#;-; i love soft rafe
winterrrnight · 11 months
I may start writing for Rafe!!! I have a very cool fic idea :)
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
everybody wants him, that was my crime
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words: 2.1k
warnings: bullying, slut shaming
kinda based on the song slut! by taylor swift
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
it’s your first night out as a couple, deciding finally to make an appearance together at a party after dating in secret for three months, on your insistence. rafe cameron has a reputation, and you didn’t want to go down as one of his flings, but he showed you how serious he was, all leading up to tonight.
“i don’t know why i’m nervous.” you giggle, hand firmly in rafes as he drives you towards the party in his truck. you sit in your passenger seat, now decked out just for you. the glove box has shifted from random things rafe threw in there to your personal stash of lip balms and tampons, along with whatever else you could need while in rafes vehicle.
“that’s so cute baby.” rafe smiles at you, slowing the car to a stop at a red light before leaning over the center console and pressing a kiss to your lips. you were unlike rafe had ever dated before, shy and quiet at first but blossomed in private. “but no need to be nervous, i’m gonna be right by your side the whole time.” “i wonder if my girls will be mad i didn’t tell them.” you mumble, squeezing rafes hand to comfort yourself, remind you he’s right there. you told all of your friends that you were in a relationship, just didn’t specify who.
“if they are mad, then they aren’t very good friends, are they?” rafe questions, and you just give a small nod. he may be right, but that wouldn’t make losing your friends hurt any less.
you finally arrive to the party, rafe rounding the hood of the truck to open the door for you. you smile at him as you get out, remembering the reason why you’re going through this in the first place. you love rafe, you love the way he treats you, and you want to be done hiding.
“lets go, baby.” rafe wraps an arm around your shoulders, heading into the house. you instantly notice the stares, but rafe is so confident and sure of himself, keeping his head held high as he treks through the house, looking for familiar faces.
“hey, top.” rafe lets go of you for a moment to clap hands with his friend before immediately returning to touching you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “you know, y/n?” he questions, and topper nods with a small smile. you’ve run into each other a few times, it is a small island afterall.
“hi, topper! its good to see you again.” you say, a sweet smile on your face.
“wait-” topper glances at rafes arm around your waist. “are you the girl rafe has been seeing?”
you laugh at toppers stunned expression and give him a nod.
“thats-thats great. i didn’t think you’d go for someone like rafe but you seem like a good couple.” topper turns his attention to rafe. “congrats, man.”
rafe gives a nod and smile as his thanks, moving to press a kiss to your forehead. he may claim to not care about topper or his approval, but rafe wouldn’t befriend someone if they truly had no impact on him.
“oh my god, theres liv!” you squeal, waving across the party to her as shes sat on a couch, surrounded by a few other friends that you don’t know as well. “i’ll be right back, rafey.” you turn to him, hesitating for a moment before remembering you’re no longer hiding and press a kiss firmly to his lips.
you rush over to liv, who is looking at you with an unreadable look on her face. “hey liv!” you plop down next to her with a smile.
“did you just kiss rafe cameron?” she questions. “i thought you had a secret boyfriend?” “yeah.” you giggle, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “he is my secret boyfriend. we’ve been together three months now. almost four.” the group of girls fall silent, and you wonder if you’ve said something wrong as you look at all their faces.
“you know that i have a crush on him.” liv finally responds.
“yeah, me too.” one of the other girls responds, one that you’re not even as close to.
“well-” you laugh, unable to help yourself at the awkwardness of it all, hoping its just some joke. “we all had crushes on him but rafe and i are dating now so-” you shrug, unable to come up with any better words. “i don’t know.”
“its just a little rude that you went behind all of our backs. and then kept it a secret?” another girl butts in.
“it’s not like that.” you shake your head, trying to explain, but there’s already a chorus of agreements.
“we really don’t care what it’s like, y/n.” liv sighs, crossing her arms over her chest. “this is a total breach of girl code.” “i didnt know yall would feel that way.” you say honestly, feeling tears well up in your eyes. you stand up, not going to let this go any further, especially because you can tell the girls are drunk from the white claws and empty glasses sitting on the table. 
you are just about to find rafe when you hear liv say behind you, ���what does he even see in her?” coming from your closest friend, it stings like a knife straight through the heart. 
the tears begin to fall as you look for rafe, spotting him still talking to topper. when he sees you in tears, he drops whatever drink he’s holding and runs to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you bury your face in his shoulder, sobs racking over your body.
rafe gives the girls a glare, knowing they must have done something, but you’re his priority as he picks you up, beginning to carry you inside as you wrap your legs around him. you continue to cry into rafes shirt, wetting it with your tears until you get sat down on a bed, in what you’re guessing is a guest bedroom.
“baby girl, whats wrong?” rafe asks with a pout on his face, hating to see you upset. he cups your cheeks, bringing you in for a kiss, not even caring that your cheeks are still stained with tears or that you’re sniffling.
“the girls are all pissed at me. said i broke girl code because they had a crush on you. well, boo hoo because i had a crush on you too!” you complain, making rafe laugh softly, kneeling down between your legs.
“i’m so sorry.” rafe says earnestly, knowing what its like to lose friends, and knowing you of all people don’t deserve it, the sweetest girl he’s ever met.
“i just know that if it was any of them in my shoes, i would be so supportive.” you sigh. maybe not literally with the knowledge that you have now of how perfect you and rafe are for each other, but if they got with a guy you mutually had a crush on, you would be beyond happy for your friend, and you’re not sure why you aren’t receiving the same treatment. 
“we’re gonna find you some better friends, baby. you don’t need jealous pricks in your life.” rafe squeezes your thighs, and you give a little nod.
“now i feel silly for crying.” you wipe your palms against your cheeks, knowing your makeup is ruined.
“you’re allowed to be upset. lets get you cleaned up then we will go have a good time at the party, yeah? just me and you. we can dance a little and then go home and cuddle all night.” rafe offers.
you give a little nod before leaning forward and pressing your lips against rafes. “thank you.” you say. “i love you.” “i love you too.” rafe says, standing up and giving you a hand up, leading you into the attached bathroom to wash your face off. you take a deep breathe before nodding to rafe, indicating you’re ready to face the mess again.
“always by your side.” rafe says as a reminder. 
“liv just messaged me.” you frown, opening up the snapchat, rafe moving to peer over your shoulder.
hey. i’m sorry about everything that happened at the party last week. all of us were drunk. can we meet up to talk?
you’re not sure what to make of the message. your initial reaction is to say yes of course, but you were so hurt, and you’re not sure if you can go through that again.
“what are you thinking baby?” rafe asks, stroking his hand over your arm absentmindedly, but it still brings you comfort.
“i don’t know, to be honest.” you sigh, setting your phone down on your lap, leaving the screen open to the message. “part of me wants to meet up with her, but she was just so nasty. it’s not like being drunk is a good excuse.” “if you want, you could meet up with her and i can be there with you.” rafe offers, knowing how much his presence means to you.
“maybe we will get coffee and you can wait in the car. that way if anything happens…” you trail off. 
“sounds perfect.” rafe presses a kiss to your cheek as you pick up the phone, typing back a message to liv.
it feels like the days rush past and before you know it its the day you planned to meet up. you’ve been pushing the nerves away, but they are back in full force as you’re getting ready.
“it’s not too late to skip out.” rafe says, brushing your hair as you apply some simple makeup. he wants you to have closure with your friend, but he also can’t stand to see you in despair.
“no, i want to go.” you say honestly. you’ve gotten increasingly hopeful, maybe foolishly so, that you can repair your friendship. since you and rafe went public, the only friends you’ve been hanging out with is rafes, and not that you mind, topper turned out to be a lot friendlier of a guy than you originally expected, and kelce wasn’t so bad either.
“alright, lets go then baby.” rafe says. he holds your hand the entire car ride there, stroking his thumb over the back of your hand. you put all your focus on that gentle feeling instead of letting your mind wander through all the bad things that could happen.
