and your body tensed up. Your cunt milked his fingers, trying to pull in anything they could get as he worked you through your orgasm. 
You released his hair as he sat up, panting softly. You brushed your fingers through your hair before sitting up and descending your hands on his jeans. You pulled his belt off and tossed it aside as he chuckled from your franticness. 
"Promise, it's not going anywhere, sweetheart." He teased you.
But you didn't care. You pushed his jeans and boxers down his thighs and the moment his cock sprang out your mouth was on it, tongue and lips teasing the tip. The taste of precum was prevalent in your mouth as you bobbed your head on him, the both of you shifting in a slightly more comfortable position. 
His hand rested on the back of your neck, a soft coo coming from his lips as you took more of him into your mouth. He tasted good. So fucking good, you didn't know if you could even handle it. 
Your pussy tingled as you used your mouth on him, and you slid a hand between your legs to play with yourself. Your other hand came up, releasing his balls from their prison in his boxers. You were gentle with them, cupping them, giving them a soft squeeze. 
He groaned as you popped off and slid your tongue down his shaft before sucking one delicate testicle between your lips. His musk wasn't overpowering, thank God, and he tasted slightly like soap. He'd showered very recently, in preparation of seeing you. 
His fingers tightened in your hair as your hand wrapped around his shaft and pumped him, your tongue rolling around the skin in your mouth. You moaned around him before shifting to take the other into your mouth. 
"Fuckin'... Perfect." He breathed to you. 
Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt the heavy weight of his balls on your tongue, on your face, and you moaned loudly against him. 
Slowly, reluctantly, you pulled away from his balls and brought your mouth back to his cock to finish him off. He was getting close, and you wanted to taste his seed. 
You bobbed your head up and down his length, and he groaned as his tip pressed against the back of your throat. You gagged softly, drool leaking from the corner of your mouth. 
"Gonna cum…" he warned you, but you kept on going. You wanted it. You wanted it all. 
Your hand cupped his balls to feel them clench and shift as he came, his cock twitching in your mouth as he filled it up with his spunk. 
You moaned at the taste of him, swallowing what you could before bobbing your head a few more times to clean him up. 
You pulled away and looked up at him, licking your lips to get what had escaped you. Your hand slid from between your legs - you didn't need to cum again. 
His cheeks were red as his breathing slowly stabilized, and he smirked at you as he stuffed himself back into his jeans. 
"You got something up your sleeve for that?" He asked teasingly. 
"Nah, just natural talent." You joked, brushing some hair behind your ear. You bit your lip and looked at him, wondering if this meant the date was over. 
"Wanna see if they kept our food?" He asked, laughing a bit as he grabbed his jacket. 
You smiled and nodded, moving to follow him back out of the van. 
. . . . . . . . . .
Tag list: @eddiemunsons-girl @spiderrrling @syddsatyrn @mayeddieandstevegf
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asimplearchivist · 1 month
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓬 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 ] AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST summary ☾ ⤏ khonshu forgot when he last hadn't felt pain. you make it easier to bear. pairing(s) ☽ khonshu/reader | promises kept!verse word count ☾ 1.8k a/n ☽ ⤏ my eighth entry for the moon knight bingo hosted by @juneknight and @spacecowboyhotch over at @moonknight-events. I will eventually crosspost this to the main fic for promises kept on ao3 when it will best fit the chronological progression of the chapters. ⤏ got a little feelsy with this one. khonshu being so stubborn makes promises kept a glacial slow burn, but sometimes I just want to write him soft. I caved here. ☽ MASTERPOST ☾ ☾ PREVIOUS ENTRY ⤎ ☥ ⤏ NEXT ENTRY [TBA] ☽
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Some days were harder than others.
Khonshu had long since grown accustomed to his present state—malnourished, most definitely, and somewhat inhibited by old wounds on top of it—but the length of time under which he’d had no choice but to suffer did not make the affair any easier with which to deal. The constant nagging ache deep in the core of his wellspring—what he could only suspect was the closest equivalent to hunger in mortals, as he didn’t quite experience the same sensations—was an ignorable, background sensation at this point. Any bit of a boon he was granted by his few remaining followers soothed the worst of that acute, piercing emptiness, but given the fact that his avatars required continual support via the maintenance of the magical integrity of his ceremonial armor, oftentimes the energy would instead be passed right along to them instead of being kept for himself.
Such was the explanation behind Khonshu’s ghastly appearance—how could he sustain his physical manifestations when the continuation of his duties sapped what little energy he had from his own shallow wellspring to start with?
He never spent very much time taking in his own visage, whether it be in reflections provided by glass or by water. Even still, however—after over two thousand years of being trapped in the unrelentingly vicious reality of scrounging around for any scraps of divine energy he could come across for the sake of alleviating the hollowness resounding within himself—he would catch himself expecting to see glimpses of his old silhouette in his periphery, but was always met with the skeletal remains of the glory long ripped from him by his fellow deities.
He tried not to dwell on it too much, and it usually never came up naturally—most of his avatars through time assumed, given their ignorance towards the culture from which he’d originated and had nurtured, that it was how he had always appeared. Languishing in the negative feelings and memories that particular line of thought always drudged back to the surface only debilitated him. Righteous anger was easier to deal with than the repressed wounds still weeping from betrayal and despair. Those feelings never went away, really, given that his ‘hunger’ was a near-constant reminder of that single life-altering event over two millennia prior, but…most of the time he was able to shove them to the back of his mind.
You certainly helped him to do so.
An inexplicable balm to his soul, Khonshu found relief and refuge in the unshakeable lee you formed against the rest of the mortal world entombing him. Your steadfast dedication and devotion fed him, little by little, just enough to ease the ache. Perhaps it was irrational to rely upon that mutual symbiosis, a feedback loop doomed to fail eventually, since he was forced to channel that energy right back into the armor to keep you from harm, but he’d be damned with assurity if he was forced to forfeit you now.
You, mercifully, didn’t comment upon the…unfettered touchiness…that he displayed when the weariness that always followed a night out executing his justice superceded his finer mental factulties.
Your bed was much too small to fit the both of you comfortably, but you’d insisted that it would work if you sat up against the headboard and he pulled his legs up onto the mattress. Your fingers were light against the sweep of his shoulder, tracing the stark line of wiry muscle that conjoined at the scapulae. You’d already explored much of his back this way, reading the topography of him with your palm. Your other hand rested upon the curve of his head, thumb rubbing small circles that metronomed your steady, slow breaths and your occasional quiet humming.
He should have felt foolish, contorted not unlike a child with his head resting on your lap. Throughout the lengthy span of his life, he’d never stooped so low to demean himself in such a manner. The rest of the Ennead would make him the laughing stock of all pantheons if they knew of his particular…weakness for you. Although the Grecians often intermingled with man, the Ennead had long since forbidden it…but he couldn’t help but wonder. If it was so wrong, why did it make him feel the way that it did?
