#;;because mama gigi said so
avatar-anna · 1 year
i need more dadrry content with his 6 children 😩
Mom’s Night Out
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
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“I can always stay home. Really, it’s no big—”
“You’re going.”
“Are you sure? Because Simone still has to do her reading assignment for school, and the twins sometimes pretend to brush their teeth, and Natalia’s teething—”
“Y/n. I’ve got this.”
Y/n stayed quiet as she fastened her earrings in the bathroom. Harry was sitting on their bed with Natalia while she got dressed, but he was also there to convince her to actually leave.
“You know, your silence gives me all the confidence in the world,” Harry said, slightly joking. He could watch the kids on his own while Y/n went out with some friends for a few hours. Did she think he couldn’t?
“I know. I’m sorry. I have total faith in you, baby,” she said, stepping out from behind the bathroom door. “Okay. How do I look? Is it too much?’
Harry’s tongue went dry before he could respond.
Y/n had always been the most stunning person he knew, but seeing her all dressed up...
“Wow, Mama,” he breathed. “You look incredible.”
He never needed reminders that his wife was beautiful. Even when he worked with actresses and models or did PR stunts, his heart was always with Y/n; there was truly no one else who could even come close to her. But even so, he suddenly felt lucky that she was his.
“You think? I can’t remember the last time I got dressed up.”
If Harry hadn’t been holding an infant, he would’ve shown her just how nice he thought she looked, but he settled for taking her hand and kissing it. “I don’t think, I know. I’m slightly worried about all the attention you’re gonna get now. No one knows you’re a married woman.”
Y/n blushed, but didn’t reply. Instead she took her youngest daughter into her arms and kissed her little cheeks.
By the time it was officially time for Y/n to leave, Harry had to practically force her out the door. She kept finding excuses to prolong her departure —laundry that needed to be switched out, putting Geneva down for a nap, helping the twins with a Lego set—until Harry finally ordered an Uber and told her to stop fussing and have a good time.
“Be good to Daddy, okay?” were her final words before she closed the door and Harry was alone with six children.
Harry knew this day was coming, had been preparing the last couple days. He bought games, ice cream, picked out movies to watch with the kids. It was going to be a fun night.
And then Simone said she was going to watch YouTube upstairs, Collette followed, and the twins went back to their Lego set, leaving Harry alone with the babies. He couldn’t say he wasn’t a little hurt because he was, but perhaps he should’ve expected everyone to go to their separate corners.
“Guess it’s just us, huh?” he said to Geneva and Natalia, who were both sitting in their high chairs.
“Baby Shark?” GiGi asked in her adorable little toddler voice.
“You got it, peanut.”
Harry was expecting a more eventful night, but it was relatively quiet. GiGi, Natalia, and the twins went to bed early, and Simone and Collette were still playing together in their room the last time he checked on them. The house was quiet, almost too quiet, Harry thought, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Wife💕: How’s it going?
Harry smiled down at the text and typed his own reply. Taking a picture of him in bed with a book.
Harry: House hasn’t burned down yet!
He watched as the three little text bubbles appeared on his phone, wondering what she was up to. Harry wished he was with her so they could have a little date, but he knew how much Y/n needed this, even if she didn’t say it. She was always home or working, always driving the kids from place to place. She deserved a night off.
Wife💕: I’ll be home soon. Give my little munchkins a kiss for me
Harry: What about me?
Wife💕: You’ll get your kiss later
Harry couldn’t complain about that, could he?
He read a little more soon after their conversation ended, but before long, he heard a cry from the baby monitor. Not surprised that Natalia woke up, Harry got out of bed to put his daughter back to sleep.
When he made it to the nursery, she was wriggling in her crib, eyes scrunched up as she cried. Harry tried rocking the crib for a few minutes before picking her up, hoping that Natalia would fall back asleep without any trouble, but she kept on crying.
“Daddy’s here,” he cooed, reaching down into the crib to pick her up. “Did you have a bad dream, darling?”
Harry continued mumbling words and holding her to his chest until she calmed down. Which was not easy. He changed her diaper, wrapped her up nice and tight the way his mum taught him when Simone was born, he tried to sing her to sleep and feed her a bottle, but nothing seemed to work.
He finally left the nursery, deciding to walk around the house until Natalia fell asleep. By a stroke of luck, she seemed to like the sound of the laundry tumbling in the machine, and she finally stopped crying. It was a while before she fell asleep, but Harry felt just a bit more sane than before.
His shirt was wet with tears and snot by the time Natalia was back in her crib, and his own eyes were feeling heavy. He sat down on the rocking chair, his head falling heavily to the side when he heard yelling coming in the hallway. Simone and Collette.
“Give it back!”
“It’s my turn to pick!”
“Your videos are dumb!”
“You’re dumb!”
“Dad, Simone is being mean!”
“Don’t be a tattle tale!”
It was hard to keep up with his oldest daughters. One moment they were inseparable and the next they were at each other’s throats. Harry knew siblings had their little squabbles here and there, but Simone and Collette really got into it when the mood struck, though Y/n assured him that was common among sisters. Either way, it often gave him whiplash.
Their argument woke up Natalia, who immediately started crying again, and Harry almost felt like crying himself. But then he thought of Y/n and how this would be a minor issue for her, and he told himself to buck up.
Taking Natalia out of her crib once again, he went out to see what the problem was between his oldest girls.
“Alright, what’s all this?” he said, making sure his voice carried over theirs.
Simone and Collette immediately launched into their sides of the story at the same time, but Harry was used to getting the gist by now. Something about not sharing the iPad, ripping it out of the other’s hand, and name calling. When they finished, Harry didn’t really know what to say. He was tired, Natalia was still crying her little lungs off in his ear, and his first solution was to throw the iPad into the ocean.
But he took a deep breath and spoke to each of his daughters individually. “Simone, you know the rules. You share the iPad, and you especially don’t call your sister names.”
“No buts,” Harry said, then turned to Collette. “And you. You know better than to rip things out of people’s hands.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said, her eyes welling up with tears.
“I—It’s okay,” he said gently, pulling Collette in for a hug.
Then, out of nowhere, Simone began to cry as well. Harry’s eyes widened, not expecting more tears. He was still holding Natalia, but he managed to wrap an arm around both Simone and Collette, who seemed to cry harder when her older sister came closer.
“What in the world...” he muttered to himself. Three out of his six children were all crying, seemingly out of nowhere, and Harry was absolutely baffled. He hated hearing his kids cry. Was he too hard on them?
But then, in the midst of all the crying and noses rubbing into his shirt, Harry noticed something. It was almost as if Simone and Collette were trying to outdo the other. He didn’t know how he knew, but he did.
And then, through a sniffle, Simone said, “Are we still in trouble?”
What? Harry couldn‘t believe it. He thought he was being a stern parent, and he was being played like a fiddle. The minute he saw his girls in tears he turned to mush. How many times had this happened before?
“Yes,” Harry said, trying not to let Collette’s sniffles break him. “No more iPad tonight or tomorrow. Both of you.”
The sniffling stopped as Collette looked up. “Why?”
Her eyes were wide and lined with tears, her bottom lip jutted out just so, but Harry held strong. “Because you weren’t nice to your sister, and she wasn’t nice to you, and now you have a consequence.”
“But Daddy—”
“No but Daddy. You can have it back the day after tomorrow. Now apologize to each other.”
They both mumbled something under their breath that perhaps resembled an apology, but that wasn’t good enough for Harry. Honestly, he was still a little miffed that Simone and Collette played him.
“Like you mean it,” he said, then nodded when he was satisfied. “Good. And because you two woke her up, you’re gonna help me put Natalia to sleep.”
Simone slumped her shoulders, but followed Harry back to her bedroom while Collette took his hand. Right, he thought. One crisis down, one more to go.
“Play with her while I grab something,” he told Simone, jogging back to his room for pillows, extra blankets, and Natalia’s swing. When he returned, Natalia wasn’t crying, but she was wide awake while her sisters played peekaboo. “Okay, we’re gonna hang in your room for a bit,” he said, switching on the colorful lamp that casted soft light on the walls and ceiling. “Help me lay these down.”
They all got comfortable—Simone at the bay window where Harry had made a little alcove for the girls a couple months back, Collette in her teddy bear bean bag chair, and Harry on the floor with Natalia.
“What now?” Collette asked.
“Now,” Harry said, playing some soft music from his phone. “I’m going to read.”
To his surprise, Harry didn’t receive any protest from the girls. After putting Natalia in the swing, he took a book at random from the bookshelf, opened it, and began to read.
He made sure to use different voices and push Natalia’s swing while he read. Eventually Collette moved onto her bed, and from the few times he looked up, Simone’s eyes were getting heavier. Natalia took a bit longer, but she eventually closed her eyes, and Harry was suddenly the only one awake, though not by much.
He was debating whether to leave Natalia in the swing a little longer or move her back to the nursery when the door opened.
“Hey, little man,” Harry said, opening his arms up for Julian to walk into. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I had a bad dream,” he said, his hand immediately reaching for Harry’s hair.
“I’m sorry, bubba. Do you want me to sit with you? Make sure the bad dreams stay away?”
“Wanna sleep in your room. I want Mommy.”
“Me too,” Harry sighed. “She’ll be back soon. Don’t you think she’ll be so proud if she sees you sleeping in your big boy bed?”
Jules shook his head, his mind clearly made up.
“Okay, I tried. I have to take Natalia back to her crib first. Is that okay?”
Harry first picked up Simone and put her back on her own bed. He kissed her forehead and then Collette’s, then took Natalia out of her swing. She moved around a little, but didn’t wake up, which Harry thanked his lucky stars for. Julian followed him into the nursery and quietly waited for Harry. When they finally made it to Harry’s room, someone was already there.
