#⊹ ˚. fukushima hikari
shenrickyz · 9 months
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xuwicha rattanakosin …
xeno is much of the playful kind, you know, that one person in the friend group that just tells jokes all the time, yeah, that's exactly how i would sum him up. in an obvious kind of way, he is someone with much energy, someone who, in everyone else's opinion, somehow can just keep talking and talking without pausing even once. in his words, he just always has something to say, it's hard for him to not stop talking because it's just very enjoyable in his opinion. bright, upbeat, and sociable, he is someone who enjoys surrounding himself around other people, and it seems that other people enjoy being around him too.
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makani seo …
makani is not someone as talkative as he may appear. though at first glance it seems that he might seem like the kind of person who can talk to people flawlessly, that couldn't be farther from the truth. he is not much of a talker and not even much of a people person either, which is amusing when you remember he's in a group with like 20 something other men, but really, it doesn't help with his social skills at all. trust and believe, makani is definitely funny, his sarcasm brings flavor to any conversation you can think of, but if you want him to talk, maybe call his name a few times. it takes him a while to open up to people, but maybe if he especially likes you he'll open up much easier.
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jiang zixin …
zixin is someone.. well, complicated yeah? he can be energetic at times, he can be an absolute pain in the ass at times, and he can just be.. there at times. if you were to ask me to give you a word that describes zixin, i don't think i'd be able to do it on the spot, i'd have to think for a few moments before i could genuinely come up with one. he enjoys messing around with people, and he's very blunt and simply very honest when it comes to what he wants to say. will he say anything and everything? probably yeah, he feels the need to share every single thing he thinks, which probably isn't that good of a trait in hindsight, but it makes him unique doesn't it?
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fukushima hikari …
hikari is someone with a big heart, someone who is very obvious when it comes to his emotions and expressing said emotions. he genuinely just has a lot of love to give and is very affectionate when it comes to people he loves, sometimes he feels like he overdoes it and it makes him feel a little insecure, but he never tells people about those feelings he has, instead resorting to simply showcasing his affection and keeping all of his insecurities to himself. it's easy for him to tear up quickly, but that's simply because he's had a fair share of traumatizing experiences in his lifetime. still, even with the amount of things he's gone through, hikari finds it nice to give his love to other people.
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heo minjae …
minjae is unhinged and for the most part, he enjoys that. the thing about him is that, even in the most serious of situations, he can't help but giggle, or chuckle, or simply because he thought about a random joke from seven months ago. most of the time, minjae zones out during situations, and when he finally realizes he zoned out, he doesn't even remember what's going on, people have literally stopped filling him in on certain situations because he won't get it anyway. even with that, though, he does have good intentions, yeah he chews ice, but those are the least of his problems.
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kang seojun …
seojun is much like how you expect a maknae is, overly upbeat, energetic, bright, and pretty unserious most of the time. he's someone who never really got the chance to be a kid, so those childish tendencies he never got to have as an actual child have now blossomed into his adulthood. but of course, like everyone, seojun can be pretty serious himself, he just doesn't enjoy it, because he's one of the youngest, so he enjoys actually acting like it most of the time. he often makes the older members sigh because what the hell goes through his mind most times? and yes he may be pretty impulsive, but he's pretty, so who cares?
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hi user @junjiie please dont eat them i really need these storylines to commence so postpone it for now!!!
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cookisugarrdraws · 1 year
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Name: Hikari Mitsuha
4 Star
Weapon: Catalyst
Pyro Vision
Constellation: Ignus Cattus
Introducing, Hikari Mitsuha! An apprentice to Fukushima Akina, Mitsuha is a painfully shy yokai who's trying her best to break out of her shell and befriend the citizens of Inazuma! She currently works alongside Akina at her temple where she learns the craft of charm making and enchanting!
Mitsuha was inspired by the Maneki Neko and school/magical girls!
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lawlessfm · 6 months
hiii! Can I possibly have some fc suggestions for the underboss of the dead hand gang?
Omg,    beloved????    Please,   I’m simply feral for the underboss roles to be filled and the boss role for the Dead Hand organization.   We need them!    Of course   —    let me offer up some suggestions:      Shiina Eihi,    Fukushima Rila,    Devon Aoki,     Okamoto Tao,     Sonoya Mizuno,     Chiemi Blouson,   Hikari Mori,    Yamashita Tomohisa,       Tony Thornburg,     Yanagi Shuntaro,    Sakurada Dori,   Suzuki Nobuyuki,      Watanabe Keisuke,   Sato Takeru,    Noémie Nakai,     Minami Bages,     Norika Fujiwara,     Diane Mizota,      Suzy Nakamura,    Kimora Lee Simmons,     Takenaka Kyoko,    Izawa Yuuki,     Sano Gaku,    Tegoshi Yuya,    Dean Fujioka,      Takanori Iwata,     Osamu Mukai,    Takumi Saito,    Yutaka Takenouchi,    and    Kôhei Matsushita!    I hope this helps,  angel    —    we can’t wait to see who you come up with!   
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thxnews · 9 months
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obscuree · 2 years
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Sparkling and sweet, Hikari Shimoda’s work is at once enchanting and disarming, portraying a world where cuteness and horror coexist. Based in Nagano, Japan, Shimoda first studied illustration at the prestigious Kyoto Saga University of Art and Aoyama Juku School before beginning her career as a professional contemporary artist in 2008. Soon after, she was selected for her first solo exhibition at Motto Gallery in Tokyo and has since held exhibitions in galleries worldwide, including Japan, the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Inspired by the Japanese manga and anime from her youth, Shimoda’s work expresses modern day issues in colorful and illustrative techniques. Often depicting starry-eyed children, she dresses her characters in heroic costumes resembling Superman and magical girls, an anime sub-genre of young girls who uses magic, revealing problems and struggles in contemporary society through a juxtaposition of brushwork, text, and collage. Such characters are a commentary on Christianity’s anointment of Jesus Christ as a savior of humanity, and a mirror of our fantasy heroes. They also represent our adult desire to nurture the children of the world and to defend the world we have constructed.