“just text or call me if you need anything.” rafe says, dropping you off right outside the front of the cafe.
“thank you, i love you.” you give rafe a kiss before getting out, spotting liv right as you enter, sitting in a booth near the back.
“hey liv.” you smile slightly, sliding onto the seat across from her.
“y/n.” liv says with a smile that looks forced.
you stay silent, waiting for the apology to come. you certainly aren’t going to be the one to initiate it.
“how is rafe?” she asks.
“he’s amazing.” you say simply, not wanting to get into the details of your relationship without some further conversation.
“so you’re just hooking up?” she questions, an eyebrow raising.
you let out a startled laugh. truth is, you wouldn’t let rafe touch you intimately until you were dating for two months already. “no, we are in a relationship. he is my boyfriend.” “oh…” liv trails off. “because i heard some rumors… but nevermind.”
“what rumors?” you question bluntly, not wanting to tiptoe around the subject.
“that rafe only dated you because you put out so quickly. everyone is calling you supreme slut for bagging him.” “they’re what?!” you shout, not caring that the other customers in the cafe turn to look at you.
“relax, slut is like totally reclaimed now.” liv says, as if she didn’t just say something incredibly insulting.
“well.” you stand up, staring down at liv. “i don’t really care what anyone else has to say. you are all clearly jealous that i’m the one rafe is with. so call me a slut, say i’m not worthy, i don’t give a shit because you know what?” you bend down, filled with a sudden surge of confidence. “i am the one who gets him at the end of the day. not. you.”
you turn abruptly, strutting out of the restaurant. you get into the passenger side of rafes car, a satisfied smirk on your face.
“how did it go?” rafe asks cautiously, unable to read the look on their face.
“i told her she’s just jealous. it really opened my eyes about all of their true intentions. i don’t care about them anymore. it’s me and you.” you reach over and squeeze rafes hand.
“me and you baby.” he nods in agreement.
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cute-sucker · 2 months
sweet endearments
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note: this is where i got inspo from for the nicknames xxx summary: sily!pogue!reader meets rafe's parents, but not without some shenanigans. warning: this is so goofy oml (but so long omg, and i'm 99.9% sure it sucks but whatever) words; 1,900
"baby, why are you taking so long?" rafe whined from downstairs. you peeked from your stairs seeing your tough boyfriend pouting. you bit your lip from laughing, and then quickly refrained from making fun of him.
lately, he'd gotten more clingy, but you liked it. you would never tell him, but you liked it when he rested his head on your stomach and innocently told you he wanted to hear your heartbeat. you liked that he held your hand in public, your pinkies locked.
but most of all you liked the secret smiles that he gave you. his eyes would shine, and you swore he had dimples when he smiled at you.
he was a heartache to look at.
but you liked his endearments the most.
how he would call you 'cupcake', sometimes 'sweets', and the other times 'baby.' at the beginning of your relationship you had been so confused about who he was talking to, but now you had grown accustomed to the different endearments he had given you. you had gotten so used to the nicknames when he said your name, you were surprised.
"hey! you comin'?" he yelled, as he looked at his watch before tucking his wallet into the pocket in his pants. finally perfecting your red lipstick, you skipped down. you were meeting his parents today, a day that you were extremely nervous about.
rafe looked up from his phone, eyes full of warmth and a teasing smile on his face before he reached for you.
you twirled away from him, a smile on your face before you gave him a spin, and then blew a kiss in his direction.
"do you like it?" you asked him, your voice loud and bubbly. he smirked, and then reached for your face before you could run away from his reach.
"i love it,"
you laughed at the proclamation, and he seemed to soften at your expression, but you watched him fiddle with his golden rings nervously.
this was as new for him as it was for you. you were the last pogue that would be seen around rafe cameron. you were the jokester, the one that skipped school 'cause it was too boring, and sold your short stories in your free time.
you were usually so unserious half of the time he was frowning and the other time he was laughing at the next thing you had said. when he had asked you to meet his parents, you had snorted with laughter before he told you he was serious.
after that you were scared. you didn't know that what you had with rafe was that serious. you had been joking around half the time, and yet now...now what you felt for him was not a joke. you had talked to your girlfriends for assurance and they had told you to pull a small prank on him. that it would lighten the mood. so that's what you were going to do.
he hummed in response. his hand rested on your thigh in true rafe fashion, and you found yourself laughing in a true passenger princess manner. finally, he rolled his eyes, though his expression was tinged with suspicion. obviously, he knew you wouldn't be so well-behaved for so long.
you loved how well he knew you.
"what is it?"
"i was thinking, as one does-"
and you were cut off by his groan, as he pulled the car car muttering something incoherent . his eyes looked at you tired and then raised an eyebrow when the car had finally parked.
"what is it now?"
you giggled, and then bit your lip, "y'know how much i love your endearments right?," you rambled quickly trying to keep a serious face, "-but you know how unoriginal they are right... and like i was thinking of you calling me 'big dwag,' from now on,"
"what the hell do you mean by 'big dwag?'" rafe cut you off, his jaw clenched, his voice so gruff that you wanted to burst into laughing. he looked so shocked, and confused at the same time that you were glad he had stopped the car to talk to you.
"okay, okay! so like when you introduce me to your parents... i want you to call me 'big dwag," instead of your girlfriend."
"oh my god- you're so fucking weird."
"listen bro-"
"did you just call me bro? it's the ultimate betrayal. my heart can't take this sweets."
you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. rafe did the same, his eyebrows scrunched, and then tilted his head, as he pinched the pinched the bridge of his nose.
"sweets. i really love you, but i really don't want to call you that," he said slowly, compassionately as if he trying to get you to understand. you pouted, as he frowned at you.
"no, i get it you won't call me big dwag. it means a lot to me you know?"
"i can't deal with this," and he puts his head in his hands, while leaning back in his seat sounding absolutely exasperated "i'm not taking you to meet my dad and introduce you as big dwag. i can't do that."
"it's two words."
"i thought you loved my endearments," he said frowning at you.
now you felt bad, as he looked at you. you groaned and then gave him your best puppy eyes.
finally, he let out a gruff sigh. "okay. okay, from now on i will be calling you big dwag."
"really? i love you so much!"
"if my dad ask me to break up with you, it will be this obscene nickname's fault."
then he gave you a final glare and started the car. you hummed happily to all of your favorite songs trying not to notice the way he wasn't trying to smile at your expression. he was so in love with you.
then you leaned back satisfied. obviously, he wasn't going to use the nickname, he was just playing with you. that was until the both of you made it to his house. it was beautiful and gigantic, and at other times you would have paid more attention to it as a whole until you saw the smirk on rafe's face.
"c'mon let's go."
all of you ate comfortably on the porch of the cameron's house. all night you had sat well-behaved, laughing at ward's jokes and asking if you could help rose. the whole time rafe hid his laughter by coughing. wheezie had loved you so much that she had told rafe that you were her favourite girlfriend by far.
"you are a wonderful girl," rose murmured to you after the dinner finished and as you helped her fix the plates. "but i wonder if you could do better."
"warning her off already? man, you really can't let me have anything good, can you? " rafe muttered, his voice full of scorn as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. his eyes were full of possesiveness, his body language showed he was ready to start a fight.
you rested your palm on his chest, as if to calm him. but he ignored your soft touch and instead stared rose down. you could see some unease in rose's eyes as she opened her mouth again before closing it, as if she decided that it wasn't worth it. then she muttered something about helping wheezie leaving the two of you together.
it was clear that rafe didn't like her. you had already felt rafe hovering over you like a hawk, anxiously, and attentively, almost as if you were going to flee at a single warning. he had to remember many people had warned you about him.
you looked up at him, worried what you would find in his eyes. "are you okay?"
rafe shook his head, and then gently nudged you to the pool. "i'm alright. just let me fix something up. i'll be back."
you nodded uncertain, anxious thoughts floating in your head. he didn't trust you. he didn't trust you.
finally, you found yourself resting near the pool, your feet dipped inside.
