#//hiro is genuinely interested
hkpika07 · 2 months
Hot take. Spencer is misunderstood and is a complex character who isnt all that bad, you guys are just mean.
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sparkly-s0da · 1 month
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when i learn that one thing i thought was canon wasn’t actually and i actually believed it and enjoyed so now you have to deal with that
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mortala-if · 6 months
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Mortala, the word, derives from the Latin adjective "Mortalis." meaning "subject to death." Comparable to the English word "Mortal." meaning the same. —
You live in a rotting world. And that's not a metaphor.
You've known that since you can remember. It's a fact that's been drilled into your mind on repeat.
A rotting world that you must not explore. Stay where you are, stay where you're familiar with, stay where you're comfortable— In The Cinders with your older brother.
The Cinders might not look pretty, but it's not horrible. Steer clear of most streets, keep your head down, don't poke around in other people's business, and you'll be fine. You've learned to navigate pretty well, not to toot your own horn.
Plus, you've got a job, and so does your brother. Not good ones, but ones that can, with a joint salary, keep a crumbling roof over your heads. —
Another thing that's been forced into your mind since you were spoon-fed is to never, ever disobey Belamour.
Belamour is a peaceful organization that was made to keep you safe. To do this, they have strict laws in place, and officers crawl over the cities to make sure you follow them. They are not a government, and they make it very known that they are not.
If you fail to obey, you'll get sent to your city's rehabilitation center! Isn't that nice? Or, on the worse side, you can end up in the Belamour Rehabilitation Center all the way in The Frost.
You and your brother made an agreement when you were very little that you would stick together, and neither of you would break any of the rules for fear of being sent to a rehabilitation center.
. . . An agreement your brother broke.
Now you have to find out how to get him the fuck out of there.
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Mortala is a 16+ game due to explicit language, violence, death, anxiety, mention of past emotional abuse (not of MC), messy relationships, and more. A detailed trigger warning list will be listed before every chapter.
Customize the flawed main character, ranging from their gender to their style. (Semi-set personality. Set last name and age.)
Make risky choices that might result in you dying or being injured.
Build relationships between characters, romanceable and not.
Finally wipe The Cinders' ashes off you and explore more than just the burnt city you grew up in.
Go against everything you were taught growing up.
Lie to save your (and your brother's) skin.
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These characters are not all romanceable, and you will not meet most of these characters until Chapter Two. Also, it's important to note that not all these characters have plot armor. This does not include sub-romances or all the characters you'll interact with.
FINNLEY ROSE. ✩ ---- Finnley has raised you since you were 5, making him 11 when you started to rely on him. You never really understood the gravity of that until you were in your late teenage years, and that's when you really started to appreciate him. You regret things you've said to him, how you've hurt him— and lately, with his absence, that's all you can think about. ---- His skin is a shade lighter than yours, the same textured hair as yours, and he has brown hooded eyes outlined with eyelashes that make you jealous. He stands at 6 feet, 2 inches. (187.96cm)
HIRO LA'EI. ✩ ---- Hiro has been your best friend since you were in diapers. You know everything about him, and he knows everything about you. You genuinely think he might be one of the sweetest people alive, despite what others might assume, and he jumps at the chance to help you with anything. . . ---- He has tan skin, wavy dark brown hair, and pretty doe-like brown eyes. He stands at 5 feet, 10 inches. (177.8cm) ! Option to have a crush on him— it goes nowhere, though.
MEDUSA CALIXTE. ♡ ---- Medusa. What can you say about Medusa? To put it plainly, she's your best friend's ex-girlfriend. She broke up with him and gave no reason. At the time of their relationship, you thought she was. . . interesting, for lack of a better word, and when she left your best friend, it took a huge toll on him, and from the looks of it, it barely affected her. ---- She has russet brown skin, coiled light brown hair, often shoulder-length and worn in dreads, and upturned hazel eyes. She stands at 5 feet, 2 inches. (157.48cm)
MONROE HALILI. ♡ ---- Your brother's best friend. They're concerned, and not just about their best friend. They're observant, annoyingly so, and can tell how bad his leave has affected you. Obviously, due to their status, they've taken it upon themselves to check on you- wanted or not. ---- They have deep tawny skin, curly black hair with white underneath, and dark brown monolid eyes framed with long, naturally curled eyelashes. He stands at 6 feet tall. (182.88cm) ! Option to have a childhood crush on them. (Three-year age gap.)
LIVIA ALARIE. ✩ ---- Monroe's daughter. From what you heard from your brother, she's incredibly timid- Oh, and she's smiled at him. (He wouldn't shut up about it for a week.) You've never seen her or talked to her yet. ---- She has tawny skin, wavy black hair that reaches below her ears, and dark brown almond eyes. She stands at 3 feet, 7 inches. (109.22cm)
VIVIAN DE LA CRUZ. ♡ ---- Your ex. You still think about them occasionally— you don't date someone for 5 years and forget about them even if you want to. You don't like how things ended, but you don't know if you want to see them again. ---- They have warm golden skin, light blue wavy hair, and downturned brown eyes. They stand at 6ft, 1 inch. (185.42cm) ! Details of the past relationship in their character profile.
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Character profiles
Hiro La'ei Medusa Calixte Monroe Halili Vivian de la Cruz
Informational posts
The Cities Belamour Organization
Outside of Tumblr links
Playlists Pinterest Demo/Proof of concept
My other interactive fiction blog @destined-if My personal account @bunnifly
My banner is by Thomas Dubois This interactive fiction is very loosely inspired by The Hunger Games
Thank you for reading ♡
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 7 months
All of the Big Hero 6 team is autistic. Every one of them and here’s why:
Hiro: very gifted, special interest in robots, unskilled with social interaction, awesome memory, eye for detail.
Wasabi: Obsessed with order, cleanliness, and routine, gets upset when those things are violated. He’s also very very organized.
Honey Lemon: this one’s a stretch but she’s very empathetic, obsessed with anything cute, isn’t the greatest at boundaries. High masking but I think her bubbly and outgoing personality is actually genuine.
Baymax: he IS a robot but he also sucks at sarcasm and he’s very literal. He also just absolutely cannot read a room.
Gogo: antisocial, loves her personal space, doesn’t do physical contact, monotone, constantly chewing gum+blowing bubbles as a stim.
Fred: comics as a special interest, gets into very awkward social situations a LOT, his jokes usually come at exactly the wrong time, he also cannot be trusted with whistles because he will use them nonstop and that’s probably a stim.
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pauking5 · 28 days
Runaway 🏎️ Chapter 1
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Pairing: Naozumi Hiyama x fem reader oc
Synopsis: There's no place for women in the world of racing. Let alone rally. Until you show up - the daughter of a racing legend who lost everything out of nowhere - ready to stir the pot of competition and throw fuel to Naozumi's fire, burning wild in more than just one way. Just how far will you go to take your rightful place in the world of rally, restore the team to its glory and change things for the better?
Genre: racing AU, enemies to lovers, rivalry, suspense, a whole lot of teasing, gender power games, dating in secret
Word count: 4.5k+
A/N: Here it finally is. I can't believe I got to write about one of my passions in this way. Though I love rally, getting the technicalities right was rough but I researched as much as I could on it so it feels like the real thing, though there might be some minor inaccuracies, not really affecting the story.
This one has been in the works for a good period of time and though this first chapter is short and fast-paced, there's so much more coming. Trust the process cause god knows I do. I hope I can make Naozumi justice and I can't wait for you to read the next ones. Enjoy lovelies.
Now Playing: Edge of Seventeen - Wuki
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It's not about how fast you go.
It's about how long you go fast.
