sky-blonde · 5 years
relaxing in winter break
now its winter break here's some ways you can reward yourself:
╰ read that book you couldn’t read because of exams
╰ watch that tv show you didn’t want to binge
╰ take a bath // extra: throw in some bubbles, bath salts or even candles
╰ cook! students often never get time to cook themselves a meal so bake a cake or make some lasagna, get creative
╰ clean your room: this isn’t a chore, clear your environment and clear your mind, trust me, once you’re done you’ll feel so peaceful
╰ don’t set an alarm tomorrow morning, get a full nights sleep
╰ go for a walk in the park, you never get to do that right?
╰ find some new music, make a playlist for every mood
╰ if you like bullet journaling, try something different, make a new spread, here’s some ideas: 2019 bucket list, things you've accomplished this year, things you’re grateful for, clothes/makeup/anything wishlist
╰ stan a new group, i recommend bts:
╰ do. nothing.
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sky-blonde · 5 years
Study Tips: Exam Review
A few things that work for me and might work for you 😊
Snack on chocolate, nuts or gum. Idk it really helps.
Play background music. Some use white noise, others actual music. Experiment with what works but set the volume to low so it only acts as ambiance and not a distraction.
Hot chocolate/Tea instead of coffee
Write notes from your notes (keywords, things you need to rememer)
Highlight from a colour code!! Those colours really pop in your head during exams
Tired? Set your phone timer for fifteen minutes, rest your back against the headrest or a wall and close your eyes. You’ll put yourself in a semi-meditative state and may actually dream. When the timer’s up, you’ll be less tired.
For every 45 minutes of study, take a 15-minute break. Stretch those limbs, go get some food etc.
And on the night before the exam, get some sleep. Trust me, you don’t want to head into the exam room zombie-like and exhausted.
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sky-blonde · 5 years
Why is this so relatable?
Being a procrastinator with a violent fear of failure is almost hilarious because like 80% of the time I’m like “I’m not even going to think about this” and then there’s like a distinct moment when everything switches and it turns to “I can’t fail oh my god I need to turn this into an A in like a day why am I like this”
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sky-blonde · 5 years
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1. Mindmaps - Terms are placed in bubbles on a piece of paper with arrows drawn between them to show how terms are connected.
Good at helping you see relationships between ideas.
Cause you to define a term, then see how it relates to a broader picture.
Can help you see cause and effect, dissimilarities and similarities, and how different ideas interact.
Maybe not good for learning what terms mean.
Particularly useful for essay exams, policy, history, social sciences, and literature.
2. Venn Diagrams - Two circles overlap, with the overlapping section being for writing similarities and the other two sections being for writing contrasts.
Good at helping you differentiate between ideas.
Maybe not good for comparing more than three ideas at the same time.
Particularly useful for essay exams or if you are confused about two similar terms.
3. Time Lines - A line is drawn and labeled with a unit of time (year, point in the book, etc), and events are added above the time they occurred. 
Good at helping you place events in relative order.
Maybe not good if you need to define events as well (there may not be enough space to do so).
Particularly useful for exams that require you to memorize relative order, history, and literature.
4. Flashcards - A card has a term on one side and a definition on the other.
Good at helping you memorize short bytes of information.
Maybe not good for learning complex concepts or connecting concepts.
Particularly useful for learning vocabulary, foreign languages, and English.
5. Vocab lists - A piece of paper has terms written in one column. Next to the terms are their respective definitions in another column. The paper is then folded and used as a memory tool.
Similar to flashcards, but it is easier to see the differences between terms.
Disadvantaged in that the order you see the terms is not random.
6. Step-by-Step How-To Guides - Write how to do a problem step by step. Optionally, include an example to the side that shows each step.
Good at helping you learn how to do methodical problems.
Maybe not good for learning the reason why you do the steps you do.
Particularly useful for math and science.
7. Rewriting Notes - This is not simply making it prettier but reworking the wording so that it is in your own voice.
Good at helping you review concepts thoroughly.
Maybe not good if you are on a time crunch or find yourself not thinking through each word you’re writing.
Particularly useful for classes with a lot of details.
8. Summarizing Notes - Going through your notes and condensing the ideas.
Good at helping you see the main idea/big picture/key facts.
Maybe not good if you want to see the relationships between ideas or if the ideas are very complex.
Particularly useful for cramming.
9. Teaching Someone Else - Tutor someone else, give a presentation to your friends or family, or simply voice your thoughts out loud to a pet or stuffed animal.
