#@ 🐬
jji-lee · 1 month
"lele please, no. oh my god. zhong chenle you better get off of me right now!" your words fall on deaf ears. chenle was pushing your arms down in order to get close to your lips, "just one kiss princess, oneee and i'll let you go, promise." "no, you always do this right after i do my makeup you're gonna ruin my lipstick!" your warning meant nothing to your feral boyfriend, one misstep and you got pushed onto the bed. chenle is now straddling you, pinning your arms over your head. you squeezed your eyes shut and then you felt one quick peck, and then another, and another, until he finally grabbed onto your face and started kissing you all over. in between kisses all you could hear was his sly evil laugh. finally he had decided to let you go and you ran directly to a mirror, your makeup was absolutely ruined. "chenle my makeup is smudged all over, look what you did!" "i think you look hot, now you don't have to go out, come here and let me finish ruining you." you're in for a long night.
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aquaslime · 1 year
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🐟 ocean themed water toys 🐢
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huseynmammad · 3 months
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fungusamongusblog2 · 29 days
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That post about how how Spencer Reid shows his love was so sweet! In fact, it inspired me to ask how Pietro would show his love. Take care!
hii bby!! thank you so much!! HERE if anyone wants a read. ofc!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌 sending love
gn!reader — fluff
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he shows it with his thoughtfulness: bringing you back a bagel and coffee on his way home from his early morning gym sessions. always paying extra to get more fillings, knowing how you love them stacked with toppings. always always being mindful so as not to squish or squeeze your breakfast in the midst of running home.
he shows it with his charisma: never failing to make you laugh, aiming to please you every time with his wit. sweet talking you in that way that comes so naturally to him, chatting you up like he's trying to hit on you for the first time - always trying to impress you. enjoying the chase, even though he already has you.
he shows it with his loyalty: never once feeling swayed by the appearance of another on the street. sure, he looks, but never in the way he does at you. you're the only one he wants.
he shows it with his generosity: always sharing food and snacks and drinks with you, carrying on those traits he inherited from his family. giving you parts of things he wants, to show you how much he loves and cares for you.
he shows it with his touch: having the incessant need to feel his skin on yours, wanting the warm contact of you if and whenever possible. either his fingers mindlessly twirling your hair, playing with your hands, or cuddling behind you when you do things about the house. you're like his lucky pebble. you make him feel safe and special and fortunate, and he wants to be around you as much as he can be.
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mccek · 3 months
Lettera aperta a tutti quelli che che mi hanno conosciuto. 
Passano gli anni ma mi rendo conto che chi sta meglio di me in realtà sta peggio. 
Persone che ho sempre voluto vedere felici, che mai avevo visto nemmeno di persona, hanno cercato di usarmi pensando fossi ingenuo, ma la bontà non è sinonimo di ingenuità, di debolezza, io ho aperto le porte a chiunque, perché dentro non smetterò mai di abbandonare quel bambino che sono stato, che condivideva anche i sorrisi che non aveva per sé stesso, ma che non avrebbe passato la notte se avesse saputo che il suo “amichetto/a” il giorno dopo avesse avuto il broncio. 
Perché siete “cresciuti” dando spazio all’odio? 
Perché anziché promettere ad altri non promettete a voi stessi di ritrovarvi? 
Di guardarvi dentro una volta tanto, e affondare nel male che avete condiviso con me, anziché condividere quella parte di “esseri umani” che era ancora insita in voi? 
Se foste stati di parola, come a quegli anni, non mi avreste mai abbandonato, così dicevate. 
Vedere lasciare soffrire una persona non rientrerà mai nei mei pensieri, anche se fosse qualcuno che, come successo fino all’altro ieri, ha fatto di tutto per mettermi i bastoni fra le ruote, no, perché so che anche il peggiore ha dentro qualcosa di positivo da condividere con chi gli sta accanto, solo che non lo sa, ma anche se fosse, non ci proverebbe minimamente a mostrarlo, l’egoismo è letale. 
Parto sempre dal presupposto che non ho lezioni da dare a nessuno, sono anni che passo muto ad osservarvi, non ho mai commentato una virgola, chi sarei per farlo? 
È proprio per questo, che ho preso in mano una penna e ho iniziato a sfogare tutto ciò che avevo dentro, quello che avrei voluto dirvi, ma sarebbero stati guai a raccontarvi quello che provavo, perché un consiglio oggi è visto come una condanna. 