Fast like-
A knock reverberated against your helmet, interrupting the pre-race mantra before you even finished reciting it, bringing you back to the chaos prior to the race start.
Chaos you wanted to avoid at all costs.
Blinking your eyes open, you took in the smell of burnt rubber and the atmosphere, fully packed with the deafening roars of the crowds in the stands soaring over the music heard all the way to your station. Another voice joined in the noise, demanding your attention.
"Raiko, are you ready?"
Letting out an exasperated breath, you waved off whoever spoke to you and closed your eyes again.
"Give me a minute, will you?"
Okay, where was I?
It's not about how fast you go-
A drilling noise came from your right, annoying the living daylights out of you.
Ah, fuck it. Since we keep getting interrupted...
How about I tell you a little bit about me.
Name's Raiko Suruki.
Yes, that Suruki. Here we go again.
I'm the daughter of the famed Hiro Suruki, five times Japan World Rally Championship winner, consecutively if I may add, proud podium sitter for thousands of times, also kind of a living legend of the primetime of the rally world. The same Hiro Suruki that started one of the best teams in the history of Japanese rally, snatching six more titles under his directory. WRC'S Golden Boy.
After his personal fifth title, he decided he wanted something more. Something that would fulfill him, beside his love for driving at the most insane speeds known to man and having his first and only child - that's me in case you didn't know.
Anyway, without any second thoughts he retired from the sport out of nowhere, changing the fireproofs for the laid-back team principal shirt and a cheap very 'dad' baseball cap. At barely 35 years of age, he took the biggest leap of faith and Suruki Racing was born out of fuel and passion for rally.
He poured everything he had into the team and built it from scratch, taking it so high in his prime that everyone wanted a piece of it, be it driving in a seat for the team, changing parts as a mechanic or simply having shares in it.
It was basically the shit. The pinnacle of the rally series in Japan.
The team became a national sensation. So many influential people, from mere businessmen to politicians, even foreigners were so interested in it and helping it expand. It genuinely felt like the only way for him was up, flying like a rocket towards the legends' hall of fame.
It went like that for a while. He was beaming with happiness, unable to understand where all that luck came from. But like everything good, once he started to question it all, it was like a switch flipped inwards.
And everything started going wrong.
All of a sudden the cars started missing parts the night before races. They had engine failures mid-race in almost every stage, followed by dnf's on every scoreboard. And those aren't even the most shocking things that happened. You name the disaster and it definitely happened to Suruki Racing at one point.
The mess piled up more and more and it showed.
Contract deals with sponsors started falling through, losing funding for a lot of parts and investments in equipment. Then the drivers got fed up with the constant failed races and blamed the car or the team if they felt like it. They terminated their contracts way before their terms were up under the pretense that they wanted different things... which were not related to Suruki Racing. The mechanics chose to stay, well, a few of them anyways, but it wasn't enough.
The team ripped at the seams and slowly but surely ran into the ground and dad couldn't find at least one reason why it happened.
It was like a curse you couldn't get rid of and I saw it happen first-hand.
The late nights he would spend in the garage trying new parts that kept failing with every test on the car. The way he would go as low as begging the drivers to come back offering them money he didn't have because no driver, rookie or experienced, didn't even bat an eye once the name of the team was mentioned.
Lost, penniless and with a heavy heart, he had to watch the one thing he loved the most on earth rust little by little, no matter what he would do to prevent it.
Mom called it karma for his reckless racing days because as talented as he was, the road forgives no one. That you can be God's favourite and still lose everything. And he didn't want to understand that. He never did.
I was too young to help back then. Too young to understand what Suruki Racing meant to him. Too young to do the only thing I could to save it.
Until now.
So, let's try that again, shall we?
Name's Rai Suruki, driver for Suruki Racing 2.0.
Another knock to your helmet, echoing in your head louder than the first, brought you back to the real world for good this time. Mechanics rushed around you to finish the set up on the car before you were called up to take your spot in front of the race marshal, which from a quick glance at the scoreboard would be soon.
Looking to your left, you were met with a set of dull brown eyes, messy jet black hair, a funky moustache and an extremely creased forehead for his middle age, all belonging to your co-driver, Don Tanaka. He's another legend of the sport.
Former training coach for some of the current biggest teams in the WRC, with a CV of experiences surpassing most people that have been in rally for longer. On top of all that, he is an even bigger friend of your father's. When he called him up asking for an old favour to train you, he couldn't say no.
But if it was up to commenting, you'd say he was one of the biggest fools for giving up a lavish salary with so many perks for one favour, especially for your old fart of a father.
Driving with him was great, but training with him was hell on Earth.
"I was doing my mantra," you reasoned, trying to get him off your case.
"Your mantra sucks."
He is an absolute joy to be around, isn't he?
"Well," you turned to him in your seat with a tight-lipped smile, "you're the one choosing to be co-driver to a young adult at your ripe age of 40. If I was you I would've picked something more calming, like gardening."
Bringing his hand to his chin in thinking, he sat in silence for a moment before he spoke.
"That doesn't sound so bad right now," he went on trying to push your buttons.
"Oh, shush," you waved him off, turning back to the wheel.
If there was one thing he liked doing, it was keeping you in check by poking fun at you. He was like that one uncle you could always go to with your secrets or to ask for extra pocket money, but in return he liked to tease the fuck out of you for it. Every. Single. Time.
As much as you hated his antics, you did kind of owe him a lot. He was the one who caught your talent for racing early on, back when you would drive plastic mini cars made from scraps around the team garage like you had years of experience. A few drifting maneuvers around old tires done like a pro at the cool age of 8, and he was sold on you and your potential.
Amongst all the teasing and the pain of having to train like a man, you've spent enough time with him to know you could count on him for literally anything. He was the best co-driver you could ask for and you wouldn't want anyone else in that seat directing your fate for the world.
He knew what it took to annoy you greatly in order to deliver on the dirt track and prove yourself. Especially now, since you were the only woman on highly occupied male territory.
Racing was a man's world.
With as many female advancements in motorsport as there were today, the majority of the community was still not convinced that a woman could drive better than a man or even compete alongside a whole grid of their species. They can regard you, acknowledge your existence, but they would never accept you.
Your father knew your entry to the championship would stir up a lot of unwanted attention, besides the fact that he was basically reviving a cursed team and you happened to be the poster face for it this time around. It sounded like a catastrophe in the making.
Frankly, you were ecstatic to get to drive an actual race car outside of the junior series and helping the team get back to its rightful place, restoring its deserved glory. But you knew it wasn't going to be easy work. Especially, since public enemy number one - the press - was going to try and tear you to sparkly shreds for a lot of reasons. An attack that they started before any official information was out.
A few months ago, when the announcement of Suruki Racing's comeback after ten years of inactivity hit the WRC, the media had a field day with it.
They criticized your father for being a nutjob that didn't know when to quit. They smeared Don Tanaka's name like he didn't make most of the drivers currently selling their dying papers. They even tried to get paid scoops from anyone involved with the team in the slightest.
But the team had one wildcard left to play before pulling the curtains for good and giving them the satisfaction that they ruined it.
The press didn't know about you. No one in the other teams knew about you. Thanks to your father's extremely private life, no one even knew of your existence.
The only people that did were your team in the garage, from the mechanics to your PR agent.
Even walking into the circuit grounds this morning, long hair down over your shoulders, sporting the team gear in plain sight, no one batted an eye at you. Even if they did, they would think you were involved with technical or marketing - though even that was a rarity in this universe - or worse, just another groupie looking to get one of the drivers under your hood.