"how's my big dwag?"
you turned around a hand on your forehead as you squinted to see rafe smiling down. he looked calmer now, almost as if that minute alone had done him well. his well-fitted shirt made you want to kiss him, but the hurt feelings still left a stinging sense on your heart. the sun shone so bright you could barely see a single thing. but this time instead of saying something funny, you found yourself feeling stupidly insecure your knees tucked against your chest.
"i'm okay."
rafe frowned at your expression before he sat down next to you.
"my girl can't be feelin' sad. not with me around."
you squirmed as he reached for you with his strong arms but his gentle touch and peppered kisses all over your face, and protested that he was ruining your dress. finally, when you looked into his eyes and you let out a loud laugh.
it was settled.
today wasn't the day to open old wounds.
"you're stupid, rafe cameron."
instead of making fun of you, he wrapped his hands around your waist, and you found yourself smiling as he kissed you. he was so soft, so attentive, and you practically melted in his warm hands. when you pulled away, you had forgotten the stupid feelings that you were overwhelmed with. when you pulled away you wanted to rest your head on rafe's shoulder, but he had other plans. rafe had gotten up and said he had yelled something at ward.
ward looked away looking shocked, and then furrowed his expression, holding the barbecue skewer awkwardly in his hands.
"dad, did you know that this girl here is my big-" he mocked, jerking a hand to your direction before you squealed, and covered his mouth with your hands.
"shut up, shut up!"
then you turned to rafe with a vengeful expression "pull a stunt like that again and i'm sending that photo of you butt naked to john b."
rafe looked absolutely shocked, completely silent, looking as if he was going to blow a vein. "sweets, you're absolutely crazy. and you would never!"
you giggled, and then ran away from him, as he followed you a grin on his face.
he was used to your stupid threats, and finally, when you stopped and looked back at rafe, he gave you a silly proud smile. you swatted him away when he tried to hug you, but before you knew it he had gathered you in his arms and jumped into the pool with you tightly squeezed against his chest.
when you finally submerged, sputtering while you glared at rafe. "don't ever call me that again, you jerk!"
he was soaked with water, a stupid smile on his face before he hummed and pulled you into his arms. you didn't resist and only splashed him with water. his face turned into a scowl before he pinched your cheeks and kissed your forehead.
"you're lucky i'm crazy about you dumbass."
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sematarygirls · 3 months
my headcanons of rafe with an s/o that has anxiety (very soft, hates everyone but you rafe)
firstly, this man is always always ALWAYS worried about you. like, sometimes you swear he has the anxiety not you by how overbearing he is— but of course you love it
he makes you feel so safe and secure.
makes sure that he locks every door, window, anything that leads to the outside to soothe your worries, despite how many times he'd insist that nothing bad would happen to you living in figure 8.
he tries his best to push you to do things out of your comfort zone because he knows it would be good for you, but he never forces you.
whenever you two go out, he does all the talking. he knows how nervous you get speaking to strangers and how embarrassed you get when you stutter talking to a waiter or cashier, so he does it for you.
he knows exactly how to soothe you when you find yourself panicking. he holds your hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb, whispering reassuring things into your ear, and reminding you to breathe.
walks slow in public and keeps a firm hold on you. he's always holding your hand or looping his arm around yours or securing his arm around your waist to hold you close because he knows how nervous you get in crowded places, that fear of getting separated always creeping in.
he holds you tight on nights where the stress and worry all pour into your mind at once. he kisses your head, pets your hair, rubs your back, and is just there for you while you cry. he doesn't try to pry anything out of you. he's just there to comfort you and listen whenever you feel ready.
he doesn't mock or condescend your fears, however irrational they may be. and he won't tolerate anyone else doing it. he wouldn't think twice about throwing punches at anyone who made fun of you.
he tries to steer you away from bad habits like skin picking, nail biting, cheek biting— things like that. he's constantly looking up alternatives and ways to break habits because he knows it's not good for you, and he wants you to be safe.
always makes sure he's ready to go anywhere atleast an hour in advance because he knows how stressed you get about being late
his compliments of you are never ending !! seriously, this man is obsessed with how you look— and your charming personality, of course. he knows how insecure you are about how you look, and it just bewilders him because you're the most stunning person he's ever laid his eyes on.
let's you play with his hands and rings and whatever else you need to fiddle with to destress no matter what he's doing.
drives you absolutely everywhere and anywhere. you are his passenger princess through and through. he won't let you take public transportation, he knows how stressed you'd get, and he knows how worried you are getting behind the wheel of your own car, so he makes sure you know that he's your own personal chauffer. anytime you need him, he will be there.
buys you a promise ring as a symbol of his commitment to you. whenever you get into one of your anxious or depressed moods where you've convinced yourself that he doesn't actually like you and that you're a burden, he grabs your hand and makes you look at the ring, telling you that there's no one else he'd rather be with and that you're the light of his life. he promises to love you until he takes his last breath.
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chrissiewatts · 2 years
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TRYING (2020- ) | 3.07 What a Banker
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feathersontheclyde · 7 months
​❝ i made pumpkin cookies! want to try one? ❞ -- rafe, from riley.
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Rafe looks down at the plate of cookies with playful suspicion. " You made these all by yourself? " He smirks. " I didn't know you were the baker type. "
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He picks one up and takes a bite and is pleasantly surprised at how good it tastes. " Shit! These... these are actually really good. Do you mind If I take another one? " He asks even though he'd only just finished the one in his hand.
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starkeylover · 1 year
and who’s gonna kiss the blonde haired boys (rafe cameron) and who’s gonna wipe away their tears ? (me. i will)
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clairelilcorner-a · 3 months
❝ She has your eyes. ❞ shelby ( @qveens ) for rafe -- pregnancy!au?
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“she does, doesn’t she?” smile printed on his lips while he stared down at his precious little girl. his princess; after all his queen was the one whom he had an arm wrapped around. a content sigh, for a moment rafe caught himself remembering where he was a matter of months ago. there with her. except for the fact there was no crib, or no baby. yet there she was. his daughter. the reason he’d been sober for as long as he remembered... and the reason his dad had placed rafe back on his good spot. while it wasn’t his ultimate plan, rafe knew he wouldn’t do anything different when he stared down at his sleeping little girl. “but she has everything else from her mommy... lucky her, you’re the most gorgeous woman to ever step on those grounds,” smile shifted into a smirk, he leaned down to capture her lips into one much needy kiss.
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ner0ticmemories · 4 months
catch me finding ashley pulling all the rafe's in her lap and giving his forehead kisses because he needs the relief from all the tension he suffers from
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
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words: 3.1k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, crime boss!rafe, (former) stripper!reader, drug dealing, prostitution/sex club, multiple murders, guns, shooting, kidnapping, unprotected p in v sex, tit slapping, male receiving handjob, kind of rough sex? its not that intense idk
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
rafe stands on the upper balcony, his hands on the railing as he leans to look at the crowd moving below his feet, a mix of grinding and bumping bodies in various states of undress. his eyes search for you. he always searched for you in the crowd, making sure there is a smile on your face, and that there are no grabby hands touching parts of you that are well and solely his.
it wasn’t a crazy leap from what rafe did in his teenage years. moving from selling drugs to running a club. not just any club, of course. rafe called it a loose clothing policy club, but really it was constant sex parties behind the doors, doors that people pay a lot of money to get on the other side of. 
he, of course, kept up the lucrative drug business, but passed off the actual sale and deal to some underlings. it may not make him a completely legitimate businessman like his father, but it got him a hell of a lot closer to it, and the money got him a lot more respect as well. among the drug dealers and bartenders in his employ, he also has dancers. dancers who just happen to feel the urge to get on top of the bar and take their clothes off while the crowd cheers.
dancers don’t have to engage in any acts of sexual nature with the guests if they don't want to, but most choose to for the generous tips they give, on top of the wage rafe gives them. except for you. he hired you fresh out of college, with a bachelor's degree in arts that you had nothing you could do with, not while staying in north carolina at least. you were confident and beautiful, but you never went too far with any of the men or women who came into the bar, not until rafe approached you one night.
you’ve been his since. his girl, who he allows out on nights that he’s there to watch over you, not truly trusting even his security to keep you safe, just himself. he knows you like to drink and dance, and he’d never stop you from doing whatever you like to do, even if it means he’s internally seething with jealousy, glaring at every man who looks at you.
