#// this is the real reason they broke up lol! jk
joannerowling · 8 months
i think it's so funny how literally no one cares in real life about jkr or tries to cancel her. my local library had harry potter themed events for kids twice a week all summer, and every single one was fully booked. they ended up scheduling additional sessions of some of the events. i don't think i've ever been in a bookstore that didn't have at least the hp books and the strike books (the casual vacancy is slightly less common). meanwhile, a very loud but small group of people online are crying screaming throwing up at any mention of her.
Literally. They've tried so hard and systematically failed because her work is just that good and that beloved, and her position makes sense anyways. Worst, TRAs's attempt at burrying her backfired so hard when people saw the way she was being treated, that questioning trans ideology is now significantly easier than it was even in 2017-19. There's a reason why TRAs see her as the "head of terfism" and "worst enemy of trans people" (lol), it's not because she's any of those things but because her specifically dissenting broke their movement's momentum. Every time radfems say, "no one treats male authors as badly as JKR when they say something problematic!" i'm like, yeah well none of them are JK Rowling. She's that powerful.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
jk has armys so he wont crash and burn but he also isnt new justin, far from it. armys would never believe it but seven is not a hit for an american industry scale. he is staying on charts thanks to radio and crazy amount of remixes and his biggest streams are from thailand. he is not gonna become huge pop star just for having abs and singing generic repetetive songs. he is still just bts member that had many streams on his new song and thats it. but well we will see what scooter will mold him into beacause jk doesnt seem to mind anything if it will make him biggest pop star
I guess that was Scooter’s way of thinking.
Jungkook has a fandom because of BTS, BUT he is new at being solo. So Scooter doesn’t have to start from 0 while also being the one to take credit for “making” him and his stans and pjms too can say what they want but BTS is more well known and successful than any member (we’ll see if it’s going to change) do if Scooter succeed in making him a Harry he will see it as a win.
Anyways, these are the reasons I think it’s not going to work(no particular order):
-like anon said Jk is not fluent enough in English
-Kpop/armys have a bad reputation which is going to stop many people from taking Jk seriously(kpop is like anime: everyone’s heard of it, but outside of the country of origin it’s still niche)
-Justin blew up in a veeery different era and he was a phenomenon. Things were different a decade ago. Now we are in the digital era where people can pull crazy numbers without their music being actually a hit worldwide(ex:Bad Bunny, Bts, Jungkook himself)
-enlistment(even if Jk doesn’t enlist for the 2025 “reunion” he still has to at some point so the only chance for Scooter to make him mainstream is before that)
-having Gp hit is very different from having Western’s pop stan’s respect. They are heavily into pop girls and are very critical of the men stars for doing the bare minimum(including JB) so if Scooter’s team doesn’t give him something “unique” like Harry’s clown clothes and queer image and let’s him be straight up a copy of JB (basic songs with basic vocals and basic dance-now that I think about it that’s why the choreo was so bland cause Justin has easy choreos too lol) he will not have these people’s “approval” and will be a laughing stock
I think the fans thing is a very good point. It's real. Most of these groups or even soloists aren't taken seriously because of their fans. Nobody likes dealing with people who take everything personally and are fighting others on internet about who has the most monthly listeners on Spotify. One direction had some really good, geniunely catchy pop-rock music but they weren't taken seriously because of their fans. And the same happened to BTS. Mind you, the SK goverment would use BTS for clout and brownie points but they never respected them as a group enough to give them exemption. They're definitely more popular than Son Heungmin or any other sports figure, but does popularity equal respect? No. Never has, and never will.
In fact, I'd say Harry started being taken more seriously when he stopped having such a hardcore, pintpoint-able online "rabid" fanbase. Meaning, once he stopped being so associated to one direction. And that took a few years. 1D broke up in 2015, and in 2018 he was still "Harry from 1D". I think I started noticing a shift and more people acknowledging him just as Harry well after his first tour as a soloist was over, which was in like 2019. I barely see "harries" on twitter, too. They exist, obviously. But they're not really a strong online presence, like even Nicki fans are.
All BTS members are still "---- of BTS". I've said it even before the hiatus, and my opinon still hasn't changed. It's probably only Jimin who random people can say "Jimin" and others will know who they're talking about. It doesn't mean they're fans of him or anything, but just that his name stands for itself.
I'm what everyone would call a local, it sounds really stupid to say it like that but it's the only way I know how to say it. When I said this is just an online thing for me, I meant it. I don't have friends irl who listen to kpop or care about celebrities at all; I don't know people like that, people who are "fans" of anything. In 6 years or so I must've probably said BTS outloud like only a dozen times, and I don't really talk about them -or any other celebrity for that matter- with people irl. So I kind of gauge how "viral" and known something is through the people I know irl because if they're all posting a song on Instagram stories and whatever, then I know for sure it's reached the normies. That was Justin after 2015, Taylor after blank space kind of?? But more than anything after lover. Miley had that moment after wrecking ball, though she's had up and downs. Ariana only kind of picked up internationally in like 2020, but not even that. People here know who Ariana is, but they couldn't name you two of her songs. For Harry, it was watermelon sugar which was a song in his SECOND full album that was released five years after 1D. Anyone who thinks Harry got "international mainstream whatever" success right after one direction... is wrong. It happened in his second album. Even more so, despite one direction having had tours in stadiums, Harry's first solo tour was an arenas tour. He literally had shows for 15k, 20k people, not more than that. Any BTS akgae would've called him a flop. Hell, if they looked at his youtube/instagram/tiktok numbers right now they would still call him a flop.
Because that's usually how it goes for good, remarkable people who are meant to be remembered and even more loved as years go by. Olivia started off her career with a bang, but will people remember her 10 years from now? That's yet to be seen. Deep down, that is the ultimate goal for a lot of people. They want to make an impact and be rememberd in the long haul. Frankly, I believe that's the real definition of "success". Or at least the only respectable definition.
I'm working as a teacher right now, and the other day I asked my class of teens (they're all around 15 years old) who are they listening to these days so I'd take them a song to work with during class, and all the girls in the class immediately said Taylor Swift. I was so pleasantly surprised! I liked Taylor Swift in 2009 and back then nobody I knew listened to her.
I'm seeing Taylor in November, me and my little sister bought tickets to her show. My sister is 15 right now, about the same age I was in 2009 when I started listening to Taylor. One of her classmate's mom called me to help her get a ticket because they weren't able to the first time and her daughter cried the whole day. Now, that's legacy. How is Taylor, two decades into her career, still gaining fans and still getting bigger and bigger everyday? After getting the tickets I mentioned to my brother how I was listening to Taylor when I was 15 and now our sister is litening to her at 15 too, and he was like "it's not easy, having that kind of career especially right now when everything comes and goes so fast; she's almost like coldplay or the rolling stones now." You know, those bands that will always have an audience no matter how many years pass. I think BTS as a group is definitely in that category, but I can't say the same for any solo member as of right now. Ask me again in 10 years, maybe.
As for music, sometimes songs are a hit in the US and not the rest of the world. Sometimes they are everywhere else in the world but not in the US. More often than not, a certified Hit song happens when it's a hit both in the US AND worldwide. Like it or not, the world still looks to the US for "approval" in a lot of things, if it's cool there then they'll think it's cool anywhere else. I don't like in the US so I don't know if Morgan Wallen is a "household name", but he's already got the longest running #1 or whatever, even more weeks than as it was. Yet I've never heard his song, meanwhile everyone knew as it was. Either way, even "hit songs" have an expiration date. People don't hold on to one-time wonders for a long time, the next one comes and they forget about the previous one.