Eppure vi ho sempre lasciato sfogare con me, vi ho sempre ascoltato, anche quando ne avevo le palle piene, avevo i problemi a casa con mia mamma e la sua maledetta malattia, io per anni non sono esistito per voi, ma non me ne vergogno, ho ammesso anche io i miei sbagli, ho chiesto scusa, anche quando non non mi andava di farlo, e soprattutto quando non c’era motivo per scusarmi, ma pensavo: “Magari domani sanno che potranno sfogarsi nuovamente con me, si sentiranno più liberi dal peso che questa società ci scaglia addosso”.
Quanto male mi son fatto!
Ma rifarei di nuovo tutto, vi verrei di nuovo incontro, vi vorrei vedere sorridere solo a sentirmi parlare, vi vorrei tutti più uniti, come da piccoli ricordate? 
Non c’era bimbo/a che stesse solo. 
Perché qualcuno andava a recuperarlo, anche a costo di restarci solo assieme. 
Ma abbiamo dimenticato, come si dimentica la storia, stessa identica cosa. 
Di voi ricordo ciò che dicevate tutti: “Mattia non cambiare non diventare come gli altri, hai qualcosa in più che non riuscirò mai a spiegarti”, questa frase me la ricordo ogni mattina quando mi sveglio, da quanti anni ormai? Troppi. 
Permettetemi una domanda? 
Perché voi siete cambiati? 
Per piacere a gente che poi vi ha fatto lo stesso gioco che avete fatto con me? 
Perché farsi del male da soli? 
Perché arrivare a non guardarsi più in faccia? 
E poi c’è ancora qualcuno che pensa di cambiare il mondo? 
Sì, uno ce n’era, il sottoscritto, ma non voleva cambiare il mondo, solamente la sua generazione, il mio sogno più grande, che continuerò anche se con molto sconforto, a portare avanti, “UNO CONTRO TUTTI”, chissà se ora qualcuno, capirà/collegherà tante mie frasi passate a cosa fossero collegate. 
Siete riusciti a darmi contro per una canzone su ciò che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle, e sono stato zitto, scendeva una lacrima, ma stavo zitto, so che qualcuno ancora l’ascolta e sappiate che vi leggo spesso nei commenti, e mi fa sorridere il fatto proprio da chi mi “odiava” ingiustificatamente alla fine è finito a farmi i complimenti, ma no, io non voglio queste cose, voglio solo capire perché un giorno disprezzate e l’altro apprezzate una persona come nulla fosse, ma non sapreste spiegarmelo, ne sarei sicuro. 
Io ho tanti di quei testi scritti negli ultimi anni, che spesso mi faccio paura da solo, non mi rendo conto di quanti ne scrivo, di quante cose il cuore comunica alla mano che spesso trema, come non volesse accettare quelle cose, ma deve, dobbiamo, accettare tutto in questa vita, ma io in primis non vorrei mai. 
Come non ho mai accettato le malattie di mia madre, la morte degli unici amici che avevo fin da quando ero adolescente, che sono gli angeli in terra che hanno evitato quel pensiero maledetto che avevo di togliermi la vita…ma qui mi fermo, perché ognuno di noi non accetta il passato, quindi si blocca, respira, e sa, che se continuasse a pensare a tutto ciò, prima o poi sarebbe lui stesso ad andarsene. 
Purtroppo la rabbia generata dalla mia generazione, da chi è passato per la mia anima, e dai quali ho voluto assorbire, pur di evitare di vedervi soffrire ancor di più, mi ha ucciso dentro.
Voi tutti qui, fuori da qui, avete visto Me per quel poco che mi è rimasto da far vedere esteriormente, con un maledetto sorriso che non farò mai mancare a nessuno, gentili o meno che siate con me; quelle poche volte che stavo al centro estivo le animatrici mi dicevano che un mio sorriso giornaliero, era la carica per tutti i ragazzi dello staff, e chi sono io per tenere musi?
Dentro non esisto più, da anni, ma sto cercando di recuperarmi, pezzo per pezzo, forse non mi basterà il resto della vita, ma voglio ritrovarmi anch’io. 
Il “numero uno” non esiste, qui dietro al mio essere, c’è solo tanta fragilità, tanta voglia di donare amore, un po’ di spensieratezza, anche se momentanea, di rialzare chi è a terra e spronarlo a rigenerarsi, assieme, mai da soli. 