“sir.” the voice brings rafe out of his own head, looking over.
“what is it?” he questions, voice gruffer than he means for it to come out.
“one of the dealers wants to talk with you.” he replies. rafe would get upset, he hates being interrupted, but this is one of his best men. “he’s already in your office.”
“fine.” rafe sighs, eyes glancing back over the floor. “watch y/n.” he simply says before walking away, knowing he doesn’t need to get into the specifics of never looking away or letting anyone touch you.
“what do you want, martin?” rafe asks, slamming the door shut behind him, moving his hands to his hips, pushing his suit jacket out of the way, letting the gun that he keeps holstered on his hip be in plain sight, a warning and a reminder.
“i want to talk to you about the cut you’re taking.” martin responds, his eyes wild and crazy, and rafe has no doubt that he’s dipping into the drugs hes supposed to be selling. rafe knows the feeling well, but he got out of all of that once his mind started to lose focus too often, and the drugs got too irresistible.
“the cut i’m taking?” rafe questions. “of the drugs that i supply you?” “there wouldn’t be any money if it weren’t for me selling.” martin responds, his hands twitching on his knees, fingers grimy.
“you think i couldn’t have another seller lined up immediately? i can’t believe you’d bug me with this shit.” rafe groans. he wants to get his eyes back on you, immediately.
“wait!” martin says as rafe turns to the door. rafe has to take a deep breath to not deck him immediately, his hands clenching in a fist. “since you don’t want to give me a cut, i want $100k. for reimbursement.” rafe lets out a barking laugh, shaking his head. “and why would i do that?” “because if you don’t, i’m not gonna let your girl go.” martin says, a sick grin coming to his face. “my associate should be taking her out of the building right now, so it’s 100k or she-”
rafe doesn’t let martin finish his sentence. he doesn’t want to hear what is about to fall out of his gross mouth, he simply raises his gun and shoots him square between the eyes. martin falls to the ground, dead before he even realized that the gun was unholstered.
a group of rafes men rush into the office upon hearing the gunshot, but rafe doesn’t care about the body on the floor. “find y/n! immediately!” he shouts, pushing past all of them to rush down the stairs to the main level.
the club explodes into action, every crevice being searched for you. rafe rushes outside along with his men, eyes searching for anything suspicious, when he sees a black van speeding away. rafe doesn’t question his movements or the implications, raising his gun and shooting at the tire, causing the van to spin to a stop.
rafe runs over as quickly as his legs will carry him, throwing open the back doors of the van, his heart breaking when he sees you looking so small, hands tied together and gag shoved into your mouth, your eyes wide and clothing askew.
“shh, i’m here baby.” rafe says, grabbing you out of the van, undoing your hands carefully and taking the gag out of your mouth.
“rafe!” you sob, hiding your face in his shoulder as he picks you up, holding you against him, rubbing over your back even as his hands shake at the fact that he almost just lost you.
“it’s okay, i’m here.” rafe says, but you just continue to cry into his shirt.
“sir.” one of rafes men says. the one that he tasked to watch you, the one that let you out of his sight, let you get taken. “what do you want us to do with the driver?”
theres another dealer rafe recognizes, kneeling on the street, eyes flicking between rafe and the gun pointed at him. rafe doesn’t care if he could give more information, he hurt his girl, and that means only one fate is meant for him. rafe raises his gun and shoots the dealer himself, before turning it to his own man.
“no! sir, plea-” rafe doesn’t let him finish his sentence. you shudder and keep your face pressed against rafes shirt, knowing that you don’t want to see whatever just happened. 
“let this be a lesson on what happens if you ever cross me.” rafe says, addressing his men. “now clean this shit and my office up. i’m taking y/n home. i will get back in touch in the morning.”
rafe doesn’t bother going back inside. he walks straight to his car, setting you down in the passenger seat, sighing sadly when you curl up, rubbing at your wrists.
“i’m so sorry, baby.” rafe says, pressing a kiss to your hair before rounding the car, quickly turning it on and heading towards home.
he takes a deep breath once he’s passed the well secured gate, knowing that you’re more than safe in the walls of his mansion.
“do you want to talk about it?” rafe asks once he gets you inside, and onto the couch, a cup of water in our hand.
“it was just so scary.” you pout, eyes turning downward. “they grabbed me out of the crowd, and shoved that nasty rag in my mouth so i couldn’t scream.”
“i will kill everyone involved.” rafe says, and you know he’s serious. you press your hands to his cheeks, bringing him into a kiss. 
“it’s okay.” you whisper. your words won’t stop him, but you want to take some of the guilt away. “i knew you would save me.” “i should have protected you in the first pla-” 
“shh.” you interrupt rafe, pressing your lips together again. “can we get in the bath? together? please.” rafe nods, he’d do anything for you, he already had the bathroom ripped out and redone to fit a larger bathtub after he learned how much you love soaking in the warm water.
“let me carry you.” rafe stops you when you try to stand, scooping you into his arms. you look so little again, swallowed up against his big chest. it makes him think of you in that trunk, and he moves faster up the stairs, needing to be curled up against you in the tub, making you feel better.
“choose a bathbomb, honey.” rafe sets you down on the cool tile. “i restocked.” 
you hum a nod and look through the cabinet until you find a sparkly white bathbomb. you know rafe would usually complain about you usually using a glittery bathbomb when he was joining you, but today is the one day you can get away with it.
“this one.” you hand it to rafe, who drops it into the tub that he started filling with hot water.
“can i undress you?” rafe questions. you nod, knowing how much he likes to be the one to take your clothes off. he moves so slowly disrobing you, carefully putting your dress in the hamper, that when you’re nude, the bath is filled enough for you to get in.
you sigh happily as the warm water covers your body, watching rafe undress while the drama of the day washes away. it’s become a part of your reality, threats against you or rafe, but this is the most dangerous situation you’ve directly been in yet, and you know rafe needs to relax as much as you do.
rafe slides into the tub behind you, letting you rest against his chest. “you know i can only stand to be with you naked for so long before i’m going to need to take you out of this bath and fuck you.” “i know.” you say, swirling your hands through the sparkly water. “just at least 15 minutes just relaxing before.” “i can do that for you.” rafe says, and you both fall quiet, mind reeling from the day and just needing some rest. your eyes flutter closed, hands softly stroking over rafes thighs on either side of your hips. rafe leans his head against the back of the tub, allowing himself to take a breath.
the water starts to grow cold, and rafe is sure he must have reached the 15 minute mark by now, but you are leaning against him so peacefully he doesn’t want to move you, eyes checking over your wrists, noticing that they’re slightly red, even though you were only tied up for a few short minutes.
you begin to squirm, clearly noticing the cool water. 
“baby-” rafe gasps when your bum rubs against his crotch, and you feel him hardening.
you turn around in the tub to face him, placing your hands on his shoulders. “fuck me, rafe.” rafe stands quickly, grabbing the towel and drying himself off before helping you out of the tub, taking careful consideration to dry you as well, rubbing the soft towel over every inch of your body.
“we are all glittery.” you smile, admiring your shiny skin.
“you’re lucky i love you.” rafe says, making you blush. you know he didn’t take you in just to have sex with you, even if that was the main reason you became his girl at first, but because he had genuinely been interested in you.