And then there's that thing I've talked about before related to trends in music and how the world seems to have moved on from pop songs and are more into a "mature" sound, and a more developed sound, something that sounds like people actually worked on them.
If we're talking about hits in the US, just look at these numbers. And it's a song with no remixes or anything. She barely did any performances for it. She literally didn't even try.
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This isn't really relevant, just a shameless Harry plug, but I wish people knew more of Harry's music apart from watermelon sugar and as it was lol. I also liked him better before the clown clothes (tho he used to dress like that even when he was in one direction, he's always been ~quirky and no, he's not forcing that trait, he's just really always been like that since he was young). I actually don't even like as it was, and his last album is my least favorite one. I like this style of his:
It's understandable though, that singers like to experiment and try different things, they like reinventing themselves, and that's okay.
And this one is a song that he wrote but then gave to Ariana Grande. And he doesn't change pronouns even if the song is sung by a woman. If I recall correctly, I think even the original leak of the song had these lyrics, as if they were written about a man (but don't quote me on that because it's been way too many years and I can't find the original leak).
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geneticcatalyst · 1 month
get 2 know me meme
tagged by @cryptidafter <3
Do you make your bed?
not really, i just pull the blankets up to the pillows if i want it to look a little neater
What’s your favorite number?
What is your job?
oh this is a hard one because i both Love to talk about what i do and also live in fear of doxxing myself due to the sort of unique nature of it. i work in a lab that does agricultural genotyping and my role is maintenance/engineering/general problem solving for the automation we use.
If you could go back to school, would you?
oof. when i finished undergrad, further education was Not An Option for me for multiple reasons and i took that kind of hard. i've gone back and forth a lot because i know wanting higher degrees is mainly just for my ego, and i am already doing what i want career wise. i would love to study and do research projects on specific stuff, but at the same time undergrad really broke me and if it ended up anything like that it would be bad.
Can you parallel park?
yeah i'm competent at it
A job you had that would surprise people?
the only stuff i've done that wasn't labwork was a summer i spent interning at a botanical garden when i was debating switching to a horticulture degree. i got to make the little metal signs to label plants with. it's where i learned to id a lot of ornamental plants on sight.
Do you think aliens are real?
sure, why not, but to me it's kind of a 'wouldnt even notice with the shit i've got going on' thing lol
Can you drive a manual car?
never drove stick but i can ride a motorcycle, which is a manual transmission but the controls are in different places
What’s your guilty pleasure?
ah i don't think pleasures should be guilty, life is hard enough as it is. obv if you read my blog you know i love bl/danmei? fandom wise i guess i am a slut for h/c things
i have 4 and an appointment in may to work on upper sleeve :)
Favorite color?
fuschia! and dark reds, with teal close behind
Favorite type of music?
ugh i freely admit to enjoying trash, mostly what i play in the car is country and rap, but if you cut me open and/or fanmixed me it would be mostly alternative/rock in my deepest heart
Do you like puzzles?
umm kind of? i like to solve problems sometimes? i'm not really like. a gamer though
Any phobias?
i guess so, the randomest one is probably fear of like big spaces/machinery with water? it's not fear of water per se, i can swim, but things like big drain culverts that you could like walk into, or big water treatment holding ponds, or the inner workings of dams. the tokyo storm drain system is beautiful but viscerally terrifying to me. i think it's just about big spaces that could suddenly be filled with big volumes of water
Favorite childhood sport?
i wasn't coordinated enough for anything but running and somehow tennis? i liked both tho
Do you talk to yourself?
no i come on tumblr to do that
/jk yes of course when i'm not talking to myself on here i am talking to myself in the real world.
What movies do you adore?
i don't really watch a lot of movies :/ my attention span is bad :/
Coffee or tea?
yes please i like both (also team matcha i am a matcha fiend)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
a horse trainer i think lol i was a horse girl. baby's first special interest <3
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rip jungkook (and also maybe jin) when he reunites with the mc and realizes what has happened in the meantime... I hope you don’t feel pressured one way or the other on who she should end up with, personally I’ve had fun with all her romance options although I feel that all of them are to some extent using her to “band-aid” other issues in their lives. To jk she’s kinda like a replica of his mother and a person who can’t abandon him like his family, to jm she’s a fix to his insecurities about being used and overshadowed by others, to yg she’s a way to prove to himself that he isn’t exactly like his dad (and maybe even acts as a jin replacement?) and it leads to very selfish behavior from all of them. It’s hard to tell who would have fallen for her if they lived different lives where none of the above are true. I kinda get why jin was so appalled at the idea of her dating anyone from the gangs lol it’d be funny if she was like “I’m sick of everyone’s bullshit!” and moved on from all of them 💀
also idk if you’ve heard about the architect vs gardener types of writers but I’m curious about whether you’ve had an ending set in your head from the start (architect) or if you’ve let the story take its own course and changed your mind while writing (gardener). if it’s the gardener one I’ll be back when the series ends to ask you to talk to us about other ideas you had along the way!
sorry for the rant, I’ve had these thoughts for some time and let them all out rn lol (also rip namjoon you had too much swag they had to kill you 🕊)
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*visual representation of me ruining my characters lives**
thank you for this in depth analysis!! omg, I really enjoy this type of dialogue with you beautiful readers💞 your interpretation is sooo good, her romantic adventures have been so interesting to write. The Jk x Y/n is different from the yoongi x Y/n, and the jm x y/n is just a whole hot mess. I think what I like about jk and yn the most is how youthful their attraction is, even though it’s painfully toxic. It’s something that doesn’t get old. There’s still a lot left unsaid there, Jungkook broke it off because Y/n could not grow past where the relationship had ended. And Jin has every reason to not want her with any of them, he grew up with them and knows their bullshit very well. That’s the one area he truly cares about Y/n, he genuinely doesn’t want her to be with them, his heart is there at least.
I won’t even touch on Jimin lol. Yoongi’s though, it took MONTHS for me to bring them together. Like even I was feeling awkward during some of their scenes. But I eventually got a flow the other day!! Things just started to fall into place in my mind and I’m happy with how it come out🥹 I think you said it best, being with her is a way for him to prove that he’s not like his father. It’s a bit ironic. He’s having to revert back to his old ways, similar to his father—but in terms of his love life? Or lack there of, he’s done a 180 and that’s what I really like about their dynamic
I’ve actually never heard about that!! But that’s so cool, I am definitely an architect (with gardener tendencies) 👉👈 from the very beginning, since the prologue, it was always going to be Yoongi falling for her. As I’ve written, there have always been pivotal moments that I plan, and then I just have to write myself there. It’s a bit chaotic but it works😅
NEVE APOLOGIZE FOR THE RANT, I’m a yapper myself so I love to hear different perspectives and share my own. I actually really appreciate it so much💕
😩😂🥹 yes RIP, he was a real chaotic evil, the ultimate OP of my dreams… but in true Namjoon fashion, even in death he’s got his own plan✨
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I'm all good, if Jkk broke up atp tbh. JM seems to glow. He looks like someone who is out of a toxic relationship and found new freedom to do and enjoy everything he liked. And I'm happy if the reason is end of Jkk for his thriving.