Questa società c’ha fatto sbranare fra di noi, fatto credere che uno potesse essere meglio dell’altro, che potesse avere tutti ai suoi piedi, e noi ci abbiamo creduto, dai più piccoli ai più grandi, passando da un social alla vita reale, visto che ormai non c’è più differenza fra quest’ultime.
Voglio essere sincero con me stesso fino all’ultimo, anche a costo di perdere qualsiasi cosa ma mai la dignità, quindi risponderò a semplici domande che mi son state fatte negli ultimi anni, alle quali non ho mai voluto dare risposta. 
Cos’è l’amicizia? 
Puro opportunismo. 
Cos’è l’amore?
A 16 anni ti avrei risposto, quello che ha verso di me mia madre, piange, urla *silenziosamente* dai dolori, passa settimane a letto, ma rinasce quando mi vede felice, anche se solo per un giorno. 
La stessa cosa. 
Il significato del termine “amore” mi ha aperto gli occhi mentre pensavo inconsciamente di viverlo, ma andando avanti si inciampa negli errori degli anni passati, e l’amore per giunta non è mai stato amore, è sempre quel qualcosa con una data di scadenza, una parola inventa per stupire un pubblico di creduloni, sii sincero, per quante forme possa avere l’amore, come può essere chiamato tale, se siamo nati con l’odio e il disprezzo reciproco dentro? 
E tu come ultima cosa mi hai domandato perché scrivo? 
Perché tutto ciò chi mai avrebbe avuto il coraggio di ascoltarlo? 
Vi abbraccio con tutte le mie paure, spoglio di tutto ciò che negli anni non ho saputo tenermi stretto, consapevole che domani potrei non esserci più, e sicuro di aver raccontato tutto di me, perché l’oscurità non mi appartiene, e so di essere stato messo al mondo con uno scopo;
come ognuno ha il suo, io ho il mio, quello di far farvi splendere nel vostro piccolo, anche se per poco, assieme a me.
Chiudo mandando un abbraccio forte a mia mamma, il delfino che mi porto sempre in tasca da quando ero piccolo, per ricordarmi che non sono mai solo, anche nei momenti più disperati, mio padre, che nonostante le voragini d’incomprensioni conta su di me, per i vostri sacrifici, mi metto dalla vostra parte e riconosco tanti miei errori ingiustificabili, un abbraccio forte a tutte quelle persone che conosco e ho conosciuto che stanno passando dei brutti momenti, del resto non c’ha mai uniti così tanto il male quanto il bene…e a te che sei arrivato fin qui, l’unica cosa che chiedo sempre a tutti dopo un semplice ma per molti ormai banale: “Come stai”?! Ricordati di farti un sorriso appena puoi. 
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hadashigrm · 6 months
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a-namjoon-a-day · 5 months
If you had to choose only ONE (1) physical feature of Namjoon as your favorite, what would it be? I would choose his lips! They look so soft and pillowy and he has such a nice overall shape of his lips/mouth, and I LOVE how they loom when he smiles!!! 😍 - 🐬
Ahh such a good choice, his lips 💀
Well, we know that his favorite is his height (ty vanity fair lol). But for ME, hmm...
should I go with his mono eyelids?
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his - real - skin tone?
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the legendary dimples?
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what about his hands?
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or his neck?
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I have a hard time deciding! lol. But I'm going to go with those thighs...
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... & I'm not explaining why, I'm sure you get it anyway LOL
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homeric-hymnist · 3 months
some of you did not recognize the god on board and it shows
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aquaslime · 10 months
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💙 🌊 fun at the pool 💙🌊
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
It’s been a hot minute (apologies) but ever since I saw that video of Carlos tying Charles’ bracelet I’ve been going insane and so I’m returning with poly!Charlos thoughts (d/s au anyone…?)
SO at the end of the video (I’ll link it if you haven’t seen it!!) after Carlos ties Charles’ bracelet he asks him for a kiss and I just can’t stop thinking about giving kisses as payment for acts of service….. whenever either you or Carlos do something for Charles you always finish by pointing to your cheek and asking for a kiss kiss!! And Charles LOVES it even tho he blushes every time, he always obliges (he’s a good boy and he loves kisses!!) and is just the sweetest little thing showing his thanks in cheek kisses…
Carlos carries him to bed? Kiss kiss! Mommy helps him get dressed? Kiss kiss! Carlos cooks for you both? Kiss kiss! You and Carlos make your baby cum over and over? Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!