“and i’m also lucky you’re going to fuck me.” you giggle, heading into the bedroom and letting yourself flop onto the bed, not caring that the dripping ends of your hair will wet the sheets, not with what you’re about to do on them.
 rafe walks slowly out of the bathroom, a feral look in his eyes, a shift happening inside of him, one from taking care of you, making you feel better, to one of needing you, needing to possess you and take you.
you watch as he approaches, climbing onto the bed and slotting his knees on either side of your hips, trapping you underneath him. rafes cock is now fully hardened, standing at attention as his heavy balls weigh down against your skin, clearly needing to be released, and you prefer that release to happen pumped inside of you.
his hands shoot forward to grip your tits, making you moan, his warm palms massaging your sensitive skin, letting your nipples rub against his hands. rafe is often quiet when fucking you, depending on how he is feeling. you can tell by the look in his eye that he’s got anger bubbling up inside of him, that needs a release, and you are here for using.
rafe leans forward, pushing his cock against the smooth skin of your stomach. rafe begins to rub his cock against your skin, letting it glide back and forth, the head of his cock smearing precum as his fingers pinch your nipple before rubbing over them.
he bends down to capture your mouth in a dominant kiss, and you let him take control, his tongue licking into yours, as you moan, arching your back as he grabs your tits hard, making you flinch amongst the pleasure.
rafe pulls away from the kiss, briefly bending to suck on your nipples into his mouth, just to add to the taste of you on his tongue. rafe picks up your hand, laying it over his cock, telling you without words what he wants you to do.
you press your hand down, letting him grind down between your palm and your stomach as his hand draws back and lays a slap across your tit, not hard enough to truly hurt, but enough to make you gasp. 
you move your free hand to the head of his cock, massaging it with your fingertips as rafe delivers another slap across your skin, before bringing his palm down to your other breast to even out the pain and pleasure.
rafe moans lowly when you swipe the pad of your finger over the slit at the tip of his cock, his hips starting to push faster, which just floods you with wetness, imagining him thrusting inside of you instead of against your stomach.
“please fuck me.” you whine. “make me yours rafe.”
rafe pulls away instantly, moving to kneel between your legs, grabbing your knees and pushing them up, bending you in half. “you’re mine.” rafe says, pushing his cock against your entrance, not even giving you a second to breathe before hes thrusting inside, filling you to the brim. “you’re mine.” he gasps again, beginning to thrust, your sloppy cunt producing wet noises. “no one is going to take you away from me.” you pout, knowing rafe is taking his aggression out right now, but he’s also working through his worry and anxiety about you being kidnapped again.
“i’m right here.” you tell rafe, placing your hands over his, helping him hold your legs up as his cock pushes in and out of your pussy at a rapid pace. “i’m right here.”
rafe lets out a half sob, half moan, wrapping his arms around your legs, needing to feel more of you against his body, even if it just is the back of your thighs and calves as he hugs your legs to him, continuing to push his dick into you, now touching at a new angle that has you crying out.
“rub your clit for me.” rafe grunts, throwing his head back, eyes making contact with the ceiling as he pants, trying to hold back from cumming until you’re ready as well. “need you to cum for me.” “yes, gonna cum for you rafey.” you push your hand between your tightly held together thighs, rubbing at your clit while his cock brutalizes your pussy.
your breath catches in your throat when your legs move slightly to the side, allowing to to see rafes face, chin still tilted slightly upward, his mouth ajar and his eyes glazed over with lust, looking like an angel despite all the devilish acts that he’s done, but everything he’s done today has been for you, and you certainly won’t forget the blood on his hands only there to protect you.
“i love you.” you cry out, tears streaming down your cheeks, your fingers moving faster on your clit, needing to cum for rafe and rafe alone, not caring about the pleasure you’re going to receive yourself, just getting yourself off so rafe can feel your cunt squeeze around him, so he can release inside of you.
“i love you more baby.” rafes voice is hoarse as his hips snap into you, a loud slap every time his hips touch your skin.
you let out a scream when your orgasm hits you suddenly, entire body tightening as rafe releases inside of you, your cunt pulsating as you slow your rub on your clit, milking everything out of rafe that he has to offer.
“fuck.” rafe sighs out, a coy look on his face as he lowers your legs down, rubbing over your thighs to make up for the position he put you in as he slowly slides his cock out of you.
rafe moves carefully to lay down next to you, not just wanting to flop down, considerate of his movements when you’re around anyways, but especially since you just went through something traumatic.
“come here.” rafe reaches out for you, and you slide into his embrace, your head coming to rest on his chest.
“you know you’re going to have to stay here in the house for a few days while i get this mess sorted out?” rafe asks, but it’s more of a statement.
“i know.” you say. it’s not like you’re happy about being locked up, but it’s for your safety. “i’m sorry.” rafe sighs. “when all of this is over, i’ll take you on a nice long vacation-”
“i’m not mad.” you say, picking your head up to look at rafe. “i knew exactly what i was getting into with you, with your business. i understand. you don’t have to apologize for keeping me safe.”
rafe smiles at you, his thumb rubbing over your cheek, wondering how he managed to get such a perfect girl before bringing you in for a kiss.
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nottsangel · 3 months
cockwarming w rafe but he gives in before reader does?
“just sit still, a’ight? don’t wanna get you all needy f’me right away.“ rafe winks at you, holding your hips firmly to prevent you from moving, seeing who can stay still the longest. you feel so fucking tight around him— the way you’re squeezing him could make him cum instantly, but his ego forces him to put on his best poker face while his blue eyes stare at you intensely.
“you talking to yourself, pretty boy?” you taunt, making him chuckle at your confidence, accepting the challenge as he sits relaxed with you on his lap, knowing he’s going to win regardless. his hands move from your hips to behind his head as he leans backwards with the cockiest smile on his face, gazing up at you.
“i can feel you dripping down my legs, princess, making a fucking mess everywhere, shit.” rafe chuckles before slapping your ass, determined to get you to move first.
“yeah? imagine how good it would feel to thrust up into me right now, im so fucking wet for you.” you whisper the last part as you move your head closer to his ear, causing goosebumps to form all over his body as he feels your hot breath on his skin. he groans as you place soft kisses all over his neck, lightly sucking on his skin, knowing exactly where his sensitive spots are.
“i can feel you so fucking deep inside of me, rafe.” you murmur as you slowly lick from his collarbone to his ear while letting out breathy moans. “don’t… don’t say shit like that.”
he’s so close— so close to pounding into you right there and then. he gradually starts to lose control, his hands moving back to your hips, gripping the skin so firmly that it’s going to leave bruises for days. you continue teasing him, leaving love bites all over his neck and collarbone before gripping his jaw and kissing him passionately, tongues fighting for dominance as he moans into your mouth.
“fuck it.” rafe snaps, forcefully pulling you from his lap and bending you over on the couch, your head pushed into the cushions as he slips back inside of you in one quick thrust and sets an unrelenting pace right away. “i… i win.” you manage to say in between thrusts as he pounds into you, the tip of his cock continuously hitting your cervix. “yeah? we’ll see who’s winning when you can’t fucking walk tomorrow.”
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suncoved · 5 months
pairing; boyfriend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: you had the most loving, sweet, precious boyfriend in the world. so why were your new found friends so scared of him?
prompt: “you let anything happen to her and i’ll fucking kill you, alright?”
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you could barely contain your happiness as you applied your 5th layer of glittery lipgloss on your lips, holding the decorated pink tube in your manicured fingers. you batted your eyelids at the clock hung on rafe's wall.
kiara told you to be there at 8:00 and it was currently 7:30.
but you didn't want to be late, so leaving now was a good plan for you.
you had never met kiara's friends before. you had been best friends with her your whole life, but after she and sarah split, they told you you had to pick a side. and you would never tell sarah that the main reason you picked her was because of her psychotic older brother who was always roaming aimlessly around tannyhill.
sarah was your best friend, and you wouldn't trade her for the world.
but you couldn't help but ponder over what would have happened if you picked kiara, what life you would have had.
you missed her, truly. so when faced with the oppurtity to reconnect with her through your mothers exchanging numbers on one random night at the wreck, you took it.
and before you knew it she was inviting you to come down to the boneyard with some of her friends from the cut, to which you accepted gratefully.
you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the bathroom door click open, the steam rolling out from underneath it like a tidal wave. you turned your head softly at the noise, placing the lipgloss applicator quickly back in the tube.
beads of water trickled down his v line, escaping into the beige towel wrapped around his waist into a place you didn't even have the time to imagine. he lifted his hand up to his head, running a hand through his now brown hair that had darkened from getting wet under the stream of water.
