#[ muse; sparrow ben hargreeves ]
slasherscream · 1 year
the crazy ass boys gang or yandere until dawn boys spending the holidays with the reader/reader’s family? 👀
A/N: a little late on this but better now than never! happy holidays my loves (tried to keep the headcanons vague so you could imagine a variety of winter holidays in here, but i'm sorry if it's still christmas centric, honey, that's what i celebrate and so i tend to get carried away with it)
crazy ass boys gang + spending the holidays with reader
billy loomis:
It will be a hard sell to get him to enjoy the holidays with you. I won't lie to you. The reason? Besides the fact that he thinks he's too cool for the holidays, they bring up a lot of.... undealt with feelings regarding his own family. You might be tempted to let him grump it out because that will be easier. Resist! He wants you to pull him from his totally-not-seasonal-depression into holiday bliss with you. He just wants you to earn it.
So put on your working boots and get to it. Drag him into tradition, decorate the house, fill it with the smell of well-cooked food. Eventually, the cheer and vigor with which you do everything will get to him. He'll begrudgingly join in and find himself enjoying the holidays for the first time in years.
Pick one battle at a time and leave the roadblock of celebrating with your family for next year's holiday season. Trust me.
josh washington:
Polar opposite of Billy. He loves the holidays. All of the holidays! He's incredibly happy to spend them with you, no matter how many years you've spent them together before. Each year feels special to him, in the corniest way possible.
The biggest problem during the holiday season is deciding who you'll be celebrating with. Are you going to party with mutual friends this year? Go to his family's house or yours? Everyone wants to see you two during the holidays. You're everyone's favorite couple.
You two sometimes stretch yourselves a little thin, practically promising to be in two places at once! While that can add stress to the most magical time of the year, you try and relax and focus on what really matters in your few moments of downtime: each other.
stu macher:
Stu isn't one for traditional holidays at home with the family because that's never how he spent his growing up. The holidays meant trips around the world to far-off places. He doesn't want to give that up now that you're together. In fact, he wants to travel even more, especially if you aren't well-traveled.
The holidays for Stu are synonymous with adventure. If you humor him, he'll make it worth your while and let you pick the location of your trip. The best part is, no matter how expensive the trip gets, he pays for the whole thing.
His family has the money. Why not spend it? Actually, the best part is one of his love languages, as a rich boy, is gift-giving... and he does not consider paying for the holiday vacation his holiday gift to you. You're getting that expensive vacation plus a boatload of gifts under the Christmas tree. He knows how to spoil his partner when he wants to, that's for sure.
jd/jason dean:
Is completely willing to spend the holidays with your family (but I cannot stress this enough); do not take him home to celebrate with your family unless you have a perfect relationship with every single member. He will sense discord in relationships and he will choose to say the tiniest remark perfect for igniting holiday chaos and discontent.
Why? He couldn't tell you why. Maybe chaos is more fun than holiday harmony. When he senses a problem, his instinct is to dig into that problem to find its source. It's an addiction of his.
Other than that, during the holidays, instead of succumbing to melancholy over the past, he strives to make your time together as sweet as possible. He goes along with tradition with minimal cynical commentary and enjoys the happiness the holidays bring you. If you're content, he's content.
kevin khatchadourian:
As disrespectfully as possible, he hates the holidays and hates that you want to celebrate them. Any of them. The more you push, the more irritated he becomes.
Everything about the holidays highlights all the parts of society he finds most unpalatable. The fake cheer people greet each other with. Consumerism. The vigor with which they adore and worship their religious figures. It all makes him sick.
Still... there is a certain glow about you around this time of year. So when you ask him to do things, he goes along with your inane wishes with gritted teeth holding back the venomous words he wants so badly to say (do you have any idea how much he holds back for your sake?) Compliance is truly the best gift you can receive from Kevin any time of year.
nathan prescott:
Before you, he'd spend most of his holidays under the influence of whatever substance he could get his hands on first. He's slowed down on the abuse of most things since being with you. Still, the holidays are no walk in the park for him.
There's no way you'll spend the holidays with his family, even if his father "requested" his presence. He'd break his own leg to keep from having to look his father in the eye.
When you bring up the possibility of spending the holidays with your family, he's a little upset, he wanted to spend the holidays with you. When you clarify that you meant the two of you spending time with your family... well, he had a small panic attack, admittedly.
No matter how much you reassure him that everything will be fine, nothing helps until he actually meets your family and is warmly received. He'll be a little awkward the entire time, but the sheer warmth of love coming from everyone around him is enough to make him cry. Come next year it will be Nathan who suggests spending the holidays with your family again.
sebastian valmont:
To Sebastian, the holidays means receiving a few very expensive (but ultimately quite meaningless) gifts from his father which he reciprocates and then going back to pretending, like neither the holidays nor his father, exist. Cold? Certainly. Sad? Absolutely. But that's how it's always been.
If there was ever a Christmas full of love, it happened before he could remember, so it might as well have never happened at all.
Now you're here and things are different. There's a buzz in the air this time of year. You talk, you dance, you cook, you smile. You do everything together, attached at the hip. You drag him to spend time with your family and even that is tolerable, and Sebastian hates spending time with anyone's family (even yours.)
Being with you has been blissful, even with everything you had to overcome to be happy with one another. How well the holidays went will cement the knowledge in his head that you're what's it for him. You're what he wants, for now and always.