It definitely runs the other way as well!! As soon as Charles figures out he can use kisses as currency, he’s suddenly tripping over his own feet to do anything he can for you and Carlos!! Running in front of you to hold the door open for you, then shyly touching his cheek and asking for a kiss, of course you cover his little face in kisses each time as he giggles because he’s just the cutest little thing!!! Just kiss kissing all day long!! -🐬
OH MY GOD WELCOME BACK 🐬 ANON!!! YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!!!! A return of a much beloved anon is the perfect way to start off a long day of writing. And this idea is just so fucking cute I adore it. I’m definitely gonna make it the d/s au.
(Also I’m sorry in advance for making your sweet fluffy idea a little angsty, I swear I didn’t plan to)
Firstly, I think this starts cause Charles starts to feel guilty about everything you and Carlos do for him? With their old Dom, Charles did basically everything on his own. But the poor thing is a high needs sub, he should never be doing everything himself!!
So when you come along, you fix that immediately. But you also bring Carlos into the picture so much more? Carlos is a switch, and mostly he doms (though he does sub way more than he used to with you), so having him help you with Charles is amazing.
Charles loves it so so much, but he also feels guilty? Cause you and Carlos do so much for him!! You choose his meals and hand feed him and dress him and give him unlimited cuddles and sometimes he just feels so guilty cause he’s not doing as much for you and Carlos.
Maybe he gets made fun of somehow? Like he’s sitting with another driver, maybe Lando cause Lando is quite an independent sub, and then Carlos comes running to give him water and a forehead kiss and then a few minutes later you walk past so you make sure to stop by him and give him a hug on your way. And Lando just laughs, telling him that he’s so needy and dependent on his doms.
Poor Charles’s face just falls cause he… he thought that’s what he’s supposed to do? His mommy said so?? His mommy said that good boys trust their doms and let their doms look after them. And he’s a good boy, right? He’s a good boy!!
Now he’s not so sure, because Lando makes a fair point. His mommy and Carlos do so much for him, and that’s got to be hard work, right? And he does nothing in return.
Maybe he even starts trying to do things on his own?
Which us just awful for him cause he’s only a little sub!! He even has two doms because he’s so small. He hates it. He hates dressing himself every morning and picking his own breakfast and not diving into mommy’s arms for debriefs.
You catch onto it instantly, as does Carlos. But you both decide to give him some space.
Until you do a scheduled scene and Charles is so fucked out he can barely work, but he tries to walk himself to the bathroom, not wanting Carlos to carry him. And no. Absolutely not. You’re putting your foot down. Charles has cum dripping down his thighs and his cock is bright red from how many times he came and no. He’s not walking himself. Not happening.
Carlos, bless him, informs Charles that he wants a kiss in return. He’ll carry Charles if he can get a kiss.
“Kiss?” Charles asks, confused.
Carlos nods, “I want a kiss in return for carrying you. Deal?”
Instantly Charles is nodding. He can do that!!! He can give Carlos a kiss to thank him!!!
So Carlos carries charles to the bathroom and the moment he’s seated on the closed toilet seat, Carlos leans down and lets Charles give him to cheek kisses. Charles is smiling so wide, cause he did something in return!!!
You and Carlos do that for the rest of the aftercare, asking Charles for a kiss in return for doing things for him and Charles is thriving. He loves it so much!!! You tell Charles you’ll bring him some snacks if he gives you a kiss afterwards and then Charles happily munches away, not feeling guilty at all cause he gave his mommy a kiss!!!
It naturally bleeds into daily life and honestly all three of you love it. Of course you and Carlos would do these things for Charles without a kiss, but if giving one makes him happy, then it’s a win win situation.
Now when Carlos gives Charles some water, he stops and points at his cheek, smiling as Charles instantly gives him a kiss. Of course often this leads to a proper kiss on the mouth too, but it’s the cheek kiss that matters as thank you.
And of course after scenes you and Carlos get so many kisses!!! Now Charles waits until most of the aftercare is done and he’s just getting his cuddles. You and Carlos never know when the kiss attack is coming, and it is a kiss attack.
You’ll just be cuddling a sleepy Charles and the next thing you know, he’s surged up and is kissing you all over!! Though he’s still pretty uncoordinated from his scene so most of the time the kisses miss your mark, you have to close your eyes because he often kisses your eyelids instead of your cheeks but it’s so worth it. He’s so happy!!! Giving his mommy plenty of kisses.
Then he’ll turn to Carlos and Carlos just accepts his fate, opening his arms and letting Charles attack him with kisses.