Good at helping you understand concepts.
Maybe not good if you don’t know anything at all.
Particularly useful for all classes!
10. Rereading - Rereading notes and diagrams.
Good at helping you review very quickly.
Maybe not good for memorizing or learning concepts.
Particularly useful for skimming right before a test.
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sky-blonde · 5 years
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sky-blonde · 5 years
studyblr asks (feel free to add to the list)
What year are you?
What’s your major/what do you think you want to major in?
If applicable, what is your thesis about?
Do you think you picked the right major?
Ultimate educational goals?
Career goals?
Do you think your goals are realistic?
What classes are you taking right now?
Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?
Least favorite class ever and why?
Current favorite class and why?
Current least favorite class and why?
Favorite STEM field?
Favorite humanities subject?
Class that you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance?
Do you use caffeine and if so how much daily?
What’s your preferred method of taking in caffeine?
Have you ever tried study drugs?
Are you a homework-in-the-morning kind of person?
Do you listen to music while you study?
Crowded area or quiet place?
What’s your preferred writing implement?
Do you need to work out before you can study well?
Describe your perfect study environment.
Are you procrastinating right now?
What was the last thing you procrastinated?
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you like easy classes or do you feel bad if you’re not working hard?
Are you a good test taker?
What are you the proudest of out of all the assignments you’ve ever had?
Do you talk to your teachers/professors a lot?
Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them.
Describe your least favorite teacher/professor and why you dislike them.
Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher/professor?
Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?
Best feedback you’ve ever gotten on something academic?
Worst study habit and how are you working on it?
Are you an in-class fidgeter?
How’s your handwriting?
Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and post a photo.
Neat or messy notes?
A lot of notes or the bare minimum?
Post a photo/scan of your notes from your favorite class.
Are you a doodler?
Post a photo of your doodles if you have any.
Do you have pre-test rituals and what are they?
Are you a tangent-question asker?
Do you make jokes in class?
How many hours do you spend on academics per day?
What’s something more important to you than school?
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sky-blonde · 5 years
Have a good week! The month is almost over!! I can't believe it's almost 2019 omg. Take care!! 💜, Secret Admirer
Thank you
Take care ♥️
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sky-blonde · 5 years
○ 625 words to know in your target language ○
Language: German Inspired by this post Part 1/Part 2/Part 3:
• Der Beruf - job
der Lehrer (m)/die Lehrerin (f) - teacher der Schüler (m)/die Schülerin (f) - student der Anwalt (m)/die Anwältin (f) - lawyer der Arzt (m)/die Ärztin (f) - doctor der Patient (m)/die Patientin (f) - patient der Kellner (m)/die Kellnerin (f) - waiter der Sekretär (m)/die Sekretärin (f) - secretary der Priester (m)/die Priesterin (f) - priest der Polizist (m)/die Polizistin (f) - police die Armee - army der Soldat (m)/die Soldatin (f) - soldier der Künstler (m)/die Künstlerin (f) - artist der Autor (m)/die Autorin (f) - author der Manager (m)/die Managerin (f) - manager der Reporter (m)/die Reporterin (f) - reporter der Schauspieler (m)/die Schauspielerin (f) - actor
• Die Gesellschaft - Society
die Religion - religion der Himmel - heaven die Hölle - hell der Tod - death die Medizin - medicine das Geld - money der Dollar - dollar die Rechnung - bill die Ehe - marriage die Hochzeit - wedding das Team - team die Kultur - culture (I didn’t include “race” because we don’t use it in regard to humans!) der Geschlechtsverkehr/der Sex - sex (the act) das Geschlecht - sex (gender) der Mord - murder das Gefängnis - prison die Technologie - technology die Energie - energy der Krieg - war der Frieden - peace der Angriff - attack die Wahl - election die Zeitschrift - magazine die Zeitung - newspaper das Gift - poison die Schusswaffe - gun der Sport - sport das Rennen - race (sport) die Übung - exercise der Ball - ball das Spiel - game der Preis - price der Vertrag - contract die Droge - drug das Schild - sign die Wissenschaft - science Gott - God
• Die Kunst - Art
die Band - band das Lied - song das Instrument - instrument (musical) die Musik - music der Film - movie
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sky-blonde · 6 years
hey there! loveeee your tumblr it looks fantastic 🤩🤩 do you have any tips when it comes to learning a new language? have a nice day ! :D
Hii! Thank you so much, you just made my day 💖 I don't have any special tips that you wouldn't hear from anyone but I highly recommend YouTube. That is just an amazing platform, you can find videos about how to improve your vocabulary, explaining grammar, language learning tips, etc. You can find lots of language teaching videos for free. You should definitely take advantage of social media when it comes to language learning!