“You too?” he asked quietly, Maeve already fast asleep in the middle of the bed. Looking down at Julian, he said, “Where are Mum and I supposed to sleep?”
Julian merely held his arms up towards Harry, and Harry responded accordingly by picking him up and climbing into bed.
When Y/n entered the bedroom, Harry was doing everything he could to stay awake. She was only gone a couple hours, but he was exhausted.
“Got a full house tonight,” she mused, eyeing the twins sleeping soundly in her bed.
Harry stood up and followed her to the bathroom so they could talk while she got ready for bed. She told him about her night out with her friends and where they ended up going to dinner. She’d had a lot of fun, but she missed her babies.
“How was everything here?”
For a moment, Harry considered telling her that everything was smooth sailing the whole time, but he shrugged. “Natalia had a tough time falling asleep, and you know the girls. Had to take the iPad away.”
“Really? Wow,” she said, sounding surprised. But not that he had to, Harry realized, but that he did so at all.
“I can be stern when I have to be,” he said, defending himself.
Y/n smiled and wrapped her hands around her husband’s neck. “Baby, I love you, but you’re as soft as a marshmallow when it comes to the girls.”
“That is not—” he stopped himself to lower his voice. “That is not true.”
“I bet they cried to get you to cave,” she said, a knowing glint in her eye.
Harry just pouted. “I hate when you’re right.”
Y/n leaned up and kissed him, her hand playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I love it.”
They kept kissing, Harry suddenly no longer tired. He pushed Y/n up onto the bathroom counter, his lips trailing down her neck and along her jaw. He began to kiss down her chest, pulling the top of her dress down when he heard a small voice from the other side of the bathroom’s door.
Both of them sighed, and Harry helped Y/n down from the counter. They straightened each other out before opening the door to see Maeve, hair a tangly mess and stuffed animal dangling from her hand.
“Mommy! You’re home!”
“Mommy’s home?”
Julian was suddenly off the bed and launching himself at Y/n, who was quick to catch him. She gave Harry a look, and he understood it perfectly. He leaned over, Maeve in his own arms and kissed his wife’s forehead.
Next time.
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Rec - Month 8 Nov 16 - Dec 15
Previous lists under the cut at the bottom
merle said mama tried, but the prison still won by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 2.9k Eddie goes to (mall) jail.
do you love me? all you gotta do is say yes by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Teen | 3.1k two boy best friends and an ex lover walk into a grocery store. everyone is on their normalest behaviour.
drawstrings by browney3dgirl6 / @hoodie-buck Mature | 3.7k Eddie helps Buck fix his drawstrings. How was he supposed to know it’d lead to him sitting in Bucks lap?
Here Comes the Jackpot Question In Advance by lamardeuse / @lamardeuse Teen | 4.1k Buck is determined to start the new year right.
I'm still standing in the same place where you left me standing by trysetmeonfire / @try-set-me-on-fire Teen | 8.3k Bobby deals with the ramifications of a misplaced confession
Don't Push Me So Far Away I Can't Reach You by giselleslash. / @gigi-gigi Mature | 12k the one where Buck thinks he and Eddie are just friends with benefits so he pushes Eddie to date other people because he’s an idiot.
give it to someone special by rainbow_nerds / @rainbow-nerdss Mature | 12.3k Buck and Eddie meet at the airport after their respective girlfriends live their Hallmark movie dreams and dump them right before Christmas.
into thirty separate parts by hammersmiths / @henswilsons Teen | 12.6k Taylor’s book comes out.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz / @tizniz General audiences | 14k The 118 responds to a cruise ship emergency.
20k - 30k
say (don't) go by bccalling / @fiona-fififi Teen | 20.4k Eddie starts dropping hints he wants more kids. Buck assumes he means with Marisol. Buck spirals about it. Eddie does not mean with Marisol.
deck the halls (and your in-laws) by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Mature | 29.6k Eddie and Buck, recently married and moved into their new house, have the (dis)pleasure of unexpectedly hosting their parents through the holiday season. It’s not what either of them want or need, but they can get through it because they’re in this together. Right?
30k +
Facets of a Diamond by countrygirlsfun / @acountrygirlsfun Teen | 35.1k Southern California is where Buck has spent the most time since leaving Pennsylvania. Of all the places he’s lived and worked over the last few years, this place is where he decided to stay. It’s why he picked LAFD: to put down some roots. It’s warm, has the ocean, and it’s the opposite coast of his parents. So if he’s going to be here for a while, he thinks he’ll need to make an effort to let people in.
Sweet Nothing by LongConvolutedSimiles Teen | 37.8k Buck and Eddie go on dates, fall in love and get together. Yes in that order.
Maybe More Than I Should by Leslie_Knope Mature | 51.5k Eddie caught sight of the man leaning against the side of his desk and immediately wanted to retreat to the relative safety of the hallway, back in time when he lived happily not knowing that Mr. Buckley was apparently some kind of male model masquerading as a third-grade teacher.
it walks with my legs (to fall at your feet) by Underhung_Aura / @eddiebabygirldiaz Explicit | 61.8k a buddie summer sons au where buck and eddie get caught up in something bigger than themselves and awaken a power that haunts them for the rest of their lives; however, the unspoken truths and love between them haunts them more than any ghost ever could.
a blaze in the dark by woodchoc_magnum / @woodchoc-magnum Explicit | 117k Set post-Season 6, where Buck has inadvertently sacrificed his friendship with Eddie in order to focus on his new relationship with Natalia, and is shocked when Eddie comes out to the team and subsequently reveals that he is dating a guy.
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Explicit | 120k Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost. Fate has other plans for both of them.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15) Month 5 (September 16 - October 15) Month 6 (October 16 - November 15) Month 7 (November 16 - December 15)
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bitchinbarzal · 9 months
But because mama and Luca are young and the baby definitely wasn’t planned I imagine just a huge blow up maybe a month or two after Gigi is born.
They usually don’t fight but they’re both running on little sleep, Gigi refuses to sleep, they both need to study for exams and all of a sudden they’re yelling at each other and one of them just says without thinking “it’s obvious you didn’t want a baby yet or maybe you didn’t want a baby with me yet so why don’t you just leave me and Gigi alone to figure out how to be a family without you!”
Whoever said it didn’t mean it and regrets it the second it comes out of their mouth but can’t find it in themselves to apologize as the other just stares at them with hurt and anger because they both know that even if Gigi wasn’t planned, she is wanted and loved by them both but before either can say something Gigi starts crying again and the one who was just told to leave…leaves. (They come back of course it’s too early for that much angst)
You’ve both been so sleep deprived between hockey practices, housework, exams and Gigi’s two month sleep regression.
You had been getting on at one another all day long and it all finally came to a head at about 2am, both standing in the kitchen while you tried to hush Gigi’s cries while Luca rushed about to get her bottle warmed up.
“Gigi please!” You cry out
“Stop shouting at her y/n!” He scolds and You scowl
“I wasn’t shouting at her! Luca she’s been crying all day!”
“Yeah well I don’t shout at you when you cry-“
“You’re shouting at me right now!”
Neither had noticed Giada’s crying had stopped because now you had become the noise.
“I’m shouting at you because you’re shouting at our daughter!”
You sigh angrily “Because she has been screaming all day! I haven’t been able to do anything myself and you’ve hardly been any help-“
“That’s what babies do y/n! it’s obvious you didn’t want a baby yet or maybe you didn’t want a baby with me yet so why don’t you just leave me and Gigi alone to figure out how to be a family without you!”
Your heart dropped and Luca had even shocked himself with his words.
“y/n-“ His apology is interrupted by Gigi’s scream ripping through the room. Luca looks down at the bottle in his hand and before he can hand it to you, you pass her off like a hot potato.
Gigi sits in his arms and you walk out the room. He can’t shout or follow after you, having to deal with Gigi at this moment in time.
Gigi finishes her bottle just in time for Luca to hear the front door slam shut. He looks down the hallway at the closed door then at Giada who was now asleep.
He rubbed his temples, stressed and walked into the living room to put Gigi down in her bassinet.
He sat with her, just enjoying the silence not long before he heard the door open and close again followed by you appearing in the doorway.
The two of you stare at one another, him noticing the red rims around your eyes.
Luca opens his arms for you and you sit down in his lap, head on his chest as you both stare at your little girl
“I want her, I want this life” you mumbled, a rebuttal of his previous statement and he sighs
“I know, you’re the best mom to Gigi. I was just being mean I’m so sorry baby”
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yourtouchismidas · 6 months
Could you write one where Mattys brother Louis meets Gigi for the first time and banters with Matty over how soft he’s gone because of her?
I literally could not stop thinking about this when I read ruins.
(little disclaimer, i dont know much about louis, so sorry if this is way off)
you and gigi are still in the hospital when louis comes to visit. he is the last one of matty's friends and family to meet her, as he is off working in london when she is born. in fact, he didnt even find out he was having a niece until tiktok found out, and he was aimlessly scrolling one day, skipping past the ones of his brother his damn algorithm was serving up, until he saw a picture of you and the caption over it, matty healy's baby mama. he dropped the phone and rang matty immediately.
"sup?" matty had answered.
"erm, do you have something to tell me?"
"you're a twat?" matty said, lazily scrolling through his own phone while they talked.
"the baby?!" louis said, incredulously. he was used to the news and the fans making up rumours about his brother so maybe, he thought now, this was another one, until matty answered.
"oh," he said, "yeah. i'm having a baby"
"and you didnt think to mention it?!" louis cried.
"meh," matty said, "dunno why. i thought you knew."
so louis made the trek up from london on his day off, arriving at the front of the hospital, where his mum met him and led him to the room where you were resting with his new niece.
you'd never met him, and you were still sleepy, so when the boy who looked uncannily like matty walked in, you gave him a small smile and a weak wave.