On other hand, I'm being honest so bare with me, JK seems so miserable. Not only my opinion, I saw many saying JK seems so sad now. And how he looks like Tae in 2019 who was at a not so good place mentally then. And how they hope he talks about it to someone and try to be happy again. In almost all contents (which is only few btw) he seems gloomy. One sec he'll laugh next sec he'll go all sad and lonely. Even in New year message, when others told about things to look forward and how they are trying lot of various things with lot of hope. JK said he wish this year goes fine without much up and down. There was zero happiness or hope in his voice.
The cackle I let out 🤣 oh boy. Anywho, here is your book recommendation! Since I do this now. I give books recs to the haters instead of entertaining their nonsense lol
ACOTAR by Sarah J Maas. To be fair, SJM writes extremely white washed and heteronormative fantasy romance books. But they are a fun sandbox of stories and relationships to play around in. So while I don't love her, her books are fun.
Content warnings: Drugging, Emotional abuse, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Murder, Physical abuse, Sex scenes, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Torture, Violence, and Racist/Homophobic undertones in stereotypes for certain characters.
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Description of book 1: Feyre's survival rests upon her ability to hunt and kill – the forest where she lives is a cold, bleak place in the long winter months. So when she spots a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she cannot resist fighting it for the flesh. But to do so, she must kill the predator and killing something so precious comes at a price ...
Dragged to a magical kingdom for the murder of a faerie, Feyre discovers that her captor, his face obscured by a jewelled mask, is hiding far more than his piercing green eyes would suggest. Feyre's presence at the court is closely guarded, and as she begins to learn why, her feelings for him turn from hostility to passion and the faerie lands become an even more dangerous place. Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose him forever.
As for WHY I'm recommending this series to anon based off their message, that will be full of SPOILERS SO DONT READ AFTER THE NEXT PHOTO IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS
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Feyre is in a relationship with Tamlin for the entire first book basically. And into the second. But due to their own traumas, the relationship is incredibly toxic and unhealthy. She ends up leaving him and finds her fated mate in Rhys. Where she blooms and blossoms and becomes a very powerful person. Tamlin withers, becomes lonely, depressed, and full of malice. Her new relationship and just new life even before she gets into said new relationship is honestly super great. Im being honest anon, so bare with me please. You'd probably enjoy reading about the come up, which means you'll have to at least get to book 2 in the series anon. Good luck. Hopefully this gives you some characters you can obsess over so that you can leave the real people who are in BTS alone and stop treating them like characters in the story in your head. Thanks!
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
ok, for the ask game:
Originally I was just gonna say “ALLA THEM” and then I realized there’s 100 of them so for your sake (and mind) I’m gonna say nope to that
so instead just go ahead and do 1-30 because that is a manageable number
Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers, Enemies to friends to lovers- I’ll save you time because all of these are Lumity :)
Friends with benefits to lovers- yeah uh I don’t really have one for this? And my blog is pg so-
Exes who still have feelings for each other but broke up and still get along- Me fr 👀 nah jk it’s Raeda we love Raeda
Exes who still have feelings for each other but broke up and don't want to see each other because it hurts- Mmmmmmmm, maybe Aladarius or Catradora (I mean they technically aren’t exes but they are ex best friends), Sashanne
Exes who still have feelings for each other but broke up and are very bitter about it and jerks to each other- also Aladarius and Sashanne
Age gap- Huntlow or smth idk
Would be toxic in real life but it fits them in fiction- okay so I don’t ship this anymore bc I kinda left most of the fandom (still do cosplays tho) but I used to be super OBSESSED with Drarry and it was just 😭 I kinda look back on it and was like 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 but whatever
Always horny- pg blog so not answering
ADORE each other it's always their honeymoon phase- Lumity lol
Act more like friends than a couple but truly are a couple who love each other- I would say Glimmer x Bow but like Idk they kinda were lovey idk
Always are in conflict but truly are a couple who love each other and wouldn't have it another way- Aladarius or Gustholomule or maybe Harlivy
Rivals at work but openly in love when it comes to non-professional things- I don’t really have one for this?? Idk u tell me lol
Employee/assistant and boss- Errrr Raeda when Eda was technically working for the Catts and the Catts leader was Raine?
Partners in crime- Raeda, Lumity, Huntlow, Gustholomule, if we are going Platonic Hunter and Luz, Luz and Willow, Gus and Willow, Hunter and Willow, basically the entire hexsquad, Sashanne, maybe with Marcy but she’s too kind ❤️ Dipper and Mabel (plantonically ofc), Harlivy
Loyal henchman and boss- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (QPR) Steve and Lilith when they were in the emperors coven? Idk
More competent henchman tired of their more incompetent boss but still sticks around for a reason- uhhhhhhhh, man I need to find more ships, jdjsjjwkqjdhddhsjss idk
Good guy and villain who make it work somehow- ……………….Catradora? Tho she kinda turned hero so
Romeo and Juliet- I don’t know if this means love at first sight or would die for eachother but Raeda fits both I feel like
Open relationship/swingers- eh-? *one google search later* okay yeah not answering that
Ray of sunshine and angery/creepy who can be calmed down/is not feared only with sunshine- Uhhhhhhh. Ray of Sunshine and Angry would be Catradora or smth
Ray of sunshine and jerk who is good only to sunshine (and can be scolded bh them)- Catradora, Lumity, and Platonically Luz and Hunter, Raeda sometimes
Super supportive and their emotional mess of a partner- So the entire hexsquad (#traumatized) ?
Power duo in their profession- Huntlow and Lumity And Raeda
Creepy/grumpy normal and happy/cute psycho- idk man maybe Harlivy?
Dumb and dumber- Gustholomule is that you?
Sweet idiot and grumpy braincel- Lumity during some occasions
Overly flirty/horny to the panicking one who tries to resist/doesn't know what to do- again no answer
Overly flirty/horny to the annoyed/serious one, possibly tsundere- No answer (maybe harlivy)
I have like three main ships and also I have no reading comprehension lol so sorry if these sound bad but now I UNO REVERSE ONTO YOU DAGGER
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
i actually just discovered the real reason sam and kat broke up… it’s bc sam has a foot fetish and kat has a phobia of feet.
i’m jk obviously 😭 but i’ve always just had a hunch that sam had a foot fetish and i find it so funny that if he did kat probably didn’t like it bc she hates feet lol
there was a particular video that made me think he had a foot fetish but to be completely honest i hope to never see it again bc i too, hate feet
omg for the longest time i thought that sam had a foot fetish too… jokingly, of course lol
i think he's fine with feet, and then kat was just uncomfortable by them. the only reason i thought he had a foot fetish was bc he was always giving her foot massages so clearly he didn't mind her at the very least.
feet to me are just whatever. i'm very neutral when it comes to them. i don't find them hot but i don't find them disgusting either. they're just there.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
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I have finally learned the real reason why I haven't change my username yet...how else would I know my tumblr year in review.....
Anyways, only posting the relevant things;
Blogs I reblogged the most:
^ this makes me laugh, because Emily should actually be the top 4 spots here 🤣 most of my reblogs are from her, except she sends them to me directly. some friends curate tumblr via your dash, other curate them via DMs
I tagged 7,946 of my posts in 2022
#q* - 5,920 posts ← doesn't count, i do almost everything via queue 🙄
#bad buddy - 634 posts ← LISTEN IKIVE SLOWED DOWN BUT ITS STILL GOING STRONG IN MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭😭 cannot WAIT for my break, im going to bury myself in blankets for 24hrs and watch only THEM there will be SO many tears
#kinnporsche - 561 posts ← hahahahahahahaha hello new obsession, im not letting you go any time soon ❤
#hey yuu - 471 posts ← HEY YUU ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
#the untamed - 242 posts ← lol
#mdzs - 239 posts ← LOLLLL
#writing woes - 187 posts ← ........hahahahahahahaha
#jeff satur - 160 posts ← i feel exposed
#not me - 130 posts ← i found a bunch of unposted meta for them in my drafts, now im wondering if i should've posted those after all...
