That Which You Love
The stone demands a sacrifice.
You must lose that which you love.
A soul for a soul.
That was what the stonekeeper had said, and that was what kept echoing through Loki’s mind as they sat there next to their sister, a thousand emotions running through their mind as they considered their options.
On the one hand, they could just go back empty handed. Figure out a different way to get the Soul stone. There had to be one. The stone hadn’t always been on Vormir. It was just a matter of finding out when it hadn’t been and using the mortals’ so-called Pym particles to travel back and get it.
And on the other hand...
Loki didn’t want to think about that.
They glanced over at their sister briefly, and saw that her expression was almost a mirror of their own, gaze purposely trained forward, and lips pressed together into a thin line, undoubtedly just as lost in thought as they were.
In a poor attempt to lighten the mood, Loki nudged their knee against hers, turning slightly to properly look at her. “Hey.”
Hela didn’t answer, hardly even registered them. She was still fixated on some point far in the distance, expression unreadable.
Loki didn’t like that.
“Come on. We’re going back to the ship. We’ll find another way to get the Soul stone.” But Loki didn’t move a muscle to get up, and neither did Hela.
“You know that there isn’t one.” Hela’s voice was devastatingly resigned, and Loki was almost certain that they could see tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke.
And then it hit them.
“Hela…” they tried, but their voice came out cracked with emotion, and hardly above a whisper.
“It has to be me.” Her voice was surprisingly calm and even, in a way that tugged at Loki’s heartstrings as she spoke. “You know it. I know it. Most of the team doesn’t trust me yet, even Thor is still wary about having me around. You have to let me do this. Please.”
“No. It’s out of the question.” Loki couldn’t help the burning tears that were starting to blur their vision, and they reached for Hela’s hand, but she jerked it away, a motion that hurt Loki more than her resignation, and for a moment, they just stared at her, unable to say anything. And then they took a deep breath, steeling themself. “…I’ll do it.”
Hela jerked her head up to look at them, and for the first time, Loki could clearly see the tears streaked down her face. “Are you mad? Have you absolutely lost it?” She looked angry, but Loki was, too.
“I’m not watching my sister jump over the side of that cliff!”
“And I’m not watching my baby brother do it, either!”
For a few tense moments, they stared at each other, chests heaving raggedly and shoulders shaking with sobs neither of them could quite hold back. Neither was willing to budge on the matter, and the both of them knew it. They were stuck at an impasse, and neither would accept the other’s sacrifice. So instead, they just sat there, staring at each other, the silence continuing on for an unbearably long amount of time.
And then Hela leapt to her feet, attempting to bolt past Loki, but before she could even make it past them, Loki had grabbed her arm, yanking her back and pulling her into a hug so she couldn’t get out of their grip.
“Hela, listen to me. You don’t have to do this. Please don’t do this.” They cupped her face, trying to get her to look at them as they turned the both of them around, so that they were the one closer to the cliff now. “We’ll find another way. We’ll find another way. Please.” They were sobbing so hard that their entire body was trembling. “Hela, please…”
Hela looked back at them, her own body wracking with sobs. “You have to let me do this, Loki, you have to…”
Loki shook their head. “No. You’re not doing this. You’re going to be okay. Do you hear me? You’re going to be okay.” They carefully cupped her little face, and just pressed their forehead to hers for a good, long while, trying to calm the both of them down before they shifted enough so that they could press the gentlest of kisses to her forehead. “Tell Thor I love him.”
Before Hela could even register what had happened, Loki had pushed her back, hard enough so that she lost her balance, arms pinwheeling before she landed on the ground. She felt like she was watching in slow motion as Loki looked at her with the most regretful expression as they turned and started to run for the edge of the cliff. Knowing she had to move as quickly as she could, Hela was on her feet in the next second, lunging for Loki and colliding with their legs, successfully knocking the both of them to the ground.
“Loki, don’t, it has to be me! Let me do this for them. Let me do this for you!”
Loki was immediately trying to worm their way out of her grip, kicking and flailing in hopes of getting her to loosen her grip. “I can’t! I. Can’t.”
With Loki squirming so determinedly, Hela was running out of options and quickly as she began to lose her grip, and so, being careful not to hurt them in the process, she summoned a dagger and dug it into their cape, pinning them to the ground as she stood and made another try at getting to the edge.