"quick rafe we have to go!" you whined, trying to avoid eye contact with the 6'2 tall build distraction in front of you. you shuffled around the room, going into his closet and picking out clothes for him to quickly put on since he insisted — well — demanded, on driving you down to the boneyard.
you shoved the clothes into his hands, his hand making contact with yours momentarily, creating a spark between the two of you. your cheeks flushed as you quickly looked away, turning around and taking a seat at the foot of the bed.
you watched as he made no effort to move, a smirk you know all too well gracing his face. "rafe, i mean it. get changed" you groaned as you pushed your palms into the soft covers of his king sized bed.
"if you wanted to see me naked baby, you could just say that."
your cheeks quickly turned into the darkest shade of pink you could imagine, your hands quickly reached up to your face, covering your eyes as you huffed softly.
he scoffed at your movements, reaching over to spread your fingers apart so you could see through them. "im just joking ma, you've seen it all before." he winked, moving back to see the full sight of him while lifting his bicep up and flexing it in your face.
you jokingly rolled your eyes, falling onto the bed so you were now staring at the ceiling. your fingers found their way to each other, nervously intertwining as you thought.
you heard rafe shuffling around near his closet, his fly ziping up and the clink of his belt being melody to your ears. "what if they don't like me?"
your voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. if rafe wasn't listening he definitely would have missed it. but he always listens.. to you.
"impossible" he stated simply, using a tone that left no room for discussion. he didn't use that tone often, but when he did, you stayed quiet.
you chewed on your bottom lip, knitting your brows together.
you were so lucky to have rafe in your life. he was kind, caring and patient and always knew how to calm your anxiety.
honestly, you were surprised he let you go down to the beach with the pogues in the first place. you tried your best to keep out of that whole kook-pouge turf war as best as possible. to you, it was immature, unnecessary and just pointless. but it had been around on the island since before you could remember.
though, it was safe to say that you and rafe didn't see eye to eye on that topic. he didn't like the pogues, not one bit. and he made that very, very clear.
he knew how much you loved kiara, and how your face lit up when your mother's voice echoed through rafe's car speakers when she called you after seeing kiara's mother.
it took him longer to warm up to the idea that you would be seeing her whole friend group, which consists of just pogues, and most importantly, jj maybank.
there was nothing more rafe hated than jj maybank.
yet, he knew how happy this would make you. and he was willing to do this, for you. only for you.
"ready bubs" rafe announces, smoothing his polo down haphazardly and stuffing his feet into his shoes. he hears you pulling yourself up and off his bed, your socked feet padding over to him and resting your head on his chest.
he smiles and he brings his arms around your body. sighing contently as he places a kiss on your head before resting his chin on you. "they are gonna love you, like everyone loves you. don't think for a second that they won't"
you giggle against him, somehow trying to push yourself further into him, which was impossible.
"no im being serious baby, i have some serious competition." rafe huffed, pulling himself back from you and looking at your face peering up at him.
"shut up" you joke, your cheeks burning as you blushed at his words. he leaned down until his lips met yours, bringing his fingers to your chin and lifting your head up.
you two melted into each other, your sweet strawberry lipgloss coating his lips quickly. he didn't care though, he was kissing you. so nothing else mattered.
you were losing yourself in his touch, not noticing he was slowly pushing you back until your calfs hit the back of his dark oak bed frame and your body eventually fell against the soft fabric of his covers.
he slipped his hand up your lacy white cami, dragging his fingers up and down the soft skin of your stomach. he detached his lips from yours as his cold slender fingers slipped under the wire of your bra, kissing his way down your neck and chest.
you bit your now chapped lips as you looked down the the brunette boy making goosebumps appear over your skin. you threw your head back against his pillow closing your eyes and opening them again as your head lulled to the side.
your eyes fixated to the clock resting on his wall, reading 7:54. your mind ticked for a second before realising where you needed to be in exactly six minutes, gasping rather dramaticlly.
rafe's head snaps up to look at you, his eyes hooded with worry and hunger at the same time. it was only when he followed your eyes to his sleek white clock that he realised what had happened.
he rolled his eyes and he pulled your shirt back over your stomach, leaving one last searing kiss before smoothing the material down.
"rafe we have to go, now. now!" you whisper yelled almost slipping and you tried to put on your shoes while you hobbled out of his bedroom.
"baby, baby." he spoke, hopping up and walking quickly after you. he reached out to your waist holding you stable so you didn't slip over and hurt yourself.
"ok, ok. ill be careful. lets just go!" you gasped, trying to wiggle out of his firm grip. he chuckled as he let go, watching as you speed down the stairs of tannyhill and down to his white jeep parked out the front.
it was a fairly uneventful ride down to the boneyard, rafe's hand resting on your bouncing leg the whole time, slightly soothing the nervous feeling arising in your chest.
"c'mon baby, we're here" he voiced, opening his car door before quickly jumping out and circling the car before he opened yours for you. your eyes drifted down to the beach as rafe helped you out of his rather tall car.
a blonde boy with a backward cap resting on his head sat on a log with two other boys around your age, beers resting in their hands as they talked. your eyes followed along the beach where you saw kiara picking up trash along the shore, smiling brightly to yourself.
rafe intertwined his hand with yours, tightly squeezing it as he narrowed his eyes at the people on the beach. "you don't have to drink yeah? just tell them no, ok?" rafe spoke.
you nodded softly, peering up at him through your lashes to see his face stern and menacing.
you began walking first, dragging rafe softly behind you as your shoes hit the soft sand below you. you kept your eyes glued to your feet the whole way until you heard voices now crystal clear echoing through your ears.
"hey, you made it!" kiara exclaimed, bringing her arms around you as you let go of rafes hand. "hi kie" you murmured into her shoulder, embracing her into a soft hug.
"hey, rafe. what're you doing down these parts?" the blonde boy asked, standing up from his spot on the large log he was sitting down on before. you saw rafe tick his jaw to the side as you pulled away from kiara, his tongue sliding through the front of his teeth.
"just dropping her off maybank, not here to stay" rafe remarked, turning his attention to you as he leaned down and placed a kiss on your cheek, ghosting his hands over your sides as he pulled back from you.
"call me when you need me to pick you up yeah?" rafe said, keeping his eyes on you as you nodded hastily. he smiled sweetly at you, watching as kiara grabbed your hand a pulled you down to the shore, showing you the tiny baby turtles rushing into the water in front of you.
"hey jj" rafe said, turning his head to the boy standing a few feet from him, not daring to come any closer. rafe watched as he nodded cautiously, pursing his lips together as to almost prepare himself for what rafe was about to say.
rafe took a few steps before he reached jj, grabbing the fabric of his shirt and hoisting him up until they were face to face.
“you let anything happen to her and i’ll fucking kill you, alright?"
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erwinsvow · 17 days
shy reader just like this 🥺 and kissing rafe’s forehead when she’s pounding tf out of her
omg stopp!!!