Even still, it would not be a good thing for them to discover. He didn’t fear himself much anymore, but if anything ever happened to you or Badru…
“You okay?” you asked softly, smoothing your hand up between his shoulders to cup the nape of his neck, rousing him from the light, dozing trance into which you’d unwittingly induced him. “You went all stiff on me.”
Khonshu grumbled. I am fine.
You let out a noncommital, if skeptical, sound and shifted a little to press the heels of both your hands into the meat of his shoulders. He winced as you dug in, working some of the tension free from his physical form. “Just got you relaxed and then you went and started overthinking again,” you tutted. “What goes on in that big noggin of yours, I wonder?”
Nothing good, he mumbled.
“I already knew that much,” you huffed. You found a particularly sore place below his scapula and his fingers knotted into the material of your t-shirt tighter as he smothered a grunt. “You’re just as bad as I am.”
You couldn’t fathom the heaviness of all that weighs on my mind, he pointed out sourly.
“Mmhmm.” You leaned forward and reached down to press at the base of his spine. His hiss was muffled by your thigh. “And you fuss at me for not keeping the armor as long as I need it,” you sighed. “Why don’t you use your abilities on yourself, too?”
Because he would bear it if it meant harm wouldn’t befall you. Because he would starve himself until he withered to dust if you had another chance to retain the breath in your lungs. Because you could bleed him dry and he would give you the knife with which to tap the celestiality that coursed through his arteries.
Heliopolitan maladies differ from that of humanity’s, he said instead.
“That seems a little counterintuitive,” you remarked, dragging up his sides to rid his ribs of their tension.
I require a greater expenditure of energy due to the nature of my body being primarily incorporeal and thus sustained only on my magic. It is much easier to heal tangible tissue. Khonshu tilted his head to peer up at your face, creased with determination and focused on the length of his back sprawling away from you. The material of your duvet was soft and warm against the bare skin of his torso, a balm against the perpetual chill that clung to his bones. The natural, thriving heat that emanated from your body certainly helped. What I consume is sufficient.
You frowned, eyes traveling over the gaunt press of his skeleton against his ashen, tawny flesh, barely hidden by the leanness of what muscle he’d retained in this form. “Somehow I doubt that.”
It was enough to sustain him and little else, but you didn’t need to know that.
You are fretting over nothing. Although that is nothing new, he jibed, hoping to redirect you.
He could sense your dubiety, but you thankfully dropped the subject. “...Do you sleep?”
Rarely. Allowing himself to slip into dormancy in his present state for any considerable length of time was a dangerous game he only dared to play when his wellspring was at its lowest tolerable level. He had also always preferred to remain vigilant in order to watch over the earth for any outstanding threats that may crop up on the misfortune-prone planet. Now that he had you and Ru under his protection, he especially resisted the urge that tugged at him at his weakest points. But I am capable of it, if that is what you mean.
“I had wondered. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with your guard down.”
There were reasons for that, too, ones that he’d prefer that you never learned.
I must never set down my creed for even a moment, he said, else the world fall to shambles in my absence.
“That’s called catastrophizing, in my realm of expertise,” you pointed out gently, forfeiting your inspection of his throbbing (but less achey) back and instead scratching your fingernails feather-light over his scalp. Frissons broke out over his skin and skittered down the length of his spine. “Thinking about worst case scenarios doesn’t give you any more control over what could or will happen. Plus, I think we’ve got a sufficient number of guardians all over the world to help give you a break.”
You are aware that those merchandised puppets are not even aware of the realm in which I dwell and deal, aren’t you?
“I’m pretty sure I’ve heard stories about sorcerers or something, but that’s besides the point. You need to let yourself rest occasionally. I don’t even want to imagine what several thousands of years’ worth of burnout looks like.”
You were looking directly at it, frankly. Khonshu readjusted his arms to wrap around your back, hands overlapping your waist as he buried his face into the crease of your thighs once more. I am resting.
You went silent at that, movements stilling for a long moment. Then you shifted, hunched over him, and placed a chaste, lingering kiss on the crown of his head. “Well, then I’ll leave you alone.” You returned to your position against the headboard, pillows cushioning your back, and resumed your soothing touches along his scalp, neck, and shoulders. “...If you wanted to sleep, I can stay up for you for a while. If the world starts ending, I’ll be sure to wake you up.”
It was far more tempting an offer than Khonshu could resist, given your attentiveness had coaxed that old exhaustion to the surface like the tide. He wondered if you possessed any supernatural abilities of your own, or if it was because that was the same tone his mother had always used to convince him to sleep when he was young. You wouldn’t know if there was a disturbance in the astral plane if it struck you by the back of your head, he murmured, sagging into you steadily.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you returned quietly, thumb tracing the impression of a scar along his temple. “Just let me take care of you, Khonshu.”
He was trying his best, truly. It was certainly difficult to protest such a precious gift offered with no malicious intents underlying its tender promises.
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sakkiichi · 9 months
MATCHUP FOR MY DEAR @yourangel137
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Suzy, love, I really do hope you like this <3 thank you so much for trusting me with your info, it really helped me determine your best match 🌸
I took into account your personality traits, your preferences and your hobbies, once again I hope I managed to write this according to your expectations.
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your genshin impact match is the embodiment of both the sun and the moon: bright and welcoming, yet with a depth of magnetism and mystery if you look just beyond the surface. Although carefree and extremely charming at first glance, don’t let his allure misguide you: he is extremely caring and protective, going to any lengths needed if he so must just to keep you safe. he is definitely the kind to provide conversations for hours, his variety of topics never boring, as if casting a spell over you, you could listen to him endlessly. but because duality clings to him in flames and shadows, he is a dedicated listener as well, refusing to drop the topic until you’re done with all that troubles you.
well, you might have already guessed who’s starring in today’s performance, no? However, let us rise the curtains and meet…
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Closed off and leaning on the shyer side are no setbacks at all to Fontaine’s famed magician. Lyney is very curious about you, and all the beautiful secrets hiding behind quiet words and that bashful smile of yours.
Adept in the art of performing, he is also a pro at making you feel comfortable around him; be it his playful yet sincere smiles, the little magic tricks he performs for you or just the enigmatic warmth he radiates, you feel safe around Lyney.
You mention you’re family-oriented and love animals. Lyney is someone who cherishes his family deeply, as proven by his devotion to Lynette and Freminet, he’d literally go to hell and back again for them, and for you. So seeing that same trait reflected in your character as well makes his heart beat in ways he didn’t believe possible before; this is definitely different from being under someone else’s protection… is this what they call love?
Getting hurt by someone else’s words shouldn’t be a problem if you’re dating Lyney. He reads people quite well, plus his speech and mannerisms are inherently enchanting; gentle with you in a playful and mischievous way that makes you feel like royalty (he’d be damned if he didn’t make it known how special you are to him).