But Loki was too fast, and grabbed her ankle, bringing her down hard as they kicked at the dagger to get themself free. “Hela, stop this. Stop it.”
“I can’t watch you die, Loki! Please don’t make me do that. Not again, please.” Hela was still sobbing as she tried to kick at Loki’s hand around her leg. “Please, I can’t bear watching that again, please.”
By now, Loki had managed to get themself free and, rather than try to get up and run, and risk Hela getting up and trying to stop them again, Loki settled for dragging her back a few feet while carefully maneuvering themself so that they were between the cliff and her. They said nothing as Hela continued to sob, knowing it would be easier, the less that they said.
“Loki. Loki. Loki, you know they all like you more than they like me… They won’t even miss me. They won’t even miss me!”
“I will! I’ll miss you. And I can’t go through that again. Please understand that, sister.” And with that, they jumped to their feet quickly and turned to make a run for it again, but Hela had been waiting for the moment they let go, and was up just as quickly, and this time, rather than run for them, she ran for the cliff instead, hoping if she got there first and jumped, Loki would have no choice but to stop.
“Loki, I’m sorry…” As she passed them, she steeled herself and jumped, breath catching in her throat as she felt nothing but air beneath her feet.
And then she felt something grip her wrist, and she slammed into the side of the cliff, Loki’s grip around her wrist the only thing keeping her from falling the rest of the way down.
“Hela… Please…” Loki sobbed from above her, and she turned her head to look up at them with blurred vision. “Please…” They started trying to pull her back over the edge of the cliff, but Hela knew what she had to do, no matter how much it was going to hurt the both of them.
And so with a deep breath, she summoned another dagger, keeping her gaze locked on Loki’s. “I love you, little star…”
And with that, she dug the dagger into Loki’s arm, and just as she’d hoped, the momentary shock of it caused Loki to startle, enough so that she could wriggle out of their slackened grip. With nothing but air between her and the ground now, Hela kept her gaze focused on Loki, breath coming in hyperventilating sobs as she picked up speed. She needed them to be the last thing she saw. Needed them to know this was her choice.
Loki could only watch helplessly as everything unfolded before them, her name a hoarse, raw scream on their lips. When she hit the ground, they had to look away, burying their face in their shoulder as sobs wracked their entire body so hard that they ended up collapsed on the ground, crying for their sister over and over again.
They didn’t even notice that something was happening behind, proof that the soul stone’s requirement had been met and that they had been successful. In the moments that followed, leaving them waking up in a body water without comprehending when they had fallen unconscious, the reality of what had happened set in, and as they felt the weight of the soul stone in the palm of their hand, the gravity of it all settled over them, and they completely broke down, chest heaving with desperate, screaming sobs as they grieved for their sister, crying until they had no more tears to cry, and they were left dry heaving and gagging on their hollow sobs.
Hela had made the ultimate sacrifice, for half the universe, for people that she didn’t even care about, and that didn’t particularly care one way or the other for her, and while Loki knew they would have to be getting back to the ship to get the stone back to earth, for the moment, all they could do was crumple into a ball, and mourn the loss of their sister, and hope that it hadn’t been for nothing.
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Hello my loves. This is ooc and coming from my heart. I am SO sorry for suddenly disappearing. Things have been very busy for me. Unfortunately I am no longer a part of the Platonic Discord server, It became very stressful for most, and, most of us had to take our leave for personal reasons. I might be back in time, good memories are kept there, but as of now, im afraid not. Because of this I have lost contact with most of the other Platonic blogs besides my beloved Loki and am pretty sad about that. The family is a bit quiet atm is what im trying to say. I hope to be back writing Hela asap and opening requests. Thank you for sticking around :)
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Reader introducing Hela to coffee?
Coffee does exist on Asgard
it just tastes a lot better than… Midgardian coffee
She hated it, absolutely hated it
as in 12/10 hated it
“Why is it so bitter?? Why do you drink this? Y/N this is the most disgusting thing I have ever ingested. Why?”“Jesus Hela it isn’t that bad.”“It tastes like death. Its terrible”
Now besides the fact, you had to explain to her you drank this, every morning
telling her it gave you energy and explaining that to her was a whole different ball game
Hela, to some objects and ideas, was like a small child
It was a lot of her firsts with you around
You definitely pushed her out of her comfort zone in all the right ways
So explaining coffee wouldn’t be the hardest thing you’ve done, right?
