#[ I A M S O S O R R Y ]
actressplayground4 · 13 days
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To find your favourite actress click the letter of her first name. Thanks for looking, please like and follow if you enjoyed
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tagerrkix · 7 months
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luxmoogle · 2 months
Your bio says you can be bribed with lux, but what about 13 postcards I found randomly? Would you take those?
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A/N: I’m sorry took so so long to make this! My mental health was declining badlyyyy
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blinkpen · 8 months
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"oh... wow, that's... "...beautiful?" "...probably bad...?" "...yeah, probably"
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clownsuu · 1 year
Are they friends? Frenemies? Oh, who knows!
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LMAOOO c l a s s i c Mob!Barnaby behavior
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csyakult · 4 months
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✻ ⌣ 🦦 ˚ 𖤛
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justaboot · 8 months
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sorry @stomperpony said the words Della, moon, and human in the same sentence and I blacked out
(also I hope you guys haven't forgotten abt that della concept art bc I sure didn't)
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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an isekai coming soon to theatres near you
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Or, how an otherwise incredibly private man came out to the world because when I play-tested his first challenge he physically refused to flirt with women.
Kiss Me in Komorebi 🌹 New Save+
Below you'll find an explanation of why I'm starting this Challenge from the ground up, an apology for my former applicants, and the form to follow for your submissions! Thank you for indulging me for so long in my obsession with this blorbo of mine.
Why the plus? Because otomes will smack lil' plus signs on updated versions of their dating games, and I'm a dork.
Deadline for applications is April 1st! 🌸
Let's be real - I bit off a little more than I could chew the first time around! This new version of KMIK will feature gameplay-heavy storytelling with posed scenes in-between!
I want to make it up to the applicants who waited so long to see this Bachelor Challenge come to fruition, and I genuinely want Daniel to have a fair shot at meeting someone truly meant for him - so I'm opening twenty one slots: seven for my former Contestants (two of which are taken by Daithi Calloway and Josiah Bolton), seven for my former Outsiders, and seven slots for new sims! Of course, the final number will be decided by the number of slots filled!
These three houses will rotate group dates and challenges with Daniel as he whittles down the numbers. In-universe, Dan hates the spotlight of fame, and was an incredibly private man (bar his new cult following on SimTok) before being influenced to be the star of his own Bachelor Challenge by his (well-meaning) agent and siblings. He went into this in the hopes that the contracted work would mean he'd not have to worry about his mother's health bills or his nieces and nephews' college funds for a little while.
However, when he got actual applications in, pictures of real sims who had applied just for the chance to meet him, to fall in love with him... well, it gave him a cold shock of reality. After a period of radio silence, the studio released a statement that said Daniel was deeply sorry, but that he wanted to give this a fair shot, and that meant he'd have to be more open and honest about himself than he was ever comfortable being.
Name: Age: (lifestage and number, please) Traits: Aspiration: - please feel free to include any fun facts about your sim that you'd like to list! - i'm a dork and i love writing prompts based on the autonomous actions sims choose in-game. developing your sims' skills and likes will help them act more like themselves! - i will be using height sliders when i can, so feel free to include your sim's height! (for posing/gameplay purposes)
Please tag your application with #kmikapp! 🌸
Though I am excited for this clean start, I do want to apologize to all of my former applicants - both for the time it took for me to go through the acceptance process, and the time it took you waiting for me to get back to my desktop... only to learn that the sims you made weren't even going to be used. Believe me, I am no stranger to the loss of a Challenge sim: and I hope that by offering you all an automatic spot in this new save, I can make it up to you a little!
The two existing male contestants (Daithi Calloway by @buglaur and Josiah Bolton by @retro-plasma) will remain in the competition, seeing as they were already written to participate as contestants. But given that I'm forgoing the Outsiders concept for the ease of the Bachelor Challenge format, I thought I would offer all of my Outsider applicants the chance to make contestants! As some of my former participants are inactive, I thought this was the best way to reach out - I am really going to be better about talking one-on-one, though.