"sorry to be meeting you like this," you said. louis chuckled.
matty was in the corner, looking over the crib at gigi, staring. he got up and wrapped louis in a big hug.
"glad you could come," he said. "look at my kid."
he pulled louis over to the crib, where gigi was sleeping, all black hair and wrinkly skin, in a tight swaddle.
louis looked at her for a while, smiling a soft smile, "she's so cute," he said.
"innit!' matty said.
"you shouldnt have a kid," louis said, teasing.
"erm, this is my destiny actually. look at her. look at my destiny."
"fucking hell. i didnt think you could get any softer," louis said.
usually, that kind of jab would've continued to rile matty up. they were grown now, both of them, but they could still bother each other like school boys, occasionally even shoving each other until denise had to roll her eyes and says "boys stop it for gods sake you're adults."
instead matty just scooped his baby daughter up, looked into her eyes as she opened them, and then softly said "hi," to her. then he kissed her gently on the nose and said "i don't care what she makes me. i'll be it. i'll be anything for her."
louis came alongside matty to look at her too, watching her blink open her huge eyes.
"yeah you know what she's alright, isn't she?"
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beebeesiims · 1 month
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MYAH: i'm so fast, and i can hear everything! and smell it too - even the other animal's like...feelings. GRIFFIN: really? MYAH: yes! gigi said it's because of the way our brain chemistry changes when we feel different things. it has a scent! i can't smell it all the time, but when we were running, i could tell what squirrels were hungry and which rabbit was pregnant and stuff. GRIFFIN: well that explains how i could never get away with fibbing when i was a kid. mama just always said she could smell it. MYAH: and, and! i have a theory. GRIFFIN: what's that? MYAH: we learned about non-dominant genetics in school, like how even if you don't have green eyes, you might still have the dna for it? even though you're not a werewolf, what if like...you can still kinda like sense how animals are feeling and stuff. i bet that's why the tigers love you so much.
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The Grandest Game
Chapter 3
Everybody was at the island, waiting for the contestants to arrive. Everything had already been set up, but there was still an anxious energy around just having to wait for them. Even I had to admit that the wait was killing me as well. Suddenly, I feel my phone ring in my pocket, and immediately feel a jolt just from the thought of it being that girl. Getting my phone out of my pocket, I answered quickly.
“Hello?” I ask, expecting to hear the girls addicting voice. But I don’t.
“Look who’s finally started to say hello.” Eve says. My jaw clenched just from the sound of her voice.
“What do you want?” I say, not even bothering to sugar coat it. She tuts.
“Well, you seem to be making everybody upset lately.” She says, mockingly. I swallow.
“What do you mean?” I say, my voice low. There’s a pause, almost as if she wants me to sit with my lack of information, before she speaks.
“You know, like your sister.” I freeze. Gigi was obviously upset with me about what happened to her father, but me and her are forgiven now. But Savannah…
“What did you do?” There’s silence on the other end, and I could picture her deathly smile even now.
“I told her the truth.” I go silent. The truth was, Sheffield Grayson kidnapped Avery, expecting Toby to show up. Then, Mellie shot him. That was the truth. But I wondered how easy it would be to twist that story into something much, much more different. My heart sank, but I didn’t allow any of that emotion to transfer into my voice.
“What did you tell her, exactly?”
“You’ll just have to wait to find out. Although, I doubt it will take long for your dear sister to confront you.” Then she hangs up. My teeth hurt from how hard I was clenching my jaw, and my hands were folded into fists as well. What did Eve tell Savannah? It didn’t take very long for my thoughts to get interrupted.
“Grayson?” Libby says, knocking before coming into my room. I turn to face her, making my expression neutral.
“Yes?” I ask, my voice curt.
“You have a visitor. She says she’s your sister?” She replies. This time, I couldn’t stop my eyes from widening. Eve had definitely told Savannah some tarnished version of the truth. And knowing Savannah, she was pissed.
I was still packing my bags to leave for The Game, when my little brother walks into my room.
“Do you really have to leave already?” He asks, whining. I smile at him.
“Do you want me to be late? Besides Gabriel, family’s are allowed to visit on weekends, and tomorrow’s Saturday. Why aren’t you getting ready for school?” I ask him. He sighs and goes to get ready, leaving me to continue packing. I honestly didn’t expect Eve’s plan to work out, but it did. I was a contestant in The Game, and if Eve’s cards play right, she’ll get the “Hawthorne Legacy”. The truth was, I wasn’t as invested in this as Eve was, I just wanted to get my closure, and money, and leave. But the only reason that I’m even packing for this is because of Eve, so I guess I should cut her some slack. Zipping my luggage up, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and carried my suitcase to the living room. My mom was in the kitchen, cooking, and Gabriel was building legos on the carpet. Seeing me walk out of my room, my mom races over to me.
“You’re all packed?” She says, grabbing me and hugging me.
“Yup. I got everything I need and more, as per your requests.” I reply. My mom stops hugging me to study my face.
“Remember Lyra, you belong there. Even if you feel out of place, just remember that they’re just rich people living their rich lives, and they’re really not that special.” She says. Her soft tone makes me snort.
“That’s brutal, Mama. I’m gonna tell them you said that.” I say, jokingly. I see her eyes go wide as she berates me in Spanish for saying something like that. Rolling my eyes with amusement, I walk over to the kitchen to get a quick snack before leaving. Grabbing a banana, I go over to hug my mom again.
“I need to go now if I’m gonna catch the train. Bye Mama, te amo.” I say, hugging her before giving her a kiss on the cheek. She hugs me back.
“Bye Lyra, I love you more.” She says, hugging me back. Gabriel, who sees me leaving, jumps up and runs over to give me a hug.
“Bye Lyra! Tomorrow, can I bring my project for the science fair so you can help me please?” He asks. I laugh.
“Sure, we can do that. Bye Gabriel, I love you!” I say, waving. He and my mom wave back, and I grab my things to go walk over to the train station, which was only really a five minute walk from here. Although I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread on the way there, as well as the feeling that Eve had gotten me into something way larger than I had imagined.
I walk over to the foyer, and see Savannah standing there. Her face looked perfectly pleasant, but she had a dark look in her eyes that Grayson couldn’t shake.
“Hello, Grayson. Do you mind if we could go someplace to talk?” She asks, her voice curt with a sharp edge. I nod.
“Of course. We could talk in my room?” I offer, turning around and walking there. I caught Jameson’s eye as I was walking, and saw the look on his face. Something was wrong, and even he knew it. Whatever Eve said, I’m sure most of it wasn’t true. But no matter what Eve said, it’s still my fault that I hurt Savannah by not telling her the truth. And now, it was going to have to come out. The walk there was excruciatingly silent, until I opened the door to my room and gestured for her to walk in. She didn’t. Instead, she turns to me, a flame glowing in her eyes.
“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’re my brother, or my family, because after what you did to my father, you don’t deserve to carry even a drop of my blood.” She spat, her voice venomous. I resisted the urge to flinch, and noticed how Savannah referred to Sheffield as her father, not mine.
“What did Eve tell you?” My voice was completely neutral, and I tried to be as calm as possible.
“She told me what you already know. That one of your people shot Dad and then left him there to die. She told me that you did it all for Avery. Well, was it worth it, Grayson? I bet it wasn’t, because in the end, she didn’t even end up choosing you.” She shot back. I didn’t show it on my face, but still, the insult hurt more than she could ever imagine. Me and Avery were family now, that was something that I could admit, but back then it killed me that she chose Jameson. I sucked in a quick breath.
“Savannah, that isn’t the whole story. I’m sure Eve didn’t tell you about why Avery was there-“ She cuts me off before I can explain.
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear more of your lies. You knew what happened to my father, but still you said nothing. Me and Gigi were looking for him, looking for any trace of him, and yet here you were, knowing the entire time that he was-“ Dead, I finished for her in my head, my heart sinking. She breathes in through her nose, and out through her mouth.
“I just don’t get it. She trusted you Grayson,” She said, tears shining her eyes, but the only emotion on her face was anger. “I was starting to trust you too.” My chest heaved. I wished that I could fix this entire situation, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry Savannah, I thought, I’m so, so sorry.
“I’m not going to reason with you on this anymore. But I mean it Grayson, when I say that I don’t want you talking to me or my sister anymore. Just stay away from us. Do you understand?” She asks me, her voice dangerous. I wanted to say something, anything, but what was done was done, and I couldn’t fix it. Instead I just nod, and she quickly wipes her tears until any traces of her crying were gone, and walks away, her heels clicking as she does.
“Grayson?” Xander says, awkwardly walking out from around the corner once Savannah had passed. Something in his expression told me that he had definitely been eavesdropping.
“Yes?” I say, trying not to show any sign of sadness from the past conversation on my face.
“The first contestants have arrived.”
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mustread-fics · 1 year
Hello & Welcome
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To the amazing writers and all my fellow fan-fiction enthusiasts, this blog is new and I’m here to rave and show love for all the wonderfully talented writers who post their stories on here for free although it’s so good they should be charging.
I’ve been in many fandoms through out the years and was lucky to be introduced to the Elvis Presley fandom this last late October. Lots have fell off since the fame of the movie has quieted but the mighty bunch that have stayed are full of love and talent and I’ve never been more warmly welcomed or accepted. And although it’s not as large as other fan bases, I find that it is full of gifted authors because each fic is honestly a work of art. These creators manage to bring Elvis alive and even in ‘AU’ they manage to keep true to the depths of who he was from what we know of him as a person. I think Elvis would be glad to have so many of these lovely ladies thirsting over him and creating angsty/fluffy/smutty perfect scenarios we have of him. Decades have passed since his death but his love for us lives on as does our love and appreciation for him.