Your father wanted to give everyone a show they'll never forget by having you drive the first race in the calendar without a proper introduction. No car reveal. No interviews. No pre-race press conference. Just a car and its driver.
This way they would judge your driving before they actually got to judge you for being a woman at the wheel of a three hundred horsepower beast. He trusted you and your judgement on the track far more than the lousy press setting you up for fail. They would get a proper car show and speech after the race anyway.
It was out of the ordinary but that kinda summed up Hiro Suruki and his bipolar personality.
The distorted sound of a megaphone, followed by the voice of the race marshal called you to the start line.
"Car 7, Rai Suruki for Suruki Racing, you're up next!"
You could already see everyone turning their eyes to your station, booming cheers going quiet, turning into sharp murmurs.
Time to get this show going.
Rolling up your windows to block the world, you put the car in gear and drove to the start line, waiting for the green light. Looking out at the lines in the road ahead of you spotting the first hazard ahead, the nerves climbed up your spine faster than your engine could pump the pistons for pressure.
You prepared for this for most of your life, but if you were being honest, it all got a little too real now, sitting with your foot hovering above the gas pedal ahead of the moment that could make or break your career before it even started. The very moment that could be a step forward to restoring your father's name, getting the team back on track in a new age of rally racing. The moment for a change.
No pressure, right?
"Raiko," your co-driver called your name, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the road, gloved fingers tightening on top of the wheel with a small snap. "Do you remember the course?"
"Good. All set?"
"I think so."
"Raiko, look at me."
"You're not my style."
"Raiko," his voice turned more serious and deep with warning. With another sigh into the small, cramped space for breathing your helmet provided, you turned to him.
"You've got this. Let's prove everyone wrong."
He was right.
Let's prove everyone wrong.
The race marshal started the countdown, walking from the front of your car to the side, each number in the count descending with your nerves. You loosened the hold on the wheel, stretched your legs to the pedals and let out a deep breath.
It's not about how fast you go.
It's about how long you go fast.
Fast like lightning.
A soon as the lights went green, you hit the throttle and took off into the dirt, raising the dust behind you. You skidded off to the side a little due to the gravel but you got control of it before anyone could notice.
Tokai was a pretty difficult course to rally depending on which stages got picked for the day. More forest terrain gave way to hard roads, receeding in wheel control, gaining insane suspension pressure. This one was more of an open valley terrain, which was a bit safer, but the later you got the okay to race, the more dust and gravel from other drivers would pile up in front of you, making visibility dangerously low. The corners were way too tight and one second off from Tanaka's directions or a mishap of your footing could cost you and put your car on the sidelines.
"5 left over crest," Tanaka paced you for the upcoming hill and you prepared to release the throttle.
"1 left 100."
Wheels back on the ground, you resumed pressing the pedal as a hairpin portion came into view. The cloud of dust in front of you was chalky and you had to get through it before it raised higher. Putting the car in second gear, you got ready for the drift portion.
You had to be extra careful here. The mechanic in chief told you to go easy as the rear could send you into oversteer, throwing off the balance of the car and fuck up the race completely.
Listening to your gut, you waited for the right time then tapped the brake, cut the wheels and pressed the throttle, sliding across the portion. Loud cheers and whistles erupted as the crowd in the stands got up to watch you complete a perfect drift.
"3 right don't cut."
Reduce pace and prepare for a possible road hazard.
You slowed down and sure enough a bump in the road came up. If you missed that one and took it at 120 kph, it would've projected you off the track, crashing the car hard into the rocky wall like a cereal box. Thankfully, you swerved around it, feeling the car lift off the ground on the left for a bit before it fell back down.
"6 right very long."
Hard left into a tight corner.
"Cut 8 left."
Tight corner requiring you to follow a straight line in the curb.
This was the last and worst corner on the track. You were lucky it didn't rain because this is where your car can skid off into the stands. You caught the straight line pretty fast, cutting a few seconds off your lap time without slowing down.
Following the rest of Tanaka's directions and focusing on the rest of the road, the race finished before you knew it. You liked the state you were in as you drove, mind clear of everything else because as soon as the adrenaline in your body decreased, your brain got bombarded by all kinds of issues.
Did I push the new suspensions too hard? God, I hope I didn't scratch the rear in the hairpin. Was my timing too off on that last corner? I should've practiced it more.
Driving back to your team's station, you sent all those worries at the back of your head and got out to watch the screen showing the score board just as it updated to display the new track times since you were the last to go.
1. Akira Shinkai - Sigma - 1.24.55
2. Naozumi Hiyama - Spica Racing Factory - 1.23.59
3. Rai Suruki - Suruki Racing - 1.23.40
"WE BAGGED THIRD PLACE?!" you yelled throwing off your helmet onto the car seat.
"WE SURE DID," Tanaka high fived you, beaming with energy just like you.
"That's 15 points on the first stage! Well done, lightning strike," he ruffled your hair as you snickered, nose scrunching up with a smile at the gesture you were already accustomed to.
"The car held up a lot better today than in testing. Maybe we lifted the curse," you wiggled your eyebrows at him at which he flicked your forehead. "Ow, what did you do that for?"
"Don't jinx it. We still have two more stages to go."
Before you could say anything else, you were interrupted by angry shouting coming from the station next to you.
"I told you to not touch the third gear," yelled a strained voice.
You walked to the side of your station, peeking your head by the team banner, and watched the heated exchange between one of the drivers and his mechanic. Your eyes wandered to the car sitting in the middle, not one hand touching it for the regular post-race check up. From the different strokes of sky blue layered over stark white, the red and blue sponsor stickers and the carbon spoiler, you recognized it to be Spica Racing's.
"It doesn't matter now," shouted another voice, so annoyed and sure of themselves as if they owned the place. "I got a good lap record this time."
"What would you do if you had to retire in the middle of the race?" shot the mechanic, chastising the driver for being careless.
He got up in his face, towering over him though the other was much taller than him.
"We won't win if I don't attack!" he yelled back, throwing his hand in the air to make a point. "The moment I think of being scared I will lose. I won't make that mistake. So just do your job and fix the car."
With that final remark, he rounded the car to walk away from the station until he noticed you in the corner, now standing in full sight just at the line between your stations.
Quickly replacing the scowl on his face with what was probably his natural smirk, he came to you, stopping short of the barrier separating you.
"I don't do autographs, but for you I can do more than that," he added a daring wink, flashing his cocky smile at you.
Taking a small step back hoping his vibes wouldn't envelop you, you uncrossed your arms from your chest and lifted an eyebrow at him.
"I don't want your autograph."
Taken aback at your response, he backed up slightly too and looked you up and down, taking in your deep blue and dark gold team fireproofs and the suit tied messily around your waist. The old, way out of fashion colours seemed to ring a bell.
"Suruki Racing...," he started doubtful, "the shithole that revived from the ashes? Are you a mechanic, a co-driver or something for them? If you are, why don't you jump ships? I wouldn't mind having you on my team instead," he finished his speech of intent with another shit-eating grin.
Who the fuck was this guy?
The audacity that wafted off him must definitely make him popular with the ladies.
"I don't think we've met before," you extended your hand out to him, curt and polite, like a normal person would do, introducing yourself.
"Rai Suruki, driver for Suruki Racing," emphasizing your role in the team so he got it through his head that you weren't some bimbo.
If you were, you'd make sure your fist decorated his face in pretty red tones before anything else.
He straightened back, smirk gone from his face in all sense of the word. It got replaced by some kind of curiosity. Looking between you and your palm hanging in the air he looked confused to say the least. He's heard about female racers before and seen some working in technical around the place, he's just never seen one stand against him on track.