“The average person usually drinks a cup of this at the start of their day, with breakfast or something, to give them energy. To give them a head start.”“Does it make them angry and that just fuels them? Because that's how I feel.”“No, is it that bad?? you hate it that much?”“No, I just like to complain about things, y/n.”“I wouldn’t put it pass you…”“Hey!”
You somehow, with the power of the gods, convinced her to try again, but this time it had sugar and creme in it.
Loki was there with you two the second time she tried it.
They were honestly amazed you got their sister to try something twice after she hated it the first time.
“Hela, even Loki likes it. Just take a sip, please?”“That’s because Loki is just as bitter as this awful drink.”“Hela oh my god…”Loki: :)))) thankkksss maaannnnn
After 15 minutes of bargaining and convincing, she finally took a sip.
She sat there for a while
“Yeah… it’s pretty good…Yeah, I like that.”
**A/N: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwTsZHGQ6FE, Alternatively, it probably would have gone down like this too. Also yeah, the last line is referenced from the video ;)**
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My queen, how are you feeling?
Burdened with emotions. And negative ones at that.
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Safe and Warm
I love you, angel. Light of my life, light in my darkness, my reason for staying. I hope this brings you some comfort and warmth. Always remember that I love you, no matter what.
Sometimes, Hela got a little lost in her thoughts.
She never meant to. She actively avoided it, at all costs, when she could. But sometimes something would trigger her. A smell that reminded her of the centuries she had spent locked away in Hel, a phrase someone said that reminded her too much of something her father had said to her to kick her while she was already down. And then before she knew it, her mind was sent whirling back in time, and she had a little trouble differentiating between what was real and what was only in her mind.
She hadn’t meant for Loki to hear her. That was why she had backed herself into the farthest corner of her closest, partially hidden behind the clothes that hung there. So that absolutely no one could see or hear her as she broke down entirely, lost herself to the pain and sorrow she kept bottled up inside herself for far longer than was healthy.
 It might have worked, if she hadn’t forgotten that she and Loki had made plans to read together that night.
“Hela…? Are you in?” came Loki’s voice from the other side of her bedroom door, and Hela looked up, eyes wild with panic, and with fear of her brother seeing her in such a state. Loki had only ever seen her be strong, a pillar of support whenever they were feeling a little off or unwell, or just needed someone to talk to. Hela couldn’t bear to let them see her like this, broken and battered and hurting. She needed to be strong. For Loki’s sake.
“Hela…? It’s just me… Can I come in?”
Hela wasn’t sure what she had meant to say. She reasoned she wanted to tell them to perhaps go fetch them both a cup of tea, or to go pick out a new book from the library, something to buy herself a little time, so she could gather herself, stop her panicked breathing, collect her thoughts into the little safe in the back of her mind and lock them away for however long she could manage to this time. But instead, all that came out was a choked little whimper, a pathetic little strangled sob caught in the back of her throat.
Hela could practically feel Loki’s worry as the door to her bedroom opened, and she heard as they stumbled in, presumably looking around in a panic when they saw she wasn’t in her bedroom. And then she heard their gentle footsteps approaching the closet door, and suddenly she was aware of just how loud her breathing was, how loud the choked little sobs catching in her throat were.
“Hela…?” Loki spoke gently as they crossed the threshold of her closest, ducking their head to try and see where she was inside. They paused when they finally saw her, tucked neatly in the back corner, knees to her chest and face pressed against her thighs, as though if she didn’t look at them, they might not see the state of devastation she was currently in.
“Hela…” They spoke softly, gently, voice nothing but a concerned whisper as they gently knelt down next to her, pushing the clothes away so they could see her better.
Hela only curled further on herself, turning her head the other direction and sobbing into her knees, entire body shaking with every sharp intake of breath. When had she started feeling like everything was closing in on her? When had she become so disoriented? Why did everything feel so off, so bad, so wrong wrong wrong?
“Hela… I’m not going to touch you, but I’m right here, alright? I know you’re a little frightened and hurting right now, and it’s okay that you are. I promise you, it is. But I need you to know this isn’t going to last forever, okay?” Loki continued to talk in a soothing voice, not moving from the spot they had knelt in as they watched their sister, nothing but concern in their gaze.
