stupidheadwithablog · 3 years
Thanks. Now I’m wanting to write something with Crowley from Good Omens meeting either the Frost system (my DID system OC(s)), or River, who are original story characters.
Thanks a lot /s
Person A: “Sooo….Why a demon? Not that I don’t like them, it’s just… it’s not what one would expect when hearing the word guardian.”
Person B: “Mainly because no angel, was willing to deal with your bullshit.”
Person A: “…..Fair enough.” 
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stupidheadwithablog · 3 years
Oh, I’d love this! Personally, I don’t write in my books or highlight any of my favorite bits, because that’s just how I am. But I’d love it if, assuming I manage to get any of the stories I’m working on finished and published, even one person were to do this!
Imagine you're a writer, and there are people scribbling in the margins of your books, underlining their favorite passages, leaving makeshift bookmarks between the pages (subway tickets, library receipts, handwritten notes), reading excerpts out loud to their friends and lovers or to themselves just to feel the words on their tongue, memorizing quotes and then copying them in their notebooks, daydreaming about your characters and excitingly speculating about what's going to happen to them in the sequel, writing reviews in their school newspaper.
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
River would, then somehow get Kory to wear some too
Which OC would wear light up sneakers
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Characters: River Moris (previously River Kyle, I decided to change their last name) and Faith Pierce
Pre - Relationship
Faith was being followed, saw River walking around, and figured it was worth a shot acting like she was friends with River to get the guys to back off
River didn’t really get a good or bad first impression other than “I gotta get this person somewhere safe”, same with Faith but “Please be a safe person”. By the time the two of them calmed down, they realized that the other was someone they’d like to try becoming friends with. They both forgot to exchange contact info. They remember the next time they meet each other though.
With River, Kory would tease them but none of their friends were trying to push the two of them together. Their parents have been cut out of their life by this point, while their brother has an attitude where he doesn’t really care about anything.
Faith and River probably got feelings for each other around the same time, but Faith was the one to admit it to herself first.
River has sort of a hard time trusting people and letting others in, so they denied their feelings for Faith as long as they could.
Faith would probably be like “I’ll believe it when it happens” while River laughs and says something along the lines of “Yeah right!” or “I don’t believe in romantic love. Nice try though!”
Faith was kind of the one who initiated the relationship, by kissing River on the cheek and saying “I mean it as more than a friend.” River stood there, frozen and eyes wide. Internally, River was freaking out.
The two of them went to see a movie that was in theaters. One of them fell asleep on the other’s shoulder.
They didn’t really have a first kiss (mouth to mouth), since River’s uncomfortable with the idea of kissing on the lips and Faith respects that.
Faith is the first person River’s ever dated ever, while River is the first person Faith’s dated that doesn’t choose to go by male and/or female pronouns at some point.
Faith’s 5′ 5″ and River’s 5′ 2″. River’s also younger by a couple months.
Faith has no relationship with River’s biological family. Reason for parents already mentioned, lack of relationship with their brother is because he sees no reason why he’d need to meet her. She tries to be friends with River’s friends though. With River, Faith’s family welcomed them with open arms, even though they try to keep distant from her family.
Faith takes lead with most social situations the two of them have with other people, but if the people are aggressive then River takes lead.
At first, Faith would often get jealous at how close River is with Abbie and Kory, but after River explained why they’re like that with the two of them she would try to not get jealous about the three of them. Other than that, neither of them really get jealous about anything.
Faith’s the one who said “I love you” first
River doesn’t really have a “primary” love language. They tend to show love by giving things to people they care about, and physical touch if the other person’s okay with it, but is best able to understand that someone cares about them if the person is willing to give them their undivided attention when the two of them are spending time with each other. Faith’s main love language is physical affection.
Neither of them engage in PDA, unless hand holding counts. However, the two of them eventually start to cuddle every chance they can get.
Their favorite things to do together are watching movies and baking.
They’re probably both about equal at comforting the other
They’re both about equal with how protective they feel about the other, but River’s more likely to act on those feelings since Faith’s not a fan of confrontation.
They both prefer physical affection. River, because compliments were often meant as sarcastic and rude remarks.
There isn’t really a song that exists in real life that I’m aware of, but chances are that Hailey (one of Faith’s friends) would write a jokiest song based on the two, wanting to make them laugh.
I haven’t thought of any nicknames the two of them have for each other just yet.
Domestic Life
When Faith realized that she wanted to marry River, she promised herself that she would wait until River was ready to propose, since she realized by that time it was safe to assume that River would be the kind to propose. When River finally did, Faith intentionally turned it into a double proposal, since she still wanted to propose either way.
River’s wearing an outfit that looks like a mix between a suit and wedding dress, while I’m not entirely sure what Faith would be wearing yet, other than some kind of dress. Both of them didn’t want to have a white wedding, so the colors are pastels while there’s a bunch of fake vines used as decoration for some reason. Everyone they consider to be friends and family are there, including River’s brother that Abbie and Kory teamed up to drag there saying “They should have at least one blood relative at the wedding!”. River and Faith choose to walk down the isle, neither of them wanting to wait at the pew or walk down alone/be walked down by anyone but the other.
