#⊹ ˚. jiang zixin
shenrickyz · 9 months
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xuwicha rattanakosin …
xeno is much of the playful kind, you know, that one person in the friend group that just tells jokes all the time, yeah, that's exactly how i would sum him up. in an obvious kind of way, he is someone with much energy, someone who, in everyone else's opinion, somehow can just keep talking and talking without pausing even once. in his words, he just always has something to say, it's hard for him to not stop talking because it's just very enjoyable in his opinion. bright, upbeat, and sociable, he is someone who enjoys surrounding himself around other people, and it seems that other people enjoy being around him too.
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makani seo …
makani is not someone as talkative as he may appear. though at first glance it seems that he might seem like the kind of person who can talk to people flawlessly, that couldn't be farther from the truth. he is not much of a talker and not even much of a people person either, which is amusing when you remember he's in a group with like 20 something other men, but really, it doesn't help with his social skills at all. trust and believe, makani is definitely funny, his sarcasm brings flavor to any conversation you can think of, but if you want him to talk, maybe call his name a few times. it takes him a while to open up to people, but maybe if he especially likes you he'll open up much easier.
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jiang zixin …
zixin is someone.. well, complicated yeah? he can be energetic at times, he can be an absolute pain in the ass at times, and he can just be.. there at times. if you were to ask me to give you a word that describes zixin, i don't think i'd be able to do it on the spot, i'd have to think for a few moments before i could genuinely come up with one. he enjoys messing around with people, and he's very blunt and simply very honest when it comes to what he wants to say. will he say anything and everything? probably yeah, he feels the need to share every single thing he thinks, which probably isn't that good of a trait in hindsight, but it makes him unique doesn't it?
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fukushima hikari …
hikari is someone with a big heart, someone who is very obvious when it comes to his emotions and expressing said emotions. he genuinely just has a lot of love to give and is very affectionate when it comes to people he loves, sometimes he feels like he overdoes it and it makes him feel a little insecure, but he never tells people about those feelings he has, instead resorting to simply showcasing his affection and keeping all of his insecurities to himself. it's easy for him to tear up quickly, but that's simply because he's had a fair share of traumatizing experiences in his lifetime. still, even with the amount of things he's gone through, hikari finds it nice to give his love to other people.
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heo minjae …
minjae is unhinged and for the most part, he enjoys that. the thing about him is that, even in the most serious of situations, he can't help but giggle, or chuckle, or simply because he thought about a random joke from seven months ago. most of the time, minjae zones out during situations, and when he finally realizes he zoned out, he doesn't even remember what's going on, people have literally stopped filling him in on certain situations because he won't get it anyway. even with that, though, he does have good intentions, yeah he chews ice, but those are the least of his problems.
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kang seojun …
seojun is much like how you expect a maknae is, overly upbeat, energetic, bright, and pretty unserious most of the time. he's someone who never really got the chance to be a kid, so those childish tendencies he never got to have as an actual child have now blossomed into his adulthood. but of course, like everyone, seojun can be pretty serious himself, he just doesn't enjoy it, because he's one of the youngest, so he enjoys actually acting like it most of the time. he often makes the older members sigh because what the hell goes through his mind most times? and yes he may be pretty impulsive, but he's pretty, so who cares?
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hi user @junjiie please dont eat them i really need these storylines to commence so postpone it for now!!!
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gravitywonagain · 5 months
Inquiring Minds
holy shit, i finished a thing. well, a draft of a thing, but still counts!
based on this post about wwx being just dead enough be susceptible to the compulsion of inquiry
It was, in retrospect, the stupidest possible way to be found out. Wei Wuxian will readily admit that. Unfortunately, the level of stupidity was not a determining factor for the level of reality — as was the case for so much of Wei Wuxian’s life.
It all happened because one of the two dozen Jin disciples who bothered to show up to the war got a little drunk and a lot prideful and ended up starting a fight he couldn’t finish. Or, that was the going theory, anyway. The Jin leadership — such as it was — wanted an investigation done. As if they had nothing better to do. As if there weren’t reasons to be conserving spiritual power and not wasting it playing Inquiry for a guy who had decided to pick a fight — hopefully, hopefully it was a fight — with a Nie disciple who, granted, did not have the startling musculature of some of her shixiongs, but was still a fucking Nie disciple! 
This guy was not worth their time. This guy was not worth Lan Zhan’s time. Or his attention, or his spiritual power, or the stress it would put on his guqin strings— okay, maybe Wei Wuxian should have taken a moment to purge some of his resentment before walking into the tent. 
But he didn’t. This is important. 
Because then Lan Zhan began to play. 
And there was this strange… tugging sensation in the pit of Wei Wuxian’s gut, right where his golden core was supposed to be, pulling him toward Lan Zhan, or toward the empty space in front of Lan Zhan. 
Wei Wuxian shouldn’t have ignored it. He gets that now. He does. But he always wanted to be near Lan Zhan, and his body had been doing all kinds of weird shit since he’d had his core cut out, and who was to say this wasn’t just another weird side effect. 
Well. It was. A weird side effect. After a fashion. 
But that’s not the point! 
He should have noticed then. He should have left then. But he didn’t. 
The melody changed and the tugging sensation stopped. Which was great! 
Until something else started. It felt like a kind of drunkenness, light and hazy in his head, loose around his tongue. Three or four bowls in. 
He shook himself to dislodge it, but the motion only drew a sharp glare from Jiang Cheng. 
The tent was full of spectators. At least two representatives from each major clan were present, plus several “close friends” of the victim -- like four of the fifteen total Jin disciples -- who probably just wanted something else to do outside of eat, sleep, and fight. Wei Wuxian couldn’t blame them, exactly, war was remarkably boring most of the time, but it was getting awfully stuffy in there. 
Lan Zhan changed the melody again, something almost lexical about it. Wei Wuxian could almost hear the question being asked, even before Zewu Jun’s voice chimed in, translating for anyone who didn’t know the qin language — which was pretty much everyone else in the tent besides the Twin Jades — “What is your name?” 
Wei Wuxian caught his own response between his lips, pressing them together tightly, as the guqin sounded three distinct notes which Zewu Jun reported as Jin Zixin. 
So, good. It was the right guy. That was great. Nothing weird at all. 
He should have left then. He didn’t. 
Lan Zhan played again, and again Wei Wuxian thought he understood the phrase, the question, even before Zewu Jun said for the tent, “How did you die?”
Wei Wuxian felt the answer fly to the tip of his tongue and bit his teeth around it, through it. His cheek bled with the force of keeping quiet. 
It was weird. So weird. But maybe, Wei Wuxian justified to himself, maybe it was just an effect of holding a secret inside for so long and having someone actually ask the question out loud. Maybe, it was just the same automatic reaction of answering with your name when someone asked for it. Maybe he was just too fucking tired, and the resentment under his skin just wanted something to laugh at, something to entertain itself with. Like the five of ten Jins standing in the back of the tent. War was boring, okay?
