spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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#husband #edit #bored
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
I don't know why so many people need followers. I love writing and I spend some time on my writings (though I don't post them all). I have a few {COOL} followers.. I don't stop writing because I don't have a bunch. I don't ask for followers. This isn't a competition- I enjoy this. It's what I do twice a month about when I have the free time from home, work, and school. Just enjoy creating creativity on here
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
Ya feel me?
I once saw a quote that I thought was perfect. It went something like ‘people make fun of how big of words I use, but if you have big ideas then big words will come’. Then I met my husband. He has no idea what half of the big words he uses mean and he usually uses them out of context- but he isn’t causing any miscommunication because I understand what he’s trying to say through the emotion that he puts into his idea. I don’t need to hear the words he is speaking, because I can feel what he is trying to express. Big words aren’t needed, not at all. In fact, I remember correcting him a few times on some words until I experienced the realization that words are meaningless and were created alone to express emotion more effectively. After I began using emotion, I realized half the time I used to talk, I was only speaking my emotions and they often were misunderstood. I understand the words I say and mean, but my husband and others may not or may take it in a completely different way. I now find myself using words that ‘sound’ right that actually don’t exist at all; but, my husband understands my body language I incorporate and the emotions I create (emphasis or whatever it be). It’s crazy how particular I used to be with words and their spelling. And now I make up words that sound how I feel.. And I’m better understood using emotion and non-existing words than using big words correctly (for one reason that they can be used correctly but spoken differently and taken differently) the emotion is what dictates how they are expressing those words. They’re just emotion enhancers (sentence enhancers ;) -sponge bob). I feel that’s why I now get off topic and then back on because I’d rather have someone ‘feel me’ then ‘hear me’. It may not end where it started, but it expresses exactly how I feel in ways others can relate to- emotions are more relatable than words. You try to describe love in words without a smile or example of why. It’s hard to explain to someone the connection that’s had simply through words. And even if it was explainable, without emotion added to the words, they’re simple just that: words. Also take for instance a mother and it’s child. The child does something bad and the mother tells the child to apologize. The child says I’m sorry. How do most Parents judge if the child is sincere? By the emotion (tone of voice) put into the words ‘I’m sorry’. Head down, frown face, and a sincere ‘I’m so sorry’ compared to a snotty ‘I’m so sorry’ reply. Same words, different feelings.
And yes, I’ve used funkalicious- cause sometimes you just gotta get down with the funk ✌️🎶🎶
#emotions #express #words #meaning #opinion #idea #critical #thinking #mindwanders #quote #bigword #funkalicious #getdownwiththefunk #youfeelme #follow
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
What is religion anyway..?
Religion- i never thought I’d be interested in the topic until I actually started learning about all religions.. Not just what I was (sorta) sheltered to. Taking a class on religions really brings the similarities and differences to an understanding, as well as the development within society, etc. Basically, I’ve compiled a few thoughts about religion that really opens my eye to the actuality of it!
Religions are so similar, yet different. The differences set them apart with a main similarity being a higher power being of some sort. Why are these religions set apart? Why are there so many denominations?
My grandma, for instance, was raised in an era that religion was forced upon. You went to church every Sunday. Prayer was allowed in school, etc. Religion stuck to specific locations and non believers were seen as the devil (basic summary). My mothers generation was a little different, but not too much. There were families like my grandmothers who inherited so to speak their religion. Others found themselves straying from religion and finding their own path. Which leads to my generation (I’m in my early 20’s). While there are still those strong in their faith, it’s not anywhere near as common. But that is hard to tell with the way the government and society has made peaceful ground with religion (by making public areas accommodate a holiday rather than specific religion)((not saying this is a bad thing)). This avoids tension and creates a balance within the universe.
Now, let me ask again. Why are there so many denominations? Personal belief. Those who don’t agree with a particular aspect (and their not the only ones), consider themselves still a believer of that religion but with different standards, morals, or whatever it be.
It’s interesting because that’s happening now at a faster rate than ever before! Censorship towards religion has created it to be more personal than fact of creation from various religions intertwining. Curiosity also has created this. You can only, to an extent, believe what your family wants to you- and that’s mostly to make them happy rather than a personal faith. Knowledge is very powerful and the abundance of resources at the tips of our technology friendly generation allows souls to find their faith. Now I know this isn’t always the case, but you’ll see what I mean!