Tired of being polite to someone who obviously has never heard about manners, you were about to retract your extended hand when he caught it in a firm grip and pulled it towards him, just holding it instead of shaking it. The move sent you forwards, almost barreling into him when your reaction response kicked in to steel you a safe distance away.
Maybe Tanaka's intense survival program pays off sometimes.
"So," he began and you wondered if he was about to say something intelligent or spew more shit with that mouth of his. He decided to choose the latter. "You're the one driving the Beetle dupe right there?"
Eh, come again?
Your eyes widened at him, looking at where his finger was pointed to confirm that he was pointing at your car and not anywhere else, then you whirled your head back at him appalled.
"B-Beetle dupe?!"
"I thought you were a guy."
Wouldn't be the first time I heard that one.
You took your hand back from his hold, wiping it on the sleeves of the suit hanging on your hips in the hopes that it would wipe off the disgust you were feeling too. It didn't but it was worth a try.
"It's the name," you replied through gritted teeth.
He backed up some more to scan you again, though more attentively this time, like you were some kind of illegality, cooked up from the pits of his imagination. You gave him your best front, hardening your jaw and rolling your shoulders backwards, proving you were more than a pair of boobs and a vagina, which was apparently his deranged first impression of you.
You deserved to be here. No amount of stares from the male specimen, surprised or with sinful intentions, could ever make you back down from this. This was yours to take on. No man could take this from you. Not him anyway.
So, you stared him down too, trying to find something else beside the extreme big dick energy and unsurmountable lack of scruples surrounding him. Struggling to see anything else but some disdain in the way he crossed his arms over his broad chest, a rich prick attitude from how he shifted on his legs like the world owed him golden lingos every time he breathed, and some leftover rage from the screaming match with his mechanic still present in the tick of his jaw, you let your eyes meet his own in conclusion of your very own analysis.
Yeah, there's nothing else in there. An ambulant douchebag. Just like I thought.
Flashing cameras were suddenly thrown in your faces, interrupting the intense stare-down between you. The press and some people, potentially fans of other teams by their t-shirts, surrounded you from every corner of the plastic barrier around the two stations, pushing each other over the race marshals that tried their hardest to keep them away. It wasn't long until they pushed over the barrier.
Too absorbed in the chaos, you didn't notice he leaned down to your ear but when you did, you stilled in your shoes, all blood draining into your pounding stomach. He spoke close and low, so only you could hear his words.
"Don't get too comfortable around here, rookie," he whispered, hot breath hitting the shell of your ear making shivers run down your extremely clothed spine. "Let's see how long you last in here because this season might just be your first and last."
Pulling away with another one of his smirks that were starting to get on your nerves, he regarded you once more before he walked off in amusement to his cool-down room, giving you a full view of his broad back.
Oh, just you wait -
A reporter shoved into the human barrier of orange and green safety vests reaching the railing, yanking it back and forth repeatedly until the poor plastic seal broke off, letting everyone else pool in around you.
Uh-oh. This wasn't good.
They packed around you like wolves on their prey, all shouting different things at you while shoving their big cameras, recording devices and phones in your face. The flashes blinded you, turning the world white and too bright for it to be natural light from the clouded sky above.
Your hands shot up on instinct to cover your eyes from the flaring lights as your ears focused on filtering through the blaring sounds of camera clicks and voices. Then the countless questions registered clear as day, hitting you like a truck at full speed.
"Are you Rai Suruki, daughter of Hiro Suruki?"
"Where did your father get the money to restart the team?"
"Is your car even going to last a season?"
"Do you consider yourself a challenge to the rest of the drivers?"
I guess that was it for mystery, dad.
Some of the other teams passed by the ruckus, sparing quick judgmental glances or sending disgusting sneers your way like that was the way they initiated your welcome ceremony at the gates of the jungle.
If this was any other series, you would've been so welcomed by the rest of the grid and treated somewhat better by the media and the fans. But this was the World Rally Championships.
Driving was dirty.
Talk was filthy, full of disrespect and unspoken trials of envy between each driver.
The press competed to see who would get your head on a pike first and parade it as the story of the century.
Respect was fought for, not earned.
It was a different game. One where you needed to play even if you didn't want to so in turn you wouldn't get played. Survival of the fittest truly.
You steeled your gaze, waving the reporters off and digging a hole through the crowd, successfully escaping away to your pit crew. Helping with packing up bits and pieces and taking your own stuff, you headed back to your team quarters, aware of the intensifying stares belonging to the rest of the teams still around their stations, talking about the first day in this season's calendar being an interesting one.
You had a feeling you and the team were the hot topic of conversation since you could feel their eyes searing deep holes into your back, burning hotter and doing more damage than flame-lit arrows aimed straight at you ever could. Tanaka wrapped an arm around you giving you his curled moustache smile, sympathizing with you.
Looking up at the sky darkening in mauve and pink, you let a small smile grace your lips. At least today was done. Your rally racing career has officially started. The team was back in business.
However, this first stage was just one of the many challenges still to come. Who knew what else was on the way?
As you trudged on the warm asphalt, warmed by the mid-spring warmth of March, there was one thing you knew for sure.
This is gonna be a long season.
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Thank you for reading :) As always leave a like, comment or reblog!
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bomber-grl · 1 month
19 for hiro hamada? pretty sweet in tone, but also like. reader is scared 2 lose hiro in a crowd or soemthing? idk im not great with descriptions im sorry 😓
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have this silly 2 make up 4 my lack of description
Prompt #19: tugging at the other's clothes to keep them close
I changed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind! 😅
You should’ve known this would happen…
Hiro had asked if you’d want to go to the upcoming SFIT event with him and how could you decline? You’d recently become boyfriends and you’d be lying if you didn’t secretly consider this your first date..ish
But now? One second you were happily next to Hiro on his right and now he just disappeared!!!
How could have this had happened?? Great just great one second hiro was here and the next-
Well now you were stranded with a bunch of randos and now you were sorta in the dumps.
Suddenly you felt someone tap your right shoulder and low and behold it’s hiro!
“Hey what are you doing just standing here?” He seems genuinely confused. The idiots got a drink in one hand and one in the other, offering it to you.
damn you can’t even be even slightly mad now…
“Nothing…” it’d be sorta embarrassing to admit and it’s not like Hiro isn’t aware. If anything he’s smirking and holding back his laughter.
“What? What are u laughing at??” You squint your eyes at him and sorta pout.
“Oh well nothing” he shrugs “let’s just move, I saw some pretty interesting presentations over that way.” He points towards somewhere in the distance and even if you were upset you’ve gotta admit he’s a cutie.
“Alright” you finally accept the bottle he’d gotten you, it was your favorite beverage.
“Hey hiro” you say calling his attention. “What’s up?” He looks at you waiting.
“Even if sometimes ur a buttcheek i still like you a lot” you don’t know what possessed you to say this but you don’t regret it.
Despite being a bit flustered at the fact Hiro was silently teasing you for your misdirection atleast you’ve managed to turn the tide. Nice!
I mean just look at him. His face is red to the nines and if you didn’t know of his tendencies to flush easily you would’ve called 911.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. “Well? Lead the way” you changed the subject and pointed towards the direction Hiro was previously referring to.
Hiro let out a little “Oh!” Your previous statement had definitely got to him, so much so he even forgot what he wanted to do.
“Um alright, well stay close so you don’t get lost” You knew he refrained from saying “again” but whatever.
Well of course you almost got swept away and before the new tide of people could drag you along you held onto the right sleeve of Hiros sweater.
No words were exchanged as it was too loud and crowded to, but you eventually made it to your destination.