The notes from Lan Zhan’s guqin hung in the air, resonant and waiting. The moment seemed to stretch out too long. It dragged and Wei Wuxian gradually felt the words stop fighting him to escape. 
But the Jin ghost didn’t answer either. 
When Lan Zhan played the same phrase over — “How did you die?” echoed on Zewu Jun’s tongue — the compulsion was much stronger. This time it was like Wei Wuxian could feel Lan Zhan’s spiritual power pouring through him; the strongest of wines, several jars of it. 
He couldn’t fight it. 
His mouth opened. 
I fell. I fell. I fell. 
“I fell.”
All eyes in the tent turned to him. 
Jiang Cheng’s elbow caught him in the ribs. He didn’t even bother to glare. He said, “Not you, Idiot.” 
The qin sounded and everybody looked back to Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun, waiting to hear the Jin disciple’s answer. 
Zewu Jun hesitated for the barest of moments, stuttering into the start of his translation before finding the confidence of his voice once more, recounting whatever it was that the ghost had strummed out. 
Wei Wuxian didn’t hear a word he said. He was, instead, pierced on two sides. 
On one: Jiang Cheng muttered to himself, “Wait,” and then his eyes went wide as he looked back at Wei Wuxian. 
On the other: Lan Zhan’s fingers froze above the strings of his guqin and he turned to stare over his shoulder at Wei Wuxian with something like horrified understanding dawning within his gaze. 
Wei Wuxian finally realized he should fucking leave. Immediately. 
He wanted to run. He knew better. Knew what that would look like. 
Instead, he was going to simply walk out of this tent as he had walked out of so many already during this campaign. Gravel crunched under his heel as he turned. 
But his brother knew him too well. Jiang Cheng’s hand clamped tight around Wei Wuxian’s bicep, his grip unyielding. With his golden core, Wei Wuxian might have been able to break it. But the real bitch of it was that it was his golden core that was holding him in place. 
Jiang Cheng tensed as if readying for a fight, but Wei Wuxian already knew how that fight would end. So he let himself be restrained. 
He turned back to face the Inquiry. 
Lan Zhan was still staring at him when Zewu Jun finished speaking. He was still so stuck in place that his brother had to prompt him into finishing the ritual. Which he did, with all the grace and skill expected of him. He really was just so beautiful to watch. 
All the while, Wei Wuxian listened to the music and bit through his tongue to keep it silent. The questions continued to drag at him -- “Do you know who killed you?” Wen Chao. “Do you have any last requests?” To leave this fucking tent. -- though the pressure to answer eased significantly as the Jin ghost became less stubborn about it. Wei Wuxian settled for reciting the answers to them in his head until they no longer felt pressed against the thin seam of his mouth. 
It took approximately sixteen-hundred years. 
All seven Jin disciples supporting the war effort left the tent after the ghost had recounted his final moments. The attempted sexual assault was not unexpected, judging by their faces, but still disappointing to hear about. Clearly not the entertainment they were hoping for. Luckily for Wei Wuxian, they were apparently too wrapped up in their Jin nonsense to realize new entertainment was fidgeting in the corner and trying not to sever the tip of his tongue completely. 
The Nie, represented by Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang, left shortly after the ritual concluded. If Nie Mingjue had to tug his brother away, Wei Wuxian was too busy keeping his mouth shut to comment on it. 
And then there were just the four of them. Plus the corpse. But they were like six months into a war, so the corpse didn’t actually seem to bother any of them. It hadn’t even started to smell yet. It was still pretty intact, too, and now that it was verifiably a criminal, Wei Wuxian wondered idly if the Jin would let him use it in their next battle. Probably not. 
His idle wondering ceased abruptly as his brother’s fingers bit deeper into the meat of his arm. 
“Wei Wuxian,” he said, all of his surely filial worry for his gege boiling over into a spitting, incandescent fury. He never had to say he loved his brother, Wei Wuxian could always tell. It was the teeth gnashing that gave him away. “What the fuck do you mean you fell?” 
Wei Wuxian played it as cool as he could with a definitely-not-bleeding tongue. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jiang Cheng.” He shrugged, but his arm didn’t move very far. 
“You answered Inquiry,” said Lan Zhan. Succinct as ever. 
“No!” Wei Wuxian said, maybe a little too loud, but not at all childishly. 
Zewu Jun narrowed his eyes and pulled out his xiao. Wei Wuxian tried not to flinch about it, he did. But Zewu Jun only played a short, non-Inquiry melody, and a shimmering, blue barrier manifested around the interior of the tent. 
“No,” Wei Wuxian said again, this time at a totally normal volume. “I was just… messing around. You know how I do that, Lan Zhan. Always a rule breaker.” He grinned, desperately trying to play it all off. Realizing faster and faster how very badly this was going for him. 
Lan Zhan surprised him, then, saying, “Not when it matters.” 
“Wei Ying doesn’t break rules when they matter.” 
Wei Wuxian didn’t know where the fuck that was coming from. But he couldn’t say he hated it. 
Except that he did, because it was going to be a problem for this whole I’m just a silly rascal defense he was setting up. 
Jiang Cheng still hadn’t let go of his arm. His fingernails were starting to split the fabric of his sleeve. And worse, his eyebrows were scrunched together in the way they do when he’s thinking through all the angles of a problem. 
Zewu Jun still had his xiao in hand, and he was looking at Wei Wuxian like he was deciding whether to perform an exorcism or an execution. 
But Lan Zhan… Lan Zhan hadn’t moved from his seat on the mat. He had turned his body so that he was facing Wei Wuxian, giving him his full attention, and was looking up at him with… pain in his eyes. Shining, wet pain. 
“You died?” he asked. “Are you dead?”
“I don’t…” Wei Wuxian trailed off. He couldn’t find the words. 
He didn’t know. Which was, possibly, not the best sign. 
“I can’t be dead,” he said, looking over at Zewu Jun, Jiang Cheng, then back to Lan Zhan. “Can I?”
Zewu Jun, still wary, said, “You responded to the compulsion in Inquiry. Inquiry is a song that speaks to and compels answers from the dead. It does not generally work on the living.” 
“Well--” Wei Wuxian started, defensive and scared. But again, he didn’t really know where to go with that. 
“Where were you, Wei Wuxian?” Jiang Cheng asked him. “Why didn’t you meet me at the bottom of the hill?” 
Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun shared a look. They didn’t seem to know what Jiang Cheng was talking about. But Wei Wuxian really, really, didn’t want to get into that whole mess. If anyone was going to see right through him and his flimsy tale about suddenly remembering the location of Baoshan Sanren’s mountain, it would be Lan Zhan. Actually, Zewu Jun would probably figure it out, too. And then maybe even Jiang Cheng. Now that he wasn’t all broken and desperate and gullible. 