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when rafe's in a mood like this—you don't say anything, you don't have to. you know your boyfriend well enough by now, letting him do what he needs to when he comes home with stress from one place or another.
you have been, since the day he met you, rafe's favorite form of stress relief.
it's not long before you're naked in his bed, your skirt pulled off and shirt in tatters, thrown onto the floor. rafe's still in his clothes—somehow he always is and you're always naked—but you can't bring yourself to mind right now, with the way your boyfriend is slamming into your sore pussy, battering in and out while you lay back and take it.
rafe's rough, some part of him always has been and always will be. considering how long it took you to convince him to even try to be rough with you, you should take this as an accomplishment.
you look down at where the two of you are joint—the way he slides in and out, your wetness shining on his dick and the obscene noise it creates each time he pushes back in. you're wetter than you'd even realized, so caught up in your head that you forgot your body has always reacted primally to rafe's without any action needed from you.
you look until you can't look anymore, looking up at rafe's face, blinking eyes focusing in on his face—eyebrows twisted in concentration, beads of sweat on his forehead. it's all hot, everything is tight and tense and wet, and you're sure to finish in moments, because it never takes rafe long to tip you over the edge.
but you try to hold off, shaky breaths and moans filling the space between you. rafe grunts, picking up the pace and slamming in and out, his hands tight on your hips. you're helpless but to watch, the noises leaving you in rhythm with his motions.
he's concentrated—always is when he's using your pussy like a toy. you'd be a filthy liar if you said you didn't like it.
"r-rafe," you get out, the word a moan and squeal combined.
"shh, s'okay, just take it, kid-"
that's all you need to hear, leaning in and pressing a fast, light kiss to his forehead. you don't know you do it—just that it feels right. if possible, rafe goes faster.
you fall apart first, rafe right after. when you lay back, whole body shivering at the feeling of his hot cum inside of you, rafe returns the kiss, pressing a longer, sweeter kiss to your forehead.
"what was that for, huh?" he asks you, and you seem to have lost all your words.
"i don't know," you mumble, staring up at your boyfriend from your position in his arms, sticky bodies pressed together. "just felt right. i love you."
just when you're about to fall asleep, spent and limbs exhausted, you hear it, the words from rafe preceded by a soft laugh that makes your head spin.
"i love you too, kid."
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rafe + overstim
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warnings: overstimulation, unprotected sex
“don’t close your legs now, you were just begging for this shit.” rafe yanked you towards the edge of the bed by your ankles, a soft protest leaving your lips once he lined himself up with your entrance. “wait, y-you can’t,” you were still trembling from the aftershocks of your previous orgasm, “m’too sensitive, ‘hurts rafe.” you nearly cried when he started stroking your clit with the throbbing head of his cock. “it hurts?” he taunted, “did you think about it hurting when you were acting like a fucking brat in front of my family earlier?” rafe pushed the tip in, your body jolting in response.
“wanna grab my dick under the table but act all sweet and innocent like you’re some kind of saint. if only everyone knew how much of a cock slut you really are.” he shook his head, slamming into your cunt with a groan. you yelped, hands flying out to grab ahold of his wrists. this wasn’t the first time rafe fucked you when you were overstimulated, but the feeling was still unbearable, your hips moving in an attempt to pull away from him. he grabbed you by the curves of your waist, holding you down as you writhed in both pleasure and pain. “fuck- please, i won’t do it again.” tears were running down your cheeks now.
rafe scoffed. “of course you are, you know why?” he leaned down, “because you love this, ‘love being manhandled and forced to cum even though you whine and say no.” you let out a shaky breath, your mouth falling open in a silent moan when you felt his fingers circle your clit. “is that not true?” he planted a kiss on the tip of your nose, waiting for you to give him the green light to keep up his ministrations. as soon as a ‘yes.’ slipped past your lips, rafe was merciless on your cunt, torturing your bundle of nerves as he fucked into you like there was no tomorrow.
you lost all ability to hold yourself up, your elbows collapsing from underneath you. “you’re doing so good, baby. ‘think you can give me three more?” he smiled down at the dazed expression on your face. three more? surely you’d pass out by then. when you felt your second orgasm of the night approaching, you couldn’t help your thighs from shaking around his waist. “rafe, i-i’m gonna cum..” spots dotted your vision as you fell over the edge, your eyes screwing shut when you felt that band in your stomach snap. rafe shushed you, still holding you in place when your thighs threatened to close around his hand.
“try to move away again and i’ll make the next one so much worse.” he said through gritted teeth. even though rafe was close himself, he enjoyed seeing just how fucked-out he could make you. “too much!” you squeaked. taking your lips with his own, he stopped working on your clit, slowly thrusting into you so you could feel a small sense of relief. “are you okay?” he met your starry gaze. blinking slowly, you nodded. “good, because we’re not done yet.”
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witchwyfe · 5 months
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karma is my boyfriend - rc
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pairing - (non-canon) Rafe Cameron x female reader
précis - a lil princess treatment from rafe :)
content/warnings - mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption, fluff,
word count - 673
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"Rafe, Rafe!?" You're spinning around, looking for your boyfriend until suddenly you whirl around and bump into a broad chest.
"Hey!" You gasp, until you look up and see his face. "Oh! Hi baby!" You coo, reaching up to cup his cheeks. 
"Hi sweet girl." He smiles, running his thumb along your cheekbone. 
You greet him happily, leaning in to his touch. "Did you get my drink?" You wonder, suddenly remembering why he left you in the first place.
"Hmm, sure did." He nods, handing you an ice water rather than the vodka redbull you'd requested.
You don't seem to notice though, slipping the paper straw into your mouth and slurping it down happily.
"We gonna dance s'more?" You wonder, straw between your lips.
"We can't, baby," He says, smoothing a hand down the back of your head. "They're closing."
"Nooo!" You groan, throwing your head back.
"I know, I know," He soothes. "But we can go home and get some snacks and watch a show...?" He offers.
"Okay!" You're smiling once again, digging your fingers into his tee shirt.
"Finish your drink and we'll go home, kay?" 
You nod, bypassing the straw and tipping the rest of the water into your mouth, before handing your empty glass to Rafe.
You're not even that drunk, really just a little past tipsy but you're fine with letting Rafe handle everything and take care of you.
Suddenly his jacket is being draped over your shoulders, coupled with a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
"Thank you." You simper. You slide your arms into the sleeves and blink up at your boyfriend.
You lead him out of the bar, arms shoved into the pockets of his jacket, while he has your little purse slung over his shoulder, your phone, his phone, and the keys all in one hand.
"How much farther?" You ask a few moments later, looking back at him.
"Not too much," He frowns looking out at the street. When the two of you arrived at the club, hours before, he'd had to park his car somewhat far due to the lack of space. "Your feet hurting, baby?"
You shrug a shoulder. "Yeah." You nod. "But it's just till the car then I'll take my shoes off."
"C'mere," He says, shoving both of your phones into his pocket.
"What?" You wonder, turning to give him a coy smile.
Your sweet boyfriend kneels down on the dirty sidewalk, taking your ankle into his hands so he can unbuckle your heel. You're flustered beyond words, heat rising on your cheeks while Rafe's rough palm softly works your foot out of your strappy shoe. 
"Stand on my foot babe, so I can take your other shoe off." He says, running his hand up your calf. 
Once both of your heels are dangling from his hand, he scoops you into his arms, bridal style.
"Are you sure, Rafe?" You wonder softly. "I feel bad, you don't--"
"You have nothing to feel bad about." He assures, lips at your temple. "Just let me take you to the car, okay gorgeous?"
"Okay." You hum happily, relaxing in his hold.
Your arms are sling around your neck and you have easy access to his neck if you strain a little--and you do--at least five times on the way to the car, so you can kiss his neck.
He pretends like he's not flustered by it, but you can see the rosy glow of his cheeks from the street lamps, the harsh light making him appear ethereal and you have to shut your eyes for a second to remember he's real.
You’re still in a fond trance when he uses one hand to open the car door and gently deposit you into the passenger seat. He buckles your seatbelt and tugs on it, before pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Love you,” You croon, leaning back against the seat to look at him. 
“Love you so much more.” He promises. “C’mere angel, gimme a kiss.”
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© witchwyfe 2024. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 5 months
Do you love me?