I haven’t decided if they’ll have any kids yet since, when it comes to how much I’ve actually written of the two of them together, they’ve only just met. Pets are a different story.
They do have at least one pet. I haven’t decided what kind of animal it is yet though. They will have at least one pet though.
If the two of them will become parents, Faith’s slightly stricter than River. Neither of them are super strict though, believing that their kids should be able to do whatever they want as long as it’s not likely to land them in the hospital or jail.
Neither of them kill the bugs in the house. Faith always tries to release them outside, while River’s more likely to freak out. Unless it’s some kind of pest (cockroach, flea, tick, head lice, ect.)
River’s not big on celebrating holidays other than Halloween, while Faith is, so they try to find a middle ground. No Christmas songs or decorations until December 1st at the earliest is one of them.
River’s 100% more likely to try to convince Faith to go back to bed. Unless there’s something they have to do early, they consider waking up at any point before noon as “too early”
Faith’s the better cook, while River’s the better baker.
How did they first meet?
What was their first impression of each other?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
What was their first kiss like?
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Who gets jealous easier?
Who said “I love you” first?
What are their primary love languages?
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
What are their favorite things to do together?
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
If they get married, who proposes?
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Do they have any pets?
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s the better cook?
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
A bit from a WIP story of mine, Eclipse
Luna was having a hard time sleeping when she hears whimpering coming from Marisol’s room.
Opening the door, she peeks in and asks “M, you alright?” only to see that Marisol was still fast asleep, room almost pitch black, and her blanket slipping off of her. Remembering how the other woman had explained that she always gets nightmares when asleep in a dark room, Luna steps into the bedroom and turns on the lights Marisol has strung above her bed. She knew that they weren’t bright enough that Marisol would be woken up, but bright enough that it would help keep the nightmares at bay.
Light on, Luna walks over to the window and opens it a small crack before closing the curtains to let in some fresh air. Remembering how the blanket was slipping off, she adjusts the blanket back over the dark skinned woman. Not wanting to waste the chance she has, Luna gently presses a kiss into Marisol’s golden-blonde hair before walking out the room and carefully closing the door behind her.
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Prompt Used
“You’re not gonna... eat that, are you?” Kory asks, staring at the food River was currently shoving in their mouth.
“Why, do you want some too?” River asks, holding out their bowl to him.
“No thanks. I just have no clue how you can eat that.”
“Mac and cheese with chocolate pudding? People eat them all the time.” River says, sounding confused. “Yeah, but people don’t normally mix the two together.” Kory says, sounding a bit grossed out.
“More for me then.” River says, scooping up a bunch of the mixture and eating it.
0 notes
stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
The first one is literally Robin and Jonathan Woodson. Sort of. I guess. They’re from a bit in the future, but they live in an older version of England.
Write a story about your character living a time period/world that is not their own? What would they do?
Ex. A modern character living in medieval Europe, or feudal Japan. Or a historical character being sent to the modern era, or even the future. Would a lawyer suddenly be a peasant, or a queen?
Ex. A character from a fantasy world living instead on a normal Earth. Or a “normal” character living a life as part of deep space exploration team, or fantasy world. Would an average jane/joe become a reclusive wizard or a friendly apothecary?
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Robin Hood Chapter One
The area around my left eye was sore and it was starting to swell shut thanks to me getting punched there. I’d just beaten the crap out of some guy a year older than I am in the local library who thought it was a good idea to called me a selfish bitch simply because he somehow managed to found out that I’m still a virgin. Okay, technically it was my own fault that he’d found that out, but it’s not my fault his dumb self didn’t know the correct meaning of what a virgin is! Not only that, once I told him what it meant he said that it should be illegal for females over fourteen to be one! What the fuck!?!
Anyways, I’m sixteen, so I’m not even worried about still being a virgin. No one my age should, in my opinion. I told him that too, and that jerk said how his own father taught him how females are only good for being in the bed or in the kitchen.
I kind of feel bad for him, being brainwashed to believe those majorly outdated ideas by his own father. I feel bad for his mom too, if she’s still even with his father. I sure hope she isn’t still with a jerk like that.
It made me megapissed when he tried to force himself on me after insulting me for my opinions, so the way I see it is that I had no other choice but to beat him up for trying that shit on me.
I’d gotten banned from the library for a month while he’d gotten kicked out for life. It sucks for him since I’d seen him in there a bunch, but he really should have know better than to try something like that in a public area.
It would have been a lifetime for the both of us, but thankfully for me, my brother had the smart idea to record the whole fight on his phone. It was proof that I didn’t start it and was only fighting back as self defense, seeing as how I didn’t start fighting until after he’d pressed his lips on mine. I feel gross thinking about it. I thank whatever powerful force out there that’s keeping this planet together for planting the idea of phones having cameras into someone’s head.
The lower part of my left arm is a bit sore along with my eye, and there was a hand mark there thanks to him grabbing my arm there really tight when he’d forced his mouth on mine. My knee is sore too from when I’d kneed him in the privates after he forced me to kiss him and my knuckles are pretty sore and two of them on each hand are starting to bleed from all the times I’d punched him. I’d definitely need some icepacks and bandages once I got back to my foster home.
“Robin, you’re not hurt too bad, are you?” My brother asked, ever the worrier he is.