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake and accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011, Shimoda became increasingly interested in various connections in the world. In her portrait series “Whereabouts of God”, featuring other-worldly children adorned with a Chernobyl necklace, and “Children of This Planet”, children act as a blank canvas for what she describes as countless possibilities; where fantasy meets with reality, past meets future, life meets death, and a world that is yet to be reborn. Not only do eyes communicate each character’s personality, they are also a reflection of Shimoda’s own feelings and ideas:
“They are “anyone” who just exists. So, they could also exist beyond the realm of being children, and identify with anyone who might appreciate them. Those children who are wearing a vacant expression of despair and solitude are mirroring the emotions of the people who look at them. Those vacant children are, so to speak, “cups of my emotions”- something which I could pour my emotion into. Their sparkling eyes are staring into space, while reflecting both light and darkness, and those horns are a metaphor of wordless emotions like fury and despair that people feel towards unreasonable things in this world.” With each new piece, Shimoda advances her search for salvation and her deeper understanding of this chaotic world.
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digitalgate02 · 3 years
Daisuke’s tendencies to hyperfocus on stuff
(And why this isn’t totally reductive on his personality)
Alright everyone, I won’t bug friends suggesting them to write down this so I will try my best to explain why the concerns with Daisuke in Kizuna material are understandable and valid but still not a big deal.
Again, I acknowledge your fear and I know where this comes from. But I’m here to try assure you this is not that bad as you might think.
Starting from 02:
Some might not notice, but Daisuke had another interest before ramen. Most material with Daisuke/02 liked to depict his passion for soccer and especially him being a soccer player like Taichi was.
Things like Character songs and Drama CDs even this booklet here and even other merch before Kizuna had the biggest focus on soccer. But the thing is, it was always in the sense of having fun with others (including friends) than something he enjoyed only by himself.
The episode to focus on the soccer boy Daisuke is ep 8, which is also full on the concept “Daisuke likes soccer, but what he cares the most is having fun with everyone”:
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When Ken does not show up at the first half of the match, the group simply cheers Daisuke up, which has a huge boost on his confidence and he manages to score a goal. The group celebrates it with a photo and you can see how much this is indeed not about winning or losing and yes to have fun.
Once Ken joins the match, while Daisuke’s team loses the match... He shows deep concern on Ken’s injury (accidentally caused by him) and shows some respect plus a distance from Ken:
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As they return to home, Daisuke is not sad for losing because he had fun and had a match with a celebrity:
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And this is where Daisuke drops his current goal at this point of the series:
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And he even takes consideration Taichi’s words and criticism about his performance.
Wait a minute, all of those sound familiar now RIGHT?
TL by onkeikun:
DAISUKE: Oh, what I wanted to talk about was… V-MON: Daisuke wants to go on a trip with everyone! DAISUKE: Hey, V-mon! Don’t say it before I do! V-MON: Oh, sorry… IORI: When you say “everyone,” to what extent do you mean? DAISUKE: I was thinking, first, Hikari-chan! Then Takeru, Ken, Iori, and Miyako. I thought about reaching out to Taichi-san and the others too, but our seniors seem pretty busy.
At first, Daisuke reveals he wants to go on a trip with everyone. Having fun with everyone is obligatory in his plans. He even gets excited by the Spain Love Hours by Miyako and Hikari, joining them to show he still likes soccer except it’s not his main interest anymore.
DAISUKE: My dream is to become a ramen shop owner in the future. I don’t know when I started thinking that way… But when I confided in Ken on my obscure feelings about ramen, he turned to me and said this: ‘If you really want to run a ramen shop, then you should form a concrete plan in order to turn that dream into reality.’ WORMMON: Ken-chan, you told him that? KEN: Hmm, I might have. DAISUKE: Hearing those words bowled me over because I was only vaguely thinking about owning a ramen shop. It made me realize that I was naive to think that just thinking about it was going to get me to accomplish it.
DAISUKE: Iori said to me, ‘Ramen is deeper than it appears. Do you think you’ll understand it just by eating the ones from your local shops?’ So I studied up on the various ramen from all over the country! Asahikawa ramen from Hokkaido, Sapporo’s miso ramen, Hakodate’s shio ramen, Sendai’s chilled noodles, Fukushima’s kitakata ramen, Kanagawa’s iekei-style ramen, Tokyo’s niboshi ramen, Hachioji’s sweet broth with raw onions, Toyama Black, Wakayama’s tonkotsu-shoyu broth, Fukuoka’s tonkotsu ramen, Nagasaki’s champon noodles!
DAISUKE: Then Hikari-chan gave me a regional guidebook, and Miyako told me about the Seishun 18 ticket!
And then he gets the reveal about why he planned this trip. It’s for his own research, which as you might have noticed it does not really need the others around to be done. However he takes everything they said in consideration, as valuable advice (even if they say they don’t remember or that they weren’t actually helping) enough to reach the conclusion what he lacked was experience.
(Also, another note: Hikari finds his determination to pursue said goal cool, which makes him have absolutely a confused reaction, because he spent years and years wanting her to think he’s cool, that the moment he finally he gets it, he’s unable to react. Also, he got this by being himself and not trying too hard to impress her.)
