puckjay-blue · 2 days
My writing hot take that would absolutely antagonize at least one of my writing buddies if she spoke English is that your main character didn't refuse to follow the plot you had in mind to do what they wanted with the mind of their own that they have, you, you beautiful, talented and amazing bastard, had an idea.
And that idea was better than the first one you had.
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puckjay-blue · 2 days
Guess who just finished chapter 1 out of 20 I need to write and edit by next June??? It's me. Hi. I did it. Like literally right now.
The tragedy of my existence is that the ice cream shop is closed at this hour so I can't get myself a treat.
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puckjay-blue · 7 days
if you could pick any famous author dead or alive to be your mentor, who would you pick? :)
Depends what kind of mentor. If we're talking Socrates and Plato style where we are besties forever and their badass death stays with me forever and they ispire me to write my best work, Dianna Wynne Jones. This woman has my heart and soul, she struck a balance of comedy, action and scenery I wish I was as good as.
Now if we are talking whatever European philosophers were doing in the 1800 where after a few years we become nemesis and send each other scathing letter about what we did to each other's books, probably Alain Robbe-Grillet (he is a French author part of a movement that tried to reinvent what novels could be but some of the stuff he wrote ended up being basically illegible). I'd like to learn from him how to push the boundaries of a medium and then yell at him that if you suck on purpose it's not genius you still suck.
And then I wish Drew Hayes was also a student so I can explain to him all of the reasons why his books are mid and disappointing.
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puckjay-blue · 15 days
Can't wait to play!!! It's going to be dope I'm so excited!
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Art of Abel, my DND shadow sorcerer.
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puckjay-blue · 22 days
RPG Rec! Crash Panda
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(the game is by Grant Howitt)
it's like Fast & Furious if the drivers were about as goofy as Mario Kart and also inexplicably raccoons.
All the players control one car, and can't tell each other what they are doing to drive said car. Three people choose to turn right? guess we're taking a U turn now.
To be honest this is closer to a board game than what we usually expect from TTRPGs. The mechanics of driving the car and fixing it as it goes are very gamefied and end up taking over rp in my experience. There is still room for storytelling but the mechanics for driving the car and the equipment set the tone to shenanigans more than to heartbreaking masterpiece.
A highlight of the characters my friends have created for this game : - Shnuckiputz, the body-builder raccoon who was adopted by Liz, a sweet, nearsighted old lady who thinks she's feeding a big cat, on a revenge quest to make Liz's grandson (a streetracer) call her more. Shnuckiputz trenscends gender and pronouns, and killed several cops. - One half of a raccoon / man bob sleighing duo, who's man bobsleighing partner abandonned him to go do street racing instead of bobsleigh - Socks, who's favorite sock had been stolen, and now she's going to find the one who did this and get his socks (the sock was being used to check the oil on a guy's car. she got his socks.)
Snacks corner! With this game i recommend energy drinks and high sugar sodas, paired with leftovers and kinda whatever you can find around bonus point if it's past the premption date, to get in the ambiance
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
Where do we go now (But This Is Ruin chapter 3)
On one of the last days where the outdoors archery range will be open, there are only three students there, practicing in silence. It is a patch of browning grass right by a meadow. Colorful targets are layed over soft, light wood. The sky is grey, and it's starting to rain, but not enough to justify pulling out an umbrella.
Athena misses her first shot. Artemis only hits the outer ring, so does Apollo. The silence is waiting for someone to talk. Apollo is the first one to break. "This is shit, right? We can agree that this sucks?" Athena releases her arrow. It hits near the bullseye. "I mean it's true," Apollo continues. "Shit was fine. Great even. And now it's fucked." "It's not fucked." Artemis interjects. "Yes it is!" "No it's not." she insists. "Does Aphrodite know you're hanging out with us?" Apollo accuses. Artemis says nothing. "Why are you hiding it from her?" Artemis releases an other arrow. It goes wild and hits the pannel of wood behind the target. She lowers her bow and shakes her hair free of her braid. "I don't know, ok? It's weird." "Yeah, that's what I was saying! We had a nice thing going!" Athena releases her arrow and hits shy off the bullseye again. "The situation is complexe. Taking sides is the right thing to do." "It doesn't feel like it!" Apollo protests. "Think about the alternative," Athena conters. "Imagine if all of us had insisted on staying neutral." "I don't do neutral," Artemis interjects. Athena ignores her. "We would just be in a strange stalemate where no one aknowledges things have changed. I am not forcing Hephaestus to hang out with Aphrodite to protect my own feelings. No matter how much I like Aphrodite." Apollo nods, conceeding to Athena's point.