#kinnporsche cast - 100 posts ← THEY'RE GOOFS I CAN'T HELP IT
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ← i have no idea what this post is for because tumblr says it doesn't exist but i am 90% sure it's a fucking jeff satur post..... he is my favorite menace ❤
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chay’s living the Wattpad dream life, Pete’s living the manic AO3 dream
210 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
actually one of my favorite little details in ep12 was pat and pran taking graduation pics with uncle tong and junior. not only because their relationship with those two is absolutely delightful and im so glad they kept their connection to these two strangers from the beach that signified two huge shifts in their relationship, but specifically because we don’t see any graduation pictures with the parents
their parents are still fighting. ming hasn’t apologized, dissaya’s still upset. pat and pran cannot be open about their relationship with them. but this doesn’t change pat and pran--they’re going to keep on loving each other and living together. it’s their parents who will miss out on the milestones. so long as they hold onto their grudge, they will only get the filtered parts of their sons’ lives. until they learn to forgive and move forward, they will lose chances to make memories. but pat and pran? they’re still going to be living their lives to the fullest with their own found family until then
324 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
351 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
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- this is an (un)official D.A.R.E. PSA
*Edit: made for from concrete fic
399 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it took a kidnapping, an explosion, a confrontation with his brother, his life getting entirely uprooted, AND a bad breakup with his boyfriend to make Chay cry. the second time he cried still took another home ping pong match, another attempted kidnapping, his brother nearly dying, his mother returned from the dead, AND the emotional equivalent of a cannonball in the form of his ex-he’s-maybe-definitely-not-over soulfully wailing why don’t you STAYYYYYY
Kim broke up with the boy he likes then cried over their date polaroids
they are not the same
1,331 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
👆 i should not find these top 5 posts as funny as i do but i really do
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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onlyswan · 1 year
Hi Art!
Just wanted to send a lil somethin cuz last week i got food poisoning and was laid up feeling terrible, but your in which... series helped get me through 💖 i live alone and don't have a jungkook to help me thru LOL so reading your writing helped give me a sense of comfort and honestly to feel less alone
for some reason the one where it's a heat wave and their air con broke so they ate in front of the fridge was a fav during my time feeling unwell, I think cuz usually i like to do random stuff like that that other pple might think is weird so it helped remind me of better days & also to not take life seriously when i see jk online now i think of you and your fics! I'm like oh, there's OC's boyfriend 🙈 arty's jk and 'real' jk are the same person now i swear! 👀 i hope you are doing well . stay healthy! don't eat dodgy looking salad 🥗💀
oh noooo anonie i’m so sorry to hear that 😭 i hope you’re feeling healthier and better by now! 🤍 and i totally get that 🥺 being sick while living alone is the absolute worst lmao. glad the drabbles could help you feel a little better <333 and omg that’s one of the most memorable one for me hehe i was just playing around
I'm like oh, there's OC's boyfriend 🙈
LMAO HDSJDHJSJFJ not oc successfully marking their territory without knowing it 😭
same to you anonie! eat healthy and fresh food :P 🫂
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strawbearytae · 2 years
NAURRR how could u end it like that 😭 I was hoping there’d be some more action or something after oc found out jk goes to yonsei :’(
Are they gonna introduce their friends to each other just to hangout together any time soon??? Cause I would love to everyone like 😶😶😶😶😶 Nd then shit blows up lolol. and then jk and oc realize that they’re falling for with their ex but it’s okay bc they’ve both changed over time and are good people who should stay together 😁😁😁 NGJSHD OMG WAIT WAIT who do you think is gonna hurt more when they realize each other’s identities? like jk, bc he fell for the girl whose heart he purposely broke and ruined—thereby breaking his ow </3—because he couldn’t bear to see her get dragged down with him for his mistakes? Or oc bc she’s falling for with her ex that she reallyyy liked (loved even, I think??) who broke her heart out of the blue (and according to her) bc of the very things she’s insecure about🤔
how did the high school people come to the conclusion that jk goes to yonsei? All namjoon did was post a picture of him
this is really irrelevant and literally nothing will change at all no matter how you answer it lol but it’s been bothering me tbh. is jaegguk’s name 재국? why is there an extra g 😭 
and if I may ask a Korean language-related question: when are you not supposed to call an older guy 오빠? I thought it was it was a general honorific for a girl towards an older boy. Do you have to be close to use it? what about a stranger then. I assume it’d be (name)씨  but what if u don’t know their name?
LOVE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY I WANNA SKIP TO THOSE PARTS TOO😭😭😭 But unfortunately my stupid ass wants something called ”cHaraCtEr dEvELopMent” like wha🤧🙄
AND A HANGOUT REUNION??? OH MY MY MY😭😭😭 I would love to write that but nooooo we need jk and yn to be deeper in their relationship 😭 Istg the logical side of my brain and my fan girl side are constantly fighting over pacing for this story🤡 Unfortunately, I am planning on making everything slightly more complicated than a BOOM HEY THEY’RE YOUR EX! So get ready for a real sh*tshow soon😌✨
I feel like yn and JK would be equally guilty, horrified and terrified when they find out? Like JK for obvious reasons while for YN???? Jungkook relates to a part of her life that she would rather forget (I.e. her obvious insecurities + homewrecker allegations), so meeting him again would remind her of the bad place she was in yk?
I don’t think I’ll really go into this but what I think would’ve happened was that those internet trolls (sorry I mean ex-classmates) would’ve found Jungkook’s Twitter through Namjoon’s and found the school he’s going to (probably he posted about it or he’s following the school’s Twitter). Which is also how the brutal ones are dm-ing him all that hate yk?
For Jaegguk: His name IS 재국 BUT I slightly went for the more romanized version of his name. Like yk how some army’s spell Jungkook as “Jeongguk”? It’s similar to that. Because depending on how the reader reads “guk” it can easily become “걱” instead of “국”, so the extra “ㄱ” insures more the “ook” sound ig. Tbh I just made him jaegguk to fit his Twitter username nfjdjfhdhd🤧
Now this one is tricky and I could probably write a whole essay on the formal and like more truthful implications of what 오빠 means. Truthfully and technically, 오빠 does mean older brother or anyone older than the female speaker… HOWEVER, there’s kinda like a flirty aspect to it… 오빠 kinda carries a similar meaning to “babe” or “baby”. kinda. It’s more like an very very very innocent version of “daddy” too ig. It’s kinda difficult to really express in a few lines the implications that 오빠 can have. But most the time, between friends, you don’t call the other person 오빠 unless you really think of them as a brother or you’re flirting with them. It’s like bro/babe in one word and you kinda have to figure out what that person means based on your relationship with them.
For example, I have a childhood friend that is 2 years older than me that I call 오빠, but we are 1000000% not dating. I’ve known this dude since I was a fetus and sang Dora the Explorer everywhere. There’s no way we’d ever date but we have a mutual respect for each other so I still call him 오빠.
However when I was first flirting/썸-ing with my ex-bf who was 20 months away older than me I started calling him 오빠. We called each other by names before but that quickly changed when we found a mutual interest in one another.