You turned to face hiro “hey-“
Hiros face was flushed red and was obvious trying to face away from you. Then you realized, you were still holding onto his sleeve!
Jeez if this got him flushed then you wonder how he’d react to you actually holding his hand. How endearing
I realized it wasn’t even sweet and more teasing/ reader being an anxious mess 😭 if you want I’ll give u a refund so dw 🫡
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theamityelf · 26 days
Who all has who in the mini thh au
Great question!
Hajime- Kyoko
Both forgot their talents, both kind of on the abrasive side. Kyoko will be frequently sneaking out to investigate stuff on her own, which stresses Hajime out because he gets in trouble if he loses her. Built-in conflict.
Nagito- Makoto
Lucky students, and I love imagining the drama of Makoto necessarily being present for everything Nagito gets up to and trying to stop him and maybe succeeding in talking him down from some stuff. And just the idea of Nagito talking while they're in the cabin together each night, saying his usual weird stuff about talent and hope to Makoto while Makoto is all the way in his terrarium and so he can't reply loudly enough for Nagito to hear. So maybe instead he breaks something, just to make enough noise to interrupt. Honestly, there would just be so much going on with them.
Chiaki- Celeste
The gamers, lol. Chiaki would do her best to indulge Celeste's vibe, and I think that could be very fun, because she really does not know how. They reach a point of common ground when Chiaki starts making bets with Celeste about the outcome of her video games, and getting the other senpais and kouhais in on it.
Teruteru- Yasuhiro
This matchup was by default, but Hiro not liking smoke does add some tension.
Imposter- Junko
Imposter and fashionista are super compatible talents, and imposter and analyst are super compatible talents. Both of them read people and put on personas. They would see right through each other.
Mahiru- Hifumi
Both have visual art talents, and Mahiru would whip him into shape.
Peko- Mukuro
The loyal warriors. Very similar vibe. They would be very polite and impersonal to each other. Protecting Mukuro is secondary to protecting Fuyuhiko, of course, but having to care someone so similar to herself, but tiny and powerless, might be a very moving experience for Peko.
Hiyoko- Sakura
Both masters of a particular physical art form. Sakura's steady presence, both respectful and demanding of respect, would be a good influence on Hiyoko. Oh, she would still be super rude, but her interactions would shape up differently and she'd eat a more balanced diet, lol.
Ibuki- Sayaka
Musicians. Sayaka, being more on the calculated side, would be interesting to have as the person whispering in Ibuki's ear. She might try to convince Ibuki to do something she wouldn't normally do. It most likely wouldn't work; Ibuki is very independent. But Sayaka is pretty resourceful, and as a side note, one might think about the despair disease...
Mikan- Kiyotaka
This one was also kind of by default, once the more obvious ones were sorted away. Personality-wise, his bold presence contrasts with her more meek disposition, and she would be really proud of that. Taka argues with bullies! He cares about making sure everyone behaves. She loves him. She loves that someone so principled depends on her. Also, important note: When murders happen on the island, usually the kouhais are left alive. (Though murdering specifically the kouhai so that the senpai gets killed as punishment for losing them is also potentially a thing. Most people would consider it too low a blow to murder someone who's four inches tall, but still. Worth considering. The kouhais' role in this adds a new dimension to the kinds of murders that can happen.) When a murderer is executed, their kouhai is also left alive. Mikan always volunteers to take in the unattended kouhai, because she just really likes this dynamic. (If the Undead AU is Nagito's best timeline, this genuinely might be Mikan's, lol.)
Nekomaru- Leon
Because sports. I could have had Akane and Nekomaru trade, but this was the alignment I chose. (Anyway, if one of them dies, the other will take care of their kouhai, so there's a good chance Akane will have Leon later on.) Nekomaru is a good enough coach to make Leon actually enjoy practicing baseball. Just, you know, tiny baseball. Or, he's a good enough coach to identify what Leon likes and dislikes about baseball and direct him to excel in a way that emphasizes the aspects he likes.
Gundham- Toko
Another "by default" one, where breeding animals and writing romance novels are kind of close if you squint. The idea of Toko being in the care of someone like Gundham is actually super heartwarming; he would make sure she has everything she needs, he would tolerate any lashing out on her part in the same way he does the bites of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Toko would be very unused to being so cared for and accommodated that way. If Gundham dies, Sonia will take Toko. Which...would be interesting in a lot of ways, starting with Sonia's enthusiastic interest in serial killers and Toko's romantic obsession with Sonia's assigned kouhai.
Fuyuhiko- Mondo
Both gangsters with a need to present as strong. Fuyuhiko takes it farther than Mondo does (to the point where Mondo is often protesting the things Fuyuhiko says), and they butt heads a lot, but they also have each other's backs.
Kazuichi- Chihiro
Both STEM. I feel like Chihiro would be constantly blushing about everything Kazuichi says and does, and they would also be fascinated by his work. I think it would change his whole deal for the better, if he had the constant company of someone like Chihiro. I think he would be less comfortable openly bugging Sonia if there was an underclassman sitting in the fold of his beanie.
Akane- Aoi
Athletes. Their personalities would go really well together, and Akane would be so serious about making sure Hina is okay, getting enough exercise, eating enough food, etc. It's like she has a new little sibling. Like I've mentioned, she would get a fishbowl from the market so Hina can swim when they're in the cabin. (When Hina has trouble scaling the side of the fishbowl to get in, she would teach her a few parkour tricks.) She would take her to Mikan every time she hurts herself exercising.
Sonia- Byakuya
Heirs. And it's really funny to imagine Byakuya being his cold-blooded self while he's sitting on the shoulder of someone really nice. I also like imagining Sonia trying to make a luxurious enough living space for him. Using her own jewelry to decorate, a silk scarf for bedsheets, etc. She's very proud of her handiwork.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 3 months
Perfect Propose - final thoughts
Another absolutely stellar series from Japan. It's so interesting to think about my favorite QLs from each country, and why they all appeal in different ways. When it comes to Japan, there's something about the quiet nuance, the depth of feeling hidden beneath social nicety, the things that don't have to be completely spelled out to be understood, and in the end, the desire for connection and love to be given its rightful place above work and status.
I did a post last week that really highlights what I love about the themes in this show, and how relatable I find it to my own life experience. And considering it's been one of my more popular posts recently, I think I'm not the only one who feels seen by a critique of capitalistic culture and an expression of longing.
I don't want to repeat what I said there, so I just want to highlight a few additional things that I think made this series work really well.
I talked a lot about Hiro previously, because I've literally lived his experience (though not quite as extreme) but I do love that Kai also had his own journey here. He'd been abandoned his whole life, and his one major connection outside of Hiro was someone who couldn't outwardly express affection. Kai struggled to see what value he could bring to someone else, and feared doing damage just by his presence. He hoped for Hiro's acceptance, but was resigned to rejection. Hiro letting down his walls let Kai understand that he truly mattered, and that no matter how futile life may feel sometimes, him being there meant something to Hiro.
I like that we get a follow up with the coworkers, and see that they still have a great relationship with both Hiro and Kaneko. It's so easy to think that we are irreplaceable, or that we are abandoning people, but those who truly care about you will only be happy for your decision - and maybe it will help them seek happiness of their own (I like to think they have all quit by now).
I like that it ended with a little bit of heat, to show that Hiro wasn't just making this choice out of loyalty, but that he genuinely has desire for Kai. (Not at all saying shows have to have heat to show love, just that in this particular case, it worked to show it was an equal relationship in terms of want).
Cons - we never got to see the supervisor get punched in the face. Special episode? Just one minute will do!