Apollo shoots his first arrow as the girls refill their quivers and hits the red ring. "So what now?" Artemis asks. She has her usual stone face, but Apollo knows her too well and Athena is too clever ; they hear the break in her voice. Both of the twins turn towards Athena. "Well, we will still have soccer. So that settles it for the three of us." "And Ares," Apollo adds. When Artemis gives him a side eye, he adds, "He did nothing wrong. He doesn't even want to make a move on Tee. Hephaestus broke up with Aphrodite and Aphrodite did whatever Athena is not telling us, but don't you dare blame Ares. He did nothing but transfer here because he got the scolarship. Do not," Apollo warns when Artemis goes to argue. "He is right," Athena adds. "Ares is in it against his will. He does not deserve to be thought of as a point of contension, especially when he is doing everything not to be." Artemis shows her teeth. "Hephaestus is ok with your soft spot?" Athena's facial muscles relax as she releases an arrow that flies right into the center of the target, her version of a smile. "Do not be mistaken. Hephaestus adores him." "*WHAT?*" Apollo chokes, giving up on drawing his bow. Athena refuses to elaborate, and shoots two other near perfect shots.
"So like, what," Artemis asks. "We just settle on Ares did nothing wrong and we only hang out at soccer practice, now?" Under her detached exterior, Apollo expects fury, at losing the argument. But she sounds panicked. He puts a hand on his sister's shoulder and looks at Athena. She nods, understanding his silent message. "Let's see the situation as it is," she puts her bow down and kneels. "Hephaestus hurt Aphrodite's feelings by breaking up with her. Aphrodite hurt Hephaestus's feelings." "Why won't you tell us why he did it?" Artemis interrupts, her usual irritation creeping back into her demeanor. "Would it matter?" "Yeah, one hundred per cent!" Artemis lies. Athena nods. If she sees through it she does not say anything. "Aphrodite benefits from a presumption of innocence he is not offered. I will not give you his reasoning for you to pick through and find any reasons to say he is wrong. No one will defend him the way you defend Aphrodite, so I won't put him in a position where he has to defend himself. You cannot say his reasons are bad and wrong if you don't know them." Artemis rubs her foot into the ground like a boar preparing to charge, sighs loudly but does not say or do anything more. Athena goes back to where she was effortlessly.
"They hurt each other. Ares is a cause of tension, we cannot deny it," she speaks over Apollo when he tries to protest. "It is not his fault, but especially if he dates Aphrodite, he makes the situation more complicated. And we each have a favorite one in the situation, and everyone is aware of it." "Yeah but what do we *do*," Artemis asks, getting antsy. Athena ponders longer than the twins expect her to, especially given her response. "Nothing. We wait it out. Aphrodite and Hephaestus are not childish enough to be offended we still like each other. Ares is, I assume, blissfully oblivious. We have to wait for the situation to move." The twins groan in unisson. "I know it is not ideal, but there is not exactly anything for us to actually do." Artemis shoots an arrow that plants in the grass in front of the target. "How bad is it if Tee and Ares date? For Hephaestus?" Athena looks up and thinks, before saying, "I am not sure. I don't think he would feel *great* about it, but he didn't break up with her because of Ares. He will be upset the regular amount." Apollo chuckles. "What on earth is that supposed to mean?" "The fact that it is Ares will not factor in nearly as much as you think it will," Athena explains, not catching the rethorical tone of the question. Apollo looks at her impressed, as she manages to be helpful anyway.