Forgiving and giving others chances are qualities of yours that I believe would be beneficial to Fontaine’s beloved illusionist. His past is not exactly the most easy to stomach, and he certainly won’t come clean about it at first. But with the time and nurturing you give him, you both will figure things out together.
After all, that’s the love song written in cursive for you in the distant starlight…
Reflections of the universe seem to sift through your fingers as you comb through his hair.
The night is quiet, as if waiting with bated breath for the greatest show to start.
In his lover’s lap, a magician lays the riddles of his magic, unspoken spells coming alive with no wave of wand when he’s around you.
“Does this feel good, Lyney?” You softly utter, fireflies stilling on flowerbeds, spectators of the sweet tale unfolding.
Eyes of lumidouce blooms conceal behind snowy lashes, not in the impenetrable way of the rings of fire he set aflame when painful memories were unearthed, no; but in a serene manner, as if the magic he commands was born from your touch.
“Mm, ma chérie…” Your beloved hums, stardust dotting his fine visage. “It does… but I know a way to make it even better…”
“Oh?” You smile at him, your movements continuing, as your free hand is tenderly caught by his.
“Sing for me, angel.” He whispers, gaze now focused solely on you. Because now, and always, Lyney couldn’t care less about the audience, as long as you were standing there, starry eyed and smiling.
“But Lyney…” Heat spreads through your cheeks, akin to a flock of doves set free from inside a mage’s hat. “Are you sure…?” You tentatively venture, the rhythm of your heart picking pace, already dancing to the symphony to be sung.
“Completely, my rose.” Your boyfriend offers, reassuring you with a gentle squeeze to your hand.
“A-alright…” You hesitate for an instant, and then, the true magic begins. Honeyed notes fill the auditorium of you and him, butterflies and nightingales swaying to your waltz; pluie lotus and romaritime flowers seem to come alive under the veil of your melody, almost glowing in the dim starlit lake; even the moon has appeared to lend an ear, her shawl of misty clouds opening up to the view of this private stage.
This must be what true love feels like. Is the thought flashing through the magician’s mind, his body feeling weightless, nectarine warmth wrapping tenderly around him.
As your song continues, your vocal chords loosen, the passion that you sometimes conceal spreading its fiery wings, flying you both to the faraway stars.
Instants like this one, where your truest feelings become center stage… That’s the greatest show to your partner.
What else could he need, when he has the night and your angelic voice all to himself?
And what more could you want, when the lines of his face look so utterly at peace?
This is your own idyll, its gates open only by the incantation of his lips on yours.
Another reason that made me choose Lyney as your genshin match is because of his caring nature. The famous magician will not, under any circumstance, allow you to forget to take care of yourself. As seen when he interacts with his family, Lyney is naturally shielding towards them, their wellbeing a priority to him. And that, of course, applies to you too.
Be it because of large crowds, too much stimulation from the environment or any other reason, Lyney somehow always manages to appear just in time to hold your hand. If you need to, he’ll hug you tight, as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, his pyro vision offering a comforting warmth to fend the cool seeping into your bones.
Lyney thinks it’s absolutely adorable that you enjoy childish things: from pretty dresses to plushies, to cute accessories, rest assured he’ll either make them appear right before your very eyes or buy them for you (I mean, he earns enough as a performing magician, but even if that wasn’t the case, seeing you happy is worth more than any amount of mora).
Your hobbies quite align with Lyney’s lifestyle too. Crocheting is one of your passions, so I can definitely see him including the plushies you sew in magic tricks he performs for children. Their smiles as they hold the dolls you make in their little hands are truly adorable.
Alternatively, I can imagine you giving stuffed animals to some of Fontaine’s less favored children, our star magician smiling melancholy and fondly, completely in love with the kindness you radiate (that could be how you met/your first interaction, with him being absolutely whipped from the first moment).
As for qualities you seek in a significant other, well, he definitely fits plenty of them: he’s shorter than you (and he’d melt every time you kiss his forehead); he can be both mature and playful, he just won’t shut up (affectionate), but knows when to be serious and lend an ear too; he’ll keep you safe without a doubt, plus he’s familiar with the night life in the city; you’d have to chase him a little too, he may seem all smiles and sunshine, but let me tell you, there’s shadows to unfold as you get to know him more. Even so, he’ll open up to you and be honest, it just might take him a while.
As for the insecurities you harbor, Lyney will be sure to make them vanish with a snap of fingers: he’s a natural charmer, his compliments leaving you speechless in the best way every time. Oh, and yes, he definitely takes that chance to steal a kiss or two hehe (don’t blame him, he loves you too much).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Other matches I considered: Kaedehara Kazuha, Childe.
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She, too, fits most of your preferences.
She is very protective. I’m telling you, all hell will break loose if anyone ever dares harm you or make you uncomfortable.
Shenhe is mysterious, not letting many people close to her. But the lucky ones who get to truly know her (that is, obviously, you) are rewarded with one of the gentlest souls ever.
You mention you’d find someone both childish and mature interesting. While not exactly childish, Shenhe is still learning about many things from the human world. Her cluelessness is quite adorable at times.
I believe too that your soothing nature and fondness for childish things pair very well with her more detached and closed off self.
In a modern au, I know Shenhe would undoubtedly be the type to win a huge teddy bear or any big plushie you’d like at a fair.
She is not familiar with the concept of music, so wouldn’t it be beautiful, for her to learn about it by listening to your voice? The way her eyes sparkle, dawn rays over frozen streams, is enough to mesmerize you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Other matches I considered: Raiden Ei, Ganyu.
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fishklok · 1 year
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In an effort to combine both of my interests, I decided to expand on my Dragon Age!Metalocalypse AU in the style of Dragon Age: Absolution. I'll do more detailed designs later, I just wanted to get the basic concepts down
The general concept of this AU is that 5 musicians discover that weird magic shit happens whenever they perform together, due to demons or old gods or something like that. They're being watched over by a mage who's trying to study this anomaly and the Prophecy behind it. Also Crozier (not pictured) is a former Templar commander who's being mind-corrupted by Salacia (not pictured), the reincarnated visage of an old god.
Nathan: Qunari warrior (reaver). Nathan was raised by his adoptive human parents who love him very much (they're still alive; his backstory is very wholesome). However, Nathan started to manifest these weird magic-like abilities that could only be activated by screaming. Over time, he learned to finesse these abilities and now he can use them for cool pyrotechnics and stuff when he performs. Death metal exists in Thedas now.
Pickles: Dwarf rogue (tempest). Pickles was born to a very traditional merchant caste family in Orzammar, specifically a region in Orzammar where everyone has Midwestern accents. After being fed up with always getting compared to his twin brother, Seth, and not being able to live up to his ancestors and family expectations, he left for the surface. He expected to spend the rest of his life drinking his sorrows away, but then he met Nathan and they started a band.