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Question ? How would the BSD cast react to an African American GL. Since as far as I’m aware there aren’t any in their world. Also I’m Black so I’m curious, cuz the culture difference is hella funny to me.
Let me start with a small add-on to Self-Aware! BSD. World Building.
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Knowledge
"...The information was limited, and it doesn't let Ranpo to saw the whole picture. Currently, he managed to uncover, that the one, who created this world, put his everything in creating Yokohama city. The city had many streets and buildings. If it wasn't almost empty, Yokohama would look as normal city. There was also put an effort in creating their culture. All this holidays, festivals, accents, history... It looked like, someone tried his best in world building."
BSD world, while almost empty in terms of people, isn't empty in terms of information.
All information and knowledge, that next people possessed, will be 'absorbed' and became part of BSD World.
Whose knowledge will be absorbed:
1. Kafka Asagiri
2. Harukawa Sango
3. Oyoyo (Gaiden mangaka)
4. Shiwasu Hoshikawa (only as Fifteen mangaka, Knowledge wasn't absorbed during BEAST manga)
5. Ganjii (DEAD APPLE mangaka)
6. Hiro Iwahata (author of DEAD APPLE light novel)
So, BSD Cast might never see or mentioned something in manga/anime/light novels, but, knew about it.
Japanese fairy tales were never mentioned, but, ADA, PM and HD remember them.
Thanksgiving was never mentioned, but The Guild knew about this holiday.
Christmas/New Year/Valentine Day were never mentioned, but, characters knew about them.
Same as different races.
Characters knew about African Americans and other races, that weren't shown in BSD.
They will be curious about African American! GL, but, it will be good curiosity.
BSD Cast will want to know more about African American! GL culture. They will ask questions. Many questions, but, it's because they are interested in GL. The genuine want to know more about Guiding Light and as person and as culture bearer.
Small note after 'Read more'.
Note! Only Knowledge is absorbed, not Believes/Stereotypes/Misinformation.
A.K.A. BSD Characters won't have any prejudice towards different races, sexual orientations, genders, cultures, nationalities, countries...
So, if someone will try to attack Guiding Light because of their race/sexual orientation/gender/culture/nationality/... BSD Cast will protect GL.
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master-of-the-railway · 2 months
Sue me for this if you wish but I think Big World Big Adventures: The Movie wasn't actually as bad as everyone says it is and it's high time we gave it the appreciation it deserves, like it's a bit too overhated in my opinion. Maybe it's just my inability to be overly mean and aggressive abt pieces of media that line up with comfort interests but I genuinely don't get the hate towards the BWBA movie....like nothing was bad abt it in my own opinion? The songs were fire all the way through, the visuals are very pretty (the LIGHTING!!!), and I mean like Nia is there and how can you possibly hate anything that features Nia she CARRIES that movie so hard. I've seen some ppl say the movements are too much but like...it makes the engines far more expressive and I highly prefer them having a bit more movement to being entirely stiff because being stiff restricts their expressiveness even more, and tbh realism was left behind the second the cgi series made its debut (Ex: D51s were first produced in 1936 and yet Hiro was somehow the first engine on the island of Sodor) so I don't really look for realism too hard when it comes to TTTE because I mean...the trains talk and are fully sentient, and that's already grounds enough for me suspend my disbelief a TON.
Maybe it is just my Nia bias (AND YONG BAO IS THERE AT ONE POINT!!! Absolutely love him.) but I think BWBA is pretty good, it's one of my favorite TTTE movies. It's just really whack that half the fandom seems to hate or at least mildly dislike this movie, which was a huge shocker to me because I was happy stimming the ENTIRE time on my first watch. It was fun and colorful and expressive and thinking about how it introduced so many international machines to the lineup...like I physically cannot hate a movie that caters to my favorite thing EVER in shows with sentient machines (seeing the machines from other countries). I don't mind the fact that ppl dislike it at all (bc everyone's entitled to their own opinions and all that jazz) but it's more just I can't really find any negatives about it, the only character introduced in it that I dislike is the one they (assumedly) want you to dislike and even then I gotta admit his song slaps. To each their own in the end, I suppose, but the point I'm trying to make is that I think we gotta be at least a LITTLE bit nicer abt this movie. (And if anyone interacts w/ this post, please don't like. Start fights on it or anything. This post isn't mean to spark any discourse or aggression, it's just my personal thoughts that I'm sharing with the fandom because so far all of you that I've met are EXTREMELY kind and understanding and so I trust you all to be normal abt it.)
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Kyo and Momiji: interlude (part 3 of 5)
So, here are just some cute scenes from late S1/early S2 that also inform us of the nature of their relationship.
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First, these gems from the Hiro episode.
Momiji immediately figures out what's going on when Hiro starts castigating Kisa for bringing the Mogeta DVD to Tohru instead of watching it with him. When Kisa expresses confusion, Momiji cheerfully says, "Hiro's being unreasonable!"
Soon after, we get this delightful moment:
Kyo: What the heck is going on? Momiji: You're so dense, Kyo. Kyo: Huh? Momiji: Hiro was jealous of Tohru. He's trying his best, but he's still a sixth grader. He's awkward about his feelings.
(cut to Kisa and Hiro talking, then back to our faves)
Tohru: Ah, so I was his romantic rival! Momiji: That's rough for you, Tohru! Kyo: Huh?
And later, when Tohru sentences Hiro to "hug penalty," Kyo's response is adorably telling.
Kyo: Seriously? How is that a punishment? Momiji: *giggles*
I mean, just look at Momiji's face when he calls Kyo dense! But also, it's extremely telling that Kyo trusts Momiji enough to ask him what's going on.
I think this interaction highlights the difference between their people skills. Kyo is good at getting a read on people; he can tell when someone's upset, when someone is genuinely happy, etc... but he may not always be able to verbalize what's at the core of their feelings. He immediately knows Hiro has done something to upset Tohru, but he can't make the leap to understanding it has anything to do with Kisa. I wonder how much of this was a survival/coping mechanism he picked up because of his status as the cat. He would need to be good at getting a quick read on people, especially his biological father, for his own safety.
Momiji, on the other hand, is very good at understanding the underlying things that drive people (knowing that Tohru values her mother when he wants to convince Tohru to go to the onsen, for example, or knowing that Hatori is really just trying to protect Tohru in Spring Comes, or- in this very scene- knowing that Hiro cares about Kisa more than anything), but either can't always tell when people are down and need to talk to someone, or just doesn't like giving space to negative emotions. I suspect this is because of his own traumatic childhood; he needed a narrative way to understand what his parents did, to empathize with them so he wouldn't hate them. He had time to reflect on and understand their perspective, even if it still hurts him.
Momiji uses his ability to understand people's driving forces to manipulate them (not necessarily a bad thing - he manipulates Hiro into apologizing to Tohru and returning her pocketbook by bringing Kisa into the situation, for example). Kyo uses his ability to read people in the moment to make sure his loved ones are safe and happy.
Something else I find interesting here is that the interaction between Kisa and Hiro is a bit of a microcosm of Kyo and Tohru's relationship, right down to Momiji's role as interpreter and catalyst. Momiji's the one who brings Kisa into the situation
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Just a cute li'l brotherly moment between them in the episode where Tohru gets sick.
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Here, Kyo, Tohru, Arisa, and Saki are planning for their Kyoto trip, and Kyo is being a grouch about having to spend time with Yuki. Momiji scolds him for focusing on that instead of the fact that he gets to spend time with Tohru (something we've seen Momiji scold Kyo for before).