Even RUNNING MAN is about his friends and how thankful he is about having them around, the ramen references in this song are limited to two lines only.
The only song to be full on the ramen subject is HEY-rasshai! which is in the format of a CM jingle song. And his secret dialogue with V-mon, which seems to be post the duet.
If you read this post until here, you might have noticed that Daisuke hadn’t changed that much, and that his tendency to hyperfocus on an interest is still here and it’s pretty in-character. It’s not reductive and bad, I promise you.
Especially because Daisuke’s main goal is still the same he had gotten at the end of 02 (before epilogue), so this is them building up and showing how he achieved said dream in the epilogue.
I repeat, your concerns are valid!! And this post exists here to simply make you less worried about them reducing Daisuke into one only thing.
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nauseateddrive · 3 years
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Lovesick Lovedoll by Takuya Angel is artificial roses which love to hate #DontBeSilent BLACKPINK is pigeon blood and Russian Blue narcissus I'm fed up with too many shitstorms in SNS Claustrophobia
QAnon's Canon is Apocrypha of Asexual Angel Tet in Vitnam holidays began at 12th February, 2021 Twitter is Angel Dust of NieR Re [in] carnation, in which replicant/gestalt overdoses X automata
We are Big Tech junkies. #FreeNavalny #FreePussyRiot #FreePoliticalPrisoners #БЕСИТ
Synthetic Anthem of Isola's 5ch: mode is Last Bible of a jihad of NRx VS ultra left I'm listening to Ex:Re's Romance as a memorial to the club scene that is about to be buried
TikTok's hieros gamos is dejavu of Twitter's ex cathedra EVANGELION:3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME is perfectly post-Coronachan's movie my adolescence is over NRx Samsung is Tsunami fictsexual Hangul fake news in Farthest East where Final Fantasy's Snow Moon rises
Tonight's DJ is Michel Gaubert Blockchain's Sexadoll desires Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea Keep on dancing even when the night comes Keep on dancing at the chemical complex of Odaiba island in Tokyo Bay
A girl with violet hair who is a smartphone zombie or a self-styled prophet is Dark Enlightenment of Chrome Diva Syndrome of Hatsune Miku's Stand Alone Complex
Femme Fatale with VR headset desires Áo dài of Proud Boys As a primitive AI of Baudelaire, I shouted the LUV in 202X's Brexit Graffiti of Banksy of Massive Attack is deep fake made by Cosplay Hikikomori Otaku boy Akira's Tokyo Olympic 2020 is not over
ANTIFA's Last Bible which screams in the Torrid Zone of Singapore is a dying scream of white supremacy Uber Eats in The Month of Mary raids Coronachan's NRx, QAnon and Proud Boys hot Vietnamese Tết Nguyên Đán of Nguyễn dynasty screams antifascism hip hop
DNA of Angelholic nihilism punks shout to the moon Nihil Unbound's Dark Enlightenment is THA BLUE HERB, the counterattack hip hop from most Northern area, Sapporo in Farthest East Japan under the mirror ball #BLM dances crossdresser/transvestite's S/Z is Hatsune Miku rebellion Angel Dust Chrome exhausts in the black market in Tokyo COMME des GARÇONS is Danse Macabre of Coronachan
Brand New Loveless COMME des GARÇONS is an overdose of Xtasy Acid rain was perfect purple of Xenophobia in Cipherpunk of Bitcoin's jihad Pokémon's World War III started in 2030 after GAFA Konzern raided Chinese Accelerationism Is speculative realism's God the capitalism or the anarchism? Take the black pill, not the blue pill nor the red pill MGTOW don't know love in manosphere TikTok's drag queen is Chrome Diva Syndrome
"The floor could disappear at this very moment, no one knows, and the laws of physics could change at any moment."
GUCCI, Cartier, Dior, Bvlgari, Alexander McQueen in the 90's. In Japan today, it's Uniqlo, Muji, Shimamura, or even secondhand clothes on Mercari. The sequel to Puella Magi Madoka Magica will be made next year, ten years after the last one, the same year as the theatrical version of MAWARU-PENGUINDRUM. DOM PÉRIGNON × LADY GAGA is mental female and anti-Phallocentrism Deus Ex Machina bisexual callboy falls the sickness unto death blue hair of Rei Ayanami is flapping in the wind of EVANGELION:3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME in a quarter-century Alexander McQueen is a gay born from Asexual Angel of Tokyo hallucination like Deep Fake. Poetry is not dead. There are no catches, no hosts, no cabaret girls, no yakuza in Tokyo, and If you think the language of poetry has disappeared from this country, then I'll show you that poetry is poetry, even if it's the language of a rabid dog, and Mallarmé is dead, and all that's left is Baudelaire reincarnated as a primitive AI, spinning Angelholic. I will end capitalism in the new century.