If you’re a girl and you meet an older guy that you’re legitimately gonna be friends with, you’d more likely call them [name]-ssi until you’d both agree to drop honorifics. When that happens you’d most likely call him by his name and if you start mutually showing interest then you might transition to 오빠.
It’s quite complicated and there’s some guys who tell you to “call them 오빠 because they think of you as a little sister” when in reality they’re flirting with you.
This turned out wayyyy too long, sorry.
In yn’s case I made her call JK “오빠” because she was making fun of him but she’s gradually showing interest in him. Plus, JK seems to hate it rn so it’s funny… ahhh the things I do for the crackfullness of my fics🥴
I should started a Korean-with-Minhee series or soemthing shfhdjdj but thanks for reading my very LONG explanation, I hope I didn’t bore you 😅
EDIT: The -ssi thing… hmm most of the tome the first thing people do is introduce themselves so they’re most likely to know each other’s names… Unless you’re like working with them in which they have titles like Director Kim that you’d refer to them by instead of [name]-ssi… So there really isn’t a situation that you wouldn’t use [name]-ssi. just like english, if you dont know their name: just ask😊
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sweethurtss · 2 years
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“Eat my strawberries and I’ll bite you so hard, Sera.” ( @bclasaeg​ )
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a-sourpatchchild · 5 years
idk what’s funnier... the fact that Monet decided to tweet that today, completely unprovoked or the fact that Vanjie literally takes every opportunity to mention that she’s a bottom 😂😂 
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firstkokon0is · 3 years
tokrev characters when you did the “i told you to look good today” prank to them
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lol this trend is quite old but its been on my mind lately but yall can request sum goods to me😁👍
tw: heavy swear words and grammar errors
characters: draken, mikey, mitsuya, baji, chifuyu, hakkai, takemichi.
gn reader
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the moment those words came out of your mouth he just stared at you
while you’re smiling idiot
he will literally just stare at you
“yea same to you” showing a annoying smile
you guys just laugh it off, you didn’t even told him that it was just a prank because he already knew it but will still ask you in the middle of your date
“hey is my style in clothes really aint that good? were you serious? i mean its not that bad…..” he said while looking himself up through his phone camera
“nope, i thought you get the joke but oh well……ken, you look so good everytime yk even if u wear nothing u still can pull it off” you told him and smack his bald head playfully
“yea yeaa i would’ve gone feral if u went and bash my hair instead of my clothes so thats a relief” he respond with a smile
“ken why this hair-”
“aight im leaving”
“no hakahajwlwbsha”
took the joke very well
he spent hours looking for good clothes for this date, there’s clothes everywhere in his room and still “damn…..there’s nothing to wear”
he just pout, told you that he’s sorry, and he spent hours looking for something to wear to match your style and many more reasons
pls apologize to him
but when you told him that its a prank he just pout and said “not a good joke y/n i know you were lying because i really look good, i knew its was a prank”
just agree with him lol
will think of pranks that he could do to you for revenge, literally stressing about it while on the date with you
he wants to say the same thing to you but he can’t because you look beautiful today, just for him, and will smile just looking at you
while walking to the park he will even ask himself “does my style really match them?” “should i be the one to adjust and put my taste on clothes higher?” “i should ask mitsuya about fashion things” his mind is just filled with questions
“mikeyyyyyyy, you look good today i was just doing a silly prank im sorry if that made you feel bad, not gonna lie you’re drippy as fuck”
“i know i know im gonna prank you next time real hard” he said “if i catch you we’re gnna switch wardrobes” he said as he started to chase you around the park
in the end he came over to your place and explore your wardrobe and tried your clothes, he even stole some of your hoodies and shirts.
this mf thinks he looks good no matter what
duh he’s a designer
“well y/n i think you’re right, and i should style you sometimes dont you think?”
your hand went to your mouth so fast
he laughed at your reaction and hug you
“just kidding you look good, we look good i know that trend damn thats old” he said
you smack him playfully for that, his reaction is normal but because of that he wants to be more stylish
he can take a joke yk
after a lot of overthinking he suggests to shopping with you
even though he have some knowledge about designing and how to look good he thinks your taste in clothes is so good
will think that he’s right for you and you’re right for him
he’s your 4lyferss😩
he will give you that “excuse me” face with a hand oh his chest because he’s offended as fuck.
“babe stop fooling people, and yourself we both know i look good”
“you dare to bash my drip hell no baby”
will brag his clothes for like 15 minutes just to prove what you’re saying is wrong
“this shirt i brought this online with a nice fabric its not cheap mf”
“my pants, you see this huh? see those sutffs on tiktoks where they style their own pants i did this shit its so cool”
“now now, baby see this shoes? oh dont even get me started but hey you look nice today hehe can i take you on our date now?”
he went from being defensive and screaming proving his shit right to his signature smile
by just that he already made your day, you really cant out keisuke baji
because he is baji, he will look good for you, and you look good for him, he will joke you around, tease you a lot, you will also do the same to him.
100% can take a fucking joke. and it will be like a competition to him.
confused baby
im sure you feel a lot of guilt rn
because baby panicked
will suggest to go back to his house and change his clothes if you want
pls apologize 😭
almost cried because he thinks he’s a bad boyfriend again lol
will spat a lot if reason like, he’s in hurry, he’s been overthinking this date since last night.
but boy he look good actually he has drip
“nononono baby, you look good i just saw the thing on tiktok so i thought it will be funny but damn im sorry i-” you didn’t even finish when he laughed
“ohhhhhh yeaaaa that trend fuck, how could i forget, nice one you got me there god dammit ill take revenge sometimes” he said laughing slightly
well he’s always on tiktok, have some few vid too, actually some went viral bc of takemichi being dumb
just like mitsuya too, will suggest to just go shopping with him and tell him what kind of clothes that you’re interested in
would love to buy your clothes for you but he’s just a broke middle schooler but he promised you that both of you will shopping someday
he took that prank seriously but when he knew that it was a joke its fine
life goes on for him
oh my god please y/n why
you always complement his style because its true he has some style
after you told him that he will just scratch the back of his neck and said
“my other clothes are still wet haha…..i mean i dont look bad i mean……”
apologize, drop on your knees and do it.
nah jk
u gave in a small laugh and said sorry to him
he know about this trend actually but he never actually expect you to have the guts to do that to him
he knew about his shy personality and he knew that you know about this
he’s not offended just taken by surprise that you actually did that to him
“well anyways i dont care about me you look good today y/n”
you immediately regret saying those stuffs to him bc he’s sweet hot and respectful
but its a joke anyways he enjoyed the silly joke
he knew he look good lmao
yuzuha will be hearing this
she will prolly scold you for doing that
are you gnna repeat the silly prank again?
he will run
run back to his home attack his wardrobe and find a good clothes
ofc you feel bad so you followed him
you saw him looking for a new clothes to wear
you told him its a prank but he still didn’t want to go out looking like that
so you just decided to style him yourself
he thinks you’re right
he looks bad, his style is not it
but overall happy for pranking him and making him realize that he need to be as your same style
“takemichi, look i dont care…..whoever told you that you look bad i will kick their face, to me what ever you wear your fun personality and the reason that i fell inlove with you wont disappear” you put a hand on the top of his head and he just
“im sowwyyy- i- i cant look good- fuck ughhghuh- please dont leave me i-” he’s crying mess on your chest
you will never prank him again
no pls dont do it again
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I wonder: if I showed this simple (and definitely incomplete) list of things Jikook did with each other to some outsider... would they think they are a couple or not?