And oh god the day charles realises he can get kisses is the day you create a monster. Maybe he makes lunch for you? Which is a big deal because he’s always been so insecure about his cooking ability but he’s been working so hard to be good cause he wants to cook for you and Carlos!!
So when he puts the plate down, you tell him he deserves a cheek kiss for this and he’s so happy!!! He gets cheek kisses too?? He can do things and get kisses?? AMAZING.
It’s also so good for him cause it shows him that he can do things for you and Carlos? Yes he’s your subby little thing, but he’s also capable of doing things for you and Carlos! He can pack an extra hoodie in case you get cold and help Carlos go over data and open doors and so much more.
And he gets kisses for it!!!
The absolute cutest though?? When Charles makes you or Carlos give each other kisses.
Like maybe one day you’ve got Charles’s head in your lap and he’s kinda just half napping and half relaxing, you’re playing with his hair and he’s just so comfy!! Carlos is wondering around the house, and he makes you some tea since you can’t exactly get up (Charles is like a pet, when he chooses to cuddle with you, you have no choice but to stay exactly where you are).
So Carlos brings you some tea, and Charles sees. So he smiles and mumbles, “Mommy, you must kiss kiss Carlos.”
You ask him what he means and he says, “Carlos made you tea! You must kiss kiss as a thank you.”
Which is just the cutest thing you’ve ever heard? Carlos hears too so he leans down and lets you give him two cheek kisses.
Charles smiles when he sees that and then closes his eyes again, tugging at your hand to remind you to keep on playing with his hair.
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soybush · 9 months
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A.N •
I’m posting (woah)
Wanderer is referred to as Zante since that is the name I chose for him, maybe in the future I’ll choose a more popular name used for him babygirl
Warnings •
Injuries, Mild gore, chase scene (Wanderer’s part), a bit of mean words (Wanderer and Xiao), Bad first aid, don’t try this first aid seriously… Small hurt/comfort.
Let me know if anything else should be added.
Gender neutral •
Genshin Impact Masterlist
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The cool night breeze blew through the adeptus’s locks, his golden gaze glanced over the landscape. Wangshu Inn was certainly the best place to view the valley.
Xiao leaned on the wooden railing, his head resting on the palm of his hand, only one thought in his head; “ Where could they possibly be? “
A pit in his stomach settled in as he thought about the horrible things that could’ve happened to you out in the darkness of the night. The path through the canyon was rough and treacherous, no one knew better of that fact than Xiao.
He tugged at his shirt, reassuring himself that you were safe and sound… Though that couldn’t explain why you were running so late. If you really were in danger you would’ve called out his name, which made him hesitate in coming to find you.
Xiao sucked in a breath and whirled around preparing to leave before spotting you walking up to him. You noticed his gaze and gave a soft smile as a greeting, hiding your forearm more behind your back.
His golden eyes trailed down to your arm. His gaze darted back up to yours. “ What’s wrong? “
“ What do you mean? Oh my, are you worried? My little Xiao grows up so fast. “ You teased, a smug—yet pained smile grew on your face.
“ Show me your left arm. “ Xiao ordered, you proceeded to hide your right arm behind your back and skipped back.
“ So bossy! Have you considered that I may have a surprise for you~? Come on, be more patient— Ngh! “ You winced in pain after accidentally pressing into the injury on your arm.
Xiao swiftly stepped over, grabbing your left wrist and pulling it from behind your back, revealing bloody bandages wrapped around your forearm.
Xiao twitched slightly as you had a sheepish smile plastered on your face, scratching the back of your head.
He immediately teleported you two to a room he resided in during his stay at Wangshu. Xiao pushed you down on the bed, commanding you to stay still and don’t move.
You obliged, sitting at the edge as Xiao moved across the room to find a first aid kit. He knew Verr supplied him with one but couldn’t figure out where she had put it. He didn’t use it often either as he found the item useless.
After finally finding the white and red box he returned to you, opening and getting the supplies ready, hoping he didn’t mess up.
“ You don’t know how to do first aid do you? “ You joked, trying to make light of the situation even though the feeling of uneasiness gnawed at you.
“ You clearly don’t know either you foolish mortal. “ Xiao unwrapped the bloody bandage around your forearm revealing a nasty gash going right down it. His golden eyes instantly widening, the guilt panging at your heart louder.
“ Where did you get this? “
“ I-uh… “ You glanced back and forth between Xiao and the room. You could feel his eyes boring into you.