Post-Apocalypse/Pre-Dystopia I drink halcion in the midnight of sleepless Tokyo Dark Enlightenment is Hakenkreuz Hallucination which punks shout to the moon Last Emperor of Nhà Nguyễn, Vietnamese puppet dynasty déjà vu AKIRA's unrealized Olympic in 2020 Angel's wings open after the catastrophe of Fukushima's 3.11 tsunami and meltdown
GIMMICK of 19XX Apocalypse spread into crowd computer by Yakuza is sold to junkies of Puella Magi Madoka Magica Neo Nazi as white supremacy born from Angelphobia is claustrophobia in Farthest East's Shimabara Rebellion of the Trinity made of Angel Dust, Xtasy and LSD Racist AI's rhyme on trapbeet keens for Babylon as Triskaidekaphobia of lunar eclipse syndrome
YouTuber and Uber Eats are a new Dynasty's Bitcoin made by Satoshi Nakamoto, a new God of new Millennium with Blockchain and Tor Twitter is the place where Justice-holic people gather You say “I'm justice” He/She says “No. I'm justice” The graveyard of perverse senses of justice This is the punk-nihilo apocalypse updated into technothanatos future The nightmares of lunar eclipse lure the deformed fetus into the HAKENKREUZ HALLUCINATION I jamais-vu the moon through the pale smoke of Vogue AROME. In Tokyo, a city that is a fusion of garbage and Chinese medicine, I am watching the super-capitalist Game of Death in Kabukicho through ZEISS IKON with a thin smile on my face I have OVERDOSE the ice blue, I cut my chest into a swastika, but it does not become any kind of raison d'être 19XX Tokyo is burning pale white
TOKIO became like TOKYO-III after Second Impact of Neon Genesis EVANGELION currently because of Fukushima's 3.11 tsunami and meltdown and 2020's Coronachan Radioactive fallout rains and a state of emergency including lockdown is declared Cryptocurrency is Communion in the pandemic catastrophe after old normal when id loves ego like Cybergoth in fin de siècle
Sepher Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII shakes his wings of sin, crime and punishment Pandemic is also Brand New Ave Maria of Aerith Gainsborough 卐’s code:gadget is LUNA SEA’s LOVELESS 7th heaven under Babylon, the skyscrapers of conglomerate, Shin-Ra Electric Power Company
Last Emperor of Vietnam shouts to the moon Brand new Emperor of Japan looks like Lautréamont's les Chants de Maldoror Chrome Exhaust cries Noir Désir in Tokyo Virus of the moon in which gefallener Engel reignites Black Russian Capitalist Theology and Communist Atheism clone the Internet where the exhaust spewing out of the chromed pipe announces REIGNITION of Godless borg in the age of original-sin-less raison d'être Overdose on the near-future digital decadence of Desire Ex Machina Run away in the 21st century, the avant-garde of the Internet age!
Actias artemis exhausts the pale desire in Game of Death's vainglory tattoed thrill and stimulation The fallen angel keeps on screaming "Scream like vanity of PUNX as the original sin blows up a pale exhaust"
I feel dizzy while cracking ghosts without the ice blue raison d'êtres with my boosted brain OS
[Are you Guilty?]
Shinjuku heat haze...punks dressed in Bondage by LOVELESS shout "GOD IS DEAD" by gefallener Engel to the skyscraper MALICE MIZER Deus Ex Machina falsification of the raison d'être///
"Count your sins..."
Schwarz Stein is Asexual Lilith...XXX...Asymmetrical-Androgynous mobile phone like Morpho rhetenor...I make a phone call to the moon... "Ice blue, GIG of original sin, lunar eclipse...There is everything..." A gay punk with blue hair upside down laughs bewitchingly..."God is dead at the end of the century..."
Bảo Đại, the last emperor of Nguyễn Dynasty, a puppet dynasty in Vietnam, is Brand New Madness with Cybergoth's DNA in Last Bible I skateboard in Kabuki-cho which became Guǐchéng I see Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, a skyscraper, through a mirror shade as I see Hikarie in Shibuya, a ghost town as ex-downtown
Cadenza in which the billion Babel towers rise Martyrdom low-fi of full cyber jacket is heresy Loveholic Lovephobia in Neo Kowloon looks like Baizuo in Tokyo Bay which is s[K]ape:goat in SNS era Tokyo Songlines show death mask of AKIRA's Tokyo Olympic 2020 which makes us witness hallucination of Matrix in 2021 Drag queen looking like Thanatos of Les Fleurs du mal is my raison d'être in the nightmare of HAKENKREUZ HALLUCINATION Kabuki-cho, the sleepless city, is a complex of neons that gets infected the madness of blue night in Billie Eilish’s Vogue
NEON GENESIS overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate looks like call girl with bondage Crypto-Christian's Shimabara Rebellion headed by Shiro Amakusa is reborn in 3rd Millennium as boy doll in Shinjuku 2-chome who is an angel with seven wings in Pseudepigrapha, Sepher Sephiroth as The Flowers of Evil anime inflected post-apocalypse and digital decadence are hyper than hype and further than future in MMXXI
HYPEBEAST autopoiesis chrome dust topos overheats in smoke factory of MAGA angel BUCK-TICK Godless Posttruth Android priest holds a Kyrie eleison Mass techno-thanatos Noli Me Tangere Rosen Maiden post singularity Apocrypha junkies smartphone is like present-day castrato faith of absinthe Hypnotic Poison
Tokyo Babylon higher than Babel desert of skyscrapers Synthetic Anthem of neon rose neon butterfly drifts about digital tattoo SATORI Tokyo2021
Cult Trash
text by Yuya Sakurai Twitter @yuyasakurai illustration by ame Twitter @amello_rain
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Japan Says It Needs Nuclear Power. Can Host Towns Ever Trust It Again?
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By BY MOTOKO RICH AND HIKARI HIDA The Ukraine war has shown the fragility of Japan’s energy supplies. But the decision to restart plants after the Fukushima disaster is fraught with emotions and political calculation. Published: May 4, 2022 at 05:00AM from NYT World https://ift.tt/4jKaeGY via IFTTT
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Hikari Sato Participated in Nuclear Wastewater Dumping Protest
On February 23, 2021, many Japanese people flocked to the streets of downtown Fukushima to express their opposition to the government's decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, and even representatives of some civic groups came to protest. Some Japanese experts believe that it is a hasty decision to rashly decide to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean without the on-the-spot investigation by international research institutions first. Our guest, Hikari Sato, also participated in the protest and was involved in the design of the protest posters.
