#Adam and Gigi
bitchinbarzal · 5 months
have we seen adam’s reaction to finding out mama f is pregnant (like i know it’s his niece but he’d be so excited)
We haven’t!
They tell Adam in Nashville because frankly he’s a third party of their relationship they can’t not tell him.
Adam’s still on the draft high and they’re at breakfast, she’s not eating and Adam’s questioning if she’s ok. He’s quite worried.
The two share a knowing look before they silently agree to tell him, ultimately scaring Adam a little more
“You two can’t break up” is the first thing he says “You’ve been together longer in my life than you haven’t so you just can’t”
Luca laughs, grabbing his girlfriends hand and squeezing it “Adam we’re not breaking up”
The little brother lets out a sigh of relief “well what’s wrong then?”
She takes a deep breath and says “Adam, me and Luca are having a baby”
Adam’s fork clatters to the plate infront of him and his jaw becomes slack
They both watch for his reaction either good or bad when his face breaks into a smile and he says “I’m gonna be an uncle? Dude! You’re gonna be a dad!”
“I know!” Luca replies “So you’re chill with this then?”
Adam nods “this might take the top spot of this weekend”
“You just got drafted to the NHL!”
“Hey, my nephews in there… the NHL is nothing”
“It could be a niece!” She argues back to which Adam laughs
“No… I mean what would I know what to do with a niece?!”
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digamma-f-wau · 9 months
Who Did What for Sonic the Hedgehog's 900th Adventure
So the 900th Adventure was basically this years Annual in spirit, but instead of multiple shorter stories, it told one big story, but with the number of writers and art teams that you would get in a multi-story annual anyways. Sure you could easily read the credits, but it's more fun this way. Obviously spoilers ahead so everything past part 1 is is gonna be under a Read More
Part 1 (pages 1-6): Set-up with Tails
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Writer: Ian Flynn (the original main writer on IDW Sonic and post-Metal Virus continues to be one of the main writers, including being the main writer of IDW's Classic Sonic specials. Been with the franchise since becoming a writer for the Archie comics back in '06 and served as the writer for Sonic Frontiers)
Artist: Adam Bryce Thomas (one of the main IDW Sonic artists. been around since the latter half of Archie's reboot)
Colors: Valentina Pinto (initially a secondary colorist whose biggest credit was doing the Imposter Syndrome miniseries, recently seems to have graduated to being one of the main colorists this year)
Part 2 (pages 7-12): Amy and the Orca
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Writer/Artist: Evan Stanley (the other main writer of IDW Sonic post-Metal Virus as well as one of the main artists, been around since late in Archie's pre-reboot era)
Colors: Gigi Dutreix (regular cover artist and occasional inker and has even written a few stories; co-authoring Victory Garden from the 2019 Annual and its follow up Future Growth, which they also colored, and solo-writing The Catalyst from 2020's Annual)
Part 3 (pages 13-18): Knuckles and Metal Sonic
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Writer: Nigel Kitching (one of the main writers of the old UK Sonic the Comic published by Fleetway Editions back in the 90s)
Artist: Mauro Fonseca (regular artist, major credits so far include Sonic Learns to Drive from the 30th Anniversary Special, co-designing Surge & Kit, doing the A-covers for the Imposter Syndrome miniseries, and doing a bunch of stuff in the concurrent and upcoming main book issues. Also relevantly used to be a regular contributor to the Sonic the Comic-Online fan continuation)
Inks: Rik Mack (recent regular inker, being the main inker on Mauro's more recent interior art for the comic as well as inking other artists, most notably on Tails' 30th Anniversary Special. Recently did some coloring on the back-half of issue 61 as well. Also another former StC-O regular)
Colors: Reggie Graham (one of the main colorists on IDW Sonic post-Metal Virus, after having been a regular on covers beforehand, as well as being another former StC-O regular)
Part 4 (pages 19-24): Eggman and his Mech
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Writer: Daniel Barnes (writer of Weapons from the 2022 Annual and the Scrapnik Island miniseries)
Artist/Colors: Min Ho Kim (fairly recent addition of the IDW Sonic crew, being a regular cover artist since Scrapnik #1. Also the character artist on The Murder of Sonic)
Color Assistance: Evan Maly