(-> YES. YES THEY WOULD. The fact that people have the gut to discredit them because they are same sex members of a boy group blows my mind! The overly pushed heteronormative is especially disgusting :/)
JM is JK 's emergency contact
JK has JM initials tattoed on his ring finger
they know e/o's family very well JK's mom loves JM JK references JM's father multiple times JK's brother seem to like JM a lot
JM gave JK a '(love)bite' on his neck
JK nibbled on JM's ear on a stage in front of 66k people after saying 'I love you'
JK called JM baby
JK called JM dangshin
JM called JK puppy prince
JK drops honorifics with JM
you are me I am you
they where together on free days/national holidays
they are often seen arriving and leaving together in the same car
JK said JM is the perfect person to marry
JK always gives JM his full attention when JM is talking
JK said JM is the member who gave him the most confort
they went to see the first snow together
they wore matching outfits on valentine's day
they went on a private holiday together (JK's present to JM for his birthday)
JK recorded their holiday together and published the video as his last present to JM (said video has romantic undertones and lyrics)
JK has preferential treatment for JM - pancake - never getting angry and letting JM get away with anything - scolding the other members when they talk over JM
they have special voices/tones for e/o
they share or match clothes jeans shirts green jackets vampire t-shirt olive brewery sweater grey t-shirt pants/shirt by LV check collection olive green and balck plaid jacket purple shirt and purple marni sweater shoes on several occasions
they went on a date to disneyland
they went on a date bowling
they went on a date ice skating
they touch in sus places neck (both) inner thighs (both) waist (JK to JM) chest (JM to JK) hair/face/lips (both) ass (both)
they hold hands for no reason
they back-hug for no reason
they side-hug for no reason
they hug for no reason
they sit on top of e/o
JK gravitates towards JM
JK stares at JM a lot esp his lips
they cuddle
JM said he would go to the moon with JK
JM said he would feel safe with JK even on a deserted island
JM said JK is a reliable banreyo
JK said everything about JM is cute
JK said JM is the cutest
JK said JM with makeup is sexy
JK said 'if it's sexy, it's JM hyung'
JM said he loves waking up and seeing JK
JK portraied his and JM morning routine in the music video for LGO bc he wanted realism
JM said the part of his heart that thinks about JK is quite big
JK woke up early on a 'retreat' in New Zeland to collect snow and gift it to JM
JK said JM's existence is honey for him
they have been seen going shopping together
they have been seen working out together
they have given e/o plenty of compliments (even on their phisical appearence)
the thing JK is most sorry for is an argument with JM when they were younger
jin repeatedly teased them for their couply behavior
they flirt on stage magic shop
they naturally pair up for group pictures
they wait for e/o to head home
they give e/o advice on dancing, performance and singing
they are together at weird hours at night (night buddies coff coff)
V called them out several time for being together alone instead of with him (vlives)
they said they better not do vlives together bc they distract e/o
the members refers to them as a unit
staff has said they never see them separated
they have questionable selcas together (of buised lips and shared beds)
JK said JM is shameless
they flirt a lot during downtime
JM seems to like being picked up/carried around by JK
JM said JK is his happy virus
JK said he makes JM happy. JM didn't deny
rabbit spit
JM saying JK likes being tied up
allusive pick up lines everywhere my heart is burning why are you acting cute detective play with me arrest me do you think you can always be forgiven bc you are cute it's not our first time I want you why do you always come to my room give me a kiss why am I so erotic? I am going to be your future boyfriend are you happy bc of me? Don't you hear my heartbeat? I purple u do you like me that much? This is my toy JK's holy sweat You gotta spank him although he's older
questionable subtitles provided for context star, wind and romance mood and they lived happily ever after JK is happy with JM kate minslet and leonardo jungcaprio JM is JK's favourite model the director is getting into it JM and JK are one the maknae is happy thanks to JM hearts, cute comments and music from the editing team over their interactions
the sun and moon duo
golden closet film
big romantic gestures for e/o JM getting back to korea from Paris for JK's birthday JK singing romantic songs to JM
korea's open secret
being seen together taking a covid swab
JM always stays afterhours to reharse with JK
they are e/o biggest fanboys
JK is protective of JM (airport)
jimmeo and kookliet
JM got annoyed Jin called him while he was spending time with JK
they went on a boat date to see the red moon
they went to see malta together
JK is often potographing or filming JM
they have moments together that are proper misteries and so weird the mosquito net incident the whole osaka vlives fiasco the various 'home' references laguna beach the kiss sound video while JK reharses weird tweets/hashtags what do you want for your birthday, do you have a desire? Ambiguous use of the world ARMY what is tasty in Busan JM's manager the tissue incident the incriminated-selfie gate
they seem to know everything about e/o
they mention e/o a lot
their last two solo songs are love songs (finding love in unexpected places and the joy coming from happy love)
j-hope mixes them up a lot
JM has plenty of cute pet names for JK
JM said 'it could appear as if JK is simply somebody close to him who is younger (but...)'
JM is always with JK when he is phisically or emotionally hurt
JK often massages JM for his chronic pain
JM often massages/caresses JK bc yes
JK imitated JM's dangerous dieting in order to make him realize how bad it was
they have private (questionable) videos dancing together/practicing alone
JK took over a call JM did to Jin on vlive to say 'I love you'
JK said 'I love you JM' in the mic after a concert
JK said 'I love you' to JM on the red carpet in sign language
They both said they get hyped when they make eye contact on stage
JK gave JM the cutie award
JK stays close to JM when JM falls asleep in public places
they blew kisses to e/o
they got lost staring at e/o and forgot what they where doing JM on the red carpet both of them at awards
they paired accessories
they paired hair colors
they have a lot of admiration for e/o as people
JK lets (or makes) JM win
they get frequently lost in their own world
they reference things only the other understand
JK sometimes puts up a bit of a jealous act I do not approve of this
JM lets JK scold him
JK said to JM 'you are always number one for me'
JK said to JM 'I am always watching you'
JK has been recorded softly containing JM when he's on a perfectionist streak
they seek e/o out for comfort after performance hugging/hand holding
when one is hurt the other looks like he's suffering too JK on stage when JM broke down in the first virtual concert JM when JM got denied in a game
they defend e/o from the other members and have e/o's back
the other members separated them on several occasions when they got too touchy
personal space who?
They know things about e/o that are clearly not shared with the class brushing teeths snoring alarm ring sleeping time
black swan performance
they put e/o hands under the other's clothes to touch bare skin
JM kissed JK's neck
they feed e/o
spanking and ass-grabbing
they were caught on camera ogling e/o shamlessly
JM's weird strenght kink
JM said his camera roll is full ok JK
they have a different smile for e/o
other members said suspicious things about them together
JK only saw JM and J-hope during their official break
all the members minus JM complain about JK not answering his phone
heart eyes
drinking from the same bottle
blindly recognizing e/o's body parts just by touch or out of context photos
napping on each other (yeah, you read that right)
non-verbal communication over 9000
weird editorial cuts in backstage videos when the two of them are together
JM said 'JK falls asleep hugging me'
JM said 'JK plays hard to get but when he thinks I am sleeping he comes by and say I love you'
JM said he is the main model for GCF
JK said JM's photocard is sexy
JK sometimes hesitates in touching JM or holding him when he knows they r on camera
JK said JM is a fallen angel
JK praised JM's dancing several times
JK likes to tease JM
fixing e/o clothes
JK closes his eyes when JM touches him
JM run trough a whole stage abandoning his stage persona when he hought JK was being sick
JM puts JK's happiness first
similar mindset about important stuff in life
JM sat on JK. Uh. Different ways
JK putting his hands over JM while being hugged in order to drag JM even closer
JM ordering JK around and literally dragging him around
JK being overprotective
the members subtly panicking when JK/JM have to interact closely on camera
JM having to fight for JK's forgiveness while Jin was immediately let off the hook
Quite a list anon, lol. You put so much work into this list I couldn't not post it.