You sighed, “ Alright fine… I, got jumped by hilichurls… quite a strong group of them too. I didn’t have time to treat it properly so I hid it from you… I’m sorry. “
“ I said you can call my name if you were in trouble, didn’t I? How foolish are you that you can slap on a bandage and call it okay?! “ You’ve never seen him talk this much, you didn’t realize how it would’ve affected him this badly.
“ I-I know! I… Just didn’t want to ruin your night considering how much you were looking forward to this… “
The room fell into an awkward silence as Xiao was about to place the washcloth on your gash. As it did, you flinched back, feeling the stinging sensation throughout your arm. You could feel his anger and unrest right from that action.
“ You could’ve died. “
“ I know… “ You faced him as he just stared down.
“ You’re the stupidest mortal I know. “
“ That’s a bit mean— “
“ I could care less about any date you’ve arranged when you’re injured. How hard is that for your mortal brain to comprehend? “
Xiao wrapped the white gauze over your gash, tightening it to make sure it stays. His gloved hand hovered over yours before he was about to pull it back.
You grasped his hand tightly, cradling it in your hand. Your eyes staring down at him.
“ I’m sorry … Xiao… I hurt you when you saw that I hid my injuries and didn’t call you. It hurts for me to become one more burden for you when you have so much already on your shoulders. “
“ I don’t care about the burden if it’s for you. “ He readjusted his hand and squeezed yours.
“ Xiao… “ You felt to it eyes water, a smile tugging at your lips. “ Then, I hope you can forgive me, I’ll come bribe you with almond tofu even if you don’t. “
“ You really have no respect for the adepti, foolish mortal. “
“ But I’m your foolish mortal, right? “
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The sound of a fist hitting wood echoed through your abode. The knock made you flinch, which in turn made the knife in your hand produce a cut on your finger.
“ Crap… “ You muttered under your breath, bringing your lips to it, and sucking on the blood before making your way over to the door.
“ I’m coming! “ You yelled out. You trotted your way over to the door opening it to reveal your blonde friend Thoma. A smile fell on his lips as he saw you.
“ Good evening, thanks for inviting me over again. I feel grateful that you see me as that close of a friend. “
“ Good evening, and of course I do! Now, come inside, I’m still cooking. “ You opened the door fully, letting him inside.
“ Ah, would you like any help? “ Thoma offered.
“ Oh, no thank you. I got it! Just make yourself comfortable. “ You clenched your fist, trying to hide the cut on your finger. It stung quite badly but you ignored it.
Thoma walked over to the living room, situating himself on the couch as you made your way over to the kitchen, going back to cutting the vegetables. You unwrapped your fist and saw the damage. Blood smeared on your hand.
You bit your lip, glancing around. Trying to see if you had your med kit nearby. Unfortunately you had placed it in the bathroom.
You hurried over to the kitchen sink, letting the rushing water clean off the wound. Thoma noticed your strange behavior from the living room. “ Hey, are you alright? “
You turned your head around, making a smile. “ Oh, great! I-uh… “ You bit your lip trying to make an excuse but your brain couldn’t think of one on the spot.
“ …If you can, could you grab the first aid kit in the bathroom? “
Thoma sat up, “ What happened? “ You hated the look of worry on Thoma’s face.
“ Uh, yeah just a tiny little cut! I’ll fix it, don't worry! “
Thoma hesitantly nodded as he fetched the first aid kit from the bathroom. You sighed, turning your head and watching the water wash the cut.
You heard Thoma’s footsteps behind you. You smiled, thanking him, grabbing the kit with your other hand. Thoma’s green eyes followed down to your finger.
“ That’s— That’s a terrible cut, do you need me to take care of it for you? “ Thoma asked, you were about to object but gave in. It wouldn’t hurt if you let him do it.
Thoma motioned you over to a chair as he took a cotton swab and ran it over your wound. You pushed through the stinky feeling as he took a bandaid and wrapped it around it.
“ There, does it feel better now? “ Thoma asked.
“ Yeah, thank you so much. Sorry for the trouble. “
“ No-No! It’s alright! Don’t worry about it at all. “ He got up from his kneeling position on the floor.
“ Do you want me to make dinner? I’m afraid you won’t be able to do much with that injury. “
“ I wouldn’t want to bother you, but if you’re willing to do it. Sorry I won’t be able to be the one cooking, it’s my home after all. “
Thoma walked further into the kitchen. “ As I said, don’t worry! You wanted to try my cooking again didn’t you? So this is the perfect opportunity. “ He smiled, one that contaminated your face too.
You didn’t think you deserved such an amazing person, but now the only thing you can do is feel grateful.
