oceanhead · 3 months
“How right it is to love flowers and the greenery of pines and ivy and hawthorn hedges; they have been with us from the very beginning.”
— Vincent van Gogh, from The Letters of Vincent van Gogh
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oceanhead · 8 months
“Never apologize for how you feel. No one can control how they feel. The sun doesn’t apologize for being the sun. The rain doesn’t say sorry for falling. Feelings just are.”
— Iain S. Thomas, Intentional Dissonance
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oceanhead · 10 months
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chances to play pretend
schuylerpeck / instagram: hiitssky
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oceanhead · 10 months
I never truly realised how afraid of change i was until i saw my dad take down the wall clock in his room from the place where it's always been just because he wanted to put it somewhere different. I couldn't stop myself from speaking, "No that place is fine! It's perfectly fine! It looks good like that, any other place just won't feel right!" When i paused to take a deep breath I realised that the mere thought of the clock's place being changed knocked the air out of my lungs, and suddenly i was struck with this blind panic of keeping things as is. Because why must it change when there's no immediate need to? The fear clambers out my throat sometimes, at the mention of any miniscule change, as if there's nothing that could be worse than changing the path i take everyday back from school, or the way i wear my hair, or the way I walk down a crowded road. Some days everything comes down to the fact that I can't handle change, even when it's necessary, even when it's inevitable and even when it's good. I can't help it, i feel change everywhere and it haunts me, so much so that I can't sleep until the curtains are drawn just the way they've always been and the room is just as dark as i remember it. I'm scared change would change me, even though i know I've changed since yesterday. Everything changes right? Isn't that the only constant of life? Then why does it feel so foreign?
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oceanhead · 10 months
the worst part about adulting is realising my mom is also getting older
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oceanhead · 1 year
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in the dream house- carmen maria machado // unknown // anne carson // brand new city- mistki // @heavensghost on tumblr // macbeth act 1 scene 5- william shakespeare // white oleander- janet fitch // a woman’s beauty- susan sontag // pinterest
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oceanhead · 1 year
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Even in winter it shall be green in my heart
When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy
And the dumpling stream runs laughing by
When the air does laugh with our merry wit
And the green hill laughs with the noise of it
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As long as you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're ripe, you start to rot
A man who contemplates revenge keeps his wounds green
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oom sha la la, Haley Heyderickx//Lydia Reid for Harper’s Bazaar Australia//Gwendolyn Brooks//The green knight (2021)//Frederic Chopin//William Blake//Oribe ware ewer, Japan, Edo Period 1615-1624, glazed stoneware//Ray Kroc//Francis Bacon//Solar power, Lorde//Franny Choi
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oceanhead · 2 years
Es ist so einfach diese Welt zu fürchten
mit all diesen Greisen
und Geiseln
und Geistern
mit all diesem Schwarz-Weiß
alles durcheinander
alles verschwommen
alles schwarz
alles weiß
gar nichts mehr
Es ist so einfach
hin und her
ihr seid mir viel zu schnell
kein wunder dass ich
keinen platz finde
man kann euch gar nicht sehn
schwarz weiß
hin und her
gar nichts mehr
Es ist so einfach
und Militär
vierhundert Helme
oder ein Panzer oder zehn
Ihr müsst jetzt leider nach Hause gehn
schwarz weiß
hin und her
gar nichts mehr
Es ist so einfach
die Welt ein schwarzes Meer
wie tief ist der Boden
ich glaub
eure Augen leuchten
so viele
so weiß
so schwarz
hin und her
die Welt ein schwarzes Meer
gar nichts mehr
Es ist so einfach
kleines Heer
seid ihr denn nicht müde
wo sind eure Füße?
Trip trap
wird euch denn die Luft nicht knapp
schwarz weiß
hin und her
die Welt ein schwarzes Meer
kleines Heer
gar nichts mehr
Es ist so einfach
nur ich bin schwer
schreien tausend Münder
seid ihr denn nicht müde
Du bist eine Feder
schreibe tausend Worte
schwarz weiß
hin und her
die Welt ein schwarzes Meer
kleines Heer
nur ich bin schwer
gar nichts mehr
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oceanhead · 2 years
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oceanhead · 2 years
She preferred most of all to live with flowers and music and to have a book, in quiet solitude.
- Hermann Hesse
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oceanhead · 2 years
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so many worlds to see through the window
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oceanhead · 2 years
“When you’re struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it’s just as hard as what you’re going through.”
— Nicholas Sparks
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oceanhead · 2 years
I think you are having a different sort of heartbreak. Maybe a kind of heartbreak of being in the world when you don't know how to be. If that makes any sense?
- Kathleen Glasgow.
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oceanhead · 2 years
I want to dive under the surface of the water
and never come up again.
Because every time I try to breathe in the air above the water,
it hurts my lunges, it hurts my heart and it hurts every single blood cell.
It seems like I’m not made for the air up there.
It seems like I’m not meant to see the sky without a blanket of water covering it.
It seems like I’m meant to stay in the silence of the depths,
like it has always been my destiny to become indistinct here.
I know that, because now the drowning feels safer than the breathing
and because now the thought of touching the ground of the depth,
feels more natural than reaching up to the sun.
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oceanhead · 3 years
the garden.
i’ve always heard the saying that
“time heals all things”
but now it’s 2 in the morning
and all i have are flashbacks
of the moments we had together
flipping through my mind like a magazine.
if “time heals all things”
why hasn’t time taken the memory of you
from my mind and buried it
deep within the garden of the things
that once hurt me?
underneath the roses with their thorns
and wilting, decaying yellow daisies.
i don’t know; maybe time heals all,
just not for me.
--original poem
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oceanhead · 3 years
“At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you will still be worth it to the right person.”
— Karen Salmansohn 
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oceanhead · 3 years
What happened to the eleven year old me who would read 27 books per month? I seriously want her back!
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