I do agree with most of your points if not all of them, but a good example of just how much there is out there to show how these two are the real deal.
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tendertokyo · 3 years
My take on NCT at Hogwarts
what is it with me and being active on this god forsaken app all of a sudden... anyways, i know that we've thrown jk rowling in the garbage but listen i can't just throw away my whole childhood for one stupid rich white cis woman. also i have no idea what's going on with the neos but when do i ever? alright here we go
taeil: he's giving me frustrated hufflepuff, like he really wished to be in gryffindoor but it didn't work out. think he'd be a halfblood and have a pet toad. likes to visit hagrid for tea sometimes. simps over some bad bitch in slytherin, really thinks she's into him too, everyone tells him she's way out of his league. broke his wand twice already trying to open a can of sardines
taeyong: also strong hufflepuff energy. he's the keeper and captain of their quidditch team and a prefect too, picked purely cause he's good with kids. walks around without his scarf in the cold winter because he wrapped it around ten's neck one morning and nagged on him for not taking care of his health properly, never got the scarf back and doesn't mind. i feel like snape would intimidate the crap out of him, like he would not be able to stay calm during his classes rip. he'd be adored by all the other teachers though, especially flitwick who believes he's really gifted in charms
johnny: a gryffindoor pureblood and keeper and captain of the quidditch team. always the one who tries to talk things out with mcgonnagall when they pull some stupid shit and get caught, never successful. has the marauders map and likes to throw underground raves in hidden rooms and tunnels. buddies with peeves and the house elves. buddies with everyone actually. and regardless of liking him like that or not, every girl in school has fantasized of fucking him in the quidditch locker room showers ooooop-
yuta: omg the heartbreaker of the school. a halfblood slytherin prefect and beater. snape's favourite student, like he gets whatever he wants from that man without trying. everyone is lowkey into him cause of his hot and mysterious vibe and there are so many rumours about his sex life circulating around, but no one actually knows if he's seeing someone. people also speculate he's a metamorphmagus but no lol he just dies his hair a lot. has a pet cat who's mean to everyone except him and mark. likes to explore the forbidden forest cause he's a weirdo
doyoung: a ravenclaw pureblood who hates quidditch, only shows up for taeyong's matches and nags him afterwards if hufflepuff loses. he's the headboy and happily uses his title to threaten haechan. hates divination with a passion and idolizes mcgonnagal, as he should. knows everyone's bussiness in the whole damn castle, never starts drama but almost always ends it. used to tutor some younger students but they quickly realised he's a mini mcgonnagall and zoomed straight outta there. snape lowkey wishes he was in slytherin but don't tell anyone
kun: gryffindoor headboy, probably the calmest person in that entire house and the only one who can kinda control the chaos. if yangyang or hendery annoy him too much he'll give them the wrong password on purpose, mcgonnagal has this unspoken respect for him for that reason. feels really bad for the house elves and wants to help them as much as he can. known as the dad or daddy of gryffindoor, depending on who you ask hehehehe
ten: the artsiest ravenclaw but fucking terrible at riddles, so he's always stuck at the door unless someone let's him inside lmao. is super into divination but purely for the aesthetic. never wears his uniform properly, always wears taeyong's scarf and lots of witchy jewelry. started a dance club in the room of requirement, loves hogwarts halloween with his whole heart. set a classroom on fire once and managed to sneak away undetected. always hooks up with someone at johnny's parties
jaehyun: the fucking fratboy of gryffindoor. he's a halfblood and a chaser on the quidditch team. left so many girls on read oh my god. sneaks alcohol and weed into school, coorganizes parties with johnny, yuta and mark. people think he's this hot bad boy or some shit, lol no bitch he's a dumbass don't waste your energy on a doofus like him, have you heard his laugh he sounds like a 45 year old man. mcgonnagall doesn't trust him at all, always looks at him with shifty eyes. the fat lady flirts with him everytime he approaches the commonroom door
winwin: on the snobby pureblood side of slytherin, like he gives off really judgy vibes. is in ten's dance club, there's a rumor going around that he's an animagus 'cause he moves gracefully like a cat or smth, but he isn't he's just really talented. spends most of his time in the owlery petting birds. the bloody baron freaks him out, most of the ghosts do. tried to be a big brother figure to renjun and chenle but they bullied his ass like crazy so he dropped them like hot potatoes
jungwoo: the most confident gryffindoor y'all. he's a muggleborn and a chaser. has the cutest pet owl, is really into care of magical creatures. snape hates him because he's too "sunny" of a person. wild at parties but looks fine in the morning somehow. the biggest flirt you'll ever meet and has so many bitches wrapped around his little finger lol, there's a rumor going around that he's real beast in bed. awesome at dueling, uses his cute airhead shtick to apsolutely destroy people. can you tell i love his pisces ass?
lucas: a hufflepuff halfblood and beater. wannabe fuckboy but can't because he cares too much lol, those muscles are made of feelings dawg. hits on every girl he sees and is almost always successful 'cause we're weak for cute and sweet himbos. is the biggest show off on the quidditch field and has his own fan club. really into care for magical creatures, like literally wants to befriend every single one of them, hagrid has to pull his ass away from them before he gets hurt rip
mark: a gryffindoor prodigy, a muggleborn and a chaser. the most stressed prefect you've ever seen. mcgonnagall has a soft spot for him and everyone knows it. snape dislikes him but respects him because he's fucking brilliant at potions. a lot of people like him and are into him but he doesn't know how to respond to them lol socially awkward king. plans parties with johnny yuta jaehyun and ten, is always roped into the dreamies schemes against his will. no one can fucking tell if him and haechan are on good terms cause they're at each other's throats all the time, but slobber all over each other like crazy when they get drunk
xiaojun: the most emotional ravenclaw. a halfblood and a prefect. he dated a girl for a long time and she broke his heart, moped about it in the prefect's bathroom for ages. lowkey believes she cheated on him with yuta but isn't sure, is extra weary around him though. says he's done with love but then simps over a new girl every two weeks smh. no one understands how he's such good friends with hendery and yangyang, like the combination of the two of them is a recipe for disaster. whenever they rope him into their bullshit, he always manages to drop their asses in the perfect time and doesn't get caught. many portaits are jealous of him 'cause he has better bone structure then them lol
hendery: the best definition of a gryffindoor. comes from a rich pureblood family, is a beater on the quidditch team. he's the life of the party, man. out of all the students he hates, he is the one snape hates the MOST and he's so proud of that. a really fast runner so he never ends up in detention 'cause it's just too hard to catch him. buddies with the ghosts and hagrid. tries really hard to impress girls, it only works half of the time when he's not being too intense
yangyang: also a gryffindoor pureblood, tried out for the chaser position but didn't make it, is still bitter about it. has a really fucked up owl that always messes up his letters. constantly in detention, like he's cleaned that entire castle by himself 43 times already. also in ten's dance club, also really good at dueling when he actually tries. really into muggle culture, explores it in his free time and shows everyone cool, new music he found all the time. gives kun daily headaches cause he's way too energetic in the morning
shotaro: imma say he's a hufflepuff but don't quote me on that cause i don't know him that well. he seems like he'd have lots of friends though and would be in ten's dance club
sungchan: don't know him well either so i'll just say gryffindoor??