He'll surprise you on New Years Eve with one last tiny present, or that's what he tells you, as he puts you in the car and drives you to an unknown location, blindfolded the whole way there. When you arrive, he'll guide you tenderly up some steps and through a door, and then he'll take off the blindfold. You'll be standing in the most beautiful home you've ever seen. A place plucked directly from your wildest dreams (or all your late night talks with Sebastian).
"Move in with me?" He'd say, somehow smug and earnest at the exact same time.
It's a wonderful way to bring in the New Year.
david mccall:
Will insist on spending time with your family if your relationship with them is good. But if it's bad? Even better, he gets you all to himself.
Goes along with everything you want to do. He's at your beck and call. Whatever you want is yours and nothing you ask is too much. He'll cook with you for hours. He'll clean the house from top to bottom and then smile when you tell him you still have to decorate together. He loves the domesticity of it all.
When you give him his gift he'll be genuinely choked up. You'd already discussed the fact that you were exchanging gifts this year, but it still moves him to receive this physical reminder that you know him, and that you care. Frankly, he hasn't received many gifts in the course of his lifetime. Yours means everything to him.
Even though you both agreed to just one gift each, when you wake up that morning there will be a pile of gifts waiting for you. What can David say? He likes to spoil you.
sparrow!ben hargreeves:
The holidays are the busiest time of year when it comes to preventing crime. People are more desperate around the holidays, more prone to violence than words during the most "magical" time of the year. The holidays have never meant much, just a promise of more crime to fight. Still, this is the worst holiday for him yet.
Stuck in some strange, alternate world his father created, all his Sparrow siblings dead and all the Umbrellas having gone their separate ways? When he's not fighting crime, he's keeping himself wasted. Rebuilding a legacy for himself as a superhero when he did all this groundwork for himself when he was just a kid in the original timeline. It's brutal. It's humiliating.
It's not all bad though... there is, of course, you. The super-powered plus one that the Umbrellas had dragged along through two separate apocalypses until you'd apparently manifested into his reality. When everyone went their separate ways, you'd, for some reason, stuck with Ben.
He tries to pretend, but you both know he's grateful for your company, even though he's an asshole on his best of days.
You're not an Umbrella anymore. And he isn't a Sparrow. Now you're a super-hero duo and it works, somehow. You make a good team.
In a short time, against the odds (the odds being Ben's award-winning personality), you've become friends. Maybe even a weird, two-person family. Except he's pretty sure most families don't have the suffocating amount of sexual tension you do.
You've kissed before. Under the light of a dying universe, when you were pretty sure you were both going to cease to exist. You opened up to each other that night. But then there was the stress of... kinda saving the world? And then you wound up in this new, broken, strange one. You haven't talked about the kiss since.
He feels like he's going crazy.
Especially because you live together. He's not sure why he insisted on moving in together (because he's in love with you? because he's never lived alone before? because he misses his family?) but he did. Now he deals with the consequences every day. He hears you singing in the shower to start your day. He hatefully makes you cups of coffee that he insists are poison for the body (don't bring up the fact that he got blackout last night) when you have a long day ahead of you. He preps you for the interviews you two have started doing together, the whole world entranced by this new super-hero duo that the two of you make. He even holds your hand before your public appearances, because he knows you get stage fright.
There's something deeply wrong with him.
He tries to get you both to focus on crime this year, but you fight him every step of the way. Let's decorate, you chirp! Let's watch holiday movies, you smile. Let's cook our favorite foods together instead of getting them delivered, you beg. It's all maddening!
And now, having made it through all the holidays relatively emotionally distant and unscathed, you have the nerve to be laid up against him, staring up at him with big, drooping eyes waiting for midnight to hit on New Years Eve, and you ask him if he misses his family.
He snaps and finally kisses you, months of wanting and waiting and burning boiling over into this moment.
How could he miss his family when you're sitting right beside him?
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romeowho · 2 years
you’re trying to tell me that Klaus ‘don’t tell me you wouldn’t climb Luther mountain’ Hargreeves wouldn’t sleep with sparrow ben because he looks like umbrella ben?
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pluviatenebris · 2 years
@equationsoff​    //    Five    &&    Sparrow Ben     [x]
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       the other seems to think of himself as hot shit. five’s seen it before. in the commission and even in his family there has always been that competitive nature. five however has always bested all those he spars with both intellectually and physically. ben wouldn’t stand a chance against him. not at all.
       “ then you’re an idiot. or perhaps so far up your own ass i’m surprised it hasn’t created a black hole. ” it’s easy to find weakness in others. five has always had that critical eye. that knowledge of how to best an opponent. and he would always win. even against his siblings. or, well, other timeline siblings. he rolls his eyes. honestly, five agrees on that front. they do bring disaster wherever they go.
        at least ben hadn’t changed too much in how to annoy him. while their ben was different in many ways they had the same holes in their armour. ones that five could use. “ you know, ben hated his powers. hated the horror. dad made him kill over and over and he hated it. we used to sit in his room. viktor, ben and i. we’d discuss leaving all the time. starting somewhere far away from anything to do with the hargreeves. maybe all dad learned was to feed your ego. then again, i know the real reason he probably chose you again. ” five leans forward with a dangerous smirk on his face. “ you’re nothing but a pawn for him. to hurt US. he knows we missed ben. that we loved ben more than anything. and he knew how guilty we felt over his death. so he rubbed it in our faces by making sure you lived to see us come back. ”
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               ❝   Pot  meet  kettle.   ❞  Ben  retorts  with  another  scoff.  The  kid’s  attitude  reminds  him  of  Jayme’s  and  makes  him  want  to  start  throwing  punches  solely  on  principle.  He  hates  know-it-alls.  And  more  than  that  he  hates  people  trying  to  tell  him  that  he’s  wrong.  Ben  knows  that  he’s  smarter  and  stronger  than  most  people,  so  why  do  they  always  have  to  question  him?  Why  can’t  people  just  take  his  word  for  things?