Hela wanted to desperately believe what Loki was saying, wanted to wholeheartedly believe, without a doubt, that everything was going to be alright, but for some reason, she just couldn’t, and as she forced out another choked little sob, she turned her head, enough so that she could meet their gaze, but not so that she was uncurled from herself.
Loki smiled gently, as reassuring as they could muster, when Hela turned to look at them. That was progress, even if it was slight. “Hey, there…” they murmured gently. “It’s going to be okay. I’m right here, alright? I’m right here, and I’m safe, and you’re safe, and we’re going to get through this together, okay? I just need you to try and breathe, okay?”
“…can’t…”she murmured between breathless little pants, but Loki’s concerned expression didn’t change at all.
“We’ll work on it together.” They paused, hesitating a slight second as they took in her state. “Would it be okay if I see your hand? Only your hand, and it’s okay if it’s not.”
Hela blinked several times, in an attempt to clear the tears from her vision, and she looked at Loki hard, for a long moment. She gave a few more shaky little breaths, and then held a trembling hand out.
Loki smiled again, encouragingly. “I’m going to take your hand, okay?” They waited for Hela to nod in understanding before doing so, squeezing gently, reassuringly, before bringing her hand to rest right over their heart, so she could feel it beating. “I’m going to breathe, and I want you to try and get your breathing to match mine, alright?”
Hela sat up a little straighter, and her ability to focus came back to her a little as she looked at her brother, feeling their strong heartbeat against her palm, and feeling the gentle rise and fall of their chest as they breathed. It took several long minutes, filled with choked little sobs and hiccups, but slowly, Hela managed to get her breathing to match her brother’s a little more naturally, and before she knew it, her sobs and shaky breaths had become more even and steady.
“There we go… Just like that, you’re doing great, Hels. You’re doing so well.” Loki continued to breathe with her for a few more minutes in silence before they spoke again. “How are we feeling? Are you up for a hug right now? Because as soon as you think you’ll be okay with it, I’d really like to be able to hug you. Only when you’re ready, though. Don’t push yourself. I know everything might still feel a little off right now.”
But that was all Hela needed to push herself from her corner, wrapping her arms around her brother and just burying her face in the crook of their neck. She didn’t say anything, and neither did Loki, but that was okay. Sometimes silence was all that was needed in a moment like that, and Loki understood that.
Gently, so as not to upset her or spook her, they wrapped their arms around her in return, cradling her head against their shoulder as they turned to press a gentle kiss to the side of her head, a silent promise that they were there and that everything was going to be okay now.
“I’m going to carry you to the bed now, alright? I’ve got you.” Gently, Loki shifted so they could scoop their sister into their arms, and stood, carefully maneuvering them out of the closet and into her bedroom. Tenderly, they sat on the bed, propping themself back against the headboard and letting their sister curl up in their lap, content to just hold her.
The room was silent for a long while, neither of them speaking. And then Loki heard Hela begin to cry again, quietly, desperately trying to muffle the sounds so she wasn’t being a bother, and they frowned, gently pulling back to face Hela, who was desperately trying to look anywhere but at them, but Loki was insistent. It was important that their sister knew she could talk to them, about anything that was bothering her.
“Hela… Sister… Light of my life, light in my darkness, my reason for staying… Please tell me what troubles you so…” They gently cupped her face and met her gaze, offering a sincere, if worried, smile. “I just want to be able to provide you with the solace you so often provide me.”
Hela looked at them, bottom lip quivering as she gave a quiet sniffle, and then a choked sob, and then began to cry earnestly, worming out of Loki’s grip only so that she could rest her head against Loki’s shoulder.
“Sometimes I worry that I’m going to wake up, and I’m still going to be there… Trapped in Hel… Alone and hurting and frightened…” she murmured, voice thick with emotion. “Sometimes the littlest things remind me of being trapped there. An off-handed comment… A smell that reminds me too much of that godsforsaken prison.” She hiccupped quietly, and brought a hand up to rub angrily at her eyes, but Loki stopped her, gently moving her hand away and wiping her tears away more gently.
Hela took a few slow breaths, trying to collect herself as she looked up at her brother. “And the sad thing is…” She gave a bitter laugh. “The sad thing is that… sometimes I still feel like I deserved it. That I still do. That everything I touch is destined to become broken or damaged, and that all I’m going to do is drag everything back down with me, drag you back down with me.” She gave another hiccup again, and paused, swallowing thickly. “I want so badly to be able to be strong for you, but sometimes I feel like I’m failing you.”