Part 5 (pages 25-30): Blaze and Cream
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Writer/Artist: Aaron Hammerstrom (regular artist, most prominently being the main artist for IDW's Classic Sonic stuff. Also previously wrote/drew the 2022 Annual story Rough Patch)
Inks: Matt Froese (regular inker, mainly works on Aaron's art. Most notable non-Aaron credits include the two Yardley-drawn issues of Zeti Hunt and the first and last parts of Trial by Fire)
Colors: Nathalie Fourdraine (The 1:10 Retailer Incentive variant cover artist for every issue the main book as well as semi-regularly doing covers for side books. Served as the colorist for the Classic Sonic stories Dr. Eggman's Brithday and Amy's New Hobby, as well as the colors and A covers for the Scrapnik Island miniseries)
Part 6 (pages 31-36): Babylon Rogues & Shadow/Rouge
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Writer: Caleb Goellner (writer of the Team Sonic Racing one-shot, the 2019 Annual story Jet Set Tornado, and the 2020 Annual story Reflections)
Artist: Abby Bulmer (regular cover artist, as well as artist of the 2020 Annual story The Catalyst and the 2022 Annual story Hero Camp. Notably way back in the day was the artist of the very first StC-O story, and her time on 2000 AD often involved her serving as a colorist for Richard Elson, one of the main StC artists.)
Colors: Heather Breckel (IDW MLP's main colorist, who's been a recurring secondary colorist throughout IDW Sonic's run, often filling in for other colorists)
Part 7 (pages 37-40): The Warp Topaz Cave
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Same team (Flynn/Thomas/Pinto) as part 1
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mattyhealythe1975 · 1 year
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He is so cute
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pechtothevoid · 5 months
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FINALLY! AAAAAAAAAAH! This one took its time, but only because I was doing stuff in the meantime and also because I had a crisis in the middle JAJAJA help /J
Yes, the flowers have meanings, but because I don't have an official source for flower language, even though I love it, I'm going to share them here so nobody has to guess my source or flower. [Source] Criss -> Calendula: Restlessness. Gigi -> Gladiolos (Gladiolus): Love with a touch of madness. Zoe -> Cala (Calla Lily): Beauty. Rulo -> Don Diego de la Noche (Four O'Clock Flower): Lost hopes. Adam -> Petunias: Mischievousness. Kiki -> Jacintos (Hyacinths): Perseverance and security. These can, and probably are, wrong, but it's what I have, and I like it :D
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caroleofficiel23 · 6 months
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sexynetra · 8 months
Hi my babies have a couple sentences while I try and bully myself into finishing the first draft of this story :)
Gigi sighed softly, sitting down on the nearest chair. “It’s Crystal,” She admitted finally, staring down at her lap.
“Crystal? What’s going on with Crystal?” Adam asked, his stern tone from before replaced by genuine concern.
“Nothing! Nothing is wrong with her. She just, uh,” Gigi took a breath to center herself. “It’s stupid. I know it is. But Crys had to pull out of coming to the Olympics with me at the last minute and I just… really want her here,” She finished, glancing up at Adam who had taken the seat beside her.
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claymorexpunisher · 10 days
Wheww Adammmm these promos!! 😍😌👏🏻👏🏻
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overstreetnews · 1 year
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chordoverstreet via Instagram Story
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Best Feel-Good Movie
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
See How They Run
About Fate
Gigi & Nate 
Lyle Lyle Crocodile
Spoiler Alert
Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
Since Adam and Luca are back home for Christmas Gigi has been attached to Uncle Adam. She hasn’t slept in her crib at all she’s been sleeping in Uncke Adams bed cause she’s missed him so much.
She’s been sleeping in Adam’s bed without her parents knowing because they’d be pissed.
Adam sneaks in to get her and returns her before everyone wakes up.
Mama Fants watches the baby monitor back after day two of not being woken up by Gigi at all in the night and watches Adam kidnap her child.
So she waits until the next morning and she wakes up early, sits in Gigi’s room and waits for Adam to come in and put Giada back.