          Despite  all  attempts  to  snub  his  nose  at  the  other  he  isn’t  able  to  mask  the  genuine  intrigue  that  flickers  across  his  expression  as  Five  mentions  that  he  and  the  other  Ben  were  close.  Five,  Six,  and  Seven.  (  Doesn’t  seem  like  Five  and  Viktor  are  particularly  close  now  without  their  Six  between  them,  he  notes,  but  doesn’t  voice  this  aloud.  It  gives  him  useful  ammunition  for  later.  )  It  makes  sense  chronologically  speaking  but  it’s  hard  for  him  to  imagine.  Especially  considering  the  numbers  in  his  own  family;  Sloane  and  Jayme  were  polar  opposites  in  personality  and  Christopher  had  preferred  the  company  of  him  or  Fei.  And  Ben  certainly  didn’t  invite  his  siblings  into  his  room.  Still,  there’s  a  part  of  this  information  that  unnerves  him;  the  idea  that  Five  possibly  knows  more  about  him  than  he  does  about  Five.
              ❝  All  I’m  hearing  is  that  your  Number  Six  was  a  coward.  ❞  Ben  responds  coolly.  Underneath  the  attempts  to  out-snark  the  other  it’s  clear  that  he’s  agitated  -  his  posture  is  rigid,  his  pulse  is  elevated.  The  mask  of  arrogance  only  highlights  the  fact  that  he’s  prodding  for  verbal  responses  because  he  doesn’t  know  if  he  can  take  Five  in  another  fight.  ❝  Which  comes  with  very  little  shock  considering  that  ranking.  ‘ Hated  his  powers ’  ...  sounds  like  his  death  was  a  favor  to  more  than  just  me.  ❞  
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prpfs · 1 year
Hello ☂️❤️☂️❤️☂️
I’m looking to write Klaus Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy against a variety of canon, OC or crossover characters.
- Open to anything with these two, canon divergent through to AU’s. 60’s story where they land together and need to make a life of their own? Pushing Daisies AU, with Detective Diego working with Klaus to solve murders, pre-S1 story where they stayed close… Anything and everything.
- Open to lovely canon Ben or a darker Sparrow Ben, depending on what you feel up for writing! Twisting the story to where Ben doesn’t die? 60’s story where they do something other than starting a cult? Post S2 tale where Ben is returned to life and suddenly has to deal with feelings for Klaus / being back in the land of the living. AU’s aplenty. Give me your thoughts!
Klaus/Male OC
- I love those morally grey/dark characters who fall in love and turn on what they know. The ‘hates everyone but you’ vibe. I’m not really looking for a sunshine and rainbows story. That said, I can enjoy some fluffy scenes too!
- Maybe a commission operative sent undercover (like Lila) to monitor Klaus - he’s present in the 60’s or the Present (S1). Or perhaps another one of the powered kids who wasn’t adopted by Reginald but he was instead raised within another organisation (think HYDRA in the MCU). Perhaps even someone completely outside of Academy life - a mobster that Klaus ends up involved with during his time on the streets, he’s deadly and yet enchanted by Klaus.
- You get the vibe? Awesome! Come at me with the characters you think will fit. Let’s write something dark and angsty.
Klaus/Crossover character
(Open to a variety of thoughts here, I’ll list my own ideas, but please feel free to come at me with any character you feel could fit in with Klaus.)
- Klaus/Bucky Barnes, where Klaus goes back in time to WW2 instead of Vietnam and he meets James Buchanan Barnes. They fall in love. Bucky dies. Klaus goes home. Meanwhile MCU timeline carries on as normal to where Bucky is freed from HYDRA control, reads about the Umbrella Academy… Lots of angst, lots of drama. Let’s figure something out.
- Klaus/Steve Rogers, similar concept to above.
- Klaus/Daryl Dixon, where the apocalypse is the zombie apocalypse and The Walking Dead meets The Umbrella Academy. I have a more solid idea for this in my mind, but I would love to hear your thoughts on this concept too.
- Klaus/Rick Grimes, same as above.
- Once again, bring me your own thoughts! Not just from the MCU or TWD. I am open to any fandoms, including ones I am not in but that I am more than happy to research so long as you come with fairly extensive thoughts on how YC would mesh with Klaus!
Me: I’m 21+. I’m experienced and literate and more than comfortable with multi-para through to novella style roleplays. I am angst friendly, smut friendly and don’t have any real limits so I am fine with covering dark themes. I consider myself semi-regular and would like someone who feels the same, as I lose my muse if I am left waiting days at a time for a response. I’m off work now until the Winter Season so i’d love to match with someone available-ish!