Momiji: Kyo, you dumbo! You already get to go with Tohru! Don't be so selfish! Kyo: Oi. Momiji: I wish I could go with Tohru! I want to eat deer crackers with her! Arisa: Can't eat 'em. Momiji: Kyo, you don't wanna? You don't wanna do stuff with Tohru? Kyo: Idio- 'Course I- Saki: 'Course you-? Arisa: 'Course you-? Momiji: 'Course you-? Kyo: Yeah! This is exactly how you all mess with me! Arisa: It's out of love, I tell ya!
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And this scene, after Mayu pours the bucket of water on Kyo and Haru, where Kyo scolds Tohru (again, one way he shows affection), Momiji translates for him/verbalizes Kyo's affection for Tohru again, and Kyo gets embarrassed (cuuuute).
Kyo: And you. Stay away from Haru if he turns dark. Tohru: Huh? Kyo: You can't be trusted not to get hurt. Tohru: O-oh, but that would be rude to Hatsuharu-san... Kyo: He's the one who's rude! Tohru: B-but that's- Kyo: Sheesh, you don't get it at all. Momiji: "I couldn't stand that happening!" is what Kyo wants to say, I'm sure. Tohru: Eh? Kyo: Momiji! Get outta here! Leave! Stop blabbing abou-
It's worth noting that Kyo's scolding Tohru because she could have gotten hurt, and he cuts himself off when he catches sight of his beads and is reminded that he once hurt Tohru, too. Tohru getting hurt is the worst possible outcome of any situation for him.
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Just another cute brotherly moment complete with a big brother noogie from Kyo.
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The scene where Momiji takes them to the haunted house is also a great little moment showcasing the different ways they show they love Tohru.
Momiji: Here! This is it! Wow, it looks like so much fun! Yuki and Kyo (internally): This... has gotta be... Momiji: So exciting! Let's go! Kyo: Hold your horses, kid! Yuki: Why don't we ask everybody if they want to enter first? Like Honda-san. Haru: She's speechless. Kyo: That means no. Let's go home. Momiji: Aw, Tohru, you can't? You're scared? Tohru: N-no! Well, if you ask if I'm scared, I would have to say I am! But they say that if you clear your mind of worldly thoughts, even fire doesn't feel hot! I can't keep avoiding it! Kyo: Actually, it's fine to avoid it. Tohru: I'm going to enter and show you I can! Go me!
Again, Momiji wants to do fun things with Tohru, while Kyo wants to protect her.
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Inside the haunted house is hilarious, too. Yuki and Kyo are both exasperated by the other three, and both of them scold Tohru for closing her eyes or trying to laugh her way through (like Momiji). Kyo teases her, too, which is always delightful. When she falls, Kyo and Yuki both offer their hands, then immediately start fighting. Momiji takes her hand and scolds the two of them.
Momiji: Don't ignore a girl as you fight! It's a no-no! Kyo: Shut up, brat! Hurry and go! Yuki: He's right, though.
Momiji is again telling Kyo to worry less about his hatred for Yuki and more about his love for Tohru, which seems to be a recurring theme. Hmmmm....
Anyway, part 4 will be the beach arc! Hope you enjoyed reading!
Momiji and Kyo: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
I freaking love Togami’s character in dr3. The man takes no shit and when he wants something done, he gets it done; whatever trying to stop him be damned
Plus, you can see how much he cares about the other survivors even if he acts like he doesnt. That smile he had when he threatened to leave Hiro behind. You know he wasnt actually serious when he said it
I love Byakuya's character progression.
I find it so interesting how similar his ideals were to Munakata in Dr1.
Well as far as the whole crush all that stand in your way and treating the killing game as a game.
But instead of distancing himself from others, Byakuya begins to move toward them.
First out of necessity.
But as time went on he realised he genuinely cares for them. And he embraces that.
While still bring true to himself.
The same way Munakata couldn't ever fathom his friends betraying him.
Byakuya won't hear a word against of his, he'll tease them all day but the second someone else tries their on his shit list.
And it feels like such a natural character progression.
The best part is, this is Byakuya at his best.
His temper is a protective rage, he's cool and calm headed in a crisis and he leads with such unwavering confidence.
When Byakuya Togami wants something done he'll damn well get it done.
He's become everything he wanted to be, and his father was wrong. You don't have to be cold and lonely at the top, not when you share it with others.
I love that little moment with the smile because you just know that Hiro knows he's joking too.
The shout he made when he saw future foundation soilders pointing their guns at Makoto, like do you know who you're pointing those firearms at?!
Which brainwashed or not makes sense considering Makoto's still a fugutive.
But Byakuya ain't having none of it.
My favourite is definitely when Asahina and Makoto finish their call with him and their both just like "that's our Byakuya for you."
The survivors friendship remains one of the best parts of Danganronpa 3.
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barclaysangel · 4 months
Okay....hear me out....Chucky/Big Hero 6 AU
Here's who would be who:
Jules ~ Sadly, I can Imagine him being In Tadashi's role as the supportive and Incredibly Intelligent Inventor big brother who dies In the fire at the beginning of the story and kickstarts the whole superhero team Idea
Junior ~ He'd definitely (and obviously) be Hiro as the Incredibly smart, but reckless younger brother who graduated high school extremely young (13 years old to be exact) and Is always getting himself Into trouble, but he has to try and work through his grief over losing his brother and meets a sweet and huggable robot that his brother Invented and showed to him shortly before he died
Lydia ~ I can maybe Imagine her being GoGo as the steadfast adrenaline junkie who's always on her feet and needing a piece of the action, but Is Junior's biggest supporter after Jules’ death. Only thing Is that she may just have to be a friend of Jules and Junior's rather than their cousin to fit Into the story
Lexy ~ Idk, she could most likely be Honey Lemon even though Lexy Is a reformed mean girl while Honey Lemon Is a huge ball of friendly energy. But she could still work by being the sweet and supportive friend (and eventual girlfriend) of Junior's that tries to be there for him as much as he can. I think that It'd be Interesting for her and Junior to start out as friends and maybe build up their relationship throughout the story
Jake ~ It took a bit of thought, but I really think Jake would be Wasabi as the smart and awkward clean freak that can't stand the sight of blood and Is always trying to keep things tidy. He's really anxious about a lot of things and thinks that Junior Is crazy for wanting to build a superhero team Initially, but he gives In for his sake and for the sake of keeping an eye on him for Jules. Once more, none of the Wheeler's would really be related except for Jules and Junior for the sake of the story.
Devon ~ Again, It took a bit of thought, but I genuinely think Devon would be Fred as the super nerdy guy who's not only Into true crime and comic books, but science as well. He just wants to give Junior as much comfort as he can and Is ultimately excited to be a part of Junior's superhero team
Baymax can stay the same as the loveable healthcare robot that Jules creates not only for the sake of helping other people, but for the sake of helping Junior the most, which definitely happens once Jules Is gone (Thinking of doing the scene where Baymax shows the testing videos of Tadashi to Hiro with Jules and Junior Is already making me wanna cry😭)
Nica could be In Aunt Cass’ role because my girl definitely needs more love. I can definitely see her being the lovable and supportive young aunt to Jules and Junior. Maybe Andy can be thrown In as their uncle just so he can be there, lol
Idk who would be Professor Callaghan (a.k.a the villain of the story), so maybe he can stay the same? Either that or Andy can be In his place?
But I really hope you've seen Big Hero 6 because It's my all-time favorite Disney movie and I really love this Idea and have been thinking about It for a while!
This is awesome!!!
Man, the first time I watched Big Hero 6, it made me cry for 20 minutes after it ended…
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nenchuu · 10 months
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(This is still a sketch but I didn't wanna make you wait forever for a response lol)
I have a tag for drawings and asks of my OCs here and also an Art Fight account. I'm working on making Wiki-style pages for them on Toyhou.se, but those are still works in progress.
