ichorblossoms · 6 months
hey what if wrench can turn into like. armor for grimm
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manmadedonut · 29 days
did you ever think that maybe data was just in a stasis in which he couldnt be in a relationship (because hes an android duh) romantically but just had a very friendly relationship with others because Yar died? like i keep thinking he didnt pursue some 'romantic' notions because he still 'felt' as though he feels empty without yar?
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months
one of my best moments on twitter was when someone tweeted "who would be homophobic toward ignatz" and i replied with "ionius ix" and a bunch of their followers blocked me
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blaiddllodi · 5 months
“Prince Dimitri,” Rhea nods, the bells on the added fur to her usual vestments jingling as she does so, “thank you for taking part in this year’s festivities. It is time to reveal what your winter envoy has gifted you.” The gift is, in fact, an assortment of items, all placed in a small basket and tied with a plain ribbon: a hunting knife, more suited toward being a practical tool than a weapon proper, with a bit of ornate wooden patterning at the handle resembling knotwork, as well as a set of soft gloves and a scarf suited to cold weather, and an assortment of herbal teas, with a focus on calming or relaxing properties rather than flavor profile.
"Ah! Lady Rhea! Blessings upon you, as well. I have to thank you for hosting this event - this is so festive, it is just what we have needed." It was true enough, to his understanding, dour tensions rising abound - and a fine way to break tensions and gain closer camaraderie. His brow furrowed; "I hope that you were able to receive something for this, as well?"
He bowed, extending his hands to receive his gift, peering into the basket curiously. "I will thank you for these, as well, barring the identity of my gifter - you deserve it as much as they, for being courier."
The gloves and scarf are lovely things, and one he was well used to seeing gifted - common to give and receive in the frigid north, and something he would make fine use of. It was the others that caught his attention more sincerely:
Teas, too, were something that he was used to receiving, not merely because of Fodlan's prevalent tea culture, but for its medicinal qualities as well. Hearty of body, but tender of spirit, many a medic had tried to soothe his restless heart, though often they plied him with sweeter fare. He sniffed gingerly, but found he could not necessarily identify the herbs. Was this someone that knew him well, then? Or were his ailments bare for so many to see?
But it was the knife which held his focus. There were only so many people who knew what knives meant in Faerghan culture, and though it was a fine gift for a young man of his standing, the shape of it spoke of work rather than blood. His fingers brushed over the carved knotwork tenderly, and he felt a smile rising to his lips.
Someone, it seemed, thought that perhaps he could use some more control over his life. Or...perhaps that was wishful thinking, ascribing his own biases onto the silent anonymous gifter.
"Thank you again, Lady Archbishop. For these," he lifted the basket, "and for all that you do."
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telestoapologist · 2 years
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roro-the-drago · 2 years
Istg as soon as like,,, I get the full body refs for the yokai event,, I am fuckin doin some headshots yo
I’m very excited for this event,,
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chorus-communities · 6 months
damn these 3-5 buisness days are long i might need to reblog that post for a refresher on what happened incase anyone forgot
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abstractmage · 9 months
A random thought: I've been thinking about the end of FFXVI, and like, even tho Clive was supposed to be Ultima's vessel, their power still would have been too great for Clive to handle.. Is it because Clive didn't absorb Leviathan? Because Leviathan was 'lost'?? So that meant Clive was 'incomplete' for Ultima but they didn't care.. hm.. Correct me if I'm wrong if this was ever addressed in-game or was quite the obvious, but it's giving me a brain worm.
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g1-skywarp · 11 months
:thonk: agaknya aku ada ke followers malaysia
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firstfandomfangirl · 1 year
wait, does that make Heather Notch's daughter in law
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idololivine · 1 year
Event predictions also have me thinking: what comes first? The event premise or the characters? I assume both have to be in the equation somewhere, but I wonder if one takes precedence over the other.
Olivine events for instance. There's no universe in which they don't feature the priest in the Christmas event, and they've been calling him an idol priest since his introduction. We can safely assume the Christmas event was always planned for the holiday, but did they decide "idol event, therefore Olivine", or was it "it's Olivine's turn for an event, we can do idols"?
It might depend on the event and the character rotation. Forest Carnival's story is tailored to Edmond and Kuya, being about chocolate and yokai. They likely picked those two based on some set of criteria and then came up with a story to suit them. OTOH, Chase the Rainbow's premise could've fit practically any combo of characters. And then there's Festive Glimmer, where the event almost certainly came first because of the irl holiday.