William: Dwarf rogue (legionnarie scout). William is a casteless dwarf who was infamous for his abrasive personality. This ended up getting him into trouble when he was overheard badmouthing a particularly sensitive noble, and he was banished to the Deep Roads as a punishment. However, he actually enjoyed his time in the Deep Roads and felt a lot of pride dedicating his life to fighting the Darkspawn. His new purpose in life became wanting to join the Legion of the Dead. He manages to escape the Deep Roads sometime after the Blight, but he's still very proud of his legionnarie duties. He's a very good bassist because spending so much time in caves has given him a better understanding and appreciations for deeper sounds and vibrations.
Skwisgaar: Elf rogue (bard). Skwisgaar was well known in his Dalish camp for being the best musician in his clan. But over time, the novelty of that started to wear off and Skwisgaar wanted to be the best musician in other larger communities. He left home in search of a way to truly hone his potential as a musician. Also since he has a wolf motif in the show, there's probably some kind of Dread Wolf connection somewhere, I'll wait for the DA lore to update.
Toki: Elf mage (blood mage). Toki was born to an isolated village that was definitely ruled by a cult (think DA:O Haven). He spent his childhood being plagued by nightmares that eventually manifested in him accidentally summoning a demon that killed everyone in his village. But that didn't stop Toki from befriending the demon. Now Toki is just wandering around Thedas, developing an increasingly large arsenal of demon friends and being uncomfortably chipper despite his horrific abilities.
Charles: Human mage (knight-enchanter who is blood magic curious). Charles is a Circle Mage whose noble background has made his time in the Circle a bit smoother than most. After the Circles fell, he became the magical advisor to a few nobles, but he always felt intellectually unfulfilled. He decided to give up assisting nobles and instead chose to monitor this weird group of musicians, not knowing the kind of power he just tapped into. Also he's been secretly studying blood magic and necromancy.
Knubbler: Elf mage (rift). Knubbler is one of the mages Charles brought on to help him with his efforts. His time studying rifts left him blinded and a bit corrupted in the head, but his knowledge of magic is almost unmatched. Charles is the only person in Thedas still willing to work with him.
Abigail: Human mage (force). Abigail spent most of her life trying to be a perfect, by the books Circle Mage. But then the Circles fell and Abigail realized that none of this shit matters, so she might as well have fun. She joined Charles' team where Knubbler works as her assistant.
Melmord: Human mage (knight-enchanter). Melmord is a mage who fronts as a rogue. He was caught trying to steal Charles' research and Charles thought he could easily defeat him with magic, but oh no Melmord is a mage too. They have a homoerotic magical swordfight before Melmord falls off the tower. No one hired Melmord for this job. He just showed up and started causing problems.
Seth: Dwarf guy. Seth is Pickles' twin brother who did everything a merchant caste son in Orzammar is supposed to do. He married a merchant caste woman and had a kid, he honors the ancestors, he brings in coin, etc. However, Seth tends to get in trouble with the law quite a bit, specifically gambling, working with smugglers, fixing Proving matches, etc. But he's always able to pay off his crimes, so no one seems to care.
Amber: Dwarf lady. Amber is Seth's wife and another merchant caste dwarf. She has a pretty spotless record and tends to go unnoticed. I thought about making her secretly a former Silent Sister to explain why she never speaks, but I think even Seth would notice if she literally didn't have a tongue.
Magnus: Human mage (necromancer). Magnus was born in Seheron, but he moved to Tevinter in the hopes of expanding his knowledge of magic (and probably changed his name too to fit in). Unfortunately, even Tevinter thought he was too dramatic to put up with, so he was cast out of every group he joined. After getting fed up of his cool ideas not taken seriously, he joined forces with an escaped Qunari Saarebas, who is definitely going to listen to his ideas instead.
The Saarebas: Qunari mage (saarebas). The Saarebas is Qunari mage who escaped from his Aravaarad and went on a rampage across Tevinter to try and find his long-lost brother who was taken there. When he discovered that his brother was killed, he went on another rampage. He was able to escape Tevinter with Magnus' help and the two joined forces.
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randoimago · 7 months
Day 30 - Mutual Pining
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Artagan
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): Because of Jester, I feel like this archfey pining isn't as creepy and greek mythology-esque as it definitely could be
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He is a powerful fey being, he does not pine for anyone. If anything, people and creatures pine for him. He's gorgeous and magical, who wouldn't pine for him?
And that's why he easily noticed you enjoying his presence. At first, he wasn't interested, sure the idea sounded fun. Maybe give you a chance to see how long until he made you snap. Jester immediately got on his case as soon as he started making comments. It's not his fault that you're thirsty.
But you're also not doing anything and it's causing him to grow more curious. He thought it was shyness. Maybe some cliche self-doubt because he's a fey being and you're not worth his time. But he doesn't see any illusions when he does make his presence relatively known. Instead, you just act pleasant, and it gets under his skin.
He starts to want to do things to try and get a different reaction out of you. He doesn't want the niceties or the pleasantries. So, he asks Jester what you're scared of. Find out little pet peeves of yours. Jester thinks it's a bit weird, but she gives him some info.
He absolutely uses that info to mess with you a bit, sees what causes what reactions for you, hangs onto every time your eyes light up because he made sure a specific flower grew in your path or made sure to lead you in the direction of where a baked good you enjoy is being sold. Not because he likes you or anything, but because he likes those reactions.
And then Jester gives him things that he likes, and he is happy and ready to thank Jester, except he learns that it's actually from you as a way to say thanks for his actions. Artagan begins to defend himself that it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart or anything silly like that. But he'll take the present because he likes gifts.
It's just a cycle of Artagan throwing things he knows you like in your path and you giving Jester presents to give to him. And anything he does have the time to pop in as himself, it's just politeness from you when he knows you like him. This cycle is only slightly skewed because at some point, Artagan begins to wonder if maybe you don't like him. Was that an assumption he made? Are you just nice to him because he's Jester's cool uncle figure? He wants to tear his hair out at the idea that he's been messing and courting you all this time for nothing.
"That's it, I've had enough!" Artagan is taken out of his chaotic thoughts of 'what if he saved you from a swarm of wasps, maybe you'd like him then' when Jester suddenly made that exclamation. "Arty, just tell them your feelings."
"Jester, I have no idea what you're talking about." He's an archfey, deny and gaslight and he'll be fine because he's not ready for this conversation with her. Especially because he knows how tricky she is, he helped raise her, in a way. The glare she gives him would make him sweat if he could (he'd never ruin his visage by sweating).
"I am not going to be in the middle anymore. Tell the truth or I'll go and tell them everything you've said to me about them," she says and Artagan gasps, a bit too dramatically, at her words.
"We made pinky promises Jester."