Masahiro "Hiro" Otsuka is a rookie host in a club in Shibuya. He's actually a huge nerd, specifically for Gundam and gunpla models, but he puts on this facade of being an obnoxious playboy. He uses it to cover up his many insecurities and it's difficult for him to be genuine in any real capacity. He's also kind of a dick.
Takashi Tachibana is like my main OC that I use to ship with Choromatsu. He's an IT technician at a trading firm and he hates it. He's an idol and visual novel otaku. He also likes watching anime. His favorite is Digimon Tamers and it sparked his interest in computers. He's kind of awkward and has low self-esteem.
Kaori Ashikaga is Takashi's best friend since high school. She works at a hostess bar and is a lot better at her job than Hiro is at his. She loves fashion and even modifies her own clothes. She used to be a theater kid in high school. She's very friendly and extroverted, pretty much the opposite of Takashi. I ship her with Karamatsu.
Rin Umeji is a self-taught artist that is kind of mysterious since nobody really knows him very well. He doesn't communicate how he feels clearly and speaks very bluntly. Likes cool and experimental animation. Despite his cold demeanor, he's very nice. He likes cows and will moo back at them if he sees them. I ship him with Osomatsu.
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ygreczed · 2 years
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More art for @mistressmiska​ ’s Inazuma Eleven Actors AU !
Endou Mamoru : Hogo Jun Gouenji Shuuya : Yakedo Hiro Kidou Yuuto : Suruno Koushin Otonashi Haruna : Oka Yumi Kino Aki : Murasaki Fumiko Natsumi Raimon : Kakaru Sanae Kazemaru Ichirouta : Matsuda Hitoshi Fudou Akio : Saito Haru
The Break Trio is under the spotlight here, I feel like fans would really be thirsty for pictures of them. I enjoyed drawing them, building their personalities with their comments under it, and talking more about the production of the show !
Yakedo crying after the scene where Gouenji leaves the team in season 2 was an idea that hit me when I watched that season again and asked myself “I wonder how the actors would feel playing this scene or this scene”. It’s yet another way to enjoy this anime!
Before the pilot, when Suruno, Hogo and Yakedo met, they felt kind of awkward. Hogo is the most experienced of them and is kind of impressive to Yakedo, and even Suruno. Since he’s very secret, the two others couldn’t figure him out. Yakedo felt very impressed by Hogo and Suruno, and couldn't relax. Suruno is the sassy one in the group, and the two others didn’t really know if he was joking or just being mean. The showrunner even decided he would recast the roles if it didn’t work out eventually.
But then they started shooting the pilot and the chemistry between the three actors just magically appeared on the screen. After that, the actors were able to understand each other a lot better and started getting along.
Saito came on the set once to say hi to Suruno but saw him with Hogo and Yakedo, and was surprised he had made friends this easily. But he was happy for him, so he just left without seeing his best friend.
Yakedo was very embarrassed when he couldn’t stop crying after the scene of Gouenji’s departure. He was deeply touched when Hogo and Suruno came to comfort him first, and when the other actors and crew members joined after them.
Hogo asked Sanae (Natsumi’s actress) if she could explain some things about soccer to him, and Sanae spontaneously invited him to watch a game in real life. Sanae was impressed by Hogo’s talent as an actor since Endou really is different from his real self. Hogo on the other hand was genuinely interested in all the soccer stuff Sanae knew and often joked about how she was the real Endou between them.
Yakedo and Matsuda spent a lot of time together as well since they both needed to dye their hair regularly. They would chat and learn to know each other while being taken care of by the hairstylists of the show. The “hair dyers” squad became even bigger when Fubuki’s and Tsunami’s actors joined the show during season 2.
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multishipper-baby · 7 months
DanganWLWeek Day 4: Mastermind
Because of college and life stuff, I haven't been able to do anything for this week... BUT I do have this Enogiri fic that I never managed to finish, so! I cleaned up a little and decided to let it see the light of day today :)
From the moment that their memories started to come back, Kyoko had braced herself. A lot could happen in two years- two years spent with many people who were now gone, his father included. Even if everything that happened on those two years had been perfectly nice, she had no doubt that many of the memories would be painful now, especially if she'd gotten attached to any of her now deceased classmates.
She hadn't prepared herself, however, for how she would feel about her memories pertaining to Junko Enoshima.
“You take everything so seriously, detective” She had said, a devilish smile plastered on her face. Her eyes predatory and calculating, staring down at her with enough force to stop her in her tracks “Would it kill you to have some fun every once in a while?”
It had been a ploy to derail her investigation, to divert her attention until the plan was already into motion. Nothing more, nothing less. There hadn't ever been any genuine interest, much less love, on Junko's mind. All those memories were nothing more than an elaborate lie to get her to look away from what really mattered.
Worst of all, it had been a lie that worked, because Kyoko had never seen through it. Because she let it happen. Because she could've stopped the Tragedy, if only she hadn't been so naive.
“You always push everyone away, Kiri” The nickname caught her off guard back then, especially when said at such close proximity. Close enough for them to touch “But not me. I'll never leave you alone”.
The others must remember something, too, because she occasionally finds them looking at her with eyes full of pity. Makoto offers her words of encouragement whenever he can, repeating that it's not her fault ad nauseam (truthfully, she doesn't think she'll ever be able to believe him on that).
Hina, instead, focuses on telling her about Sakura and how much they'd danced around each other, never confessing their feelings until it was too late for it- telling her love makes people do stupid things. Hiro awkwardly tries to tell her the future, insisting that there's a better partner for her coming and ignoring her comments about not being sure if she wants to date again. Byakuya continues to act the same, but Toko offers to be less "romantic" in front of her, if it's that much of a sore spot.
None of them decide to inform the Future Foundation. They're all well aware of how she'll be treated if she's seen as Junko's lover, of all things.
“I don't think your hands are disgusting, Kiri” The affection in her tone is not lost on her, as she bows her head to kiss her scars. How could anyone fake that affection? How? “In fact, how about you let me do your nails? I'll do them red like mine! Matching girlfriends!”
The execution replays in her head endlessly, next to the memories from their school days, as if trying to compare the two. Finding the clues to her madness that she didn't notice before, asking herself why she didn't dig deeper. Even back when their first met, she'd thought that there was more to the fashionista that met the eye.
In her interviews, Junko often gave the impression of a typical dumb blonde, with nothing but shopping and boys in her brain. A borderline caricature of a bimbo, for people on the other side of the TV to either admire or laugh at.
The real deal was nothing of the sort. In fact, she quickly learnt that she had a very analytical mind. An eye for catching even the smallest of details, a hunger for knowledge, and extensive quantities of information spanning many topics- much like herself.
Perhaps that's what made her drop her guard, then. A false sense of comradery, of belonging. Thinking she'd found someone who understood her.
And Junko did understand her, if she was honest. She understood her better than anyone else, maybe even better than she understood herself.
Maybe that's why it hurts so bad.
“You should spend more time with the class” Junko repeated, dragging her towards the classroom early in the morning, instead of letting her continue investigating “I'm telling you! You'll like them if you give them a chance.”
Why hadn't she noticed how often her supposed girlfriend kept her from looking deeper into the mysteries surrounding Hope's Peak Academy? It had always been done with the sweetest sentiment, presented as her trying to help socialize and get out of her comfort zone. Hiding evil intentions behind a nice "I just wanted to be a good girlfriend and help you".
Had she truly been so blinded by love that she couldn't see what was standing right in front of her?
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