Have nice day!
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sky-blonde · 6 years
language learning tip
📖 open a news page in your target language and pick a random article 📖 copy a few paragraphs into your notebook by leaving a bit more space between the lines 📖 underline new words and phrases and translate them into your mother tongue above (I usually write it in capital letters as well) 📖 make a vocabulary list on memrise or any other app to learn the new words 📖 EXTRA // write your own text based on the new vocabulary
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sky-blonde · 6 years
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I made a few playlists on Spotify which will be updated regularly. Keep in mind, some aren’t as long as others yet, but I appreciate song and/or playlist recommendations! Send them my way :)
- Lisa :)
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sky-blonde · 6 years
reblog if you’re a tumblr who will answer questions in your inbox 🌿 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
that being said go ask !! 💖
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sky-blonde · 6 years
100 days of productivity
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Hey there! I was inactive in the past week and I'm not happy about it.. My time time management is getting messy again. I hope I can find a balance and focus on imprortant things. We have tests at the end of the semester so I have to study a lot. I'd like to make time for drawing and for more relaxing stuff, but teachers are pushing us really hard.
About the pics: It was snowing on Monday and it was so beautiful. I like witner so much. We made a project with my friend (she's on the last pic, holding it). A ladybug fell off from nowhere into the black paint 🐞
PS. On Friday was held the ball of the freshman students. Our class organised it and it was quite good.
Thank you for the 70 followers, I love you all ♥️
Have a nice day 💕
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sky-blonde · 6 years
Hey there! Remember to relax sometimes and try to take time for yourself. My favorite season tends to be fall/winter because I live somewhere very warm lol. It never snows here, except after we've had a hurricane. Does it snow where you live? What sorts of holidays do y'all celebrate? 💜, Secret Admirer
Hii! Sorry for the late responses, I'm so busy lately, I haven't posted anything in a while. Yes, it snows here. This year autumn was quite warm, so maybe we won't have much snow. We have holidays at on Christmas and Easter. We also have a free week between the two semesters. And there are some special days when we don't have to go to school.
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sky-blonde · 6 years
Secret Admirer here! How are you?? How was your week? Do you celebrate Thanksgiving or no? I do so I'm officially on break from school for a week. How's your semester been going?
Hii! Sorry for the late answer. I'm fine, thank you. My week was quite busy and the weekend passed so quickly too. We are nit celebrating Thanksgiving. I hope you can relax and have a nice time with your family during your break! My semester was okay, I had to study a lot. I'll answer some questions that you asked previously: I don't have a favourite season, I think every season has its beauty. The weather is getting colder here. What about you, what's your favourite season?
Have a nice week! 🧡
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sky-blonde · 6 years
The day of the Hungarian language
Thanks to @studeep for the tip - I wasn’t aware it was today! (probably because I still had the April date in mind)
The day of the Hungarian language commemorates the law signed in 1944 that established Hungarian as the official language of Hungary.
Between 2009 and 2011 it was celebrated on 23 April, since 2011 it is 13 November, which was the actual day of accepting the law.
Here’s some useful words if you want to speak about the topic :)
magyar - Hungarian (language and nationality)
Magyarország - Hungary
nyelv - language
A magyar nyelv napja - Day of the Hungarian language
államnyelv, hivatalos nyelv - official language
finnugor nyelvcsalád - finno-ugric language family
anyanyelv - native language, mother tongue
anyanyelvi beszélő - native speaker
ország - country
főváros - capital
Hungarian is also spoken in:
Románia - Romania
Erdély - Transylvania
Szlovákia - Slovakia
Szerbia - Serbia
Vajdaság - Vojvodina (the Hungarian inhabited part of Serbia)
Ukrajna - Ukraine
Kárpátalja -  Zakarpattia Oblast (the Hungarian inhabited part of Ukraine)
Horvátország - Croatia
Szlovénia - Slovenia
Ausztria - Austria
You can read more about the language on Wikipedia here.
Inspired by @studeep‘s post about Why you should learn Hungarian :)
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sky-blonde · 6 years
36/100 days of productivity
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I've got many lessons and I haven't done all of my homework yet. BUT I'm proud of myself because I've done my physics homework all by myself.
Have a nice day 💕
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