dumbledorathexplora · 6 months
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tr4shyk1tty · 7 months
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(don't mind how rushed this is ^o^)
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Raph, to Mona Lisa: There’s so much for you here on Earth! Like fighting, pizza and Spaceheroes!
Leo, who over heard: Oh I’m sorry? Spaceheroes? You mean MY favorite TV show Spaceheroes? We like Spaceheroes now??!
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sawsquared · 4 months
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you'd fall in love with anyone
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skwigle · 4 months
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this started as just wanting to practice drawing the 7 but
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sleepychaika · 6 months
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i still am unable to draw digitally for the time being but this is such a fun trend and of course i had to put somebody next to solid snake. i love him. and basil omori. equally strongly.
the original+explanation under the read more
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dizzytoad · 5 months
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oh ma gawd.... they r gay
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ellifromspace · 6 months
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there need to be more posts about her. NOW
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god-mouths · 6 months
Scott pilgrim is a modern retelling of Dante’s Inferno, and I want to talk about it
Hi . Brought this up very briefly a while ago but i rewatched spto with friends last night and got my gears turning. I don’t usually make posts like this but It’s been on my mind and I want to share. Here we goooo. Under read more becwuse I wish not to disturb my beloved friends with a long post
First off, let’s start with theeeee obvious.
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Say hello to our Dante and Beatrice.
I don’t think I need to go into this first one much, but Scott and Dante are of course the heroes(term used lightly. Scott is not a good person and honestly neither was fuckinh Dante of all people) of their respective tales, going through hell and back to win over this ethereal, “too good to be true” heavenly dream girl. Scott even dies to get her in the end, like Dante venturing down into the depths of hell, dying and then ascending to get to Beatrice. If I wanted to really stretch it I could say the dreamscape is a sort of purgatory but I don’t think there’s enough evidence for that one.
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Our Virgil. What’s up, Wallace.
In the comics Wallace acts as a sort of guide to Scott. We end up seeing him less as the comic progresses, which I find lines up with Virgil having to part ways with Dante before he enters heaven. Not much to say otherwise admittedly. Love you though buddy
Now for the symbolism of hell. Since there are nine circles of hell, it obviously can’t match up one to one with the exes unless we add some of scott’s relationships to the mix, which both doesn’t make sense, causes this analysis to get stupider than it already is, and leaves some characters left over that already don’t fit in to these parallels.
Luckily, however, there are The Seven Deadly Sins. Going to be going in sin order rather than ex order here
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- the first boyfriend and the first sin very conveniently line up, which threw me off track because I thought the exes would go in the order of the sins. Enyways
- in the movies, comics, and shows, he is insanely flashy with how he presents himself. It’s the entrance, the dances, the expressive clothing (“that guy’s dressed as a pirate” “pirates are in this year!”, modifying Gideon’s suit to fit his color palette, the outfit he wore while kicking gideon’s ass). The theatre kid in him essentially
- taking the lead in the musical Knives and Stephen presented him with— they knew how to cater to him, because he views himself as the coolest bitch on the planet. Which honestly he kind of is but don’t tell him this
- so headstrong in his pride that he fucks up. Repeatedly. First to get killed, too cocky, spends all of gideons money “I’ve lost billions!”
- believes he’s entitled to Ramona as soon as he wins the fight against Scott
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- I don’t feel like I have to explain this one but I will because I enjoy him greatly
- CEO, billionaire. Money money money mr rich
- literally “owns” or tries to excersize ownership Ramona in the comics and movie as if she belongs to him— with the glow, or with the chip implanted into her neck with his logo on it.
- has all of his past girlfriends cryogenically frozen. All for him none for anyone else. They should only love meeeeee.
- wants everything for himself in excess. Women, fame, money. Almost considered pride for him also but greed is more fitting
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- holy shit this image has five pixels so sorry about that I’m on my phone and Google images sucks
- anyways of course they’re sharing sins
- not much to say here as they don’t show up much, and it’s easy to make the argument of envy or lust for ANY of the seven exes. These two were the hardest to figure out. Not as sure on Envy, but can definetly advocate for lust— playing around with women, thinking they were playing around with Ramona.
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- this one was the easiest one for me. Like come on
- breaks vegan edge in the comics, movie, (vegan police), and show (Wallace breakup event 2 dead 5 injured)
- his whole persona revolves around food. Of course gluttony doesn’t always mean food but here it most definetly equates. Even when he’s vegan he always makes it a talking point of how superior he is to others because of this fact, only for it to blow up in his face when his enjoyment of non vegan food catches up to him.
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- a very angry girl to be sure. Takes her emotions out using violence, attacking Ramona the first time she sees her, even though she is going out of the order of the league and supposed to be attacking Scott (although I guess that point is moot because they all think he’s dead at that point)
- “I’m bi-furious” line from the movie deserves a shout out here I think
- (completely justified) Unending rage against Ramona in the show, and scott in the comics and movies. She is PISSED.
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- also one of the easiest ones. Could have made an argument for pride (tries to prove he can land a sick ollie so hard that he dies) or greed (movie star who lives in huge mansion), but sloth ultimately fit the bill the best.
- even before we get into his reoccurring theme of “whatever” in the show, it’s pretty evident in the comics and movie that he doesn’t care enough to extend effort. He tells Scott he’ll leave him alone and say his ass got kicked if Scott gave him a twenty dollar bill, sends his stunt doubles to fight Scott in his stead.
- onto the show, he lets his stardom slip out of his fingers with his attitude, not even caring to read or memorize the script anymore (“is that why half the lines in your last film were ‘Let’s Party’?” “I uhh, read the title.” Etc). Just spends all his time messing around and skateboarding. The title of his episode is literally “Whatever”. He doesn’t give enough of a shit to care. Which. Respect I guess
Extra; the exes ARE referred to as “the seven deadly chumps” in the show.
In conclusion;
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amffb2012 · 5 months
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scott pilgrim x Red Son and Mei
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dumbledorathexplora · 5 months
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More of my SPTOxToy Story Au 🥺😞
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piningprecussionist · 2 months
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As densely packed as I could tolerate making it- Roxie doodles! (Vast majority of these are from several weeks ago I'm not gonna lie,,)
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faybellesbeauty · 2 months
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my eah ships slshdkgshs
i saw someone do this on tumblr but i forgot who it was after i finished this so CREDS TO WHOEVER INSPIRED THIS!!! also to who made the tierlist!!
i can open some of them up more if yall wanna know 😭 for the ”cute but not my personal preference” tier some of them are just characters i simply dont like in general
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aboyisagunasterisk · 11 months
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hello spvtw community
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emily-mooon · 5 months
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Hopping on the swap AU train with my personal favourite swap I’ve seen: Young Neil and Stacey.
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lizard-queen-izzy · 2 months
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An incredibly me-specific meme
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