#/ the oolong AND the rooibos.
skys-archive · 1 month
Reblog for a bigger sample size etc
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needtobeehealthy · 2 years
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iwillbemother · 1 year
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#Repost @takuya.takuchimama
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koisurubeam · 28 days
i do NOTT like chamomile tea i just havent been able to make myself like it. sorry
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heybabybird · 2 years
important question what tea do y'all think tim is
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zinzinina · 2 years
I want to make you a cup of my current favorite tea (a highland oolong) & discuss stupid star wars stuff like we're Greek philosophers. pinkies out.
This sounds heavenly my love, let’s do it 💕💕 x
“I want to _____ you.”
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greatarcadeharmony · 2 years
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askupdates · 4 months
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teacember · 5 months
This post in not sponsored by postal services ! It is however sponsored by the Association of Drinking Too Much Tea Per Day, in association with iron complements manufacturers 💊
The teas 2, 3 and 4 will I believe delight you by their variety !
Pineapple green tea, Les jardins de Gaïa
Brew for 3mn at 75°C
Mint rooibos, idk it was loose tea from the biocoop
Brew for 4-5mn at 95°C
Mirabelle oolong, Lupicia
Brew for 1mn30 at 95°C
The green tea would greatly benefit from a cube of sugar, preferably raw sugar. It will really bring out the pineapple flavour, otherwise it may taste a bit bland. For the rooibos, well... it's good with anything probably. I don't really like mint as it anyway. You'll figure out something. Now for last, the oolong is really potent, so you'll enjoy it with a sweet biscuit, but nothing too flavoury as it may clash with the plum aroma. I will not recommend dark chocolate for obvious reasons.
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crustaceousfaggot · 14 days
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somepinkflowers · 1 year
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{{ #teadrinker here ☕️🫖 A lovely #morningritual I learned from my mom. 💕 }} #somepinkflowers 🌸 #somepinkflowersfact during my #birthmonth 🥳🎉 I drink tea ‼️ My #teastation ☕️☕️ #greentea 🌱 #oolong 🌱🌱 #blacktea 💕 #herbaltea 🌸 #rooibos 💕💕👏🏽👏🏽 #gingertea 💕☕️ 👉🏽👉🏽On a lazy, rainy day give me #earlgreytea 🫖 & Agatha Christie 📚 #simplepleasures 💕 (at Saint Augustine, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoM58G8ufpR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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needtobeehealthy · 2 years
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teaboot · 2 months
Y'know, despite having tea in your name, I can't find it you've said what your favorite kind of tea is.
If you don't mind, what are your top 3 teas that you'd say people should try?
Oh, like if you enjoy tea and want to try new stuff?
First off, tea (broadly speaking, for readers who aren't familiar) is made of leaves from the tea plant, and the TYPES of tea- White, green, oolong*, and black- just refer to different levels of oxidization. The darker the tea, the more oxidized it is, the higher the tannins are, more bitter it gets, the higher caffeine is.
That said:
First pick, London fog. The kind I like is the customary earl grey tea prepped with milk, sugar, vanilla, and lavender. Feels soft and cozy and lightly floral, but not in a perfume way- best I can describe it is drinking a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer.
Earl grey tea, btw, is a black tea flavored with bergamot oils. Bergamot is a sour-bitter citrus fruit. Oversteeped or scalded, Earl Grey can taste super nasty and bitter-flat, but I like mine steeped for about 3-4 minutes for a milder taste.
Second pick, Gunpowder green tea, chilled. I like mine steeped for about 2-3 minutes in a medium boil, remove the leaves and place in the fridge until cold. Gunpowder tea has more caffeine than most green teas and is very refreshing when iced, in my opinion. Has more of a kick to it than plain ice water, especially after hard exercise. No idea if that's healthy or not, I just like the taste.
Third, Lemon black tea boba with tapioca pearls. Because I know what I fuckin like. Sassy dance
Honorable mentions include Russian Caravan (reminds me of my grandma), Market Spice Rooibos Blend (reminds me of my mom), Chai, Mint Tisane, and Black Tea iced with sugar and lemon.
*Edit: I was thinking "warm plant drink with 'oo' in name that steeps red" and wrote Rooibos instead of Oolong in the original. Oolong comes from tea plants, Rooibos does not
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peligin-eyed · 4 months
Cozy Tea-Themed OC Asks
English Breakfast: What is your OC’s morning routine?
Earl Grey: Does your OC like to read? What is their taste in books?
Darjeeling: Where does your OC feel most at home?
Oolong: How does your OC decorate their space?
Lapsang Souchong: If your OC was a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Chai: What is your OC’s comfort food/drink?
Pu-erh: What does your OC do when they’re stuck indoors for a day or two?
Green: What is your OC’s favorite piece of clothing?
Jasmine: Does your OC like flowers? Which type of flower is their favorite?
Matcha: What is your OC’s preferred little treat?
Lemon Balm: Does your OC have any bedtime habits or rituals?
Peppermint: How does your OC handle the cold?
Rooibos: What kind of lighting does your OC prefer? Dim, bright, moody, secret fourth thing?
Chamomile: What does your OC do to relax?
Ginger: What always brightens your OC’s day?
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canisalbus · 8 months
How do our favorite bark bark boys like their tea?
I think Vasco would like fruity rooibos blends, usually with milk or honey or both. Or something like good quality vanilla black tea.
Machete would probably prefer white tea or light oolong, which are mild and sweet enough that he doesn't put anything extra in them.
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greatarcadeharmony · 2 years
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