It starts to properly rain. Artemis swears and rushes to get the targets inside. Athena follows her to gather the arrows, the hood of her jacket pulled tight over her head. Apollo pulls an apple out of his bag, and lets them clean the archery range.
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
hii I have a question; does writing exhaust you or give you energy? :)
Usually I'd say exhaust energy. Except for the rare burst of inspiration, writing is mostly tedious and tiring. However I have created an eternal feedback loop where editing and translating gives me so much energy I can actually write for very long amounts of time by editing as I go.
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
I wonder if Odysseus felt safe on Igygya because the pines smelled like home, but then he forgot about the trees of Ithaca, and Calypso wasn't Penelope.
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
re-reading old chapters of my fic to check continuity and i have no memory of writing most of it which rodent ratatouilled my ass and can they do my dissertation paper next
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
But This Is Ruin: It looked like it hurt (chapter 2)
When Hephaestus opens the door he expects to be sad. That is how he always felt when Aphrodite cried. That is how everyone felt. Instead he is angry.
There is something about the perfect pink of the tip of her nose and her perfectly puffy eyes and the five strands of hair that escaped her messy bun. Something about those watery hazel eyes. He knows that when she looks like that the entire universe fawns and gives her a hug. And that means that he immediatly becomes the bad guy. No hugs, no compassion for him. She is not doing it on purpose, he knows that. She is just that pure, and if he is being honest, that pretty. And that makes it even worse.
She is holding a cardboard box a bit larger than what he expected. "Come in," he offers. She nodds and sniffles, and follows him as he wheels back into his appartement. Aphrodite puts the box down on the coffee table. In it there are a change of clothes, toiletries, several hoodies, and a collection of small trinkets. Glass baubles and welded figurines, woodcarved toys and clay cups, leather bracelets and finer jewelry. Hephaestus picks up a glass dog and turns it in his hands. "I didn't know if you wanted those back, so..." He doesn't really want the gifts that bad. Instead he wishes she had put their whole relationship in the box, all of his secrets and how he looked naked, so he could take it all back from her. "Thank you," he says, refusing to argue.
"How are you doing," she asks as she sits in the guest chair. "I'm good. Do you want something to drink?" "Tea would be nice." Hephaestus does not drink tea, but there is still some of her favorite in his cupboard. He leaves her in the living room to go to the kitchen and put the kettle on. She looks like an odd thing in his space, where everything is big and empty and in dark colors, like a small pearl in a too large oyster.
He comes back, a tray balanced on his lap with a single cup on it, and she is crying. People always assumed she was one of those pretty criers, who seemed to only cry with the water coming out of their eyes. Aphrodite cries with her all body. He soulders shake under her coat and her face contorts in a frown, yet she is still pretty. "Are you sure we're over?" she chokes a little on her words. "Come here," Hephaestus says, putting the cup on the table and bringing his wheelchair next to Aphrodite. He wraps his arms around her and shelters her face in his shoulder. He is not angry anymore.
She does not cry long. When she lets go, he finally answers. "Yes, I am. I'm sorry." Her nickname almost slips from his tongue. It's too easy, like a poem he learned by heart, and calling her "Aphrodite" just feels wrong.
Like a needle popping a baloon, a knock at the door breaks the tension in the room. "I got it," Hephaestus announces. When he opens the door he has to crane his neck up to meet the gaze of the tall woman standing there. She looks overdressed, in a silk grey suit and silver jewelry that shines like stars against her dark skin. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting," asks Athena. "No, it's ok," Aphrodite answers when Hephaestus hesitates. "I like the bantu knots on you, Thena, looks great." Athena gives a nod of appreciation as she steps through the door. "I have some papers from the student comitee." "Ouh, not my scene," Aphrodite says in an exaggerated sing-song tone. "I'll leave you two to it." And she waltzes out the door, light on her feet despite the cardboard box she grabs from Hephaestus's table.