I find myself to be what I consider a picky reader, through the years it’s always been hard for me to find more than a handful of fanfics to read, but as I said, I’m incredibly lucky that size does not matter in this fandom because the few who are here are dripping in talent and as such, I get to immerse myself in all that goodness.
As I said I am picky and it’s hard for me to connect with fics (except with the EP fandom there’s so much talent it is the most fic I have read) so although I also happen to be Austin Butler fan and have been for the past year, there has only been one author who’s entire stories I have read and as of recently, I came across another series that is an AU but has got me hooked. Since the list of current recs is shorter let’s start with them -
@blainesebastian is an amazing writer, I’ve read EVERY. SINGLE. THING. she has written on Austin and recommend everything. Of course at the top of the list is her Coffee Girl Series but everything she writes is gold.
@burninlovebutler Recently I came across her ‘Just An Intern’ series and fell in love with it! There’s just something about lovely Austin being an asshole isn’t there?
@missmaywemeetagain I heard about her on TWITTER - the people were raving about Pink Scarf which is a rite of passage into the EP fandom I think. Recently she also has a new story titled ‘Broken Glass’ that holds the ability to break your heart or heal it and it’s scary we don’t know which way she’s gonna tip.
@precious-little-scoundrel is a gift and for some reason I believe she is a professor because reading her work makes me feel smarter. She’s got me reading an Elvis riverboat captain fanfic from the Reconstruction era, that is the power she holds. A Whole Man Is Hard To Find was the second Elvis fanfiction to be found by me and I quickly fell down the rabbit hole. CP and Rosey own me and their story is a masterpiece. She’s got her Sky High Lovin series which was my introduction in to Big Daddy and I haven’t looked back once since reading it. There’s her Sarge and Lil Mama story - who wouldn’t want to read about Elvis’s life if he had married himself a good Southern women who wanted to be gifted with numerous children. It’s Elvis obsessed with his wife and covered in children and it is great. As of late she has her ‘But Then … Gigi’ story that is Big Daddy in ‘77 if he had been loved correctly and whole heartedly, not for what he could give or offer people. It’s basically a story of what we would all wish for our Big Daddy. I recommend all of the above.
@elvisabutler Speaking of rites of passage into the Elvis fandom, her Professor Presley story feels like a rite of passage into Big Daddy Elvis. Big Daddy as your professor and Belle, the student who has slept with many professors, come together through love. It’s heartbreaking and glorious. Her new story ‘Spark’ is beautifully written and happens to be painful but comforting all at once. Big Daddy Electrician Elvis as a WW2 Veteran turned watcher of the children at church who fixes things for a Miss Lilly - his Lil’ Darlin. I read her Selkie Elvis AU (like I said deep down the rabbit hole) and it’s hurt/comfort but more comfort and I really enjoyed it. Her list of stories is endless for anyone who is an Austin or Elvis fan so you guys are more than free to take a look at those as well and find what else you could enjoy!
@thatbanditqueen ‘No One Walks Out On Big Daddy’ was like finding a pot of gold. Between nailing down his humor, mannerisms, and the way she doesn’t shy away from the heavy physicality of what made Big Daddy so delicious her story has utterly reeled me in. Not to mention, ‘Becky Butt’ is a moniker that just gets stuck in your head and I’m content knowing Elvis can fill his hands by grabbing onto her. It’s Single! Mom and Norah promises so much goodness.
@whositmcwhatsit ‘A Slide To Oblivious’ perfectly captures the head manipulation and thin ice one could wander that many have talked about who dated Elvis. Elvis wasn’t a normal man, he was a beautiful complexity, and he wasn’t easy to handle at times. I love the way Chancy knows the true Elvis so well she can guess on how to handle situations with him. Knows how to talk him off the ledge and bring him back. It’s very angsty but wonderful.
@butlersxbirdy has managed to terrifically converge ‘A Cat On The Hot Tin Roof’ with Big Daddy where he might - possibly, hopefully - pop a cherry and impregnate his adopted son’s wife because his son just ain’t taking his husband duties seriously enough. If you haven’t yet watched the movie I suggest you do, I did after coming across her story and it did help me appreciate it more but you don’t have to watch it to read her story as she will be appplying her own changes and taking different routes I believe. Maggie is also Elizabeth Taylor (as in the movie) which she is just gorgeous. She has got me in anticipation for the next part! Makes me feral to think of the way Maggie wants to be taken care of and the sexiness of when Big Daddy finally takes it upon himself. If you watch the movie you’ll know she can choose to break our hearts but I hope she doesn’t and remains good to us.
@ab4eva She has been on my TBR list forever and I’ve only managed to read ‘Just A Woman’ part 1 but I’ve seen so many speak highly of her ‘Tomorrow Will Be Too Late’ series so make sure you check it out, I sure plan to! ‘Just A Woman’ was heartbreaking, the way Reader was aware she shouldn’t go see Elvis again to protect her heart but at the same time she loves him. Elvis wasn’t perfect, he had his flaws and could be selfish and the way he calls upon the Reader leans in to that side of him.
@be-my-ally Also on my TBR list, my first reading however was a Big Daddy one shot ‘Let Yourself Go’ that was so deliciously hot. Reader tells Elvis she can’t come and has never reached that point and Elvis is such a good Daddy, he takes care of that for his baby.
@crash-and-cure Yandere! Elvis QUEEN. Her ‘If I Were You’ series is a MUST READ, it was my introduction to the yandere themes that I think borderlined with real Elvis at times. My favorite work of hers is ‘Hallelujah’ but I honestly recommend all her works and I cannot lie, I love scoping out her requests page as it makes me excited for what she has coming our way and the requests she receives are amazing!
To all fan-fiction authors thank you for taking time from your busy lives and blessing us with universes for us to get lost in with our favorite man(men.) I am so grateful for you allowing us to have peeks into your heart, head, and soul’s. While fan-fiction may seem ridiculous to many, it isn’t to me, it allows me an escape from when times are hard and life is kicking my ass. It’s a therapy of sorts and I am eternally appreciative of the fact that it exists and that people continue writing and posting it. I hope you all don’t mind me creating this place where I can reblog your works and review them, my favorite parts, what made me feel things, and if any writer ever doesn’t want me consistently commenting and showering love on their works all you have to do is ask I will respect that.
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cinamun · 9 months
My grandmother on my dads side felt she was too young to be called mom so her kids called her by her name and we called her nana because she didn’t want to be called grandma. As you said there’s glam-ma now and Gigi and just so many other options that isn’t the traditional names. Titi for auntie. The list goes on.
Also, my mom and dad had me young so we’re not too far off in age and they’ve both been struggling to cope with the “grandparents” idea. My mom is coping a little better than my dad but he’s always been the “I’ll be young forever” type of person. I think they’ll forget all about the insecurities for a bit once baby girl drops in a few months, but I definitely agree that adopting new roles in life that tie into the aging process can really do a number on you if you’re not ready to accept/embrace it. Even I forget I’m actually 25 and not 18 anymore so when people call me “mom” or “mama” now it just feels odd but I’m getting used to it as it gets closer to my due date. Just took a lot of self reflecting and self love and understanding that I can still be myself while simultaneously being someone’s mother.
"Took a lot of self reflecting and self love and understanding that I can still be myself while being someone's mother"
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Its kinda like that weird phenomenon where some folks forget the pain of childbirth the moment they hold their baby! Because the thing that really matters isnow tangible! It's WILD!
There are a lot of variables like the ones you described like the age you are when you have your baby and if parents have their children young (like teen parents, etc) the terms like "Auntie" and "Granny" are harder to swallow. In the end, its our own acceptance and love of ourselves that really matters.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
Elvis was in the studio, setting up tracks for his next movies soundtrack but his mind isn't all there. He doesn't have rockstar brain that allows him to focus solely on the music. No, he's slipped into dad brain and is in full worrying dad mode since you called the studio not even an hour after school drop off this morning to inform Elvis that your daughter was throwing up with a fever, that if he needed you, to call Graceland because that's where you'd be taking care of your four year old daughter but not to worry and not to hurry because you knew these tracks were important to the timeline of shooting this next picture.
Elvis was really struggling. He thought he was doing a good job at acting like nothing was wrong but Jerry had unfortunately heard the call from you talking about your daughter so he was keeping an eye on him.
Jerry, knowing how rattled E was, he stopped him in the middle of a take and told him, "Just go home man, be with Gigi, I'll take the heat with the Colonel, just go." Elvis removed his headphones and looked around the studio, considering what Jerry told him. "No, not yet because if I do just disappear, the old vampire'd just make it ten times worse on me tomorrow. I'll wait a bit more. Plus I'm sure Y/N's got it handled."
Just then the colonel came back in to "supervise" and so the topic was dropped and the men once again acted like nothing was wrong even though Elvis was fighting his dad brain and instinct to just go be with his sick baby.
He couldn't ignore his dad brain two hours later though when you called the studio again, this time and this phone call was absolutely breaking his heart.
"Hey, so I just wanted to give you a little update. She's still warm, she's slowed down on puking though but she's asking for you. Incessantly. Refusing to lay down at least until she knows your home and is repeatedly asking for daddy cuddles, wants nothing to do with mama today." Elvis put his hand on his hip, sighing through his nose, and leaning his head back pointed at the ceiling.
"Ah jeez, love. You guys are breaking my heart here. I want to go home so bad but I don't know when the Colonel will let me outta here. You know how he is." You sighed over the line. "I do and hold on- Genevieve it's daddy. You want to talk to him?" Elvis can hear whimpering on your end and then, "Daddy?" He smiled. "Hi munchkin. How you feeling?" She whimpered. "Yucky daddy. Want snuggles." Elvis looked down, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know Gigi but daddy's at work, honey. Daddy's trying to hurry though, you'll get your cuddles soon I promise." Jerry eyed him as soon as he heard the word 'promise' He knew how serious Elvis took his promises to his children.
