helluva-hazbins · 1 month
🛌 candle and adam or betty and vox ur pick 👀
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Send me 🛌 to crawl into bed with my muse!
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It's not clear in his state of being woken; still half hazey but coming to a realization as the bedding is compressed next to him and the warmth of another's body slowly finds it's way to him. He's speculative, slowly blinking away the sleep, through the darkness his eyes attempt to better focus. But the scent is already familiar and a smile slowly winds along his features. He allows an arm to wrap around the woman, fingers slowly walking along her shoulder and arm. The slightest laugh in his throat.
"Changed your mind on the offer, ehh, Eleanor? Sure, sure, I take walk-ins. Emergency dick-downs shouldn't be turned away." He says with a sleepy, cocky smirk.
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green-x-reaper · 6 months
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"Suddenly, I have to go to bed. My door will be unlocked, I sleep naked and, uh, I have some spots that could use some messaging."
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lex-cursus · 10 months
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Big 'why are you staring' energy
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Many reasons to ngl
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epilvgue · 5 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- Vash is somewhat insecure about being seen shirtless, especially by women. His body is filled with scars and metal and clear self-done jobs to put his body back together again.
Vash doesn't see himself as attractive, he knows that he looks a mess if anyone sees beyond his face. His hands, toes, and fingers are slightly crooked and askew, everything broken over and over.
He has the power to put himself good as new again, but he prefers to leave the scars and crooked appendages as they are.
They're part of his atonement. Part of what keeps him feeling that he is in fact just as human as anyone else. They help to keep him grounded, keep him from feeling the high of his nigh quasi-divinity. And at the same time, if someone asks him to, he will gladly strip naked and bark like a dog if it means keeping the peace.
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meropidas · 9 months
"i (don't) want the k"
🎲 20; rough kiss
truly , she was the most frustrating criminal he had dealt with in a very long time . her persistance was absolutely maddening , and the sheer will he needed to exert was far more than average . this annoyance , however , was not that of PURE spite . . . no , it was something covetted , a spark he had been searching for in such dull dramatics of the people he had been sent and tasked to keep in line .
all this pent up aggravation , all the sarcastic remarks and heated exchanges lead to Wriothesley finally losing his cool . a hand quickly snuck around and found a fistful of dark hair , yanking downward towards her lower back to pull her head up to meet his own . he had her cornered , a sudden rough embrace of lips in this position almost felt as if he might shove his tongue down her throat .
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stinglikeame · 11 months
someone out with me just went ‘bee, that sounds a little horny’. and it’s like, dude- i’m always a little horny. i have two little horns right on my head.
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chaoscrawls · 1 year
leilani, who looks sleepy as can be, sways back and forth with eyes closed, the smallest of smiles upon their lips. "ive found myself dreaming of you, even if this is also one, far more than i thought i would. and questioning rather you enjoyed being touched in certain places. what odd sounds you would make when you are enjoying things." of course, their words can be interrupted however the other pleased. violet eyes cracked open slightly, lips pursing now. "in my dreams, you are super sensitive and reactive and make the cutest clicking noises." a sound of swoon escaped them. "its very pretty."
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They eye their sleepy form, watching them as they shift their weight from foot to foot. Not once do they interrupt her but if they had brows they would of quirked in interested.
“I see..”
Nyarlathotep drawls, letting the short sentence hang between them. 
“It’s not often someone dreams of me and I have never been called pretty...Nor cute. I believe to most I would be a vile monster belonging in their nightmares.” 
A hand reaches out to tip their chin upward so the silts of violets can look into their many glowing orbs. 
“You are quite the strange one, little love.”
The clawed tip of their thumb traces over the shape of Leilani’s lips. 
“Perhaps one day you can explore which parts of me make me purr...I have much faith you will find the right spots.” 
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onexeyedxtwin · 2 years
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“I usually do the worshipping in the bedroom, anyway. Though in all honest, there’s only one angel I’ll get on my knees for~”
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pharma-sutra · 2 years
“I honestly didn’t know no one even considered doing it.”, Pharma started, studying the paint on the tips of her fingers, and gently thumbing over it. Time for a repaint, again.
“I mean, if I want to keep getting it as deep and as hard as I want it, there are so many things just.. in the way. Tubes and piping and wires, and not to mention, my fuel pump and tanks, too. So I made it so I could manually have them move aside, to make room. Reconfigure my internals, so to speak. ..not a single one of you have even thought about it? Really?”
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FINALLY some good fucking feature ideas from the tumblr devs. tamagotchi renaissance now
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helluva-hazbins · 25 days
😠 an angry kiss - for Lucifer from Lilith
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"Oh come now! Lils! You have to admit, it doesn't make any Hellbedamneditall sense no matter which way you look at it!" No he wasn't upset, he was livid, he had been losing his grip from the moment she began this triggered blame game between them.
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"You THINK I wanted ANY of THIS to end up THIS WAY?!" He'd succumb to his building emotions as they were always near the surface when concerning her. Throwing out his arms and glaring around, raw. No masks and no filters. Prepared to continue on when he unexpectedly felt a hand on his chest and he looks down, her fingers clenching at his clothes, he's confused, a brow arching higher, his breath still heavy from the adrenaline of steeped anger flowing and coursing through him. She brings her lips to his, possibly to shut him up. To mix up his feelings so he could lose track of what was going on? He's not sure but he is still heated, as her lips remain locked to his, his arms reach out and claws grip at anything they find around her figure, pulling her in closer, he can't get a word out, he's tried, to no avail; only muffled sounds, so he drives forked-tongue past her lips and deepens the action she set on course, hands on her hips like so many times before, his memories are blurring into his more recent longings. For her.
Eyebrows knit and indent further. How could she think she could just fucking waltz back in like this! He bites down at her relentless, lips, her damned tender, sweet, hot lips, he pivots his feet and swings her against the nearest antique furnished arm chair. Where she falls, roughly and he climbs to hover over her, crashing his lips to hers. Impassioned and now uninhibited. His tail whipping out behind him, flicking one side to the next as his mind goes through every single thought and complex emotion he's had for her during her absence. Horns have proturded and reveal themselves. Eyes flood with a fire pigmentation, yellowed snake's slit form pupils glower upon her, he doesn't realize he's grinning, toothy, hungry and as of yet unsatisfied.
Primed to satisify all of his urges.
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green-x-reaper · 2 years
"I heard horny and now I have to participate."
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fagtainsparklez · 6 months
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recoverr · 7 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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the-only-highlander · 5 months
i figured yall would appreciate this photo
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original instagram post from vinnikolaus
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gamesoft · 1 year
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