Athena stares at him with her usual neutral look. "You're getting too popular to own only one chair." "I guess so, huh." There is a comfortable silence as Hephaestus grabs the papers and quickly reads the titles and carefully highlighted words, and Athena settles on the one chair. "So. Are you going to tell me?" she asks when she sees him put the papers down. "You're such a gossip," Hephaestus teases. Athena's neutral look does not leave her face. "Everyone is wondering." "So? Let them wonder. It's none of their buisness." "I don't do wondering. Why did you break up with her, Hephaestus?" He groans and hides his face in his hands. "Do we have to do this, Athena?" "We do. Spill the tea."
Hephaestus chuckles, a little bit hysterically. "You know what's fucking unfair? Evryone acts like she was such an angel for dating me, and im making a huge mistake by breaking up with her. No one has ever asked what she did." "What did she do?" "Nothing!" Anthena nods thoughtfully and gets up. Hephaestus follows her into the kitchen to continue the conversation as she pours herself a sparkly lemonade and leans her back against the counter. "If you want ice cubes I made some earlier. She didn't do anything big that people can point out and say "that's why". It's the little things." To other people, Athena's unmoving stare is unsettling, but Hephaestus has known her long enough to know this is how she pays undivided attention, and her stoic silence is soothing when he bares his soul. "She was even better than most my previous partners, didn't let go of my hand in public and stuff. And people treated her like a saint for that and that made me feel like shit." "I know you," Athena interrupts. "You did not break up with her because of other people treated her." Hephaestus sighs, and grumbles "Cut through the bullshit, I get it." He spins his wheelchair in place a few times as he thinks. "She didn't find me attractive. And I get it. No one does." "Not true." Athena interrupts him again. He looks at her with a raised eyebrow, surprised and disbelieving, so she points at her own face. "See this? This is my I-know-something-you-dont face." Hephaestus rolled his eyes and continued. "She never called me pretty. Or handsome. Whatever. She only called me stuff like, rugged or, strong. And when I asked, she would reassure me that she was attracted to me, but she's not a very good liar." "Is that really the problem?" Athena asks. "Stop psychonanalysing me," says Hephaestus without meaning it. "She did this thing where she'd compliment my scars and touch them all delicate and soft. And that's better than if she was disgusted by them, but it's still making a point of how not-disgusted she was, and that felt weird. Like there was no way to just be *normal* about them." Athena just keeps staring. She is not one to repeat herself, and she already told Hephaestus to cut to the real issue. "It's going to sound like it's about Ares," Hephaestus says and adds, after Athena does not say anything. "It's not about Ares!" "I did not say anything." "*Stop psychonalaysing me!*" he half-yells, but he is grinning. "I don't mind that she likes him," he conceeds. "And I know she would have never cheated on me. But seeing how she looked at him, it made me realize, he is her "one who got away". And that made me wonder what I am, what story she put me in. I don't think I'm the charity case, despite what everyone thinks, but I don't know. I think I was her beauty and the beast story, the rough exterior with a perfect boyfriend underneath." Athena stays silent. He knows that's how she keeps people talking, but for now he does not mind. "And honestly I think I'm more mad at the "perfect boyfriend" part." Hephaestus starts spinning his wheelchair in place again. "Because it's a lot of pressure, you know? It's like I have to make up for my looks, like I can't slip up and be angry, or forget an important date, or literally anything. I have to be perfect all the time." Athena nods. Hephaestus reaches into a drawer and puts a metal straw in her glass as she goes to refill it.
"You're doing good," Athena says without any inflection. "Yeah, I broke up with her because-" "Not about the break up. Identifying and communicating your feelings." "You taught me well." "You don't miss any practice." "Don't call this practice, I know you're just looking for hot goss'." Athena does not deny anything.
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
But This Is Ruin : Aphrodite Alone
Exterior, night. Aphrodite is alone on a rooftop, looking at the multicolored lights of the city. Her simple satin slip dress makes her look frail and dainty. She coughs on her thin cigarettes. "Thought you quit." Artemis steps up next to her, carefully sets her backpack down and extends her own cigarette. Aphrodite stumbles for the lighter in her purse, quickly wiping away her tears and hiding a sniffle in her shoulder. She struggles with the mechanism of the small lighter, her acrylics getting in the way. Finally, Artemis takes her lit cigarette to her lips and takes a long drag.