With workplace, school, and public (even retail) places censoring religion and information more readily available, it’s more likely to expand (and is). This allows people to feel how they want to rather than the background they were raised in. Not speaking of religion in such places where a good amount of time is spent (work policy forbidding it, etc.) relieves pressure from society to conform.
Seeing how things are, learning of religion allows me to completely understand it as a whole rather than separate. I see how society has changed religion and how it will continue to. And with the knowledge I learned some interesting things. After analyzing them, I realized it’s ‘probably’ (so I don’t offend) different peoples interpretations of being pure. God is just a word translated into many meanings and God is merely our mind. Each person has their own distinct God. That’s how Buddhist Christians came to be. They merged two religions they felt led them on the best path to purifying their mind, body, and soul.
Therefore, religion is merely our mind finding a path that we feel helps best clear any suffering and allows for peace, purity, and explanations that the mind ‘approves of’ (so to speak). We find hope, or faith, or even guidance from the interpretation of that religion that pertains specifically to our individual being. When in reality, the outcome for religion is all the same regardless of belief; the mind just allows feelings to dictate a ‘side to pick’. In the end though, religion will only be expressed truly by self belief. If you’re believing for others, you won’t be able to accept the guidance that will bring peace to the soul: the mind. That is what Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. all strive for: heaven, Nirvana/end of suffering. A place where the mind may ‘rest and be trouble free’.
I predict the future to maintain societies censorship on religion which will continue to wake up the people and generations to come and bring them together (in their own ways) for all to achieve peace and end suffering by easing the mind- not doing what is ‘expected’. Knowledge will grow and more will be aware of the connection of religion as a unified belief rather than separate beliefs.
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
Wake up! Time to work..
After ringing up a customer, he looked at me and said 'you know, it's not your money you're wasting when you spend it. It's your time.' This is the most real thing I've ever heard. I've done a lot of waking up, but at this point was still analyzing my perception to reality and the powerful mind (and I say that because it can make you feel anyway it choses to!). I knew it was very real, what the gentlemen said, I just hadn't really figured out what it meant to me! I now realize I was a victim to corporate slavery. I had taken value completely out of the picture and replaced it with money. I was very far from where I wanted to be, kinda where I am now. I did what society wanted, and put all my time into working my life away so that I could survive and still have the things i wanted, my husband wanted. We've been brought up in such a symmetrical world that I even found myself throwing away old books that got torn, clothes that had a rip, or whatever it be. I always thought, 'well, I'm throwing my money away and I gotta get a new one that it's not 'acceptable' (perfect).' I put all the value into money- not my time used to earn that money! That is the real value. Instead of picking up extra hours to replace the item, I could have spent my time fixing the item (which I enjoy doing) but I was lost in thinking I had no time or energy to do these things with working, being a full time college student, and a newlywed! I had no time because as hard as my parents tried to teach me to fix things instead of 'wasting money' I wanted new things for that tiny moment of excitement and happiness. As I grew older, I realized the time I spent working and how much I missed doing things I enjoyed that I replaced with money thinking it was a quicker fix than fixing it myself. But that just caused the same amount of work but with something I didn't enjoy as much! Now, I fix things. I find it way more exciting than purchasing new. It has more value as well because the time I put into it. Hence money steering one away from talent into a black and white world driven by money. This is just critical thinking around my opinion/idea (and an expressed meaning received by it), but it's very much so an eye opener to the reality we 'live' in. I hope we can come back from this. It's obvious that 'time is money', but is everyone aware that time is value- and how it could be more valuable if money didn't exist? Money is a value, but it wasn't the original one nor the best established method. We've gotten so lazy, then so blind that we are working just as hard through a company or for the public to earn money to buy things that have been created to make time to complete what needs to be done in an easier way (not having to construct a pole to fish, rather, just purchasing one).. But, the same amount of energy spent making money to pay for that item could have been spent on actually making the item. I'm rambling, but it's just so much one needs to understand. Time is valuable in more than a few aspects!