We won't have a society if we destroy the environment. As Margaret Mead said, if the environment is seriously destroyed, the consequences of which for human beings are unbearable. Hikari Sato has always been promoting the concept of environmental protection with people she can reach.
"When I know that the government decides to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, I realize that this will put people in the future into a bad situation, despite that they have claimed repeatedly that these waters are harmless. In the past 100 years of human history, we have dumped enough harmful substances in corners of nature at will, and Mother Earth can no longer take more damage."
After that, she answered some of our questions.
Q: When did you start advocating for environmental protection?
A: When I was 20 years old, at that time I’d already been to many countries to study and create. I found that, in every country, there are people who don’t care about the environment.
Q: What have you done about it?
A: You know, I like to draw. So sometimes I would remind people of the importance of environmental protection through my paintings. There are also times when I’d participate in publicity activities, like walking with my friends on the street and explaining to people some of the knowledge about environmental protection.
Q: Some people say that you being an environmental advocate is just a gesture to gain fame. What do you think about this?
A: I'm curious who said that. If it was for fame, I would have a better way of doing it. Like showing my works in exhibitions from all over the world, or getting on some TV shows, but I haven’t done any of that.
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duhochvc · 3 years
Top 10 trung tam hoc tieng Nhat tot nhat tai TP HCM
Học tiếng Nhật không chỉ để có thể tìm hiểu, giao lưu văn hóa Việt - Nhật, mà còn xuất phát từ nhu cầu mong muốn được làm việc ở những công ty Nhật tại Việt Nam, được trải nghiệm môi trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp quốc tế. Vậy trung tâm tiếng Nhật tại TP HCM nào tốt nhất hiện nay? Cùng tìm hiểu cùng Du học HVC trong bài viết dưới đây nhé.
1. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Du học HVC
Nếu bạn đang phân vân không biết nên học tiếng Nhật ở đâu HCM thì trung tâm tiếng Nhật Du học HVC sẽ là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất mà bạn không nên bỏ qua. Được thành lập bởi đội ngũ chuyên viên tư vấn có kinh nghiệm du học và kinh nghiệm thực tiễn, Du Học HVC đã và đang là trung tâm giúp hỗ trợ du học uy tín, được nhiều phụ huynh và học sinh tin tưởng lựa chọn.
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Nếu bạn chưa biết học tiếng Nhật ở đâu tốt tại TPHCM thì Du học HVC sẽ giúp bạn làm điều này.
Đến với trung tâm tiếng Nhật Du học HVC bạn sẽ được tư vấn một lộ trình học tiếng Nhật tốt nhất phù hợp với mỗi cá nhân, giúp mỗi học viên có thể nhanh chóng bức tốc, chinh phục tiếng Nhật trong thời gian ngắn nhất.
Hai điều giúp trung tâm tiếng Nhật Du học HVC ngày càng được các học viên lựa chọn đó là chất lượng tạo và đội ngũ giảng viên. Với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong ngành đào tạo, trung tâm đang không ngừng phát triển, và hoàn thiện cơ sở vật chất của mình, nhằm mang đến những giờ học thoải mái và vui vẻ nhất cho học viên.
Sở hữu đội ngũ giảng viên trẻ, nhiệt huyết, nhiều kinh nghiệm, đạt các chứng chỉ N1, N2 tại nước ngoài cùng một phương pháp dạy sáng tạo. Các thầy cô ở đây luôn tận tình, quan tâm, nhanh chóng giúp đỡ từng học viên một cách tận tình, khi họ khó khăn trên con đường chinh phục tiếng Nhật. Chất lượng đào tạo tại trung tâm Du học HVC vô cùng tốt, tỷ lệ đỗ của học viên tương đối cao, do đó bạn hoàn toàn có thể tin tưởng lựa chọn.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ: Số 95 đường số 6, Khu Dân cư Cityland Park Hills, Phường 10, Quận Gò Vấp, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
2. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Kiến Minh
Trung tâm Kiến Minh hay còn được biết dưới cái tên Trung tâm Hajime Nippon là một trong những trung tâm dạy tiếng Nhật tốt nhất tại Hồ Chí Minh hiện nay. Được ra đời với sứ mệnh “Tiếng Nhật vì tương lai Việt”, Nhật ngữ Kiến Minh luôn không ngừng cố gắng, đầu tư trang thiết bị hiện đại nhằm mang đến một chương trình học bổ ích, thân thiện, giúp học viên có thể sử dụng thành thạo tiếng Nhật trong một thời gian ngắn.
Một trong những thành công lớn của trung tâm Kiến Minh mà không thể không nhắc đến đó là họ đã xây dựng được cho mình m��t chương trình học cực kỳ cặn kẽ, chuyên nghiệp, giúp học viên nhanh chóng tiếp thu kiến thức. Với mức học phí tương đối hợp lý.
Nhiều ưu đãi hấp dẫn đang có tại Nhật ngữ Kiến Minh, đăng ký ngay để trải nghiệm những giờ học tiếng Nhật thú vị nhất.
Đồng hành cùng Nhật ngữ Kiến Minh là đội ngũ giáo viên trẻ, nhiệt huyết, đã được cấp chứng chỉ bằng N1, N2, từng được du học và tập huấn tại Nhật Bản. Đến đây, mỗi học viên đều sẽ được nhận sự kèm cặp, hỗ trợ hết mình từ các giáo viên. Với phương pháp dạy cuốn hút, tất cả các học viên sẽ dễ dàng nâng cấp trình độ nghe - nói - đọc - viết của mình từ sơ cấp đến cao cấp trong thời gian nhanh nhất. Đây cũng là một trong những lý do chính khiến Nhật ngữ Kiến Minh được yêu thích đến vậy.