Loki felt their heart sink at their sister’s quiet admission, and they pulled her closer, pressing gentle kisses to the top of her head, to her temple. Just holding her close as she continued to shake with quiet little sobs. They remained silent for a long while, until Hela had somewhat gathered herself again, and then they pulled back, looking at Hela with nothing but love and adoration.
“Hela… You could never fail me. There is nothing you could ever do, nothing you could ever say, that would make me love you any less than I do.” They cupped her face, tilting her head so they could gently press a kiss to her forehead, a gesture she had done so many times for them, and a gesture their mother had done for both of them, countless times. “You are my sister. And you are my entire world. And I am so sorry that you’ve got all of these emotions and feelings welling up inside of you so tightly that they come tumbling out and make you hurt so badly. But I promise you, you did not deserve a single thing that you went through. You do not deserve pain and suffering. You do not deserve to feel like you are less than nothing. And if I have to remind you of that every day, I will do so, gladly, if it means you’ll be able to see how important you are to me.”
Hela appreciated that her brother was being so gentle with her, so calm, so caring. She had spent so often being a support system for them herself that she had never considered how much she, also, needed one in them. Having someone to sit with, to cling to when she was feeling so upset, to listen to her woes, to calm her when she was hurting, grounded her, helped her differentiate between what was reality and what was a fiction her tortured mind had concocted to taunt her. She appreciated it far more than words could say, and for the longest time, all she could do was sit there, still curled around her brother in silence and just taking in everything they had said.
Eventually, she sat back a little bit, wiping at her eyes again, and just looked up at her brother. A wave of nostalgia hit, and she remembered the tiny little baby she had adored hearing about from her mother when she was younger. Remembered every story her mother had told her about her brother as they had grown up, remembered every tale of the shenanigans they had gotten into. It was bittersweet, to see how the tables had turned, to see how much the both of them had grown. A thousand years had passed by so agonizingly slowly, and yet in the blink of an eye, at the same time. Before she realized it, Hela was hugging her brother a little more tightly, burying her face against their shoulder and just breathing them in, thanking her lucky stars that they had been able to be together, and to grow so close.
Hela blinked, coming back to herself, and saw that Loki was watching her, a little concerned, but smiling all the same, and she returned the smile, leaning up to gently kiss their cheek. “Thank you, angel…” she murmured, and then she paused. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Of course you do,” Loki contested, brow furrowing slightly. “You deserve happiness, and healthiness, and you deserve to feel safe and warm and loved, always.”
Hela smiled gently. “You do, too, you know.”
Loki nodded, and they fell into a quiet, comfortable silence. Hela found herself resting more heavily against her brother’s shoulder, and Loki had seemed to pick up on it, too, watching her with a soft smile on their face.
“Sleep… I’ll be right here when you wake up. I promise.”
Hela nodded, looking up at them meekly. “Would you sing for me? Like mama used to?”
Loki seemed taken aback for a second, and Hela wondered if she had said something that had hurt them, or brought up a bad memory. But then Loki smiled, and kissed her forehead before beginning to sing softly, the lullaby their mother had sang them so often, the lullaby Hela sang to comfort Loki when they needed it. And as Hela found herself slowly drifting off to sleep, warm and safe and loved, she thanked her mother for giving them this one little piece of her to carry on into eternity.
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A gentle reminder that I love you more than anything in this entire world. Come back to us on your own terms, in your own time. We will always wait for you with open hearts and open arms. Take care of yourself, dear heart.
I love you so much, angel, my sun n’ stars, my everything. I'm really trying my best and you make everything easier for me right now, you make me so happy. Thank you, for everything. I hope to be back but I don’t feel very welcomed anymore. I guess we will see with time. 
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Take your time, take as long as you need! Your health is more important and everyone can wait patiently! I hope you feel better!
Aa, thank you sm, love!
I honestly really do appreciate it, tons 🖤🖤🖤
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Sorry ive been so slow with writing !!
I got punched in the face with a massive depression block recently and I'm still trying to paddle my way back to feeling okay.
My apologies, again, loves.
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Hey, angry Mama Hela here.  I need to make a PSA to everyone. If you're a fan of us and enjoy our blogs, thank you so much, we appreciate it with our entire hearts.
But Jesus fuck do not make a rip off of our blogs.