"Can't you ask the bossy man? Please daddy?" Your daughter whimpered and Jerry just knew that was when Elvis totally melted, having his daughter wrapped around his finger. "I'll talk to him baby," Elvis replied. "I'll see you so soon okay." Gigi just continued to cry as she handed the phone back to you.
"I'm gonna get her in the tub, we need to get her fever down." Elvis nods. "Okay, I'm leaving here whether the Colonel likes it or not." You nod. "Just don't throw any punches E, okay?" He sighs. "Okay fine I won't."
Elvis hangs up the phone and lets the anger of being kept here while he has sick babies at home consume him. He's asked nicely the first time you called but he had said Elvis couldn't leave so he'd much rather use his anger.
"Hey, Gigi's gotten worse, I gotta go Colonel." The Colonel stamped his cane on the ground. "Not yet my boy, you still have four tracks you need to finish." Elvis sighed. "Listen to me you old bastard. My kid is at home miserable and sick and is asking for her daddy. I am a daddy and husband first before I'm a performer or your client so you can wait until my baby's well again before I come back into the studio, got it. Now if you don't mind, I'm going home to my baby." And with that, Elvis turns and walks to his Cadillac.
When he got home, Elvis slammed the door and immediately could hear Genevieve sobbing somewhere inside Graceland. "Baby? I'm home! Where are ya?" He shouted as he searched all 18 rooms. "We're in our bathroom baby!" You yell back from upstairs. Elvis finds you bathing your daughter in your and his bathroom and she is absolutely having a meltdown. She stops a minute when she sees him walk through the bathroom door and then resumes crying. Whether from relief or happy crying that he's finally there, he doesn't know. "Look who it is baby!" You chirp to her as you pull the plug of the tub and wrap the fluffiest towel around her.
Elvis reaches his hands out and cuddles your overwhelmed little girl to his chest. "Hiya lovebug, what's the matter? Daddy's here now, it's all okay?" Elvis helps her adjust the towel so she's still covered up but so she can wrap her arms tightly around her daddy's neck. "Daddy! Feel yucky." He rubs her back, cooing at her. "Oh Gigi, I know. Let's get you all cozy and you and daddy will lay down, huh?" Genevieve nods, snuggling close into Elvis's neck.
You wave him off. "Go get her settled. I'll clean this up." Elvis nods, leaning in quickly to give you a peck on the cheek before walking to her bedroom to find her another change of pajamas.
Once the bathroom is all picked up, you decide to grab a blanket and cuddle up with Elvis and your daughter. You find them in the TV room watching a show, her head on Elvis's chest. Elvis is the only one who notices you come into the room, Gigi is too focused on the show to notice you. Elvis reaches out and takes your hand. "Did you get in much trouble with the Colonel?" You ask, running one of your hands through his hair, one of your favorite activities.
"Honestly? Probably but I don't care. All I care about is doing this right now. She asked for me and I left." Elvis wraps an arm over your daughters chest, kissing her wet hair. "You're an amazing dad, E." Elvis blushes at the compliment.
Elvis pokes Gigi's cheek to get her attention and only then she notices your standing next to Elvis. "Hey, can mama crash our cuddle party and lay with us?" She leans her head back on his belly so she can see him without moving. "You stay though?" You chuckle as you sit on your daughters other side. "Yes," He says. "Daddy's gonna stay with you. Why don't you try to sleep love. Take a nap with me?" She sighs, tiredly and just wordlessly snuggles into her father.
With you on the other side of her, you whisper over her, "Hey, thank you." He shrugged. "Of course. I knew coming home would make her feel better." Whatever he could do for her he would.
I finally wrote dad!E I hope you like! @ellie-24 @arianatheangel-girl
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k3fanblog · 10 months
Best K3 song bracket! - Recap
I have a lot of data from the polls so I used it to make a full ranking of all 128 songs that made it to the bracket. For this I used two rules: songs that made it to later rounds would be ranked higher than songs eliminated earlier and within a round the songs would be ordered by the absolute number of votes they got, this felt fairer than the percentage, because almost anything got obliterated by Oya lélé, but for example Opa still managed to get 5 votes in the first round, which I think is more impressive than getting 4 votes in a poll with 20 votes in total. (Opa had a percentage of 11.4, 4 votes of 20 would be 20%), because a lower number of total votes seems to imply people cared less about both songs.
Anyway having said that, some fun facts:
3 songs only got 1 vote in total, De aarde beeft, K3 Kan Het! and Oh ja (Though Kus van de juf only got 1 vote in round 2)
Top 3 songs that did better than their original rank would have expected are: 3) Verliefd (3 biggetjes), was ranked at 103 and ended up in place 10; 2) Hokus pokus dikke dokus, was ranked at 119 and ended up in place 22, and; 1) Mr. De president, originally ranked 114th and ended in place 16
On the other hand top 3 songs that did worse than expected: 3) Whoppa! ranked 43 and ended in place 120; 2) Jij bent mijn Gigi, ranked 21 and ended in place 106, and; 1) Dans van de farao, ranked 14 and also ended up in place 106 (both got the same number of votes)
Hippie shake on the other hand performed exactly as expected, it was ranked 8th and ended up in 8th place
The highest ranking non-og songs are 10.000 luchtballonnen and Mamasé at a shared 18th place
The highest ranking hmj song is Superster at the 32nd place
Full ranking behind the cut
(I used Tumblr's enumerated list, so the shared places aren't shown. Just remember that from place 20 on most spots are pretty close together.)
Oya lélé
Alle Kleuren
Hart verloren
De 3 biggetjes
Frans liedje
Hippie shake
Verliefd (3 biggetjes)
I love you baby
Ya ya yippee
Je hebt een vriend
Mr. De president
Heyah mama
10.000 luchtballonnen
Hokus Pokus Dikke Dokus
Blub, ik ben een vis!
Loko le
Zou er iemand zijn op Mars?
Kuma hé
Eeuwig en altijd
Love boat baby
Baby come back
Luka Luna
1,2 doe met me mee
Zonder liefde
Oma's aan de top
Pina Colada
Yippee yippee
Waar zijn die engeltjes
Hallo K3
Dieper dan de zee
Laat de wind maar waaien
Bikini vol zand
Dokter dokter
Op elkaar
Jongens zijn gek!
Roller Disco
Borst vooruit
Jij bent de bom!
Jij bent mooi
Yeke yeke
Visje in het water
Wij zijn gibbertjes
Altijd blijven dromen
Zwaai als je verliefd bent
De wereld van K3
Mama's en papa's
Kus van de juf
Handjes draaien
De Weddenschapsgospel
Alice in Wonderland
Meiden van de brandweer
Leukste van het land
Koning Willem-Alexander
Ali Baba
Nooit meer oorlog
Iedereen is anders
Mango mango
De politie
De revolutie!
K3 Loves You!
Als het binnenregent
Beter als je danst
Disco Oma
Land van de regenboog
Ster aan de hemel
Hey hallo
Tjikke boem
Piramide van liefde
Een ongelooflijk idee
Keileuke zomer
Liefde is overal
En ik dans
De Gordel is er weer
Drums gaan boem
Verliefd zijn
Dans van de farao
Jij bent mijn Gigi
Eya Hoya!
Je mama ziet je graag
Liefde geeft je vleugels
Altijd van je dromen
Iedereen K3
Zeg eens AAA
Wat ik wil
Wanneer zie ik jou terug
De aarde beeft
K3 Kan Het!
Oh ja
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hijinxensues · 1 year
The Cloaking Brooch Dilemma - Part 8
RotTMNT Donatello x OC!AFAB
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Synopsis: Donatello considered himself, nay, deemed himself the greatest mind of his generation. He was known for his skills as a scientist, inventor, engineer and was a technological genius. Dare he throw in that he was a damn good brother and held the title of being ¼th ‘Protector of New York City’.
He could barely fathom that he didn’t piece together that the pretty barista he was falling for was simultaneously his gaming buddy (might I add, for the last eight years) and was working for Big Mama.
At this very moment, Donatello was sure of two things in his life. One of them being his life was a joke and the second being that he was fraternizing with the enemy.
All because he decided to run errands whilst donning his cloaking brooch.
Warnings: Aged-Up turtles, fluff, Half-Yokai OC, AFAB OC (does use she/her/they pronouns in writing), swearing, light angst
Ch 8 – Magenta
Despite your best efforts to convince Donnie to stay as the night closed in on the both of you, he politely declined saying that he’d make it home and that he was absolutely tougher than he looked. While he didn’t give off ‘string bean’ vibes, Donnie was very lean; you made a mental note to start feeding him more.
After ensuring he got home safe and bidding him goodnight, you cleaned up after yourselves and made yourself comfy in your own bed.
letty: not to give you a big ego or anything, but its like super lonely without you here lmao also vacuum up after ur rabbit fur ffs, why I also gotta clean up after YOUR shedding
gigi: my ego is so fucking large right now, also I pay for most of the groceries so. u can deal w the shedding ty bb
gigi: i will admit that i, too, have separation anxiety LOL its too late for me to make it over there
letty: donnie mentioned something about ‘portal magic’ or whatever being pretty common amongst yokai, maybe make urself useful and learn some, or better yet find someone who can do it for you
gigi: got, it will find hot boyfriend to portal me to ur place. Bc that’s SO easy. Also how was loverboy tonight?
letty: OMF I had a panic attack and then we like…semi cuddled or smth? Our shoulders were touching EEEE
gigi: THE SHOULDERS BABE!! youre ridiculous lmao im going to bed now, will swing by idk whenever ill just show up, night lov u bb
letty: ya whatever u got a key. that u got cut for yourself lmao
letty: NIGHT love u too
You rolled your eyes and made yourself into a little burrito before tucking your phone under your pillow and settling in. Having Donatello actively in your life the past few weeks was a bit of a whirlwind, getting past the initial shock of it all, the two of you established a bit of a routine and fallen into a rhythm. There were evenings where you had night shifts or he was just busy with family, but you’d made time to video chat or text almost all hours of the day and then to see each other at least every few days, schedule permitting.