Fuck. With the way Jiang Cheng was looking at Wei Wuxian, the way his hand released some of the pressure around his arm, he might already have. 
Wei Wuxian laughed, hoping it came off more smoothly than it felt in his chest. “Ah, Jiang Cheng.” He brought his own hand up to lay over his brother’s. “What if I told you--”
“No,” Jiang Cheng cut him off. “No more bullshit. Where were you?”
The mirth, false as it was, drained out of Wei Wuxian as he saw the pain building behind his brother’s eyes. 
There was movement in his periphery and then Lan Zhan was standing on his other side. His fingers wrapped around Wei Wuxian’s other arm with a much gentler grip than Jiang Cheng’s. Something imploring about the touch. Like he was seeking confirmation to a theory, or maybe proving to himself that Wei Wuxian was actually there. 
“I…” Wei Wuxian trailed off. 
Zewu Jun’s gaze was hard as steel, but aimed, it seemed, at Lan Zhan’s hand, rather than at Wei Wuxian in general. 
“There was a rumor,” he said in slow, even words, “that Wen Chao had thrown you into the Burial Mounds.” He waited a moment after he finished speaking, as if trying to reconcile the words himself, before he looked up to meet Wei Wuxian’s eyes. 
Of course, Wei Wuxian didn’t want to meet Zewu Jun’s eyes. He didn’t want to meet any of their eyes. He wanted very much to be out of this tent and away from knowing gazes altogether. 
Unfortunately, he hadn’t quite figured out how to teleport using resentful energy yet. So in the tent he remained. 
He looked down at his feet. His boots were crusted with dirt and blood and other bodily fluids. War really was super gross, in addition to being largely boring. 
“That’s ridiculous,” he said, still looking down. “Everyone knows that nothing leaves the Burial Mounds.” 
Lan Zhan’s hand tightened around Wei Wuxian’s arm. Jiang Cheng’s loosened, but didn’t let go. 
“Yeah,” said Jiang Cheng, like an accusation, “it would be impossible.” 
Wei Wuxian still didn’t look up from his feet which meant that he missed whatever silent conversation happened between Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan that had both of them tightening their grips on his arms just before fingers were pressed to the pulse points of his wrists. He struggled, flailing as much as he could, but against Lan Zhan’s golden core and his own, he stood no chance. He could barely budge them. 
He screamed but the sound only reverberated inside the tent. 
The only thing he could think to do was to call up the dead. The dead man still lying in front of them. The Jin. Rapist. Criminal. He could use that wicked corpse to fight off the people holding him down, taking his secrets. Smoke curled out of his sleeves and he--
He stopped himself. 
It was over anyway. 
Even if they couldn’t read his spiritual energy, or lack thereof, his fighting them was confirmation enough. 
He went limp in their grasp. His knees buckled. 
It really was the stupidest possible way to be found out. 
“Where is it?” asked Jiang Cheng. But it was clear from his voice that he already knew the answer. 
Lan Zhan was silent. 
Zewu Jun looked to his brother for an answer, not understanding what they had just discovered. 
“His golden core,” said Lan Zhan. “It’s gone.” 
“Wen Zhuliu?” Zewu Jun asked. 
But Jiang Cheng made a sound that was somehow both a laugh and a sob. 
Wei Wuxian regained control of his arms. He sprawled himself out on the tent floor, exhausted from his struggle. He laughed, too. “After a fashion.” 
Jiang Cheng fell to the ground next to him, hands cradling the place where Wei Wuxian’s core now spun. “What the fuck?” he said, quietly, to no one in particular. Then, loudly, to Wei Wuxian in particular, “What the fuck!” 
His cheeks were wet. Jiang Cheng’s, his own. He looked over to confirm, and yeah, Lan Zhan’s too. Zewu Jun had nothing to cry over, except maybe confusion, but he was too cool for that, so he just stood in the middle of the tent, shocked, presumably, as his brother, another sect leader, and a demonic cultivator broke down around him. 
Wei Wuxian stared up at the tented canvas ceiling and cursed himself for not leaving the tent when he first noticed something wrong. 
“Jiang Cheng,” he started, but Jiang Cheng cut him off with a wet yell. 
“Why would you do that, you fucking idiot?! What the fuck were you even thinking?! How did you-- How--” 
He seemed to lose steam trying to figure out what happened on “Baoshen Sanren’s mountain” and potentially also why Baoshen Sanren’s voice sounded so familiar. 
Zewu Jun’s voice was remarkably calm for a man witnessing-- whatever he made of what he was currently witnessing. He said, “Wei Wuxian, I believe your Sect Leader would like to know how you lost your golden core.” 
Wei Wuxian laughed at that. Because yes and no. 
“No, Zewu Jun,” he said, still laughing. He tried to stop, but it was just too funny. “No,” he said again, slightly more sober, “he wants to know why and how he now has my golden core.” 
He didn’t really mean to say it. He felt drunk again, like he did when Lan Zhan was playing Inquiry. Ready to spill all his secrets at only the slightest provocation. Zewu Jun could probably ask him just about anything right now -- Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng too, for that matter -- and he would answer it. It wasn’t exactly a safe mindset to be in. But he couldn’t really do anything about that now. 
At least there was some kind of privacy barrier over the tent. 
Zewu Jun stood. Speechless. 
Lan Zhan’s tears fell silently. 
Jiang Cheng glared, hands clutched tight against his lower dantian -- whether to hold something inside or to tear it out, Wei Wuxian wasn’t sure. 
Wei Wuxian felt light as a feather. Drunk and dizzy with it. A weight had been lifted, he supposed, but one he was never supposed to let go. His laughter died down to the occasional press of his lungs. Tears collected in his eyelashes until everything was blurry. 
Emptiness yawned inside him, but it was gentler somehow. As if the secret itself had been clawing away at his slowly healing wounds. 
“Fuck,” he said with a hiccup of a laugh. And again, quieter, “Fuck.”
He really should have left the fucking tent. 
Also, wait. Was he dead?! 
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
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"Yes, I am a sin wrapped up of other sins. I lust for things, I am a glutton for things, I greed over what I want. I need them and you won't step in my way."
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: The Avatar of Greed
⋆。°✩ Biblical name: Mammon [derived from Hebrew word meaning money and wealth]
⋆。°✩ Human Name: Lev Volkov [Jiang Zixin]
⋆。°✩ All sins are contained into the Underworld unless with their guardian, given special permission from a deity of the underworld or have someone outside of hell to take care of them
⋆。°✩ Greed is not to be trusted if away from his guardian!! He displays some sociopathic tendencies && does not feel emotions, he very easily can mimic emotions && you will never know what he is really thinking!!! [please take this into consideration when interacting!]