"Pinky promises be damned, this is love!"
There was a part of him that wanted to deny the love concept, but Jester wasn't budging. So, he said he'd think about it. He'd need some time to figure out a good way to do this and didn't want it to be some cliche. Jester gave him one week, material plane time, and he was very proud of the strong-arming she gave him.
So, one day, Artagan popped in as a simple merchant you thought you were buying from - he had no idea who actually owned the stall, but he doubted they'd mind you being given free stuff in the name of love - and he gave you a bright smile and asked if you come here often.
It's dumb, it's cheesy, but it causes a smile from you and you both talk, and he flirts. He thinks you flirt back? For his ego, he says you are. And then he flat out says, "I've been trying to court you for the past several months. So, are we going to be a thing, or will my heart be broken, and I vanish in a swarm of pigeons to go brood?"
The amount of relief he feels, not that he'd admit it because he knew your feelings all along, when you say that you do like him back. That you had done your own "courting" by having Jester give those thank you gifts. It's good, it's great, the actual stall owner is coming back so he needs to skedaddle really quick, but he'll pick you up that evening for a date fitting of an archfey's love. Good luck.
He doesn't think his heart has ever raced as much as it is now (well there was one time with this half-elf twink but-) and he never wants to do this again. He really hopes that he doesn't mess up with you.
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
Ok with Breg, but how about getting a chastity belt infront of Miara? With magical lock so she couldn't unlock it easily
I'm not sure what kind of chasity belt in existence would put up a smidgen of a fight against a literal goddess.
Showing up with a chasity belt is just about one of the most offensive thing you could do to Miara. Horrendous, really. And a very poor choice...
You will see her frown deeply for the first time, a look that definitely doesn't sit right in her constantly joyous visage.
Take that off right now or you will seriously regret it. Miara can play along with many of your silly little games, but you will be minimally respectful here. The thing is crushed in her grasp.
She gives you a cold, warning look for the rest of the day.
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foxydivaxx · 6 months
Zosan: Look What You Made Me Do Chapter 2
Man Sanji is very devious. Lord knows what he has planned. Whatever it is, it can't be good that I can assure you.
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Every single day at night, this is what Sanji does. Once he was sure the rest of the crew was asleep, he would open a magic portal to a different realm beyond human comprehension. Here the world is ruled by demons.
Once he steps through the portal, his outfit changes. Gone are the gentleman suit. In its place is a revealing black leather corset and a nice black leather thong that showed off his body with a nice long black cape around his neck fasten by a silver broach. Two large black demon horns adorn his head with a nice long tail sprouting from behind him.
Gone was the sweet, innocent Sanji the crew once knew. In his place was a ferocious, power hungry monster who would happily kill anyone that came his way. He felt a lot more alive in his demon form. Why had he not embraced this side of him sooner?
All the demon lords immediately bowed to him once they see him. Compared to the useless simp everyone knows, this Sanji is a more powerful being. He did not need to seduce anyone or suffer from nosebleeds. Rather, he easily commands respect from all around him. Some of the Lords and demons have already professed their lust for him. Heck, he has even fucked a couple of them. Who knew he had the natural power of seduction? Perhaps he needs to add this to his arsenal of dangerous skills.
But none of them give him as much pleasure as their master, the King of the Underworld, Akuma, who was seated on his throne, awaiting his arrival. For years, Sanji thought that he was straight, that women were all he needed.
Now he understands better. He loves both genders and would happily fuck anyone, so long as he gained the pleasure he desired. Yes, he is not as innocent as he appears to be. The other Strawhats, Zoro in particular, believe that he had never gotten laid. How wrong they were. Every island they end up in, there will always be that one woman or man that would kindly offer themselves to him. So Zoro was kind of right about him being perverted. But his definition of perversion differs from Sanji’s.
No. Sanji is a far broken man. His sexuality plays a role in his brokenness, which was why he hesitates whenever men showed an interest in him. Akuma changed all that for him.During his time at Germa, Akuma happened upon him in one of the bathroom stalls. To say Sanji almost screamed would be an understatement.
He remembers Akuma shushing him and drawing his naked body closer, kissing his body all over and eventually claiming him as his. Although Akuma was a demon; he was a very handsome one. Tall, dark haired with reddish skin tone. The more Sanji starred at his face, the more Akuma reminded him of his now long-lost lover, Ace, because he looked just like him.
The other Strawhats were not aware of that, or maybe some of them knew about him and Ace. He and Ace had a very special bond and a special relationship. That was his first love. So him dating someone that looks like him, one cannot help but wonder whether his deeply traumatized mind may be seeing double. Or maybe Akuma used a similar visage as Ace’s to manipulate him into becoming his sex slave.
Either way, Sanji was already way too far gone. And it showed with the many atrocities he has committed behind the scenes, sins that his fellow crewmates have no clue about. He was more than Akuma’s sex pet. He was a King down here and also a crazy military tactician, no surprises given his status as the former prince of Germa. 
He was a mess and the reason he continued down this path is because as far as he was concerned, there was no place in the world for someone as weak and worthless as him. He was broken beyond repair that he wonders why he is still alive. Could that be why Zoro came to see him earlier on? No one knows the secret tears he often cries. Or of his eating disorder. Or the many times he tries not to scream. Him being with Akuma at a glance seems like a band-aid for his broken soul. But these days, he started questioning his loyalty.
Thankfully, Akuma does not have any form of Haki and even if he did, it was a lot weaker than his. Which gives Sanji free rein to do as he pleased. 
“Welcome home my love.” Akuma says in that sweet sensual tone that he usually reserves for Sanji. Sanji smirks and takes his rightful seat in Akuma’s laps. “Oh how I have missed you my king.” he says as he gives his Master a kiss.
“I am surprised those crewmates of yours have not figured out yet.” Sanji chuckles. “What can I say? I can be a great actor whenever I want to be. And besides, they are one step closer to their ultimate goal darling. But I fear those foolish Marines and Yonkos may get in the way.”
“Very well, then we need to speed up preparations. What about the World Government?” 
“They seem to be closing in too especially after Luffy finally awakened his Devil Fruit power.”
“As expected. Though I do wonder who their leader is.”
“Till this day, no one knows but I have been hearing whispers my Lord.” 
“Really? Pray tell me.”
Sanji smirks deviously. He enjoys the power he has over this man. The more he talks with him like this, the more knowledge he gains, knowledge that he can exploit against him later. Akuma is not aware that the other demons all hate him and love Sanji more due to his kindness. Yes Sanji is a crazy little bitch now but he still has his heart deep down and he uses it to his advantage.
Sanji slowly raises up to his feet. “I heard stories of some ancient being being the true power behind the World Government. Who this person is. No one knows. But the only way we can know for sure, is when the war finally begins. I suppose that could be what the One Piece is all about. Perhaps, it is some sort of weapon. Because why else would the World Government hide all their dirty secrets? There was a war that happened about 800 years ago and they are responsible for it for sure. The rest of the Universe is paying for their sins.”