I love writing side characters and would adore someone who feels the same - happy bringing in other Hargreeves siblings, other characters and I’d be down to help out with potential OC’s involved with your main or other side characters in crossover pairings. I’m OOC friendly and enjoy sharing memes, playlists, headcanons, etcetera. I really want someone to vibe with.
I write on discord, but like this advert and I will reach out to you.
I won’t get into any conversations with vague intros. We want to write so I take introductions as a bit of a writing sample. Tell me about yourself and your thoughts on this.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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New Test Muse
So I recently became aware of the “lost Sparrow,” Carla Hargreeves. She was a member of the Sparrow Academy from the comics that Sparrow Ben replaced. I kinda get why they evened it out a bit, but now that I know of her existence I wish we could’ve seen her somehow. Continuing my habit of taking underdeveloped side characters and making them a headcanon based muse, I decided I’m gonna try my hand at her!
Note, I’m super behind on the comics so if anyone knows of anything I’m doing wrong in my portrayal of her, PLEASE TELL ME!!
Apparently at one point in the comics, Viktor got paralyzed, and she was able to heal him. This shows that she either has healing or reality warping powers.
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I’m gonna go with reality warping because not only do I already have OCs with healing powers, but I think it’d be fun to have a TUA character whose powers can parallel Allison’s. She even seems to have a trigger phrase!!
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My faceclaim of her is gonna be Denée Benton
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The vibe Carla gives me is that she has this outward appearance of being very kind and soft, but with a dark and manipulative side. She thinks she’s doing the right thing though and just sees it as a necessary evil. I think she’d have a good heart but is just misguided
If anyone wants to interact with her, HMU!! I’m excited about this!!
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6horrors · 2 years
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heya! i’m spark! this is an RP / ASK BLOG for BEN HARGREEVES from THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY! i’d love to find more people to follow, so if you’re interested in roleplaying with me, please give this post a LIKE / REBLOG. ♥
i primarily write a resurrected umbrella ben au for the sake of making it easy to write with non-medium muses, but i’m happy to write a more canon-compliant ghost umbrella ben and hope to soon stick my toes into writing sparrow ben as well. 🐙
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findroleplay · 1 year
I’m looking to write Klaus Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy against a variety of canon, OC or crossover characters.
- Open to anything with these two, canon divergent through to AU’s. 60’s story where they land together and need to make a life of their own? Pushing Daisies AU, with Detective Diego working with Klaus to solve murders, pre-S1 story where they stayed close… Anything and everything.
- Open to lovely canon Ben or a darker Sparrow Ben, depending on what you feel up for writing! Twisting the story to where Ben doesn’t die? 60’s story where they do something other than starting a cult? Post S2 tale where Ben is returned to life and suddenly has to deal with feelings for Klaus / being back in the land of the living. AU’s aplenty. Give me your thoughts!
Klaus/Male OC
- I love those morally grey/dark characters who fall in love and turn on what they know. The ‘hates everyone but you’ vibe. I’m not really looking for a sunshine and rainbows story. That said, I can enjoy some fluffy scenes too!
- Maybe a commission operative sent undercover (like Lila) to monitor Klaus - he’s present in the 60’s or the Present (S1). Or perhaps another one of the powered kids who wasn’t adopted by Reginald but he was instead raised within another organisation (think HYDRA in the MCU). Perhaps even someone completely outside of Academy life - a mobster that Klaus ends up involved with during his time on the streets, he’s deadly and yet enchanted by Klaus.
- You get the vibe? Awesome! Come at me with the characters you think will fit. Let’s write something dark and angsty.
Klaus/Crossover character
(Open to a variety of thoughts here, I’ll list my own ideas, but please feel free to come at me with any character you feel could fit in with Klaus.)
- Klaus/Bucky Barnes, where Klaus goes back in time to WW2 instead of Vietnam and he meets James Buchanan Barnes. They fall in love. Bucky dies. Klaus goes home. Meanwhile MCU timeline carries on as normal to where Bucky is freed from HYDRA control, reads about the Umbrella Academy… Lots of angst, lots of drama. Let’s figure something out.
- Klaus/Steve Rogers, similar concept to above.
- Klaus/Daryl Dixon, where the apocalypse is the zombie apocalypse and The Walking Dead meets The Umbrella Academy. I have a more solid idea for this in my mind, but I would love to hear your thoughts on this concept too.
- Klaus/Rick Grimes, same as above.
- Once again, bring me your own thoughts! Not just from the MCU or TWD. I am open to any fandoms, including ones I am not in but that I am more than happy to research so long as you come with fairly extensive thoughts on how YC would mesh with Klaus!
Me: I’m 21+. I’m experienced and literate and more than comfortable with multi-para through to novella style roleplays. I am angst friendly, smut friendly and don’t have any real limits so I am fine with covering dark themes. I consider myself semi-regular and would like someone who feels the same, as I lose my muse if I am left waiting days at a time for a response. I’m off work now until the Winter Season so i’d love to match with someone available-ish!
I love writing side characters and would adore someone who feels the same - happy bringing in other Hargreeves siblings, other characters and I’d be down to help out with potential OC’s involved with your main or other side characters in crossover pairings. I’m OOC friendly and enjoy sharing memes, playlists, headcanons, etcetera. I really want someone to vibe with.
I write on discord or email, but like this advert and I will reach out to you.