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
I am an owl
We are all animals. I'm so prone to people watching because I seek an explanation to 'human behavior', or how it's come to be more or less. Just think about it, really. We're no different than animals, we just communicate with words. But what are words really? They are rather a way to explain feeling. They create and trigger emotion and based off of how our mind feels, we express that to others. Animals too, communicate the same way we do, rather with gestures and instinct than a learned behavior or language. We too were once animals, building in our habitat to sustain life. It once was survival of the fittest. Remember old cartoons cavemen's grunting or bringing food to their family.. It's just like we do now, but in a more advanced way. Take for example an argument that escalades to a serious fight. That argument stirred up emotions and caused animalistic behavior to occur. Times, people say their anger is uncontrollable- it's because that feeling isn't keeping them in the physical reality rather their mental reality. And mental reality is instincts, the mind: who we are today based on how our mind analyzes things (to put into better terms, ex. YOU CHOOSE how you FEEL about everything. A situation occurs.. You can chose for it to be a negative or positive feeling). Like animals, 'human beings' began finding fire for warmth, food and shelter for survival. Overtime, that became second nature (rather than instincts). Civilization then continued to grow. I think it's amazing how the mind has developed but also how it has called for structure that removed our ability to react on instinct. We now react on learned behavior (the system we follow: government); however, emotions and feelings can bring us back to the reality of where we started from.. Being animals in nature- surviving by means necessary not wanted. Though, you find animalistic behavior can result in uncalled for death- but isn't that still a problem? To finish.. Survival doesn't include electric, running water, any of that! It is completely possible to build shelter, hunt for food, provide for your family completely. Instead, society has found comfort in being a society- surviving is much easier. We are now told when we are allowed to hunt (by specific seasons). I understand the concept of a large population and conservation; however, survival of the fittest is the best method of population control. We have given up living with the land for mass production, comfort, and an easy way out. How? MONEY! Before currency was established, value on necessary survival items was high! Bartering allowed for people to trade based on need! A man hunts his food and makes clothes for his family for winter. He realizes there is something he can not achieve himself that his family needs for survival, but he has extra fur and can trade that for needed items. We all have our talents. We traded freedom to do what one excels in, for slavery of the system. We wake up by alarm, not sunrise. We wake up to go work (slavery) for a corporation day by day. We follow the same road everyday on our routine lifestyle. Rather than providing for ourselves, we throw our entire instincts to make MONEY. It's not our faults, really. At least all the people alive right now. We were born into this system. It's all we really know. Knowledge was expanded so far reality was lost sight of. It started as survival, like an animal, and ways were continuing to be found on how to make living easier. Doing the job with less manual input. Inventions continued and here we are now: lost souls in such a materialistic world. Most couldn't survive in nature or without a microwave even! Rambling i know, but it's such an eye opener how much society has changed the way of life.. And how much we've become a slave to it. And how people watching opens up hope to overcome this false reality by seeing how feeling and emotion still triggers instinct despite corporate America, education, and even religion (not the belief, but the political religious ways) trying so desperately to tame us-- AND ITS WORKING! #wakeup #were #animals #society #nature #life #progression #control #instincts #reality
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
—- OVERVIEW: my belief of why understanding dreams is so important and how evaluating them in relation to the type of dream and reality dreamer is experiencing (and how they react to this reality) could actually help individuals overcome factors that are currently keeping them from achieving full-fledged happiness. Sleep is supported by cycles of activity in the brain and entails two basic states: REM sleep and non-rapid sleep in stages 1-4. Each stage typically lasts 10 -15 minutes (as little as 5 minutes depending on the person). REM sleep is typically when an individual experiences dreams (deep sleep) while the other stages are when the individual is most conscious (deep sleep increased per each stage). Now that you’re familiar with your body’s natural sleep cycle, do you think dreams are just a figment of your imagination? They can’t be. Dreams occur when the body is in a state in which it has no control of its conscious. Think about it really. You can tell yourself no pretty easily. You can take your mind off things simply by preoccupying yourself with whatever it is you enjoy (or whatever distracts your thoughts and demands your time). When you’re dreaming though, you don’t have control of the things that wander your mind. Having a completely open conscious while dreaming allows for a, let’s say a “unwilling” train of thought. Basically, I believe that there are four types of dreamers and their dreams (in relation to their reality) place them into either 1 of 4 categories: Pretty commonly people who are happy with themselves and free of insecurities don’t have such meaningful (symbolically) or freighting dreams. You can tell an individual who rarely experiences negative dreams is the type of person who is truly happy with themselves and life itself. This type of dreamer is healthy (mentally, emotionally, and/or physically) and has an easier time letting things go or properly dealing