Were you two…seeing each other?
No, that would be ridiculous. The prerequisite of two or more people seeing each other with romantic intentions would be that all parties would be in consensus to said suggestion prior to moving forward with it. On top of that, all parties would also have to be honest…guilt gnawed at you your hand finding it’s way to one of your ears and tugging gently. The ‘Cloaking Brooch Dilemma’ would have to be addressed sooner or later, but when? It felt like too much time had passed to just casually bring it up. Would he think you’re a liar? Worse, would he hate you for lying by omission? You should’ve just made the reveal the same night you found out he was using ‘Othello’ as an alias.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and let sleep take you. It was a problem for another day.
You hadn’t heard much from Donnie during the day, (he did have other obligations than answering your text messages back, unfortunately). Wiping the counter down at Rendezvous, you get a ping on your phone.
gigi: we out of milk can u get some on the way home plz
letty: we?
letty: WHOS ‘WE’? you and me? U don’t live there
letty: u fucking moocher
letty: also yes lactose free? venmo me bitch
After receiving a thumbs up emoji from your rabbit counterpart, you focus back on tending to the coffee machine and cleaning up. There wasn’t much longer to go until your shift here was done, you’d get a little bit of a break then you’d have a shift at the Grand Nexus. Making a mental note to put up milk in between your jobs, the telltale ring of the door goes off making it known someone’s come in.
“Hi, welcome to- oh, hey! It’s been a while!”
Your hands make quick work starting a latte for him and grabbing a cinnamon bun. You give him a once over which causes you to pause your rapid muscle memory. Your regular normally wore a black mask to cover his nose and mouth but he was without it today and you were met with a very familiar shade of green and purple. The purple clad individual was sans his goggles and in place a black beanie, but with his drawn-on eyebrows on his purple bandana, this was without a doubt, the terrapin who you’d had, not one but two, run ins with at Tio Huesos’. He looked so casual bundled up in his coat, faux fur lined the hood, his bottom half in well-worn dark grey sweatpants and then boots with dark purple socks poking out the top.
Thinking back to the other times you’d seen him previously, how have you not recognized him sooner?
You honestly weren’t sure how to feel, he’d always been a quiet and well-behaved regular. He’d never given you a hard time and had always given a nod or a half curtesy smile before heading out with his goods. Frustration brewed in your chest thinking back to all his attitude outside the Rendezvous walls.
“Hello,” his voice cracked, he smoothed over his neck with a hand and cleared his throat, “Salutations!” he tried one more time with a nervous chuckle and an awkward smile. You were almost tempted to think he was cute. Almost. “Tonight is an exceptional night for a stroll and a coffee, don’t you think?”
This was a very different version of the turtle you previously had run into with your rabbit ears equipped. Thinking back, he was much more nervous now than you’d ever seen taking in account the times he’d come by the coffee shop over the years, and he’d never previously tried to initiate small talk with you in the past.
“The same as usual, right? I’ve already got it going.”
He deflates, smile quickly replace with a tight-lipped nod. Eyes darting everywhere but your own as he paid for his order. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets as he stiffly made his way to the other counter to wait for his order.
Holding back a groan, you got his order ready, guilt seeping into your bones as your curt response wiped the smile off his face. He does have a pretty smile. Biting back a scowl you mentally reprimand yourself for thinking any boy with pretty eyes that paid you any attention was cute.
“Ah, sorry sir,” you start slowly, “just having a long day.”
You slide over two cinnamon buns instead of one, “An extra for you on the house.” Twirling a bit of hair around your finger, you tug lightly and offer as bright of a smile as you can muster to turn the mood around.
The terrapin almost fumbles his coffee cup as he puffs his chest out with a newfound confidence. ‘Oh god, there he is’, this energy was what you associated with him at Tio Huesos. He was but a shade away from exuding an air of arrogance.
“But of course! I did not at all take the pervious interaction personally in any capacity! Ha ha!”
Two things were made instantly clear to you.
1)     Purple Turtle was a shitty liar.
He pulls a giggle out of you, and you catch his grin widen marginally as his fingers clench and adorably thrum on the pastry box.
2)     You were too soft on Purple Turtle. (Note to self: Be an asshole and commit to it.)
He glances down at your nametag, and the gesture oddly reminds you of Donnie, “Violet, have a good evening.”
“You as well, sir.”
The terrapin struts out of the shop quickly and with purpose, a bit of a bounce to his step a stark contrast from his more subdued and jittery movements coming in. You almost miss him fist bump the air as he turns the corner and is out of sight.
‘You’ve been invited to ‘Girls Night!’ group chat’
Rapid pings happen on your phone as April, Sunita and Usagi spam the text thread. Quickly, you put the group chat on mute and save both girls numbers into your phone. Pocketing your phone to clean up after your mess you made another mental note to try your best and actual conversate and cultivate new relationships with Usagi’s other friends.
The rest of your shift goes by uneventfully and your co-worker comes in to relieve you as you clock out. Waving them a goodbye, you gather your things and head home to rest up before your night shift at the Grand Nexus.
Your apartment is rabbit-less when you enter, and you put the milk away in the fridge. Your nose twitches as you walk around the space, ‘I probably just missed him’, your sense of smell was slightly heightened post-mutation and you didn’t put it to use often but it was useful when needed.
‘125 Missed Messages’
Snorting you press the record button to record a voice note, “Hey girlies, sorry was at work. Just got home, but also going to head out to work again in a little bit. Uh, got the milk, Gigi. Also, lets plan for hanging out? I can host, my space is small, but it’ll be cozy! Hope yall don’t mind rabbit fur- Gigi is shedding.” Letting the voice note send, you prep another, “Also, 125 missed messages!?”
A voice note from Usagi pops up, “Venmo’d you for milk. Yes, catch up on the chat while you get ready for work. I’ll swing by later, probably? Love you.”
April: yall are too cute!! reminds me of my siblings but much less violent and annoying
Violet: LOL, how many u got?
Sunita: she has like, 4 brothers.
Four!? That would make April one of five siblings, in this economy? In New York City?! Settling into your couch cushions you catch up on your missed messages and send a few voice notes back to them.
April: okay, so girls night on Thursday? that gives us all a few days to prep and book off work!
Sunita: Already in the calendar!! SO EXCITED
Usagi: i’ll be there early to help set up the apartment
Letty: YAY okay sounds good yall, will talk later, just getting ready 4 the night shift
Getting ready you put your things together and leisurely pull out a post it-note and start writing to let Usagi know when you’d be home and to throw the garbage out when he got in. Sticking the note on the fridge, you double then triple check you have everything for your shift then set off to your destination.
“Did you ever find out what that turtle Yokai was snooping around for?” Draping yourself across the magenta chaise you play catch with yourself and a crumpled-up piece of paper. Catching the ball in your hand you make the next toss into a nearby waste basket.
The loud smack on the table startles you enough to almost slide out of the chaise.
“No, we didn’t. He was seemingly snooping around for nothing; nothing was out of place. Nothing was missing. It was virtually untouched.”
Odd, but what did you know about hero and villain affairs?
Usagi had pretty much confirmed that he was one of the color-coded vigilantes that saved the city from the alien invasion a few years back and so you were reticent to think he was doing something with malicious intent. You were very well aware through the grape vine that Big Mama was…’sketchy’ to speak plainly. If anything, ‘sketchy’ was a very watered-down descriptor of the woman.
Secretly, you hoped he got what he needed the last time so you wouldn’t need to be caught up with him again. You really did like the job at the hotel. The grandeur of the hotel used to make you feel out of place, but now it felt cozy to be surrounded by such warmth from the richness of the velvet furniture and the overdressed patrons.
The telltale flickering red light catches your attention and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “Hello, front-“
“Intercom girl, I was hoping I’d catch you.”
How he was able to tell it was you based on two words alone stumped you.
The florescent blue clouds your vision as the line goes dead and the blue clad terrapin walks through and closes the portal behind him. A hand finds your emergency button immediately; however you find yourself not wanting to press it. Ears swiveling, you do a once over the lobby to confirm there was no other employees in the vicinity to see this. Your hand knocks over the switch for the security cameras trained on the front desk and you lie to yourself that you did it by accident.
Sticking your neck out for a stupid, blue turtle wasn’t on your to-do list today, but here you were.
“I think you already know what I’m going to say, but how can I help you?”
“You know, Intercom Girl, I can call you ‘Intercom Girl’ right? I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he flashes a grin at you that would surely make someone else swoon (but not you, purple was more your color), “The names’ Leo and I believe you and me might have a mutual friend.”
You follow his gaze to the button on your wrist to notify the staff and you guess he catches the way your eyebrows furrow uncertainly so he follows up with a, “I don’t bite, promise.”
“You’re going to need to give me more than just your name and an ominous mention about a mutual friend.” Rationally, you could guess he was talking about Usagi, given that Usagi himself confirmed the terrapins did takeout at Huesos. However, Leo could also be alluding to April or even Sunita? Though, those choices were less plausible since there was only one instance where you’d met them.
“We’re also on a time limit before someone comes down to check on me, so talk fast.” Pressing him for time seems to be the right play as he deflates momentarily as the jig is up. He glances around the same way you did before and leans in close, “So,”
“There’s this,” he runs a hand down his face and you don’t miss the way his cheeks are dusted with pink. Gesturing with your hand for him to keep going, he refuses to meet your eyes as he continues, “Rabbit Yokai at ‘Run of the Mill’.”
You were calling Usagi once you got off the clock.