“He managed to get a few good hits in, but nothing bad enough that I’d need to see a doctor, so you don’t need to worry about me.” I told him, pulling my hair out of my face and back into a wolf tail with one of the hair ties I tend to keep on my wrist.
It would have been a ponytail, except for the fact that I shaved the hair off of the back and sides of my head almost a week ago, leaving my red hair only on the top of my head, reaching just below my shoulders.
“Do you want to get it iced?”
“Not right now. Can I have her back now?” I asked my brother, gesturing to my beat up black and dark green backpack.
“Here you go.” He said, carefully passing the bag over to me. Opening it up, I looked at the tiny black and white dog that, at this point, was more gray than anything.
“You’re a good girl, you know that? You stayed quiet the whole time we were in the library!” I told her, playfully moving her ears around for a bit before scratching her behind them. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a zip lock bag that I used to keep dog treats for her. I let out a sigh when I saw that there was only a few left. That wouldn’t last very long with how much the tiny dog tended to eat.
“This is one of the last few, but you deserve it.” I said, handing her the treat that looked like a tiny hotdog in a hotdog bun.
My brother Jonathan and I have lived in foster care ever since our parents died when we were little. I’m the older one out of the two of us. With the two of us constantly being passed around from one foster home to another, the two of us quickly realized that the only ones we could rely on always being there no matter what were each other.
Then there’s my dog, Ellie. She’s a mix of multiple breeds of dogs and the only one I’m able to recognize is Papillion thanks to those butterfly ears of hers that look like they’re flapping every time she jumps or I go to toss her on my bed.
My mom gave her to me as my fifth birthday present when she was already two years old. She’s thirteen now, which saddens me whenever I think about it because I had to take her to the vet a few months ago to get her shots updated and they said that they only expect her to only live at least one more year, two if we’re lucky.
“Hey, since it’s nice out and we’re not really expected back for a couple more hours, how would you feel if we were to go to that pizzeria down the street?” I asked my brother, walking backwards after jumping in front of his path so I could face him while talking. If there was a car driving on any of the roads we had to walk across, he would let me know.
“The pizza there is super greasy and expensive. Also, you didn’t have any money last time I checked.” He said, stopping at a street corner. If we walked straight according to the direction he was facing it would eventually lead us back to the foster house we were staying at. However, if we went left, according to the direction I’m facing, right according to the direction he was facing, it would quickly take us to the pizzeria.
“Hey, I actually like greasy pizza! Besides, you and I both know that there’s barely anything in the kitchen back home and I’m hungry. Also, what makes you think I don’t have any money?” I asked him, holding up the two fifty dollar bills I managed to slip out of the jerk’s pockets during the fight. When I referred to the foster home as home, I didn’t mean it. It was a fact I didn’t have to say out loud because of him being fully aware of that. After all, he felt the same way about that place. “You know what? If it makes you feel any better, I’ll ask the workers there if I can have some ice to put on my eye. Does that make you feel any better?”
“You and your sticky fingers.” Jonathan said laughing, turning towards his right.
“Crappy pizza, here we come!” I said, laughing as well.
“Wait, so he took the sister instead?” I heard a familiar voice say, walking into the pizzeria. I tried to ignore what he said and instead, I tore off a piece of crust from the first slice of pizza I had so I could feed it to my tiny mix breed dog that I had managed to smuggle into the pizza shop by keeping her in my backpack. I twirled my finger in the air around her muzzle before poking her on the nose when she gave me a look that I recognized as her wanting more.
“Yep. Apparently she wasn’t as attractive, but she made sure to make it up to him, if you know what I mean.” I heard a second familiar voice say. I was unable to place a face with the voices, so I found myself turning around to figure out who they were.
“Oh, dear god.” I said, pulling the hood from my jacket up while turning back around.
“Rob, what is it?” My brother said around the mouthful of his pepperoni pizza.
“You see the two boys that just walked in? The blonde is the one that kicked me out of the seat and told me to go jump off a bridge because no one likes me after I had a super crappy day at school, and the brunette is the one that started to spread rumors around the school that I’m his baby mama and sell myself super cheep.” I told him, trying to stretch my hood further over my face.
“They’re the ones that did that to you? They can’t do that to you and get away with it. I’m going to go beat them up.” Jonathan said, placing down his pizza before attempting to slide out of the booth we were sitting in.
“Don’t you dare, Little John. You don’t even come close to swinging a proper punch and I’m not about to risk both of us getting kicked out of a building in the same day.” I said, moving my leg so it blocked him from sliding out any further by placing my foot against the back of the bench he was sitting on.
Little John was originally our parents nickname for him thanks to him being named after our father. With both of them gone, I try to use it whenever I see the chance. Most of the time, that’s times like this when I need him to calm down.
“Thank you. Now just finish your pizza and root beer so we can get out of here.” I said, placing my foot back on the floor and taking a bite out of my mushroom and chicken pizza when he slid back to his seat. “Chances are that they might not even notice me anyway. Hardly anyone ever pays attention to me anyway, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know that. Doesn’t mean I think it’s right. You’re one of the most caring people I know. People should be able to realize that you exist.”
“Hey, I’m notas nice as you like to make me out to be. If I don’t like someone, I like to make sure they know it and I get into fights a lot because of that.” I told him, acting like he’d managed to insult me.