with the stressors of life. It’s a known fact that individuals feel the way they do not because their supposed to or have to but because they themselves chose to feel like that. Those who dream of insecurities, death, being chased, but feel perfectly “happy” in the real world are typically people who are bottling everything up inside. They don’t allow themselves to think of these things that bother them; therefore, the only time they experience these feeling are when they are dreaming otherwise they’re ignored. Something in their subconscious is making them feel this way. This type of dreamer will usually experience reoccurring dreams or dreams in relation to the way their current reality is making them feel. Again, the individual feels the way they do (happy) because that is how they tell themselves they have to feel (even though the dreams are indicated something else. There are also those who have bad dreams and a bad reality. This type of dreamer is usually aware of the meaning behind their dream because they are aware of their reality. Typically, this type of dreamer won’t experience reoccurring dreams rather constant dreams regarding life situations. However, reoccurring dreams will happen in individuals whose reality is bad because of a major “past event” (PTSD). Typically these dreamers have some sort of anxiety, depression, or disorder where their mind continues to have them feel the way they do. Occasionally, those who fall into type 1 can experience a bad dream. However, the bad dream usually stems from something in reality i.e. loss or death. The dreamer typically understands the meaning behind the dream as well. There’s no doubt that dreams are meaningful and more than just imagination. Based on the human body’s REM cycle and state of mind during, I believe the individuals open conscious provides a deeper insight to the type of person they are and how well they handle life situations. Don’t let me confuse you though, good and bad reality isn’t typically factors themselves (although it definitely can be); rather, the way that person handles/approaches the given situation (how they make themselves feel about it). For centuries now people have argued that dreams have no meaning rather just image development and imagination. I do believe dreams have meaning, how couldn’t they? We base everything off feeling. Everything has meaning especially something that gives a certain feeling. Take this scenario into consideration: a teenage girl is attending prom in three days. She has been having nightmares of things spilling on her dress or a pimple appearing the day before prom. This isn’t what is going to happen or a dream happening for no reason- this is because the teenage girl has self-esteem issues or possibly a bully issue. Regardless, the dream is still occurring because the girl burdens a fear she can’t seem to tell herself not to. This girl could be a type two dreamer and feels she has self-confidence; however, her subconscious is stating otherwise. There’s some underlying issue with how she or someone has made her feel about herself. Which gets me back to my point that dreams are feelings not a meaningless “motion picture” that streams through your brain for no reason? Dreams sort of act as a personal “shrink” and can change the mental or emotional state of an individual if the meaning behind the dream is understood. As stated previously, those who have good dreams obviously have a healthy mental or emotional state in addition to healthy reactions. Type one dreamers can still experience bad dreams (as a stage four dreamer). Obviously no one is perfect therefore not everyone can feel okay about everything. Type one (type four) dreamers aren’t constantly having these dreams therefore they are able to easily target any feelings discovered subconsciously and have the ability to change (for personal mental or emotional growth) the way they feel before they begin to feel this way more often and become a type two or three dreamer. Type two dreamers (bad dream; good reality) need to open up to themselves and understanding there is a reason behind these dreams and understands that reason in order to implement change. These feelings may not be felt in reality because they could possibly be built up or in denial; but, they are subconscious thoughts so they are occurring whether welcomed or not. Either way, why would dreams regarding insecurities (one of the most common types) be haunting someone’s dreams if they didn’t have any insecurities about themselves? Again, consider the girl who will be attending prom. She may be very flaunty with her looks and very outgoing, but that does not mean that she is having dreams about prom being ruined because it’s a huge fear of hers and she knows how something uncontrollable could ruin the entire night. She is choosing to feel this way. She could be happy and excited for prom dreaming of herself looking gorgeous in her dress; but she isn’t. This proves the reality may not be how things really are and the dreams are how she really feels when she stops telling herself to feel “happy”. In order for an actual happy reality, you must make yourself aware of the issues you have and then work towards being able to feel okay even with things like this happening. There can be a positive way to look at it if you want there to be a positive way to look at it. You can make everything okay because, well, it can be if you want it to. The same goes for type three dreamers; they need to work on how they deal with situations and how they make themselves feel about them. Understanding that dreams have a way of defining you and by defining those dreams yourself and using them as a tool, you will understand how to find a more stable, peaceful mind for real. Not just for pretend. What do you think?
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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#technology #cancer #nature #meaningoflife #life #quotes #peace #love #hippyshit
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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spiritual-blessings · 10 years
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