“And you’ve come to me to confirm that we’re mutuals or?”
He fidgets with the wrappings on his arms, “I’m usually much more suave than this,” he chuckles nervously and pulls at an invisible collared shirt.
“Are you? Because it looks like rabbit got your tongue.” Confidently you smirk at him with your play on words.
“I can respect that, honestly. I made an IHOP joke last I saw you so I definitely deserved that. Point is, I’m just making sure he’s safe.”
Scratch that, you were calling Usagi the moment Leo left.
“Safe? Where is he? What’re you on about?” Panic shows itself in the way your fingers go to your pocket to grab your phone to contact him. Leo’s gaze hardens as he stares down your jittery form, “You work at the Grand Nexus, who’s owned by Big Mama- one of the biggest crime lords for the Hidden City. Can’t be too careful.”
“And? Usagi’s my best friend!” your mouth is too fast for your brain and you’ve revealed the only real leverage you had against him, “Are you accusing me of putting him in danger because of my night job!? How do you even know we know each other?! I would’ve heard about you if you were important to him.”
Usagi would’ve told you if he was seeing someone, especially if it was this guy. Right?
The doubt that’s sowed into your head is blinding and doesn’t help you think straight as you press the emergency button Leatherhead gave you.
“You should go. Don’t come back.”
Leo’s gaze doesn’t leave yours, his expression unreadable, as he opens his portal and walks through.
Your apartment door almost comes off the hinges with how violently you unlock and push it open. Your rabbit counterpart yelps and flops onto the floor unceremoniously from the couch. Usagi’s has his hand to his heart, he breathes heavy and fast, “What the fuck is going on!? It’s like, 1am in the morning!”
“I don’t know, you tell me! Do you happen to know a ‘Leo’? That’s also a turtle? Because I’ll tell you what there’s probably not many of those around!”
A flash of recognition runs across his face as he catches his breath, “Well, yeah? He comes to Tio Huesos’. Why did you have to give me a heart attack, for the second time, at 1am in the morning to ask that question!?”
Tears pinprick at your eyes as you collapse beside him on the floor and recount the encounter with Leo to Usagi, bottom lip quivering and tears painting your cheeks. “Do you not trust me?” Warm arms engulf you, “Letty, I trust you with my life. Leo can get overprotective-“
“So, you do know him?!”
“I do! But like, casually? I was actually waiting to see if it’d get more serious before I outright told you.”
“But we tell each other everything.” Her admission is barely a murmur. 
“We do, and I was wrong to keep it from you even if that wasn’t the intention. You know how quickly I catch feelings and I really just wanted to be sure before I brought it up this time. I’m so sorry, Letty.” Sputtering out a watery laugh you clutch at his sweater, “Lest we forget, Gerard the Frog Prince, your last ‘true love’.”
There’s a playful bat at your head and a tug on your ear, “Listen, I deserve that but also fuck you.”
The air in the apartment is much lighter as the two of you sleepily clutch onto each other, seeking warmth and comfort. Usagi reaches for the comforter and a few pillows, “We can do a pillow fort tonight?”
Wiping away your tears onto Usagi’s sweater you nod and get up to help him drape sheets over a few chairs before grabbing a few fairy lights from your bedroom to rig on the inside. You rummage for a few more comforters since you were too lazy to move your mattress and make a little den.
“Leo would have a fit if he saw this, he’d think we’re dating.”
“He knows I only like guys, but also, I definitely have to talk to Leo about whatever the fuck just happened, because you are the farthest thing from a threat. I think his family just has messy history with Big Mama.”
You snort, “Yeah, get your man babe, he’s out of control. You should also ask how he knew where to find me?”
“Well, he’s a ninja so I think he probably followed you. Maybe he’s seen us walk home together or something, I’ve brought you up very vaguely in conversation.”
Humming, you concede, that made a lot of sense, “That’s deeply unsettling. Speaking of turtles, my regular came in today and guess what? He’s the purple turtle from Tio Heusos I ran into! He didn’t recognize me obviously, but it was whack. I felt like I was in the matrix.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Yawning you pull out your phone to see an onslaught of messages from the group chat and Donnie. You open Donnie’s text thread and start typing.
letty: had the craziest fucking day, I don’t think you’re awake but missed you today
letty: also my dishwasher is broken, can you come over and fix it plz lmao tyty my lil techie
donnie: Please do not ever call me ‘lil techie’ ever again.
letty: it’s your new rap name, but also go the fuck to bed
donnie: I missed your presence today as well and do tell me about your day later today. I am heading to bed now, but I’m glad I caught you. And yes, I will fix your dishwasher.
letty: perf, youre the best but u knew that already
‘Letty sent a photo attachment’
letty: check out this blanket fort, made it w gigi night lil techie
donnie: 3 things: Love the addition of fairy lights, fuck off and goodnight.
Usagi’s ears flop over your shoulder and you watch his even breathing signaling he’s gone to sleep already. You dim your fairy lights, get comfortable and let sleep take you for the night.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
thinking about single mom au tonight
you know what, me too Ro! Also, take this as a late birthday post because ur amazing so I hope u enjoy this babes!!
Moving Day
Daya dropped the last big box onto the ground and huffed, wiping the sweat from her brow as the patter of feet echoed down the hall. She was starting to feel her hands shake as she ran her hands through her hair.
“Mama, Mama! This house is so big!” The 3 year old giggled, her blonde curls trailing behind her as Jasmine chuckled, her own .
“Yeah, yeah it is, dragonfly.” Daya said, her voice just a smidge softer than normal as she leaned against the white wall. Jasmine picked up the little girl and kissed her cheek. “Sure is, baby. This house is big enough for you and all of your toys Auntsco and Auntie Cam got you for your birthday.” Ava giggled and wrapped one arm loosely around her mothers neck and rested her head against her shoulder.
“Then Auntie Gigi and Cryssie can come visit, right Mama?” She looked at Daya excitedly, smiling wide with her little teeth.
Daya could feel her head pounding now as her vision seemed to blur. She nodded weakly as Ava tilted her head in confusion. “Mama?” Now Jasmine looked at her partner, back straightening taking in Dayas appearance. She put Ava down, kissing her head and heading over to the taller woman, hands on her cheek.
“Di, baby, look at me.” Daya could barely hear her, ears ringing as she fought the black spots coming into her vision. “Daya, when was the last time you ate anything?” Jasmine asked, her voice more forceful as her eyes grew more frantic, taking in Dayas' nearly unconscious state.
“Couple hours.�� Her voice was weaker as she struggled to keep her words from slurring, she could faintly hear Jasmine mumble something as her warm hands held onto her clammy flesh. She feels herself sink to the floor, a warm body press flush against her back and arms wrap around her front, keeping her upright and her head nestled against her shoulder. Jasmine was saying something to her as Ava left the room, thumping against the wood.
“It’s okay, baby. I got you, I got you.” Jasmine said, rubbing up and down Dayas arms soothingly. It’s all a blur as she hears more footsteps and Jasmine talking but not understanding what she’s saying as she feels a straw come to her mouth. She faintly hears Jasmine coax her to sip and she’s so groggy and can’t remember how her lips managed to get to the plastic. Jasmine's voice becomes clearer as she hears the gentle praise and feels her lips against her forehead as her hand brushes away her short hair.
“There you go, good job baby.” Jasmine felt her heart slow down from its erratic beating as Daya groaned and blinked awake, her eyes fluttering open.
“Jas? Wha happened?” She mumbled.
“Someone let their sugar get too low.” She kissed her cheek and sighed. “You scared me, Di.” She whispered, little twinges of fear coming in as she squeezed her tighter for a moment.
“I’m sorry, baby.” She mumbles, looking away and at the ground for a moment as she regains more feeling over her body. She stares at the ground and notices the little feet standing further back, still as stone and planted there at the heel. A sinking pit of dread filled her stomach. Ava saw, she let her daughter see her like that.
Jasmine rubbed Dayas shoulder and beckoned the little girl over. She stood there a moment and then walked over quickly but with a caution so unlike the little spitfire Daya knew. She came over to her mothers side and held onto her shirt tightly, tucked behind Jasmine's head and hair as she peeked over.
“Ava, honey.” Jasmine said softly, pulling an arm away from Daya and pulling it around her daughter. “It’s alright, baby.” She curled into her mothers arms, watching Daya carefully for any signs of hurt and a wave of shame washed through Daya.
“Dragonfly,” her voice was weak as she clears her throat. Ava sniffled and looked at her mother, her little green eyes a little watery. Daya smiled, tiredly but she still managed a smile for her little girl. “I’m alright, bug. Mamas okay.”
“You looked gwoss.” Daya laughed lightly.
“I felt gross, baby.”
“Mommy looked scared.”
Jasmine squeezed Ava again. “Mommy didn’t want Mama to get hurt, baby. That’s why Mommy was scared.” She kissed her crown.
“I was scawed too.” She said quietly, wiping her eyes. Daya smiled softly at how caring her little girl was.
“C'mere bug.” Daya shifted against Jasmine and reached for her daughter. Jasmine brought the girl over to her partner warily. Ava brought an arm over her mothers shoulder and held on loosely as Daya wrapped her arms around the little girl's waist.
“Mama’s okay, baby.” Her hand rested on her small back and rubbed gently as Ava relaxed against her chest. “I forgot to eat and moving all those boxes made me tired.”
“But you always remember when Mommy and I gots ta eat.”
“I have to take care of my girls. And a little Ava monster comes out when someone gets too hungry.” She tickled lightly at Avas sides, getting her to giggle and squirm slightly on her chest.
“And we have to take care of you too, honey.” Jasmine brushed away some of Dayas hair and rested her chin on her shoulder. “Now it’s our turn to take care of Mama, right baby?”
Ava nods her head. “Yeah. Like when I got sick an I got ta stay home from daycare.”
