shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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(Vanity Fair)
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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After a long-fought battle in Australia, a python bested a crocodile and swallowed the reptile whole over a span of several hours in Queensland, Australia.
The snake reportedly fought the croc for five hours in Lake Moondarra. Winning the fight, the python constricted its prey to death. The estimated 10-foot snake then dragged the 3-foot croc ashore and proceeded to swallow it whole in front of a group of onlookers.
National Geographic identified the snake as an olive python and the croc as a Johnson’s crocodile, both of which are native to Australia. After its hefty meal, the python should be full for at least a month.
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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diamondback rattlesnake Medusa for Sketch_Dailies over on twitter! Just an excuse to practice drawing snake heads, let’s be honest.
I haven’t posted much recently due to BIG EXCITING LIFE CHANGES, so I figured I owed you guys something. :)
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
Medusa and her blind boyfriend go out on their first date and he panics because he cant tell her she looks pretty so he says something really stupid like “I REALLY like snakes”
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
So my first thought was all the coolest characters are fangirls/boys. Then my mind went to Coulson as the (fairly) recent awesome fanboy. Now I'm apparently shipping She-Hulk and Coulson.
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The best part of this isn’t the homage to Pulp Fiction or the celery stick or the squirt gun where a real gun should be. 
It’s the fact that she has a Spider-man necklace, X-Men sheets, a Captain America blanket, and a Punisher pillow. She-Hulk is a fangirl.
[From The Incredible Hulk #441, 1996.]
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
I’d rather teen girls reading nothing but terribly written fanfics about their favorite OTPs that express healthy and emotionally-sound romantic relationships than “great literature” that teaches them they are prizes to be won or creatures to be controlled or destroyed. 
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
i just want a television show where a male character says “you’re not like other girls” and the female character is like “what the fuck is wrong with other girls”
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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Daughter of a gun (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ No idea if such a thing existed but surely there had to be girls born on board in the Age of Sail?
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
Definitely going with D, all of the above; also, sometimes I get really annoyed by the whole 'they're racist because of when/where they lived' thing. Because on the one hand, yeah, they probably are, but on the other hand so the hell what? Like, everyone's a product of the society they live in, that doesn't somehow make them less racist or remove any sort of accountability or responsibility for their racism.
magicmadzik replied to your post:
I would argue that it was interpretation of Tolkien’s works that made them as white as they are rather than what he actually wrote. Without denying that he was a product of rather slimy times. But I see little improvement even today.
…nope Tolkien’s…
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
petitions for asexuals to be allowed to say “i totally aced that” whenever they misread a potentially sexualised situation
and then to just majestically sweep out of the room in a billowing cloud of purple smoke but that is optional
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
Do not try to be pretty. You weren’t meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don’t let anyone ever simplify you to just “pretty.”
Things I Wish My Mother Had Taught Me | d.a.s   (via queenoakenshield)
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
My HP headcanons all have and will fit squarely and comfortably within the source text descriptions but that’s just my own preference for imagining characters, not a rigorous standard I’d hold other people to.
I suspect that Jo Rowling probably imagined James and Harry…
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
Summary: Hair can tell you a lot about someone. Or, character studies of gender swapped avengers based on their hair styles
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight swearing and hinting about Hawkeye's past
Toni has long hair. She can put it up when she’s working, so – hey! – practical, and she can have it down when she’s going out, so it’s versatile, too. Except that’s not the real reason – she has long hair for the same reason she wears make-up and skirts and high-heels. Because she’s a woman. A hot woman. And also a fucking genius, and apparently people can’t handle that, because everyone knows trying to do science makes girls’ heads explode, especially if they’re pretty. So the main reason Toni has long hair is because fuck you – it’s the main reason she does anything, really.
Growing up, Steph has long hair. She doesn’t much care about it either way, and if nothing else it at least gives her something to do with her hands when she’s sick and they can’t afford art supplies. Then there’s the screw up with the serum, and she was never meant to get any of it, so after she gets all of it they shove her on stage and out of the way. Apparently the long hair makes for a better star of the show, so obviously she has to keep it. Once she starts actually fighting she thinks about cutting it, but Peggy manages fine with long hair, and Peggy’s everything she’s ever wanted to be (and maybe everything she’s ever wanted, as well). Only now she’s in the twenty-first century and everything’s different, and somehow it seems like making her own changes is the best way to get back some control of her life, so one day she points to Agent Hill (only not literally because she’s not that rude) and says she wants hair like that, please.
Clio grows up with long hair – no way is Harold Barton’s little girl growing up to be some sort of dyke. Then she’s an orphan, and everyone knows only the pretty girls get adopted, so she tries to be pretty. She wants to cut it all off when she and Barney run away, but they join the circus before she gets a chance; turns out that it’s just as important to be pretty in the circus as it was in the orphanage. Then she runs away again, and she still wants to cut her hair off, but long hair makes her look pretty and girly, and sometimes that’s all that keeps her alive. By the time she joins SHIELD she knows she needs long hair. The might have recruited her for her shooting, but eventually they’ll need her to do something that she’ll have to be pretty for. Only they don’t. Apparently they have other people for that sort of thing. Oh, she goes undercover, of course, but never for that. So one day she points to Coulson (literally, because she is that rude) and says she wants hair like that.
Bryn has shortish hair, shaggy and floppy and completely unruly. Before the Hulk it’s to keep it out of her eyes, and after the Hulk – well. She thinks about letting it grow out, making herself look different, but being on the run gives her even less patience for hair care. It also gives her even less curves, and she was never exactly curvy to begin with, so she keeps the short hair and turns herself into Bruce (and Sam, and John, and… she changes names the way she changes location – constantly and, according to Natasha, less randomly than she thinks). Then, somehow, she’s living in Stark Tower, but she still can’t be bothered with long hair, so short it is. She does start wearing ornaments sometimes, though, on days she’s sure the Hulk won’t be coming out.
One day Toni comes up with a hair-clip she says the Hulk’ll be fine to wear, so Bryn puts it on and waits for the next fight. It turns out to be Doombots, so once it’s over Toni grabs the shiniest ‘bot she can find and flies it over to the Hulk as a mirror. When she sees the purple flower in her hair she gives the widest grin any of them have ever seen. What – monsters can’t like being pretty?
Thora’s hair is about shoulder length: short enough to be low maintenance, long enough that it can easily be decorated. One day, when she rules from a throne instead of the field she will likely let it grow, like her mother’s. But that day is still many centuries away.
Natasha’s hair is as changeable as the rest of her. Every identity has a different style, and she’s been doing this too long to think she can lay claim to any of them. Some days, though, she just wants to point at Fury and ask for hair like that.
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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guys just imagine
a punk-rock concert takes places on a beach and a group of mermaids swim to the surface, wondering what that noise is because it’s the most incredible thing they’ve ever heard
and see land-walkers wearing peculiar outfits and hair in spikes and these mermaids are absolutely in love
so they start their own brand of punk culture with squid ink tattoos, seaweed tartan, fish-hook earrings and pierced tails
and they scavenge for thrown out music memorabilia and submerged leather jackets (their prized treasure is a waterproof radio they found on the beach)
and the real problem is trying to find a way to spike their hair, so for the moment they just use seashells and continue being hella cool
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
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WHERE are they getting this stuff !!
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shine-like-the-void · 10 years
So, because I make good life choices I've joined tumblr just as I'm starting a new semester of uni.
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