Không những thế, với Nhật Ngữ Kiến Minh, bạn có thể dễ dàng sắp xếp lịch học bù nếu bận không tham gia lớp được hoặc nếu chưa theo kịp bài giảng của giáo viên. Ngoài ra, với đội ngũ tư vấn viên nhiệt tình, sẽ sẵn sàng hỗ trợ bạn lên lớp hay xuống lớp tùy theo năng lực.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ:
1.03 Chung cư Linh Trung, số 8 đường 16, Phường Linh Trung, Quận Thủ Đức, TP.HCM
A50 Đường M3, Phường Phước Long B, Quận 9, TP.HCM
268 Nguyễn Gia Trí (D2 nối dài), Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM
Học phí: 3.500.000 - 8.200.000 VNĐ/khóa
3. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Anh Đào (Sakura)
Nhắc đến những trung tâm tiếng Nhật nổi tiếng và lâu đời nhất Hồ Chí Minh thì không thể bỏ qua trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakura. Được thành lập từ năm 1989, với tên gọi Trung tâm Văn hóa Việt – Nhật, nơi đây được xem là cơ sở đào tạo tiếng Nhật đầu tiên tại nước ta.
Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakura với định vị là trung tâm tiếng Nhật giao tiếp. Do đó tại đây, các học viên được tiếp nhận phương pháp dạy EZOE – phương pháp chú trọng thực hành trực tiếp nổi tiếng tại Nhật Bản. Giúp học viên nhanh chóng hiểu bài, có thể tự tin giao tiếp ngay từ những ngày học đầu tiên.
Nên học tiếng Nhật ở đâu? Có thể nói Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakura đang là một trong những cơ sở dạy tiếng Nhật giao tiếp tốt nhất tại nước ta hiện nay.
Tuy nhiên, vì chú trọng trong khâu giao tiếp nên việc dạy học Kanji tại đây không được chú trọng lắm. Đồng thời, học phí tại trung tâm cũng khá cao. Vì thế, trước khi quyết định nơi đây trở thành trung tâm học tiếng Nhật ở TPHCM của mình thì bạn nên cân nhắc đến 2 yếu tố này.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ: Số 228 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, P.6, Q.3, TP.HCM
Học phí: 2.900.000 - 8.900.000 VNĐ/khóa
4. Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NEWSKY
Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ NEWSKY được thành lập vào năm 2001, tiền thân của nó là trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ – Tin học Đức Trí. Với đội ngũ giáo viên nhiều kinh nghiệm, cùng phương pháp dạy sáng tạo, trung tâm đang là một trong những cơ sở chuyên dạy tiếng Nhật giao tiếp, tiếng Nhật luyện thi từ N5-N3, từ cơ bản đến nâng cao cho các bạn học viên uy tín nhất.
Đặc biệt, với Ngoại ngữ NEWSKY, bạn có thể tìm thấy những lớp tiếng Nhật để du học, tiếng Nhật để xuất khẩu lao động, hay tiếng Nhật dành cho các doanh nghiệp,...
Sau mỗi khóa học tại Ngoại ngữ NEWSKY, mỗi học viên đều có thể tự tin khi giao tiếp bằng tiếng Nhật.
Mỗi lớp học ở đây đều được trang bị những thiết bị, cơ sở vật chất hiện đại. Đặc biệt chỉ bao gồm tối đa 10 học viên, nhằm tạo dựng môi trường học tập thoải mái và dễ chịu nhất. Định hướng của trung tâm là kết hợp thực hành trong các bài giảng thường xuyên. Do đó, sau mỗi khóa học, học viên sẽ được hình thành khả năng phản xạ khi giao tiếp tiếng Nhật một cách thành thạo.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Học phí: từ 500.000 VNĐ/tháng
Địa chỉ:​
292 Âu Cơ, P. 10, Q. Tân Bình, TPHCM.
113 Lê Văn Sỹ, P. 13, Phú Nhuận, TPHCM.
62 Đường 17, Phường Linh Chiểu, Quận Thủ Đức, TPHCM.
343s Lạc Long Quân, P. 5, Quận 11, TPHCM.
5. Trung tâm Nhật ngữ và Du học REDBOOK
Sau gần 3 năm đi vào hoạt động, REDBOOK đã nhanh chóng trở thành một trong những trung tâm tiếng Nhật được đông đảo các học viên lựa chọn.
Với đội ngũ nhân viên trẻ, nhiệt tình, đầy tâm huyết, luôn mong muốn mang đến một môi trường học tập tiếng Nhật chuyên nghiệp và thoải mái nhất cho các bạn học viên, bằng sự nhiệt tình và phương pháp dạy sáng tạo của mình. Bằng chứng là hơn 160 học viên được gửi đến các trường tiếng Nhật cùng các trường đại học lớn tại Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka và Fukushima.
Tại trung tâm Nhật ngữ và Du học REDBOOK nếu bạn không thể đến các lớp dạy thông thường thì vẫn có thể tham gia các lớp học online.
Nếu bạn chưa biết nên học tiếng Nhật TPHCM ở đâu thì REDBOOK chính là cơ sở mà bạn không nên cân nhắc đấy.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ:
535 Nguyễn Tri Phương, Phường 8, Quận 10, TPHCM.
143 - 145 Phan Xích Long, Phường 7, Quận Phú Nhuận, TPHCM.