ANYWAY, I'm so excited to go on this journey with Daniel, and I can only hope you guys are as eager to see what awaits us as I am! Thank you for reading this far - let's try this again, shall we? 🌹
@hauntedtrait @kawaiishitty @wastelandwhisperer @occultpuppy @gothoffspring @foxsimthings @king-tower @morrigan-sims @akitasimblr @wormsimblr @10000and1dreams
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tagerrkix · 5 months
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god(?) said i shall have a badly drawn hastur as my profile picture
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wristglitter · 4 months
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Dont know if your requests are still open so if not feel free to ignore this but miles42 or 1610 with a reader who has acne/acne scars cuz going through a little break down over my skin but it's fine
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A/N: I’m so sorry your going through this boo! I know I got to it a little late but I hope you enjoy this ily!
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Miles 42:
• He honestly wishes you could see yourself in his eyes whenever your insecure.
•He genuinely thinks your so gorgeous and gets angry when your sad about your scars.
• He hates it but he does your face masks with you to help you feel better.
•He pays and buys for whatever skin treatments or products you want to use. (Only if you want to, he’s not forcing you to treat your skin because he’s happy either way)
• Sometimes when your second guessing your looks
• “Baby your so fucking pretty and I love you so much and I will suffocate whoever bothers you.”
•He’s very aggressive at times but he just wants you to know that he’s gorgeous and he cares<3
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Miles 1610:
• When your insecure it makes him more sad than angry
• He makes you feel so confident tho and makes sure you know your worth because your gorgeous!
•Like Miles 42, he would do face masks with you as well! But I’m thinking miles 1610 would also go a little further and start doing a whole skincare routine to be like you, so y’all could do it together.
• He hides your makeup and takes it to his house sometimes. He wants you to embrace your natural skin, cause he’s obsessed with your and ur pretty faceeeee!
• He’s very encouraging as well but less harsher than Miles 42
• “You are very pretty and beautiful mi amor! I love YOUUU ”
•He’s veryyy in love!
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duplicitcus · 1 month
"i bet you like to read a lot, too."
She'll get a flicker of violet optics, and a faint smile across heavily scarred lip-plates. His data-cables are currently logged into his console- allowing him remote access without being right in front of it. His mask lies in front of him, Ravage already going over it with the micro-tools attached to her nimble claws. She has a bipedal mode, but tends to prefer the quadruped for speed and agility.
And, of course, underestimation- since mechanisms and humans alike are content to think her nothing more than a simple mechanimal.
Soundwave, meanwhile, holds up the book of pre-Golden Age history files he'd managed to scrounge up from his formidable library.
"Soundwave," his actual vocalizer clicks on with a harsh rasp. "Reading texts. History: fascinating. Arcee: agree?"
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pastelaspirations · 5 months
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Ta-dahhhh, a drawing that took me too long. It would have taken me less time had I quit second-guessing everything and taking 3 hour breaks after fixing one line. BUT YEE, I ACTUALLY LIKE IT VERY MUCH. For once. (Also, shoutout to my fren, @paintedkinzy-88 for teaching me how mirrors work. It is a long story. Although, probably only "long" because of my habit of telling things 5k words longer than they needed to be-)
Now, long headcanon rambling alert. This drawing is like... the ungodly compilation of so many of my headcanons. I absolutely didn't need to stuff it full of things I believe to be true so wholeheartedly, but I d i d.
First headcanon: Ink can feel. He has the capacity to experience emotions, he just needs a little help to do it. So, he has to take his vials to experience something that many people don't even need to think about. However, this leads to ✧˖°.angst.✧˖°. Ink has a whole lot of self-doubt and he second-guesses his "emotions" all the time because, technically, his emotions are artificially induced. Therefore, by extension, does that make the emotions themselves artificial? This leads well into my second headcanon.