"What did he do." "What?" Aphrodite's voice shakes a little.  "Did he cheat?" Artemis doesn't look at Aphrodite, she just stares at the three stars that manage to break through the light pollution.  Aphrodite chuckles without any joy. "You know he would never." "Yeah, he knows I'd kick his ass." Aphrodite takes an other drag off her cigarette. This time she doesn't cough.  "I don't super want to talk about it, Arty." "Come on. Is that true?" There is a sarcastic twang in her tone. "You love talking about how your exes suck." Aphrodite opens her mouth, closes it again around her cigarette but it has almost burned down to the filter. She shakes the ashes off and lights a new one, struggling with the lighter again.  Artemis lets her stall. Wordlessly, she takes the claw clip out of Aphrodite's hair. Her auburn curls crash onto her shoulders like the foam on a seashore rock. Artemis twists it again to include the few strands of hair that had escaped and re-places the clip where it was before. 
Aphrodite takes a long breath in, remembers she is supposed to be smoking, sighs and takes a drag off her freshly lit cigarette.  "Hephaestus broke up with me, Artemis." "Oh shit..." They say nothing for a while, finish their cigarettes and Artemis pulls a bottle of whisky from the duffle bad still slung across her shoulders and lets it sit, unopened, between the two of them. "He said something about... The stories I make up in my head. I don't know. I wasn't listening as well as I should have been, probably." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" "That's what I said!" Aphrodite settles down again, the inertia of her outrage only carrying her briefly. "That's not fair. He was kind of right, like... I don't know. He said stuff, and like, it made sense, you know? I didn't like it. But it made sense." "Yeah, Hephaestus is a smartass. Hate him." "No you don't." "Now I do. He broke up with my girl!" Aphrodite laughs. It's a sad laugh full of the tears she's holding back. "Did you listen to the part where I said he was right?" "Nope. Don't wanna hear it."
Aphrodite chuckles again. She pulls make up wipes out of her purse, and accept Artemis's help to wipe off the ruined mascara off her cheeks. "You sure? I mean, it's pretty unlikely that you can actually not hear anything about it, between the Student Union and your brother…" "Listen here, missy," Artemis says, poking the tip of Aphrodite's nose with the make up wipe. "I like you much more than I like him. I don't care what actually happened, and I especially don't give a shit what anybody says. He made you cry. He's a dick." Aphrodite gives her an uncertain smile and squeezes around her own shoulders, trying not to shiver. Artemis shakes off her jacket and wraps it arounf Aphrodite. It's red looks much brighter on Aphrodite's paper-white skin than it did against Artemis's golden tan.
"So, since we're ditching this party," "You don't have to," Aphrodite interrupts. "I just needed fresh hair and stuff. I'm good now." "I don't think Magenta Capris count as fresh hair, Tee." For the first time that night, Aphrodite gives a sincere laugh. "Yeah, they probably don't." "Anyways you wanna go break his shit?" "Arty we're not going to break his stuff." "We could tho." "No." "He would probably not even mind." "Arty, I love you, please shut it. I'm going to cry again." "You want to go raid Apollo's freezer and watch Top Gun?" Aphrodite makes a face, hesitates and finally says, "You know what yeah that sounds really good actually.
[Text conversation between Artemis and Hephaestus, from Hephaestus's phone : Artemis : u r a dick Artemis : fuck u Hephaestus : oh thank god you found her Artemis : don't talk to me. u got defeated by stairs. Hephaestus : you're a good friend, Arty. Artemis : shut up loser u suck Hephaestus : thanks for taking care of her]
" "Tell Fuckwad Tee is single", I'm assuming you're Fuckwad." Apollo throws his phone away and takes the controller back. "What?" "Text from my sister. I'm assuming she hopes you'll be the rebound." "Yeah no, no way." Ares did not break away from the car race game they were playing. "Come on, don't pretend you don't want to go for it man, you've had the hots for her since forever." "Dude I do not have a shot."