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The wind whirled all around you, the scenery becoming a blur as you raced through the forest. The world seemed to eventually slow down the farther you ran.
Your hand leaned on a tree for support before you came to a full stop. You heaved, trying to get the air back in your lungs as your sides burned, a sign that you’d been running for too long.
That’s when you were hit with the full force of pain. The sensation made you lose your footing while you plummeted towards the ground, landing on the harsh dirt.
Your gaze fell down to your calf, a long cut going down it, blood seeping out onto the ground. You bit your tongue, stifling a whine so your pursuers couldn’t find you, though they could probably guess where your location is by the blood trail you left in your wake.
You clawed at the ground, attempting to get up but to only fall down again.
The footsteps that echoed through the forest slowly got louder as they approached your location rapidly. In response, you gripped onto the tree and tried to pull yourself up.
All the attempts to get back up on your feet were futile, the thought of death flashed in your head. The footsteps drew near, but they were quickly replaced by grunting and other noises that came from a battlefield.
Eventually only one pair of footsteps remained, you locked eyes with purple ones. A wave of relief washed over you after you spotted the familiar face, albeit that face wasn’t happy.
“ What the actual hell were you doing out here you idiot?! Weren’t you going to pick fruits, not be chased around?! “ He strutted up to you, hovering over your figure.
“ I was picking fruits! I just— uh— saw something I shouldn’t have seen I guess. “ You laughed sheepishly, totally forgetting the amount of blood leaking from your leg.
Zante sighed, his eyes trailing down to your calf, seeing how bad the cut was. His eye twitched as he strutted over to you and tore off a piece of his clothing.
“ Hey! What the hell— “
“ Shut up for one second will you? “
You quieted down quickly, watching him do his work on your calf.
“ That’ll work till we get back, you have some medical supplies right? “ He asked, you noticed he was being unusually kind. You half expected Zante to just leave you there.
He tucked his hand under your knees and situated one of your back, lifting you up off the ground. You looked up at Zante with wide eyes. This action surprised you, he’s never acted this caring to you before.
“ Stop staring, you look stupid. “
“ I really can’t have a nice moment with you at all… “
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Showering/bathing with Pietro? I want him to hold me in a nice bubble bath and pin me to wall of the shower 🥰
don’t we all??🥲 this is probs considered smut with some of the words I used, I was aiming for just suggestive, but my brain went the other way. hope that’s okay!💌
18+ fem!reader, mdni
— pietro LOVES to share a shower!! likes loves!! you'd be in there on your own, and he just knocks at the door saying, "could've told me you were showering, and I would have joined you," like he expects to share one all the time! forgetting you might want some time alone. he's just gotten in the habit that shower time is shared shower time
— he's always bringing it up like, "shower together soon?" "when do you want a shower?" "wait for me. I want to join," it doesn't even have to be sexual. he just finds it deeply intimate, and it's probably his favourite time of day. I don't think it's just about seeing you naked (although that plays a big part) something about the vulnerability and domesticity of it all. washing each other, kissing each other, standing close together in such a small place, all that stuff
— bc you're sharing water, you may take longer in there (so like the same amount of water used if you were to be separate)
— he always plays with your tits when he's washing you, just rubbing the subs and bubbles over them, eyes locked on them jiggling in his hands (I put this in another hc, but he loves soapy titty pics, so this??? it's even better)
— he def uses shower time as a way to worship you!! like he would bend to the floor, holding under your foot as he scrubs up your legs with the loofah. he also kisses you in random non-soapy spots as he washes you
— he loves it when you wash his hair, it always feels so much cleaner and lighter after you do it. you just dig your fingers right in there, massaging his scalp and he ALWAYS tilts his head back so you can do it easier. he makes these cute little hums bc you just do it so good
— after you're both washed, you stand under the shower head as you rinse. he'd have his hands on your jaw, kissing you, using the back of his head/ upper back to direct the water away from your face. it would very obviously get heated and he'd just squeeze your ass as you make out, probs pushing you up against the tiles. then he'd just kiss down your neck, tilting your head back and muffling dirty things into your skin
— maybe then you suck him off or he eats you out or you fuck. OR you both dry off and then fuck on the bathroom sink, just spitballing here ;)
— ALSO, he ALWAYS steps out first wraps a towel around himself, and then helps you out!! wrapping a towel around you and patting you dry
— it would just be a cute daily ritual that you both love. again not always sexual, you could just be having a bad day and he'd just hug you in there and help you wash instead
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mccek · 6 months
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“Nonoo” questa mattina sei venuto a mancare e dopo aver lottato per altri tre mesi, anche se in ospedale ti avevano dato pochi giorni, ininterrottamente non hai mai mollato quel filo sottile che divide la vita dalla morte; anche contro le tue volontà a testa alta col tuo carattere (in cui non mi rispecchiavo) sei riuscito a tenerti vivo, ahimè, purtroppo, la morte vince si tutto, non ha pietà.