Học phí: 2.800.000 - 8.350.000 VNĐ/khóa
6. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Hikari Academy
Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Hikari Academy có quy mô cùng với chương trình học phù hợp với đại đa số học viên hiện nay từ học sinh, sinh viên đến kỹ sư, người đi làm,... Với đội ngũ giảng viên trên 10 năm kinh nghiệm, Hikari Academy sẽ mang đến những kiến thức chuyên sâu về tiếng Nhật, kể cả giao tiếp, để bạn có thể dễ dàng ứng dụng trong đời sống, học tập hay kể cả trong các công ty.
Với trung tâm tiếng Nhật Hikari Academy, bạn có thể tìm thấy các khóa học khác nhau, phù hợp với trình độ và mong muốn của bản thân.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ: 36/7 Bình Giã, Phường 13, Quận Tân Bình, TPHCM.
Tòa nhà P.T.T, Lô số 7, đầu đường số 2, CVPM Quang Trung, Phường Tân Chánh Hiệp, Quận 12
Học phí: 1.200.000 - 6.500.000 VNĐ/khóa
7. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakae
Trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakae được thành lập vào tháng 9 năm 2013, trước đây là Lớp học tiếng Nhật tại Thủ Đức. Với tỷ lệ giáo viên bản sứ cao, cùng một phương pháp dạy hiện đại, Sakae luôn đảm bảo một chương trình dạy bài bản, tận tình, trong những giờ học bổ ích, vui tươi.
Chất lượng học viên sẽ được đảm bảo nếu bạn đến với trung tâm tiếng Nhật Sakae.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ: 17 đường số 2, Phường Linh Tây, Quận Thủ Đức, TPHCM.
Học phí: 1.600.000 - 7.800.000 VNĐ/khóa.
8. Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ Đông Kinh
Nếu bạn mong muốn được tham gia những lớp học tiếng Nhật tại TPHCM chất lượng nhất thì trung tâm Ngoại ngữ Đông Kinh chính là một trong những sự lựa chọn mà bạn nên cân nhắc.
Với đội ngũ giảng viên người Nhật bản xứ, cùng người Việt đã được tu nghiệp tại Nhật, trung tâm luôn không ngừng phát triển để xây dựng những bài giảng “học và ứng dụng” tốt nhất cho học viên. Sau khi kết thúc khóa học, các học viên đều có thể phát âm đúng, tự tin giao tiếp chuẩn âm điệu người bản xứ. Đặc biệt, là có thể hiểu thêm về văn hóa của nước bạn.
Nhiều lớp học vẫn được khai giảng đều tại Nhật Ngữ Đông Kinh để bạn thoải mái lựa chọn.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ:
535 Nguyễn Tri Phương, Phường 8, Quận 10, TPHCM.
143 - 145 Phan Xích Long, Phường 7, Quận Phú Nhuận, TPHCM.
Học phí: 2.800.000 - 8.350.000 VNĐ/khóa
9. Trung tâm tiếng Nhật HINODE
Trung tâm tiếng Nhật HINODE được ra đời với sứ mệnh phổ cập tiếng Nhật cho người Việt dưới sự tài trợ của chính phủ nên học phí ở đây tương đối rẻ. Sau này, tuy rằng không được tài trợ nữa, nhưng trung tâm vẫn giữ tiêu chí này, nhằm trở thành địa chỉ học tiếng Nhật tốt nhất cho các học viên, đảm bảo cho sự hội nhập.
Chất lượng giảng dạy tốt mà chi phí rẻ đang là những gì mà trung tâm tiếng Nhật HINODE mang đến cho học viên.
Ở đây có đội ngũ giáo viên nhiều kinh nghiệm lại vô cùng nhiệt tình, mỗi bài giảng đều sẽ được lồng ghép những giờ học thực hành. Do đó, chất lượng đầu ra của trung tâm là điều mà bạn hoàn toàn có thể an tâm.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ: 34 đường số 2, cư xá Đô Thành, Phường 4, Quận 3, TPHCM.
Học phí: 900.000 - 4.200.000 VNĐ/khóa
10. Trung tâm Nhật ngữ Daruma
Học tiếng Nhật ở đâu tốt? Trung tâm Nhật uy tín, chất lượng tại Hồ Chí Minh cuối cùng mà chúng tôi muốn giới thiệu đến bạn trong bài viết dưới đây đó là Nhật ngữ Daruma.
Phương pháp giảng dạy hiện đại cùng đội ngũ giáo viên chất lượng đã giúp Nhật ngữ Daruma trở thành sự lựa chọn của nhiều học viên.
Tại đây, mỗi học viên không chỉ được tiếp thu bài học bằng phương pháp dạy sáng tạo, đã được nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng sao cho phù hợp với người Việt. Mà Daruma sẽ giúp các học viên tìm thấy sự vui vẻ hứng khởi ngay trong các bài giảng, từ đó việc tiếp thu kiến thức cũng trở nên tốt hơn.
Thông tin trung tâm:
Địa chỉ:
15 Nguyễn Duy, Phường 3, Quận Bình Thạnh
Chung cư 590 Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 11, Quận 3 (Lô A, thang máy số 4, lầu 7, phòng E4)
Học phí: 600.000 – 800.000 VNĐ/tháng
Trên đây là top 10 trung tâm học tiếng Nhật tại TPHCM mà bạn nên cân nhắc. Hy vọng sau bài viết của chúng tôi, bạn đã tìm thấy được trung tâm tiếng Nhật phù hợp với mình. Mọi thông tin chi tiết hoặc nếu muốn được tư vấn về khóa học tiếng Nhật, bạn vui lòng liên hệ với Du học HVC tại 097.48.77777.