“I said that you’re caring, meaning that you tend to help people out whenever you can, even if they’re not fully on your good side. Like when you were in fifth grade and ran to get the school nurse when Lillian Merlin fell off the swings and landed on her arm even though she liked to trip you every time you walked past her.”
“Boy, she didn’t just fall off the swings and land on her arm! She flew at least ten feet away from the swing set and ended slamming her arm on the ground so hard that it ended up breaking!” I said, reaching for my large cup of sweet ice tea with the intentions of taking a huge gulp.
“Hey Tom, look who’s here!” I heard the blond boy, David say.
“Please tell me they’re not looking in our direction.” I whispered to my brother.
“Sorry. They’re walking our way right now.” He whispered back.
“Screw my luck. Don’t you dare try to step in.” I said, turning to sit so my legs were outside of the booth, getting ready to stand up.
“Hey, lesbo, who’s your girlfriend?” I heard Thomas, the brunette say, actually insulting my brother.
“Well look who it is, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.” I said, reaching behind me to make sure I was able to reach my cup of iced tea in case I felt the need to splash it on them as I stood up. “For the record you two, that’s not my girlfriend. He’s my brother.”
“What did you just call us?” Thomas, the brunette said.
“Well, I was originally going to call you two Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, after the two characters from Alice in Wonderland. You know, those two fat twins that fought each other over stuff of theirs that would go missing? You probably don’t since it doesn’t look like the two of you have willingly read a book in your life.” I said, feeling proud at the insulted looks on their faces. That’s exactly what I wanted.
“Then I decided against it, seeing how it would be an insult to two of the characters of my favorite books since they somehow still manage to seem smarter than you. Then I decided that I could call you two Dumb and Dumber instead, after the two main characters in those two movies that came out in the nineteen hundreds, but then I decided against that too since it would be an insult to those two hilarious movies. So instead, I just decided to just mix the two ideas together.” I told them, smirking when I saw Thomas clench his fingers into fists.
“Hey, don’t you two boys start! You’re lucky I let the two of you come back here at all after breaking two tables during the last fight you two had in here!” We heard the owner call out from behind the counter as Thomas reached up to punch me in my already swollen eye.
“By now!” I called after them as they walked out the pizzeria, warning me how they were planning on getting me the next chance they get. The thing that worried me was how they were staring at my bag. I really hope they didn’t notice Ellie. And if they had, I really hoped that they weren’t planning on doing anything to her.
“Dang. That was bold of you to say that to them!” Jonathan said as I sat down.
“Yeah well, when I told you two days ago that I was done taking crap from anyone, I meant it. Now hurry up and finish your food. It’s going to get dark soon and you know how he always wants us all back before the streetlights start turning on.” I said, stuffing the rest of my pizza into my mouth, making sure to save the crust for Ellie, before moving to finish off the rest of my half of the small plate of spaghetti the two of us decided to split. The ‘he’ was referring to our foster father who is a controlling jerk while the ‘us’ was referring to me, my brother, and the other foster kids the jerk was supposed to take care of.
“Crap, you’re right!” He said, stuffing his face as well after checking the time on his phone.
“Johnny, hurry up. The street lights are starting to turn on!” I yelled back to my brother who was a few feet behind me. “Seriously. How are you that much slower than me? I’m running with Ellie in my arms and yet you’re pretty far behind me!”
“Yeah well do you think you could slow down a bit? You know I’ve never been as fast as you!” He said back to me as I was adjusting Ellie in my jacket while running. After the first couple of months of carrying her around like I do, I noticed how it was safer if I had her tucked into my jacket while it was zipped up and held her still in it than if I were to just have her wrapped up in my arms. Less chance of her falling out of my arms that way with the way I tend to run.
“Well, excuse me for not wanting to get in trouble again! I know you’re fully aware of what happened last time I got in trouble with him!” I called back to him, stopping at the next street corner so I could wait for him to catch up with me.
I reallyreallydidn’t want to get in trouble with our foster father again. The last time I missed the sunset curfew was during the school’s spring break. He’d ended up locking me up in my room until school the break was over with no food, water, or bathroom privileges. He could easily do that too, since my bedroom door handle locks from the hallway and there’s no way to lock or unlock the handle from inside the bedroom. I couldn’t see myself surviving that week if it weren’t for the fact that my brother had been willing to get in trouble himself in order to sneak in sandwiches to me via my bedroom window. Our foster father is also the reason why I have a tendency to carry my little mutt with me everywhere I go. I don’t think I would be able to take it very well if anything were to happened to her.
“Jay look, something’s going on.” I said, noticing some red and blue flashing lights coming from what looked like our street. Noticing that we stopped, Ellie popped her head out of the opening of my jacket and started barking at the police lights. She knew that for me and my brother, police lights meant nothing but bad news, so she tended to not be a fan of them because of that. I was just glad that they didn’t have their sirens on, with how they tend to hurt Ellie’s ears.
“Hush, Ells.” I said, handing her a small piece of pizza crust from the zip lock bag full of crust pieces I had in one of my jacket pockets. Thankfully, she accepted the food and stopped barking. The little glutton will do whatever I want as long as I give her a bit of food after telling her what I want her to do. Unless it’s tricks. I never did manage to teach her any.