Apollo pauses the game and turned to Ares. "What makes you think that?" "I mean have you seen Hephaestus?" "I know he is strong but he is in a wheelchair, Ares. You can take a guy in a wheelchair." "What? No! I meant like… He's hot." "Hephaestus. You think Hephaestus is hotter than you. You think Hephaestus is hot." Ares scratches the back of his head. "I mean he's not girl-hot, but holy shit his arms dude?? And he's like, super active in his community and shit, he talks like the president, and he's got nice hands, i don't know." Apollo gives him the most consterned of side eyes. "Do you want to go for him instead of Tee?" "Nah, man, with Tee it's different. We have history and shit. Hephaestus is still hot tho." "Gotcha" Apollo says slowly.
They play in silence until Apollo wins. "You never told me the story with Aphrodite," he asks. Ares sighs and runs his fingers in his hair, sleeking it back. Apollo takes the time to detail him , his slant, dark eyes staring in the mid-distance, his black hair straight and shiny, and his toned muscles re-shaping his light grey gym clothes. "It probably isn't as interesting as you wish it was. We were young, in high scool, and a bit after. And you know, I was a short guy with anger issues, a motorcycle and a pitbull. Her dad wasn't a fan of me." Apollo looks at Alcy, Ares's first rescue dog, now spending her sweet elderly life snoring on a cushion. Alerted by Ares's sudden shift in mood, Hippolyta, his Akita, struts in from the back yard and cuddles up next to him on the floor. He mindlessly scratches the back of her ears, with a half hearted "good girl". "The thing is," Ares continues, "It was the kind of situation where I thought that maybe she'd be romantic enough to stick up to her dad and be with me anyways." "She wasn't?" "I don't think that's it." Apollo cocks his head to encourage Ares further. "I guess it was also romantic to stare at each other from afar at graduation. Don't get me wrong I understand where she's coming from. Standing up to your parents is hard as fuck, and if we had actually dated like," Ares fidgets with his hands and Hippolyta cries at the sudden abscence of scratches. "I mean her dad is hella racist, not super into her dating a chinese dude, and I don't want to be around that either. It was for the best." Apollo crosses his arms on his knees and lays his head on them. His long black hair got catches in his watch and between his back and the couch, but he refuses to aknowledge the position is uncomfortable. "What happened that things changed?" "Hat do you mean?" "Dating her doesn't sound like such a bad idea anymore, does it? So what, did her dad leave or something?" "No. Nothing changed. I just didn't expect that she'd be here." "You still have feelings for her." It's not a question. "No, I don't." It's a lie.
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puckjay-blue · 1 month
So, I've been writing a greek mythology themed slice of life YA fanfic on AO3, it's all very short chapters with a loose continuity between them. I am very proud of it and I thought I'd share it here as well! here's a little bit of chapter 1, as a treat.
Exterior, night. Aphrodite is alone on a rooftop, looking at the multicolored lights of the city. Her simple satin slip dress makes her look frail and dainty. She coughs on her thin cigarettes.  "Thought you quit." Artemis steps up next to her, carefully sets her backpack down and extends her own cigarette. Aphrodite stumbles for the lighter in her purse, quickly wiping away her tears and hiding a sniffle in her shoulder. She struggles with the mechanism of the small lighter, her acrylics getting in the way. Finally, Artemis takes her lit cigarette to her lips and takes a long drag. 
"What did he do." "What?" Aphrodite's voice shakes a little.  "Did he cheat?" Artemis doesn't look at Aphrodite, she just stares at the three stars that manage to break through the light pollution.  Aphrodite chuckles without any joy. "You know he would never." "Yeah, he knows I'd kick his ass." Aphrodite takes an other drag off her cigarette. This time she doesn't cough.  "I don't super want to talk about it, Arty." "Come on. Is that true?" There is a sarcastic twang in her tone. "You love talking about how your exes suck." Aphrodite opens her mouth, closes it again around her cigarette but it has almost burned down to the filter. She shakes the ashes off and lights a new one, struggling with the lighter again.  Artemis lets her stall. Wordlessly, she takes the claw clip out of Aphrodite's hair. Her auburn curls crash onto her shoulders like the foam on a seashore rock. Artemis twists it again to include the few strands of hair that had escaped and re-places the clip where it was before. 