I won’t get into any conversations with vague intros. We want to write so I take introductions as a bit of a writing sample. Tell me about yourself and your thoughts on this.
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
Blog Mainverse: for new followers. 
 (Partially) Canon-Compliant and Crossover || Post-Series 3
This verse takes place directly after the end of Season 3, the Kugelblitz and the Sparrow Academy, and Reginald's "Reset" and conquest of Earth; however, Klaus and his siblings, now "empty batteries," have gone their separate ways to try and regain some semblance of their old powers. Klaus has slowly re-obtained his powers of conjuration and immortality.
He has also begun to travel with a mysterious time traveling alien, the (ninth) Doctor, who once saved his life when he was a homeless teen addict. Little does he know that the Doctor was actually returning through time to repay him the favor of his life. The pair are a couple, bonding over shared wartime trauma and flight from loved ones whom they fear disappointing.
Klaus's experience meeting his mother in the afterlife was formative.  He and his husband have  adopted a little girl whom they’ve named Journey; 22-year-old social outcast gifted with immortality, Nathan Young; and Nathan’s romantic interest, Raegan Roanchild.  Recently, Klaus has also resurrected the “original” Ben Hargreeves, yet Sparrow!Ben is still at large, and conflict is on the horizon.  
  Klaus is working on staying sober unless otherwise plotted, and his newfound career is as an addiction counselor to troubled teens. He is rebuilding his tight-knit bond with Five, Diego, and Ben, and gaining a closer bond with Viktor.  
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Verse Exclusives: 
 The Doctor played by @mostincrediblechange​
Five played by @apocalypsejumped​
Ben (both og and Sparrow) played by @6horrors,
Allison played by @xi-heard-a-rumorx
Viktor played by @chaosandprotectors,
Nathan played by @immortalled​
Raegan played by @griefgifted.
Lila played by @elastixhearts​ 
All other muses are welcome to this verse! 
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rosewantstowrite · 2 years
I am taking requests, I had to redo this because I forgot to add people so here we go. I’m adding more to this so you know who all I will write for, but if you want someone who’s not on here you can send in a request and I’ll try my hardest to give you the request.
Here’s what I write: angst, imagines, reactions, fluff, smut, mental health, suicide, abuse, and light mention of sexual assault BUT I will not and I mean WILL NOT go in details for sexual assault, suicide, mental health, and self harm so be mindful.
Here is who I will write for
Mark as himself
Mayor Damien
Wilford Warfstache
Anyone you whose not here please ask for them I only know more about Damien, Wilford, and Dark, but if there someone else you want I’ll do it.
Sèan as himself
Anyone you whose not here please ask for them I only know more about anti and chase, but if there someone else you want I’ll do it.
Nate as himself
Again if there is some more ego of Nate’s you want to see just send a request in an ask and I’ll be happy to grant you your wish.
Aidan Gallagher
As himself
Five Hargreeves
If you want any specific fics about him I’ll do them, and now since he’s legal I will take smut requests but those will take a hot minute because I want it to be perfect plus I have one story going on for Aidan and one for Five so those are my top concerns. I have one more thing I’ll be writing in two ways for when I want to shake it up but most of the time he’s going to be canon as much as possible
1) Where he never time travel and got stuck in the apocalypse
2) He never left The Commission
Elliot Page
As himself
Viktor Hargreeves
Now we all know that Elliot is trans I will never refer Elliot’s character as Vanya because of the effort that’s Netflix did to change it to fit Elliot’s beautiful journey on finding more about himself, and I looked it up I won’t do anything romantic f!reader with Viktor since he’s queer, so I’m mostly going to do gender natural terms for the reader unless it’s says the gender.
Tom Hopper
As himself
Luther Hargreeves
I’ll be willing to write for him but because my distaste for him it’ll probably take forever to get out any writing for him. But I love the actor so I’ll right for Tom very excited. slow but not as bad as Luther. Only reason why it be slow isn’t because I hate them no it’s just I have to make sure the story fits the request or plot. But for Tom, it’ll be super fun because I love his energy and it’d be fun to write for him
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Allison Hargreeves
As herself
This will be a hard one, considering I had so much for her before she tried to use her powers to make Luther be with her. So again might be slow but not as bad as Luther. Only reason why it be slow isn’t because I hate them no it’s just I have to make sure the story fits the request or plot. But it wouldn’t be so hard to write for Emmy herself.
Robert Sheehan
Klaus Hargreeves
Simon Lewis
Darren Treacy
I’m super excited to get to write about this beautiful and funny person. Before The Umbrella Academy I didn’t know he was in two of my movies so I have so much muse to write for him, but not as much as Aidan.
David Castenada
Diego Hargreeves
I have a hate love with this dude, but I think I can still write decent things for him. So I wouldn’t mind writing for him.
Justin H. Min
Ben Hargreeves
Now I have some things I want to address this. I’ll write him in three ways for when I want to shake it up but most of the time he’s going to be canon as much as possible which means either our Ben or sparrow Ben. But it’ll most likely going to be our Ben.
1) Ben as a ghost (if I write for this power, I’m thinking that’s the reader can see and hear Ben like Klaus can but the difference is that you’d be stronger than Klaus so you can touch him)
2) Sparrow Ben (which means he’s exactly how he was in the show but if I write this Ben I’ll have it where the reader is just a regular person and they bump into each other or something)
3) He’ll be alive which means he never died on the mission
4) In my own timeline where everyone is normal and doesn’t have to constantly save the world
Lee Wonho
I will do aus of him if requested.
