sophesrm · 4 years
please, keep writing. keep drawing. keep painting. please keep making your art no matter how many may try to push you down. the world does not have nearly enough artists. 
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sophesrm · 4 years
some people want to never be asleep to admires the sun rays and fall in love with the sparkling night sky, and some people want to be asleep forever to get away with everything and ends all the sufferings. its crazy how we all see the world differently
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sophesrm · 4 years
“you know, I don’t know who I loathe more, those who use simple tricks to prey on the gullible, or the gullible, who are so stupid, they deserve what they get.”
- magic in the moonlight (2014)
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sophesrm · 4 years
how about we meet in an art museums and falls in love with each other in a massive old library, as we trade our favorite book, talking about how special it is and pointing our favorite part of it. fingers tracing down the lines as we whisper the words.
how about we runs into midnight stargazing picnic, lay downs on dewdrops over the grass land, admiring the skies as we falls in love with the universe.
how about we exchanges hand written love letters that attached with perfumes and dried flowers as we keep a secrets about our forbidden relationship.
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