⋆。°✩ Just like other supernaturals/gods/etc. the sins have a human form if allowed to walk on Earth/Human Realm
⋆。°✩ In "human" form is from Moscow, Russia, in Astria he's from Uswus [half Chinese]
⋆。°✩ He/They | Pansexual, Poly | 23 [Human Years], is actually about 1,000+ years | 9/10 [Virgo] | 6'2"
⋆。°✩They are:
a gaslighter
a dumbass
very very curious
Demon, Hybrid, Animal && Human Forms/Sin Info
⋆。°✩ was prince of the 4th Circle [Violence]
⋆。°✩ contained into the form of a crow
⋆。°✩ constantly tilting his head like a bird when curious
⋆。°✩ in his demon form he is 7'2", has a white feathery wings [20 ft/ 610 cm wingspan] with gold chains dangling from them, one set of curled ram white horns on their forehead, his ears are pointed && has gold dangly earrings, white long claws, he has a long white leathery tail with gold fluff at the end [12 ft/ 366 cm], his legs are similar in shape to goats legs, his tongue is long && pointed [2 ft/ 61 cm long], has 1 set of fangs, his eyes are a milky white with a gold glow, his crown would sit on his head when he was prince [diamond jewels with a gold crown], they typically wear long white like dresses with lots of gold jewlery, things with gems, shiney, glittery, do not expect any less from them
⋆。°✩ is constantly being confused for an angel, hates it. call him an angel and he'll be heavily annoyed with you
⋆。°✩ they can't feel anything but out of instincts will not let you near his hips or thighs DO NOT TOUCH IF YOU ARE NOT CLOSE!
⋆。°✩ in hybrid form [crow] he has black feathery wings like a crow [me might have some white feathers show up]
⋆。°✩ in human form his skin is tan, has tattooes on his arms, chest, hips && legs, wears a lot of gold jewlery && things with gems, wears a lot of rings, is allowed their gold waist chain with dangly gems [each gem is a gem he collected from each of the rings when he was prince, NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT UNLESS HE SAYS ITS OKAY!!], has glassy && lifeless milky white eyes, nails are kept blunt and are normally done with gold && white desgins with gems or gold flakes on them [his guardian helps them paint && design them]
⋆。°✩ his claws sometimes come out along with his wings [his leg shape might also change]
⋆。°✩ when angered his wings spread into full wingspan [in both hybrid && demon form]
⋆。°✩ Resides: District 4 [former], District 1 [current]
⋆。°✩ Languages: As a demon speaks all languages, focuses on Russian && English, can speak in tongues
⋆。°✩ Representative Colors: White, Gold, Pastel Pinks
⋆。°✩ Guardian: The Crow [First in Command for the Reaper Council]
⋆。°✩ Guardian Mark: A dollar sign on the side of his neck
⋆。°✩ Curse: N/A
⋆。°✩ likes: diamonds, jewels, the color white and gold, money, gold coins, shiny things, pain, playing with others emotions, gambling [will gamble your life away], video games, computers, hacking
⋆。°✩ dislikes: his stuff being taken from them, dirty things
emotion control
can tell when you're lying
ability to always win a game/bet/gamble/etc.
can get people to give him what he wants without having to do anything
⋆。°✩ pure switch [hard dom, obedient sub]; some of his kinks are pet play, marking, breeding, size kink, public, impact play, praise, hair pulling, orgasam control, auralism, oral, whips, spanking, forced submission, fisting, double penetration, latex, blindfolds, leather, temperature play, blood play, kinfe play, pain kink, collaring, hate sex [all kinks go both ways]
⋆。°✩ hard nos: feet, watersports, wasteplay
⋆。°✩ his eyes glow gold if he is arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: diamond
⋆。°✩ uses 💸 or 💛 on dash
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Relationship Statuses
⋆。°✩ in the underworld && gambling
⋆。°✩ happily dating [1/3-4] @evicted-oc Khonsu [pretty doll face 🪆]; uninterested
⋆。°✩ friends: Sloth/Belphegor [sleepy koko 💤], Gluttony/Beelzebul [tolerable glutton🍚]
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s): #🖤🤍khoneed [russian doll ship tag], #💄⛓️doll face [russian doll ship tag]
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s):
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
⋆。°✩ other tag(s):
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faceclaim: @/colbybrock on ig
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wqnxs · 4 years
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story of yanxi palace 延禧攻略 (2018) | dir. Hui Kaidong, Wen Deguang
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cfensi · 3 years
Character posters for Song Yiren, Guo Junchen's period rom-com
Character posters for Song Yiren, Guo Junchen’s period rom-com
Her Fantastic Adventures 第二次初见 stars Song Yiren (Professional Single) as a shot put athlete with a love for pork. She accidentally time travels after being forced to leave her career behind, getting rejected by her first love and arguing with her mum. (more…)
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chris-jumbo · 4 years
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Currently airing drama - ‘Midsummer Is Full of Love’ which is remake of the South Korean drama- ‘Full House’ releases new stills and the airing schedule.
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guzhuangheaven · 4 years
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延禧攻略 the story of yanxi palace :: 令嫔
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wooyoungbby · 6 years
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You’re actually not that evil. I can forgive you.
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irris30 · 5 years
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Playing chess
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nefelibatateaser · 3 years
Could you suggest FCs for each family?
*keep in mind that this rp WILL NOT be resource oriented, so model faceclaims will be suggested (especially for lord leto whose canon counterpart has been explicitly stated as a beautiful young man (not handsome, but beautiful, like an androgynous greek myth figure. with long hair and all that)).   *we also do not have a set “age bend” rule in place. we just ask that you be reasonable
DUCHESS LETO (50+) : indira varma, aishwarya rai, madhuri dixit, rani mukerji, sarita choudhury, preity zinta,  kajol devgn, sridevi, juhi chawla, mahima chaudhry, manisha koirala, karisma kapoor, raveena tandon, geetanjali rao, deepti naval. 
LORD LETO (26-30) : kaya holl, tom ali, saket sharma, aramis knight, akshay kumar, avan jogi, callum stoddart, sebastian de souza, daanisj mahabier.
LADY LETO (23+) : alia bhatt, janhvi kapoor, sara ali khan, shalini pandey, ,anushi chhillar, alaya f, khushi kapoor, keerthy suresh, banita sandhu, aditi rao hydari, kelly gale, neelam gill, ulka gupta. 
DUCHESS AERDDYD (45+) : naomi harris, estella daniels, cynthia addai-robinson, carmen ejogo, jill scott, kerry wahington, thandie newton, sophie okonedo, tika sumpter, naomi campbell, catherine lough haggquist, thandie newton, angela bassett.