“Sir, you’re under arrest for neglecting to take care of minors placed under your care. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law.” At that, me and my brother took one look at each other before taking off towards the lights, hoping that the police would be reading the rights to the person we hoped they were.
It was exactly who we thought it was. Our foster father. Looks like we would be moving to another home, again. At this point, I’d completely lost count of how many different places we’ve been moved to.
With my arms getting tired from how long I’d been carrying her, I quickly but carefully placed Ellie back into my backpack.
“Miss, my brother and I are two of the foster kids he was put in charge of. Is it okay if we go inside to grab our stuff real quick?” I asked one of the female cops.
“We have the names of the foster kids he should have been taking care of. Just tell me you and your brother’s names and if I see them, you can go in.” She said.
“Robin Marie Woodson and Jonathan Daniel Woodson.” I heard my brother say from behind me. This is the fifth time we’ve seen a situation like this with all the different foster homes we’ve been placed in.
“Jonathan, you can go in. I just need to ask your sister something real quick.” She said after finding our names.
“It says here that you have a dog, yet we didn’t see any dog when we went inside. Do you know why that is?”
“Yes I do mam. She was almost killed by the foster parents me and my brother got stuck with in our first home, so I’ve been carrying her around with me everywhere I go ever since. The day they almost killed her was also the same day they hospitalized my brother. He was seven at the time and I was the one to call the cops on them. Chances are that you might be able to find that I’ve been the one to call the cops on multiple foster homes we’ve gotten stuck in and that with almost every time, you blues have found what I’ve said to be true. The other times were the times the fosters managed to hide whatever it was I was reporting.” I told her, I was trying to be polite to her, but that didn’t stop a rude tone from entering my voice near the end.
“Now if you don’t have any more questions, I better go pack my stuff.” I said walking away.
‘I wasn’t the one to report him this time, so who did?’ I thought, walking towards what’s now no longer my room. ‘Probably doesn’t really matter.’
Once I got to the room, I closed the door and placed down my backpack and placed it down with the zipper open so Ellie could walk around the room while I was packing. After making sure she managed to get out by herself, I walked over to my closet and pulled out the duffle bag I had shoved on the top shelf and tossed onto my bed, which was really just a pillow and a torn, falling apart blanket on top of an even more beat up mattress.
Hearing the mostly empty bag slam onto the bed, Ellie jumped out of fright and turned in the direction she heard the noise come from. I laughed when her ears managed to perk up even more than they already were after spotting the duffle bag as she ran over and started rubbing her sides all over the bag before wiggling all over the bed and floor. I knew from watching how she behaves over the years that her doing that meant she hated it here and was glad that we were leaving. I was glad I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
I heard someone walking towards the bedroom door as I finally managed to start pulling my clothes off some of the hangers.
“Need some help?” I heard my brother ask, opening the door. It was sort of a tradition we had where if one of us were to finish packing first we would always go and help the other finish packing after.
“Are you kidding me? I just started getting my clothes out. Of course I need help!” I said as he walked in, closing the door behind him.
“You were getting distracted by Ellie again, weren’t you?” He asked, taking some of the clothes out of my arms.
“Maaaybe.” I said, slightly embarrassed. He just laughed as he started to help me put my clothes away. Like it when I’m able to get him laughing by even the smallest, dumbest things I do. It helps me remember that no matter how crappy our situation might become in the next house, or how bad it might have seemed in the previous places, that it’s always possible for us to find ways to be happy.
“This is the last house I could find in the area that was willing to take in both you two and the dog. You two mess this up and I’ll either end up having to separate you two from each other or finding that little Ellie of yours a new home.” Our social worker, Jasmine Agreste said. She’d been working with us since the beginning.
“We understand, Mrs. A.” I said. I knew for a fact that she was married and had a daughter a few years younger than me from the time me and Jonathan ended up staying in her house for a few months thanks to there being no homes at all available at the time. I was actually on sort of friendly terms with her daughter, who on one occasion admitted that she sees me like an older sister.
I don’t know how I feel about her or her mom though. It’s been hard for me to trust people other than my brother. I guess I could consider us friends.
“So, what could you tell us about the person we’re staying with this time?” Jonathan asked.
“She had biological kids of her own, a son and daughter, who both ended up moving out a few months ago. She had apparently grown up in foster care herself. She just recently got approved, so the two of you are going to be the first kids she takes in.”
“Well this should be interesting.” Me and Jonathan said at the same time.
The house the lady lived in looked to me almost like a more welcoming version of the house the Addams Family owned in the black and white TV show. It was only a couple of miles away from the place we were now leaving, so we would still be able to go to the same schools once they opened back up once summer break was over.
“Evelyn Blanchard? These are Robin and Jonathan Woodson, the two siblings you agreed to take in.” I heard Jasmine say to some lady with graying brown hair that answered the door.
“Well in that case, welcome you two. Now, come on in you three!” I heard Evelyn, the lady that was apparently mine and Jonathan’s new foster parent say. We may be sixteen and fourteen, but that didn’t stop Jonathan from grabbing ahold of my hand with how nervous he was. Normally from what we’ve seen, if someone acts super cheery like she currently is when we first arrive then chances are that they’re hiding their real self.