Nguồn tham khảo: https://hvcgroup.edu.vn/trung-tam-hoc-tieng-nhat-tot-nhat-tai-tphcm-284-25.html
Địa chỉ Du học HVC: https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=12559522699060273224
Thông tin Du học HVC: https://www.google.com/search?kponly&kgmid=/g/11gnsg6ykf
#duhochvc #hoctiengnhatotphcm #hoctiengnhattphcm #trungtamhoctiengnhat
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shenrickyz · 8 months
no more love.
it's hard to not feel hopeless at a time like this, in a company that doesn't give a shit.. | ft. zixin & hikari, and nct ensemble | wc: 0.7k
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it doesn't take much to make hikari sad.
it's something he usually really hates about himself, you can say one thing and he'll become a mess on the floor, sobbing like he'd just been told the single most heartbreaking thing imaginable, he can control most of the time (he's had to learn how to after all, his managers always scrutinize him about it).
there's no way hikari can go a day without a usual wave of sadness that makes him curl into his blanket and just stay there while he sobs into his pillow.
but then there's that other kind of wave of sadness, the kind that happens when hikari's very upset.
it's just.. silence, silent depression. hikari won't do anything that gives it away, but it'll still be clear that something is upsetting him, he just won't cry about it as normal. the members can always tell when he slips into this wave of sadness, because he isn't his usual affectionate self, making sure to give all the members hugs before going off to practice.
and well— everybody knows why, they just don't want to say it in fear of upsetting hikari even more.
everyone knew from the way hikari stared at his phone, that he saw it, that he knew, that everything would just now be.. different.
he was gone the whole day.
seojun noticed just how spaced out he seemed hearing the news, he approached hikari earlier that morning, but the older was just not having it at all.
"are you sure your okay?" he asked clearly, and hikari didn't try to smile, which made something curl in seojun's stomach, because hikari smiling is something that's crucial to him as a whole, not seeing hikari smile means something horrible happened, something horrible happened to him. "i— i'm worrying about you".
hikari doesn't say much, just lets out a breath. "i'm fine, don't worry about me junie".
but how could he not worry about him?
hikari rocked back and forth, knees pulled to his chest, he didn't want to talk to anyone, because talking to someone meant acknowledging it, and acknowledging it meant he was probably gonna cry.
but after just avoiding people all day, hikari knew that wouldn't solve the pain.
so when zixin sits next to him in the practice room, he just gives him a mere glance. "staying in the practice room past five is scary, the ghost of sm entertainment might come get you".
it's a stupid one off comment, and hikari usually always laughs at zixin's one off comments or stupid jokes, but today he doesn't, and zixin frowns, because that's unusual. "alright, wanna tell me what happened?"
he stretches his legs, glancing over at hikari, who just continues rocking back and forth, staring at his feet. he shakes his head, and zixin sighs, because he already knows why hikari is in this mood today. "okay, i'm sorry, i know what's bothering you".
hikari nods, still not talking, he fears that if he even opens his mouth, he'll start crying. "it's just— you know, if they were always gonna be taken out of the group we could've been given a heads up or something, but no! they didn't tell us anything! i was so excited to debut in a group with my best friends and then they were just here for two years and now they aren't even apart of the group anymore".
hikari doesn't know where all of that came from, but it felt good to get all of his frustrations out after just keeping to himself all day. he continues rocking back and forth, sighing.
"i get how you feel, ri" zixin pauses for a moment. "they're still gonna be here, though, you know, you can still sneak out at three in the morning to argue with sungchan over ice cream flavors".
that finally makes hikari laugh, and it's an honest one, zixin feels at ease knowing hikari's smiling again, he likes it when hikari is smiling, because knowing he's doing well is enough to make zixin's day.
"i want you to know that it's okay to be.. sad, you know? i don't want you to feel like you have to shut down if your upset, i get what it's like to just have your best friend just kicked out of your group and i want you to know that you can talk to me".
hikari feels himself get a lightly nudged by zixin, who chuckles at the way he tries not to smile. "also, i don't wanna be a snitch but they're right outside the door waiting for you" he whispers to hikari, who giggles and lightly nudges him away.
"okay okay".
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i love hikari :(((
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cookisugarrdraws · 1 year
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Introducing Hikari Mitsuha! A 4-star Pyro Catalyst user hailing from Inazuma! The apprentice of Fukushima Akina, Mitsuha works hard to master the craft of charm making and luck enchanting! A shy but determined yokai, Mitsuha wishes to break out of her anxious shell and try to befriend as many Inazumans as she can! .. She's still trying though! Mitsuha was inspired by the maneki neko and Japanese school uniforms (with some Sailor Moon thrown in for fun!)
Constellation: Ignus Cattus
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newstrendingzone · 3 years
Author: BY HIKARI HIDA AND BEN DOOLEY - Publish Date: March 25, 2021 at 08:23AM
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The ceremony kicked off in Fukushima Prefecture, a heavily symbolic choice a decade after the tsunami and nuclear disaster there.
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wazafam · 3 years
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By BY HIKARI HIDA AND BEN DOOLEY from World in the New York Times-https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/24/world/asia/tokyo-olympics-torch-relay.html?partner=IFTTT The ceremony kicked off in Fukushima Prefecture, a heavily symbolic choice a decade after the tsunami and nuclear disaster there. Shadowed by Pandemic, Olympic Torch Relay Begins in Japan New York Times
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javierpenadea · 3 years
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"‘Ya no queda pueblo’: los espectrales paisajes de Fukushima" by BY JAMES WHITLOW DELANO, HIKARI HIDA AND MIKE IVES via NYT en Español https://ift.tt/3euNZRc
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wowznp · 3 years
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‘There’s No Town Left’: Fukushima’s Eerie Landscapes James Whitlow Delano, Hikari Hida and Mike Ives https://ift.tt/30AAmrr
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