“Exactly.” Jasmine kissed her little nose. “So, that means Mama gets all the cuddles and kisses to feel better.”
“Do I get any say in this?” Daya chuckles.
“Nu uh.” Ava hugs her tighter. “Doctors orders.” Daya smiled and rubbed her back, kissing her forehead. Jasmine kissed Dayas cheek.
“We got you, baby.” They sat together on the floor, as a family.
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dirtyglitterr · 11 months
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ꜰᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
Neymar Jr x Original Character Summary: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ᴡᴀꜱ ɪᴛ ʙʏ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ? ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.
Warnings: Mature Language
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ ᴠꜱ. ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ
My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Gigi and Anto standing there, their expressions a mix of shock and amusement. I felt a flush creep up my neck as I realized how ridiculous I must look standing in Neymar's room with a panicked expression and a questionable engagement ring on my finger. "I didn't break in; did you tell her?" Anto asked,
"Tell me what?" I replied, confused.
"Maybe we shoul—"
"No, tell me now."
Neymar rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a heavy sigh. "We kind of got married last night."
"How do you kind of get married? "Either we did or didn't," I asked, still confused by the situation.
"I gave you a head start to tell her, Neymar," Georgina stressed, her voice tinged with annoyance as she looked back at him.
"I was getting to it before you both fucking broke in. But now that you're both here, I might as well say it. Yes, we got married," Neymar finally admitted, turning around to face me.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck." I bolted from the bedroom, overwhelmed by the news and unsure of how to react. It's not every day that me Mia Navarro does something as reckless as marrying a complete stranger after one too many Casamigos. My mind was on overdrive, racing with questions and emotions, leaving me feeling disoriented and lost. Wait, so then that means that my dream was more than just a dream. It was real. It was my memory.
I was so caught up in my head that I didn't hear when they joined me in the living room. "Flor it's ok."
Was he being for real right now? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could he be so fucking calm about this? I needed answers, and fast. "What do you mean it's okay?" I asked, my voice shaking with anxiety and confusion as our eyes locked. "How could you possibly think that it's okay? None of this is okay, Neymar! I came to Paris to forget about my shit of a relationship not to get married." I snapped, "My mom is going to murder me."
"We will figure it out," Neymar said calmly, his hand reaching out to touch my arm. I pulled away, still feeling angry and confused.
"Why are you so calm about this? You don't know me; I could be a serial killer or some crazy bitch that's out for your money."
Neymar chuckled softly and shook his head. "Still dramatic, I see. But even if you were, I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. Plus, I have a good judge of character." His warm smile was infectious and drew me in, making me want to trust him despite my reservations. "You didn't even know who I was before I told you, meaning I could've been a bus driver and we'd still be in this situation." Maybe he was right; maybe I was being too dramatic.
No, Mia, snap out of it! You went from finding Junior to becoming his wife within twenty-four hours. He might want to trust you with open arms, but I didn't know who he was now. No matter how much I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything was alright, I knew that it wouldn't be. He was different, and so was I. I turned to face Anto and Gigi and asked, "Did anyone find out?"
"No, it's just us and our friend group." Anto clarified, I guess that was a good sign. The last thing I wanted was to be in some media frenzy or to have my mama find out through them than her own daughter.
I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked my lucky stars that the secret was safe with us. However, I couldn't help but wonder how long we could keep it hidden before someone else found out. "Good, because we need to annul it."
I couldn't help but notice the change in Neymar's energy when I said that. Almost as if that wasn't what he wanted. He did say that he wouldn't regret it in the morning-focus Mia! "Yeah, right...that's exactly what we'll do," he said lowly. His eyes lost their usual spark. Was that not what he wanted?
ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ
ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
🇹​​🇭​​🇦​​🇳​​🇰​​🇸​ ​🇫​​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇷​​🇪​​🇦​​🇩​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
Since Adam and Luca are back home for Christmas Gigi has been attached to Uncle Adam. She hasn’t slept in her crib at all she’s been sleeping in Uncke Adams bed cause she’s missed him so much.
She’s been sleeping in Adam’s bed without her parents knowing because they’d be pissed.
Adam sneaks in to get her and returns her before everyone wakes up.
Mama Fants watches the baby monitor back after day two of not being woken up by Gigi at all in the night and watches Adam kidnap her child.
So she waits until the next morning and she wakes up early, sits in Gigi’s room and waits for Adam to come in and put Giada back.
He see’s his sister in law and gets a fright, almost dropping the sleeping baby.
“Christ! Y/N what the f-“
“Adam what are you doing with my baby?”
Adam looks at Gigi and thinks for a minute before he says
“She was crying so I came in and really you and Luca should’ve heard her so the question is why don’t you-“
“Adam I know she’s been sleeping in your bed”
Adam frowned “Well you could’ve said that before I lied!”
He puts Gigi back in her crib and then looks at you “Listen, I just miss her ok? Being away from home has been a little harder lately and I miss Luca although I won’t tell him and so I can’t force Luca to hang out with me so I picked the miniature version of him”
She smiles softly and rub his arm “You can babysit until we leave but please just don’t sleep with her in your bed, Fants it’s not safe”
Adam scowls “You think I put her in danger? Oh no, I bought a bassinet to connect to my bed”
She pauses for a moment and says “Are you sure you’re not her mother?”
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bisluthq · 8 days
do you think we'll ever get to see taylor's child publicly or will she try to protect it (like blake & ryan) because over a year ago I would've said yeah ofc she's gonna do that but if she'll have children with Trav and will be at his games every week wouldn't she take her child with her? Idk every wags child is kinda known so
By the time their hypothetical kids are old enough to go to games, Trav will be pretty much retiring tbh and focusing on other ventures? A pro athlete cannot play pro athletics forever? Let’s say he plays into his early 40s - which is gonna make him one of the league’s oldest players since most guys retire late 30s/early 40s like I googled and the oldest of all time was 48 but that was legit exceptional and it is a record that’s stood since 1975 - that would make their kids very much still babies?
I imagine they’re gonna keep the child private.
I also think people don’t understand how much they’re hiding because we do see them so much lol but Travis has said he’s had to stop having shit delivered to his house and like they went away with BCoop and Gigi and no one would’ve even known if Mama Kelce hadn’t spilled so like 🤷🏻‍♀️ Actually they hide a LOT.
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voyeuristicvixen · 11 months
Capt’s Log No. 41_ FrEeEeEEe
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Meroe’s Juneteenth Jam was a great success! Lots of people came out and enjoyed the festivities and all the performances were so inspiring! One day we had 100+ people touching down on the sim and at the end of the event, Strawberry Linden herself came through, it was a highlight of my whole SL experience not gunna lie. Strawberry is a humble and gracious person and Secondlife featured our event on their socials the next day. It was all just really fun and it also happened to be my first time helping to plan and execute an event for the museum in my pops Ras’s absence. It felt really good to know I made him proud. .
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H.E.R performed! I absolutely love the messaging in her songs, it was the perfect way to open up the festival and to solidify the vibes of Meroe moving forward. Juneteenth is not a holiday that my pops, or I, celebrate like that... for us, the movement is a constant endeavor. We dont stop with juneteenth in the unifying of our people and diaspora, or in the upliftment and teachings. Its something that has to continue until we are truly free in mind and spirit. We are almost there! But there is still a ways to go.
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Father’s day was a difficult day for Yemi and I, her dad has not been able to get online and I honestly didn’t feel or think he would care anymore about us or her. We talked today though and are friends so when he gets back on the grid, he will spend time with her. He said she will always be his daughter. That made me feel good, I told him that now Yemi feels more like mine than before because we get to spend more one on one time together. Lol But shes still a daddy’s girl at heart.
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We still in our pink lady era though, I feel like since I lost my old IG page and went through the break up with Wav, people who were following our work and union have since been on different vibes with me. LMAO. I resonate with the pink ladies because they have rumors spread about them and reputations that are controversial or tarnished in some way by the general public and yet they give no fucks and they continue to do what they do regardless. Thats how I feel. People will talk and say whatever they want, FUCKEM.
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We got a new dog, Orion! It took me forever to settle on a pupper that fit me and finally found this guy. My first choice was so opposite him, was a doberman! But I love Orion’s personality! It shines through more than any of the other pets I saw in the RezzRoom!
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I usually write my little caption paragraphs under the photos and I realize these have all been above. I wonder which flows better. So I got accepted as a Secondlife Mentor! \o/ I literally signed up as soon as I saw the flyer I wasted NO TIME. Its something I was already doing on my free time anyway, so to be official with the tag and training it means so much to me, manifested that shit!
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Last week I also got to witness my first probate, I have never been to one before and I know so little about SL greek life. It is a whole other world to me. I like how they raise money for RL causes. I think that is really dope and powerful thing that a virtual roleplay organization can still create real life change through their endeavors. It was such a honor to be asked by Gigi to witness that momentus occasion in her SL journey.
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I legitly cried IRL. Anything that has to do with sisterhood, it hits home for me and triggers me deeply. I wish that someday I can be apart of that but I wont hold my breath! lol
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I think its really cool that I am suddenly apart of a SL family, we’re so chill laid back and unofficial with how we do things. We dont all have to share the same last name we just uplift and support one another. I got my pops and my brother and my mama bear, DONT MESS WITH US!
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The closing ceremony of juneteenth featured this great “Enter the diaspora” exhibit which is still up and you should go see it this week! This was curated by Valentine and she did an amazing job on it! I ended up DJing the party, and it gave me a chance to get in some much needed practice. I look forward to collabing with Jamrock and building up the mystory connections to its best!
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The theme was comics, black and queer. I dressed as Nubia! Did you know that Nubia is a lesbian? I did not know that till I came to this exhibit. Theres so many hidden gems here!
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Storm block the wind so I can light my joint! XD
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