“I give it a week.” I whispered into his ear, stating how long I thought it would be until she quit her act.
“I say two.”
“Now, Robin. I heard you have a dog?” Evelyn asked, heading for the direction I guessed might have been the kitchen.
“That’s correct.” I said, refusing to move from near the front door. It looked as if the whole place had been cleaned recently. I was well aware of how the bottom of my boots were covered in mud and possibly even some animal crap. I didn’t want to risk angering her if I accidentally got it all over her carpet and I didn’t feel comfortable enough to take my shoes off either. Looking over at Jonathan out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that he had the same idea with how he kept looking around nervously. It may have looked similar to the Addams Family’s house on the outside, but it looked almost nothing like it on the inside.
“Where is it?” She asked, sounding actually curious.
“She’s in my backpack. I rarely ever let her leave my side.” I said, hoping that she would be able to hear just how protective I am over Ellie.
“You can let her out of there if you’d like.” She said, coming out of the kitchen with a plate full of sandwiches that she’d placed on the coffee table before sitting on one of the two couches. I knew that Ellie wouldn’t go anywhere if it meant me being out of her site and there’s no way her paws should be dirty enough to track around any dirt, so I carefully placed my bag down onto the floor and lifted her out. To the surprise of both me and my brother, Ellie walked right over to Evelyn and didn’t growl or try to bite her ankles.
“Aww. She’s so sweet!” Evelyn said as Ellie kissed her hands a couple times before laying under the coffee table and going to sleep. Jonathan, noticing this, let go of my hand.
‘If Ellie trusted her then I guess I could learn to trust her too.’ I thought.
“Is it okay if I go grab our stuff out of the car?” I asked.
“Well, since you’r going to be staying here, I don’t see why not. Would you like any help?” Evelyn said.
“There’s not that much, my brother’s all the help I need.” I said, heading out the door. I could tell that Ellie woke up from her attempt at taking a nap as soon as I left the house because I could hear her barking even after Jonathan closed the door.
“I’m guessing you trust her?” He asked after we reached the car.
“What makes you think that?” I asked, opening up the trunk after hearing Jasmine pop it open for us.
“You were willing to let Ellie stay sleeping in there with her. That’s the first time you’ve done that.”
“I don’t trust her. Not yet anyways, but Ellie seems to like her and that’s enough for me.” I said, passing him his duffle bag before grabbing my bag and the small foam steps Ellie needed during the times my bed was more than just a mattress on the floor, and closing the trunk. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you looked at it, the only shoes we had were the ones on our feet. I liked to look at the bright side and remind myself that it just meant that much less things we would have to worry about.
“You ready to go back in?” I asked him.
“Not really. Could you let them know I’ll be sitting out here for a bit?” He asked, handing his bag back over to me.
“Sure thing.” I said, grabbing it from him. As I’d expected, Evelyn asked where my brother was as soon as she saw me walk through the door as Ellie started running her slow circles at my feet, barking at me to let me know how mad she was at leaving without her.
“He said he’s going to stay out there for a bit.” I said, placing our bags and Ellie’s steps down on the couch she wasn’t sitting on before taking my shoes off. It still didn’t feel right taking them off here, but it was better than tracking dirt everywhere. “Is it alright if I use the bathroom?”
“Sure thing. Go up the stairs, take a left, then it’s the first door on the right.”
Seeing how Ellie was following me as I headed towards the steps, I picked her up and carried her the whole trip up before placing her on the floor for the second level. I then had to wait for her to walk into the bathroom before I closed the door. If I didn’t then she would sit outside it and howl the whole time.
As I closed the door, I heard Evelyn ask worriedly if Jonathan might have ran off only for Jasmin to explain how he wouldn’t run off without me and I wouldn’t run off without him or my dog.
“The two of you have gone through a lot in your previous homes, haven’t you?” Evelyn asked us not long after Jasmin left. Jonathan had sat next to me on the couch as soon as he’d come in, only taking enough time to take off his shoes and place them next to mine that is.
“Now what would make you think that?” I asked, not bothering to hide the harsh tone in my voice.
“How the two of you tend to drift towards each other like attracting magnets. Not to mention the scars I see on your feet, Robin.” She said, gesturing to my bare feet. Not like I had any socks to cover them. They’d all gotten warn out beyond use a few weeks ago and I hadn’t been able to find the time to make it to the store since then.
“The scars on my feet have nothing to do with anything we may or may not have been put through. Those scars are there because on more than one occasion, I dropped plates and bowls on them thanks to sneezing not long after picking them up.” I said embarrassed because of how it actually was true. She didn’t need to know that I had some scars on my back from the punishments I’d gotten for some of the times that had happened.
“Well, in that case, I think it’s time the two of you see your rooms.”
The room she led me to must have either been her daughter’s or she had repainted it when she heard I was coming, Best way I could quickly describe it was a fantasy princess’s bedroom.
The walls were pale pink with lavender trimming, the carpet dark purple. The bed was a canopy bed with a green curtain and the blankets themselves were a pale blue with ruffles all over the edges.