DUKE AERDDYD (45+) : adrian lester, idris elba, sope dirisu, djimon hounsou, paterson joseph, howard charles, danny sapani, david oyewolo.
SER AERDDYD (30+) : adopted
LADY AERDDYD (27+) : lashana lynch, aalijah hydes, gugu mbatha raw, nathalie emmanuel, susie wokoma, jodie turner smith, laura harrier,  pippa bennett-warner, leonie elliott, salem mitchell, grace bol.
LORD AERDDYD (25+) : marcus sivyer, jacob anderson, elliot knight, lucien laviscount,  ntonga mwanza, alfie enoch, adonis bosso, torrin verdone.
LORD/LADY AERDDYD (21+) : cara ricketts, assa miriam, tiffany boone, ebonee noel, alexandra metz,  crystal clarke, evelyn rain, halle bailey, jemal etnel, odiseas georgiadis, chance perdomo, jacob artist, bruno fabre, masao parris.
@howlscifer and @herorps are doing GREAT job at making resources for chinese faceclaims. so especially for the the anle children, i suggest going to their blog and giving their packs a look!
DUKE ANLE (46)  : wallace huo, li guangjie, qiao zhenyu, hu ge, huang xiaoming, feng shaofeng, liu ye, rick yune, pierre png, 
LADY/LORD ANLE (40) : hu caihong, tiffany tang, gao yuan yuan, fan bing bing, ruby lin, juan zi, zhou xun, qin hailu, li bingbing, cynthia koh, cao xiwen, deng sha, jiang xin.
VISCOUNT ANLE (27) : zhang yicong, ding yuxi, fang yilun, tang xiaotian, wang yibo, darren wang, jing boran, chen xiang, gao taiyu, leon li, zhang zhehan, xiao zhan
LORD/LADY ANLE (<27) : li hongyi, lin yi, sheng yinghao, zheng shuang, zhao liying, shao yuwei, li mengmeng, song weilong, gulnazar (nazha), wu qian, song jiyang, wu jinyan, xu kai, angela baby, li qin, chen xinyu, dilraba dilmurat, guli nazha.
LADY ANLE (20+) : zhao lusi, ju jingyi, zhou zixin, jiang yiyi, bai lu, guan xiaotong, jiang zixin, lin yun, meng ziyi, ren min, song zuer, sun yi, xiao yan, zhang xueying, zhang yaqin, yang chaoyue. 
GRAND DUKE BAVLENKA (55) : benjamin bratt, emilio rivera, benicio del toro, andy garcia, esai morales, demian bichir.
DUCHESS BAVLENKA (30-35) : maría mercedes coroy, nathalie kelley, ishbel bautista, emily rios, barbara de regil, maría gabriela de faría.
LORD BAVLENKA (25+) : jorge antonio guerrero, peter gadiot, diego boneta, tommy martinez, chay suede, jessey stevens, vadhir derbez, yago muñoz, jorge lopez.
LADY BAVLENKA (18+) : adopted
HEAD BUTLER (50+) : staff member
*these are just suggestion so feel free to apply as anyone you like as long as they fit !
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Aiguo                   love country; patriotic
An                        peace
Angúo                  protect the country
Bai                       white
Bingwen              bright and cultivated
Bo                        waves
Bohai                   elder brother sea
Bojing                  win admiration
Bolin                    elder brother rain
Boqin                   win respect
Changpu              forever simple
Chanming            forever bright
Chao                    surpassing
Chaoxiang            expecting fortune
Chen                    vast or great
Cheng                  accomplished
Chenglei               become great
Cheung                good luck
Chi                       the younger generation
Chongan              second brother peace
Chongkun            second brother Kunlun mountain
Chonglin              second brother unicorn
Chuanli                transmitting propriety
Chung                  intelligent
Délì                      virtuous
Déshì                    a man of virtue
Déwei                  highly virtuous
Da                        attainment
Dai                       martial arts sword technique
Delun                   virtuous order
Deming                virtue bright
Dingbang             protect the country
Dingxiang            stability and fortune
Dong                    east; winter
Donghai               eastern sea
Duyi                     independent wholeness
Enlai                     favor coming
Fa                         setting off
Fai                        growth; beginning of fly
Fang                     honest and upright
Feng                     sharp blade; wind
Fengge                 phoenix pavilion
Fu                         wealthy
Fuhua                   fortune flourishing
Gan                      dare; adventure
Gang                    strength
Geming                revolution
Gen                      root
Genghis                just, righteous; true
Guang                  light
Guangli                making propriety bright
Gui                       honored; noble
Guiren                  valuing benevolence
Guoliang              may the country be kind
Guotin                  polite, firm; strong leader
Guowei                state preserving
Guozhi                 the state is ordered
Hai                       sea
He                        Yellow river
Heng                    eternal
Ho                        for the good
Hong                    great; wild swan
Honghui               great splendor
Hongqi                 red flag
Hop                      agreeable
Huan                    happiness
Huang Fu             rich future
Hui                       splendor
Hulin                    people of the Marrim city clan
Hung                    flood; great
Huojin                  fire metal
Jaw-long              like a dragon
Jian                       healthy
Jiang                     Yangtze river
Jianguo                 building the country
Jianjun                  building the army
Jianyu                   building the universe
Jin                        gold
Jing                      capital city
Jingguo                administering the state
Jinhai                    golden sea
Jinjing                  gold mirror
Jun                       truth
Junjie                    handsome and outstanding
Kang                    well-being
Keung                  universe
Kong                    glorious, sky
Lì                         strength
Lei                        thunder
Li                         upright
Liang                    bright
Liang                    good, excellent
Liko                     protected by Buddha
Ling                     compassion or understanding
Liu                       flowing
Liwei                    profit and greatness
Lok                      happiness
Longwei               dragon greatness
Manchu                pure
Ming-húa             brilliant, elite
Mingli                  bright propriety
Ming-tun              intelligent; heavy
Minsheng             voice of the people
Minzhe                 sensitive and wise
Nianzu                 thinking of ancestors
On                        peace
Park                      the cypress tree
Peng                     Roc - the bird of legend
Pengfei                 flight of the roc
Ping                      stable
Qi                         enlightenment; wondrous
Qianfan                thousand sails
Qiang                   strong
Qingshan              celebrating goodness
Qingsheng            celebrating birth
Qiquiang              enlightenment and strength
Qiu                       autumn
Quan                    fresh water spring
Quon                    bright
Renshu                 benevolent forbearance
Rong                    martial
Ru                        scholar
Shàoqiáng            strong and profound
Shìlín                    intellectual
Shan                     mountain
Shanyuan             mountain source
Shen                     cautious; deep
Shen                     spirit; deep thought
Shi                        front horizontal bar on carriage or cart
Shing                    victory
Shining                 world at peace
Shirong                scholarly honor
Shoi-ming            life of sunshine
Shoushan             longevity mountain
Shunyuan             follow to the source
Shu-sai-chong      happy all his life long
Siyu                      thinking of the world
Sueh-yén              continuity; harmonious
Sying                    star
Tao                       great waves
Tengfei                 soaring high
Tingzhe                may the court be wise
Tsun-chùng          middle village