Yu-Gi-Oh fandom (season 0- duel monsters - Dark Side Of Dimension s)
Yugi Muto
I will do anything that’s regards him, I’ll do ships but not too many. It’s depends the ship though. I’ll do seto x yugi, Atem x yugi, Taè x yugi.
I’ll also do poly relationships like Atem x oc/reader x yugi and more.
Atem/ Yami Yugi
Again I’ll do anything regarding him
Joey Wheeler
Anything regarding him
Seto Kaiba
Anything regarding him
I’ll do anyone else but they’ll need be requested
My Hero Academia
Touya Todoroki/Dabi
I’ll do anything regarding him, but no ships until I can figure him out with the characters, I got to the season with him in it. But I have read so many things with him, I just need to watch more to see how he acts with other characters.
Shoto Todoroki
Again I’ll do anything but ships. Because like I said for Dabi I need to finished watching the show.
Again the same above
Anything with him but ships. But he won’t be written as much.
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notjustthegoodguys · 4 years
Luther Hargreeves tag dump;
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pluviatenebris · 2 years
@arcaneprophesied​    //    Klaus    &&    Sparrow Ben.   [x]
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Klaus feels like Ben should understand, from what little he’s already been told, that this just wasn’t the line to cross with Klaus. He could have done almost anything else and Klaus would’ve shrugged it off - hell, he’d take another punch over Dave’s tags being mistreated. “It’s all I have left of someone who was important.” They also served as a reminder to Klaus that it had all been real. The war and his short lived love affair weren’t just figments of a drug-addled mind. The only remnants left of a timeline that no longer existed even though the nightmares still haunted him.
“Just quit being an asshole for one minute,” the words come out more tired than angry. “Just for one minute, Ben, and try to understand that you aren’t the only fucked up person around.” He gives his new brother a look, like he doesn’t know if he believes that the other really wants to understand. His fingers run across the tags, feeling the indents with the pad of his index finger. “I wish you were my Ben,” he says softly, looking away at the floor. Because it would be different with his brother that held the same face and name. It just would.
His shoulders slump and he’s more sad than angry now because all this does is remind him that for the first real time in years, he’s really alone. This Ben just isn’t the same, doesn’t have the memories and experiences to keep up with and understand Klaus. It’s lonely. He never thought he’d be lonely like this - though he never really thought his best friend would move on either.
“Just forget it, Ben.” He shrugs it off and plasters a fake smile on. “Why don’t we just get drunk instead?”
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    If  the  topic  is  so  distressing  for  Klaus,  why  doesn’t  he get angry?  Why  doesn’t  Klaus  threaten  him  or  at  the  very  least  tell  him  off?  It’s  so  far  from  what  he’s  used  to  that  it’s  throwing  him  for  a  loop.  What’s  worse  is  that  he’s  actually  regretting  opening  his  mouth  to  begin  with. 
          The  words  hit  him  like  a  ton  of  bricks.  For  as  much  as  he’d  like  to  dismiss  the  idea  that  he  gives  a  damn  about  how  Klaus  feels  about  him,  he  does.  Inexplicably,  he  does.  Even  though  he  knows  he’s  only  being  given  the  time  of  day  because  he  looks  just  like  the brother  that  Klaus  actually  cared  about  ...  Ben  still  likes  the  fact  that  Klaus  doesn’t  act  like  he  hates  him.  Klaus  is  nice  to  him  in  spite  of  everything  and  as  much  as  he  wants  to  keep  pushing  him  away  –  he  doesn’t.  Not  really.
          ❝  That was out of line.  ❞  he  admits,  and  then  almost  comedically  quick  he  amends,   ❝  –   what  I  said,  I  mean.  ❞  He  clears  his  throat  awkwardly.  (  Yeah,  that���s  probably  about  as  close  to  an  apology  as  it’s  going  to  get  for  the  moment.  )  ❝  It’s  none  of  my  business.  Okay?  You  set  a  boundary.  I  won’t  bring  it  up  again.  ❞
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delusionland · 3 years
okay so here’s the deal. what i want to do is a post-season 2 thread where the hargreeves go about collecting the other kids with powers like lilla, to FIGHT the sparrow academy.
your muse can be from A DIFFERENT FANDOM. if they are a superhero---or have some kind of superheroic powers---they can actually be a missing hargreeve sibling like lila!
probably needs to be plotted some tbh but WE CAN HANG. WE CAN DO THIS. like this post come on i need this pal!
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blueberryraindrops · 4 years
Blueberry’s Ultimate E-Rated TUA Masterlist
Fics are organised alphabetically (articles e.g. ‘the’ will not count)
Download links are EPUB files only 
authors can feel free to send me a msg if they want their fics’ download link taken down
Regular updates can be expected as long as I remain in the fandom
Last Update: 15/10/2020
Other Masterlists: All Fics; G-Rated; T-Rated; M-Rated
☁︎ actions are worth a thousand words by achilleees { E }
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“I think it would be best if we keep up the ruse for a short while longer,” Five said. “For the sake of time-space continuity.”