I'm certain they plan a few events in advance too. Obviously they need to work way in advance to get art/story/VA/etc done in time, but also for things like making sure Olivine's second event isn't too late so he can have a gap before the Christmas event.
I swear I'm going somewhere with this, and it's thoughts about the plausibility of an Easter event this year. If they decide on the event then pick the most fitting characters, it's not impossible to have an Easter Olivine event this year. If they pick the characters then decide on the event premise, I don't think they'd pick Olivine, and I don't think they'd do an Easter event.
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hermitshell · 5 months
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redraw of the first hermitcraft art i ever made!! celebration of two years of art progress!!
Og below the cut
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Made december 28th of 2021
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adoreddestiny · 3 months
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ೃ⁀➷ FAVORITES SPOTS TO MARK KISS YOU — zayne, xavier, rafayel x gn!reader
cw — slightly suggestive tehe
zayne is a classic lover. his kisses are secluded to your lips primarily. save for the occasional sweet kiss on the back of your hand. in public, only you'll dare to steal a secret kiss. despite the stoic expression on his face, his eyes dare you to try it again, in private, he's a mess. his lips are on yours the moment you unlock the front door of your apartment. it's horridly butterfly-inducing: the way he has you melting in the palm of his hand.
but alongside the usual kisses, he enjoys leaving the more subtle marks on your pretty neck. hidden on the back of your neck or littered just above your collarbone. he adds them like a final touch on your look before the two of you leave for a banquet.
"how do I look?" you say with a slight turn.
his eyes scan your appearance with a light smile before growing closer. he spins you back around before adjusting the necklace clasp around your neck. "one moment."
his fingers graze the back of your neck before he leans closer. his lips close around your soft skin and he holds you tightly, not letting you squirm in his grasp. his hands envelops around your waist and wrist, keeping you flushed against him.
you stutter out his name but he's still silent finishing his growing mark with a chaste kiss.
"shall we go now?"
xavier enjoys a handful of sweet kisses sprinkled in throughout the day. he's the type to kiss away the frosting from your lips after you finish a cupcake or kiss the tips of your fingers after an injury. but despite the docility of it all, his eyes hungrily watch you with sharpened senses. the suppression grows difficult towards the evening when he keeps eyeing the spot just below your collarbone.
the longing to mark you and ensure you never leave his side grows the longer you rest beside him. wrapped up in blankets, you're settled nicely in his lap, showing him silly videos of sleepy cats.
"are you getting sleepy?" you ask, turning around in his lap.
his hold around your waist tightens slightly as he looks down at you. "not really," he mumbles into your hair. you shift once more, straddling him as you double check that this is certainly the same man that falls asleep standing.
"really? not at all?" he shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist once more. "c'mere" he whispers as he drags you a little closer, eyes darkening as they settle back on your shirt collar. his chin rests just atop your chest.
his fingers trail to the edge of your collar, dragging the fabric down so he can suck a pretty mark to your skin just how he's been thinking of all day.
rafayel is annoyingly frivolous with his kisses. he nips kisses into the palm of your hand when he needs your attention. his lips are against yours at the smallest instance. he'd ensure all of his marks are anything but well-hidden. there isn't a part of your body he hasn't kissed at this point. if you asked, his favorite would probably have to be your wrist where your scent is the strongest. but when it comes to marks: right on your shoulder is perfect.
his clinginess can get the two of you in trouble. especially when he's been snatching kisses from you on a rather busy day. you sigh for what seems to be the nth time today as he refuses to leave for an important meeting in town.
"how can i get you to leave the house?" you mutter, hand wrapped around the front door handle.
your stubborn lemurian crosses his arms above his chest, refusing to step closer to the door. "i'm not going."
"then i'm going without you," you say, opening the door with a jerk.
"no!" he pouts, darting over to you. his arm reaches over to shut it successfully while in the same motion, pinning you to the doorframe. "can't we both stay in instead?"
you shake your head but offer another option. "one last kiss and you come with me." rafayel's eyebrows crease but then a different spark ignites in his gaze.
"alright," he whispers. his free hand reaches up to cup your cheek, tilting your head slightly to give him space to press kisses against the column of your neck.
"that's more than one," you mutter. he ignores you, sucking a kiss onto your shoulder. he inhales your intoxicating scent before licking over the shades of purple blooming on your skin.
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boosify · 5 months
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🌟 Astral Crossing 🍃
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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sandrone the marionette ft. the possibility that the catherines throughout teyvat are her creations
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pastelpaperplanes · 7 months
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bro is GONE
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