Tung                     all, universal
Wang                   hope, wish
Wei                      greatness; impressive might
Weimin                bring greatness to the people
Weisheng             greatness is born
Weiyuan               preserving depth
Weizhe                 great sage
Wencheng            refinement accomplished
Wenyan                refined and virtuous
Wing                    glory
Wuzhou               five continents 
Xiang                   circling in air like a bird
Xianliang             worthy brightness
Xiaobo                 little wrestler
Xiaodan               little dawn
Xiaojian               little healthy
Xiaosi                   filial thoughts
Xiaowen              filial, civil
Xiasheng              little birth
Xin                       new
Xing                     arising
Xiu                       cultivated
Xue                      studious
Xueqin                 snow-white celery
Xueyou                studious and friendly
Yang                    model; pattern
Yanlin                  swallow forest; Beijing forest
Yaochuan             honoring the river
Yaoting                honoring the courtyard
Yaozu                  honoring the ancestors
Ye                        bright
Yi                         firm and resolute
Yingjie                 brave and heroic
Yingpei                should admire
Yong                    brave
Yongliang            forever bright
Yongnian             eternal years
Yongrui                forever lucky
Yongzheng          forever upright
You                      friend
Yuanjun               master of the Yuan river
Yunxu                  cloudy emptiness
Yusheng               jade birth
Zedong                east of the marsh
Zemin                   favor to the people
Zenguang             increasing brightness
Zhìxin                  a man of ambition
Zhìyuan                ambition
Zhen                     greatly astonished; shake
Zhengzhong         upright and loyal
Zhensheng           may the government rise
Zhihuán                ambitious
Zhiqiang               the will is strong
Zhong                  loyal; steadfast
Zian                      self peace
Zihao                    son heroic
Zixin                    self confidence
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shenrickyz · 8 months
no more love.
it's hard to not feel hopeless at a time like this, in a company that doesn't give a shit.. | ft. zixin & hikari, and nct ensemble | wc: 0.7k
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it doesn't take much to make hikari sad.
it's something he usually really hates about himself, you can say one thing and he'll become a mess on the floor, sobbing like he'd just been told the single most heartbreaking thing imaginable, he can control most of the time (he's had to learn how to after all, his managers always scrutinize him about it).
there's no way hikari can go a day without a usual wave of sadness that makes him curl into his blanket and just stay there while he sobs into his pillow.
but then there's that other kind of wave of sadness, the kind that happens when hikari's very upset.
it's just.. silence, silent depression. hikari won't do anything that gives it away, but it'll still be clear that something is upsetting him, he just won't cry about it as normal. the members can always tell when he slips into this wave of sadness, because he isn't his usual affectionate self, making sure to give all the members hugs before going off to practice.
and well— everybody knows why, they just don't want to say it in fear of upsetting hikari even more.
everyone knew from the way hikari stared at his phone, that he saw it, that he knew, that everything would just now be.. different.
he was gone the whole day.
seojun noticed just how spaced out he seemed hearing the news, he approached hikari earlier that morning, but the older was just not having it at all.
"are you sure your okay?" he asked clearly, and hikari didn't try to smile, which made something curl in seojun's stomach, because hikari smiling is something that's crucial to him as a whole, not seeing hikari smile means something horrible happened, something horrible happened to him. "i— i'm worrying about you".
hikari doesn't say much, just lets out a breath. "i'm fine, don't worry about me junie".
but how could he not worry about him?
hikari rocked back and forth, knees pulled to his chest, he didn't want to talk to anyone, because talking to someone meant acknowledging it, and acknowledging it meant he was probably gonna cry.
but after just avoiding people all day, hikari knew that wouldn't solve the pain.
so when zixin sits next to him in the practice room, he just gives him a mere glance. "staying in the practice room past five is scary, the ghost of sm entertainment might come get you".
it's a stupid one off comment, and hikari usually always laughs at zixin's one off comments or stupid jokes, but today he doesn't, and zixin frowns, because that's unusual. "alright, wanna tell me what happened?"
he stretches his legs, glancing over at hikari, who just continues rocking back and forth, staring at his feet. he shakes his head, and zixin sighs, because he already knows why hikari is in this mood today. "okay, i'm sorry, i know what's bothering you".
hikari nods, still not talking, he fears that if he even opens his mouth, he'll start crying. "it's just— you know, if they were always gonna be taken out of the group we could've been given a heads up or something, but no! they didn't tell us anything! i was so excited to debut in a group with my best friends and then they were just here for two years and now they aren't even apart of the group anymore".
hikari doesn't know where all of that came from, but it felt good to get all of his frustrations out after just keeping to himself all day. he continues rocking back and forth, sighing.
"i get how you feel, ri" zixin pauses for a moment. "they're still gonna be here, though, you know, you can still sneak out at three in the morning to argue with sungchan over ice cream flavors".
that finally makes hikari laugh, and it's an honest one, zixin feels at ease knowing hikari's smiling again, he likes it when hikari is smiling, because knowing he's doing well is enough to make zixin's day.
"i want you to know that it's okay to be.. sad, you know? i don't want you to feel like you have to shut down if your upset, i get what it's like to just have your best friend just kicked out of your group and i want you to know that you can talk to me".
hikari feels himself get a lightly nudged by zixin, who chuckles at the way he tries not to smile. "also, i don't wanna be a snitch but they're right outside the door waiting for you" he whispers to hikari, who giggles and lightly nudges him away.
"okay okay".
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i love hikari :(((
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majesticrosegraph · 3 years
Bonjour ! Je suis tombée sur tes avatars de Zhang Nan et ils sont magnifiques ! Cependant, je voulais juste te le signaler, sur les 6 avatars, seulement 2 sont de cette actrice (le premier et le dernier). On y retrouve (en ordre) Hai Ling, Wu Jinyan, Ning Jing et Jiang Zixin ! J'espère que ça t'aidera **
Bonjour. Je te remercie pour ton aide, je vois que j’ai été complètement faussé par le site où j’ai trouvé mes photos. L’erreur a été corrigé :) Merci encore :)
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parurushi · 7 years
SNH48 stage units masterpost
Here you can find all units from SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48. All videos are from the opening day performance, unless marked by a (*), in which case, the date the video is from should be in the video title. Feel free to send me a message if any of the links is dead or if you spot any mistakes. Enjoy! (Last update: July 2018 - added HII5, B3, J2, NIII3, Z3, and links to all revivals)
SNH48 Team SII
6th Stage “Xin de Lvcheng” (心的旅程) [2016.05.20] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team B 2nd Stage*, GNZ48 Team G 2nd Stage*, SHY48 Team SIII 1st Stage.
