I leave you this offering of pencil stubbs pinky rings and Lego peices
Let the spiders and mice that find their way in find their way out again safe and warm
I speak to you ruler of puzzle pieces and hair ties
Let the children straying from the path find their way back with treasures enough to share
I pray God of small lost things
That you protect your flock
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The things I pray for
Please let my freind succeed
Please let the others be kind
Please help the nervous girl feel better
Please let the teacher not notice the smell
Please let them notice I'm here
Please let today be good
Please let them leave me alone
Please let them remember me
Please make it not hurt
Please let people know they are loved
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the choice
My life.
It's a blur
fast and mindless. I had no plan.
like to believe
we will behave like heroes
without thought
I did try. It just wasn't possible
a straight recitation of the facts
A repetitive coward yes,and naive,
the plain fact of crisis
uncertain reasons
no consensus
moral confusion is always imperfect cause you can't fix your mistakes
the man Knew a place where your life exists before you've lived it
A mistake, maybe
I know it's not a happy ending
I understood that I would not do what I should
"Nothing," I said. " Wait."
“Anything” , I said 
I couldn't decide,
it was no longer a question perhaps you can understand why
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poeitryforsomereason · 6 months
My mother was once my whole world
She told me I was special
But special is lonely
I have never met somone like me
I just want them to like me
I want somone to tell me they understand and really mean it
I want to stop everything from changing
I never want to see this town again
I want to live out of her shadow
I don't want to live at all
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poeitryforsomereason · 8 months
I like to think I live a quiet introspective life
Then a girl who tells me her problems asks me to keep a secret
And I remember
I am lonely
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poeitryforsomereason · 9 months
Hair pulling breath stealing clashing teeth love
Fun in the moment
You leave me feeling dirty
Kisses turn my stomach
I want you to stop touching me
I want to stop touching you
Constant breath on my shoulder fear
Hand on my waist supress a shudder
It feels like a chore to be a good partner
I feel the love but not when I'm alone
I am happy when I'm alone
I am made to be loved but not love back
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poeitryforsomereason · 11 months
Werewolves are body betrayed
They are you did something to me
and why am I not the same
And it hurts again
And it hurts again
and secret
and am I a monster
and can anyone really love somthing like me
And why does it still hurt
And can I be the same as I was
And I promise I'm not like them I promise I'm not what they say about me
And I won't hurt you please don't hunt me
And please love me
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poeitryforsomereason · 11 months
It's following them to the ends of the earth with no question
It's being so proud they chose you despite everything
It's love and admiration bordering on worship it's always living in their shadow but being fine with it because at least it's theirs
It's swallowing all their anger like a spoonful of oil because who else could love you like they do
it's knowing they bring out the best in you and you can't for them it's feeling like you are nothing without them
It's not knowing if you hate them or love them It's jealousy and first love and I would kill for you and I would die for you and please just love me
It's wondering who you would even be without them
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Is it better or worse to know me?
If you know me you have somthing to direct your hate towards but instead of it being this nebulous threat it's just... me
a teenage kid who loves roller skateing and spending time with their freinds
who's bad at singing but does it anyways
who has a bad haircut and sucks at makup
who collects stuffed frogs and loves animals
who gardens with their mother
who is afraid of crossing the street alone
Who hates bullies but never knows what do do about them
Who has a favorite food that changes every week
Who wishes they could make you understand
Do you see me as a person now?
Are you still afraid?
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I love you horror book cripple bitch
Tap-glide walk like thunder you have places to be
March through a puddle just to blot a perfect bullseye next to your boot print
Master a dead-eye-stare through a migraine and use it every day
They will laugh at you but they will move for you
Parting like dust before a fan
They will never know your smile
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I think I must be made of garbage
If I'm not where does it keep coming from?
Pouring out of me like blood from a wound
I dont do anything but lie in my bed and stare at where I think my floor used to be
Where does it come from?
I want it gone
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Dark eyed stolen voice girl 
Hair cropped too short itchy dress cold legs 
I am sorry 
You are no one and everyone 
You died a thousand different ways 
I am sorry 
I want you to run 
I want you to survive and thrive 
I am sorry 
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I wish I could lie back down on that too hot table and scream for scans till they find what's wrong
Wish I was dead so they could gut me like a fish digging out enough rot and trouble to bring back my vindictive spirit to cackle in the tear stained face of my mother
Lay flat on my back limbs twitching like a dieing spider
Skin zipped off showing my strain and struggle as clear as I could
Wish I could paint you my pain
Make it so pretty you hang my corpse above your bed and look at it before you fall asleep
I dont even want it to stop anymore
I just want a reason
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He asked
What would be the worst thing they could find
I dont know how to tell the man who raised me and I barely know
The worst thing they could find would be nothing
No reason
No answer
No help
So I lied
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10 posts!
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A collection of words about man I think I loved
I don't know if it was abuse
I think it was the before stages
Like a rumble on the horizon
She rejected him
and he punished me by digging his fingernails so deep into my shoulders that I still have light crescent shaped scars that I scratch when I'm nervous
Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat the feeling of claws around my throat
He spent three months taking out every drop of anger he had on my forearms until my mother found out and made me tell him to stop
Five months of being an emotional sponge later and he fell in love
I was afraid he would hurt me if I said no
Loving him felt like loving a thunderstorm
His anger was so corrosive and destructive that it could only be home
a year of fear
And he said I was to selfish to love
I'm just glad he didn't kill either of us
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I am blood and bone
Gaping maw spitting song
The softness of girlhood rotted to this
Obsene and unforgiving
Haunted house child 
Never what you're supposed to be
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