Its rude and honestly disrespectful to us. The MCU platonic family works hard and doing that is like a big ol slap to the face. 
Thank you.
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Steve, Bucky, Thor, Aunt May, Killmonger, and Brooklyn. ❤❤
steve: are you small or tall?
Id like to consider my self on the smaller side aha. I'm 5′3″.
bucky: what’s your favorite memory?
This is hard for me to choose. I’ve been lucky enough to be blessed with memories I could never forget throughout my life. But I’d have to say my favorite memory is definitely the day I met my best friend. She's my everything. Or the day I finally figured out my sexuality, that was very important and wonderful for me, I finally felt like a whole person, complete in a way. 
thor: what’s your favorite weather?
Rainy or slightly stormy. Water is the most beautiful natural element to me. 
aunt may: who or what are you most protective over?
The people I love. I don’t lie when I say id jump in front of a train for my friends without hesitation. 
killmonger: sunrises or sunsets?
brooklyn: where do you feel most at home? 
Around the people/things I love and care about. 
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Marvel asks!
steve: are you small or tall?
bucky: what’s your favorite memory?
sam: what makes you happy?
peggy: what’s your favorite era?
thor: what’s your favorite weather?
valkyrie: what’s your favorite drink?
heimdall: where do you see yourself in 5 years?
korg: are you optimistic or pessimistic?
peter: are you good at keeping secrets?
ned: who is your best friend?
michelle: do you like to go to parties?
liz: who was your high school crush?
aunt may: who or what are you most protective over?
t'challa: what is the most important thing your parents taught you?
shuri: are you a good driver?
nakia: what causes are you passionate about?
okoye: do you speak more than one language?
m'baku: are you vegetarian?
killmonger: sunrises or sunsets?
peter quill: what’s your favorite song from your childhood?
gamora: do you like to dance?
nebula: do you get along with your siblings?
groot: are you quiet or talkative?
rocket: have you changed a lot since you were younger?
asgard: if you could move anywhere, where would you pick?
brooklyn: where do you feel most at home?
wakanda: what is your hometown known for?
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Reader teaching hela that killing is bad? Fish are friends not food
For Hela, the goddess of death, not killing would be terribly difficult. She was basically programmed to do it
But you can always try to reprogram something, right?
Hela didn’t like to disappoint anyone, but most importantly, not you.
“Fine. I’ll listen, but make it quick.”
You’d first try to explain to her what morals are and why, well, killing someone was just, not right
Hela’s understanding of Midgard was apparent, she knew mortals did things differently and they had ‘different culture’
“You do know I’m aware killing is evil? That’s why I do it. I AM AN EVIL BEING. IM DESIGNED TO DO IT.”“Just like how your brother is designed to stab people?”“Precisely.”“Hela, that’s not how it works…”
She ended up respecting the fact that she cant kill people on Midgard cause she believes it to be fun.
In reality, though she made a promise to you, and she wasn’t going to break it.
She really hated Midgardians though
well, most
They were rude and oblivious to things besides themselves
It honestly took a lot of effort at first for her
for a few months, she didn’t even leave the compound
in that time you took the opportunity to teach her more
you guys totally watched Finding Nemo
she absolutely loved it
she learned a lot from it too, as would a small child
“Do you understand now?”“I suppose. Fish are friends. Not food.”
Eventually, she'd be able to leave the place and look at people without the sudden urge to shove a dagger through them
she didn't admit it but she enjoyed it
a lot
it made her feel more normal
anything that made her feel more human
she secretly enjoyed
being accepted, but that was a common desire everyone had
“Y/n.”“Yeah?”“Thank you, in the end. Its benefited me.”
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can you, thor and hela do a post together or something about sibling stuff idk man just something cute
@platonicthorimagines @platonichelaimagines
What do you say, loves? We down?
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Sister-in-law you say, dear brother?
Hoo boy I didn't know I needed that AU with Hela until now WOW, on that note--what if Hela started flirting with reader? And Loki's and Thor's reactions when they see it? 💖
Wowwie can you please do a follow up to your Hela post?
Omg. Can we get a continuation of reader having a crush on hela?