“Oh, so Klaus was right before, huh?” Diego said. “The fabric of the universe unravels if my hairdresser knows we’re not boning?”
☁︎ all dressed up and naked by cathect { E }
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The skirt hanging off of it is pleated and pale pink, with two white stripes near the hem— like a cheerleader might wear, Diego thinks wildly— and Five looks almost awed. Diego doesn’t want to assume anything by an expression alone, but he can’t quite help it.
Before he can stop himself, the words are tumbling out. “That would look good on you.”
Or, the one where diego fucks five while he's wearing a skirt.
☁︎ As I Want You to Hear Me by karcheri { E }
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“It’s hard to explain.”
“Try me.”
Five sighs.
“I’m trying to prove that our current timeline has branched off from it’s initial trajectory by such a large margin that it could only have been caused by the existence of unknown variables interrupting the timeline at non-linear points throughout history. I believe that we are living in...let’s call it timeline 2.0.”
“I don’t understand,” Diego says. Nutcase, he thinks. Insanely hot nutcase.
This time Five smirks at him, looking bratty and arrogant and entirely too sharp; “I know you don’t.”
Or: What I like to imagine alternate/Sparrow Academy timeline 2019 Five and Diego are up to
☁︎ Bloom by jenpix { E }
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The first thing he noticed was the heat. A sudden, overwhelming heat. It started by his neck, his throat tightening, cutting off oxygen to his brain. The heat spread lower, permeating throughout his chest and abdomen, focusing and growing in his groin. Every inch of his skin was on fire. He couldn’t breathe; he couldn’t think. He needed something- anything- to relieve the ache that had abruptly settled in his bones. Lust utterly consumed him.
“Something’s wrong.” Diego concluded.
☁︎ Call Me Wild Thing by Electra_XT { E }
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“Diego’s been screwing guys who look exactly like you,” Klaus said.
“True,” Five said.
“He acts embarrassed when you encounter him with one of these lookalikes,” Klaus said.
“True,” Five said.
“You want to bang him,” Klaus said.
Five hesitated.
☁︎ Digging Up The Past by FiveUmbrellaAcademy { E / WIP }
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"You want to roleplay me being raped." Five muses, stirring his margarita. He plucks out the tiny umbrella and leaves it abandoned on the edge of the table.
Diego splutters, before glancing wildly over his shoulders.
Five and Diego are in a busy bar, and Diego had absentmindedly suggested Five looking particularly hot, especially when he's pliant, almost as if he's being -
"What the fuck? Shut up, Five." Diego hisses, eyes darting around. "Anyone can hear you."
Five says nothing.
Or: Unfortunately, the roleplay triggers a memory Five desperately wishes he'd forget.
☁︎ Dulce Periculum (Danger Is Sweet) by Anonymous { E }
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Klaus swallows heavily.
He brings up the hand that says “Goodbye” on the palm up to Five's hair and rakes his fingers through the strands. When Klaus is blessed with a high pitched whine, he knows he's done for.
or: Five wants something stronger than alcohol.
☁︎ Gift-Wrapped by punk_rock_yuppie { E }
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Diego discovers Five's secret.
☁︎ god-intoxicated by chrysostomos (nantes) { E }
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Of all the things Diego expected to get dragged into this month, meeting a mythological witch, finding out Five is married, and rescuing him from his unwanted sun god husband were not on the list.
☁︎ handling myself by achilleees { E }
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Five pressed his lips together. “I advise against… touching them with your bare hands,” he said, taking the pills out of his pocket and dropping them into Diego’s gloved palm. “It would be unwise.”
In the light streaming from the Academy windows, Diego could see the sheen of sweat on his skin, trickling down his temple.
“Oh my god,” Diego said, starting to laugh.
☁︎ I Want It (I Got It) by Electra_XT { E }
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“Oh, Christ,” Five said, starting to grin. “Diego, no. Don’t tell me you’re actually into being called—”
“Shut up,” Diego muttered.
“It’s not sexy,” Five said. “It’s cliche and corny and macho and self-aggrandizing, and I’m disappointed in you.” He waited a beat. “Daddy.”
☁︎ Jealousy Sucks by FiveUmbrellaAcademy { E / WIP }
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"God, Diego." Five rubbed his temples, sounding exasperated. "He's our brother."
"I'm your brother, too." Diego blurts out. Fuck, now he's sounding like an insecure, whiny boyfriend. Perfect.
Five just stares back at Diego, his eyebrows burrowing.
At the physical age of seventeen, Five has, in Klaus' words, grown up hot.
☁︎ Kinktober Day 12 - Crossdressing by Multifangirl69 { E }
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The Umbrella Academy Kinktober Fest//Day 12
☁︎ master of my domain by achilleees { E }
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“You’re asking five 13-year-old boys not to jerk off for – it can’t be done,” Luther says. “Now that we’re older, it would be different, but back then –”
“Excuse me, I could do it,” Five says. “I could certainly outlast all of you.”
They all look at each other.
“Oh, no,” says Allison.
☁︎ Need a Vacation by Electra_XT { E }
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“You ready for a relaxing weekend at the beach?” Diego said.
“Thrilled,” Five said, looking down at the map in his hands. “A relaxing weekend of hunting down a hired killer and pretending I’m dating my brother.”
☁︎ Out of My Mind by Electra_XT { E }
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“What happened?” Diego said. He looked down at himself. “Am I hurt?”