Mashang Chufa* (馬上出發): Zenza Girls (Lv Yi, Zhao Hanqian, Pan Yanqi)
Haoyou Chuangketie (好友创可贴): Dai Meng, Li Yuqi, Xu Zixuan, Feng Xiaofei
Dipingxian (地平线): Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting, Kong Xiaoyin, Shen Zhilin, Xu Jiaqi
Xiayizhan Shi Ni (下一站是你): Chen Guanhui, Chen Si
Xin Shijie (新世界): Mo Han, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen, Jiang Yun
Jiangluosan (降落伞): Xu Chenchen
7th Stage “Di 48 Qu” (第48区) [2017.06.30]
MAD WORLD: Xu Chenchen, Li Yuqi
GOOD TIME: Chen Guanhui, Qian Beiting, Yuan Danni, Yuan Yuzhen
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Dai Meng, Xu Jiaqi
GO AWAY: Kong Xiaoyin, Chen Si, Sun Rui
Linghun Shizhe (灵魂使者): Zhang Yuge, Wu Zhehan, Xu Zixuan, Jiang Yun
Han Ye (寒夜) : Mo Han
7th Stage 2.0 “Meili 48 Qu” (美麗48区) [2018.05.01]
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xu Jiaqi, Sun Rui
High Light: Dai Meng Jiang Yun, Xu Zixuan
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Li Yuqi, Yuan Yuzhen, Chen Guanhui, Yuan Danni
Ai Weiyang (爱未央): Mo Han, Kong Xiaoyin
Heiye Nvshen (黑夜女神): Chen Si, Xu Chenchen, Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Zhang Yuge
8th Stage “Plan Salvation/Congsheng Jihua” (重生计划) [2018.??.??]
SNH48 Team NII
5th Stage “Zhuanshu Paidu” (专属派对) [2016.07.22] This stage was revived as BEJ48 Team J 1st Stage, GNZ48 Team Z 1st Stage.
Show Time*: Zenza Girls (Zhang Yameng, Xu Yi, Liu Juzi)
Women Bushi Tianshi (我们不是天使): Wan Lina, Zeng Yanfen, Yi Jiaai
Bairimeng (白日梦): Zhao Yue, Luo Lan, Chen Wenyan, Zhou Yi, Wang Xiaojia
Mu’ou (木偶): Li Yitong
Don’t Touch: Huang Tingting, Wan Lina, He Xiaoyu
Hei Tian’e (黑天鹅): Lu Ting, Feng Xinduo, Gong Shiqi, Chen Jiaying
6th Stage “Yi Ai zhi Ming” (以爱之名) [2017.10.07] An updated version of this stage with new team songs was presented a few days after the first performance: “Yi Ai zhi Ming 2.0″ ( 以爱之名 2.0) [2017.11.11]
Lie Meng (猎梦): Feng Xinduo, He Xiaoyu, Chen Wenyan
Fire Touch: Zhao Yue, Wan Lina, Jin Yingyue, Chen Jiaying
Wei Jie Laidian (未接来电): Lu Ting, Xu Yi
Chunxiaqiudong (春夏秋冬): Li Yitong, Wan Lina, Huang Tongyang, Jiang Zhenyi
Meng Zhong de Hunli (梦中的婚礼): Yi Jiaai, Zhang Yuxin
Feeling You: Huang Tingting (dancers: Liu Juzi, Jin Yingyue)
7th Stage “Shi zhi Juan” (时之卷) [2018.xx.xx]
SNH48 Team HII
4th Stage “Meili Shijie” (美丽世界) [2017.04.08] This stage was revived as SHY48 Team HIII 2nd Stage, CKG48 Team K 2nd Stage.
Wanmei Fanzui (完美犯罪): Yuan Hang, Yang Huiting, Zhang Xin
Guan bu Diao (关不掉): Xu Han
Huaxue Chao Nvzi (化学超女子):Sun Zhenni, Hao Wanqing, Li Qingyang, Wang Lujiao
Duizhi (对峙): Liu Jiongran, Shen Mengyao, Lin Nan
Tianshi de Quantao (天使的圈套): Xuyang Yuzhuo, Xie Ni
Beishuiyizhan (背水一战): Liu Peixin, Wu Yanwen, Xu Yiren
5th Stage “Touhao Xinwen” (头号新闻) [2018.05.18]
Super Logic: Xuyang Yuzhuo, Zhang Xin, Jiang Shuting, Wang Yi
CHACHACHA: Wan Lina, Lin Nan, Shen Mengyao
Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhenlie Zaiqian (临兵斗者皆阵列在前): Li Yitong, Xiong Qinxian, Wang Xiyuan
Wusheng de Tange (无声的探戈): Yang Huiting, Yuan Yiqi
BOOM BOOM BOOM: Fei Qinyuan, Xu Han, Li Xingfu
Huangjia Wen Zhang (皇家纹章): Jiang Shan
SNH48 Team X
3rd Stage “Mengxiang de Qizi” (梦想的旗帜) [2016.10.28] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team FT 1st Stage, SHY48 Team HIII 1st Stage, CKG48 Team C 2nd Stage.
Meng (梦): Song Xinran, Li Jing, Chen Lin
Shuishou Fu (水手服): Yang Yunyu, Wang Shu, Qi Jing, Zhang Jiayu
Wu Ke Tidai (无可替代): Shao Xuecong, Feng Xiaofei, Yang Bingyi
Monster: Wang Xiaojia, Sun Xinwen, Xie Tianyi, Wang Jialing
Renyu (人鱼): Li Zhao, Zhang Dansan
4th Stage “Mingyun de X Hao” (命运的“X”号) [2017.12.15]
Ice Queen: Song Xinran
Battle Cry: Yang Binyi, Sun Xinwen, Qi Jing
Zhanbu shi (占卜师): Wang Xiaojia, Xie Tianyi, Shao Xuecong
Shenhai zhi Sheng (深海之声): Zhang Dansan, Li Zhao, Chen Lin
Shuangsheng Hua (双生花): Feng Xiaofei, Yang Yunyu
Ziuhou de Shunguang (最后的曙光): Wang Shu, Li Jing, Wang JiaLing, Zhang Jiayu
SNH48 Team XII
2nd Stage “Daihao XII” (代號XII) [2016.12.23] This stage was revived as GNZ48 Team Z 2nd Stage.