Second headcanon: Ink's vials are basically an allegory for antidepressants. Suppose someone has been depressed for a very, very long time and then they get on antidepressants. They might become really disoriented. Because, really, which version of themself is the truest form of them? The happy, upbeat version of them is strange and foreign after being depressed for so long. Is the happy version truly them, or was it the other, depressed version of themself that they spent so many years living as? So, as ya can see, the 3rd day prompt for Inktobertale fit beautifully with my headcanons. <3
Third headcanon: Ink experiences a strong wave of whatever range of emotions pertaining to a particular vial after he takes it. For example, yellow, he'd experience a strong wave of joy, happiness, euphoria, etc., and for red, anger, fury, outrage, etc. The little sticky note in the corner of the mirror is a reminder that it's easier to take all the vials together than to spread them out. If he takes them all together, he can experience each strong wave in immediate succession. It's exhausting and he nearly has everything taken out of him at the end, but the ordeal is less... awful than if he spread it out for half an hour taking them one by one. That's why the cup is there hehe-
The little pictures on the mirror represent happier times! :D Since taking his vials, or his "medicine," is such an uncomfortable experience, having pictures on his mirror to remind him of happier times and that he has people that care about him really helps. He can pluck up the courage to actually take the vials after glancing over at beloved faces. ;_;
The holiday picture actually has a funny backstory behind it; the three of them were celebrating Gyftmas together at Blue's house, but it was during a time Dream was still fairly new to uh, "modern day traditions." I headcanon Dream acts really old and after being stuck in stone for so long, is like... tragically so far behind the times. He uses old timey lingo, has a very bad habit of comparing his centuries old age to your common AU resident, and comes off as, "How do you do, fellow kids-" more often than he would like. As such, he didn't understand why you would "dress up" for the holidays. He freaking showed up in his normal attire and was baffled why Blue and Ink were dressed differently. They made a lot of fun of him. Ink got a new sketchbook that he's holding in the picture. <3
The other picture... of course has a backstory. I'm s o r r y, okay. It is a problem, I can't quit sneaking Errorink into whatever I do. That little picture is of a time they were hanging out together cuddling in the antivoid. Error wrote the little note on the picture to remind Ink that his emotions are just as real and valid as the rest of them, and that if anyone were to tell him otherwise, he'd fight 'em. He told him to slap it on his mirror as a reminder when he goes to take his "medicine." ;_; <3 Will I find a way to sneak this into a fic/make a new fic with this scene? Probably, but I'm choosing not to worry about it rn-
FINALLY. LAST HEADCANON, I'M SORRY- Some of you may have noticed the sneaky little Asriel hiding in the picture. >:) Even that has lore behind it! :D It comes from an AU I call Storetale that I made up in two minutes solely to excuse the blatant goat bro easter egg.
Storetale is set in a timeline where the monsters and humans live on the surface together in harmony. But oh noooo, one day, Asgore and Toriel died in a bad car crash, and they left poor Chara and Asriel alone. ;_; Not to worry though! Mettaton adopted the two and they both became child celebrities. But not on tv, mind you. Nooo, they became the mascots of Mettaton's extremely successful supermarket chain, MettaStore. The AU follows the two as they deal with their very odd claim to fame, as well as the fact of being children and the face of a multi-million gold supermarket franchise.
I like to headcanon that Ink likes to watch this AU because of how wacko and heartfelt it can be at times. He got the soap in the picture from that AU, branded Golden Flower Soap. I also like to think Ink introduced Error to that AU and he unironically got invested into it too because of the contrived problems it comes up with similar to Undernovela.
AND THERE. THAT IS ALL. This was just the ultimate compilation of all my headcanons into a singular drawing that no one would ever know unless I made this ungodly long post to explain each and every one in detail even though no one asked. ;_; I'm sorry for such the long post. If any of you brave souls read this far, thank you and I hope I managed to spread my headcanons further-
✧˖°.Bonus:✧˖°. Here is a version with alternate eyes 'cus I couldn't choose which one I liked more and then one without a blurred background. Now, you can see the Errorink background details more clearly if you would like :D
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eyesore-boi · 7 months
Stranger Things'd your In Space with Markiplier Trailer
So uh
I may or may not have done a thing
So y'see- I had some free time in my Digital Media class the other day, and on the computers on there they had Premiere Pro, a progam I'm starting to learn, but now pretty know just the bare basics of.
So, with that knowledge, I decided to, reasonably, inact on an idea I had for a w h i l e which included getting the trailer In Space with Markiplier and putting the trailer music for Stranger Things 4 (Separate Ways) over it after finding out how incredibly well they worked together.
And so here we are-
I know it's not perfect, again just started learning how to use PremierePro, and a few places had to really squeeze/stretch it out to fit with the music, but I think I'm pretty happy with the end result!
Part of me is really satisfied to finally have this idea of mine put out, and ey! Who knows? Maybe I'll try this again one day with other trailers and trailer songs...already starting to get a few ideas...
But anyhoo till then, if you excuse me I'll let some brainrot consume me again, and hopefully with this trailer edit, it'll get to you again t o o -
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