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Pairings - Rafe x reader
Summary - you catch Rafe watching porn. Based on this ask
Warnings - masturbation, porn, reader being sad, language, unprotected sex. (18+)
A/n- always have the conversation with your partner about porn, some people don’t care but others do so please don’t leave any rude comments.
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When you had gone looking for your boyfriend around 11pm you had expected to find him asleep on the couch, credits to the movie the two of you had tried watching running in the background. White noise helped him sleep. What you hadn’t expected to find was your boyfriend watching porn, on the big screen. His cock between his hand as he tugged himself, soft moans and grunts spewing from his lips as he watched the scene in front of him.
A perfect curved blonde bounced on a thick cock, her pussy was immaculate. No hair or razor burn to be seen, just complete bareness. She was everything you weren’t, even the noises she made was better.
You had been so naive to think he didn’t watch porn, to believe you were enough to satisfy his needs. Of course you weren’t, you didn’t look like the girl on the screen. Your curves weren’t perfect, your hair didn’t look like that and you definitely didn’t sound or act the way she did which apparently had Rafe beating his cock harder.
Stepping away from the door you creeped back to the bedroom, the tears fell before you even made it under the blanket. Your body shaking against the mattress in sadness, this shouldn’t have such an affect on you. Everyone watches porn, you’ve watched porn but that was before Rafe. Before you had his perfect body at your disposal.
Pressing the palms of your hands into your face to ease the tears, taking deep breaths to stop the noises. The sound of the living room door closing has you burrowing under the blanket, hiding your face so he can’t see you.
It feels like hours go by before he steps into the room, moving around quietly as he strips his clothes off. He always slept naked, a sight you’d never get over. You feel his side of the bed dip and the ruffle of the blanket, you don’t expect his arm to pull you against his chest. “You're awake” he whispers, the thump of your heart giving you away. His hand pressed firmly just above your breast, you stay quiet though. Hoping he just lets you go to sleep but of course he doesn’t, he’s spinning your body like a rag doll. “Why’s your heart beating so fast?”.
The room is pitch black, he’s unable to see your bloodshot eyes. His fingers dance up and down your spine waiting for your answer. “Not sure” your voice is raspy, a tell tale sign something’s wrong. His hand is hitting the bedside lamp within seconds, towering over your small frame. Fingers cupping your cheek softly, his eyes search your face and a deep frown settle between his eyebrows. “Why have you been crying?”.
You push at his chest, turning until your back is to him. Embarrassment settles in your chest, a sudden wave of nausea rushes through you. “Babe, don’t do that. Tell me why you’ve been crying?”
With all the confidence you can muster you turn slightly, looking him directly in the eyes. “Do you still love me?”
The deep chuckle vibrates his chest and he pulls himself to sit, your cheeks tinted red in anger and embarrassment you press your face into the pillow. “Oh hey hey babe no. Of course I love you. Why would you ask me that?”
His grabby hands prod you in the side, pulling at your waist so he can see your face. You slap his hands away when they reach for your face again, moving yourself until you say against the headboard. Knees pressed firmly to your chest, arms wrapped tight around you. “Are you attracted to me?” Tears start falling before you can catch them, bottom lip wobbling as you stare at him. The sobs come hard and fast, he’s holding your face firmly.
This time he stares at you, it's intense and you feel shy under his gaze. “Of course I am… your fucking perfect”
Your eyes rolled hard, no you weren’t. The tears keep coming but the attitude fights it way through. “Don’t roll your eyes” he grasps your wrists, yanking you until you straddle his lap. “No I'm not.. I don’t look like those girls”
Confusion evident on his face as he waits for you to explain, so unsure on what has made you feel this way. “Those girls” you whispered, too shy to explain you had caught him masterbsting to porn earlier. “Your going to need to explain baby”
“The girls in porn” you blurt, the corner of his lips turning up. A lightbulb going off above his head, he realises you must have seen him earlier. “I went to find you… I thought you’d fallen asleep, I didn’t mean to see you- you’know”.
Gripping your chin with his forefinger and thumb he angles your face up at him, placing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. “You think I don’t love you because of the girls in porn?”
You nod your head in embarrassment, you know you shouldn’t be feeling these things. “I was right here.. why didn’t you ask me to help?”
“Oh baby… your fucking perfect, those girls aren’t what I want. You are what I want… I watch porn when I don’t want to annoy you”
“Your not annoying me”
“Your pussy is fantastic, the best fucking pussy I’ve ever had. I can’t get enough of it, I can’t get enough of fucking you… I love fucking you”
“Sweet girl, my sex drive is insane. I’m constantly horny, I can’t expect you to be willing and waiting for me every second of the day”
“Yes you can Rafe… if I’m around then use me, I understand if I’m not around. Of course porn would be your go to but I’m right here, I want you just as much as you want me and if it’s not sex you want, I’ll get on my knees for you”
He grins Cheshire Cat like, pupils blown to the max. His lips attack yours in one swift swoop, tongue slipping between your lips. It’s messy and full of heat, his grabby hands caress the skin of your exposed thighs.
Grinding you down onto his crotch, you can feel him hardening under you. You had forgotten he was naked for a brief moment, reaching down to grasp his cock. With just a few small tugs he was completely hard, throbbing in your palm. “Fuck baby… I hope you mean what your saying, I’m going to fuck this pussy until it’s a weeping mess every day… multiple times of the day” he states, kissing down the length of your neck.
He’s pulling your shorts to the side, pressing the head of his cock to your opening. Without warning you push down on him, his cock stretching you wide. “Shit… baby girl, I just about came. You feel so fucking good” he growls, he scoops your breasts out of the loose tank top. Sucking your nipples into his mouth harshly, your hips roll and bounce above him. “Not so fast, I want to show you how much I love fucking you” he breaths, wrapping his arm around your back he places you onto the bed.
Your legs wrap around his waist as he thrusts into you, it's deep and slow. Your walls spasm around him each time he nudges your clit, his lips suck deep purple bruises into your neck. “Oh yes Rafe… I can’t- I need you to go faster” you breath, your orgasm was fluttering.
Pressing the heels of your feet into his lower back, he shook his head moving his lips across your jaw onto your lips. His pace quickened only by a fraction, not enough to bring you over the edge. “Going slow baby.. want you to understand how much I love you and how much I love this body, you are the only person I want”
You nod your head, understanding his words. You had over reacted to what you had seen, completely understanding why he used porn at certain times. “Yes baby.. I understand. Please”
He loved hearing you beg, he knew you were close by the way your cunt sucked him deeper. He reached between you, pressing his fingers to your aching clit. “Yes yes yes”
This was enough to have you crying out under him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him in close. Fingernails racking up the length of his back as your orgasm washed over you, he was quick to follow, still sensitive from his previous abuse on his cock.
“I love you baby… not porn okay”
“I know, but I was serious… use me okay. I’m here whenever you want me”
“Your going to regret that”
🏷️ Tag list- @laylasbunbunny @maybankslover @h34rtsformilli @lydiasxxsworld @hallecarey1 @mountloverr @outerbankspov @cameronmedia @crunchy-leaves77 @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @phoenixssugarbaby @rafemotherfuckingcameron @s-we-e-t-t-ea @rafesthroatbaby @alltoomay @moremaybank @drewstarkeysbae @mrssturnioloo @darleneslane @tierra-0604 @eliana772 @gabys-gabs @applelovesposts @starkey-zegras @definitelynotholly-blog @renmpsworld @delicatepiratecloud @hdhdhsy @speedycomputerfury @tiacordelia02 @bbycowboi @teresalesbian @imnotpretzelsstuff @its-ria-07 @jscameron @rafegirly @drudyslut @drewstarkeyslut @loverofdrewstarkey @ijustwanttoreadlols @sierraluvzz @sunny1616 @spookyscaryspoon @slvttedoutmars @ailee-celeste @ashpeace888 @xo-hayleyy-xo @exhaustedbutrelated @ethereal0810 @tayygriffith @pankowperfection @loopylemonpops @oceandriveab
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