“So what do you suggest we do?” 
Sanji’s smirk gets even more devious. “We wait till the Strawhats either reach that final island. Or, we wait and see if that big war happens before then. If that happens, that would force the Strawhats to carry out their goal quicker.”
“If that is the case, then let’s do it!!” The other demons roared in approval whilst the dmeon lords exchanged knowing smirks.
A couple hours later, Sanji returns to the ship via the portal. It was still late at night. Everyone was still sleep. He no longer really needs sleep given his demonic powers that he got after Akuma made love to him that first time. 
He smirks as he lies down on his bed. “It seems that my plan is working. It is only a matter of time. As for my father, oh I have a special arrangement for him.”
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duskoon · 2 years
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Yandere!Raine Whispers(General) headcanons:
Tw: GN!reader, Yandere themes, Obsessive behaviours, Stalking, Unhealthy idolisation, Unhealthy relationship, Drugging via magic, Implied reckless behaviours, Slight manipulation, Mentions of isolation, Delusional mindset, Implied past grooming.
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• It was at IFWOT, that they have first laid their dark peppermint irises on you. You were extremely shy, more so than them. No matter how many times Eda tried to drag you to meet them, you kept on running back to hide into one of the boxes like a scared kit into its own burrow. Which was endearing to them, to say the least. It took a lot of convincing and bribing with apple blood, on the troublemaker’s part to get you to cave in and introduce yourself.
• Before the trials took place, they were surprised to know that you didn’t attend any school for that matter. You -instead- were tutored by a senior member of the Emperor’s coven. In hopes of taking their place and to grace your family’s name by joining the well-respected coven. Honestly, they began to sympathise with you. All alone, with high burdens on your shoulders, and sheltered from the isle only to fulfil this sole purpose. They knew what it felt like, otherwise they wouldn’t bother to attend this event in the first place.
• “I will be fine, I promise. Eda, I’ve seen your eyes on that student. Go partner with them, if you’re interested in them. I’ll work with Malik.” With that being said, you and the boy from the plant coven joined forces. From afar, Raine couldn’t help but fret about you. It was unwise of them to jump to conclusions, yet you do not seem like the offensive type to them.
• “Nah, do not worry about them. They may seem frail, but I am very well aware not to underestimate them. They have magic like no other. I have seen it before, trust me.” Before they could inquire further about it, the challenges had began. “Fine then. Let’s win the blue ribbon, shall we.” The celeste haired witch smirked blithely. “You bet, we will.”
• They were impressed and shocked at the extent of your magic. Your manipulation of the shadows -akin to holding the strings of a marionette- were working together with the movements of the flora in complete sync. Thus, recreating the daunting structure of a slitherbeast.
• Raine firmly believes that shadow magic is complimentary to your person. Elusive, sneaky, and hidden from plain sight. Neither they or Eda were upset that they have lost the round, if anything the ginger playfully jabbed them in the chest with a crooked grin. “I told you so.”
• Despite the hectic competition that day, Raine throughly enjoyed their time with you and Eda. Although they haven’t won the blue ribbon, it was sufficient for them to see a smile gracing your soft features. At the mere thought, their warm brown visage has flushed red in embarrassment. Titan, Eda will tease them endlessly. If she heard a gist about their blooming crush on the timid witch. ‘It has been only a day, for Titan’s sake! Get a hold of yourself, Raine!’
• Years has passed since then and their bonds with the owl lady and the shadow witch has strengthened. The three were best friends doing all sorts of things, from watching their favourite movies together to running away from fire bees in a fit of impish laughter. It was all fun, until you had disappeared for an inexplicable reason.
• That made both of their hearts drop in worry, especially the bard witch. Which fuelled their drive to find you and protect you from whatever indoctrination the Emperor has addled your brain with. They absolutely know with all their heart, that if they didn’t act -as soon as possible- then you will be truly gone forever. By the Titan, they couldn’t let that happen. For their mind can’t even come close to comprehending a life without you in it.
• Raine definitely falls into the delusional, obsessive, and overprotective category. They are utterly enamoured with the idea of you and with your general presence. A hopeless romantic, you might say. Anything you have in mind, they would commit to it in a bat pun very much intended of an eye so long you aren’t harmed in the end.
• At first, Raine is hesitant to approach you. They do not wish to overwhelm you with their overbearing affection. Instead you might feel lingering eyes on your figure, but you needn’t be afraid. They are making sure you are staying safe, they thought. Whilst taking care of your assailants in a quick manner.
• They very much disparage the idea of murder, so they would resort to placate the perpetrators into sleep most of the time. In severe cases, to a state of full induced coma. If they personally felt the assaulters imposed a great danger on their darling’s well-being. Raine forgives all, but the harm of their beloved. That is a line if crossed, won’t end well for anyone involved.
• Surprisingly, Raine is excellent at masking their maelstrom of intense feelings. For the most part, their darling would not find any of their quirks strange. If anything it is understandable, as the Boiling Isle is a treacherous place to be in. It is only when you accidentally endanger yourself, or find yourself in the clutches of peril that you’ll pick on their desperation and obsessive tendencies.
• Their lanky arms bringing you closer to their warm chest in a suffocating embrace, whilst they coo ardently about how they will do better at ensuring your safety. This is a promise they will continue to uphold. Even if they have to lose a limb or two in the process, so long they are blessed by your existence.
• At this point, you may as well be the titan in the bard’s perspective. You’ll be bombarded with hymns, gifts, and songs in your honour. All of it is laced with heartfelt spirit and honeyed words of worship. Raine would be over the moon and crying with sheer joy, if you reciprocated with your own. They’re even willing to perform duets with you, for it is their dream come true.
• Raine is considered a benevolent yandere to come across, as the farthest they’ll do to you is by putting you to sleep and even then it is not frequent. Only, when you’re being extremely hysterical and hurting yourself. They’d rather die a thousand times, before they lay their hands on you in a malicious manner. Despite that, it is the same paranoia that makes the sky blue hued witch threatening.
• Anyone that isn’t them, Eda, Luz, and the members of CATTs will be under the bard’s scrutinising watch. Which will sabotage your relationship with other witches, especially if they were from the Emperor’s coven. To prevent it from happening, they took a precautionary measure that they hope you’ll enjoy. Raine would entice you to like indoor activities, with the objective of keeping you away from the external world as much as possible. Doing so, would keep their incessant fear at bay and you blissfully content.
• They know what they’re doing is morally reprehensible, but due to their obsession their mental state begins deteriorating. So much they start normalising their behaviours, as the norm. They just want to spoil and shield you from the world that wants to harm you in the worst ways. Why can’t you see, he is devoted to everything you are and aren’t?