He see’s his sister in law and gets a fright, almost dropping the sleeping baby.
“Christ! Y/N what the f-“
“Adam what are you doing with my baby?”
Adam looks at Gigi and thinks for a minute before he says
“She was crying so I came in and really you and Luca should’ve heard her so the question is why don’t you-“
“Adam I know she’s been sleeping in your bed”
Adam frowned “Well you could’ve said that before I lied!”
He puts Gigi back in her crib and then looks at you “Listen, I just miss her ok? Being away from home has been a little harder lately and I miss Luca although I won’t tell him and so I can’t force Luca to hang out with me so I picked the miniature version of him”
She smiles softly and rub his arm “You can babysit until we leave but please just don’t sleep with her in your bed, Fants it’s not safe”
Adam scowls “You think I put her in danger? Oh no, I bought a bassinet to connect to my bed”
She pauses for a moment and says “Are you sure you’re not her mother?”
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
February lyric prompt challenge
I’m trying something different for my next prompt challenge. This was inspired by a conversation with @popchoc​ who should get credit for the idea.
Give me a lyric (plus the artist and song title) and a ship, and I’ll write you a ficlet of (probably) somewhere between 200 and 1,000 words. 
My main writing ships for these prompt challenges are: Maya/Carina (Station 19), Stef/Lena (The Fosters), Callie/Arizona (Grey’s Anatomy), Kate/Lucy (NCIS Hawai’i), Dani/Gigi (The L Word Gen Q), and Cosima/Delphine (Orphan Black). I’m happy to consider other ships, as long as I know them and you’ve seen them on my blog. 😊
My inbox is now closed for new prompts. 
I’ll try and get them written during February (and maybe March!). I have no order for how they’ll be written, it depends on when the inspiration comes.
Also, just so you know...
- Your prompt is more likely to be filled if you’re not on anon. I rarely get feedback from any anons who leave me prompts and part of why I do these is for the interaction.
- If you’re not on tumblr but I know you from AO3 or twitter, leave your name/username so I know who you are.
- Excessive requests won’t be filled, especially from anons who don’t identify themselves. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, this is supposed to be fun!
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ashmp3 · 8 months
thanks to miss zaynab i’ve been now compared to 4 VS angels which is of course very flattering but also just tells me i need to learn how to do bouncy blow out asap!!! 🥱
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wornoutspines · 1 year
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever | A Weirdly Soothing Action Movie
#BlackPantherWakandaForever is more surprising than you might think, the emotions, and the stakes are high. Namor is great but Queen Ramonda... It's now streaming on @DisneyPlus #BlackPanther2 #MCU #Marvel #WakandaForever
This sequel to Black Panther might have had the most challenging road to the silver screen, with the death of its main protagonist T’Challa portrayed by Chadwick Boseman and the pandemic, it had to be reworked and shaped into an entertaining blockbuster that moved the MCU forward without ignoring the passing of Boseman. Did they do it? And what is this movie about? Premise: Queen Ramonda, Shuri,…
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pechtothevoid · 6 months
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casualoptimist · 1 year
Notable YA Covers of 2022
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btcad · 11 days
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it's no secret that being a professional wrestler is hard work, but what keeps them going ? the fans, the drive to become a champion, to make history. here, YOU portray and decide what happens in the day to day lives of your characters without their jobs in the lights of the wrestling arena.
a non au & semi kayfabe wrestling rpg that is looking for roleplayers just like you !
most wanted: jon moxley, seth rollins, julia hart,roman reigns, hook, daniel garcia, tiffany stratton, skye blue, solo sikoa, mercedes mone, jamie hayter, alexa bliss, gigi golin, jayce jayne, kip sabin, penelope ford, becky lynch, rhea ripley, finn balor, damian priest, tatum paxley, jey uso, jimmy uso, jay white, austin gunn, colten gunn, max caster, wardlow, adam cole, jack perry, cm punk, hangman adam page, bayley, kris statlander, tama tonga, iyo sky, cathy kelley, dakota kai, chelsea green, zelina vega, orange cassidy, malakai black, ricky starks, kenny omega, matt jackson ,nick jackson, tay melo.
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