“I can tell by the look on your face that you don’t like it. We could go to the store tomorrow so you can pick out stuff to redecorate it if you’d like.” She said. It was true. The only thing I could see myself getting use to was the canopy’s curtains because of them being green and because of how they looked like they might be blackout curtains. The carpet wasn’t that bad either, even though I’m not a huge fan of purple.
“The most the two of us have ever been in one place was a month. If we make it past that time, then I might take up your offer.” I said, knowing how I could easily replace the pillowcases with my own and how I could probably go to the store and get some new blankets with the money I’d taken from our previous foster father. Not like he would need it anyway, seeing as how he’s in jail.
“Jonathan, here’s your room.” She said, showing him a room not too far from mine. Well, there was a room in between ours, but I was just glad that it wasn’t on the other side of the house.
After placing down the doggy-steps and making sure Ellie would be able to get up onto the bed with the help, I walked over to the window of the bedroom I would be staying in for who knows how long and looked out. There wasn’t any bit of a roof that me or my brother could walk on to get to each other’s rooms if we’d ever gotten ourselves locked in them. I knew that the two of us would figure something out if that ever happened, so I decided to walk down the hall to see what his room looked like.
His room, to me, definitely looked more like the things he liked than my room with me. The wall was blue with white trimming, a gray carpet, and the bedding was red.
I sat on the bed and waited until Evelyn left before I laid on my back asked him how long he thinks we’d be staying here.
“You should know by know that I don’t like to think about that. “Could you tell me more?” He asked in a way that was somehow both sad and hopeful.
I knew what he wanted me to tell more of. He would always ask to hear about our parents with that tone. In fact, he’d only ever sounded like that when asking me to tell him more about them. I didn’t have that many more memories about our parents than he did, but he didn’t seem to mind. There were even times when the two of us would remember something about one of our parents that the other didn’t.
I decided to tell him how one time our dad decided it was a good idea for just me and him to go on a weekend road trip together, only for us to get a flat tire during the middle of a rain storm he hadn’t known about. It wasn’t funny at the time, but now it is to me, with all the different faces our dad would make each time someone would drive past us. He ended up falling asleep not long before I got to the end of what I could remember from that day, so I managed to carefully climb out of his bed before going back to what was my new room.
It had been a long day for both of us and it was starting to get late anyway.
Prologue | Chapter 2 (in progress)
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Robin and Jonathan Woodson (my OCs)
Thing is they both could be either character...
Person A: “What are you doing?! You’re injured!”
Person B: “I don’t have time to be injured.”
Person A: “You have two fractured ribs, a broken ankle, and a concussion!”
Person B: “It’s fine.”
Person A: “It’s not fine.”
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Robin Hood Prologue
I’m crossposting this on AO3, so if anyone who sees this would prefer to read it there, let me know and I’ll DM the link to you.
My friends and I were currently ducked behind the log of a fallen tree, taking turns shooting arrows at the Sheriff’s men that were trying to capture us. I was currently reloading my bow. After making sure my bow was loaded up correctly, I pulled back the string as I got back up to a kneeling position.
“Move back!” I yelled, watching as my best friend Marian ran from behind the tree we were currently using as cover to a large rocka few feet back that appeared to be at least twice her height and width. I looked back over at the Sheriff’s men in time to see a few of them fly up, trapped in one of the nets we’d placed on the ground, as another one feel into a large hole we’d dug then covered up.
We had planned on doing what we normally do. Take as much of the supplies, or money in some cases, as we can carry from the carts and take off into the woods so we can loose anyone that tried to follow us, before giving the majority of what we took to the poor, keeping a small portion for ourselves.
As it turned out, the supposed supplies we heard were supposed to be in the carriage we’d tried to take fromwasactually nothing but an ambush meant to take out my friends, my family, once and for all. I wasn’t going to let that happen.
‘This wasn’t what I was expecting to happen when I figured out what time me and my brother got sent to.’ I thought. ‘Then again, I wasn’t really expecting anything.’
I heard Marian laugh as the sheriff himself, her older brother, ended up getting caught in a foot snare we’d set up, hanging him up in a tree by the ankle.
I think it’s about time that Iexplain what’s going onright now, even if it’s a bit hard for you to believe.
My name is Robin Woodson and a few months ago me and my brother got sent over eight hundred years into the past. While here, we made friends that became our new family. You’re probably use to hearing a story about a man with a bow and arrow stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. I’d hate to break it to you, but that story, to an extent, is only based on the truth. One of the biggest changes they made was the fact that I, the one most commonlyknown as Robin Hood, am actually a female. Someone had changed it either because they actually thought I was male or because they were living in the time that females were seen as nothing more than men’s property.This is how the story had really gone.
~~~~~ Chap 1
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
“I am this close to shooting myself in the foot and calling this whole thing off.” Marian heard Robin say.
“Robin, no!” She yelled, seeing how Robin had an angry look on her face and an arrow hooked onto her bow string.
“Don’t worry, Mar. I was joking about shooting myself. However, I will shoot someone in the foot if you two idiot boys don’t start fighting!” Robin yelled, her anger clear in her voice as she aimed the bow in Henry and Jonathan were arguing about who they thought should act as the distraction.
“You’re seriously planning on firing an arrow at your own brother!?!” Marian asked in shock. She knew how protective Robin was over her younger brother, so the thought of the archer firing at her brother was one she’d never believed to be possible before then.