{Reblogs and feedback are much appreciated. On another note, what’s with me and blue-haired characters?}
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pyraelia · 10 months
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July 29 - Day 1  Time 
Eon’s Fringe had been a curious posting. Pyraelia had volunteered to help as a representative of the Kirin Tor, partially because she could — she’d always been skilled with small acts of chronomancy and that was a definite need in the town that had been frozen — but also in part because it was the first time since the time bomb in Suramar that this kind of research opportunity had presented itself. 
She had been tasked with finding the ‘out of place’ objects and adjusting them to fit if they belonged or bring them to the attention of the Bronze dragons in the area to put them back in their correct timeline. Or, in some cases, have their resonance changed to fit the current timeline so they could stay. 
That was her main focus, in truth, and what she had spent many of her more restless nights delving into — cementing something, or someone, out of place to this Azeroth. 
Khaeris was here, too. On edge, understandably, as one of those ‘out of place’ people. Pyra was determined to finally figure out a way to make her best friend permanently part of their timeline, whether through new magic or as a favor from the Bronzes themselves. 
Her tapestry spell had held fast over the last many years. It was a decent enough anchor to keep Khaeris attached to their Azeroth, but it was a little juvenile and clumsy. Especially now, with all the wear on the timeways, there was a risk of it starting to fray — but there was also so much potential benefit in coming up with something entirely new, or at the very least, more magic to weave in to strengthen it further. 
Mairidormi, her main contact, had been generous enough in enduring her daily barrage of questions. Initially their relationship had been a bit more tense and transactional, but over the weeks the Bronze dragon had warmed up and was more actively interested in rambling down theoretical arcane routes in the course of conversation, which had only resulted in Pyraelia needing more and more notebooks to fill. 
Bartender Bob slid a coffee to her across the counter on a far too early morning, and Mairi paused for a moment as they were charting out the quadrant of town meant for adjusting. Her furrowed brow and frown gave way to an enigmatic smile, “You have a sister, don’t you, Scholar Sunmote?” 
Pyraelia nodded and slowed her scrawling on her small, pocket map that would inevitably be filled with colored dots for each item encountered and manipulated, “I do, yes. Why?” 
Mairi shrugged and picked up her own ordered tea before answering, “You should invite her to help, I think. You have picked up a few different timelines since you’ve been here, there’s one I like better than the others, where she’s here helping, it’s probably the right one.” 
Fiorenze was a wonderful scryer, and could more easily find the “correct” origin locations of the objects that had found their way here. She’d been able to find Khaeris when she had originally been corrected, and people across the thousands of realms of death. 
It wasn’t a terrible idea. 
Her nose wrinkled enough that it made Mairi laugh, and she sipped her coffee while she mulled it over.  “Are you allowed to tell me things like that, Mairi?” 
“It’s authority I’m granted eventually, and that’s fine enough for me,” the dragon brushed a bit of the silver hair her visage bore back behind a short, pointed ear. 
Pyraelia rolled her eyes and couldn’t help a mirthful smirk. She wasn’t going to turn down the offer of information, knowing full well that was a gift.
@daily-writing-challenge / @kharrisdawndancer
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imaginethezeldaverse · 10 months
May I request some headcanons fo Darunia? If you aren't too busy of course)
Oh you mean my dad? The Goron who raised me? The whole reason I love and appreciate the Goron people in the first place and is legit the OG Big Guy (that's not an exaggeration either, Gorons had their first appearance in Ocarina of Time - MY first Zelda game). Of course I've got headcanons for you!
His sense of duty and Goron pride is limitless. He's chief for a reason and he acts the part in every sense of the word. A Goron who is very much about taking care of his folks. From leading all of Goron City to prosperity however he's able to to even giving his own life to try and save every single one of his people from Volvagia.
Darunia owned a replica of the Megaton Hammer. Its visage and creation was a combined effort between himself and Biggoron. Darunia hatched the idea to have it made shortly after Young Link destroyed King Dodongo. Fearing that they would run into another situation where their food supply would be cut off, Darunia made sure to have a means to destroy obstacles that threatened Goron City - a myth from Goron legend that the chief saw fit to make a reality. Combined with Biggoron's master steel craftsmanship and a bit of magic that he had imbued into it, Darunia saw to it that no one would be able to wield the ‘Megaton Hammer’ save for himself and Biggoron. It isn't until he awakens as the Sage of Fire, after Link destroys Volvagia in the Fire Temple and ultimately returns the actual Megaton Hammer to the Gorons, that he is able to summon and wield the real thing.
He is a bit of a hard ass. He's not quick to accept help if he doesn't want it (as we saw in Ocarina of Time), mostly because he feels as chieftain of the Gorons, he's capable of doing whatever it is he needs to do on his own. Darunia is incredibly strong, he's aware of this, but that strength can make him stubborn, and it takes him an inane amount of time to admit his shortcomings on a personal level. Being a leader everyone looks up to makes it hard for him to show vulnerability. When he's in a good mood though, he can be a little impish. Loves to give noogies and bear hug at any given opportunity. Definitely need to watch out for those hearty head pats lest ones end up in the ground.
During his time as chief, he remained undefeated in the Goron track races. All that raw power he possesses showed when he was able to launch himself at speeds that left even the heads of other Gorons spinning. His son, Link, was very fond of watching his father race - it was an activity of interest that he shared with Darunia - and the two would roll on the track together quite often. When Darunia set off to the Fire Temple to try and save the kidnapped Goron citizens, his son curled up onto the racetrack in the city and rolled continuously (until actual Link's arrival), the action serving as a means of comfort for him knowing his father was potentially heading to his death.
Darunia can't help but dance to lively music due to the royal family! At first Darunia despised showing up for diplomatic meetings with other figureheads to yammer on about the ongoings of Hyrule, but the one year he happened to be at the castle town grounds during a festival. The blaring music with its up-tempo beats had him moving his feet in no time once he caught the rhythm. That's how people learned that Darunia was a pretty animated dancer, and how Darunia himself learned that was his favorite way to destress.
Has wrangled bulls for the farmers in Kakariko Village as well as Talon over in Lon Lon Ranch. Every once in a while they'll get loose, and seeing as how they have big horns and even bigger bodies, no Hylian in their right mind would dare try to round them up themselves. Often that becomes a task they call upon Darunia for, which he actually enjoys doing. There isn't too much on Death Mountain that challenges his strength so being able to go toe to toe with a beast that actually makes him work? He's all in. As soon as people hear the Goron chief pounding on his chest in a battle cry, they know that bull is as good as caught.
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tazindrox · 1 year
May DWC Day 6 - Gleaming
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Eyes darted over the ‘red carpet’, which much to his surprise was an actual red carpet where people posed and showed off their wardrobe for the evening. How peculiar. BUT! He said he was going to experience it all, and that was the plan! Being one of Vixannya’s VIP guests certainly had its perks, and it allowed him and his plus one access to a variety of fashion designers willing to dress them for the night. 