*coughcough @platonichelaimagines coughcough*
Hela became more of a fixture at the compound
to varying degrees of concern and acceptance from the rest of the team
most of the team only saw her for what she was: the Goddess of Death
but since you were closer to Thor and Loki
you knew a bit more about their unique sibling bond
they were almost always at each other’s throats, for one reason or another
you’d had to break up several tense arguments about family matters before they became all-out knife fights
but you also knew that there was literally nothing Hela wouldn’t do for her brothers
she was fierce and formidable and a true force to be reckoned with
but she was protective and loved entirely
somewhere along the way, Hela seemed to warm up to you
which was absolutely no help to your crush on her, whatsoever
and the more time you two spent getting to know each other and simply talking
the more your tiny gay heart felt like it was going to burst
Loki teased you about this to no end
you’d fling yourself on his bed after you and Hela had been talking
and Loki would just smirk
“Hurts, doesn’t it? Harboring so much human sentiment, and being unable to simply tell her about it.” “You are one word away from losing pillow fort privileges for a week.” “I don’t know why you don’t just say something. What’s the worst that could happen? She tells you no?” “No, I think the worst thing she could tell me is yes, and then I’d have no idea how to handle myself, and I’d make myself look like an idiot, and then she’d kill me so she wouldn’t have to bother with me anymore.” “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?” “Entirely.”
somehow, Loki convinces you to let him talk to her
not necessarily that you have a crush
just about you
“In general. I assure you. No talk of sentiment whatsoever.” “…….fine.”
the next day, Hela has much more of a confident air about her
she’s always like that, anyway, but for some reason
it’s different
she’s always spoken her mind unabashedly
to the point of being brutally honest sometimes
but today her words are marked, carefully chosen
Hela is nothing, if not bold
and it takes you exactly .5 seconds to realize when she’s flirting with you
she’s all perfectly thought-out compliments and sly observations
you quite honestly think you’re going to explode
or at the very least, turn permanently red
you try not to be too much of a bumbling idiot
but when she asks if you’d like to go out for a coffee the next morning
you all but stumble over yourself in your attempts to utter “I’d like that”
a simple phrase, yet so hard to stutter out when you’re on cloud nine
and when you head to Loki’s room later
to tell him about the advance
he just laughs
“I told her you’d say yes.” “Loki Odinson, what did you tell her?” “Nothing she didn’t already know, rest assured.” “She knew…?” “Everyone knew, Y/N, you’re a bit of an open book.” “Oh, my god, she knew.” “Thor thinks you’ll be an adorable couple, by the way.” “This is it. This is how I die.” “You’re not allowed to die until you become my sister-in-law.” “Loki.” “Too soon?”
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Okay but the sane thing you just did with Hela’s best friend being in love with Loki. Just imagine “I have feelings for your brother” “Which one I have like a thousand?” “Loki” “Oh the copy cat”
(Firstly, yes. Secondly, even more yes.)
She’d stare at you for a while after she responded
“Wait, what? are you serious? This, again?!”“I’m sorry, You guys are just REALLY attractive what the heck.”
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STAB GIRLS! 🔪❤️ -🖤❤️
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how does hela react when the reader confides in her that they have a huge crush on thor
“Who?”“Your brother… Thor?”“Yeah, nope, never heard of him.”
Hela wouldn’t necessarily be against it, or for it
Honestly; shes either gonna arrange a wedding for you or beat up her brother. There is no in between with her
She’d tell you whats good and bad about dating a god, especially Thor.
probably tell you some Asgardian history so you know what to expect
his favorite foods and ones he absolutely hates
how much alcohol he can drink before getting absolutely shitfaced
which is probably only like 10 full bottles of any hard liquor
“He’s hardheaded and basically a walking body of muscle.”“Whats so bad about that?”“Y/n… oh my god.”
But if it continues, Hela would in the end, support her best friend. 
She’d purposefully leave you two alone in the company of each other all the time
Dates? Oh shes got that covered
They’d be so extravagant and every time shed laugh at how confused Thor would be
“Sister? What is this for?”“Hmmm? Oh I don’t know, just to tell you how much I – Oh, Fenris needs a bath, you two have fun!”
Shed also dress you up in some of her Asgardian, royal, dresses and drapes
and do your hair
She’s totally that mom friend that would give you thumbs up whenever you’re around him
 Also that mom friend that would follow you on your dates in a wig
Gots to make sure her brother is on his best behavior 
If and when you and Thor finally got together shed always sit back and admire you two, happy to see you both filled with love and happiness.
“You’re welcome.”“What?”
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