Ta he Ta (她和她): Liu Zengyan, Chen Yin
Love Letter: Yan Jiaojun
Chuwen Lianxi Qu (初吻练习曲): Fei Qinyuan, Zou Jiajia, Yu Jiayi, Zhang Wenjing
Dou Bu Hui (都不会): Hong Peiyun, Li Jiaen, Song Yushan
Zi Yiwei (自以为): Zhang Yi, Jia Shuting, Chen Yunling, Jiang Shan, Lv Mengying, Pan Yingqi
2nd Stage “Daihao XII 2.0″ ( 代號XII 2.0) [2017.06.17] - new songs only
Wanmei Chaozai (完美超载): Zhang Yi, Lv Mengying, Jia Shuting
Renjiang Guize (人间规则): Hong Peiyun, Song Yushan, Li Jiaen
BEJ48 Team B
3rd Stage “B A FIGHTER” [2018.01.19]
Shengshi Fengdu (绅士风度): Hu Xiaohui, Shen Xiaoai, Xiong Sujun
Zidan Riji (子弹日记): Mao Qiyu, Xia Yue, Zhang Menghui
SHOW: Duan Yixuan, Qing Yuwen, Tian Shuli
Yi Tiantian Yi Diandian (一天天一点点): Hu Lizhi, Lin Xihe, Sun Siaoyan, Yan Mingyun, Zhou Jieyi
SPY: Chen Meijun Liu Shuxian
BEJ48 Team E
2nd Stage “Qihuan Jiamian Li” (奇幻加冕禮) [2016.12.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team K 1st Stage.
Gongzhu Hao (公主号): Li Yuanyuan, Xu Siyang, Lin Kun
Anye Jiaobu Sheng (暗夜脚步声): Li Zi, Zhang Xiaoying, Feng Sijia, Zheng Yifan
Yiqian Lin Yi Ye (一千零一夜): Li Xiang, Luo Xueli, Chen Jiaohe
Ai de Mofa (爱的魔法): Liu Shennan, Su Shanshan, Ma Yuling, Li Shiyan
Huiguniang de Boli Shouji (灰姑娘的玻璃手机): Chen Qiannan, Yi Yanqian
BEJ48 Team J
2nd Stage “HAKUNA MATATA” [2018.07.14]
My boy: Yang Ye, Wang Yuxuan
Sairen (塞壬): Huang Enru, Sun Yushan, Jin Luosai
Caihong Riji (彩虹日记): Liu Xian, Chen Yayu, Heyang Qingqing
Pay attention: Fang Lei, Wang Yuxuan, Ge Siqi
Siji de Ailian (四季的爱恋): Huang Enru
Feixing Re Qiqiu (飞行热气球): Yang Ye, Fang Lei, Sun Yushan
Fu Li Ge (赋离歌): Ren Xinyi, Ye Miaomiao
GNZ48 Team G
3rd Stage “Shuangmiang Ouxiang” (双面偶像) [2017.08.11] This stage was revived as SNH48 Team Ft 2nd Stage.
Mengxiang Kafeiting (梦想咖啡厅): Xie Leilei, Chen Yuqi, Huang Lirong
9 to 9: Luo Hanyue, Zhang Kaiqi
MC Queen: Gao Yuanjing
Meidusha de Wenrou (美杜莎的温柔): Zhang Qiongyu, Zhu Yixin, Liang Ke
I’m not your girl: Chen Ke, Li Qinjie, Zeng Aijia, Lin Jiapei, Chen Junhong
I wanna be your girl: Xie Leilei, Yang Qingying, Chen Jiaying
2nd Stage “Di 1 Rencheng” (第1人称) [2017.03.24] This stage was revived as CKG48 Team C 1st Stage.
Jingling (精灵): Lu Jing, Xiong Xinyao, Xiao Wenling, Hong Jingwen
Fenhong Ju Ji Shou (粉紅狙擊手): Zuo Jiaxin, Liu Qianqian, Zuo Jingyuan
Shangxia Zuoyou (上下左右): Zheng Danni, Chen Xinyu, Xian Shennan, Chen Huijing
Bao Zou Shaonv (暴走少女): Chen Nanxi, Liu Lifei, Feng Jiaxi, Sun Xin
Mario My Love: Tang Lijia
3rd Stage “Fiona.N” [2018.07.06]
One Life: Chen Huijing, Zuo Jingyuan, Hong Jinwen, Zuo Jiaxin
Huaji (花寄): Liu Lifei, Xie Ailin
Anzhong Guancha (暗中观察): Xiao Wenling, Zheng Danni, Xiong Xinyao, Xian Shennan, Chen Nanxi
+-: Chen Xinyu, Feng Jiaxi
Yong Wo de Shengyin (用我的声音): Lu Jing, Tang Lijia, Liu Qianqian
Putong Putong (噗通噗通): Liu Lifei, Zheng Danni
GNZ48 Team Z
3rd Stage “Sanjiao Hanshu” (三角函数) [2018.01.18]
Zhuanshu Weizhi (专属位置): Chen Ziying, Du Qiulin, Liang Wanlin, Yu Zhiyuan
Tongxing (同行): -
Jieban (结伴): He Mengyao, Long Yirui, Yang Kelu
Universe: Nong Yanping, Wang Zixin, Zhang Qiuyi
NaCl: Bi Ruishan, Wang Cuifei, Wang Jiongyi, Wang Siyue
Bu xiu Gang* (不秀钢): Wang Cuifei, He Mengyao, Lian Wanglin, Bi Ruishan
Jiu cha Yi Diandian (就差一点点): Chen Guijun, Yang Yuanyuan
3rd Stage “Idol.S” [2018.09.22]
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cfensi · 5 years
Promo Round-up: The Legend of Haolan
Promo Round-up: The Legend of Haolan
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Upcoming palace intrigue drama The Legend of Haolan stars Wu Jinyan as Li Haolan, a former noble lady of the Zhao state who is first a concubine to merchant-turned-politician Lv Buwei (Nie Yuan) before marrying the future ruler of the Qin state Ying Yiren (Mao Zijun).
The 63 episode drama will release two episodes every Saturday to Tuesday on iQiyi / MZTV beginning tonight. Members get an 8…
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kuroul · 4 years
Midsummer Is Full Of Love (2020) Sinopsis & Cast
Midsummer Is Full Of Love (2020) Sinopsis & Cast
Midsummer is Full of Hearts (Drama China) adalah serial drama terbaru yang bergenre Comedy, Romance, Drama. Drama ini disiarkan di Tencent Video pada 30 Juli 2020, sebanyak 24 episode.
“The Heart of Midsummer” disutradarai oleh Zhang Lichuan , dibintangi Yang Chaoyue dan Xu Weizhou , dan dibintangi bersama Shi Shi , Li Jiaming , Jiang Zixin , Liu Miaolin , Zhong Qi , dan Zhou Liwei .
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