What happened? echoed a voice from the back of his head.
☁︎ Raising the Bar by Electra_XT { E }
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Five looked ten years older. He was still youthful, early twenties, but he had suddenly and visibly become an adult. Diego had braced himself for… something, but not this. He was dressed heartbreakingly preppy— neatly tailored slacks, a shirt that fit him like it was made for him, and a casual blazer. Diego hadn’t known a blazer could be casual before, but the way Five wore the linen jacket made it seem genuinely effortless.
Of all the ways this new body thing could have gone, Diego didn’t expect him to be hot.
☁︎ Second First Time by venDi { E }
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Five spent his early years learning about Alpha biology -- and he knows, recognizes the sudden shift in his family's scent, that his heat has sent them all into a very, very early rut.
☁︎ Servus by Anonymous { E }
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"They had been given a chance to start over, all of them, together. At least, that’s what Five intended, when he pulled he and his siblings from imminent death...He had watched his siblings be swept back to their collective childhood, armed with the knowledge of what was to come, and how to prevent it. He, on the other hand, had ended up somewhere entirely different."
Five receives one, final business proposal from the Handler, and her methods of persuasion are far from conventional.
☁︎ Shadow Elixir, The by Phantom_Vidar { E / WIP }
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With the apocalypse averted the Hargreeves attempt to rebuild their lives and transition into something that resembles a fraction of normalcy. A year later and strange visions start appearing to Klaus, of a dark space contaminated by souls bygone and a voice who aches to be free; especially Ben's. The apocalypse has passed but now another disaster awaits— one that Diego and Five might have accidentally walked into.
Alternatively: Diego and Five have sex and coincidentally start the next stage of the end of the world.
☁︎ time on my hands by achilleees { E }
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“If you orgasm, you’ll die,” Five said with a grimace.
Diego’s eyes went wide.
“Bet you wish you’d just been sterilized now,” Five said.
☁︎ world of options, a by achilleees { E }
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“So did you ask Five about me?” Klaus asked.
“Was I supposed to do that?” Diego said.
“You are the worst fucking wingman,” Klaus said.
☁︎ year that wasn't, the by achilleees { E }
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Diego turned to Five. “I’ve already, uh, lived today. This has already happened.”
Everyone went still.
“Ooh, that’s a mind-fuck,” said Klaus.
☁︎ zero to sixty by achilleees { E }
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“Man, have you seen me?” said Diego. “Are you really that surprised?”
Oh, Five thought.
“Seems right,” said Klaus, pleased. “Other than the turtlenecks. Very hard to take you seriously as a Dom in the turtlenecks.”
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alterxgos · 5 years
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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strange-menagerie · 3 years
List of muses
Kitten (Red) Sorensen
Ashby Sorensen
Maxx Arncliffe
Juno Arncliffe
Dray Adelaide
Fandom muses:
Umbrella Academy-
Klaus Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina-
Dorian Gray
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit-
Game of Thrones-
Arya Stark
Avatar: The Last Airbender-
Pirates of the Caribbean-
Captain Jack Sparrow
Once Upon a Time-
Criminal Minds-
Elle Greenway
Station 19-
Victoria Hughes
My Marvel muses have their own side blog
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pluviatenebris · 2 years
@fiivvee​​    //    Five    &&    Sparrow Ben.     [ x ]
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     Ben  grunts  and  stumbles backwards  in  recoil  clutching  the  side  of  his  face.  As  much  as  he  wants  to  swing  back  with  a  tendril  to  put  even  more  distance  between  them  he  can  feel  The  Eldritch  resisting  his  grasp.  (  Why  does  this  keep  happening?  Why  does  it  only  seem  to  happen  around  the  Umbrellas?  How  is  he  supposed  to  defend  himself  against  other  people  with  powers  if  his  own  are  being  finicky??  ) 
      It  wasn’t  like  he’d  shoved  Five  maliciously.  From  what  he’s  gathered  Five  has to  be  touching  someone  to  teleport  with  them, and  logically  he  knows  it  was  faster  to  pull  him  out  of  the  way  than  warn  him.  But  Ben  doesn’t  like  being  grabbed  suddenly  and  okay,  maybe  he’d  lashed  out  just  a  little  in  his  eagerness  to  get  away  from  him,  anxiety  charading  as  aggression.  But  did  it  really  warrant  the  violence  that  followed?
    He  swirls  his  tongue  around  the  side  of  his  mouth  and  then  winces  and  spits  on  the  ground.  Oh yeah,  that  is  definitely  blood.  He  must  have  bitten  the  inside  of  his  cheek  on  contact.  that’s.  just.  great.  
     ❝  Ugh  ...  gross.  ❞  he  grumbles  wiping  his  mouth  with  the  back  of  the  thumb  of  his  free  hand.  ❝  Does  your  age  match  your  number?  What  the  hell  was  that  for?  ❞  He  huffs  in  annoyance.  But  as  much  as  he  wants  to  stand  his  ground,  he  should  probably  de-escalate  the  situation.  Because  he  doesn’t  think  he  can  take  Five  in  a  fight  right  now.
     ❝  ...  Fine.  ❞  there’s  a  pause  as  he  considers  his  words.  ❝  I  ...  appreciate  the  assistance.  That’s  what  you  want  to  hear,  right?  ❞
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