Aphrodite takes a long breath in, remembers she is supposed to be smoking, sighs and takes a drag off her freshly lit cigarette.  "Hephaestus broke up with me, Artemis." "Oh shit..." They say nothing for a while, finish their cigarettes and Artemis pulls a bottle of whisky from the duffle bad still slung across her shoulders and lets it sit, unopened, between the two of them. "He said something about... The stories I make up in my head. I don't know. I wasn't listening as well as I should have been, probably." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" "That's what I said!" Aphrodite settles down again, the inertia of her outrage only carrying her briefly. "That's not fair. He was kind of right, like... I don't know. He said stuff, and like, it made sense, you know? I didn't like it. But it made sense." "Yeah, Hephaestus is a smartass. Hate him." "No you don't." "Now I do. He broke up with my girl!" Aphrodite laughs. It's a sad laugh full of the tears she's holding back. "Did you listen to the part where I said he was right?" "Nope. Don't wanna hear it."
Aphrodite chuckles again. She pulls make up wipes out of her purse, and accept Artemis's help to wipe off the ruined mascara off her cheeks.  "You sure? I mean, it's pretty unlikely that you can actually not hear anything about it, between the Student Union and your brother..." "Listen here, missy," Artemis says, poking the tip of Aphrodite's nose with the make up wipe. "I like you much more than I like him. I don't care what actually happened, and I especially don't give a shit what anybody says. He made you cry. He's a dick." Aphrodite gives her an uncertain smile and squeezes around her own shoulders, trying not to shiver. Artemis shakes off her jacket and wraps it arounf Aphrodite. It's red looks much brighter on Aphrodite's paper-white skin than it did against Artemis's golden tan. 
"So, since we're ditching this party," "You don't have to," Aphrodite interrupts. "I just needed fresh hair and stuff. I'm good now." "I don't think Magenta Capris count as fresh hair, Tee." For the first time that night, Aphrodite gives a sincere laugh. "Yeah, they probably don't." "Anyways you wanna go break his shit?" "Arty we're not going to break his stuff." "We could tho." "No." "He would probably not even mind." "Arty, I love you, please shut it. I'm going to cry again." "You want to go raid Apollo's freezer and watch Top Gun?" Aphrodite makes a face, hesitates and finally says, "You know what yeah that sounds really good actually.
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puckjay-blue · 2 months
Day -381 before I have to hand in a full novel
so, where we're at right now :
the completely unrelated project im working on kind of at the same time (a sci fi audioplay) is going very well
my classes are doing amazing and I might get to publish in a literature magazine??? (maybe, i don't want to get my hopes too high)
I am doing the social part of being a writer like going to public readings and shit very well
... I have not worked on the novel like, at all
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puckjay-blue · 2 months
Writing on your own : 💅💅✨😌 I am amazing at this
(Three weeks later) WHYY?!? THIS IS AWFUL I SUCK
(Three weeks later) 💅💅✨😌
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puckjay-blue · 2 months
Day -387 before I have to hand in a fully written novel to not fail at uni
Unsurprisingly this is really hard.
What I've got so far :
- an outline (mostly filled out except for the parts where it says "idk improvise" and "bby girl grows a sense of humor")
- a word document; 2000 words in Comic Sans MS
- a coffee allergy, a severe tiktok addiction and a charming personality (useless against the uncaring of academic bureaucracy)
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puckjay-blue · 2 months
If you are reading this, I'm probably already dead (whomp, whomp)
You know the doom journals they find in spooky apocalypse movies where the main characters read through it and it explains the catastrophy that happens and why everything is in ruin ?
That's me, right now. I'm the doomed spooky scientist in a morally dubious labcoat.
Hi! I'm Puckjay, I am a creative writing student and for my master's thesis, I have to write and edit an entire novel in one year. Except I am that kind of writer that only has half finished stories.
So, yeah! Essentially that blog is going to be updates on how my personal apocalypse is doing, writing theory/advice, obviously me gushing about my OCs, and hopefully once all of this is over, updates on my super cool awesome projects I will have going on then.
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