“Don’t worry. I have one of my practice arrows loaded.” She said, pulling the bow back.
“I warned you two!” Robin said as she let the string loose.
‘I should have known it was going to hit him.’ Marian thought, seeing how it hit Henry on the back. After seeing the look of shock on the older boy’s face due to him either not hearing Robin’s threat or not thinking she’d go through with it, she laughed.
Henry is the son of the town “witch” and no one other than this group of misfits tend to hang out around him because of that. His mom isn’t an actual witch, it’s just what the others think she is due to her knowing how to use/make herbal remedies in medieval times (which actually is what the witches were then). Marian is the Sheriff’s younger sister, unlike in the original where she was someone he was in love with.
“I am this close to shooting myself in the foot and calling this whole thing off.”
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
“Just leave already.” Robin told Marian.
“I can’t.” Marian told her.
“Look, I don’t care how sorry you are, I just really don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“No, I actually can’t leave. Someone locked the door from the outside!” Marian said, starting to shake the door.
“Wait, what?!” Robin said, rushing over to where Marian was and attempting to open the door up herself.
“Yeah, and guess what! It’s going to stay locked until the two of you make up!” They heard Robin’s younger brother say from outside the door.
“Dang it, Jonathan!” Robin and Marian yelled in the door’s direction.
Writing Prompt #88
"Just, leave."
"I can't."
"Look, I don't care if you're sorry, I don't want to-"
"No, literally, I can't leave. The door is locked."
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
I would like to point out that this whole conversation is a joke to me, but mostly serious to the siblings. Reason behind this being because of what the two of them end up doing in their future.
“I’m like Robin Hood!” The red haired teen girl said, holding up the money she’d just taken from some the pocket of some woman who told her she would be going to Hell for her sins.
‘She probably just recognized what my bracelet meant.’ Robin thought, glancing at her bracelet that had the Lesbian pride colors on it. It was Pride month and that was the only time of the year she wore it.
“You wish you were Robin Hood! At most, you’re a pickpocket with delusions of grandeur.” Her brother told her in a teasing voice. This was something they joke-fought about a lot.
“Hey, I don’t take from poor people. All I do is take from the jerks who have more money than they need. Like that one guy at the library. Remember?”
“You mean the guy you beat up after he called you selfish for refusing to give him the inappropriate thing he wanted from you? Rob, what makes you think I could forget? I recorded the whole thing and you got kicked out of the library for it.” Johnathan asked his sister.
“True.” Robin said, picking up her dog and putting her in her backpack she often found herself using as a dog carrier after seeing the feral look Tomas and David, the two boys her age who often chose to pick fights with her, were giving her dog as they walked past. She didn’t want to risk taking any chances of them getting ahold of Ellie after the threat they’d said to her yesterday. “Since I don’t feel like giving the money back, wanna go get some ice-cream?”
“Race you there!” Johnathan said, taking off.
“Hey, no fair!” Robin yelled, running after him.
The reason why this conversation is a joke to me is because of how these two will eventually find themselves stuck in the past and Robin actually does end up becoming Robin Hood. It’s mostly serious to the Woodson siblings because of how they’re obviously unaware of that fact, but it’s somewhat of a joke to them because of how, like I mentioned, they’ve had conversations similar to this before.
“I’m like Robin Hood!”
“You wish you were Robin Hood! At the most you are a pickpocket with delusions of grandeur!”
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
The only character of mine that has a tattoo would be Robyn Gardner who has a tattoo of birds flying on her back and no, she doesn’t regret it. To her, it represents her hope to one day find a way to break free of the group that’s forcing her to work for them still alive. It’s also a silent ‘F U!” to the group.
do your ocs with tattoos regret any of them? why?
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Prompt idea
There’s a character that lives with their best friend and best friend’s s/o. One day this character finds glasses that allow them to be lead to their soulmate via Red String Of Fate.
What does this character do once they realize that their soulmate is their best friend that just so happens to be currently dating someone else?
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Some of the ones I have is a character with a small, almost unnoticeable scar on the inner side of one of their feet. This is because of how they once had a bowl of chicken and dumplings in their hands and ended up dropping the bowl on top of their feet when they sneezes.
I like to add some of my own physical details onto the characters I create and this is one of them.
Physical features to add to any character
Dirty/chewed finger nails
Blemished skin
Chipped nail polish on fingers/toes
Chipped tooth/teeth
Errant curls/hairs that won’t stay down no matter what you do to them.
Unruly eyebrows
Sweats easily
Fidgets constantly/can never sit still
Blinks often
Grinds teeth
Gap in their teeth/Crooked teeth
Chapped lips
Dry skin
Skin is red/irritated
Acne on cheeks, forehead, chin
Dark under eye circles
Eyebrow scar
Uneven dimples
Hair birthmark
Long toes and/or short fingers
Patchy skin
Veiny hands/arms
Chin hairs
Large teeth/small teeth
Broken/crooked nose
Yellow teeth
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stupidheadwithablog · 4 years
Robin and Jonathan having grown up in foster care definitely would if they could so they could both attempt to give kids a home they disserve.
 How would your OC feel about becoming a foster parent?
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