He preferred simplicity and comfort over extravagance, knowing this was to be an all night event. His ‘date’ and clutchmate Aleta opted for the full works. She had decided to join him in her Visage form and wanted to be pampered and made to look beautiful. At least whatever standard of beauty the other inhabitants of Azeroth followed. She wasn’t so convinced that Tazindrox was actually handsome and that she had ‘an ethereal beauty’ about her. They had made a charming and precious duo on this ‘red carpet’, not really understanding posing or the intricacies of certain facial expressions - which immediately made them a paparazzi favorite.
The gallery was intriguing, especially to Aleta who had not spent a whole lot of time among non-Dracthyr. Pointing towards his portrait and exclaiming loudly, “Is that your dick?!” elicited a handful of nearby chuckles, but it really was a peculiar thing when you had never seen one before, especially on your friend, whom you had never seen naked in his Visage form. Briefly afterwards, she asked in a more hushed tone, “Can you show it to me later?” It would certainly be a night of many firsts for them both!
The afterparty itself was completely unexpected. He had heard the descriptions and the vague tales, but he never imagined this. The opulence of it all was overwhelming, and Tazindrox found himself completely caught off guard the moment he walked through those darkened curtains into the gleaming lights of the Water room. It felt like a dream come to life, and immediately he wanted to explore everything.
Aleta curled her fingers around his forearm, clearly experiencing the same reaction as her large, rose-colored eyes drank up the space. “Holy fuck! I hope you have your notepad on you...”
“Holy fuck indeed….and of course I do” He patted his chest before immediately honing in on the massive display of food, which included people lying nude on the table covered in what appeared to be raw fish. Weird. “Food, and exploring?”
There were all sorts of dishes from all over Azeroth being offered, with a waitstaff and chefs on hand to fulfill any special requests. The two of them immediately loaded up their plates to the extreme, and then some, before starting their trek around the rooms, snacking and staring in awe.
Taz exchanged pleasantries and introduced his friend to any familiar faces they ran into, but mostly their attention was occupied by just observing everything. And eating, of course. There was so much food, they didn’t want it to go to waste! He did, however, warn her that overeating or drinking too much in her Visage form would be a horrible idea and make her sick. They had a lot of space to cover, so pacing themselves was key.
Aleta’s favorite area was Earth, especially the hidden secret gardens with fairy rings that when you stood in the middle, illusions of fairy dragons would come to life and begin to sing and flit around. The first time it happened, they both startled and spilled some of the contents from their stacked plates, although the moment the food touched the ground it magically vanished. Which, naturally, stole their attention for a while as they attempted to figure out where it went, and then how their plate suddenly refilled with the very thing that was dropped. Fairy rings were definitely magical!
Moving onto the Air room, Taz pointed out his good friend Ryland performing up on the silks. Aleta stared at him, not once looking away until the half-elf caught sight and gave her a charming grin and a wink. “...I think I may understand the appeal of these elves.” Typical of Ryland to capture the heart of just about anyone, he hadn’t seen Aleta that smitten with anyone since the before times. “He makes my loins feel very tingly. It’s a strange feeling in this form.”
“That’s a fairly usual reaction around him, I have come to learn. It happens to me too.”
“Huh. I think I would like to look at his dick later too.”
Taz nearly snorted his drink out through his nose. Any passers-by would have likely assumed that comment was sexual in nature, but he wasn’t so sure. She was curious, just like him. Although if anyone were to seduce her, it would probably be Ryland. At one point much later in the evening, Taz was fairly confident that he had when he noticed them slipping into a dark corner and remaining there for a good 20 minutes.
After a few more moments of staring, they made their way into the Fire room: This was Taz’s preferred element. He made sure to point out not to step on the lava on the floor because it may melt their fancy shoes. Although once they saw others wandering across it, it was decided that it was safe to traverse. It was loud and flashy in this room and there was fire everywhere, and neither quite knew where to put their focus. Until he noticed Dicenne on the main stage, armed with two flaming whips.
“Ohhh, I have met him before, he’s a very nice fellow.”
Aleta canted her head to one side, a little uncertain about that description. He wore a little bit of leather and a lot of body paint, glitter, and oil. She found herself mesmerized once more, especially when the end of one of those whips snapped around a nearby human’s wrist and yanked her closer, where they proceeded to do things that were perhaps more suitable behind closed doors. 
Neither could look away though, and that was probably the point of it all. Fire was an extremely dangerous element, and something about watching this happen live in front of their faces felt dangerous as well. It took a few moments to realize that Dice and his current partner weren’t the only ones enjoying these types of pleasures.
Taz slowly glanced towards Aleta, who was currently holding onto and gnawing at what appeared to be a piece of steak as she watched Dicenne and the human woman. “...Wanna get some more food?”
With that, the two quickly made their way back to Earth to overindulge in their own way. They could explore more later, but this was more important.
@daily-writing-challenge @vixannya @rylandfalkov @dicenne​
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rudjedet · 2 years
I know that ancient egyptian artwork isn't intended to be taken literally (ie, anubis's not literally a dog-headed man) so are there any noteworthy instances where visual depiction of the gods and textual descriptions of them differ? (Other than most gods being artistically depicted with the codified m+f human-egyptian skin tones instead of the gold flesh textually ascribed to the divine). For example, I've seen sites claim Set has red hair+eyes, but haven't been able to find a reliable source.
Hm well for one thing the gods don't always have gold skin, haha. like all of this is very... I mean, it depends. Per god, per time period, sometimes even per (type of) depiction. To take the example of Anubis, that type of depiction was a shorthand to convey that he had two forms; animal and human, and could use either to appear to mortals. Anubis true visage, however, was never known to mortals in this life - only in the afterlife would a person be privy to the actual face of the gods. So every instance of divine depiction is basically a symbolic representation of a metaphysical reality, and because of that the Egyptian artists varied within the iconography.
The more general question isn't really something I can easily answer without getting into 3000 years of art history just to explain why and how these differences exist. If you can get a hold of it, I can recommend picking up Schäfer's Principles of Egyptian Art, since that touches on the subject against the backdrop of the development of art and iconography throughout Dynastic history.
The specific Seth example is true in the same way all divine depictions are true. We have physical examples of him being portrayed with red body/hair. I should note that I mean red red - not the real life hair colour, but a saturated red, somewhere between blood and fire.
I've answered this question a few times before, you can find the most elaborate answer here and through the magic of suggested posts or should lead you to (somewhat) related posts as well! There's also a thesis titled "Deconstructing the Iconography of Seth" by I.R. Taylor that is accessible online which talks about all aspects of Seth's iconography, should you be interested in reading more about this specific instance of iconographical variation. It's definitely a reliable source on Seth sometimes being portrayed with red hair!
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