Fin da piccolo il tuo sogno era di vedermi guidare, cosa che se pur col tempo ho saputo apprezzare non ho mai amato fare come te, prima che l’infarto ti colpisse definitivamente ti avevo fatto una promessa, di portarti a vedere un gran premio di formula uno, da noi tanto amata, questo seppur per evidenti problemi economici non mi avrebbe mai impedito di non farlo, però non avresti avuto le forze, anche se immagino che ti saresti commosso, anche se una persona come te era difficile vederla piangere.
Abbiamo avuto periodi in cui ci costruivamo mentalmente dei muri invisibili e proprio per la differenza del nostro carattere questo ci ha ferito entrambi, fuori sicuramente eravamo orgogliosi ma il problema poi è sempre dentro, quel peso che a lungo andare ti consuma fino a trasformalo in malattia.
Col senno di poi siamo bravi tutti, tu hai le tue responsabilità e io le mie, non esistono santi, nessuno di noi due ha vinto o perso, nonostante abbiamo sofferto, ci siamo riavvicinati pian piano, con più fiducia e lo abbiamo fatto raccontandoci la mia, la nostra infanzia, nostra perchè alla fine hai passato davvero tanti anni assieme a me quando ero piccolo, io non dimentico i tuoi errori nonno, ma nemmeno il bene che mi hai fatto, la tua immensa disponibilità per me e la mamma quando aveva bisogno di essere portata per lunghi anni su e giù in ospedale, sappi che queste cose rimarranno impresse nella mia testa, perché col tempo, forse crescendo, anche se ancora mi vedo, sai, un po’ bambino, quel Mattia che era il tuo idolo, che doveva essere il migliore di tutti, ma che in realtà voleva solo essere come tutti, e che quei tutti avessero il mio stesso cuore, quella bontà che col tempo è pian piano svanita.
Chi si dimentica di tutta quella gente che ci Incontrava in bici la mattina presto?
La tua felicità negli occhi, nel vedere come tutti si fermassero a guardarmi, a parlarmi e a sottolineare il fatto che il sorriso non mi mancasse mai.
Si andava a prendere il pane, ne volevo subito un pezzo, ci fermavamo a vedere tutti i cani della via con la speranza che rispondessero alle mie parole, e restavo lì convinto fino a quando sentivo abbaiare e tu mi davi conferma delle loro risposte.
Che periodi, cercavo sempre mia mamma, purtroppo per via del lavoro per me era come stesse via intere settimane ma in realtà così non era, però tu ben sapevi quanto io sia legato a mamma, e tranquillo ricorderò sempre quanto anche tu lo fossi, anche se spesso avevi qualcosa da ridere per via del tuo carattere ricorderò le tue ultime parole: “La mamma è la donna più intelligente che ho conosciuto, fin troppo buona e disponibile per tutti, voglio che lei lo sappia”.
Potrei scrivere un libro, non un poema su ciò che abbiamo vissuto insieme, sei stato la mia infanzia, il mio periodo preferito, lo rivivrei mille volte, nonostante il tuo modo di essere, ma chi sono io per giudicare? Certo, quello che penso lo dico, come hai sempre fatto tu, ma allo stesso tempo non mi nasconderò mai come non giudicherò mai!
Ora stai vicino alla nonna, e assieme fatemi il regalo più grande, che non sono i soldi, non sono una vita di successi, ma la speranza di vedere vostra figlia, mia mamma, stare un po’ meglio.
Solo questo.
Il pensiero rimbomberà sempre nella mia testa, fra cose belle e cose brutte, ma per vivere di questi tempi, bisogna affidarsi solo all’amore, lo sai nonno no?
Quella piccola parte di odio che io ho sempre avuto verso la mia generazione, e tu, verso chi ben sapevi, era molto simile, però se fossi qui so che con un sorriso, e magari una lacrima, diresti: “Qua te ghe rason”.
Ciao caro nonno, ti voglio bene❤️
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hadashigrm · 2 years
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