renjun: i'm torn between ravenclaw and slytherin, gonna go with slytherin for him. he's a halfblood and a prefect, also uses his title to threaten haechan. loves defence against the dark arts anď herbology, might become a healer someday. gets tricked by the moving staircases all the fucking time, ends up at madam pomfrey's way more than he likes to admit. likes the slytherin aesthetic but can't stand the evil stereotypes. most people think him and chenle are brothers, wants to strangle chenle when he plays into it. once told the bloody baron to fuck off, no one dares get on his bad side since that day
jeno: pureblood hufflepuff prefect and a chaser. he's the cute, athletic guy everyone has a crush on. is on snape's good side 'cause he likes cleaning up his brewing station after finishing the task the lession is about. is the best flyer in the entire school and has the best chance of getting scouted in the future, everyone knows it but if you mention it to him he blushes like crazy. i feel like he's been in many fwb situations but they all ended well because he's a gentleman
haechan: a slytherin through and through. halfblood and seeker on the quidditch team. thought he was gonna be prefect and was hella pissed he wasn't chosen, i mean hello you're a snake who would want to give a snake authority goddamn it. also always complains during quidditch matches, calls everything a foul just 'cause he wants to win. puts up this persona of the mischevious slytherin boy but it falls flat on it's ass because he's peeves's favourite target
jaemin: a muggleborn hufflepuff, because of that reason he's sworn to himself he'll take care of jisung like a mother. a chaser on the quidditch team. such a sweetheart my gosh, like that dude is always so happy, unless he hasn't drunk his 6 cups of coffee. speaking of, mcgonnagall and pomfrey worry for his health like crazy but won't admit it. excells at care for magical creatures and charms, horrible at ancient runes like he didn't think there'd be so much math involved. girls are also crazy into him but he's such an introvert, the thought of someone wanting to be around him so much scares him. still flirts with everything that breathes lol
chenle: a slytherin and a pureblood, from one of those rich old families. because of that people expect him to be a lil brat, turns out to be the coolest guy you'll ever meet. he's friends with everyone regardless of house, a chaser on the quidditch team, known as the one who scores the most points in a game. he's great at defence against the dark arts and transfiguration, is thinking about becoming an auror 'cause that dude fears nothing i'm telling you. was made a prefect instead of haechan, rubs it in his face like crazy, but ultimately just let's people get away with stupid shit like "haha nice one, respect". memorized all the secret passageways of the castle in his head, helps johnny, mark, ten and jaehyun with their parties. pisses off filch like no other, was in detention all the time with yangyang until they realised how terrible it is when the two of them are in close contact lol so he gets let off the hook all the time. also fucking flirts with everything that breathes, the biggest fucking tease like you never know what he means smh
jisung: jaemin's muggleborn hufflepuff son, though most people are surprised he isn't in gryffindoor 'cause god the reckless shit that boy pulls... always late to breakfast with his uniforn all messy. people think he's very innocent but like his bestfriend is chenle, so how pure could he be. he's a seeker on the quidditch team, goes extra hard during hufflepuff-slytherin matches 'cause he wants to knock haechan off his high horse. blushes like crazy whenever he sees a cute girl which only gives chenle more reason to tease him 'cause he's a lil bitch like that. is the star of ten's dance club but has tripped and fallen down multiple flights of stairs, this kid's a walking paradox
to conclude:
gryffindoor: johnny, kun, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, hendery, yangyang, sungchan
hufflepuff: taeil, taeyong, lucas, jeno, jaemin, shotaro, jisung
ravenclaw: doyoung, ten, xiaojun
slytherin: yuta, winwin, renjun, haechan, chenle
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Hello lovely liv :) I literally cannot pick a favorite one of your fics for each of the long term couples so I was wondering if you had any? I feel like it would be so interesting to reread ur fav fic for each couple!! And also just to get like ur perspective of it would be cool bc I feel like as someone who also has a blog and creates posts, some of my favorites are the ones with the least notes 🥴 idk I’m just rambling now lmao
TLDR: what is ur fav fic for each couple?
Omg I love you for asking this because it gave me a chance to go back through my masterlists for the first time in a while and ugh I have so many good memories with these fics :( it's hard to pick just one fic per couple bc I like them for different reasons and I'm indecisive soooo I chose two for each couple (and I gave reasons bc I can't help myself):
jin x poopsie:
“What’s wrong? Do you want attention?”
it's just so lowkey, I like the inclusion of poopsie and jin's mom talking, and I just think it's very playful which is this couple's whole dynamic.
“I happen to have this mood ring, and it would be very helpful to me if you would put it on.”
again, the playful vibe, the sincere love, the inclusion of the jk/jin beef lol also this one is one of my very very early ones, like before I even knew these couples were going to be a thing. It's not my best writing by any means but I love the concept and the scenario.
yoongi x kid:
“You just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction.”
I don't even know what it is about this fic, I just really liked how this one turned out. I like the little nerves, the flirting, the obvious feelings, just yeah :(
“If your plan was to seduce me upon arrival, it’s working.”
lowkey, flirty, comfortable in a very min/kid way, it's always been one of my fav fics of mine period.
hoseok x petal:
“The displeasure was mine.”
this is probably my favorite fic for how any of the couples met. I love that they're both very much just themselves and they're polar opposites, they annoy each other a bit but they're fascinated by one another.
“I could never want less of you.”
I just like how they work through this insecurity and conflict together and I remember being quite proud of how this one turned out. It's hard to find conflicts for these two but I thought this one was very real and ugh this was another that was sad but felt good to write.
namjoon x daisy:
“The strings are attached already.”
this one legit broke my fucking heart to write lol but I love Joon's vulnerability and the way Daisy is in this battle with her heart. So sad but I can't help but like it.
“I’m not asking for forever.”
I love the way Joon assures Daisy in this one and how she opens up in a very sincere way because she believes Joon deserves to be let in. And I've gone back and re-read what Joon tells Daisy a few times because that shit hits.
jimin x dear:
"Did I really get to shag you last night?"
I've always loved this one, it's fun and cute and there's the little bit of insecurity there that Dear squashes and I love JK in this one too.
“How could you hide something from me? I’m the love of your life.”
after everything this couple went through, they just deserved this moment. Writing this was so satisfying, I loved giving them this. (I'm too emotionally invested in these couples lol)
taehyung x peaches:
“Want me to kiss it better?”
I like showing where they started compared to where they are now and this one was just a lot of fun to write. It's goofy, sweet, intimate, supportive, and just very much Tae and Peaches.
“Wait, I’m nervous.”
I loved writing this one :( they've been in love for a while at this point but this was still such a special moment for these two and ugh again, they just deserved this moment.
jungkook x holly:
“Should I get this one tattooed for real?”
I was really tempted to put “I think it’s the doe eyes” instead of this one but I just love the intimacy of this one too much. I like JK encouraging Holly's creativity, the idea of him tattooing one of her drawings for real, them just like existing in their apartment together, I just really enjoyed writing this one.
“That could have been so hot.”
I loved writing the return to the laundromat and I like how this turned out lol. It's flirty, fun, silly, they tease each other, just the epitome of what makes guk and holly.
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